WBATMEE Forecast et U. 8. Weathar Buaaa. Haittor*

Oenerally fU r sad wanMV te- night and Wednesday.



Guard Army Posts in Spy Plot LEVINE AWAITS PrmMAN URGES



Would Add eOo ' lGIiioiisTe ^toitchet At PfcoM While AT HURLEY’S CHARGES

New Rochelle Police Keep Proposed BOiioii; Dedares

Declares Latter’s Report

GEN. PERSHING’ S Hands Off; M issnf Boy IL S. M ist Be hrepared To Here Is A Summary Generalizes, Exasgeratet,

Sud To Be G*Mra AdnuKr Wm If War Shoold Cone. CONDITION NOW Misrepresents And Makes Of Macdonald's Views

New RocheUe, N. T., March 1. Washington, March 1.— (A P ) — MUCH IMPROVED Statements Unsnppertod

Pittman, who as chairman of the of selling U. 8. military eecreU abroad, investigators said they had ment; Doctor Says Hisj comments to critlclahis of bis de- Department. The highway oomrois- Hartford, March 1.—-(A P ) Senate Foreign Relations Committee learned the plotters planned to lure OoL H. W. T. ^Un, (left) to a aioner haa nothin,^ to hide and noth- partment by Robert A. Hurley, frequently voices administration hotel to gain possession of certain documents. Ool. Eglln state commi.ssioner of public wc(ks: ing to fear from any unbiased siir- The issues in a bitter contra* opinions, did not oSier specific pro- Is commander of Fort Totten and th e 62nd Coast Artillery. Mean- versy over the State Highway Recovery (hite Probable. " I D The 'Inquiries' made by the vey. . xieala for spending the extra money. time Col. Thomas Hanley, (right) commanding Mitchel Field, oa-Long commissioner of public works in the "(4 ) The staff of the commis- Department were defined t<*r The Navy department, he said, cotud Island, threw heavy guaM around the b|g air base to forestall further Highway Department were not es- sioner of public- works assigned to day after Commissioner Jobs jwork out details. possible espionage attempts. the State Higbwsy Department did "Our government must be pre- Tucson, Alls., Msreh 1—(AP) — sential to the e.xerclse o the powers A. Macdonald contended in E and the performance of the duties not display credentials in the High- pared to win,” he declared, "if we Gen. John J. Pershing, refreshed by he assumed With respect to the way Department, notwithstanding formal report to Goverw# are Imposed upon by any lovemment hours of natural sleep, continued hla O' group of governments.” Highway Department's work under that they were qoing far beyond Cross that criticism of hia 4** Improvement today and Dr. Roland Speaking slowly and thoughtfully, a ruling of the attorney general. the scope of the powers and duties partment had neither basis fig Davison said recovery "seems quite wUch the ,'comml^oner of public Plttmah'added In an Interview: *Tf The commissioner of public works justifleation and that “mueb** ! we are prepared to win, In my opin- WATERBURY PROBE probable” If ho continues his pres- knows this ful. well. worlu was supposed to be exercis- of it was "crudely decepUvji'i w ing under the ruling of the attorney ion we HI not be attacked. The ent pace and there la no relapse. "(2 ) The .ommlssloner of public only answer to a threat la to In- works chose to pursue his 'Inquiries' general. If In any case they did .lOt and cruelly destructive.” "General Pershing had a very crease our naval program. It la the by undercove • methods. Neither the receive the help they needed, they Lashing back at PuUle; good night,” Dr. Davison'a first bul- cheapest insurance, both in money str.te highway commissioner nor can find the reason In thel' own MAY C O V E R m iE , letin of the day reported, adding to Works Commissioner Robert A.-; and human life, that I know of. the feeling of optimism evident at any employee of the department secretiveness. Hurley’s indictment of the No Time lor Fear "(5 ) The report of the comnfis- the aanatoTlum since the World War was informed, officially or unoffi- "While we all hate wai and fear sioner of public works to the gov-^ partment for “inefficiency commander started rallying Sun- cially, that the commisrioner of to have our loved ones die, this la emor is not a temperate or a care- wastefulness,” MacdonsM no time to indicate fear.” day. public works desired to make a IS ALCO R N’S HINT ful statement of facts, reasoned comprehensive survey of the State serted that the Hurley r6po«| Chairman Vinson (D„ Co.) pre- "He slept six and one-half hours dicted the House Naval Committee and seemed much better this morn- Highway Department. conclusions, and constructive recom- “generalizes, misrepresents, mendations but is a series of gen- Peter Levine would have the administration's de- ing,” the physician said. "He Is fully "(3 ) Had ht mformod the high- aggeratea, denounces, braadlAl fense program ready for HouM con- way commissioner of bis derirs to eralisations, murepresentatlons; ex- In Calling For A Grand Jury, consclbus. While all danger Is not all officers of the highway trsugbt family waited tensely for elderatlon In a day or two. iHibllc yet passed, if the Improvement of make a comprehensive survey of the aggerations, denunciations, and some word of the boy's fate. The sw eeping oUegatlona” partment as poor servants ' hearings ended yesterday. | LA TE NEWS the last 24 hours continues and State Highway Department, the harried father, a New Yerk law- Two stumbling blocks to quick Special Proseentor Says there is no relapse, his recovery the state, and makes stfirtUnK^g yer, kept constant vigil at a tele- action appeared, however, as Vinson seems quite probable.” phone, hoping that The abductors allegations unsupported v ; : called the committee into secret ses- Sattsfield With Patient would contact him. A reliable sion to dlscius the legislation line by Evidence Foond Leads Be* FLASHES! facts.” ,,'i sourca Indicated be bad raised the line. They were: "That,” Dr. Davison explained, "is His 147-page answer to tbL doctor’s way of saying he Is entire $601)00 demanded for safe rs- L A series of amendments which REICH WARNS EUROPE

tum of tha boy. yond Confines Of The CHy very well satisfied with his patient.” ley, laid on the governor’s d Vinson will offer. 500,000 N E W JOBS Peter, a precocious school boy 3. The controversy within the Dr. Davison returned to the late yesterday, took up In

with open adratration for the ex- committee over the respective merits Washlngtoa, klarch 1,— (A P ) — sanatorium early this morning af- tail each of the charges 1« ploiU of O-men, vanished myateri- ot airplanes and batUeshipv for na- The Works Progress admiolstrstlon ter sleeping at Us home in Tucson, rrs AIR FORCES READY Waterbury, March 1.— (A P )— against his department an ouily last Thursday, A few hours ttofud dofonoe. oathoriied today aa Inoreose of (MW,- seven miles away, for the first time later hie mother was reported to Vtoaon wOl propose that the blU Superior Court Judge Ernest A. 000 Jobs la work relief emptoyment. since General Pershing's condltlofa swered most of them w M i i have found the taasona note bMUea include a declaration of policy aaytng Inglto today ordered a Orand Jury ■ lataed the total Jeb qoota bucaoM critical. IX. Cob S. U. categorical denial. beoeath a roek. ” • that the Navy Mwa he uaed adtoly to be impaneled J iw a d ta ^ ja aja w y a * *^ ^^ Marlstta, War O epartam l tourri- Not Old) P M T* Pntect ‘^ASR I N F O R M A T M ) N DeaFeal to eco- have extended beyond the confines est onto fioanee oomponlea anxiety wUch she has felt tor her a major state office after the r taci-talm. Ha promUiad they could (Uoottwsea on Pago Fwo) of the city.” agreed, to oceept the nsajor poiatq brother. Lights In ber cottage were „, J To Know What Britain Is cratic landslides of recent do ao 'to aafaty. and said tha De- HU statement It was taken to of PreaMeat Boeoeveir e eoggestlons Berltn, March 1— (A P ) — Field fought back when Hurley paatmeot of Juatlee and Waatohes- mean that the evidence , unearthed toward eUmtaatlm of "higa pweeiirc (Oeatinoed oa Page Seven) Marshall General Hermann WUhelm n n n s T a pArVAl (till ^lEAfi ed to take over the major f ter .Oofmtgr authorities had agreed by Hr. Alcorn’s staff durtog the eulseatoiHlilif* of antontobUee. Goering warned Europe today that MOfflg 10 r e i T e i U U l OpieS ot bis department and was : to staiM aside while he tiled to ae- peat three weeks will eventuate in la a letter deUveied to tke Presi- upheld by a court decUiaa. VETERANS’ BUREAU Germany's mighty air force was 88 to gottotOe Meanwhile,' bbVever, the a probe virtually state-wide in Its dent by the Mlehlgaa Seoator, the poised In readiness to protect not That was tha Drat word that the scope. large fiaance films aab* they would London, March 1.— (A P )— Spy cretic public works con boy had been kidnaped. CHINESE ABANDON Judge InglU announced a list of not object to a Umitatlan ot 18 only the Reich Itself but also "ten coh|clous members of Parliament bed conducted a sweeping The fine Levine home la this taffi' TO HELP JOBLESS Grand Jurors within five minutes millions of Germans on our bor- gation of tha -highway kauibla «uburt) again waa barred manthe on InstaUment paymenla laid down a barrage of anxious to after the brief court eeulon and ders.” which led him to recommend- vlsItorB, the windows closely cur- for-oaro. Brown said. There are about 10,000,000 Osr- questions today, demanding to know High Sheriff Edward J. Slavia and SHANSI DEFENSES “complete reorgonlsaUon” to ( tained. blinds pulled down. Inride mans Ih Austria, Germany's south- how the government Intended to nor Cross in a report chargInE Deputy James O'Leary started im- GETS CONFIDENCE VOTE i P e to ^ father, hla worried mother Director Hmes Laraches A ern neighbor where Nlsilsm was a protect rearmament secrets, fol- operations' resulted in 'kp "* and hla 8-year-old sister impatient- mediate service. Judge TngUs, named special Judge Fhrie. March 1— (A P ) —The Sen- burning Issue today, and In Czech;*. losses" to the state. ly awaited some tangible word from lowing tha tUacovery of on attempt by Chief JusUoe WllUam H. Malt- ate today voted oonfidence in the Japanese Report 100,000 SlOVKkiSL. to sabotage two of the nation's Celled Not Feaollila And'I the Udnapera that he wae'oafe. government of Premier Camille "W e tingle with eagerness to show Phi To Find Places For hie when Judge Frank P. McEhmy newest bombing planes. Macdonald, defending .the Louis 8. Berner, attorney, friend Chantempe by adopting the lint we are Invincible,” Goering eald at a Caiwalloa disqualified himself Feb. 4, arrived .The questions put down for the of his department oa boind oq( eectlon of hie labor code by 178 to Fleeing Area; Chinese Say third annlvcrsBiy celebration of some principles upon which it i Two) 300,000 Ex-Serrice Men. at the Court House shortly Before 68 Germany's new air force, which he earliest possible ans'wer—probably 10 o'clock, and went Into oonferenoe . tomorrow—covered a long ^riod of propose to reorganise the The premier stelmd IJie life of as air minister created. « Isolated incidents of sabot^e. govemmenL a s s ^ e d that • Ids OOMaet ea the tost, a orlMoal Otter Fronts Holding Firm The "shameful peace” of Ver- - (Oonttaoed On Page lagtit) Three questions asked informa- gonlzatlon plan ireposed by-1 Waabtagton, March 1— (A P ) potat ia ceasideratlea of bte prepoe- sailles, he said, broke and abolished was not feeble. the Fatherland'e former sir fleet but tion about the lost mysteiy bomb- SEARCH FOR PLANE Tlia Vstqiana Adminlatratlon undei- ed laber IsSto. The Benaten deeUn- “There probably has .nenmr now the German eagle's wings are er, which vanished on a trul flight toak today tha task of finding Jobs eo to take reepeasIbiUty for over- Shanghai, March 1.— (A P )— A peered In a. pmpft ■ raopoa throwing the government on this around the British Isles last week. for 800,000 unemployed ex-servtoe Chtaese army of 100,000 turned in spread again. Another question dealt with the public officer in 0>iuiecUaut,’^ men. » G.O.P. PLANNING qosstiea. flight through southern Shansi Facing an audience composed sold, "a more recktow and BEARING PAYROLL Approximately a 1 ^ million • • • province today, leaving the Japan- largely of aviators, Goering declar- ous statement than that of Q i- ______(Continued oa Page Seven) qqasabnnaiiea went Into the malls, MABKET8 AT A GLANCE ese In control of virtually all the e«'. mlssloner of public works to I ‘And so, my comrades, we have addreaasd to veterans who have re- RESEARCH PRO JEa New Yorh, March 1.— (A P )—- vast area to the north and east of feet that by reorganizing ported tiiemaelvea without wcrl the Yellow river. all helped lay the foundations of highway department Stocks—Firm; steels lead quiet tliat force which no longer permits (HRaak Bcfiere Pilot W u They were aokad to fill in tha cards, rally. The Chinese retreat was bombed fimds can be mode svaUaUe I Germany to be exposed to Im- detraing the type at work for which Bonds— Steady: seoondary rails In continuously by Japanese planes EX-RED CHIEFTAINS all the new and modern bij seeking to rout completely -what- potence and violation of her nation- the state which traffic ' they are fitted, and retnrn them to vaa of rally. I Forced Down In Philipiiiie the muted States Employment Df. Frank Announces Detaik ever Chinese armed forces remained al rights. shown to be pceded.” Curb— Mixed; spfdaltles aad oils "Go the Umlt" Serrlea March SL Improve. along the gigantic, U-fprmed Yel- BROUGHT TO TRIAL The highway coromlOfikaifir BfliamiHr Oanaral Frmik T. Btaeo, low's course through mld-C3iina. “And If the Fuehrer (AdoK Hit- answered at length' .tzchn' ~ Wilds; $30,000 On Boird. Of The Plan; Te Operate Foreign Exeboage — Narrow; ler) in hla Relclistag speech (of Feb. who util tompleta 15 yeaia* iarvite franca immove. Japanese mllltaiy accounts to- clam of the alw.oooAOO aa vaterana admlnletimtor tonight, night said the C3>inese were "total- 80, affirming the Reich’s resolve to Parkway ta Fairfield county i Cotton "E asy; bedglag and .for- ly demoralized” and abandoning the t German minorities in neigh, said In an interview he onnsldered eign eelling. fended the policy of acqulrteE I Manna, Match L — (A P )—Mya- Throigh Regioiial Gronps south Shansi defenses with large, states) presented the proud Ice Floe Scientists Job In 1888 a "critical" year for former Sugar—Higher; steady spot mar- for that htghwqy bydlrect pur" tery today au.Tuuaded the diaap- straggling groups trapped in the S of achievement add used rather than condemnation pr aoidlers. ket. pearanoe--;kt_a payroll-laden plaae snow-blanketed mountains by a rap- these proud'words, that we no long- "The average affe world war Ings. A Grand Jiii^ Is'now f' between Manila and Paracale, UO ot <3Mca»o, Monh L—(AP) — The Coffee—<)alet; trade boytag. idly tightening ring of Japanese er can tolerate Uie maltreatment Public Demand That For- veterans alrendy is betwesn 45 and gating tha 86.000J)08 T mHek southeast of here In Cama- Republican Party program commlt- troopa. vritb Impunity of ten millions of purebaaes and will bflfl^the'^ 48." be said. rtnak Norte province. Burton HaU toa ohartod today the deUUa of a The main China foroe, Japansse Germans on our borders, then yon week of its session - today; "Increasing age with natural INCOME TAX RUSH mer Officials Be Executed cf Theson, Aria., was at tha cen- resaarch projtot embodying three said. Had across Uw Yellow rivet members of the air force know that Further, he.assfrtad that ] physical handteapa and resultant un- IMlnelpal ohjwttves. into Shensi province to the south If need be you must go the limit to accusation tliat certain coh trola when the commercial ptone employment oooMltutea a serious Hartford, March 1.— (A P )—Heavy left ou a regular run yeaterday. The program was adopted yester- and west, main stronghold of Chi- mak8''plne Aerial Taxi Cb. cffl- nese Communist troops. Fuehti(i"' 'absolutely unfoumW’ and- beeauae at commercial and Indua- mittee. Or. Glenn Frank, ehaimon ed Internal Revenue (fotlector Bla'a "Ice F16e Scientists" today dais admlttxl the payroO was on Wupao Is Oorapled. The nEiuTectlon of German mili- tended that if there bod beell'j trial rataetanee to employ older of the group, said It Included: Thomae 8. Smith to augment hie One Japwese column reportedly tary sir potoirhcgan in 1633, a, few Joined In a growing public demand lapse In field Inspection sfirvkqfl board but declined to ampUfjr the L An ‘Twasst, o^eCtivo audit” of regular staff here with 85 Inspectors for the death of 81 former Soviet ■tatonMnt. Other aouroea aald qSr crossed the Yellow to occupy Wu- days aftor iflUar came to power, public works commlssldner w».a;E| the New Deal. called in from tbrougitout the state. pao, first town to be c^tured by Goering aal6 post offtoe Papanlo, was quoted thus in a radio agiaed to ha)p Bampliti raglstoaa ever .that Japanese offensives)else- “under Ihe ptoteeUon of which the demnatirm of the taotlea foUsws pany. Inc. 8. A re-statameht of tlM party’s building. message fhom the ioe breaker Ter- at tha uaec ^ yed. An appeal to where were held in check. whole program of iijarmament Hurley In his inveatlgat|0(i Oompany officials thaoHaad HgU l^ tlc a l and ■cpnomle phUooophy In mak, one of the veasela which aped tpSH iadnatsy by RaddeBt Rooeevelt, be More' than IM O a day - now are Tonight's Chinese accounts: coulff bo carried out ” sequent report. had been forced down along Laaiati ate light of eanent eontitlons. filing directly at)the .Intemal reve- to rescue the scientists from uieir aald. nUxht follow. Chinese still held on area SO miles ‘riM a camouflaged robabllitatian He assorted be was never j Bay, over which he would travel'th The eeaMntttae decided to oper nue office, in addition to the hun- was ffffllctllt,” Goering declared. earap on aa Arctlo flop; Loedetag backward to March 8, regtonal qtoiipa. each eyrith ed bf the “stop* and' ("' a direct line to Paracala Twenty- 18^ wh« PiaaldeBt Harding ap- dreds received daffy fay malL (Osattaned on Pag* Eight) “The off’loofs could rtot wear uni- “Together with the'whole people ,the^urley_sury^. qnd fttUyu three t B fa » ’'Rlt'TiSwaraJyniey'-remained we ask that Soviet' .’Jiivtlw impose lacludlng-18- -Arm y -^iMYlirTitir^ cross •seUoii 'Of rd the public wotlm 'con the highest dSfpree at pirelstuaent. ■eout and bombing plaaes, enpgad■“ * ana* Bmuan, Wnas Hated three rank and Me. soldiers all the more.'' of *kieceptlon” tn phot In a search ilpday hut wming to Cut .Arms Those bandits ebould be executed acUevaaMato ffnee then as out Dr. Frank said rogkmal ohatiinm various road ptv^fects, ( cred by thira tog and rain. ■taadlag; EatehUtoment hf regional woti)d rapert to a eshtral agooey Thfou|dunit this period Germany without axnraUan.’’ Merritt- Parkway, sUhiafti . NaUon-wtdc workers' meeUngs SaU had haen i^ing for Pateo ffaa odRea; tnapltallnitlim for veforaas whoaa haadqui rtara would ka In Ohi- was WUItng to negotiste arms hts report. « yeari and had a spetleae record. oC all wmia, and eonaoUdatlon in caga The eehtiml group, he aald. limitation on a bo.5is of equality, he made- the some demand, in keeping "The oommlsalaqer' of., witb Soviet custom and aa a prelim- Tha company aald he was at one 1880 ot the peaaloa Bmeau, Veter- would atotnUte a reaeareh staff. 8atd, hut •Vjthers” never really were works," hO-charged,'' thae a fo * the China Natloaai ans Bniaan aad- NaUoaal Homas I A s S M n t t u v Willing to grant It. inary, to the opening of the trial to- the)tricks ef rnoddm SHOP.... morrow. Aviatloo Oorp. Be la a W tniaa>Mud..Md*Uat to Natkm- Qormany acted Independantly. Tbs alleged murder of Maxhn oSteer la the tJattad Statoa Army Stoee 1888. HUMS aatd, tha BniB* al Oommtttee cajafamaa Ma D. M. therefore. HlUer’s chief aids de- (CtoDflnlMa on P a g* j Alrcorpa. Ramittan. was aaatod fnll-tiaM aao- cl«^, and the result It “lurt m Gorky, one of three laid to the so- ber of bqapttal bade baa taicreaaed Tomorrow Morning called "Buchorin Bond”, was at The searching plaaaa reti|raad retanr ot tha ptejmaa eonunittae. nUnw parade of apparatos'but .. ,1': . I from 85.309 to 58J161, aad tha num- atarpest war weapon'vra could -toibated by the Literature gazette TBEASUBY lata today without havlim found ber ot veteraaa hospitals from 58 to Or. Frank waa anmcNiaed to aano Manchestar’g Merchants Ha we Am actd BMwetellF two vlce-raatayagn aad a qwMal com- C-daviss."^ to fear of the writer's pen. any traca’of Ran. 8L Attractive Merehandlse At U resimI Yldw. for BhorUy before Goermt’i speech •Gorky's death. June 18. 1938, had Washington. March Irv<4 Foot patrUa have baaa pent into The edminUtratloo said oentl mlttae to ownlder *kiieelal prob- lems" which might artae. ToEtoerow B fo rm ^ . . . H jot W*iit Tiia To Get at the air mlnlatty,' H lt% pwsoptod been nscrlbed to pneumonia com- The b ^ t l w of 'the tha moontaina of aoutham Ikyabaa ment for a hnmd peaahm program Dr. Frank osM the eeq«q«tH^ rifiB W E D )^ > A Y BfOmUNG KAKRT , him with a field nfarahaTs baton— plicated by tuberctiosls. Feb, fc: " aid northern GaaArtae Hdrte arov- probabty woold haw a dlract oea would not recelvo fitodi from tBa n ^ oymbol ot ths rank to which Jia "They feared him”, the Gazette RecelhU 8I3fffiB.fiS94ls taeaa, the Fbl8ii|aito arkiy M ra < nectloB with the atbnbdatrdtk^a tkrnal committoo. Metboda of ft a u ^ Kee P e « c Five ForTtral Vahitar dsviCted uie air ihiniator )h‘ the anld, "because he was a wise, firm. lures 818.737.71083; ^ Donaoed. The aariaf ae r t eeeas la fladliig smptmraient for. 974,160.S87Jip; cUstfifin L.. JiMtoa vitacaaa. the month.|^fi8t^7A|^' where his child) w could hava pri- vate tutora. Thia, hs said, was oon- trary to the Communist prindplas. -R EUGIOUS FORCES The Nasi menace it Just aa bad as Communism, he aatd, aimed aa it la to deatroy tba fundamental rellglona UND POWERFUL IN U. S. of tha world. MlUiont ct dollars have also baaq-.-lspant on Rad propa- Expanded Account Appropriation 2-28-88 Balance ganda In Mexico. Charities cheater people were fortunate In Activity of the Communlata eaasaataas ...I 100,000.0 3 56,*23.11 6 44,076A0 TRAINING INSTITDTE baying an opportunity at this time Highways: rnfoty la 4Bppeiy wmtW . It .hil B. WinI b iU- ahown among the negroes of this uanaral Malntananos ...... 06,000.00 Towi Treasver Waddd HuraiUty that low sweet rooL yea assd naw tbea, boy I n of seeing the exhibit and of bearing country, attempts having btan 38.352.08 36.717.07 Hoskj Sheriff Wields Wp Sdectmen ApiiroTe Install* Britain’ s Premier Has No In- Ddegations From Three Oth- from which all heavenly virtues tha lecture by tha Manchester Naw Equipment...... 20,000.00 18.636.06 1468.08 KILL STREET UGHTS HELD AT TWO POI NTS saw. Tina beekm la dottag made, he said, to hava tba negroes Snow Account ...... 6.000.00 shoot.—Moore. Aren Here CHei Organi- churchman as societies and clubs set up a separata Negro state in tha 6,000.00 4.000. 60 00040 Tdk Of {Bcideott here- eold weather lari loocss. Hence, throughout the west and south have Oiling ...... 3.500.00 608.07 ing Stop Light, Howe?er, tention Of Quitting Post er Tribes Present For Ob- aoutb acceding, from tha Union, If ComeUriea ...... 1.601.08 As Phyiician Comte 20 Mplled foi a date from the New 10.000.00 4,168.31 6.831.70 PLAN ON LONG TERM need be, to accomplUh that purpose. Street U g btin g...... 33.000. 00 Union Church In Rockville And rot MOW SCONOSUCM WIKTSK alioB Tbt Has Been Con- York headquarters of the Trinity Thousands of negroes In this coun- 10,163.10 13.847.00 by The Needy Here Soffe Lrsague. Education ...... 358.341.00 306,181A6 Oppose Goak Co. GnanL Dormg Present Trouble. Methodist Church In Staf- servance Of Anmvernry. MIVINO try have subscribed to the idea pre- I’olica ...... 168,060.16 Strokes; P ^ n e r Sobs Throat Raw? "There is a tendency among some 36.370.00 17,087.71 17,88740 ford Springs To Be Centers. stricted To Destroy God. sented by the Communist propagan- Board of Health '...... 6.800.00 S W I T C H T O RI C H ER ” . of us to disregard those things dlsta and only rscantly Rav. Ward 3.800.44 8,10846 XUuatratloB o f tha in which are going on all about us Parks and Tree Warden 13.000. 00 7.364.43 Od CoDmcTt Ad?ice Sdect- Under .The PmiilinenL Turning down n request of the By DEWITT MACKENZIE 4 With visitors from Hartford, Tor- attended a aarvloa In Naw York'a Spraying ...... 4,71848 which tha paymaat ct tmamploy. t o d ^ ’, Attorney Shea said. 900.00 aeaasaaass 000.00 Board of Police Commissioners that Rockville, March 1-r-The 4th an- rington and Rockville present Mlan- Catching Cold? : : Paul a Ward, C. 8. P„ a "Too often we thmk of ~these Harlem dlatrlet held to oounteract Building Inspector...... 3.000. 00 maat baaeflta ptaaUaaa tha town New York, March 1—Britain’s RIC HFIELD? 600J0 1400.70 DWB Vote Out Proposal there bo Inserted In the call for nual Leaderehip Training Institute tonomoh Tribe of Red Men last detrimental thintra In. the abstract. thla Insidloua Communist Influence. Bute Tax ...... 15.000. 00 14,664.13 OnniteiiwtUi Zontto—1 %mmm oT S ooll^ THE of tUa toam and aditor of Rav. WarA refused to blama tha Military Tax ...... 88048 waa made at laat night’s Balect- Baltimore, March 1.— (A P)— Prime Minister Chamberlain has of the Tolland Coimty Council of __ glAM mutt. ZooOtMPJrtmw wwv og g * 6 .000. 00 6,160.00 Monday night's town meeting a pro- night'observed their twenty-sIxUi "WladoiB", oftlelal pabUeatlcm of It la high time that we take note of Jawa aa a class for promoting and County Tax ...... *160.00 man’a masting by Town Treasurer Twenty lashes from a cat-o’-nink given every Indication thus far that IAoa 4MUI btker popular, aou pMnonMt the force that these "isms" are 17.000. 00 16,173.38 836.77 on for 82,600 for police patrol- Flaky Tomlin Religious Education will be held this anniversary. The first part of the MpfjjBUDdArdMMrBtonr IM fprow tUo* G A S O L I N E tba THoltjr Y.aairua, laat night leC' supporting tha Communist propa- Old Age Assistance...... Gaorge H. WaddaO, who wm For A Period Of Years. taUs Beared the bare back of Cly^l be doesn't Intend to let himself be observance of the date was a class commanding and the part that they 33.000. 00 83,603.41 406.80 plue 8700 for the Installation of year at two centers in order to pro- Zontt« d««crOT« All ktiMli of coU I ASK VOUB D IA U t FOB S O O k llT V ; la ir e d under the auaplces of tha ganda. He aaid that all Jewry should pAraga ...... degree working held In linker Hall. mniaetl And It tooilnA ra r Uwoot M are playing in the world today. 1,000.00 404.30 606.71 maridng ca tbo preaent taeraaaea la Miller before 80 wltaeasaa at Tbe State theater brings Pinky forced Into resignation and a gen- vide for more of the leaders of the •Aine Umo. You can tame and amualtit . ON W IN T It O aiV IN R ^liaufhtara of baballa on the growth not be blamed for the macblnationa Election Ebepensoa ...... 6 000.00 eharito expeadltures. S p e ^ 0 light at the high achool, the Atout 80 were In attendance. The I . 8.310.08 2onU9‘$ meM nal efeet! Rtcht awat. fam r "We are content to think of these Administration ...... 3.780.03 Acting on an opinion given by City Jail today m part of hls-< of Selectmen last night de- Tomlin, celebrated songwriter and eral election by the outcry, both at churches of tbe county. the propaganda preu in Ruaaia, of a few. He said that he had many 8 ,000.00 8,806.86 4,608.14 o of which came to nia attaatlon degree and business meeting was chroAt fiwlo bMwr. Spolto At HYGRADE OIL CO., INC. factors as far removed from us and Advertising and Printing Town Counsel William 8. Hyda that teaee of six months Imprisonment nied the sum for patrolling, but ap- star of stage, screen and radio, to home and abroad, against his new tOdAV/ OtfiHA At QOOA A O ditA rt m to M ^iiOamuuiy and Italy, eapecially that friends In the Jewish welfare and 2.000.00 1.648.61 16640 ysaterday, wars ettad by Mr. Wad Hartford, for four days beginning The churches are, the Union over shortly sfter 11 o’clock and tbe cold Bvcmi to your throAt. W# re peemm S3 Charter Oak Ave. Harttotfi > it which la anU>religioua and we throw a wall around ourselves, religious groups. Asaess. nnd Oollectlons It should not'undertake, any action for beating hU wife to a pulp last proved for Inaertloi in tbe meeting feeling safe In our Democracy. ‘Why 31.000. 00 10.383.60 10,717.40 dell to show that tha town, man tomorrow headlining an all-star 8 policy of bargaining along "prac- Churcb at Rockville and the First from Tinker Hall the members and tkm Zmite'9 fUkV rAvtiOt wtU [^%iati.aod. rather Ward, who before Mhb- and C t Bldga. 6 000.00 that srould commit tha town to long Tbureday night can the 8700 Item for a atop light tical” lines with the Fasbjst and Methodist Church of Stafford bother ourselves about Nasism, Complete Exhibit . 8.606.06 3.304.04 Umea loaee out undar ruUngs whleL act vaudeville bill. Few Horatio Miss Agnee Donahne out of town guests wont to the I OBtry into the Catholic prieat- Mam. and Arm. Days . . . 86o:oo raiigt obligatlona, the Board Bherlff Joseph C. Deegan, six feet Originally the Police Commla- Nazi dictators. Springs, with the courses )>eing of- Fadam and Communism,’ we cry. Tba exhibit ahown In High achool 60.00 ooaoo govan tho, payment aad reeelpt of Salaetmaa last night voted out ^ g e r beroe can equal tbe overnight home on Bralnard place where a ' baod, was employed In Cheney Mlaoellaaeous ...... 10.000. 00 two Inchaa tall aad weighing 320 lonere had asked for 82.500 "to re- fered on.Friday nights In March, , It Is time that we examine our own hall laat night la oonsidered tha 6.144.60 8,800.40 beaeflta. iroposal srhereby Uiere would have rise to fame and fortune that Is the The refusal of Idealistic cx-For- 4 Can a small-town girl, however dinner was served, having been pre- Jlrothera office, explained in detail Garbage Collections .... 15.000. 00 8,800.88 pounds, srietded ths whip ea th* 87- imburse the Police Commisalonere elgn Minister Eden, who precipi- 11, 18, 25 and the first Friday in national sMurity. mosk complete of Ita kind In tha ChUd Welfare . . i ...... 6,680.13 As aa inatanoa, WsddaU aald that «en included in the call for ths story of Pinky Tomlin, a new idol pretty, hold her man a ^ n a t the pared by Frank Diana, with assist- ^ maas operation! of Communiet, 3.000. 00 1.000. 00 year-old, 146-pound printer. for funds already expended’’, plus April, April 1. world, especlaUy that aectlon of It Honda •...... 1,000.00 two men, laid off from prtvata am' town meeting a plan for Jacking up of tbe entertainment-minded Amer- tated the political crisis, to push the determined competition of a blonde ance from other members of the ,ilbaeiatiand Naxi propagandists in; Attorney Shea stated that we are 106,000.00 67.000. 00 Miller cringed under the first the 8700 for the traffic light. Laat ican public. To millions of people fight against the premier has defi- There will be a popular course naturally proud of Manchester and bowUig a complete oblleetlon of Ubrarles ...... 101.000.00 ploymaat, raotntly tried to aecure streat light appropriation* here. movie star “ in pCrson” ? That's tribe. The cold weather and storm WEDNESDAY Vipisdlatlon of Ood. Manchester 18.000. 001 11,671.30 0,438.76 blow but gave no sound. At the night. It was admitted by Ckimmlsr throughout the country, Pinky Is nitely eased the situation. E(Jen re- for everyone on the subject: “The prevented many other tribes from gweple, monbeiiiig more than TOO, the United State* and am oertatn Epanlah Lattlat propaganda in tha Interest and Diaeount . . . plaoea on WPA Usts, which srould Under an agreement arrived nt the question which confronts Joyi^e MORNING United Stataa. The exhibit rangea 64.000. 00 81,178.68. 8343043 hava given them employaMat at a third, b* whimpered, sad thersaftsr alonets William F. Qulah and James known ss the small-town boy who signed the other day, declining to Values of the Oxford and the Edin- being represented at the gathering. f iHtMaaad tha naaicnally famoua eol- to foster and protect all thdb Ideals Dug Licenses ...... 1.600.00 •asa*a»«>* •oms Ume ago, ths Beieotmen had at sach blow hs gave way to aa un- Struthers in "Personal Appear- from fliera, pampbleta, cartoona, Town C ou rt...... 1.600.00 aalary laiga anough for thsm to been fnvornbfa to the gradlial step- H. Johnaton that the 82,500 re- hitch-hiked his way to Califonila, carry out his chiefs program on burgh Ecumenical Conferences.” ance.” the lively comedy which the ONLY! ^ laetion of anti-religious, anti- demo. upon which ou;;* epuntry was found- 8.000. 00 8.864.44 4,08546 oontrotted sob. quested baa not yet been totally ex- crashed the gates of Hollywood and f Matle Hterature, books, newspapers, poiteri, magaxlnes, hooka and a Federal Relief ...... glva support to thair depaafUats. ping up of ths town's street lighting the grounds that, it meant bowing to Two other courses will be offered Community PU^ers will present at , ^ , *d, and to tale heed of those dan- 35.000. 00 17.000. 60 17,400.80 Mr*. Elisabeth Miller, 88, vrho pended, but that. Included In thla became a national favorite. for the trainlhg of the Teachers snd OM ’ t Lat ? SWCMfnes, and other propaganda gsrous factors which tend to tear yrlda range of miaeellaneoua mate- Recreation ...... Howavtr, It was fouad ttiat both payment from tha $30,000 annual the threats of the Fascists and Whiton Memoriar March 16 and 16. Whittenton Jacquard 20.000. 00 7,682.88 18.467.17 Ued said she would take someone flgtire la also « provision*for extra Now, nrell established, ba la a sacrificing principles. officers of the Church Schools ot the ; Material from Sorlst Russia, Cer- the nation down." rial. Water Department ...... 46,000.00 men are eligible for imemidoymeot charge now paid to a 888,000 level Mias Agnes- Donohue, who will "Perbapi tha most significant 81,316.00 18,688.06 asked by the ' electric company, along to describe the flogging if her patrolling during the balance of the star of stage, radio and motion pic- A big following promptly got County churches. These courses, Tax District Refunds and benefit payments, which fact, undar bUckened eyes sUll remained closed, take the part of Joyce, has ap- PERIODIC PAINS thing about our Spanish Lisftlst a government rule, makes them Ui' which claimed that Ita servlca to fiscal year. tures—and in addition Is the com- back of youthful Eden nnd egged wlU be "How Can Church Workers peared In two Community Players - SSSJi.*’**'*' Weloome Tax Sales Overages .. 107.88 was not there. poser of such original song hits as ALL- W O O L ROBES <1; 1 (in The exhibition was arranged along Attorney Shea ebOUttad a warm propaganda asctlon," Father Ward •107.88 eUgibla for WPA Jobs. However, the town la Worth the hi Cloak Co. Situation him on to attack CThamberlain. Get Help” ; and "Understanding Our productions (this year: "First Lady" Spoil Your Fun In Tan. Blue, and Wine. Medium and t 1 aald, "la that It clearly damon- TotaU amount At 11:06 a. m„ five mlnutoe after "The Object of My Affections, Naturally the Laborltes and other Pupils,’’ at the Rockville church; at and "Cured," a one-act play In TKV TNIS atTTBm WAV Large Slzee. ;Xhe walls of the High sehool and friendship for_Rev. ATard and spoke 81,180,666.00 8633,070.00 8408,491.00 the beneflta which each man may the scheduled time, MUler was Questioning by the Selectmen "The Love Bug Will Bite You,” T« PROMPT RCLIK7 • of his youth In Manchester before tgataa a waU-flnancad. weU-dlract- recaive are only about ooa hair of Fnrtlier Fonda opponents of the Tory government the Stafford Springs church the which Mias Donohue played the :.MM viewed for an hour previous to •Appropriations overdrawn. brought Into the thiee-etory lobby brought out that the guarding of ”What'a the Reason” and “Just a KNJOT LIFE Bod FEEL Ai^E|ccegUonaU^^oo^^u2^For^Vodneedaj^toralnj|! Mm tntamstlng and informative ad-1 his decision to enter the priesthood. ed, well-organiaad propaganda cam- the pay that sach would get on It had been planned to ask the were among those eagerly pursuing courses will be “Educational Values lead. ^ t h ^ l g City Jail, where tha Mack the Independent Cloak company baa Country Boy at Heart.” FRESHED 9V9Q dorian **tho— Regular 68e maa by the Manehestsr-bom priest Attorney Shea introduced Town paign conducted In thla country by YVPA. Moreover, the employment town meeting to appropriate iir the serpent In the Garden of EMen. In Story Telling,’’ and "Understand- ACQUIN bdnn hopm 888 in addition to the present 880,- whipping post and the witnesses necessitated the placing of a day ing Our Pupils.” • r«u«f from pcriodlo pun«J boiid. AMsvney Shea Chairman Clerk. Samuel Q. Turklngton who Communists, Sociallsta and other benefit la not enough oa which to stood. He wore a gray blanket patrolman at the plant, thla result- They wanted him, so to speak, to DIBS AT AGE OF 111 TAILORED SLIPS, 2 FOR $1.00 Marxian groupa in fairor of the 000 rata in order to begin a eerlaa of Rev. Valentine S. Alison of the Acho, moKcnUr nervoot- asastliig was opened by Mrs. represented Chairman David Cham- ASH WEDNESDAY support a family. drapad around hU bar* ehoulders ing in added expenditure by the don hla armor and ride a white SIzea 34 to ^4. Broeadee, Embroidered — Body Firm. Spanish Leftlata government.” 24lmLSTAXRA1E annual payment riiea wtalob charger through London town, while Tolland Federated Church will be D9M. 9te. Wi l t not opo9i th« ' 4aerg* WUUama who introdueed bem of the Board of Selectmen at Therefore, each man, barred from and prison dungarees. police commission. The cloak com- BARUCH SUGGESTS •tomAch. H«lpi r«doe« fovtr. ' JUmamf William 3. Shea as chalr- the lecture. Town Clerk Turklngton One of the most •interesting sec- WPA, and receiving aa an imam' would, when finally affected, trumpets blared a challenge. _ dean of the Rockville school with Woodland, Calif., March 1.— (AP) tions of the large exhibit Is the vide the 838,000 asked by tha e'lec- Btrsp^ To Post pany, which Itself paid for the re- —Mrs. Julia Rlcharda, who cialmed ipaa o f the evening. At- read an offlda] note of welcome to )loyment benefit less than half of a As three guards strapped hU ban- ' The former foreign minister, 1^6w- Rev. Rosebe Metzger of Ellington tarwey Shea said that Man- Soviet Russian caricature division. IN THE CHURCHES BOARD SUGGESnON trio company. Extensions end nd taining of a night patrolman, does ever, having Stated his case, declln' as the Registrar. ' to be H I 3fears old, died yesterday Fetber Ward h) appredaUot. of tha living wmg^, must go to tha town dlUena to *ervlee. It was Mr. Martin’s manner. Tbe regular meeting of Hope Ood In tha educational syatema of morning prayer. Litany and Peni- view of the fact that tax collectiona opinion that If each town depart- Into small units,” he Inquired, The Larchmont no. swe No. 5246 school, to a nota hidden under a on the company’s manual rates. In the Meadow district of East CSiapter, O. E. B. will be held thla The Rawleigh REGULAR EVERY DAY nations and other Insidious forma of tential office will ba observed. At are running higher than that per- ment ctuhloned Its budget against "won't we have tbe same problem Has Big Majority anti-religious propaganda. rock In a nearby vacant lot. The Hartford aiid in Bristol and Blms- | There would seem to be no rea- evening In Masonic HaU. The an- LOW PRICES RESEARCH PROJ Ea 7:80 p. m.. there will be evening centage at preaent. Already col- TOWN CRIER NEEDED bury. She was a member of many emergencies, tbe tax rate necessary we have In agriculture—an Infinite nual election of officers will He said that tha Communist lected on thla year'e budget la $71,- officer aald tba note, crudely pen- son now why Chamberlain should Equipped with Economy Cook* A popular priced model of aim* ^ prayer and a .rn.on by Venerable Edison, Neb. —Meetings are not teachers’ associations. to p r ^ d e the appropriations would cumber of small concerns who can place. Mrs. Carlton Pease la the [youth of America has been ordered 612.02, leaving $38,970.13 which ciled, demanded $60,000. not fend for themselves and will bother to submit tbis fight to the er, Storage Drawer and Warm- pie design and trim whj^ch a | Lnx Flhkaa, (Osatteoad from Page One) Rol^rt Van K. Harris, Archdeacon Police who cancelled an elgbt- so wall attendad In thU southwast- Miss Sullivan lived In, and waa have to be unnecessarily high. present Matron. to enter the R. O. T. C. training of Utcbfleld. must ba raised on back Lax ooUee- ern Nebraska town. In discussion'of the need for a have to be given more care by the voters unless .he wants to. He has ing Compartment. meets every cooking need. A 1 SSe alia p k g .. . . . I camps to learn gunnery and mili- stata alarm at the father's re q u ^ born In, the same house In which Mrs. Pease will make a visit to 21c At the Emanuel Lutheran church tlona Id order to bring up the total Tha city caucus the other night stop light at the High school, the government, like agriculture?” ' a whacking big majority In the Regnbriy $209..'>0. NOW $179.50 Regularly $109.00. NOW ^ 04’5(t m tary aecmts, later to be used hers Ing will ba drafted by a committee after he received tbs note, believed her mother was bora. Offers Solution House of Commons, some 390 of .the Rocky HIU Chapter on ttarch 23nd on organisation. the Lenten Quiet Heur periods wUI tax Intake to ths amount, specified at first that the boy, a bright stu- was not a success, stricUy speak- Commissioners said that the placing and with the patron, Kenneth Smith Brlllo, 10c else In the event of revolution. One In- start tomorrow morning at 7:15; In the budget. ing. No one showed up. of such a light would free a police- Baruch said he believed that solu. 616 votes. So long as his followers stance was recorded, he said, vgiem The chairman announced the com- dent fond of detective tales, had Uon of the farm problem lay in the win go to.New Britain, March 34th pkr„ 2 pkga.... mittee’s work would not be Influ- closing at 8 o'clock. Thaaa aervlcei Admittedly allowing only a nar- tricked hla parents. The same night the friendly man from traffic duty at tbe achool don't desert him, he Is safe, and bis 15c 600 guns wem found containing payment by the g'overament of a government still has nearly four when tbe O. B. S. choir takes part enced by the 1038 or 1040 elections, will ba continued through the aea- rov margin for eventualities, ths 81 Philip 8. niden, director of pub- neighbors club met. Two members for several hqurs each day, thus In a program. emery powder, a destructivs abra- mill rate wUl. with eoonortilcal “straight subsidy on the domestic years to run before another general Cow Brsnd Bsking adding; "Whathar Its raport cornea aon. lic safety, said he was convtneed and 12 visitors attended. making him available for routine EUlngton Auxiliary to Meet latve. management, prova sufficient to st at e c-:nsumption of farm products, election Is necessary according to Sods, 1 lb. pkg. . . . The amount of money available before or after the 1988 elections Lenten services will be held In tba now, however, that It was on au- work which baa suffered somewhat Hatheway-MUIer Unit, American 7c depends on whether the Job Is dons." meet thd town’s needs Mr. Martin ^MANCHESTER** through lack of sufficient men to leaving marketing and production law. for this anti-God propaganda by the OoDcordia Lutieran church tomor' thentle kidnaping. free.” Legion Auxiliary of Ellington wlU believed. On motion of L. T, Wood, He said hie fores. In deference property investigate all complaints. Under tbe British democracy a llsxwell Houaa Communist, Nasi and racist groups Appeal To Youth row evening at 6^80 knd 7:30, tha TODAY AND TOMORROW He urged government loans, or bold their regular meeting this eve- A party program that would ap- former In tha Qai man language, tha the rata was adopted by tha Board to Levine's wlahaa, would stand TO M O RR OW snd TH U RS. F^irther examination of the police government Is elected theoretically Coffee, 1 lb. can m OC runs Into many millions of dollars for Inclusion In the town meeting I Their grandest, gayest ro- I purchase o f commodities always at for five years, but It may be thrown ning at the home of Mrs. Wallace peal to young voters was advocated latter English. aside until the father had eahaustad THE NEW budget convinced tbe Selectmen annually In contrast to the small oaU. every poestblllty of recovering hla sf RolUcktiRoUleking, troliek- a level below the market price, to out at any time that a majority of Bergh of East street at eight by several tpaakera at a banquet laat German Lenten services will bs that the police department can “cushion” price declines caused by o’clock. Chase A Sanborn Datad amount of money avaliaUa to the night The perfected grand lUt, as eon unaided. faig eomedy . , . set to etnn- probably operate through the re- the House of (Commons votes lack tha pre-God groups. Hs revealed Initiated In ths Zion Lutheran I aing swIngHme! over-production. \Vklst Tonight Coffee, Dr. Harold W. Dodds, president of church tomorrow evening at 7:3U. finally made up by the Board of Ra- Reed Vettorll, New York chief mainder of the fiscal year without of confidence In It The Prime Min- that one brand of the anti-God of tha Federal Bureau of laveatlga- 'CIRCLE* Baruch said he questioned the Tbe Horae Economics committee llb.pkg.. Princeton University, declared the Uef was announced as $36,106,317 additional funds. The request for. tdsdom of attempts to control ister also may advise the King to ....23c groups bad s their main objective creation of an "affective party of aa against ths assessors' grand lUt tlon, said hie department also would the operations fund was therefore dissolve Parliament and call for a of the Vernon Grange will hold a Regularly tha destruction of the Boy Scouts oppoalUon” was a “great nacaaslty." respect Levlaa’s desire, but Tllden prices by cobtroUlt^ marketing and whist party thla evening In the The Herahey'a Cocoa, of $36,128,311. ANOniER GREAT denied place In the call. It was vot- production. general election where any great Is- of America and be read a long list Ha expressed a hope tha committee GI VE HRS. P . J . O . CORNELL aald fedsral agents had been seen ed to Include in tha call, however, sue Is Involved. Grange Hall In Vernon Center. mall can ;...... of antl-Qod newspapers Issued In would conaldaa that "tha future of in the,vicinity of the home. Not all holding companies are There will be prises, and refresh- 4c WfOVEN tbe request of 8700 for the traffic bad, the Wall street financier told The Premier Is .tremendously pow- $194.50 Europe, Asia, AMea, South Ameri- irapular government” In tha United Bgg m TgIgdIkim. Ught erful and Is to all Intents and pur- ments will be served. Pranco-American ca and Mexico. Over 700 puollshcd Btatas would be datarmlnad by peo- SKIP BIRTHDAY PARTY Window blinds secluded PICTURE the committee. To Present Comedy Concord Following tha explanation of the To Avoid Taxes poses ruler of the country—subject Spaghetti, 8 cans Communist ^mphleta have been ple under 40. PITTMAN URGES Levine home were tightly drawn. standing of police appropriations, The friendly class and Sunday He said, ' however, some were to that parliamentary power of re- 25c collected By the religious groups, he Ralph E. Flanders. Vermont man- Tha fathar in a radio appeal asked Hm School o f the Union Congregational Wife Of Former Pastor Here PLUS the Police Commissioners were formed to avoid taxes or for minor- call. But while this prerogative of No. 2746 said. ufacturer, aald tha party "has be- that no telephone calls be made to asked If they would recommend a church will present a three act Green Giant longed to the middle aged Instead of Has Real Birthday Only In the home until he had had ”a reS' CLAIRE TREVOR ity control of great operating com- recall may be exercised at any Ume, Ptaa, can . . . Beach For Intelligent tXaee HUGE INCREASE - in proposal introduced at the laat panies while others have resulted in tbe Premier Is broadly speaking re- comedy drama, “The Road Back" A modem cabinet 15c Theee anti groupr have aougbt to tha more youthful.” He aald a “dis- Leap Year— Honored By sonable opportunity to work this Selectmen’s meeting by Mr. Spiess, this evening In the Church Chapel. turbing thought" waa that tha avar- out” "BIG TOWN Girl” over-capitalization or watering of sponsible to Commons only after he Now reach the ao-called Intelllgenda, be aaa age of tha party members was Friends. who moved that the town meeting stock values. has taken an action, and not before. The proceeds will be used for church rangre with extra Ohio Blue Tip aid, through tha printing of blgh- "Thoaa who may be holding my be asked to vote on a 26 mile speed work. abova tha average age of the na- IN N M BILL boy can safety deal with ma,” ha "We have to distlngiiish between Thus, if he wants to go ahead and Hatches, 2 boxes 9c claaa magaxlnea and periodleala and tion's citlaens. Mrs. P. J. O. Oornsll of 88 Ham- DISHES limit on the main streets and In the monopoly (which Is such control of make a pact with Mussolini, as Those [^ In g part in the play are largre warming: promised. heavily settled portion of town. It they have eucceedrc in eecunng the Henry A. Bubb of Topeka, Kaa.. lin strsst, whose birthday only oc- (Osattnoed rrom Page One) to the ladies price and production as exploits the (?hamberlaliFpropoBes to do, nobody GertnidefFuller, Stuart Neff, Doris curs when February has 30 days, Eugene Bilik, 13, a claaamate at WM the opinion of the Town Coun- closeL storagre Calo Dog Food, aid of many notables In this coun- preaidant of tha Young Republicans, the Albert Leonard Junior High public) and mere bigness which can atop him short of voting his TennstedL Dorothy Btoneman. 2 ca n s...... try. From the letter heads of one declarsd "youth wants to ba eonald- was surprised yesterday aftarnoon THURS. . FRL AND SAT. eel that Uie town could, with the through mass distribution and mass Grace Bril, Leonard Dowding, Ed- drawer and econ- 15c bids against conatruetioe compan- school apparently was the laat one proper authority, post speed limits government out of office. Parlia- anti-God group ba read several arad aa actual part” of tha party. by a group of bar woman friends. las from other regions. ’ manufacture has been one of tbe ment may not know the terms of ward Kellner, Theodore Hirth, Wal- $169*50 In honor of her 88d milaetona. They to see the missing boy. He aaid on gtodm highways, but that consid- omy cooker. Rinao, 10c pkg., nationally known names Including Nana Oommlttoa Vinaon also proposed Increasing to Peter left him at tba edge of tha greatest blessings In low price, the agreement until it is concluded. ter Schaeffer, Eugene Dick and college professors and llterart. Tha following wars nam^ to thJ brought with them planU, cut flow- erable legal difficulty might arise cheap service. Increased production Doris Hartensteln. 2 pkgg...... era. pertonal gifts and the easen- $30,000,000 ths bill’s $16,000,000 ap- achool grounds—only four blocks when it waa sought to define Naturally, a shrewd premier keeps 17c Rav. Ward said Earl Browder, program group's committee on or- propriation for ship experimentation, from the Levine home—after class- and better standards of living.” his Parliament 'nformed of major Arrested On Monday gaalaaUon: tlals for a dallcloua luncheon. In a would permit the Nayy depart- "thickly Settled parts of town.” The problem of Uie railroads Emmons Coe Hamlin of 601 Clean Quick Soap o Communist candidate for President the evening Mrs. Cornell was made es Tburaday to do an errand at a Then too, it-rams said, n ^ u p

