ORiN: Standard Network Interface for Robot/Factory

Prof. Makoto Mizukawa, Ph. D Co-Chair, ORiN Forum Graduate School of Engineering Management/ Faculty of Engineering, Dept. Electrical Eng. Shibaura Institute of

Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

BackgroundBackground -in-in Factory-Factory-

◆Various consumer needs →From mass to customized production ◆Serious competition (speed & cost) →No loss, No stock, Short TAT ◆IT into Factory (Networking & PC) →Vertical integration (SCM/ERP)

Continuous monitoring and improvement

Quick start-up / No Loss Operation

2 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum CandidatesCandidates forfor OpenOpen InterfaceInterface

Programming Production system management Network PC IF Motor IF Motor Servo IF Motion IF Program IF

Program Trajectory Servo Robot execution User generation controller mechanism User IF (Task) program Robot q Motors language X i Interpretation/ Internal translation sensors

External sensors Teaching/ operation Peripherals Robot Controller

3 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

the standardization of the network interface

category examples user technical of IF needs problems mechanical motor/ △ encoder IF △ system servo IF, X motion IF,etc X robot programming X language language ◎ user operation IF, △ teaching box IF ○ peripheral network IF ( PC IF) ◎ ○

4 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum Classification of communications related to machine controllers communication releted usage level technology PCs and machine controllers, controller Ethernet b/w computers monitoring, task management (FL-net) FL-net data exchange b/w machine controllers, b/w controllers ControlNet real-time I/O data acquisition ME-NET data exchange b/w machine controllers DeviceNet, b/w devices and peripheral devices, SWs and Interbus-S, displays control Profibus-DP b/w motor to control motor drives SERCOS drives •Open interface (API) for PCs •to provide standard robot-data-access method to shop-floor controllers •to ensure that shop-floor systems have high cost-performance and easy maintainability. 5 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

FAFA NetworkNetwork and and LayersLayers

Physical System Network Network Levels Layers Configuration Interfaces

Headquarter MIS

WAN WAN headquarters Management Backbone LAN Sales Host Accounting Open factory Factory management LAN(Ethernet) File Server Ethernet MES Shop floor management Production FL-NET ME-NET Quality Logistics PCs Line Production Facility Stock MiniMAP Management ORiN Process Machining Maintenance Devicenet Units Assembly Inspection WAN:Wide Area Network Robots Sensors PLCs LAN:Local Area Network /SWs/IOs Machine Tools FDDI:Fiber Distributed Data Interface

6 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum Objective of ORiN

to provide standard methods for accessing FA/robot system information when developing a multi-vendor FA system ••aa unifiedunified accessaccess methodmethod ••aa commoncommon applicationapplication platformplatform [PC[PC andand OS]OS] ••aa commoncommon APIAPI ••aa unifiedunified useruser interfaceinterface 7 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

ORiNORiN OOpenpen RResourceesource IInterfacenterface forfor thethe NNetworketwork //OOpenpen RRobotobot IInterfacenterface forfor thethe NNetworketwork applications

ORiN Provider

FA devices/Robot controllers

8 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum ORiNORiN :: FeaturesFeatures

•Distributed Object •Device Profiling using •Web Service

9 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

Production line application using ORiN Equipment operation status Equipment Process/ Process indication Operation maintenance/ assembly control monitor diagnosis data analysis Common interface Framework

Object model of virtual machine resource

Provider Robot Robot OPC Controler1 Robot Controler3 Controler2 Other PLC Controllers

10 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum Models

Virtual robot interface : ORiN

RAO RAO engine with RAO Interface, which provides common functions to RAO providers as well as client applications RAO provider software module with portions dependent on respective manufacturers RRD RRD schema the data schema that defines names and data types to robot resources of various robot makers according to the XSD (XML data schema) specified by the XML schema RRD data file actual data is described based on the RRD schema and its schema structure 11 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

KeyKey TechnologiesTechnologies forfor OpenOpen RobotRobot ModelModel

•Robot Access Object (RAO) a middleware that provides standard program interface and services to robot controller based on the distributed object model

•Robot Resource Definition Format(RRD) a data schema that provides standard format for data from/to robot controller based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

