Quote of the Day Education www.outlookafghanistan.net Education” is the ability to listen” to almost facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan Email:
[email protected] anything without losing your temper or Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 your self-confidence. Add: In front of Habibia High School, Robert Frost District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume No. 4507 Saturday December 26, 2020 Jadi 06, 1399 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs Atta Noor Kabul, Tashkent Threatens to VP Danish: Enemy Attacks to Set Up Joint ‘Take Action’ Meant to ‘Create Chaos’ Economic Zone Against Security KABUL - Afghanistan’s Second Vice Presi- dent Mohammad Sarwar Danish, referring Situation to the recent spate of targeted killings in the country, said on Thursday that the enemies of Afghanistan are attacking the achieve- ments of the nation. “The enemy has targeted the (nation’s) gains to create fear and chaos and disappoint- ment, or to provoke the people against each other, to create distance between the people and the government, to score points in the peace process or to push the talks toward a MAZAR-I-SHARIF - Afghan and stalemate,” said Danish at the National Hu- Uzbekistan have agreed on creat- man Rights Defenders Conference. ing a joint economic zone on their Danish said “the enemy” has attacked rule common border to boost bilateral BALKH - Former Balkh governor of law, human rights, freedom of speech, trade. Atta Mohammad Noor, said on journalists, judges and human rights de- The proposed economic zone, to be Thursday he was concerned about fenders. set up in the Sarkhandarya prov- the security situation in the coun- Meanwhile, other speakers expressed ince of Uzbekistan, will facilitate try and called on President Ashraf grave concern over what they described as Afghan traders and investors.