PAGE FOUB MANCHEfTTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OOHN„ TUESDAT, MARCH 1,1988 HANUMEarilUt EVKNINU HJSFALO. BiANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAT, MARCH 1,1988 PAGE F11 ,4U m rl|eB tp r If we must have man slaughtered in little horse sense into its program battle there la something to be said and which, aa a matter of fact, has ter fire district Waa called oh eight Ing -the month of February. Of thla alarm woe for a had chimney fire In 13 ALARMS FOR HRE occasions during the month of Feb- for sending to the shambles those thrae or four times the voting number four were still alarms and the Hartman block on North Main CttmitiQ HpraUl Health and Diet SPECIAL! WEDNESDAY ONLY! ruary, but there waa only one box one a whlatle alarm. Tbe whistle atreet. who have relatively few y e ^ of ■trength of the Socialist party In New York IN TOWN PAST MONTH alarm, chief of PoUee Foy reports. lirW JtH T ST TBB life to lose instead of those whoee throughout all the rest of the state. Advice The Prteee O* Theae Items Are Daly The box alarm- waa turned In from IP* UJ> PBINTINO OOMPAKT, DMl ■> mCMB. MACS For Wedneedayl II 81*Mll StrMt years rightfully should be many. Oddly enough, the approach that By UK. FKANB M eU lt Box SS for a burning automobile on KlUMllMtW, Odib. And a fifty year old band can bold By OEOBOB BOSS iSuch ao aapirut to the ZIegfcldlan WOMEN'S AND CHILDKEN’S Eight In The Sooth End And Ridge atraet The other eight TaoHAi rsiiauooN Allen's group has adopted toward New York. March 1.—The pigm ! mantis as Billy Boas, ^ eourse, alann* wera for graaa and chimney Buy Buy Baby's Shoos 0«n»rBl Manacar the trigger of a machine gun as well the voters seems to be Just about nbubakha PAUfFtn,' Five At North End—^None -WALK RIGHT IN! Special Wedneaday Moratag Only I tnlng mystery on Verdi S q u M sands wires without stint, when ha OF CHAKAOTEBa. they reasonably ouepeeted, ware OVERSHOES fire*, reaulUng In but a small loae Poaadal Oetebar 1, IMl and as long as a twenty-yeat<«ld cauld easily write. But thefs'ls not ^ OHnJSBY. heraliie; ' Caoses Great Damage. Regular $1.76 the same that the McLevy faction has been Bqtved. The Borgia being aent forth to cloae Amerlcaa r ' All rubber snap ralaboota, goaroateed for th* month. . Alterations Can’t Stop Us From-Serving Yon ignlar $1.4S On ; VaMtahal Kaarjr Vvaalac Bxeapt hand, while a'fifty year old head Is the casual extravagance In Rose's Trl-faCtal neuralgia is also called •tr*Bded hi Vdkioa whm war porta. Chief Ortowold of the Hanchezter ; taadara and Holldsra Batarad at tha adopted aeveral years ago. I t de- who fed the amiable birds that fatal tolwra^hio splurges, aa was evl- oreake oat. qoaUty. A style for every ahM Black Apporotu* of the South Manebes- $1.25 quite aa tmpervloua to flying abrap- food which killed half their flo c k - Uc dolureaux, and although It U not That evening weU after sunset or brown. B«^ now, even for next year. department reports five alarms dur- ■f aast CMTlaa at Maaahaalar, Coaa, M nounces the Oimmunlsts utterly - $1.40 $1.05 •tTBSCnrPTION lUTBa However, since there U exactly faction for the labor unions, for ho!" ment os a coopon. It HE*S POINTING • D m Taar kr Mall ...... I«.M the. town at large. She probably is Zlegfeld Issued orders to his lieu- a disease entity. I t U manUested WEDNESDAY MORNING POPULAR no phance whatever that the groupe an old witch, with all her teeth "Where away?” the cry want iw. raves yon exactly 4Se. Brown • Black • Smoked Elk Manta b» Mall M which it has not hitherto been cele- tenants In parson. Instead, he waa Yeoterdajri Skimming aeriee the White — Size* 3 to 9 *2 1Steel# ^ 1 # 0#P]TC t e V ...... a • a a a«a.. •••*••••• a • • I M% of "managing age"—the forty-to- gone, and sunken cheeks. by sharp, burning, cutting stabs of And the anarver: "To larboMdl” TOWARD SPECIAL! r.43tIlT#r#4 Ott# T#er brated. For Connecticut purposes i^ ’t to beckon aa asatstant to his pain along the oolirse of a nerve. oecon. dodgiBg B ri& h voraeto. Jerry climbed the obroude wUB sixty folks who run the country’s The poisoner^as a woman, that offloa and announce that his wishes Pony aays “good night” to Jerry, the Socialist Party, U. 8. A., seems much they know. She has spread The pain usually cornea spasmod- hie binoculars. He could, by that ENDICOTT-JOHNSON SHOES ' MSMS SS o r TRB AWOCIATSD affatrs.r-win ever put the war bur- wera being oooveyed in a telegrai who hi on wateh. She to feorfoL MARKET IcaUy rather than steadily and af' time, make out two sallo, then three, 749 Main Street State Theater sm iH ag PIUBtt to Imve become surprisingly mod- the fatal potion twice over the green to the assistant's boms! "FoUles 855 Main Street Rubinow Building NORTON'S ;• T%# Aaeoeiai#d Pr### i# #soiB#iv#lr den on themselves, the young will erate. Almo^ If not quite aa mod- grass where the pigeons Innocently facto one side of the face. CHAPTER XXIV. then four, then “God knows how i'i '■* .. 977 Mata 8L Oheaoy Bldg.Bid . •atttl#e !• tiM tt## ol r«pBblte«tleB Zlegteld would wmteb the perform- ThU disturbance Is more common many morel’’ Hie voles held “WHERE THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOP” Nvf All a#w# dla&ateti## or#dft#d t# It have to fight the nation's wars as erate aa the HcDevyltea. alight for their handout Once, last ance frAn tha orchestra rear, then Good weather held. The Grey lii tw'’ . ■- X-RAY SHOE FirniNG ‘ *r ret #th#rv^ #r#4it#4 te Uii# summer, In the early dawn, the among women than among men Gull was cutting the deep green sort of awe. they always have; and that being In fact It puts an outsider to dodge to the oomer of the street, He cllmed down to the deck, MMr And AlM th# to#A] n#w9 pnb* only unsuspecting witness to her and despatch wires backstage, with and usually appear* somewhat be- water of the Atlantic now as if ahe .)• l: > i l A B A d n # P # l A . the case it is Just as well to see to some trouble to discover why there erfme was a bootblack who was tween the ages of thlrty-flva to a convoy,” he said to Cabel All nabla at rapabllaatle'aa at praise or damoA for each of the per- ruled It Fear gave way to a feel- WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS It that it is done by conscription, ao marking time until the park filled fllty-lVva. In some patlento the at- ing of well being, rasping whispers the gaping crew. "Mvchant aiMalal diapalohaa harala ara alao ra> should be any necessity whatever formers. The (Irest Qlqrifler could from the looks of them.” Wednesday Morning Spedidl! aaraad. that within the framework of age up. He saw an old lady, be said, have strolled back and delivered bis to ^ may appear with such regu- turned to shouts. Tbe sailors sang tor a new labor party, when these sprinkling feed from a paper bag larity that It to possible to g ^ Cabell oUrabeB to have a look. SHOULDER Pall aarrlaa atlaal at N. B. A dar*- limits the burden la home by an of messages personally. But It would chanteys as they dtmbed the two bodies of liberals now appar- and he thinks he heard her cackle. when the next one will appear. shrouds and washed down the deck. ’They're bearing down on ua tut," Pork Sausage Ma Ina not havs bean ilk# him. be called, "and there'* a war •Dow’s D ost Food 89c youth instead of by only the ently occupy the same ground of an But an hour later, when the bustle No, Billy Rose’s telegraphic ef- ^ believe At night they told tales of ths seven Mambar Amarlaaa Itaarapapar Pab- more ready sacrifle^ts. began—Verdi Square Is a triangle that tbe primary cause of tri-faclai teas, wonderful to hear. schooner herding theml” STEAKS Rahara Aaaealatloat IntelUgent concern for th j weU be- forts are valiant, but not up to the “We’ll run for it,” Jerry deoldad GARBAGE CAN Sliced Bacon Also it a]:^>ears probable that un- off Broadway—death wm In the Ziegfeldian mark. neuralgia generally comas from an Tlmre were others bssldea the Special Hale*s Wednesday Pabllahata Rapraaaatatlaaa: Tba ing of thp workers. Unless, per- air. Lifeleaa pigeona fell in flocks, IrrttaUon In the alimrtitary canal. old French harbor pilot who could aloud. And to the boeun: "Ifipe USED RADIOS der a parUcularly wise and deter- oU bands!’’ Suddenly he remem- '/allaa Mathawa dpaalal Adanep—Naw chance, it Ilea in the fact that the plummeting onto the pavement and There is nearly always a definite stand turn aa helmsman to relieve IhLodt On Cover .Tark, CbteadP, Oatroll add Boaton. Fresoribe .Pings bered that Cabell Bonks stood be- All In First Class Shape Ig c lb. mined President this bill might universally recognised leader of the lefore the statue of Verdi. The -A radio station that’s unique source of irrttoUon which Is located the captain and his mate at the 19c lb neighborhood was aroused. Posses wheel. Nobody was overworked side him, and Cabell Banks was the 3 9 c for 5 lbs.' • 1 0 Gallon Capacity MBMBBR AnOIT BDIIBAO OP have somS value aa an anti-profiteer- Connecticut brand W Socialism Is this and of ths kUowattsI ila s wl^QXR, o n In the stomach or Intostlnas, even captain of tbe Gray OuU. "1 beg Morning Specials 'CUtCOLATIom were sent out, on the bootblack's a modest little studio wMch operatss though It may not seem possible to Food woe good and plentiful, and ing measure since It empowers the Mayor Jasper McLievy and that the meager description, to hunt the the crew did not quarrel or fight your pardon!” be said la confusion. Rich in protein, balanced Tba Harald Prlatlaa Caaipaap Ina, over a popular wave-length, from you that this is capable of causing “It's all right," Cabell rcpUsd ^Hand Dipped Galva- President to establish maximum Thomas-Alien crowd Is disgruntled Borgia to her lair. .Without suc- attractive offices on Fifth Avenue. among themselves. All were proud Final Clearance ot GtiMren’s aa flnanaiStial laaponalbllltp cess. a pain located up In the side of the when tbe whistle had ceased shrill- formnlae for continuous nized in Molten, Zinc. Par tppodraphleal arrora appaarlnd la prices (during war) on all commod- over Its belated discovery that The bulk of Its programs ooiislsts face. However, gastro-tntestinal Ir- of the little ■chooner's clean speed $4-95 $ 2 4 -95 {Mdrartlaamanta !• tba Maa^aataa Then, In the fall, the old witch They made wagers among them- ing. "In danger let the best man ities, and ceilings for rates of In- JMper beat them to the sane and of fine, recorded music, and orig- rltaUtm must be the side of the feeding. Regular price 59c. FRESH n S H take over-----Or shall we try it to- •Riveted On Bail SvaalBB Karate came nack. A new plgqin flock had inally commercial announcements of selves os to whether she waa mak- Your Chance To Get A Good Radio At A Low Price terest, rentals, "commissions, com- useful policy long ago—and they staked out s pasture before Verdi’s any f ^ . However, gsstro-lntesUnnl ing 14 knoto or 16; and they kept gether?-----Take the wheel. m Wool Hat and Scarf Sets Kind were taboo. Listeners en irritation must be considered the climb for another look." For Wed. Morning Only TUESDAT, MARCH 1 pensation or reward.” But every- don’t like him and his followers for graven figure. They fed from the Joyed an uninterrupted program of her guns clean and shining— her •Regular Price $1.19 hands of folk who could spare time most common cause of tri-fsclal two long guns and her 10 carro- As Jerry turned he saw Polly thing would depend on the Presi- that reason and perhaps for the ad Brahms, Beethoven^ Mozart, Tschal- neuralgia. ALSO WOOL CAPS 39c for such pleasures and they were nadee which could create havoc , at standing, wide-eyed, near a com- For LENT dent In thM case and the country kowskl, Bach, e t al, & e evening PINGPONG dttlonal reason that hs never went carefree enough. This time- there Jong, unharrassed by breakfast The chief symptom is pain, gener- close tange. panion ladder. "Go below and stay Blish Hardware Co. Blish Hardware Co. has almost had Its flU of the per- to college. weretvnrn notSrt witnessesvsHfsaAwwAei to Borgia's-- —■ _ « foul • ____ ■ w w » « a * « v ally limited to one aide of the face. A score of the crew claimed to there!” be shouted at bar. She It waa quite a scheme when the cereql puffs. About Two Dozen missive tirpe of leglalatlon In recent deed. The pigeons dropped from RteenUy, WQXR was financially This pain Is cbaiaoterUUcally inter- be excellent gunners, and theae would not have dared dlaobey, for R. S. Pbtterton _.4oaarnor started the Hurlep'Hac- years. the skies, dead, and the "autopsy" pinched and compelled to seek spon- mittent. PaUento may describe the men boosted of what thev could do Jerry Whitfield seemed eu d d ^y a (Formerly Potterton & Krah) 4doald ptnerpong game Pingpong GOLF BALLS, SHIPS, FOOD revealed that the poison was sors' succor. And now the superb pain as boring, aubbbig or throb- to an English brig. They grum- stem stranger to her. 539 Main Street Phone 3733 The really significant thing about brewed ol the same stuff. jlng and I have beard some of bled a good deal at their InacUvItv SPORT WOOL CAPS t im 't M strenuous but that It can be music la disturbed- at long Intervals They manned the sweeps tbSn the history of this bill, so far, is A great many more people buy So a volunteer group of nelgh-^ by brief advertising matter. Not toem say that It reminds them of a "Bide your time!" Cabell told end wore ship; and when proper . kapt up quite a athBe, eren If the that the one Mg drive that was golf balls than have any > part—ex- bors around here is taking turns at enough to annoy n ^ X R ’s devoted hot knife going through the flesh them shortly. sail bad been crowded on under To Sell At ptBjrers do not happen to be In the cept to. pay—In the buying of bat keeping vigilance over the '•bird- listeners, but distracting, neverthe- As a general rule, the pain p- It wee Jerry who waa more ex- Jerry's shouted directions, ths Gray m made against^ It was directed lovers" of Verdi Square. And woe plicit. He waa not the sort of offi- ...... 15c ; TM7 pink of eondUloB. And ao long less. And so a couple of WQICR’t pears euddenly without any ezeiUnx Gull fell away from tbe <»nvoy oM against the practically confiscatory Ueships or even merchant ahlpa to unto the Borgia when she shows up. cer who believed In hiding plana ran frantically north. VdM this one can be kept up, the Oor- faithfuls are talking about starting cause to explain It, although It may tkx on profiteering. That of course, be potential naval auxlUarlea. So a volunteer campaign to raise funds seem to be brought on by exposure from the crew. From experfenes ‘ihe convoy ships kept to thslr \ \ « n o r won’t be caUed on to declare there Is naturally a wider Interest Wire New* and memory he knew how siieh a >urse, but tbe big warship, os If came from those who want to for a regular subsidy, whereby to cold, by emotional etroln, by an course breeds uneastnes.s and discon- tka arlnner, or do anything else Broadway'hasn’t boasted a truly WQXR permanently can broadcast unwise meal, or by coughing. The It of sheer deviltry, gave chose. 39c Children’s 5-8 Hose profiteer In war time. And It la In the price of golf balls than in the spectacular sender of telegrams ten t Though seamen Jire rather J Bbont the Highway Department. good music without fear of the palnlul seneaUon may last for only It waa like an angry hien that would with Llalo Top* To O arton ^ worthy of note that these people' price of battleships. since Flo Zlegfeld passed away. sheriff barging In. an Insensitive lot, he knew they luniob a eparrow for looking at IM w ps ha ean atan along, through a few minutes or may remain for could develop tha nerves of easred Ju st the thing to wear whan ehUdron atop wsar- didn't worry much about how tba Perhaps that may account for the several hours. During tbe actual rer chicks. ing aid pants. Sizes 8 to Ott. Special Wedne*- ! tba medtuin of tba pingpong, until animals when keot In Ignorance of Jerry at the wheel laughed afid price fixing provision would oper- fact that the government, through attack, the patient will try to keep what they were to face. And ao toy...... 25cj . j tha Fairilold County grand Jury hma course, wall then have money to 1 quiet as possible. bared hie teeth. (Mball, rUwgieg ate. If they had been at all afraid lU Federal Trade CommUslon. la 'spend and our merchants -will have he explained plainly: to the ropes above, laughed too rcoMahided tta inquiry and taken of that; they would have killed It moving to break up an alleged to buy more goods, and our factor- This form of neuralgia Is due to "We’ll hold the course we’ve and gave news of tlto M gaU 's 11 Onlyl ^ action, which will WORKER DISEASE aa Involvement of tbe fifth nerve taken and try to enter Chesapeake naturally too. price-fixing combination among the ies will have to make more goods progrsss. "If night foils aooa » s. ' t«eBBuine some Uttte time and our farmers will have to raise imd may begin In one of the three Bay. We'll run up tha Potomsw If enough ws’U loss barl” be shoutod. manufacturers of golf balls, but larger crops branches of this nerve and later be possibla. Then (Captain Banks f Mr. Hurley bats t^ ban. Mr. ' PR 06IM GROWS The Gray Cull seemed to b« AUTO SEAT CX>VER5‘ nothing Is done or likely to be at- A recovery measure It certainly distributed to the other branches. will go Into Washington and get out' Ing before th* great spread adage W !* , I Maodooald, under orders from the LOW HOUSING COST teoqited to break up the shipbuild- 4s. And you won’t have to force Another form of neuralgia Is the Orders In Council from President that pursued her. Undsr '' Mad'son. Without our papers, Regularly $1.69 • $1.89 • $2.98 Set |;Ba«amor, bats it. back. Mr. Hurley Ths British government having ing combination which Is bolding up these people to spend their money, Intercostal form, which causes pain menacing wings there woiMi b * t w o i Win be expected to bat It back and they have fSeen without the things New Materials Used In In- between the Jibs through the side we’re floating deadwood. With them decks pierced~wlth long g iiii^ 'fi^ gone back, this year, to the policy the nation’s merchant marine devel- that they need for so long that they we can go after English merchant- bell calculated, and a I-llMB It will be Mr. Macdonald's turn of the chest. When thU pain U crew of 400 of subsidizing small-house construc- opment by ganging up and demand- will be glad to be able to go to the coming from the left aide and pa- men and keep the braty. There’ll men. There would be oOlcera In e OnhrWrided 5 Only Coaches f, again. There is no apparent reason tion, It Is said to be expected that' ing double prices* for ships. stores and get some of those needs dustry Expand Job Of Oc- tient often confuses it with tha pain be an honest division of booty, you gold braid, important young mid- understand. When we harass the $3-95 Back Coupes ^ i wkg this prooesa cannot be kept up 400,000 more small muses will be There Is a beautiful disregard for supplied without an officer of the due to heart disturbances and is shipmen. surgeons to dress wounds, Or use on front seat of divided law compelling them to do this. enemy for our country, we benefit carpenters to repair damage to I tadellnitsly. built within a short Umc. The plan consistency In the attempts of the cupational Bnrean. positive be has heart trouble. Many back coach. 3—Itogular Coach Seat. This gross Income tax is the same patlento have consulted me because ourselves." • masts and bull.... for a $4-95 \ ■emebody down in New Canaan calls for the payment of annual government to stop monopolistic as the transaction tax if you look As a matter of fact, Jerry gave Jerry Whitfield too was seiitir of a pain near the ribs on the left little thought at thla stage of the ; was analous to preserve a tree that subsidies rather than the providing price-fixing on such unquestionable at it closely. A tax on all tran- The Bureau of Oeeupattonal DIS' side and have been greatly relieved those things os be carried tbe Gray 25e 500-Sheet Padiage sactions can be nothing more or game to booty, yet he knew the Watkins Quality i aklBd in the line of the Merritt Hlgh- luxuries as gotf balls, while its e « s of the State Departmentleni niof to be tow it was due to intorcoetai Gull before the sloop of arar; was of capital for construction, the lat- nothing less than a tax on gross Health Is concerned with tha part that prize money would play seeing, aa well, the g ratln n Where ^ Accommodatingly Mr. Mac- he oTO- neuraigta rather than to heart' la- with a crew; It would be tbe means ter being provided by private In whole policy on -agriculture 1* very Income as transactions represent In- t^lon of tha Connecticut Ind'nduitri- voivsmeat. a man could be tied and ‘-■‘-iH a t 'dmald put a kink In the highway— come always. This tax will re- of paying there and of goading them End Table Silhouette Facial Tissues! „ . , ------voators. Both the state and the definitely a price fixing one—not on ai worker from hazards tb tl his One of the outstanding features a eaptaln's whim. Under hie arta^ place the payroll tax, and the $3.00 health that may be present In the on to a valor that patriotism could whipped sea-coat his scarred back ( M highway for which 16,000.000 of municipalities will contribute to the playthings but on tha food of the of neuralgia is Its tendency to re- not always inspire. Thla waa tbe Wednesday Morning I IftAd■AHA puredtaAM ssMWiAwere being* — .... old age as.slstance tax, which are nroressea at which he works, and crept in a sort of angry frensy subsidies. people; and not to limit prices at turn. Usually, the attacks are re- privateer officer's code, and Jerry whlle hto U - w ' Ideal to use for himd> so obnoxious to us all, and’ whicn mis lob Is becoming one of Increas------thoughts seethed Uka the A nicely styled and table with the extra advantage of a j te dodf* the tree. Mr. Hurley, Had- the top but at the bottom. many find to be a burden with their peated from time to jlme and was too honest to gloss It over with foam that eptoad from their prow. kerchiefs. What will very deeply interest ing tmportnnce as Industry con- eventually the period between at- 3 ^ 50c tog fault with this procewllng in his dwindled Income. We appeal to all stantlv develop* new materials and a shining Idealism. In time, ha " I ’m like a druhksn man,“ hs convenient book shelf! Mahogany veneered top, measuring many Americana is the bIm of the Under some rational system of tacks tends to become shorter. wondered would he too be thinking rsport cHOclzlng the Highway De-« .rentals Involved. old age pension minded folks In our applications of older materials to thought, and waa suddenly e*i«e-ffH Cottages for agri- economic control the course of the community to help us In our efforts I find that the patient with any only of the prize dollars a captured 12x24 inches. None sold before 9 A. M.; none after 13. Merchants On These Pages Are Adver- FBrtaisnt, used a photograph of the proressee. It was olnted out by Al- There oome to him a saylag of his - GENUINE WEAREVER cultural workers wUl be rented at Federal Trade Commission In the to get this recovery bill enacted In- type of neuralgia is benefited by a ship full of teh end silk would little New Ekigitad moL...•ther’s : *NB trss and ths kinkad road. ten I. Coleman, chief Industrial hy- short feat folloiyed by the milk diet, yield? The thought disturbed and No 'phone orders or charges. Store closes at 12, Noon. tising Very Special Values for Wednesday 76 cents to t l a week; urban flats matter of the golf balls ndght ap- to law. Our circle has been made glenl.st of the bureau, today. man does hU beat when the devU's . “Trick photography,” says Mr. large enough to take you all In and the enema being ujed to ensure saddened him. stirring him.” at 61.76 to $2 weekly and cottages pear not only JusUflabIs but com- The scope of this bureau’s task Polly kept much to her cabin, Morning ONLY! These Items Will Only ALUMINUM lUedonald in his reply to Mr. Hur- we need your help. CM be visualized when It Is realised elimination from the colon. This With a super effort of will Jerry from $1.80 to $1.78. The toUl eatl- mendable. But when the federal Fall elections will be here before treatment with the milk diet seems but when Jerry permitted It she laid his devil. He who was ttio Be Sold at That Time. Watch for These toy; “here's an honest photograph^" that there ara more than 800 vola- would go on deck with him on with mated cost of the subsidies to the government devotes Itself seven- we are aware of It. and we need tile solvents in common Industrial to be soothing to the entire alimen- under God’s sky should not bat* And so he shows a photograph tak- eighths to forcing consumer prices to rally our forces before the pri tary canal and is frequently lery Cabell and wateh what went on like a man in a dungeon. Perhaps Specials Each Week. Be Prepared to SAUCEPAN central government and municipal- use today compared with about half there. The sailors were respectful ao from a different angle and from up and one-cIghth to forcing them marlcs are to be held. you can a dozen 20 yeara ago, and that each effective in quieting down the Irrita- no one should bate anything—not Shop On WEDNESDAY MORNINGS. ities will be spread over a period of do more to help in this good work tion rasponsible for the reflex paifis and agreeable to her and seemed even Brltleh naval officers.. For Less Than Half • ..considerably greater distance. It down, what are the people to think of these prosenta a possible danger to attach no omen of III luck to her forty years, though the houses will if you are a member of our General to the worker’s health. The increas- In the side of the face or chest As be accepted this great truth WATKINS Bosan’t eliminate the kink. It docs of Its capacity for fixing prices at Welfare Club than you can if you You will find Tri-Facial Neuralgia presence' on the ship. and let It wash over him Ulu a • ROTHSRS I N e K P r i c e . be built Immediately. ing use of volaUle solvents In mod- When she wonder^ a t this, Cabell f BMke It considerably more suave. all—or having anything to do with remain on the outside, so come and discussed at greater length In my wave be saw his bands grow steady We have seen no description of Join our ranks. em Industry demands an Intelligent explained It. "I weeded out tbe “The road is down there." savs appreciation of the hazards which 2-page article of this name and if on tha-wbeeL HU relaxed Wednesday Morning Specials Get yours now. A limited ' i any of these homes, but we do hot the making of prices? WM. E. KEITH, superotltlous ones to save trouble and be felt an Inrush of atrsngth. Mr. Hurley. "Anyone can look at they present ahd.the utilization of you are interested in this subject I later on. Every time I interviewed believe that either government or 6 Charter Oak Street suggest you send for the article. It waa an "experience,” and b* quantity at this extraordinary x I It" Feb. 28, 1938. “• methods for controlling these hSL a sailor I said, ‘My first mate's tak- could not account for I t It was $6 ESMOND BLANKETS munlclpalitlea would countenance srds, Mr. Colemari said. The major TOu may receive It by writing to ing his wife, this crossing. Fur- price M JL Keep ’em going. Governor; as me In care of this newspaper, en- hU own, never to be shared. the erection of any such great num- LETTERS TO FORIT5I health hazardi^^’^sually result lo thermore, we’ve got a black cat EVERYBODY'S MARKET Two-tone blankets In Bine ‘k o g as the bail is flying back and OPEN FORUM those Industriet where the solvent is closing a large, self-addressed, When night was almost fallen and ber 6f them unlesa their building Two letters have Ween addressed in the galley.' Only one man re- diM bright star atood in. the north- FREE DELIVERY PHONE 5721 and Rose Pooch and Green Stamps Given With Cash Salsa. i#rtb you can always say, "W alt for evaporated as part of tbs process, stamped envelope. futed to come aboard and ha waa a Green — Cedar and Bmbil would provide a marked Improve- to the Open Forum of The Herald east. th* msnodng soUa wera no $ the end of the game." with regard to the Rental Situation but poisoning may also occur where Portugueae." longer to be seen. Jerry and •— Orchhi and Green — ment over the housing to which WITHIN THE CIRCLE. the volatile solvents are produced, QUESTIONS AND AN8WEBS Polly laughed at sharing status tout perhaps this Is part of the which ,-ire llhelous in content. One bell held council and thsr* was Ju- Brown and Beige — Rose Store CloseB At Noon On Wednesdaya. their prospective occupants have a’here they are used as one of the With toe Mock galley cat. "It'a a Land'O'Lakes Butter and Gold. Slight Imper- tsm ite-and-rat propaganda against Editor of The EvenlIng Herald: He is entitled "Favors For Foreigners’ (CoDousolon of the Brain) bilation aboard the Or*y OuU. lb. 34c and Is signed by "Indignant." The constituents of the final product or fine voyage," she told Cabell. 'T m They wore ship again and saUsd fection*. been accustomed. We are. - still----- wor..arking, hoping. In operations where ths material Is QueeUon: Gertrude B. wento to the Governor’s reorganization. We praying for i other is signed by "A Taxpayer.” If not afraid of anything any more, southwest for they wer* n Uttl* off 2 for the success of (Jeneral Wouldn’t know. Neither have we the smallest be- used because of Its chemical be- know; "What to Aeant by coneua- now that we're getting close to their course.. .. Welfare Act H. R. 4199 with its the writers will re-write their let Moh of the b ra in ? " home.” ' Pure Package Lard lief that these cottages and apart- ters eliminating the libelous mate- havior rather thkn lU solvent ac- Jerry wondered if Polly was lb. 10c Wednesday 9 A. M. fo 12 Only! recommended amendments, even tion. such as ths use of esrbon di- Answer: A'concuaaion refers to a Cabell Banks made no answer. Tback of bU mind oU tha while, oa MANCHtSTSli COHM- $9 a m(mth, even approach, In con- the inner circle drawm by our loyal on. dlUon reeulUng from It. By concue- was ^ w ln g keen again. It was co-worker and brother, W. H. —YE FORUM EDITOR. U a precious burden one must carry Crax or Ritz Crackers Ig. pkg. 15c The so.caIled Sheppard-HIlI bill venience or reflnementa, the least Whether or not these materials laloo of the brain to meant a condi- time to eroaa paths arlth some Brit- safely home. He hoped the had Grant. We love him just the tame iriU cause poisoning depends upon ish merchantmen coming up from to take the profits out of war, deep- ambitious of those which occupy tha and In the words of Jehu to Jehon- tion roaultlng from a violent blow kept the Uttle bog beside her, for TEXTILE STORE the extent of exposure, defined In OB the bead, which may be followed Jamalea. The oaribbean waa a cheer. 913 Main Street Next To the Bank ly revised. Is now before the Hotme minds of our American fiddlers with adab in 2nd Kings 10:15 would say nest for war sloops olao; theae. "Is thine heart right, as ray heart terms of duration and concentra- by these eymptoma: Lose of con- (To Bo OeattaBod) H.-O. Oats (Limit 3) 3 Ig. pkgs. 25c C( Representatives. It* own mother the housing problem. Overnight N<;W8 tion. The duration of exposure can. sciousness, weak pulse and slow vrouIdB’t know !t. Is with thy heart? ” If It be, ^vo But it Is a fair gueas that,.when me thy hand, and together we will In most cases, be readily ascertain- respiration. The mainspring or the oi4felnal they are done, they will be better work for the success of this cause Of Connecticut ed. but tbe 'concentration must bs House’s Wednesday Btoasure was a provision for a 95 which has stirred the'hearts of ao determined by physical and cheml ' (OiUd Orito Teeth) homes than hundreds of thousands (By Aseortated Fraos) cal methods. TTie Bureau of Oeira- par cent tax on all profit* accruing many miUions during the past three Question: Mrs. U 8. atatos; of our slum dwellers occupy. Hous- or four years. It was Edwin Mark patkmal Diseases Is continually ao- "Would like some help with my old- Wednesday from the existence of a state of ing reformers In Britain do'not bam, I believe, who wrote Haven—State AUnetlc Com- tlve In determining concentrations e M i H ^ p p oara quite healthv war. In the revised bill no tax uiese.^ misstoner Joseph H. Lawlor called of toxle materials which may be Morning Specials seem to hold to the notion that If words: > but grits and griule hie teeth at ■ Whatever 1* provided for. In the • He drew a circle that shut me out ’ a halt to plans of the New Haven present In Industrial atmospheres night. Also, when school Is In sss- Figure Your Savings! .vou can’t put a low Income family Arena management to have two and in recommending, where neces^ Ot House Military Oommlttec, where Heretic, rebel—a thing to flout; ekm, I have considerable trouble Morning Specials In a home ten times as good as tha But love and 1 bad the writ to win wrestlers stage a bout billed as a sary, engineering meaouraa for the with him because he becomes aick Men’s 75c Knitted the measure waa wrangled over for squalid quarters It now occupies the We drew a circle that took him In. ’ ’ Hindu mud match' as a feature of control of hazards which n a y Injure Immediately after eating braakfaet (.■weeks, one group fought hard We can and wrlll win for our Thursday night’s card. A regulation the worker’s health. OPEN only thing to do Is to leave It where and aays bs to unable to attend bU match will be substituted. Thla work, which has gone on ft»r '

