WBATMEE Forecast et U. 8. Weathar Buaaa. Haittor* Oenerally fU r sad wanMV te- night and Wednesday. MANCHESTER ~ A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM aa raga U ) MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, MARCH 1.1938 (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LVIL, NO. 128 Guard Army Posts in Spy Plot LEVINE AWAITS PrmMAN URGES MESSAGE FROM HUGE INCREASE MACDONALD HITS BACK KDN^GANG IN N M BILL Would Add eOo ' lGIiioiisTe ^toitchet At PfcoM While AT HURLEY’S CHARGES New Rochelle Police Keep Proposed BOiioii; Dedares Declares Latter’s Report GEN. PERSHING’ S Hands Off; M issnf Boy IL S. M ist Be hrepared To Here Is A Summary Generalizes, Exasgeratet, Sud To Be G*Mra AdnuKr Wm If War Shoold Cone. CONDITION NOW Misrepresents And Makes Of Macdonald's Views New RocheUe, N. T., March 1. Washington, March 1.— (A P ) — MUCH IMPROVED Statements Unsnppertod <AF)—The frantic appeal of Mur- Senator Pittman (D„ Nev.) |ang- Of Hurley Criticisms ray Levine to the kldnapera of hie geated today a $600,000,000 taicrsa By Facts; Makes DetaiM 12-year-old son, Peter, apparentiv in the billion dollar naval building Sleeps (h er Six Honrs And went unanswered today as the djs- program, "in view of continued, for- HarUorcI, March 1.— (A P )—The ^commissioner of public works would eign preparations for war and the following is t*iL Uvi point yummary have received the complete coopera- Denial I|i IBs Statement Is Able To Take Nonrish’ tion of the, highway commissioner almost total absence of plana for ‘ by State Highway Commissioner peace.” Whit# Federal antheriUea moved to Indlet three peroons accused ‘ John A. Macdonald of Ms general uid the employees of the Highway Pittman, who as chairman of the of selling U. 8. military eecreU abroad, investigators said they had ment; Doctor Says Hisj comments to critlclahis of bis de- Department. The highway oomrois- Hartford, March 1.—-(A P ) Senate Foreign Relations Committee learned the plotters planned to lure OoL H. W. T. ^Un, (left) to a aioner haa nothin,^ to hide and noth- partment by Robert A. Hurley, frequently voices administration New York hotel to gain possession of certain documents. Ool. Eglln state commi.ssioner of public wc(ks: ing to fear from any unbiased siir- The issues in a bitter contra* opinions, did not oSier specific pro- Is commander of Fort Totten and th e 62nd Coast Artillery. Mean- versy over the State Highway Recovery (hite Probable. " I D The 'Inquiries' made by the vey. xieala for spending the extra money. time Col. Thomas Hanley, (right) commanding Mitchel Field, oa-Long commissioner of public works in the "(4 ) The staff of the commis- Department were defined t<*r The Navy department, he said, cotud Island, threw heavy guaM around the b|g air base to forestall further Highway Department were not es- sioner of public- works assigned to day after Commissioner Jobs jwork out details. possible espionage attempts. the State Higbwsy Department did "Our government must be pre- Tucson, Alls., Msreh 1—(AP) — sential to the e.xerclse o the powers A. Macdonald contended in E and the performance of the duties not display credentials in the High- pared to win,” he declared, "if we Gen. John J. Pershing, refreshed by he assumed With respect to the way Department, notwithstanding formal report to Goverw# are Imposed upon by any lovemment hours of natural sleep, continued hla O' group of governments.” Highway Department's work under that they were qoing far beyond Cross that criticism of hia 4** Improvement today and Dr. Roland Speaking slowly and thoughtfully, a ruling of the attorney general. the scope of the powers and duties partment had neither basis fig Davison said recovery "seems quite wUch the ,'comml^oner of public Plttmah'added In an Interview: *Tf The commissioner of public works justifleation and that “mueb** ! we are prepared to win, In my opin- WATERBURY PROBE probable” If ho continues his pres- knows this ful. well. worlu was supposed to be exercis- of it was "crudely decepUvji'i w ing under the ruling of the attorney ion we HI not be attacked. The ent pace and there la no relapse. "(2 ) The .ommlssloner of public only answer to a threat la to In- general. If In any case they did .lOt and cruelly destructive.” "General Pershing had a very works chose to pursue his 'Inquiries' crease our naval program. It la the by undercove • methods. Neither the receive the help they needed, they Lashing back at PuUle; good night,” Dr. Davison'a first bul- cheapest insurance, both in money str.te highway commissioner nor can find the reason In thel' own MAY C O V E R m iE , letin of the day reported, adding to Works Commissioner Robert A.