
• ■ *AÔl TWO t. M OUT AM A OiL JOORMAL SATURDAY, MARCH *1, 19*1 IHM Earth’s Age 2,000,000 “Boni m$ HUH M Another Dividend Paid Years, Scientists Say OF B. 1 «HEBE BATUMI lU S IS NOT AVAILABLE By Kalispell-Kevin Co KAUHFELL—Jj Ä. Laag. reeretary at the Kadtepell- Use of Compressed Product Keeps Pace Kerl» 08 Utompaay, received » check for «17.4Sy.lM Mr «tauMy MM.OW years. Appointed f< With Phenomenal Growth of U, S. Nat­ hack royaMm from the Dakote-Moktaa» OU :r M the loeal company tHAk Die bal- ural Gas Industry. of the money. «11,00#, wUl hr paid in the sert two The committee consisted of Mr-P- rhcnomenal growth at (hr natural gaa badastry la the The directors immediately de-d at mathematics. Tale; ™ CHICAGO GETS United State* has a pareRei fa dared a 6 percent dividend to Holmes, professor of ; the industry, the sale of UqsefM Or "boctledSK pa­ Durham University; A. C. Lane. |tl| TS|MI I it stockholders, which pa id professor of «oology and min- IWSmB B hHNhm Hi March 1*. making a total of more report bp the Ü. 8. than 11,036,000 so far paid in The development commenced inP- erology; Tofts College; Charles e a eeia|| dividends by this company, from £v; Sc buchen, professor emeritus of ftp 1922, when 222 641 gallons of the JOB an initial capital investment of paleontology and historical geol­ liquefied fuel was marketed, and 10,600 reached Its sen 1th daring tMO. ogy, Tale, and Adolph Knopf, pro­ The money received was from IS COMPLETE! fessor of physical geology, Yale, Drillers seeking water near when 18.017,847 gallons were Lake Forest, Illinois, on the farm the compounded, oil on what is chairman. marketed, the report shows. OPERATION OR Minnesota-Platwiliow Petrole­ :V of Charles True, not far from known as the Carlson-state lease The report es a whole gives Of the 1930 total, about 11,-1 in the Kerin-Snnbarst field. The um Company Is reported to have evidence that all methods hither- Chicago, recently struck oil and 600,000 gallons was propane and gas. A flow soon developed that BUTTON BITTE Dakota- held the acreage completed uaderraamtng to used la calculating the age of about 6,600.000 gallons was bn vanning pipe in its wildcat tore the rig to pieces. under lease from the Kallspell- on the earth are Inaccurate with the Une, iso-butane, pentane and bu­ Kevln. When tbs lease expir­ the Ivan hoe Dome structure, near exception of the calculation based The hole bad reached a depth tane-pentane mixtures Book interests of Detroit have Meletone la southeastern Mon resumed drilling operations at ed with the state, by agreement on the disintegration of radio of 165 feet. Soon the well was Says the report; the local company permitted the Una. «hooting oil, mud 2,040 feet tn their wildcat on the active elemeau, used from differ­ water and “Propane Js a gas at atmos­ Dak of«-Mon tana to take the Drilling will resume in a few ent approaches by Professors atone 200 feet into the air ev­ pheric pressure at such tempera­ Button Butte structure, in cen­ tral Montana near Lewistown. lease direct from the state, but days, with sands above the Mad-- Holmes aad Kovarlk, who arrived ery half hour with regularity, tures as may ordinarily he met wlth the understanding that the i«>n lime as the objective, of Old Faithful. Mr. True imme­ at the figure of aprpoximately 1,- with, but may be liquefied under The well is reported bottomed same royalty should go to the 862,000.000. diately began making arrange­ moderate pressure and transport­ in the lower part of the Qua­ local company as under the for- ments to have the flow tested by drants, near the top of the Madi Professor Kovarik e formula ed in cylinders or other apodal mer lease. CRUDE OUTWIT 0F makes nee of the fact that vary- oil experts. Hundreds of farmers containers. It is self-vapoririag eon lime. The Dakota-Montuna. according ing amounts of radioactive els- and eftisensf rom the neighbor­ at temperatures above 44 de­ It is reported that it will be to Mr. Lang, then set up the ment* and thsir products found ing countryside flocked to the grees F. and is most widely used drilled 1,600 feet deeper which claim that Inasmuch as It had True place aad considerable ex­ as a domestic fuel in territories should result in testing all of 0FMMMBMRELS in radioactive