ls- Men’s. 35c * • ' I '* * originally proposed. It em- the solution of th|s“ ’ pj^6blem who me for advice.” man said. Whether ths material Is out what it Is la his emotional for dlacussion. There are more make-up which mokes him iii*iii«« powers the President to conscript held to something reasonably re- :ongreaamaii working for this bill HarUord—Hie RL Rev. Mon- Introduced Into the air as a dust, MUSLIN •D men between the ages of 2i and signor Michael W. Barry, organiser vapor or fume, tha oeverity of the •Mool ao Intonsely. Probably you Plain Garments— sembling the -view which seems to and determined to see It enacted In- will be able to help him If you wilt’ “gl upon declaration of war. Though to law than for any other bill that and pastor of St. Augustine’s churcb hazard must be studied and under- Shirts or Shorts 4 $ 1 obtain In Britain—that low cost wras ever presented to Congress. here for the past 36 years, died in stood, ao that tha atmosphere ooo- read some books on child psychol- B had tba support of the American 1 Mtice that you sUto be Is Cleaned and Pressed— housing means low cost bousing. True, some amendments have Miami, Fla. A mtive of Middletown, centratlons may be ooatroUed to 9 iBgieo there art naany to whom it Monslgnor Barry was ordained to Jteap exposure it the workers with- the oldest child, and therefore there 1 Lot Children’s, Miaees’ and Women’s been recommended but they Is reason to beUeve that be may New Spring Patterns Called For and Delivered , Will not be clear why the upper age strengthen rather than weaken the the prleathood In 1888 and before in safe limits. It U important, hs in declared, that Industries make It a feel ^ tbe younger chUd is pre- Hmlt of any draft law should be flx- NEW “LABOR” PARTY bill. We no longer hold the "wisp coming to this city bad served as ferred to himself. It such U the of straw," $300.00 per month, be- point to know ths nature of ths SALE! •i »t 31. assistant In many Ckmnecticut case, you should make an effort to The Socialist Party, U. S. A., Con- fore our EUderlya. which even Dr. parishes. He hod been In ill healtb materials used and Um possible Open every Tuesday and Thursday until 9 P, M, 2 FOR $1.00 LOW SHOES p»i $ 1 . 0 ( | HWeas the limits were changed necticut Division, announces through Towrnoead sold was Impossible of for the past two^ears. health hazard aaaodatad'with thslr ahow him that you care as much for Percales and Printed single garmeata 88e If seat alone. 80c If seat him OS for ths other. It is fairly Mostly Browns. ■Mer the stress of crying necessity Devere 8. Allen of Wilton that it attainment, and most congress- Qosed Wedneadays at 12, Noon. Other days! In- New Dresses with two or more garmenta. Special dIsconnU i t to aasBy -conceivable that in a men would not consider at all. Our 5IINNESOT.\ LEADS soft to guass that bs has not taara, on any two gannenta not ctaosfaod a* “p l^ “ has changed its’ name to the Labor OC7TOPCS IS A C is sy , ed bow to toks his part la a aoclai cludiny Saturdays, store (doses at 5:80 P. M. Usually 49e and BUTS at THAT price! ta<|p and destructive war the youth amendment calls for a pro-rata dis- IN CO-OPEB.A'm’EC For Broadcloth Party of (^nnecUcut and will at- tribution of a two per cent gross DEEP-SEA DIVBB FINDS g m p and Is thus afraid ot schom. other evening appointments, ’phone B17L 64x60 long wearing percalesi Newest hdKh/miJ a t the nation might be wiped out Income tax which it 1s figured will Try to find some way to make him Spring prtota! fa lio re d or dressy types. tempt to expand Its orgaMxation St- Paul. (A P)—Minnesota has smartly trimmed! 14-46. Expert Dyeing — $2.50 iM ving the country depopulated of bring to each of our Bldariys at the 1,900 co-operative organizations, tbe Miami, Fla. — (AP) — The tort thqt other children art friendly 8 for $1.00 ■nd run a full state ticket In the octopus la a slBsy, says Robert M. .BM entire generation a quarter of a fan. i start betwecB alxty and ei^ty-five largest number of any state, a Uni- to him and hp will be more ready to 12'/2c yard Plata Garmeata la All Popolar Shades doUars per month, tncreasUl^' of Zimmerman, a deep-eea diver. w jm rate. In the meanUme, watch eaatury later. Indeed, that theory versity of Minnesota Agricultural This is a maneuver to get around course as business Improves which college survey shows. Ommaiman splkod t U og»-oU his diet. Rcfularly 15e Yard CfJIOUSC^SOH not be completely crazy which It is bound to do as Uda money Is ■toiy o< batUea to the 4MaU k*- the control of the Socialist party, Creameries lead the Hot with go INC. I that in conscripting citisans circulated by from four to five mil- 642. There are 359 ahlpplng oeao- twasB men who dotrn into tba Fighting lynching ha •o far as OonnecUcut la concerned, ^ sad tbs maay-toatBctod era*- nUttary servloe it might be far lion of our Eaderljrs who are -now. ctoUons, 316 elevators, 194 oU ao- eon of « . U. S. CLEANERS by the McLevy element in Fairfield wforklng but nrbo will quit their ture ot ths Go , mall carrier. He wrote ONTGOMERY WARD lo start at flfty and m down aoclatlone. 131 stores. 163 credit “Octopusaa are nsUlMr large nor oo(iaty, which has aroused the ire jobs and thus make room for that unions. 73 potato and produee shlp- B booh analysing motives behind T. G rant C o . AND (DYERS number tt ytmafr Woricers


