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provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector : Using Spectrometry to Measure Melting Points

Colleen M. Neal, Anne K. Starace, and Martin F. Jarrold Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA

Calorimetry measurements have been used to probe the melting of aluminum cluster cations with 63 to 83 . Heat capacities were determined as a function of temperature (from 150 to 1050 K) for size-selected cluster using an approach based on multicollision-induced dissociation. The experimental method is described in detail and the assumptions are critically evaluated. Most of the aluminum clusters in the size range examined here show a distinct peak in their heat capacities that is attributed to a melting transition (the peak is due to the latent heat). The melting temperatures are below the bulk melting point and show enormous fluctuations as a function of cluster size. Some clusters (for example, n ϭ 64, 68, and 69) do not show peaks in their heat capacities. This behavior is probably due to the clusters having a disordered -like phase, so that melting occurs without a latent heat. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81) © 2007 American Society for Mass Spectrometry

variety of techniques have been developed to numbers to differentiate them from electronic magic examine the physical properties of ions in the numbers where the stability results from electronic shell Aphase[1].Interesthasfocusedmainlyonproper- closings[5].Ifthedissociatingclusterisliquid,struc- ties such as the ground state , chemical reactivity, tural magic numbers should not be prominent in the and dissociation energies. There has been little interest in fragmentation pattern (because stability results from a thermodynamic properties such as heat capacities. The particular geometry, and the does not have an reasonforthisisprobablytwo-fold.First,therehasnot orderedstructure).If,ontheotherhand,structural been a way to measure the heat capacities of isolated ions; magic numbers are prominent in the fragmentation and second, there is an expectation that the heat capacities pattern, it implies that the fragmenting cluster is solid- will reveal little of interest. The latter is probably true for like.Dissociationfromasolid-likestatecanbethought small ions that retain the same connectivity between the of as the finite size analog of sublimation. constituent atoms as the temperature is raised to the point The melting points of small particles are depressed. where they dissociate. The heat capacities become inter- Thiswasfirstpredictedin1909[6],andhassubsequently esting for larger ions that can undergo structural transi- been confirmed many times for particles with 103 to 106 tions or phase transitions (like melting and freezing). For atoms[7–11].Itisonlyrecentlythatmethodshavebeen example, unsolvated helical peptides with 10–20 residues developed to investigate the melting of particles with less can undergo a “melting” transition as the temperature is than 103 atoms. In this size regime, where properties raised[2,3].Heatcapacitymeasurementswouldreveal change rapidly, measurements must be made on size- the nature of the transition. A first-order transition occurs selectedparticlesorclusters,whichnecessitatestheuseof with a peak in the heat capacity due to the latent heat, mass spectrometry based methods. The pioneering work whileasecond-ordertransitionshowsastepratherthana of Haberland, Schmidt and their collaborators stands out peak in the heat capacity. here[12–14].Theydevelopedanexperimentalmethod Metalclustersareexpectedtoshowmeltingtransi- based on monitoring the fragmentation pattern resulting tions. Here the transition is the finite-size analog of a from multiphoton induced dissociation of cluster ions to “real” melting transition rather than the order-disorder determine their heat capacities. While their approach has transition that occurs for helical peptides. The phase of only been applied to clusters with predominantly a dissociating cluster (and indeed any ion) has some more that 100 atoms, these studies provided the first interesting[4]andperhapsunderappreciatedconse- experimental information on the melting of particles with ϩ quences. Some clusters, like C60 and (NaCl)13Na for atomic resolution. example, are particularly stable because they adopt Here we report heat capacity measurements for alumi- special geometries. We refer to these as structural magic num clusters with 63 to 83 atoms. This builds on our previous work, where we have reported heat capacities foraluminumclusterswith49to63atoms[15].We Published online September 28, 2006 provide a detailed discussion of the experimental method, Address reprint requests to Dr. M. F. Jarrold, Chemistry Department, Indiana University, 800 E. Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. and a discussion of the assumptions inherent in the E-mail: [email protected] approach employed here.

