Series C - No. 84




Herbert A. Brown

wi th line illustrations

by the author

Department of Linguistics

Research School of Pacific Studies


Brown, H.A. A comparative dictionary of Orokolo, Gulf of Papua. C-84, xxii + 275 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C84.cover ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is issued through the Linguistic Circle of Canberra and consists of four series: SERIES A - Occasional Papers SERIES B - Monographs SERIES C - Books SERIES D - Special Publications


ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve, D.T. Tryon, T.E. Dutton

EDITORIAL ADVISERS: B.W. Bender K.A. McElhanon University of Summer Institute of Linguistics David Bradley H.P. McKaughan La Trobe University University of Hawaii A. Capell P. MUhlhausler University of Sydney Linacre College, Oxford Michael G. Clyne G.N. O'Grady Monash University University of Victoria, B.C. S.H. Elbert A.K. Pawley University of Hawaii University of Auckland K.J. Franklin K.L. Pike Summer Institute of Linguistics Summer Institute of Linguistics W.W. Glover E.C. Polome Summer Institute of Linguistics University of Texas G.W. Grace Malcolm Ross University of Hawaii Australian National University M.A.K. Halliday Gillian Sankoff University of Sydney University of Pennsylvania E. Haugen W.A.L. Stokhof Harvard University University of Leiden A. Healey B.K. T'sou Summer Institute of Linguistics City Polytechnic of L.A. Hercus E.M. Uhlenbeck Australian National University University of Leiden Nguy�n Dl1ng Li�m J. W.M. Verhaar University of Hawaii Divine Word Institute, John Lynch Madang University of

All correspondence concerning PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, including orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary PACIFIC LINGUISTICS Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies The Australian National University Canberra, A.C.T. 2601 AustralIa Copyright © The Author First Published 1986 Maps drawn by Theo Baumann Printed by A.N.U. Printing Service Bound by Adriatic Bookbinders Pty Ltd The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for assistance in the production of this series This publication was made possible by an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund

ISSN 0078-754X ISBN 0 85883 317 4 TO S.H.D.

Fellow Student and Colleague


Table of Contents v

Foreword VI Preface vii

Map XI Introduction xii

Abbreviations XX

References XXI DICTIONARY 1 English-Orokolo Index 109 T oaripi-Orokolo Index 169 Catalogue of Orokolo Publications 206 Bi bliogr a phy 206 Appendix 1: Terms of Relationship 209 Appendix 2: Traditional Systems of Counting 211 Appendix 3: Outline of Verb System 212 Appendix 4: Swadesh Word List 219 Appendix 5: Orokolo Texts (a) Pipi Korovu 224 Notes 241 (b) Letters 247 Notes 252


The present dictionary of Orokolo. with its English-Orokolo index. is the first comprehensive dictionary of this important Papuan language of the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea. The language has close to 7500 speakers. with the major of its two dialects. Orokolo proper. having approximately 6500 speakers. In addition to being an important local language. Orokolo has in recent years also become a limited local lingua franca in the western part of the area of the Eleman stock­ level fa mily to which Orokolo belongs. The stock-level fa mily itself is a member of the vast Trans­ New Guinea phylum of Papuan languages which with over 500 languages occupies over 4/5 of the mainland of New Guinea. both in Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya. and also extends into Timor. The relationship between languages of the Eleman family and other Trans-New Guinea phylum languages further north is not close and in fact rather tenuous. but there seems to be good grounds. on the basis of work carried out during recent years. that this assumed realtionship is real.

The Orokolo language is fairly closely related to the T oaripi language spoken further east. That language. which is the most important language of the Eleman stock-level family and has over 20.000 speakers. has for many years been used as a missionary lingua franca. and was formerly also used in the Orokolo language area until the emergence of Orokolo as an independent church language. and later local lingua franca. The Toaripi language is well studied. and a dictionary on it. by H.A. Brown. was published in 1968 by the University of Sydney as Oceania Linguistic Monographs No. 11.

The author of the present dictionary. Dr H.A. Brown. has made a very valuable contribution to Papuan linguistics with both his dictionaries of Toaripi and the present Orokolo work. The value of the Orokolo dictionary has been considerably enhanced by the addition of Toaripi comparisons to the Orokolo dictionary entries which in many instances throw additional light on the etymology and semantics of individual Orokolo items. The addition of numerous references to the Orokolo Scripture translations, which are certainly all available to readers specifically interested in that language, constitutes a useful help for the user looking for examples of the usage of given dictionary items. Also, the inclusion of an appendix containing an Orokolo clan myth and letters written in Orokolo by indigenous speakers of the language is a valuable addition to the dictionary.

I wish to thank the author for his excellent contribution to the knowledge of the Papuan languages of the Gulf area of Papua New Guinea. S. A. Wurm, Professor of Linguistics, Editor


It is now 47 years since I began studying Orokolo, the language which is the subject of this dictionary. At that time I was a student, preparing to be a missionary, doing an Honours Course in Anthropology at University College and the London School of Economics. It had then only just become possible for an Arts student to graduate in London in this subject. I was, in fact, the only student taking the course during 1934-6, although there was also a fellow student doing a Special B.Sc. in Anthropology.

For Linguistics we had the advantage of tuition by the late Professor J.R. Firth, who was then teaching at University College. As there were only two of us students taking the course, the instruction he gave us was largely of an informal character. There were several occasions in our discussions when he paid generous tributes to the contributions to linguistic knowledge made by missionaries as an outcome of their work of Scripture translation. I say 'generous', because I am well aware that some Scripture translations into 'primitive' languages have shown little linguistic discernment. Those were the days before Wycliffe Bible Translators had begun their work. It would have been easy for a man of Firth's linguistic knowledge to have pointed out a few of the many errors made by missionary translators, but never did I hear him do this. It was these expressions of appreciation of linguistic work done by missionaries that encouraged me to resolve to do all I could in the way of translation, whatever form my missionary duties might take. I further resolved that I would set down in some systematic form such knowledge of Papuan languages as I might acquire. This dictionary is an outcome of that resolve.

Towards the end of 1938 I left England for Papua, and there, apart from three furloughs in England and some shorter periods in Australia, I have lived, until two years ago eye trouble made necessary a return to England. Prior to graduating, however, I had made a beginning at investigating Papuan languages. I received an introduction to S.H . Ray, and at his suggestion I began a study of Orokolo, using as a basis the then recent translation of the Four Gospel and Acts made by the Rev. H.P. Schlencker. The main reason for this choice of language was my anticipation that I would be appointed to a place somewhere in the Gulf of Papua. Ray told me that he had himself very little knowledge of Orokolo, but he knew it to be cognate with T oaripi. I was able to get from him material on Toaripi and other Gulf languages. I made some progress with the study of Orokolo. Schlencker's translation turned out to be far from satisfactory, and other more urgent claims on my time resulted in my putting aside my investigations.

In due course, having completed my training, I arrived in Papua, and was appointed to the Mission District of Moru. There Toaripi was the language in use. Earlier missionaries had translated the whole of the New Testament, but there was neither grammar nor dictionary. However, I was able to show to the missionary colleague, the Rev. Maurice Nixon, whose position I was taking over, some fairly extensive notes on Toaripi that I had written in England as a result of help from Ray.

My duties as a district missionary proved to be onerous. The area I had to cover included 60 miles of coast where there were two mission stations, 40 miles apart. At a later date a third mission station was established on the mountains 100 miles inland. Roads were lacking. Along the coast the beach was the highway. Itineration was on foot or by dug-out canoe, a mode of progression that was

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at times even slower than walking. When I was not travelling. much of my time was taken up in school teaching or in medical work. for in those days the only schools were the mission schools. Such medical work as was done locally was also my responsibility. the nearest qualified doctor being then in Port Moresby. 150 miles away.

Conditions have changed much over the years. There are now Administration Schools. a hospital and a number of Medical Centres in the area. Similarly. there has been much expansion in the work of what was the Mission District of Moru. which now forms two Circuits of the United Church of Papua New Guinea and the . all with local staff. Such developments have come about during a comparatively short period. During my first six years. before I married and had a wife to share life there with me. I was the sole European. Constant use of Toaripi under all sorts of conditions resulted in my acquiring a fluency in it comparable to my fluency in English. These details I mention that it may be appreciated that T oaripi became for me a second language.

The opportunities to familiarise myself with Orokolo have been much more restricted. Twice I have been in charge of what was then the Orokolo Mission District. The first was during the early days of the war with . when my former colleague. the Rev. S.H. Dewdney. was taking his wife and family to Australia. The second occasion was during 1955 when he was in England on furlough. While touring the district I was able to collect some comparative material in order to broaden my understanding of Elema languages and culture.

During a later period. when preparing a comparative study in depth of Orokolo and Toaripi for my Ph.D. thesis. I was able to enlarge my knowledge of Orokolo by means of the help of various people living in the Moru Mission District. The widow of lIiara. one of our pastors who served inland for many years. was an Orokolo woman. Another pastor. Feae Lalore. a Toaripi man in origin. had worked for years in the Orokolo District and could speak the language well. An Administration school teacher. Hilai laupahae of Auma . who worked for a period in the school at lokea. the village close to Moru Mission Station. gave me much help with his language. Aula. a school teacher from Orokolo was on our staff at Moru 1968-9. During the same period there was also an Orokolo medical orderly working in our mission medical centre. The information about Orokolo that I gained from these various people was through the medium of Toaripi. supplemented by Hiri (Pidgin) Motu when it was necessary to guard against the mixing of homonyms. A little English did creep in at times with my enquiries. particularly with Aula. who seemed far more anxious to demonstrate to me her knowledge of English than she was to enlighten me about Orokolo. During the actual writing of the thesis in London 1971-2. the late Rev. S.H. Dewdney. the translator of the Orokolo New Testament and Genesis. then retired and living in England. was very helpful in answering a number of my queries. From his word lists I was able to check entries in vocabularies which I had collected. As supplementary material to my thesis I submitted two dictionaries. one the two-volume Toaripi Dictionary. published by the University of Sydney in 1968. the other a comparative Orokolo Dictionary in typescript. The latter has formed the basis for this present publication.

I have retained the Toaripi comparisons for several reasons. Firstly because of the help they give in distinguishing homonyms. As I have demonstrated in the Introduction. Orokolo is a language of hybrid origin. As an outcome it abounds in homonyms. For example. there are five various meanings for maea. Another word. haea. can also be understood in five different ways. The parallels in Toaripi and the eastern dialects reduce these homonyms to two in the case of maea. while haea has but one meaning.

A second reason is that certain grammatical features. obscure in Orokolo. become clear when seen in the light of their Toaripi counterparts. Thus the instrumental marker sa does not appear as a free form in Orokolo. Yet is is undoubtedly present. By sound change rule 3 (see p. xiv) the sa (Toaripi) assumes the form ha. Quite a number of Orokolo verbs have coalesced with ha: e.g. the auxiliary ix hara which is ha + ara: hakurepa 'leave', 'quit' (Toaripi kiripai 'leave') , In John 9:5 are the words: are arave ovohae pikuru halaroroaila 'he my eyes mud with (ha) rubbed (Ia roroaila) " The la is used to distinguish the simple recent past, and it must appear immediately before the verb. This separation of ha from roroaila demonstrates that it is not really part of the verb.

A further example of the help given by the comparative approach is seen with the auxiliary of plurality. This in Toaripi is puavai, in Orokolo pua. Although this auxiliary cannot be translated into English as a verb, but requires an adverb such as 'completely', 'entirely' to represent it, it has in both Toaripi and Orokolo regular verb forms. Its use in Orokolo is however rare, and it never appears as a free form: e.g. Matthew 7:19 la kora oaria ere hahaeapuakilai (hahaea + puakilai) 'all those tree they will fell completely', It is its more frequent use in Toaripi together with its appearance as a free form in that language, that enables the Orokolo pua to be readily identified.

Since words cannot be understood properly in isolation, examples and quotations form an indispensable part of any dictionary. To meet this need and yet at the same time to avoid unduly expanding this dictionary, I have given numerous references to the Orokolo Genesis, Ruth and the New Testament: these are all available through the various Bible Societies. Apart from a Hymnbook, these are the only books currently obtainable in the language. In his work as translator, my former colleague, the Rev. S.H. Dewdney, was always careful to check everything with his Orokolo informants. Long residence in the area gave him a perfect command of the language so that he was able to evaluate adequately any suggested rendering. I have therefore felt I could refer to any passage with confidence.

Such Scripture references have the drawback that being translations they lack the validity of a true Orokolo text. This difficulty is met by the inclusion of Appendix 5 in which there appear the clan myth Hpi Korovu together with the letters in Orokolo. A notable feature of traditional Elema culture was their clan myths, their lou-oharo. Their oral traditions include also a wide range of stories, such as tales of encounters with bush spirits, fights that took place long ago. Yet others explain how stretches of beach, creeks, hills and rocks received their present names. The clan mythology formed, however, the most important part of these oral traditions, for from it stemmed the ideological basis for the clans and totems (aualari) . Over the years I recorded many native texts, not only in Toaripi but also in other forms of Eleman speech. Thanks to the help given me by the Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, two of the clan myths in their Toaripi form have been published, together with English translations. In Orokolo I never managed to make similar recordings of the folk lore. Sir Maori Kiki was good enough to repair this omission by making for me in 1970 a tape in Orokolo of Hpi Korovu along the lines of the English version to be seen in his Autobiography, pp. 40-2. I must record here my sincere thanks to him. I am also indebted to the then Circuit Minister at Orokolo, the Rev. G.M. Ward, and his Orokolo helpers who carried out the time-stealing job of transcribing the tape for me. Mr Ward moreover provided me with the Orokolo letters that are also appended to balance the traditional material of the myth. References in the dictionary to the myth are given under the abbreviation 'P.K.'.

Other references, under the abbreviation 'D.O.', are to that mine of information about the traditional culture of the Western Elema, Drama oJ Orokolo. This was the opus magnus of my friend Dr. F.E. Williams whose untimely death during the war was such a loss to Papuan anthropology. Footnotes to his book give a number of brief examples of Orokolo texts. The orthography he adopted requires, however, some adjustment to bring it in line with this dictionary; b may be m or v, d = I or r, g = k. Thus edoroba 'rubbish' will be found here as elorova: karigara 'village' appears here as karikara.

In addition to persons whose names have been already mentioned, I must thank Mrs. M. Dewdney for loaning to me word lists that her late husband had written. Thanks are due also to Professor x

Wurm for making possible the publication of this Dictionary. As I have been having to give prior attention to the completion of the Toaripi Bible. together with delays due to trouble with my eyes. the typescript of this Dictionary goes to him some years later than I had at first led him to believe. So I thank him also for his patience. H. A. Brown. London. August. 1986 xi



Austronesian Languages

MORIPI Sub-tribes

Lakea Villages o 50km I�------r-�I o 25 miles INTRODUCTION

The word Orokolo means 'Leaves of the Oro' - the Hibiscus Tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus) . It is the name both of the language and of the people whose home is on the shores of the Gulf of Papua, adjacent to the Aivei, the eastern mouth of the Purari River. They are thus the most western of the Elema whose territory stretches along the coast as far east as Cape Possession. From their neighbours to the east, west and inland, the Elema are clearly distinguished by their common traditional culture, and by the close relationship of their varied forms of speech. There are two major divisions amongst the Elema - the Eastern, which includes Toaripi and which stretches from Cape Possession to Kerema Bay, and the Western, which includes Orokolo and which occupies the coast from Keuru to the Aivei.

Literacy in Orokolo It was the Rev. James Chalmers of the London Missionary Society who made the first European contacts with the Elema. This was in 1879. Shortly after, in 1884, he opened up mission work amongst them by settling two Raratongan mission teachers, Tauraki and Esekiela, at Mirihea-Uritai (Motumotu) . Faced by the varied local forms of Elema speech, the early mission workers had to make a choice as to which form to use for literary purposes. Toaripi was their choice, for it was the dialect of Mirihea-Uritai, the most notable of the sub-tribes. It was in this dialect that Tauraki wrote the first book, Siare Karoro Mutia Satiriaraia Elema Uri ('Boy Writing Read Teach Elema Language ' ) , published in 1886. For a number of years Toaripi was the dialect used by the Mission throughout the Elema, although owing to the length of the coastline, two mission districts were early established there, named, as was mission custom, after the head stations - Moru in the east, and Orokolo in the west. In 1912 the Rev. H. P. Schlencker, who had had wide missionary experience in various parts of Papua, took over the work at Orokolo. Finding that T oaripi was not well understood amongst the Western Elema, Schlencker began translating into Orokolo, and in 1922 he produced a Gospel Harmony, lesu ve Hari ( 'Story of Jesus') , which was printed privately. The following year the British and Foreign Bible Society agreed to publish in Orokolo the Four Gospels and Acts. It was not until four years later that Evanelia Buka aea Horova ('Gospels and Acts') appeared. That same year - 1926 - owing to a breakdown in health, Schlencker was obliged to leave Papua.

Later Publications in Orokolo Ten years were to elapse before there arrived in Orokolo a missionary who was able to continue Schlencker's work of Scripture translation. This was the Rev. S. H. Dewdney, appointed to Orokolo in 1936. There he continued until his retirement in 1970. As an outcome of his long residence amongst the Western Elema he was able to acquire a surer knowledge of Orokolo than any of his predecessors had been able to do. This he put to good use in his revision of Schlencker's 'Gospels and Acts', the inadequacies of which had long been apparent. When printing the Orokolo 'Gospels and Acts', the Bible Society had classed it as a 'tentative' edition, so that its shortcomings had been fully recognised at the outset. However, it was not until 1951 that the long-awaited Evanelia Buka Hari Ua aea Aposetolo ve Horova ( 'Gospel Books Four and Apostles' Work') was printed in Sydney.

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By that time Mr Dewdney had already pushed ahead with the translation of the remainder of the New Testament. Under the title of Pupu Ohara Are ('Taboo Word New'), the entire New Testament was published in London in 1963. Prior to these Scripture translations two other Orokolo books had been published. One was a School Primer, pp. 47, printed in Sydney in 1946. This Akaremari ve Buka ('Children's Book') followed closely the lines of the Toaripi Primer which had been published a little earlier. The other publication was a Hymn Book, Hivi Buka, which had subsequent reprints.

Following the publication of the New Testament, Mr Dewdney turned his attention to the Old Testament, and in 1970 Genese ('Genesis') was printed with the same format as the Toaripi Genese. Two years later Ruta ('Ruth') was published by the Bible Society, Canberra. At his death, after retirement, he also had the Psalms in typescript: this book still awaits publication:

The Orokolo Graphiological System The system of writing devised for Orokolo followed the general practice used by the missionaries of the London Missionary Society elsewhere in Papua, a practice that conformed also to the rules of the Bible Society, the publishers of the major part of such literature as has been printed.

Consonants were required, as far as possible, to represent sounds as in English. Since the sounds were interpreted along the lines of the English phonological system, there was a failure, as in Toaripi, to recognise the true character of the voiced bilabial which may on occasion be nasalised. When in the initial stressed position it very commonly becomes a labial nasal. but not usually elsewhere: e.g. mavia 'bandicoot', meve 'mango', movio 'string of white shells'. Not realising that these sounds were allophones, the missionaries interpreted them in accordance with the English phonological system and used both the letters m and v. Misled by it being a bilabial, a third grapheme, b, was used occasionally to represent it: e.g. biae 'rainbow' (Gen. 9:13), and burava 'bite' (Gen. 3:15, etc.). Artificial distinctions were thus introduced into the written language that had no basis in the language as spoken. The distinction is, however, becoming increasingly reinforced, partly by the introduction of many English words for which English spelling is used, and partly by the teaching of English In which the distinction has to be specially emphasised for Orokolo scholars.

A further difficulty was the phoneme variously written as I and r. In the initial position the phoneme has the tendency to be I I I: e.g. lara 'eat', larupe 'stomach'. With back vowels it also tends to be I II- Some speakers are prone to nasalise it: hence n was used also as the grapheme on occasion: e.g. naoae 'at random', namai 'porpoise'. Even d was also employed in the endeavour to represent all the variations of this phoneme: e.g. dedehi 'unmarried', 'without spouse' (Acts 9:39, etc.) . Loanwords from English have resulted in other consonants such as c and g being introduced into the written language. As commonly pronounced by the older generation, c and g = Ikl- The younger folk who are gaining increasing proficiency in English, tend to pronounce introduced words after the manner of their teachers in English. Radio broadcasts from the local station at Kerema also have an influence here.

The vowels received the following representation: i = I i I and li:/: e = lei: a = I ai, Irei and I a/: 0 = loj: u = I uI Although I ':JI is present in the phonemic system, there was no clear attempt made to distinguish it. Usually it is included under the grapheme a, but from Mr Dewdney's word list I noted ope I ':Jpel 'whipping top'. This follows Toaripi where I ':JIis represented by o. There is in Orokolo an occasional use of a diacritical mark when a distinction from I al has to be made: e.g. ara I aral 'sore': ara I ':)ral 'voice', 'call'. Unfortunately the same diacritical mark is used elsewhere to indicate stress: e.g. are I arel 'new': are I arel 'he', 'she', 'it'. xiv

A comparison with Toaripi shows a major difference in the manner in which the verb phrase is represented. In Orokolo this is largely written as a unit, whereas in T oaripi it is generally divided into its components, thus making clear the features of the lexico-grammatical system. Taking as an example the verb 'to hear' (Orokolo iapa, Toaripi mapai) , the differences may be listed as follows:­ (0 = Orokolo, T =Toaripi) . a) with the indefinite future: (0) iapakive, (T) mapai roi: b) with the infinitive: (0) iapakive, (T) mapai vei; c) with the negative simple recent past: (0) au iapakue, (T) mapaia kao; d) with the prohibitive: (0) in Titus 1:14 this is ka iaparue, but elsewhere the form IS kaiapalue, (T) levi mapaia; e) with the conditional: la iapakilava, (T) mapai oria, or mapait' oria; f) with the auxiliary of totality, imperative: (0) iapapuaila, (T) mapai puavaia 'listen everybody'; g) with the verbal copulative (0) va, (T) vo: (0) iapavahaearo, (T) mapa vo la roroa 'are in a state of hearing'.

The (0) iapavahaearo ( = iapa + va + haea + ro) has two indications of plural. haea the auxiliary of plurality, and roo Toaripi lacks the plural auxiliary, but shows the plural by the use of roroa. Since literacy in the vernacular is usually a preliminary to the study of English, the Toaripi mode of representing the verb phrase would seem to be preferable.

Stress In both Orokolo and Toaripi, with words of two or three syllables, the stress is normally on the penultimate syllable. There are some exceptions, the most notable being with the nominative form of the personal pronouns: ara jaraj I, are jarej 'he', 'she', 'it'; ere jerej 'they'. The stress pattern here has possibly been influenced by the object and genitive markers, the addition of which to a pronoun normalises the stress. Thus: araro jararoj 'me', arero jareroj 'him', 'he"; erero jereroj 'them'; arave jaravej 'my'; areve jarevej 'his', 'her, 'its'; ereve jerevej 'their'. The final stress of the nominative form of the personal pronouns serves also to distinguish them from other words having the same form but with the normal penultimate stress (see Dictionary) . With words of four or more syllables, the syllable two removed from the main penultimate stress has a minor stress, e.g. karikara jkilrikaraj 'village'. The stress of the stem is repeated In redu plicated words, e.g. hirihiri jhlrihlrij 'dirty'. hohorohohoro jhohorohohoroj 'radiance'.

Orokolo and Sepoe linguistic links As stated above in the first paragraph, the Elema may be divided into two major groups, the Eastern which includes Toaripi, and the Western, represented by Orokolo. In former times, in addition to the variations in speech, there were also certain differences in the traditional culture, such as the shape of the Orokolo hevehe masks as compared with the semese masks of the Eastern Elema. Such differences in traditional culture belong to the past, but the variation in language still persists, and this is our concern here.

From a study of the various forms of Elema speech it will be seen that, apart from words introduced from English, Orokolo and its related dialects lack the jf j and j 5j phonemes present In all the Eastern Elema dialects, and that jhj is often a substitute, e.g. (0) hare, (T) sare 'sun'. There is another peculiarity of Orokolo and its related dialects, namely the presence of the subject marker va. This is completely absent amongst the Eastern Elema except for Sepoe. Its use in Sepoe is not quite the same as in Orokolo, in that it is found only with personal pronouns and with aea ------


'another'. It has indeed become in Sepoe a part of the subject form of the pronoun: i.e. arava, ava, areva, etc. T, 'you' (sg.) , 'he', 'she', 'it'. However, it is not used with the emphatic forms, arao, ao, areo, etc., and in this it is in agreement with Toaripi.

Other features also show remarkable correspondence between the Sepoe dialect and Orokolo (see Appendix 4). These two Elema sub-tribes, so strangely linked in their forms of speech, live at the extreme ends of the Elema coast, separated by nearly 100 miles, with other sub-tribes in between (see map). How are we to account for this close correspondence linguistically between two sub-tribes so widely separated geographically? The answer to this question is to be found in the manner of the Elema settlement on the Gulf coast. Although now a coastal people, all the Elema traditions of origin point inland, to the mountains away in the north-west. The ancestors of the Sepoe and Kaipi sub­ tribes were early on the coast, as were the Orokolo. Moveave-T oaripi traditions speak of their ancestors reaching the sea and finding the Kaipi already in possession of the western shores of what is now known as Freshwater Bay. As a result they wandered on towards the delta of the Tauri and Lakekamu rivers, and found between the two rivers, amid the swamps, a piece of higher ground. There they built their dual village settlement of Heavara-Heatoare ( 'Group Junior'-'Group Senior') . This was known as Moveave by the Motu traders from Central Papua, who came along in sea-going canoes seeking sago. Some time later migrants from Moveave founded on the coast the dual village settlement of Mirihea-Uritai ('Beach Group'-'Hinter Side') . This was given the name Motumotu by the Motu traders, but the name used for themselves by the people of Mirihea-Uritai was Toaripi , ( Senior-in-origin ' ). As the T oaripi increased in number they extended along the coast and allied themselves with a small group already settled to the east of them. There was intermarriage, and this group came to adopt T oaripi speech. They became known as the Moripi ( ' Junior-in-origin ').

Hostility between the Sepoe and the Moripi resulted in the territory of the former being considerably curtailed. Thus we get the present sub-tribal boundaries, but we also find these strange affinities between the extremes of east and west.

Toaripi and Orokolo To simplify comparison between the Eastern and Western forms of Elema speech, attention will be directed mainly to Toaripi (T) for the Eastern Elema and Orokolo (0) for the Western. Differences of basic vocabulary as listed in Appendix 4, compel us to class Toaripi and Orokolo as different languages rather than as dialects. Nevertheless, in sentence structure and in other respects the two languages are closely related. Although differences between the phonemic systems have been taken as the criteria for separating the dialects between east and west. yet· these differences show considerable regularity. It is possible to formulate rules for sound changes to cover a wide range of vocabulary for both Toaripi and Orokolo.

Sound change, Rule 1: Cognate words with an initial It I in (T) , or with a It I preceded only by a vowel, are replaced by Ikl in (0).

English Toaripi Orokolo English Toaripi Orokolo

'bone' uti uki senior toare koare vagina ete eke 'tree tola kora 'fish scale' tete keke 'leaves tolotolo korokoro again aeata aeka 'theft' torea korea 'tooth' tao kao 'thundering tutururu kukururu grease tapare kapare source tupe xv i

Sound change. Rule 2: Preceding a final syllable the It I in (T) becomes I II (or r) in (0),

Comparison with Sepoe suggests that here it is (T) which has made the change from the original Elema phoneme,

English Toaripi Orokolo Sepoe

son atute akore atule 'after' aite alre aila mat' kite kile kile 'flame tree lauta laura laura 'pig ita ila ila 'cloth' puta pura pura 'hole' uta ura ura An exception to the above rule is seen In (T) itoro, (0) iroro, but for this Sepoe has itoro, agreeing with (T) ,

Sound change. Rule 3: The phonemes If I and lsi in (T) become Ihl in (0), except for lsi as described in Rule 4.

There are numerous examples.

English Toaripi Orokolo English Toaripi Orokolo

cry fi hi sour slsla hihia portion firu hiru 'mildew' Sin hiri penis fe he sugarcane ase ahe 'betel nut' fere here examine seseovai heheava open fa pai hapa 'thin' seseroro heheroro remove fareovai hareava 'sun'j'day' sare hare 'stone' fave have sorcery sarea harea appear forerai horera 'fight' sosori hahari 'breathe fofoai hohoa 'time' soa hoa pus furi huri pigeon sua hua ashes afutae ahurae 'plank' susu huhu

Sound change. Rule 4: Where in (T) lsi is preceded by a stressed Iii, lail or lael and followed by I a I, it is replaced by Itl in (0). A comparison with Sepoe shows a close agreement here with (0). xv i i

English Toaripi Orokolo Sepoe

arrow farisa harita farita 'girls' mansa marita moritera paddle' taisa kaita taita 'dish' saesa haita saita

It will be helpful at this point to assess statistically the differences between Orokolo and Toaripi. Taking the modified Swadesh list given in Appendix 4 as our basis, and reckoning the total number of consonant phonemes used as 100 per cent, we get the following percentage frequencies:

Stops Lateral Fricatives Nasalised p k I (r) f s h m(v)

Toaripi 5.4 10.8 11.8 32.6 5.2 8.4 5.2 20.6 Orokolo 5,29 1.05 19.02 33.82 21.37 19.45

These figures indicate that certain consonants found in both phonemic systems show close agreement on frequency; i.e. / p/, / 1/ and / m/ or / v;' As may be seen in the sound change rules, much of /t/ in Toaripi changes to /k/ in Orokolo, This is reflected in the figures for /t/ and /k/, for if the excess in /k/ in Orokolo be transferred to /t/, then both /t/ and /k/ almost agree in percentages in the two languages. Some allowance has to be made for the effects of rules 2 and 4. Similarly if with change rule 3 in mind, sufficient percentages be transferred from (0) /h/ to fill the gaps in / f / and /5/, the two languages will show a fair correspondence the one with the other with respect to these phonemes.

There are no records to show the phonemic system of early Elema speech, but strong indications as to its pattern are not wanting. Apart from Orokolo and its related dialects, all the present forms of Elema speech have the phonemes / f / and /5/, from the Uaripi of Kerema Bay to the Sepoe at the extreme eastern end. This represents about two-thirds of the total Elema people. A further indication that it is Orokolo together with its related dialects which is out of step here is the abnormal preponderance of /h/ in the Orokolo phonemic system. It is therefore the absence of the phonemes / f / and /5/ in Orokolo and related dialects that needs to be accounted for, rather than their addition in T oaripi and elsewhere.

Namau affinities Certain words which have a wide occurrence indicate an early connection between the Elema and their western neighbours, the Koriki who live in the Purari Delta. Several dialects are spoken by the Koriki. Here we are concerned with the Namau, the name given both to the speech and the sub-tribe who live adjacent to the Orokolo.

Of over a thousand words Namau examined, there are about 40 that show unmistakable affi nity to Eleman. The following table shows how widespread are some of these words. xv i i i

English Namau Orokolo Belepa Kaipi Toaripi Sepoe

'butterfly' pipi pipi plpl fifi plpl plpl 'beach' mlrl mm mlrl mlrl mlrl mlrl 'dark' muru muru muru muru* muru* muru* rain lai lai lahi lai lai lai sun lare hare hovare sare sare sare wing maho maho moko maho avako maho

*as noun: murumuru There is also a limited vocabulary associated with the traditional religion, such as names formed with totem names from the Namau rave 'men's house', Orokolo examples are Avavuravi 'Haven­ ravi', and Oriravi 'Bird's-ravi'. These and other such names were used in former times for the eravo 'men's houses', the centres for the ceremonies associated with their former religion. A division of the former eravo was known amongst the Elema by another Namau word lalava, nowadays used throughout the Elema with the meaning of 'room', or 'cabin' on a . Other words connected with the traditional religion and which show Namau affinity are: Namau kanipu and aiai. which in Kaipi and Toaripi are harisu and oioi respectively: these are names for the masks known in Orokolo as kovave. The votive plaques called kwoi by the Namau, which in Orokolo were named hohao, had in Toaripi two names, one cognate with the Orokolo term, the other with the Namau, i.e. hoao and koae.

Being close neighbours, Namau influence on Orokolo vocabulary was stronger than amongst the other Elema. In Namau amua has the meaning of 'gift': hence amua vaki 'gift man', 'headman', because in traditional society a headman's influence was in proportion to his generosity. This word in Orokolo became amua haela, or simply amua 'headman', for which Toaripi has quite a different word, papuvita. There is also Namau lakea 'hunt', which appears in Orokolo as nakea: the Toaripi is tapora. A third word, Namau maia 'ill', 'sick', appears in Orokolo as maea, and has with it the auxiliary lai. maea lai 'to be ill'. The T oaripi is eka (Kaipi ekaho, Sepoe eka) , also used with the auxiliary loi. eka loi 'to be ill'. Amongst the Eastern Elema there is one term to cover the two meanings of 'breast' and 'scrotum', e.g. Toaripi ko. However amongst the Western Elema, in line with Namau, ame 'breast', we find amae with that same meaning, while kou has the other of the two meanings.

Nowadays throughout the whole area English numbers have superseded the traditional modes of counting. In former times the Namau mode of counting used parts of the body as tallies, beginning with the right hand, then up the arm, across the shoulders and down the left arm and hand. The Western Elema used this same method (see Appendix 2). Elsewhere amongst the Elema that traditional mode was mai muti 'hand counting'. The fingers were used as tallies, plus toes when necessary. For 'ten' and 'twenty' Orokolo employed both methods.

Orokolo origins Can we fi nd an explanation as to how differences arose between the Western Elema and the other Elema sub-tribes? In particular, is there some reasonable hypothesis that would account for the absence of the phonemes I f I and I sl in Orokolo and its related dialects? At an earlier point in this introduction the correspondence between Sepoe, the speech of the most easterly of the Elema sub­ tribes, and Orokolo, in the far west, was seen to be an outcome of the pattern of settlement on the coast by the early Elema migrants. The present questions can be answered plausibly along similar lines. xix

The migration of the Elema from the mountains to the coast would seem from archaeological evidence to have taken place about 300 years ago.1 As they settled on the coast they would have had to have made some major cultural adjustments to cope with their new environment amid tidal swamps, creeks, beaches, and with the wide horizon of the sea confronting them. A more vital question is how their bodies coped with diseases endemic to the warmer coast lands, such as tropical ulcers, yaws, scrub typhus, and above all, malaria. Some diseases such as hookworm would have troubled them throughout their wanderings, but the debilitating effect of malaria and hookworm would have tended towards a fatal outcome for any serious illness or injury. Doubtless the Elema would have regarded these ills as due to the malevolent spirits of the new environment. Mortality must have been heavy until. with successive generations, the people developed some immunity.

No observer was on hand to record how the people reacted to the new demands made upon them by the coastal environment. However, during the period of 32 years when I was resident in the eastern Gulf area, small groups of mountain people moved down from the upper Tauri over the route that the Elema had taken. The coastal people call these inlanders 'Iariva', but Kukukuku is the name by which they are more widely known. Anga and Kapau are yet othet more recent names for them. These groups settled in a number of hamlets on the banks of the Tauri and the Lakekamu rivers, the Karama and Meporo creeks. I often visited them. After a period there was a noticeable preponderance of males, and children were few. The womenfolk, as they were the burden bearers and had moreover to cope with the crises of childbirth, fell victims more readily to the diseases that were being encountered in their new environment. Infant mortality was high. The same situation must have arisen even more acutely amongst the early Elema, since they would have had none of the medical aid that was available to some extent during this more recent migration.

It is here suggested that some of the early Elema migrants, by fair means or by raiding, obtained women and children from the Namau to replace their losses. Such captives would have acquired as time passed a fl uency in Elema, but they would have pronounced words according to the Namau phonemic system. The vowel phonemes gave no difficulty, but in endeavouring to cope with the new consonant phonemes, lacking in Namau, they pronounced words after the manner of the Namau phonemic pattern. They adopted I hi, but included under it the other unfamiliar fricatives If I and nearly all I sf. Another sound new to them, I t/, received only partial adoption, and was mainly confined to words of ita, tita pattern. They retained traces of the Inl of their original Namau phonemic system for a few words such as naoae 'anyhow'. Children born to these Namau women and young children in their care would have learned to speak from their mothers or foster mothers. In the traditional pattern of Elema society, females and small children led a life that was largely separate from that of the menfolk, for the latter had the eravo 'men's house' as the centre for their activities. This hybrid speech has persisted in today's Orokolo and its allied dialects.

The theory about the origin of Orokolo here put forward is confirmed by one of the myths that belongs to the Purari Clan.2 Amongst the Eastern Elema this clan is known under the name of 'Kaipi', As it is the Eastern Elema version of the clan myth with which I am fa miliar, I use their form of the name for the clan ancestor, Meavea Kivovia. He is said to have descended the Purari River after losing his wife. For a while he lived amongst the Namau, and aided them by killing a giant. They showed him no gratitude however, so with a Namau wife, secretly acquired, he left them to make a new settlement. There he was joined by the clan hero of the Savoripi Clan, Epe Savora. Later he again visited the Namau and enticed all the adults to go off on a fishing expedition. His magic then caused a violent storm to arise, and all the Namau adults were destroyed. He and his partner rounded up the best of the Namau children and took them to live in his new village.

1 See Bibliography: Oral History Vol. 8, NO.8. 2 See Bibliography: H .A. Brown, Meavea Kivovia. xx

I have not thought it necessary to increase the size of this Dictionary by including in it the many English words which Orokolo speakers. particularly the younger generation. nowadays incorporate in their vocabulary. This omission needs to be kept in mind. otherwise the Dictionary could give the misleading impression that English is having only a slight infl uence on Orokolo vocabulary. The truth is that English is having a profound and far-reaching infl uence on the language.


abbrev. abbreviated. abbreviation metaph. metaphor. etc. adj. adjective mkr. marker adv. adverb MT Motu language ant. antonym n. noun aux. auxiliary neg. negate. negative Bibl. Biblical NT New Testament cogn. cognate num. numeral. numerical colloq. colloquial O. Orokolo compo compared obj. object compd . compound OP Opao dialect conJ. conjunction p. past cont. continuous pers. person. personal convb. converb phr. phrase demon. demonstrative pI. plural dial. dialect. dialectical pref. prefix ENG. English pres. present euphem. euphemism prob. probable. probably e.g. for example prohib. prohibitive excl. exclusive pron. pronoun exclam. exclamation prop. proper f. female. feminine rec. recent fig. figurative red up!. reduplicated. etc. fr . from reflex. reflexive freq. freq uentative relat. relative fut. future RT Raepa Tati language gen. genitive rem. remote HH Haura Haela dialect simp. simple hab. habitual sg. singular I. i ntra nsitive subj. subject immed. immediate suff. suffix imper. imperative syn. synonym incl. inclusive T. Toaripi language indef. indefinite t. transitive infin. infinitive trad. tradition. traditional interrog. interrogative trans. translation. etc. intro. introduced UR Uaripi dialect KR Keuru dialect usu. usual. usually lit. literal. literally V. verb m. male. masculine var. variant. various xxi


P.K. Pipi Korovu (in Appendix 3) Eph. Ephesians D.O. Drama of OrQkolo Phil. Philippians G. Genese (Genesis) Col. Colossians R. Ruta (Ruth) Thes. Thessalonians Mt. Matthew Tim. Timothy Mk. Mark Tit. Titus Lk. Luke Phile. Philemon In. Gospel and Epistles of John Heb. Hebrews Acts Acts of the Apostles Jam. James Rom. Romans Pet. Peter Cor. Corinthians Jd. Jude Gal. Galatians Apo. Apokalupto (Revelation)


This publication was produced by means of dictionary programs devised by Malcolm Ross of the Department of Linguistics in the Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, and text formatted using 'Scribe' Document Production (U nilogic Ltd.) . Computer input and arrangment of the text was undertaken by Evelyn Winburn. Output from the DEC-10 computer was on a Lasergraphix 1200. The Orokolo Texts were typeset on an IBM Selectric III typewriter by Sue Tys. Brown, H.A. A comparative dictionary of Orokolo, Gulf of Papua. C-84, xxii + 275 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C84.cover ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 1

A episode in the trad. Hevehe cycle of ceremonies. (D.O. 311-2) a mea n. a1 [T. aJ pers. pron . . 2nd pers. sg .. you [T. a mea] a grass fire. [t hou a muhuao [T. a uri kokoeai] to turn J . down light (of lamp). a va lae! (pl. e va lae) 'you are there!' (greeting) [T. a reha!. pl. e reha!]. a oro [T. a oro] n. soot. smut: a oro ila aro [T. aro] obi you. sooty. ave a uku [T. a itua] n. a piece of firewood: [T. ave] gen. your. yours. pi. a ukuku. . a2 b] [T. 01 !1' bird of paradise. named from a [T. a uri] n. a flame: a uru lai th e sound It makes. [T. a uri loir to flame. (G. 3:24) 3 6 a vea [T. a mopai, a eai, a itoreai] var. a [T. a', 0] See ara convb. form. for a avea burn. (of lamp) to light: also. a4 [T. a] n. fi re: hence firestick. firewood. to roast. fry. singe. ave huava a avea [T. a sauai] v.i. & t. sg. burn. [T. a sukapai. or a voa bake. broil. roast: of village. burn down. sukapai] v.t. throw on fire. (Mt. 7:19) pl. a arou [T. a mopail: of lamp. to a ve veveroro lai IT. a voa lei ova va loi] light. (Mt. 3:12. Lk. 3:f7. Mt. 5:15) v.i. be purified by fire. a ekaraea [T. a itoreai] v.t. singe. fry. aaka [;)ka] [T. osa] n. hiccough: aaka peka grill: [T. serovai fry]. [T. osa patai] to hiccough. a hara [T. a sauai, a sa sauai] v.i. & t. be alight. burn. burn up. consume by aboabo maea [T. maeakakare. cf. opaopa] fire. n. also maea aboabo. a fit of madness. hahavila la a 'continually burning that abu (var. avu) [T. ovu] n. of animals. fire'. (Mt. 18:9). female. usu. immature. For mature. see a hari IT. a hari1 n. firestick: hence lou (0. and T.). (G. 6:19. Mt. 19:4) matches. (G. 12 : 7) a hoi a [T. a hiuka] n. bundle of aburaea var. amuraea. which see. firewood: also v .. bundle up firewood ae! aea! [T. a hiuka hoeai]. rae-a] [T. oh!] interjection. lo! 1 a hurae [T. a futae] n. ashes: fireplace. aea (var. ae) [T. aea, haria] a. an. other. hearth: var. ahurae. another. and: eharu aea something: haela a huhura [T. a futai] v.i. of fire. to go aea someone. (Acts 8:34. R. 2:1) out. be quenched: var. a hurura. 2 (Mt. 3:12) aea (var. aia) [T. pea] v.i. sg. to be. stay. abide. remain. sojourn. dwell. reside. live. a huhurapa [T. a futai] v.t. to a hururapa. inhabit. occupy (dwelling). extinguish. quench fire: var. pl. apea [T. pepea]: convb. aea: rem. p. a huraihurai [T. a futaifutai] v.i. of aeape: fut. aeakilai: aeaki ita dwelling fire. to keep going out. place. abode. a hururu IT. a suru] n. damp. sodden akore haroapo aeaki 'one boy stay' (said firewood . to group of boys going out). a ila Often compo with vela} (sg.) and ro(a) [T. a ita] with fire.fie ry. aeave, a ila kela (pl.) without change o( meaning: volcano. aeaveape, apearo. IT. Never compo with a ilila [T. a sukeai] v.t. & i. kindle fire. mea or roroa]. (R. 1 :1. P.K. 1:1) set on fire: of fire. to burn. ignite. Akore hekai me aeave 'small son is (Jam. 3:5) here' . a kae (var. a kai) IT. a eroe, akoela] n. A lahoa Ie aeave? (pres. cont.) 'where spark. ember. (�om. 12:20) are you living?' A lahoa Ie aeavila? a koa + maea, maea a koa IT. maea a 'where do you live?'. To which the toai] v.t. & reflex. warm body at fire. reply would be name of village. a koela [T. akoela] n. live coal. ember. A v'aeaki. pl. e v'apeaki 'you stay!' a lakalaka [T. a lavesa] n. brushwood. 'goodbye' to person(s) remaining. tinder. Ekaka iroki ure ve Ie aeave a mahuvu [T. aikaera] n. smoke. [T. equivalent here is moea] 'the fish a mare puo mare idiom. 'fire fight'. an IS in the canoe'.

Brown, H.A. A comparative dictionary of Orokolo, Gulf of Papua. C-84, xxii + 275 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C84.1 ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 2

aheke aea v.i. to forbear. ahea1 [T. hehea] n. ache. pain: syn. i hareho aea [T. lareho pea] stay with. kakare. be with. iki ahea [T. haiiri pasou] n. mental maeakoko aea [T. totavai] become many. pain. anguish. increase: var. maeokoko. (Jd. 2) ahea2 adj. & n. hot. warm: heat: in former 3 aea [T. maravai, taukoravai] v.t. pI. times. magic power: hence nowadays. take. get. obtain. acquire. procure: convb. authority. power: [T. hehea heat. Biahu ai. See ava1 for sg. (G. 14:21) power]. korea aea procure by stealing. perehekai ahea [T. taheka hehea] somewhat hot. warm. aeaha (var. aeha) [T. ivaral adj. savage. ahea lai [T. hehea loi] to be hot. warm. fierce. ferocious. cruel. bola. violent. pugnacious: also in a good sense. brave. lei ahea lai [T. lei hehea loi1 to make courageous. plucky: as adverb. savagely. hot. warm. to heat. 3 boldly. (P.K. 9:3) ahea [T. makaikara1 n. often with rna. aeaha lai [T. ivara loi] v.i. be fierce. ahea rna ocean. sea: precedes rna to bold. distinguish from rna ahea 'hot water': syn. aeaha ara [T. 0 erereai] v.t. forbid. makaikara. (G. 1:10. 22) ahea-ipi [T. Biaea-ipi] n. horizon aeka [T. ata] adv. again. (seawards) . aeka kariki make again. [T. ata piBOBi] ahea kial;1a [T. rna peti fai] remake. (of sea) to be very calm. aeka korukaia [T. ata kokorukai] to ahea rna mun. seasickness. reassemble. ahea rna ukai seaward. aepa (var. aipe) [T. miavai] v.t. to place. set down (e.g. pot). put (in horizontal aheau v.i. pl. [T. aBai (sg. & pl.)] grow. position): convb. aepei: rem. p. aepape: become mature (of people. animals. trees. Jut. aepakilai. (G. 2:8) etc.). See aha. (R. 1:13) ahehe aera [T. aierai] v.t. to overshadow: rem. p. [T. rnoriloi] n. orchid. aerape. (Heb. 9:5) aheke [T. kere, rofo] adj. & n. strong. aerapa (var. ailapa) [T. milalukai] v.t. to hard. steady. firm. tough. secure. rigid. place hidden: rec. p. la aerapila. stiff. taut. tight. vigorous. sturdy: strength. (P.K. 10:2. 28:6) power. might [T. Biahu] (Mt. 3:11): ant. Mt. mahuka. aeva [T. aeata] ae + sub. mkr. va. aheke lai [T. kere loi] v.i. be strong. a. another. hard: be difficult: to endure. bear. aeva ave, aeva Mose ve, aeva Elias ve (Eph. 6:10) 'one yours. one for M .. one for lei aheke lai [T. lei kere loi] v.t. make E.' (Mt. 17:4) strong. hard. lei aheke hovea lai aha [�ha] fT. hoha] n. thorn: pai aha to make secure. [T. pOI hoha] sago palm thorn. aheke aea [T. rolo leitia] v.i. sg. remain. be strong: to forbear: pI. aheke aha v.i. sg. [T. asai (sg. & pl.)] to grow. apea: aheke apeaki imper. be strong. increase in size: convb. ahai: rem. p. aheke haha [T. Baepi i auai] v.t. make ahape: pl. aheau convb. aheai: p. neg. fast. secure. au aheaila 'had not sprung up': hab. ere aheke n. aheaulula: rem. p. aheaupe. (Mt. 13:32. [T. larietau haute] a fast. 13:26. 6:28) haela aheke [T. karu ivara] n. man of violence: also. good sense. robust. ahe1 T. aBe] n. sugarcane (Saccharum sturdy man. (Mt. 11:12) oj icinarum). Ari and Havoa names of iki aheke [T. haiiri kere] adj. obstinate. varieties} of sugarcane. (D.O. 250) determined. adamant. stubborn: n. ahe apu [T. aBe opu] n. sugarcane juice. fortitude. obstinacy. 2 ikikekela aheke firm in faith. (Mt. 9:2) ahe with la: la ahe fT. la Boral ri e mi a. miha a e r o aheke [T. 0 kere] strong words. firm coconut. With ll il T. miBa . aBe] male crab. order. (R. 2:9) 3

oharo aheke ara [T. a kere auai] to remove: fr. ail. au': rem. p. aiaupe. For insist: reproach. sg .. see avau. (G. 4:3) ahihi [T. apisi] n. midnight. aihari [T. hiorel n. headrest: in former times made or wood: hence (nowadays) ahihiru ahihiru [T. maea-uru] adj. & n. pillow. blue. green: the colour blue or green. ovoka ahihuru ahihuru aihaul [T. iriharo] n. a shellfish.the [T. maea-uru-mohari] violet colour. cockle. ahila [T. kureai] v.t. to urge. command. aihau2 [T. hake] n. plane (tool) . compel. dictate. exhort: rem. p. ahilape. (Mt. 8:34. 27 :10) aihorera [T. pisiri lorerai] v.i. to go out into the open. Fr. ai, au· + horera. ahirape n. a bird. (D.O. 251) aihukamaea v.t. 8g. [T. 0 serovai, 0 ahiru [T. ma soare] n. foam suds (on beach erereai (8g. & pl.)] scold. chide. rebuke. from pounding of surf) : syn. rnaohare. reprimand. rep'rove. upbraid: forbid. Fr. maea4 say. l Heb. 12:9) ahita [T. sial n. a sneeze: var. aliha. ahita ara [T. sia auai] v.i. to sneeze. aikaipu n. a kind of lizard. aho n. cheek. side of face: fT. oselase. cf. aikakiri [T. eopea sosoru] n. oso side. edge] . (Mt. 5:3�) phosphorescent millipede. aho-ila thirteen (the cheek being used as aikaupe [T. melela] n. the Crinum Lily tally) : nowadays. ENG. number usu. (Grinum a8iaticum L.). ahohopa [T. hiopai] v.i. (of people) bend aike fT. ovai, maravai] v.t. to gain. down. (Mt. 25:20) ahurae [T. alutae] n. ashes. fireplace. aikiara v.t. to give (to person speaking) . hearth. Fr. aiara with infix ki: inJ. aikiarakive: l 3 [T. miarai. no restriction on person]. ai fT. maravai] con vb. of aea take. get. Lk. 15:12. Mt. 7:6) (Mt. 26:26 ( 2 aikilapa [T. mutapai] v.t. pl. to throw ai [T. tel convb. of au' to go. away. (Mt. 13:48) 3 6 ai [T. ail convb. of ara . aikihorera [T. maravi muiai] v.t. pl. bring 3 ai4 [T. tete] adv. to. unto. as far as: (fr . au' forth. produce: like the preceding fro aea . to go) . (Mt. 12:35) ai5 IT. oe] n. mother' s brother' s son: pI. ailapa See aerapa. al-a pi [T . oe-ita]. ailauki [T. lalaea] n. ridge. roof. (Mk. 2:4) aiai adv. until. since (from now on into the ailauki kora [T. lalaea tola] n. ridge future) : d. ikiki: fr. au·. convb. redupl.: pole. [T. tete. formed likewise fr. terai]. aileia [T. kavai] v.i. to go eastwards. aia + mea, mea aia [T. mea aeai] v.i. to be dusk. ailoki n. pinnacle: cf. ailauki. (Mt. 4:5) uvi ailoki [T. uvi tao] housetop. roof. aiaral n. a bird. the Green Parrot. aioea v.l. pl. [T. muiai (8g. & pl.)] for aiara2 v. pl. [T. miarai (8g. & pl.)] to amoea. give: 8g. avara: con vb. aiari: Jut. mai ove aioea to make sweeping aiarakilai. Also pI. with aux. haea: gesture with the hand: rem. p. aiaravahaeape: imper. aiaraki. (Mt. 4:9. aioeape. ( 12:49) 7:7. 10:1. 10:8) Mt. aipe See aepa. aiarapa [T. milalukai] v.t. to hide. conceal (something) : syn. avarapa: d. arau. aipeka fT. maravi pat ail v.t. pl. d. avip'eka to take (and (cargo) : fr. aiau [T. maravi terai] v.t. pl. take away. aea3 + peka. 4

aipo [T. soera] n. taro: syn. hoela. aire [T. aite] adv. & adj. next (either before or behind). second. after. later on: of place or time: as adj. precedes n. With ve to form post positional phr. aire ve [T. aite voa] from that time onwards. afterwards. With -ki, aireaki to the rear. from behind. henceforth. next. subsequent. hereafter. aitave presently. hindmost. last. late. (Mt. 9:20) aireaki havahu [T. aite kola] right aititiva [T. tailea lareovai] v.t. to sweep behind. away: fr. ail. aireaki hoa, aireaki ve [T. aite soa, aite voa] later on. future. aito [T. iso] n. lime stick. airekai aU T. aite oti terai] go aitovea + overa and ape (nostril) backwar s. go behind. follow. recede. overa ape aitovea to sniff. [T. miruru retreat. J (air) aritovai.] aire ekekai au [T. aitetai terai] v.t. to aiu [T. mui) n. a shellfish. winkle: syn. follow. follow after. hapea. airekai eke v.i. to come back. return. aireaki vivila [T. soea vo aitetai] v.t. to aivau [T. sarova] n. flesh. (G. 2:21) pursue. run after. aivau haela [T. maeasarova] n. flesh of aireka [T. aitetail v.t. to follow. follow body. (G. 6:12) after (Mk. 14: 11) aivau hakau [T. sarova itua] n. joint of meat. airi [T. airi] n. rat. mouse: var. aili. ila aivau [T. ita sarova] n. pork. airi loro JT. airi loro] n. rat's nest. mouse s nest. la aivau [T. la sarova] n. 'f1esh' of coconut. airi pavora [T. ua torea, vita torea] n. adultery: syn. uva korea, vila korea aivaopa (var. aivaupa) [T. vuopai] v.t. to (In. 8:3) pack (in a box. etc.): put in a dish: convb. airi pavora lai [T. ua/vita torea loi] to aivaopi. (Mt. 14:8. 27:6) commit adultery. aka1 [T. a-, 0] conj. but. however. yet: also. airi pavora haela n. adulturer. or: sometimes abbrev. to ka when preceded by a word ending in -a. (Mt. 5:18) airoa [T. putepute] n. womb. uterus. aka2 [T. karitai] v.t. to scratch the skin (to airovo-kaea [T. porokitai] v.i. & reflex. to relieve pain). hang. elare maea airovo-kaea to hang aka [:::>ka] [T. osa patai) n. belch: also. oneself: airove Ie kaeape (Mt. 27:5). hiccough. aka ara v.i. aitaha 71. UR isafea to belch. hiccough: var. [T. isapea) crocodile. spelling aaka. aitara [T. opaopa) adj. & adv. faint. harassed. (Mk. 8:3) akea [T. aroril n. top. upper surface. aloft. height. topsiae: also. chief. [T. koa aitara areau [T. opaopa loi) v.i. become (adj.)). faint. akea ve eharu 'things above'. (Col. 3:1) aitari [T. itali) n. shark uvi akea house top. (P.K. 1:2) akea haha aitave [T. isave) n. a shellfish. oyster: also. As adj. precedes n. shelf. a traditional ornament. crescent pearl shell. platform [T. arori posa]. (Mt. 7:6) akea iele T. arori kola, koakoa eite] aitave hae [T. isave lare) n. pearl. very high. lofty: also. supreme. akea haela T. arori karu) a person aitave haro [T. isave haro) n. pearl above. either spacial or social shell: mother-of-pearl. position. 5

akea oau T. sosoropi putoi] v.i. fall often with rnawater ); rnaalalak a clear. headlong. transparent. limpid; rnaalalaka lai akea pura T. arori puta] outside [T. ararapai] water. to be clear. clothes. coat. transparent. With ve (T. arori voa] to form ali1 [T. elaharo] n. a kind of Lawyer Vine postpositlOnal phr. (G. 1:2). (Calamus sp.j. akea ve on the top. on upon. above. 2 adv. ali [T. auka] var. for ari. dual pron. 2nd and over·; overhead. 3rd person. With -ki, akeaki (T. arori soa voa] upwards. aliha [T. sia, sia auai] n. sneeze; also. to sneeze; a var. for ahita. akila (var. akira) [T. ivare] n. wife's brother; pl. ovakila (T. ivaresuta]. amae (var. avae) [T. ko] n. breast; (cf. Namau arne breast). akoa adj. raw; (of timber) green. sappy. amae apu n. unseasoned. [T. hako; also of timber.] [T. ko opu] milk. 1 amae avara [T. ko miarai. or ko ukopai] akokore See huva or hivi . v.t. to give suck. suckle. n. akore [T. at ute] n. sg. son. boy. lad. child. amae akore hekai suckling. (male) offspring (P.K. 1:1). The term has amae hoa haerapa [T. ko itovai] syn. wider use within the sub-da n when amae haure lai to wean. referring to or addressing m. of younger generation; anyone standing in filial amae lara [T. ko sosoai] (of baby) suck relationship to another; one who is a native breast. of a village or place; also general sense of amae petoe [T. ko opa, omopa ko] n. boy; man's brother's son. woman's sister's nipple. teat. son; [T. siare boy. pl. iravel. pl. a�oremari [T. atutemorl] boys. sons; amare See avare. mekehaku boys (not sons) amoea v.t. sg. [T. muiai (sg. & pl.)] to akoreapo [T. paua] sometimes abbrev. show. display. exhibit. demonstrate; apo. elder brother; pl. huhohoaha impeT. amoeki; pl. aioea. but also have [T. pauita]. the pI. aux. amoeavahaea. (Mt. 22:19. akoreheari [T. marehari, atute kokoe] 4:8) sometimes abbrev. heari. younger brother. younger son; pl. maraita amua [T. papuvita] n. often + haela, [T. mariosu]. amua haela owner. master. headman. akore hekai [T. atute seika] infant son. chief. ruler; (intro. meaning) lord. prince. baby boy. king; uaman amua queen (fr. Namau akore hekai hovea childish. puerile amua (gift); amua vaki headman). In [T. traditional society a man's importance was atute seika feare]. measured by his generosity. (G. 3:16) hoahu akore [T. harokou] youth. young man; pl. hoahu akoremari amua horova lai, amua lai [T. papuvita loi] v.i. to be a headman. to govern. [T. harokoulese]. rule; cf. gavana. akore koare IT. atute toare] eldest son. akore merava [T. atute merava] orphan amuhuia (var. abuhuia) [T. sukavuteai] boy. v.t. to push. akorevila [T. mere at ute] male child. amuraea [T. vuteai, haiiri veveovai] (var. miro akoremari [T. hehova] formerly. abu-, avu-) v.t. to deceive. delude. decoy. youths undergoing seclusion; they then lure. tempt. Tee. p. lamuraeaila became hoahu akoremari [T. heaea IT. vuteaita]; amuraeharae hova. pl. hehovalese]. amuraeharae ita 'place of deception'. (Mt. 2:16. Acts 5:4. Mt. 4:3. 6:13) alaia + iki, iki alaia [T. haikaeai] v.i. & t. to remember. call to mind. aneru [T. aneru] n. (Bibl. trans.) angel. ehovea arero iki alaiakive 'to animala [T. animala] n. animal. beast; (fr. remember her' (Mt. 26:13) ENG.). alalaka [T. ma ova va] adj. (of water). and animala hiru [T. animala sitavu] n. herd. 6 ao [T. ao) n. termites. white ants. ape harita harita ara [T. ke/a uri auai) ao ita [T. ao oti) n. termite hill. v.i. to mumble. murmur. mutter. ape heheo ara [T. area sa vuteai) v.t. to aori var. for auri. which see. (Mk. 5:3) scorn. apa [::Jpa) [T. opa) n. drum. ape iilu [T. ape poe) n. lip(s). ape karaya ara [T. 0 serea auai) v.t. apa koava [T. opa toai) to beat a drum. enjoin. bid. urge. demand. insist upon. apa v.i. to die. expire. perish; also. to command. order. implore; also. ape become faint. unconscious. swoon: convb. karaya maea. and ape karava lai. with api; rem. p. apape: with pI. aux. apihaea. same range of meanings. (Mt. 6:12) [T. opai. with similar range of meanings). ape koro [T. ape mehe) n. moustache. (G. 3:3) whiskers. apihaea haela the dead. (R. 1:5) ape kuarakuara ara [T. 0 sukasuka api aeaka urou, api kai urou [T. opi auai) v.i. stammer. stutter. ata itoi) rise from the dead; api kai ape lalahi [T. lalasi 0) n. a question. urouki hoa n. phr. resurrection. query. apaki hoa [T. opaita soa) n. death. ape lalahi lai v.t. to question. api heheapa [T. opaopa loi) to faint. ap� mehela [T. uri sa pepeteai) v.t. to apa maea lai [T. opai maea loi) become lick. (Lk. 16:21) as though dead. become unconscious. ape mehau [T. ape pasou) n. &: adj. swoon. sonorous tone. sonorous. apakihika [T. opaita muramura) n. ape oharo [T. ape 01 n. mode of speech. poison. accent. [Mt. 26: 7j) ape pelaea [T. hiva 0 auai) v.i. to apakora n. a traditional ornament. a frontlet vaunt. boast. of shell disks. ape petoe [T. ape) n. beak. apau [T. paula-ovu) n. 1. elder brother's ape popoa IT. kato' oeai) v.t. to kiss; cf. wife. 2. wife of mother's elder brother's overa hih . . (R. 1:9) son. ape ure [T. ape iri) n. inside of mouth; ape ure paila n. apavara [T. opamola, paumarehari) n. pl. [T. ape ipi siaviri) friends. relatives. kin. kinsmen. The word thrush of mouth . is made up fr. apa = apo 'senior' + vara ape ve mahuvu [T. ape siahu) vapour ·junior·. i.e. 'old and young'. (Mt. 12:48) from mouth. ape velavela [T. lalasi 0, loki 0) n. ape n. mouth; (of birds) beak; an opening 9 uestion. interrogation. inquiry. request. entrance of any kind (with n. in l Mt. 2:4) apposition); mai (river) mouth; (of bottle) ape velavela lai [T. lalasi loi, loki loi mouth; lid (of box); also. voice. (beg)) v.t. to ask. request. supplicate. [T. ape. used with the same range of beg (or. plead. implore. solicit; to meaning). (P.K. 1:1) question. inquire. interrogate. ape aruru [T. ape aruru) n. a yawn; ape ape velavela haela n. a beggar. aruru ara [T. ape aruru auai) v.i. to yawn. ape veveke [T. ape ta{lare) adj. fluent. polite: also. (of taste) pleasant. tasty. ape burava [T. ape putovai) v.t. &: i. to peck. ape vivi oharo [T. meu 0) n. message. ape eapapo [T. ape rovaea) loud voice. An opening of any sort: e ape [T. kiriape) n. anus. ape ha [T. ape hai) to open mouth. (Mt. 13:35) kavapu ape [T. kavapu ape) n. mouth ape haela [T. laua vita) n. spokesman. of bottle. speaker. (Mt. 11:10) mai ape [T. mai ape) n. mouth of river. ape hahari [T. ape 80sori, ape sosori okiape [T. otiape. syn. utape) n. door. auai) v.t. &: i. to quarrel. quarrel with. gateway: oki place. wrangle. overa ape [T. evera ape) n. nostril. ape hahari hahari ara [T. 0 poporu auai) v.t. &: i. to mutter. murmur apea1 [T. apea, pea) n. spittle. saliva. against. apea koa [T. pea sa toai) v.t. to spit upon. OP apea hai: HH opea koruka. (Mt. 27:30) 7

