Astronavigation Data: Jedha system, freestanding subsector, Mid Rim Orbital Metrics: 360 days per year/23 hours per day Government: protectorate of the Galactic Empire Population: 11,300,000 Languages: Basic Terrain: Deserts, natural mesas Major Cities: Jedha City Areas of Interest: Catacomb of Cadera, kyber mines, Temple of the Whills component material. Under the rule of the Empire, the timeworn streets of Jedha were Major Exports: Kyber crystals patrolled by stormtroopers, TX-225 GAVw Major Imports: Labor "Occupier" combat assault tanks, and AT-STs. The Background: Located in the Jedha system of the Imperial oppression later led to the formation of a Mid Rim, Jedha was a small desert moon frosted by , coordinated by the Rebel veteran Saw a permanent winter that caused a cold climate. Its Gerrera who preferred brutal tactics. native inhabitants included humans and the moon's atmosphere was breathable to the species. Jedha was rich in kyber crystal–Force-attuned crystals that were fundamental for lightsaber Preciptating the Battle of , Rebel construction. Many settlements on the moon, like soldiers and Jedha City, sat atop natural mesas. undertook a mission to Jedha to The ancient world of Jedha was home to one of retrieve Imperial defector Bodhi Rook, the first civilizations to explore the nature of the who had been captured by Saw Force, was considered a spiritual home of the , Gerrera's rebels. Shortly after their and the Temple of the Whills–a great temple held arrival, the first – the sacred by those who followed the teachings of the Empire's deep-space mobile battle Church of –was located on the moon. station capable of destroying entire Some scholars made a case for Jedha as the planets – fired its superlaser with a location of the Jedi Order's first temple, alongside single reactor ignition at the moon, other candidate worlds, such as Ahch-To, destroying the holy city and the , Ossus, and Tython. As a result, the surrounding area, including Gerrera's moon became a holy land for those who followed hideout. After being held captive by the Force and a place that one would go on a Saw, Andor and Erso narrowly escaped pilgrimage. the destruction along with Bodhi Rook, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Îmwe. Subsequent to the fall of the Jedi Order and the , its successor state–the Galactic Empire–occupied Jedha for possession of the kyber crystal resources that once served the Jedi Order as