© 2007 American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. Received June 23, 2006 1044-0305/07/$32.00 Revised August 17, 2006 doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2006.08.019 Accepted August 19, 2006 J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81 ION CALORIMETRY 75

Dissociation Threshold Figure2showsaschematicoftheexperimental apparatus. The clusters are generated by laser - ization of a liquid target in a helium buffer gas. The surface regeneration that occurs with a liquid target ensures that the laser always strikes a pristine surface so a) Internal Energy that the laser or target do not need to be moved to avoid Temperature boring a hole in the target. However, the principal advantage of using a liquid metal target is that it provides a signal with much better short term and Internal Energy long-term stability than obtained with a more conven- tional rod or disk target, which becomes roughened by exposure to the laser. After their formation, the cluster

Heat Capacity ions are carried through the source region and into the b) Temperaturec) Temperature temperature-variable extension by a flow of helium buffer gas. The extension is 10 cm long and its temper- Figure 1. Cartoon illustrating the basic principle behind the ature is regulated by microprocessor based temperature measurements reported here. (a) and (b) show the internal energy controllers. The controllers regulate liquid nitrogen and heat capacity of a typical crystalline solid as a function of temperature. The step in the internal energy and the spike in the flow for temperatures below room temperature, and heat capacity are due to melting. (c) shows how measuring the electrical heaters for higher temperatures. The temper- energyrequiredtoreachthedissociationthresholdasafunctionof ature can be adjusted from 77 K up to around 1200 K. It temperature (the arrows) can be used to map out the internal is critical that the clusters achieve thermal equilibrium energyanddetectthemeltingtransition(thestep). with the walls of the extension. A series of tests were Experimental performed, where the length of the extension, the size of the exit and entrance apertures, and the buffer gas Figure1illustratesthebasicprinciplebehindthe pressure were adjusted to determine whether thermal method.Figure1aand1bshowtheinternalenergy(E) equilibrium had been achieved. The tests suggested that and heat capacity (C ϭ dE/dT) of a typical crystalline the exiting clusters attain the same temperature as the solid as a function of temperature (T). At low temper- extension walls. ature, the sample is solid and the increase in the internal When the clusters are in the temperature variable energy with temperature reflects the heat capacity of extension they are in a buffer gas, which provides a the solid. At the melting point there is a sudden jump in means to transfer energy into and out of their internal the internal energy due to the latent heat, which also degrees of freedom. Under these conditions the cluster causesaspikeintheheatcapacity.Abovethemelting ions form a canonical ensemble. Because the buffer gas pointtheinternalenergyincreasesduetotheheat pressure is relatively low (around 10 torr) expansion capacity of the liquid, which is expected to be slightly cooling of the cluster ions as they exit the extension is larger than for the solid. For a small particle or cluster not important. This was confirmed by doing measure- the melting transition is broadened by finite size effects ments as a function of the buffer gas pressure and the (the cluster is a small system from a thermodynamic diameter of the exit aperture. Outside the extension, the point of view). In our experiments, the melting transi- cluster ions are no longer in the buffer gas and, thus, no tion is identified by detecting the jump in the internal longer form a canonical ensemble. However, if their energy (or the peak in the heat capacity) due to the internal energy is not perturbed as they leave the latent heat. extension, the cluster’s internal energy distribution re- How we measure the internal energy is illustrated in mains canonical. The cluster ions in vacuum are essen- Figure1c.Iftheinternalenergyofaclusterisincreased tially a “frozen canonical ensemble” characterized by iteventuallydissociates.Wemeasuretheamountof energy required to dissociate the cluster—the vertical arrowsinFigure1c—asafunctionoftemperature.Less Heated High Pressure energy is required to dissociate the cluster as the Temperature Collision Cell Sample Quadrupole temperature is raised because of the increase in the Variable Holder Mass cluster’s thermal energy. There is a further sharp drop Extension in the amount of energy required to cause dissociation at the melting transition because of the latent heat (see Figure1c).Thetemperaturewherethissharpdrop occurs is used to locate the melting transition. This approach is obviously only possible for clusters that Detector Quadrupole Assembly dissociate from a liquid state. If the clusters dissociate Pulsed Mass Spectrometer before melting (i.e., sublime) we will not be able to Laser detect the melting transition using this method. Tin clustersprovideanexampleofthisbehavior[16,17]. Figure 2. Schematic of the experimental apparatus. 76 NEAL ET AL. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81

the temperature of the extension. However, this is only Size selection true for a time period that is short compared with the of cluster at radiative lifetime. Over time, hot or cold clusters will temperature T