apea kuara [T. pea soeai] v.i. to spit. -ap03 or apo- [T. apo] suffixed or prefixed to expectorate. certain nouns: senior. 2 -apo is also used with the names of the apea [T. avea] n. the back part of neck. chief characters in the clan myths. e.g. Pipi the nape; karave [T. kovore] is the front part. Korovuapo. akoreapo [T. paua] n. elder brother. apea huka [T. sesetopai] to carry astride the neck. apoheari [T. paumarehari] n. sg. brother (older or younger): pI. with i apea3 [T. pepa] v.i. pI. to dwell. stay. conj. apo i heari older and younger remain. to be (in a set position). 8g. aea brothers. [T. 8g. peal. redupl. apeapea [T. pepepe] haelapo [T. papuvita) n. headman: as a stay on and on. Jut. apeakilai. Often term of address. haelapo e ·sir·. with -ro(a) ; pres. cont. apearo. rem. maria po [T. moriapo] n. elder sister (f. apearoape. (P.K. 1:1. Lk. 2:6. R. 1:2 r' speaking). a v'aeaki (sg.). e v'apeaki (pi .) 'you stay:. '�oodbye!' (to person(s) apoheari [T. paua marehari] n. sg. staYing) . brother: see apo � . apehai [T. iiTa] n., adj & adv. distance. apora [T. porai (sg. & pl.)] v.t. to plant. distant. far. remote lActs. 22:21): cf. arai a set: sow seed. short distance. 10-1.000 yds. away. rem. p. aporape: pI. apopora. var. apoporau. (G. 2:9. Mt. 6:26) apehai ve IT. ora voa] from a distance. (Mt. 12:<\2) mai apora [T. fefekeai) v.t. to massage. apekarava [T. 0 serea] n. a demand: v.t. to apovea [T. muru) n . . syn. muru wasp. demand. See ape karaya. (Mt. 18:24) hornet. apekorea [T. otoare] n. oath. promise. apu [T. opul n. juice. sap. blood; OP opu; (Mt. 23:16) HA opu. Ihe compounds suggest that the basic meaning is ·juice·. which is its apitore [T. abitorea] n. loan. debt: var. meaning in T. HH opu. OP and RT ivare. apekorea (fr. MT abitorehai) . ahe apu [T. ase opu) n. juice of apitore lai [T. abitore toi] to borrow. sugarcane. lend: also. to owe. amae apu [T. ko opu] n. milk (amae apitore haela [T. abitore karu] n. 'breasf) . debtor. auri apu . [T. auri siri] n. rust (auri apiapi [T. upi] n. ginger. the root and plant: ·iron· . steel '). var. upi (Zingiber officinale Roxb.). kora apu [T. tola opu] n. sap (kora ·tree·). apihau [T. ma karoai] v.i. to dive. plunge. la apu [T. la opu] n. coconut oil (Ia . cocon ut '). apo! [T. apo] n. a slender-growing palm tree. apu elele [T. ovo dele] n. vein. apu epava [T. ovo sisapai] v.i. (blood) apo2 [T. apol n. a bow. often made from to flow. the trunk ot the apo. Nowadays often. a apu hereava [T. ovotoelapai) to staunch gun [T. also gun]. flow of blood: syn. apu kokauka. apo haivaiava [T. apo eteai] to bend a apu horera v.i. to bleed. bow. [T. ovo forerai) apu ila [T. ovo ia) lit. 'with blood'. apo hea [T. apo sail to shoot (arrow): bloody. fire a gun. apu kokauka [T. ovo sasaukai] v.t. apo ela s n. apo maolo [T. apo staunch flow of blood. maurol n. bow string (actually a sliver 0 rattan cane or ). apu2 + mai, mai apu [T. mai kupa] n. apo ela haha [T. apo mauro ferai] to fist. string a bow. apu3 n. apo ela helauka [T. apo mauro a kind of snake. fareovai] to unstring. unbend a bow. apukilava + ovohae, ovohae apukilava apo ve harita hae, apo ve have n. [T. ofae koputai] v.i. to close the eyes. cartridge. shot. (Mt. 13:15) 8 apumaharea n. iroro opore a bird. a kind of hawk. ivaiva pelaea apupurita n. uapapa ve saro] spider's lavuka lavuka rare web. cobweb.[T. malaha velavela apuri ovai] v.t. to absorb. has a similar range of compounds. e.g. ara1 [T.ara, araro] pers. pron . [T.apeva lalasi I: araro obj. arave gen.. 1st pers. fi marase sg ..[T . me: arave] my. mine. loreape veveu ara[T.2 siaviri] n. itoro soson sore. ulcer. o poporu haro kaiakaia ara3 [T. i. d. ora fofaiJ otoare] arabut hara i auaiT v.i.voice. & t. call.lo shout:r a] [T . araea v.t. & i. sg. alaeai (sg. & pl.)] to shout.con call vb. out. ara bel hai:(T.ow. rem. yell. p. roar ara out: hape. to in(G.voke: 3:8. 2:18. 15:22) to enter. gore inm. (house. p.[T. araea pI. etc. ara).hava . Mt. rem.penetrate. p. arahava pe. 6:6. G. 4:8) ara eapapo i rovaea] (Mt. loud shout. 3 yell. roar. [T. arahai ara + hail con vb. hara: ara hai eapapo ara3• (fr. 25:6) see roar out loudly. shout. (Mt. ara hai itava arahu n. call out loudly. invoke. haiposa] chest (of body). mare leiki ara n. arahu hahava haipasavai] v.t. war cry. [T. clasp 4 to the body. �ug.[T. ara kora] n. arahu koava haiposa toai] v. reflex. fenced (with. upright marastakes)[::>ra ]. enclosure.[T. shelter: Namau to beat the [Tbre. ast. fence'. arahu ve uki haifae uti] n. ila ve ara ita ve kora] pig breastbone. [T. enclosure.[T. pigsty . arahuka v.i. & reflex. pI. ara5 v.t. & i. to hide. be hidden orai] to boil. bubble. convb. arahukai: rem.(only p.of arahukape:persons): sg. arau. ara6 aux.[T. v . lai. . its use being parallel to arafukai. oharo ara sg. &with pl.] same(G. 3: restriction8) of Used usu. with sounds. e.g. me[T.anin g: speak. say words. haro Used also with redupl. words. e.g. arai [ua] n. koukou ara kariki kariki adv. diarerostance. arai sh eaviort distanc e: ara 'wag the head': [T.distantly: 15:20) 'him at aua'keepi. on making'. ara. distance saw'. (Lk. use similar to with sounds arai ve ora voa] postpositional [T.and redupl. words.] phr. mari mbri] [ a distance. beyond. With ara auai]('lik e this') arai pavi preceding. [T. introduces direct (G. 4:14.'s toodG. 37 at:1 8.a distancP.K. 10:2)e'. speech.] [T. A Ie ara 26:25). 'you that say' (Mt. arakaita arakaisa] n. ara con vb. a, ai: single log canoe forms tenses as follows: (of Delt[T.a). rem. p. ape: fut. arilai: rec. p. la arila: arakaita hohoa arakaisa foal pres. cont. sg. ave: pI. aro: imper. eila. a aila: pres. fut. neg. e va ka: prohib. or traditional desi[ associated with the kavalue: hab. alula arura. Harava clan:ara takenkaita from a pattern or seen on the canoes. The foara:llowing are some of the compounds arakakara ukokai] v.t. with for meanings. see separate to fold. aramito [T.karakara] n. headings:ape kuara kuara mare noise (of voices). eara maula clamour.[T . arara n. hahari miho-mahe ara-ara] space between haro koukou oharo uprights[T. (as of a fence): also hevehebasketwor k hi oharo paparu at the 241)back of the traditional mask. hivove oharo vere gD .O. Used also as adv. inara both + ara. hoahuka okoare . and T . . apart. separate: fro 9 arara + iki. iki arara haikaeai, ari2 ali) n, loa rnai haiarara] v.t. [T. cf. (var. only with (leg) or to recollect, call to mind. (hand, arm). loa ari n. araruka ova va] adj. rna [T. arihau] knee. [T. used only with loa ari ava sukakoka avail v,i. water. [T. to rnaararuk a alalauka ma kneel down. var. [T. loa ari ekaopa v.i. ova va] clear water. bend the knee. (G. 41:43) arau v.i. & reflex. sg. arafukai (sg. loa ari haiava sivuri kiri avail v.i. & pi ] con vb.[T. arai : rec. p. laraila fT. Ia araila.) to : hide:pl. arahuka. sit down on th e heels, squat. ( ) (G. 3:10) rnai ari n. [T. mai kiri] elbow. arava ara1 + va va subj. mkr.). = ( ari-ila num. adJ. eight (the elbow being arava n. [T. arovaJ a large fish, barramundi used as a tally in former times): now (Lates calcanfer). superseded by the ENG. number in both are1 are] pers. pron. O. and T .. [T. 3rd pers. sg.: he, arila n. [T. aruita] a kind of snake. she, it. area areo]. Emphatic form: [T. (In. 4:26) ario silva] n. arero obJ·. [T. silver (in Bib! . trans.). [T. arero] him, her, it. areve gen. arita arisa] n. [T. areve] his, her(s), its. [T. spoon (made from are2 areJ adj. coconut shell) . fT. new, fresh, novhakoel. young:l: (of fruihoat) Immatur are e, unripare [T.eapo] . (of time) recent [T. AOPs are:adv., shortleleke.y, pres ently, b� and by. HH (Mt. 8:29) areal pers. pron .. fT . areo] 3rd pers. sg. emphatic form, he, she, it. (In. 4:26) area2 n. [T. area] laugh. area arnuraea v.t. [T. area sa vuteai] to jeer at, jeer. area ape n. [T. area soso] smile. area kea area auai] v.i. are[T.a ara to laugh: also without change of meaning. (G. 38:23) arita area koava area sa vuteai] v.t. arivu pI. n. [T. to [T. arivu, arivusu] man's laugh at. (Mt. 9:24) pl. arivuhula. area rnai area mail n. sister's child, nephew, niece: [T. levity. arol aro] pron. obJ. al. area hiki hara elore makuri hasiavai] [T. 3rd pers. See v. reflex. [T. ar02 auro aro] n. to commit suicide. (var. ) fT. charcoal: also areau + aitara. aitara areau the colour black, bl ue or green [T. (colour) [T. maea uti maea-uru]. sisapai1 v.i. aro koa aro toai] v.t. J to become exhausted, fa int. [T. to paint with (Mk. 8 ) charcoal. arekaea are + kaea 3 T. are eaea] fr. let be! aro aro] n. f oharo arekaea IT. (FFriregatagate aguibird,la) black. with let it a one! 'not a word!', white breast 'silence!'. [Similar usage in T.] (G. 6:3, aro· utohoa, soa] adv. araMt. va5:21) arek aea 'I (P.K. [T. soon. let it be.' 5:4) aro5 lT. haekao] pres. cont. pl. ara6, areve arel . of See which see. aril dual pron . aroa aroa] n. [T. auka] . used for 2nd and [T. string bag (for men): 3rd pers. only. It enters into the eari quiver for arrows: (for knife) sheath: (of ereacompositionri. Ari ekaiof the full forms, i.e. and marsupial) pouch: (nowadays also) satchel, 'you-two come', 'you both envelope. [Similar range of meaning in T.] come'. [In T. auka used in the same way.] (Mk. 1 : f7) 10

hahi aroa n. au [T. sariva aroa] journey With certain verbs the is used so bag. frequently that theau in haiavatense me aning is au aroape + rare, rare aroape rare ara largely lost; e.g. 'sit down', (fr. ) pava (R. rare ita moil 'stay', 'remain' 3:18). [Similarlyau [T. specify by name. in T. au avai means merely 'sit aown', {Mt. 11:3) pavai 'stay'.] aroate oroasil n. au3 n. koni au [T. box; also pouch, ditty [T. kavovo] [T. koni bag. (Mt. 13:51) kavovo hea au sea kavovo sheath of corncob;hea Saccharum [T. arohae n. orohae. l sheath of See robustum Brandes &: eswiet) ; meae au arote voa] n. meae kavovo] J [T. fasaita tola avea-ipi [T. sheath that appears at the base of a new bunch of bananas. yoke (only in Bibl. trans.). lG. 27:40) 4 aru oru au kavai] v.i. [T. oru, forova oti] var. for garden. itau[T. to gocon (eastw vb. ai;ard imper.s); (cf. sg. (In. 19:41. 20:15) aula,go pl. westw auilaards); pl.; ekeila, imper. cf. aru hihi aru] n. emphat. aukive! aula! [T. middle,aru ve midst, centre; prohib. sg. kaulue, pl. a fa rewelhaeal,, 'Go!'; postposition, amid; in the middle, kauvahaealue withneg. p. au midst, between, among, intermediate auila 'do not go'; [T. aru voa, but cf. arusisi middle 'did not go'. [There are no separate sections of men's house]. forms for T. pl.] (Mt. 9:27, Mk. 8:26, aru hi hi ve Mt. 10:5, 21:30) amid, in the midst (of place aula kela au + la e ke + la aula (fr. ( ) ) aruor ve time). ita kela veape [T. '0 te '0 iti melape] middle place, interval. 'go aru ita aru oti] there come there', i.e. go to and fro. [T. space between. (G. 1 :20) arura haha arura + haha) alitara] n. airekai au ( [T. 4 go backwards, go behind, haha • recede, retreat. altar (only in Bibl. trans.); see aire ekekai au aitetai] v.t. arura alula [T. to follow, (var. ) [T. � vovea, or aritore] hab. pI. ara; ara . harafollow au after. see [T. ariveai] to swim. asini asini] n. helari au kerori kavai] [T. Lk. (i n BibLtrans.) ass, [T. to turn and donkey. ( 19:3b) go. horeai au forea kavai] atiha sia, sia auai] n. atiha [T. to ride (horse, ara [T.v.i. sneeze; etc.) . to sneeze. kari au v.t. [T. ovi kavai] to take. au! kao] neg. mkr. lai au v.t. [T. used with the rec. [T. lei kavai] to cause to go, and rem. p. and with the freq. rem. p .. with lead. mai paea au mai sa ovi kavai] v.t. both finite and auke].relative forms [T. with [T. relative forms: to carry in the hand. au iapaila oropa au isoraij v.t. &: i. au ekela 'did not hear'. [T. to precede, 'did not come'. go before. - kue It is used with for sg. neg. rec. p .. aua kaiva aua + kaiva, au apakue ara ore au an obsolete name leikuee.g. 'I 'is not dead'; (Ia) , did not know.' (Mt. 9:24, for cocoaua nutkaiva found in trad. poetry. G. 28:16) [T. (a poetic term).] au2 T. adv. aualari ualare] n. ( au] having an intensive effect. IT. originally a mythical It Implies that the action of the verb takes ancestor or ancestress of a clan; also used place despite hindrance, or without prior as name for any of the linkauedalar totei ms of the planning; the meaning oftenare expressedva oharo byau clan. The doings of the form the maeape'simply', 'happened to'. subject matter of the mythology. harisuIn the 'he words spoke out, exclaimed'. first trans.dir ofava the, Bible the term (P.K. 8:2) (cf. MT originally 'ghosfaual) wasari au korukaiavahaeaoe eharu used for 'God'. In later trans. has a been used, and there is no doubt that it is collection, pile, an accumulation. the more appropriate term. Nowadays horova oharo oaria au hiki iapakive Aualari = 1:1. normally 'God' (G. etc.). 'work word all simply only to listen'. IT.Aualari word ik identicalivere mai in all its meanings.] (Tit. 3:1) godliness (in Bibl. trans.). 11

Aualari ikivere mai aukara [T. n. godliness (in Bibl. a-misa] scorpion. trans.). (Apo. 9:10) aualau [ papa] n. aukau [ tae] n, sg. T. ancestor+ haela(s), great, aualau­ T. pI. aukmotheahular's [brotT. pl.her, haelagrandparent; sometimes maternal uncle; without change of meaning. taeita]. aue1 [[ auke; aue] neg, mkr, au kava [T. n. T. d. Sepoe mai sofa] wrist. not; used with relative and conditional aukava-ila [IT. mai-tai-fere farakekal construchae veveketion s.horeraki aue la kora num, adj. o aukava 'fruit six; fr [ENG. because Wrist was used as a tally. number now �ood bearing not that tree'. { Mt. 3:10) aukava-ilaused in T,] (R.hoa 3:15) aka ikiheroe mai leiki aue la sixth. leikilava ... aula imper. au', 'but love way (if) do [T. teraia!] fr o begone! not .. .'. (1 Cor. 13:2) go! It is also used with adj. and n. to imply aula kelari au' + la + + hith+er and thither (fr. absence of a quality or thing;& 'without'. eke la ri). [T. Similarly used with adj. n.] kiva haela aue mamoe hovea aula kela yea 10 tera 10 iti mea] v.i. 'like [T. sheep lacking a shepherd'. (Mt. 9:36) move to and fro. aue2 [T. n. auli auri) [T. uril n. uke] tail; also with appropriate (var. tongue. (Rom. 3:13, Jam. 3 : 6) nhii .. anyaue tail-lik[ siie ukelappendage. n. T. hii the tail-like strip of auli [ uri] n. the waistband t�at hung down behind. T. clitoris. aupava au + pava; pavao This traditional mode of male dress is now fr o see no longer seen. aupovea [T. ore loi] v.i. auhale n. to be able, [T. huale] lower jaw, the chin. auhale koro [T. huale sari, huale mehe] possible. (Mk. 10:27) n. auraa [aur:)a] arua] n. hairs on chin, beard. [T. large string bag, auhohi metakao] adv. used by women. [T. diligently, aurakela ara IT. mikumiku auai] v.i. devotedly, carefully. to auhohi lai maeafukapai] v.t. quicken (of baby in womb). (Lk. 1:41. 44) [T. to aura kelape, aurakela Ie ara v.t. welcome, show hospitality to, entertain. (of evil spirit) to seize hold, possess (a au(Lk.hohi 10:38)iapa aura kerari. [T. haisukafori mapai] person); var. listen carefully to. auri auril n. auhohi huhela IT. taileai] [T. iron; also anyaori kind of to clear, metal; (fr. lahitian); var. (Mk. 5:3). sweep. (Mt. �:12) kiva auhohi lai kiva kofa loi] aurAlso:i apu a lau ndry iron. [T. to be [T. auri siri] rust. auri ea n. vigilant. a crowbar. auhohi morapaea [T. maeafukapai] auri horou n. [T. auri horou] Iron or receive (a person). (Mt. 18:5) metal chain. (Lk. 8:29) auhohi vela velalai lalasi Berea loi] auri ua v.t. [T. [T. auri sukai] to iron enquire closely of, cross-question. clothes. (Mt. 2:7, 8) auro ar02 auka maea, maea auka; a var. for charcoal. with a var. for maea oaoka, auro [ n. which see. T. gold] gold. auka [ flauaflaua oti ENG.)] n. autaitau vea [ sisiovai] v.i. T. (fr. a aukaitauT. to overflow; flower garden. d. overflow. aukaitau [T. sisiovai] v,i, auvia n. to overflow. [T. savoro] mast. aukapa [T. mutapai, toapi mutapai] a va lae [ a meha!] v.t. sg. convb. (sgT..); pl. eva lae!a gree ting 'there]. you throw away, discard; are!' [T. e meha! aukapai; pl. aikilapa. a v'aeaki! [ sg.; e (Mt. 5:13) T. a pavai-o!] 12

v'apeaki! e pavai-o!, pavai avaka2 vitai] v.t. puavaia-o.�[T pI.. [T. to hang (a thing). 'stay!, fa rewell to hang up. people staying. avakea iti] v.i. d. ava1 ovai] v.t. sg. iki: [ come (from east); [T. to get. obtain. gain. var. procure. acquire. take. toov have.ola; posHHses evo;s. avakiaue lai, avakiaue + lai avaki + keep.avoi; retain , receive;kaiva ; KRpI. aea3. convb. avi aue) (fr. UR ovi. pl.syn maravai. ; taukovai. pi. 'not to have'. i.e. not to require taukor[T. avail. rem. p. avape. penalty. (Mt. 28:14) (Mt. 15:33. avako kirori. avato ) n. G. 6:4, Mt. �6: 25. 6:2. 10:13) [T. avakocf. ipi (lobe of ear ) A havahu Ie avi (Mk. 23. 'you alone there have'. outer ear: inner ear. 4: pres. cant. sg. avave. pl. avaro; Rom. 1:29. 2 Cor. 12:20) avako hao!?a avako hopa) keta kai ava ata ovai] v.t. v.i.(va &r. t. [T. [T. to get again. uri auail to whisper. regain. avako ipi huhuru adj. meru ava meru ovai] deaf; also. [T. to receive a obstinate. unheeding. present. avako-ila num. adj. avako rare ava rare aravai] v.t. & i. twelve (fr. [T. pl. torare be named. gain a name; because the ear was formerly used as (Mt. 5:9) tally). ENG. numbers now used in O. and avi helari ovi kerori] v.t. T. [T. to turn avako-ukai-ila num. adj. round. twist. stir. sixteen. ita avaki haela avakore lai omoi] v.t. ('placen. having person ') [T. to inform. tell. [T. ipaisa karu] proxy. avikela ovikoti, oviti] v.t. (R. 4:4) [T. to bring avara1 n. ava ekela [T. avora] the N.W. monsoon huveravak(fr. i mai avavila'get and come'). 'grabbing way which blows from October to March: avavila hab. sg. hence. the North-West. (Mt. 8:24) gain'; (Mt. 11:12) avara hoa avora soa] n. ava2 avai] v.i. haiava [T. the N.W. [T.convb. avai Toftenavi] . to sit down. season. sit; [ . (Mk. 2:14) avara2 v.t. sg. miarai (sg. & pl.)] ava3 + miku vitu haro] [T. to (wall post) [T. give, grant. provide. bestow. present. miku ava n. HH iora; aviori: pI. aiara top plate. beam. supply.pI. UR aiorai]. ava' + lou, ava lou n. [T. (semi-obsolete) avikiara(When sgthe. [T. ova lou] uva ve lou, vila ve orgiving aikiara is to pI. 1s t pers. the form . lou.mother -in-law; syn. is used . [No special form for convb.1st per s.avara in T.]); rem. p. avarape; neg. p. avaha avasal n. au avaraila. [T. lumbar region. lower (G. 38:14) part of back; a (so. the back part of the eapai avara savuai] v.t. hevehe [T.eapai laea. to feed. mask. (D.O. 241) nourish: syn. avaha haipurava helari avara v.t. to straighten up the to give back. to restore. back (as after sitting for a long while). kakare avara [T. v.t. avaha kakare lai avasa patai] v.i. . hehea miarai] give [T. to paIn. hurt. (G. 3:16) have birth pangs. (G. 38:28) kavale avara tava miarai] v.t. avai n. pI. [T. to [T. opasora] elders. (P.K. 8:1. give a like return; to punish; to reward. kavu avara tovu miarai] v.t. avaiMt. 26:3) haela [T. to (in Bibl. trans.) councillors. shelter. avai ava2• meru avara meru miarai] v.l. convb. of which see. [T. to avaipea lita. ovavagive avaraa gift. present. pI. of which see. [T. ovava muiai] to give avaka1 larivatai, sukavuteai] v.t. sg. light. (G. 1: 17) [T. avara3 vuopai] v.t. to drive away. chase away. turn away. IT. to put into. place in. exprem.el. ba p.nish. avakape. eject. oust. pl. out. get rid (Mk. '7:33) of; avarae = a + va + lae. (G. 3:24. Tit. 3:10) which see. 13 avarapa [T. milafukai] v.t. ( avea2 [T. avea) n. ) ( ) [ conceal a karavethe back of theneck. the thin� . hide something also of things front being [T. kovore]. )) aiarapa: arahuka avea ipi avea-ipi [T. avea-ipi] only : syn. cf. ( below) [T. arafukai]. (P.K. 10:1) apu avarapa (G. nape of the neck. the lower part of the to conceal blood. 37:26) avea. avaraparapa [T. kivaia loi) v.t. avea haiae to betray. stiff neck. avare1 [T. oarehova] adj. & n. avea-ukai-ila num. adj. beginning. ENG. seventeen:O. (G. nowadays number used in and T. avareprior. koare1: 1)hoa 3 first beginning time. avea [T. a mopai) v.t. ( ) a4: avelaekilava toa +light ve +a lampla + : the very beginning. see = avare koa aeaki + lava .. [T. oarehova loi] to make a 'if lights .'. (L k. 11:33) beginning. (Mt. 19:4) avelari [T. elorai] v.i. & t. 2 to surround. to avare [T. meoi] n. meroko: be surrounded. (Mt. 14:24) [T. meoiwild ma] bee. : syn. also. honey (Mk. 1:6) avihorapa + mai, mai avihorapa [T. mai 3 mai avare [T. tola opu katiri) n. sosoropai) to stretch out the hand: ( (G. gum. resin. = ) con vb. avihorapai. k. wax. 37:25) 'hand' : (M 1:41) avaro adj. avika [T. vitai) v.t. [T. orali) loose. slack. to hang up. hoist up. avaro lai [T. orali loi] v.i. avike v.t. to be slack. LT. ovikoti] to bring: fetch: cf. loose. avikl. lei avaro lai [T. lei orali loi] v.l. to avikela kaiva eke: v.t. [T. oviti] syn. to make slack. loosen. rem. p. avike�e: imper. pI. avarura [T. ororukai) v.i. & t. avikebring.ila: fetch: ( ava1 + ekela) . ( ) ( to roll. roll fr . over and over as a rock . Mt. 28:2) aviki [T. oviti) v.t. ( ava1 avau [T. ovi terai) v.t. sg. + iki). ( to bring. fetch: fr. rem. p. takavaupe:e away. get Mt. 14:11) avarid of.1 + clear au4 : awaypI. aiau.: (G. fr . avikiara [T. miarai v.t. sg. � 4:4) ( ) avara2to• inf give.ix br- kiin-) : Avava n. andrem. give p. avik to iarape:me : l fr .ree. p. avilakiaraila a trad. dance that was performed ( avi + a + ki + araila) : pI. aikiara. by women dressed as men with perineal (Gfr . l bands instead of 'grass' skirts. (0.0. 386) 38:16) avavu !T. n. avilaea [T. v.t. avavu] anchorage. harbour. toai] strike against. bay. Inlet: also. inner side of bend in river. (Mt. 1:25) ave1 n. sg. [T. ave. sg. & pl.] pI. avilakekilava = avi + la + ekeki + lava: aVlta.. dog: avike. (MI<. 7:28) see (Mt. 5:23) ave mere, ave akore [T. ave mere] n. avila + oharo, oharo a'vila puppy. whelp. vila y a . 'while he was ave papaila [T. uke toatoai] speaking' ( fro e ) (Lk. 22:47) ( ) of dog. to avipeka [T. ovi patai] v.t. sg. wag tail . ( ) pt aipeka. to take up: ave2 [T. ave] pers. pron . . of cargo to land: a1 + ve gen. mkr. 2nd pers. sg. avirape n. your. thy. yours. thine. [T. aivo) a kind of shrimp. ave3 [T. ave) caution mkr. avita ave1 lest. placed in see fihaelanal position arero hari after ave the verb in infin. form. avivoa ihova. 'Iest a man kill see (G. avoa [T. hohoreai) v.t. & i. a oaikihim'. ave 4:15) to dissolve. 'Iest you fall'. melt. 4 6 ave [T. aipea] pres. eont. sg. ara (a + avuhukavaea + mai, mai avuhukavaea vel· [T. mai sa miarai] v.l. (G. to hand to. hand avea1 [T. a sare] n. over. 4:11) a + mea the day after tomorrow: avuku n. adj. fr . time. [T. ivutu] sleep. slumber. 14

b. mere n. ivuku;sleeping. asleep;avuku. (of fowls) roost; OP calf HH boromakao avuku eapa ivutu eaea] v.i. sg. [T. used with similar [T. lie compounds]. sleeping. avuku eapea pI. buka buka] n. [T. ivutu sisea] lie [T. book (fr. ENG.). sleeping. burava mulava) putovai, fail v.t. avuku haeape eapa v.i. (var. [T. to oversleep. avuku haha n. bite. ch ew. nip; of snakes and insects. bite. [T. ivutu posa] bed. sting. (G. 3:15. 49:17) avuku hovea haela n. ape burava v.t. sluggard. to peck. peck at. avuku huru ivutu suru] n. buroburo n. T. deep. [T. hakelove] a plant with profound seep. (P.K . 4 : 2) (Coleus blumei). avuku uava I ivutu iavai] v.i. sg. ornamental leaves [T. pl. avuku urupa lie (0.0. 249) downivutu to sleep; irorop ai]. buru + mai mai buru maea [T. (P.K. 9:5. 6:1) (hav.t.nd) [T. avuku ve urou ivutu voa itoi] v.i. sg. rururi ovai] to pinch. [ avuku ve urahuka rise from sleep; [T. ivutu voa itoteai]. D avura haul n. [T. joint (of wood). dedehi lelehi) lelesi] adj. vila uamar(var.i. [T. with B or single. in a single condition. unmarried. or spouse has died. or one separated from spouse. (Acts 9:39) ba atiso n. bapatiso lai uamari dedehi n. sg. ua lelesi. (sg.)] r- bapatisoba ptiloi]sm; v.t. & i. [T. T. (Mt. 3:13) woman withoutua marihusba maitava.nd. widow. basileia basileia] n. spinster; cf. [T. kingdom; (fr. the uavila dedehi n. pI. ua lelesi-Ielesi. Greek !3aut).,dol (Mt. 13:24) pl.] [T. Kaia ve basileia T. Kauri ve widows. spinsters. vila dedehi vita lelesi] n. /eia] King om of Heaven. [T. man J without wife. widower. 'grass' widower. berasi n. [T. berasi] brass. copper; (fr. bachelor. ENG.). dihau lepo, lesa n. [T. lesa] syn. razor. bereri n. a small black bat. (0.0. 251) diho ukai n. diho . [T. diho] south (fr. MT ) biae1 kauri lavai] n. [T. rainbow. dokita dokita] n. (G. 9:13ff) [T. doctor. physician. biae2 n. medical orderly {fr o ENG.). IT. lavai] a kind of snake. Tiger Snake. E biaipa n. a kind of bat. e1 pers. pron. biko misu] n. [T. e, eo] 2nd pers. pl.. you. [T. a kind of snake. very era obj. [T. ero] you. venomous. eve eve] gen. bibiora n. [T. your. yours. a kind of snake. e2 a] adv. bivula bivira) n. [T. yes. (var. a kind of snake. e3 e] n. boromakau boromakao] n. [T. faeces. excrement. dung. [T. cattle. ox manure; guts. entrails. epa v.i. (G. 41:18). An introduced term. common [T. epai] to defecate. pass throughout the Pacific; said to be fr . 'bull­ faeces. and-a-cow·. The various words used with epa v.t. b. [T. epai] give birth to. to bear (a b. akfolloreow the pattern for pigs: akore akore young bull epa.child). ofmariten with (son).mere as b. hi n. or (daughter). or low (of cow) atute epai mori b. iilu n. epai(ba by) ; [T. mere epai(son) or leather (daughter). (baby); syn. b. Iou n. mi auai]. cow b. mea n. e aheke e kere] n. bull [T. constipation. 15

e ape n. ealila pers. pron. [T. kiriape uta] anus. auka] e heava v.i. [T. earila. 2nd pers. dual. squat and pass faeces. you-two: see (G. 1:28) (Mt. 15:17) eapa pavai] v.i. e-ipi kiriape] n. IT. to be in upright [T. backside. posterior. position. to be standing. (P.K. 3:1) buttock( s). 1 e mare e mare] n. eapai ( larietau] n. ea + �ai [T. loose faeces. T. (fr. 'baked' e ) looseness. diarrhoea. 'sago ): food. eatables. provisions: (d. . e muo n. eapai eharu (eharu [T. e mu] smell of faeces. 'things') provisions. e oaea ere horou ereseai] eatables. victuals. [T. V.t. to hamuha haela lealea karu] n. disembowel. gut. e[T. lahua haela. e poe uke] n. glutton: syn. (Tit. 1:12) [T. tail (of bird). eapai kepea larietau hOhoiJ n. e roara fT. eapal hohoe.spare to work in manure. food . food eft over: syn. e4 ee) n. eapai oaria ikivere (var. [T. e) a saw: ENG. ·saw·. voracious. omnivorous. e oru eapai oru larietau] n. nowe 3the• more usual term. Name derived [T. garden fr . the action of sawing having a produce. crop. fanciful resemblance to the passing of eapai aepa larietau pisosi] v.t. faeces. [T. to e eapapo n. cook food. large saw. pit saw. eapai avara savuai, larietau miarai] e5 e meha, e mehau eapai [T.laea v.t. 'yoke' (only in Bibl. syn. to feed, nourish, trans.) . fT. la saita tola, avea-ipi vaa]. tend with food. (Mt. 11:19) eapai2 v.t. [T. ora-ita eavai] to see at a e6 n. eapai food: the lengthened form ise the distance. usual term. In compound expressions is eapapo rovaea] adj. sg. seen: [T. e seen in compounds: usual term [ ehoaha. hoahabig. large, larietau]. �reat:metameta] . var. e lahua haela lealea karu] n. [T. [T. eapapo lai rovaea loi] v.i. glutton. greedy person. (Tit. 1:12) [T. to be big. e karave larietau tapare] large. [T. tasty food. lei eapapo lai lei rovaea loi] (Mt. 24:49) [T. to make 7 big. enlarge. Increase. multiply. magnify. e e) vocative mkr haela eapapo karu rovaea, karu oa[T. e . .. follows name: e.g. metameta] fT. pI. father!'. haela hoaha.big . important man: e8 n. mahea [T. e-oi] dance: (d. women's eapapo mahea hara) : e irihi v.i. is used followingkora ahothereke adj. eapapo to stationary dance. intensify them. e.g. to dance. in thee ir sensihi vilae of a massed 'very hard timber': [T. rovaea is performance: dancer. similarly used: tala kere rovaea]. To e9 ari kao] ara6: Jut. neg. e va ka: eapapo, iele rovaea kola] [T. ara6. fr. intensify [T. see (Mt. 12:19) very big. enormous. havavast:hu: a fu rtherea ap o ea n. ieleintensi havahufication is rovaeaby eiteapor f:r. marehaukaita soil sword (only in [T. very �Ibl. trans.). (Mt. 26:5�) big indeed. tremendous. eaea v.i. sg. eapea1 eopea] n. [T. eaea] to lie. to remain. to [T. centipede. be (in a lying position): usu. of inanimate eapea2 v.i. pl. pi. eapea. iapea siseal. [T. siseaJ to lie. be in a arobejec v'ts:eaea are vaeaea]r. [T. sg. eaea: iapea. [T. let it stay. let be recumbent position: var. d. arekaea) : pl. ere v'apea. [T. eaea]. (Lk. 22:45)aea: .( (d. also ) eara auvia] n. elaviilave kake avuku eaeave eara[T. huav avahia sail. 'our [T. auvia sukai] to set friend is-lying asleep'. (In. l1:11) sail. eaho n. [T. easo] a many-pronged fish eara ara a ola moi] v.i. [T. eto2 +agree. la1 + spear. accede. admit. comfort: (fr. eakea n. ara) . force fT. irori mai]: (of sound) a (2 Cor. 1:19) earila pers. pron. loud full souna. (In. 6:15) [T. euka] 2nd pers. dual, 16

e + ar + ila); ealila, ehe! [T. ehe!] you-two;eari . (fr. eali; [T. auka]var. . exclam. of uncertainty, also or var. indeed! earilara IT. eukaro] obj. (G. you (two). eheau [T. hiairi] n. 1:19) adv. the space underneath earilave [T. gen. (a thing); below, underneath. eukave] your (two), yours. ehele here) [T. /ere] n. (var. (A recara eca,catechu betel eau [T. n, diho. nut. the palm and nut; diho] south; syn. L.). eau lahara n. ehele haro [T. n. south wind. (Lk. 12:55) /ere haro] betel nut eava + ovohae [T. o/ae husk. eavai]some v.Ltimes & i. (eye) eho + ma uhaa. ma eho uhaa [T. ma ovohae eava rovaea] and to see, perceive,convb. eavi gaze ; high tide, high water. also. to find, meet; ehoaha [T. adj. pl. sg. T. eovi]; rem. p. eavape metameta] big; T. eavo�e): rec. p. la eavila eapapo, T. eavaata]. which see. (Mt. 9:35) (P.K. 1:1) ehoe IT. haura] adj. sg. ivahi eava [T. straight. erect, auka paeai, syn. iva hi itotai]I upright, correct, accurate, exactmai , right; also perceive in a dream, to see in a in moral sense, often with way, or dream. (P.K. 4:3) haela pI. ehohoe. eavaki au (G. [T. person; (Acts 2:5) to go to see, visit. 37:19) similar range of meanings.] edeavedea [T. elavelave adv. ehoe lai [T. haura loi] v.i. lavelave] syn. to be straight, erect. upright, exact, right. quickly, with haste. lei ehoe lai [T. lei haura loil v.t. ee. n. e4 to See make erect, straight, straig�t(G.en, reform, eharau [T. ere, ere horou] n. justify, vindicate, rectify. 6:9) belly, ehoe ka [T. haura kasirau] abdomen, stomach, bowels, paunch; cf. incorrect, ere. inaccurate. (Mt. 12;40) mai ehoe [T. mai haura] n. eharau huhara [T. ere popai v.i. just, correct l be way. (Mt. 5:6) eresati sfiedmom withoha , tood.eharau have mohoava bel yful;. syn. mai ehoe haela [T. mai haura karu] n. (Mt. 15:27) upright person. eharau huikapa [T. eteai] au ehoe �eava [T. haurakao pavai, haura intensive, eharau au huikoftena a with peaJ v.i. p to bear be standing in an upright position. eharaudown kakar(in labeour at eharauchildbir th)ekakar. e) (var. ehoo [T. fe/eo] n. [T. ere horou hehea] n. leech. belly-ache, eh ea IT n. �� ; �pi] reason. cause, origin; cf. eharaucolic. ve kepea aukapa Ipl; U� Ipl. epa1 [T. maeaeuphem. ve pasou for ehovea haela vila) [T. ipi vita] n. mutapasspai] .faec es: (or eharau mohoava ehoveafo und er. to be sated, satisfied ehoveawith meahaiapo infin. 'in order lei ovava to'; e.g. leikive with food. (Mt. 14:20) ehare [T. i/alea] n. (G.'in order to make the world light.' general term: 1:15) ehovea la [T. mosquito. ipi reha, lea veil on that eharo1 [T. n, pipi) moth. account. because of that. therefore. (Mt. 13:18) eharo2 [T. eharo) n. ehovea leita-ve? [T. ipi leive?] e8 a type ofharo mask used for(D.O. dancing; (fr. 'dance', 'head'). 'because of whose?'. (Mt. 12: 27) 265-6) ehovea leve? IT. ipi levea?l (G. forR. what eharu [T. etau] n. reason? wherefore? 4:b, 2:10, thing, goods; oftenpl. Mk. 7:5) unmarkeharuharued for numb [ , but there is a 6 form: etauetau] things. eila aila) ara . eharu aue haela [T. karu merava] (var. fr . which see. (Mt. 12:7) destitute person. ekae n. eharu koa [T. etauroro /ae] v.t. a kind of snake. discharge goods (from boat, or canoe). 17 ekaka ekakaJ n. apu ilopea [T. fi sh:(G. the �eneral name for fish of all kinds. 1:28) arila kapita ekaka hae ekaka lae] n. biae kairuhi ekaka kakaroa[T. roe of fish. [T. ekaka hohoro] biko keroromaeaku smoke-dry fish. biliora lauremailou ekaka ve hoa n. [T. ekaka lati] fish bivila leiao fins. ekae marolo ekaka ve kavuru n. [T. ekaka liehella] hapuruohahe mapukoro gills. hepare obo ekaka oaria n. [T. ekaka sitallu] shoal hekure paikeiru of fish. huhu ukaipa The various instruments used in fishing are: ekaupa ekaopa. eaho easo] a var. for which see. [T. many-pronged fish spear. eke1 ete] n. ekaka ela larolla ela] [T. vagina. [T. fish line. eke koro n. iviri [T. ete sari] female pubic [T. ikorea] round net. karavari kelallari, kOllaro] hair. [T. fish eke2 koti] v.i. iki float. [T. come from west: cf. keve telletelle] iti] [T. a long-handled scoop tm(T.per. sg.(come ekela. from pl. eas ekeilat). auila (cf. ) net. imper. 8g. & pl. kotia, kotiria]: kimai larolla eite, la rolla tao] ree.[T. p. leikila la + ekila : rem. p. [T. (fr. ) fishhook (fr . MT). ekepe: lut. re�at. ekeki (hare) . loko loko] [T. a large net. (Mt. 11:28. 25:13. Lk. 15:27) orea ikorea] ekeki haela n. [T. hoop net (used by guest. visitor. kari eke v.t. women). [T. olli koti] to bri ng. lai eke v.t. The following words are used for the [T. lariollai] cause to come. different modes of fishing: bring. ekaka haleava ekaka sukai] maeamaea eke v.i. & t. [T. to [T. haekao kohl spear fish. maia eke. ekaka hoherava ekaka aruollai. come near. approach: var. e. lareollai][T. (Mt. 21:32) ekakasyn. haropa to hook fish. ela! ela, elao] pers. pron . fT. ekaka tapora loi] to [T. . 1st pers. pI. seek fish. to tish (general term). excl. (G.(i.e. excluding person(s) addressed). ekaka haropa haela ekaka tapora we. 1:26) [T. elaro obj. karu] [T. elaro] us. fisherman. elave elalle] gen. ekakoa + rna,rna ekakoa sitoi. ela havahu[T. our. ours. rnaharu [T.n. cf. [T. ela haria] we ourselves. sarusaru] syn. lake. ela2 n. ekaopa ekaupa v.i. [T. ela] string. cord. twine. fishline: (var. ) [T. hiopai] thread. cotton: ofmariviten with ela def ining n. in stoopeonvb. do ekawn.opi. bow down. lean (on stick): apposition: e.g. [T. marillieta] (In. 8:8) marivi. areve oropa ve ekaopa lashing materialmerove from the ela a slender 'bow down Calamus vine: [T. morolle before him.' ela] n. ekaopa ovohae v.t. & i. coarser material from the Rattan T. kaiaruri] to cane. (P.K. 2:2) f apo ela maolo n. look down. to ook down upon. [T. apo mauro] syn. ekapa hiairi horu] n. bowstring. [T. joist. apo ela haha [T. apo mauro le rai] to ekaraia + a, a ekaraia a itoreai, a eai] string a bow. v.t. [T. apo ela helauka apo mauro to singe. fry. grill. roast. !areollai] [T. ekaroa ikaroa] n. unstring a bow. [T. snake. serpent: the ela haha eta !a sai] general name for snakes and snake-like [T. to tie knot. string. cord: to fasten string. creatures. e.g. legless lizards. [In T. the lalaeapaki ela n. general term has the same range of a swing. ela loroa meanings.] The names given to various [T. eta roroai] to roll. twist kinds of snakes are: (fibre on thigh when making string). 18 elaa [T. elo, eloela] n. earthenware cooking elau rnai[T. havou mail n. levity. pot. elau naoae n. & adj. frivolity. frivolous. elaa eapapo [T. eloela rovaea] n. a large elau oharo [T. opasea laua] n. a jest. cooking pot. joke. elaa hakaea [T. eloela fe re] n. potsherd. elauha [T. totopo] adj. selfish. elaa karikiki uva [T. elbela pisosita ua] n. potter (pottery is women's work in elavaiila see elalila. Papua New Guinea). elavelave [T. lavelave] adv. quickly, elaela v.i. to itch. hastily; adj. quick. fast. ra�id. swift. hasty. [T. sesea auai] sudden. (G. 18:6, Lk. 16:6) elahu v.i. & t . sg. [T. ufai (sg. & pl.)] to cross over (a stretch of water). Var. of elaviila [T. ereita] pers. pron . . 1st pers. pI. elau; eonvb. elai; pl. elahuka. (Mt. 8:18. incl .. we; OP eleiloula; UH ere'ioru. 9:1) (G. 1:26) elaviilara [T. ereitaro] obj. us. elalila [T. elaka] pers. pron . . 1st pers. dual elaviilave [T. ereitave] gen. our. ours. excl .. we-two. (In. 14:23) (R. 1:8) elalilara [T. elakaro] obJ. us-two. elalilave [T. elakave] gen. our-two. ours. elele n. root; (often + rnaea)si new, tendon, artery; also nowadays, (of carpentry) elavaiila with subj. mkr. va. we-two. hinge, joint. (Mk. 4:6) [T. likilea] (root), elare [T. elore, elore elorel adj. own; pi. elele, hau (joint). elarelare mutual. (G. 1:il) elele h.ailava [T. elele hasiavai] . v . t . to areve elare eharu [T. areve elore etau] sprain. 'his own thing'. (Phil. 2:2) elel� kakare IT. elele. hehea] n. pain in elare iki [T. elore haiiri] one's own Sinew, tendon; sprain. mind. rnaelele [T. malaroa] n. current (of elare ita fT. elore oti] n. home; syn. river). elare u'kaki. rnaeaelele [T. sarova ve elele] sinew, elare rnaeaon eself. one's body. tendon, artery. (G. 1:12) eleleapa [T. ase voa pavai] v.i. to fall in elare rnaeahovea T. elore maea line, line up. feare] like onesef. f, like one's own body. elorova IT. roro] n. dirt, filth. rubbish, elare rnaeahar a [T. elore maea trash, 1itter. hasiavai] kill oneself. commit suicide. elorova aukapa [T. roro mutapai] v.i. euphem. for epa, to pass faeces. elari [T. elorai] v.t. to surround. enclose; var. erari. epa [T. epai, syn. mi auai] elari hupaka to surround (with hostile 1. v.i. to defecate. intent), besiege. 2. v.t. to give birth to, to bear (child); syn. era; ree. p. la epaila. (See e3.) (G. 5:18, elau1 [T. ufai] v.t. & i. go across (water). Lk. 2:11) cross over, pass over; var. of elahu. epape rnaeahovea rna'b orn body like loa elau [T. mora ufai] cross water on this', 'birth in this manner'. foot, wade across. (Mt. 1:18) ukai elau [T. itau ufai] to go across to epape hare [T. miope sare] n. the other side. d. ukai kelau [T. itai birthday. (Mk. 6:21) fosi] to come across. 2 epa + hihila, hihila epa [T. kivaia loil v.t. elau [T. havohu. or havou] n. game. play. to betray; pI. hihila epeau; eonvb. hihila fun. pastime, sport; var. erau. epai; rem. p. hihila epape. (Mt. 10:4) elau ara [T. havou loi] v.i. to play. frisk about. gambol. epa + kui, kui epa IT. turi moravai] v.t. to build up. (Mt. �6:61) elau eharu [T. havou etau] n. plaything. toy. epava [T. pavai] v.i. & t. to stop, come to elau lai [T. havou loi] v.t. to amuse. halt; to stand on, tread, alight upon, rest trifle with. on; eonvb. epavi. (P.K. 1:1, Mt. 3:16) 19

loa epava ita [T. mora pavaita oti] ere ereava [T. larietau haute loil v.i. to 'foot resting place'. footstool. fast. starve: var. ere ererea. (rvft. 6:16. (Mt. 5:35) Mk. 2:18) epavava haela 'standing people'. ere momoha [T. ere popai] to be sated. (Mt. 20:3) satisfied with food. epava + apu, apu epava IT. ovo loi] v.i. erearila IT. ereukal pers. pron. 3rd pers. (blood) to flow. (Mk. 5:�5) dual. they-two: (fl.. ere + ari + ila): var. forms: ereali or ereari: with subj. mkr. epe apo heheva haela [T. maea susuru sa va, erevarila, erevari: abbrev. form ari pataita eka karu] palsied. paralytic man. [T. (Mt. 8:6) auka]. erearilara [T. ereukaro] obj. them two. era [T. mi auai] v.t. to bear young. give erearilave [T. ereukave] gen. their (two). birth to: syn. epa: convb. erai: rem. p. theirs. erape. (G. 3:16. 6:4) 2 hae era [T. fare epai] to lay eggs. ereka [T. larietau kao] adj. (fr. ere + ka) spawn. without provisions. unfed . (tv'lt.15 :32) erari See elari. erekai [T. sofa tae. syn. eretae] n. woven belt or band. worn around waist in former erau See elau. times. (Mk. 1:6) erekai akore [T. harokou are] n. youth. erauha See elauha. stripling. boy who is approaching eravo [T. elavo] n. men's house. the former adolescence. ceremonial club house. Some names of eravo: Avavuravi, Harearavi. Kaveloro, erere [T. ita-ve-mora-haro] n. a kind of croton (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Koroovaravi, Oriravi. (D.O. 32-35. etc.) Blume). ererea [T. 0 erere auai] v.i. & t. to refuse. prevent (e.g. people from entering house): var. ereava. (Mt. 6:16) ere ere rea [T. larietau hautel v.i. to fast. refuse food. (Acts 27:�) kao ererea syn. kao heheava [T. tao karekare auai] to gnash teeth: pi. kao erehahaea. 1 ":-- \ erereapa [T. maravai] v.t. pl. to get. gain. (Mt. 19:29) erevali (var. erevari.) See erearila. ero appears in the following compounds: eravo ero ava [T. ere ovai] v.t. & i. to Uaiea Ravi conceive. become pregnant. Orokolo ero eavi ara v.i. to be pregnant and for it to be known eavi fr. eava see). maupa eravo [T. moupa elavo] a ( smaller type of eravo. that housed ero-ila [T. ere ia, ere ita] adj. pregnant. young men and youths. (Mt. 1:18) hehe eravo the large eravo. the centre eroila lai [T. ere ovai] v.i. & t. to be for the former traditional ceremonies. pregnant. to conceive. ere1 [ere}] pers. pron . . 3rd pers. pi .. they. eroa [T. eroa] n. hunger. erero [T. erero] obi them. eroa hara v.i. sg. IT. eroa sauai ereve [T. ereve] gen. their. theirs. sg. & pl.] to be �ungry. (Lk. 4:2) 2 eroa haea v.i. pl. IT. eroa sauai ere fT. ere} n. belly. abdomen. stomach. sg. & pl.] to be �ungry. (Mk. 9: 291 eroa havahu hara [T. eroa kofa sauai] ere eheke n. a fast. v.i. sg. to be fa mished: pl. eroa havahu haea. 20 eroe [T. eloe] n. pI. bits and pieces, crumbs. [T. avaiosu, uepisuta] (R. 1:6): var. (Mt. 3:12) eveahura (in G. 19:14 eveahaura) . eroe lai [T. eloe loi] v.i. to be in little 2 pieces. (Mt. 21:44) evera evera + haela. evera haela [T. kamuta karu] n. carpenter. (Mk. 6:3) kora eroe [T. tola eloe] n. sawdust. evoe [T. evoe] n. stern, aft (of canoe or erohore n. an upturned mangrove stump, boat) . used as a pedestal when fishing. iloki ve evoe [T. oroti ve evoe] n. stern of canoe. Evore [T. Evore] n. a traditional song.


gavana T. gavana karul n. government officia f. governor (fr. Ei


ha?l [T. ei?] interrog. mkr. eh? placed at the end of the question. ha2 [T. sa] instrumental mkr.: it appears as a prefix to certain verbs, e.g. hakilea (fr. erohore ha + kilea) stir up, excite. erohoho [T. pisoso] n. pI. valuables, riches, ha3 also hai fT. sa ' (fr. sauai)]. convb. form wealth: often with eharu [T. pisoso etau] of hara. which see. ·things'. (Mt. 6:19) haa1 fT. haka] n. a forked prop, used in erohoho eharu riches. treasures. buifding operations to push upright a post: erohoho haela [T. pisoso karu] rich also. a long pole with a short piece of wood man. fastened at an angle at one end. used for erope [T. oropea] n. a fly, housefly. picking fruit and coconuts. 2 erorova elorova. haa haa + rna (water. tide): rnahaa See [T. ma taiva] flood. flood tide. (G. 6:17) eva fT. eva ita pisoso ita] n. traditional rnahaa lai (var. haa hara) fT. rna valuables, such as armshells (huaea , taiva loi] to flood. (Mt. 1 : 25) [T. soea)). dog's teeth rnaki IT. mati siri], that formerly made up the bride­ hae [T. fa re] n. fruit. nut, kernel. seed: also price: hence. bride-price: syn. uva ve with appropriate n. in apposition, various kavale [T. ua ve tava]. items with some resemblance to fruit. 1 hae era [T. fare epai] to lay eggs, spawn. evari var. for earila (fr. e + va + ari) . See hae horela [T. fa re tail to bear fruit. earila. come into bearing. evari lae! [T. auka foforoe reha!] you­ hae horeava [T. fare forerai] to fruit. two-there! (a greetin$): pl. eva lae! bear fruit: pI. hae horeravahaea. [T. e foforoe reha!J : sg. ava lae! often with hela added. hae rnekakapI. good fruit: sg. hae veveke. [T. sg. & pl. fare lareva.] evea [T. rnaeatitiri] n. spots on skin. rash (Mt. 7:19) (e.g. as with measles, chickenpox): adj. hae hovare [T. fare sora] ripe fruit. pitted. (Mt. 9:37) evera1 fT. ova, uevil n. son-in-law. hae ikaea [T. fare itovai] to pick. gather daug�ter-in-Iaw: p( everahula fruit. 21

hae ka [T. fare sora loi] of fruit. to Delta. These were wickerwork effigies. mature. (Mt. 13:26) that were believed to house the spirits. cr. 2 aitave hae [T. isave fare] pearl. harea [T. sarea]. (Mt. 13:4'5) haeavuru haela IT. kaeavuru karu] n. kora hae [T. tola fare] tree fruit. fruit. worker of magic. diviner. witchdoctor. kou hae [T. ko fare] testicles. haehaharu v.t. to level downwards. ori hae [T. ori fare] egg (ori bird). haehaharoa v.t. pI., var. for haihaharoa. hae koekaka [T. ori fa re toharai] of which see. eggs. to hatch. ovohae hae [T. ofae ve fare] eyeball. haeka v.i. sg. [T. taukai, toetai v.i. & t.] pirere hae [T. kapo fare] gland in groin to break. snap (as stick. tooth): pI. (when palpable). haekaka [T. topupukavai]. lauka-hae [T. lauka fa re] kidney(s). haeka lai (with aux.) v.t. to break. raze. destroy. (Mt. 21:41) hae purava [T. fare tovuseai] sow. scatter seeds. haela n. sg. or pl.. person (of either sex. but more usu. male): also col)oq. any kind of haea1 [T. n. the Bastard Palm. Black faia] living creature. [T. karu]: cf. heaea sg. or Palm. pl.] haea puri [T. faia pitao] n. broom made haelakaru [T. moraitai] n. sg. or pl.. from the fruiting stem of the haea palm. friend(s): also pI. haelakakaruru haea2 + kora. kora haea v.t. sg. to fell. T. moraitaitai] friends. (Acts 27:21. chop down. lop a tree: pl. hahaea. [k. 12:4. G. 19:18) [T. foi, tola foi. sg. & pl.] haelaharihu [T. karisu. syn. harisu] n. apparition. spectre. demon(s). ghost(s). haea3 (var. hoea) [T. foea] v.i. sg. to personal spirit( s): usu. malevolent. as project out (as arrow from a target): pI. opposed to dryads and other such spirits hahaea [T. fofoea]. which are not considered to be of human karahe okiape maeamaea ve Ie haeave origin. 'the nail is sticking out near the haela harekoko [T. karu sitavu] n. doorway.' crowd of people. (Mt. 27 :20) 4 aux. v. 3 haela hoaha [T. karu metameta] n. pI. haea pl. of hara • which see. elders. [T. sauai. sg. & pl.] haela ita [T. karu ia] adJ. populated. haea5 derived fr. haea4. The pI. of hara is peopled. used as an aux. of plurality. It is linked to haelapo [T. karu rovaea, papuvita] the plain form of any v. for which a pI. headman. master. owner. form is not otherwise available by the verbal conj. va: e.g. ma huhelavahaea. haela eapapo n. big man. elder. old man. (Mt. 15:2). iri haela [T. ote karu] n. enemy: possibly the haea shows the tense of the v. fr. iri ·inside·. i.e. bushman. compd .. e.g. are haela oaria haela-haro [T. kokuharo] n. skull. itavavahaeape 'he called all the people': (Mk. 15:2�) eavavahaeape 'saw': Jut. ela areve horova leivahaeakilai 'we his work shall­ haela karia [T. karu kasirau] nobody. do'. areve haela oaria a ovokake oharo haela lakea [T. karu sitavu] n. crowd of kileavahaeakilai 'his people all you life people. word teach-will'. can vb. haeai. haela maeakoko n. throng. crowd. Lk. 2:16. 1:74. 1:77) haela maeakoko lai [T. topiferavai] to A similar construction is seen in T. with throng. crowd. f v. roraa pl. 'have being'. but this is not haela oaria [T. karu foromai] all men. used simply to denote plurality.] mankind. people: also. crowd. multitude. haeae var. for haiae. which see. haelaea [T. harotui ovail v.t. to cut off. haeavuru [T. kaeavuru] n. white magic. shear off (as hair. body hair. fur). i.e. beneticial magic: (unlike black magic maea koro haelaea [T. maea mehe which is practised to harm people): sarapi avail cut off body hair. divining. The word would seem to be (G. 38:13) cognate with kaiamunu of the Purari 22

auhale koro haelaea to shave off beard. haha naoae [T. eae saepai] to entangle. hahai uvi [T. dibura] n. prison. jail. haerapa (var. haelapa) v.l. 8g. [T. sarapai. pl. saereai] to cut. notch. hahaki eharu [T. fasaita etau] n. band. nick. incise; also (with knife) sever. cut off. binding material. sunder. prune; (ot string) to cut off. break. au hahaki haela [T. fasi meita karu] n. convb. haerapai [T. sarapi]. pl. haerala. a captive. hahari haerapa [T. sosori sasaukai] hahauka [T. hiuka hoeai] to fasten in quell a quarrel. stop a fight. bundles. mea haerapa [T. mea sarapai] v.i. (of mae haha [T. mate aravai] fasten. tie on wind) cease. drop. 'grass' skirt; pI. mae hahaea (G. 3:7). hoa haerapa [T. soa sarapai] to kao hahaea IT. iri tao kekeapai] to terminate. end time of. clench teeth. gnash teeth; rem. p. amae hoa haerapa to wean. hahaeape (Mt. 24:51). oharo haerapa [T. 0 sarapai] v.t. to cut haha4 IT. forova auai] v.l. with oru short. interrupt (someone's) talk. (gar�en). to make a garden. pupu haera a [T. safu sarapai, safu kara haha [T. kora elail to fence. enclose hasiavai rto relax a taboo. breach a with fence. (Mt. 21 :3j) regulation or law. violate a taboo. (Mt. 5:19) hahas [T. a sauail v.t. & i. with a (fire). a kahekai haerapa v.l. to snip. haha burn with fire; cf. a hara. (Mt. 18:9) titae titae haerapa to scarify. 1 hahaea2 IT. foai] v.l. pI. cut down. fell; 8g. ukai ukai haerapa [T. itai itai sarapai] haea ; hahaeapui. hahaea + pui (convb. to cut in half. pua) fell completely. (Mt. 7:19) haevava v.i. hahaea2 v.t. pl. fasten. tie up [T. avail to sit; var. form for [T. saepai] 3 haiava. ( Mk. 5:4); 8g. haha . keve (net) and ura 1 (holes) . keve ura hahaea teve uta haha [T. posa] n. any raised flatsu rface; sauai] mend hole in net. [tR. . 2:15. reef. platform. shelf. table; often with Mt. 4:21)- Var. haea. kcve ura haea. pI. defining n. for hara . (P.K. 3:3) arura haha fT. alitara] n. altar (in Bibl. trans.). (Mt. 5:23) hahaeae var. for hahaiae adi pl.; 8g. haiae. which see. avuku haha [T. ivutu posa] n. bed. e-ipi haha [T. kiriposa] n. chair. seat; a hahaita lai [T. maea veveveve auai] v.i. to syn. of the following: shiver. haiavaki haha seat. chair. stool. maea hahaita heaha lai [T. vevekoko lamepa haha [T. lamepa posa] lamp eka loil v.i. to have malarial fever. stand. (Mk. 1:30) miri haha [T. miri posa] n. sandbank. hahapa [T. tatava, lorara pakoka] ma haha [T. ma loru] n. (of sea) roller. n. & adj. cliff; steep; also. a steep valley. billow. swell. wave. ravine. gorge. vale. (Mt. 8:32) haha2 v.l. often + 0 (word); fr. haha3. hahari1 [T. sosori] n. fight. battle. conflict. o haha [T. kaiae 0 auai] to recriminate. contest. strife. attack; quarrel. brawl. accuse. condemn. blame. (In. 8:11) scuffle. 3 hahari ara [T. sosori auai] v.t. to fight. haha [T. fasai, saepai] v.t. 8g. to tie up. assault. strive. quarrel. tie. knot. loop. bandage; bind. make fast. hahari lai v.l. quarrel. oppose. pack. wrap; rem. p. hahape; pl. hahaea. (Mt. 10:35. 12:19. 25) ela haha [T. era saepai] of string. to tie. hahari haerapa [T. sosori sasaukai] to knot. stop. quell a fight. quarrel. apo ela haha [T. apo mauro ferai] to hahari eharu [T. mare etau] n. string a bow. weapon(s); syn. mare eharu. hopa haha [T. sofa voa fa sai] to gird. hahari haela IT. ote karu] n. opponent. fasten around waist. foe. enemy. ipouka haha v.i. to get cramp. muruha hahari [T. maola avai (v.i.)] n. ambush. 23

oharo hahari [T. ape sosori] n. quarrel okehahi [T. moraitai] n. a friend of with words. another clan or village with whom one o hahari ara [T. ape sosori auai] v.t. to has an exchange relationship. oppose verbally. hahi haela [T. sariva karu] traveller. oharo hahari hahari ara [T. 0 vituvitu passenger. visitor. guest. auai] v.t. to mutter against. murmur vevaea ve hahi [T. vavaea ve sari va] n. against. voyage. hahari2 IT. haipiri] adv. & adj. slowly. hahie [T. tapora] n. hunt; syn. nakea. slow. fei surely. gradually: var. hariari: hahie lai, also hahie loa [T. tapora sometimes redupl. loi]. to hunt. hahari hahari [T. lekaleka] quietly. quiet. hahie haela [T. tapora karu] hunter. slowly. gradually. leisurely; as n .. quiet. (G. 10:9) patience. hahari hahari aea [T. haipiri loi] to hahika + iki, iki hahika [T. ape karakara] linger. n. noise of talking. lei hahari hahari lai [T. lei haipiri loi] hahilaka [T. itarake] adj. smooth. slippery. v.t. to retard. cause delay to. loa hahari hahari [T. mora lekaleka] haho [T. maho] n. a kind of yam. sweet walk slowly. saunter. yam; the tubers are short and round. haharika [T. sosorusosoru] adj. glorious; hahu [T. posu. often ma posu] n. water­ also n .. glory. (Mt. 16:27) pot. jar; often + ma, ma hahu. (P.K. 7:1. R. 2:9) haharuka + koa v.t. & i. koa haharuka hahu karikiki haela [T. posu pisosita crash down. knock down (as a house). karu] potter. (Mt. 27:7) [T. toa hohoroai break in pieces.] l hahuru + avako ipi (inner ear). avako ipi hahauka pI. of hauka . which see. hahuru [T. ovasuru] n. & adj. deaf. deafness. hahaure lai v.t. & i. pl., T. haiarara loi (sg. & pl.)] sg. haure ai to reject. be hail (T. koa] redupl. when fruit is meant: unwilling; sometimes redI upl.: hahaure halhai pepper fruit. pepper (Piper betle). hahaure lai. (Heb. 13:5. Mt. 24:10) hai erere [T. koa uti] stem. root of pepper hahava + mai, mai hahava [T. pasavai, plant. mai sa elarukeai] v.t. to embrace. put hai2 n. chest: hai loalula [T. haiposa one's arms around. cling to. tititai] v.i. to crawl. move on chest. arahu hahava [T. pasavai] to clasp to (G. 6:1. 1:24) the chest. hug. hai vea [T. pototi mea] v.i. to creep. hahehahe + maea, maea hahehahe crawl. [T. n. & adj. trick. maeahahauhahau] hai3 hai + ilra,ilra hai [T. ora /o/ai], see ruse. wile; tricky. also. clever. ara hara. (Mt. 8:29) maea hahehahe lai [T. maeahahauhahau loi] to be hai4 [T. haeai] n. a crack (in timber); v.i .. wily. clever. to crinkle. maea hahehahe haela [T. karu v.t. maeahahauhahau] clever. wily hai ka lai [T. saroroapai] to demolish, person. (Mt. 11:25) destroy. hai ka leivahaeakilai 'will destroy'. hahepa n. a kind of lizard. (G. 6:13) l hahi [T. ora] adv. far. haiae adj. & n. [T. kaiae, huai (sg. & pl.)] crooked. bent; also. incorrect: hence in hahi2 [T. sariva cf. pasi. associate name for moral sense: fault, wrong, evil. guilt. san va] n. a journey. travel. voyage. offence: often with mai ('way') when used trading voyage. as a n.: var. haeae. (G. 3:1) hahi au [T. sariva loi] to travel. go on a mai haiae evil way. evil wrong: pl. journey. (G. 37:25) hahaiae. (Mt. 11:5) hahi aroa IT. sariva oroa] bag for travel. There is also a redupl. form haiae haiae (Mt. 10:10) 24

meaning. (of river. pa th) 'with many sit. settle: (of birds) perch: var. ava2. bends'. 'very crooked'. [The redupl. pI. in Often with au. intensive. without change of T. kaiae kaiae is sometimes used meaning. Sometimes appears as haivava. similarly as meaning 'with many bends'.] (Mt. 13:1. 26:69) haiae lai T. kaiae loi] v.i. to be curved. au haiava v.i. to sit down: rem. p. crookeJ : to warp: to err. transgress. haiavape. lei haiae lai[T . lei kaiae loi] v.t. to haiavaki haha [T. kiriposa] n. chair. make crooked: make wrong. pervert. seat. stool. bench. (R. 4: 6) loa ari haiava [T. sukakoka avail v.i. haiae hapururuka [T. kaiae sasukai] to kneel down. squat. forgive. pardon wrong. muruha haiava [T. murufa avail v.i. to loa haiae [T. mora kaiae, mora cower. crouch down. h huavea uavea] crooked leg/foot. naoae haiava v.i. to lounge about. crippled foot or leg: syn. loa hilauhilau. maea lei haiae lai v.t. to spoil the shape haiepe [T. soare] n. lungs. of. haihaharoa (var. haehaharoa) mai haiae [T. mai kaiae, syn. mai & maealolo] crooked. deformed hand/arm: [T. faihohOroai] v.t. i. pl. to s ueeze. also (in moral sense). bad way. evil. press out the inside of: also (of reed� v.i. iniquity: syn. mai heaha. (Mk. 3:6) be bruised [T. puaveai]. (Mt. 12:20 haiae iapa [T. eae mapai] to haihaloava + loa, loa haihaloava [T. mora misunderstand. hear incorrectly. sa faihohoroai] v.t. to crush underfoot: cf. loa hailaloava. haiapo [T. savori] ad.i. & adv. full length. throughout: (of time) protracted. haiharoava [T. faihohoroai] v.t. & i. sg. prolonged. dilatory. late [T. area po]. squeeze. press out the inside of: var. haiapo aea v.i. to last. remain. be haiharoa: pl. haihaharoa. permanent. vine hae haiharoavaki ita [T. vine fare hoa haiapo [T. soa savori] all the time faihohoroaita otil 'vine fruit (hoa). squeezing-out place . i.e. wine press. haiapo lai [T. savori loi] to be (Mt. 21:33) protracted. be prolonged. karave hae haiharoa (var. karave lei haiapo lai [T. lei savori loi] v.l. to haiharoa) [T. kovore fae faihohOroai] prolong. make long: protract. to strangle. throttle. hare haiapo [T. sare savori] all day long. haihiava [T. ueri] n. a kind of croton haiapo.iel� [T. savori kofal very drawn (Godiaeum variegatum). a totem of the out ( Ih time or space). (Lk. 1 : 21) Purari clan. iki haiapo arara [T. soa savori haihorela [T. fare tail v.l. & i. to bear haikaeakaea auai] to keep in remembrance. fruit. be fruitful. meahaiapo [T. mearovaeka] n. haika [T. taukai, toetai] v.t. to break. mainland: (nowadays) world. snap: a var. for haeka. which see. haiara + haro, haro haiara [T. haro haikaea n. a kind of lizard. kaeakaea auai] to nod the head. haikaitapa [T. misisapai] v.t. & i. to spill. haiarahaiara ara [T. pailalaeai] v.t. & i. overflow. run over. pour out: syn. lei to shake. kaitau. haiaru [T. pisoru] n. wallaby. tree haikilava [T. oti fapai] v.i. to stand aside. kangaroo. give place. (Mt. 9:24) haikilavi ava v.i. to sit apart. haiaru hekeheke [T. hehea, sesea] adj. painful. irritable: as n .. epilepsy. haila + hare &. oroa [T. area.] (Mt. 4: 24) haila hare [T. area sare] n. yesterday. haiaru hekeheke ara [T. maea opa0f,Ja haila oroa [T. n. last night. eka loi] to be epileptic. (Mt. 17:15) area faita] hailaea [T. meafautu] n. afternoon. haiava [T. avai, au avail v.i. to sit down. evening. (G. 1:5. 8. 13) 25

Hailaea Kou [T. Oa-Miri-Mirou) haitahare [T. ipi ita fareovai) v.t. pull up Evening Star (the planet Venus). by the roots l tree). hailaea hoa [T. meafautu soa) evening v.t. time. (Mt. haitapa [T. kiripai) to leave. forsake. 16:2) abandon; convb. haitapai. (Mt. hailaea mea murumuru [T. mea Heb. R. 9:15. viriviri) twilight. 13:5. 2:11) haitaviri [T. huhuru auai) v.i. to cough. hailaloava + loa, loa hailaloava [T. mora sa faihohoroai) v.t. to crush underfoot; haite [T. uapu) n. bridge. a var. for haihaloava. haititava [T. aruovai) v.t. pl. to drag out. hailava v.t. 8g. IT. aruovai (8g. & pl.)) to pull out (i nto the open). haul. draw. pun along. stretch. wrench. attract; var. hairava; pI. hakekeapu. haivaela (var. haivara) [T. fofai) v.t. (of pura hailava [T. to bread. etc.) to break into small pieces. puta fururukeai) divide into portions; pl. haivavaela; convb. spread a cloth. haivavaelai. (Mk. Lk. With iki, iki hailava (of food) to go the 8:6. 24:30) wrong way. choke [T. haif% rora loi). haivaiava [T. eteai) v.t. & i. to bend. hailoa [T. tititai] v.i. to crawl. haivarukapa (var. haimarukapa) v.t. 8g. [T. mavitoai (8g. & pl.)) to overturn. haimarukapa [T. mavitoai] var. for turn upside down; pl. haivavarukapa; d. haivarukapa. which see. helari. (Mt. Mk. 21:12. 11:15) haio n. a kind of palm. haivavaela v.t. pi. for haivaela. which see. haioha + ori, ori haioha [T. ori saro) n. haihu n. ant. the black bull ant. bird trap. haivoava [T. saroroapai) v.t. to destroy; haipara + la, la haipara [T. la hari] n. syn. haroroapai. young coconut (fruit). hakaea [T. itual n. part. bit. piece. scrap. haipararapa [T. torerapai) v.t. to rend. remnant; a halt: var. hakaia. (R. : 4 slit. tear up. smash up. mangle. raze; 2 1 ) convb. haipararapai; pura kao kao aivau hakaea [T. sarova itua) n. joint of haipararapa to make cloth ragged. meat. (G. Mt. ila hakaea [T. joint of pork. 37:29. 9:16. 26:65) ita itua) kora hakaea [T. tola horu] n. log of haipe (var. hoipe) [T. lakakare] n. heart. wood. (Mt. 7:3) haipekeava [T. rorokea faihohoroai] v.t. pai hakaea [T. poi seaea) n. sago (of grain) to grind. (Mt. pancake. 18:6) pura hakaea [T. puta taratara] n. a rag. haipepeka [T. toahohoroai] v.t. to piece of cloth. squeeze. crush. pinch. hakakaea1. hakakaea lai v.t. to chip. hack. haipurava v.t. & Teflex. to stretch. straighten out. hakakaea2 v.t. & i. [T. lei vovoro loi (tT.). avaha haipurava to straighten up the vovoro loi] to comfort. be comforted. to back. console. pacify. soothe. solace; also. to stimulate. encourage. (Mt. G. haira [T. faiita] n. red ochre. found in R. 2:18. 37:35. upper Vailala. formerly used as paint for 2:13) face and body decoration. and for wood hakaitapa [T. sisiovai] v.t. & i. to spill. carvings and masks. spatter. run over. pour out; syn. heloekoa.

