Classified Ads for Sale Beautifully Terrained 18 Hole Championship

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Classified Ads for Sale Beautifully Terrained 18 Hole Championship Classified Ads MISCELLANEOUS Rates: Minimum insertion $4.00 for 20 words; additional words 20c each* Bold face type, 25c per word. Classified cols, reserved for help or For sale beautifully terrained 18 hole services wanted and for sale of used equipment. championship Golf Course. Located in NO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE Ann Arbor, Michigan. Clubhouse, suit- 25th OF MONTH PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE. able individual or member-ownership. Under no circumstances are we permitted to di- Address Ad 806 c/o Golfdom. vulge the name and address of those placing til* blind advertisements. Response to alt box num- ber ads should be addressed to the box number, mail to GOLFDOM, 407 S. Dearborn, Chicago 5. Replies are promptly forwarded to advertisers. For Sale: Near Los Angeles; 9 hole 1200 yd. short course, 25 tee range, goli" shop, 25x50 puOl, 5 room house, niin. golf space, main street, 125,- 000 pop.. Auto, sprinklers, 3500 S. F, Seaside greens, lake, own well. Everything except land JOBS WANTED for $05,(M>0. Land comprises 15 Ac. for sale at Husband and Wife — Experienced in Bar Man- 960,000 or lease. Terms. Address Ad 804 c/o agement and Catering. Prefer percentage eon- Golfdom tract. Employed now until Oct. 1st. Address Ad 801 c/o Golfdom FOR SALE; In the heart or the Tennessee Valley of North Alabama: 9 HOLE GOLF COURSE, two Golf Professional — Class A PGA member, 15 story clubhouse, NEW SWIMMING POOL, Pro years experience, wishes to affiliate with ag- gressive country club. Married, one child. Busi- sales room, Pro home on property. Ideally lo- ness and character reference available. Will an- cated. Address Ad 814 c/o Golfdom swer all inquiries. Ad< 1 ress Ad 807 c / o Go I ft 1 on LEGAL NOTICE — August, 1%0. Sealed pro- MAN AND WIFE WISH JOB MANAGING GOLF posals will be received by ttie City of Erie, Pa. CLUB. 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE. AVAILABLE at the office of the City Clerk until 10:00 A.M. NOW. REFERENCES FURNISHED. ADDRESS Eastern Daylight Saving Time on August 1), 15)00 AD 808 c/o GOLFDOM for the construction of an 18 Hole Goli Course. 1 m medial ely after closing time for receipt of TEACHING PROFESSIONAL AND GREENS bids, all bids will be publicly opened and read SUPERINTENDENT COMBINATION EXPERI- aloud in the Council Chambers. The characters ENCED IN ALL PHASES OF GOLF COURSE OP- and amount of bid and performance bonds are ERATION DESIRES A CHANGE OF POSITION. stated in the specifications. All bids must be tO YEARS OF AGE. MARRIED. AVAILABLE submitted on forms attached to the specifica- OCTOBER 1ST, 1960 OR LATER. WILL ANSWER tions. Copies of the Plans and Specifications arc ALL INQUIRIES. ADDRESS AD S0i» c/o GOLF- on file and may be seen and obtained at the DOM office of the City Engineer, City Hall, Erie, Pa. Young married man experienced in golf course Each prospective bidder will be required to management, maintenance and construction de- make a deposit in the amount of $50.00 for each sires superintendent's position- Address Ad 810 Set of Plans and Specifications which he obtains c/o Golfdom for inspection. The Sum. $50.00, will be returned to the bidder when his bid is submitted. How- PGA PROFESSIONAL — Class A, "desires to ever, there will be no refund if a bid is not make change for 1001 season. Experienced in submitted. The City of Erie, Pennsylvania all phases of golf promotion, Ii2 yrs. old, mar- through its duly authorized and constituted ried, honest, sober, hard worker. Credit rating officials, reserves the right to reject any and A-l. Excellent references. Available Oct. 15. or all bids and to waive any Informality of any Address Ad 811 c/o Golfdom bid. CITY OF ERIE, PA. Bureau of Engineering, R. B. Steytler, City Engineer. Superintendent, experienced in all problems of golf maintenance. Married, 52 years, sober, play some. Good offer go anywhere. Reference. Ad- dress Ad 812 c/o Golfdom Used equipment for sale — Overgreen 2 wheel tractor. 3 Sods I rippers. Darmil Seeder. Hand POSITION AS ASSISTANT PRO WANTED — Greensmowcrs. Golf Ball Washers. SES, Box 2, by young man age 21. Fair player and single. Wayne, New Jersey. Will locate anywhere. Address Ad 815 c/o Golf- dom JOBS OPEN WANTED FOR CASH Old golf balls retrieved from ponds, or out of bounds Experienced power equipment service man and on or around Golf Courses. mechanic to operate modern shop that special- Cuts and bumped $0.36 per doz. izes in Roseman, Locke and Cooper reel type Off hrands and synthetics, or slightly nickfd 1.56 per doa. mowers. Located in the Great Lakes area; a Round and perfect $1.25 brands for good proposition for the right man. References refinJshing 2.40 per do*. lequired: age, married, family, education, re- Like new top grade for rewashing 3.tW per doz. ligion and financial background with applica- NOTE: Golf range balls, picked over lolfi, and cut deep tion. Address Ad 802 c/o Golfdom the rubber types wanted, but not acceptable at above figures. GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT — To con- Send Tor Shi oping Tnjfa and Instructions struct, maintain and administer new regulation GOLF BALLS FOR RETAIL SALES 9 hole and 9 hole pitch-putt courses and driving Reprocessed with 100% brand new Balat-a cover, snow range. Agronomy graduate and two years golf white enamel and Imprinted with distance, trade name course supervisory experience desirable or equiv- and number. We accept, your mixed compression cores and return only high compression (no shrinkage) at no alent, Salary range ?532-$6J7 monthly. Apply additional charge. A fast seller at 50# to 65-tf each. Personnel Department, City Hall, Fullerton, Cali- Bulk your cost on exchange S2.B5 per dozen. We are fornia. nation-wide Distributors of the best in tfolf range and miniature course equipment — balls, clubs, mats, etc. Distributors & Salesman Wanted: for a full line Send for catalog. of top quality Putters including chipper. Ad- NORTHERN GOLF BALL CO. dress Ad 803 c/o Golfdom 2350 W. Koscoe Street Chicago 18. Illinois .
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