equilibrate to the ambient temperature by black body Intensity radiation. While this aspect of our results is not dis- a)Mass d) cussed here, cooling of the clusters by black body TE50%D radiation leads to a signature in the heat capacities that Multi-collision is not discernable for the aluminum clusters studied induced here, even at the highest temperatures employed. This dissociation Temperature indicates that radiative cooling is not significant on the Intensity timescale of the experiments. b) Mass After exiting the temperature variable extension, the cluster ions are focused by an Einzel lens into a quad- 50% rupole mass spectrometer (Extrel, Pittsburgh, PA) where a particular cluster size is selected. The size- Melting Fraction temperature Heat Capacity selected cluster ions are then focused into a high- Dissociated c) pressure collision cell containing 1.00 torr of helium Translational Energy e) Temperature collision gas. As the ions enter the collision cell they Figure 3. Cartoon showing the steps involved in measuring heat undergo numerous collisions with the helium, each one capacities for isolated ions. converting a small fraction of the cluster ions kinetic energy into internal energy and the relative energy of the collision partner. If the initial translational energy of at a temperature T, are size selected (a) and dissoci- the cluster ions is high enough when they enter the ated (b). The fraction of the cluster ions that dissoci- collision cell some of them are heated to the point where ate is determined from the product ion mass spec- they dissociate. The intact parent ions and the resulting trum. Measurements are performed as a function of fragment ions are eventually thermalized (stopped) by the cluster ions translational energy (c) and a linear collisions with the helium, they subsequently cool regression is used to determine the translational down to the temperature of the collision gas, and are energy required for 50% of the ions to dissociate then drawn across the collision cell by a weak electric (TE50%D). This quantity, TE50%D, is then deter- field. At the other side of the collision cell, some of the mined as a function of the temperature of the source ions exit through a 0.1 cm diameter aperture, they are extension (d). TE50%D decreases with increasing subsequently analyzed by a second quadrupole mass temperature because, as the temperature is raised, spectrometer, and then detected by an off-axis collision less energy is required to reach the dissociation dynode and dual microchannel plates. threshold. The derivative of TE50%D with respect to There are two features of the multicollision-induced temperature is proportional to the heat capacity (to a dissociation process used to fragment the ions that are good approximation). The proportionality constant is critical for the experiments described here. First, multi- the fraction of the cluster ions translational energy collision induced dissociation generates a narrow dis- that is converted into internal energy. This quantity tributionofinternalenergies[18].Whilethereisa can be estimated from a simple impulsive collision relatively wide dispersion in the internal energy result- ⌬ ϳ model,[19,20] ing from a single collision ( ESC/ESC 1), the averag- ingthatisinherentinalargenumberofcollisionsleads Ϫ Ϫ 1/2 n 1 mC mB toadistributionthatisapproximately N narrower F ϭ Cͫ ͬͫ1 Ϫ ͩ ͪͬ(1) ϩ (where N is the number of collisions). The second 2n mC mB critical feature of the multicollision induced dissocia- tion scheme used here is that the fraction of the ion’s where n is the number of atoms in the cluster, mC is the translational energy that is converted into internal en- mass of the atoms in the cluster, mB is the mass of the ergy is small (a few percent). Helium is chosen as the collision gas atoms, and C is an empirical correction collision gas for these experiments because it is such a factor (obtained from previous cluster dissociation poor collision partner. As a consequence, large changes studies[19]).Forthealuminumclustersstudiedhere,F in the translational energy of the cluster ions are re- is around 5%. Note that the kinetics of dissociation do quired to compensate for small changes in their average not need to be considered because the objective of the internal energies. This amplification is a critical feature experiment is to reproduce the same degree of dissoci- of the experiments. ation(thesameinternalenergy)bybalancingthecluster ions initial thermal energy and the energy obtained Analysis of Experimental Results from collisions. Figure4showsanexampleoftheexperimental Figure3illustratesthestepsinvolvedindeducing results.TheupperpanelinFigure4showsaplotof ϩ heat capacities from the measurements: First clusters, TE50%D against temperature for Al79. Note that be- J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81 ION CALORIMETRY 77

