Quote of the Day Experience www.outlookafghanistan.net Do you know” the difference between education” and facebook.com/The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan experience? Education is when you read the fine print; Email:
[email protected] experience is what you get when you don’t. Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Pete Seeger District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume No. 4496 Saturday December 12, 2020 Qaws 22, 1399 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs Known Writer, Ghani Stresses Rapid Novelist UN Adopts Resolution on NFP Implementation Rahnaward Afghanistan, Calls for NFP on July 19 and at the time he had said that food items worth Zaryab $244 million would be distributed End to Violence to vulnerable families. Passes Away However, the Wolesi Jirga reject- ed the program on July 21 while the government stressed on its implementation. A statement from the Presiden- tial Palace received by Pajhwok Afghan News said that a meeting chaired by President Ghani dis- cussed the launch of the program KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani in the palace on Wednesday even- has said implementation of the ing. KABUL - Well-known writer, National Food Package (NFP) The meeting, also attended by novelist, journalist and liter- should be accelerated on the ac- first vice-president Amrullah ary scholar Rahnaward Zaryab count of the second wave of coro- Saleh, was briefed about the ad- passed away at the age of 77 years navirus in the country. vancement of the program by of- old at a hospital in Kabul early President Ghani inaugurated the ficials ...( More on P4)...(2) Friday morning.