minerais undergo the lease direct from the state, citement exists over the discov­ not served by gas mains. the Madison lime and likewise a change at a certain rate of dis­ It could not be compelled to pay The American Petroleum Insti­ ery. the upper portion of the Devon-, integration. By determining the “The practice of transporting royalties to the Kalispell-Kevin. tute estimates that the dally it In cylinders as a liquid and ian. av­ amounts of those elements in a This involved the two companies erage gross crude oil production and their respective ato­ utilising it as a gas has result­ If this program-is carried ont. in a lawsuit brought into the in the United States for the week this well will be one of the deep­ mic weights, and knowing the NEW SHALE ed in Its common-designation as United States district court at ended March 7, 1931, was 2,166.- “bottled gas. est ever drilled in this part of Great Falls but was settled out of rate of change, the age of the It is estimated 799 barrels, as compared with 2,- mineral, he finds, can be ascer­ that 117.000 the state and geological informa­ court when the Dakota-Mdntana customers were 104,96« barrels for the preceding tained. mmm, served with this fuel during tion thus supplied wiU be of ex­ company‘agreed to adhere to the treme interest to operators in week, an increase of 61,800 bar- Professor Holmes gives the re­ 1930 as compared with 5>6,000 In agreement. The total vaine of sult of a world-wide survey made CAT CREEK 1929 and 20,000 in 1928. The this section. the royalties, which were being rels. of the lead content of radioactive indicated average consumption held by the Oakota-Montana, . He lists the lead ratios According to a Roundup per installation was 08.8 «ni­ for manufactured gases, for the amounted to more than 128,000. SEND A CONTRIBUTION TO of different rocks in numerical report, MlnncaoVa-FlatwUlow ions. re-carburetion of gases to off­ THE SUNBURST BADGER order and gives the age expressed PWroknm company has com­ "Pure butane is not ordinarily set the loss of thermal value In in lead ratios. He says that he pleted another shallow pro­ used in “bottled gas“ service, high pressure transmission sys- to« can find “no trace of the be­ ducer on its Trench team* In temperatures frequently may be terns; to meet peak load condl- We recommend these ginning, for the oldest rocks have the Oat Creek field. Output to low to permit the necessary tions and as a protection against 41 everywhere been made from of the well has not been de­ vaporation. Butane, consequently interruptions of service, These preexisting and, therefore, much termined. finds its market principally In gases also have been applied to GRILLING C0NTNACT0RS older, matériels of which no rel­ The company now has five Industrie] uses, where arrange­ a number of Industrial puroaes. to individuals or firms for work on wild­ ics now survive. Thus we can producers on this leas«, all ments may be made to provide the "Although pentane Is a liquid be sure that the earth is older getting their oil from the desired pressure, either mechan­ at ordinary temperatures, it was cat or proven territory. They have proper then its oldest known rock. No shale at a depth of around ically or by heating. Included in the survey to the ex­ 750 feet. equipment for Montana fields and they more definite statement can there­ “The outstanding development tent that it was marketed for know how to use it fore he made at the present than This oil was encountered in the use of butane has been the purposes similar to the other that the age of the earth ex­ by several wells drilled In establishment of central stations'1 gases. Individual gas systems, in I ceeds 1,480,00«,000 years, and this part of the field In the in communities too small to sup­ which air is passed through the ULRANOUT SERVICE is probably mueh lees than I,- boom days, but - was then port a gas service of the ordi­ pentane container, supply a mlx-i CASING POLLING 000,000,000 years." passed up In favor of the nary manufactured or natural ture of air and pentane which is I We have most complete oil well Cleanout Service deeper sand production. type. In these station*. butane used to a considerable extent In Equipment in Kevin-Nun burst oil