Great Star in Sonja H ^ e Picture lAHY RADIO PROGRAM RADIO Recreation Father Refuses To Give Up TO OUST TOWN TENANTS RICHARDS LEAVES Greta Garbo, Stokowski LOCAL INCUBATOR TUKSDAV, mar c h 1 (Central and Butera Standard Tima) ______Day New Teaching Metiioagm Naiti AH pniarams ta kta aad taala ciialna or groapa tAaraof aalaaa apaei' Mi: ooMt t» DoiMt (• ts •) deslgeetioee iMlud# ^ avallabto statlotiB. Centerltems Search For Lost Daughter LUMBE COMPANY Revive Romance Rumors 'Mtfmims tukja^ teahantt by atatlana wHbeiit yrtvlaua natiM. P, M. BACK FOR THREE MONTHS BABY DOES WELL Scored By Educam NSC-WIAF (USD) NETWORK wkbb wtas wkbb weeo wabt kaej wnas New York, Msreb 1.—Two Sena- Aiaa5isy woe New York, Match 1.—(AP) — •Atie — Baati wmt wnas vtt« wjar MOUNT— kvor kls kob ktl kavo kfbb tors involved in an argume.’u over The women’s swimalhg failed. Private tavesUgators and Amalfi, Italy, March 1.— (A P )—if Raveno, in medieval times wtec veab kyw wfbr wro wet wbaii I tequest o f SamuM Stsvenoon for a .Atlantic iaty, N. J., March 1.-H COAST—kns kola kol kfpy kvi kafo koy the relative merits of cheese, that wU) meet as follows; 7:00 to 7:46 Oiariea A. Weldman, a nervoua lit- people with "hunebds" bad no better Greta Garbo of the moviea and Leo- thriving d ty o f SS.OOn, now is only do not Imow M U . HPcaa wtaai w wj waal w ial: MMwtat: success. : tax repayment, or BLUE O.’O ^ L a t'a Pratand. for KIddlaa The sw lor basketball league Broadway, today extended his 8 1-2- wicb signs on which waa painted ths At Last Night’s Meeting Joseph Rabaghno Gains; pupils, tbe group mlcrophonu in the Senate restau- famous Island o f Capri together. A romance betwdjm Miss Garbo tt isl M tw orka); Baala — Caat: wlw wfoa f:44—Bdaka Cartar’ a Commant games mIU be as scheduled: Mori- year aeareh for his lost dau^ter, methods," a group of educators re- kpwia work wool: MMwaat: wood wri A Hia Muiie rant In tbk capltol at Washington. picture o f his daughter and ths The mayor said be had seen their and Stokowski was reported as long true In Hlgt sdwola—‘ srtys vs. Y. D. Service. 7:16; P, A. Ruth, now 30, to South America and In Town’s Bosmess Life. belled today agaliut tbe “progreo- are more nearly w i 9 whow wabc fcoao kana OTHKN 2*55“ Nadia Nawa Pariad On one s l^ there will be Senator legend: "H ava you seen this girlT ” Does Not Deal With Back- poaoportB and these left no doubt ago as last October, but both denied 2Pds. ISOz. At Birth. O PTIO NAL BTATtONB — Canadians 4:04-> 7:04—P m IIo MalodiM — oaat: Royal 8. ^pelon d InslFtlng that the A. C. vs. DiUon V-8, 8:18; Renn's Asia. The mother, at 40, haa become gray to the identity of tfrf couple. slve" system of teaching tosterad primary leveL" erct cioi: Cantrali wefl wtmj wiba wday . Htr^n P^o*a Canaort—woat He moiled out 17,000 circulars to (XN. PERSHINirS the repoito at tbat time. 20 years ago by John Dswey, the kean: ieiitht wtar wptf wla wjax 4:14— ril^Hoilyweod’a Saraanaeoapa product o f bis state, New York, Is Tavern vs. Olsons. 5:16. with worry. Twice she tried to take The actress and musician, who Increasing proportlaiMi wrla-waQm wlod waoe wfbc wwne wcae •:3^ 7:44—Halan Mankan*a Sarlal — WedBMday South Amarican cities aad hamleta, her life In despair. Rent Situation Is Belief. N. B. Richards, who has been late last year dented reports of a "There's absolutely no question of phUosopher. and senior H l ^ school st wava warn w n e wtb wapi wmsb widx far better than that from Wiscon- Mr. and Mra. Joseph Rabaglino of Ths men's volleyball team will to morgues, police prefectures, marriage," the musician aald. "In on Professor William C. Baglay, ot "really Illiterate," It said, kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre wool ktha r S t Nobinaon Play sin. Senator F. Ryan Duffy of the "I have even gone to fortune tell- maimger of the Manchester Lumber romance, arrived at Sorrento, on the 45 Victoria Rood are rejoicing those k fb v kttw kark k^ne: Mountain: kgir r j f c Jolaan with Hia Show practlea from 8 to 7 o'clock. hospitals and msaae asylums. CONDITION NOW Bay of Naples, by motor car and Interview Mlaa Garbo already has Teachers’ Oiliege, Columbia Uni- latter state will argue altogether to ers,” Neidman said. "Qome of them ■ Company since leaving the F. T. now taken for granted ■ilil ktar kob: Pacific: kfbk kwg kmj "1 bad lilred even underworld con- answered It. She said quite plainly days over the fact that their Infant versity, heads the new "Etoaentlallst kem. S OakiaJSoilaga—to a the contrary. The men's slvlminlng classes will have told me they visualizedzed herbi n , Tackling the'town’s real estate boarded a private launch for the Is- school students are not only 0:0^10:04—Oaodman SwTnf. aloe cat start at 7 o’clock. tacts in my search for Ruth," he BUah Hardware Company several there waa no truth In these rumors. son, Joseph Jr., to definitely on the committee foi the advanceiMnt ot Cont. K a ^ working at one of the and rentals problem In a direct man- land. to read effectively, hot 4:4^10:34—Howard PhllllpeTsonS- said. "Several of them told me she yeara ago and who was named She haa a group of friends In HoUy- education” whicl declared on 4:30— >:J0—Jack Armatrono. Sariat-* The junior tx^s basketball league beaches. I don’t know." MUCUmVED It was disclosed tbat Miss Garbo gaining aide. The tiny mite of war struction tn arithmetic and Poniaa-mlSw About new programa coming up; ner last night, the Board of Select- manager when the company was re- wood and I am one of that group. baalc; Harry Kofon* OrchtaL—want games will be played tonight in- might have been taken to Rio de . Neidman works 14 hours bad been at Ravello, hamlet in the humanity, born prematurely Janu- Dewey's system at the «tinn«i con- mar.” 4:44— 4:44—Littla Orphan Annia — 10:04—11:04—Rod Norvo and Orahaatra That projected abow for CBS to re- men voted to inatitute eviction pro- organized as the Manchester Lum- That to aU there to to It” stead o f Thuraday. Schedule as Janeiro or 'some other port In South a midtown restaurant. Whenen SPOHc ■ ^ (CXHitlnDed from Fnge Om ) environs of Naples, since Feb. 25, ary 2. at the Hartford hospital, vention ot the Amoricon Associa- Tbe "Essentialist” group naat: Harry Kofon Orchoata^woat Maiodlaa—waat rpt turn Lou Holts to broadcasting has ceedings against an tenants of town ber and E'uel Company last year, A t that time he declined to com- SrOb— 4:00 t clanco from tlia Nawa 1? S t U M rigan Orehaata follows: Bpeedboys vs. Heights, 7 to America. Is over be elbows bis way through occupying a flower decked villa weighed only 2 pounds and 16 tion of School Admlntotratorz hero. the "ProgreMlves” were been set for a start next Monday has resigned from the company. ment on reports tbat )ito wife, the 4:14— 4:14—Joan Edwarda*'Contralto 8; Falcons vs. Sons of Le^on, 7 to " I feel she must be alive. Night theater throng:a ir Times Square. property vdio. after this date, fall the first to flash on.tn the clear, cold overlooking the sea. ounces at birth, little more than "In spite of lu vast expense, tha public schools M propaga 4:44— 4;1C^- Praaa»Wadio Nawo Parlte 11:34—13:44—Herb Oorton A Orehaatra night at 5 Also there wlU be Dick R. J. Paul o ' Redding. Penn., who former E^rangellhe Johnson, had 4t44— 4:44—LanI Maintfra Orahaatra 8; Royal Blusa vs. Orioles, 8 to 9; end day her mother and I have wror- into arrears of more than three desert dawn this morning. Stokowski, who was divorced last the weight of the famous Dionne commute said in a statement t^ a y , "new social order." They a] NBC-WJZ (B LgC ) NBTWORK* Hlmber’s orchaetra, K ay Thompson " I always think I might see her lias bad 15 years experience In the taken up residence in Los Vegas, It44— 4:44—Orphan Annta—m liw rpL O u ter Springe vs. Meteore, 8 to 9. ried and aearehed. searohed and months In rent. The regulation, Is Again OenscUpne Dec. 8 and who sailed from New quinta, and now haa nearly doubled "public education in the United a permanent cound to 4:04— 7:04—Amaa *n* Andy—aaat: Hal •{'••C — Kiati »J» wbi-wbta wbal and a girls' rhythm trio. Tod Hustng there,” he explained. " I t seems as If which becomes enforceable Immedi- ooa] and lumber buslnesa, has been Nev., but she was granted a divorce comlafff:;i From the hit-making studios of 26th Ctatury^Foc eomes Darryl F. Thuraday worried— but it -seems the earth In a rally beginning Sunday noon York for Naples Feb. 5. Is known to hto original avoirdupois by tipping States to In many ways appaUlngiy TatUn and tporta Commant—woat li ? ™ K2’!'* •«»*• w *y i wjtn w»yr wmal on sports and Agnes Mooreheod, everybody In be world Is In thoss ately, is not concerned with tha back- named manager and la now in December 8. They were married In "Progresstv*" ayttem and 4 : 1 ^ 7:1^V oc4l Variatlaa by Choral * «p d w 5 5 i wice Zanuck's silvery, sumptuous, auperlatiW new musical "Happy Landing," The women’e ewlmming cl> must have swallowed her. If only the crowds— except Ruth. the fighting Worid W ar commander have been In Rome recently. On the scales at 6 pounds, 9H ounces. weak and ineffective. Age for age, a return to what they di 4:40— 7:24—Dick Qaaparra Orahaatra wlan: MIdwaiti wtnr wla kwk koll wran comedienne. rent situation, but Is Intended to charge of the yards, off Center Feb. 24 a train employe reported 1926 and bad two children. •:44— 7:44^0r. Dollar — waaf wmaq: frm tktowowo w ^ ; Sauthi wrtd wnbr will meet as follows: 7 :(W to 7:46 could understand how desperately "Sometime- my heart stMids still, had overcome the inability to swel* It was necessary to administer oxy- the average pupil In our elementary good, old-faa*iioned book li As far as Uie plans have been co-sUrring Sonja Henle (center) and Don Ameche (right). Cesar R ^ prevent rent pileupfi In the future. street near EMgerton street. that a woman he believed to be Mlaa Olak Oaaparra Continuod—network 5 ^ kfdre ^1 kria wlbo wdao waaa Advanced; 7:45 to 8:80 Lifa SavlM . we want her back again.” but It always turns out to be the low— and therefore to take food Five days after his wife’s divorce. gen, and to keep the baby in an In- 7:04— 004—Puoo Marnan A Orehaotra Mountanim; Ido krod ktht; formulated, the program to take mero, Ethel Merman and Jean Heraholt (left to right) ate featured In the By a vote of 8 to 2, the Board voted Mr. Richards, wbc has bad a Garbo had arrived in Rome from Stokowski saw Miss Garbo off on Pacific: 1 The P. A. C. will play a game tn The circulars Neidman sends out wrong person.” the mouth— thrown off much of ths cubator at the Institution until last 7 f4 ^ t:S4—Wayno lOno*o Orchaatfa aa:.iw-- "a® b4ca kjr over ths W EAF-NBC Ume on Wed- cast. "Happy Landing” will be seen at the State theater Thursday, F ri- against a proposal mode earlier In prominent' part in the business life Florence. Station employes said she the liner Gripsbolm when she left week when he w astransferred to 4:04— 4:00—Vox Poppara A Quaatlana WEAF-NBC for optional the gym atartlng at 7:80. — now more thsn 60,000 in all— Neidman has made trips to many the evening by Town Counsel WU- poiaen a kidney failure left In hia •:44-J:4d—Roaa A Buttarwarth—to e Hat o f aution a.) nesday nights now occupied by day and Saturday. of Manchester, will enter a new was met by a man resembling Sto- carry the plcturs of. Ruth, a smiling, llam S. Hyde that the town proceed blood stream and regained fun con- for Sweden. Robert Reud, old friend a basket In the same department 0:44—10:80 Jlwmia Pldlar, Talk—to e ConL jfcaat. HoUywood Parade Is to be Kay parts of the country—Los Angeles, field. He baa arranged to take the kowsU. Dr. Albert U. Peacock, Infant spe- SOUTH CHURCH 4:44—10:45—Data Carntgia'a Program pretty brunette. She left home on to clear out the erea It owns just ■clousneas. ''i'' of the actress who was present at ♦s3(^4:3<^Tha Singing Lody—aaat: Kyier'a Musical Klaas. This feature , Oorpus Cbriatl, Tex., agency for an nuteniobUe and will Miss Garbo waa seen leaving the their farewell, said she and the con- cialist, who Is also caring for an- 10:04—ll.'OO—Oeiohca vo. Crima—aaat: and bis September 18, 1584, for classes at ,. west o f the Municipal BuUding, and Oxygen was no longer neceaaaty. Amaa *n* Andy—ropaat for waat A ^hnaton, iSirTtono—weal Is now being broadcast on WOR- father motored to Derby tween Hebron and Colchester, bad the midwest and the east—on "tips” His heart, though badly damaged, open a salesroonr and service sta- RaveUo villa this morning, wearing ductor drank a toast together. other prematurely born baby about 40x14—Itsl^-Lauia Panleo A Orahaatra Mix, Skateh—bade; West P h lU ^ p h ia High schooL Her now occupied By buildings which SERVICE ON , Bomaoa, Voeala—weat CBS. It la an audience |)artlclpatlon Sunday. his car so badly damaged In an auto TOLLAND from persona who bellevi they know was regular; hU pulse competent- tion, the announcement to be made her famous dark glasses. The house- Stokowski sailed for Naples on three weeks old, to well pleased 10:10—11:S4—Ruby Nawman'a Orchta. family, friend.i and classmates never are out of repair. Reason for refusal 11:04—13:00—Woody Harman Orehaatra ! S t Nagai Orehaa. Idea In ths form of s musical ques- All church people and' others Ut- collision recently that It wa# be- the girl. He slept a natucal slebp. by him In a few days. keeper said ahe was expected to re- the Conte Dl Savoia February 5 un- with the gain they are malting, and 11:10-13:34—Mika Eilay'a Orahaatra ■*S r! tte Organ saw her again. to clear the land at this time is given StSS^- Stli Saranadarp - w ji oniyj tionnaire. , tsrested are Invited to join In a fel- yond repair. The accident happened The funeral of Mrs. Prank A. "But they are always wrimg,” hs Late yesterday, a day of remark- Mr. Paul, thr new m ana^r, said turn In a few days. der the name o f "A. R. AUen.” the expert care given them. Sev- Neidman sought police help, which as Uie fact that the town, normally, Miss Oatbertata A. Oalhooa CBE-WABC NETWORK . Ta Ba Announead—chain loarsblp of prayer the world around some days ago In Amston. Jon: Newman waa held from her late said. coUccts several dollars a }rear rent able gMns, Perablng caUed for today that the company r$ltb the eral prtzea have been awarded tbe Third In Thii ScMon 4 :4 ^ 4:44—Lowall Thomaa — aaat: on the World Day of Prayer, March Tha funeral of Hiss Ctotberine A. BASIC — Boat: wabo wade woko weaa A Mix—midw rp{ Air topics tonight: wraa trying to avoid twm parked home Sunday afternoon at 3:00 on the property. orange juice. It was the first food capital that was put Into the busi- staff In this part of tbe Institution Held This ComiRk wool war wkbw wkra whk «1r wdre for the remarkable results accom- Ctolhoun was held thU morning at 4 :0 ^ 7 :0 ^ C aay Acta. Skit—also cat WEAF-NBC, 8-^ohnny and Ruee 4. A special meeting will be held at truclcs and in turning out tor them o’clock and was largely attended by at 12:80 o'clock by the ladies o f the SplM 'Absent be bad requested in four days and ness last year was In a position to latlve committees to the small wcau w}aa wpro wfbl wlar wgmr; Mld> •*15“ 7:14—Mra Katn A Loat Paraona plished In the past in the care of 8:80 at ths T. P. HoUoran funeral E v e n in g — ^The P ro g m iB r^ waat: wbbm wfbm kmbe km ox whaa 7:44—Dorothy Thompoon. Talk Morgan; 9— Vox Pop: 9:80—Rose, the Bolton Congregational church be collided with a car oomlug from former neighbors, friends and rela- Bolton church. Selectman Mathias Spless, whose the first he bad been able to swal- carry on a buslnesa dealing In all amount of revenues available for kfab kmt MOST WSUItED DRIVERS low. * Infants weighing even less than the home and at S t Bridget’s church ^ L. Panleo Orahoatra—weat Butterworth and O'Keefe, Onale; 11 on that day at 12:30 p. m.- The the opposite direction. He Is having tives of the deceased. Mrs, New- The young people In this vlciplty stirring o f the rent condlUons first branches of lumber and alto in coal construction and reconstruction. ABOUT TOWN at 9 o’clock. Rev. Vincent J. Hines, bast—wbna wpp whp whae wore efrb •Jfj— 7:44—Vivian delta Chlaaa, tong World Day of Prayer Is sponsored are invited to tM e an educational brought up the issue a week ago, 'This was a problem 15 years ago. Rabaglino baby. ekmo w ite wmaa waag wnbf wtbs wkbn 4:4^'*Thoaa Wa Lava/* Serial — (Eastern network) Science vs. Willard Warrender drive for him on man waa a Gold Star Mother and a and fuel oil. The company will be assistant pastor o f S t James's . A t tho South Methodist chi whio wkM was absent from lost night's meet- Much of the gain tn weight made 1 * 2 ^ Ouaat. It C^n Ba Dona O lm e: 11:80— Ruby Newman music. by the CiuncU of Women for Home the mall route^emporarlly. delegation from the American Le- trip to the State hospital tn Nor- TO GET SAFETY AWARD able to assist In financing home It to a question of state financial church celebrated tM maae. Rev. Ths coming Sunday avsnlng D IXIE — waat wafa wbre wqam wdod 4 :0 ^ 0:04—Horace Haldt*a Brlgadlara Missions, and the Foreign Missions wich, Saturday, March 6 at 1:16 p. ing, reported to be 111 and confined policy for which the highway com- Members of tbe Children of Mary by tbe latter Is doubtless due to the o’clock tbe third Of this klra wrao wlae wwl wtoc krld ktrh ktsa !* 2 ? ~ - 2 * l^ “ Allaa Jimmy Valantina'* WABC-C3B, 7:80—Hele.1 Menken Mr. jn d Mrs Herbert Adams and gion AuxUlary of RockvUle were builders and la b a position to go Sodality of St. James’s church wUl William P.. Reldy, the pastor, was waco koma wdbo wbt wdao wbla wdbi Conference, N. Y. The day Is ob- m. This trip Is ^ n a o r e d by the to his home. EX-RED CfflEFTAINS mloaloner to In no way responsible. fact that I he to breast fed by bto musical osrvlcea wlU ba I__ 4:0^10:04—NBC’a Chicago Jamberoo serial; 8— Edwaro O. Robinson play; their UHant daugbteV Roberta were present. The flowers were many along with the growrtb of the town, bowl at the West Side Rec tonight mother, at long distance as it were. deacon and Rev. Thomaa Stack, sub wwva wmbE waja w nbr wala ktw kfko 10:04—11:04—Nawa; L. Thompson Oreha served in more Uian 50 countries. Tonand Council o f Rellgloua Eduesr Maiority Entitled To 15 Per I t waa at first proposed to post- It to not a matter of highway or- deacon. Story, tbs minister, wUl have _ wcoa wdne wnox kwkh know wmmm 10:34—11:3(^H tn ry . Buace'a Oreheatra 8:30—Al Jolson show; 9— Al Pearce week end visitors at Mrs. Adams and beautiful silent tributes of love Mr. Paul said. at 7 o'clock. Hto father to a mechanic employed The Rev. B. A. Lewis of the He- tlon. Its purpose is to acquaint Cent Reduction In Insurance pone action and emarka on the ganization or methods. of ths devotlbnsl piut and win 1 Wabb A Orehaatra Gang: 9:30—Jack Oakle (Jollege; lu Hebron home.'They attended church and esteem for the departed. Rev. rent matter until the presence of BROUGHT TO TRIAL In Hartford, and every m orn t^ be- As the body was brought Into the M IDW EST — wmbd wlan wlbw kfk 11:34—13:44—Roger Pryor A Orehaatra bron and Gilead Congregational Valentine S. AUson pastor o f the young people with the relation at On Baaia O f Records. As to Organization church Organist Packard played, d brief oddreas on tbe sc — Benny Goodoan Swing. Sunday at 8L Peter'a alcohol to Insanity. Dr. Chester Mr. Spleaa, but on motion of Mr. To Hurley’s charges the highway Ernest T. Bantly, proprietor of fore going to his work he leaves churches has brought out a paper tra. WABC-CB8, 8:46— Curtis musi- of the Connecticut State College Uod. The Town CJounsel aald that home. 4:80—"Hugbecreel" presenting ^ush son o f North (Coventry, a former the social rooms of the Federated Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller and I f national averages hold In this cated that wholesale charges of ‘I f further proof Is needed, one ■Charges that tertain contractors hoped as many os possible wUl at- UNITED STATES F L E n tha Important positions be I Tomorrow’s Program cals; 4:46—Dr. Dafoe; 0:0b—Ted Glee Club took part in the Festival area, the survey pointed out, 88 out o f tha total o f sidewalk and curb tend. Several of the members. In- s. Hughae, news cominentator. home missionary In Maine: a union Church, Thursday, when the ladles children, Winifred Harriet and EM- sabotage through industrial aed- need only visit the scenes photo- were favored the department as organist and cboirmaatar I A. M. Huaing preview of national indoor of College Glee clubs In Symphony of 100 Insufed motorists will make •ccounU, aU but 11 have been paid, cluding Ruby Wilson, F. J. Rein- (t4:4#—The Road of life. home missionary service at Hebron will meet at 10:00 o'clock. A box ward o f Milford, spent Sunday at dente would be Introduced oa tn graphed." were "absolutelj^nfounded," as- era] ot the churches of 7:00—Eta Alpha Programma. tennis tournament. Hall, , Friday evening. There and that all except 2 o f this niimber arts and EMward Perkins who have READY FOR WAR GAMES K 5:00—Dick Tracy. were fourteen glee clubs from col- lunch with hot coffee will be pro- the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellogg ‘ •*®** wvlnff*- introducing the other Soviet treason trials. I t Is Oalled Rldicnloae serted the highway commlsaioner. Bbiglond. 7:80— Shoppers Special. WJZ-NBC, 13:30— Farm and addressed by the Rev. George A. will be paid within the next three been Ul are recovering and It to ASK INFORMATION »':-X:18—Terry and the Pirates. leges all over New England. There vided by one o f the members. White. Miss Beatrice White retura- ®*^® Driver Reward Plan on Febru- said the accused banu blew up Hurley labelled the trick photo- "Had the commissioner of public A s ite title would lndtaoMi'1 7:45— News Service. Home Hour; 3—Continental Varie- Pollard o f Zetland, Oregon; the months. graphy accusations as "ridiculous" hoped wlU soon be able to attend I'TBaO—Jack Armstrong. were more than one thousand mixed The weeldy reading club met with them after spending her va- " y * National Bureau, foUow- mines, burned factories, wrecked works applied the bid prices of San Pedro, (tolif., Mardi 1— (A P) eaatata is divided into ties: 4:80— Parente-Teachers pro- redecoration of the Gilead church cation In Milford ■'‘5 its annual practice, revised rates . In regard to the outstanding and aloo suggested tbat Interested the, meetings 5:4^—*Xittle Orphan Annie." 8:00—Treasure House. voices Henry Hilliard, a freshman Monday afternoon with Mrs. L. trains and maimed workers. every bidder on a contract to the —Into the largest emr game ever tlens: inrat, ’’Penltenos" gram. by the Ladles Aid society and a ptnona visit the scenes photograph- ABOUT SABOTAGE €M—News. 8:16—Shoppers Special. at the State College also took part. Ernest Hall. Schools In town and the Windham ^le basis of the tateat avaUable cemetery accounts, Judge Hyde said Appearance In the prisoners’ box final estimates," he said, "he could played on the North Pnelfie, tha opens with chorus “How •:16—"Fred Hoey, Sports Roundup" 9:00—Metropolitan Parade. union thanksgiving service, Novem- High school in WlUlmanUc re-open. «*Pcrience of claim losses and aoci- that a large proporUon of the per- of the two men branded as r ^ - ed. He declined to comment on have proved to himself beyond doubt Mrs. Frederick P. LaUmer of Tnou Forget M s?" and 1 ber. A second Trl (bounty Youth They went by bus from Storrs Fri- Mr. and Mrs. I. Tilden Jewett United States Fleet will hurl awre 5:80—WrIghtviUe Clarion. 9:15—Madison Ensemble. Some Wednesday short waves: ed Monday morning after a WMk’s "®"^ frequency. An annual review sona owing money are now relief re- leaders— former Premier Alexis I. other pbaoes of MacdonAId's report that the low bidder to whom the Hartford, state regent of the Daugh- (toatiniied from Pagr Ooe) than 160 ships and 800 planes thlc ths hymn " I Heard tba Vei Ojnference was also held In Novem- day morning and returned home In have returned from nearly three ters of the American Revolution, 5:45—tranl Mclhtlre'B Orchestra. 9:26—Star uastng In Hollywood. TPA2 Paris, 9:80 a. m— Sym- the evening. vacation. experience tn each of the 300 rat- cipients. and that coUecUon from Rylcoff and Nikolai Bucbarln, for- until be bad read it more fully. contract was awarded in almost month. Navy sources said today. JeSua"; Second: "Pardon" ber tn Hebron, with addresses by weeks spent vacationing In Florida WlU be the guest apeaker at tbe Feb- ' T:00— Amos ’n* Andy. 9:80—Phi] Boudml—accordionist. phonic concert; HAT4 Budapest V— M ri. WUllam Porter and children territories throughout the coun- them la almost Impossible at this mer editor o f Isveatla and Pravda— Governor Cross also declined to every case would have still been the dlMppearmnee of aircraft plans The far-flung operations wlH twt with tte booi solo "O u t Mr. Brundage of Storra, the Rsv. M r. and Mra. Lewis Phelps spent and tight seeing places enroute. ruary meeting Thursday afternoon T;16— Vocal Varieties. 0:46—Dan Hardlng’a Wife. Operetta excerpts; 3RO Rome V:3U Lorraine and William o f East Glaa- ^*7 means that the motortste in each time. -Another large oecUoo of waa awaited tenoely by those who comment after receiving the report low bidder on the basis o f the re- from Parnell Aircraft, Ltd., last America's sea power la nearly aU deh Dp6n tho Lord", aad < and Mrs. Forrest Weir of New Ha- the week-end in Chicago with their They report a fine trip and called from Macdeaald yoaterday. . at the Y. M. C A. Mra. William fall. . T:80— "True or False.” 10:00—Pretty Kitty Kelly. —Light music: W3XAD W2XAK aon CJtaarles. They went by train tonbury, were recent callers at the I territory determine their own cost cemetety ocoounte hava been out knew the two “old Bolsheviks.” vised estimates of quantities’’. Pacific watera north of the Equator a hymn at nMdltatlcm, *' ven and the Rev. Henry Robinson ot on several Tolland people who are of automobile Insurance, aince the In defending the Merritt Parirway B. LuU and Mrs. F, H. JoaM wUl {( 5:00—Johnny with Russ Morgan. 10:16— Myrt and Marge. Schenectady, 8 — Latln-American from Hartford to Newark, New Jer- home o f Mr. and Mrs. Wlnthpop lawed. Judga Hydq ooid. having been Are Stall Mea Macdonald contended tbsit It there Labor mamber W . A. Burke filed except those under Japaneae Influ- This Thy Morcya O o^; South Coventry. In addition to the wintering in different parte of the Porter. rates reflect the combing record of Buebarin, 48 )reart old. whs des- land acqulslUon policy, the highway were a "colh.p8e’’ in the depart- to the hostesass. Mn. LaUmer notice o f the queaUon to be put to- ^;_5:80—^Wayne King's Oreheatra. 10:80—Tony Wona’ Scrapbook. concert; DJD Berlin, 8—Greetings sey, Friday afternoon and from unpaid for over six years. ence. ssetton "Poaeo'’ opona wlb '^ O.'OO—Vos Pop. regular Christmas program a can- state. losses and accident freqUfhcy of the cribed os a sick man with a bad commiastoner asserted tbat Hur- ment’s field Inspection service as wUl speak on "Antiques.” but tt morrow to Air Secretary A. J. 10:46—News Service. in song; OSD OBC OSB GSL Lon- there by airplane to Chicago. This it was voted that the cemetery Defease of Oahu, HnUralton Is- chorus, "When the Son , tata, "The Christmas King,” was A group from the Tolland Feder- automobile owner Insured In each heart before bis Imprisonment a ley's contentions tbat condemnatioh contended by Hurley the onus for to understood It will be a humorous Muirhead for a statement on the ShaU Corns", aad elossa > 5:80—"Hollsrwood Ifardi Oras", 11:(X>—Ruth Carbart—Songs. don. 9:30—World affaire: YV5KC was a five hour ride. account be overhauled and brought land bulwark, by "W hite" foreev un- r 10180—Jimmy Fiddler. ated Church are planning to attend rating territory, the survey ex- irear ago. proceedings would have been ad- It was upon the pubUe works com- taUi rather than what tha name Im- latest sabotage of planes. song of triumph set to tho 11:16—Carol Kennedy's Romance. Caracas, 9:30--Dance music. presented in Hebron and "Chnstmas Miss Jean Shepherd la spending up to date, with items not deemed plies. der Admiral Blijward C. Kalbfus is 10:48—Dale Camagle. the aeaelona of the Tolland County plained. Rykoff, 67, was broken In health visable were "practically Impossible missioner and not himself. Tbe two Royal airforce bombers, "Now Therefore Our Gh>d Ws 1 11:30—Big Sister. In the Cobbler's Shop" was given the week with her aunt and uncle ZERO TEMPERATURES as collectible at this time being the first phase of Fle4t Problem llKIO-NawB. In Gilead. In January 1938, the Bee- Leadership Training School to be In order to make a difference la by 3reare o f prison and exile os a to justify In the face of actual "During the period In which ths et Ringway Airdrome near Man- TbM ". Tbs soloists for tho 11:46—Aunt Jenny's Real Life Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bass. The transferred to a suspense Hat. facts." Business at the Manchester office XIX. 11:15—Polish Orehaatra. thoven Glee club of Manchester gave held In the Union Congregational the cost of automobile liability _ In- Some 8641.55 In cemetery amounts professional revolutionist before inquiries of the commtoslonef of cheeter, had been wheeled out of v/UI bo the regular solotots Stories. schools In New Haven are closed STRIKE NEW ENGLAND He said that In most eases dam- public works were made In the high' of the Railway Etopress Agency As the squadrons are an route F( r 11:45—Ruby Neuman’s Orchestra, a concert in the Gilead church. In for their vacation. Church In Rockville during Friday surance between safe drivers 'and due is now outlawed it was shown. the overthrow of the Ciarist r ^ m e , the Falrey Aviation company's choir, Mtea Eleanors WUl 12:00— Mary Margaret McBride. and by a fondness for vodka which age awards as re-asaeeaed by the way department," be said, "tha In- continues to show an Increase. With assembly ahops for test flights home they will work out n test at- jpt 18:00—Weather Report. HEBRON the same month a deligbtiul week evenings through the month of those who have accidents that pro- Being aeored Up prano, and Robert Gordon, I P. M. Mra. Donald Tuttle has charge of duce claim losses, an additional fac- caused -the drink to be christened courts "greatly exceeded" the high- spection forces of the department a faUlng off in the freight business when It was discovered that holes tack and defense o f the Padfle '^0‘>5y Harman's Orehestra. end was enjoyed when a delegation March and Friday evening April Stating that the back rents situ- This service Is tho first 12:16— Your News Parade— Edwin a Bingo party assisted by Mr. and Two Deaths, Fires, Traffic tor of 4.8 per cent has been contdd- "Rykovlia” when Its sale waa re- wray department's original awrards, were under bto jurisdiction. I f thsre for the month of February the bus!' had been drilled In the goaoUne coast itself. 85i8®—Mike RUe^s Orchestra. The town was In the grip of of students from foreign lands was Mrs. Bertram Lewla to be held at 1st. Able speakers Including Dran atlan Is one that is now being clear- Lenten servlcoa to bo given 1:00 a. m.—Silent. C. HU). introduced in Russia after the and gave as an example a Merritt was any collapse of the InspecUon ness at tbe office o f the exprees tanka Admiral Claude C. Bloch, aboard something as near to a blizzard entertslned by the two churches In the town hall Thursday evening, R. H. Potter, Dean K. R. Stolz, Dr. Blocked And Off Coast Ship-1 ®*'*® Lbe rates in all territories, •d up, Judga Hyde said that it is South church a t '7:80 ok 12:30— Romance of Helen Trent. J. (). Miller of Hartford, Rev. J. (3. oinir ParalvzpH This 4.8 per cent Is not an actual Revolution. Parkway case in which the assessed service, be to to blame." company navertbelezs showed an in- An air ministry announcement the fleet flagship Pennsylvania, will ovonlngs. Tho pubUe ia Monday aa anyone wanted to see. connection with others of the Tri- March 8. There iwlll be twenty-five unlikely that the town can recover 12:45—Our "Jal Sunday. Waggoner. Storra and Dr. George r a ra iy s e a . I addition to the rate In each territory 'Genrikh G. Yagoda, 46, once head value of the land waa 86,505.20, Ute creaae at five per cent over the said “ there to reason to believe the act as chief umpire. Invited to moke these sen__ Tomorrow's Program Motoring was attended with much County Union. China, Japan, Hoi' games coming under the one ad- any of the $1,(X)0 owed by Natale 1:00—Betty and Bob. S. Brooks of Rockville are to be the M w _ I • national average, the survey o f the dread secret poHee, likewise department’s valuation 815,000, and business done at the office In Feb- damage was malicious and the mat- After the fleet’s oOrtla frOlta tbe port of their Lenten msdltat a. m. inconvenience and danger, and was land, Armenia, Switzerland, and mission and then a few extra for Oarrone, a bankrupt, and that the the court award, 824,650. 1:15—Betty Crocker—Cooking Ex- leaders. ** While this 4.8 per cent oon- was said b]) acquaintances to be In ruary 1987. The business o f 1987 ter to under tnveatlgatlon by no- Ban Pedro-son Olege base MOteh 5rt)0— Blut Roy. practically nil. There was a heavy those Who care to play. This Is be- ether owing tenants have been un- SO. WINDSOR COUPLE llca" pert. the Ukraine section of Poland and f England stitutes a charge upon the driver UI health. Beporto on M d g e s was also an Increase over the same r 16, It will be swallowed u; la war- 5 ^ 0 —"ReveUIe". roaring and " hlatUng of wlrik. and Russia were represented liv the ing given for the benefit of the able to pay, except la the case of He dwelt at length on Hurley’s I- 80— Arnold Urtm'e Daughter. through L^ay, left two persons dead I who has loss-producing accidents, Charges that the writer Maxim month In 1986. Employea Qnizsed. time silenoe oa tha Pacific until It T;00—Morning Watch — Ben Haw- part of the Ume the snow, blew to guests entertained. Father and Son juvenile grange and the members and a trail of 5res, fires, aeddente,aeddente. dis-dis-1 the survey said. It la returned three Robert Genovese, who has banded Corky, and two Soviet offtclale, charge Ills department showed “ex- 69 YEARS WED TODAY DEFOSmONS ARE thorne. 1 :45— Hollywood In Person—Movie Special Investigators questioned again appears off Oahu March'88 such an extent that there wasl|great- banqueta were held in Gilead and are selling tickets. Prizes will be rupted transportation schedules and In for rent the amount o f $360 in W acbesloff Menahlnoky and Val- tremely poor judgement and engin- t.'OO—News. Stars on the Air. given. times ovir to the great' m jority of Arthur J. Manley formerly with moet of the aviation company’s 70- for joint defease oxerclaes wtth ly decreased visibility. Schools be- Hebron, both of which were mark- GILEAD poiwlirsed shipping. motorists who are safe drivers. cash, and has asked credit for 871.86 erian V. KulbUheff, were murdered eering" In the deelgn of the 60-odd odd employea and farmers round- 8:15— Hi Boys, 2:00—News Thru a Woman's Eyes Mr. and Mrs. EUlswrorth Covell Mr. And Mrs. Albsrt Dibble the Hartford Oourant clrculat...,atlon de-__ army stationed there.- FOR PARKWAY PR( gan on time but attendance was ed successes. Last fall and winter The dead were George J. Palm- la plumbing and repairs that be by their physicians excited specula- bridge! spanning the Fairfield partment and more recenUy in like about were asked whether they had O rtaln powerful detachments 5:80—Radio Baaaar. —Kathryn Cravens. attended the meeting o f (^ulnebaug gren. 72, of Malden who collapsed county link to the Hutchinson River small. Temperature was 8 above at the Tri-County conducted a teacher Rev. Berl uewls, minister of the himself has paid out tion. Only three of tho pbyslclana Receive Felicitfitions O f work tn Massochutette, today took seen any myaterieua strangers in will run north from San Pedro to 5:00—Blue Grass Boy. 3:16— The O'NelU's. the Green, Pomona Grange at Danielson. Satur- after fighting the storm on his way Parkway In New York. Bridgeport, Marofa 1 —, ( J training InstltuU In Gilead. Hebron Gilead (Congregational church has Selectman C. T. Wood, in —viny who attended the men were among over the circulation work of the the vicinity of the airport. 5:18—Gretchen McMullen. 2:30— American School of the Air. day. They also visited Mr. Covell’s to work: and ' Abraham P. Thal- Pbotograplis Hurley exhibited In Their Many Friends Today. Alaska and later sweSp down from The state’s attorney’s offkMi'j Some excitement was caused Sat- will have the group for the spring announced the Sunday morning MARLBOROUGH that the Board act to prevent fu- the 21 accused of conspiracy. Hartford Times in Manchester. Tbe quest o f a possible foreign Dutch harbor naval bass in time to 5:80—Food News. 8:00— Leith Stevens' Harmonies. father WllUs Ciivell in Ablngton. heimer, 60, who collapsed and died Since disclosuraa at one Soviet support o f his charge were "distort- nouaosd today that Earls W. urday when ths fire department was meeting. The GUead Sunday school church program for sendees during ture rent accumulation, asked for a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dibble of espionage-sabotage ring haa been participate la the major fleet actloa 5:48—Artistry o f Homemaking. 3:30— National Education AssocIS' There will be a meeting of of- of exertion in downtown Boston. Mrs. Elmore Sheffield of 8una- trial of those accused o f "Trotsky- ed,’' Macdonald contended, and the under way for some time. Govern- special aosiatant, waa la called out to L ke care of a chimney teachers have had two "pot luck' the Lenten season as follows; March 80 day period of non-payment be Pleasant Valley, South Windsor to- o f HawaU early In ApriL Wlgga of the Cabbage tlon Convention. fire at Mrs. Mary E. Cummings' ficers and members of all the A t Gardner, Mass., several fire- , P««. N. H., has been a recent guest fora eviction, but this period of ism" and treason usually has result- former’s "personal opinion” of the ment officials recently Investigated taking dspotitlona from Art suppers to plan their work and Jhey granges In East Central Pothona at 6, The Temptation of Jesus; March day celebrated (heir 69th wedding 8:45— Curtis Institute of Music. place on the Green Flames shot up men were treated for frostbite after o f Mr. and Mra. William Zerver. grace was extended to 90 days be- ed in others, foreign e lite s wonder- haza^ Involved In falling to carry damage to plants In other construc- WaUrman, aad Mrs. NeUia 10:15—John's Other Wife. have visited the South Wllllngton Ellington Wednesday evening, 13, The CaU of Christ; March 20, anniversary with relatives and OmO GOVERNOR FACES both ot Groeawlch, as tha frum the main chimney several feet, 860,000 fire destroyed the farm- The Selectmen held their month- fore It was adopted by the Board. ed If other figures who dls^peared the n -fo o t separation strip between tion plants, but there was no an- 10:80—Just Plain a il. church school. A High school club March 2 for a school of Instruc The Public Ministry; March 27. lanes of the Parkway under the friends present from West Hart- Parkway Grand Jury opn and cinders and sparks feU on the Jesus' Prayer Life; April 8, The house of Mr. and Mra. Felix Duzln- ly'buslnesa meeting last Tuesdv N o explanation of the manner In In the blood purge might ba I men- nouncement whether important dls- LOYALS DRAFT YOUrHS 1 0 :« —The Woman Tn White. has been started in Hebron, also tlon. Ellsworth Coveil, deputy of aki, 68. night. tioned. bridges "cannot be accepted at Ite ford, Hartford and Wapping. Mr. PROBE IN LEGISLATURE coveriea were made. sixth week of its iaqulrtea. 11:00—David Harum. roof. Men stayed on the shingled Growing Opposition; April 10, The which the back rent was allowed to •fid Mrs. Dibble were married Ladles' Aid Visiting committee. A East Central Pomona has charge of -At South Berwick. Me., water Fted Weir of Buckingham died at face value.” M In addition to the question filed Waterman, b ^ d s n t o f th64 11:18— Backstage Wife. roof for several hours keeping watch Tnimphant Entry, Palm Sunday; accumulate in the present eases March 1, 1868 by Rev. EUjah Smith, RADIO SHORT SHOTS junior choir tn ^Hebron is being di- this- meeting and he will be assisted froze In a mlle-Iong hose and the Hartford hospital Eteturday Contending tbat to ▼make the by Burke, .LebOrite Harry Day gave TO INCREASE FORCES port Estates, lac.-, sold 8fi JJ'5®—How To Be Charming. before the blase was brought under April 17, Immortality. Easier Sun- was offered, except that the mat- pastor of tha Methodist church of rected by Mrs.‘ Herbert Porter and by the Worthy State Master Edgar nullified efforts of firemen to save morning after being ill o f pneumo- bridges wider as Hurley suggested notice he would ask the air secre- load to tho state for 81t8, 11:46— "Hello Peggy". control. The roof was weU wet down L. Tucker. , day; April 18, A Union service In ter had been overlooked at prevloua REK3I WARNS EUROPE Wapping. rhey went housekeeping Ckilumbus, O., March 1__ (A P )— Connie Boswell, the blues chanter, M rs Howard Kelsey and Mrs. the 118-year-oId, 12-room wooden nia almost two weelu. He leaves would increaae the cost ot each by Oov. Martin L. Davey came today tary tomorrow to explain the In- Madrid, March 1.— (A P )—O0T«m- comptroller’s records show. with water from the booster tank Mr. and Mrs. Arnle Flydal were the Episcopal (Church In - Hebron seeslons, although, on several occa- In the same small cottage In which TTie Most Out bos decided to remam la Holly- James Oliver Is directing a High OilonlaJhome o f Walter and Frank besides his wife, Mrs. Alice (Finley) sions, mention of the accounts re- 8150,000, Macdonald said engineers to perhaps tho most serious crisis stances of Royal Airforce sabotage ment Spain drafted youths o f 16 was former president ot UMfj before the mglne was tsken away. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank with Rev. Harold Kene in charge. they today celebrated their anni- t * WlUlam L. Stidger wood. turning don'n an offer to be school girls' choir In Gilead. Com- ** $20,000. Weir, a former resident o f this ceivable liad been made. The ques- ITS AIR F0R(XS READY throughout the country were divided In his political career. the past three months and to de- and men 3C today to Increase Its ence Company ot Now YoritJ Widder Jones" No damage was reported. Mrs. Hamilton Sunday. Sunday evening kenrlces: March versary. ut ing events for 1938 will include Hi* B os^-bound lighter place, a daughter, Mrs. Michael tion of responsibility being broached or the question of bridge design. Ostensibly desirous of a third scribe what protective precautions recelvod a $310,000 chaek • 13:80—Campus Kids' the featured vocalist on the new Cummings had been planning to get Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson 6. “1 know", Gilead; March 13, "1 army from an estimated 660,000 to detailed program for the Lenten . S?,*!**** refuge from the Rankl of this town, a sister Mra. Selectman Richard Martin told the National accident records, he said, Three children were born to the term vrhlch might stamp him as have been taken. the state to the Port Orson . 13:46— "Slngln’ Sam". Richard HImber-Lou Holts program the chimney cleaned but wait- Can”, Gilead; March 20, "I Rejoloe”, (Oontiaaed tren Paga On#) a possible T6j,00C warn season, March 2-ApriI 17. On March and daughter Bertha Jane Spent Selectmen, 'There la n ob o^ re- abow that mlohaps will necessarily ooupto. Mrs. Robert Northam of preoldenUal timber In 1940, Ohio's Doneldered Rertoos. Company tor the purchase 1=0®—News and Weather. out of New York. She feels that the Sunday with Mrs. Hutchinson’s par- Gilead; March 27, Tri-Oounty Chris- Coo'^. ot Manchester, and a AU classes between ID aad 80 ing for a rainy day when it oduld 27th the Coleridge Taylor choir will aground with a heavily laden scow | brother Adelbert Weir, of Manches- spooalble for the rent condition ex- occur on tha Merritt Parkway and West Hartford, Mrs. John Brooks chief executive fought to quell a That police and air mlntotey offl- In Greenwich. radio sun will shine bnghter for her be burned out The chimney was ents Mr. and Mrs. George E. Seger tian Endeavor Union meeting to be shake-up o f the army command "only the Ignorance of the commis- previously had been ^ u g b t Into Mra. Joyce is the foi present a concert In Hebron at In tow. Her crew of 18 remained ter. cept the Board of Selectmen. We February 4. and Mtoi Annie Dibble, both at movement designed, be said, to de- clato take a serious view of current liatlM aToW ^UU ’ out here. filled with soot. of Canton Center. held In the Hebron Congregational sion of public works tn problems of home. service. Tbe 80-ycar-old dass was L. Walter liasberger, pp p. m. This Choi la made up of church. The Coleridge Taylor choir aboard and Coast Guards planned Local schools opened Monday may have boneatly overlooked or stroy him politically. spy activity was evidenced by the Virginia VerrlU of the kllocyclaa The meeting 01 the Hebron Wo- The following books have been Ooering dsclared the air fores highway design prompt him to now sensational "Miss X ” revelations ordered to report with uniforms, tbe All (fompany of NorwsMi Negro girls from Hartford and Is of Hartford under the direction of attempts to float her today. morning for the third term aftei' a foiled to act In the matter, but It Is wraa created as a tafeguard of peace Mr. Dibble served as cook and Power to stop the movement__ ta screen-testing at M. G. M. men's club will be at 2 p. m., Thurs- added to the Burnap Skinner Me- A 40-mlle-an-hour wind off tha select the danger spots.'' steward aboard coastwise and ocean tost month. blankets and eating utensils, and. sold the state land. Mrs. Joyi 8:80—Brevity Matinee. directed by Gordon Steams, MlnIS' Gordon Stearns o f the Immanuel week’s vacation. our responsibility, and may as well-/ but that If forced to fight It "will be •n Ohio Senate Investigation o f al- In view of previous training, prob- Reports that the Walt Disney air day, March S, instead o f 2;30 aa morial Library; "Antarctic Ice- Maine coast paralyzed shipping. be admitted." Mr. Martin went on In discussing two o f Hurley's ships during bto life, retiring to the l*S*d graft In the state government Testlfylttg at a hearing for four paid 8346,0()0 for real satata. 8:46—Hank Keene. tar of Music of the Immanuel Con- breakers” ; 'Tops and WhlsUea": Congregational church will give a The ftnal Grand List for Marlbor- awful tn action.” ably will go Into service tn a few show would fold the end of March stated In this column recenUy. li. concert. The Latvian steamer Ehrerbope, dis- to say that there Is no need for the photograph’s which showed cracks Windsor cottage after aevaral long — lay In tne bands of the House of former arsenal workers charged Tha special Investigating I"® Keep House. gregational chuicb of Hartford. The John Deere” ; "Thieves Picnic” ; ough for the current rate bill la "It will be the terror of o In Merritt Parkway bridges, Mac- days. , heard several witneoses an have been silenced by a 13-week will be at the home of Mrs. Charles •' Farmers In this locality will have abled in gales a week ago, reached Board to feel that It la "on the enemies,” be exclaimed. voyages. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dibble Representottves And to the House with violating the Official Secrets i'.? i " Family. radio renewal. Tri-County Teacher Training Instl' Farm on the H ill", and "Story of 8305.343, wMcb la an Increase ~ of donald Bald the public works chief Act, “Miss X ” told of spending The 19-year-old recruits wlU be lidward A. Skane o f F a lr_ _ _ 8:16—Ma Perkins. Flab, Gilead. tute will be held in Hebron, prob- a chance to enroll In the 1938 A gri- broke, spot” becausq of the stir of pub- Oalled Invincible are descendants at Connecticut the governor appealed. In affect, for March 6 Columbia guestara In- ^ra. Elizabeth Doylei who baa Howe Caverns." Miss Mary Hyde licity tbat him been given to the was “uncertain whether to attribute flfst'’ famlUet. help. three years watching the activities sent to training campa to be ready Florence Allapen o f Qreoasrid 8:80— Vic and Bade. ably March 28. Mra. Forrest Weir has presented to the library cultural Conservation program at "However much we may, as Ger- the blame to construction or de- Joseph Cone of Greenwich. clude Violinist Efram Zlmballst beto with bet daughter, Mrs. Ed- Hebron Town hall, Wednesday, rent question. "You can't duck mans, passionately desire peaoe, os A s the House prepared to act on o f the men before springing tha for fighting tn about six months. 8:45—"The Guiding Light". of New Haven will conduct the Travels and Labors of Lorenso abendOTed*eff^’ to““ " «^tag”^ *’hel!?at^o Westehm^ sign.” trap tbat brought their arrest. with the New York Philharmonic mund H. Horton, fo.' the past win- March 2. A aupervlaor will be there publicity just becauM it is a little a weapon we tingle with eagerness a Senate-approved resolution vrhlch About 26 persons moved from the meeting. Supper will be served at Dow In Europe and America." Mr. "Neither Is he certain as to bow They are awaiting trial, accused and Tenor Giovanni MartlnelU with ter, leaves this week to make a visit from 10 a, m. to 8 p. m. to assist in unfavorable” Martin said. The to servo our Fuehrer with-jure ut- would oonUnue the two-month-old American embassy today when it 7 p. m.. at a nominal charge of 25 Holden Wright has given the li- dangerous these craclis may be." be ZONING BOARD MEETS of photographing secret army, navy the Detroit Symphony. with her son-in-law and daughter, making out the Conservation prac- selectman told the Board that It most preparedness and to prove to investigation Indefinitely, Oovemer closed to non-government employes. BRITAIN TO DISCUSS cents. April 15th there will be a brary fifteen back numbers of the added caustically, “ because ha has and airforce weapons for delivery to Joan Blaine, popular network Mr. and Mra. Arthur V. Linde, In tices for the coming year. could sot hope to preen Itaelf when- our Ftiehrer and our people tbat Ida Davey asked for a ‘Yalr Inquiry.” Most of the group were servants of union G o ^ Friday service at St. Scientific American magazine. He whero Coast ( S u o ^ ^ h a ^ '^blch was held at the home of ever It recei'ved the acclaim o f the not made a thorough examination o f Wmi ns ENGINEER Terming the Senate tnveatlgatlon an unnamed foreign power. former American residents, who Isft dramatic actress, returns to the West Hartford. haa loaned the copies o f the maga- Miss Lovlna Foote, teacher at the air force, in defiance o f all oppm- these structures." Peter’s Episcopal church. Those pro- Durham High school, is having ihi* public, ot(.ly to become panicky ents. Is Invincible.” a “Russian Inquisition to which I There have been rumors of spies about 16 months agu. Tbe move was HUGE DEFENSE WDRC Columbia alrlan ^ In a new serial, The Rev. Harold R. Keen spoke zine for the jrears 1935, 1936 and Macdonald attributed the defects posed church events are only par- week for vacation and she is spend- when the publicity becomes unfa- Official figures of German air do evertasUngly object," tha gov- or sabotage also in the disappear- dictated by a shortage of food, un- Hartford, Doan. isso "Valiant Lad.''"un March 7. New on ChrisUanlty as ths solution ot 1937 to the library and the sub- to "our old enemies, temperature The aanlng board met last night ance o f a huge .bomber, developed tially sketched and wil be announc- ing it at her home here. vorable. =*You have to taka the strength never have been divulged. ernor told the Rouse ot Repressn- der new regulations whereby per- London, March 1.— (A P I- show was tested on WGN (Chicago) problems In this couiltry and In the scription for 1938. These glfte are •nJ deflection’’ and asserted "It with tbe gontng board engineer, F. secretly for a long distance record ed in more detail later on. and there Mrs. W. E. Hibbard and daugh- medleiae” was the gist of Mr, Mar- Foreign military experts, however, tatlvas; Kastem Standard rtme for two weeks and success It at- world, in bla s'-rmon at St. Petar's very much appreciated by all who would never occur to any reputable flight attempt. "ITie bomber van- sons living in embasslea are not per* Minister NevlUe Chamb will be more u> add. ter, Miss L«ona of Manchester, were The New York-bound steamer f c ’! .1' ****0 talked tin's remarks. i>9ve estimated that Germany murt Perry Close, following their appeal^ "You may go along with tbat If tained 'there prompted the network Episcopal church Sunday, at 11 a. uae the library. The new librarian, engineer to Imply that such eridence anu before the board ot selectmen. ished last week on a trial flight mitted any special privi egea. dared today he would tl_ The !Rev. B. A. Lewis preached visitors at the home of her sister, Acadia and the Yarmouth. bow S ^ t f o r d East Association Assumes Responsibility. have at least 3,000 first line planea you wish, but God pity America If There now remain In the Embassy wholo queatlou of Britaln’a 1 Tuesday. Mart* 1 schedule. m. He announced that there will be Arnold Hyatt, gives out the above for Yarmouth, N. 8., delayed their doing# of the various organ- to proof o f Ineinciency on the port The maps that liad been prepared around tha British Isles. Roval Sunday at the Hebron Congrega- Mrs. E. E Foote, Saturday after- On conclusion of Martin’s ot categories. that la to be the fate of government about 26 clerks and c vonU. defense structure open to P. M. Edward G. Robinson. Jane Bryan service In the church on Ash Wed- tional church on the theme "The report and wishes aU to feel free to .noon. __ Bostoo saiUnga for throe ^ r s ^ - *“ ‘ *®“* her church. marks, the Board tacitly ascumed ot a fallow member of the profes- by Engineer CloM were gone pver and public officials." , airforce squadrons searched the These experts assumed from sion because be knows fuU well that Monday In.the House of Com. and Alan Jenkins preview their new nesday, at 10 a. m., with penitential Light of Life". Mrs. Herbert Porter come and use the library. Andover tU the storm abated. respoi^bility for the rent pUeup. Oocring’a bold words today that by the committee. T li^ gave their Everything else in the le g l^ u r a flight route for trace of tbe eblp Medicine. Mrs. Albert Dorau and daughter, almllar evidence may be produced WRITES A CANDIDATE Tho prime mimrter told the I 4.16— St, David’s AU-Wclsh pro- comedy. "A Slight Case of Murder” , office and celebration of the Holy sang on offertory aolo. The young la very fortunate In havtog such a HIse Mabel and son Albert and M n land, highway condlUons were No, action was token to a p p ^ t a Germany’s fighting air fleet really attention last night to deciding was overaliadowad by tbe question without success. ftom bla own mark.” Tbe House of Commons tost night that debate would follow ■ gnm, ^ on the March 11 HoUywood Hotel Communion. Lenten services will people of both churches are Invited lovely building and fine collection of Bertha McGuire of Wallingford made hazardous because wind blew euttodiaa or collector for town real must be ready for aetkm. what part of the town would be o f continuing the Inquiry, which has Coatlaton, VL, March 1.— (A P )> » bill. open with a service Wednesday eve- books. The library Is open Wednes- sud off BUppery streets almost as WAPPING estate. Ooering continued; The public works commissioner zoned for industry and whkt part produced sensational testimony aad gava Chaiiiliertoin a 226 to 99 vote Alexander WooUeott, author, actor tlon tomorrow night of tiko 1 K^PPy Gilmans, to take an educational trip to the were gueste at the home of Mr. Hsted os the "m ajor fact eatebllsh- Andy Devine, Edna Mae Oliver ning at 7:30, at the borne ot the day afternoon and evening and Sat- and Mrs. Floyd FYigtl, Sunday after- n s t as spreaders laid It down In addition to making provisions for buatneaa. This kept the board chargea of graft, comiption and o f eonfidence on selection of Vis- and commentator, a leMl voter in dofonao WMto Paper, tba questions Before the Norwich State hoepital. T h i trip la Mrs. Lottie Shippee, who lives "Boundless wriii to fight animatea ed" by his Investigation the finding and C. Aubrey Smith will be heard rector. He will take the Lord's urday afternoon. noon and evening. whereby In the future rent accumu- our airforce. Anxious aa we are for in session until 10:30 and adjourn- waste. count Halifax aa foreign secretary this town by virtue of being a per- government report, on tbs B _ sponsored by O.e Tolland Council ot ^ t h her daughter, Mrs. Ruby Roeej that, out o f Its biennial Imdget of to succeed Anthonv Eden. manent resident of Neshobe laUind In the Al Jolson show during the Prayer for hi-. aubjecL There will Mrs. Bessie Hilliard and her two The Woman’s au b will hold their AMNESIA VICTIM lation will not be permitted, the peace, aa a weapon we Ungle with ment was taken until Wednesday It has resulted In petitions for $7,600,000,000 flvs-ysai a r u f ~ Religious Education. The purpose la of Pleasant Valley, suffered a sbo 826.004,8m the Highway Depart- Opposition to the appointment In Lake Bomoteen, to a candidate at coming month. be a service of Holy Communion sons Bryant and Kenneth have been monthly meeting at ..he home o f town will continue to press for col- eagernesa to Miow our InvlndblenoM night when they will ogAln meet. removal o f the governor and de- tag prt^rram, now to its to acquaint young people with the at her home last Sunday afterno ment had only $1,200,000 avaUable u on constitutional gnnmds— today’s election for the offloe of li- The Sunday night Jeanette Mac- next Sunday at the morning seixnce. enjoying a winter vacation in Wind- Mrs. Charles Fish, Thursday after- New York, March 1 -(A P )_ A n^V.f 7 .'"V lection of such rents, now owed, as In action. A t the meeting on Wedisesday night mands for the resignation o f the House — Starrma relation of alcohol to insanity. Dr. annuaDy, for new trunk line con- that Halifax site In the House ot brary trustee. He is unopposed for Donald concert program Is slated New leaflets were distributed show- sor. Verment, wbare Hr. HiUlard Is noon, March 8 at two o’clock. Hlzs bewUd*ed girt who told Pattolmai^ taken to „ are collectible. It was said. heads o f the highway, liquor, pur- Chamberlain said tw Bess Johnson. * CSiester Waterman, hospital super- *• 4»lth structhm. the committee will lay out the sec- Lords and to not available to an- the post, Carlos 8. C ole h a v iM re- to fade any week now. Spotted op- ing the work being done itong mls- working. Bryant went up with hie Arthur iai£ she was J^^R^k^PL “ «“orial hoeiaial. The meeting unpunctured by the win to action, with the lock- chasing and Uquor-eaforoement de- ths debate himself. 5UX)— ^News Service. intendent, will conduct the trip. Katherine Keelor supervisor of the "Thus,” said Macdonald In answer tions tn town that will bo zoned for swer questions in the Lower Cham- signed as trustee in order that Wool!- father Sunday and- Mra. HUllard, WirnmanUc Training Ck>llege will claims or accusations, did not de- lessneas o f youth.” partments on charges of negtoct of His statement cams i PubUe School posite the top-ranking Jack Benny slcnary lines. Mite boxes were dis- Those wishing to attend are asked irtcy, 18, o f FltchvWa, Conn., chUdro“ o f Mmc W*** ^ to this section of the Hurley re- residential and farm purpoMs. ber. cott might ba named to ths boMfi. and Kenneth went by train Thurs- be the guest speaker. Mrs. J. Kel- der tTMtment todav at i. Manchester, were guests velop much beat, and the discus- duty. M val exports of the show It boa failed to draw an audi- trib u te to the young people, to b« to meet at the Hebron church Sat- port, “according to the oommlMlon- Caiartoa W. Holman, president of Eritaln and France, meanwhile, WooUeott, who Is In "Wtoa ence. day. They all returned home Mon- logg White Is the assistant hostess. i today at BeUevue of Mrs strong’s mother. Mr^ Emily slons were moat temperate. Ap- Groat Britain and >5iS5—Boeke Carter. handed In on E u te r Sunday. •r at pubUe works, the major ac- tne board, feels that attar tomorrow pursued diplomatic negotiations olJfCholee’’ In New fork city, win not urday. March 5, at l : l t p. m. Trans- day to find some of the cold weather A committee appointed by ths proved for tnclualon in the town launched dlscuaslon on . Moments Revue. Mr. and Mra. Lswla W. Phelps portation will be arranged for, but here that they had found In Ver- oom|dlahn>ent o f his ▼urvey’ was to nlgbt’a.maeting tbe dlfferwit aones MADISON COUPLE Knsn»> aimed at possibly enlisting Italian be In town today. Gilead Congregational church to meeting call wore: HOSPITAL NOTES •boat Japan’s refusal to 345—FoeUe Melodles-Jack Ful- TBAPTIO POSTCARDS went to Chicago by train Friday to those who plai U, go are asked to mont. ' . get from the Highway Department will be wall defined. aid tn safeguarding Aiutrian Inde- aee their aon Charles who recently solicit funds for the "debt of honor” A propoeal tor appropriation of DIES SOON AFTER MOTHER whether aba haa buUt or I ton, tenor; Franklyn MacCOr- notify the pastor before Thursday. George Ladd has sold his bouse $1,500 fo r celebration o f next A r - n atatoment that was nvaU^le to Tampa, Fla., March 1—(AP)__ pendence. Miami. Fla.— (A P )—The poUce accepted a posltlot In that city, in campaign which is now under way Admitted yesterday: Michael DIES BUDDBIfLT bgUd battlesMps o f n mack. • It was announced in the churches and land to Mr. and Mrs. George O. mistice Day. nny public official or taxpayer of Mr. and Mra Arthur T. Scott of The premier was said to be un- New Britain, March 1— (A P ) — plan to join the tourists In mailing the line o f chemical work. Mr. In ^ CongregaUonal churches of ftosen and hungry. The alrt’ returned recently from Glanourokas. 61 Middle Turnpike 000 tons. Tho three ,k ^ „ 3il5—Holtywood Screenseoops __ Sunday that the time for banding Paries of Hartford. T b ^ are A request fCr an ^ipropriation the Mate o f Ooimectlcut upon re- Madtoon, Oexm., were killed today decided on how far he could go Walter Majkowskl, 60, of 88 Wads- postcards here. tta United States, is Asa W. EUlls, •he did not ^ibeTwhi^lSS •'•‘ere he un- ot Weat. C2arenoe G. Smith, 31 queet. Jitoah- •<▼ boimd fay trsolto, j Oeorga M oCm Phelps was for several yeara a in Red Cross subscriptions here wtU planning to make a summer home 82,000 for uoa the Ztming Com- New Britain, Hatch 1— (A P )— whan their automobile was struck along with French demands for ac- worth street, Hartford, died today But the officcre won’t eay "Hav- chairman. Robert B. Foote and Mrs h»d been atnee leaviM •“ • derwent an operaUon. He was glv- ot street Umlt ;„f4 0 —Faaoous Aetora’ OuJd pra- teacher In Connecticut State college be extended through this week. Mrs. here. Mr. Ladd la Uvtng with Mr. C. Daniel Way. m'xai oners. " T h w Is nothing new in the fact Michael Oorasao, 68, o f 380 Stanley by a paoseoger train at a eroMlng tion to halt Nazi Inroads In Austria, within a few hours o ftw ths death ing a fine time." They wtu inform before taking up his present work. how she U d^aachS*he^^ or on a btood transfusion by his father. TXMhaned yesterday; Stanley that from the total atato revenues street became ill while obovellag while ooaaldering at the same time Tha White Paper and ■tots iiaien Mencgen— "See- Edmund H. Horton, who Is In charge •nd Mrs. Ralph Baaa. The Ladles Aid of the Gilead Oon- A request for 8700 for use o f the Just east of Itera. Scott was a re- at his mother, Mrs. Agnes Mkjkow- motorists ther cam hava baen seen John Horton, student at Connecti- - ***” • Them were about twenty from Zwlrlckl. Birch Mountain road. Mra. mode available to the Highway De- ■now In front of hto home today and bringing Germany into line through ski. He stayed at tbe fomUy boiat wore Mpoetad t> go toto j end Huaband." at Hebron Green anj Vicuuty, will Tha Mrs. EUa Curtizs plaoa la t^stkaal^urch are invltid to at. iXiUce Commissloaera, to erect a tired dry gooda merehanL violating traffic regulations and ask cut State eoUegt. spent tbs week Andover has haw sold to Mr. aad The number “ 18” la ^ Community churen Felix KOotaki and Infant aon. 33 partment coly a small ptnoortlqB- died after beikg brought Into the fw -p o w e r paict with EYanee, )iere last night and was found dead at Brttaitt’a aooo Big Town—Edward G. Rob- appreciate It greatly If dues are tsM tbs "Worid Day of Prayer” atm IML Lockwood atrsat Tba Sootts had been staylag at a them to be more careful in the fu- Mrs. Joseph A . Burdett o f Hart- unhMky because there wore*to*irtSl£ u?^/****?*?** ***• South Method- eaa ba modk avaOahto terS a eS - bmiae. Madleal John Italy and B r it ^ . in bed this morning. Dr. John PUr. end o f tha fin | Mson and Ctaira TTav^. end St ths .oms ot hia parents, Mr. handed In to je r during that tune. meeting to be held at Bolton Center Dlakfiowed were propoaals to Uni- hotel bare and wvre bound for Or- ture. persona at the Last Suddm*^^ !£>. I"” *^** *” Manchester. Sunday CiMhargad tod^: Earl Sdilndlar, MrucUoo and reconstruction. The •ad Mrs. Edmund H. Horton- He tord. They ate plaaafaig to raamdel It n e e d here, to Increaae the street RockvlOa. Purney aald death was caused ky a Undo for a day’s visit T ^ are ney. medical examiner, said death ormtog plan om ef. Qarenee J w ^ , mail carrier be- S P ^S ******"** church Friday, «• reprotentoi m th^ •«««1«J tha highway commissioner for years The prehistoric mammoth had waa caused by a heart attack and the house bafWe aiovlac ta. M art* 4. A lUBobeoa wUl bq M ntid h o t rata, to tnclfide la the call a heart attacic. Oorasao, a native of survived by a aon, Robert L. Scott, nees o fo lM t wi - ue thlr-|imion sendee of . the Pnteatant Savantar-ntna pattanta. bos dlNctad tte attsaUoB at tagl^, hug* upper motors tbat weighed 13 grief over tbe death of Ma mothor, Buropa and tlw Ih r ] 5« a thea at ~~ Italy, had live hare lor 86 years. a stadMt at Harvard. It pemSaif ■ wlw 4 od Sunday. tW^TO I *■■/.. r V- ■■7 '^^-rf