+ hakare1 n. a kind of moth. hairi iki, iki hairi T. haieae, haiiri eae] (0.0. 122) n. & adi despon . grieve. sad. sorrow. 2 miserable. J hakare IT. tapere] n. a kind of tree. (D.O. haita [T. saesal n. earthenware bowl. dish. '339) plate. (Mt. hakau + aivau, aivau hakau [T. sarova 1�:33) n. joint of meat. huhu haita [T. tolasaesa] wooden haul bowl. 26 hakea [T. ase voa pavai] v.t. & i. to stand ovohae hapa (ovohae 'eyes') [T. ofae in line. line up. fe fe ropeai] open eyes. hakeava [T. v.t. to tow. draw. hapa3 [T. n. page (of book): (fr. aruovai] 2 buka fae] drag. haul. pull along. brin� forcibly: syn. hapa ). hailava: f!1 . hakekeapu. lMt. 13:48. 4 Lk. 12:11) hapa [T. sala] n. a decoration or taboo sign. made from a coconut leaf split down hakilea v.t. to stir up. incite: (fr. ha kilea the middle. with the leaflets hanging as a 'teach'). [T. d. satiriarai . ] fringe. hako [T. koukova lou] n. female wallaby. hapa5 hapa + rna. rna hapa [T. ma soa] n. line of flotsam. seen at river mouths where hakoa [T. hako] adi raw. unripe. uncooked. floodwaters join the sea. underdone. hapaela [T. kausisa, avoro] n. eel. hakupa [T. haiauru] n. shoot. sprout. la hakupa [T. la tororo kuku] n. hapakoa n. landing place. coconut with shoot just appearing. hapala [T. salora] n. the Fishtail Palm hakurepa v.t. & i. pI. [T. kiripai (S9. & l Caryota sp.). pi.)] to leave. depart. part from. relinquish. abandon. desert. quit: convb. hapapa [T. sosola] n. tortoise. hakurepai: rem. p. hakurepape: var. ha arahapara + maio mai haparahapara hakorepa: S9. harepa. (R. 1:6. Lk. 10:30) r-T. mai toai] to clap hands. halala IT. kokorara auai] var. for harara. ha araehaparae + iki. iki haparaehaparae whic� see. r-T. haihava, haioriri auai] n. surprise. marvel: (of heart) to throb. palpitate. halea + lepo. lepo halea [T. lepu sa ovai] to shave. hapatita [T. uvilou] n. a bird. the Goura or haleava [T. easo sukai] v.t. to spear (fish). Crowned Pigeon. hapea [T. n. a shellfish. winkle: syn. halukai + eloki. halukai eloki [T. oroti] n. mui] double canoe. aiu. hapirapaka [T. vevete] adj. smooth. hama IT. hama, tola hamal n. hammer (fr. �NG.) : kora hama rna let. hapu + ovo. ovohapu [T. ovoharo] n. eyebrow(s). hamuha + haela. hamuha haela [T. lealea karu] n. glutton. hapu [T. hafa] n. half (fr. ENG.). hamurea [T. faeai] v.t. to separate (things hapu a var. for hopa. which see. fr. one another). divide. halve. deal out. distribute. share. portion (food): var. hapuruohahe n. a kind of snake. haburea. havurea: convb. hamuri: rem. p. hamureape. (Mt. 13:49. 25:32. hapururuka v.t. to efface: hence haiae G. 1:7) hapururuka [T. kaiae sasukai] to forgive. pardon. remit. ca ncel wrong. haopa + avako. avako haopa [T. kefa uri (Mk. 1:4. 2:5) auail v.t. & i. to whisper: avako haopaki mai gossip'. (Lk. 12:3. 2 Cor. 12:20) hara1 [T. hakehake] n. turtle. haoava (of ovohae 'eye') ovohae haoava hara2 [T. posea] n. basket. mat. screen [T. ofae fareovai] to pluck out (eye). (made from a plaited coconut leaf): also (in (Mt. 18:9) former times). plaited coconut leaves like a large basket that boys in seclusion were haoropa [T. eli] v.t. to look for. seek: var. required to put over themselves when going for haropa. which see. out in the village. (Mt. 16:9. D.O. plate 12) hapa1 [T. akoakol n. a bird: (Bibl. trans. ·raven·). (Lk. 1�:24) hara3 [T. posa] n. any flat surface. usu. with defining n.: haha. hapa2 IT. fapai] v.t. & i. to open. uncover. d. unfofd . unlock: convb. hapai: imper. hapa: mai hara [T. mai posa] n. palm of hand. lut. hapakilai. 27

mora hara [T. mora posa) n. sole of huhari hara to beat. (Mt. 24:51) foot. loa hara [T. mora sa patai) trample underfoot. hara4 [T. sauai. fro sa auai) aux. v.t. & i. formed fr. ha instrument mkr. which in loa huhara (fr. hua + hara) [T. mora O. is coalesced with ara. The various sa sukasuka auai) to stamp with the forms are very much like ara. convb. hai: feet. rem. p. hape: neg. he va ka: rec. p. lahila ma hara [T. ariveai) to swim: (Phile, 19): Jut. harilai: imper. haila: sometimes without ma when context mJin. harive: hab. harila (Mk. 1:3): makes the meaning clear. e.g. a hara p. neg. au haila. e.g. eve pupu buka au ore? (T. a ariveaita ore?) 'can you haila ha? 'your taboo book in was not sWim. 7.. written eh?' (In. 10:34). By a redupl. of mahea hara [T. e-oi) to dance: eva the ha we get hahave pres. cont. sg. . mahea va au harapukue 'you (subj. apparently to avoid confusion with have mkr.) dance now not made-all.' (For ·stone·. This redupl. form is also used pu see pua.) with pI. meaning. e.g. ere eroa haha va ka pai hara [T. poi sauai) to process 'they shall not hunger' (Apo. 7:16). sago: p? haea. (Mt. 24:41) The usu. pI. form is haea. e.g. are aroa haeakive 'she is making string bags' (4) miscellaneous: (pl. obj.). iirahara [T. ora fofai) to shout out. [T . sauai has a similar range of call out. compounds. but it is by no means entirely eroa hara [T. to be hungry. identical. Apart from rem. p. sasape. eroa sauai) there is no pl.) maea hara [T. rnaea eka loi) become d . be sick: cf. maea lai to be The various meanings may be grouped as indispose follows: ill. sick. (1) To plait (syn. peroka lai). weave. (5) sometimes huru hara. but often simply carve. to make a pattern. hara. pl. haea [T. paeai sg. & pl.) to kill. p'ut to death. murder. slay annihilate. aroa hara [T. oroa sauai) to plait. [T. (of animals) weave. make a small string bag savai.) (aroa) . elare maea hara to kill oneself. commit suicide. helo hara [T. selo sauai) plait hero (walling material). are arero huhu lahila hal 'has he killed him?' (Iahila rec. p.) hoa hara [T. foa sauai) to carve a pattern. kavale kava Ie hara [T. tava tava paeai) to revenge. avenge. hohoa hara [T. karoro sauai) to engrave. write. haraka + ma, ma haraka [T. ma miri) keve hara [T. teve sauai) make a net adj. shallow (water). (keve). keve ura hara [T. teve uta sauai) haramara [T. pasoa soeai) v.i. to run fast: mend hole in keve. cf. harava. keve ura haea mend holes in keve harapa [T. lahoapo) n. eagle hawk. (pi.). (P.K. 3:4) (Apo. 12:14) kile hara T. kite sauai) plait. weave a mat (ki fe). harapaila [T. harapaharapa, harapi) adv. oharo hara [T. 0 ukai) to write (a) pretending to do one thing while actually word(s). write. (Mt. 11:10) doing something else. in pretence: (fr. pura hara [T. puta sauai) weave cloth harapa + ila). (P.K. 10:1) (pure;'): p'ura he va ka . do not weave harara [T. kokorara auai) v.i. to snore: cloth . l Mt. 6:28) var. halala. (2) To burn. burn up: scald. hararaharara + mai, mai hararaharara a hara [T. a sauai) v.t. & i. to burn. [T. to clap hands. burn up. mai paopao toai) ma ahea ve hara [T. rnahehea sa harari + uamari, harari uamari [T. saruka sauai) v.t. to scald. ua) n. harlot. prostitute. whore. (G. 38:15) (3) To pound. beat. haru hara [T. teavi sauai) to scourge. hararua [T. hasiavai) v.t. to damage. do flog. (Mt. 20:19) 28

harm to. injure. persecute. torment. Sabati hare [T. Sabati sare] n. Sunday: provoke: sometimes used with lai without for other days ENG. names are used + change of meaning: hararua lai. hare. e.g. Monday hare [T. Monday (Mt. 16:23. 18:6. 22:6) sare]. hararuaki eharu [T. hasiavaita etau] hare ve hohorohohoro [T. sare ve vexatious thing. sosorusosoru] n. glare of sun. pupu hararua [T. safu hasiavail to hare ve ove [T. sare ove. or sare ve ove] damage. break a taboo. (Mt. 11:2) n. shade. shadow cast by sun. harau [T. harau] n. a dried fruit used as a harea1 [T. fareovai] v.t. remove. uproot: rattle. cf. hareava. (Mt. 15:13) harava1 [T. toatoa auai] v.t. to pound. harea2 [T. sarea] n. sorcery: usu. + horova, harea horova. harava2 harava + kora, kora harava harea haela [T. sarea karu] n. sorcerer. [T. tola erea] n. splinter. (Mt. 7:3) 3 n. 3 harea harea + uki, uki harea a harava [T. soeai] v.i. to run. scamper. trembling (of the bones): [T. cf. sarea, harava elavelave to rush. hurry. speed: cf. maea uti oriri]. hukau: pI. harava huka [T. pl. oroai]. (Mt. 28:8) hareau [T. foreai] v.i. & t. to jump. jump harava vivila [T. pasoa soeai] run fast. onto. spring. to dive. to dodge (Mt. 17:15): run at a speed. also. to land: freq. ree. p. hareauvila: pi. hahareau. redupl. hareau hareau haravea [T. salovaea. syn. lumori n. a [T. forea forea auail of repeated tree (Pteroearpus indieus Willd. : it has Jumping. jump about. hop. lActs 3:8) masses of fragrant golden yellow l owers in lei hareau [T. lei forea forea auai] v.t. October. followed by winged seeds: a to dangle. jiggle. totem of the Kaia clan. ukai hareau [T. evale maea loi] v.t. to hare [T. sare] n. sun. day: also. clock. avoid. dodge. watch. timepiece (since the sun's position hareava [T. fareovai] v.t. to remove. marks the time of day). detach. take away. get rid of. lift out. hare hare [T. sare sare] adv. daily. uproot. wrench undone: var. hareva: cf. hare haroapoharoapo [T. sare harea: rem. p. hareavape. (G. 2:21. fa rapofarapo] each day. 5:24) haila hare [T. area sare] n. yesterday. lei hareava v.t. to cause to move. hare hi hi [T. sare koko] n. midday. noon. avara hareava [T. avora fareovai] (of N.W. hare hoa [T. sare soa] n. daytime. early squall) to blow. (Mt. 8:24) afternoon. hareava ovokake T. makuri /a reovai] take away life. G. 37:21) hare hoau IT. sare sukop'ail v.i. sun to [ set (about 6.30 p.m.) lP,It 1:1) harehare akore n. the youth or young man hare hoaila [T. sare sUkopaita] sun for whom the trad. hevehe mask was setting. made. and who. after invitation. would hare hoauki hoa IT. sare sukopaita soa] have been the first to wear it. (0.0. 238 sunset. etc. ) hare ila [T. sare ita] sunny. hare karia maeamaea [T. sare haekao hareho IT. fa reho, fa rehoria or /a rehori] kaloi] late in the day. adv. &: adj. together. altogether. whole. wholl?,. all: often preceded by i [T. ita] hare koa [T. sare toai] v.t. to expose to (with). the sun. to sun. to dry in sun. mahau hare [T. iso sare] n. today. this i hareho [T. ita fareho. var. ufareho] day. together with. hare mahuka [T. sare mafu] moderate hoa hareho altogether. at one time. sun. hareho korukaia IT. fareho kokorukai] hare oaria [T. sare foromai] adv. every v.i. flock toget�er. gather together. day. habitually. i hareho aeavila haela neighbour: pi. i apealula haela opoa hare [T. vevere sare] n. morrow. ('with dwelling people'). tomorrow. 29

oaria hareho whole. total. (3) spirit familiar which reveals itself to the harekoko + haela, haela harekoko sorcerer in a dream or vision. Such a spirit [T. karu sitavu] crowd of people. group. familiar would be given a habitation in a Mt. 27:20) marupai charm. a carved dwarf coconut ( [T. la-kakare]. hevehe haela harokoko [T. maola karu firul cohort of soldiers. harihu haela [T. sarea karu] n. a (Mt. 27:27) sorcerer: syn. harea haela. haelaharihu IT. karisu-karu] n. usu. pI. harepa [T. kiripai] v.t. & i. to leave. personal spirits. ghostly in origin. as forsake. abandon. to depart IT. maea loi]: opposed to dryads and other bush pI. hakurepa. (Mt. 9:9. 3 : 1�. 4:13. 5:24) spirits: usu. thought of as malevolent: demon(s): cf. ovehahu. harerava + iki, iki harerava [T. miruru aritovai] to breathe deeply. take a breath. harihu-urape IT. tavaea [oval n. screen that shuts off the end part ot an eravo. hareva v.t. to remove: var. of hareava. (Mt 27:51) which see. harihu ura IT. utape seika] n. window 'spirit h0 e· . harevera IT. salivera] n. a fish. a kind of ( 1 ) mullet: It comes down the rivers in shoals. hariri [T. veveti] v.t. & reflex. to anoint. and returns from the sea to go inland in rub on. smear: often + la apu (coconut June. oil). (Lk. 7:46) hari1 [T. fari] n. story. tale. report. tidings. hariri muramura var. haririki news. rumour. narrative. history. muramura [T. roroaita muramura] (Lk. 2:10) n. embrocatIOn. liniment. hari eapapo IT. fari rovaea] important harita1 [T. farisa] n. arrow: nowadays news: notable repute. also. cartridge. bullet. hari heaha [T. fari maealolo] bad news: harita hua to load a gun. infamous. evil repute. harita kao barbs on arrow. hari huava [T. fari fa farapai] syn. hari harita oroa kopurapa to spread news. [T. farisa oroa] n. qUiver. hari veveke [T. fari lareva] good news: harita2 harita + haro, haro harita good repute. fame. renowned. [T. harosari] n. grey hair. hari2 hari + a (fire) . a hari [T. a hari] harita harita [T. haipiri] adj. & adv. fires tick: hence. matches. quiet. quietly: syn. hahari hahari. hari3 hari + ihu, ihu hari [T. kovi] n. comb. hariva [T. harivail v.t. to carry on the 4 back. suspended trom the head or hari see hara3 shoulders: con vb. harivai: keva hariva to carry pick-a-back. hari5 hari ila, hari-ila [T. orakaraka] num. adj. four (fr. MT hani ·four·) . harive see hara3 hoa hari-ila [T. soa orakaraka] fourfold. haro [T. harol n. (1) head: [I. often harofave (lave stone) hariha [T. sari va areka] n. a fish. the without change of meaning] (0. never adds Garfish (Hyporthampus regularis). have). haro akea kora v.t. to carry on the harihari [T. veiJ n. sake. behalf. favour (fr. head. MT harihari favour'). haro haelaea [T. harotui ovai] to cut ehovea arave harihari [T. ipi ara veil hair of head. 'for my sake'. Mt. 10:18. 5:11) ( haro haiara [T. haro kaiakaia auai] harihu IT. karisu. var. harisul n. v.i. to shake. nod the head in (1) g�ost. spirit of dead: (cf. Namau disapproval. kanipu) : sometimes ove harihu or haro koukou ara [T. haro kaiakaia haelaharihu. (D.O. 105. etc.) auai] v.i. to wag the head. (2) bush spirit(s) which may assume the haro hae syn. haro ara [T. haro puru] shape of any kind of bush. animal. bird or n. brains. reptile: [T. furuka arahoha]. 30

haro haeka syn. haro helare [T. haro harokou + haela, harokou haela miriare] n. bald head. [T. harokou] n. youth. young man. haro haelapa [T. haro sarapai] v.t. to (Mk. 16:5. R. 2:15) behead. haropa [T. eli] v.t. to seek. seek out. haela haro IT. kokuharo] n. skull. search: cf. haoropa: convb. haropi: (Mt. 27:3�) rec. p. la haropila. (G. 37:16. Mt. 7:7. haro harita [T. haro sari] n. grey hair. 10:11) haro helari [T. haro sa kerori] v.i. to harolli haropi [T. eli eli auai, rnetakao be giddy. reel: n. vertigo. eli] also auhohi haropa to seek diligently. Lk. 15:8 haro iilu [T. haro rurul n. scalp: also ( ) nowadays. cap. hat [I. kepakepa]. ekaka haropa T. ekaka tapora loi] to fish. Mt. 1 :3 haro karahe [T. kea] n. antler. horn. ( I ) haro koro [T. haro-tui] n. hair of head. ekaka haropa haela [T. ekaka tapora karu] n. fisherman. Mk. 1:16 haro koro naoae dishevelled. unkempt ( ) hair. ekaka haropakive info to seek fish. (In. 21:3) haro kue [T. haro tupe] n. crown. top of head. haropaki hoa n. time for seeking. quest. haro maupa [T. haro sikore] n. haroroa [T. roroa fareovai, roroa decoration on head. wreath. sasukai] v.t. wipe. rub out (as with the haro ve kora to place the head on. hand) . scrape: (fr. ha + rowa). 2 (2) with appropriate n. in apposition. the halaroroaila (fr. ha + la + roroaila hard exterior of anything: shell. carapace. (rec. p.) (In. 9:15) ·rubbed·. nail. claw. hoof. outside of palm trees. [T. 2 with similar use. haroropa [T. saroroapai] v.t. & i. to ( ) ] destroy. perish: (of trees. plants] to wither. aitave haro [T. isave haro] pearl shell. droop. be parched [T. fefeopaiJ: rem. p. mother-of-pearl. haroropape: kororo Ie haroropape ila haro [T. naoita haro] head of axe. [�. tolot�o fefeopope rehal 'Ieaves then la haro [T. la haro] the hard outside of Withered. (Mk. 11:21. Mt. 1 3':6) the coconut trunk. harova [T. tapere] n. a tree. the timber of loa haro [T. mora haro] claw: nail of which is much esteemed. toe. mai haro [T. mai haro] claw: haru1 haru + rna,rna haru (syn. rna fingernail. ekakoa) lake. lagoon. pond. [T. sitoi. cf. pai haro [T. poi haro] the hard outside rna sarusaru puddles.] of the sago palm trunk. haru2 [T. kaika] n. staff. stick. (G. 49:10) haroapo [T. mai lakeka] n. little finger. haru hara IT. teavi sauai] v.t. to scourge. beat. chastise. (Mt. 20:19. haroapo [T. farakeka] num. adj. one (fr. Mk. 10:34) 'Iittle finger'. because it was formerly used haru hoa n. stroke. as tally. (G. 1:10. 2:6. Mt. 5:40. 2:23 ) haru koa [T. tola sa toai] v.t. to beat. mea haroapo [T. soa farakeka] once. flog. chastise. lash. haroapo haroapo T. fa rafarapo] adj. loa haru [T. mora kaika] n. walking few. not many: a so. each one stick. (separately) : adv.I singly. haruapa V.t. pI. of avaka: [T. larivatai sg. haroau [T. fu auai] v.i. syn. hoara: to & pl.l : drive away. chase away. expel. burst. (Lk. 5:37) banish . oust: convb. haruapai (Mt. 9:25) : koharoau (fr. koa haroau) v.t. to (of ove heaha 'evil spirits'): hab. sg. burst. haruapavila (Mt. 9:34): hab. pI. haruapalula. (Mt. 23:34. Lk. 19:45. haroava [T. roroai] v.t. to wipe. (Lk. 7:44) Mt. 7:22. 8:29. 12:24. 27) haroka IT. harokao] adj. empty. haruka [T. poti] n. cudgel: cf. haru. (G. 31:24) mai haroka (syn. mai ka) [T. mai haruku [T. hasu] n. inheritance: bride's harokao] empty-handed. (G. 31:42) trousseau. (R. 4:5) 31

haruku avaki haela It. heir. (Gal. 4:1) vila haure lai ('husband reject') to divorce hau [T. fa u] n. a kind ofpand anus. (a husband). (Mt. 5:32) haua1 fT. koral n. fence. barricade. wall: hauvito + rna, rnahauv ito, [T. ma pusu] syn. kara. (Apo. 21:17) syn. rnakoa . fresh water. haua2 [T. mavise] n. a kind of bandicoot: hava + hihiri and ovo. cf. rnavia: (Echymipera sp.). hihiri hava [T. kitou safefeapai] v.i. of anger. to abate. cool. hauahu (of sea) ahea hauahu [T. mai ovohava [T. vovoro loil v.i. to be pisiri] open sea. (P.K. 3:1) comforted. be consolea . hauaka [T. meara] ad " empty. vacant (of 1 n. house without people : usu. with ita havahu fT. amu] the Casuarina tree. i She-Oak (Casuarina equisetifolia J.R. &; [T. oti]: ita hauaka T. oti meara] C. Forst): (place) desert. without inhabitants. var. for havuhu. unfrequented. (Mt. 12:44. 23:38) havahu2 [T. kofa, eite] adj. hauaka lai [T. meara loi] (of place) to be true. real. actual. very. deserted. desolate. (Mt. 14:15. la hare havahu [T. lea sare kola] 'that Apo. 18:19) very day' (Mt. 13:1) hauara [T. fu auai] v.i. to burst. explode. iele havahu [T. okola eite] 'really true' (Mt. 5:45) hauara hauara [T. kokorara auai] v.i. to ipi havahu fT. ipi kola] 'really below' grunt (as pig). (Mt. 11:11) hauava fT. fa reovai] v.l. pull out. pull off ore havahu lai [T. ore kofa loi] be ( Mt. 1:4): convb. hauavi: often + pura certain. know for sure. be sure. (clothes). pura hauava [T. puta foovai] chain havahu hahaeroape 'broke the to strip off. take off clothes. (G. 37:23) very chains' (Mk. 5:4) hauhuka (var. houhuka) [T. maea-sea] Also used with other adjectives to intensify adj. &; n. white. whiteness: pura them. hauhuka T. puta maea-sea] white cloth: eapapo havahu [T. rovaea kola] very hauhuka ai v.i. to bewhite. (Mt. 17:2. big. tremendous Mk. 9:3) I kela heaikiapo havahu [T. raepa koa kola] very high mountain. (Mt. 4:8) hauka1 n. [T. hau] small sand crab. karia karia iele havahu [T. kakaeite hauka2 [T. hiuka] n. load. parcel. pack. kola] ·nothing. nothing. true indeed'. bundle. bale: pl. hahauka. (R. 2:15. absolutely nothing. Mt. 13:30) havahu .... hovea [T. usoso .... kofa] 3 just .... like. hauka [T. fururukeai] v.l. to unroll (as havahu ve mat): kile hauka 'unroll mat'. [T. haria voa] in private. havahu ve akore [T. atute larakeka haukava [T. kauari] n. sweet potato haria] only son. (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.). With pronouns: ·self'. haura [T. hora] n. spear. harpoon. ara havahu [T. ara haria] I myself (R. 3:4). haurave [T. hari] adj. unripe. a havahu hiru orahokaila .. 'you yourself piece two'. (Mt. 5:41) haure IT. haiarara: cf. haute] n. &- adj. sg. abstinence. dislike. abhorrence. unwilling. havara [T. kevekeve] n. a beach creeper hateful. (Ipomoea sp.). haure lai IT. haiarara loi] v.t. to abstain from. reject. despise. refuse. dislike. havari [T. avo, vuvuri oti] n. marsh. object to. neglect. shun. hate. abhor. swamp: sometimes + ita without change loathe. spurn: pl. hahaure lai. [T. also of meaning: ita havari. kaifa loi, kaeava loi (sg. & pl.) : cf. haute loi. to abstain from.] havaro [T. felaukeai] v.1. to loose (as uva haure lai ('wife reject') to divorce (a rope) . wife). IT. ua (vita) halarara lei have [T. lave] n. a stone. stones (Mt. 4:3): kiripal.] 32

a slate; anchor (because large stones are brothers'. [T. lei tairu loi to make used for anchoring canoes). peace.] have haha [T. lave posa] n. a reef. a havila ila aea [T. tairu ita pea] v.i. to flat piece of rock. live peacefully. have ita [T. lave oti] rocky place. havila leiki haela n. mediator. eacemaker; pl. havila leilula haela. Nowadays. colloq. pieces of money. coins. r-T. tairu leita karu S9. & pl.] as opposed to paper money. [T. Also lei havila lai [T. lei tai ru loi, totoeai] to coins.] reconcile. propitiate. mediate. appease. have ila 'with stones'. stony. pacify. have kekele [T. lave kokoriri] n. gravel. havoava [T. veverapai] v.t. & i. to lose; to have koa v.t. to pelt. throw stones at. be lost. disappear. vanish; to abscond; stone; pl. obj. have koava. [T. la ve havoavila rec. p. (today); convb. havoavi; sg. & rem. p. havoavape; (of salt) kaikara toai. pl.]. areve iele la havoavakilava 'if salt loses have koru [T. lave koru] n. piece of its savour' (Mt. 5:13); (of sickness) to stone. a rock. disappear (Mt. 8:15). (See also p .k. 7:2. have koru hekai [T. la ve koru seika] Mt. 24:40. 16:25. 12:30. 5:18. Lk. 15:4) n. pebble. have latite (sometimes simply latite) havora n. the monitor lizard. [T. lave soase] n. sponge. [T. epe-savora. trad. name for ivuta.] {Mk. 15:36) havuopa [T. mavitoai, suka sisovai, rnarekakihav e n. grindstone. havuopai] v.t. to turn upside down; (of have oauki rnan. waterfall. waves) to slop over into; (of plants) to grow over. smother. (Mt. 8:24. 13:7) have raraeaki ita [T. lave paraeaita oti 'stone letting down place'. an havuhu [T. amu] n. a tree. the She-Oak; anchorage. var. havahu; (Casuarina equisetifolia have poe n. edge of stone. J.R. & C. Forst). have ura [T. lave-uta] n. cave. havurea v.t. var. for harnurea. which see. haveva [T. haveva] adj. ignorant. unknown; also in derogative sense. foolish. hel [T. Ie] n. penis. stupid. silly; often compounded as follows: he koro [T. Ie sari] pubic hairs of male. iki haveva [T. haihaveva] silly. mad; he2 fr . hara3• which see. also. dumb; IT. 0 haveva (dumb)]. (Mt. 4:24. 1�:22) heal [T. sea] n. a plant of the sugarcane haveva haela [T. haihaveva karu, family with edible flowering head karu haveva] ignoramus. dunce. (Saccharum robustum Brandes haveva lai [T. haveva loi] to be & Jeswiet). ignorant. be unaware; also. stupid. 2 silly. hea T. leai] v.t. to copulate with (of a rnale). Similarly with com ounds: iki haveva lai [T. haihaveva loi f. etc. hea3 hea + ipidi. ipidi hea [T. pisi sail to o haveva also oharo haveva. shoot with a gun. fire gun. 0 adj. [T. okuku, haveva] dumb; heae IT. leai] n. river prawn. shrimp; a var. syn. 0 rnuruha(h aela). (Mt. 15:31) for heai. which see. havi + kora. kora havi [T. lopa] n. wedge. heaha [T. maealolo] n. & adj. evil. wrong. havi + oropa (front). oropa havi harm. trouble; guilty. vile. bad. naughty. [T. loapai, orapai] v.i. & t. to pass by. nasty. foul. ugly; also. diseased. bad (not in the moral sense) ; ant. veveke; pl. havila [T. tairu] n. peace. heahaha. [T. kaaae is also an equivalent havila lai [T. tairu loi] v.i. to be at of heaha.] (P. K . 8:2. G. 2:9. 3:17. 6:1. peace. Mt. 1:21. 4:�3) havila lai & ila (with) [T. tairu loi & heaha is also used to depreciate in a ita] v.t. to make peace with; apoheari conventional way. oneself or one's ila havila leiki ve 'to make peace with possessions. A person in speaking about 33

himself. his possessions. or his heaharia lai [T. leai lasai] syn. koai koa achievements should use belittling terms. to cast lots. Otherwise he may beconside red maea pelaea ·conceited·. The adj. commonly heai (var. heae) [T. leai] n. the general used in this connection is heaha. e.g. a name for prawns. shrimps and such-like letter will conclude ara ave akore heaha '1 crustacea. am your unworthy son'. heai hue [T. leai kue] the claws of heaha lai [T. maealolo loi] v.i. to be such crustacea. evil. wrong; to be diseased. heaikiapo adj. &: n. sg. long. length; also. lei heaha lai [T. lei maealolo loi] to ill­ tall. high. height. [T. savori (also means treat. afflict. injure. spoil. oppress. tall. but ofpersons only); koa (high).] pollute. mar. make (a thing or person) bad. kela heaikiapo high hill (Mt. 4:8) heaikiapo lai [T. v.i. to be haela heaha [T. karu maealolo] n. evil savori loi] man. rascal. ruffian. long. extend; to be tall. high. lei heaikiapo lai v.t. hoa heaha [T. soa maealolo] n. [T. lei savori loi] to calamity. lengthen. extend. elongate. prolong. protract (space or time); pi. heahapiki. iki heaha [T. kaila] n. hatred. var. heahikipi [T. pi. sosovori. syn. resentment. sasairi]. iki heaha lai [T. kaila loi] v.t. to hate. hare heaikiapo [T. sare savori] all the karave ipi heaha n. sore throat. day long. throughout the day. (R. 2:7) maea heaha [T. maea ekal adj. &: n. haro koro heahapiki [T. tui savori] long diseased. unhealthy. sick body; sickness. hair. (1 Cor. 11:15) disease; pl. maea heahaha. (Mt. 10:8) ivaiva heahapiki [T. veveu savori] long heaha havahu [T. maealolo kola] prayers. (Mk. 12:40) abominable. mai heahapiki IT. mai puta savori] long mai heaha LT . mai kaiae, mai sleeves. (G. �7:23) maealolol bad conduct. evil ways; syn. mai haiae. (Mt. 5:26) heairavaea + lalava, lalava heairavaea v t mai heaha ve ikihuru n. penitence. [T. lalava pisosi] . . to make partitions. rooms. (G. 6:14) mea heaha [T. mea maealolo] adverse wind. heaoa [T. seo] n. dew. (G. 27:28) mea heaha eapapo [T. mea maealolo v.t. n. storm. heaorapa [T. sapatai, ovi aierai] to kola] overcome. exceed. prevail. transcend. oharo heaha or 0 heaha [T. 0 maealolo] surpass. triumph. overpower. conquer. bad words. abuse. curse. (Mt. 14:7) vanquish. defeat; pass and leave behind; ora heaha [T. mora huaveahuavea] pi. pass by. outrun (G. 1:28. 4:7. Mt. 16:18); ora heahaha (lit. 'underpart bad') var. heaurapa (Mt. 5:20). loa halae hence. lame. crippled; syn. heaorapaki haela n. victor. winner. [T. mora kaiae]. (Acts 3:1) rare heaha n. bad reputation. name of hearai [T. la sai, mate aravai] v.t. to disrepute. fasten around the waist. (G. 37 :34) rare lei heaha lai [T. rare lei maealolo hopa pura hii hearai [T. mate kavearai] loi] v.t. spoil (someone's) name. waist cloth fastened (as a) perineal reputation. vilify. band. heaha ve kavale [T. kaiae ve tava] n. heari + akore or mario but sometimes used vengeance. punishment. as a term of address on its own: e.g. heaha ve kavale avara IT. kaiae ve tava arave heari 'my younger brother/sister'; miarai] v.t. to punis�. take vengeance [T. marehari (only the full form is used)]. on. akoreheari younger brother. vevaea heaha lai [T. vavaea tohorai] (of ship or sea-going canoe) be wrecked. mariheari [T. morovu] younger sister. heahapiki adj. pl. long; see heaikiapo. heauapa v.i. &: t. ovava heauapa [T. ovava haeai] to shine. shine upon. heahari adv. badly. wrongly (fr. heaha + ri give light; syn. hohorohohoro lai. adv. suff.). 34

papare ovava heauapa va ka lei heheapa lai lei vevete toil v.t. to level. make fla[Tt. .smo oth out. papare ovava levi haeai roil ita hea a n. moon will not shine light'. (Mt. 17:2. h� p' oti vevete] level place. 24:2[T. 9) plain. lLk.[T.6:17) heauau sapatai] v.t. to succeed. heheapa + api, api heheapa opaopa overcome:[T. syn. heaorapa. loi] v.i. to faint. [T. heaval aruovai] v.t. to pull. heheava seseovai, seseovi ovai] v.t. & L to examine. test. to check. heava2 [T. avail v.i. to sit down. to squat. measurIT.e. try. to judge: also. to choose. e heava[T. epail to squat and pass (Mt. 7:2. 11:22) faeces. [T.(M t. 1�:17) iki heheava haiiri seseovai] to consider. calculate. (Mt. 8:2) hehaa + la, la hehaa la sasae] n. flare. [T. torch (made from drie[T.d coconut leaves). o heheava laua seseovai] syn. oharo l heheava [ ju dge. hehe salu] n. & adj. taboo. sacred: oharo heheavaki haela laua syn. [T.pupu. seseovaita karu] n. a judge. hehe lai salu loi] to be taboo. sacred. magistrate. [T. lei hehe lai[T. lei salu loi] to make mehau heheava pasou seseovai] to taboo. hal ow. sanctify. consecrate. test weight. weIgh. ordain. T. IT. I heheavaki hoa n. judgement. time of lei hehe lei avara lei salu lei testing. miarai] to dedicate. [T. kao heheava tao karekare auai] hehe eapai maea aro] n. traditionally gnash teeth: kao hahaea. the first imp[T.orta nt mortuary feast. [T.d. he he eravo elavo] n. senior men's hehelauka pI. of helauka lelaukeai. sg. eravo. as opposed to the maupa eravo & pl . ] to unbind. loose. (Mt. 16:19) moupa[T. elavo] for young men. [T. heheloekoava v.t. pl. soauai. (sg. & hehe[T. have n. monument. pl.)] to fill: sg. heloekoa[T. . (Mt. 15 :37) hehe haela . salu karu] (in Bibl. trans.) n . [T.sain t'. (Apo. 5:8) hehemare seseavare] n. the red soldier hehe hivi Ii lara] n. a dirge. ant (Oecophyl/a smaragdina): var. hehevare:[T. syn. kukuita. hehe karikara[T. salu karikara] (in Bibl. trans.) hfToly. city. heheo heheo + ape, ape heheo area sa hehe pai salu laloa] holy bread. vuteai] v.t. to mock. deride. taunt:[T. also. hehe uvi [T. maso uvi] (in Bibl. trans.) heheo ara to deride. n. temp)IT.e. heheo maea 0 hahe auai] to tease. hehe2 sesel n. antennae of butterfly. o heheo, oharo[T . heheo area sa moth and ot�er insects. vuteaita 0] n. ridicu e.T. [T. oharo heheo ara 0 kaiaeI auai] to hehee seseve] n. maggot. worm. revile. rail upon. jeer. scorn: also. to banter. tease. (Mt.[T. 27:44) hehea l[T. hehea + la, la hehea la seseai] V.t. to husk coconut. hehepo maeahahauhahau] adj. & n. [T. deceiVing. crafty. cunning. perfidious. hehea2 hehea + ovo, ovo hehea ovo treache[T.rous: deceit. pretence. hypocrisy. mea peperil .v.i. (of sky) to re T.den . flush: (G. 3:1. 27:12) cf. seseal]. (Mt. 16:2) J ava hehepo leilula haela deceivers. hehe[T.a 3 saini (sign) sauai] v.i. to (Mt. 6:5) engage in work with a master. hehepo haela aiera-aiera auai] n. [T. hypocrite. deceiver[T. . (Mt. 10:33) heheapa vevete] adj. flat. level. plain hehepo lai harapa lai, lohalai auai, (land) . [T. avoa auai] to feign. pretend: to deny. heheapa lai vevete loi] v.i. to be flat. (Mt. 26:70)[T. level. smoo[ 35

hehera [T. sesera] n. a fish. black sole hekure (var. hikuri) n. a kind of snake. (Synaptura nigra). hela1 [T. le rai, lara lerai] v.t. & i. 8g. to chant. hymn: always with hivi (song): con vb. helai. hehera hivi hela to sing. chant.

'- '. • ;>: hivi helaki haela �/':'" I ��,...... [T. lara leraita \ karu] n. singer. . ',' , � - " .....j hab. pl. � " hivi helalula songs . •. I T - - -'§I ��" ''''; " . ' hela2 [T. [oroe] adj. used with mea heheroro [T. seseroro] adj. thin. flimsy. (ground). ita (place) and oropape (face). (Mt. 13:5) attractive. lovely. (P. K . 1:2) 3 adv. heheva + epe apo, epe apo heheva hela used when making a request: it adj. paralytic. expresses politeness. and may be best [T. maea susuru] understood as an apology for intruding epe apo heheva haela fT. maea upon the attention of the person being susuru sa pataita elca karu] addressed. [T. ra'(!i . but cf. eapo, hopa paralysed man. (Mt. 4:24) and (pl.) loloroe.J epe apo heheva maea paralysed body. a hela araro kimaeaki 'pray tell me'. (Acts 8:7. 9:33) (G. 37:16) hekaea [T. pasaeai] v.t. to stick together. araro ikiheroe hela leila 'please be kind stick to. to me'. (Mk. 10:48. 51) heaeaki ehau n. plaster. araro hela kimaeaki [T. araro eapo omoia] 'pray tell me'. (Acts 8:34) hekai [T. seika] adj. small. little: young: pi. elalilara hela ikiheheroe leiki titaeka. var. titaka: pl. [T. kaekae]. !T. elakaro rapi maealoroe, leitia] lei hekai lai fT. lei seika loi] v.t. to please be kind to us (two) . make small. lessen. reduce. (Mt. 9:27) hekai maea [T. seika maea] somewhat ikihuru hela! [T. maeaforoe-o!] small. (G. 1:16) exclam. pity. dismay. 0 dear! kav�le hekai [T. tava seika] cheap. small 4 price. hela (var. hera) see oa-hela. lou-hela hekai iele [T. seika kola] very small. tiny. helama [T. haiarara loi] v.i. & t. to object puny. least. Also used to diminish other to. adj. koko hekai [T. taheka koko] rather helapa [T. eite auke ita] adj. (of trees) narrow. barren. unfruitful. kere hekai [T. taheka kereJ somewhat helari [T. kerori, korarail v.i. & t. reflex. hard: syn. kere perehekal. to turn around. go round'. turn back. turn aside. to turn (oneself): to stir. (G. 3:19. hekako [T. koku, kokuveisa] cup made Mt. 2:22. 5:39. 9:22) from coconut shell. (Mk. 14:23) helari helari to revolve. twirl: (of ship. hekaopa [T. sukakoka avail v.i. kneel: canoe) to turn about. turn over. syn. loa ari haiava. loa an ava avi. airekai helari [T. serei ata kerori] v.i. (Acts 20:36. 21:6. Lk. 22:41) to turn back. pi. loa ari huhaharaupa (G. 24:11) helari au [T. kerori terai] v.i. to turn and go. hekeheke [T. hehea, seseaJ n. & adj. pain. irritation: often + maea (body). maea helari avara [T. ata miarai] to restore. hekeheke irritation in body. give back. haia�u hekeheke (haela) (people) in avi helari [T. ovi kerori] v.t. to turn pain. (Mt. 4 :24) round. wind up. twist. stir. haro helari [T. haro sa kerori, kerori hekeke n. a kind of hawk. auai] v.i. to be giddy. light-headed. reel. hakore [T. ere lalava] n. navel. iki helari [T. haiiri kerori] to change one's mind. be converted. repent. 36

loa helari [T. mora keroril to walk about. iki heraho wretched. to wander; often redupl.: loa helari heraho ila [T. healo ita] adv. hardly. helari to wander about. with difficulty. maea helari helari [T. maea kerori to turn the body round and Also as adj .. difficult; heraho hoa kerori] [T. healo soa] difficulty. distress. about. wriggle. writhe. adversity. mea helari helari [T. mea korori kerori] horova heraho ka LT . tivi healo kao] (of whirlwind) to blow. easy (not difficultl work oharo helari [T. 0 mavitoai] to turn words. to interpret. rnaeaheraho restless. troubled. needy. ovohae helari helari [T. olae kerori herava + hohe, hohe herava [T. roro kerori] to look about. look around. titai] v.t. to weed. pull up weeds and helari hupaka [T. eakoa toepai] to grass. surround. enclose. be around. here1 [T. lere] n. betel nut pal m (Areca ukai helari [T. itai kerori] v.i. to catechu L.); also the betel nut; var. ehere. reverse. turn to the other side. uri helari [T. uri mavitoai) to translate. here2 adj. sg. calm; (of people) meek. calm. interpret. unassertive [T. haimalu]. rna here [T. ma vevete] calm sea. helau [T. havohu, havou] n. a joke. play. smooth water. game. mea here [T. mea lere] calm weather. helauhe lai [T. havohu loi] v.i. to play a soft breeze. game. to joke. eapai here food given freely. helauka v.l. to unbind. untie. unfasten. (Mt. 14:16) loose. unloose. unlock; pl. hehelauka, iki here lai v.i. to be at ease. calm. hehelaukavahaea; [T. lelaukeai. both sg. lei here lai v.t. to calm; also usu. with & pl.]. (Mt. 3:11. 21:2) rneruto beg for. plead with pura helauka to undress; syn. pura (Mk. 5:23). hauava. rneru herelai [T. loki loil to beg; cf. apo ela helauka to unstring. unbend bow. velavela lai. (Mk. 10:4li) helD [T. selo] n. woven walling material here3 here + maea, here-rnaea (fr. here2) made from the outside of the sago leaf [T. maea tul disfigured body (as in midrib. mourning). (Mt. 6:16) here-rnaea lai [T. maea tu loi] v.i. to heloe var. for heroe. which see. be disfigured. heloekoa v.t. to fill. to run over. overflow; l. heheloekoava. var. heheloekoava hereava [T. topileravai, toleravai] v.t. & I. to press in a crowd. to throng. r:T. soauai sg. & pl.] (Mt. 15:37); heloe crowd upon. to get in the way of. hamper. e koavape [T. soope reha] 'then ( Ie) hinder. restrain. thwart. suppress. filled' (Lk. 9:17); heloe Ie koape 'then interrupt. intercept. obstruct. foil. prevent. filled' (G. 6:13) sg.; in/in. heloekoakive imper. heloekoaki withstand. repulse. stop. forbid; [T. 0 (G. 1:22); (G. 1:28). erere auai (forbid). sasaukai (stop)]. hepare n. death adder. viper. hereavaki eharu obstacle. a arave oropa hereavakihaela 'you my hepe n. a brown bat. front blocking man'. (Mt. 16:23) hepoka (var. hepouka) IT. levo] n. oki heheava [T. oti sasaukai] to ringworm. sipoma. a skin disease (Tinea obstruct a way. path. (Lk. 11:52) imbricata); syn. kare. apu hereava [T. ovo sasaukai] to staunch flow of blood. heraho [T. healo] n. difficulty. hardship. toil. trouble. nuisance. worry (Mt. 11:30): herehekai [T. hiake] adj. few. small [T. tivi serea (toil)]. (portion) . heraho lai [T. healo loi] v.i. to be in trouble. suffer hardship. herehere + uvi, uvi herehere [T. uvi karu) n. household. lei heraho lai [T. lei healo loi] v.t. to give trouble to. annoy. be a nuisance. herehere lai to share. have in common. troublesome. frustrate. (R. 1:13) 37 herere [T. mairimairi] n. east: cf. kauri. heroe [T. foroel adj. pleasant, pleasing, favour: also, fitting: var. heloe. heroe lai v.i, to be pleasing, well ikiheroe [T. maeaforoe] n. pity, kindness, favour heroe preceded by infin. is also used to denote recom mended conduct, 'should': [T. lareva preceded by relat. indef.]. (Mt. 11:15, 12:12) huakara maia ve karu aea paraeai harapakive heroe 'it would be well (heroe) to let him down into a pit of this bush locality.' (G. 37:22) ere va la hoa ikihuru leiki heroe 'at that time for them to be sad (is) fitting.' (Mt. 9:15) ikiheroe lai v.t. & i. to have pity, show kindness, favour heropa [T. haisoropail v.t. to encircle, fasten round. (Mt. 1A:6) karave heropaki eharu n. necklace. hevaire n. an insect that darts to and fro over smooth water. Kauri heveae n. a kind of banana which has very hevehe2 big fruit. mask hevehe1 [T. tiparu] n. bullroarer .