•Robot Access Protocol(RAP) standard protocol in the using http and XML to allow data-exchange over firewalls 12 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum ORiNORiN SystemSystem ConfigurationConfiguration

13 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

Classes of Virtual robot

Engine RAO Provider 11 Status Controller 1 1 1 0..* Workspace 0..* 110..* Task Task 1 0..* 0..* 110..* Controller Variable Variable

1 11 0..* 0..* 0..* 1 Robot Robot Controller

1 0..* 110..* File File RAO Engine

0..* RRD Provider RRDRRD FileFile

14 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum RAORAO EngineEngine ClassClass

Class name Resource Description The upper-most ranked class of RAO, which is the only class that can - RaoEngine directly create instance externally. [Root class, from which respective classes are generated]

RaoWorkspace - Class that manages robot controllers and users Note: User class is not supported at present. [Work class]

RaoController Controller Class that manages the entire resources of robot controller [Controller class] This handles all variables that are handled by the robot. RaoVariable Variable [Variable class]

RaoRobot Robot Class that handles the information dependent upon the robot arm including arm length and link configuration Robot class

RaoFile File This includes the user program file that operates file-related information within the robot controller. [File class]

RaoTask Task This handles the status and information relating to the execution type user program within the robot controller. [Task class]

RaoStatus - Class for debugging, which handles the information relating to the RAO class. [Status class of RAO (for RAO engine supervision) ]

15 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

RAORAO providerprovider ClassClass

Class name Resource Description

Controller class dependent upon each robot vendor RaoProvController Controller corresponding to the RaoController [Controller class] It provides the functions relating to controller resources

Variable class dependent upon each robot vendor RaoProvVariable Variable corresponding to the RaoVariable [Variable class] It provides the functions relating to variable resources.

Robot class dependent upon each robot vendor RaoProvRobot Robot corresponding to the RaoRobot [Robot class] It provides the functions relating to robot resources. File class dependent upon each robot vendor corresponding RaoProvFile File to the RaoFile [File class] It provides the functions relating to file and folder resources. Task class dependent upon each robot vendor corresponding RaoProvTask Task to the RaoTask [Task class] It provides the functions relating to task resources. 16 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum Example:Example: SequenceSequence ChartChart

17 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

RRDRRD DataData SchemaSchema ConfigurationConfiguration

Describes RRD information.

<1, *> Describes controller information.

<0, *> Describes a system variable.

<0, *> Describes robot information.

<0, *> Describes a system variable.

<0, *> Describes a user variable.

<0, *> Describes file information.

<0, *> Describes task information.

<0, *> Describes a. system variable. Note 1) <0, *> in the figure means that the allowable description frequency of the classification name on its right side is at least 0, and unlimited at most. Note 2) <1, *> in the figure means that the allowable description frequency of the classification name on its 18 Copyright 2004right Makoto side MIZUKAWA is at least once& ORiN, and Forum unlimited at most. RRDRRD OptionalOptional DataData SchemaSchema StructureStructure

Describes RRD option information. <0, *> Describes log information. <0, 1> Describes error log information.

<0, 1> Describes operation log information.

<0, 1> Describes variable log information.

<0, 1> Describes program execution history information.

<0, 1> Describes servo history information.

<0, 1> Describes specialized log information for the application. <0, *> Describes document information. <0, 1> Describes error information. <0, 1> Describes operation information. Note 1) <0, *> in the figure means that the allowable description frequency of the classification name on its right side is at least 0, and unlimited at most. Note 2) <1, *> in the figure means that the allowable description frequency of the classification name on its19 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWAright side &at ORiN least Forum 0, and unlimited at most.