EIGHT MAMCH1S8TISK KVKNINQ HEKALD. MAMCHESTE^'oONN^ TUESDAY, MARUH1.198S .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESlEh. CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 1,1938 PAGE PMWEHR REORGANIZED WILL ACT T 0 N I(^ B ows on E p a u le t Sh o u lders PERSONAL PROFITS 3 Albanian Princesses A d d G a y C h a rm to D ress ON IGNORED V O m OUT. SAYS EARLY Are in U. S. On Visit nCHT NAZI MENACE BY CAROL DAY M. H. S. Launches Eighth State Title Bid Tonigh need to point to the youthful t..*P «u let shoulder on Pattern New York, March 1 — (A P ) — 4 We come from the ladisa' semin- Pofice Board Wants To Be 8123 to And its first claim to S^Aenbtrt’i Die- ; MOTOR VEHICLE OFFICE ffis Secretary Dechres That Three royal princesses of Albania ary.” charm. The bows poised on each r/ho look like the pretty stars of a The arrangements tor their ai^ *Ty* Holland Again N am ed CONRAN CONDUCTS Told What Ha|pened To shMider and on the front of the Grausterkian light opera shrugged rival added to the light Opera nota. REC LEAGUE REVISES PROjSRAM Amy To Uinto To HERE BEATS RECORD M ic e are quite gay and new. . President WiO Not Benefit tneir slim shoulders at romance and t aids scurried through the four RATED EVEN CHANCE T< The deep yoke back and front, (rtvoUty today and started . with reachipg to the waistline, gives bedrooms and four bathrooms of To Coach The Bluefields ONE-BALLSWEEPS Se?eral Reconmiendations From Sale Of Speeches. serious mien to see America. their suite; the grand piano waa kt Nazi Infhwiice h fu •?".*’ .*?'*•.* •<> »he bodice Our Girl Scouts, our up-to-date tuned carefully; the flog of Albania,' Did More Businesa Than Had l» kind to the figure. TTie cities, M fa Franklin D. Roosevelt AFTER TRIPLE BILL TONIGHT BEAT HARTFORD PUBU skirt flares sUghtly below the marOon with a double eagle, was Been Expected; 4,097 Plates end Yellowstone Park were what Waltar •'X y Holland. statwrhlia$:smarged tha victoiw to flvw thrtiitag The regular monthly meeting of. narrow waiitline. As a dress for hoisted at the hotel entrance and star of tennis, basketball and base- ; games, dropping; the first and fourth Aistrii; Backed By Italy. Issued Here. daytime wear, for business and Washington, March 1— (A P )^ appealed to Myaeyen, Maxhlde and towered at siuiset Second Erent Shted Tonigfa^, the hoard of police commliaionera school it can be made up in thin ’ Stephen T. Early, White House Ruble, Bisters of King Zog, ruler of They arrived» to a flu rry- two ball, who coached the Blueflelda to j tbe tiny kingdom In tbe Balkans. onu, third md fifth by 6-3, 14-7 and IN OPENING CAGE TES' will be held this evening In tbe po- wool, in printed crepe or one of press secretary, aald today ’’not a v-earing leopard coats, two wearing TOPLAYIVESDAY tbe Twilight League and town The branch office- of the Motor the new cottons. Another attrac- 'They like silk stockings and lip- hats with feather, all three wearing New Mile Record Holder 3-3. Ray Holland, burly fast bailer, Norwich Bowlers Tom Austria. March ”—(A P )— lice court room. At the meeting to- penny of personal profit” would ac- championships during ths 1937 twirled'the dseldtng encounter and irana of Auatris’a dlabaoded V’chicle Department, which was ‘jv e feature ia that the model U stick, permanent waves, and short big pink orchids—two TTench maids o n fa fa 1987 and lost t o ___ opened in the State Armory here to night the board will review differ- definitely styled for Individuality. crue to President Roosevelt from skirts, but night clubs—no; and the diamond campaign, haa again been came through wltb a brilUant four- army, the Helmwehr. do- In their wake, and two Albanian signed os Bluefields’ mentor. It waa Bach Locals. Team Weakened By Loss Of after beating Bridgeport Cent asaist Manchester and Bolton resi- ent votes that have been passed Even if you are a beginner In mention of swing music failed to -^ A N D FRIDAY NIGHT . Least Known Track Star hitter that highlighted the aeries. went back tke fcdlowlng year ( today to revive their organlia- sewing you can make thU dress sale of tbe President’s official pa- government officials escorting **-iws learned today. Dr. Osorgs (jailiou- dents in securing thfir >938 num- since the board organized laat Octo- pers and speeches. elicit much warmth. The princesses, The princesses, who bad sat smil- Holland wm subsequently named lost to Bristol again dow to meet what they regarded as with confidence. The pattern in- ette. president of tbe Bluefields A. ber plates, did more business than ber in which suggested changes Neither, be said, will any profit all in their twenties, chose to spend Ing and uncommunicative near a aa coach of the mythical all-star Rose But Has Hopes Wllby; made Its fourth bid In Nad menace to Austria’s Inde- cludes a comnlete and detailed^ their first evening in New York with By GAYLE TAIBOT ,'or Cambridge or anywhere, else of C , wiU again handle the retag aS Another one-baU ewreepstakea will was expected, registering over 1,3(M) were made and which, In many sew chart that simplifies every accrue to Samuel 1. Rosenman, New statute of .the Venus de Milo in the AFTER THIS WEEK nine named by The Herald, on which but lost to West Haven fa the < more than last year. When the cases, have not been carried out. step. a quiet dinner in the royal suite at arriving Conte dl Savoia, relaxed in Importance, and the weU-bred Eng- manager of thu team. four Bluefields playsrs wrere named, be conducted at (jonran’s afieys on er; ^ iq m d Hlllhouse and BL. Helmwehr blackshirt leaders York Supreme Court justice and the RIti. New York, March 1—(A F )—Tha Of Gainini The Finals; office at tbe armory closed last These relate to parking signs on I^ttom 8123 is designed for compiler of the papers. their hotel suite, and spoke Alban- lishman didn’t know just what to Tbs Blusflstds swept both rounds Marvin Poutaey as pitcher, (jbariM Depot Square tonight rrith $16 in ta i M l bM lost to NaugstoSk; _ their decision in a conference night 4,097 had been given plates. roads and also regarding stop signs “There Is no motive tn our trip. man who today holds ths Most think when bs suddenly bobbed up of tbs Twl League last year with s ^ 12. 14. 16-18. 20 and 40. Size Taking cognizance of various pub- ian, French and German. "Chucky” Bmlth st sscond, Vic cash prisM awaiting tha bowrters to New Britain in toe opsnsv as the Austrian army and po- This was 500 more than was expect- in different parts of -the town. • .'*«“ *'■** 3 8-8 yards of 35 or except a friendly curiosity. We are “We start our day in Albania prised record ia the wrorld ot track in the summer of '85 to beat Love- Um. loM of only one gams ta ten Pagsnl St third end Brie Rautenberg 1986; best Commsrcisl and T1>rriL, stood by for instant action after ed when the office was opened lished charges that the President tourists on vacation,” they said, biit Moriartys Face YD Senrice and field—4 mtautas, 6 and 4-10 starts, dropping that to the Grern, who emerge with toe high soores, Game Set For 8:45 P. M. Edward Werner, one of the two 39 inch material plus 2 1-2 yards waa commercializing his office in with horseback riding,” they said. lock twice in fast time at Whits In center field. Tbe Bluefields, It Is ton laat year and loat to MarldsBl ng plans of Naxi brownshirts Yesterday a total of 686 pair of supernumerary candidates, who of ribbon for the bows 2 1-2 there was a gleam of merriment tn "Then we make contact with tbe second for ths mlia—U perhaps tbe City and then did It again to '36. ths 1985, tltUata, v s 6-4 score. expected, wlU field much the same 89.00 for high triple, $4.00 for second the tourney proper. a march on Vienna. tags was issued, which was the yardi of bias fold required to trim controctmg for such sale. Early their eyes—and one princess was least known at ths top-fflght ath- passed tha necessary oral test and said: Girl Scouts, and see how they are Il Opener, PA*t Oppose In the eo(L they chose to Ignore TbeM rivals later met ta the annual team as last year and again hope to high toree-strtag and $8.00 for high At New Haven Alrena. ^ tha Bluefields - The new SPRING AND SUM- ’’Not a penny of the net proceeds dominate the local baseball scent. aii^e. If there are more than 85 reported meanwhile that Pre- opened. ’The receipts yesterday cal test has decided that be does not ed that the lighter side of American Each wore a picture of her His aasM (apparently) Is Bydaagr paring for the 1936 Olympics at entries, 20 per cent will be added to atter Benito Mussolini of Italy had amounted-to tS,726.89 and the to- care to become a policeman, he said MER PA’ITEKN BOOK. 32 pages from the newspaper syndication ml 1 fe, maybe later, will have Its ap- brother, the King, in a medallion at- DiOofl’s And Reno’s Mee Woodsrsen, and hs is a UtUs, be- of attractive designs for eyery size the magazine publication will go In- peal. Berlin, there was much fanfare at- toe first priM and 15 par cent to the [ Racing Notes .sent a special enjoy to Chancellor tal revenue for tbe 10 days that the today. Under the vote passed at tached to her dresa. spectacled bank ’’dark” who runs tending Lovelock’s form aod fltneos second. Manchester High launches and every occasion, is now readv. to the pockets either of the Pre(fi- They stood In a line, in one of Xurt Schuschnlgg with the assur office was opened was $34,765.50. the laat meeting of the commission- Photographs show dressM made ” I f time and weather permit," on week-ends and boUdays tor the for the great event, and much spec- Vic Abraltis rvaa the winner last its eighth bid for the state By ASSOeXATEO PRBM that Italy, as in the past, up-' Issued yesterday were tags for 579 ers unless he takes the examination dent or of Judge Rosenman, who Is their two living rooms at the hotel they said, “we should like to /Islt Olson’s At The Rec. Blackhsath Harriers of London, ulation on bis chances against the week with a total of $226, whfle basketball championship to- from these patterns being worn; doing work of compilation.” suite formerly occupied by the bolds the Independence of Austria. passenger cars, 79 commercial cara. he will have his name stricken from a feature you will enjoy. Let the Yellowstone Park at)d see how it Ihigland. The sctlail of ths Intar- twro Americans, Cunningham and RANGERS NIP PIRATES Town (jhataplon Charlie Kebart fin- night at 8:45 at the New Ha- Mrs. Ethel D. Jacobs’ (jabal .. Oount Barthold Stuergkh, former 26 combination licenses, two farm, the list. charmmg designs in this new He added whatever money was Grand Duke Alexander of Russia compares with the scenery of Al- naUoaal Amatsnr AUUsUe Federa- Archie San Romani. Nobody knew lahed second with 234. Kebart also ven Arena in a playdown en- 2nd. toe horse from Chile which \ Relinwehr member and now Lieu- one trailer and one hearse. 'The commissioners will also con- book help you In your sewing. left after taxes and other expenses and Prince of Monaco, and gave the bania. But we have no definite plana Running two weeks behind sebed tion Oongrsss la approving ths where Woodersen was. won the one-ball sweeps at Farr’s had been paid would be devoted to military salute of Albania—a sweep sted quite a sensation last l __ _ '! iMiaat-govemor of Styria province, sider what action they will take on One pattern and the new Spring about anything." ule as the result of a couple of mark| be set last sumsasr only • Injured His Foot Charter Oak allays the following gagement with Hartford Pub- may prove to be one of War ealted the Helmwehr conference* at making possible a balanced police and Summer Pattern Book—25 an imnamed ’’useful public purpose of the right arpa and band across King Zog is engaged to be married strenraens this Writer's two-year TO LEAD YMCA LEAGUE Thuraday night lic in which a victory ad- cents. Book alone—IS cents. the chest, palm downward, looking postponements, the Rec Senior . Unfortunately, Sydney wras bury win mlrara challengers in tha 8S0j( thlo provincial metropolis which has budget -which appears likely to be under government direction.” Lext May to tbe Cfountesa Geraldine convlMott that the scattsr-laggjd tajurlng a small bone in the arch of N.EPEILERISDEAD; overdrawn as there has been an For a PATTERN of this attrac- This purpose has been definitely as if they might suddenly sing tbe Lssgue swings Into tbe second week Ih a special match vance the Red and White hoop- Wldener Challenge (jup at a hotbed of Naziiam Apponjrl, whose mother was Gladys tttUe Briton la tbe greatest mUsr bis fooL and when the big moment 0 Bouthergill, I g ...... 0 0 at Ckmran'a Park Saturday. . The Fascist leaders met while additional $1,500 spent for extra tive model send 15c in COIN, decided upon, he said, but because Gilbert and SuUlvan air: VliTfinIa Stewart of New York. The at the ssosnd round at the East Bids the world has assn. Sunday, the Norwich bowderawlera defeat sters into the tourney proper. “Three little maids from school came at Berlin be oould only hob- Gain 18-16 Victory As 1 Armstrong, i g ...... o 0 Although beaten by Mrs. '^jiasi headquarters was in a contlnu- police work due to the strike. AcUon your NAME. ADDRESS, S T Y l£ certain arrangements have yet to be three princesses plan to return be- Use tonight. In oMer to oompiste Beat Great Lovdeok ble around painfully and finish clear ad Conran's by 38 pins but walked Although second only to West RDIRED WSORANCE MAN are we. away with toe scores before they Denemark’a W ar Minstrel la oos state of preparedness for ac' will also be taken by the commis- NUMBER and SIZE to TODAY’S made it cannot be announced at this fore the wedding. When Bjilaey fSels Uks dusting out of ear-ahot aa Lovelock, cbasfd 10 8 0 Haven in ihe Class A rankings sion on the queaUon of new motor- time. play early tai April, It has bser ds- 16 could be copied. Kebart and A1 “prep” yesterday, tbe U g bor Eighty thousand Nasis were PATTERN BUREAU. It STER. off a track, you eon have your by (junnlngham, oet a world record Score at half, 15-4, Tigers. cycles, which the Selectmen refused Was Misrepresented ddsd to revlss the slats and play Tvert Upset Fagles, 23- Rowraki were toe only memtara of while Hartford is listed 17th, staged a remarkable finish In to be In uniform, awaiting Hartford, March 1—(A P )—Maxl- LINO PL.. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Olsnn (jutmlaghams and Jack Love- In the 1500 metera. Few knew of Referee, A. (jowles. il_to action in the three provinces to Include in the appropriation to be Asserting there had been a ”lot built, and it waa mounted on a pair Tuesday and Friday nIghU s the local team who hit good seorM Manchester’s chances seem no mile (tf toe Blrosyne Bay : milUan Henry Peiler, 88, retired ac- locks. Haring watched him nm the tbe Injury, and Woodersen made no os Conran, AbralUa and Baldella ;ytia Carinthla and Upper asked for at the town meeting. of misrepresentation” on the sub- of untired auto-noblle wheels: A pipe great Lovslock Into tbs ground on 16 And Aces-Whip Cobs better than even because of the and gave the impression that - tuary of the Aetiui Life Insurance INGENIOUS MACHINE weak for tha rest of tbs seat alibis. But what a race that would Aoea. were far off form. would have run away with tbs i ‘A u s tria . and other questions which may be ject, Early aald the President waa handle was rigged at one end ot this three ssparato oceastons la London, have been If our bonk' dark hod absence of Ed Kose, its Ipading Company, with which he was con statewide. going to keep his promise to news- starting next -wsk. Babe DugM of Norwich defMtod bad It been longer. Caballero Once Private Army nected more than 60 years, died this go-cart. Then a small, one horse- thts observer, wrho bsUsvas what bs been sound! 0 DlMlnlco, rf performer and scorer, from the It WMM disclosed that the Helm- Four from Waterbary. papermen' to give them first call on power gasolLae engine was mounted tixilglit’s gamas sand Moriarty By 19-10; F oot Teams 1 Murphy, If . , ‘•L* apadal Mven-goma total a slow startsr, didn't tbrsatsa' morning at his home here. WATERBURY PROBE sees. wUl take Woodarsan. Woodersen waa the nmnsr Lovs- ptafoU affair by 83 pins. Dugas lineup. leaders until the last turn tosbr did not plan Immediate revival Included on the list of 18 men are press conference materiaL SAVES TOWN MONEY on tbe frame, and connected with a Brothers against ths YD Ssrviee m With his record official, perhaps 1 Br o wn , c . . Active In business .until his re- N. Y. Stocks lock feared most In that race—not started off with 140 to Ksbart’s 188 om reachtd. but hs was only a four from Waterbury. The aelec- tha opener at 7:i.S o’clock, the PA’s R 8Iay Be Bock « f military features of Its organiza' This material will be Included in belt to a flywheel. Shafted to ths bs now will get hU fiUl measure of Cunningham. He said so two days 3 Kosak, rg .. but toe scores went lower Instead of tirement five years ago, Mr. Peiler tlon of four men from Waterbiiry against DUlon’s at 8:15 o'clock and Tied For Runner-Up Place 0 Busky, Ig ,. Tbe aarksmen captured toe 0(jIL tangtb behlfid at ths flnlsta. which once was the -private was considered to have played an MAY COVER STATE, the five volumes to be published by flywheel is a circular saw. The rig recognition. Up to now, there has beforehand. higher as toe match pfogreesed. army of Prince Ernst Rudiger von to serve on the Grand Jury came Adam Exp ...... Random House. Early said It waa Rsnn's against Olson’s at 9:15 diadem for toe eecond ttiM ia 18 War MlastrsI atao ran a gooffi Important part in the building up Air Rcduc ...... wrorks out as follows. Twro men been soiaetiilng almost apologeUc •T don’t know why srou Ameri- The Lucky Strikes of WUlimsntle, years and sat a new local record ot Starhembefg as a distinct surprise as it bad been ‘'hot being sold and waa not being grasp. the handle, and pull the rig o’clock. The first wreak of play saw 19 to sovar the mUa la 1:S7 8-S. ~ of the Aetna Life Company. Alaaka J u n ...... Device Contrived By Robert about his earssr. In Eagland, at cans ksep thinking there’s some- Tbe Rsagsrs aossd out ths Ftratss ons of toe flneat tesms In this sec- consecutive wtas with 14 straight plads wont to Herbert M. The blackshirts said they would IS ALCORN’S HINT anUcIpated that Waterburlana furnished to any one else ahead of over the fllterbed surface, tilting It ths YD’S succumb to Olson’s in lost aeeount, ths sports writers still Cobs. tion, will roll at Conran’s later In the Besldea hit businesa Interests, be would be excused. Allegheny ...... stunning upset. 58-37, and the thing fuhny about Wooderaeli beat- ta the feature tilt of the YM(jA la compDlng 15 victories obd two Robert L , which U net sUglM ■Wflns themselves at present to was active In sports and journalism the press. downwrard enough for the saw to wars ia some doubt about bis first tag me,” Mid Jack. ”I never ran week. Judge Inglls released tbe names Allied Chem .... McLonghlin Aids h Re- Moriartys era hopeful ot dupiicat Intermediate league last night and 3 Modssn, r f . . . . Mthaeks during toe past campaign. ths W Idsur. foasrgeUc political action.” An amateur boxer and oarsman in- (OonttnoMl rmm rage One) Am Can ...... The President rejected, an offer of groove cleanly into the sludge. name. harder In my life than I have But that brilliant acnievemaat was Starhemberg, who still was odn- of the grand jurymen a few minutes tag the feat tonight The PA's, first 3 (jhapman. If .., bia youth, bs also belonged to vari- after he had granted the request of Am Home Prod . $90,000 from a certoin magazine Strips are cut crisscross all over Some of them continued to call against that fallow, and I can't thereby j:ained undisputed posses- accomplished with toe services of ining abroad with bis bride, which desired to publish three ex- round champions, are favored over 0 Donnelly, If ... BMdta Arearo, tbs hu ous gun clubs. His journalistic ac- with Mr. Alcorn and his assistants, State's Attorney Hugh M. Alcom Am Rad St S ... the surface of tbe fllterbed. him Stanley, or just plain “S',” and fltash shsad of him.” sion of first Discs ia ths sseSnd Rose, who was Injured In Um loss fimner Viennese actress, Nora clusive articles at $30,000 apiece moving Sewage Shidge. DUlon’s but the latter quint gave 1 McDowell, c .,. who taada tbs Jockeys at I tivities included reporting, editorial Hugh M. Alcorn. Jr. and Harold E. for the calling of the special and Am Smelt ...... Then, a man with a lined fork than was on lacUaslion to other Aftar Berlin Sydney hobbled back round’s second wssk of pisy as the 3 Katkaveek, rg to Bristol, sad thsrs’s ooasldsmhls pparently played no part Mitchell. Detectives Edward I. Am Tel and Tel .-.. Early aaid, because the magazine lifts under Un. sludge, which parts the defeodsrs a tough oatUs ia ths quarters to span bis lost name to bis tsUsr’s window and oonttausd Tigers upset ths.Bsgles, first round Training Camp almost oortala to tako tbs writing, feature writing, conducting Extraordinary Grand Jury. This flrit round and may haws anougb 1 Tenney, rg .... ■peculation os to how Manchester Imwehr acUon. Hickey and Ge->rge L. Greer were in Am rob B ...... wanted the press conference Ma- Into squares at the cut grooves, the "WoodersoB.” to run out of offics bouts. ‘ Lost titlirts, 38-16, and ths Aess whip- will perform without tbs stsUsr prias wbaq tba msstliig a chess column and regular con- action indicated that Jucige Inglls Yankee Inge -uUy Is saving tha stuff to score an upset O'son's, by 0 Holmes, Ig .... But in Vienna. Major Emil Fey, tributing ’’Forest and Streams.” the court-room. was aware of what the motion Am Wat Wka .. terial M well as forewords and whole cleaning operation being done It gives an laUUig. though, of summer ha ran tha fastest mile ever ped the (jubs, 19-10. The Rsagers center. urday. Aftsr booting boma' Vienna Helmwabr chieftain, town money tbeae days down at the vlrture of their triumph over ths Notes wiaasrs Batunday, bs rod Bom^ Feb. i l , 1850, In northern Is Special Prosecutor would be and that the court session Anaconda ...... footnote comments to the official without excessive manual labor. wrhat a vague, ohscurs little guy be to prove that Lovelock hadn’t bean won by 18-16. 10 The local regulars loolced noae too Chaubellor Schuschnlgg had was merely a formality. Armour. I l l ...... papers and speeches. filter beds of the sewage disposal Shortens Time YD’a are tbs choice to edge Renn’s has been. He never wrsnt to Oxford fodtag. good against Rockville High lest mors, Baprsss and Motley, Prussia, Germany, Mr. Peiler came Mr. Alcorn was named special In the nightcap. Brannlck, Backtu and TankoivskI Score at half, 8-8. By ABSOCIATED FBES8 Informed of the Helmwehr to this country in the spring ot Judge Inglls Instructed High Sher-, Atchison ...... In addition to tbe five volumes to plant off Olcott street. Before the And tbe saving In Ume and money paced the attack aa tha Rangera v.'eek and the reservM completely day to brfag his total for tba' i prosecutor by Judge Inglls when Ths rsvissd schedule ot play fol' Reforee, H. Mlkoldt Baton Rouge, La.—The Msrdl I to 88. Hs la sight 1868. in December of that year he State’s Attorney Lawrence L. Lewis iff J. Edward Slavln to make per- Aviation Corp .. be published by Random House, winter ends, the saving will. It la is large. The aulc malic cutter de- ataged a taat half rally after the stole toe show. Both toanw, how- T Are Closely Watched sonal service on each of the men Baldwin. (T T ...... Early said, a contract baa been lows: Gras dowm at New Orleans may ever, have fiashed fins form ta Jobnny Loagdsn. entered the employ of the Aetna life also disqualified himself. expected, run to a sizeable amounL signed by McLuugnltn ean be run Pirates bed eked out a 7-6 lead at prove romatotag of a heniticsp to Nasis here, closely watched by as a clerk in the actuarial depart- Court was opened by Judge Mc- selected. Balt and Ohio .... made to syndicate the forewords Reaponsibte for the saving that will TUeadar. Mareli 1 halfUma TutUs fMtursd for tbs workouts for ths tourasy oponSr and ' 'fWice and soldiers, did not attempt over a fllte:be(' in about half an Moriartys vs. YD Sarvloe . . . . 7 the New York Giants’ training for a ment. Evoy at 10 a. m. and regularly as- Selected by Court. Bendix ...... and footnotes and to publish two ar- accrue to the town is Robert Me- hour. Two men can complete the losers. 8. Gryzb wrsnt best for the Coach WUl Oarks Is confident that Ksswsisnd offldala are fiither demonstrations, but Issued a The personnel of the Grand Jury Beth Steel ...... ticles on the same material in a P.AJI.C vs. Dillon VS ...... '8 HDLLHOUSE, NEW BRITAIN Tigers and Pavaleck starred for tbe PRINCETON UPSETS few days. Mel Ott, rrho Uves there, his charges can repol Hartford if pectfag to bavs any troobl* In 1907 Mr. Peiler was elected as- signed business conducted until Loughlln, foreman of the water de- complete the cleaning out of tha Violent handbill declaring tbe Aus--| was selected by Judge Inglls. Borden ...... magazine. Renns Tavern vs. Olsons...... 9 loaeni, while DiMinIco, Murphy and has received permission to report they ahow toe same brand of IxUI the cards at ths U day sistant asUiary, in 19t0 associate 10:35. when Judge Inglls sent word pertment, which also operates the bed in another Lalf day. In short, late whUe Manager BUI Terry and ‘ ttian government had bad to send I actuary dim in 1918 actuary. that he desired to ascend the bench. Judge Inglls stated that if any Can Pac ...... The magazine also will be "giv- disposal plant. Mr. McLougbUn, who Twasday. Maroli 8 Browii stood’ out for the Aces and tonight. Manchester’s title pros- which opens April 14. Case (J. I . ) ...... McLou^biln’s "gadget” , now being Walter Brown, toe big pitcher, Ireops to keep ordeF because ”We He waa a fellow of the Actuarial Two minutes later. Judge Inglls of the men selected was excused en” press conference material for a will celebiyte hie twenty-alxth year YD Ssnrles vs DtUon V8 . . . . 7 Katkmveck shone for tha Cubs. DARTMOUTH QUINT pects wUl be brightroed consldsr- there are 800 thoroughbrsda ava proved the Styrlan executive, for cause the replacement would be Cerro De P a s ...... used. Is saving at least a day and a BOW OUT OF STATE P U Y hardly had time to taspeot toetr ably by a vtetory as tbsro’s a good Society of America, since October entertained the state’s motion for third article but newspapers, the with the water department this half of labor for four men on sacn FJLA.C vs. OiaCna ...... ■ 'The etondtag followa: lag at ths traek sqd Iloa and even Styrlan soldleR, are selected by the court prior to Tues- Ches and Ohio . . . . press secretary declared, will be Rangers...... 8 0 14)00 quartan after arrivtag from Hot posslbnity that Kose wUl ta ready 1899 and was long a member of St. a Grand Jury. April, has Invented a “gadget” that fllterbed cleanlng-^vtts a saving Ranas Tavan vt. Morlutya.. 9 Springs before they atsrtod off for •bsm ksik emafag ta dally. ^ aidnd us.” <' day. Chrysler ...... furnished the same texts a week in Friday, Maroli 11 Eagles ...... 1 1 AOO tor action before tbe OartMascB KsBtiNiv PsAy aawdWIatsaL lii John’s Lodge F. and A. M. Mr. Alcorn informed the judge The court made It clear that the Coca Cola ...... saves time and labor of many men when It la figured. a ^ k at toe oarnivaL would be called upon to play again Sdtuscbnlgg’s Parliament deelar- advance of magazine publication. down at the fllteibeds. Olaoaa vs. Olllou VS ...... 7:15 Pirates ...... 1 l .600 wm bsgte r a d ^ at Loalevllli' i/gUon affirming Austrian independ- He leaves a son, Karl E. Peiler of that the purpose of a.sking this excuses of any of tne men. If any Col Gas and E l ___ With the InvenUon, the taxpay- Sports Roundup Wejirer EHminates Champs Hands Eastern Leagne Pace next week. "The published prices of maga- Solid SJndge Rcana Tavern vs. YD Bonrics.. 8:15 Tigers ...... 1 1 AOO ■fttr MV i " last Thursday cooled Naxi West Hartford, a daughter, Mrs. W. morning’s session was to request exists, would have to be made to Coml Inv T r ...... er’s dollar goes just a bit farther, Aces ...... 1 1 .600 New Orleans—The advance squad Hartford won tea games sad lost C. Pratt ot Birmingham, Mich., and that a Grand Jury be ordered and zine and newspaper syndication Before now. “aludge”, or sewage a sltuaUon that is certain to draw P A A .C . vs. Morlartjrs ...... 9:15 of aeveland Indians, compo(Md of to nm la tta Blus Oraaa : ■ of union with Germany and him personally. ComI Solv ...... have been grossly exaggerated as By Bddls Brieta Cuba ...... 0 2 .000 Setters Decisive 47 To six during its eesson and wlU ta eight grandchildren. summoned for Tuesday. March 8, at The men who serve on the Grand Cons Edison ...... solid matter, haa been run into large the approval of the people who pay Friday, MaieU 19 New York, March l . ~ (A P )— By 28-27; Windham Nips batterymen and roo|cto taflelden, making its first start in toe tourna- Ffraetpitated street demonstrations printed,” Early said. Olsoua va. Moriartys ...... 7:15 .and plans for the march on Vienna. The funeral will be held Thurs- 10 a. m., to. conduct ’’questioning Jury will be paid $4 s day plus 10 Cons O i l ...... aitcrbeds where it is left to settle, tbe biUa. Ounnar Barlund looks Uks a mU- was toereased today by Earl White- ment since It cams into sxlstMics 16 Tbo two-ysan^ld, XXofy day at 2 p.ra. at his home. The which will determine whether a and, after the settling period. It Is DUIon V8 vs. l-eiuia Tavern .. 8:15 Box acoree; owned by H. Msclsod, la -1 Graz N a ^ expected a visit Wed- cento mileage, one way. from their Cont Can ...... lloh dollars In ths gym and prob- Hardware City, 26-25; Rangere. 38 Cage Setback. hill, veteran southpaw .hurler who years sgo. PubUe is kacwiy for Itt Rev. William 'T. Hooper, rector of crime dr crimes have been commit- homes to the court house. shovelled out of the beds and truck- YD. Berries a PJL.A.C...... 8:15 ably wUl give Buddy Basr a good still Is a holdout Ha 1ms toe per- doing well aftsr ! aaaday from tbe minister of the in- Coro Prod ...... HISTORIC HOME BURNED P B F T aggressTveaero but has been b M - S t John’s church, West Hartford, ted in thl.s county.” Members of the Grand Jury: Wil- Del Lack and West ed awty to a dumping place, in cold Twasday, March $8 going over Friday n igh t....If our mission of Manager Oscar VItt to ly Inconeietent, so It’s hard to te ll •ration at Hlalsah terior, Arthur Seyaz-Inquart,' a P.AJI.C vs. Runna Tavarn ... 7:15 1 B e c l c u e . r f ...... 3 0 4 - friend of Fuehrer HlEler of Ger- will offlolate. Burial will be in Reviews the Case liam-H. Mordo, William A. Klebes, Douglas Aircraft . and freezing weatbei, such (u oc- BalUmore, March 1. — (A P ) — oops ftpm ths coast Is corrscL they Middletown Upsets Hard- 0 Whlttney, rf ...... 0 New York, March 1.—(A P )—Tha work out with the tribe. Just what kind o f a game is likely volt went through a'fonoo la B i John H. Flanagan and Fred D. New YD. Barvlea va. Olaoas ...... 8:15 ought to finish Uks this ta Satur- 0 0 Feb. 18 and a clot forawd la a I ' Many. It was believed the minister Falrvlew cemetery. West Hartford After briefly evlcwing the events Du Pont ...... Local Stocks curred this week, tbe sludge freezes SnowblU Farm, historic 25-room 0 Aebivy, rf ...... 0 0 0 legend of Oartmouto’s Invlnclbtllty to take place when toe rivals clash. of this city: Carl Lundgren and DiUaa V8 va. U o n a r ty s ...... 9:15 dsy’s 8100.000 BasU AnlU Handi- : amuld negotiate some sort of com- concerning the special appointments Eastman Kodak .. into a large cake over the surface of manor of J. W. Y. MarUn In exclu- 1 Brannlck, If ...... 8 0 0 In toe EMtern Interroile/iato baa- Bia.—Bucky Harris, Have BxpsrisriBi veasel as a rsoult at Uw for the purposes of the Investiga- James Guernsey of Ansonia; George Elec Auto Lite ... the fliterbeds, and attains a thick- sive Worthington valley, was de- n id a i Mareli 15 cap, . Boenashiftar, Ssa- ing, 28-25; Other Scores. Washington Senator manager, has " promise between Nazis and officials btscuit. Aneroid___ The nation-wide 1 (jenrsn, If ...... i 0 8 ketball leagus--lf such a thing ax- Most of Manchester’s starters had tion, Mr. Alcorn informed the court H. Cowdeil of Prospect; Clarence Gen Elec ...... Furnished by Eddy Brothers A Co. ness of some four Inches. Its re- stroyed by fire today. Moriartys va. YD Servlca . . . . 7 had bis first look at Orville Xlvlag. Eaila flaada, wiw ia , aow in a state of armed truce. In soouting systora of the Yanks cosU 1 Marks, c ...... 0 0 0 tsled this season—aeems to havs experience ia last year's tourney DR. O nO FULTON DEAD; that there are two methods by Comforth of Seymour: Arthur R. Gen Motors ...... S3 Lewis St. moval is necessary regularly in Martin, well known sportsman, PJIA^.C. vs. Dllloi. V 8 ...... 8 1 Johnson, e ...... 0 0 been completely deetroyed. ston, tallitaookle catcher upon wtam that should etaad them ta good tbs 8100,000 Baato A d U ‘-Vienna there was no official con- Doolittle, Tyler D. Davidson and Int Harv ...... UoL Ruppert $100,000 annually....' 0 ^iCrmatlon that he would come. which the investigation may pro- Hartford, Conn. order that the disposal plant may be and his bride of Dec. 6, are in Aiken, Renns Tavarn vi. Olsons...... 9 Hlllhouse High of New Haven, de. 1 Fry. rg ...... 1 0 3 Thoroughly trouncer by Prince- ho is depending to ahare toe tack- eteed. Mervln (jole featured at for. cap, has ssat for Nick Wall, i ceed. either a judge or referee, or Herbert H. Tomlinson of Bethany; Int Nick ...... S. C., and never have lived in ths Tuesday, hUnh 29 (But he ean afford it ) . ... Wliat’v folding champion and four-time stop duties with Rick Farrell. Har- the moat aiiBerssful pOota at ' ' Oraa, however, regarded the visit WAS WIRELESS PIONEER William R. Martin kept In operation. And the frozen this about the Messrs. Baer drilUng 0 Fitzpatrick, r g ...... 0 0 0 ton’s Tigers, 47 to 88. last night, ward last year and may be a majw by an Extraordinary Grand Jury. Clarence F. Baldwin of Wood- Int Tel and Tel .... Local .tepresentatlve stuff was no jokt to remove. Clean- manor, which was being redeco- YD. Bervlce wa Dillon V8 ... ■ 7 1 TankowskI, Ig ...... 2 0 4 ™ Uked Uvingston’s way of han- leak, to go weat to ride toe certain. Police were uneasy, bridge; George Gamble and George ta secretr ....D ick Bartoll, who winner of the state baaketball toe Indians today were Just another factor tonigbL while Murphy and Mr. Alcorn (wid that the Grand Johns ManvIUe . . . 1:00 p. m. Quotations ing it out of the beds was more dlf' rated. P-AJt.C va. dltctia...... 8 dling blmrolf and hopes to Improve Anita Derby winner, Btagebaa^;; rfiatllig Nazi demonstrations for E. Barber of Derby; Robert I. San- Kennecott ...... wanted $30,000, ia rsportsd ready to championship, was eliminated in the league tMm with a record of eight Mm n ^ h t get out of hand. Jury method seemed most satisfac- Bid Asked flcult than would be the craciclng The estate Includes the start and Renns Tavern vs. Moriartys .. 9 7 0 0 18 vlctorlM and three defMti. UnlsM toe .349 tatting average he had at the big OsUfornia raoa. Wan' New York, March 1 —(A P )—Dr. ford and Robert H. Treat of Ox- Lehigh Val R d ___ finish of tbe famed Maryland Hunt Friday, April 1 ssttls with ths Oiants for $17,500.. opening playdowns of the (jfaas A (jhattonooga last year. go west by alrptane t9 In his ten-room office opposite the tory. ’’bMauae of the ramifications Insurance Stocks out of an eqjal amount of Ice, for New Yorkers have voted Notre Plreteo. Harvard can taka better ad vantage Otho Fulton, 70, pioneer in research which will have to be explored.' ford; Raymond F. Stiles of South- Loew’a ...... Aetna Casualty...... 83 (jup course race. Olsons vs. DUIoi V8 ...... 7 tournament at New Haven last P B F T BUI Schleldge fa toe forecourt, are mounL : City Hall, Styrlan Nazi Leader Ar- development of facsimile broadcast- bury and Emeraon Leonard of Wal- Lorillard ...... Ice epllts, (uid a good blow would Dame the ctaaateat cage outfit to of this opportunity than toe Ust, The special Investigator, one of Aetna Fire ...... 43 loosen a large area of It, but sludge, Renns Tavern vs. TO Service.. 8 night by Weaver High of Hartford. 0 BrSwn, rf ...... 1 1 3 Lake (jbartss. La.—With 30 play, too only newcomera. Brown hoe fsi" Dadieu asserted there would be ing, died of a heart seizure last lin^ord. Mont 'Yard...... show here this season. however. It still wU be quite a Job en on hand and two more due to- . no Nazi retreat and said the only the. country’s most noted criminal Aetna Life ’...... 25 frozen, is more Uke the tarred sur- Okooks P.A_A.C vs. Moriartys ...... 9 The final score waa 28-27. HlUbouse 0 Gallnat, rf ...... 1 1 3 worked well with toe rest fa prac- Wliitey Abel,^ former night. Nash Kelv Automobile ...... 0 OenovesI, If ...... 0 0 ousting Dartmouth from toe lead. il^ . Connie Mack has spUt bis Phil- question was whether the movement prosecutors, went on to say. ”as the 26 face of (t road. Tuesday, AprU 5 0 The Indlam have only one more tice end toe boys sts said to ta picked up a good thing wbSB-1 A native of Hull, England. Dr. result of inquiries which have been Nat Else ...... Corji. General ...... 25 U COLDS Olaons vs. Moriartya ...... 7:15 Glenn (junnlngham he waa rated 12th ta tbe tourney rank- 0 (jassinsri, e ...... 0 1 1 adelphia Atoletlee s()uad Into two ready to meks a determined bid to would be “evolutionary or revolu- Fulton began bis experiments In Nat Cash R e g ...... In order to get it out when It is wrears long undies to protect bis Inga and Weaver 13th. 0 Tuttle, rg ...... S 0 game, against Harvard March 9, divisions, working one in toe morn- claimed Grand Dubs noas Ueoary.” made by bia staff, that we are pre- CHINESE ABANDON Hartford Fire ...... 65 (S caked up in cold weather. It has been mmS DUIon V8 vs. Fmms Tavern .. 8:15 8 remain In the title running. Emil Dsnsxaarfc recently. Ia facsimile transmission 25 years ago. Nat D airy...... Hartford Steam Boiler 540 mUUoB doUar legs, and puUsd up 0 Chenny, jg ...... 1 0 3 and Harvard, which tackles (>>lum- ing and one ta toe afternoon. 'Ths Schuschnlgg supporters In tbe pared to present evidence at once.” nKessary for i gang of men; equlp- YD Bervlcs va. P.A.A.C...... 9:16 Mtddletowm High, toll ender of (joach aarke roeme certain to first start for Absl, Grand DuhoJ transmitting pictures by wire from The judge compiled with Mr. Nat DlaUU ...... National Fire ...... 67 FEVER his pants to prove it....Takes tbe (j(jIL and tvrice trounecu by 0 Bland, Ig ...... 0 1 1 bia at New York tom^bt, is the A ’s hod their first foU-Ume wrorkout use both teams fa hts quest for vic- .Vatberland Front, tbe only legal po- London to several points in Europe, Alcorn’s request without hesitation, N Y Central .... Phoenix ...... 73 p«n with broadaxea, to hew out the Glenn an hour to wranh- up for on only team that ean take toe UUe yMterday after toe arrival of 11 In- tbs third nos at Hiataab . littcal party in Austria, pISLuned SHANSI DEFENSES North Am ...... Manchester, scored the moat sur- tory over Hartford wlto J o h ^ and paid toe liberal odds o f Officials of the Fultograph O^m- saying that ”an order may enter Travelera ...... 415 aliidge, then above! It Into buckets m Important jaunt— U Tad Wlsnan, priatag upeet wltb a 28-35 triumph 7 9 0 18 from toe Indians. fleldera and outfleldarai Green and Harry Bquatrito at for- demonstrations to offset the Nazi Packard ...... which are. In turn dumped In •alvs, MaM Drops OOUJKUANB VIOTOB8 new PriBoatoa ooach, fllrtliig with for $8. pany of New York, of which he was summoning a Grand Jury for Tues- Public DtUltles Llsois Taklato alaalM over Warren Harding of Bridge. Score at half, 7-0, Pirates. Harvard whipped OelumMa 86-81 wards, “Red” GsvsUo at canter and .displaya president, said that about 15 years day, March 8, at 10 o’clock.” He (Continued rrom Page One) Param P lc t ...... trucks. The broadaxing la a ter- Bsairo Friedman to go to Ttgartown port Middletown was rated 31st Referee, A. Cowtee. at Cambridge rro daye ago but may Bradenton. Fla.—Tbe Boston ^theriand Front leaders said Penn ...... conn. Lt. and Pow. .. 52 JOhaay Winstar and Erata Bquatrito ago Dr. Fulton broadcast pictures saldvtbat the court would prepare a Conn. Pow...... 44 rific grind. tedlouH, and, chiefly In- Tr? «*1l«k*9lF-TI«ai**-Warira H is Oollaglana recently captured as No. 1 osststaatT---- Happlsst In the standings and Harding ninth not do so well on toe Lions’ courL Bees are hopeful of CMhtag in this at guards and BavUonta fa rsssrva . MuaaoUni had given Schuschnlgg Hat of grand jurora at once so that north of Chengchow, In Honan Phelps Dodge .. teresting to the taxpayers, it is a Llalwaat twro vtetorias, turning back S t kid la tbs U. 8. Is Tim Bufilvan. Ttgere. These boys are as fast at toey come and text matter for the first time in Phil P e te ...... Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 67 but the Asylum (jltyites played Dartmouth went dowm to defMt 3^ r on toetr gamble with BlUy permiaslon to announce Italian sup- history by wireless from London to the sheriff of New Haven county province, and were attacking Jap- long, expenalvs job. Johns of ths YMCA League by 37 Tankss bat boy wrho ta n «ir("g the heads-up ball and staged a clo(tln,; 2 Olbert, rf ...... 1 0 2 there last Saturday and at toe Mmq Weir, former University of Now and If they’re clicking right should anese on both sides of Sinsi(uig. Pub Serv N J ., Illuminating Sha. ... 46 southern training trip .... Nohody port for independence as a trump Paris. Berlin and Vienna, ’’may summon the Grand Jury at New Britain Gas ... 26 To broadaxe out and clean a filter 84 and trimmlBg ths Glaatonbury drive that rSpulsed the favoritoa. 0 Bycbolskl, rf ...... t a 0 3 time Harvard “blew” an Important Hampahlra southpaw. He was car- malie things plenty hot for their HOCKEY card when the moment was consid- There waa bitter fighting along Radio ...... can aeouss Jcs Louis of not betas Ten years ago, they said, he once.” ' So. New Eng. Tel. Co. 138 bed under the old method took Sports Club, 85-48. Murray, Staum Tbe other four gamea on tbS 0 Zamltta, U ...... 1 3 4 chance to advance ta toe title race Tied an last season despite a use- opponents. ered propitious. the Hwal river, in Anhwei province, Rem R and...... a flghtiag camp... .TlUa holdsr Mm By ABBOOUTED PREBS ‘ broadcast a picture facsimile over Only one other matter waa taken Western Mase...... 26 sometimes as long as four days, for and AUeal faatursd la the first night's program ran true to form M 0 Winblekl. If - ...... 0 0 0 by loetag to Pennsylvania at Phlla. less pitching arm, wrhlcb was oper- High Tourney Beeoid (Mussolini acted similarly to pre- up by Mr. Alcom. He read parts of northwest of Nanking but Japanese Repub Steel ...... a gang of five ur six men. Tbe beds, game, while Rubaeha went best for than a year, ha has mads two do- Baselck, No. 8, sllmtaated New 8 Vlneek. e ...... 1 0 NatiSrml Lsaguo ,;^1 the Marconi beam system from Rey Tob B ...... Industrials a delphla. Tbe Uoas have lost half ated on last faU. Hs cut Ioom yes- Manchester's best effort In toe vent Austria from going Nazi when the contract entered Into by the still were unable to advance along 35 by 65 feet, are built like huge the losers, AUdal and Server war* fsnaaa of hU crown and Is getting Haven Cjommsrclal, No. 18, by 1 Rub a e ha , r g , . , . . . . 1 0 2 Toronto at Montreal Matoctw.'^''^ London to Sydney, Australia, a dis- the Tientsin-Pukow railway. Schenley Dia ...... Acme Wire ...... 29 ready for a third.. . .Oafsrslim Oar- their eight league gamea but haven’t terday and shorrad Manager (jasey State classic was turned in by the M ntreel (janadiens at New To ■Chancellor Engelbert ' Dollfuss was tance of 11,000 miles. city of Waterbury with Grlffen- basins, and work tn them at best is the big seortng guns in ths seoood 82-31; Windham of WiUlmanUc, No. 8 S. Gryzb, rg ...... 4 0 8 Btengel plenty of stuff during bat- aasaasinated in a Nazi puUch.i To tbe south of tbe Hwal, (3il- Sears Roebuck .... Am. Hardwrare ... A 22 da, coast waltsrwdght, wiu get been beaten In their own gym. great quintet of 1980-31, which Americana. Dr, Fulton was a former captain bagen A Associates for the audit Arrow H and H, Com. 38>A disagreeable and alow. clash and Andsraon and Karash 11, nipped New Britain. No. 30, by 0 Burailskl, Ig ...... 