hevehe2 fT. semese, sevese] n. trad. masked ceremonial cycle. Also the masks made for the ceremony. Hence, as adj., handsome, attractive appearance. (D.O. 162ff, P.K. 9:3) apa hevehe the hevehe with a drum (apa) . (D.O. 164) Hevehe Karawa the episode in the Hevehe when the ma-hevehe appeared. hevehe haela a young man who, having participated in his first hevehe, was required to go out with his fellows on a raid. Hence (Bible trans.) a warrior, soldier: also maora hevehe haela: [T. maola karu (soldier)]. (Mt. 8:5) hevehe lau the 'mother' of the hevehe, i.e. the woman vested with the ownership of the mask: also the wife of an owner. (D.O. 236-8) ma hevehe sea monster, the hevehe of the sea. [T. rnasernese, a whale shark.] (Mt. 12:40) 38

hevehe oa the owner of a hevehe mask. hihe horova lai to steer. (0.0. 238) hihil pisiri) n. & ad). open space. open. hevehe3 usu. + mea (land) ; mea outside.[T. outer. seseve); mea hevehe. mea[T. ve hevehe, aru hihi aru pisiri) middle. space mea ureve hevehe. n. worm. between.[T. (G. 1:6) hevehekao n. a kind of karikara hihi karikara pisiri) open semesetao) space in village. Lk. 7:32. Mt. 6:2 Cycad; also the teeth ( kao) of the hevehe [T. ( ) mask. formerly[T. made (rom slivers of hare hihi sare koko) midday. noon. hevehekao wood. (D.O. 243) hihi kilea [T. pisiri muiai) v.t. to expose. hevere harihari) n. forehead. [T. hevehe hihi lai havara paraeai) v.L to make temple( s) ; also part of the mask. open. to accuse. ( 0.0.[T.241 ) [T. rnahihi mai pisiri) open sea. open hi T. fil n. a cry; the characteristic sound water. [T.(Mt . 14:24) made[ by a bird or animal: squeak. cackle. oki hi hi oti pisiri) open place. hi ara [T. fi auai) v.i. to cry. make (Mt. 21:8[T. ) sound of weeping. wail. bewail. groan. hi hi paraea havara paraeai) v.t. to moan. squeak. cry out. scream. shriek. accuse; syn.[T. hihi kilea. yell. hihi ve pisiri voa) in the open. hi eapapo ara [ . fi rovaea auai) to scream. cry out loudly. hihi2 hihi [T.+ overa, overa hihi evera T vL hi ape fi ape) n. a cry. crying voice. sisi) to rub noses. to kiss;[T. an ave hi n. affectionate mode of greeting or farewell. [T. ave fi) howl of dog. performed by placing noses together and hi kaelue[T. hush. breathing in. kaia hi sis orea) n. rumble of thunder; syn. mea[T. hi. hihi an error for hivi ·dove·. (Mt. 3:16) n. kokora hi kokora fi) crow of cock. hihia sisia) adj. decayed. sour. bad (of ( Lk. 22:t>fT0). food) . maea hi [T. hai fi) n. a moan. sob. cry fT. of anguish. hihika (fr. hihil) pisiri, pisirika) adj. hi vavara fi ita viavai) n. & v.i. public. open. mani[T.fest ; as adv .. openly. lament. wail. publicly. [T. hihika lai pisiri foi) v.L & i. to make hi kora n. mulberry tree; syn. tapua public. come into sight. reveal. uncover. (Morus sp.). (Mt. 1:19[T.) hihika amoea hial hia) n. the okari tree; okari nut; [T. pisiri muiai) to show Bibl. trans. 'fig' (Terminalia openly. kaernba[T. chii). (Jam. 3:12) hihika kilea pisiri satiriarai) to teach open y. plainly. hia2 n. hia ara v.i. T. sneeze; asia auai) hihika hukavaI 0 pisiri sukavai] to to sneeze; cf. ahita. [T. speak plainly.[T. hiau + lai, lai hiau to rain; var. of ihau. hihika maea 0 p'isiri moil to say which see. openly. decffTare. . l Mt. 16:13. heading) l mea hihika [T. mea pisiri] n. public hiha [T. evoe) n. stern (of boat). place. site; also (fr. meal) dawn. kaita hiha kopereroa taisa fofai) to steer by putting pad le towards canoe. hihila epa kivaia foil v.l. sg. to betray; dfT. pI . hi hila epeau; rem. p. hihila epape. hiha2 fifa) n. abscess. boil. ( Lk. 21:16.[T. In. 13:21. Mt. 27:3) hiha ve iele [T. fi fa ve fae] core of hihilauka forerai, oropai] v.L enter. abscess. [T. arrive at.[T. hihe kapena, tari] syn. tari; n. steering e va kurupaeaki hoa hihilaukaki ave oar.[T. rudder. helm. (Acts 27:40) 'Iest you enter into a time of hihe haela kapena karu) n. skipper. temptation'. ( Lk. 22:40) steersman. [T. hihiri kitou) n. anger. wrath. passion. [T. 39

rage; (of weather and mood) threatening; kolo hiki [T. tolotolo haria] only leaves. adj. furious. indignant. angry; [T. cf. (Mk. 11:13) hilisi]. (Mt. 15:12) hihiri lai IT. kit au loi] to be angry. to hikika [T. hariakao] adv. alone. separately. rage. (Mt. 2:16) mea kakarara hikika leikilai 'dry land lei hihiri lai [T. lei kitou loi] v.t. make separate will be'. (G. 1:9) angry. enrage. provoke. hila hila lai [T. loki loi] to implore. beg. iki hihiri [T. kit au muru] n. rage. anger. (Mt. 9:38. 27 :58) iki hihiri lai v.i. & t. to be angry. angry against. hilau [T. putoi] v.i. fall (as tree) from upright position. topple over (house) ; also. hihiri oharo [T. kitou a] n. angry words. to trip over. tumble; convb. hllai; rei. neg, hihiri oharo ara [T. kitou a auai] to say hilauka aue. (Mt. 7:25. 11:6. 13:21) angry words. upbraid. rail against; var. hihilauvahaea [T. sa/osa/oai] pl. o hihiri ara. stumble over. mea hihiri [T. mea muru] threatening. loa hilauhilau [T. mora overcast weather. (Mt. 16:3) huaveahuavea] adj. lame; syn. loa hihiri "aoae lai [T. kitou auraka loi] to haiae. be angry without cause. oropape hihiri [T. opa haiaoro] surly hila-uamari [T. morihbva] n, sg. countenance. glare. (G. 4:5) adolescent girl. lass. hihiuka + rna, rnahihiuk a [T. ma hivai] hilavila [T. heavita] n. sg. man. lad. fellow. to draw water; syn. rna hiva. (P . K . 9:2) (Mt. 12:24. 26:61J hii [T. sii] n. perineal band. a G-string; it hilo [T. sito] n. oyster; a shellfish found on was the former male attire. consisting of a mangrove roots; var. hito (GstTea strip of bark cloth around the waist and chemnitsi) . between the legs. (Fr. MT sihi) hiloi v.i. to fall. topple over; a var. of hilau. hii koa IT. sii toa] to beat out a cloth hii. hilore [T. tapare] adj. sweet. hii haroapo the trad. name for the members of one age set; so called hipa + rna,rna hipa [T. ma hivai, ma because the lads received their first hii toai] v.t. to bale. scoop up. from their maternal uncles at their hiri [T. n. joint initiation. See vilakao. siri] mildew. hii kairu an episode in the former hirihiri [T. sirisiri] adj. & n. dirty. dirt. Hevehe cycle of ceremonies. spotted. spot. unclean; HH hivili; OP (D.O. 326) hirihivi; RT hoho. hirihiri lai [T. sirisiri loi] v.i. to be hika [T. kika] n. (1) a slender-�rowing dirty. bamboo (Bambusa fOTbesii (Ridl') Holit.). lei hirihiri lai [T. lei sirisiri loi] v.t. to (2) a bamboo pipe for smoking tobacco. make dirty. defile. pollute. made either from hika or keko. the giant mai hirihiri dirty hands. (Mt. 15:20) bamboo. [T. kika. made from kika or oharo sirisiri foul speech. teto.] hiriri [T. kitou] adj. & n. furious. rage; a hiki T. haria] adj. , adv.. or pTon .. alone. var. of hihiri. on y. separate. single. apart; with pers. iki hiriri lai [T. iri/ai] v.i. to be enraged. pron .. self. by oneself; cf. lahua lG. 1:10. 3:3.I 15; Mt. 5:13. 37. 10:29) furious. ara hiki [T. ara haria] I by myself. I hirita n. an enclosure erected at the rear of alone. maupa eravo in former times; it was to Galilee ukaki hiki aupe 'went apart to house boys during their time of seclusion. Galilee' (Mt. 2:22). hirivo [T. sirivo] n. a kind of reed grass au hiki vila idle person. (Apo. 11:1); rel. indef. mea vavaraki ovokake hiki [T. peita makuri] Bibl. hirivo 'wind swayed reed' (Mt. 11:7); Tel. trans. 'immortal' (lit. 'life only') . pres. cont. mea vavaraivila hirivo 'wind ore hiki IT. haria are] alone knows. swaying reed' ( Lk. 7:24). (Mt. 1b:29) 40

hirivo kao n. tip of reed. hivove iele vivilakive heroe 'it is well hirivo haihaharoa [T. puaveai] reed. to (heroe) to run the true race'. be bruised. (Mt. 12:20) (Heb.12:1) l hiru [T. firul n. a piece. portion. share. hoa [T. soa] n. 8g. (time) occasion, heap: island: chapter. verse (of book): (of season: (place) region, district. place: also, people) party. company: (of animals. birds) limit, margin: pI. hoahoa [T. soasoa]. herd. flock. Also in 0 .. stretch (of road). aireaki hoa [T. areapo] later on, future. pl. hiruhiru [T. firufiru] portions. hoa are recent. (Mt. 5:41) Bethlehem hoa IT. Betelehema soa] hiru eapapo IT. firu rovaea] big piece: B. district. region. (Mt. 2:16) (of book) chapter. hoa haerapa [T. soa sarapai] to bring hiru hekai [T. firu seika] small piece: to an end, terminate. verse. hare hoa [T. sare soa] daytime. miri hiru [T. miri posa] sandbank. hoa hareho [T. soa fareho] altogether. hita [T. sisal adj. final.clo sing. last. hoa hari-ila [T. soa orakaraka] (Col. 4:18) fourfold. hoa haroapo [T. soa farakeka] hitau [T. sisapai] v.i. to drip. (Lk. 22:44) immediately. instantly. sudden, at one hite [T. puse (puta)] adj. coarse (of cloth). time, once. hoa haroapo haroapo [T. soa hito var. for hilo. which see. farafarapo] seldom. hoa heaha [T. soa maealoloJ bad time, hitolo IT. sisoro] n. year (G. 5:6): var. adversity, calamity. tribulation. hito(oa (Mt. 2:16). hurava hoa [T. avora soa] north-west, hitolo haroapo horoapo [T. sisoro north-western. farafarapo] yearly. ikupa hoa [T. aru soa] halfway, hiva + rna,rna hiva [T. ma hivaiJ draw up midway. water. scoop up. dip up: convb. hlvi: syn. hoa ilehoila [T. soa oroisoria] triple. rnahipa: also. mi hihiuka. (Mt. 27:48) threefold. rnahivaki eharu 'water drawing thing'. la hoa [T. lea soa] that time. then, (In. 4:11) while. hivavara [T. fi 08a, karakara (noise)] n. hoa lahua [T. soa haria] abnormal. wailing. lamentation: (fr. hi . cry', vavara extraordinary, uncommon. 'sway to and fro'): also, hubbub, outcry, rna hoa [T. mea soa] now, noise of cries of welcome, etc. [T. (v.) fi immediately. viavai.] (Mt. 2:18, 8:12) hoa maeamaea [T. soa haekao] hivavara ara v.i. to wail, lament. shortly. l mahau hoa [T. faitora] this time. now: hivi [T. ori leleisal n. turtle dove, wood syn. rna mea. pigeon. (Mk. 11:i5) hoa oaria [T. soa foromai] frequently, hivi akokore young doves. often. constantly, incessantly. hivi2 [T. fara] n. song, chant, hymn. orahoka hoa [T. orakori soa] second. hivi hela [T. fara ferai] sing a song, to hoa orahokaila [T. soa orakoria] two chant. times, double. twofold. hivi helaki haela n. singer. oroa hoa [T. faita soa] night-time. hoa uku [T. soa heal sometimes. adj. hivilake [T. vevete] level. flat. uvi muru hoa [T. dibura soa] hivivi [T. kuvivi] n, a trailing plant with imprisonment. (Mt. 11:2) intense blue flowers (Clitoria ternatea 2 L.). hoa [T. soare] n. lungs. hoa3 hoa + ekaka, ekaka ve hoa [T. ekaka hivove ara syn. hivove vivila [T. lore ape fish fin(s). auai] v.i. to race. run a race. ve lati] harava hivove arura haela 'people hoa4 [T. forerai, faukai] v.i. to come out. (who) are running swiftly the race'. go out. come on. descend. fall down: cf. (1 Cor. 9:24) hoau: convb. hoai: pI. hohoa2. 41

mea hoa [T. miri voa laukai] to land. hoha + iilu (peel. skin). iilu hoha IT. ruru go ashore: also. to start on a journey. ukai] v.t. to peel. skin: syn. iilu hohoa. set off [T. maea loi]. hohao [T. hoao] n. a plaque made of wood. hare �oa [T. Bare sukopai] of sun. to decline. set. (P.K. 1:1) carved with clan designs. used in former times for private ma&ic when about to hunt hoaha See eapapo. or fish. (D.O. 154-8) hoahu akore [T. siare: pI. siaresi] n. 8g. youth. adolescent boy: in former times one who had just completed period of seclusion. a custom that is not now observed: pI. hoahu akoremari. hoahuka v.i., pI. for hoau. which see. hoapa [T. taileai] sometimes with puri (broom). v.t. & i. puri hoapa to sweep. sweep up (Mt. 12:44): con vb. hoapai. hoapa + iki, iki hoapa [T. haisafai] v.t. & i. to forget. (Mt. 16:5) hoara See haroau v.i. to burst. hoarapa [T. lore rail v.i. to come about. to take place. (Mt. 24:6) hohao hoaro n. a kind of lizard. (D.O. 340) Kaia clan design (central figure hoau [T. laukai] v.i. 8g. to go down. is Kivovia. the descend: also used of boats coming from lizards Epe and Port Moresby: (fr. hoa + au) : con vb. hoai: rem. p. hoaupe: rei. indef. hoauki. Havora) often with ki prefixed: kihoau. con vb. kihoai. kihoai la eavape (fr. ki + hoa + ai) . Sometimes the notion of descent is emphasised by adding ipi. ipi hoau. pl. hoahuka [T. la /ukai]. [T. has similar range of meaning. but no equivalent for ki.] hohara [T. serarel n. scar. scab. wound: (Mt. 4:12. R. 1:1. Mt. 8:5. 3:16. 21:40. (of timber) notc�: also v.i.. to be wounded. 25:6) disabled [to serare loi]. (In. 20:25) lei hoau IT. lei faukai] v.t. made to maea hoharai haela wounded person. descena. (Mt. 11:23) (Mt. 15 :31) hoakukilai lut. (G. 3:19) hohe [T. kavuru, roro] n. grass. pasture. ma hoau [T. rnatarereai] (of water) weeds: HH hohe: OP itipu. (G. 1:11. 30) to flow. hohe herava [T. roro titai] to weed. hoea1 hoea + ovohae, ovohae hoea v.i. to pull up grass. weeds. be drowsy. heavy-eyed: pl. ovohae hoho hohe lara [T. kavuru lauai] to eat (Mt. 25:5): cf. ereve ovohae mahu iele pasture. graze. browse. 'their eyes (were) very heavy' (Mt. 26:43). hohe mamareke [T. kavuru marekeke] [T. olae hoeai. 8g. & pl.] thorny plant. 2 + la ita ve hohe oaria IT. lea oti voa hoea hoea muo, muo hoea v.i. & t. to kavu u rauapo} 'that place at grass smell (from a distance). [T. rnu rnuriai � (both distant and near).] much . (In. 6:101 3 3 ho�era [T. p�sera} n. fa mine: mea hohera hoea a var. for haea . which see. time of fa mine. (G. 41:50. R. 1:1) hoela (var. hoera) [T. soera] n. taro hoho + ma, ma hoho [T. rnahoho] n. (Coloca8ia e8culenta or C. antiquorum). creek(s). waterway(s). stream(s). 42

ma hoho alalaka ma hoho ova va) hohoro2 sosorusosoru) often redupl. 'clear streams ofIT water'. (In. 4:14) . hohorohohoro n. brightness. ma hoho pekaki ita spring of water. phosphorescence[T. ; as adi . bright. effulgent. l luminous. radiant. shining. hohoa foa, foafoa, karoro) n. tattoo, hohorohohoro ara sosorusosoru design(s) . pattern(s), stripe(s); letter­ v.i. to shine. writing,[T. andwriting; of woo grain. auai] [T. h ( d) hohorohohoro lai to glow. glisten. hohoa hara foa sauai, karoro ukai) v.t. & i. to make a pattern, design, to hare ve hohorohohoro sare ve engrave, tatt[T.oo; to write. sosorusosoru] n. glar[T.e of sun. hohoa haea pI. to write a letter, to print. hohu posul n. water-pot (fr. M hodu); hohoa haeavila haela n. sg. (Bibl . a va[Tr. .for hahu. T trans.) scribe; pl. hohoa haealula l haela. (Lk. 11:45) hoi n. knife (originally a sliver of bamboo); v.i. & t. cf. lelao. which differed in not being hohoa naoae hara to scribble. pointed at end. soi. now naosoi (nao hohoa muramura muramura) n. 'foreign l] [T. dye. [T. hoi kao naosoi tao] n. edge of knife. hohoa murea karoro muti) to read a hoi mare[T. marehaukaita soi) n. lit. letter. [T. 'sharp kni[T.fe'; Bibl. trans. 'sword' in hohoa2 putoi, koru sisapai, oru mere Heb. 4:12. Elsewhere lelao mare is sisapa oai) v.i. fall down into. to fall; (of generally used for ·sword·. although stars) [ fall; (seeds) to fall; pI. of hoa3. poke (e.�. Mk. 14:43) and ea (e.g. (Mt. 15:13. 24:29. 13:4) In. 18:10) are yet other renderings. hoi ve mai naosoi moi) n. haft. 3 n. hohoa fofoai) v.t. + defining to handle of IT.'knif e. breathe[T. in to, blow into; mea hohoa (+ hoi ve oropa n. edge of knife; syn. hoi meal) to breathe (into) ; Tern. p. mea kao. hohoape. (G. 2:7) 2 meovo hohoa mioho fofoai) to play. hoi u) n. conch shell; Bibl. trans. blow the flute; also. to whistle; ree. p. 'trump[T. et' (Mt. 24:31); cf. puva. meovo lahoho[T.aila. (Mt. 11:17) hoia + a (fire) . a hoia a-huika hoeai) puva hohoa u fofo ai) blow conch to bundle up firewood[T.. gather together shell; to sound[T. trumpet. (Apo. 18:22) firewood. hohoa4 hohoa + iilu, iilu hohoa ruru hoio hoio) n. fishbait. uka fareovai) v.t. to flay. skin. peel. pare; syn. iilu hoha. [T. hoipe[T. lakakare) n. heart; a var. for haipe. hohoa5 hohoa + ovohae, ovohae hohoa [T. ofae fofoisai) v.t. & i. to stare at. to hopal sofa) n. waist (G. 3:7) ; var. sta[T. re. hapu.[T. l hopa haha sofa voa fasai) to gird. hohoa + haea, hohoa haea pI. for hohoa fasten around the waist. hara. which see. karoTo ukai) sg. or hopa. was[T also.. in former times. the belt pI. (Mt. 13:52) [T. of cane with 'grass' skirt attached. worn by the wearer of a hevehe mask. hohoe hohoi) n. leavings. remainder (of food)[T.: var. hohoi. (Mk. 8:8) hopa2 hopa + avako, avako hopa kefa avako hohoela lavi) n. cuscus (Phalanger uri auai) to whisper; a var. for [T. maeulatu[T. s). haopa. n. & adj. hohomaia ape maruru sa fofoai horahora horahora) v.i. & t. to blow with mouth ; to bol w uncertainty. doubt, perplexity. amazement. [T. ( ) astonish[Tment;. doubtful. uncertain; often + upon. iki. ikihorahora without real change of hohori + kela, kela hohori raepa tao] meaning. with haiiri, haiiri In. 14:1 n. summit. top. ridge (of IThill. or horahora .T. ( ) mountain) . horahora Ilai horahora loil v.i. to be 1 in doubt. un[T.cert ain. perplexed. to hohoro [T. sosoru) n. firefly. glow-worm. hesitate. be irresolute. 43 horapa + mai, mai horapa [T. mai sisapope karu) 'sinews removed man'. sosoropai) v.i. to stretch out. stretch i.e. withered. paralysed. forth hand7arm. (G. 3:22. Mt. 12:13) horova IT. tivi. cf. forova) n. work. toil. horava + mai, mai horava [T. mai labou r. business . em ployment. occupation. sosoropi ovai) v.t. to reach out the hand use. to. (Mt. 14:311 horova lai IT. tivi loi) v.i. &: t. to work. Hore [T. Hore) n. the name of a trad. dance labour. toil. serve. use. and song. horova eapapo lai IT. tivi rovaea loi) to work hard. be busy. hore [T. pupu) n. a whisk made of horova eharu IT. tivi etau) n. tool(s). cassowary tail feathers. used by old men to keep flies and mosquitoes at bay: in former horova haela IT. tivi karu, sarufa karu) times also used in magic practices. n. workman. labourer. servant. horova ita IT. livi oli) n. workplace. horea IT. foreai, oroti foreai) v.t. &: i. to office. jump onto. spring onto: cf. hareau: to horova mari IT. sarufa mori) n. board (canoe. boat). embark: convb. maidservant. horeai. . (Mt. 8:23. 13:2. 14:13) oru horova IT. n. gardening. horeai au [T. forea avai) to ride (horses. oru livi) etc. ). garden work. hosi IT. n. horse (fr. ENG.). horeava [T. asai, asi) v.i. to grow. Msi) increase in size: convb. horeavi: Jut. Horovu Harivu IT. Alaua-ipi Kivokipi) n. horeavakilai: rel. indef. horeavaki: the trad. name for the Spirit Land. the rem. p. horeavape. (Mt. 13:26. G. 1:12. Land of the Dead. 20. Mt. 7:19) hou + ma (water). ma hou IT. sitoi) n. horepa a var. for heaorapa. which see. lagoon. horera v.i. to appear. to go out: var. houka1 IT. hiukal n. a bundle (of Mt. 13:1) �orela: pI. horeravahaea. firewood): var. (or hauka. fT. foreral. 5g. &: pl.) (Mt. 4:4) hihika horera IT. pisiri forerail to houka2 v.i. to sprout: pl. hahouka: appear openly. plainly. (Mt. 26': 73) [T. rorore fai. 5g. & pl.). hae horera [T. fare tai) to bear fr uit: pl. houhuka (var. hauhuka) IT. maea-seal hae horeravahaea: rem. p. hae n. &: adj. whiteness. white. (Mt. 5:36) horerape. (Mt. 3:10. 7:18) ovoka houhuka ila ma horera [T. ma forerai) (water) to IT. maea-sea-mohari) ('red white flow. (G. 2:10) with') . 1 horo + miri, miri horo IT. miri folo) n. houva hoa [T. papa soa) former time. sand. beach sand. ancestral period. horo2 IT. soro, soro laua) n. shoulder: houva hoa haela IT. papa karu) n. horo ve uki shoulder blade. scapula. ancestor(s). shoulder bone(s). hovahi n. the decorated wand or stick horo-ila IT. mai-itai-itai fere) syn. formerly used by the wearers of the mai-ukai-ukai. num. adj. ten: (the Kovave masks. (D.O. 145) shoulder was formerly used as a tally): 1 ENG. number now used in O. and T. hovare IT. sora, fare sora) adj. mature. ripe (ot fr uit): often + hae. hae hovare. horo-ukai-ila num. ad;'. eighteen: ENG. (Mt. 9:37) number now used in O. and T. hovare2 IT. havara, havara apeva) n. horoa IT. saroa) n. beads. accusation: hovare opore untrue accusation: also. false witness. horoo (v ar. horo) IT. horou, ere horou, horu) n. rope. cable (of ship): cf. eharau hovave + maea, maea hovave (e harau) intestines: also. sinews. [T. seseovai (v.)) n. a testing. trial. (Mt. 12:10. In. 5:3) hovave lai, sometimes + ape, ape horo au hareavape haela IT. mai horu hovave lai IT. ape sa seseovai) v.I. to taste. 44 hovea [T. feare, usoso] adj. & n. like. toea). The huaea were obtained from the similar. semblance. resemblance. likeness. Motu. equality: as adv .. about: as n. often + ,!,aea, m�ea hovea fT. maea feare] likeness. Image. (G. 1:2. 4:13) are arave rare ve hovea va ka 'he my name's equality (is) not'. hovea lai fT. usoso loi sometimes redupl. hoveahovea l ai to resemble. be enough. suffice. be adequate: to match. copy. imitate. mimic. hoveahovea [T. fe feare] pl. like. alike. similar. resembling,. same. equal: [T. also U80S0 sg. & pl.] hoveahovea ka [T. usoso kao] pl. insufficient. unequal. imperfect: unable. hovea hiki [T. usoso kofa) just like. exactly the same. hoa hovea [T. soa usoso] suitable huakara [T. furuka, furuka merava] usu. occasion. propitious time. + merava, huakara merava. bush. hovea hukava T. lei kekese loi] to wilderness. forest. waste land. desert: d. make ready. Mt. 22:4) kaipu. hovea ka [T. usI oso kao] incomparable. huaparaea [T. rnavoa paraeai] v.t. to fruitless. impossible. launch (= hua + paraea). lahovea [T. like that. lofeare) huauka (var. huauku) [T. faukai] v.i. to mahovea [T. mofeare] like this. go down. o hovea ara [T. usoso 0 auai] to say the same. to confirm. huava [T. toapai, a voa toapai] v.t. to cast. throw: a ve huava throw on fire. hu (hua, huha) [T. suka-] enters into a (Mt. 7:19) large number of compounds. and conveys hari huava [T. fari fafarapai] to meaning of 'thrusting' or ·pushing·. spread news. (Mt. 9:31) hua1 hua + iki, iki hua [T. miruru huavavahia + eara (sail). eara huavavahia aritovai] v.i. to gasp. pant. be to set. hoist sail: [t. auvia sukai, falai shortwinded: also. to breathe. inhale. sukai). (+ 1 n. iki huaki maea maea ) dyspnoea. huavilaia [T. sukavuteai] v.t. to push. 2 v.t. hua [T. sukai] to rub. knead (flour). hue [T. rnai lou] n. thumb: often with mai, grind (as an axe). mai hue. loa hua [T. mora sukai) to kick out. hue-ila fT. mai-tai-fere] num. adj. five hua3 hua + pupu (fr. hua2). pupu hua (the thumb being the tally). fT. safu sukai] to make taboo: con vb. huai: rem. p. pupu huape. huelapa [T. 0 erere auai] v.t. to forbid. defend. hua4 [T. lei kekese loi] v.t. to ma ke ready. prepare (as food): to fill (as a lamp) huepa [T. lalave] n. corner. (Mt. 25:3): hapu hua to half fill: harita hua [T. pisi farisa sukai] to load a gun. huha1 fT. sukai] v.t. to pierce. stab. prick. jab. �url: also. to insert: (fr. hua5): convb. hua5 [T. sukai] v.t. to prick. huhai. (0.0. 293) huhai huha hua6 [T. sua] n. a bird. the thick-billed [T. sukasuka] to keep on Ground Pigeon. pricking. karahe huha [T. nila sukai] v.t. to huahu akore see hoahu akore inject. lape huha [T. hora sukai] to hurl huaea [T. soea] n. a shell armlet (fr. MT. spear. to spear. 45 huha2 huha + apea, apea huha huhu3 n. a kind of snake. [T. sesetopai] v.t. to carry astride the neck. huhura + a (fire). a huhura [T. a tutai] v.i. of fire. to go out. be quenched. huhara v.t. to press down. ram down. beat la a kara huhura va ka 'that fire also is down: conv !'. huhari: l. huharavahaea: not quenched' (Mk. 9:46. 48). Also v.t .. to [T. satoraa. sg. & pl.f. (Mt. 24:49. 5:6) quench fire. but the following has the t. loa hUhara T. mora patai] tread. sense: stamp un erfoot. J huhurapa + a, a huhural?a to extinguish. eharau huhara [T. ere popai] satisfy quench fire. (Mt. 12:20) with eating: syn. eharau momoha. (of lamp) elave lamepa hela va Ie huhareava [T. suka tareovai] v.t. to stab huhurai 'our lamps please are about to go and pull out weapon: (fr. hua + hareava). out' (Mt. 25:8) [T. lof lamp) tutai] Of ikiheroe 'Iove') ikiheroe huhura huhari [T. kovi] n. comb. fork. T. haikakare vevesere loi] become dimmf ed. weakened. huhari con vb. huhara. which see. huhuve [T. susurnoril n. pl. younger huhari hara [T. teavi sauai] v.t. sg. to persons of common descent: usu. used by scourge. beat: pl. huhari haea. older person of clan members of his (Mt. 24:51. 10:17) �randchildren's generation. (G. 4:25 lheading). 6:9 huhela [T. roroaiJ v.t. to wipe. rub clean. ) to clean by rubbing or sweeping: fut. S. ve akoremari ve huhuve huhelakilai: rec. p. lahuhela. (Mt. 3:12. 5's sons' descendants. Lk. 7:44) huikapa [T. suka toseravail v.t. to push rnahuhe la [T. rnaukai] v.t. wash. rinse. and throw down. to push down (betelnut. scrub. scour (a thing). (Mt. 6:17) coconut. with long pole): also. to push. mai huhela IT. rnai rnaukai] to wash thrust. jostle. shove. propel. drive out: (fr. hands. (Mt. 27:24) hu + ikapa). eharau huikapa (often + au intensive). huherava [T. sukatorai] v.t. to clutch. eharau au huikapa [T. eteai] to bear . down (at childbirth). huheri eharau, eharau huheri var. for huka1 n. a trad. ornament made of boar's eharau huhara. which see. tusks. huhohoaha [T. pauita] n. pI. elder huka2 huka + mi, mi huka T. masukoi brothers: see akoreapo. (G. 37:8) v. reflex. to bathe. take a bath. huhorea + rorore, rorore huhorea v.i. sg. apea huka [T. sesetopai] v.t. to carry (seed) germinate: (plant) to sprout: pI. astride the neck: var. huha, apea rorore huhoreava: [T. rorore tai sg. & huha. pl.]. hukapa [T. toarai] v.t. to help. aid. assist. huhorela [T. haiauru forerai] v.i. (of to side with. uphold. support. succour. plants) to spring up. sprout: also v.t . . to rescue: rec. p. la hukapaila. (Mt. 14:30. come upon. encounter: pl. R. 1:6. G. 4:1) huhoreavavahaea. (Mt. 13:8 ) hukarai horela [T. suka faropai] v.t. to huhoreava (of water) rnahu horeava pierce through. [T. ma popotoai] to gush forth. stream out. squirt: (of fruit) hae huhoreava hukau [T. safaukai] v.i. to escape. to IT. fare tail bear fruit. to fruit: oropa outrun. flee: convb. hukai. huhoreavakl hae [T. tare toare] first hukava1 hukava + hovea, hovea hukava fruits. IT. lei kekese loi] to make ready. huhu1 [T. susu] n. plank. board. (Mt. 22:4) huhuhaita [T. tola saesa] n. wooden hukava2 often with oharo (word). oharo bowl. hukava [T. laua sukavai] to chat. talk. con vb. 2 v.t. talk together. debate: hukavi: huhu [T. vipai] to plant. imper. hukavaki. (Mt. 12:14. 5:25. 37) 46

hihika hukava [T. laua pisiri hurae2 (var. hurai) [T. kemo] n. an oven sukavai] to talk openly. (Mt. 10:19) made by digging a hole in the ground. opoepoe hukava [T. 0 apeva auai] to heating stones in the hole. then placing in tell lies. (Mt. 19:18) meat and vegetables and covering with leaves. hukera IT. uta totorai] v.t. to bore a hole; 3 cf. hukora . hurae n. a feast (fr. hurae2); hurae lai to make a feast. [T. sosoka; d. associate hukerapa (var. hakurepa) [T. kiripai] v.t. name for feast Jutaij sosoka 1m.] to forsake. desert. huraha [T. pisasa] n. & adj. width. hukihorela [T. Jorerai] v.i. to arrive. to breadth; wide. broad. (Mt. 7:13) appear. huraha lai [T. pisasa loi] v.i. to be broad. wide. huki�i IT. /orerail v.i. to arrive (fr. huka + Ikl. . (P. K. 8:�) huraha o (fr. huraha apo) [T. pisasa ) ko Jar very broad. spacious. very wide. hukilala [T. kasoapai] v.i. & t. to slide. slip; to demolish. hurapa [T. sukitapail v.t. to waken. uvi oaria hareho hukilala paraeapilai arouse. rouse. (Mt. � : 25) IT. marukapai] 'whole buildings will hurau [T. Jau] n. a large littoral tree be demolished'. (Mt. 24:2) (Barringtonia asiatica). (P.K. 3:2) hukilalaka [T. itarake loi] v.i. to be hurava1 [T. avora] n. north-west region; slippery. syn. hurava hoa; hurava ukaki [T. avora hukora + ura, ura hukora [T. uta totorai] soa] to the north-west. v.t. to bore a hole. to pierce. perforate. Hurava2 Hakare the name of a trad. song. hukoraki eharu; sometimes + au2• au 3 hukoraki eharu [T. iputu] n. a tool hurava n. a kind of lizard. (D.O. 340) for boring. gimlet. huri [T. Juri] n. pus; huri ila [T. Juri ia] lape hukorai kopererea to transfix with purulent. spear (Iape) . huri lai [T. Jukiapai] v.i. to suppurate; hukuaea [T. sukai] v.t. to gouge out; la d. huritau. hukuaea to grate coconut (Ia) . hurila var. for huriva. hukuvu [T. kavapu ape] n. plug. stopper; hurita + rna v.t. & i. rnahur ita to splash; (of bottle) cork. [T. ma Juri auai; v.t. ma lei Juri auai]. hurnahernahe ara v.i. to quake. quiver. huritau [T. Jukiapai] v.i. to suppurate. [T. oriri auai; d. mava auai quiver.] huriva [T. v.t. to crush to pieces. hurnoelava [T. toapi ovai] v.t. to snatch. Jurirai] huru1 [T. suru] adj. & n. putrid. rotten. hupakaia [T. topiJeravai. var. toJeravai, corrupt. dead; corruption. aluopai] v.t. & i. to crowd around (a person). to throng, (of crowd) to surround; huru epa IT. mere suru epa i) v.i. & t. con vb. hupakai. to be stnlborn; give birth to stillborn child hu,ei n. the string on a bundle of coconuts. avuku huru [T. ivutu suru] deep sleep. [T. la poe (part of husk left for tying).] (P.K. 4:2) hura1 n. elephantiasis; name of part affected huru is also used in apposition to hara (pI. precedes, e.g. loa hura elephantiasis of haea) with the meaning 'to kill'. the leg. T. no exact equivalent; JeJesi huru hara v.t. sg. to kill (man or animal) . IT. paeai (kill man). savai (kill animal); eka swo len sickness'.] tor verb forms. see hara3. hura2 [T. iko]I n. a kind of jelly-fish (Physalia sp.). huru2 IT. miri koata] n. upper part of beach. exposed by low tide. along which hurae1 hurae + a (fire). a hurae people walk. [T. aJutaeJ n. ashes (Mt. 11:21); hence. loa huru v.i. to walk along the huru. a fireplace In the eravo; a fireplace, hearth. huru ukavu [T. miri ukavai] v.i. to go ashore. 47

are huru ukavape 'he went to the upper faith. eve iapa hekai iele 'your faith small stretch of beach.' very' (Mt. 8:26) IT. has similar range of meaning; but sulCaerereai 'have faith'.] hurua (T. surua] n. bag. pouch. sack. Convb. iapai [T. mapi]; ree. la iapaila container. A hurua bag proper is made [T. mapaita ; imper. iapaki f'T. mapaia]. from the fibrous sheath of the coconut pres. eont. p} . sub. & obi iapavahaearo 'fruiting stem. a la hurua; hence the name. (Acts 2:8); pres. cont. pl. sub. iaparo (Acts 2:11). [T. mapai is both sg. & pI..] huruha (T. muri] adJ'. swampy. marshy. When meaning is 'obey', lai is sometimes hururu (T. surusuru] adj. wet. damp. added to convb. form: iapai lai 'listen do' clammy. moist; usu. redupl. huruhuru. (Col. 3:22); Arnuave oharo iapai without change of meaning; often + rna leivahaeaki 'be obedient to the word of the (water). Lord'. rnahuruhuru lai (T. surusuru loi] v.i. rnekariiapa [T. metakao mapai] listen to be wet. soaked. moist. carefully. lei huruhuru lai [T. lei BurUBuru loi] v.t. iapea var. for eapea, which see. to wet. soak. make moist. 1 iaupe + ovohae var. for ovohae iupe, which hururuka [T. fufukai] v.i. to fly. see. 2 hururuka [T. fururukeai] v.t. to spread iele n. & adj. out (as a mat. or cloth). meaning, reason. purpose; IT. eite (meaning). lVahi ve lele meaning of a dream; oharo huva [T. sua] n. a pi�eon. dove. (Mt. 10:16. In. 2:16) ve iele meaning. purport of speech, word. huva ve hi, huva hi [T. sua ve fi] n. Also. core. centre (of thing) [T. fae coo of dove. pigeon. (kernel, core)); hiha ve iele core of abscess. huva akokore young pigeons. doves. (Mt. 21:12) As adj. follows n . . 0 iele, oharo iele [T. 0 kofa (kofa 'true')] true word. truth huverava [T. Bukaforai] v.t. to seize. Jn. 14:6); iele havahu snatch. grab. grasp. clutch. (Mt. 11:12) fT. kofakofa-eite] true indeed. Also used to intensify other adjectives: huverea [T. larivatai, libveai, sukavuteai] very; veveke iele IT. lareva kofa] very v.t. to drive away. good; overa iele [I. evera kofa] very old. ancient. iele ka, iele karia [T. eite kao, eite kasirau] fruitless. futile, groundless. iele lai to fulfil. i ['T. . ia) a shortened form for ila [T. ita] [T. oko fa loi] with . (Mt. 9:18) lei iele lai [T. lei okofa loi] v.t. to avuku i aeave 'sleep with is-lying', i.e. prove. verify. is lying asleep. (Mt. 9:24) iele haropa [T. eite eli] to investigate. a i apealula haela 'you with dwelling 1 people', i.e. your neighbours. iha v.t. & i. sg. [T. viopai, sg. & pl.l to bury, be buried; UR viopai; ree. p. lif.aila (Mt. 19:19) (Ia + ihaila); pl. ihaha: Jut. ihahakilai. i...i �areho IT. ita fareho] together (Acts 5:9, fIAt.8: 22) with. (G. � :22) Often with kekele (soil); kekele iha to dig, ...i...i (T. ...auk a ... ita, ...ita ...ita] delve. till. IT. isai (often with mea. eonJ. for pair: aire i oropa i ground). ((;. 2:5) auvahaeape haela 'behind and before went people'. (Mt. 21:9) iha2 + rna(wate r), rnaiha to drown, be ...i.. .ila [T ....ita ...ita] lengthened form drowned; pI. rnaihaha (Mk. 5:13); for second i. (G. 1:1) [T. ma isoi (sg.), ma isoseai (pl.)]. iakea [T. ifo] n. a whoop, cheer, loud ihape [T. maeakakarel adj. precedes n., outcry by a number of people. foolish, crazy, mad, ab surd, stupid. insane, drunk. (Mt. 5:22, 24:49) iapa [T. mapai] v.t. & i. to hear, listen. ihape lai [T. maeakakare loi] v.i. to be listen to, attend, hark; hence, to foolish. insane, crazy, drunk. understand, to obey. Also as n., iapa (1 Cor. 11:21) 48

lei ihape lai [T. lei maeakakare loi] v.t. iilu [T. ruru] n. skin. hide. bark. rind. peel: to make mad. drunk: to intoxicate. any close surface covering: usu. with rnave ihape drunk. tipsy. defining n. in apposition: d. ruru. The relationship between the two terms may be ihape oharo [T. 0 maeakakare] foolish illustrated in this way: when a snake sheds word. stupid remark. an old skin. that is called ruru: the skin ihape rnaifoo lishness. madness. still attached to its body is iilu. When a ihape haela [T. karu maeakakare or person dies he is said to take his ruru with maeakakare karu] n. lunatic. stupid him. but his iilu is left behind on his person. fool. corpse. [T. knows nothing of this distinction between ruru and iilu.] ihau1 n. [T. hiai, hiairi] the space ani�ala iilu IT. animala ruru] animal beneath. below. underpart. skins. (G. 1:21) uvi .ve iha� !T. uvi mora] n. house post. n. pile: pl. Ihlau. ape iilu [T. ape poe] lips. haro iilu scalp: ( nowadays also) cap. ihau ve postpositional phr.. beneath. hat. [T. below. underneath (G. 1:7). [T. hiairi kepakepa]. voa: cf. hiairi horu.] kora iilu [T. tola ruru] bark of tree. loa iilu [T. tamaka] sandals. shoes: any ihau2 v.i. to descend. go down: used with kind of footwear. (Mk. 1:7) hare (sun). lai (rain). and rna(wate r). rnaea iilu[T . maea ruru] skin of body: hare ihau IT. sare sukopai] sun to go in O. also used with the meaning of down: c( hare hoau sun to set. ·body·. lai ihau IT. lai auai] rain to descend: apihaea haela ve rnaeaiilu aeaki la d. lai hiau to rain: rem. p. lai ihaupe ita leia harapa la korukaiakilai 'dead IT. lai o e] (Mt. 5:45. G. 2:5. persons' bodies lying that place there Mt. 7:25 r. the eagle hawks will-gather together' rna ihau [T. parurukai] to sink in (Mt. 24:48). water. submerge. (Mt. 14:30) rnaeaiilu paruparu n. puckered. creased skin. ihi [T. kikirivisa] n. sandfly. sandflies. iilu hohoa [T. ruru ukai] to peel. pare: ihohea [T. iposea] n. a large tree with light (of skin) to flay. timber: much used for canoe-making iilu kohehea [T. ruru toseseai] to (Octometes sumatrana Miq.). graze the skin. ihoko [T. i/o] n. cockroach. (Mt. 6:19) ikaea [T. itovai] v.t. to pick. pluck (fruit. flowers). gather harvest: often + hae ihova [T. peise] n. sign. token. mark. (fruit) . measure. portent. (G. 4:15) ha� ikaea IT. fare itovai] to pick. gather ihova avivoa [T. peise muiai] to display frUit (G. 3:�2). a sign. show. (In. 6:30) Convb. ikaeai [T. itovi]: hab. sg. hae hab. pi. ihova lai [T. peise loi] to make a mark. ikaeavila [T. itova voveal: sign. measure (Apo. 11:1. R. 3:15): ikaealula: imper. ikaeakqT. itovaia]. [T. seseovai (measure)]. (Mt. 7:16. 9:37) rnaeave ihova [T. maea ve peise] n. ikil [T. iti] v.i. to come (from east). sympton. ikiki [T. ititi] adv. until. since: from ihova pura n. a uniform. past until now: d. aiai. (In. 2:10) ihura [T. isuta] n. traditional exclamation iki2 n. liver (d. iliki. surface of stomach). that embodies the name of the clan Because it is regarded as the seat of the aualare. The ihura thus vary from clan to emotions. iki forms many compounds to clan. They are used in moments of denote mental states and operations. It is triumph or excitement. There are various often compounded with ure, ikiure. i.e. kinds. distinguished by a definitive n. in 'inside of the iki'. hence ·mind·. [T. hai apposition. e.g. rnaea[T. maea] (body). (which has iti as a parallel name term) is rna [T. ma] (water). mea [T. mea] used in a way that closely agrees with iki.] (ground) . Used in simple form. iki has the meaning ihura ara to utter an ihura: also. of a of ·mind·. 'purpose', e.g. ave iki lehae? dog. to bark. or rather to give a short 'your mind how?'. 'what's your opinion?'. howl. [In T. haiiri is used for this meaning, ave 'haiiri lea/eare?] 49

Also used adjectivally. precedes n.: iki hareho [T. haiiri eae] adj. very . esteemed'. 'highly regarded'. 'beloved': troubled. despondent: as v .. iki hareho ara iki akore 'my beloved son' (Mk. 9:7): lai [T. haiiri eae loi]. fT. equivalent is haikakare: ara iki harerava [T. miruru aritovai] v.i. to "aikakare lei meita atute]. breathe in. take a breath. The term maea ('body') is also used in a iki havahu [T. haikakare] adj. beloved. way somewhat parallel to iki. but a maea (Mk. 9:7) compound will have a different meaning ikihaveva [T. haihaveva] adj. & n. silly. from one with iki. [T. maea is similarly stupid. mad. foolish. simple. ignorant. used. but some compounds with T. maea rash. thoughtless. absurd: folly: also. appear with iki in 0.] dumb: ant. ikiore: as v. ikihaveva lai iki ahea [T. haiiri ivara] adj. [T. haihaveva loi]. hotheaded: also n . . mental pain. ikihaveva haela [T. haihaveva karu] anguish. n. ignorant. foolish person. dunce. iki aheke [T. haiiri kere] adj. & n. idiot. (Mt. 7:26) adamant. stubborn. obstinate. bold. iki heaha [T. kaifa, hilisi] n. & adj. determined: fortitude. obstinacy. resentment. spite. malice. hate. fury: iki alala (var. iki alaia) [T. haikaeai: cf. detested. hated. churlish. ill-natured. haiarara] v.t. & i. recall. remember. uncivil. sulky. furious. recollect. iki heaha lai [T. kaifa loi, hi/isi loi] pres. cont. pI. iki alalaro (Mt. 27:63): v.t. to hate. detest. resent. envy. emphatic imper. iki alalakive lei iki heaha lai [T. lei kaifa loi] to (Heb. 10:32). vex. cause to hate. iki amua (haela) [T. haiarori (karuJ] iki heheava [T. haiiri seseovai] v.t. & i. generous. hospitable. liberal (person). to consider. reckon. iki au puparapaila [T. haifareapaita iki helari v. & n. (of mind) to chan e: adj. & n. & (eka)] asthmatic. asthma. repentance: [T. haiiri kerori (v.)]. elare iki [T. elore haiiri] one's own mind. iki helari lai to change the mind. to (1 Cor. 11 :28) repent. iki elavelave [T. haiiri lavelave, haiiri iki lei helari lai to cause change of kafukafu] adj. hotheaded. quick to mind. to convert: imper. pl. iki take offence. helarivahaeaki. (Mt. 3:2. 13:15) ikihahika fT. ape karakara] n. & adj. (of peop1e) clamour. hubbub. noise. iki heraho [T. haiiri heafo, haikavora] uproar. discord: noisy. discordant. adj. uneasy. anxious. wretched. (Acts 20:1) exasperated. iki heraho lai iki haiae [T. haiiri maealolo] adj. & n. [T. haikavora loi] to be evil-minded. perverse: evil disposition. anxious. uneasy. iki here [T haiiri vevete] easy in mind. iki hairi [T. 0 haiiri] n. dislike. . complaint: also adj. . dissatisfied. calm. iki here lai [T. haiiri vevete loi] v.i. to iki hairi oharo ara [T. 0 haiiri auai] to complain. be at ease. ikiheroe [T. haikakare, maeaforoe sg. & iki hairihairi [T. 0 poporu] n. & adj. pl.] n. love. mercy. pity. charity. grumbling. Impatient. discontented. affection. favour: also as adj. . kind. jealous. unfriendly [T. hi/isi]. loving. merciful. humane. lenient: ant. iki hairihairi lai [T. 0 poporu auai] aeha: pI. ikiheheroe. (Mt. 5:44. 46) v.i. & t. to fret. grumble. be ikiheroe lai v.i. & t. to love. have dissatisfied. object to. be impatient. affection for. show favour to. to pity. be unwilling: also. be remorseful. show mercy to. be kind to: pl. obj. sorry. (G. 6:6. Mt. 19:22) ikiheheroe lai (Mt. 9:27. 14:14): iki hailava [T. haifoforora loi] v.i. to ikiheheroe leivahaeaki pl. v. choke while eating food. (R. 1:8). [T. haikakare loi, iki haparaehaparae lai fT. haihava loi] maeaforoe loi (to pity. be kind to): v.i. to wonder. marve1. be surprised. unchanged for pl.] amazed: (of the heart) to palpitate. ikiheroe meru grace. favour shown out throb. of pity or affection. iki haparaehaparae [T. haihava] n. iki hihiri lai [T. haiiri kitou loi, irifai] surprise. marvel. 50

v.i. & t. to be enraged. be angry ikikekela naoae to guess against. ikikelava [T. haikavora loi] v.i. & t. to iki hoapa (var. iki huapa) [T. haisafai] be concerned. anxious. to worry: pay v.i. & t. to forget (Mt. 16:5). heed [T. haikakeva loi (pay heed)]. Prohibitive: iki ka hoapalue ·IT. hai think. be worried about. Often iki levi safaia] 'don't forget" (!-feb. 13:16). kelava: prohibitive: iki ka kelavalue: iki hoara [T. haisusuru auai] v.i. to neg. p. iki au kelavaila (Mt. 6:31. sigh. 11:20). ikihorahora [T. horahora, haihava] Also as noo iki kelava IT. seseovaita n. & adj. uncertainty. undecided: haiiri] thought(s). opmion. (Mt. 12:25) astonishment. iki lahualahua [T. haiiri haria haria] n. & ikihorahora lai [T. haihava loi, adj. variance. varied in opinion. horahora loi, haikakapu kakapu divided in thought. loi] v.i. & t. to be astonished. amazed iki lamukilamuki lai [T. haikapekapeai] at. wonder. marvel: also. to be in v.i. to be confused. perplexed in mind. doubt. uncertain. perplexed. (Acts 19:32) concerned. (Mt. 14:31. 8:10. 10:19) iki mahuka lai [T. haiiri patoita] v.i. to iki hua [T. haifareapai] v.i. to gasp. be disheartened. discouraged. lose heart. pant. be shortwinded: to breathe. iki mahuvu [T. ape maruru] n. breath. respire. iki mea karia [T. haiharua] adj. iki huaki maea n. dyspnoea. breathless: also. iki mea hekai adj. ikihuru [T. haisora, haieae] n. sadness. short-winded. sorrow. melancholy. regret. remorse. iki mehau [T. haiiri pasou] adj. heavy­ woe. mourning. pity. compassion. UR hearted. ikisuru. iki muruha [T. haimafu] adJ. meek. ikihuru haela mourner(s). iki oaoka [T . haiiri tore] n. inward fear. ikihuru lai [T. haisora toil v.i. & t. to (Mt. 9:8) be sad. grieve. mourn. to have pity on. ikiore [T. haiorel n. knowledge. wisdom. relent. be remorseful. (Mt. 5:4. 9:15) ability. skill: aJJ. wise. thoughtful. mai heaha ve ikihuru n. penitence. prudent. judicious. understanding. skilful Also an exclamation: ikihuru-e! Mt. 7:24): ant. ikihaveva sometimes ikihuru hela! fT. haihaveva]. [T. ahai-e!] oh dear! woe! ikiore haela 'wise men' (Mt. 2:1). iki iha [T. haiiri oai] v.i. to be ikiore oharo wise word. proverb. overcome. iki ovava lai [T. haiiri ovava loi] v.i. to iki ihau (var. iki ihiau) [T. haiisoi, be clear in mind. comprehending. haihava loi] v.i. 5g. to be terrified: be enlightened. amazed: to be troubled. iki paealapaeala [T. maeamarova] n. iki ihaha v.i. pI. to be terrified. amazed. pride: adJ. proud. troubled (Mt. 14:26): [T. unchanged iki paealari [T. haihava] n. marvel: syn. for pl.]. iki haparaehaparae. iki ihiaha [T. hai oriri auai] v.i. to iki papailapa [T. maea opaopa loi] v.i. tremble. be nervous. (Acts 7:32) to faint. n. iki kakare [T. haifae hehea] pain in iki paperapa [T. haifareapai] to pant. chest: also. woe. sadness. sorrow gasp. [T. haisora (sorrow)). distress of mind. wretched. unhappy. iki paraea [T. haiparaeai sg. & pl.. haiorai, haisai auai] v.i. (of the ikikekela [T. sukaerereai, sesearai] n. mind) to rest. relax: be at leisure: faith. trust. belief. opinion. thought(s). rem. p. iki paraeape: pI. iki Also v.i. & too to believe. think. desire. paparaeha. (G. 3:16. 5:29. Mt. 11:28. ponder. reflect. brood over. imagine. R. 2:7) surmise. to put trust in. have faith in. rely on: to recall. remember. iki pelaea [T. maeamarova] adj. proud. [T. haikaeai (think. remember).] haughty. highminded: cf. maea pelaea. {1 Cor. 13:13. R. 2:10) iki ure sometimes ikiure. [T. haiiri]. inner ikikekelaki mai pensive. thoughtful. mind: used like T. haiiri for thought. plan. idea. but unlike haiiri. it is the ikikekela hovea lai [T. haiiri usoso simple form iki that is usual in loi] to agree. concur. be willing. compounds. 51

iki ureve [T. haiiri tlOa] within the with' (Mt. 14:4). IT. ita used in a similar mind manner: .... sa/u la.] ikivere [T. haikaeail n. hope. wish. ita hareho [T. ita fareho] 'together want. purpose. preference: love: as adj.. with'. dear. beloved. (1 Cor. 13:13) Abbrev. form i: e i iri haela [T. eve ote ikivere lai [T. haikaeai, haikakare karu] 'your enemy' (you with enemy) loi] v.i. &: t. to hope. wish. want. . .. i. ..ita. e.g. ela eroa i karave koa ila desire. hanker after: choose. prefer. 'we with hunger and thirst' (1 Cor. 4:11) . select. elect. approve. consent: be fond -ila also used as suffix with certain n., to of. like. love. (Mt. 12:18) denote pl.. e.g. uva. uavila 'wive(s) : also ikivere havahu lai [T. haikakare arai] used with v. to mark tense. aspect. and to yearn. long for. be eager for. mood: appears also with num. ad'" e.g. ikivere haela [T. haikakare karu] n. horo-ila ·ten·. 40-ila (Mt. 4:2). (T. -ita beloved person. favourite. darling. also used with n. and v. in a simi ar way.] ikivere haiae adj. &: n. perverse. evil It also appears with dual forms of the desire. pronouns. e.g. earila (e + ar + ila) 'you two'. ikivere mai T. haikaeaita mail n. desire. wil . purpose. (Mt. 6 : 1(�) ila2 n. 8g. pig: pI. ilaita. [T. ita. 8g. &: pl.] korukaeaki ikI ivere lai [T. kokorukai haikaeail wish to gather together. ila abu [T. ita ovu] n. sow. (Mt. 23:3() ita aivau [T. ita sarova] n. pork. ikiveveke [T. hailareva] n. joy. ila hakaea. var. aivau hakaea [T. ita happiness. delight. mirth. gladness. itua] joint of pork. pleasure: also as adj. . merry. joyful. ita lou [T. ita lou] n. mother pig. sow happy. full-grown. ikiveveke ara [T. hailareva loil v.i. to ita mea [T. ita torea] n. boar. be happy. to delight. be cheer(ul. content. (Mt. 25:21) ila mere [T. ita mere] n. piglet. ikiveveke lai v.i. to be glad. elated. to ila ve ara [T. ita kora] n. pig fence. rejoice: v.t. enjoy. pig-sty. lei ikiveveke lai [T. lei hailareva loi] ila ve koreara koreara [T. ita tie v.t. to make happy. to please. kokorara] grunt of pig. n. iki veveroro [T. haiiri ova va] adj. clean. ila ve lati [T. ita ve lati] bristles of pure in heart. (Mt. 5:8) pig. ila ve uvi [T. ita ve uvi] n. pigsty. ikipi [T. mora kiri] n. heel: also loa ikipi. ila3 n. axe: ila hekai hatchet. [T. ita ikoko (T. kala he] n. nail (fr. MT ikoko (stone). naoita (steel). 'nail ): syn. karahe. ila haro [T. naoita haro] axe head. ikupa [T. uti] n. stem: also with kora (tree) ilaea IT. itaea] n. sale. deal. purchase. and okiharo (path): adj. stemmed. exchange. barter: (cf. Namau: inaea. with branched. sa me meaning). kora ikupa [T. tola laka, tola tupa, ilaea eharu [T. itaea etau] n. anything tola sofa] a stemmed. forked piece of acquired or disposed of at a price. timber: also. stump of tree. log. ilaea lai [T . itaea loi] v.t. to buy. sell. okiharo ikupa [T. otiharo laka] a fork barter {Mt. 13:44-5): (Namau: inaea in pathway. liai) . ikupa hoa halfway. [T. aru soa] ilaea lei avara. [T. itaea lei miarai] to midway. sell (avara gIve'). ila1 [T. ita (abbrev. form ia)) postposition: ilaea lei ava [T. itaea lei ovai] to buy abbrev. form i: with. in company with. (ava ·get'). Used instrumentally: a ila [T. sa: a sa] ilaea haela [T. itaea leita karu] n. a 'with fire' (Mt. 3:11). person who buys. sells or exchanges Forms adverbial phrases: haela oaria things. merchant. arero ikiveveke ila koarape 'people all ilaea uvi [T. sitoa] n. shop. store. him gladly met' (Lk. 8:40). A arero laeakive pupu ila 'you her to-marry taboo ilaita n. pl. pigs: see ila2. [T. ita. 8g. &: pl .] 52 ilehoila (T. oroisoria] num. adj. follows n.; irehoila var. for ilehoila. which see. three. hoa ilehoila fT. soa oroisoria] iri ' ote] n. enmity: usu. with haela threefold. three times; third. . karu]. iri haela [T. ote karu] enemy. (Mt. 26:44) oe. opponent. adversary. rival. [G . 3:15) iri haela lai [T. ote karu loi] v.i. & t. to iii haro (T. iriharo] n. nautilus shell. Ebe an enemy. to be at enmity with. to oppose. iliki n. outside surface of stomach. Instead of ve. iri haela takes i 'with', e.g. e i iri haela [T. elleote karu] ilila + a (fire); a ilila (T. a sauai] v.i. to burn. be alight. 'your enemy' (Mt. 5:25). + n. irihi e (dance) , e irihi [T. e-oi] to dance: ilopea a kind of snake. cf. mahea hara. ilopoa var. iropa) T. arapai] v.t. to ( [ irii fT. hilili] n. a file: originally the dried swallow; rem. p .•Iape. skin of a stingray (mahuka). ipi (T. n. ipiJ origin. base. bottom. iroki [T. n. fou ndatlOn. oroti] canoe. iroki haruhu a double canoe. ipi haela (T. ipi vita] founder. person in authority. (G. 4:20) iroki miro [T. kaua, tarilla]an canoe. avako ipi (T. n. ollauta] the inner ear. iroki pao [T. oroti pere] gunwale of avea ipi (T. allea-ipi] n. nape of neck. canoe. e-ipi (T. kiriape] n. buttocks. backside. iroki ura kokauka [T. oroti uta ipi eava T. kaearuri] v.i. & t. to look sasaukai] v.t. caulk, stop up holes in down. ook down at. a canoe. ipi hoau I(T. faukai] v.i. & t. to descend. iropa ve oropa [T. oroti opal bows of canoe. karave ipi (T. kOllore-ipi] n. lower part of throat. iropa T. arapa!l v.t. to gulp down. karave il?i heaha [T. kOllore-ipi swa low: var. I(opoa. heheaj sore throat. I iroro [T. it oro] n. proclamation, oration, ipi koa [T. ipi 1I0a toapai] v.t. to throw harangue. discourse; (now) sermon: often down. cast down. with oharo [T. 0] . v.t. ipi paraea [T. ipi voa paraeai] to iroro ara [T. itoro auai] v.t. & i. to lower. proclaim. preach. (Mt. 9:35) ipi ve [T. ipi voa] postpositional phrase; iroro haela [T. itoro karu] n. orator, at the base. below; as adi . lowly. preacher. ipi leve? [T. ipi lellea?] syn. ehovea leve? why? iroro oharo T. itoro 0] n. proclamation, proclaimeJ word. ipidi fT. pisi, also apo] n. gun (intro. fr. iroro ve ipi [T. itoro ve ipil text of MI pidi). sermon, meaning of speec� . ipidi hea [T. fire a gun. shoot. pisi sail ita [T. oti] n. place. site, plot of ground, ipidi pepa [T. pisi pepa] n. gun permit. situation, region. locality, land. country (R. 1:1): sometimes karikara 'village': in ipopea v.i. 89. to begin. make a start: pl. compounds abbrev. to ia: laia, lei a ipopeava. [T. cf. mea opai (day to [T. 101l0a] that place, maia [T. movoa] begin) .] (R. 1:6. G. 4:26. Mt. 18:24) this place. ipopeavaki hoa [T. oarehova soa] aru ita [T. aru oti] place in between, 'beginning time'. origin. in the middle. beginning. ita avaki haela [T. ipaisa karu] deputy ipouka n. large black ant. ('place having person'), proxy: ita avaki eharu substitute. ipouka haha [T. fufuta loi] v.i. to get ita aea paraea [T. oti aea voa itapai] cramp. v.t. to transfer. ipoveara T. ore fae] v.t. to know. have full elare ita [T. elore oti] own place, home. knowle ge of. (In. 16:30) ita lahua aea [T. oti haria voa pallai] J live away from home, be in exile. 53

ita leia IT. elore voa] at home (+ gen. ivaiva ara to perform a rite, to pray pron. J . e.g. are areve ita leia 'he is (G. 4:26, Mt. 5:44). at home'. ita haela [T. n, ive [T. savoro] n, king post of eravo or karikara karu] native house: (of canoe or ship) mast. Used for (of a place). 'headstone' in Lk. 20:17. ita hauaka [T. oti meara] desert place. ita havari [T. vuvuri oti] n. swamp, iviri [T. ikorea] n. oval or round fish-net: bog. hoop net. ita heheapa [T. oti vevete] n, flat ivitoto n. hammock (fr. MT ivitoto . country, plain. ) ita maeamaea [T. oti hoi] proximity. ivura [T. ivuta] n. iguana. ita merava [T. oti merava] ivuru [T. ivuru] adj. precedes n .. miserly. uncultivated, uninhabited place, bush. stingy. mean. ita miri [T. ma miri, miri posa] (of ivuru lai [T. ivuru auai; syn. t,!topo lai] water) shallow place, sandbank. to be stingy. ungenerous, unwilling. to ita pakuva [T. tu] n. mound, heap. share. ita pikuru [T. oli pekauke] n. bog, marsh, muddy place. K ita kariki [T. oti pisosi] v.t. to tidy up a place. 1 ka [T. kao] neg. not: used alone in itau [T. isai] v.i. to go (westerly dire�tion): answer to a question. no. nay (Mt. 5:37). go towards beach, coastwards from Inland: Follows v. to make it negative, with pres. convb. itai [T. isei]: (ef. au go and fut. usu. preceded by verbal conj. va. eastwards) . e.g. are va leia araea va ka 'he there will not enter'. [T. kao follows v. for pres. and itava [T. isai] v.t. & i. to call. call out to, p., but does not have verbal conj.]. summon (G. 3:9): convb. itavi [T. isa]. Used preceding the v. and lue followi.n� .. ka lira hai itava IT. ape rovaea ita isai] forms prohibitive (Lk. 10:4) [T. prohibitive call out loudly, shout to. levi precedes v.] . e.g. kamaeaealue 'do rare itava [T. rare aravai] v.t. to not speak' (pl.): sometimes coalesces, e.g. name. �ive a name to (G. 2:19. kaealue (ka + aea + lue) 'do not take' R. 1:20). (Mk. 6 : 8). ka is also used to express absence of itovea n. the third day after today (fr. ito + 9uality or thing. e.g. hovea ka 'not equal' mea 'time'): more usu. nowadays to use lMt. 8:8): veveke ka 'no good', 'not the intro. days of the week. [T. i'so sare. good'. l'r . kao similarly used: usoso kao, a term now obsolete.] lareva leao.] + iupe ovohae (eyes). ovohae iupe . ka2 + hae (fruit). hae ka [T. lare sora loi] T. olae misilai, olae moravail V.L to v.i. rem. p. ift up the eyes. to raise eyes (G. �7:25, (of fruit) to mature: kape. I31:12): convb. iupei (G. 18:2. In. 6:5) : (Mt. 13:26) rem. p. ovohae iupepe (G. 13:10. 23:64). ka3 + lai (fr. ka1) v.t. ka lai [T. kaloi v.i. . lei kaloi v.t.] to finish. put an end to, to iva [T. uiva] n. cassowary. finish off. (G. 6:7) ivahi [T. ivahia, syn. auka, ivahia itotai, ka4 + ila (fr. kai 'and') , .. ka ... ila, e.g. auka paeai] n. dream: also as v., to dream. meahaiapo ka kaia ila 'earth and heaven' (Mt. 6:10): [T . . .. ita ... ita]. ivahi eava [T. auka paea eavai] see in a dream (Mt. 1 :20). ka5 [T. a- 0] conj. (abbreviated fr. aka) , iva hi eavavila haela a dreamer but, or {Mt. 10:11). (G. 37:19). karikara hekai ka eapapo 'village small or big'. ivaiva n. an invocation. entreaty. prayer: houhuka ka uruka formerly addressed to the spirit of the 'white or black'. dead. Nowadays: prayers (to God). . _ka6 used as suffix to intensify a few adj. and service. [T. veveu (prayer). syn. Ivalva: iele, e.g. helaka 'very beautiful' latter term has retained its trad. meaning.] (P.K. 1:2), marita hevehe mekaka 54

iele-ka 'girls of extraordinary loveliness' kai3 [T. tae] n. woven band, formerly worn (P.K. 3:4). [T. -ka similarly used with on the arm. rnai kai [T. mai tae]. or leg seika 'small and rovaea ·big·.] loa kai IT. mora tae]. A larger version. erekai ['I. ere tae]. was worn as a belt. -ka 7 [T. -kao] used as a suffix to a few words in order to form adverbs. e.g. hihi kaia JT. kauri] n. sk¥. heaven: (Namau: ·open·. hihika ·openly·. kala ·sky·). (G. 1 :1) kae1 n. clay. kaia akea [T. kauri arori] (Bibl.) heaven. [T. sauka] ·sky above·. kae2 + a (fire). a kae [T. a eroe] n. spark. kaia hi [T. sisorea] thunder, 'sky sound': ember. syn. kaia kukururu thunder. kae-ila num. adj. nine. [T. ENG. num. kaia kue [T. kauri tupe] n. height of used.] heaven. kaia uru [T. kauri uru] n. dark. lowering kaea [T. toea] v.i. sg. to be in a state of sky. (Mt. 16:3) suspense. to be hanging: pl. kakaeha kaia uru koa v.i. sky to become [T. totoea]: fut. kakaehakilai. lowering. kavo la kora ve rnarnaeakove Ie kaia ve kao [T. kauri ve ituatao] kakaeharo 'flying foxes are hanging horizon. from the branches of that tree' (pres. cont.), kaiakaia IT. kaekaea] n. a ki'nd of fish. airovo-kaea [T. porokitai] v.t. & reflex. (D.O. 151) to hang. kaiake (var. kaeake) [T. eokere] adj. bitter. elare rnaea airovo-kaea [T. elore maea tart. sour, pungent. acrid. (Mt. 27:34) 27 :5) porokitai] to hang oneself. (Mt. rnakaiake [T. ma eokere] bitter water. kaeake [T. eokere] adj, bitter: rnurarnura oharo kaiake [T. 0 ivara eokere] kaeake gall. (R. 1:20 footnote) bitter. caustic words. kaearnuruvar. for kaiavuru, which see. kaiapakore [T. toto] n. a small lizard. gecko (Geconidae). kaeava [T. toari avai, kiva loi] v.t. to shield. protect. kaiaruka [T. kaearuka] n. canoe pole. punting pole. kae-ukai-ila num. adj, nineteen: ENG. num. now used [T. ENG. num.]. kaiavuru [T. hooo] n. a type of hohao: in former times the carved wooden plaque kahara [T. soka] as conj. . so, well: as used for private magic: (ef. Namau: exclamation. enough! stop! leave off! kaiarnurnu . (D.O. 155) (G. 2:7. P.K. 1:3) ) oharo kahara [T. 0 soka!] 'word kaibaraka [T. muhiJ n. prop. brace. enough', i.e. stop talking! shut up! support: syn. rnuhl. ara kahara [T. ara soka!] I've had it! kaika IT; kaikal n. stick. stake: HH kaika: I'm finished! OP kalka. (Mt. 10:10. G. 38:18) kahekai [T. harua] adj. short: pI . loa kaika [T. mora kaika, mai kaika] kaotiaeka [T. hohoruaSf' . n. walking stick. staff: syn. rnai kahekai haerapa v.t. to snip. kaika. n. kai1 [T. aea, tal conj. and. also. kaikara IT. makaikara, soloJ salt: also Sometimes repeated, e.g. ere kai ... a kai soro (lr. ENG.). (Mt. 5:13J 'they also ... and you' (G. 1:2. 3: 3:15. kaikara ila brackish. salty. saline. R. 1:1). kaikara ita [T. sisoha-pisiri] saltpan. With meaning 'again' kai ... kai (P.K. 7:3) rnakaikara [T. makaikara] n. salt [T. ata]. water. sea. ocean: syn. ahea. kai2 postposition: takes obj. of pron. before rnakaikara have [T. kaikara lave] it: motion towards. to: used only of salt rock. rock salt. (G. 19:26) pe�sons (fr. ukai) . IT. tai, also requires obJ. pron. arero.] (Mt. 7:15. 8:34) kaikava IT. kou] n. back: HH kaitova: OP koru: RT aki: cf. kaka uti backbone. arero kai to him. ero kai to you. kaikava v. With n. no obj. mkr. required. as [T. mavitoai] to reverse. 55

turn upside down. turn back to front [T. mavitoai); rem. p. as n. kaikavape. kaisi [T. kaisi] n. crayfish (fr. T.). {Mt. 23:26) kaita [T. taisa] n. paddle; kaita ma kaikava haiae [T. kou-uti kaiae] [T. taisa leiai] to paddle. crooked back. kaita hiha kopererea fT. taisa fo/ai] to kaila [T. arisovai] v.t. to pick up. take up steer by pulling paddle towards canoe. (as rubbish). Convb. kaili (kailai. kaita kai ma [T. taisa leiai] to paddle; Mt. 27:6) Mt. 15:36. syn. kaita ma. mea ukai kaita ma to paddle into the kailue [T. levi aria) prohibitive; fro ara6; (ka + i + lue). (Mt. 6:7) wind. kaitau [T. sisiovail v.i. to spill. run over kalailue fT. levi leitial prohibitive; fr. lai (as water from a full cup). (ka + lai + lue). (Mt. 5:27) kaitava + mu v.i. mu kaitava [T. mu kaipu (var. kaipure) IT. /uruka, mu furuka-iril (fr. kalpu ure 'inside bush') tova loi] to vomit. retch. spew; var. n. bush. wirderness; HH aipo; OP kaipu; kakaita. cf. huakara. (P.K. 7:2. G. 4:8) kaiva1 [T. ovai, ovi taiovai] v.t. sg. to kaipu kora [T. /uruka tola] clump. take. get. carry. lift off; convb. kaivi; grove of trees. rem. p. kaivape; pI. kara [T. maravai]. (Mt. 15:26. G. 3:19) kaire [T. alova!l an emphatic affirmation. v.t. yes. indeed! (Mt. 9:28) kaiva eke [T. ovi koti] to bring. kaiva2 n. an obsolete name for coconut (Ia) kairu [T. koavi] n. (Curcuma domestica Val.); the tuberous roots yield a occasionally encountered in trad. poetry. bright yellow dye. used for 'grass skirts'. [T. aua; the associate name is kaiva.] kaivoava [T. /api moravai] v.t. to lift up. open up. (Mk. 2:4) kaka hara [T. lakahai avail v.i. to sit astride. kaka laua [T. kou-uti kaiae] n. humpback. hunchback. kaka uti [T. kou-uti] n. backbone. spine. kakaita [T. sisovai, syn. sisiovai] v.t. to pour into. pour onto. (Mt. 9:17) mu kakaita, var. mu kaitava [T. mu suka sisovai] to vomit. kakaitapa fT. sisovai] v.t. & i. to pour; rec. p. la'kakaitaila. kakakoea [T. ape kaitoeai] v.t. to treat with contempt. (Lk.23:11) kakaoa [T. seseai] v.t. to chew; usu. + kao ('teeth') . kao kakaoa gnaw. masticate. kairuhi n. a kind of snake. yellowish-green kakarara [T. araral adj. dry; mea in colour. kakarara dry land. (G. 1:9) kairuka [T. maea-koavi] adj. & n. yellow. kakare [T. hehea] n. & adj. pain. hurt. sallow; (fr. kairu). smart. ache. sore; syn. ahea. kairuka apia pi [T. maea-uru-mohari] kakare lai [T. hehea loi] v.i. be in pain. brown. suffer pam. be hurt. kairuka kairuka [T. (karu) maea-sea] lei kakare lai [T. lei hehea loi] v.t. to albino. afflict. cause to suffer. cause pain. torture. (G. 4:23) 56