small system from a thermodynamic perspective. Away from the melting transition, the measured heat capaci- ties are in reasonably good agreement with the predic- tions of the Debye model. The heat capacity of the liquid cluster (i.e., temperatures above ϳ700 K) is larger than for the solid cluster (i.e., temperatures below ϳ450 K). This behavior is expected as usually have larger heat capacities than because of the extra configurational entropy in a liquid. There are two assumptions inherent in the analysis described above that should be examined further. First, the heat capacity scale is defined using eq 1. Since this is an approximation, the absolute values of the heat capacities could be subject to error. The high-tempera- ture limit to the Debye heat capacity is the classical value, and the solid clusters are expected to have heat capacities that are close to this quantity. As evident in Figure4,themeasuredheatcapacitiesareinreasonably good agreement with the predictions of the Debye model. While this suggests that the method employed here does not lead to a significant systematic error, we should still be cautious about interpreting small differ- ences in the absolute values of the heat capacities. A second assumption that is buried in the analysis de- scribed above is that the fraction of the cluster ions translational energy that is converted into internal en- Figure 4. An example of the experimental results. The top panel ergy is independent of the structure or phase (solid or shows the measured TE50%D (translational energy for 50% dis- ϩ liquid) of the cluster and the cross section. The fraction sociation) plotted against temperature for Al79. The lower panel shows the heat capacity determined from the TE50%D values (see of translational energy converted into internal energy text). The heat capacity is in units of the classical value 3Nk, where should be independent of the collision cross section 3N ϭ (3nÅ6ϩ 3/2) and 3nÅ6isthevibrational contribution, because the cross section determines the collision fre- 3/2 is the rotational component, and k is the Boltzmann constant. quency (i.e., the distance traveled between collisions), The thin dashed line shows the heat capacity calculated using a not the energy transferred in the collisions. The colli- modified Debye model that incorporates a low-frequency cut-off toaccountforthefinitesizeofthecluster[21]. sions are impulsive (the collision velocities exceed the speed of sound in bulk aluminum) at the relevant collisionenergies[22].Thus,theaverageenergytrans- cause of the amplification mentioned above, relatively ferred in the collisions should be independent of the small changes in the thermal internal energy of the structureandphaseoftheclusters.Theheatcapacities cluster ion as a function of temperature lead to large measured for the liquid clusters are slightly larger than changes in the TE50%D values. The lower panel shows forthesolid,butthisbehaviorisusuallyobservedfor a plot of the heat capacities derived from the TE50%D bulk materials. valuesasdescribedabove.TheresultsshowninFigure 4areanaverageofthreeindependentmeasurements. Results The error bars (Ϯ one standard deviation) give an indication of the reproducibility. The heat capacity is Thecenterofthepeakintheheatcapacityduetothe giveninunitsoftheclassicalvalue3Nk,where3Nϭ latent heat is taken to be the melting temperature of Ϫ ϩ Ϫ ϩ (3n 6 3/2) and 3n 6 is the vibrational contribu- the cluster. For Al79 inFigure4,themeltingtemper- tion, 3/2 is the rotational component, and k is the atureisaround586K.Thisissignificantlylowerthan Boltzmann constant. The thin dashed line shows the thebulkmeltingpointof934K.Figure5showsaplot ϩ ϩ heat capacity calculated using a modified Debye model of the heat capacities measured for Al54 to Al53 as a ϩ ϩ that incorporates a low-frequency cut-off to account for function of temperature. The results for A54-Al63 have thefinitesizeofthecluster[21].Thepeakintheheat beenpublishedpreviously[15];theyarereproduced capacity and sharp drop in the TE50%D values at here so that they can be compared with the results for around 580 K is the signature of a melting transition. the larger clusters. Clusters with 54 and 55 atoms ThemeltingtransitionisbroaderthanshowninFigure have fairly well-defined melting transitions with 1forabulksystem,wheretheliquidandsolidonly melting temperatures just above 600 K. For clusters coexist at a single temperature, the melting point. For with 56 to 63 atoms, the melting temperature drops ϩ Al79 the liquid and solid coexist over a temperature and lies between 450 and 550 K. There is also a dip in range of around 150 K. This is because the cluster is a the heat capacities just before the melting transition 78 NEAL ET AL. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81

With increasing cluster size, a well-defined melting ϩ transition suddenly appears again for Al70 (seeFigure5). ϩ ϩ The abrupt change on going from Al69 to Al70 is striking. ϩ ϩ Sharp melting transitions then persist up to Al82. For Al83, apparently, the melting transition is starting to broaden outagain.Figure6showsaplotofthemeltingtempera- tures determined from the heat capacity measurements forclusterswith49to83atoms.Thedashedlineshowsthe bulk melting point of 934 K. All clusters have melting temperatures that are below the bulk melting point, ϩ ϩ ϩ though for Al65,Al66, and Al67 the melting temperatures are only marginally less than the bulk value (and for ϩ ϩ ϩ Al64 ,Al68 , and Al69, a melting transition is not detected in the heat capacities). Theareaunderthepeakintheheatcapacityisthe ϩ latent heat (or heat of fusion). For Al79 showninFigure Ϫ 4thelatentheatis291kJmol 1or3.0eV.Thisis34%of thebulkvalueonaperatombasis.Figure7showsa plot of the latent heats determined for aluminum cluster ionswith49to83atoms.Theupperplotshowsthe latent heat per cluster in electron volts. For clusters that show melting transitions, the latent heats vary from around 0.5 eV up to around 3.0 eV. The lower plot shows the relative latent heat (the latent heat per divided by the latent heat of bulk aluminum). The relative values vary from 10 to 40% of the bulk value.