1 1 8 ting practice. which waa recently reported as nese guerrilla unite were haraaatng Shell Union ...... YORK'S NEWEST stood out ter Olastonbury, •10,000 for fighting Jack CMrroU In 36-25; Stamford, No. 7, downed Dan- Jobnny Vruwlnk, Princeton cap- went as far as toe finals and lost Detroit at Boeton. 'il jn the British array, seeing action the Japanese as far 8s Tinghsien, Socony Vac ...... Billings and Spencer . 4^ A short while ago, the foreman. tain who has been out since the toe diadem in a gruelling clash with partially completed. He said that H m box aooras: Anatralia AprU It. bury. No, 33, ta 57-43; and Crosby, • 10 8 n IntenurtioBal-ARwrioaa Leagagi’ at the famous Siege of Kimberly in 30 miles south of Linbwalkwan. South P a e ...... Bristol Brass ...... 34 Robert McLoughlln,- seeing the dif- start of tbe season beoauM at aa BtloxL MIm .— P itcher aaude Paro Naugatuck. Manchester made its Pittsburgh at Bprtagflsld. the contract called for approval by ficulty the men were having with h o t e l OaBagMn’B (t T ) No. 10, beat gklrfiald. No. IS, by BagISK r taau and Third BoMman Pinky the Boer War. He was a close Falling back slowly before Japan- South R w y ...... (jolt’s Pat. Firearms. 57 89-35. appendicitis operation, got baek In- first tourney eti(rt ta 1928 and Won .American Aseoelatleo tbe state's attorney for New Haven Eagle Lock ...... 16 H the frozen surfaces, and noting the P. B. Fdlow who Mid March oosMa ta P B r T Whitney have definitely joined friend of Lord Baden-Powell, found- coimty, and asked tbe court to ese tdnk unite, CfliineBe admitted St Brands ...... Uks a UoQ ^oka a mouthful..This 1 Pavalack, rf ...... 6 to action last night and led’ ths two games agafast Litchfield and Kaneas aty at Wleblta. er of the Boy Scouts. Fofnlr Bearings . . . . 85 great loss of time and labor, evolved 3 Murray^ I f ...... 4 lb The opening game tonight MUds 0 10 Dolph Ceraim M PblUlM’ holdouts. TAKES HIS OWN UFE authorize him as special prosecutor severe fighting waa tn progreaa at St Gas and El . . . . . wrlad up hors rtpa buttons right off Torrington against Meriden st 7:30 0 Danner, rf ...... 0 0 0 Tigers to their second vlototy In BImsbury before losing to Nauga- fit. Louis at Bt. Paul. He came to the United • States Palkochen and Antungwe, vlilagea St Oil Cal ...... Gray Tel Pay Station 5 a plan for an automatic cutter j^E oD reesM,IS mackO wiN t h 1 SUum, rf ...... 4 PassMu dropped In at camp and de- tuck ta the semi-finals; returned to give such approval. 0 Graxladlo, rf, e ...... 8 your shirt—Just Uks MarsbaT Gold- o'clbek, MancbMter against Hart- 0 Taggart, I f ...... ,,i 0 2 eight league games. He scored 8i (No games laet night). eight years ago, developing bia ex- Approves the Bill on the Shantung-Klangsu border St Oil N J ...... Hart and Oxiley .... 175 which would db away with, and re- •houw, radio and berg dosa when ba brerari 1 HiUiiaki U ...... 1 points as Princeton pulled array partad when ha found Proxy Gerry Hendey Mach. B...... 7H tirealaling Ua-walar. 1 Longakar. e ...... 0 ford at 8:45 o’clock and Hartford 0 3 Nugent wasn’t bars. Whitney Is len .Man Commits Suicide periments with Dr. Lee Deforest at Mr. Alcom said that he has a within 30 mllee of Halchow. Tex C orn...... place the old broadaxes. Tbs ads for ths naw Jack 1 Dsirlek. 0 ...... o 0 0 r^id ly from a 81-81 tie oftor Dart- Haichow, coastal city, ia the east- Landers, Frary A Clk. 24 0 Zwrlck, rg ...... 8 0-0 1 6 Bulkelsy against Naugatuck’s (jlsM staying horns at Baa -Antonio, Tex. In Haspital Ward— Had Been Doforcst's New Jersey laboratory. copy of the audit, and approves it, Timken Roller Bear How It Waa Made la rit say Ukkar wUl asm UUs fins: ’’I B array aUO o'clock. Three gemro 1 Orsat, e ...... o 0 0 neuth’s Joe Batchelder oad Bob A son, Roderick, living in London, ern terminus' of the Lunghal rail- Trane Am erica...... New Brit. Mch., Com. 20^ McLoughlin explained hie plan to Ownookip ManagMiwnt 0 R o b a rta e n jrg ...... 0 0-0 0 . HI For Months. and feels that the bill for conduct- 0 AUesI, r g ...... 4 0-0 don’t drink wlUskay.''... .Carl Kub- M also suted tomorrow night at 4 Busiro, rg ...... 1 0 3 MacLeod went uut on personal fouls was notified of his father’s death ing the audit, $2,989.75, is reason- way, China’s vital east-west com- Union Carbide...... do., pfd...... 60 Superintendent Fred Parkei, who bsU had rather faea any hitter ta 1 Kosak, r g ...... 0 Tempa, Fla.—Arnold Greene, for- North and Judd...... 25 the Arana, West Haven’s top-rank- 0 0 late In tha r*)ne. and friends here were awatlng in- able. rounlcaUonB line for which the Jap- Union Pae ...... approved It, uio helped In the ex- Breadaay. TtL Chetm a Sw tha National Laagus than Tony tag quintet masting WUby at 7:80 mer Httsburgb Panther football -Hartford. Match 1.—(A P )—Ahe anese are striving. Unit Aircraft ...... Peck, Stow A Wilcox 5 5 17 8-5 87 player, has signed a anctanati con- Lv-'Bpraon, 39, of Moridm. serving one structions from him for funeral ar- 'The judge authorized, him to give periment. A square framework was CuednoUo of tha Bmo whan nmnsrs o'clock, Bristol facing Bridgeport rangements. the bill and audit his approval. Unit Corp ...... Rtunell Mfg. Oo...... 30 Salat data's (84) aro la aeoriiw poalUon... .H a ^ tract with General Manager Warren fi; ft three years in the State prison Scovill Mfg. (jo...... 22H Cen^ at 8:45 ?cto3r sjuT New Shortly after the court again re- Unit Gas Im p ...... 0 Burks, U ...... 8 Balogh, tha fiffiit aanoua**r, gave L ^ o n Bulkalsy playing Derby, tbs GUm , subject to the O. K. of Man- VCethersfieid on a statutory PAPER PROFITS U 8 Rubber...... Stanley W orks...... 38 0 Vlaeak. i f ...... 8 ager BUI McKeehnla, who wiU watch SPECIAL cessed, Superior Court Clerk (3eorge his slek wlfo a plat iff b lo ^ ta ^■'Miarge, committed suicide early to- do., pfd ...... 27H ot^ a*Mg B entry, at 10 o’c l ^ Leading Rivals To Test HOOFPBINTS MARK PATH H. Freeman swore In Mr.. Alcorn’s U S Steel...... 0 Vaniok, rf ...... 8 PelyoUale hoapltol tha othar alghL The four high ranking teams him at first bsM. Gilea, listing five by hanging himself to a door In Richmond, Va.—Mayor J. Fulmer Western Union...... Torrington ...... 24(4 1 M. Rubaeha, a ...... 4 players, aald Paul Derringer rvos OF.'M.AN ON WAY TO HELL’ staff as New Haven county officials. than walksd aeroM to Madron **** *•'*•''* survivors ivUl be prison hospital. Warden Ralph Bright gave back $1,000,000—and West El and Mfg . Veeder Root new ... 46 8 8. (Mwyb, I g ...... 8 Square Garden and did a night’s tbs only ‘boldout” problem oa hts They included the state’s attorney never loat a penny. iato tha tourney proper azid All Day Wadnesday Walker sat() Berson had not been Bath, N. C. . (A P )—Science haa and his two assistants. He also Woolworth ...... New York Banks ± j This W eek Only! [ 0 A. Rubaeha, r g ...... 0 toe eight etbsrs wrfli play again to PA*s Here This Thursday demands are "exorbitant.” Others i good nealth and had been In the tried to find a different explana- ’The state treasurer gave him a Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 7% are Linns Frey, Buck Jordan, Ernie swore In Raymond W. Smith of check for clipped (hterest coupons Bank of New York .. 345 detormtos tbs othro four finalists. iltal for three or four montha. Uon but many folks here think Hartford as official stenographer Bankers 'Trust ...... 48 8 U 84 Giant fu s wlMi Sambo Lombardi and Cblek Hafey. man waa in beo in bis hospital eight shallow plU in the soft earth oi, state bonds owned by the mayor. LINCOLN’S STATE PAPERS Score at twlf, 18-18. Rafaras, would MVS roms of those eprtag The Polish Americans,^ belghU toey aro blessed rrltb Regular $1.65 Fancy for the Grand Jury. Ae Bright was about to deposit the Central Hanover . . . . 65 Suede Leather Zipper Jackets only toree more wins 1 when tbe guard passed through just off the main highway are lOO- Mr. Alcom refused to make pub- SmX A MYSTERY (jbase ...... 30(4 Vojeck. Tima, 8 mlButa partods. bomsn (14 to data) for the renlar to .ellDch . toe . . to great advantage...... and as a result Catalina Istand. (jalff.—Although . his regular rounds at 4;30 a. m: year-oid hoofprinls of the ’’man check, however, he waa startled to season....Oeorgle Hale, the &nce Polish Laataa ■ title, will try to add ronsowhat worried by a two-day lic any statements to the press. Ask- see It waa for $1,000,105. (jhemleal ...... 43 to toetr h with surprisiag ut an hour later the guard found on his way to hell.” ed where his center of operations Washington—Although 78 yean aty ...... 26(4 a OeOsglMi’a (88) nmestro. tatcrvlewsd a hundred WRESTLING Ir victory etring when they en- victories over major opponebts. training delay caused by rain, Man- He ivlUiheld the deposit and re- have pasM since tbe death ot chorus eutleo and found goU Is tertaln the strong 8L Adalberts of In toe earlier meeting of the trro Shirts and hanging by means of his belt An old legend says that more win be, he said ’T won’t say where turned to hie office, where be found (jontlnental ...... 12 h 1 B F T ager Charley Grimm of the (jubs I a cloui^ book on the wall, the than a century ago a country gen- I’ll be except to say that I’ll be on Abraham Unooln, it sstll be Bind Corn Ehcebange...... 50(4 $6.97 h Robinson, If ...... 4 their fovoclto sxsrclM....Ksn GU- By ASSOCIATBQ/niBBS Thompeonvine at toe Bast Bide Rec teams, the PA’s managed to eke out sajrs toe club’s most Important many anxious inquiries already had 8 10 Thursday night In another Polish lea said. tleman and madcap companions in this Job.” and a hsdf mdre before talstortona First Natlrnal...... 1760 ■ Walker, rf, i V ...... 8 0 6 land, a one armed ban player from a 35 to 20 victory over tlM Carpet problein la finding a hard-hitting come from the treasurer’s office. and Lincoln admirers will see bis Regularly $9.95 Charletta (N. C ) who batted Y97 League tUL « aty quintet after a cloee, hard Pafamas Parden Walker aaid that lu- this oldest North Carolina town He and his assistants went Im- ’The check should have read $105. Guaranty Tnut . . . . JOlr -JKaum, c ...... 4 0 a Y.—Bob-Wagner. outflalder. He thought Jim AabeU, were given to horse racing on Sun- mediately to the carpeted third floor White House p ^ r s . IrvingTrust...... fqr a asml-pro outfit last year wanta Ths seoood place T-vtOa quintet fo ^ t game that was packed rrith rookie from Jersey a ty , might fill posaibly coupled with tbe re- It was a nuuihlne error.. ‘ Server, Ig ...... 8 0 10 Taoomo. Wash., defMted Vie comes to Mandiettsr rrith a strong, e f the board of parole to re- day and one day the gentftman. court room and spent considerable ’The fSunous eollectloa eg sdato Manhattan ...... Pleated backs — lined with ^ AUcsi, Ig ...... 8 a birth In a Ctass D league... .Note O l^U e. Glendale. Calif, (two tbriils throughout tbe game. In toe bill If hts fielding Improved. papers win not hs unsealed untU 1 17 to wnUs BL FstaiMn, Tu g^, N. D.r well-balanced array at fodent They hlm following its February gaUoplng down the lane, shouted time inspecting it. The Grand Jury Manufoct Trust ... rayon or flanneL 1 Bycbolskl, rg. r f ...... 8 0 4 toree fails); Bob (irsgory, 190, that game neither team held more to his steed to take him in a win- deliberations will be held there, and July, 1047. New York Trust ... Jack Deyio la ia Mland, but mail have won fourtoen and lost five la than a one or two p ^ t lead over B t Pstersbuig, FIs.—If their wel- : may have prompted the act. FLORIDA UME trees I^ndon, threw Sailor Jack (juriy, Polish League competlUon and have STORE OPEN ALL DAT ner or take him to hell. no one but tbe witnesses and offi- SENT TO SOITM AFRICA The late Robert T. LiiuxAt, tbe Public National . . . . sent to Urn at tha Park Oentral 186, Boston, (16:30). toeir opponent and the lead ebanged eoma to Florlcla is 'any Indication, was sentence Feb. 8, great President’s son, deeded tbe MEN! » 8 55 taotal bars win bs forwaided...... taken six and loot two in outside He has a wife end two chii- Whereupon, ao the story goes, cials will be aUowed higher than TlUa Guarantee . . . . Otastuahoiy Bgsrts CMS hands time end time again, "nos Um Yankees figure toey ought to the second floor. The high sheriff papers la 1938 to tbs Library ot («B) Ons of ths nasons Poppa Uique WUmlngton. Del.-Joe Oox. 331, competition. Among tbslr notohls rrltb minutes to go tbs Arnsriis the horse dug; lU hoofs into the Tampa. Fla.— (A P )—If all goes U. 8. Trust ...... 1470 Don’t muff this chance to Taylor, U ...... X 1 8 draw wrell ta toe American Laagus WEDNESDAY I soft earth and with two i^ h ty Is expected to take charge of sum- Congress as tbetr custodian for tbe isn’t rsperting to tho Olaata Is W Kennedy, achievements tn Podsh Lsague com- ralllsd to put tbs gasM on les. An- •Sabca. Tbs crowrd that turned out improved la recent wall, two Florida Ume treea even- Amariean people wltb tbe ■ttmila' own one of these jackets at 1 Anderson, t f ...... 6 9 10 iM hs haa to taavs about half 317, DallaH, Tex, (straight falls). petition rvera toe double victory toey Wardea Walker aald that ba leaps hurled the rider against a mons himself, and direct the extran- tually may besu; fruit along tbe other game of tola sort can bs sx- ybstorday to rvatch toe opening drill lliia atore win bo opes ovory WadBaBday aBtil f P.: eous court activlUes to keep the tlon that they not ba made avaUable OOBtE A G A IN such a price! Esnsbf TC s V o 0 0 O o o • s e eO 0 10 bis salqiy here tn incoBM taxes. AUm Uc aty, N. J.-Gsorgs Kor- have gained at toe expense of tha pseted tola Tburaday and Ooaob I planning to rend tbe man to tbs nearby tree, killing him. Realdente veldt of South Africa. to loveatigatoni for 80 yean. 1 BUllniSv 0 o o o o 0 • 0 0 0 O 0 eS 1 7 New Britain quintet and single vlc- wu Um biggest tosy have seen ta point to a rotting stump of a tree third floor of the Court House free « ^ 3 ^ 8 M Lake a ty , defeated Jbbnw FslkoSkl rrlU have bia tsiua 18 years of training here, outside of nnUI fiwther notka. I farm in Enfield end had offer- • .’The agriculture departmesit at . The Llbraiy Is preparing tbs col- Grand Island. Neb. —The burglar Porter, Ig ...... 1 1 8 toriss over tbs Hartford s t ( j ^ to bolster tha legend. oT parties not directly concerned Pretoria, capital of ’Transvaal, or- Floyd Marshall, 818, Phoenix, Arls, at full strength tn an effort to gain a isgulsr gams. Joa Glenn, third . him an opportunity to go but with the probe. lection for preservation and la cars- who took three pipe wrenches had Kelsey, Ig ...... 1 8 4 mmmtntaom (MsiMiaB dlaquallflsd). '• and tbs M srid « 8L Btsn quintets, MM c( tbs tbiss vtetorlsn nssdsd m indlcatad that ha wtahad to Some adentists think that per- dersd tbs trees for experimental funy filing and indexing the various Murray, r g ...... S la outsids oonq)sttttan tbsy bold a string catcher, and AUey Donald, haps an underground pocket o< Judge IngUs announced the an Invitation to corns again Archie 0 6 HaMston. Pa.—GUff ggo to can * tbs Lssgue rookie fltatger, miser(i the opening ; ubUI ha waa a litOa atraager. and propogattOB purpoees. documents tochidlng Tettsn from Boll told police. Umtly, r g ...... ,....3 BtoemtngtorL Xn.~(AP)-.Gs^r8e vtatory over tbs WstbsrsflsId'A. C. water or air haa its vent in the lit- names of tbe 18 men who wiu eerve 0 4 MlmiMpoUs, threw Rudy Dasak! In tb l prsUmlnsty tbs PA larolss drill, Donald because of Illness and inie plant la a v a a srere all tbo martyr PreMdsnt to wsmban at Tbs thief dropped hla watch while 1 Young, r g ...... 0 Black of Aroola Is fosdiag his hens teem, at present Isadsrs ta tbs Osn- of tha faaiQy wera aa- tla rutf aod keep them pezpetual- on the extraordinary Grand Jury ■Mppad off, the cut psitts per- ILD fiF 'Q 1 1 harmless dpts of various eolors so 318, Omaha. Nob, (36U15). win ta assktag tbslr ssvsath vtotory Glenn becauM one of his chUdrro > at the priaon today t||^nakc which will convene in r Waterbury bia cabtast, various exscutive oSl- maneuvering around oo tha back trsl Oonnsctlout League. Tbs team to 17 Ltagus starts at tbs expenM ly in existence. Bath folk are slow aPined and the treea urapped In cen and othen blgb and low tn tbs porch of the BaU home, and the IN D ^ they win lay many-husd eggs. Wichita, Koas.—Bronko Nsgur- U oompoosd at tartau Springfield ■ besB sick. to aMapt tUa aaptanatton. Tu«*d*y to conduct a probe sphagnum mesa and ssator-prood 1 n e 48 Black aays ths dyas do not change Mti. 380, Intsrnationol Foils, Kbm, ot ths strong 8t Adalbert glila. Tbs let WatotMnx’a flauietal ntottan Ute, of tbe natton during Uw watch, BaU sald,fwas worth mu(ib 1 SsMi at kaR 87-16 OM^Ua’a blgb school. pUysrs rrbo st present first gams Is slatsd for 6:00 p. m. GLENNE papat for g U p M C msea a u Uw wienebsa. Mr tasito sf_t|>s sgge aad agfea) to dsfMtsfi Olaf 01S3B, 847, Mlnitssp. sfo competing in tte IpcUigflcld Linodin taft an estate with a val- •06, (9tm gM f o t t ? to be followed Immsdlstsly hr the ue o f 1116 4 9 5, which was shared "OaiSjr u»gm > n if l 6M tbs atola gases. sqiwmi by bis widow aM two seaa. SEIvISE and NOI'ISENSE voo K5tEOVl\ 3WX TO **CEOV. \btfl \ iuw Vitav»vtm • KX9VAU0 .OWRUMS ME AAX. UMOWMtVFMO The prises la Ilfs usually go to Father—^Tou want to many siy those who meet emergencies suc- daughter aad onl; make $15 cessfully. And the best way to msst week! Haven't you any better prss- emergencies is to do each e*ir p(f pectsT task the best we can. The big things Suitor—Well, no sir. She's the that Jonas our way are usually the best rv a come across. resu m e care in the daily routine. We usually have plenty ot rain '—n o wtTJ. IN tax coUector’i 1988-OLDSMOBILE tudor aedan, W E SELL ANDERSON Baby Chick New Orleans Is Greeting HUSBANDS GUESTS Two men had Just mads thsir In the course c f a year, but It yeaterday. Call or return to beater, good Urea, clean Inside feeders, fountain 15c up. Coal, oU, Housewife Goes Bankrupt; exit from a movie theater, and evi- doesn't corbe at the r l ^ t Umea Tba Herald. Reward. mechanically perfect. Color grera electric, wood burning brooders, dently It had been a very poor pic- This ear la a real buy. $395. M W $1.95 up. Mi-ichester Plumbing A Thousands for Mardi Gras ture by the expressions on their :y w B LACK and white sler Nash Inc.—7258. Supply Oo. Phone 4425. OF MOTHERS a U B She Owes Over 6 Million fscu . One turned to the other and thing we don*' have much trouble near Bolton. Name on col- said: , In finding a satisfactory excuse for Tdqibone Rockville 760 or 1983 F O R D C O U P E $185; 1933 F ord doing It. New Orleans, March 1.— (A P )— A The negroes hkd their monarch. - First— You know. It certainly Is Ite C. H. Noad, 104 High St. coach $175; 1931 Model A coupe FU E L AND FEED 49-A A population augmented by thou- too. He woe King Zulu of the Social L — (^ )^ w o r t h of rest isstste traasseUoss la wonderful how moving pictures have $75; 1931 l ord touring, $65; 193U Annual Get>Together Is Most A housewife worked among her wWch she bad no personal Interest. advanced these last few yean. —T A N B ILL FOLD contain PonUac roadster, $40. Monaco FOR SALE—W E LL seasoned hard sands of visitors paraded today m Aid and Pleasure club, on ordinary pots and pans today, ^perturbed wood aawed stove length, and un- roaring observance of a century-old days a ehoemrker, but for the mo- Some $2,900,000 worth o f the Second—How so? carda, driver a license and sum Motor Sales, opposite Llbra^. by her voluntary peUtton In bank- J/lsosg less 9X1164 der cover, $5.00 per load. Wood ment leader of a tribe o f warriors mortgages have been foreclosed, First—Well, first there weie the ■aoney In bills. Reward. Phone Telephone 3926. custom -Mardi Gras. Enjoyable And Soccessfnl ruptcy listing $6,186,801.01 UabUl- S T O R I E S IN sold for cash only. L. T. Wood Co, Young school girls dressed like and one of tbe city's beat liked MorS than $4,000,000 remaining pt. •Bent pictures, then there were talk- tles, no asseta "Salef, and now this one smells. iToonervlUe Folks harridans of the Paris slums, carnival characters. have not been sne the present aoo-' By Fontaine Fox Conjecture was rife around the FOR SALE— W E LL seasoned hard Zulu's court carries shields and Affair For Both. tlon, Johnson explained, Is merely a STAMPS -PAINTING— PAPERING 21 buxom mothers in polka-dot panta- Federal building in Philadelphia im>MOKII,fe;S H )K SAl.fc; 4 wood. Apply EMward J...H0II, tele- spears and his braves wore soup- technical procedure to clear Mrs. RBIAD IT OR NOT— ' ' b s o l u t e l y t h e o r l d s o s t e s t u r e T3 lets and hair-rlbbona, middle-aged yesterday when Mrs. Catherine H il- It _ A W ’ M Pbure G phone 4642 01 8025. business men as dandified cavaliers bones In tbeir hair, rings through Staib’s name. Probably ths oldest roof In Ameri- t poimAC SEDAN: iiaa 1-3 OFF ON A LL 1937 wall papers. ler Stalb's counsel offered the peti- OUR BOARDING HOUSE the nose, and toea cocoanuts left and Mrs. T. B. Kehler, chairman, and The petlUoii, Johnson said, does ca Is that on Ihrlst church In Phila- •AMP his to itaittae aedan; 1985 Pontiac sedan See your own contractor or Thos and negroes, in gaudy Indian gear— tion—with no explanation. T h e O l d C l o t h e s Ma n l i f t s h a t s A u n t Eppie Hoiso right. But for all bis wildness Zulu not entail any los' tc creditors other delphia. Built of Copper, the roof Pontiac coach; 1936 Chevrolet McCm Jr., 126 Cedar street. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 all paid homage to the lord ot the the hosteM commute for the lioth- But Attorney Karl W. Johnson bows to tradition In fhe champagne than what they suffered at tbe Ume has served more than 2(X) years. j adan; 1936 Chevrolet coacn; 1935 day and king of all carnival "kings" era club annual get-together lost soon ironed things out. ViCTOPY UAfi-uw— .vwai,, -;5 - PROPERTT OWNERS —Attention. 3 M O D E R N ROOMS — Rex. toast to hie queen—this year a the bank collapsed. The Pearson .1 TMIMW X m c o a M iz s Ckavrolet coach. Cole Motors. 6403 night In the banquet hall of the Before she n o ised , be explained, Collegiate— Father, I've a notion T»R0PeS50«, AV $6.95 repapers room, celling paper- For miles crowds surged against waitress—aa she sits v/ltb her court Holding (Company, with claims ot SVMPTiaMS OF A CBRTAIW FORM OF FURNITURE ...... $149 South Methodist church were con- Mrs. Stalb was "straw man” , for the to settle down and start raising OCCUPATOkI K5 ed or kaleomined. Material, labor the guard ropes to see the king lead in the front of an undertaking par- $1,771,597, and the Sprlngflelo Real — Brand New (not used) gratulated on the success of the af- Suburban Title and Trust Company, chickens. OP ABERRATION THAT OFT#N complete. Inside, outside p ^ U n g . a score of floats past the staid Bos- lor. EsUto Comipany, with ,$599,640, ■WAT OF A Manchester — Easy terms arranged • fair. Despite severe wintry weather which closed some years ago. Mrs. Father—Bettei ‘ try owls, Their attac ks mem C F MaNTAU AND LU-ge savings. Work guaranteed. ton Club and the City Hall—for a In the century of its existence the were listed as the principal credi- OENTLSMAH OF —Worth at leasi. $250 and counter attractions, more than Stalb worked for the bank as a hours wlU suit you better. FHVtSICALiM ACTIVrryvw. IN TlAfig Lang. Phone 8692. Mardi Gras celebration baa de- tors. Evening: Herald —Axmlnlster Hugs included champagne toast to bis queen and 15C attended and spent a thoroughly clerk. LBISUR8<*<*HAW.R- the mayor— and to snatch for the veloped many .ormallUea and It The court appointed Albert E. THBV' SUPFER FROM HALUJCIMATIONS —C^omplete with Range enjoyable evening. No formal busi- In that capacity she acted os *Maa Overbeard . R U M F w U M i S r CLASSIFIED charms and trinkets cast from the usea- more "propa” than a score of HoU, of Media, Pa., as referee to -sO K aoN a IS pu r o u ino thbm KKPAIKINU 23 —Free storage—Free delivery ness session was held. The presi- "front" in seveial million dollars admlnlsUr Mrs. Staib’s ease. Do It Now! Don'» delay! TVlB HOOFLB FOPrnjNe ADVERTISEMENTS —No payments If sick shining cars by bis masked court. Broadway shows. But Its backbone, dent, Mrs. John Pickles, extended a Use this card! Send today! ^AKJO them AOAfN THBY HARNESSES. COLLARS, luggage —No payments If unemployed This year the coveted role of Rex oldtlmere say, baa olwaya been tbe cordial welcome In beholt of the Clip this coupon. Tear Off here! AC<30iT*BV FROM voicee/ - CMiot 9tx avarac* word! f a Una. and Its high social prestige were opportunity it affords natives and ilMtUU. Bttmbara and abbravlatlons and harness repairing, sport tope club, and expressed pleasuro,/it see- the coach, Mrs. Kehler. A t Its cioee Phone this ni ".ber! Buy now! Shop THE SALE OF A HERE IS GOOD NEWS to young claimed by Charles McLellan, a visitors alike for a day of unre- TiWENTY years ago. Nov. MM aoant a# • word and oompoond and curtains repaired. 90 Cam- couples who are going into house- ing so many husbands In the audi- 3hey w ere' heartily applauded. here! MILUOKJ'ACRB M rda aa two worda Mlntmam eoai la business man. Miss MiJcoIm Mc- stricted capers. ence. bridge street. Telephone 4740. keeping. These 3 rooms Include an Mra Louis Marte was in charge Displayed this week— throughout 1918, plenipotentlarlas « f t hs fIrtM of tbrao llnaa Cullough TuUis, debutante daughter Tomorrow young and old alike POUCE COURT 5WSEF TKAKiCH, 1 Xdaa rated par dap tor iranaiaat 18 piece Living Room with 8 piece The program opened with piano of the games which followed in the nation Allied Powers ssssmbled la a rall« ROOFINQ AND 8ID1NU eeUmatea of Gamer H. TuUle, the 1935 Rex, face Ash Wednesday and the 49 way car In 4he French woods to, the LAROEST IM streamlined upholstered set and 15 and mandolin selections by Mr. and which both husbands and wives en- There's no charge! No obligation! Mcatlva Marcb 1T» Ittf freely given. Tears ot experience was queen. penitential days of Lent. Mrs. Charles Norris. Mrs. Norris In Town Court last night ths Get this book! These points. Com- termlnste the World War. That* AUSTRAUA,LEFT Caah Cbarva other items, to j numerous to men- tered with a wtU. Woikmanehlp guaranteed. Also also accompanied Mrs. Arthur drunken driving case o f Thomas pare! was the Armistice which stilled MB w rw ample • OOBaacuUva Dapa ..I T ato( '• oia carpentry. A. A. Dion, 81 Welle tion here to complete your living In the rear o f the ball adjoining the great guns. OOttaacotlv* Dapa ..I • eta< U ota mom: also, an, 18 piece modem Lashinske, who sang, "O, Lovely the kitchen, tables to accommodate Brennan, 44 o f 88 Garden street, Send for sample! Test for wear! Dap ...... I U au> tl ate street. Phone 4860. Night", and in response to an en- And readers phone, or write, AlnuMl. Immedlataiy nsgoUa- MBAWS--- HOiw/; Alt ordara for irradQlav laaartiona Bedroom Suite which Includes 4 big the gathering were decorated in was continued until Friday night tions were begun laadlim to the dPtU{ ba abarpad at tba ona Uma rata LET US HELP TOU with your pieces and 14 other small Items to TWO BELOW ZERO HERE thusiastic encore, " i Passed By Your keeping with Washington's birth- because of the reported Illness of Or clip or tear, or ask their grocer! M a n ch ester Window^" Yeah! formal peace treaty of ItorsaiUas. . Dpaalal rataa for long tam avarp range— burner troubles, cleanmg, complete your beuroom. In your day, with red, white and blue paper the examining physician. The cases Ths treaty was signed on the aft* A V advartlatpg gfvaa apun raqnaiL adjusting, repairing. Tel. 6492. Ex- Kitchen, you get a stove, breakfaat Play Presented. and a num'oer ol potted Jerusalem of Hiss Elisabeth Hollory of West *(Just tbe advertising Man). Ada ordarad bafora tba third or artb LOWEST IN THE STATE Under the direction of Mrs. emoon of Ssturdsy, Jims U , ths 4diP will ba ebargad oolp for tba aa- pert service. SaUetacUon guaran- set, linoleum and other Items which D a te* B o o k cherry trees. The Stanley group Ot Hartford, held on a chaige of reck- Kehler an amusing one-act play, less driving which was r^uced to a Roberta—Pm sorry. Jack, but 1 next year, en ths fifth anniversary "1. ■tiinbar of tlmaa tba wd appaar- teed P. H. Babo 8 Sona. Kill complete this room. We have the South Methodist church served M the assasslnatiaii «t Archduke . abargtBg at tba rata aara^ boi sold bundneds of the same S room Tonight j, "Other People's Husbanos,” was count o f violation of rules o f tha have some really bad news for you. •llawaaea or rafonda eao ba mada sandwiches and cake in variety and Francis Ferdinand, It was Ferdi- outfits for not less than $250, so Weatherman Predicts Contin- presented by a cast of six women coffee. road, and o f W alter J. Wolezak, 17, Jack— I can take It. Roberta. tfna ado oteppad after tba Rural comedy, "Simple Simon Wbat Is It? nand’s assassination by s young BUSINESS you are actually saving $101. See- ued Rise In Temperature To- and four men. The setting was an ot WUilmantlc, arrested for driving Simple," at North Methodist church. with no license, were noUed by Serb at Serajevo which had pre- N o^% l forblda**: dlaplap llaaa act ing is believing, so h you are look- attractive living room, and the tlm t Roberta—Pm afraid we will have -lA OPPORTUNITIES 32 day And Tomorrow. Also, lecture, "Prejudices Prefer- Judge Harold W. Garrity. to call off our engagement. cipitatsd toe war. ing for a barg; in, our advice to you red,” by Mrs. Lewis Rose at Y. M. Saturday evening after dinner. Miss Tba Aarald will aoi ba raaponaibla Jack— Why. Roberta dear! What The treaty scene was the fa- ~>ra thab oaa taeorraet Inaartlon 9XJR RENT—IN BlIhlNESS aec- la to see this 3 room outfit. C. A. I Grace Legg as Sally Westboume, UNEMPLOYED VETERANS on earth has happened? (nous HsU of Mirrors In toe palace r advartiaamant ardarad for Uon. brick mercantile building By ASSOCIATED PRESS who placed a career befqre mar- of Versailles. The signing was a .ban oaa CIma with SOQp ft. ot ground Door apace 7 FREE "COURTESY AUTOS" ThU Week riage, played the leading part. She Roberta—We,l, I vlsitod a fam- READY TO SERVE TOU CURB QUOTATIONS simple and businesslike affair. At Tba laadvartaat omlaatoa at laoor* Lultable for light manufacturing Connecticut basked in a genial March 4.—DeMolay testimonial. was an author and It Irked her that ASKED TO REaSTER oua fortune teller this ifftemoon and ‘faat Mblioatfoa at advarttatag will Ite No matter where jrou live, we wiu Masonic Temple. she told me I was going to marry 3 o'clock the representatives ot Dntttad aalp bp oaneallatioa of tba Apply Edward J Holl. and warming sun today as rapidly her friends were wont to park their toe Allied Powers wars In tosir Miirga mada tor tba aarvica raadaraA call for you at your convenience, .• Coming Events husbands at her borne whenever a handsome man! rising temperatures belied the an- ISj K seats, the session waa opened. The r.' All advarilaamanta moot aenterm bring 3TOU to the store and take you March 7.—Adjourned annual and they found It convenient. Mrs. Lil- An unemployed ex-servloe men l ^ atpla, aopp aad tppographp with cient axiom that Miu-ch comes In Assd Gas and El A ...... m two German plenipotentiaries djMtatloaa aoforead bp tha pobliah- HEI.P W AM KD— back home again. Simply phone or special town meeting at H. S. ball. lian Banks as her housekeeper, was are'asked to register at tbe state Some people are not satisfied with were then admitted in silenosw V write ua and arraiigementa will be like a lion. Am Sup P o w ...... 13-16 making a dollar go aa far as possi- M aad Chap raaarva tba right to FEMALE ' .35 March 11.—Epwortb League play. anxious to (.rumote a match be- and federal employment bureaus In without rtcognitlon or rising: dplt. lavtaa or raJaot aap oopp eoa- made to send a car for you any The high and chilling winds and Cits Serv ...... ,., ble. Some want It to come back 'Waiting A t The Church,” at Squtb tween Miss Westboume and Dick the area In which they live. This They signed toe historic docuw i i i j f U obiaetlobablaobiaetlobal W ANTED—Y OUNG woman for morning, afternoon or evening. Vou near zero temperatures of yesterday El Bond and Share.,.,...... 744 and bring another with It. \ .2 ^ TOUCH WriBNT KO HOUROUR»-Claaataad ______ada Methodist church. Underwood, played by Edward means that those Uvlng In Manches- Nlag Hud Pow ...... g ment first, followed by Presidenlj •oAopir-—. —,patfllabad aama dap moat ba ra* general housework. steady work. will not be unae; any obligation continued through the early morn- Macauley, anl regaled the latter, TO CURE, PROFESSOR March 13.—State meeting of ter and are unemployed will regis- Segal Lock ...... 1 Wilson for toe UMted Statesj ddiyad bp is o'elocb noon; Satnrdapa Telephone 7941. whatsoever tor this service, even It ing hours, but by mld-momlng he and Incidentally the husbands, with Tom— We dined at my fiancee's sinee toe French name (Etats- IkM.' mercury bad risen more than 20 de- YDVA at State armory. ter In Hartford. ‘Ilie date of regis- Unit Goa ...... 4 home lost night. you do not ouy. delicious chnlocate cake, in the tration as sent to the different vet- Unls d’Amerique) came first el-l grees In many communities The March 15-10.—"Personal Appear- UUl Pow and L t ...... Sister— I suppose they treat you A - L - B - E - R - T - 8 kitchen, so thaL.Mlss Westboume erans bureaus Is from February IS phabcticaUy. The German dele- TELEPHONE YOUR HELP WANTED weatherman predicted that temper- ance.” a 3-act comedy by the Com- like one of the family now? I te yestaiM rex) Main Store— Whterburj munity Players at Whlton Memorial might proceed with her writing. to March 31. The report of the num- gates were dismissed by a side WANT ADS MALE 36 All Stores Open Wed. St Sat. Eves. atures would continue to rise to- Mrs. Arthur Lashinske, Miss ber o f unemployed veterans wlU be WEST HAVENITE SEEKS Tom—Not yet. They haven't door when toe signing was eem- night and tomorrow. auditorium. reached ths point "where they Insult ^COKCHV SMITH ^Adl ara accaptod ovar tba laiepbona MAN FOR COFFEE ROUTE. Up March 27.—Col. H. B. Bissell din- Hazel Drlggs and Mrs. Edward J. sent to Washington soon after INDIAN PIOHTEB’S KIN plate. The Impersonator's Calling Card at tba CHARGE RATE glvan abova FOR SALE- household” fuml- The Manchester Police Depart- me when I spill anything on the By JO H N C TE R R Y to $45 first w 5ei<. Automobile given ner, by Yankee Division veterans at Ferris were the wlveo, and their March 31. The men are asked to But in America, toe winning of M a aonvaolADca to advartiaara bat. ture including range with Silent ment reported that the temperature husbanda, Sherwood Humphriea, register In order that there may be West Haven, Conn., March 1__ tablecloth. the war had been maiked o O l^ - jw Mvar Mve *^^CASU RATES will ba aecaptad aa ‘ aa bonus. V’rlte Albert MUU, 4447 In that city was two below zero at State armory. RATMENT If paid at tha bual- Glow oil burner In good condition— Walter Holman and Charles Banks. a correct figure secured of the num- (A P )—A. A. Boudreau of West ly even esrller. A spiKlsl vt^ fTVgOUffH MY PILLOIV TlfltfK Monmouth, Cincinnati, O. midnight, but began an upward May 2-8.—50th anniversary cele- Three Greatest Inventions: * ^ bafora tba aavanib ruga. Icebox and other Itema. Tel. bration of Maccabees. Everything moves on as usual until bers unemployed. Haven Is looking for all the heirs of tory stamp was Issued en Marrit I ANP KSCOeNUBP A T B A P - I SaUowteg tba drat laaartloa of 4411. trend aftei* that time. The mark of the unmarried author decides to one UrbalB Tessler who fought In- (1) The central beating plant, 8, 1818. It bore the figure ef tJIb- •nwrfi WHY HE < S f S L charge eight above shortly after midnight ( 2 ) The automatic fuel feeder, fcATS will ba oollaotad No raaponal* tu p the tables and invites a thrlce- dians In Canada three centuries ago arty helmeted. Beck ot tha figure 9CKAM/ilEP- WINDOW SHADES—Stock reduc- In Hartford made this the coldest THREE BURN TO DEATH BECOMES FREIGHT AGEN T with such prowess that be received (3) The thermostat to control It. bUltp far anwra la talaphoaad ada tion eale. Fine quality Holland 41vorced friend of hers, "Polly appeared the American flag, «HII ^ saaamad aad tbalr aaaaraap' March 1 on record In that city. Oliver", (played by Emma Lou extensive grants of land from a 'draped on toe left and right by •“ ■■at ba oaranttad- shades, made to order and hung on Hartford, March 1.— (A P ) — Lowest temperatures overnight In White Plains, N. Y „ hlarrh 1.— Kehler) to drop In and the fur be- grateful government Boudreau, Assistant— It took you a mighty the British, Belgian, Italian and your windows complete 60 cents. Charles F. Goodisln of Bridgeport lung Ume to pull that paUent'a other communities: Tonington and (A P )— A mother and two children gins. Tbe huslands are fascinated himself one o f the heirs, said his French fUga INDEX OF New rollers 10 cent each. Please succeeded Reginald 3. Danfortb to- tooth. Doctor. EMERGENCY Weatport, two above; Bristol, 4; were burned to death today In a with the IrreslsMble Polly and the quick-triggered ancestor arrived in JCosrrlsM, IMS. NBA SsrviM, lea l write for samples. Capitol Window day as freight agent of the New Dentist— I discovered he Is an old CLASSIFICATIONS Nsw London, 6; Waterbury, 7; An- fire that destroyed their home. The Irate wives descend upon the party (janada In 1624. bhade Co. 46 Capen street, Hart- sonla, ; New Haven, 9; Norwalk. Haven railroad in thla dty. paUant o f mine who neglected to 8 victims were Mrs. Adella Liditen- and imbrald Saiiy. They all leave Several of the heirs have been lo- ford. 10. Danfortb's futun assignment was pay his bill. isBta a»a****«*»6«a«*«g thal, 52, Morris, 21, and Cecelia, 11. but Dick Underwooo who persuades cated, Boudreau said, but a searcb CALLS Hits AU Tbe East not announced Goodwin waa freight through two oountries for the oth- V. 5^1919 the author to ccosent to marry him. aeee»«*e»#••••• FOR SALE—COMBINATION gas The father Kieva Lichtenthol, 52, Newcomer—How beautiful tbe New York. March 1—(A P )—The Full of Humor agent in Bridgeport for a abort time ers must be completed before tbe Victory Stamp ol Tbaaba anfl oil range, also dining room set, March lion roared In today on a 50- and four other children escaped with land Has In our suburb! Maaterlam minor bums. Four firemen and a The play w aj full ot humorous and before that was agent at the Tessler estate, now In tbe hands of Jc purple reasonable. Leaving town. Inquire ralle gale which gave the northeast- Stung Ditto—Yes, but Uiats V aad Foaad POLICE civilian were Injured slightly While speeches and situatloru and every Cedar HIU transfer in New Haven. a Montreal law firm, can be settled. maaamaate . 29 Summer street. ern states their most bitter weather nothing to bow the real estate fighting the blaze, which apparent- »aala ...... of the winter. one handled his or her part In a agents lie! AataaMbtlaa ly started behind s fireplace. capable manner and with credit to ^dtaUaMbtlaa for s«u ...... « 4343 MACHINKRY AND T(M)I„S 52 Snow blanketed much of upstate AbtOBkoblU* for Bxchanga aa*** b New York and New England. Tem- Aanaasoriaa—Tlra* ..a**.. • CASE ONE PLOW TRACTORS peratures dropped toward lero and FRECKLES AN D HIS FRIENDS By Blosser . Aato Aapalrtng—Painting 7 FIRE with easy on ana easy off Imple- new low marks for March 1 In WASHINGTON TUBBS By Crane H^.*!®** ...... ’ -A ments. See this tractor today and many cities. The cold took two OUT OUR WAY By Williams . Attlaa—Ship pp Traok ...... t FLA P P E R F A N N Y llM lkAM KfAT FOIST I THOUGHT pEM\mel LOOklA •*A ^ ^ o r HIra ...... • South get the prices. Dublin Tractor Co., lives, both In Massachusetts. Scores By Sylvia r IT WAS SURI "X OF COUR.'sE, *U?i jMagaa—Aarviow—Btorag* ...... la Prov. Rd., WUilmantlc. were Injured In minor accidents due 1»|| #T 8tCA MIIVICC. MC T M RC6. U. # F*T. W r .- , a m y u u ) ^ o i owhers of y the « « ll Atarapalaa—BicpeUt ...... u OF UWCLE JOWATHAW .vwxmT aorr?«4!\ I PiaoERa it raatad Aatoa—Motnrcyeiaa if to snow and ice-clogged highways. 4321 - Storm warnings flew from New TO BUY US T IC K tT S _jato«aa aad PntfvMteaal garvleca ttelaaaa Sarvicaa Offarad ...... IS WANTED—TO BUY 58 York to Eastport, Me., as the gale TO THIS SWO\ voffydii W M iw i SS»«bold darvicaa Offarad ....IS-A North kicked up high seas and held coast- T>1alS-A day of r#bruary. A. D., 1928. bdleal— Dramatle ..aaaaaaaa a I S . 3060 FOUR RCXJMS fumishqd, or un- Pr#aent WILLIAM 8. HTDB, Eta., rantad<—Inat^a ■ met Iona •• aaaaa a M furaisbed. Call Centennial Apart- Judge. PiMarlal (Quish) ments. 4131 or 4279. Ettat# of Thomaa W. Tedford Ute « of Manchester, In estd Dietrlct. de> MCM$m6,TC REN. Ida—et^k^-iiorig.e.. si PvnuaiFoaVw tuw ceased. MY, BUTTHIM OS A R E rrfe womobrful, S On motion of Ellaabelh R. Caverly slaaat OpportnnltUa 12 4340 SURELY DIFFEREWT atp to Loan ...... gj WANTED TO RENT 68 of said Manchester, adminiatratrlx mc >m / 1 HOPE >eu ORDERED:—That six months from SUJCE UHCLE v IOHAIHAM _ Help aad titaattoaa W ANTED TO R E N T five room the 28th day of February. A. D„ 1928 HAVE TtXM KEY aalp Wantad—Pamala ...... W be and the «ame are limited and al> CAME TO LIVE wriH US / , SO WE WOWT JUIp Wanlad—Mala ...... t< apartment ir house, Aprl. 1st. h o s p i t a l lowed for the oredltors within which WE HA/E THIS hJBW have to wake . Warned ...... IS-A Write Box B; F. Herald. to brlnjf in tbeir claims against a.i1d aalp Wanted—Mala or Femal#.. If estate, and the said adminiatratrlx is CAR, AMD PLEMTY UHCLE sJOMAlHAN? Wanted ...... *a.lf-A ‘aitaationp Wanted—Male •aaa IS 5131 directed to fiv e public notice to the TO EAT.' ^E HOUSE amplnpraentVtaatlone Wanted—Pemala AgeneUe . •••• 18 HOUSES FOR SALE 72 credlto.ra to brlnr in their claims a... 4d within aald time allowed by posting IS DARK.' Edve dteeb—Pete— Teblelee a copy of this order on the public poga—Bird#—Pete ...... 41 FOR SALE}—54 HUDSON street, S sign post nearest to the place where .•|A»# ilock-Vehlcie# ...... 42 W ATE R DEPT. room house, oU Improvements. On ^tbe deceased laat dwelt within said apultry aad Supplle# ...... 41 lot extending through from Hud- town and by publishing the same In Wanted— Pete— Peattrp—Stock 41 son to WIlUam street. Width 99 (L, some newspaper haring a circulation e. .. .. , ■•Jw—HloeelUaeowa 3077 In said probate dtvtrlct, within ten 1^^ Arttele# For Sale ...... 46 length lfi5. Pnone 7900. days from the date of this order, and and Aoceaaoriet ...... 44 return make to this court of the no- ivV abiding Material# ...... a#*- 4f (A fterS P .M -) tie# gly#ii. -'A WamoBd#—Watehea—J#welry .. 48 WIIsUAM 8. RTDB dtrloa) Apptlane##—Radio .. 4» aad Food ...... 7868 Read Tbe Herald Adva. Judge. ‘‘Oh, Fanny, don’t call It *neckin*.' That dates a girl.” “Won’t you >t(^ oontndicting me, Eric? You know *w-“FaTO— Dairy ProdnoU ftO "Maybe it dates you. But I never had to neck to be popular." —abold Ooodi ...... 6t bow tempenunental I am.” dblBorp and Topl...... gtfdal Inttrameat# .•••••«••» 88 M A N C H ESTE R a «ter# Bqolpmaat . . . . 84 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE BORN THIKTY YEARS TOO SOOM. ^Ablate at tbo Ctor##...... 84 No Time for Words By THOMPSON AND COLL ALLEY OOP .^ a a rla g Appar#l—Far# gf W ATE R CO. Breakers Ahead— As Usual By HAMLIN , w a a t e d — T # B a p ...... 11 •■■■■• ■•Bid H#l#1# Rioerta Maataavaata 5974 Without Board gg a Waatad . is -a M U 6 0 ,7 H H airy Board—JiaMita w*jns.. do CHAUF FEUR. Ma^wunraats ...... « GAS CO. OW T H E gted Room*—Boart ....^ a || Saal Matate g^a SEP, buusl Ftaisk T.a.m.ata M aa 5075 JACK ”• * « » .k . at 5 T6 R 3 0 U T ------Far R u » ...... ti INTO TH C ,, -Bbarbaa For B M t ...... st H A LL ‘.•jiauBar BemM For lUat ...... at WHBRC H6 |i.yfsatod to ItoDt ...... u ELECTRIC CO. FIN D S ■•■I Bust. FM S.1. ----- ent Bnlldlng for 8. 1. at MVRA Him. Frop.rty (or fa 5181 b e n o i m s ~as u d Land tot Sato . « . • • Tl O V E R Mo (or 8alo ...... T$ pe. (or Ual» . Tl .FrepMTy (or Cato ...... Ta JA S O M - Ja8-tor 8. 1. Tl Evening Herald Exohango Tl aUd—R «*l Estoto ...... TT 5121