kakare eapapo [T. hehea rovaea] n. kao heheava, var. kao hahaea; syn. agony. kao ererea; [T. tao karekare auai] eharau kakare [T. ere horou hehea] n. to gnash teeth. (Mt. 8:12) gripe. kao kakaoa [T. sauai] v.t. to chew. gnaw. elel� kakare [T. elele. hehea] n. pain in sinew. tendon. sprain. kao kakare [T. tao hehea] n. iki kakare [T. haieae] mental pain. toothache. distress. wretched. (G. 4:5) kao miri [T. tao ipi] n. gums. kao kakare [T. tao hehea] toothache. (2) point or end of anything; fringe. maea kakare [T. maea hehea] pain in margin. border. corner. termination; pl. body. kao kao [T. tao tao]. maea uki kakare [T. maea uti hehea] harita kao [T. tarisa tao] n. barb of pain in bones. arrow. kakare haelapa [T. hehea lei kaloi] to hirivo kao T. sirivo tao] n. tip of reed. alleviate. relieve pain. (Mt. 27:J 8) kakare oaria [T. eka maeamaeal hoi kao [T. naosoi tao] n. edge of infirmities of all kinds. (Mt. 4 : 13) knife. kakare oraiava [T. hehea lei au morari] ma kao [T. ma tao] n. edge of water. bear. endure pain. merove kao [T. morove tao] n. the hooked spines of the rattan cane. kakaroa [T. kokoroail v.i. to waste away. shrivel up. become tliin:of ten with maea oko kao, uvi ve oko kao [T. oto uke, (body). maea kakaroa [T. maea oto tao] n. eaves .. kokoroail. Also v.t .. to smoke dry (as pura kao [T. puta petol n. border. fish) [T. lei hahoro loi]. fringe of cloth. (Mt. �:21) kakavae [T. itaea, tava] n. exchange. deal. kaoa [T. mai muti] v.t. to reckon. count. sale. calculate. enumerate. (Lk. 12:7) kakavae lai [T. itaea loil to barter. trade. haela kaoaki hoa n. census. 37:27. R. : 3 bargain. swop. (G. 4 ) kaoaki hovea ka fT. mutita usoso kake [T. moraitai, maeapavora, kake kao] innumerab e. numberless. n. (namesake)] close friend. companion. kapa1 [T. ere peli] n. spleen. fellow. partner. mate of about the same age: a namesake. (Mt. 11:19) kapa2 [T. kopa] n. (intro.) bell. kake haela playmate( s). kapa koa [T. kopa toai] to ring a bell. mari kake girl friend. kapare [T. tapare] n. fat. grease. dripping; kako [T. kako] n. a bird: the black and as ady". . tasty. sweet. toothsome; HH white butcher bird (Cracticus cassicus) . kepae; OP meave; RT melo. kako ela [T. kako ela] n. seine twine. kapena [T. kapena] n. rudder; syn. hihe, tari. kalelue (fr. ka + Ie + lue). a var. for vevaea kapena [T. kapena karu] prohibitive. do not do: [T. levi captain of ship. skipper. lelha/; cf. kallue,. kalaelue. (�. 3:17. Mt. 16: 19) kapere + miha, miha kapere [T. misa kapera] n. female crab. kaliko [T. ikol n. Portuguese man-of-war. jelly-lish (Physalia sp.). kapita [T. makapi] n. sea snake. kamuraealue (fr. ka + muraea + lue) kapu [T. tapu] n. tomb. grave; often + ita. (T. levi seseovaial. prohibitive murea. kapu ita [T. tapu oti] n. cemetery. which see. (Mt. 4 : f) graveyard. tomb. sepulchre. 1 neg. adv. kao used in isolation to answer kapura kapura + ovohae (eyes). var. 0 questions. no. [T. kao. this used also to kapuara kapuara; ovohae ka!?ura kapura neg. v. pres. tense. [T. otae kaputa kaputa auai] v.i. to blink. kao2 (T. taol n. (1) tooth; (of crab) claw; HH and of:> kao; RT hu'u. kara1 (fr. ka3 + ra or la 'that') also that. 57

also [T. ta reha, (also that)]; used when karave ipi heaha syn. karave ipi kakare adding to a statement already made, e.g. la IT. kovore-ipi hehea] sore throat, kora oaria kara 'all those trees also'. As hoarse. example, shows. kara takes final position. karave ipi lalaoka IT. kovore-ipi (G. 1:29) lalaukai] to garg)e. kara2 [T. kora] n. fence, barricade (timber karave koa usu. + rna (water}, rna placed lengthwise); cf. ara; syn. haua. karave koa [T. kovore tolo] n. thirst. 3 rna karave koa ila [T. kovore toloia] kara [T. maravai] v.t. pl. of kaiva, take, 'with thirst', i.e. to be thirsty (used get; convb. karai or kari. when tense does not require to be uavila kara [T. laeai] (get wives) indicated) . marry. (G. 4:19) rnakarave koa lai [T. kovore tololoi lakara (fr. lara + kara) v.i. to thirst, be thirsty (Mt. 25:42). [T. la 'haroavai] devour. (G. 41:4) Also rnakarave koa hara, by analogy karahe T. karahe, kovi] n. nail. needle; with eroa 'hungry' (2 Cor. 11:27) horn of cattle) [T. kea (of cattle)]; [T. only loi]. nowa tays needle of injection. karave lika [T. kovore luka] n. larynx. karahe huha [T. nila sukai] v.t. to Adam's apple; (of cassowary) wattle. inject. karave-ila num. adj. eleven; also karave karai (var. kalai) (fr. ka2 + laj) [T. kaloi] ukai-ila fifteen; (fr. parts of the neck being to complete, finish. (Mt. 22: 8) employed as tallies); such numbers are now obsolete, ENG. numbers are used karakara1 [T. karakara] n. noise. rattle, instead [T. ENG. likewise]. clatter. creak. rumble. bang. (Apo. 9:9) karakara lai [T. karakara loi] v.i. to karaveria [T. utohoa] adv. & adj. rumble. rattle, make a noise. immediately, promptly, quickly; prompt, quick; part. syn. elavelave [T. lavelave]. karakara2 [T. viviuti] n. wild duck; Bibl. trans. 'quail'. kare IT. levo, maea levo] n. ringworm (Twea imbricata); syn. hepoka. kararapi n. side of chest. ribs; [T. kararapa [T. other kinds of tinea are known as (side of chest); koesa uti (ribs)]. terepo.] kararapi uki rib bones, rib(s). karea n. a kind of tunic made of barkcloth, kararoa [T. lei hahoro loi] v.t. to smoke dyed yellow, that was worn by the initiates during part of the Hevehe crcle of dry. ceremonies (D.O. 320-30). [T. cf. sarea kararuka [T. a voa eai, tororukai] v.t. to puta.] cook; boil or cook over hot stones. karerea oropape, oropape karerea v.i. to (Lk. 24:42) frown. karava + ape, ape karaya n. a demand. kari1 [T. tail v.i. & t. to wait, await, tarry, ape karaya lai v.t. to make a demand; linger, expect, hope for; convb. kari var. apekarava. (Mt. 5:42, 18:24). [T. teil ; rem. p. karipe [T. taipe]. [T. ape karova has meaning of 'bold {Mt. 2�:5) {of speech)'.] rnuruharikari [T. avi tail to waylay, lie karave [T. kovore] n. throat, front part of in wait. neck. kari2 convb. of kara3, pI. of kaiva. karaya hae (var. karave haj) [T. kovore (Mt. 2:21) fae] n. throat. (Mt. 18:28) kari au [T. maravi terai] v.t. to take karave hae haehaharoa [T. kovore away. faihohoroai] v.t. to strangle, throttle. kari eke [T. maravi koti] v.t. to bring. karave haeharoa [T. kafai] v.i. to 3 choke. kari kari lai [T. kaloi] v.i. & t. to come to an end. end, to finish; cf. karia lai. karave haropaki eharu [T. kovore (Mt. 5:18) seropaita etau] n. necklace. lei kari lai [T. lei kaloi] to cause to karave ipi [T. kovore-ipi] n. gullet, end. throat (lower part). 58

karia1 [T. kasirau] ad;". with v. emphatic ovohae kariri ara [T. olae kuku loi] v.i. neg. mkr., not, not at all, nought, none: (of to be blind. persons) absent. kariri2 n. a kind of lizard. karia lai [T. kasirauri loi] to lack. eharu karia [T. etau kasirau] nothing. karoro [T. karoro] n. stripe, marking, karia havahu [T. kasirau kola] pattern: (of wood) grain: also, writing mai nought. karoro: cf. hohoa. [T. grain (of wood) tola elele, also 'letter'.] karia karia iele [T. kakaeite] absolutely nothing, not at all. (Mt. 16:4) karoro karoro [T. maea korukoru) speckled, spotted. karia leiki hoa termination. pupu karia [T. salu kasirau] not karoroka + maea (body), maea karoroka taboo. [T. maea kokoroai) ad;". (of people) thin, emaciated: also v., to become thin. karia2 karia lai [T. kaloi] v.i. & t. to cease, (Mk. 9:18) accomplish, finish, conclude, desist, complete (G. 2:1): a lengthened form of karu ar. koru) fT. mea toru, toru uta] n. kari; rem. p. karia leipe [T. kaleipe]: pit G. 37:29), hole in ground, trench, karia lei va ka endless. ditc� : also, grave: sometimes + mea (ground), mea karu. karika var. for karila, which see. rna karu [T. matoru) n. waterhole, kariki [T. pisosij v.t. to make, construct, well. (P.K. 7:2) create (G. 1 :26): rem. p. karikipe karu iha [T. toru uta isail to di� a pit, [T. pisosipe]: Jut. karikikilai [T. pisosi burrow, to bury, inter. (R. 1:17) roil· karu used also as adj. & n., deep, depth kariki haveva [T. pisosita haveva] [T. used as adj.). ignorant of making (Mt. 5:36). rna vakaru iele 'water very deep down' kariki ore va ka [T. pisosita ore kao] (In. 4:11). to be unable to do, not know how to karu karu iele [T. toru-uta karera] make. abyss, chasm. kariki haela man who held the hereditary office of curator and karula [T. saruta] n. louse, lice, found in ceremonial handyman in the former swarms in crevices of houses, furniture and eravo (D.O. 93-4). clothes: HH and OP karula. ita kariki [T. oti pisosi] to make ready, kau fT. kavai] v.i. to go inland: cf. ukavu. prepare a place, tidy up a place. (I'lil t. 2:12) okiharo kariki [T. otiharo pisosi] to make a path (Mt. 3:3). kaukaiakaia n. a large black ant, which has oropa kariki [T. omopa pisosi] to a painful bite. prepare. kaulau [T. hako] adj. unripe. kariki kariki ara [T. pisosi pisosi auai] to keep on making, keep on kaupa [T. taupai] v.t. to urge: to hook. doing (Mt. 24:44). kaupahae n. a creeper with yellow flowers. karikara [T. karikara] n. village: settlement of any size from hamlet to town: ita kaupe fT. taupa] n. a tree (Thespesia popu2nea (L.) Soland. ex Correa): it is a [T. oti] 'place' is often used as a syn. (aualari) karikara haela [T. karikara karu] totem of the Purari clan. village man, native of a village. kaurara [T. elare] n. a variety of yam karikara hihi [T. karikara pisiri] n. ( L.). open place in village. kauri [T. mairimairil n. east: kauri ukai karila (var. karira, karika) [T. karitai] v.t. eastward. (G. 2:8. Mt. 2:1) to grate, scrape (of coconut) la karila: kauri ukaki [T. mairimairi itai] to also, to scratch. [T. (of coconuts) la the east. (G. 3:24) sukai.] kauri mea east wind: syn. kerere mea. kariri1 + ovohae (eyes), ovohae kariri [T. mauta (S.E. wind).] olae kuku] 3 [T. blind, eyeless: (fr. kari + kauvahaealue ka + lue. + -ri adv. suff.) (fr. prohibitive 59

au·] + va + haea aux. pI. 'do not go' keake [T. eokere] ady". bitter. (Apo. 8:11) (Mt. 2:12). [T. levi kavaia.] keava [T. aruavai] v.t. to pull. draw. kava-apo n. a fish. (0.0. 251) kebu [T. tamaru] n. umbrella; var. kavu. kavale [T. tava] n. price. charge. cost. wages. salary. return given. recompense. keka hariva [T. harivai] v.t. to carry pick- value. worth; (cf. MT dava-na also. a-back. penalty) . kekel usu. + ekaka. ekaka keke [T. tete, kavale kavale [T. tava tava] to barter; as ekaka tete] n. fish scale. n. payment. revenge. kavaIe eapapo [T. tava rovaea] big price. keke2 [T. maea tete] adj. dwarf. stunted; dear; valuable. precious. usu. + maea. maea keke. kavale avara [T. tava miarai] to give kekelal [T. hola] n. rafter. reward. pay; also. to punish. kavale lai [T. tava loi] to pay reward. kekela2 v.t. to desire. think [T. haikaeai, redeem. make return. retaliate. requite. haikakare arai (desire)]; as n .. mind. kavale hekai fT. tava seika] small price. thought. desire fT. haitriJ (G. 3:16); iki low price. c�eap . ka kekelarue fi. hai leVI haeaia prohibitive (NIt.5:17); ree. p. iki aj kavale hovea lai [T. tava usoso loi] kekelaila [T. haikaeaita] (Mt. 8:13) ; indemnify. make adequate payment. kekelaki mai 'desiring way (Mt. 15:3) kavale ka [T. tava kao] free. without payment. kekele [T. tetere, mea tetere] n. earth. kavale kepea ava [T. topiaraita tava soil. ground. land. sand; var. kekere. ovai] to get a profit. (G. 2:5. 7. 3:17. Mt. 13:5. 8) have kekele [T. lave kokoriri] n. kavale maea (var. kavale oharo maea) gravel. [T. tava 0 moil to answer. reply. kekele iha [T. mea isai) v.i. & t. to respond. (G. 4 :�) delve. dig into ground. kavale oharo [T.tava 0] n. answer. kekele mahuvu [T. mea havu] dust. rejoiner. response; v. kavale oharo ara powder. syn. kava Ie oharo maea. (Mt. 2:5) kekele roroapa cover with soil. kava Ie oropa lai [T. tava omopa loi] to kekele uku [T. mea itua] n. plot of land. prepay. pay in advance. kekele vovohoro [T. sisi mea] n. deep heaha ve kavale [T. kaiae ve tava] fertile soil. (Lk. 8:8) punishment. vengeance. keko [T. tetol n. giant bamboo (Bambusa kavale veveke fT. tava lareva] good h return. rewara. (Mt. 5:44) vulgaris S rad. ex Wendland); also. bamboo pole. kavabu [T. kavapu] n. bottle. kelal [T. koti] var. for ekela to come. kaye [T. kavel n. a small arboreal aula kela (fr. au + la. eke + la) [T. 10 marsupial. t�e phalanger. te 10 iti] 'go ... come'. move to and kayo [T. tavol n. flying fox. a large fro. (G. 1:2) frugivorous bat. aula kelari (+ -ri adv. suff.) adv. hither and thither. kavu (var. kovo) [T. tovu] n. shade. shelter. refuge; umbrella. (R. 2:12) kela2 [T. raepa] n. mountain. hill; eapapo may be used to distinguish. kela eapapo kavu ita [T. tovu oti] n. haven. shelter. [T. raepa rovaea] mountain. kavu lai [T. tovu loi] v.t. to shade. kela hekai hill. hillock [T. raepa seika kavu ukai [T. tovu itai] lee side. (cf. tera. higher ground in swamps)]. kela hohori summit. top of kavu uvi [T. harotovu] n. shelter. camp. hill/mountain. kavuru + ekaka (fish). ekaka ve kavuru kela pelaea [T. raepa tatava] cliff. [T. ekaka ve heva] gills. precipice. ridge. high rockface. kea [T. kea] n. tusk (of pig); hence. horn kelau often + ukai. ukai kelau [T. losi) to (ot cattleJ; syn. karahe. come across (water). 60 kelava [T. haikaeai, haiiri seseovai] kevao makaea syn. kevao maya 'V.t. & i. to take thought about, to [T. kevaro mavai] lightning to flash. understand, realise significance of: often kevao makaemakae lai IT. kevaro with iki, iki kelava 'V.t.& i. to be mavamava auail lightning to flash concerned about, hence, to be anxious, repeatedly. (Lk. 1f:24) worried [T. haikavora loi]. (G. 6:5, Mt. 6:31. 13:51) keve [T. teve (more usu. reduplic.)l n, a scoop net for fishing with a long handle. kemo [T. kemol n. oven made of heated (Mt. 4:18)) stones: nowadays also metal stove: syn. keve hahaeroa [T. teveteve uta sauai] to hurai1. mend scoop net. kepa-kepa [T. kepakepa] n. hat. cap: syn. keve paraea IT. teveteve hivai] to scoop haro iilu. with net. (Mt. 13:47) 'V.t. kepea [T. hohoi] n. remainder. residue. keveka [T. oropai] to enter. added portion. more, surplus, spare. ki used as a prefix or a suffix, or more rarely (Mt. 14:21. 15:38, 16:9) as an infix: usu. with v., but appears also eapai kepea IT. larietau hohoi] with certain n. and an interrog. (fr. iki 'to remainder, )eavings (of food). come'). [T. lacks this morpheme as a kavale kepea ava to gain a profit. prefix, or infix, but has iti 'to come'.] kepea oharo [T. topiaraita 0] added Its general meaning is 'motion to', word. (Mt. 5:37) 'towards'. As an infix ,it is seen in kepea paraea [T. toea] ' project. avikiara 'give to (me) . As prefix to v. it has the meaning 'to' but kerari + loka, loka kerari [T. loka toai] 'V.t. not necessarily to the person speaking, e.g. to lock, lock up. au 'go', kiau 'go to': horera 'appear', aura kerari (Mk. 9:18) see aurakela ara kihorera 'appear from': maea 'say', 1 'speak', kimaea 'inform'. kere adj. aslant, slanting, steep (Mt. 7:14). As a suffix with v. it functions [T. sesera (slanting).] morphologically to denote future tense, kere2 n, a kind of garfish. with lai. e.g. iapakilai 'will hear'. [T. has the -ti only with the future of loi, i.e. kerehekai + p-apare (moon), papare leiti .] kerehekai [T. papare selka] first quarter As a suffix with such n. as aire 'rear', moon. oropa 'front', we find aireaki 'to the rear', oropaki 'to the front', 'ahead'. kerere mea n, east wind: syn. kauri mea, [T. mauta (S.E. With interrog. lahoa 'where?' we get wind).] lahoaki 'where to?'. Occasionally it kero [T. kero] n. a kind of Croton with appears as a free form, e.g. haela ma ita whitish variegated leaves (Codiaeum merava ve pai lahoa ki avakilai? 'people 'Variegatum (L.) Blume). this place wild in sago where to get-will?' (Mk. 8:4). keroro [T. keroro] n. a tree with scented bark (cf. MT keroro) . kiapa + ahea (sea), ahea kiapa [T. ma peti fail 'V.i. of sea, to be very calm, keroromaeaku n. a kind of snake. smooth. keva1 IT. saroa] n. beads: cf. horoa. kiau IT. kavai, kei patai] 'V.i. to go up, go to. (Mt. 2:12) keva2 [T. ava] adj. left. loa keva IT. mora ava] left foot/leg. kiavakea IT. iti] 'V.i. to come (from east). mai keva, mai keva ukai IT. mai ava] kida n. a kind of sweet yam. IT. efare left hand, left hand side. (Mt. 6:3) (yam).] keva ukai IT. mai ava itai] left side. (Mt. 5:3�) kihoahuka T. fafukai (pl.)] 'V.i. & t. pl. to come own, descend, swoop down upon, keva3 + hariva, keva hariva to carry pick-a­ to come out:J pI. of kihoau descend. back: a var. for keka hariva. (Mt. 13:4, 17:14) kevao IT. kevaro] n, lightning. (Apo. 4:5) kihorea 'V.i.8g. to come from, appear: pI. kihoreava. [T. koti, forerai 8g. & pl.] 61

kihorera [T. lorerai) v.i. to appear. come kiva [T. kiva] n. care. custody. oversight. out of. (Mt. 2:6) kiva lai v.t. to take care of. protect. watch over (G. 1:16): also. be careful kikili [T. maea titiri) n. scabies. rash. itch. with. keep. preserve. guard. cherish. pitted (skin). tend. guard against; v.i. to take care. be kikoa [T. toapi patai) v.t. to throw up. careful. (Mt. 7 :15) kiva mea oaria lai to look after all the kilahuka [T. sukaeail v.i. to arrive at. time. maintain watch. encounter. (Lk. 16:28) kiva leiki haela also kiva haela [T. kiva kilava [T. taileai) v.t. & i. to sweep. to karu] keeper. (Mt. 5:25) sweep up. kakare haela kiva lai [T. eka karu kiva toil to nurse a sick person. kile [T. kite) n. mat: kile hauka to unroll kiva auhohi lai [T. kiva kola toil to be mat. (Mt. 9:2) vigilant. beware. take great caution. kile hururuka [T. kite lururukeai) to (Mt. 10:17) spread out mat. ovohae kiva lai [T. olae sa kiva toil to kilea [T. satiriarai) v.t. & i. to teach. watch. keep an eye on. reveal. inform. instruct. educate. train. kivai var. for kimai. which see. notify. learn: rem. p. kileape [T. satiriarope). kivika v.i. to arrive. reach (a place): pI. kilea akore [T. sikul siare) n. schoolboy. kivikaha. (Mk. 9:5) scholar. kivika + mea (wind) . mea kivika v.i. kilea haela [T. satiriaraita karu) n. wind to rise. to begin to blow. pupil. scholar. teacher. disciple. (Mt. 7 :27) Mt. 5:1) ( koa [T. toai] v.t. & i. sg. to hit. strike a kileaki haela n. teacher. schoolmaster. blow. slap. rap. knock. buffet. beat. thrash. (Mt. 5:19) hammer. thump. to throw. pitch. hurl: also hihika kilea IT. 0 pisiri satiriarai) to with less violent sense. to paint: rem. p. teach clearly. koape [T. toope]: pl. koava. kileaki oharo [T. ovoro) advice. counsel. koa appears in a wide range of compounds. precept. both with nouns and verbs. oharo kileavahaeape rem. p. pI. [T. 0 With nouns: satiria�ope (sg. & pl.)) taught. 'taught ahea rnave koa [T. aroaro sa toai] to by word . (Mt. 5:2) be tossed by the waves. kilea veape [T. satiriara vovo meiape} apa koava [T. opa toai) 'was in a state of teaching' Mt. 26:55) . to beat drum. ( avare koa to make a beginning. kimaea + oharo (word). oharo kimaea hare koa [T. sare toai) to expose to inform. pass word on. repeat what sun. to sun. someone else has said. quote. [T. omoi. haru koa [T. teavi sauail to beat with cf. kivaia.) (Lk. 4:23) stick. chastise. (Mt. 21:)5) kimai [T. larova eite) n. fishhook (fr. MT have koa throw stones. to stone: pI. have koava to stone. Acts 7:58). kimai ·fishhook') . ?( kimai ve mehau [T. kelavari) n. fish [T. lave toai (sg. & p ).] float. hohe koa [T. roro titai] to weed. ipi koa [T. ipi voa toapai) to cast kiokio [T. koki) n. a kind of beetle. down. throw down. kiparaea v.t. sg. [T. itapai (sg. & pl.)) to kapa koa [T. kopa toai) to ring bell. send out. send forth. send: pl . kavale koa [T. tava toai] to punish. hit kipaparaeha. (G. 38:17. Mt. 9:38. 13:41) back. (R. 1:17) koae koa [T. leae lasai) kipeka [T. patai) v.i. to come up. to cast lots. rnakarave koa [T. kovore tolotoi) to kire [T. ororo) n. a variety of . be thirsty. thirst: pres. contino rna karave koave (In. 19:28): fut. neg. kirive var. for kileve. pres. cont. kilea: which rna karave koa va ka. see. (In. 9:34) maea a koa [T. a toai) v.t. & reflex. warm body at fire. 62

mai koa, mai hara koa [T. mai sa koava v.t. pl. [T. toai, toapai (S9. &: l p .)] toai] to , slap. to throw, cast, pelt; see koa. (Mt. 21:8, mea koa [T. mea sa toai] wind (mea) Lk. 21:1) to blow. have koava v.t. to stone, cast stones. mea uru koa IT. mea uru loi] of sky, weather, to become lowering, koavelari [T. tovuseai] v.t. to scatter; syn. threatening. kopurapa. pai koa [T. poi toai] to process sago. koeherava IT. toa fareovai] v.t. to cut off, para koa [T. fara toai] to row (fr. MT lop off. (M t. 26:51) bara 'oar' . ) koeka IT. tohorail v.t. &: i. S9. to break With verbs: (stick glass) (Mt. 21:44) . koeka (fr. ko + eka) [T. toetai] to maea koeka [T. toetai] break body brea k (as stick or glass) . (bones); pl. koekava. (In. 19:32) + toa koerapa (fr. ko erapa) [T. koe-kavaki ita [T. haeaita oti] n. cracks sarapai, toa fareovat] to sever in pot . with a blow . ( ) ( ) uki koeka [T. uti toetai] to break bone. kohaharoa fr. ko + haharoa) IT. toa hohoroai to dash to pieces, dash to koekaka + hae (ori hae 'egg') , hae the groun . koekaka to hatch eggs. koa huha v.t. &: i. to heave. J koekaopa [T. maea pakokoail v.i, to be See also below. bent over, bowed. (Lk. 13:1i) koae n. a lot; koae koa [T. feai fasai] to 1 v.t. cast lots, divine. koela [T. area sa vuteai] to mock. 2 + koara [T. toarai] v.l. the basic meaning is koela maea (body) . maea koela 'to be in', or 'come into close association [T. topiferavai] to crowd upon, press with'. Hence: upon. 1. to aid, help, succour, assist, attend to, koelaea (fr. koa + elaea) [T. saireai] v.t. side with, accompany (Mt. 8:28). koarai to cut off, lop off branches, to, prune. au [T. toari terai] go in company with, (Mt. 21:8) escort (Mt. 5:41). 2. encounter, meet, reach, arrive (G. 37:17) koelari [T. toarorisai] v.i. change, alter. IT. sukaeail. turn into. (Mt. 17:2) �. discover, tind, catch, add to (Mt. 25:16) IT. sukaeai} . koepa [T. koesa] n. tongs. :t o (euphem.J to have sexual intercourse with (G. 38:9); often uava, koarai uava. koerapa v.t. S9. to sever (as with an axe), cut off (with a blow), clie off (Mt. 5:30, koaraki haela [T. toaraita karu] Mk. 5:4) ; pI. koeraea. .[T. toa sarapat;. helper, ally, associate. d. toelapai (with ovo 'to staunch koaraki ita IT. sukaeaita oti] meeting blood')]. place, renaezvous. kohaha T. ilafisai] v.i. &: t. to wrap, wrap koare [T. toare] adj. senior, eldest, first, aroun . (G. 38:14) principal. maeaJ kohaha IT. puta mopai] to clothe, avare koare IT. oarehova] very dress. (Lk. �:12) beginning [G . 1:1). akore koare, mari koare [T. atute kohaharoa [T. tohohoroai] v.t. to smash, toare, mori toare] eldest son, eldest break into pieces. daughter. kohaharuka [T. aroaro] n. breakers (of koare haela [T. toare karu] n. senior sea) . person. kohara mai mai kohara [T. mai okoare (0 'word' [T. otoare] n. + (hand) . . ) mopai] v.t. to feel. touch; con vb. promise. koharai. Mk. 1 :41 uva koare [T. ua toare] first, senior ( ) wife. 63

koharitopa [T. topai] v.t. to place on top kokora abu [T. kokora ovu] n. hen. of. to cap. to crown. (In. 19:2) kokora hi hoa IT. kokora Ii soa] n. koharoa [T. lu auai] v.i. to burst. popoff. cockcrow. (Mt. 26:34) kokora lou [T. kokora lou] n. mother kohauara + maea (body). maea kohauara hen. [T. maea haeai] of body. to burst open. kokora mea [T. kokora vita] n. cock. (Acts 1:18) kokora mere [T. kokora mere] n. kohehea usu. + iilu. iilu kohehea chick. [T. saserovai] v.t. of skin. to graze. kokora2 [T. totorail v.t. to sew. stitch. kohelauka + ovohae (eye). ovohae mend. patch (clotfies). (Mt. 9:16) kohelauka v.i. open eyers). This is used 3 for both sg. and pl.. but there is a pI. form: kokora v.i. to emerge. surface (from ovohae kohehelauka. [T. olae diving). [T. karoai ('dive'). leleropeai (sg. & pl.)) (G. 3:7. Mt. 11:5) kokovu [T. kokovu] n. gouge adze (for Of single person: ave ovohae learia lei canoe making). kolahehelaukaila? (rec. p.) 'your eyes how made open?' (In. 9:10). kolo a var. for koro. which see. koherapa [T. korovu loi] v.i. to be barren. kolu (var. koru) [T. maea koauka] adj. be unfrUitful. round (in shape). globular. kohu [T. oroasi] n. box. chest. kOp'a + ovoro (counsel). ovoro kopa IT. ovoro auai, kureai, ovoro topai] v.t. kokaa [T. poi moha] n. midrib and butt (of + to counsel. to persuade. (Mt. 16:22. sago leaf). often pai. pai kokaa. Lk. 3:19) kokauka [T. sasaukai] v.t. close. shut: also kopakaea [T. toa pasaeai] v.t. to stick. of place or person. to shut in. screen. join. adhere. touch: often + au intensive. curtain off. envelo . sup�ress. prohibit . au kopakaea: syn. kopererea. 2:21. Lk . . 11:7 : rei. tndef. kokaukakl T. sasaukaata] �Mt. 5:14): rem. p. kopakohaea [T. ukokai] v.t. to fold. tGokaukape. [T. sasaukope] (G. 2:21): imper. kokaukakive [T. sasaukaiaJ kopararapa [T. poporora auail v.i. & t. to (Mt. 6:6) . demolish. shatter. to crash. (tv'lt.7:27) apu kokauka [T. ovo sasaukai] v.t. to staunch flowof blood. kopareara [T. kalaiJ v.i. to choke. haro kokauka [T. haropai] to cover over koparuka [T. turi auai] v.t. & i. to collide. the head. dash together. iroki ura kokauka [T. kaukai, oroti uta kaukai] to caulk hole in canoe. kopea [T. kokosa] n. a raft. kokaukaki eharu [T. sasaukaita lova] n. kopererea [T. topiarai] v.t. & i. to stick screen. onto. adhere. cleave to. join. unite. kokaukaki pura [T. sasaukaita puta] n. combine. add to. patch. prop: con vb. curtain. kopererea: syn. kopakaea. oki kokauka [T. sasauka elapai] to shut koperereaki hoa [T. topiaraita soa] n. in a place. besiege. union. kora koperereaki kao [T. tola mopaita koko [T. koko, tero] adj. narrow: koko tao] n. mortise joint. hekai [T. koko kola] very narrow. kaita hiha kopererea [T. taisa lolai] (Mt. 7:13) to steer by pulling paddle towards kokoea (var. kokoaea) T. totoai] v.t. to canoe. knock on. tap on (as oor): convb. kokoea hoa hareho kopererea [T. lareho T. totoal: rei. indef.J kokoeaki topiarai] to mingle. T. totoa�ta]: pres. cont. kokoaeave [T. totoaapea]. (Mt. 7:7. Lk. 13:25. kopiapa [T. toa lalarapai, larai] v.i. & t. Acts 12:13. Apo. 3:20) to disperse. strew. scatter. kokora1 [T. kokora] n. chicken. fowl. 64 kopurapa [T. tovuseai] v.t. to scatter. kaipu kora [T. tola liru] n. clump of strew. spread; syn. koavelari. trees; syn. kora hiru. hari kopurapa [T. lari la larapai] to 3 spread news. to spread around story. kora usu. with haro (head) or mai (hand); (Mk. 1:45) v.i. & t.. [T. haro/ave miavai.] haro kora to place the head on. rest the korat kora + pai (sago). pai kora [T. poi head on. uti] n. sago lea� stem. haro koraki aihari [T. haro miavaita hiore] n. headrest. made of wood. kora2 [T. tola] n. tree. bush; also. timber. wood. pole. stick; var. kola. used in former times. (Mt. 8:20) haro ve kora [T. haro tOp'ai] to place kora apu [T. tola opu] sap. on the head. to crown. lMt. 27:29) kora eroe [T. tola eroe] n. sawdust. mai ve kora [T. mai voa miavai] to kora hae [T. tola lare] n. fruit. place in the hands. kora haea v.t. chop down tree. to fell; pi. kora hahaea. [T. tola loi (sg. & koraia n. a kind of fish. (0.0. 251) pl. ).] koraoka [T. pasoa] adj. light (in weight); kora hama [T. tola hama] n. mallet. ant. mehau. (Mt. 9:5. Mk. 2:9. Lk. 5:23) kora hakaea T. susu] n. plank of wood. woo en bar. korava [T. itovai] v.t. to pluck. pick fruit. rem. kora harava J[T. tola erea] n. splinter. flowers; p. koravape [T. itovope]. kora havi [T. tola havi] n. wedge koravakaia [T. ukokai] v.t. to double over. (wooden) . fold. kora hiru [T. tola liru] n. clump. grove of trees; syn. kaipu kora. kore [T. lalava] n. room; syn. lalava. n. kora iilu [T. tola ruru] tree bark. korea [T. torea] n. & adj. theft. stealing. kora ikupa n. log of wood. trunk of stolen; also. uva/vila adultery. (G. 38:24. tree. stump of tree; also. forked Mt. 12:29) timber. [T. tola sola; cf. tola korea aea [T. torea lei ovai] v.t. to tupa.] procure by stealing. kora koperereaki kao [T. tola mopaita korea lai [T. torea loil v.t. to steal. rob. tao] n. mortise joint. thieve. pilfer. (Mt. 6: 20) n. kora koro [T. tola tolo] tree leaf. korea eharu [T. torea etau] n. stolen kora laka [T. tola sarova] chip of article. wood. korea haela [T. torea karu] n. thief. kora lakalaka [T. tola meako] n. twig. robber. kora mare [T. tola marekeke] n. korea hea [T. ua torea] v.t. to seduce. splinter. thorn. korea kaiva fT. torea lei ovai] v.t. to kora marita [T. tola marisa] n. bush steal. gain by stealing. (Mt. 12:29) spirits. 'tree maidens'. dryads. trad. uva korea [T. ua torea] n. 'wife believed to inhabit big or hollow trees. stealing'. adultery wit� woman. kora mere [T. tola mere] n. seed. vila korea [T. vita torea] n. 'husband seedling. sapling. young tree; plant. stealing'. adultery with man. herb. korea mai [T. torea mai] thieving. kora mere merava T. tola mere stealing; cf. airi pavora maio merava] n. weej (s). (Heb. 13:4) overa kora [T. cvera soera] n. 'nose stick'. a trad. ornament. inserted koreara koreara + ila ve (pig·s). ile ve through a hole made in the septum of koreara koreara [T. ita ve kokorara] the nose; now no longer worn. grunt of pig. kora pepekeke [T. tola mere] n. korepaka fT. laua] n. shield; cf. laua; (fr. sapling. Namau koripaka ·shield·). (G. 15:1. kora ua [T. kaearuka sukai] v.t. to Eph. 6:16) pole (a canoe). to punt. 65

i koro (var. kolo) [T. mehel n. hair: (of koru (var. kolu) [T. maea koauka] adJ. animals) fur: (of birds) teather(s): (of circular. globular. rou nd. trees. p(ants) leaf. leaves: usu. with n. in apposition: [T. sari the hairs that appear koru2 var. for karu. which see. with maturity]. koru3 koru + pai, pai koru [T. poi koru] n. ape koro [T. ape mehe] n. moustache. sago dumpling. auhale koro [T. huale sari] n. beard. whiskers. korukaia [T. kokorukai v.l. & i. to gather eke koro [T. ete sari] n. female pubic together. assemble. co l lect (of people and hair. things) (G. 1:9): to add. amass. hoard: Jut. korukaiakilai. Also as n . . a meeting. haro koro [T. haro tui] n. hair of head. gathering: gathered things. a heap (convb. haro koro naoae [T. tui fusifusi] form). Sometimes + hareho. hareho dishevelled hair. korukaia to gather together. he koro [T. fe sari] male pubic hair. Ara rna korukai (convb.l eapapo ve kamela ve koro IT. kamela mehe] aro ovohae eavakilai [T. Ara mea camel's hair. (Mt. 3:4) kokorukai rovaea voa aro ofae maea koro body hair: fur. IT. maea eavai roil '1 shall see you at this big sari (human). maea mehe (animal).] meeting'. korukaiaki haela [T. kokorukaita murukae koro [T. mokora ere saril karu] company. party of people. hair under arm: HH aruai koro: of> maruai koro: RT iheihe pupura. korukaia ita [T. kokorukaita oti] n. ori koro [T. ori mehe] bird feather(s). rendezvous. plumage. down. aeka korukaia [T. ata kokorukai] to ovohae koro [T. ofae ve mehe] n. reassem ble. eyelash (es). koui [T. koru] n. star. planet. (Mt. 2:2) pepa koro IT. pepa fae] n. page. sheet au hareavaki kou n. comet. (of paper). kou kihoae [T. koru sisapai] v.i. (of kora koro, also redupl. pI. korokoro shooting stars) to shoot. IT. tolotolo tola leaf. leaves: (pl.). kou oaria [T. koru sitavu] n. tolD (8g.)]: & HH OP kora koro. constellation. koro haroropa [T. tolo fefeo ai] v.i. r opovila kou syn. meopa kou: also Malala leaves to wither. (Mt. 21:20 Harai Morning Star (the planet Venus): koro ve uki (T. tolo ve uti] n. stalk of [T. mea-opai koru, Molala Harai]. leaf. kou2 (T. ko] n. scrotum. kororo [T. haiauru] n. shoot. n. kororo horeava [T. haiauru forerai] kou hae [T. ko fare] testicle(s). v.i. 8g. shoot to appear. sprout. throw kou hae oaea IT. ko erai] v.t. to up shoot: pI. kororo huhoreava: [T. d. castrate. geld. la tororo 'sprouting coconut']. kouke + la (coconut). la kouke [T. la korohu [T. kiriraua] n. a plant with kauke] n. coconut husk. thorns. kovaela (var. kovaila) v.t. 8g. to cut up. korona [T. kekeva] n. crown (intro. fr. split. chop. hew. shred. carve. incise. rip: ENG.). l. kovavaela: convb. kovaelai. fT. tofai, 8g. & pl.] korope [T. koropi] n. a small tree with white flowers: a totem of the Ahea clan. au kovaela to cleave. (D.O. 358) maea kovaela to mutilate. korovu [T. korovu] adJ. follows n. (of kovaiava [T. kaiovai] v.t. to bend. women) barren. childless. kovara + ukai ukai, kovara ukai ukai korovu lai IT. korovu loi] v.i. to be IT. itai itai faeai] to divide in two. to barren. c�ildless. halve. 66

kukuea v.t. pl. (sg. ku) [T. turai. sg. & pl.] to shape. construct. bUild. (Mt. 17:4) kukuita [T. seseavare] n. the red soldier ant: a syn. for hehemare. kukururu [T. tutururu] n. thundering sound. rolling or clashing sound: thunder. with last meaning often + kaia (sky). kaia kukururu. syn. kaia hi ('sky cry') thunder. [T. sisorea (thunder). syn. kauri Ii . or kauri tutururu.] kupa [T. hore] adj. blunt. dull. kupava + mai, mai kupava [T. mai kokoputai] to clench fist. kUJ.!e + meae (banana). meae kupe [T. meae uti] n. bunch of bananas. kurua [T. roro] n. dregs. residue. sediment. waste. kuru kuru lahupi] n. kovave [T. oioi] n. a mask of conical [T. capsicum. chilli shape. formerly worn in association with (Solanum Jrutescens): syn. lahupi. trad. ceremonies. also called Kovave. See kurumori [T. kurumori] n. arrowroot D.O.. chap. 7. (Canna edulis). kovo [T. tovu, harotovu] n. shelter: cf. kurupaea [T. kureai, lei kaiae loi] v.t. to kavu. (G. 4:20) warn. persuade or dissuade: to tempt. kovu hakurepa [T. harotovu sasukai] entice. coax. lure. beguile. instigate. to strike camp. (Mt. 4:1) kovo kukuea [T. harotovu salai] to kurupaeaki hoa [T. kureaita soa] n. encamp. time of temptation. time of persuasion. (Lk. 22:40) kovo uvi [T. harotovul n. tent. hut. shelter. camp. (Mt. 11:4) L ku v.t. sg. [T. turai (sg. & Pl') to build. construct. shape: Jut. kukilai T. turai 1 roil: rem. p. kupe [T. turope j : con vb. kui la [T. lea] demon. determiner that. those: [T. turi]: pl. kukuea. (Mt. 7:24. G. 6:14) (cf. ma this. these). Unlike T. where in the predicative position. lea becomes reha. kuarakuara + ape (mouth). ape the form in O. may be unchanged. although kuarakuara [T. 0 sukasuka auai] v.i. to there is lae which is used only stammer. stutter. predicatively. In the form Ie the demon. is used to modify tense in v. It precedes the kue IT. tupel n. with mai (river). kaia v. [T. Also used with v.: reha modifies ( sky) and fiaro (head): the highest point. tense. but always comes after the v.] the extremity. The following are compound forms from haro kue fT. haro tupe] top of head. la. for the meanings of which see separate crown of head. headings: kaia kue IT. kauri tupe] height of laelaea laia heaven. laelave lale mai kue [T. mai tupel source. upper laeviva lari reaches of river. headwaters. (P.K. 2:1) lahovea lave [For T. compounds. see separate kuku [T. kuku] n. trade tobacco. tobacco headings. ] twist: (intr. MT kuku 'trade tobacco'): kuku lara [T. kuku lauai] to smoke tobacco. 67

2 la (var. ra) [T. tal obj. mkr. (fr. la1 : it la aivau [T. ta sarova] n. the flesh follows immediately after n. or phrase (meat) of the coconut: the cellular which is the obj. of the v.: often omitted endosperm. when no ambiguity is likely to arise. With la apu [T. ta opu] n. coconut oil. pron. alwa s appears as tied morpheme, (Mt. 6:17) -ro [T. -ro{ . la hae [T. fae] n. the pithy inside of the Are apo i heari la eavape [T. Are coconut palm trunk. paua auka marehari ita ta eavope] la haipara [T. ta hari] n, small unripe 'he elder with younger (brothers) obj. nut in early stage of development. mh. saw'. (Mt. 4:18) la haro oroa [T. takoko] n. a nut in la3 v. form mh. (fr. la1) : used with the which the flesh is mature, but the husk following forms, using ,apa 'hear' as has not yet become dry and it is still example: ree. p. la iapaila: immed. fut. hanging from the palm. la iapakilai: rem, p. freq. la iapailape: la hehaa [T. ta sasae] n. dried coconut rel. Tee. p. la iapaila: rel. freq. Tee. p. la leaf used as kindling, or for fl ares: hence, iapakila. Sometimes it coalesces with v .. flare, torch: [T. ta sasae also means e.g. larahavila (fr. la + arahavaila) 'had 'flare' .] entered' (Mt. 20:8). [T. ta v. form mkr., la hehea [T. la seseai] v. t. to husk used only with pres. cont .. e.g. la coconuts. mapaipea, and immed. fut., e.g. mapai la hekako [T. koku, also kokuharo] n. a vei ta roi.] coconut shell. 4 la conditional v. form mkr. . in which la hepara [T. ta musu] n. bunch of green construction la precedes v. and -lava coconuts. 1 l follows (fr. la , the va being fro ma ) , e.g. la hukuaea [T. ta oeai] v.t. to prise out are la iapakilava 'if he listens', 'whether coconut flesh. he listens'. Th ere is another form of the la ihaure [T. ta foure] n. green coconut conditional which does not require the form mkr. [T. forms conditional with aria at with onry a thin layer of soft flesh inside: the end of the protasis. An alternative used for drinking rather than eating. construction omits the aria.] la karila [T. ta karitail v.t. to grate, For unreal conditions there appears in the scrape coconut flesh (rom the shell. apodosis la before the v. in the -ki form, la kokopi [T. ta kakare] n. an old e.g. la iapaki 'would have listened'. coconut palm that is beyond bearing [T. unreal condition requires lare at endof fruit. apodosis.] la kororo [T. ta tororo] n. a sprouted nut. la5 [T. varo] possibility mkr, (fr. l a1): perhaps: it takes the final position, e.g. ore la kororo hakupa [T. la tororo kuku] ka laia haela apealula la 'know not there n. a nut with the growing shoot just people live perhaps' (P.K. 1:1). [T. varo appearing. also takes final position.] 6 la (var. laa) [T. ta] n. coconut palm (Cocos nueiferaJ : also coconut fruit. The coconut has an important part in the life and economy of the people: hence the lone; elele list of compounds [T. has a similar rangej. la ahe [T. ta sora] n. a ripe coconut. la mahura la hekako la aivau

la aivau - la ma

la kororo hakupa (with the husk removed) la kouke la ahe 68

[T. vita laeail (of woman) to wed a husband: eonvb. lae, or laeai [T. laea]. Although the v. can be used of woman, subject is usu. man. (Mt. 22:25, R. 1:12) la kororo laua uva laeaki hurae [T. ua laeaita (with the husk removed) sosoka] n. wedding feast. laea2 [T. savuai] v,t, to tend, feed, nourish (G. 37:13): usu. + eapai (food), eapai laea. mamoe eapai laeavaeroape 'were tending sheep' (fr. laea + va + (h) ae + roape, roa 'state of being'. (G. 37: 12) laeavila (fr. la + eavila) [T. eavaita] ree. p. la kororo laua [T. la tororo sora] n. a eava, which see. (Mt. t7:9) growing nut with roots and a very tall shoot. laelaea (fr. la1) [T. maeamaeal various la kouke [T. la kauke] n. coconut husk. kinds, various, assorted. (P.I{. 2:3) la ma [T. la rna]n. the liquid, the 'water' laelave (fr. la1) [T. lea veil therefore, on inside the nut: the liquid endosperm. that account, because of that, so. la mahura [T. la lelo] n. the sponge-like (G. 1:21) pulp, the cotyledonary haustorium, that forms inside the germinating coconut. laeviva (fr. la1 + viva), imper. yea 'that let-be' [T. a-, soka], although, though, la maropa [T. la marota] n. dual, a pair of coconuts tied together. however, notwithstanding. (Mt. 17:27) la marupai (T. la-kakare] n. a small lahara [T. avora ve lavu] n. north-west coconut with little or no flesh inside: wind (fr. MT lahara). formerly carved and used for magical purposes. lahekaa n. a kind of fish. (0.0. 251) n. la oroa [T. lakoko hako] a coconut lahila + huru, huru lahila [T. paeaita] with the husk beginning to turn from ree. p. huru hara to ki'll. (G. 4:23) green to brown. la ovo [T. la ovo] the 'eyes', the germ laho [T. lahoapo] n. a large bird, the pores of the nut: also the part by which Slender-billed Pernkite (Maehaerhampus the coconut fruit is attached to the stalk. aleinus (papuanus)). [T. also both meanings.] laho haela [T. nao karu] n. forei ner, alien, la ovoharo n. a coconut shell with two � 'eyes' exposed. white man: (fr. MT nao 'foreign'). la puri [T. sasaekovi 'broom' (fr. la lahoa [T. leavoa ?] interrog. where? what sasae)] n. midribs of coconut leaflets, place? (P.K. 3:7). tied together to form broom: hence puri lahoa au go where? whither? broom (cf. MT puriki). lahoaki [T. soa leavoa ?] where to? la uki [T. la uti] n. the midstem of the whither? (Mt. 15:33) coconut leaf. lahoa ve [T. leavoa] where at? where la veveure [T. la veveroro] n. the green in? whence? (P.K. 7:2) nut with very thin jelly-like flesh on base of the inside of the nut. lahovea (fr. la1) [T. loleare] that like, in that way, that manner, thus (Mt. 9:17): cf. laa (var. la) [T. maea pitokopi] n. pimple, mahovea. wart, mole, dot, septic spot on skin. lahua [T. haria] adj. other, separate, only, lae [T. reha] demon. that, those, when in alone, apart, lonely, solitary, single: predicative position: that sort, that kind: peculiar, singular, uncommon: with pron. (see la1). (Mt. 11:26, 17:21) self, b oneself, e.g. ara lahua [T. ara hariar I by myself. I alone: a lahua you laea1 T. laeai, ua laeai] v.l. to marry, only, you by yourself: in answer to we : usu. + uva or vila. question a lahua [T. a haria] often means uvaJ laea (of man) to wed a wife: vila laea 'please yourself. 69

e lahua (fr. e6) [T. lealea] adj. greedy. before the compounds with lai and with Ia"hualahua [T. haria haria] adj. & other v. and it has then a causative n. pl. meaning, e.g. lei ehoe lai [T. lei haura different kinds of, various, loi] 'make straight', 'straighten'; lei diverse, variety. (G. 1:4, 18) veveke lai [T. lei lareva loi) 'make good'; haela lahua n. stranger. lei iapa [T. lei mapai] 'cause to hear'. hoa lahua [T. soa haria] uncommon, Used following the -ki form of v., lai marks peculiar, strange, extraordinary, the fut. tense, e.g. oaoka leikilai [T. tore abnormal. leiti roil 'will fear'; horova leikilai lahua lai [T. haria loi] v.i. to be T. tivi leiti roil 'will do work'; iapakilai different, unlike, be strange, peculiar. (T. mapai roil 'will hear'. In a lei lahua lai [T. lei haria loi] v.t. to construction such as the following, lai alter, make different. fulfils all three functions; lei ehoe leikilai [T. lei haura leiti roil 'will straighten'. lahukap�ila [T. toaraita] ree. p. hukapa Apart from the plain form lai, and the help, ald. {G. 4:1) immed. Jut. la lai, the convb. lei is used n. as the stem for the various forms of the v., lahupi [T. lahupi] chilli, capsicum i.e. Jut. indef. leikilai; ree. p. laleila; (Solanum Jruteseens A. Br, & Bouche); rem. p. leipe. [In a similar manner loi in syn. kurukuru. T. uses the convb. lei for most of the v. lail IT . lail n. rain; lai ihau [T. lai auai] forms.] V,L to rain. (G. 2:5) When required, lai in the convb. form lei, lai loaela [T. lai hiohio] n. small is marked for pI. by the pI. aux. haea, shower. joined by the verbal conj. va. The changes for tense are shown by the pI. aux .. e.g. lai ororo (var. lai oro) [T. lai or oro] n. leivahaeakilai (Jut.) (G. 3:8); drizzle, spray. leivahaeape (rem. p.l. Thus erealila lai perehekai n, slight rain, shower. oaoka leivahaeape [to ereuka tore leipe] lai perepere [T. lai ovo] n. drops of rain. 'they (two) were afraid'. [The aux. loi in 3 T. is not marked for pl.] lai2 fr. lai used causatively (= lei); with v. go, come. laia var. for leia, which see. v.t. lai au cause, make to go; hence, to laiara [T. leiora] n. syn. ovo, a tree; a red guide, lead [T. lei terai 'make to go'; dye tor 'grass' skirts was obtained from lariovai 'lead']. the flowers. The tree is a totem of the lai auki haela a guide, leader. Kauri clan. lai eke [T . lariovi kotil v.t. to cause to . laka [T. lakai] n. branch, bough; d. come, bring. (Mt. 1:14) meako. lai peka (var. lei peka) [T. lariovi patai) kora laka [T. tola sarova] n. a chip of cause to go up, lead up. wood. lai3 aux, v. having a wide use with nouns, lakalaka [T. saiva laho) n. brushwood. adj., adv. and demon. With n. meaning is oki lakalaka [T. otiharo lakalaka] n. generally 'do', 'make', 'perform', e.g. elau branched path, crossways. 'game', elau lai [T. havou loi) 'play a laka titaka lakai kaekae) n. pi. game'; horova 'work', horova lai [T. tivi [T. loi] 'do work'; oaoka 'fear', oaoka lai small branches. [T. tore loi] 'to fear'. lakara (fr. la + kara3) [T. la' haroavai] v.t. With adj. and adv. lai 'to be, to become', eat up, devour, consume by eating. e.g. ehoe 'straight', ehoe lai [T. haura (Lk. 6:1) loi) 'to be straight, become straight'; veveke 'good', veveke lai [T. lareva loi) lakea + haela (people), haela lakea 'be, become good'; maeamaea 'near', [T. karu sitavul crowd of people; syn. maeamaea lai [T. haekao loi) 'to be haela oaria. (Mt. 9:36) near' . laki [T. ita ve lati] n. ila ve laki bristles of With demon .. e.g. mari lai [T. mori loi]. pig. the meaning is 'like this to do', 'do in thiS way'. lakori [T. (ela) roroai] v.t. to twist (string, The convb. lei (sometimes lai) is used etc.); to coil. roll up (string, rope). 70 lakurupaeaila ree. p. kurupaea. which see; Ie va ka; ree. p. laraila; imper. lela; [T. kureaita). (G. 3:13) in/in. larive; hab. laravila t Jn. 13:18); p. neg. au larila; pres. eont. lave. lalaeapa v.t. & i. to shake. shake out (of Some forms are marked for pI. by redupl.: cloth) ; quake. to rock. shake (of place) pres. eont. lalaro; hab. lalalula; others use [T. pailalaeai, lulalula aual (of place)); pI. aux. haea. e.g. eonvb. lalavahaeai eonvb. lalaeapai. (Acts 18:6. 4:31) (Mt. 15:37); rem. p. ere ... eapai lalaeapaki ela n. a swing. lalavahaeape 'they ate food' (G. 31:46). mea lalaeapa [T. mea sa toa [T. There is a redupl. pI. lala e. rem. p.; miavamiava auai) to sway in the otherwise V. unmarked for pI.r wind. haela lalalula haela [T. karu la laloita karu) n. cannibal. lalaoka + karave ipi, karave ipi lalaoka 3 lalaukai) v.i. lakara [T. la haroavai) v.t. (fr. kara ) [T. to gargle. eat up. devour. consume. (Lk. 6:1) lalava IT. lalava] n. room; originally a division of the men' s house. the eravo lari in lengthened form laria; (fr. la demon.) (P.K. 1:1). The front was known as + adv. suff. -ri) ; [T. lori); like that. in oropa lalava. the middle aruhihi lalava. that manner. thus. such; cf. mari, maria. and the rear kaia lalava (Heb. 9:6-7). laroa + mai hand . mai laroa. see maio Hence. family. lineage; people who live ( ) together. household; often + haela larolaro [T. fusifusi) adj. (of hair) curly. (person(s)). lalava haela fT. karu liru) frizzy. family. people of househol� (R. 1:21). larovea [T. larovera) n. a kind of fish. lalave [T. pou) n. afterbirth. the placenta (D.O. 279) and membranes. larua [T. fefesi) v.i. to swell. distend; lale [T. reha] emphatic demon. 'that there'. ferment. lalou see mea lalou. larupe [T. luka) n. stomach. lalupe [T. hipa] n. bladder. latite n. sponge; also. scum on water. [T. fave soase (sponge) . rna ve solo lamepa IT. lamepa) n. lamp (intro. ENG.). scum .) (Mt. 5':15) ( ) lamepa avea [T. lam epa a rnopai) to lau var. for lou. which see. light a lamp. 1 lamepa huhura [T. larnepa futai) laua [T. laual n. shield; syn. korepaka. lamp to go out. (G. 15:1. Eph. 6:16) lamuki [T. ilafisai) v . t. & i. to mix. mix into. mingle; (of yeast) be mixed. (Mt. 13:33) iki lamukilamuki v.i. to be mixed up mentally. be perplexed. [T. haikapekapeai; cf. lavukakaeai.) lape [T. hora, lape) n. a spear. (P.K. 10:1) lape huha [T. hora sukai) v.t. cast. hurl a spear. to spear. tape vuvuraea to brandish spear. laporo IT. laporo) n. a large palm; from the outsiae of the trunk slats are made for flooring. lara [T. lauai] v.t. & i. eat (eapai lara. T. larietau lauail) . drink ( rna lara. T. rnalauai)) and smoke (kuku lara . (T. kuku lauai)); formed fro la coalesced laua korepaka with ara [T. formed fro la + auai]. ( ) Convb. la'; Jut. larilai; rem. p. lape; neg. (with Ahea clan design) 71