Discussion ϩ ϩ Figure 5. Heat capacity plots for Al54 to Al83 as a function of temperature. The heat capacity is in units of the classical value While most clusters in the size range examined here 3Nk, where 3N ϭ (3n Ϫ 6 ϩ 3/2) and 3n Ϫ 6 is the vibrational exhibit peaks in their heat capacities that can be attrib- ϩ contribution, 3/2 is the rotational component, and k is the uted to melting transitions, for a few (such as Al69) there Boltzmann constant. is no obvious peak. One possible explanation for this behavior is that the melting transition lies outside the fortheseclusters.Theoriginofthisdipwillbe 150 to 1050 K temperature range examined here. While discussed further below. this could mean that the melting temperature is above Clusters with 64 to 69 atoms lack clearly defined the bulk melting point, this behavior is not unprece- meltingtransitions.Forclusterswith64,68,and69 dented [26]. Another possible explanation is that the atoms the heat capacity plots are almost featureless. clusters melt within the temperature range examined For clusters with 65, 66, and 67 atoms there are small here, but that they melt without a latent heat. This maxima at around 900 K. Though small, these max- behavior has recently been found in experimental stud- ima are reproducible. If these features are due to melting, there is a spectacular jump in the melting temperature between 62 (453 K) and 66 (902 K) atoms. Such a large jump forces us to ask if there could be another explanation for the small maxima in the heat capacities at around 900 K. For example, some gal- lium clusters have been shown to melt without a significantpeakintheheatcapacity[23].Couldthe clustermeltatalowertemperatureandthepeaks observed at around 900 K be due to a liquid-to-liquid phase transition? Liquid-to-liquid phase transitions are very rare in single component liquids. Phospho- rusistheonlyknownexample,[24,25]andeven there, exceedingly high pressures are required to access the second liquid phase. Thus, apparently the only plausible explanation for the behavior of clusters with 65, 66, and 67 atoms is that the melting temper- Figure 6. Plot of the melting temperatures (deduced from the ature suddenly jumps up to around 900 K. center of the peaks in the heat capacity plots) against cluster size. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81 ION CALORIMETRY 79

dips. Additional peaks can arise from premelting tran- sitions, such as surface premelting, where the surface of the cluster melts before the core. Core premelting, where the core melts before the surface, is also feasible for substances where the liquid is more dense than the solid. Premelting normally results in a small peak that precedes the main melting transition. Premelting is oftenobservedinsimulationsofclustermelting,[30– 36]butitappearstobelessprevalentintheexperimen- tal studies. There appear to be no examples of multiple peaks in the heat capacities in the size range examined here, although some evidence for this behavior was foundinstudiesofsmalleraluminumclusters[15]. For most clusters with 56 to 62 atoms, a dip in the heat capacity precedes the peak assigned to the melting ϩ transition. A few larger clusters (such as Al77 ) also showadipbeforethepeak(seeFigure5).Thedipsare attributed to annealing transitions where the clusters convert into lower energy as the temperature israised.Figure9illustrateshowanannealingtransi- tion leads to a dip in the measured heat capacity. Assume that at low temperature the cluster ions are trapped in Structure A, that Structure B is the lowest energy isomer, and that there is a significant activation barrier between A and B. As the temperature is raised to