* iiL.'VXy.''. A bentes program of Boag and The Wednesday evening service muilc will be preaented at the regu- wlU be omitted at the SwodUh Con- torted. The fUnoua Httia boat "Maid o f tba H ist" waa also Jam .««. lar meeting of the Luther League of gregational church on Spruce atreet. Phyafclans ct the Manchester the Emanuel Lutheran church to- In favor of the meeting tonight to la with Ice. Most o f tbs eountryaide lir a . Dnejr and family of Med|M asBOdatlon who will I night at 8 o'clock under the title of be addreaeed by Cbartea G. Johnson around the beloved American beauty respM j to emergency calls to- spot looked Uke a vertUble Bolly- atraet epeat Sunday ‘rrhe Old. Old Story." Mtae Astrid I iB SlmabUTy. of the Scandinavian Alliance Mis- motrflw aftttmoon are Dr. Robert wood stage- E. Benaon and her Junior committee sion, to which all are Invited. Keeney. 6670; Dr, George Lund- Tbe Waddell party wlU not _ haa charge of the program, which b«rg, 8629. Mr. And Mn. William Waddafl aTJT '*111 be followed by refreshmenU. Center church Profeastonal Wom- forget tbe rare'sight, alttaougli to And Pa^y Describe Awe* stgy out. oC tbe comfort of the car ' >*ra MltH Johnaon will lead the de- en’s group will meet tonight in the r * * “ * * » * * » ^ •“ Bridgeport. „ ^tlonal period before the bualneaa Inqdriiig Spectacle At Falla. was not too Inviting a prospect! Robbins foom. A musical. program Slippery roads were responsible They felt It was worth while suffer- meeting. Self Serve and H ealth Mailket .■The regular drlD aeaalob o f Oom- will be presented In charge o f MIm for an automobile accident at the Mr. and Mia. WlUiam Waddell, of ing cold bands and.fefit aisf risking Marion Washburn. The hostesses ftay K, iMth Infantry. CN.O. waa Intersection of Oak street and Pur- Cone street have Just rytumed from a chill to see what all tbe* United will be Miss Emily Gove and Miss iw t hald at the state Armory laat Mlaa Dorothy Mdlduff oi HUIlard nell place at 9 o’clock this morn- an auto trip to Detroit where they States has heard about, but may Wednesday Morning Sp ^ icfls slgbL ' D ie drUla win be reaumed atreet. wjjo waa badly Injurad when Florence Hopkins. ing. Arthur Hultman of Chestnut visltied friends. Their daughter Mao find bard to realise,—that the Job dhltticb 7. an automobile In which ab'e waa a Street, driving east on Oak street of reconstructing tbe Honeymoon accompanied them, together with paaaenger waa atruck In Eaat Hart- The Women's Home League will was turning Into Purnell place Mlaa Marion Bimkings of Middle Bridge win take a lot of money, store Closes At Noon On Wednesday. when an automobile owned by Miss '' Tba M a r ^ meeting of the Uan- for on Chrlatmaa. la now fully re- meet at the Salvation A rm y citadel ^rnplko, Baalr The party left and a great deal o f time.' J l i f C Cteen Stamps Given With Cash Sales. dMater Sooutmaeter’a Aaaoclatlon la covered and haa reaumed her oc- tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. In Mary Shapiro and driven by Her- Manchester, February 18, auto, aUrodtded to be held March 9 at St. cupation aa a nurae. the evening at 7:46 the Young Peo- bert Schwartz of 13J BIssell street, and drove through Albany, Utica, being driven west,' slid when the NUOOA Ifaryla dmrefa. ple's Legion will have as apeakef and Buffalo, visiting Niagara. Thla Major Charles Frederickaon of New driver made an attempt to stop. proved a unique experience, aa the .■Hambera o f the Yankee Divlalon llie aecond aitting In the third Britain and the Swedish Girls’ quar- Both cars were slightly damaged. result of the collapse of the bridge M regueated to attend a epeclal aerlea In duplicate contract bridge tet of that place will furiiMi muale. The accident was Investigated by are still very much In evidence. B E N D I X M ARGARINE Lb. 19 c jgeatlng of the divlalon veterana to will be held at the Maaonic Temple They were at the citadel on a previ- Policeman Rudolph WIrtaJIa, no ar- There was no water going over tbe The Hnceesaor to.tba . tonight Theae games are. under resta being made. ha held bi the Army and Navy club ous occasion and their work was falls at the time the bridge col- _ Washing Machine Hafe'e Red Bag linioiTow night at 7:30. Import- the apotuorshlp of the Maaonic So- much appreciated. lapsed, and no sound could be heard mit bualneaa will be diacuaaed. cial Club. The Crusaders club, a Junior or- aa the huge structure slowly sank. WASHES — RINSES ganization formed in December by The Men's 508 Club wJU meet to- The Manchester motorlsta have DAMP-DRIES COFFEE Lb. 16c night at 7:80 at the home of Harry Bav. James P. Timmins in at. some startling pictures, which they Rylander, 88 Haynes street Bridget's church, held Its first took themselves, showing the AUTOMATICALLY BearltaiByta WEPNESnAY — PINEHURST CLOSES AT NOON! dance and social gathering In the bridge, head on, partially submerged The Willing Workers group of Hollister street school Saturday In the river, also the falla swathed Wedneaday, the drat day of. Lent, Plnehurat nlll feature a the Wesleyan Guild will meet to- evening. Members of the Carroll In Ice packs. Two rail fences stand- Peanut Butter 2 L b . J a r eagiplele line of freah ocean flsh and shell flsh . . . club of St. James's church were In- ing about four feet high, with the KEMP’S, he. 25c morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. 788 Main Street vited and several attended. The hall middle rail supporting It at about Also Bond Hot Cross Buns...... doz. 25c Any Ktad Faoey W. B. A. members are reminded waa decorated to ■ the occasion by two feet from the ground, were so members of Uu Crusaders club and completely bandaged in ice, they Salmon of the meeting tonight In Odd Fel- FRESH BUTTERFISH, “j lows haJl, to follow the pubUc sup- music for dancing waa furnished by looked as if white cheese cloth had Red/Perch EGG NOODLES per at 6 o'clock and meeting of the the Caj^n Melodiers. An enjoyable been tacked firm ly on them— for 2 29c Large Smelts they were opaque. The tall Fresh 1 Vi to 2-Lb. SPAN- Q Q Juniors from 6:45 to 7:45. time was had by those who attend- Large FamUy Size Cea ed. Mlaa Mary McGuire, Miss C. lamp posts looked like huge storks standing on one leg. for Icicles had (^ itn e d Clam s ISH M AC K E R E L, lb...... OO C The Second Congregational church Kennedy, Mrs. B. Jillson and Mrs. frozen in curves completely obliter- AMRADE W H IT E H A L I B U T ' o C Council win meet tomorrow night A. Toumaud were chaperones. Cans Q uofiaug CHams with Mrs. W. J. Taylor of 56 Henry ating the globe. Tree branches Friend's BEANS 2 29c STEAK, lb...... e5D C could be snapped off and held In the atreet Members of Nathan Hale Boys' arms like a big loaf of rye bread. ■nnzhtoe Krispie Sole Filleta POLLOCK (Boston Blue), O C OFSTARS band will meet tomorrow night at The ground Itself was glared with The Ash Wednesday service will 2 Ib s ...... Z D C 7 o’clock In Orange hall for prac- Ice as thick and solid as a skating be held tomorrow night at 7:30 at PaiMock FiDeto tice for their visit to Hartford next arena. It might have been the Arc- SALTINES 1 Lb. Pkg. T5c F R E S H O Y S T E R S . o o St.John's diurch on Golway street month. Both Instructors will be tic reglona Many buildings bear- A theatrical rehearsal win fonow. present The boys will also pre- Mmon p i n t ...... e 3 i 3 C ing Ice frozen slanting on them, ap- Young Dntch ,.pare for the basketball game Thurs- peared Jlke the leaning tower of Whole Haddock Solid Pack— All Oysters. Rev. Robert Van K. Harris, arch- day night with the South Method- Pisa. deacon of Litchfield, will be the • <*■!.«• wi^gMSKMi V WlU m vc (caacr, DoneiCHS, ureil- ist team at the gym In that church. Especially Interesting was the guest preacher at the Aah Wednes- DOG FOOD Cans •bie Bump Steaks . . . Freshly chopped Ground Beef, 29c lb.; Ontario Power Co. plant which was 2 9c d ^ evening service tomorrow at Margaret E. Hood Circle of King’s . taudsr Fowl for 1 rlcaseee, 8Se lb. :?ut out of commission—fop It bad 7:80 at S t Maty’s Episcopal eburen. Daughters will meet tonight with 1 LARGE BLUE PAC.KAGE OF CONCENTRA’TED CHICKEN CHOP SUE Y ...... lb. 29c Ice packs Inside the building as Mrs. Annesley Trotter of 15 Bigelow spectacular os those bordering the T A L K IN G Noodles,Special...... 7'...... pkg. 7c Mrs. Lewis Rose who wni speak atreet Work will be on salting Falle, and the machinery bolstered tonight at the Y. M. C. A. on Wwia peanuts. up with Ice looked weird and con- SUPER SUDS for 18e BUT ’THESE WEDNESDAY A. M. 25c VALUES! Events will begin promptly at eight PKm o’clock, In the banquet hall, and It CHOICE OF DIANA PEAS, Is hoped that all who plan to attend THESE ITEMS: 2 cans...... and Large Package for- 1c will be seated at that hour. 8-eoaoe bnlfet eanat meed Pineapple PAPER NAPKINS, (Regular Value of This Offer 40c.) The prayer meeting tonight o f the Cmehed Pineapple 3 p a ck a ges...... SalvaUon Army will take place at Pears the officers quarters, 661 Main Peaches W hite - Pink - Green - Yellow. — T O N I G H T— street, at 7:30. r ra lt Cocktail PEACHES. PEARS, APRICOTS, BANANAS A Lbs. 19c P M t Salad No. 1 tall cans, q p « Mrs. C. E. Wilson of 46 Strick- Ttaaataea (10-eaaee) Large Bunch Extra Fancy Was Beaas , 2 cans ...... At3G land atreet. will grant the use of her r home for the meeting of the Wom- ^Simple Sim on Simple^ Otraea Baans Sweet, Meaty PRUNES, O Onpefmtt en 8 League of the Second Congre- A Farce Comedy In 3 Acts CELERY SHeed Beets 3lbs...... ZD C gational church tomorrow afternoon 9c TeOow Com at 2 o'clock. Assisting hostesses will BULK RICE, be Mrs. Joseph Wright. Mrs. Alex- Given by the Fireside Forum