2 laua2 laua + kaka (kaka uki 'backbone') le (with lahoa, this appears as la), the kaka laua [T. kou-uti kari] hunchback. interrog. base from which the following interrog. forms are derived; for meanings, laualaua [T. kikirikikiri] adJ'. rough see separate entries: (surface). lahoa? lahoa ve? lauapau IT. uasora, uamai] n. woman lahoaki? past childbearing age; old woman. leahau? (Lk. 1 : 36) leahovea? lauhalauha var. for lahualahua, leari? lea ria ? [T..hariaharia], adj. pi. different kinds, leavaila? various. lehae? lauka [T. lauka] n. breadfruit. tree and fruit leita? (Artocarpus altilis (Park.) Fosburg). lela? leve? lauka-hae (var. laukau-hae) [T. kou-uti T. has the same interrog. base; for the fare] n. kidney(s). forms which correspond to 0., see laukelauke ara [T. laukelauke auai] v.i. to separate entries.] sway from side to side. to rock to and fro; Ie occurs as a free form, sometimes as (of person in delirium; also of canoe in lela, meaning, what? what sort of? [T. cf. rough water). lekoru?, lea?, lera? lehara?] , e.g. Ie haela? 'what man?' ( Mt. 8 :27), Ie eharu laura n. the FlameTree (Erythrina karikive? 'what thing are (you) making?', variefJ.ata L.) ; a tree totem of the Kaia Are va haiae lela leipe ha? [t. Are clan tD. O . 358). [T. lauta; a Savoripi tree k�iae �� koru la lei(!*! ?] 'he wrong what totem.] did, eh. (Mt. 27:23) Also which? (of alternatives), e.g. lela lauremailou n. a kind of snake. koraoka ha? 'which (is) lighter (i.e. -lava conditional mkr. suffixed to theverb easier), eh?' (Lk. 5:23) . -ki la la form, with preceding the v 4.. e.g. leahau [T. leasauka?] interrog. when? at iapakilava 'if ... listens'. See la . what time? [T . ...oria at the end of the protasis.] Ela va aro leahau eavape? 'We you lava [T. harotovu] n. shelter, temporary when saw?' (Mt. 25:38) house, tent. leahovea [T. leasauka?] interrog. with the lavai [T. lavai] n. porpoise. same meaning as leahau? when? at what time? (Mt. 2:7) lave [T. lovoa] compd. demon. there, at, or in that place; (fr. la + vel; see la1; cf. leari [T. lea '? leafeare? leati?] lengthened mave. (P.K. 9 : 3) form learia with same meaning (fr. Ie + ri �dv. sUff. interrog. how? in what manner? lavi [T. avoro] n. a small kind of eel. like whatJ. (G. 3 : 1. Mt. 12:26. 11:8) Eve iki leari kelavaro ha? 'What do lavuku lavuku ara T. 0 p'0poru auai] v,i. you think?' to grumble, comp ain. tMt. 20:11) I Are learia kimaeaive? How is he le1 demon. (cf. la1); the form used to modify saying? (In. 6:42) tense of v. before which it appears. leavaila (var. leaovaila) [T. lea/ere?] Frequently used with cont. forms when it ? gives them a past reference, e.g. Ie interrog. how much how many? maeave 'was speaking' (P.K. 8:4). (Mt. 15:34) Also used with fut. when Ie has reference hoa leavaila? IT . soa lea/ere ?] 'how to some event just mentioned, and implies many times? (Mt. 23:37) that the action of the v. it introduces will pai leavaila? [T. poi lea/ere?] 'how take place immediately; 'then', 'thereupon'. much sago? (Mk. 8:5) [T. reha, usu. with ree. p.; also appears with rem. p.; occasionally with fut.; never leha? [T. lekoru ?] interrog. what? used with cont. form.] 72

lehae [T. leati?] inlerrog. how? what about it? (In. 11:37) lehae leikive? 'how to do?' ave iki lehae? [T. ave haiiri leafeare?] 'your mind what?', i.e. 'what do you think?' (Mt. 8:20) lehe n. the tall door of the trad. eravo. (D.O. 271-2) leia (var. laia) (fr. la + ia = ita) that place, there, yonder locality: cf. maia 'this place'. [T. lea oti, lovoa: no exact equivalent.] {Mt. 5:1. G. 18:29) leia ki to there, towards there, to yonder. leia ve [T. lea oti voa] at that place, 'e'e T. lele] n. a bird, the White Egret there. (G. 43:23) ( lgreta alba). areve lei a fT. areve oti] his place. lelehi [T. lelesi] var. dedehi. which see. (Mt. 4 : 2�) + leia haela [T. karu lovoa] people there, lepaila (fr. la epaila) : see hi hila epa. bystanders. (Mt. 26:71) (Mt. 27:4) n. + leiao n. a kind of snake. leper [T. pokea karu] usu. haela. leper haela a leper. (Mk. 1 :40) leihia v.i. [T. parurukai] to sink. lepo n. a plant, the midribs of the leaves of 3 which were used to pull out facial hairs: leila.i fT. loloi] (fr. lai ) : if this conformed Wlt� the usual form, It would be Ie lai: but hence. razor. Nowadays lesa (fr . ENG.) is the Ie is lengthened to distinguish it more the more usu. word. [T. lepu: lesa clearly from la lai, the immed. fut. hare (razor).] aukava-ila karia leilai 'on the completion of six days' Mt. 17:1, and see Mt. 14:15 . leve [T. levea ? leve? levei?] interrog. ( ) (fr. le1 + ve postposition 'for') what for? leita [T. leisa?] interrog. pron. who? (fr. why? A Ie hela ve? 'you what (may I say) 2 : for?'. Mt. 8:26, 9:15. P.K. 2:2 Ie J (G. 3 �1): leira [T.. leiro?] obj. ( ) whom?: lelta-ve fT. leave?] gen. whose? n. e.g. Ma ove i hohoa ila va leita-ve ha? lia fT. lia] syn. pailalia head louse. flea: 'This image with writing also whose, eh?' I-lH and OP lia. (Mk. 12:16) : leitaura (leita + ula, pI. liha [T. huhuru, huhuru auai] n. cough: suff.) [T. fe isa leisa ?] pl. whoever? liha hua to cough. Lk. 11:11 ( ) liha pekoro [T. pekoro, liha pekoro] lekoka n. usu. + mai (hand) or loa (foot): n. phlegm. sputum. mai lekoka [T. mai 2akoka] finger: loa + lekoka T. mora lakokal toe: oropa lika karave (throat). karave lika n. [T. kovore luka n. Adam's apple: also (of lekoka T. mai opal forefinger. cassowary) wattj e. lela [T. leraI ?] (fr . le1) which? what? what kind of? loa� [T. mora] n. leg. foot: (of animals) hind leg. the foreleg being mai: also, pace, E va lela haela ha? 'You what kind of step. footprint: (of buildings) piles, posts: people, eh?' (Lk. 13:27) (of table. chair) legs. HH loa. OP mora. lelao [T. poti] n. long club made from palm UR mora. RT fera. wood, used also as a digging stick loa aheke hukara [T. mora kere Buka (P.K. 4:2) : syn. poke. In Bibl. trans. patai] v.t. & i. to stamp. trample on. mare (sharp) , lelao mare loa ari [T. arihau] n. knee. [T. marehaukaita Boi] 'sword'. loa ari ava [T. Bukakoka avai] v.i. kneel down. (Lk. 22:41) loa ari haiava v.i. kneel. squat. crouch down. 73 loa ehoe [T. mora haura n. straight. loa2 (fr. loa1) v.i. to walk. walk about. move �ood legs; pI. of people. \ oa ehohoe. about on foot; often redupl. without change lMt. 11: 5) of meanin�. loaloa. [In T. mora is never loa ekela [T. mora fare] syn. loa parae used as v.J n. calf of leg. loaloalula eharu 'moving about things'. loa elavelave [T. mora pasoa] adj. fleet­ creatures. footed. loa elau [T. mora ufai, or mora sa loa haiae [T. mora kaiae n. bad legs; ufai) to cross (water) on foot; to ford. adj. lame; pI. of people. \ oa hahaiae. loa hahari hahari [T. mora lekaleka loi) (Mt. 11: 5) v.i. to walk slowly. loa haihaloava [T. mora faihohoroai] loa + hai. hai loa v.i. to crawl. creep. v.t. to crush underfoot; var. loa (G. 1:24) hailaloava. loa helari sometimes loa helari [T. mora loa hara [T. mora posa] n. sole of foot; kerori, mora kerori kerori auai] v.i. (of animals) hoof. to walk about. wander around. loa hara ve iilu [T. mora ikuku, loa hilauhilau [T. mora huaveahuavea tamaka] n. sandals. footwear ('skin mea] v.i. to hobble. limp. to totter. of sole'). loa hura lai [T. mora fefese eka loi) to loa hara karu [T. mora ere] n. instep. have elephantiasis of the leg or foot. loa hara v.t. sg. to trample on; pI. loa loa naoae vea IT. mora au mea) to haea. [T. mora sa patai. sg. & pl.] loiter. walk aimlessly. (Mt. 5:13. 7:6) loaloa yea [T. mora mea] v.i. to walk loa haro [T. mora haro] n. toenail. about. ramble. to roam. v.i. loa haru [T. mora kaika] n. walking loa yea to step. stick. loa yea velari [T. mora kerori vovo loa hilau hilau [T. mora huaveahuavea] mea] v.i. to stroll around. walk about. adj. & n. lame. crippled legs. loa veavea lai v.i. to go about on foot. loa hua [T. mora sukai] v.t. & i. to loara v.t. to ut in�o (�.�. mon�y into a bag) kick. (In. 12:6); rT. adeaa lpl. obJ.)]. loa huhara [T. mora sa saforai] v.t. to crush underfoot. tread upon; pl. loare [T. milaroal n. sg. brother (f. huhuravahaea. speaking. or of (); pl. loahula loa iilu syn. loa hara ve iilu [T. tamaka, [T. milarosu). (In. 11:21) mora ikuku) n. sandals. shoes. boots. loaela + lai (rain). lai loaela IT. lai hiohio) footwear. (Mk.1: 7) small shower. light rain. loa ikipi [T. mora kiri) n. heel. loa kaika syn. loa haru [T. mora kaika) loaukai T. moraitai) n. close friend. n. walking stick. specia f friend. loa karu n. [T. mora, mora karoro) lohari + ori. ori lohari n. a bird trap (with footprint. string). loa keva [T. mora ava) n. left leg or foot. lohela [T. fitova) n. loop. noose. loa koa [T. mora sa toai) v.t. to kick. + give a blow with the foot. lohoru pai (sago). pai lohoru [T. poi losovu) n. ch opped up sago pit�. loa lekoka [T. mora lakoka) n. toe. loa ore [T. mora toare) n. right foot or loka [T. loka) n. (intro. ENG.) lock. leg. loka kerari [T. 10k a toai) to lock. loa oropa [T. mora omopa) n. front part loko [T. loko) n. a long fish net. a drag net. of foot. (In. 21:6) loa oropa yea [T. mora omopa mea) v.i. loko paraea [T. loko paraeai) to let down to tiptoe. net. loa ove [T. mora hau) n. ankle. loa parae syn. loa ekela [T. mora fare]. 10ku T. loku, syn. mita] n. pawpaw. tree n. calf of leg. an fruit (fr. MT loku) (Carica papaya L.).J loa uki [T. mora uti) n. shin bone. 74 lopa n. digging stick, planting stick: also, lulalula [T. lulalula auai] v.i. to shake. stick for husking coconuts: var. lopaea. [T. siva (lopa wedge) .] luluauka [T. maeapatoita] adj. shaky, unstable (of people). lorilori [T. toapi ovai] v.t. to snatch, grab. ove va iklvere, aka aivau va luluauka iele 'spirit wishes, but flesh unstable very'. loro IT. loro] n. nest, den: usu. with (Mt. 26:41) fi de ning n. in apposition. luluauka haela [T. maea susuru sa airi loro [T. airi loro] n. rat's nest. pataita eka karu] n. paralytic. korea haela ve loro [T. torea karu ve maea luluauka shaky in body, infirm. uta] den of robbers. (Mt. 21:13) ori loro [T. ori loro] n. bird's nest. M (Mt. 13:32) loroa IT. roroai] a var. for roroa, which see. mal [T. mea, meha; also mol demon. (G. ':37:31)] determiner; this, these: cf. fal : also, here. loru + ma (water) , ma loru [T. ma loru] n. In the predicative position it may retain waves, rollers (of sea) . this form, but usu. me or mae. The form used before v. is me 'here', 'now', e.g. loul (var. lau) [T. lou] n. sg. mother: elave oa Abraham me aeave 'our father anyone standing in a maternal relationship A. now is-dwelling' (Mt. 3:9). to another: also of domesticated animals Occasionally both la and ma are used, e.g. dog, pig) , mistress, owner: pI. lou-ula Eava, ave la eharu ma [T. O/ae eavaia, (T. louita.] ave lea etau meha] 'See, your that thing lou-hela [T. louapo, louheri] n. aunt, this (here) ' (Mt. 25:25). the sisters of father or mother: also The following are compounds fr. ma: for husband of such a sister: pl. meanings, see separate headings: lou-hea-ula or lou-hehea-ula mahau mari [T. louapo-ita]. mahovea maria ava lou IT. ovalou] n. mother-in-law: maia mave syn. Vila ve lou. 2 uva ve lou n. wife's mother. ma , ma + kaita (paddle) . kaita ma [T. tai sa leiail to paddle: var. kaita kai lou hovea [T. lou /eare] adj. motherly. ma: con vb. mal: rem. p. mape. 2 3 lou often with oharo (word) , lou oharo ma [T. mal n. water: tide, sea: syn. for sea IT. papa laual tradition, myth, adage, ahea ma {cf. ma ahea 'hot water') . tolklore, fa ble, 1egend. (Tit. 1:14) In appropriate compounds ma can mean lou haela [T. ualare] n. the various any kind of liquid, fluid, juice. characters who appear in the trad. mythology. ahea ma [T. makaikara] n, sea, ocean. ahea ma mu [T. makaikara mu] n. loukai n. a kind of fish: a totem of the seasickness. Auma clan. (0.0. 251) ahea ma poe [T. makaikara miri] n. seaside. love [T. love] n. a plant with highly ahea ma ukai [T. makaikara itai] coloured flowers, the Amaranthus: also, a seaward. decoration consisting of a tuft of ma ahea [T. ma hehea] hot water. ma ornamental leaves or feathers. ahea ve hara [T. ma hehea sa v.t. -Iue (var. -rue) v. suff. with ka [T. levi] sauai] to scald. preceding v. to form prohibitive. e.g. ma alalaka [T. ma ova va] n. clear, kahohoalue 'do not blow' (Mt. 6:2) . limpid water. ma ara [T. ma orai] v.i. of water, to luha [T. pisi] n. flooring, floor: (of canoe or boil. boat) deck: trad. material. split haea ma arohae hovea IT. ma oro/are palm. /eare] sea blue, fike the arohae vevaea ve luha n. deck of boat or canoe. flower. -Iula (var. -rural v. suff. denoting hab. ma auhare [T. ma soare] var. of ma aspect pI.: sg. is -vila: IT. -tore, or vovea ohare n. surf on beach. sg. or pl.]: e.g. hukavalula ma eapapo [T. ma rovaea] n. high [T. sukavaitore] 'always talk'. water: also, big waves. 75 rnaelele [T. ma laroa, ma elori elori] rna karave koa lai [T. kovore tololoi] n. eddy. current. v.i. to be thirsty. rnahaa [T. ma taiva] n. flood. deluge. rnakaru (var. rnakoru) [T. matoru] torrent. n. water-hole. well. rnahaha [T. ma loru] n. (of sea) rnakoa [T. ma pusu] n. fresh water. k billow. roller. waves. brea er. rnalara [T. ma lauai] v.t. & i. to rnahara fT. ariveai] v.t. & i. to swim. drink. (Acts i1 : 42) rnalar oa [T. ma elori elori] n. a rnaharu [T. sitoi; d. ma sarusaru] n. whirlpool. lake. lagoon. pond. (Mt. 4:18) rna loru [T . ma loru] n. wave(s). rnaharu heaha stagnant water. roller(sj . heavy sea. rnahau vito [T. n. fresh ma pusu] rna rnahuvu[T. ma huvu] n. vapour. water. mist-like spray from heavy surf. rnahere [T. ma vevete] placid. tranquil. rna rnihukau[T. ma sukoi] v. reflex. calm sea. to bathe. rna hihi fT. n. open sea. mai pisiri] rnarniri [T. ma miri] n. shallow water. (P.K. t3) shoal. rnahipa [T. v.t. ma toai] to bale. bale rna ohare[T. ma soare] n. surf on out (canoe). beach. foam. froth. scum (from rna hirihiri [T. ma sirisiri] n. dirty pounding of surf) . water. stagnant. turbid water. rnaororo (var. rna oro) [T. ma havu] rna hi va [T. ma hivai] to dip water n. spray. (from well) . draw. scoop up water. oro rnaila [T. oro mal n. whitewash. rnahoa [T. n. ma taiva] flood. rnapakupaku fT. ma karikari] n. rnahoau fT. ma tarereai] syn. rna choppy. rough sea. horea f( ow of water; water to flow. rna peke n. [T. ma pete fai (v.)] rnahoho [T. ma hOi pl. ma hoho] n. tranquil sea. very smooth water. stream. small creek. rna perepere [T. ma tatara] n. trickle rnahoho pekaki ita [T. ma of water. popotoaita oti] n. well-spring. rna perepere koa [T. ma tovuseai] v.t. rnahorera [T. ma tarereai] syn. rna to sprinkle. hoau. var. rnahorea (water) to flow. rna perehekai[T. ma tatara] n. drops rnahou [T. sitoi] n. lagoon. of water. v.l. rna huhela [T. maukai] to wash. rna pi kuru ila T. ma iruka] n. muddy rinse (a thing) . water. turbi water. v.i. rnahu horeava [T. ma popotoai] rna poe [T. J n. edge of water. (water) to gush out. ma poe] rna pupupupu [T. popotoaita mal n. rnahuhu [T. ma taiva] n. floodwater. a spring of water. rnahur ita [T. ma tovuseai] to splash. rna ureve loa T. ma voa feofeai] v.i. rnahuruhuru lai [T. surusuru loi] to wade. fk through water. v.l. & i. to soak. be wet. rnaureve ove [T. ma ve ove] �. rnaiha [T. ma isoi] v.i. sg. to drown; reflections in water; hence. mirror rna pl. rnaihaha [T. ma isoseai]. ve ove, rnaove [T. ma-ove]. (Mk. 5:13) (2 Cor. 3:18) rnaihau [T. parurukai] v.i. to sink. go rnaureve araea [T. ma iri voa down (In water). paraeai r v.t. to immerse in water. rnaila [T. ma ita] adj. watery. rna veoki [T. ma otiharo] n. channel rnaka lai [T. ma feare loi] v.i. to be of water. passage. watery. to liquify. rna vepekak i rna[T. popotoaita mal rna kaikara [T. makaikara] n. salt n. spring of water. water; sea. ocean. rnavevea [T. ma veveai] v.t. to water rnakaito pa [T. ma tovuseai] v.i. & t. (plants. sago. etc.) by sprinkling. to splash. Of the tide: rnakao [T. n. ma tao] edge of water. rnaaru [T. ma aru] n. tide coming in. rna kapare [T. ma vevete] n. placid. half way up. tranquil water. sea. 76

4 ma eapapo pl. ma hoaha. [T. ma maea v.t. & i. sg. [T. moi sg. & pl.] to rovaea. pl. metameta] n. high tide. say, speak, tell, mention, intimate, notify, ma hara [T. ma koti] v.i. tide to come recount, recite, pronounce: pl. maeaea. in, rise. Also with oharo [T. omoi] 'word', without ma hekai [T. ma seika] n. low tide, change of meaning, oharo maea. ebb tide. convb. omeil: rem, p. maeape v.t·. [T. omolpe . (G. 2:13) ma loi [T. ma toil tide to be out. to pi. maeaeape:fT. Jesu erero maeaeape be low water. (pl. obi) 'J. said to them'. (In. 18:5). ma oa [T. ma oDvai] v.t".tide to go aihukamaea IT. 0 serovai] v.t. upbraid, down, ebb. reproach, c�ide. ma titaeka (var. ma titaka) [T. ma heheo maea [T. 0 hahe auai] to tease. seika] n. pi. ebb tides, low tides. hihika maea IT. 0 p'isiri moil to say mael T. meha] demon. when used openly, dedare. lHeb. 11:14) pre icatively: this, these: see mal . oropa maea IT. omopa omoi] to (Mt.J 6:16) prophesy, (o retell. predict. 2 oropai maea IT. kaiae 0 auai] v.t. to mae [T. mate] n. a 'grass' skirt: the material is actually shredded immature censure. (1VIt.12: 10) 5 palm leaflets. maea [T. maea] n. body, form, substance: l also, dead body, corpse (Mt. 14:12). maea [T. eka] adJ'. &: n. sick, ill: sickness: often specifically malarial fever: (fr. While 'body' is its basic meaning, maea is Namau, maia sick, ill). used in a number of compound expressions which have in some cases abstract maea haela [T. eka karu] sick person, meanings. To a lesser extent maea is invalid. used, like iki, to form terms descriptive of maea ila [T. eka iaJ (lit. 'sickness mental states. [T. has the same range of with') be ill. sick (pres. tense only). meaning, but includes also 'colour', a maea hara [T. eka toil v.i. to become meaning which maea does not have in ill. 0.] The number of compounds with maea maea lai v.i. to be ill. is not so extensive in O. as it is in T. 2 Used with such adj. as 'short', 'long', maea (var. maia) adj. &: adv. usu. redupl. 'hard', or n. as kou star, kou maea star­ to distinguish it fr. homonyms: shaped: maea is equivalent to 'form', maeamaea: near, close, adjacent: almost, 'shape' or 'substance'. (G. 1:2) nearly, well-nigh (of space or time). In a number of compound expressions, it [T. haekao: d. maea taea.] serves to define the main word along the maeamaea eke [T. haekao koti] to lines of its basic meaning of 'body', e.g. approach, come close, draw near. maea iilu skin of body (cf. kora iilu bark (Mk. 11:1) of tree). hoa maeamaea [T. soa haekao] maea aheke [T. maea ro 10] strong in shortly. body, strength. ita maeamaea [T. oti haekao] n. maea avuku hovea [T. maea lu/uta toil proximity. 'body sleep like', i.e. numb, numbness. maea iele [T. haekao kola] very near. elare maea [T. elore maea] oneself, one's maeamaea lai [T. haekao toil to be own body. near. maea elavelave [T. maea utohoa] adj. maeamaea ve [T. haekao voa] near to: nimble. e.g. uvi maeamaea ve 'near to the maeaki lai [T. maeati] v.t. &: i. to house' . praise, laud. maea3 T. maea] (fr. maea2: used following maea hahaita IT. maea vevekoko] chilly, adj. iminishes their force, somewhat, cold body (of malarial fever). rather,J e.g. hekai maea [T. seika maea] maea hahaita lai [T. maea vevekoko rather small: d. maea hekai small body. toi, maea veveveve auai (shiver)] Often hovea follows maea, e.g. hekai v.t·. to shiver, be chilly. maea hovea 'somewhat small like' maea hahehahe [T. maeahahauhahau] [T. seika maea leare]. n. &: adj. trick, wile, ruse, guile: guileful. tricky: also in good sense, clever. 77

maea haiae lai [T. maea hasiavai] v.t. maea iilu is also used in the sense of to disfigure. spoil the shape of. mutilate. 'body' (Mt. 26:26). It may also mean maea haveva [T. maea haveva] adj. 'dead body'. 'corpse': apihaea haela ve unaccustomed. unpractised. maea iilu 'dead people's bodies' (Mt. 24:28). maea heaha [T. maea eka] n. diseased body: also. disease. plague. pestilence. maea kakare [T. maea hehea] n. pain sickness: pl. maea heahaha. anguish in body: also. deformed. maimed (Mt. 10:1. 8) body: cf. maea heaha. maea heaha haela [T. eka karu] n. maea kakaroa [T. maea kakapiso] n. invalid. sick person. shrivelled body. wasted body (from age. maea heaha koara IT. maea eka or sickness). toarai] v.t. to infect. maea karoro karoro [T. maea karoro, maea karorokaroro] n. & adj. maea heaha lai [T. eka loi] v.i. to be pattern. decoration: with decorated ill. sick. appearance. maea heaha paraea [T. eka paraeai] maea keke [T. maea tete] adj. dwarf: to recover from illness. maea keke haela [T. maea tete karu] maea hekeheke [T. maea sesea] irritation n. dwarf. in body. maea koela [T. suka hoaveai] v.t. press maea helare helare [T. maea serare] n. upon (in crowd). blemish. scar. maea kohaha [T. maea puta mopai] maea helari helari [T. maea opaopa loi] v. reflex & t. to dress. clothe. v.i. to be dizzy: cf. haro helari: also. to wriggle about. writhe [T. maea maea kohauara [T. ere lefesi haeai] v.i. kerorikerori auai, kaisa kaisa auai]. of body. to burst open. (Acts 1:18) maea heraho [T. maea kaisakaisa] adj. maea karoroka [T. maea kokoroai (v.i.)] restless: also. troubled. needy. adj. emaciated in body. thin. slender. maea hi [T. maea Ii] n. sound peculiar maeakoko adj. whole. entire: (of cane) to bird. animal. insect. or reptile. i.e. not split: also many. plenty. abundant: howl. whine. cackle. chirp. etc.: (of as n .. abundance. [T. maea makora people) a cry of anguish. moan: as v.i. (whole): rauapo (many).] maea hi ara [T. maea Ii auai]. maeakoko lai IT. totavai] v.i. to be maeahiri [T. maeasiril n. sorcery. many. plentiful. to abound. be witchcraft. black magic. The word owes countless. its origin to the practice of sorcerers of lei maeakoko lai [T. lei totavai] v.t. to using body exuviae (maea hiri) in their make abundant. plentiful. making of spells. haela maeakoko IT. karu sitavu] n. maeahiri haela [T. maeasiri karu] n. throng. crowd o} people. a sorcerer. haela maeakoko lai [T. topi/eravai] to maea hovave [T. seseovai (v.t.)] n. a throng. crowd together. testing. trial. (2 Tim. 4:9) maea koro [T. maea sari] n. hair on maea hovave lai v.t. to attempt. try. body. endeavour. rehearse. maea kovaela v.t. [T. maea mitutu, maea hovea [T. maea leare] n. image. n. & adj.] to mutilate. form. shape. semblance: also adj.. maea luluauka [T. maea oriri] paralytic. somewhat. shaky in body. maea ihura [T. maea isutaJ n. the maea ma [T. leoro] n. semen. traditional exclamation which varies maea mahuka n. & adj. soft. weak in from clan to clan: used in moments of body. weak in substance: (of person) triumph. or excitement. when hunting. weak. feeble. infirm. weary. fatigued. fishing. or. in former times. when slothful. lazy. idle. [T. maea malu fighting. (D.O. 131-2) (soft): maeapatoita (weak. lazy).] maea ihura ara IT. maea isuta auai] maea makiri [T. maeamariti] n. & adf to exclaim an ihura. shame. shyness: shameful. s�y. maea iilu [T. maea ruru] n. skin. shamefaced: syn. maea oaoka. maea iilu paruparu [T. maea ruru (G. 2:25) kikiteai (v.i.)] puckered. creased maea mekaka [T. maeahoa] n. & adf skin. beauty: lovely. beautiful. (G. 6:2) 78

maea mirimiri [T. maea sesea] adj. & n. maeako [T. lakai] n. 8g. small branch creepy, tingling sensation. [T. meako (twigs): var. maku: J?l. maea morava [T. maso etaul n. mamaeako. (In. 15:4. P.K. 3:2) sacrifice, offering. Mt. 9 : 1:1) ( maeoka T. maeamariti] adJ. & n. shy. maea oaoka [T. maea ota] n. & adj. bashfu f. modest: shame: var. of maea shame, shyness: shy. modest: var. oaoka. (Rom. 1:16) maeoka, maioka: syn. maea makiri. maepa [T. mai paeail v.t. (fr. mai paea) maea oaoka lai [T. maea ota ita mea] to hold in the hand: ence: v.i. to be ashamed. shy. abashed. h uva maeal?a and vila maepa (wife. maea orovahe n. sweat. [T. orovea] husband) to betroth. marry. wed. perspiration. [T. ua, vita, mai paeai.J (Mt. 1:18. maea paialapaiala lai [T. maea oriri Apo. 21:2) auai, maea totororol v.i. to tremble. maepaki okoare [T. mai paeaita otoare] (of body) to shake. (G. 27:33) promise to marry. engagement. maea paila [T. maea siaviri] n. sores maepaki okoare ara v.t. & i. to on body. { Lk. 16:21) promise to marry. affiance. maea pekeheka adj. IT. maea kakapiso] maepaki hoa [T. mai paeaita soa] n. skinny. thin in body. slim. marriage. maea pelaea [T. maeamarova] n. & adj. hi hila maepa [T. kivaia loi] to hand over pride. conceit. vanity: proud. vain. to enemy. to betray. (Mt. 17:22) haughty. insolent. n. maea pelaea lai [T. maeamarova loi] mahapa [T. mahapa] adze. v.i. to be proud. vain. conceited. mahau [T. faitora, mea soa] adj. haughty: also. in good sense. to exult (precedes n .) & adv. now. present: syn. (at gaining a success) . mahoa: mahau hare [T. iso sare] today: maea popou [T. maealolo auke ita mahau hoa present time. (P.K. 4:4. maea] unblemished body. (Mt. 1:23) Mt. 27:19) maea pura [T. maea puta] n. 'body cloth'. i.e. clothes. apparel. shirt. mahea [T. e-oi] n. dance: strictly. a Mt. 10:10 stationary dance performed by women: ( ) mahea hara to dance: cf. e irihi. maea pura oreau [T. maea puta Mt. 14:6 mopai] v. reflex. & t. to dress. ( ) clothe: syn. maea kohaha. (G. 3:21 e va mahea va au harapukue 'none of ) you dance' (fr. hara + pua aux. of maea uki kakare [T. maea-uti hehea] n. totality . Mt. 11:17 pain in bones. rheumatism. ) ( ) adj. 8g. maea ve e [T. ere horou] n. guts. maheare [T. paseare] naked. nude: intestines. pl. maheheare. (G. 3:10. 2:25) maheare lai [T. maea paseare loi 8g. maea ve elele [T. sarova ve etele] n. tendon. & pl.] v.i. to be naked. nude. 1 maea ve ihova [T. maea ve peise] n. maho [T. avako] n. wing. (G. 1:20) sympton. maho urou [T. fufuka patai] v.i. to maea ve orovahe also maea orovahe (+ soar up. fly up. he n. ) [T. maea ve orovea] ori �e maho [T. ori ve avako] n. bird' s perspiration. sweat. wing. maea ve ukai [T. maea ve itai] n. side maho vivila [T. fufukai, fufuka soeai] of body. v.i. to fly. fly away. maea vevehere [T. maea vevekoko] cold. 2 shivering body (as with malaria): syn. maho [T. maso] n. spell. charm. magic: maea hahaita. maho horova [T. maso tivi] spell­ maea vevehere lai [T. maea vevekoko making. making magic. loi] v.i. to shiver. be chilly. maho haela [T. maso tivi karu] maea veveke [T. maea lareva] adj. spellmaker. magician. good-looking. handsome. mahoa (fr . mal + hoa) this time: see maea veveroro [T. maea ova va] adj. mahau. clean in body. (In. 13:10) 79 mahokaea [T. maria; cf. koravasal n. v.t. to stretch out the arm or hand outside. exterior. without; var. mahaukaia . upon. (Mt. 8:3) (G. 4:7. 6:14) mai avuhukavaea [T. mai sa miarai] mahokaea ve [T. maria voal v.t. to hand to. hand over. (G. 4:11) postpositional phrase, witfiout. outside. mai buru [T. maea rururi ovai] v.t. to outward. (Mt. 8:12) pinch. mahoro [T. mahoro) n. stone-headed club. mai ee IT. saw seika] n. handsaw; (fr. e ). l mahovea [T. mateare) (fr. ma demon.) mai hahava [T. mai pasavai] v.t. to adv. & adJ'. after this manner. like this. embrace. di ng to. thus. mai hapaea [T. mai sa paeai] v.t. to mahuka [T. matu] adj. soft. weak. feeble. touch. put 'handon. frail. limp. gentle. mild; (of plant growth) mai haparahapara [T. mai paopao toai] tender. pliant; ant. aheke [T. kere]. to clap hands. mahuka lai [T. matu loi, pui loi) v.i. to mai hara [T. mai posa] n. palm of hand. be or become soft. weak. fatigued; be mai hara koa [T. mai sa toai] v.t. to tender; (of colour) to fade [T. . apoapo slap. smack. loi). mai haro [T. mai haro] n. fingernail. lei mahuka lai [T. lei matu loi] v.t. to mai haroapo [T. mai tarakeka] (lit. 'one make soft. weak. debilitate. to enfeeble. hand') a handful. iki mahuka lai [T. haiiri maeapatoita) mai haru [T. mai kaika] n. walking v.i. to be disheartened. discouraged. stick. staff; syn. loa haru [T. mora maea mahuka [T. maea matu) soft. kaika]. weak in body. slothful. mai horapa [T. mai sosoropai] v.t. to mea mahuka [T. mea matu) n. soft. stretch out the arm or hand; syn. mai gentle wind. light breeze. horava. (Mt. 12:13. 14:31) pura mahuka [T. l!uta matu) n. soft mai hue [T. mai lou] n. thumb. cloth. (Mt. h :8) mai huhela [T. mai maukai] to wash mahuka2 [T. pasuka) n. stingray hands. (Dasyatis kuhlii). mai kaika [T. mai kaika] n. walking stick. staff; syn. mai haru. (G. 38:18) mahumu [T. sosoail v.t. to give suck. mai karoro [T. mai karoro] n. suckle. (Mk. 13: 11) handwriting. mahuvu [T. ma huvu] n. vapour. mai keva [T. mai ava] left hand; mai keva ukai [T. left side. a mahuvu [T. aikaera] n. smoke. mai ava itai] mai koa [T. mai sa toai] v.t. to hit with ape ve mahuvu [T. ape maruru] n. the hand. cuff. slap. smack; also. slap vapour from mouth. (2 Thes. 2:8) one's thigh (in defiance). n. iki mahuvu [T. ape maruru] breath. mai koaki ihova [T. mai ove] n. signal kekele ve mahuvu [T. mea havu] n. with the hand. dust (in air). mai koelari [T. mai ove sa muiai] to rnamahuvu [T. ma hUvu] n. mist-like turn the hand about to make signs. spray which rises on the beach when (Lk. 1:22) there is a heavy surf pounding on it. mai kohara [T. mai mopai] v.t. to touch mail [T. mail n. hand. arm; (of animals. with the hand. (Mk. 1:41) reptiles) foreleg. paw; ( of clothes) sleeve; mai kupaval [T. mai kupa, mai (of tools) handle. haft. [T. identICal in all kokoputaa] n. fist; also v.i .. clench the meanings.] fist. mai aheke paea [T. mai kere paeai] v.t. mai �aroa (var. mai larua) [T. mai toai] to grapple with; pi. mai aheke V.L & t. to beckon. (Lk. � : 7) papaeha. var. papaehau. mai lekoka [T. mai lakoka] n. finger. mai apu [T. mai kupa] n. fist; syn. mai mai lekoka ve ove [T. mai lakoka ve kupava. haul n. knuckle. mai ari T. mai kiri] n. elbow; (of mai mahuka [T. mai matu] adj. a ni rnas) knee of foreleg. clumsy. mai avihorapaI [T. mai sosoropi ovai] 80

maimari [T. lavikufi] n. ring. mai3 [T. mail n. way. track; (fr. mai2) ; (Lk. 15:22, G. 38:18) hence metaph., method. way of doing maim�ri ora [T. lavikufi oreai] to put anything; manner, behaviour, habit, on ring. fashion, custom, conduct, character. maimari mai lekoka ora put ring on [T. has a similar range of meaning.] finger. mai ehoe [T. mai haura] n. correct, mai �aoae paea [T. mopamopa auai] right way. just conduct; mai ehoe haela V.L to grope. [T. mai haura karu] upright person. mai ore [T. mai toare] n. right hand or mai elavelave nimble. arm. mai haiae syn. mai heaha [T. mai kaiae, maiore [T. maiorej adf adept, skilful. syn. mai maealolo] n. & adj. wrong competent. proficient. way, wrong doing. iniquity, evil, vice. immorality, wicked, evil conduct, sin. mai ove [T. mai ove] n. signal with hand. mai heaha lai [T. mai kaiae loi] v.t. & i. to do wrong, be evil. to misbehave. mai ove koa IT. mai ove toai] to signal with 'hand. mai heaha haela [T. mai kaiae karu] n. evildoer. sinner. mai ove aioea [T. mai s08oropi mai veveke [T. mai lareva] good muiai] to make swee�ing gesture with hand. (Mt. 12:49) conduct, good behaviour. mai paea, also elided to maepa. v.t. 8g. to mai veveroro IT. mai ovava] n. clean catch hold of. clasp, take by the hand. habits. enlig�tened behaviour. handle (Eph. 6:16); also, to seize, arrest; 4 con vb. 4 (with uva or vila 'wife' or 'husband') to mai maea say. [T. mei fr. moi.] betroth; convb. mai pae (pai) maia [T. mea oti, movoa] n. (fr. ma + ia (Mt. 19:13); pl. mai papaeha. [T. mai 'place') this place. this locality. here; d. paeai. 8g. & pl.] laia, leia. (Mt. 3.17) mai kapaealue (fr. ka + paea + lue) maia ve karu 'pit of this place' [T. mai levi paeaia] 'do not touch' (G. 37:20). {In. 20.17). maia lai also maia ara [T. movoa pea] mai paea au [T. mai sa ovi terai] to to be here, to be here present. carry in the hand. (In. 11:21) mai parae [T. mai hom] n. forearm. mai peke paea [T. mai sa tatavai] v.t. maia var. for maea2. which see. (Mt. 3:2, to hold up. bear up. raise up; (fr. peka 9:18) 'ascend'). (Mt. 4:6) mailare [T. pitaka] n. verandah. balcony. mai pupu [T. pupul n. whisk made from (Mt. 26:69) the tail feathers of a cassowary, used by old men to keep flies and mosquitoes maimari [T. lavikufi] n. ring; see mail. away. mai ukai [T. mai itail n. one hand. arm. maioka lai [T. maeamariti loi] v.i. to be or foreleg. (Mt. 12: 1�) ashamed, humble. shy; var. for maea oaoka. which see. mai ukai ukai [T. mai itai itail num. adj. ten; syn. horoila; �NG. mairava n. the episode in the trad. Hevehe number now used in both O. and T. cycle of ceremonies. when the masked mai ukai ukai hoa tenth. figures emerged from the eravo. mai ukai ukai loa ukai ukai num. adj. (D.O. chap. 22) (now obsolete) twenty. maitava + uva ('woman'), uva maitava mai2 IT. mail n. river. large stream. creek. [T. ua lelesi, ua vitova] n. widow; d. (P . r< . 2:1) uva dedehi. (G. 38:8) mai ape [T. mai ape] n. river mouth. maitu n. a kind of fish. (D.O. 169) mai kue [T. mai tupel n. source of maiva [T. itoval n. a bird. the hornbill river, upper reaches, �eadwaters. l (P.K. 2 : 1) (Rhyticero8 p icatu8 (jungei)). mai poe (var. mai ma poe) [T. mai poe] maka IT. maka] n. mark. spot. boundary n. bank of river. (fr. �NG.). 81 makae makae [T. kevaro] n. flash of mamoe [T. mamoe] n. sheep (intro.); lightning; often with kevao. which see. rnamoe koro [T. mamoe mehe] wool. (Lk. 15:4) maki T. mati] n. a string of dogs' teeth (a traj . ornament). maniota IT. maniota] n. manioc (intro.) (Manilwt esculenta Krantz). makiri IT. maeamaritil n. & ad;", shyness. bashfulness. shame; s�y. shameful; often + mao [T. mao] n. a tree with pale pink maea; d. maea oaoka. flowers (Kleinhovia hospita L.). makiri lai [T. maeamariti loi] v.i. to be maolo [T. apo maoro] n. bowstring; usu. shy. ashamed. (Mk. 8:38) with apo (bow) in apposition. apo maolo. lei makiri lai [T. lei maeamariti loi] v.t. to make shy. to abash. to shame. maora [T. maola] n. war; syn. mare2. makiri leiki mai [T. mai maeamariti] n. maora ara [T. marehaukai] to make shameful conduct. war. wage war. fight with weapons. makiri ka [T. maeamariti kao] adj. combat. impudent. maora haela [T. maola karu] n. a warrior; syn. hevehe haela. or maora makoura n. a kind of edible fungus. hevehe haela. (Mt. 8:5) mushroom. maove [T. ma-ove] n. mirror (fr. rna+ maku [T. lakail n. branch. bough; d. ove). maeako. (P. lt 3:2) mapa [T. hivai] v.t. to scoop up. makuri v.i. to be alive. have life; (fr. MT (Mt. 13:47) mauri 'Iife'); d. ovokake n. life. [T. makura n . . makuri loi v.i.] mapore [T. elare] n. yam. both plant and lei makuri v.t. sg. to make alive. to save edible root; (Dioscorea alata L.l. There deliver (from peril); to heal; pl. lei are several named varieties in cuftivation. makukuri v.t. to make alive. to save. e.g. kida. a sweet yam. [T. lei makuri loi (sg. & pl.).] mapu fT. umapu] n. the winking owl {Lk. 17:19. Acts 28:27) (Spi?oglaux connicens (asimilis)). malaha IT. malasa] adj. tame. docile. tractable. domesticated. meek: var. mapukoro n. a kind of snake. maraha. (Mt. 5:5) maraehae [T. popota] n. twins. malaha lai (T. malasa loi] v.i. to be (Acts 28:11) tame. dOCile. meek. lei malaha lai [T. lei malasa loi] v.t. to maraha var. for malaha. which see. make tame. to tame. to habituate. marahe n. praise. commendation; often with malaita1 var. for maraita. which see. o (word): marahe 0 word of praise. IT. marase. with identical meaning.] malaita2 [T. uarova] n. a bird. the scrub Also the traditional complimentary modes fowl (Megapodius freycinet). of address to clan members. This varies from clan to clan. e.g. Oa Havora! would mama v.t. to ask for. say; cf. maea·; pI. be said to an older man of the Kaia Clan mamava. IT. loki loi, omoi sg. & pl.] [T. Oa-Epe-Savora! (Savoripi Clan)]. (Mt. 7:9. 2i:26) marahe ara [T. marase auai] v.t. & i. mamaeako n. pl. twigs. small branches with to praise; also to address in the leaves. flowers or fruit; sg. maeako. traditional complimentary manner. [T. meako twig. branch (sg. & pl.).] maraita n. pI. younger brothers; may also be used for sisters. [T. mariosu (younger mamareke (T. marekeke] adj. sharp. thorny. prickly; d. mare1. (G. 3:18) brothers only).] mamareke kora IT. tola marekeke] n. marape [T. loaru sare] n. the fourth day thorny tree. (rvft. 7:16) after today; often + hare. The ENG. kora mamareke korona [T. kiri names for the days of the week are now marekeke kekeva] n. crown of thorns. used in both O. and T. in place of marape (Mt. 27:29) or foaru. 82 maravi ara [T. hiva auai] v.i. to boast. mari kake [T. moraitai] n. girl friend brag. (m. or f. speaking). (R. 1:15) l mariloa [T. uaroa] n. sg. sister (m. mare [T. mare] adj. sharp. keen: [T. maremare prickly. (G. 3:18) speaking): pI. maritaloa uarosu]. mari merava [T. mori merava] n. mare lai [T. mare loi] v,i, to be sharp. orphan girl. lei mare lai [T. lei mare loi] v.t. to make sharp. sharpen. mari popou [T. morihava] n. virgin. Mt. 1:23) kora mare [T. hoha, tola erea] splinter. ( thorn. mari2 IT. malaila] n. the silk-cotton tree. mare ve ukai [T. mare itai] sharp edge kapok (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn.). (of tool) . mari3 (fr. demon. rna+ ri, adv. suff.) in this mare2, mare ara (fr. marel) manner, this way, thus: maria a [T. marehaukail v.t. & i. to wage armed lengthened form: syn. mahovea. combat. fightwit h weapons: syn. maola [T. mari: syn. ma/eare.] ara. maria ara or oharo maria ara [T. mari mare eharu [T. mare etaul n. auai, or 0 mari auai] introducing oratio weapon(s). arms: syn. hahari eharu recta 'say in this manner' (Mt. 9:14): syn. [T. maola etau]. mari maea [T. mari moil. mare eharu aea [T. maola dau n. maravai] to arm. maria a kind of fish. (D.O. 246) mare leiki ilra [T. paraisa (paean)] n. maria uki [T. maria uti] n. collarbone. war cry. marivi IT. mariviJ n. a slender vine: marivi mare ve itavaki 0 [T. maola ve isaita 0] ela marivi ela], the marivi vine when n. a challenge. use tfor. lashing purposes. a-mare puo-mare 'fire fight'. an episode J in the trad. Hevehe cycle of ceremonies. maroka [T. marota, la marota] num. adj. (0.0. 310-1) & n. pair, a set of two: commonly used with coconuts (Ia), which tied together are mareheari var. for mariheari. which see. usu. counted in pairs, la maroka. mareka IT. lei mare loi] v.t. to sharpen: marolo n. a kind of snake. syn. Ie. mare lai. marekaki eharu n. a file. [T. uses marukae [T. makora] n. armpit: (of bird) file.] under wing: (of animal) behind foreleg. marekaki have [T. mare sukaita] marukae koro [T. makora ere sari] n. grindstone. whetstone. hairs under arm. marere [T. koki] n. an insect. the click marukaumarukau ara [T. laukelauke auai] beetle. v.i. to pitch from side to side (as in a canoe in rough water). marere [T. kaisava] n. a kind of croton marukaumarukau a' velaril?e (Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume). [T. laukelauke a' soeapeJ 'moved marevare [T. marivari, uapapa] n. a along pitching from side to side'. prickly vine (Smilax australis). (Mt. 14:24) marupai + la la marupai maril n. daughter. girl. lass. maid, child also (coconut), (female): also daughter's husband (son-in­ [T. lakakare] a dwarf coconut, formerly law): man's brother's daughter and made into a charm. woman's sister's daughter is also mari: pI. marita. IT. mori (girl. daughter): pI. marisa [See Appendix 1).] mariapo (var. moriapo) [T. moriapo] n. elder sister (f. speaking) . mariheari (var. moriheari) [T. moravu] younger sister (f. speaking). mari�ari IT. morihava] young woman. la marupai maid. (NIt. 26:69) 83 marura [T. marukapai, lolorukail v.i. to me the form of the demon. rnaused before v. topple down, crumble, collapse (o( [T. meha, used after v.] buildings). (Mt. 7:27) Jonas ve akea haela me aeave 'Jonas above man here (now) is-being' maruru n. a northerly breeze from inland: (Mt. 12:41). hence, north. [T. miriru (breeze), northerly breeze avora ve lavu.] meal n. wind, breeze, air: breath: weather: also in compounds, time. [T. mea, with maua [T. oroasi] n. box, chest: (fr. MT maua 'box'). the same range of meanin&s, but in compounds, Boa = 'time'.J mauki n. thi�h, lap. [T. mauti (thigh), mea aea fT. Boa aea] another time: rna pavo (lap).] mea [I. mea Boa] this time. mea aia [T. mea aeai], convb. mea aiai. mauki + oa (father), mauki oa IT. mauti to become dusk. n. mauki lou oa) stepfather: [T. mauti mea avara n. n. stepmother. [T. avora] N.W. wind: also lou) 'dearth', because at that time of the year maula var. for maora, which see. (Oct.-Mar.) garden produce becomes scarce. [T. avora: pOBera (dearth).] maumau [T. maumau] n. various mea eapapo [T. mea rovaea] n. strong ornamental kinds of hibiscus (cf. MT wind, gale. vahuvahu ·hibiscus'). There are different mea haerapa [T. mea Barapai] v.i. (of names for the wild hibiscus, e.g. oro wind) to cease. lull. (Mt. 14:32) [T. oro] (Hibiscus tiliaceus L.). mea heaha [T. mea maealolo] n. (of maupa [T. moupa] n. ornaments, wind or weather) bad, adverse, squall. decoration: sometimes + eharu [T. etau) mea heaha eapapo [T. mea maealolo (things). (Apo. 2:1) kola] n. gale, storm, tempest. maupa eapapo 'well decorated' mea helari helari [T. mea kerorikerori] (Mt. 6:29). n. whirlwind. maupa lai [T. moupa loi] v.i. &: t. to mea here [T. mea akoka] n. calm, adorn. be adorned, decorated. tranquil weather: part syn. mea (P.K. 7:3) mahuka. maupa mekakure [T. moupa mea hi [T. tutururu] syn. kaia hi, n. maeahoa] n. lovely decoration. rumble of thunder. maupa eravo [T. moupa elavo] n. a mea hihiri fT. mea tavutavuJ weather or smaller eravo (men's house) to sky. clouay. overcast. lowering. accommodate the youths and young mea hohera [T. posera Boa] n. time of men. (0.0. 6, etc.) famine. maura ukai [T. mauta, mauta itai) n. iki mea hekai [T. haiharua] short­ south-east: maura. also mea maura winded. monsoon. S.E. mea karia [T. mea kasirau] windbound. mausini [T. mouseni] n. pumpkin. mea kivika [T. mea sa toai] v.t. &: i. (of wind) to blow, to blow upon. (Lk. 12:55) mau'u (var. mou) [T. pahava] snout (of mea eapapo kivika [T. mea rovaea Ba pig. crocodile). toai] (of wind) to blow hard upon. (Mt. 7:25) mavaihe ukai fT. hore itai) n. blunt side. mea koa [T. mea sa toai] v.l. &: i. (of back of soi (k nife). wind) to blow. blow upon: also, be mavara (var. vavara) [T. movokoa, syn. blown by the wind. movoral n. adze used for chopping up mea ukai koa [T. itai mea sa toai] sago Plt�. . wind to blow from the beam: if salling, luff. mave (fr. demon. rna+ ve postposition) l mea ukai kaita koa when paddling, to here: (of space or time) now: see ma . steer to wind. [T. movoa (space). laitora (time).] mea lalaeapa [T. miavamiava auai] to mavia [T. maviBe] n. bandicoot be waved to and fro by the wind. (Echymipera sp.) : d. haua. mea lalou [T. mea lolou] n. cumulus clouds in western sk (sign of fine weather). (P.K . 1:2)y 84

mea lalou ora [T. mea lolou aierai] mea koa [T. mea voa toapai] v.t. dash cumulus clouds. to cover sky. to the ground. throw down. mea lauha [T. soa haria] different mea puipui IT. pupuiovu] n. earthquake: occasion. another time. also. lands1ide. landslip. rnamea [T. mea soa, faitora] this time: meapuipui eke [T. pupuiovu patai] of syn. mahau hoa. earth. to quake. mea mahuka [T. mea akoka] calm. tranquil weather: gentle breeze. mea3 [T. kaisova] n. & adJ. (of animals moderate wind. and birds) male. e.g. kokora mea mea mahuka lai [T. mea mafu loi] (of [T. kokora vita] cock. (G. 7:16) wind) to abate. lull. mea4 [T. mea] adJ. (of bananas only) ripe. mea maura [T. mauta] n. S.E. wind. mature. S.E. monsoon. mea lai [T. mea loi] v.i. (of bananas) to mea muru, also meamuru n. darkness: be ripe. [T. murumuru]. (G. 1:2) mea muru hoa [T. murumuru Boa] meae [T. meae] n. banana. plantain. both time of darkness. plant and fruit (Musa acuminata Colla). mea murumuru time of darkness meae alaue [T. meae alaua] n. a (Mt. 14:23): also. sky overcast. banana bunch which has not been tied lowering weather [T. mea tavutavu]. up to protect it from the sun and fruit mea oaria [T. soa foromai] all the time. bats. always. ever. constantly. incessantly. meae hahiri [T. meae hahiri] n. the perpetual. eternal: also. frequently. reddish 'bloom' seen on ripening banana fruit. mea opa [T. mea opai] v.i. (of daytime) meae kupe [T. meae uti] n. a bunch of to begin. i.e. about 4 a.m. bananas. mea opaki hoa [T. mea opaita soa, meae mere [T. meae mere] n. a mea viriviri] n. early dawn. banana sucker: a young banana plant. (Mk. 1:35) The following are some of the varieties of mea oro [T. ma-huvu] n. mist. fog. bananas in cultivation: haze: var. meoro. Biau (D.O. 250). Havare. Heveae (a mea-uru [T. mea-e] n. cloud: cf. meuru.. bana_n a with very large fruit). Ovoka (P.K. 1:1) [T. Ope meae] (a banana with reddish mea uru koa IT . mea tavutavu] sky. skin) . weather. to be or become lowering. stormy. meamari (var. meavore. Mt. 12:23) mea vavara [T. mea sa toa miava [T. meavo] n. sg. grandchild. great­ miava auai] v.i. to wave. sway. go up grandchild. descendant: also. man's sister's and down in the wind. (Mt. 11:7) child. woman's brother's child: pI. meavohula [T. meavusul grandchildren. mea vevea [T. mea sa toai] v.i. (of descendants. posterity. (Jude 14: wind) to blow. Gal. 3:16) mea veveke [T. mea lareva] (of weather) fine. good: (of wind) favourable. fair. mehaemehae, sometimes mehae mehae. (Mt. 16:2) (fr. demon. rna + hae) used as adv .. continually: [T. vovea]. (Mt. 17:15. mea2 [T. mea] n. ground. land. earth: also. Lk. 1:75) yellow ochre. clay (formerly used as mehaemehae eavalula [T. eava vovea] pigment). 'continually see .. ' (Mt. 18:10) meahaiapo [T. mearovaekal n. mainland. a large stretch of land: mehau adJ. & adv. heavy. weighty. (nowadays) the world. (G. 1:1. 2. 10) ponderous: as n .. weight: also. arduous: mea hevehe [T. mea seseve] syn. mea ve with loa (leg) slow. slowly: in figurative hehee. earthworm: HH mea lelua: OP sense. (of punishment) not easy to bear. mea heheve. severe (G. 4:13). [T. pasou. with similar meanings.] mea kakarara mea arara] n. dry land. (G. 1:9 fT. mehau lai [T. pasou loi] v.i. to be mea kekele [T. mea tetere] n. soil. sandy heavy. to weigh: be slow. soil: HH & OP mea kekere. lei mehau lai [T. lei pasou loi] v.t. to make heavy. to encumber. 85

e mehau [T. avea-ipi voa miavaita tola] uncultivated; (of place) wilderness. bush n. yoke. (Mt. 11:29) (Mt. 11:7); with reference to pupu mehau eharu [T. pasou etau]. also eharu (taboo). merava means unrestricted. not mehau [T. etau pasou] burden. load. tabooed. [T. has the same possible var. in position and a similar range of meanings. mehau heheava [T. pasou seseovai] v.t. ] to test weight. weigh. Also used in a derogatory sense: Akore merava! IT. Atute merava!] 'Worthless iki mehau [T. haiiri pasou] heavy­ fellow!'. ' ood-for-nothing scamp!'. hearted. � merava haela [T. merava karu] n. kimai ve mehau [T. kovaro] n. fish float. destitute person. outcast. loa mehau [T. mora pasou] adj. slow­ merava hoa [T. merava soa] n. poverty. footed. want. meikila var. for veikila; see yea. hae merava [T. fare merava] n. wild fruit. adj. & mekaka T. lareva; cf. meta] huakara merava [T. furuka merava] n. adv. p.J good. well; for sg .. see veveke. wasteland. desert. (G. 1:22) ita merava [T. oti merava] n. hae mekaka IT. fare lareva] good fr uit wilderness. bush. (pl.). Mt. f : 19) ( kora mere merava [T. roro] n. weed(s). mekakure adj. beautiful. excellent. lovely. merava lai [T. merava loi] v.i. to be admirable. splendid; also in moral sense. destitute. poor. needy. worthy (Mt. 10:11). [T. maeahoa; not lei merava lai [T. lei merava loi] v.t. to used in moral sense.] neglect. make destitute. mekakure lai [T. maeahoa loi] v.i. to be ori merava [T. ori merava] n. wild excellent. lovely; worthy. bird(s). (Mt. 6:26) mekari [T. metori, metakao] adv. (fr. mere [T. mere] n. baby. offspring [T. usu. meka + -ri adv. suff.) well. carefully. popora when used of human beings. mere cautiously. popora]; (of animals. birds) young; (of mekari iapa IT. metakao mapai] listen plants. trees) seedling. offset. sucker; usu. carefully. (Mt. 13:16) with defining n. in arposition. Thus: ave mekari murea [T. metakao mai muti. or mere [T. ave mere puppy. ila mere metakao muti] count (or read) with [T. ita mere] piglet: kora mere [T. tola care. mere] seedling of tree. sapling; meae mere IT. meae mere] banana sucker. offset. mekehaku [T. irave] n. pI. lads. boys; sg. t\lot usu. of human beings. for which akore akore [T. siare]. (Mt. 9:14. 21:35) or mari is used. HH & OP mere. mekere [T. met ere]n. a thysanurous insect. mereki [T. mereki] n. plate; (fr. the silverfish (Lepisma sp.). Raratongan; cf. MT mereki. also fro Raratongan). melare [T. melare] n. a bird. the haita mereki [T. saesa mereki] n. bird (Fregata mtnor). soup plate. meleri [T. siae] n. a kind of fruit bat. merove IT. morove] n. rattan palm. lawyer vine (Calamus sp.); the stems provide meopa kou [T. mea-opaita koru] n. the excellent lashing material. known as Morning Star (planet Venus). merove ela. simply as merove meovo [T. mioho] n. bamboo flute. [T. morove eta]. (Apo. 18:22) merove kao [T. morove tao] n. the meovo hohoa [T. mioho fofoai] to play hooked spines of the rattan palm. the flute; also. to whistle. meru [T. meru. also meru etau) n. gift. meovo lahohoaila [T. mioho fofoaita] present. offering; sometimes with eharu ree. p. 'have played the flute' (thing). meru eharu gift. (Mt. 11:17). meru lai [T. meru loi] v.i. to be a gift. a merava adi precedes or follows n .. present. destitute. poor. needy. forlorn; (of animals. meru ava [T. meru ovai] v.t. to receive a birds. trees. flowers) wild. untamed . present. 86

meru avara [T. meru miarai] v.t. to miho-mahe ara (fr. rnade mon.) [T. sosori give a present, make an offering, make a auai] to dispute. contend. (Mt. 24:7) gift. (Mt. 6:2) v.t. hehe meru [T. safu meru] n. sacred gift, mihuamihua [T. toseseai, torerapai] offeri ng to God. to tear to pieces. ikiheroe meru [T. maeaforoe ve meru] mihukau [T. masukoi] v. reflex. to bathe. n. gift given out of kindness or pity. thank you meru n. thank offering. mikoamakoa [T. roro, eve-eve] n. waste, rubbish. meu haela [T. meu karu] n. messenger, envoy, agent. embassy. miku [T. vitu] n. stud, wall post of building. meu lai [T. meu loi] to act as messenger, to be an envoy. to represent. miku ava [T. vitu haro] n. top-plate, beam. meu uva women who at the appropriate time during the trad. Hevehe cycle of miri [T. miri] n. beach, a sandy or stony ceremonies make a ceremonial round of stretch along seashore or river bank: also, the eravo to invite the dancers to coast. seacoast. shore. appear. (0.0. 322-3) have miri [T. la ve miri] n. stony beach. meuru (var. mea-uru) (fr . meal + uru miri haha or miri hiru T. miri posa, 'black', 'grey') cloud (T . mea-el : meuru miri firu] n. a san Jbank. sand spit. ila cloudy [T. mea tavutavu (c1oudy, miri horo [T. miri folo] n. beach sand. overcast)] . ita miri [T. miri oli, ma miri] sandbank. meuru korukai korukai 'clouds shallow water. gathering' . kao miri n. gum(s). meuru ora [T. mea-e sa aierai] v.i. to miri koaka [T. ma koatal n. the strip of be covered by cloud. (P.K. 3 : 1) beach washed by tide. (tvlt.4:13) meve [T. meveJ n. man�o, tree and fruit rnamiri [T. ma miri] n. shallow water, (Mangifera tndica L.): var. veve: a tree shoal. totem of the Kauri clan. miri pava [T. teapai] v.i. to go aground. mevekea [T. ukopai, sosoai] v.t. to suck. miria [T. kauri-ikaroa] n. caterpillar. mi [T. mil n. urine. mirimiri [T. kavekaveai] adj. & n. tingling, mi upa [T. mi sisorai] to micturate. tingling sensation: often + maea without urinate. change of meaning. maea mirimiri. mi mita [T. ma sa visea il v.t. to wash, lei mirimiri lai v.t. to tickle, cause to as a baby or an animal. 6y pouring water tingle. over and rubbing down with the hand. ! (2 Pet. 2:22) miro [T. miro] n. a bird. the New Guinea Eclectus parrot (Lori us roratus mi huka T. masukoi] v. reflex. to pectoral is) . bathe. {R. 3:3) papare mi [T. papare eka] n. menses. miro2 [T. tariva} n. an outrigger: miro ukai [T. tariva itaal larboard. miha [T. misa] n. an edible crab. miha ahe [T. misa ase] male crab mita + mi, mi mita [T. ma viseaiJ v.t. to (smaller than the female). wash. as a baby or thing. by pouring water over and rubbing down with the hand. miha kapere [T. misa kapera] female crab. mohoava fT. fe fesi) v.i. to swell up (e.g. miha kao [T. misa tao] crab claw. flour with yeast). (lk. 13:21) mihea mahea (fr. rnademon .) eharau mohoava [T. ere popoi) v.i. to [T. sundry. be sated. be satisfied with food. maeamaea] (Mt. 14:20) mare i mihea mahea ila ve hari 'wars and rumours of wars' (Mt. 24:6). moi [T. pose) n. a kind of reed. mihiri [T. siril n. dust. powder: mildew, mokora [T. viviuti) n. duck. mould: as dusty. mouldy. adj. , mokora abu [T. viviuti ovu] female duck. 87

mokora mea [T. vi vi uti kaisova] drake. muhuao + a (fire). a muhuao [T. a uri kokoeai] to turn down a light. momoha + ere or eharau (belly); ere momoha [T. ere popoi] to be sated. muko [T. muko) n. a handkerchief. scarf. satisfied with food; syn. eharau mohoava. mulava (var. burava) [T. putovai] v.t. to momohoro [T. kafearu] adj. thick. bite. momorapu [T. taivotai, maeati] v.t. pl.; muo [T. mu) n. smell. odour. scent. sg. morapaea. which see; var. fragrance. aroma. momorupu. (Mt. 20:25. 1 Cor. 4:10) muo heaha T. mu eokere, mu maealolo n. & adj. stink. stench. bad morapa fT. loki taupai] v.t. to beg. smell; smelly. beseech; convb. morapai. (Mt. 18:26) muo heroe [T.I muforoe, mu lareval morapaea v.t. sg. to respect. show honour n. & adj. perfume. sweetly scented'. to. adore. revere; hence. to praise. laud. fragrant: syn. muo veveke. venerate. applaud. extol; pi. momorapu. muo hoea [T. mu muriai] v.t. to smell [T. taivotai, maeati, 0 sa lei lareva loi from a distance. inhale. sniff. (sg. & pl.)] (G. 2:3. In. 9:24. G. 1:22) muo ila (lit. 'with smell') [T. mu ia) to ohar� morapaea to worship. praise. have a smell. (Rom. 2:29) muo koa [T. mu muriaiJ v.t. to smell o ai momorapu (fr. ara. con vb. ail to without purposely inhaling. smell bless (pL.). (Mt. 5:44) (something) close at hand. lei morapaea (T. lei maeati] v.t. to muo veveke fT. muforoe) syn. muo cause to praise. cause to bless. heroe. perfume. sweet scent. (In. 12:3) opore morapaea [T. ape va maeati] v.t. l to flatter. mura n. a kind of fish. morapulula haha [T. alitara] (in Bib!. mura2 v.t. sg. to float: con vb. murai. trans.) altar. (Mt. 23:18) [T. moea (sg.). movoea (pL.).) morava [T. moravai] v.t. to raise. raise up. murai yea sg. to drift. be adrift. be afloat. (Mt. 14:24) maea morava [T. omopa posaseai] to sacrifice. pl. mumura. kora rnaak ea ve mumurakilai IT. tola moria po var. for mariapo. which see. ma arori voa momoeava rOl) 'the logs will float on the water'. morihari var. for mariheari. which see. muraea [T. seseovai] v.t. to put to the test. mou n. a pink ochre. formerly used for to try out. (Mt. 4:7) painting the hevehe masks; prob. so named fro the locality near Bereina where muramura [T. muramura) n. paint; mou was obtained. (D.O. 245) medicine. ointment (In. 12:3) : any kind of chemical preparation; (fr. Mt muramura moula var. for maura. which see. ·medicine·). movio [T. movio] n. a string of small white muramura haela [T. dokita karu) syn. shells. a trad. ornament. dokita n. doctor. physician. muramura hariri [T. muramura movoea [T. movoa] n. debris of vegetable sukasuka lei vevete loi) v.t. to polish. matter. brought down by river floodwater muramura heaha [T. muramura and deposited on the beach. maealolo) n. 'bad medicine'. poison. mu [T. mu] n. vomit; cf. muo. hohoa muramura n. dye; [T. muramura mu kaitava, also mu kakaita [T. mu dye colouring). sisovail v.t. & i. to vomit. retch. spew. muramura koa v.t. to paint. daub with (2 Pet. �:22) paint; [T. paint toai). mu kaitavaki muramura [T. mu lei muramura lai [T. muramura miarai) sisovaita muramura] n. an emetic. v.t. to treat for illness. mu maea hovea [T. mu maea feare] n. mu kaitavaki muramura [T. mu lei nausea. sisovaita muramura) n. an emetic. lei veveke leiki muramura [T. lei lareva muhi [T. muhi] n. support. brace. prop; leita muramura) n. remedy. syn. kaibaraka. 88

palaoa momohaeki muramura [T. Jaloa N lei Je Jesita muramura] n. leaven. murea v.t. to count: also, to read. [T. mai nakea [T. tapora loil v.t. to hunt (fr. muti (count), muti (read).] (Acts 8:28) Namau lakea 'hunt ) : syn. hahie lai. murita [T. urita] n. octopus. namai (var. lavai) [T. lavai] n. porpoise. muro [T. muro] (in Bibl. trans.) n. myrrh. nanikosi [T. nani] n. goat (intro. ENG.). (G. �7:25) naoae [T. auraka, auraka auea] muru1 [T. murumuru. also muru] adi & adv. anyhow, at random, without n. & adi as adi may precede or follow proper consideration, careless, vainly, n .. darkness, gloom: dark, gloomy, dim, witho.ut cause: redupl. to intensify obscure: often redupl. murumuru. meaning, naoae naoae. murumuru apo havahu [T. murumuru naoae epape akore [T. atute merava] n. kaJearu rovaeal exceedingly great a bastard. darkness. (Mt. �:23) hihiri naoae lai (T. auraka sosori auai] mea muru or muru hoa [T. mea v.t. to fight without cause. murumuru] time of darkness. naoae kekela v.i. to be reckless: (G. 15:17) [T. haiutohoari (adj.)]. muru lai [T. murumuru loi] v.i. to be mai naoae paea [T. mai mopamopa dark. (Mt. 6:23) auai] v.i. to grope. lei muru lai [T. lei murumuru loi] v.t. naoae oharo [T. 0 merava] n. drivel. to make dark. darken. naoae yea [T. au mea] v.i. to wander at uvi muru [T. dibura (fr. MT)] (intro.) random loa naoae yea [T. mora au prison. jail: [T. dibura (fr. Mt)]. mea]. (Mk. 6:17) naoae vivila [T. au soeai] v.i. to run blindly. to scramble. muru2 [T. muru] n. hornet: syn. apovea. nara often ela (vi ne), nara ela n. a muruha [T. muruJa] adj. & adv. secret, + stealthily. secretly. creeper. muruha hahari n. ambush: [T. maola noaenoae T. 10 ea 10 eal (fr. demon. 10 + avai (v.)]. ae redup ,), here. and there, in various muruha haiava [T. maea kokoavai] v.i. places. I to cower, crouch, oaoka maea hovea are va noaenoae havoavi veakilai 'he 'as though in fear'. there-there lose (thus) will be', i.e. 'he o muruha [T. ovasuru] adj. dumb. will be scattering'. (Mt. 12:30) muruhari (+ ri adv. suff.) [T. muruJa] numera [T. numeral n. (intro.) number. secretly. stealthily, unobserved. (Mt. 13:11) o muruhari eava [T. kekevari eavai] v.t. to spy on, spy. to peep. muruhari eavaki haela [T. otiloa o! (var. aia!) [T. aia!] exclamation of karu] n. a spy. surprise, oh! muruhari kari [T. avi tail v.i. & t. to lie o n. word: usu. + haro. oharo word. talk. in wait. waylay. speech. conversation. report: pi. oharo muruhari T. 0 muruJa] n. secret oharoharo. [T. 8g. or pI. 0; oharo does word. (P.K. 8: i) occur but means ·heading. title'.] . oharo ara v.t. & i. speak, say. recount, murukae [T. mokora] n. armpit. relate, tell. Before oratio recta usu. + murukaea [T. kaiae leiti vei kureail v.t. ma, oharo ma ape . . , 'spoke thus ...' cf. to tempt: amuraeharae. (Mt. 4:�) maea to say. speak, tell (T. 0 auai, mo d. auai: laua 'conversation ]. muruvu n. the cross-strips of palm wood oharo aheke [T. 0 kere] also 0 aheke slats of the hevehe mask. (D.O. 241) (without change of meaning) harsh words, strong words, command. mutiti [T. pisoso (etau)] n. ornaments. oharo aheke ara [T. 0 kere auai] to 89