Field for Is mixed with air and the re­ individual dwellings. »RILLING DEEPER _ PLUGGING sulting mixture is dlsrtibuted "Approximate data relative to FULLING RODS i TUBING — POLLING CASING CROW’S REST the hole where the tools were °ood Used Casing for Bale lodged. and metered to consumers tn the the distribution of pentane for same manner as other gas con­ this purpose indicate a substan- j Trucks hauling thq casing in­ sumers are served. tial increase daring 1930 In the me west on company WLRCRT TO to the field were mired this week KEVIN — OILMONT —. "Several communities in Cal­ of installations of snch gas sys­ PWCD1G by 18 inches of new snow which ifornia. Oregon and Washington tems." » RE FINISHED fell Wednesday and Thursday during 1980 received their first and made It necessary for op­ gas service in this manner while - KAIAHPELL—The Crow’s erators to nse a caterpillar'trac­ the number of such plants in the Nest test well on the North c. C. OPERATOR CO. tor to free them. remainder of the country also Since shooting of , the Crow’s L B. iMRICK AND GAS WILL OSSTRAOTOAS earlen border will not be continued to increase. on. Nest well three years ago not “Butane and other liquefied "The Deep Role Boys" much progress has been made on petroleum gases also are being ELECTRIC AMD GAS EKOM EQUIPMENT Ochh of the company, but the well despite the fleet that ; u»ed to replace gas oil in carbu- r o wfll be continued to the pro- . crews have been at work on it'retting gases of relatively low OOMXJÜD MOMT Work OuAraateed—Frio«« »taarmhU during horizon If possible. each season. The gas pressure,, thermal value; as a base material After resuming operations this A. E. OBDULEV, Manager which last fall forced rocks and ' ■ Personal HnpervWoa spring, it was first believed that small quantities of oil over the » the well would have to be aband­ top of the casing, has caused con­ Estimât« on Work Agpwher* ht Morthwest oned because of exeeesive gas tinual trouble by forcing the 4*5 Pom Bldg,. Great Palla. Moat, pressure and two strings of tools tools upward and making kinks Up; which were lodged In the hole. in the cable. Hannah Poster Co. The tools, however, have been re­ Operators expect to drill the A Montane Corporation. s covered and H Is believed gas remaining 60 feet as soon as eas­ Shelby, Montana 8. *. REPSTAB AMD pressure may be suftideatly shat ing is delivered. W.O. off to continue drilling. It is ex­ We produce crude oil «ml natural gas in Montan« where MM I MS CO |fi tfittMpunMm pected the productive horison will V!. the geographical position gives us a high price for our pro- H. VARKRPAS be reached within 60 feet. ducts. During the last three yeaito we have operated a PriWag C—tractors Operations are at a tempor­ r, mom. KXV&, MOMT ANA ary standstill, swatting the arrivai amounted to 40c per share before depiction and depreciation ‘ «■%» and tools avnO. of 60 feet of casing from Colum­ charges were deducted. ««cat «act.» >9l # wTWWRum -— —-j,. bia Falls, which operators expect 6 WONT > on application «ad Write for nur in vestment folder. kr. ; to use la bridging the portion of » ==at8WB-a==e*a* « — Name.;''.. i - |Lv DRILLERS Drilling Contractors uS-Vf There ads get We would like to drill (hat l À wall for yon In th* Border or Their cow Is aUght Kevin Sunburn Held. L. n. RAW AM. PmmMmM CVOW. Utrecônr Km- kfoOMtiis, at Tool* Latest sensation of the — , 'rê. Mtwtw Ofl *. ». MAMMAS. Vim fwSRai r»M I MI. IMèm-tsr AdrertiMup Department «««»« Sepewisten *),«■ well making 2.000 barrels at RM gravity crude da r. c. RaatSl mm. i MONTANA 4ML a Our new map co this field, just Avail yourself of fui opportunity to Haitui to is vest hteHlpsfl|. Otvee JOURNAL invest in a company that is producing: room for the Great Faite, ia tins of additional weds as locations are made. and marketing Oil and Natural Gas. 4 Thin Is Our next location to be drilled is between •MM It will he given with ibsrrlptio« to the the two largest producing wells in the DHIMnf Contracts those who M. Yi border field. Write for our investment 1%.. aad the Journal for folder. Anywhere-Anytime CONTRACTORS n twiiio 9- a ■Fwxâiam Nusc SHELBY, MOETAHA Let Os Yam ✓ Addr«88 Stan...... —... m « OH Company MONTANA OIL JOURNAL f* MONTAN* 4 hnhI inn ■J