T3, the internal energy is large enough so that some of A can convert into B as the clusters travel through the heated extension. When A converts into B, the incipient Figure 7. Plot of the latent heats (deduced from the area under B contains an internal energy that is larger than pos- the peaks in the heat capacity plots) against cluster size. The upper sessed by equilibrated B at T . The incipient B will plot shows the latent heat per cluster in electron volts. The lower 3 plot shows the relative latent heat (the latent heat per atom subsequently be thermalized by collisions with the divided by the latent heat of bulk aluminum, which is 10.71 kJ buffergas.AsshowninFigure9,theamountofenergy Ϫ1 mol ). required to dissociate B at T3 is larger than for A at the same temperature. This increase in the amount of energy required for dissociation leads to an inflection in iesofsmallgalliumclusters[23].Ithasalsobeen the TE50%D values, as shown in the plot on the upper observed in molecular dynamics simulations where it righthandsideofFigure9,andadipintheheat has been found to occur for clusters that have disor- capacity. Because the dip is due to an annealing transi- dered ground states. Here the “ground state” consists of tion, it is expected to vanish if the clusters are in their numerous nearly degenerate structures that lack global lowest energy geometries at all temperatures. symmetry[27–29].Thehighsymmetryordered-struc- tures, like icosahedral and fcc, are higher in energy than the lowest energy disordered structures, and so melting proceeds through the finite size analog of a second- order phase transition (i.e., similar to the melting of a glass). For clusters to melt with a latent heat, (which is analogous to a first-order phase transition in the bulk), there must be a significant gap between the low-energy ordered structures and the disordered ones, as illus- tratedinFigure8.Forclusterswithdisorderedground states the question arises whether the ordered struc- tures are destabilized, or the disordered ones stabilized. Becausetheenergyofthedisorderedstructuresisnot expectedtoshowastrongclustersizedependence,itis Figure 8. Diagram illustrating the origin of the latent heat in the presumably the ordered structures that are destabilized melting of metal clusters. In (a) there is a significant gap between in clusters that melt without a latent heat, as illustrated the lowest energy ordered structures and the disordered ones that evolve into the liquid states. Here a first-order transition occurs inFigure8b. with a latent heat. In (b) the ordered structures are embedded in Inadditiontoapeakintheheatcapacityduetoa the disordered ones. Here a second-order transition occurs with- melting-like transition, there can be other peaks and out a latent heat. 80 NEAL ET AL. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2007, 18, 74–81

the bulk melting point. This is consistent with the predictionofthermodynamicscalingmodels[6].But the melting points of clusters in this size regime are not alwaysdepressed,bothtinandgalliumclustershave elevatedmeltingpoints,[16,26]aresultthathasbeen attributed to the clusters having different geometries anddifferentbondingthaninthebulk[41–43].The latent heats for the melting transitions are all smaller than the bulk value. In simulations, the latent heat (per atom)hasbeenfoundtodecreasewithclustersize[44], and there is some indication of a systematic decrease in thelatentheatsinFigure7.Peaksinthelatentheatsat 50 to 60 atoms and at around 80 atoms are correlated with local maxima in the melting temperatures. A connection between these quantities is expected. For bulk materials Figure 9. Diagram illustrating how annealing to a lower energy structure (as the temperature is raised) leads to a dip in the heat ⌬ Hm capacity plot. The diagram on the left shows how annealing into a T ϭ (2) m ⌬ lower energy structure leads to an increase in the energy required Sm to reach the dissociation threshold. The plot in the upper right shows TE50%D values for a system that does not show an ⌬ where Tm is the melting temperature, Hm is the latent annealing transition (black) and one that does (red). An inflection ⌬ in the TE50%D values occur at the annealing transition. The lower heat, and Sm is the entropy of fusion (the entropy plot shows the heat capacities derived from the TE50%D plot that change associated with melting). It is obvious that for a shows the annealing transition. few clusters around n ϭ 66 (the ones that apparently have high melting temperatures) the correlation be- tween the melting temperature and the latent heat is The difference between the energies of A and B (the broken. In this region, the clusters have small or van- annealing energy) can be estimated from the area of the ishing latent heats so high melting temperatures in this dipintheheatcapacityplots.Figure10showsaplotof region must be related to a vanishing entropy of fusion. theannealingenergiesobtainedforclustersthatshow significant dips. The annealing energies are all rela- tively small, less than 1.0 eV. Significant dips (annealing Conclusions transitions) are observed for two groups of clusters, The thermodynamic properties of isolated ions have centered roughly around 60 and 80 atoms. These are largely been ignored in the past. With the development probably cluster size regimes where the basic geometry of techniques that can place large ions in the of the cluster is changing. If the growing clusters follow gas phase, thermodynamic measurements (like heat a particular growth sequence (i.e., fcc or icosahedral) capacities) have the capability to reveal useful informa- eventually it may become less favorable or another tion about structural transitions and phase transitions geometric structure becomes lower in energy. At this that can occur in isolated ions. The method employed point the cluster must change its basic geometry, a here to determine heat capacities is based on reproduc- process that involves an activation energy. But if enough energy is not provided during cluster growth to accomplish this geometry change, the cluster will be- come trapped in a metastable geometry, and subse- quently anneal when the temperature is raised. Meta- stable traps are expected to become more prevalent with increasing cluster size. ItisevidentfromFigure6thattherearelarge variationsinthemeltingtemperatureswithclustersize. 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