reproach: to speak strong words. to iroro oharo [T. itoro 0] n. proclamation. insist. preaching. ape oharo [T. ape 0] n. mode of speech. kileaki oharo [T. satiriaraita 0] n. accent. advice. precept. instruction. buka oharo uku [T. buka ve 0 heal n. oharo kimaea v.t. to repeat. quote what (,some book words') quotation. another has said. inform. pass word on: o haha [T. havara paraeai] v.l. to [T. cf. kivaia karu 'an informer']. accuse. denounce. implicate. blame. (Lk. 4:23) condemn. recriminate. oharo kahara! [T. 0 soka!] hahaki oharo [T. fi 0] n. plaint. (exclamation) stop talking! la mentation. oharo kaiake [T. 0 ivara eokere] n. oharo haela [T. itoro karu] n. preacher. bitter words. speaker: (Bibl. trans.) priest [T. maso oharo karia lai [T. 0 kaloi] words. talk. karu]. to be finished. oharo haerapa [T. 0 sarapai] v.t. to cut okoare (fr. 0 + koare) [T. otoare] n. short the speech of another. promise. (Mt. 14:7) o hahari [T. sosori 0] n. dispute. o lahua [T. 0 haria] n. contradiction. controversy. squabble. lou oharo [T. papa laua] n. folklore. oharo hahari hahari ara [T. 0 poporu myth. traditions: syn. overa oharo. auai] v.t. & i. to murmur against. to oharo maea [T. omoi] to say. mention. argue. speak. o haiae ara [T. 0 maealolo auai] to oharo morapaea [T. maeati, maso toai] abuse. insult. say bad words. to praise. worship. oharo haveva, 0 haveva [T. okuku] adj. o muruha [T. okuku] adj. dumb. mute. dumb. mute: syn. 0 muruha. oharo naoae ara [T. 0 auraka auai] to o heaha, oharo heaha [T. 0 maealolo, chatter aimlessly. talk at random. talk kisari 0] n. & adj. abuse. insult. drivel. prate. slander. curse. snarl: uncivil. (Mt. 5:11) oharo naoae kekela IT. ore auke ita o heaha ara [T. 0 maealolo auai, 0 moil to guess. kaiae aual] to abuse. revile. insult. oharo oaria [T. 0 rauapo] adj. garrulous. profane: syn. 0 heaha maea speak abuse: var. oharo heaha. talkative. loquacious. oharoharo [T. laua] n. a chat. talk. oharo heheava [T. 0 seseovai] v.t. to conversation. judge. consider. oharoharo ara [T. laua sukavai] v.i. oharo heheo ara [T. 0 ivovore auai] to to converse. parley. revile. jeer. scorn: also. to banter. tease oharo opore IT. 0 apeva] n. a lie. IT. 0 hahe auai (tease)]. untruth. falsehood: often simply opore. oharo helari v.t. to translate. interpret: opore ara ( lit. 'turn words'): IT. 0 mavitoai IT. 0 apeva auai] to tell a (,turn over words')]. lie. to lie. overa oharo IT. papa laua] syn. Iou hihiri oharo ara (var. 0 hihiri ara) [T. 0 oharo haiiri auai] v.i. & l. to say angry traditions. folklore. words. upbraid. rail against. o peke ara IT. 0 vituvitu auai] to (Mt. 11:20)) grumble. o hovea ara [T. 0 usoso auai] to say the o (oharo) pelaea ara IT. 0 haiarori same word. to confirm. auai] to boast. brag. n. oharo hoveahovea IT. 0 ruru] n. o pelaea pelaea [T. opasea 0] jest. metaphor. simile. joke. oharo hukava [T. laua sukavai] v.i. & t. thank-you oharo [T. thank-you 0] n. to talk together. converse. chat. discuss. word of thanks. (Mt. 11:25) debate. (Mt. 12:14) oharo ve iele [T. laua ve eite] n. oharo iele, 0 iele [T. okofa] n. true purport. meaning of a speech. word. truth: as adj .. indeed. truly. oharo vela vela, also velavela oharo (Mt. 3:11) fT. lalasi 0] n. a question. (Mk. 9:16. o iele ara [T. okofa auai] to affirm. � Tim. 2:23) ikivere oharo IT. haikaeaita 0] n. text oharo velavela lai (often without (of sermon). oharo) IT. lalasi loi] to question. request. entreat. 90

oharo vere [T. 0 vituvitu] n. a oaoka lai [T. tore loi] v.i. & t. to be complaint. afraid, fear, dread. be terrified, scared. o vere ara [T. 0 vituvitu auai] v.i. to startled, timid. complain, backbite. lei oaoka lai [T. lei tore loi] v.t. to o vere avila haela 'a person full of frighten, scare, terrify. startle, alarm, complaints' . daunt, intimidate. oaoka kalailue (ka + lai + lue) 'don't 0+ rna (water), 0 rna[T. n. ovororo] be. f�ightened' (s�,.) fT. tore levi tears: see ovo. letha (sg. & pl.)] (Mt. 1:20). oaoka kalaivahaelue oal [T. oa] n. sg. father: also, father's elder 'don't be brother: anyone standing in paternal frightened' (pl.). relationship to another: also used in wider iki oaoka [T. haiiri tore] n. inward fear. sense of male clan members of older oaoka ka [T. tore kasirau] fearless, generation: (of clan ancestor) sire: pl. intrepid. oa-ula [T. oa-ita]. oaoka lei hukau [T. tore lei soeai] v.i. oa hela [T. oa kokoe] n. father's younger to flee in fear. brother: mother's younger sister's husband: pl. oa hehea-ula [T. oa-ita oaria adJ. many, numerous, plenty, kokoe, or oa-ita herusu]. abundant. much: also: all, whole, total. oalou lai [T. oasora loi] v.i. to become Sometimes hareho is added, oaria aged: syn. oropa haela lai. or eapapo hareho, to make the meaning of 'total' lai. (G. 25:8, Lk. 1:18) explicit. [T. rauapo (many), foromai (all) .] oalou [T. oalou, also oalou ita] n. pI. parents: often in a more extended form: With appropriate n. in apposition oaria has oa i lou (ila) : (of dogs, pet animals) meaning of 'crowd': (of animals, fish, master and mistress (Mt. 15:27). birds) 'herd'. 'shoal', 'flock'. [In T. sitavu mauki oa [T. mauti oa] stepfather: is used in this sense.] mauki lou [T. mauti lou] stepmother. ekaka oaria [T. ekaka sitavu] shoal of fish. Oa Malara [T. Oa MolalaJ n. the Morning Star, the aualan of the Kauri haela oaria [T. karu sitavu] crowd of clan. The term oa, 'sire', is used with people, multitude: syn. haela lakea. all eponymous clan ancestors in both (Mt. 17:14) O. and T. hare oaria [T. sare foromail all days, i.e. 2 every day, habitually, usualfy. (P.K. 1:1) oa + rna(water ). rna oa[T. ma oovai] mea oaria [T. mearovaeka foromai] all v.i. (of tide) to ebb. recede. the earth, the whole world. (G. 6:3) oaeal fT. oaea] n. a kind of shrimp. very mea oaria (fr. meal) [T. soa foromai] all smaO, which appears in shoals during the the time, always, usually: eternal. N.W. monsoon season. ori oaria [T. ori sitavu] flock of birds. oaea2 [T. pauovail v.t. to take out (of bag As adv., thoroughly, completely, quite: or box). (Mt. 13:�2) oaria Ie titavape 'completely scattered'. [T. foromai is also used as adv.] e oaea [T. horou ereseai] v.t. to gut, (Mt. 9:26, 24:51) disembowel. kou hae oaea [T. ko erai] to castrate. oau v.i. to fall. drop: (of leaves) shed: (of geld. hole) tumble into: convb. oae: cf. hilau topple over, fall from upright position. pura oaea [T. puta foovai] syn. pura [T. oai. with the same restricted meaning: oava to undress. cf. putoi.] (Mt. 10:29, 12:11) . oaikare [T. fefeopai] v.i. to wither: cf. akea ve oau [T. arori voa oai] fall onto, haroropa. fall into. akea oau [T. sosoropi putoi] to fall oalaia [T. oalaea, Oa-Laea] n. whale­ headlong. shark: also the aualari in the popular myth have oauki rna fT. fave oti voa oaita of the Kauri and Hurava clans. In mal n. watertall. Williams' version Oalaea is also �iven the name Oa Birukapu. (D.O. 172-9) ori koro oau [T. ori mehe sisapai] v.i. bird's feathers. to moult. oaoka T. tore] n. fear, fright, alarm, scare. drea J,terror. (Mt. 8:26) 91

oava + pura (clothes). pura oava [T. puta oki poe [T. otiharo peto] n. edge of toovai] to take off clothes. undress. path. (Mt. 13:4) obo (var. ovo) n. a kind of snake. oko [T. oto] n. thatch (made fr. leaflets of Nipa or Sago palms). oea! [T. ahai-e!l exclamation of woe or consternation; 6h dear me! alas! var. oko kao [T. oto tao, oto uke] n. eaves. oia!. (Mt. 11:21. 23:23) okoare [T. otoare] n. promise. oath. oelari [T. kerori] v.t. & i. to turn round. agreement. okoare ara [T. otoare auai] v . t . & i. to ohare + ma (water). ma ohare [T. ma make a promise. make an agreement. soare] n. foam. surf on beach. froth. (Gal. 3:17) spume. scum (fr. the pounding of surf). maepaki okoare ara [T. ma; etau ohare horera [T. kukutare patai] v.i. to miarai] to affiance. bubble. pupu okoare [T. satu otoare] n. oharo See 0 (word). covenant. v.t. ohela [T. lavi] n. cuscus (Ph alanger omoea (var. omoia) [T. muiai] to maculatus) ; var. hohoela. show. display; d. amoea. oie! [T. lou-e!] exclamation of onani [T. onani] n. orange. tree and fruit astonishment. Heavens! (intro. fr. ENG.). oke usu. + haela. oke haela [T. ote karu] opa [T. opai] v.t. pl. to put many things n. enemy. into. to load up. + okehahi T. moraitai] n. a friend of some opa mea (time). mea opa [T. mea opai] other c an or village with whom one has a of day. to begin (about 4 a.m.). gift-excIhange relationship along trad. lines. (Mt. 14:25) oki [T. otiharol n. path. footpath. way. opakora [T. opatora] n. a trad. ornament. track. trail (Mt. 3:3); also. outlet; cf. ita. a frontlet made of shell disks. okiharo Sometimes In lengthened form (fr. pe [ ] [T. ope] n. oki + haro ·head·. 'chief) highway. street o ::>pe whipping top. (in village); okiharo laka [T. otiharo ope koa [T. ope toai] to play with a taka] forked. branched path; syn. okiharo whipping top. ikupa. opoa [T. vevere( vevere sare] n. tomorrow; okiape [T. utape, otiape] n. door. + hare opoa hare doorway. gate. gateway. entrance. often day). tomorrow. outlet: threshold; (fr. oki ape ·opening·. opoe var. for poe. which see. (P.K. 11:2) (Mt. 7:13) oki avara (lit. 'give way') IT. otiharo opoepoe hukava [T. 0 apeva auai] to talk ] to allow. permit. let. lies. speak untruthfully; var. opopoe oki haiae lai. also oki haiae au hukava. (Mt. 19:18. 26:60) [T. otiharo kaiae loi] v.i. to stray. go opore [T. apeva] n. & adj. a lie. falsehood. astray. trespass. deceit. treachery. sham. fraud. perfidious; oki hereava [T. otiharo sasaukai, sometimes + oharo (word). oharo opore; otiharo loreai; 0 erere auai] to block cf. hehepo. path; hence metaph. to prohibit. opore haela [T. ape va karu] n. liar. oki hihi [T. oti pisiri] n. open place. deceiver. hypocrite. (Mt. 6:2) oki ikupa hoa [T. aru oti] n. halfway. opore ara [T. 0 ape va auai] v.i. & t. to oki kokauka [T. oti sasaukai] v.t. to lie. deceive. cheat. shut in a place. to besiege. opore morapaea [T. apeva maeati] v.t. oki lakalaka [T. otiharo lakalaka] n. to flatter. crossway. branched path. junction. opovila kou [T. mea-opaita koru 1 n. ma ve oki [T. ma ve oti] n. channel of Morning Star; syn. meopa kou; Malala water. strait. Harai [T. Molala Harai]. oki pakupaku [T. oti areare] n. undulating path. (Mt. 3:3) oral IT. ora, hiai] n. underpart. underneath. 92

ora ve [T. ora voa, hiairi voa] ore ka [T. ore kao] cannot, unable; are postpositional phrase, below, ore ka [T. ore kao] 'he does not know', underneath. or 'cannot'. (G. 4 :9) Are ore au leila ora2 v.t. & reflex. sg. to cover, clothe, [T. are ore leiti kao] dress; + pura (cloth) and maea (body), 'he did not know', or 'could not'. maea pura ora put clothes on the body; loa ore [T. mora toare] n. right leg or convb. orai; pI. oreau. [T. sg. & pl.: foot. puta mopai, maea puta mopai; also mai ore [T. mai toare] n. right hand or puta oreai.] arm. maimari mai lekoka ora [T. lavikufi ore ukai or mai ore ukai [T. mai toare mai lakoka voa oreai] to put ring on itai] right side. (Mt. 6:3) finger. Lk. 15:22) ( orea meuru ora [T. mea-e sa aierai] v.i. to [T. taiorol n. a tree, a kind of be covered by cloud. (P.K. 3:11 mangrove with hard timber. ora3 n. oreau pI. of ora and oraiava to carry; var. hip. oreura; convb. oreai. [T. taiovai, sg. orahokaila also orahoka, [T. orakoria also & pl.] oraka], num. ad]'. two. (G. 1:8, 16) maea pura oreau [T. maea puta mopai] orahoka hoa [T. orakori soa] adj. v.t. & reflex. to put on clothes, to second. dress. hoa orahokaila [T. soa orakoria] ori fT. oril n. bird, fowl; the general term. twofold, twice. HH avana ; OP ori; RT mini. oraiava [T. taiovai] v.t. to carry, bear (on ori hae [T. ori fare] n. bird's egg, egg. shoulders or pole): to carry (on the back of ori haioha [T. ori saro] n. bird trap. animals) . Also fig. of bearing pain kakare ori koro n. feather, plumage, quill. oraiava. [T. used fig. sense also.] fT. ori mehe: ori tolo wing or tail Areve satauro oraiavi aue Ie haela teather .] 'His cross carrying not that man' ori koro oau [T. ori mehe sisapai] to (Mt. 10:38). moult. oraiavi auki haela [T. taiovi teraita ori lohari [T. ori fitova] n. bird trap karu] n. bearer, carrier. (with string). ore n. knowledge, understanding, ability, ori loro [T. ori roro] n. bird's nest, competence; often in compound form: bower. (Mt. 8:20) ikiore knowledge; oremai or maiore ori oaria [T. ori sitavu] n. flock of birds. practical ability; [T. ore, with the same meaning and types of construction]. orol [T. oro] n. a tree (Hibiscus tiliaceus Used with aux. lai and ara, but appears L.), the bark of which was formerly used alone when there is no need to mark tense, for ma ki ng bark cloth. The tree is a totem e.g. ara ore I know, I am able, I can, I am of the Hurava and Purari Clans. The name capable; [T. ara ore I know, I can]. Orokolo is fr. this tree: oro + kolo 'leaves ore ara [T. ore loi] v.t. & i. to know, of the Oro tree'. have knowledge of, acquainted with oro poporo [T. oro poporo] n. a whip made fr. a twig of the oro, used by boys (persons). (In. 8:19) ope ore lai IT. ore loi] v.t. & i. to know, with the spinning top. 2 perceive, recognise; to be able, can, be or0 fT. oro] n. lime (made b¥ burning capable, learn. she)ls, or pieces of limestone); quicklime; lei ore lai [T. lei ore loi] v.t. to make to lime is used with betel nut as a chew. know, teach, acquaint, remind. orohae [T. orofare] n. the Bottle Gourd; ore haela [T. ore karu] n. a competent the fruit rind is used as lime container; person, one with ability, knowledge. hence 'lime gourd'. ore havahu [T. ore kofa, ore fae] certain oro rnaila [T. oro ma ita] n. whitewash. knowledge. ore havahu lai [T. ore kofa loi] to be oroa [T. faita] n. night. (G. 1:5) certain, be sure. oroa ahihi [T. apisi, usu. with soa kariki ore [T. pisosita ore] to be able to (time), apisi soa] n. midnight. make. oroa hoa [T. faita soa] n. night-time. (Mt. 14:25) 93

oroa veveke! [T. faita lareva!] good orovahe [T. orovea] n. perspiration. sweat; night! (an innovation modelled fro ENG.) often with maea (body). maea ve 2 orovahe, maea orovahe. (G. 3:19) oroapu [T. orobla] n. lime chew (fr. or0 + orovahe lai [T. orovea lai] v.i. to sweat. apu ·juice·). perspire. 1 oropa [T. omopa] adj. & adv .. also n .. (of oru fT. forbva oti, oru] n. garden. place) remost. forward. front 3:18) (G. 1:5); (of time) former. previous. As (G. adj. precedes n. Abbreviated var. opa oru eapai [T. oru larietau] n. produce [T. opa]. from garden. crop. oropa au [T. omopa terai] to precede. go oru eapapo [T. lorbva oti rovaea] n. in front. advance. large garden. plantation. oropa haela [T. opa80ra karu] n. senior oru haha [T. lorova auai, oru tivi loi] person. leading man. leader. principal. to make a garden; sometimes + au2. elder; (intro. meaning) king. oru au haha. (G. 2:8) oropa haela lai [T. opa80ra loi] v.i. to oru horova [T. oru tivi] n. garden work. become senior. become aged. gardening. oropa havi [T. loapai] v.i. & t. to pass oru ure [T. oru iri] within a garden. by. inside a garden. oropa huhoreavaki hae [T. lare toare] ova n. n. fi rstfruits. [T. ova] a kind of mangrove with hard timber; a tree totem of the Ahea Clan. oropa kariki [T. omopa pi808i] v.l. to prepare. ovarara n. a night bird. a kind of owl. oropaki adv. ahead. into the presence of; [T. omopa; the -ki suff. unknown]. ovava fT. ovava] n. light; as adj. . enlig�tened; also. clean; (of mind) clear. oropaki hoa [T. omopa 80a voa] 1:3. 4. 5) formerly. at a former time. comprehending. (G. (Acts 21:38) ovava heaoapa [T. ovava haeai] v.i. to shine; var. ovava heauapa to shine. oropa lekoka [T. mai lakoka ve opa] n. 12:7. 1:5) forefinger. (Acts In. ovava horera ovava haeai] v.i. oropa maea [T. omopa omoi] to predict. [T. light. prophesy. to shine. (Mt. 4:16) oropa ve iki ova va lai T. haiiri ovava loi] to be [T. omopa voa] at the front. comprehen ing. enlightened. clear in before. mind. J oropa2 v.l. to accuse [T. havara paraeai]; ovava lai [T. ovava loi] to be light. clear; to forbid [T. 0 erere auai] (Mt. 19:13); clean. con vb. oropai; oropai maea [T. kaiae 0 lei ovava lai IT. lei ovava loi] v.t. to auai] to censure. recriminate. illuminate. Illumine. light up. enlighten; also. to make clean. oropape [T. 8080, opape] n. face. countenance. presence. (G. 3:19) hare ovava [T. sare ovava] sunlight; kou ovava [T. koru ovava] starlight; oropape heaha [T. 8080 haiaoro] n. papare ovava [T. papare ovava] scowl. moonlight. oropape here-maea [T. maea-tu 8080] n. 1 disfigured face (for mourning). ove n. spirit. soul (of man) which can (Mt. 6:16) wander out of him (in dreams); after death ove harihu. oropape hihiri [T. kitou 8080] n. glare becomes haunts (or a while his (of person). scowl. (G. 4:5) home and the neighbouring bush. particularly the grave. and then leaves for oropape karerea [T. 8080 haiaoro loi] Hurava Oro Miri. the Horovu Harisu. v.i. to frown. the Spirit Land. This is said to be over oropape lai [T. 8080 tataeai] v.i. to be towards the sunset. love in T. has a face to face. similar range of meaning; also a part syn. oropape veveke T. opape larevaJ arahoha, arahoa. which is equivalent only n. & adj. love fy face. good-looking. to (1) below.] handsome. (1) haelaharihu [T. kari8U ororo + lai (rain) . lai ororo [T. lai hiohio. karu] n. spirit. ghost. syn. lai or oro] n. slight rain. drizzle. apparition. spectre. (Mt. 14:26) 94

ovehahu [T. karisu] n. spirit, demon, overa oharo [T. papa laua] trad. �host, spectre, bush spirit ancestral stories. [T. saukuru]. (D.O. 128-9) overa iele [T. evera kola] very old, ovehahu ila [T. harisu ia, harisu sa ancient. toai] demon possessed. (Mt. 8:16) overa eharu (var. overa ve eharu) Ove Veveke IT. 8a/u Arahoha [T. evera etau, papa etau] old thing, lareva] ( Bibl. trans.) Holy Spirit. something stale. (2) l (with appropriate n. in apposition) ovo [T. uta] n. shadow, reflection, ortrait, echo. mesh. p 2 (Mt. 4:16, P.K. 7:2) ov0 [T. ova] n. the root form, meaning ove eharu [T. ave daul n. a 'eye'. representation of a nythi ng: effigy, ovohae. the general term for 'eye'. is picture, portrait. compounded fr. ovo and hae, the ove ve hi [T. ave ve Ii] n. echo. 'kernel' of the eye. A few terms retain hare ve ove [T. sare ve ave] n. a the root form. and one contracts it to 0, shadow cast by sun. i.e. o rna ('eye water') tear. [T. alae is rnaure ove var. rnaure ve ove formed similarly fr . 0+ lae.] ovohae apukilava n. phrase reflection in water: hence, [T. alae kaputai] to mirror, looking glass, because before close the eyes. (Mt. 13:15) mirrors were available, reflections in ovohae eava [T. alae eavai] v.t. & i. to water served as mirrors. [T. ma ave, see, look at, observe. inspect. gaze. ma-ove (mirror).] (G. 1:10) rnai ove [T. mai ave] n. a signal with ovohae eavaki haela [T. alae eavaita the hand. karu] n. spectator, onlooker. rnai ovekoa [T. mai ave toai] to ovohae ekaupa [T. (alae) kaiaruri] signal with the hand. v.t. & i. to look down. glance down on. 2 ove with rnailekoka (finger) and loa ovohae hae [T. alae ve lare] n. eyeball. (foot) . ovohaehae eava [T. alae koko loloisai] loa ove [T. mora haul n. ankle. v.t. to stare at, scrutinise: also, to rnaile koka ve ove [T. mai lakoka ve signal with the eyes. ovohae haiae n. haul n. knuckle. [T. alae kaiae] squint. l ovohae heaha [T. alae maealolo] n. bad overa [T. evera] n. nose: with ape eyes. bad sight. (opening) or ura (hole), nostrils. ovohae helari helari [T. alae kerori] v.i. overa ape [T. evera ape] n. nostril(s) . to look about, look around. overa ape aitovea [T. evera ape ovohae hoea v.i. to feel sleepy, be heavy­ aritovai] v.i. to sniff. eyed: pl. ovohae hoho. [T. alae hoeai overa hi hi [T. evera sisi] v.t. to rub S9. & pl .] noses, to kiss: to greet affectionately in ovohae iilu [T. ovopute] n. eyelid. the trad. manner, the two people ovohae ipi eava [T. kaiaruri] concerned placed their noses together to look and sniff each other's breath: cf. ape down. popoa . ovohae iupe T. alae misilai] v.i. & t. to look up. oak up at: var. overa kora n. [T. evera pavuta] a nose ovohaeiaupe:I con vb. ovohae iupei ornament. now no longer worn. [T. alae misilei]. (Lk. 19:5) overa ura [T. evera ape] n. nostril (s): ovohae kapuara kapuara (ovohae syn. evera ape. kapura kapura) [T. alae kaputa overa2 [T. evera] adj. (precedes n.): old kaputa auai] v.i. to blink. (not of persons) . former. prior, past: as ovohae kariri [T. alae kuku] adj. & n. adv., already. formerly. beforehand: overa blind. blindness. (In. 9:1) huapa la pupu hoveahovea 'formerly ovohae kiva lai [T. alae sa kiva loi] v.t. established that taboo in-accordance-with' to watch. keep an eye on. (Lk. 23:56). Also n .. e. . overa ve pura � ovohae koro [T. alae ve mehe] n. 'cloth of age'. (Mt. 9 : 16) eyelash. overa hoa [T. evera soa] past time, long ovohae rnehaulai [T. alae pasou loi] to ago. be heavy-eyed. doze. 95

ovohae murumuru [T. olae murumuru] lei ovokake lai v.t. to make alive. adj. dizzy. revive. rescue. save; also. to awaken. ovohae ororo [T. olae kakapukakapu] [T. lei makuri loi: lei ovoako loi adj. dazzled. (to awaken). lei ovokare leiki haela ovohae oro-oro lai [T. olae n. saviour. kakapukakapu loi] to be temporarily ovokake ita IT. makuri oti] n. haven. blinded (by sun or bright light). Note: the syn. makuri (fr. MT mauri) is a v. in 0 .. while in T. makuri is a n. or Fr. the root 0 or ovo: adj.: d. makuri. ovohapu [T. ovoharo] n. eyebrow(s). ovoro [T. ovoro] n. advice. counsel; ovoro ovo hoavi [T. otiharo veverapai] v.i. kileaki oharo to lose the way. become bushed. word of advice. counsel. ovoro kopa ovo kohelauka v.i. 8g. open eye. [T. ovoro omoi, ovoro [T. olae leleropeai 8g. & pl.] topai1 v.t. to advise. counsel. persuade. ovo kohehelauka v.i. pi. open eyes: (Mt. i6:22) also ovohae kohehelauka. (Mt. 11:5. In. 9:10) p o ma [T. ovororol n. tear(s): 0 ma ila T. ovororo ita] in tears. (Mk. 9:24. 1 [k. 7:38. 44) paea usu. + mai (hand). mai paea v.t. 8g. IT. mai paeai 8g. & pl.1 to take hold of. ov03 adj. & n. red. scarlet; also reddish­ seize. handle; con vb. mal pae; rem. p. mai brown. reddish-purple: usu. + -ka. ovoka. p'aeape. Also. in 0 .. to betroth (G. 38:2): but the root form is seen in the compd. [in T. to betroth is mai etau miarai.] with hehea. [T. mohari. but ovo (blood) mai naoae paea [T. mai mopamopa is used with reference to sky.] auai] v.i. to grope. ovo hehea kaia (d. ' sky' ) [T. ovo mea paea2 IT. paeai] v.t. to kill; syn. huru peperi. also ovoseseai] to become red. hara. to redden (as in sunrise or sunset). which is the more usu. term. ovoka red: also reddish colours. [T. maea paealari + iki (mind). iki paealari is used with colours: maea mohari [T. haihava loi] v.i. to marvel. red. red in colour.] ovoka ahihuru ahihuru pai [T. poi] n. sago palm (MetToxylon 8agu [T. maea-mohari-uru] violet. purple. Rottb.). Nowadays eai may also mean (wheat) flour. bread [T. laloa]. starch ovoka houhuka ila pOI]. maea-mohari-sea] [T. [T. pink. pai aha IT. poi hoha] n. sago thorn. ovo· IT. leiora] n. a tree: the flowers are pai hara [T. poi sauai] v.t. to adze out boire d to produce a red dye for 'grass' the pith (Iohoru) from the trunk: syn. skirts: syn. laiara. pai mavara hara. ovos obo pai haro IT. poi haro] n. the hard outer (var. ) a kind of snake. part of the sago palm trunk. ovohava IT. lei vovoro loi] v.i. & t. to pai kakape [T. poi uti] n. the midrib of comfort. console. soothe. the sago leaf. (D.O. 150) ovohavi apea IT. vovoro loi] to be pai koa IT. poi toai] to wash out sago comforted. (flllt. 5:4) flour from the chopped up pith. ovoka 3. pai lohoru [T. poi losovu] n. chopped See ov0 up sago pith. ovokake n. & adj. life. health: safe. alive. pai mavara hara [T. poi sauai] v.t. to live. living: also. awake. IT. makuri: chop up the pith of the sago palm ovoako, haiako (awake).] with the mavara (var. vavara) . the ovokake aea [T. makuri ia] v.i. to be sago adze IT. movora, movokoa]. alive. pai ve kurua [T. poi roro] n. the ovokake lai [T. makuri loi] v.i. to live: residue of sago. syn. makuri: also. to awaken. wake Sago forms an important item in the diet up. of the Elema people. It is prepared in these ovokake aiai karia lei va ka ways: IT. peita makuriJ (Bibl. trans.) pai koru IT. poi kari] sago dumplings. life'. ·Immortality·. sago pudding. 96

pai pekoa [T. poi patoa] stick of sago. paiva haro n. the cane framework of the pai hakaea [T. poi seaea] sago hevehe mask. (0.) .240-1) pancake. pakara [T. katiri] adj. usu. with pikuru Other ingredients are often added to make (mud) . sticky. (G. 6:14) the sago more tasty. e.g.: hea pai [T. sea poi]. a pai pekoa which pakore [T. toto] n. a small lizard. the gecko has inside a head of hea. The latter (Geconidae). belongs to the sugarcane fa mily. and pakosi [T. pakosi] n. scissors: (fr. MT has an edible head. pakosi). la pai [T. la poi] sago containing grated coconut (Ia). paku [T. fave lova] n. wall (stone) . meae pai [T. meae poi] sago with banana (meae) . pakupaku1 [T. karikaril adj. rough. uneven (ot road) (Mt. � : 3). [In T. of sea popoka pai [T. pauka poil sago with also.] oki pakupaku rough track: (of sea) edible popoka beetle gru&s mixed ma pakupaku with it. rough sea. choppy. pakupaku2 + uki (bone) . uki pakupaku paialapaiala ara [T. pailalaeai] v.i. & t. to [T. uti aoro] n. quake. shudder: to shake. marrow. pakuva + ita ( ) ita pakuva n. paiha [T. paoka] n. a tree. the sandalwood place . a mound. heap [T. mea karii tu (mound of (SantaLurnLanceo Latum R. Br.). scrub fowl)]: cf. pakupaku . paikake [T. ela karoro] n. a game with palaoa ( palaua) [T. laloua] n. fiour. bread string. cat's cradle. (fr. ENG. fiour). paikaru n. a kind of snake. palaoa vovohoaki muramura [T. faloua Ie fesita etau] n. . leaven. paikuku [T. uapapa] n. spider. 1 pao [�.] n. edge. border. fringe. paila1 [T. kaka, maea kaka] n. a sore. margin. rim. ulcer: pailapaila multiple sores. eruptions. iroki pao [T. oroti ere] gunwale of ape ure paila fT. a(!e iri kaka] n. thrush canoe: pura pao T. puta peto] fringe. (of mouth. throat). hem of garment ( k. 5:30) . paila2 [T. faiita] n. red ochre. trad. used pao2 n. chisel: [T. chisG el]. for decorating the face and body. and as paint for wood carvings and masks: cf. papa + haela (man). papa haela [T. papa MT. paira pink earth used for face karu] n. ancestor. painting. papaa [T. likiliki] n. stew. (G. 25:29) pailalia [T. lia] n. a fiea. louse. papaehau often + mai (hand) . mai pailati n. the masked men who collected papaehau v.t. pl. [T. mai paeai (8g. food for visitors during an episode in the & pl.)] to take hold of: 8g. mai paea: Hevehe cycle of ceremonies. (D.) . 270-1) conv6 . papaehai. (Mt. 26:52. 21:35) pailava1 [T. hiore] n. an orthopterous pap'ahi fT. miruru. cf. pupu] n. fa n. insect. the praying mantis. lMt. � :12) pailava2 n. leaves and other parts of plants papaita fT. pasisa] n. steps. ladder. stairs or trees used for medicinal and magical lActs �1:40) : also in former times. the practices. timber ramp leading to the eravo entrance. used for the trad. ceremonies. (D.O. 309) paitau [T. puka] n. a grasshopper: (Bib!. papaita-ipi ve uvari according to trad .. trans.) locust. (Mt. 3:4) the eravo ·grandmother'. ( 159-60) paipai often + hoa (district). paipai hoa. D.O. [T. maruru itai] north. northerly papare [T. papare] n. moon. month. direction. lG . 8 : 4 ) paiva [T. paiva] n. a thick kind of fiexible papare are [T. papare are] n. new cane. liana. moon. new month. 97

papare eapapo [T. papare rovaea) n. pau var. for paolo which see. full moon. papare kerehekai [T. papare seika) n. pau n. the frilled lizard. moon. first quarter. pauda [T. pauda) n. gunpowder (fr. ENG.). papare mi [T. papare eka, sau) n. menses. pava [T. pavai) v.i. to besta nding. to papare ovava [T. papare ova va) n. stand: often with urou rise up. urou pava moonlight. rise and stand [T. sometimes with sm. sm pavai: itei pavai). (P.K. 10:2) To the names of the months (intro. fro 2 ENG.). the word papare is always added. • au IT. au (>avai) to stay. e.g. January papare [T. January remain. halt. walt. (R . 3:18) papare). pavora + airi. airi pavora [T. ua torea paperapa [T. fafarapai) v.i. & t. to (loi J) n. adultery. proclaim. publish. airi pavora lai [T. vita torea (loi J) to commit adultery. para1 (var. para) [p:>ral [T. pOla) n. a kind of mangrove (Rhizophora). pea [T. pea) v.i. to stay. to be (in a place): a var. form for aea: pl. apea. (P.K . 7:2) para2 [T. poti) n. club. (Mt. 26:55) 3 peka [T. patai, kavail v.i. 8g. go up. para lT. fara) n. an oar; (fr. MT bara ascend. climb: to go Inland. bushward: 'oar ). rem. p. pekape: pi. pekahava para koa [T. fara toai) v.t. to ply oar. to [T. papatavai). row. pekaki ita [T. pataita oti) n. landing place. parae + mai (hand. arm). mai parae [T. mai sofa) forearm. lei peka [T. lei patai) v.t. to cause to parae-ila [T. mai-itai-orakoria) climb. to make ascend. to lead up. l num. adj. seven. In both O. and peke + rna (water). rna peke smooth sea: T. now superseded by ENG. seven. [T. ma pete fai v.i. to be smooth). hoa parae-ila [T. soa seven) seven times. 2 parae-ila hoa peke + mai and paea. mai peke paea seventh. [T. mai sa tatavai] v.t. to hold up. raise peka . paraea v.t. 8�. to send. relea�e. let go up with the hands: [fr o ) (Lk. 4:11) (Mt. 15:32): eon vb. paraeal: rem. p. paraeape: ree. p. laparaeaila (In. 4:52): pekeheka [T. kapesa] adj. 8g. thin (of pi. paparaeha: paraeai 8g. & pl.). sticks. poles. trees): with maea. maea [T. pekeheka [T. maea kapesa] (of people) ita aea paraea [T. oti aea voa itapai) slim. thin. v.t. to transfer. pl. pepekeke [T. kapesa kapesa) thin. kiparaea [T. itapai) send forth. send out. slim: hae pepekeke (of wheat) shrivelled keve paraea [T. teveteve paraeai) to ears (G. 41:23). scoop with a keve net. pekoro n. saliva. mucus [T. pekoro: often loko paraeai to let down a loko fish-net. + ape, ape pekoro) . maea heaha paraea [T. maea eka liha pekoro n. sputum. phlegm. paraeai) of illness. to recover. 1 paraeaki oharo [T. meu 0) n. message. pelaea IT. harihari] n. cape. headland. tip send out word. of land. uvi muru !,>araea [T. dibura voa kela pelaea [T. raepa tatava) n. cliff. paraeaiJ to put in prison. to imprison. ridge. preCipice. 2 paraeapo [T. maeapakura) adj. fat. pelaea [T. maeamarova) adj. & n. proud. plump. stout. corpulent. conceited. vain: pride. conceit. pelaea iele maeamarova rovaea) pariala pakeke) n. 16:13) [T. [T. frog. (Apo. very proud. arrogant. vainglorious. parula [T. kafearu) adj. thick. pelaea ara [T. hiva auai] v.i. to brag. boast: sometimes + oharo or 0 paruparu + rnaeaiilu (skin). rnaeaiilu (word). oharo pelaea ara. paruparu [T. maea kikiteovai v.i.) pelaea lai creased. puckered skin. wrinkled skin. v.i. to be arrogant. conceited: 98

also. to flirt. fT. maeamarova loi piku [T. pitu] n. the larva of the longicorn (also means 'flirt'); haiarori loi]. beetle ( Ce rambycidae) . (Rom. 1:21) Often + maea or iki. the former suggestive of outward show. the latter. inward disposition; rnaeapelaea, iki pelaea. adi haughty. proud. arrogant. peni [T. peRi] n. pen. pencil (fr. ENG.). pepa [T. pepa] n. paper (fr. ENG.); also with definin� n. in apposition. permit; e.g. ipidi pepa [T. pisi pepa] gun permit. pikuru fT. pekauke] n. mud. slime. slosh. pepe [T. pepe] n. flag. pennant. banner. slough. mire. (2 Pet. 2:22) pi kuru ila [T. pekauke ia) muddy. pe ekeke + kora (tree). kora pepekeke [T. pekauke oti) n. r-T. tola mere, tola seika] dwarf tree. ita pikuru bog. sapling. marsh. pikuru pakara [T. pekauke katiri) sticky pere [T. pere] n. the long pieces of wood mud. fastened along the gunwale of a canoe. pikuru uku [T. sauka koru] n. a lump of mud. piece of clay. perea n. a kind of bird. 0.0. 251 ( ) pikuru ureve uava [T. lasusa turai] to perehekai adj. & adv. few. scarce; wallow in mud. somewhat. rather. [T. taheka. (few) pikuru i rna ilauava wallow in mud and farafarapo.] water. Also used to diminish adj. & adv .. e.g. perehekai ahea [T. taheka hehea] pipi1 [T. pipi] n. butterfly. moth. somewhat hot. a little hot. warm. pipi2 [T. koeta) n. the general name for perehekai houhuka [T. taheka sea flying fish of which there are several named feare] rather white. whitish. pale grey. kinds. e.g. hariha and kere [T. sariva rna perehekai [T. ma tatara] drop(s) of areka). water. pira n. a kind of tree. (D.O. 252) perepere n. & adj. piece. morsel; also pI. pieces. portions. [T. taratara (pl.); itua pirere [T. kapofare] n. often + hae (piece). ] (gland). gland in groin (when palpable). eapai perepere [T. larietau taratara] morsel(s) of food. piripou [T. piripou) n. trousers. shorts. pura perepere [T. puta taratara] piece( s) pants; (fr. Rarotongan); ENG. terms in of cloth. common use nowadays. [T. n. T pereuava [T. mafu] adj. supple. pitopito pitopito] button (fr. M pitopito) . peroavaia [T. ma tatara sisapai] v.i. to poae adj. rotten. decar.ed. stale. putrid (of drip. timber. food. cloth); [T. pikuru (of food). peroka [T. fave toaita ela] n. a sling. puruta (rotten)]; var. porara. poae lai v.i. to become decaxed. to rot. peroka lai [T. sauai] v.l. to plait; syn. decompose. become stale; [T. puruta hara3. loi (become rotten)]. peroveta [T. peroveta] n. prophet (fr. poaekakape ita n. a blister; [T. popori ENG.). n. & v.). petoe + arnae (breast). arnaepetoe [T. ko poe [T. poe] n. usu. with a defining n. in opa, omopa ko] n. nipple. teat. apposition. edge. brink. rim; var. opoe. (P.K. 11:2) pikeke [T. pepeke] n. a small fruit-eating bat. e poe [T. oru uke) n. tail of bird. have poe [T. lave poe] n. edge of stone. rim. (Mt. 28:2) 99

rna poe [T. ma poe] n. edge of water. pupu haealula haela [T. salu karoro ore mai poe [T. mai poe] n. river bank. karu] (Bibl. trans.) scribes. (Mt. 5:20) ukai poe [T. itai mai poe] further bank. pupu haure [T. salu haiarara] lawless. other side (of river or lake). Pupu Buka Oharo [T. Salu Buka] n. poke [T. potil n. a long club made of palm Scriptures. wood: syn. felao: (in Bibl. trans.) 'sword' pupu haerapa [T. salu hasiavai] violate [T. marehaukaita soi (sword)]. a taboo. to desecrate. pupu hahaea [T. salu sukai] to fasten a popoa [T. totoai] v.t. to pat. taboo. to fix a taboo sign. ape popoa [T. kato' oeai] v.t. to kiss. pupu hua [T. lei salu loi] to make taboo. press with the lips. as mothers do to their babies: cf. overa hihi the pupu kiva lai [T. salu kiva loi] to expression of affection used by adults. observe. keep a taboo. uvari vilari ve pupu [T. papa karu ve popoka1 [T. pauka] n. a beetle. the edible salu] ancestral taboo. grubs of which are found in rotting sago pith. pupu2 + mai (hand). mai pupu [T. pupu] popoka pai [T. pauka poi] n. sago n. a kind of feather whisk made from the prepared with popoka grubs. tail feathers of the cassowary. used by old men to keep away flies and mosquitoes. popoka2 [T. popota] n. a fern (Dryopteris sp.). pupuari pupuari ara [T. kukutare patai] v.i. to bubble. popou [T. maealolo auke ita] adJ. unblemished. pupuri [T. pupuri. usu. tola pupuri] n. flower. bloom. mari popou [T. morihova] n. virgin. pura n. cloth. clothes. dress. garment. poro [T. porapora] n. a beach creeper with sheet: barkcloth: often + maea (body). rosy-mauve flowers (Ipomoea pes caprae maea puta when dress is meant. (L.), R. Br. ssp. brasiliensis (L.) van [T. puta: maea puta (clothes).] Ooststr.). akea pura [T. arori puta] n. outside poroi n. a kind of fish. (D.O. 217) clothes. coat. pura haela [T. puta karu] n. policeman porora adj. a var. for poae. which see. (so-called because of his uniform). pura hailava [T. puta lururukeai] v.t. pove n. a kind of bird. (D.O. 173) to spread out a cloth. pua [T. puavai: used more freely than pura heaha [T. puta osi] ragged cloth. O. pua] aux. v. expressing totality. The rags. ENG. equivalent is some such word or pura helauka [T. puta lelaukeai, puta phrase as ·entirely·. 'all of you/them': used lareovai] v.t. to undress someone: also as suff. to plain form of other verbs. the reflex.: puta hauava. 27:28) tense being shown by pua: convb. pui. syn. (Mt. hae mekaka aue la kora oaria ere kokaukaki pura [T. aieraita puta] n. hahaeapui 'fruit good not those trees veil. curtain. all they (will) cut down completely'. pura kao syn. pura pao. which see. (Mt. 7:19) pura oava [T. puta loovai] v. reflex. to undress. remove clothes. puipui + mea (earth). mea puipui IT. pupuiovu] earthquake. landslide. pura ora v.t. & reflex. sg. to put on {Mt. 27:54) clothes. to dress: pl. pura oreau IT. puta mopai l sf]. & pi.)] pupukaura [T. vavaea] n. a steamer. {Lk. 15:22. G. 3 :21) pura pao [T. puta peto] n. hem. fringe of pupu1 [T. sa/u] n. & adj. taboo. set apart cloth. for a special purpose: taboo sign: sacred. ure pura [T. iri puta] n. underclothes. holy: (intro. meaning) law. under garments. pupu ila fT. sa/u ia] (lit. 'with taboo') tabooed. sacred: also. lawful. purava + hae (fruit. seed). hae purava pupu lai [T. sa/u loi] v.t. & i. to make [T. mere tovuseai] to sow seeds. scatter taboo. to be tabooed. (G. 3:11) seeds. (Mt. 13:3) hae purava velari [T. mere tovusea meal move about scattering seed. (G. 26:12) 100 puri T. sasaekovi] n. broom, brush (fr. roa [T. roroa] v.i. pI. the sg. being veal: to M +). be in a state of motion, to have being puri hoapa [T. taileai] v.t. to sweep, (without reference to a ny particular place): sweep up. cf. apea (in a place). [T. has the same meaning.] purupuru [T. huhururu] n, growl (of dog). In the form -ro it appears as a suff. to mark verbs for the pres. cont. pI., e.g. ere i pusi [T. pusi] n, cat (fr. ENG.): pusi mere mamoe ila oaria veveke apearo la 'they pusi mere] [T. kitten. with sheep with all we�1 are perhaps' pute [T. pute] n. sackcloth, bag, sack. (G. 37:14). [No suff. In T. for pres. (Mt. 11:21 cont. pl.] ) In the form -roape, it is joined to the puva [T. u] n. conch shell: (Bibl. trans.) stative v. and to the aux. v. lai. ara, and trumpet (G. 4:21). haea to form the freq. rem. p .. e.g. haela puva hohoa [T. u /% ai] to blow the oaria eapai i rnaila lalavahaeroape conch shell: blow the trumpet: 'persons ail food with liquid with were-in­ the-state-of-eating-dri nki ng' (Mt. 24:38) . prohibitive puva kahohoalue [T. u levi To denote a state of being roroa in T. is /o% aia] 'do not blow the trumpet' (fr. inked to other verbs by the v. conj. vovo, ka + hohoa + lue) . (Mt. 6:2) Ie.g. e kekese lei vovo roroava 'you be in a constant state of readiness'.] R roara + e (faeces), e roara [T. mea isa e iri voa sukai] to work in manure. ra [T. la] var. for la obj. mkr.: see la2. (Lk. 13:8) (Mt. 21:1) rokoa + mai (hand) v.t. sg. mai rokoa to ra var. for la conditional mkr.: see la4. rub in the hands: pl. mai rokoava [Not used in T.] (Mt. 25:27) (Lk. 6:1) . [T. mai sa rorokeai sg. & pl.] rare (var. lare) [T. rare] n. name. roroa (var. laroa) fT. roroai] v.t. to rub, rare ara [T. rare auai] v.t. to call by the anoint, dab on. (Mt. 26:12) name of. (Mt. 13:14, 19:17) ela roroa [T. ela roroai] to roll, twist rare heaha [T. rare maealolo] n. a bad (fibre) on the thigh to make string or reputation, a name of disrepute. cord (ela). rare lei heaha lai T. rare lei maealolo tehoro roroa [T. teoru roroai] to rub loi] v.t. to spoi f someone's name, with oil. anoint. slander, calumniate, vilify. rare itava [T. rare aravai] v.t. to name, roroapa fT. aierai] v.t. to cover over. give a name to. (Mt. 2;:18) rare ava [T. rare ovai] to gain a name, kekele roroapa fT. tetere sa aierai] to get a reputation. cover with soi . rare maea [T. rare omoi] to say a name, rorore [T. rorore] n. shoot, sprout of plant, nominate. bud. -ravi [T. -lavi] (fr. Namau rave 'men's rorore huhorea v.i. to sprout, throw up house'): compounded with totem names, it shoots: pI. rorore huhoreava. formed the names for the former eravo [T. rorore /ai sg. & pl.] (men 's house): e.g. Oriravi, Avavuravi: roula fT. itoital var. fr. urou, ree. p. la see eravo. (D.O. 36) urai)a (roulaila). (Mk. 6:14) rei fT. lei] n. a coarse grass, kunai grass: -rue with ka [T. levi] preceding v.: var. for (tr. MT rei 'kunai grass') (Imperata -Iue prohibitive, e.g. ka ia'p'arue [T. levi exaltata Brongn.). mapaia] 'do not listen'. lMt. 24:26) reke [T. leke] n. a kind of fish-net ruha [T. pisi] n. floor: var. for luha, which introduced from the Central Province: (fr. see. (Mt. 3:12) MT reke) . ruma [T. avavu] n. bay, harbour, haven. -ri a suff. used with some n., adj., and the demon. to form adv., e.g. mari, kariri. ruma hekai [T. avavu seika] cove. [In T., -ri similarly used.] 101

-rura var. for -Iula, which see. tita [T. aisesea] v.i. sg. to be seated, settled; convb. tita [T. aisesea]; rem. p. ruru n., cf. iilu, which is a cognate form of titape [T. aiseseiape]; pI. avaipea ruru, but with a somewhat different [T. aipepea] . (P.K. 3:10, 5:4) meaning. It is the name for the masks var. titava [Mt. 9:9); convb. titavi (Mt. used in the trad. ceremonies; hence, in 16:5); rem, p. titavape (Mt. 2:9). general. mask, disguise. (Of snakes) the discarded skin; the one it retains is called titaeka (var. titaka) [T. kaekae] adj. pl. iilu; (of the haea palm) the spathe. small, little; sg. hekai [T. seika]; redupl. [The latter in T. is faia haro; otherwise titae titae pI. very small, tiny ruru, in general, combines the meanings of [T. sisikaekae pl.] . ruru and iilu.] titae titae haerapa [T. saravai] v.t, to scarify; a trad. way to relieve pain, such s as a headache, when cuts are made on the forehead. saro [T. saro] n. a trap (for rats) (fr. T.). titava v.i. & t. pi. to disband, disperse, scatter, drive away (of animals, pigs, etc.); satauro [T. satauro] n. cross (in Bibl. also of evil spirits (Mt. 8:16) ; sg, kopiapa. trans.) (fr. Greek (Jmvpb�) . (Mt. 27:22) [T. oroa (pl.) 'run away'; taivatai 'drive satauro hara [T. satauro voa paeai] v.t, away'.] to crucify. ovehahu areve oharo iapa Ie titavape 'demons his word heard thereupon sepele [T. sepelel n. holiday, leave, dispersed' . vacation (Fr. ENG. spell). au titavape mamoe hiki kai sepele lai [T. sepele loi] to take a holiday, auva-haeaki 'go (pl.) only to the be on leave. scattered sheep' (tillt. 10:6) . sepora [T. sipora] n. the lime, tree and (Of goods) taken from, taken away. fr uit [Citrus medica L.); var. tiporo. ere oropa aeape la eharu ere va titavakilai 'they at-first had those sikuli [T. sikuli] n. school (fr. ENG.). things will take away' (Mt. 25:29) . sikuli lai [T. sikuli loi] to attend school. tuapara [T. shovel (ENG.)] n. shovel. sopu [T. sopu] n. soap (fr. ENG.). spade. suke+ kora (tree), suke kora (in Bibl. trans.) [T. haue tola]fig tree. u (Mt. 21:19) ua + kora (tree), kora ua [T. kaearuka T sukai] v.t. to pole, punt (a canoe). uamari n. sg. woman [T. ua; also 'wife']: tapua [T. tapua] n. syn. hi kora; mulberry pl.,uavila [T. uamori]. (G. 2:22) (Morus sp.). uamari dedehi [T. ua lelesi] n. woman without spouse, widow, or separated tari [T. kapena, taril syn. hihe; n. steering from husband; also, spinster. As all oar, rudder; (fr. MI tari 'steering oar'). women normally marry, a woman would tehoro [T. teoru] n. prepared cocon ut oil only be a spinster as the outcome of for anointing the body or hair; any kind of some physical disability. hair oil; (fr. MT dehoro 'coconut oil'). hahari uamari [T. saruka ua] n. tehoro roroa [T. teoru roroai] v.t. to prostitute, harlot, whore. (G. 38:15) . rub with oil. anoint. uara [T. ururu] n. a humming sound, hum, terona [T. terona] n. throne, pulpit. rumble. ma ve uara [T. ma ve ururu] n. sound thank-you meru [T. au miaraita meru] n. of sea. a thank offering. thank-you oharo [T. thank-you 0] n. a uava v.i. sg. to lie down, to rest, recline, word of thanks. {Mt. 11:25 repose; convb. uavai; pl. urupa. ) [T. iavai (sg.), iroropai (pl.).) (G. 24:54) tiporo [T. sipora] var. sepora lime, tree and uavai aea [T. iavi eaea] v.i. to lie fruit {Citrus medica). prostrate. 102

avuku uava [T. ivutu iavai) v.i. to lie are la uamari ve ukaki helari [T. are down to sleep. (G. 2:21. P.K. 4:2) ua la aiterori a '... J 'he turned uavaki hoa [T. iavaita soa) n. resting towards the woman (woman's time. repose. direction) (lk. 7:44). · uavila [T. uamori) n. pI. wives. women: for ukavu [T. ukavai, kavai v.t. to land (from sg. see uva. also uamari. (G. 4:23) canoe or boat) (P.K. 7:l ): to go inland: con vb. ukavi. uhau v.i. sg. to go out. set off: pl . uhauka: [T. maea loi (sg. & pl .)). uki [T. uti. usu. + maea, maea-uti] n. bone. (G. 2:23) ukai [T. itai) n. side. direction: opposite uki haiae lai [T. maea-uti lareapai] v.i. side. across (e.g. across river) . bone to be dislocated. areve ukai [T. areve itai) 'by his side': by uki harea [T. maea-uti oriri) v.i . to the side of... (with appropriate pron.). tremble. ukai haela [T. itai karu) n. a team. side uki hauaia [T. uti lareovai) v.t. to bone (people) . (a fish). ukai hareau [T. itai loapai) v.i. & t. to uki ila [T. utikao] bony. 'with bones'. in a go to one side. to avoid. wasted condition. ukai helari [T. itai kerori) v.i. to kaka uti [T. kou-uti] n. backbone. reverse. turn to other side. kararapi uki [T. kararapa uti] rib(s). rib ahea ma ukai [T. makaikara itai) bones. seaward. uki koeka [T. uti toetai) bone to break. kauri ukai [T. mairimairi itai) n. east. fracture. In. 19:36) eastward. ( maea uki [T. mae a-uti) bones of body. kavu ukai [T. tovu itai) n. leeside. maea uki kakare [T. maea-uti hehea] keva ukai [T. mai ava itai) n. left side. pain in bones. rheumatism. kovaela ukai ukai syn. kovara ukai ukai. maria uki [T. maria uti) n. collarbone. to halve. divide in two: [T. itai itai laeai, itai itai tolai). uku [T. heal adJ. some. several. any. a maea ve ukai [T. maea ve itai) n. side number o( part. a half of: may appear of body. before n .. but normal position is following [T. hea miro ukai [T. tariva itai] larboard. the always follows n.]. outrigger side (of canoe) . haela uku hiki 'some people only' ore ukai [T. mai toare itai) n. right (Mt. 7:14). side. ( t. 5:29) uku haela eroa haealula uku haela ma M oaria lala ihape leilula 'some people ukai poe [T. itai poe) n. opposite bank are hungry. some people liquid much (of river) . drink foolish become' (1 Cor. 11:21). ukai ukai haerapa fT. itai itai sarapai) uku hiki [T. hea haria] some only. part v.t. to cut in halt only. ukai ukai hovea hovea [T. itai itai usoso) equal sides. hoa uku [T. soa hea] sometimes. ukai ve [T. itai voal on the side. beside. ukuku + a (fire). a ukuku [T. a) n. pl. to the side. towards. firewood: (fr. uku): a uku a piece of firewood. ukaipu [T. ivuta] n. iguana. the large green lizard. -ula pl. suff. used with terms of relationships. e.g. lou-ula [T. lou-ita] ukaki [T. itai] n. position. direction (fr. mothers. ukai) . (P.K. 1:1) hurava ukaki IT. avora itai] to the upa + mi (urine) . mi upa [T. mi sisorai] to north-west. (Mt. 8:11) micturate. kauri ukaki [T. mairimairi itai] to the upi [T. upi] n. ginger. the root and plant: a east. var. for apiapi (Zingiber officinale elare !1�a�i IT. elore voal lit. 'own Roxb.). position . I.e. home. (Mk. 1:44) ukai helari 'turn towards'. ura [T. uta] n. a hole. opening. have ura [T. lave uta] n. a cave. (G. 19:30) 103

ura hukora fT. uta totorai] v.t. to uru + a (fire). a uru [T. a uri] n. flameof perforate. bore. drill a hole. fire. (lk. 16:24) iroki ura ila [T. uta ita oroti] leaky uruka [T. maea-uru] adJ. &: n. black. grey. canoe. canoe with holes. blue (Mt. 5:36): also. any dark colour: ura hahaea [T. uta sauai] v.t. to mend dark brown. dark green. purple: to specify holes (i n net): var. ura haea to mend black. havahu may be added. uruka holes. (Mk. 1:19. P.K. 3:3) havahu [T. maea-uru kola]. Sometimes harihu ura [T. utape seika] n. window. abbreviated to uru. uruku apiapi [T. maea-uru-mohari] urahu�a v.i ..pI. to �is� up. �et up: 8g. urou: IT. Itoteal (pl.). ItOI (8g.)]. (Mk. 13:12. brown. P.K. 6:1) uruvita n. a soft rock. a kind of steatite. used as a greyish pigment for trad. urapa [T. moravai] v.t. to erect. raise up. masks. (D.O. 245) hoist. elevate. uphold. (Mt. 21:33) mea uru koa [T. kauri uru toil (weather uvi akea ve urapape [T. uvi koa or sky) to be dark. lowering. stormy. moravope] 'building above erected' (Mt. 16:3) (erected a tower). urukuku [T. heohea] n. commotion. uproar. Sometimes + lai. lai urapa. without change of meaning. tumult. turmoil. (Acts 17:5) urukuku lai (also urukuku ara) ure fT. iri] n. inside. interior: also. interior [T. heohea loi] to make a tumult. of country. inland. hinterland [T. kiriape uproar. to rave. (hinterland)]. (P.K. 9:1 lei urukuku lai [T. lei heohea loi] v.t. to .Alsoad j. when it prece es n .. inner. excite. cause an uproar. internal. J ure haela [T. kiriape karu] n. inlander. urupa [T. iroropai] v.i. pI. to lie down: sg. uava [T. iavai]. (G. 19:32) ure pura [T. iri puta] n. underclothes. ure ve (var. ureve) [T. iri voa] within. uva n. sg. wife: also wife of an agemate or inside. interior. inward. internal. close friend: [T. ua (wife. also woman)]: (G. 1:12) pI. uavila [T. uamori]. oru ure [T. oru iril within a garden. uva hoa haerapa [T. ua haiarara lei garden interior. (Mt. 12:1) kiripai] syn. uva haure lai to divorce a wife. uri1 n. language. dialect. s eech: (not uva laea [T. ua laeai] syn. uva maepa to ·tongue·. which is auli) : r-T. uri (tongue. wed a wife. marry a wife. also language)]: ara 'voice' is a partial syn. uva mai paea [T. mai etau miarai] (of (G. 11:1. Acts 2:4) man to woman) betroth. wed. uri helari [T. uri mavitoai] v.t. to fT. translate. uva dedehi (var. uva lelehi) ua lelesi] n. a widow. woman in single condition uri2 [T. uril n. a tree: it is a totem of the (spouse dead or separated). Also uva Vailala e(an. maitava [T. ua vitova] n. a widow. while in mourning. uriheleipe [T. aueli] n. snail. uva ve kavaIe [T. ua ve tava, eva] n. bride price: syn. eva. urou [T. itoi] v.i. sg. to stand up. rise up. fT. arise. rear up (Mt. 9:5): . v.i. only) to uva ve lou ova-lou] mother-in-law (of wake up: eonvb. ural [T . ltel (R. 2:15") : man). (M'k.1:3 0) ree. p. imper. f [T. la uraila: urouki itoia] uva ve oa. [T. ova-oa] father-in-law (of (Eph. 5:14): pI. urahuka [T. itoteai]. man). avuku ve urou fT. ivutu voa itoi] awake from sleep. ( Mt. 1:24) uvari [T. ueri] n. (1) father's elder sister api kai urou fT. opi ata itoi] to rise from Of woman). the dead. (Mk. 14:28) 2) gran.dmother . also ancestress �T. uen). (G. 3:20) api kai urouki hoa [T. opi ata itoita pl. uvan-ula [T. uerita]. soa] n. phr. resurrection. uvari vilari ve pupu [T. ueri mileri ve lei urou [T. lei itoi] v.t. to make to sa/u] an ancestral taboo. (Mt. 15:2) stand. uphold. urai pava [T. itei pavai] to rise up and uvi [T. uvi] n. house. a buildin� of any kind. stand. abode. habitation. (Mt. 10:25) 104

aeaki ita [T. pavaita oti) dwelling place. e.g, ere va iki horahora eapapo havahu domicile. leivahaeape 'they (subj. mkr,) were uvi ailoki [T. uvi ve tao, uvi kou) n. astonished very greatly' (lei + va + housetop. roof. (Mt. 4:5) haeape) (Mk. 10:26). uvi haela [T. uvi karu) n. people of a [In T. vo is used in the same way; house, household. sometimes redupl. vovo to express continuity of action. The following is an hehe uvi [T. maso uvi) n. (Bibl. trans.) example of vo; are soea vo terope 'he temple. went running'.) uvi hekai [T. uvi seika) n. hut. shed, va is also used in O. with the neg. ka to shelter. prevent it from being joined too closely to uvi horova haela [T. uvi turaita karu) the v. Thus: Ara au va ka 'I shall not go' n. builder. (Mt. 21:29). [In T. however there is no ila ve uvi [T. ita ve uvi) n. pigsty. such use, e.g. Ara levi terai roi 'I shall uvi muru [T. dibura) ('dark house') n. not go'.) prison, jail. vavaral (var. mavara) [T. movora, also uvi muru paraea [T. dibura voa movokoa) n. adze or chopper used for sasaukai) v.t. put in prison. chopping up the pithy interior of the sago uvi ve aireaki ukai [T. uvi ve aite) back palm trunk in order to make sago flour. of house. 2 uvi ve haelapo [T. uvi ve papuvita) n. vavara sometimes + ara, vavara ara master of house. householder. [T. viava viava auai) v.i. to sway from (Mt. 10:25) side to side, or up and down. uvi ve ihau [T. uvi mora) n. post of mea vavara [T. mea sa toa viava viava house. auai) to sway, wave in the wind. (Mt. 11:7) kovo uvi [T. harotovu) n. shelter, shed. hi vavara (hi 'cry', 'wail') [T. Ii ita uvi ve oko kao [T. oto uke) n. eaves. viavai) to lament, mourn (mourners sway as they lament); var. hi vavara ara. v vavava [T. vavavai) v.t. to testify, witness. val subj. mkr. (d. la obj. mkr.); like la, the vavavaki haela [T. vavavaita karu) n. subj. mkr. va is often omitted when the witness. subj. is clear without it. It immediately follows the n .. pron., or n. phr. that forms vavavae! [T. se!) exclam. calling people's the subj. of the sentence or clause. attention 'ho there!'. One special use is with coordinate vel gen. mkr. It is written as a suffix to constructions, e.g. are va aheke, ara va pron . . e.g. arave (ara + vel, my, mine. A mahuka 'he (is) strong, I (am) weak' double gen. mkr. is possible, e.g. Ume ve (Mt. 3:11). Also: marita hua-ila va ore, ave ve loa IT. Ume ve ave ve mora) kai hue-i(a va haveva 'girls five (were) 'Ume's dog s hind leg'. wise, and five (were) foolish' (Mt. 25 : 2) . The gen. mkr. also serves to link a n. with In the following va appears with rna, a po stpositional phr. (see ve2). Thus: demon.: rnava arave uki ve uki 'this (is) kora ve oropa ve [T. tola ve omopa voa) bone of my bone' (G. 2:23) . 'tree's front at', i.e. at the front of the tree; [The subj. mkr. is not present in T .. but sa here the first ve is the gen. mkr .. the or a pron. is used pleonastically where in second ve2. O. va would appear. Only the Sepoe dialect has va but its use is restricted to ve2 postposition, in, at, from; sometimes pron .. e.g. arava '1'.) lengthened to vea (in pauses). ve is used in a variety of postpositional phr. to denote va2 verbal conj. denoting that the action of position in time or space. (T. voa; also the v. immediately following the va is means 'to' and sometimes from', with involved in the action of another that reference to places only.) immediately precedes the va, e.g. are va aire ve [T. aite voa) behind, later. au arai pavi eava va aeape 'he (subj. aireaki ve to the rear, afterwards, later mkr.) simply distant stood looking was' on. (P.K. 9:3). akea ve [T. arari vaa) above, on the A frequent use is with haea, the pI. aux., top, on. 105