-; and human life, that I know of. the feeling of optimism evident at any employee of the department secretiveness. Hurley’s indictment of the No Time lor Fear "(5 ) The report of the comnfis- the aanatoTlum since the World War was informed, officially or unoffi- "While we all hate wai and fear sioner of public works to the gov-^ partment for “inefficiency commander started rallying Sun- cially, that the commisrioner of to have our loved ones die, this la emor is not a temperate or a care- wastefulness,” MacdonsM no time to indicate fear.” day. public works desired to make a IS ALCO R N’S HINT ful statement of facts, reasoned "He slept six and one-half hours comprehensive survey of the State serted that the Hurley r6po«| Chairman Vinson (D„ Co.) pre- dicted the House Naval Committee and seemed much better this morn- Highway Department. conclusions, and constructive recom- “generalizes, misrepresents, mendations but is a series of gen- Peter Levine would have the administration's de- ing,” the physician said. "He Is fully "(3 ) Had ht mformod the high- aggeratea, denounces, braadlAl fense program ready for HouM con- consclbus. While all danger Is not way commissioner of bis derirs to eralisations, murepresentatlons; ex- In Calling For A Grand Jury, aggerations, denunciations, and all officers of the highway trsugbt family waited tensely for elderatlon In a day or two. iHibllc yet passed, if the Improvement of make a comprehensive survey of the some word of the boy's fate. The hearings ended yesterday. | State Highway Department, the sw eeping oUegatlona” partment as poor servants ' the last 24 hours continues and harried father, a New Yerk law- Two stumbling blocks to quick LA TE NEWS there is no relapse, his recovery Special Proseentor Says the state, and makes stfirtUnK^g yer, kept constant vigil at a tele- action appeared, however, as Vinson seems quite probable.” allegations unsupported v ; : phone, hoping that The abductors called the committee into secret ses- would contact him. A reliable Sattsfield With Patient facts.” sion to dlscius the legislation line by Evidence Foond Leads Be* FLASHES! ,,'i sourca Indicated be bad raised the line. They were: "That,” Dr. Davison explained, "is His 147-page answer to tbL doctor’s way of saying he Is entire $601)00 demanded for safe rs- L A series of amendments which REICH WARNS EUROPE tum of tha boy. yond Confines Of The CHy very well satisfied with his patient.” ley, laid on the governor’s d Vinson will offer. 500,000 N E W JOBS Peter, a precocious school boy 3. The controversy within the Dr. Davison returned to the late yesterday, took up In with open adratration for the ex- committee over the respective merits Washlngtoa, klarch 1,— (A P ) — sanatorium early this morning af- tail each of the charges 1« ploiU of O-men, vanished myateri- ot airplanes and batUeshipv for na- The Works Progress admiolstrstlon ter sleeping at Us home in Tucson, rrs AIR FORCES READY Waterbury, March 1.— (A P )— against his department an ouily last Thursday, A few hours ttofud dofonoe. oathoriied today aa Inoreose of (MW,- seven miles away, for the first time later hie mother was reported to Vtoaon wOl propose that the blU Superior Court Judge Ernest A. 000 Jobs la work relief emptoyment. since General Pershing's condltlofa swered most of them w M i i have found the taasona note bMUea include a declaration of policy aaytng Inglto today ordered a Orand Jury ■ lataed the total Jeb qoota bucaoM critical. IX. Cob S. U. categorical denial. beoeath a roek. ” • that the Navy Mwa he uaed adtoly to be impaneled J iw a d ta ^ ja aja w y a * *^ ^^ Marlstta, War O epartam l tourri- Not Old) P M T* Pntect cbm olao had a night nnlnum pt* ‘^ASR I N F O R M A T M ) N DeaF<tiK''flia compllBrinBcttr'at* for defeoaha pq»Ffla—i that the huniui an-invaaagmtioa into Water-- . ” * * * • * • * * • fnar would ot w«R?.'eSiW«4!lS'S lence which surrtnmded the caae, Navy department construct new air, be filled at the a"'-'Vbttan ot state ed rest. Uie two qtato commlsMoaam reports peralated that the family submarine and other eooatal bases, bury affMrs. In contrast to the close vigil Germany Bnt "10 Miifions administrators. bad Us origin In a reoigaS) . ' — retod a "brM k" today. Whether and that Navy yard focillUea' be in- In asking for the order, State's • . • mointsdned in recent days. General ABOUT SABOTAGE statute which Huriey supponM-' meent.A contact with the kid* croMOd* Attorney H tra M. Aloorn sold: Pershing’s sick room wa« without NEW AUTO FlNANtaNO sn opinion from the attorney gant..^. , i not'kuown. Weat Coast DMertattol "Sufficient evidence haa been ob- lights last night after he dropped Of Nationals On Onr Bor- al, interpreted oa giving him contMl'; Haoda Off by PeHee.
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