ImplementationImplementation Open Resource Interface for the Network / Open Robot Interface for the Network

ORiN forum The Japan Robot Association http://www.orin.jp/

20 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum DesignDesign andand ImplementationImplementation PolicyPolicy

Design policy Implementation policy Vendor acceptable and useful standard PC technology (1) Loose standardization of the states of art •allow various types of robot specifications (1)De-facto standard platforms (2) Expandability •vender unique option allowed (2) Distributed object model (3) Modularity Network transparency, of network protocols Language independence •applicable to robots in the market (3) Extended markup Language (4) Separation of specifications (XML) and implementation Standard framework for defining vendor unique specification •OOP technology vendor unique specification

21 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

RAORAO EngineEngine andand ProviderProvider

Application Application Application Client Client Applications Applications Standard Interface for Application proxy DevelopersDCOM Server RAO RRD Provider Collection Data Control Control Cache provides Asynchronous Variable Change Logging RAO Call Notification Service standard access functions Standard Interface based on distributed objects for Robot A Co. proxy OPC Manufacturers C Co. Provider provider Provider Provider absorbs maker specific functions A Co. Windows PLC C社 controller provider Robots from Controller (OPC spec.) コントローラ various vendors 22 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum RRD:RRD: RobotRobot ResourceResource DefinitionDefinition

Application RRD RRD: Robot Resource Definition Client Applications Define robot-profiles from vendors Application Parser layer using XML. [Robot profiling data] RRD Kernel RAO Engine A Co. layer B Co. Robot C Co. Robot model Robot model modelmodel Provider A Co. RRD C Co. layer Provider Provider Provider

A Co. RRD provider: ControllerC社 コントローラ Provider to provide RRD data to applications through RAO

23 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

ORiNORiN ApplicationsApplications

Powered By Remote Maintenance 3D Monitoring Program Operation Maintenance Monitoring


The Internet Mobile Browser /Phone

Office/HQ LAN

Production Management Machine Robots Monitoring PLCs tools devices On-site

24 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum ORiN:ORiN: SummarySummary

Robot Robot FA FA App. 1 App. 2 App. 1 App. 2 Device Independent Interface


↑Application maker ORiN platform ↓FA device maker

Device Interface

Application ・・・・・ Independent Interface Robot Machine tool PLC Operation panel 25 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

ORiN:ORiN: SummarySummary

Production Process Operation Trouble Management Management Monitoring Shooting ……… Before

◆ Close dependency on Devices/ Networks/ Protocols …….. -> One-off/ Order-made

ROBOT Machine PLC Operation -> Low Reliability Tool Panel -> Poor Maintenance

Production Process Operation Trouble …….. Management Management Monitoring Shooting After ORiN platform ◆ Independency on Devices/ Networks/ Protocols

…….. -> Standard Products -> High Reliability ROBOT Machine PLC Operation Tool Panel -> Good Maintenance 26 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum 19991999 InternationalInternational RobotRobot ExhibitionExhibition

JARA Booth More than 40 PCs Wireless 14 manufacturers monitoring (13 : robot 1 : PLC PHS Wireless LAN Production system management

EPSON Ethernet Tokyo Big-site Robot manufacturer’s booths ISDN Production system Kobe management TV camera



Robot Info. Robot 14 robots Remote connection are connected 27 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum via ISDN (Tokyo-Kobe)

20012001 InternationalInternational RobotRobot ExhibitionExhibition

Various Applications

Tokyo Big Site Ethernet simulator

6 major Remote maintenance robot makers JARA Booth : 5 robots via the Internet 28 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum Int‘lInt‘l RobotRobot ExhibitionExhibition inin TokyoTokyo 2003 2003

29 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

MeritsMerits ofof RAPI/ORiNRAPI/ORiN

End Users Software Vendors •Market for various Packages for •Multi-vendor system Packages for CostCost Effective Effective application software IndustriesIndustries •Mfg. monitor system OperationOperation •Cost reduction •Remote maintenance by standard package ••unifiedunified accessaccess methodmethod forfor robotrobot datadata exchangeexchange ••commoncommon applicationapplication platformplatform andand APIAPI Independent from robot/FA-controller architectures Manufacturers System Integrators •Reduce development •High quality Mfg. System cost for comm. ExpandExpand FA/ FA/ with less-cost Customizing interface and testing Customizing RobotRobot •WEB service solutions ServiceService in in FA FA •Interoperability Application bw. manufacturers Application 30 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum FieldsFields ORiN forum Web-site


31 Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum

Open Resource Interface for the Network / Open Robot Interface for the Network Japan Robot Association ORiN forum http://www.orin.jp/

Copyright 2004 Makoto MIZUKAWA & ORiN Forum