4 lb s ...... ander MeKrana, Mrs. Milo Wells. 3'”25c 25c H EALT H M A RKET of the North Methodist Church L “FIBBEB McOEE AND MOLLY”

Aaother Olaeer Craadel Special Value .... The Children of Mary will meet Everyone langha but Molly. Sweet PIK L8N APS . . . a sliced fresh cucumber pickle, a a; this evening at 7 o'clock at 8t. *. "TH E JUBILEE”

similar to bread and butter style pickles. 15-ounce Jar 1 O C James's churcii, from whenegttney Exciting . . . BducatlonaL LIN K SAUSAGE Lb. will proceed to the home of Miss In The Church Vestry 3. "MAJOR BOWES AND HIS 28c Our sale on UlMier Craadel Preserves and Orange Marma- Gladys Washlellewlcz, whose father RADIO PAftllLY” Wetoesday nMn. The Marmalade Is * jsrs S9c, and died Sunday evening. « At 8:15 See Behind the Studio Soeuee.

, tte Preserves, * for Me, 4 for $1.00. 4. " F I S H FRO M H E L L " Admission: .Adults 35c. Children 20c. Monstera of the Sea Caught on FRA NKFURTS Lb. 28c Birds Eye Spinach Is on esle at 31e box. St. Mary’s Girls' Friendly society Hook and Line. . • " « Conpons at Plnehurat— please will serve Its annual turkey supper hand them to the deUveiy men today. — a™ ™ tonight In the pariso house, and at 7:30 will present a program oi Lb. SPICED HAM 28c music, solo daucss and a talk on

Alaska and 7eliowatone Park' by FRESH FILLET OF

VdjicfiLU'iSt Q ivccn /hc. Herbert B. House, Illustrated by colored slides. The supper tekets In- ‘ DIAL4I5I ' 302 MAIN STREET HOLLISTER STREET clude admission to the entertain- HADDOCK Lb. Q f POST OFFICE. ■ ONE BLOCK FROM S W t ARMOR ment. A small charge will be made 18c SCHOOL for the program alone. WED„ MARCH 2, 8 P. M.

The I.adles Aid society of the I Compliments . . .

Concordia Lutheran church win ■ meet tonight at i .30 o’clock. I Fish

The Study group of the Manchea- ^ DEPOT SQUARE

Manchester’ PubBc Market ter Green Community club will meet ‘ tomorrow night at the Green school GARAGE A'iserably hall. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Herbert B. House, who ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD — IT PAYSI

will show pictures on Alaska, Mrs. FOR ASH W p N ESD A Y Divld Heatley and Mra. Robert

Hawley will serve refrjsbraents.

A Large Assa'ttment O f The meetings »re proving Interest- LIT TLE||niC ARE IF YOU

ing and sdu atlonal. the group is

steadily Increasing In numbers, and FINE SEA FOOD all parents o f children In the Man- chester Green school are cordially

invited to attend these meetings. te K 'S ’.™.'.',”' ...... ig lJ -

Manchester Chapter of Beta Blg- BURN * b l u e c o a l *

iha Phi will meet tomorrow eve-

ning at 8 o'clock at the home of prmh Pollock...... : ...... Mrs. James Richmond of 18 Myrtle

F resh H addock— W h o le ...... 9c lb" street,

F an cy Swordfl.sh S tea k s ...... ".29c lb" T he F irst O f The M on th,,

H e r r in g s ...... 1 Oc lb" Leonard Kanehl, of 38 Wells us YOUI^i^ ODAY

street. Is improving at his home af- ter an accident at the East Side Rec and in a few days bills will be rolling in dnd then SSSiiSrl^.v.v...... last Thursday afternoon. He Is suf. The W. G. Glenney Co. steaming Clam s...... !!!".".!!!". T; ; Isc S" fertng with a broken arm. there will be payments to be made to cover

F^cy Large Bullerflsh ...... 19c lb" Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint The leaders o f the American Le- p.odis,.iio„...,...... them. Jgj;; gion Boy Scouts will hold a meet- 336 No. Main 8L Tel. 4149 Manchester

ing at the home o f their scout-

SPECIAL AT OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT master tonight at 7 o’clock. You will be surprised to learn how many peo-

Lamb In Stew ...... Julian Smolelk o f BIssell street

and a member of the Legion Boy Cube Steaks, made to order, best of beef !! i!.!!!! 3 5 c lb ple are now paying their bills by Scouts has been confined to his B e e f L iv e r ...... ’ * * < qi, iu * home with sickness.

• ■ •••••'” *' • ■ 5Vor 19c i^ean Veal for Stew ine ...... 91;- ik $ $ $ S 6 8 r $

Chuck Beef (jround ...... 1 > t

Lower Round Ground...... 11111;; 29' Jb."

W aller N , Leclerc Pay The Highest


Fu n eral D irecto r

7 " '' I"®**® kind) ... I 8c dor. 250 No. I S t . Pbone 5288 Mrman R\e Bread, plain nr se'^ds...... lO r irtwf CASH PRICES For It has been the most popular service yet in- Home Made Cookies, a fine assortment, ^ stituted by this bank. It is quick, simple and ^ Hnikie Maiiui C ul .ii i i T5c doz., 2 doz. fOr. 25c Home Made C^Ill€r^ plain or sugar...... 21c doz.

economical and hundreds of people who never ^ LENTEN SALE!

OLD believed they would be using checks are already ^

Sib Ch!iS^-b»e Butter), 2 lbs. 69c F. E. B R A Y JEWELER machine sliced .. ,1b. 28c - paying biUs by Register Check as a matter of State Theater Building Cream Cheese, Fairmont’s none better. 3 oz. pkg.,

737 M ain Street habit

%|k Spaghetti and M icron! or Elbows ...... fjb. ^9c GOLD Sainton, Fighting Braifii...... o tall cam*

SSSonflRi^^^*/ Herrings14 oz. can 29c W a tch and Je w elry

Columbia River, No. V, flat can 21c

Scarlet F a n c y ...... N o . 1 can 17c Repairin g A t The Manchester Trust Co,

Matthew Wior

". *.'.: : ".6 2si Reasonable Prices JEWELER

A Few Stepa Below Hale’s Manchester

step In and Sae One of Man- ' 999 Main Street - T Crackcra, Snnshlne, like Salttn es____ i "lb. pkg. I7e chester’s Largest Selections

D IAL 6137 — WE DELIVER of Greeting Cards for Ail

i O e o u i o n a .