April 29 and May 6, 1976

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April 29 and May 6, 1976 + ,r better society, small or Rabbi Albert Axelrad's article, IWIN, .c on large söale; example. lV¡rnan was backed by c more on prisoners-political ãnd other- politically awful, really dangerous 2/26/761, calls for the following ô remarks: õ wise, USA and abroad; reviews of forces. Durkin is not like that. This on literature, past present; The issue athand is not whether the .g and more on senate seat could swing policy on o ch_ildren; more fiction, art and music; whether the US blockades Cuba over lsraeli Establishment-and the Zionlst .c) information useful for local organizeis; Movement as a,wholè are doing things, which we It is o more bibliographies, documeñtation,' of disapprove. wiethei c Zionism, as a guide-line for the State of 0- suggestions for further reading. I'd like April29, 1976 &,May 6,1976 ¿ Israèl and for the Jew'sèverywhere, is d to see songs I can sing. more by David o decent, and non-racist. I McReynolds. more on the valid, ethical , Vol. Xll, Numbers 15 & 16 E UF\ry. more on the nonviolent content it is not valid, as it has not problem :'Jewish safety" v movement worldwide, not iust a drearv sofved the of 4. lntroduction / Mark Morris Eo catalogue of itls (those can-be found inside Israel; it is not decent, ds it'closes f more fully presented elsewhere). Also, its eyes to another people's pligh and 5. UN Vigil / Marty Jezei, Dorothy Lane, Donald Newlove J it; i[ is npt t . one^ p,er-sonal interest: religion and help exploit and expropriate E 6. Times Square Sit Down / Donald New/ove, Marty Jezer 6 social.change. What do oui spiritual ethical for, any ideology and movement : traditions and experiments, and those who wish to possess, wholly and solely, B. Alphabet Soup: SDS / Henry B'ass .2 of others we temitory belonging to-at have thât may learn that 10.'The Barry Bondhus Saga can help us transform our own . least-two peoþles is unethical. Finally d ïli o reþlionships and olr society? it is racist fòr it^bases itsetfon the 1'1. Fugs Íor Peace'/î"Ãü *"*/ovel' .' ' Thin_gs I hope WIN bringõ me less of "l'acial" criteria of Jeyvishness (an un- J . 12. A Voice Spêechlessness A.J.Muste in the future: knee-jerk responses of anv true one, but the sãme one according aga¡nst "the of Slaughter" / 6 - judged "race',' sort; dogmatism; "devil thèories" the Jews were as a by . m of 14. The New Nonùiolence / David Dellinger history or economics; siege mentalities. the Nazis),. And this, instead of creating I think we have better thiágs to do than a place in which the Jews find their 17 Civil Liþeriies Trap in Thoreau's Town / John J. Phíltips auto-determination and safety; but so indulge ourselves in persoñal 18. Bread and Puppet Theater / Keith Lampe recriminations of any sort, and last but do the indigenous Palestinians. not least, you have no idea how probably I am neither. a professional anti- 20. Jail Break MacLow bored I 6) It's true that evil ofñce- ' / Jackson am with the Left infighting and holders can accomplish more evil than Zionist nor an utõpist. Therêfore, I years 21. On tþe Death of A.J . Muste / David McReynolds, Barbara namecalling in you¡ Letters columns good ones can accomplish good, just by realize that after ninety of Zionist letters implantation, it is quite impossible to D;eming, Ralph DiCia, Walter LowenÍels and elsewhere. the nature of office-holdins. Therefore. ' exþect,'at this stage, a unitarian it follorn s that keeping bad-guys out is -Jewish-Arab '24.The Life and Times of the Yellow Submarine / Paut Johnson, The April l5th item -DAVECT'¡{I'IFFPhlladelphla, pa. more important puttine state, where none of both in WIN bv Murrav than sood euvst Patsy Richardson Rosenblith on my receiving tlie IVRL'! in. The dìfference be¡veen6ãd anà' entities controls the other but both live peace Therefóre, a l6th Annual Pea-ce Award-and Larrv worse is sharper, when it comes to in and cooperate. as 26. Beyond Food & Evil / Donald Newlove Gara's articte practical politics, first step, one hàs to: (a) reject any which appeared in thä I have to disagree with Allen Young's than the difference 27.Why I Ate My Draft Card Steve Suffet same issue and which covered Esther between good and better. exclusivist-ethnic ideology such as / "Why I \{on;Í Vote... Maybe" [WiN, Zionism or pan-Arabism, and state that and my lVorld War II activities with 3/ll/761. A few strong reasons for To sit out elections till the perfect 27 Letter / Peter Seeger regard to the Absolutist War Obiectors candidate comes along strikes me in Israel and the future Palestinian state voting, or at least registering to vote, as (b) 28. Diggery is Niggery Ceorge Metesky Association, Tho Absolutlst, and pgnggrgu¡ and,self-indulgent. I believe all citizens may co-rule; Struggle for, / come to mind right off: at least, the right ofthe Palestinians to Families and Friends of Imprisoned pools it's.high time these pointl get more 30. A Draft Resister in Court Donald Baty 1) Jury in some areas are create a State besides Israel, in the ter- / \ CO's were much appreciatêd. Randy reportedly drawn from lists of serious discussion in the movement. Kehler's pr_e-sentatiôn speech was väry M. MacBOBDRI ritories now occupied by the Zionist 32. The Yellow Berets / Col. BillV Saffron, Col. Michael Dodgem, registered voters. l{hen was the last -ALAN regime; (c) Hope that both entities will moving and further evidlence, as I trieô time you, the average WIN reader, were NewHave4, Conn. Maj . Thomas "Tummy" Tremors to point out in my acceptance remarks, slowly grow together and encourage ,, incensed at a naivejury going along process 34. The Siege of the Pentagon Maris Cakars, Paul of the ôontinuing link b-etween past and this by law and economics. / Johnson, with a vindictive orosecutor in a ooliticat _MAXIMGHILAN Dorothy Lane, Dan Hemenway, Allan Solomonow, Susan Kent, present war resisters. My family, trial? Why, you lionder, aren't yõu ever Frederick H. Cohn's review [\{IN, Parist France frie_nds, and I were happj,'to te þart ot called to sit on one of tho5e juries? Jackson MacLow, Marty Jezer 4/8/761of Go East, Young ll{rn (which I just such an enthusiastic group as gãthered Maybe because you never rêgistered to I've read WIN for the first time. If it 40. Pentagon Exorcism Atten Cinsberg at St. Lukes Chapel al¿ wè arãdeeply haven't read) focusses on Douglas's prints articles as excellent as Wanda- / vote. economics. He might have meñtioned grateful for the ár¡,ard. child on Patriarchy IWIN, l / 22/ 7 61- 42. Celebration: Two Poems David McReynolds, Ho Chi Minh '' j,.: 2) \{hen was the last time you looked that the great civil libertarian helped / Esther,,Seymou¡ and I send greetings at a Gallup poll even half the time-I'll subscribe. and said, "\il'hy don't put thousands of Americans into õonr to you and your associates. they ever Feminism (the destruction of Coúer- Photo'by David Margolis ask me what I think?" Maybe centration camps in the 1940's and to _JT]UUSEICHET because pollsters, Patriatchy) is not a peripheral side issue the in their computer this day he has not apologized nor does Brooklyn, IYY wisdom, in leftist revolution. It is the heart and SIAFF figuie that ai a non-voter'in he think he chose wrongly; he has the last election, your core, \{omen were the first oppressed views don't stated he wouro ¿o,t Dwight Ernest o Mary Mayo o Mark Morris count. "g5aüp,H.H group, the first victims of masculist 3) So maybe no one but the nasties power hunger. All other forms ofop- Susan Pines r Murray Rosenblith ,. ,'I came back to Philly having painfully are running for president. Have you pression-racism,' ageism, class/caste UNI ' decided not to renew my subscription; checked out whether there are vital, subjection-are extrapolations, varia- NDICTED CO.CONSPIRATORS tions on that first theme of hierarchical Barry ¡ Lance Belville ¡ MarisCakars* o Susan Cakars* o JerryCoffin* my money and time are tightly limited, important races on the ballot for Gtad tosee Neil Fullagar's update Jan senator, dominance. Until Patriarchy is over- Lynne Shatzkin Coffin* o Ann Davidon.¡ Diana Davies . Ruth Dear . Ralph DiC¡a . Briân Doherty and what's been in WIN over the last congressperson, mayor, article on the UF\ry 4/15/761.1 KarenDurbin* ¡ o governor, [WIN, thrown the old game of "Who's on WillianiDouthard*. ChuckFager SethFoldy. JimForest. LarryCara few yeats fits in less and less often with state legislator? The lesser wonder about extending the boycott to loanLibbùHawk*. NeilHaworth ¡ EdHedemañn.'CraceHedêmann ¡ HendrikHertzberg* top?" will go on and on, with last o o o o o my learning priorities. But your April 1 overall significance of the minor races is Sunmaid and Sunsweet though. ln ef- Marty Jezer* BeckyJohnson NancyJohnson Paul Johnson Alison Karpel CraigKarpel issue changes my mind, especially the balanced by the fac( that your one vote year's Savior becoming next year's JohnKyper. ElliotLinzer* o JacksonMacLow o DavidMcReynolds* o DavidMorris ¡ JimPeck fect; they lobbied against the ALRA TadRichards. lgalRoodenko ¡ FredRosen* o NancyRosen o EdSanders o WendySchwartz* has a much Oppressor. with men of the old, new, Christiania and "Kids & Suspensions" greater chance of tilting while the UFW lobbied fot it. The Martha Thomases o Art Waskow ¡ Allen Young r Beverly Woodward So heie's my $6 them one way or a andiyet-to-be-Left playing right along, articles [IVIN 4/l/761.
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