apehai ve [T. ara voa] at a distance the redupl. veavea is used, and for the (remote). freq. rem. p. veaveape, e.g. la hapa au hiki veaveape 'that raven simply out-in­ arai ve [T. ara-ita] at a distance open kept-moving about' (G. 8:7). [In T. (near). other verbs do not employ meiapeto form aru ve [T. aru voa] among, freq. rem. p. Linked by vo or vovo, intermediate position. meiape can express a state of being with aruhihi ve [T. aru voa] in the midst, other v.] among. aula-kela yea [T. 10 tera 10 iti vo mea] hihi ve [T. pisiri voa] in the open. v.i. go to and fro. (G. 1:2) ihau ve [T. hiairi voa] below, beneath. hai yea fT. tititai] v.i. to crawl about. ipi ve [T. ipi voa] below, at the base. (G. 3:14) maeamaea ve [T. haekao voa] near to. loa veavea lai [T. mora mea, mora mahokaea ve [T. maria voa] outside. kerori] v.i. to go about on foot. ora ve [T. ora voa] underneath, below. vea2 + a (fire), a yea fT. a mopai] to light oropa ve [T. omopa voa] in front, (e.g. lamp), put a light to. before. vea3 a lengthened form of ve2: appears in ukai ve fT. itai voa] to the side, velari (see following). (Mt. 25:34) towards. ure ve [T. iri voa] within, internal. velari [T. kerori vovo mea] v.i. to move ve also appears in a compound with i or ila about (fr. yea + elari). 'with'. For this see v'ila. loa vea velari [T. mora kerori] v.i. to go about on foot, walk about. (G. 3:8, ve3 infin. mkr.: appears as a suff. to the -ki Mt. 27:53) form of the v .. e.g. iapakive 'to hear': puravai velari [T. (mere) tovuseai vei [T. vei: appears with the plain form of the terail v.t. go about scattering (seed). v .. e.g. mapai veil. (Mt. 13:3) The i nfi n. may be used by itself to express purpose, but it is more usual for it to velavela + oharo (word), oharo velavela appear with other verbs, e.g. ara horera [T. lalasi 0, lob oj n. entreaty, petition, ekaka haropakive [T. Ara te ekaka request: also, questIOn. tapora leiti veil 'I go-out fish to-seek' velavela ara [T. loki loi] v.i. & t. to beg, (In. 21:3). ask. With ikivere 'desire', the construction is: velavela lai sometimes + ape, ape areve ikivere elalila la karakive vela velalai to ask, beg for, supplicate: [T . . elakaro laeai ve�] 'his de�ire we-two [T. lalasi loi]. (Mk. 1:27) (obJ. mkr.) to-marry (P.K. 8.7). The form ve also serves as an imperative vere + 0 (word), overe [T. 0 haiiri] n. a fin T. vei as emphatic impeL], e.g. a rebuke. kihoaukive! [T. a maria voa forerai ikivere [T. haikaeail n. wish, want, veil] 'you come out!' (In. 11:43). hope. (1 Cor. 13:1:1) 4 l ikivere lai [T. haikaeai] to wish, hope, ve fr . vea : used to form the pres. cont. sg .. desire. (Mt. 5:28) e.g. iapave 'is hearing': cf. -ro fr. roa, which is used in a similar manner for the ikivere mai [T. haikaeaita mail n. l .. e.g. iaparo 'are hearing'. desire. (Mt. 6:10) r-pea is used in T. but is unchanged for vevaea [T. vavaea] n. a sea-going canoe: pi .. e.g. mapaipea 'is/are hearing'.] hence, ship, steamer, coastal vessel. yea v.i. 8g. . the pI. form being roa: to be, (Mt. 8:23) have being, without reference to one vevaea haela [T. vavaea karu] n. crew particular place: to be in a state of motion. of canoe, ship's crew, seaman. Its use as a suff. to form the pres. cont. is vevaea haiavaki ita [T. vavaea avaita described under _ve4• [mea in T. has oti] n. ship's anchorage. identical meaning. It is not however used vevaea heaha lai fT. vavaea maealolo as a suff. for pres. cont.] loi] v.i. to be s�ipwrecked. O. vea in the form -veape appears with vevaea oaria [T. vavaea sitavu] n. a the aux. v. and with the stative v. to form fleet of . the freq. rem. p. For its own pres. cont. 106

vevaea kapena [T. vavaea kapena] n. veveo cf. vevea [T. miruru toai] v.t. to captain of ship. fan, to winnow. vevaea pekaki ita [T. vavaea pataita veveo ve papahi areve mai ve Ie aeave oti] n. port. 'to winnow the fa n his hand in there vevaea ve eharu [T. vavaea ve etauroro] is' (Mt. 3 : 12). n. freight. veveroro ady'. clean, pure, spotless: vevaea ve eharu ita IT. vavaea ve [T. ovava (also means 'Iighf)]. etauroro oti] n. ship's hold. veveroro lai [T. ovava loi] v.i, to be vevaea ve evoe [T. vavaea evoe] n. clean, pure. stern. lei veveroro lai [T. lei ovava loi] v.t. to vevaea ve hahi (var. vevaea hahi) make clean, to purify. vavaea ve sariva] n. IT. voyage, iki veveroro [T. haiiri ova va] clean, pure Journey by ship or canoe. in heart. (Mt. 5:8) veve T. mevel var. for meve, mango, tree mai veveroro [T. mai ovava: cf. an fruit ( Mangi/era indica). T. veveroro 'growing well') clean habits, J clean way of living. vevea + rna(wate r), rnavevea [T. ma veveai] v.t. to moisten (as sago when v'ila (fr. ve2 + ila): sometimes ve + i, the about to cook it), to make moist: (of latter an abbreViation of ila. This plants in garden) to water. compound postposition enters into phrases mea vevea [T. mea sa toai] (of wind) to with pron. and n .. e.g. are v'ila 'for him', blow. 'on his behalf, 'on his account'. [T. vei, or in pauses veia: of same origin as vevehere n. & adj. cold, chilly, cool: O. v'ila and having the same meaning, e.g. [T. vevekoko: vevesere (cool)]. are vei.] areve akore v'ila ikihuru eapapo leipe veveke [T. lareva] adj. 8g., adv., also n. 'his son on-account-of sadness great �ood, satisfactory, proper: pleasant had' (G. 37:34). ltaste): as adv. well [T. metakao]: as n. goodness, good: pI. ady'. mekaka: [T. pi. oharo are ve i au hakaitapape 'word lareva lareva]. new on-behalf-of poured ouf (Mt. 26:28) veveke lai [T. lareva loi] v.i. to be good, satisfactory, favourable, well: up to vila n. 8g. man, husband: pI. vilaita men. standard. fT. vita, heavita (the latter 'man').) (Gal. lei veveke lai [T. lei lareva loi] v.t. to �:28) make good, satisfactory: to repair: to hila vila n. 8g. fellow, man: (this heal. corresponds with T. heavita). veveke iele [T. lareva kola] very good, (Mt. 26:61) superior, best. vilahoaha [T. vita heaeaJ n. pl. menfolk. ape veveke [T. 0 tapare] fluent, eloquent. (Acts 8:12) ikiveveke [T. hailareva] n. joy, gladness, vila maepa (var. vila mai paea) [T. vita pleasure. laeai) (woman to man) to betroth, wed, ikiveveke lai [T. hailareva loi] v.i. to marry. be glad, happy, rejoice. vila hoa haerapa [T. vita haiarara lei lei ikiveveke lai [T. lei hailareva loi] kiripai] v.t. to divorce a husband. v.t. to make happy, cause to be glad. vila dedehi (var. vila lelehi) [T. vita maea veveke [T. maea lareva] good­ le/esi) n. a man without a spouse, looking. widower, bachelor. mea veveke [T. mea lareva] good vila ve lou [T. ueri) n. mother-in-law (f. weather, good wind. speaking). (R. 2:19) oroa veveke [T. faita lareva!] Good vila ve oa [T. mileri) n. father-in-law (f. night! (taken fro ENG.). speaking). n. vevelare [T. miori] n. morning, forenoon. vila-ipi people of common descent, (G. 1:5 family, lineage, clan: (nowadays also) ) nation: pl. vila ipipi. var. vilaipipi vevelare hoa [T. miori soa) morning families, lineages, clans: nations. time. (Mt. 16:3) [T. toruipi, with similar extension of meaning of toruipi-ipi.) 107 vilakao IT. heatao] n. age set: (Bibl. vivila v.i. to run. run away (G. 4:12): (of trans.J generation (Mt. 2:16): UR vilatao. birds) to fly (Apo. 14:6): (of canoes, ships) Traditionally a person's age is reckoned by to sail: also, to escape, flee [Except for the age set to which he belon s. To ask a fufukai (fly), soeai in T. combines all the person's vilakao (D.O. 79-81 is to ask his meanings given for vivila.) age. The age set comes into ieing in an convb. vivila [T. soea]: rem. p. vivilape informal way when village children of four (G. 35:7). to five begin to play together as a group. aireaki vivila [T. aitetei soeai] v.t. to From the oldest to the youngest member pursue. run after. there would be a span of about two years. The nicknames, kept throughout life. which harava vivila [T. pasoa soeai] to run are given to the various age sets, have swiftly. (Mk. 10:17) their origin amongst the Eastern Elema. A hivove vivila [T. loreape auai] to run a list will be found in my Dictionary of race, to race. (Heb. 12:1) Toa ripi, under the heading ' heatao'. maho vivila [T. fufuka soeai] (of birds) to fly away. vilari [T. papa: part syn. mileri] n, sg, naoae vivila au soeai] grandfather: also, ancestor (Mt. 15:2): pi. [T. to run blindly, vilari-ula [T. milerita] grandfathers, scramble. ancestors. viviori [T. vi vi uti] n. a bird, the mountain vilari apo [T. milerita, papa-ita) n. sg. duck (Saladorina niuginiensis). great-grandfather. vovohoa [T. fefesi] v.i. to swell up: also vilari haela [T. papa karu] grandparents. vovohoa lai with same meaning. viroropa [T. saueai] v.i. (of tree branches) (Mt. 13:33) to droop. palaoa vovohoaki muramura [T. faloua fefesita etau] n. yeast, leaven. viva [T. mavise] n. bandicoot (Echymipera sp.): cf. mavia. (Mt. 8:20) vuvuraea [T. vuvuiovail v.t. to menace, brandish weapons, to defy, to attack. viva + lae (that) . lae-viva. var. lae vi va: (Mt. 7:6) (fr. lae + viva. imper. yea 'let be') 'that let be'. i.e. nevertheless. notwithstanding, although. T. a- 'but': there is no closer equivalent. I


ENGLISH - OROKOlO INDEX A acrid kaiake across ukai a, an aea. ae actual iele abandon v.t. harepa; pl. hakurepa adage lou oharo abdomen eharau adamant iki aheke abide aea; pI. apea add to koara. kopererea ability ikiore. ore (practical ability) maiore. ore mai address, trad. mode marahe to so address a person marahe ara able, be aupovea able to make kariki ore adept mai ore unable ore ka adequate, be hoveahovea lai abnormal hoa lahua adhere kopakaea. kopererea abode n. uvi. aeako ita adjacent maeamaea abominable heaha havahu be adjacent au kopaka abound maeakoko lai admirable mekakure about adv. hovea admit eara ara above akea ve admonish aihukamaea abscess hiha adolescent boy hoahu akore absorb apuri adore morapaea; pI. momorapu abstain from haure lai adorn, be adorned maupa lai absurd ihape. i� haveva adrift, be murai yea abundance, abundant oaria. maeakoko adultery airi pavora commit adultery airi pavora lai abuse n. 0 heaha (with man) vila korea abuse v.t. 0 heaha ara. 0 haiae ara (with woman) uva korea speak abuse 0 heaha maea adulterer airi pavora haela abyss karu iele advance v.i. oropa au accent (mode of speech) ape oharo adversary iri haela accept ava; pI. aea adversity hoa heaha. heraho hoa accompany koarai au advice ovoro. kileaki oharo accomplish karia lai advise ovoro kopa account, on that account ehovea adze mahapa gouge (canoe) adze kokovu accurate ehoe; pl. ehohoe sago adze vavara accuse 0 haha adze sago v.t. pai vavara ara accusation (false) hovare opore afar apehai ache, aching kakare. ahea affection, have ikiheroe lai acquaint lei ore lai affiance maepaki okoare ara acquire ava; pl. aea affirm 0 iele ara 110 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX afflict lei kakare. heaha lai alone lahua afloat, be mura; pi. mumura already overa afraid, be oaoka lai also kai. kara aft evoe altar morapulula haha after aire. aireaki alter (change into) v.i. koelari; v.t. lei lahua lai afterbirth lalave although laeviva afternoon hailaea altogether hareho. hoa hareho afterwards aireaki ve always mea oaria again aeka amass korukaia age set vilakao amazed, be iki haparaehaparae aged, become oropa haela lai. eapapo lai ambush n. muruha hahari agent meu haela amid aru hi hi ve ago, long ago over a hoa among aru ve agony kakare eapapo amuse elau lai agree ikikekela hovea lai agreement okoare ancestor houva hoa haela. papa haela. vilari; make an agreement okoare ara pi. vilari-ula ancestress uvari; pi. uvari-ula aground, go miri pava ancestral taboo uvari vilari ve pupu ahead oropaki ancestral stories overa oharo n. aid v.t. hukapa. koara anchor have anchorage have paraeaki ita. vevaea air mea haiavaki ita alarm oaoka; v.t. lei oaoka lai ancient overa iele be alarmed oaoka lai and aea. kai. ka alas! ikihuru-e! angel aneru albino kairuka kairuka haela anger iki hihiri alien n. laho haela be angry v.i. & t. iki hihiri lai alight, be ahara say angry words hihiri oharo ara alike hovea hovea anguish (in body) maea kakare (in mind) iki ahea alive, be makuri ankle make alive lei makuri; pi. lei makukuri loa ove all oaria animal animala all the world mea oarla anoint roroa allow oki avara another aea ally n. koaraki haela answer n. kavale oharo; v.i. & t. kavale maea almost maeamaea ant (no general term) aloft akea large black ant ipouka ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 111

red soldier ant hehemare ascend peka: pl. pekahava white ant ao cause to ascend lei peka anxious iki heraho ashamed, be maioka lai. maea oaoka lai be anxious iki heraho lai. ikikelava ashes a hurae any uku ashore, go huru ukavu anyhow naoae ask, ask for mama. velavela ara. vela vela lai apart lahua aslant kere apparel maea pura asleep avuku apparition haelaharihu assemble korukaia appeal v.t. ape velavela lai assist hukapa. koara appear horera. pl. horeravahaea: kihorera. pl. kihoreava. hukihorela associate koaraki haela appear openly hihika horera assorted laelaea applaud morapaea: pI- momorapu asthma. asthmatic iki au puparapaila approach maeamaea eke astray oki haiae approve ikivere lai attack vuvuraea areca (betel) ehele. here attempt maea hovare lai argue 0 hahari hahari ara attend (listen) iapa arise urou: pl. urahuka attend (wait upon) koara arm mal aunt (father's younger brother's right arm mai ore wife) lou-hela: pl. lou-hela-ula. (See left arm mai keva Appendix 1) armlet, shell huaea authority ahea2 armpit murukai avenge forearm mai parae kavale kavale hara stretch out arm mai horapa. mai horeva avoid ukai hareau arm v.t. & i. mare eharu aea await kari arm(s) mare eharu. hahari eharu awake (from sleep) avuku ve urou aroma muo axe ila3 around, be helari hupaka axe head ila haro arouse hurapa B arrest mai paea: pI- mai papaeha arrive hukihorela. hukiki. koava baby (of animals, birds. plants) mere arrive at kilahuka. kivika: pI- kivikavaha (human, m_) akore hekai (f.) mari hekai arrogant pelaea iele be arrogant pelaea iele lai bachelor vila dedehi arrow harita back kaikava crooked back kaikava haiae arrowroot kurumori back (of house) uvi ve aireaki ita artery elele 112 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX

backbite 0 vere ara (place) koherapa backbone kaka uki barricade kara backside e-ipi barter ilaea lai: kakavae lai. kavale kavale backwards. go airekai au base ipi at the base bad heaha i pi ve bashful bag (small string) aroa maeoka (large) auraa basket hara (sago) hurua bastard naoae epape akore/mari (woven) aroate bat. small fruit pikeke bait hoio bathe ma mihukau. mi huka bake a avea: pL. a arou battle hahari balcony mailare bay ruma bald haro haeka. haro helare be. have being (in a place) aea. pea: pL. bale out (water) ma hipa apea bamboo (large) keko (state of motion) vea: pL. roa (slender) hika beach miri bamboo flute meovo beach sand miri holo banana meae (upper part) huru b. bunch meae kupe strip of b. washed by tide miri koaka b. bunch unprotected meae alaue stony beach have miri b. sucker meae mere beads keva. horoa banana with reddish skin ovoka large fruit banana heveae beak ape petoe band. binding hahaki eharu beam (top plate) miku ava bandicoot mavia. viva bear up mai peke paea bang karakara bear down (childbirth) eharau au huikapa banish avaka1: pi. haruapa bear (endure) aheke lai bear pain kakare oraiava bank poe. opoe further bank ukai poe bear (fruit) hae horeava (of river) mai poe. mai ma poe give birth to epa. era banner pepe beard auhale koro banter oharo heheo ara bearer oraiavi auki haela bar (wooden) kora hakaea beast animala barb harita kao beat (scourge) huhari hara: pL. huhari haea beat down huhara bargain kakavae lai beautiful mekakure bark (tree) kora iilu be b. mekakure lai bark (sound) ave hi. ihura ara because ehovea barren (of woman) korovu beckon mai laroa be barren korovu lai ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 113 become lai bent over, be koekaopa bed avuku haha beseech morapa beetle (no general term) beside ukai ve various kinds: kiokio besiege oki kokauka click beetle marere sago beetle pa poka best veveke iele before oropa ve bestow avara; pl. aiara beforehand overa betray hihila maepa. hihila epa; pi. hihila beg morapa. velavela lai. velavela ara. epeau apevelavela lai betroth (man) uva maepa. uva mai paea beggar apevelavela haela (woman) vila maepa. vila mai paea begin ipopea; pi. ipopeava between aru ve beginnings ipopeavaki hoa very beginning avare koare bewail hi ara. hivavara ara make beginning avare koa beware kiva auhohi lai begin of day mea opa ( ) beyond arai ve beguile kurupaea bid (command) ape karaya ara behalf, on b. of v·ila. ve i. e.g. on my behalf ara v'ila big eapapo; pi. ehoaha behaviour mai billow ma haha enlightened behaviour mai veveroro bind haha behead haro haelapa bird ori behind airea ki bird's egg ori hae go behind airekai au bird's feather ori koro b's. feather moult ori koro oau belch aka ara b's. nest ori loro belief i ki kekela b's. trap ori haioha. ori lohari bell kapa various kinds: ring bell ka pa koa egret lele bellow shout ara hara frigate b. melare ( ) hornbill maiva belly eharau parrot miro have bellyful eharau huhara. ere momoha pernkite laho belong to (gen. mkr.) ve scrub fowl mala ita winking owl mapu beloved ikivere. iki havahu beloved person ikivere haela bit hakaea below ora ve. ipi ve. ihau ve bite mulava. burava below (of house) ihau bitter kaiake. keake belt, woven erekai bitter water ma kaiake bench haiavaki haha black meuru. mea-uru. uruka. uru bend kovaiava bladder kaliko. lalupe beneath ihau ve blame 0 haha space beneath ihau 114 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX blaze a uru lai breastbone arahu ve uki bleed apu horera collarbone maria uki break bone uki koeka blemish maea helare helare b. be dislocated uki haiae lai bless morapaea: pl. momorapu. 0 ai book buka momorapu cause to bless lei morapaea; pl. lei boot loa iilu momorapu border kao. pao blind ovohae kariri bore hole hukera. hukora. ura hukora be blind ovohae kariri ara ( ) temporarily blinded ovohae oro-oro borrow apitore lai blink ovohae kapura kapura both ari. ali blister poaekakape ita bother lei heraho lai block (path) oki hereava bottle kavabu blood apu bottom ipi blossom pupuri bough laka blow (air) hohoa boundary maka blow flute meovo hohoa bow n. apo blow conch shell puva hohoa bow string apo maolo. maolo wind to blow mea hohoa blow upon (with mouth) hohomaia bow down ekaopa be bowed, bent over koekaopa blue deep uruka. uru ( ) bowels eharau blue sea (li ke arohae (flower)) rna arohae hovea bowl, wooden huhuhaita blunt kupa bow (of canoe) iroki ve oropa blunt side (back of knife) mavaihe ukai box kohu boar ila mea boy akore: pI. mekehaku board n. huhu board (boat) horea brace muhi. kaibaraka boast mara vi ara. 0 (oharo) pelaea ara brackish kaikara ila body maea brag maravi ara. 0 (oharo) pelaea ara cold body (as with malaria) maea brain haro hae. haro ara vevehere. maea hahaita clean in b. maea veveroro branch laka diseased b. maea heaha: pI. maea small branch, twig laka titaka. maeako. heahaha maku: pI. mamaeako bog ita havari. ita pikuru brandish (spear) lape vuvuraea boil (water) rnaara brass berasi b. over hot stones kararuka brave aeaha boil n. hiha brawl hahari bold iki ahea bread pai. palaoa bone uki breadfruit lauka backbone kaka uki ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 115 break (string) haelapa build ku. kukuea break (stick) koeka; pI. koekava builder uvi horova haela break into pieces kohaharoa bullet harita broken body maea koeka broken bones maea uki koeka bunch (bananas) meae kupe b. (coconuts) la hepara breaker (of sea) kohaharuka. ma haha bundle (firewood) houka breast amae. avae bundle up firewood a hoi a breastbone arahu ve uki burden mehau eharu breath iki mahuvu. mea breathe mea hohoa. iki harerava. iki hua burn (of fire) a ilala breathless iki mea karia burrow v.i. karu iha breed vL epa. era burst haroau. koharoa breeze mea burst open (of body) maea kohauara northerly b. maruru bury, be buried iha: pI. ihaha: karu iha bridge haite bush, waste land huakara. huakara merava. bright, brightness hohorohohoro ita merava. kaipu. kaipure bring kaiva eke; pI. kari eke. kara eke. lai busy, be horova eapapo lai eke business horova brink poe. opoe but aka. ka bristle(s) laki butt (of sago leaf) kokaa pig's bristles ila ve laki butterfly pipi broad huraha buttock e-ipi be broad huraha lai button pitopito broil (cook over hot coals) a avea buy ilaea lei ava brood (meditate) ikikekela by means of ila1 broom puri brother ( m. speaking) younger akoreheari; c pi. maraita older akoreapo: pi. huhohoaha cackle n. maea hi: v.i. maea hi ara (I. speaking) loare: pi. loa hula calamity hoa heaha brother-in-law akila: pl. ovakila. (See Appendix 1) calculate kaoa brown uruku apiapi. kairuka apiapi calf of leg loa parae. loa ekela reddish b. ovoka call, call out to itava browse hohe lara call out loudly ara hai itava brush puri calm (of sea) ahea kiapa. ma here brushwood lakalaka be calm here lai make calm lei here lai bubble v.i. ohare horera: pupuari pupuari ara calumniate rare lei heaha lai bud rorore camp kovo uvi buffet v.t. koa can (be able) ore. ore lai 116 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX cancel hapururuka cat's cradle (string game) paikake cane (lawyer vine) merove cauldron elaa eapapo cane (Iiana) paiva caulk (holes in canoe) iroki ura kokauka cannibal haela lalalula haela cause ehovea canoe, small iroki without cause naoae double canoe iroki haruhu caution kiva sea-going c. vevaea take great c. kiva auhohi lai outrigger c. iroki miro cautiously mekari canoe pole kaiaruka bows of c. iroki ve oropa cave have ura c. gunwale iroki pao cease karia lai c. sea journey vevaea hai cemetery kapu ita cap haro iilu: v.t. koharitopa censure oropai maea capable, be ore lai census haela kaoaki hoa cape pelaea centipede eapea capsicum, chilli kuru kuru . lahupi centre iele captain (of ship) vevaea kapena certain ore havahu lai captive au hahaki haela chain auri horou care kiva take care of kiva lai chair haiavaki haha be careful kiva lai challenge mare ve itavaki 0 carefully auhohi. mekari careless naoae change koelari (of heart, mind) n. iki helari: v.i. iki carpenter evera haela helari lai carry kaiva: pi. kara channel rnave oki c. on pole or shoulders, or on animal oraiava chant n. hivi: v.t. hivi hela c. astride the neck apea huka character mai c. in hand mai paea au charge (price) kavale c. pick-a-back keva hariva charity ikiheroe carve kovaela: pi. kovavaela charm (magic) cassowary maho Iva c. made from dwarf coconut marupai. la cast (throw) huava marupal cast spear lape huha chat oharo hukava cast lots koae koa chatter aimlessly oharo naoae ara c. away aukapa c. down ipi koa chase away avaka castrate kou hae oaea chasm karu karu iele cat pusi chastise haru koa. haru hara catch koara cheap kavale hekai catch hold of mal paea cheat opore ara caterpillar miria check heheava ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 117 cheek aho clasp v.L mai paea; pl. mai papaeha cheerful, be ikiveveke ara clatter kara kara cherish kiva lai claw (of crab) kao chest, side of chest (body) kararapi clay kae chest (box) kohu. maua clean ovava. veveroro chew kao kakaoa be clean ovava lai. veveroro lai make clean lei veveroro lai chicken kokora clean habits mai veveroro chick kokora mere clean in heart iki veveroro hen kokora abu mother hen kokora lou clear ova va cock kokora mea clear water rnaalalak a clear (in mind) iki ovava lai chide aihukamaea clear away avau; pl. aiau chief (important) akea cleave (split) au kovaela; pI. au kovavaela chief (headman) amua haela. haelapo clever maea hahehahe child m. akore; f. mari cliff kela pelaea childish akore hekai hovea childless korovu climb peka; pl. pekahava be childless korovu lai cling to mai hahava chill maea hahaita clip koerapa chilly vevehere close near maea. maeamaea be chilly vevehere lai ( ) close shut kokauka chilli kuru kuru. lahupi ( ) cloth pura chin auhale clothes maea pura chip kora laka; v.t. hakakaea spread cloth pura hailava clothe maea kohaha. maea pura ora; pl. chirp maea hi; v.i. maea hi ara maea pura oreau chisel pao remove clothes pura oaea choice adj. veveke iele c1oud(s) mea-uru. meuru c. to gather meuru korukai korukai choke karave haeharoa. kopareara be covered by c. meuru ora choose ikivere lai cumulus c. mea lalai cloudy meuru ila chop (firewood) kovaela; pl. kovavaela chop down (tree) kora haea; pI. hahaea club para choppy sea rna pakupaku long club poke. lelao ( ) stone-headed club mahoro churlish iki heaha clump (of trees) koru hiru circular koru clumsy mai mahuka clammy huruhuru clutch (grab) huherava clamour, clamorous ikihahika coarse (of cloth) hite clan vila-ipi; pl. vila ipipi coast miri clap hands mai haparahapara 118 ENGLlSH·OROKOlO INDEX

coat akea pura comb n. huhari coax kurupaea combat, armed maora ara. mare ara cock kokora mea combine kopererea cockcrow time ( ) kokora hi hoa come (from E.) iki cockroach ihoko come (from W.) eke. kela coconut (palm and fruit) la. laa come (arrive) from kihorea; pI. kihoreava husk c. la hehea come close maeamaea eke come across water kelau C. husk la kauke prise out c. la hukuaea come up kipeka dried C. leaf la hehaa comet au hareavaki kou c. cotyledon la mahura comfort hahakaea c. 'eyes' la ovo C. flesh la aivau command ape karaya ara green c. bunch la hepara commence ipopea green c. (with soft flesh) la veveure inside of trunk la hae commendation marahe c. leaflet midrib la puri commotion urukuku midstem of leaf la uki oil of c. la apu companion kake C. oil (scented with herbs, used for compassion ikihuru anointing hair and body) tehoro have compassion ikihuru lai old c. palm la kokopi pair of c. la maropa compel ahila ripe c. la ahe competent ore. maiore C. shell la hekako complain iki hairi ohar� ara. lavuka lavuka dwarf dried-up C. la marupai ara sprouted c. la kororo complaint iki hairi unripe c. la haipara young green c. la ihaure complete karai. karia lai completely oaria coil v.l. lakori comprehend iki ovava lai cold vevehere comprehending ovava be, feel cold vevehere lai conceal avarapa collapse (of building) v.i. marura conceit, conceited maea pelaea. pelaea collarbone maria uki be conceited maea pelaea lai. pelaea lai collect (people, things) korukaia conceive maea popou lai collide koparuka concern, be concerned ikikelava colours (no general term) conch shell puva black uruka havahu blow c. shell puva hohoa blue, also green ahihiru ahihiru brown, dark uruka apiapi conclude karia lai light brown kairuka apiapi concur ikikekela hovea lai grey uruka red ovoka condemn 0 haha white houhuka conduct mai yellow kairuka correct c. mai ehoe ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 119

confess eara ara corpulent paraeapo confirm 0 hovea ara correct ehoe conflict hahari corrupt, corruption huru confused, be iki lamukilamuki lai cost kavale conquer heaorapa cotton ela kapok tree mari consecrate lei hehe lai cough n. liha; v.i. liha hua consent ikivere lai counsel n. ovoro kileaki oharo; v.t. ovoro consider iki heheava. oharo heheava kopa console hakakaea count kapa. murea constantly mea oaria countenance oropape constipation e aheke countless, be maeakoko lai construct kariki. ku; pl. kukuea country ita consume (by fire) a hara courageous aeaha c. (by eating) lakara cove ruma hekai contempt, treat with c. kakakoea covenant pupu okoare contend miho-mahe ara cover over roroapa content, be ikiveveke ara cover head haro kokauka contest ha hari c. with soil kekele roroapa continually mehaemehae cower muruha haiava contradiction 0 lahua crab (no general term) large edible c. miha controversy 0 hahari (male) miha ahe converse oharo hukava (female) miha kapere conversation oharo oharo crab claw miha kao convert iki lei helari lai small sand crab hauka crack(s) (in pot) coo huva hi koe-kavaki ita crafty cook kararuka hehepo cramp, get cool vevehere ipouka haha crash v.i. copper berasi kopararapa crawl copulate with hea loa hai loa crawl about hailoa. hai yea copy hoveahovea lai crazy ihape coral ahea rnave have be crazy ihape lai cord ela crayfish kaisi core (of boil) hiha ve iele creak karakara cork (of bottle) hukuvu create kariki corner kao. huepa creek rna hoho large creek mai 120 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX creep loa hai loa cuscus hohoela. ohela creeper (beach c.) poro custody kiva crew (of ship) vevaea haela cut down (branches) koelaea cut off crippled legs loa hilauhilau haelapa cut up kovaela; pI. kovavaela crocodile aitahe crooked haiae o crop (garden produce) oru eapal dab on roroa cross n. satauro daily hare hare cross (river, etc.) v.t. elau damp huruhuru cross water on foot loa elau dance e. mahea; v.i. e irihi. mahea hara crossway oki lakalaka dangle v.t. lei hareau croton various kinds: dark, darkness muru erere. haihiava. kero. marere be dark muru lai make dark lei muru lai crouch down loa ari haiava very great darkness murumuru apo crow, of cock kokora hi havahu sky, be dark mea uru koa crowbar auri ea darling ikivere haela crowd (of people) haela lakea. haela oaria crowd around hupakaia. maea koela dart (a spear) v.t. lape huha dash (on ground) crown n. korona; v.t. koharitopa. haro ve mea koa kora3 dash into pieces kohaharoa crown of head haro kue daub muramura koa cruel aeaha daughter mari; pI. marita crumb(s) eroe daunt lei oaoka lai crumble marura dawn, early mea opaki hoa crush to pieces huriva day hare crush underfoot loa huhara day, to begin mea opa cry hi today mahau hare cry out in anguish maea hi ara tomorrow opoa. opoa hare third day itovea v.t. cuff mai koa fourth day marape cumulus cloud mea lalou dazzled ovohae ororo cunning hehepo dead huru cup hekako deaf avako ipi hahuru curly (hair) larolaro deal (exchange) n. kakavae. ilaea current (in water) ma elele deal out v.t. hamurea curse n. 0 heaha; v.t. &- i. 0 heaha ara dear (big price) kavale eapapo curtain off v.t. kokauka dear (beloved) ikivere ENGUSH-OROKOLO INDEX 121 dearth (of food) hohera denounce 0 haha death apaki hoa depart harepa; pI. hakurepa debate oharo hukava depth karu debilitate lei mahuka lai deputy ita avaki haela debt apitore deride heheo ara debtor apitore haela descend hoau. ipi hoau. pI. hoahuka; ihau. decayed poae kihoau. pI. kiheahuka become decayed poae lai descendant meamari; pl. huhuve. meavohula deceit opore deceive opore ara desecrate pupu haerapa deceiver opore haela desert (forsake) hukerapa. hakurepa deck (of canoe, boat) luha. vevaea ve luha desert (wilderness) huakara merava declare hihika maea design hohoa decompose poae lai make design hohoa hara decoration, decorated maupa. maea karoro desire n. ikivere. kekela; v.t. ikivere lai. karoro kekela. iki kekela be decorated maupa lai desist karia lai well decorated maupa eapapo desolate hauaka lai dedicate lei hehe lei avara despise haure lai deep karu despondent iki hareho defeat heaorapa be despondent iki hareho lai defend huelapa destitute merava defile lei hirihiri lai be destitute merava lai defy vuvuraea destroy haivoava delay hahari hahari lai detach hareava delight ikiveveke determined iki aheke be delighted ikiveveke ara detest iki heaha lai deliver (rescue) lei makuri; pI. lei makukuri devour lakara delude amuraea dew heaoa deluge rna haa dialect uri delve kekele iha diarrhoe� e mare demand ape karaya dictate ahila make demand ape karaya lai die apa demolish hukilala. kopararapa different lahua lahua. lauhalauha demon haelaharihu be different lahua lai demonstrate amoea; pI. aioea make different lei lahua lai den loro difficult heraho den of robbers korea haela ve lora dig kekele iha 122 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX

digging stick lelao. lopa at a d. (remote) apehai ve; dilatory haiapo (short) arai ve dim murumuru distend larua dip (bale) rnahip a distress (of mind) iki kakare dip (from well) rna hiva distribute ham urea direction ukai district hoa dirge hehe hivi ditch karu dirt elorova dive apihau dirty hirihiri diverse lahua lahua (of water) rnahirihiri divide in two kovara ukai ukai disabled, be hohara divine (foretell) koae koa disappear havoava divorce (wife) uva hoa haerapa disband kopiapa; pI. titava d. husband/wife vila/uva haure lei disciple kilea haela haitapa discontented iki hairihairi dizzy, be maea helari helari. ovohae murumuru lai discord, (Jiscordant ikihahika do lai discouraged, be iki mahuka lai docile malaha discourse iroro doctor muramura haela. dokita discover koara dodge hareau discuss ohar� hukava dog ave; pI. avita disease maea heaha domesticated malaha disembowel e oaea dominion basileia disfigure maea haiae lai door, doorway okiape dish haita double over koravakaia disheartened, be iki mahuka lai doubt horahora. ikihorahora dishevelled haro koro naoae be in doubt horahora lai dislike iki hairi dove hivi. huva; pl. huva akokore dislocated (bone), be uki haiae lai down adv. & adi ipi disperse kopiapa; pl. titava • doze ovohae mehau lai dispute n. 0 hahari; v.i. & t. miho-mahe ara drag hakeava disrepute rare heaha drake mokora mea dissatisfied iki hairi draw (pull) keava dissolve avoa draw near maeamaea eke dissuade kurupaea dread oaoka; v.t. oaoka lai distance (remote) apehai dream ivahi d. (short) arai see in a dream ivahi eava ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX 123

dregs kurua dwell aea; pl. apea dress pura. maea pura dwelling uvi to dress maea kohaha. maea pura ora; pl. dwelling place aeaki ita maea pura oreau dye hohoa muramura undress pura oaea. pura helauka. pura hauava dyspnoea iki huaki maea drift murai yea; pl. murai roa E drink lara. rnalara; pI. pres. cont. lalaro drip peroavaia each haroapo haroapo dripping (fat) kapare eager, be ikivere havahu lai drive avaka eagle hawk harapa drive away huverea ear (outer} avako drivel oharo naoae. naoae oharo (inner) avako ipi talk drivel oharo naoae ara earth mea. meahaiapo drizzle lai ororo earthquake mea puipui earth, to quake mea puipui eke droop haroroapa earthworm mea hevehe branches d. viroropa ease, be at iki here lai drop oau east kauri drops (water) rnaperehekai eastward kauri ukai drown rnaiha; pI. rnaihaha to the east kauri ukaki east wind kauri mea. kerere mea drowsy, be ovohae hoea; pl. ovohae hoho easy heraho ka drum apa eat lara. eapai lara; pl. pres. cont. lalaro drunk adj. ihape eat up lakara dry kakarara eaves uvi ve oko kao dry (in sun) v.t. hare koa ebb (tide) oa. rnaoa duck (wild) karakara. viviori tame d. mokora echo ove ve hi (f.) mokora abu eddy, current rnaelele (drake) mokora mea edge kao. pao dull (blunt) kupa edge of water rnapoe. rnakao dumb iki haveva. 0 muruha. oharo haveva edge of knife hoi kao be dumb iki haveva lai edge of stone have poe dumpling (sago) pai koru educate kilea dunce ikihaveva haela eel (small) lavi (large) hapaela dung e efface hapururuka dusk, become mea ala effigy ove ehau dust (in air) kekele mahuvu (settled) mihiri effulgence hohorohohoro dwarf keke. maea keke egg ori hae 124 ENGLISH-OROKOlO INDEX egret (white) lele enfeeble lei mahuka lai eight ari-ila engagement (to marry) maepaki okoare eighteen horo-ukai-ila engrave hohoa hara eject pl. avaka; haruapa enjoy ikiveveke lai elated, be ikiveveke lai enlarge lei eapapo lai elbow mai ari enlighten lei ovava lai elder oropa haela enmity iri eldest koare be at enmity with iri haela lai eldest son akore koare eldest daughter mari koare enough, be hovea lai enough! kahara! elect ikivere lai enquire apevelavela lai elephantiasis hura e. of leg loa hura enrage lei hihiri lai elevate urapa entangle haha naoae eleven karave-ila enter keveka elongate lei heaikiapo lai entertain auhohi lai emaciated (of people) maea karoroka entice kurupaea embark horea entire maeakoko entirely aux. v. pua embassy meu haela entrails e ember(s) a kae entrance okiape embrace mai hahava entreat oharo velavela lai emerge (from under water) kokora3 entreaty (prayer) Ivalva emetic mu kaitavaki muramura enumerate kaoa employment horova enormous eapapo iele empty haroka envelop kokauka encamp kovo kukuea envelope aroa enclose helari hupaka envoy meu haela enclosure ara be envoy meu lai encounter kilahuka, koara envy iki heaha lai encourage hakakaea epilepsy haiaru hekeheke end v.i. kari lai equal hoveahovea put an end to v.t. ka lai erect urapa endeavour maea hovave lai err haiae lai endless karia lei va ka eruptions (on skin) pailapaila endure aheke lai scabies kikili enemy iri haela escape hukau, vivila takes i ('with'), e.g. e i iri haela (you with) your enemy eternal mea oaria ENGUSH-OROKOLO INDEX 125 evening hailaea eyelash ovohae koro eyelid ovohae iilu ever mea oarla every oana F every day hare oaria evil mai heaha. mai haiae fable lou oharo do evil mai heaha lai face oropape exact, be ehoe lai be face to face oropape lai disfigured face (for mourning) oropape examine heheava here-maea exasperated iki heraho fade mahuka lai be exasperated iki heraho lai faint api heheapa. iki papailapa exceed heaorapa fair wind mea veveke excellent mekakure faith iapa. ikikekela be excellent mekakure lai have faith in ikikekela exchange kakavae. ilaea fall (topple over) hilau. hiloi excite lei urukuku lai fall down oau. hoa; pi. hohoa exclamation (traditional) ihura. maea ihura false opore make trad_ exclamation ihura ar"a falsehood oharo opore. opore excrement e fame hari veveke exhibit amoea family lalava haela. huhuve. apavara. vila­ ipi; pl. vila ipipi. vilaipipi exhort ahila famine hohera. mea hohera exile, be in ita lahua aea be famished eroa havahu hara; pl. eroa expect kari havahu haea expel avaka fan papahi; vL & i. veveo expire apa far apehai explode hauara farewell (to person(s) staying) a v'aeaki; pi. e v apeaki extend heaikiapo lai fashion mai exterior mahokaea fast (abstain from food) ere ererea; n. ere extinguish a huhurapa. a huhura eheke extol morapaea: pi. momorapu fast, make (firm) aheke haha be fast (on reef) haha akea hekaea extraordinary hoa lahua fast (quickly) elavelave exult maea pelaea lai fat n. kapare eye ovohae adi plump paraeapo open eyes ovohae kohelauka; pi. ovohae kohehelauka father oa; pi. oa-ula close eyes ovohae apukilava father-in-law (of man) uva ve oa; see bad eyes ovohae heaha Appendix 1 eyeball ovohae hae fatigued, be maea mahuka lai eyebrow ovohapu be heavy-eyed ovohae hoea; pl. ovohae fault haiae hoho 126 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX favour ikiheroe. harihari thumb hue favourite ikivere haela little finger haroapo fingernail mai haro fear n. oaoka: v.L & i. oaoka lai inward fear iki oaoka fi nish ka lai. karai. kari lai. karia lai feast hurae fire a make a feast hurae lai flame of fire a uru fire. to burn feather (s) a yea. avea ori koro set fireto a ilila feeble mahuka. maea mahuka f. to go out a hurura. a hururapa feed eapai laea: eapai avara firefly hohoro fireplace a hurae feel mai kohara firestick a hari feign hehepo lai firewood a ukuku fell (a tree) kora haea firm aheke fellow kake. hilavila first adj. koare: adv. oropa. opa firstborn akore/mari koare female abu. uamari first fruits oropa huhoreavaki hae fence (timber horizontal) kara. haua first wife uva koare upright stakes ara fish ekaka: v.t. ekaka haropa ferment larua fish float kimai ve mehau fishhook kimai ferocious aeaha havahu fisherman ekaka haropi haela fetch aviki fist.clench mai kupava fetid muo heaha five h ue-ila fever maea vevehere. maea hahaita flame a uru: v.i. a uru lai few perehekai. haroapo haroapo flame tree laura fibre (of coconut) la kouke flare (dried coconut leaf) la hehaa fierce aeaha flash (lightning) v.i. kevao makaea. kevao fifteen karave-ukai maya flash repeatedly kevao makaemakae fig suke kora flat heheapa fight n. hahari be flat heheapa lai v.t. & i. (with weapons) mare ara. maora ara flatter opore morapaea fight(w ithout cause) hihiri naoae flay (skin) iilu hohoa file irii. marekaki eharu flea lia. pailalia fill heloekoa: pl. heheloekoava flee oaoka lei hukau. vivila filth elorova fleet (canoes. ships) vevaea oaria fin(s) of fish eka ka ve hoa fleet-footed loa elavelave find koara flesh aivau fine(weather) mea veveke fling koa finger mai lekoka flirt pelaea lai ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX 127

float (fish) n. kimai ve mehau for (on behalf of) v·ila. ve i: c.g. for him. on his behalf are v'ila float v.i. mura: pI. mumura forbear aheke aea flock n. hiru. oaria forbid hereava flock together hareho korukaia ford (cross water on foot) loa elau flog haru koa forearm n. mai parae flood rna hoa. rna huhu forefinger oropa lekoka floor. flooring luha forehead hevere flour palaoa foreleg (of animal) mai flow (of water) rna hoau. rna horera knee of foreleg mai ari flower pupuri foreign lahua. ita lahua ve fluent ape veveke foreigner laho haela fluid rna foremost oropa. opa flute (bamboo) meovo forenoon vevelare play flute meovo hohoa forest huakara fly n. erope forget iki hoapa fly v.i. hururuka forgive hapururuka fly away maho vivila. vivila fork huhari flying fox kavo forked path otiharo ikupa foam rna ohare forked timber kora ikupa foe iri haela forlorn merava fog mea oro form maea. maea hovea foil hereava former oropa. over a ve eharu formerly oropaki hoa fold kopakohaea. koravakaia fornication airi pavora. uva/vila korea folklore overa ohar�. Iou ohar� forsake hukerapa. hakurepa follow airekai. aire ekekai au fortitude iki aheke folly i ki haveva forward oropa fond. be ikivere lai foul heaha food eapai food (remainder) eapai kepea. hohoe foundation Ipl fool ihape haela. ikihaveva haela founder n. ipi haela foolish ihape four hari-ila be foolish ihape lai. iki haveva lai fourfold hoa hari-ila foot loa fowl ori front part of foot loa oropa sole of foot loa hara fracture (bone) uki koeka footpath oki fragile mahuka footprint loa. loa karu footwear loa iilu fragrance. fragrant muo heroe. muo veveke 128 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX frail mahuka G fraud opore gale mea eapapo. mea heaha eapapo free (without cost) kavale ka gall muramura kaeake freight vevaea ve eharu gambol elau ara frequently mea oaria. hoa oaria gaol uvi muru fresh (water) ma koa garden oru fret iki hairihairi lai make a g. oru haha friend (close) kake. loaukai (m. or f. gardening oru horova speaking ) garden produce oru eapai girl friend mari kake gargle karave ipi lalaoka frigatebird melare garment maea pura. pura fright oaoka garrulous oharo oaria frighten v.t. lei oaoka lai be frightened oaoka iai gasp iki hua fringe pao. kao gate, gateway okiape fringe of cloth pura kao. pura pao gather, gathering korukaia frisk about elau ara gather fruit hae ikaea gathering clouds meuru korukai korukai frivolous elau naoae gaze ovohae eava frizzy (hair) larolaro gecko kaiapakore. pakore frog pariala geld kou hae oaea from ve generation (Bibl. trans. = age front n. & adj. oropa. opa set) vilakao be in front oropa lai at the front oropa ve generous iki amua froth ma ohare gentle mahuka frown oropape karerea genuine iele germinate rorore huhorea: pl. rorore fruit hae. kora hae huhoreava bear fruit hae horera: pI. horeravahaea fruitless iele karia. hovea ka gesture (making sweeping hand gesture) mai ove aioea frustrate lei heraho lai get kaiva: pI. kara fry a vea. a ekaraia get up urou: pI. urahuka fuel (firewood) a uku: pI. a ukuku ghost ovehahu. haelaharihu. harihu fulfil iele lai giddy, be haro helari full, brimful heloe Ie koa gift meru. meru eharu fun elau be a gift meru lai make a gift meru avara furious hiriri. iki heaha gill(s) ekaka ve kavuru futile iele karia gimlet au hukoraki eharu future aireaki hoa ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX 129 ginger apiapi gouge out hukuaea gird hopa haha gourd orohae girl mari govern amua horova lai girl friend ( m. or /. speaking) mari kake grab huverava. lorilori give avara: pI. aiara grace ikiheroe meru glad, gladness ikiveveke gradually hahari hahari be glad ikiveveke lai grain (of wood) hohoa. karoro glare (of sun) hare ve hohorohohoro glare (piercing look) oropape hihiri grandchild meamari: pI. meavohula grandfather vilari: pI. vilari-ula glass (mirror) ma ve ove grandmother uvari: pI . uvari-ula glisten hohorohohoro lai grant avara globular koru grapple mai aheke paea gloom, gloomy muru grasp huverava glorify morapaea: pI. momorapu grass (short) hohe: (kunai) rei glow hohorohohoro lai grasshopper paitau gnash kao ererea grate (coconut) la karila gnaw kao kakaoa grave kapu. karu go (eastwards) au graveyard kapu ita (westwards, towards beach) itau gravel have kekele go about on foot loa veavea lai go down hoau. huauka. ihau graze (skin) iilu kohehea sun go down hare ihau eat grass hohe lara go in front oropa au grease kapare go inland kau. ukavu go out uhau: pl. uhauka great eapapo go to and fro aula kela vea great-grandchild meavore: pI. meavohula go to, go up to kiau great-grandfather vilari apo go up, inland peka: pl. pekahava great-grandmother uvari apo go up and down in wind mea vavara great-grandparents (ancestors) aualau haela goat nanikosi greedy e lahua God Aualari godliness Aualari ikivere mai green ahihiru ahihiru gold auro green coconut la ihaure bunch of green coconuts la hepara good, goodness veveke: pl. mekaka very good veveke iele greeting (you are there! ) a va lae! pl. e va goodbye (you stay!) a v·aeaki! pI. e lae! v·apeaki! grey meuru. mea-uru. uruka goodnight! oroa veveke! grey hair haro harita good-looking maea veveke grieve ikihuru lai. hivavara ara goods eharu grind (axe, etc.) hua. mareka gorge n. hahapa grindstone marekaki have 130 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX gripe eharau kakare hack hakakaea lai groan hi ara haft (of knife) hoi ve mai groin, gland when palpable pirere. pirere hair koro hae hair (head) haro koro grope mal naoae paea hair (body) maea koro pubic hair ground mea. kekele. ira (male) he koro groundless iele ka. iele karia (female) eke koro hairy man maea koro oaria haela grove of trees kora hiru hair under arm murukae koro grow aha. aheau. horeava hair oil tehoro growl (of dog) purupuru ha� hakaea. uku. hapu half full hapu hua grumble iki hairihairi lai. 0 peke ara: lavuka lavuka ara halfway ikupa hoa. oki ikupa hoa grumbling iki hairihairi hallow lei he he lai grunt (of pig) ila ve koreara koreara halt au pava guard kiva lai halve hamuraea. kovara ukai ukai guess ikikekela naoae. oharo naoae kekela cut in half ukai ukai haerapa guest ha hi haela. ekeki haela hamlet karikara

guide v.l. lai au: n. lai auki haela hammer hama: v.L koa guile, guileful maea hahehahe hammock ivitoto guilt haiae. heaha hamper hereava gullet karave ipi hand mai left h. mai keva gulp iropa right h. mai ore gum avare. hekaeaki eharu clap hands mai haparahapara handful mai haroapo gum s ( ) kao miri one hand mai ukai gun apo. ipidi palm of h. mai hara gunpowder pauda take by the hand mai paea: pI. mai papaeha gunwale (of canoe) pere. iloki pao handwriting karoro. mai karoro gush out rna huhoreava handkerchief muko gut(s) maea ve e. e handle mai: v.L mai paea: pI. mai papaeha gut v.t. e oaea handsaw mai ee H handsome oropape veveke. maea veveke hang (be hanging) v.i. kaea: pI. kakaeha: habit mai3 v.t. airovo-kaea clean habits mai veveroro hang oneself elare maea airovo-kaea habitually hare oaria hang up avika habituate lei malaha lai hanker after ikivere lai habitation uvi. aeaki ita happy, happiness ikiveveke ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 131

be happy ikiveveke ara heat ahea; v-t. lei ahea lai make happy lei ikiveveke lai heave koa huha harangue iroro heaven kaia. kaia akea harbour ruma heavens! oie! hard aheke heavy mehau harden lei aheke lai be heavy mehau lai hardly heraho ila make heavy lei mehau lai heavy-hearted iki mehau harken iapa heel loa ikipi harlot harari uamari. korea uamari height akea harm heaha (of person) heaikiapo harpoon haura heir haruku avaki haela harsh words oharo aheke helm hihe. kapena harvest (fruit) hae ikaea help koara. hukapa hasty, hastily elavelave helper koaraki haela hat haro iilu. kepa-kepa hem pura pao hatch (eggs) hae koekaka hen kokora abu. kokora lou hatchet ila hekai henceforth aireaki hatchet head ila haro her arero; gen. areve hate iki heaha lai herb kora mere haughty maea pelaea. iki pelaea herd animala hiru haul hakeava here (this place) maia have ava; pl. aea be here maia lai haven ovokake ita. kavu ita. ruma (demon.) ma. me. mave here and there noaenoae hawk apumaharea hereafter aireaki eagle hawk harapa heron (egret) lele haze mea oro. meoro hesitate horahora lai he are hew kovaela head haro headland pelaea hibiscus maumau headwaters mai kue hibiscus tree oro (fall) headlong akea oau hiccough aka heal lei veveke lai. lei makuri hide n. iilu health, healthy ovokake hide v.t. avarapa. aiarapa heap hiru. ita pakuva. korukaiaki eharu hide oneself arau; pl. arahuka hear iapa high (tall) akea; (of person) heaikiapo highest point kue heart haipe. hoipe (of river, source) mai kue seat of emotions iki (of sky) kaia kue hearth a hurae high-minded (arrogant) iki pelaea 132 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX

high water rnaeapap o hoop koru highway okiharo hop hareau hareau hill kela hope ikivere; v.i. ikivere lai hillock kela hekai hope (wait for) kari him arero horizon kaia ve kao hinder hereava horn (of cattle) karahe. kea hindmost aireaki horn bill maiva hinge elele hornet muru. apovea hinterland ure horse hosi hip ora hospitable iki amua his areve hot ahea history hari hotheaded iki ahea. iki elavelave hit koa house uvi hit back kavale koa back of h. uvi ve aireaki ukai eaves of h. oko kao hither and thither aula kelari household uvi haela oaria. lalava haela hoard korukaia householder (master of h.) uvi haelapo. uvi ve haelapo hoarse karave ipi heaha men's house eravo hobble loa hilau hilau young men's house maupa eravo house post uvi ve ihau; pi. ihiau hoist urapa. lei urapa how? learia? leari? lehae7 hold in hand, take hold of mai paea. maepa; pl. mai papaeha how many? leaovaila? leavaila? hold up mai peke paea however laeviva hold (of ship) vevaea ve eharu ita howl (of dog) ihura ara hole ura hubbub iki hahika waterhole rnaka ru hug arahu hahava hole (in ground) karu. mea ura mend hole(s) ura hahaea. ura haea huge eapapo iele holiday sepele hum (sound) uara take a holiday sepele lai humane iki heroe hollow (empty) haroka humble maioka holy (taboo) pupu. pupu ila humpback, hunchback kaka laua home elare ita. elare ukaki hunger eroa at home ita leia be hungry eroa hara; pi. eroa haea honour (show h. to) morapaea; pl. hunt hahie; v.l. nakea. hahie lai momorapu hurl koa. huha honey avare hurry elavelave au hoof loa hara hook (fish) kimai; v.l. ekaka hoherava ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 133 hurt n. kakare: v.i. kakare lai impatient, be iki hairihairi lai husband vila: pl. vilaita. vilahoaha imperfect hovea hovea ka. veveke ka divorce h. vila hoa haerapa implicate 0 haha hush hi kaelue implore ape velavela lai. ape karaya ara husk (of coconut) la kouke: v.t. la hehea impossible hovea ka husking stick lopa imprison uvi muru paraea hut uvi hekai. kovo uvi impudent makiri ka hymn (song) hivi in ve hypocrisy hehepo inside ure ve hypocrite hehepo haela. opore haela in the midst aruhihi ve incessantly mea oaria. hoa oaria incise kovaela lara incorrect ehoe ka. haiae idea iki ure increase (in size) horeava idiot ikihaveva haela indeed 0 iele idle maea mahuka. horova ka indemnify kavale hovea lai if -lava suffixed to verb (-ki form). with la pre fixed: la-verb-lava indignant hihiri ignite a ilila. a yea infamous hari heaha ignorant haveva infant (son) akore hekai be ignorant iki haveva lai. ore ka (daughter) mari hekai iguana ivura. aikaipu infect maea heaha koara ill, illness maea1. maea heaha infirm maea mahuka be ill maea lai. maea ila inform oharo kimaea. kilea become ill maea hara treat for illness muramura lai inhabit aea: pl. apea iIItreat lei heaha lai. hararua inhale iki hua ill-natured iki heaha iniquity mai haiae. mai heaha illumine, illuminate lei ovava lai inject karahe huha image maea hovea. ihova injure lei heaha lai imagine ikikekela inland ure imitate hovea hovea lai inlander ure haela immature are inner ure immature fruit hakoa innumerable kaoaki hovea ka immediately hoa haroapo. karaveria. rna hoa inquire ape velavela lai inquiry ape velavela immerse rnaur eve paraea insane ihape immorality mai heaha be insane ihape lai immortality ovokake aiai karia lei va ka insect (no general term) 134 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX

various kinds: irresolute horahora beetle kiokio island hiru click beetle rnarere hornet rnuru.ap ovea itch n. kikili; v.i. elaela sago beetle popoka silverfish rnekere J inside ure. ure ve jab huha insist 0 aheke ara. oharo aheke ara. ape karaya ara jail UVI rnuru insolent rnaea pelaea jaw (lower) auhale inspect ovohae eava jealous iki hairihairi instantly hoa haroapo jeer heheo instep loa hara karu jellyfish kali ko instigate kurupaea jest elau oharo. 0 pelaea pelaea instruct kilea join kopererea. kopakaea insult n. 0 heaha. oharo heaha; v.t. 0 heaha joint (body) ove; e.g. ara. 0 haiae ara ankle loa ove inter karu iha knuckle rnai lekoka ve ove (meat) aivau hakaea. aivau hakau interior ure. ure ve joint of pork garden interior ila hakaea oru ure (wood) avura intermediate aru ve joist ekapa internal ure. ure ve joke elau oharo. 0 pelaea pelaea interpret (translate) uri helari jostle huikapa interrogate ape velavela lai journey hahi interrupt hereava. oharo hairapa (by canoe, ship) vevaea ve ha hi interval aru ve ita joy ikiveveke intestines e. rnaea ve e judge v.t. heheava; n. oharo heheava haela intimate rnaea.rnaea rnaea judgement heheavaki hoa intimidate lei oaoka lai judicious ikiore intox.icate lei ihape lai juice apu. rna intrepid aheke. oaoka ka jump onto horea. hareau invalid n. rnaea heaha haela junction (road) oki lakalaka invert helari just (upright) rnaieho e justify lei ehoe lai investigate iele haropa invoke ara hai. itava invocation ivaiva inward ure ve iron auri ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 135

K L kangaroo, tree k. haiaru labour n. horova: v.i_ horova lai labourer kapok tree mari horova haela lack v.t_ & i. karia lai keen (edge) mare lad akore. hilavila: pl. mekehaku keep ava keep safe kiva lai ladder papaita keeper kiva haela. kiva leiki haela lagoon rnahou. rnaharu kernel hae. iele lake rnaharu kick loa hua. loa koa lame loa haiae: pI. loa hahaiae. loa hilau kidney(s) lauka hae. laukau-hae hilau kill huru hara: pl. huru haea. paea lament hi vavara lamentation hahaki oharo kin, kinsmen apavara lamp lamepa kind ikiheroe I. to go out lamepa huhura kindle (fire) a ilila light I. lamepa avea king amua. oropa haela land mea. kekele. ita kingdom basileia mainland meahaiapo dry land mea karakara kiss overa hihi. ape popoa landslide, landslip mea puipui kitten pusi mere land v.i. ukavu. peka pl. knee loa ari land on ai peka. peka: pekahava kneel down loa ari ara. loa ari haiava landing place pekaki ita language uri knead (flour) hua knife hoi lap mauki edge of knife hoi ve oropa larboard miro ukai knock koa large eapapo: pl. ehoaha knock on kokoea larva (of longicorn beetle) piku knot v.t. ela haha larynx karave hae know, have knowledge ore ara. ore lai Adam's apple karave lika know fully ipoveara lash v.t. haru koa knowledge ikiore. ore certain knowledge ore havahu lass mario hila-uamari knowledgeable person ore haela last aireaki. hita knuckle mai lekoka ve ove last night haila oroa last v.i. haiapo aea late aireaki. haiapo late in the day hare karia maeamaea later, later on aireaki ve. areaki hoa laud morapaea. maeaki lai laugh area kea 136 ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX launch (canoe, boat) v.t huaparaea level adj. heheapa: v.t. lei heheapa lai law pupu levity elau maio area mai lawful pupu ila Iiana paiva lawless pupu haure liar opore haela lazy maea mahuka liberal iki amua lead vL &: i. lai au lead up lai peka lick ape mehela leader lai auki haela. oropa haela lid ape leaf kora koro lie n. op�re. ohar� opore leaves korokoro tell a lie opore ara leaf to wither koro haroropa lie down uava: pl. urapa leaky (canoe) iroki ura ila lie down to sleep avuku uava lean (on stick) v.i. ekaopa lie prostrate uavai aea lie in wait muruhari kari leap, leap onto hareau life ovokake learn ore lai. kilea have life makuri least hekai iele be alive ovokake aea leather boromakau iilu lift hareava. kaiva leave harepa: pl. hakurepa lift up kaivoava lift up eyes ovohae iupe leave (holiday) n. sepele light n. be on leave sepele lai ovava be light ovava lai leaven palaoa vovohoaki muramura make light lei ovava lai: v.t. a yea leech ehoo turn down light a muhuao set light to a ilila leeside kavu ukai light to shine ovava horera left keva moonlight papare ovava left-hand(ed) mai keva starlight kou ovava left side mai keva ukai sunlight hare ova va left foot, leg loa keva light (in weight) koraoka legend lou-oharo light-headed haro helari leisure, be at iki paraea: pI. iki paparaeha lightning kevao leisurely hahari hahari I. to flash kevao makaea. kevao maya I. to flash repeatedly kevao makaemakae lend apitore lai lai length heaikiapo like hovea: pl. hovea hovea lengthen lei heaikiapo lai like this mahovea. mario maria lenient ikiheroe like that la hovea. lari. laria just like hovea hiki lessen lei hekai lai like v.t. ikivere lai lest ave lily (Crinum Lily) aikaupe let go paraea: pl. paparaeha lime oro letter hohoa. karoro lime gourd orohae lime tree and fruit sepora. tiporo ENGLlSH·OROKOlO INDEX 137 limit hoa lonely lahua limp adj. mahuka long adj. heaikiapo limp v.i. loa hilauhilau long for v.t. ikivere havahu lai limpid (water) rnaalalak a look. look at eava. ovohae eava look about line ovohae helari helari ela look down ovohae ipi eava. ovohae lineage vila-ipi: pl. vila ipipi: vilaipipi: lalava ekaupa look up ovohae iupe linger hahari hahari aea. kari looking glass rna ve ove. maove liniment haririki muramura loop n. lohela: v.t. haha3 lip(s) ape iilu loose adj. avaro liquid rna be loose avaro lai liquify rna ka lai loosen lei avaro lai looseness (diarrhoea) e mare listen iapa listen carefully mekari iapa lop kora haea lop branches koelaea litter (rubbish) elorova loquacious little hekai: pl. titaeka. titaka oharo oaria lord (Bibl. trans.) live (dwell) aea: pI. apea Amua be alive ovokake aea. ovokake lai. makuri lose havoava live. living adj. ovokake lose way. be lost ovo hoavi lose heart liver iki (regarded as seat of the emotions) iki mahuka lai stubborn iki aheke lot koae dislike. etc. iki hairi cast lots koae koa lizard (no general term) loud ara eapapo various kinds: lounge v.i. naoae haiava aikaipu. hahepa. huara. hurava. ivura. kaiapakore. kariri. pakore louse. lice karula lo! iapa! eava! head louse lia. pailalia love ikivere. ikiheroe: pl. ikiheheroe: v.t. load mehau eharu. eharu mehau ikivere lai. ikiheroe lai load up (many things) v.t. opa lovely mekakure load gun harita hua be lovely mekakure lai loaf palaoa. pai. bread low (of cow) boromakau hi loathe haure: pI. hahaure low adj. i pi ve locality ita. ia lower v.t. ipi paraea this locality maia lowering sky mea hihiri that locality laia weather be lowering mea uru koa low water (tide) rnaloi . rna hekai lock loka: v.t. loka kerari lowly maeoka. ipi ve lofty akea iele luff v.t. mea ukai koa. mea ukai kaita koa log (of wood) kora ikupa lukewarm perehekai ahea loins (waist) hopa. hapu lull (wind) v.i. mea mahuka lai. mea loiter loa naoae yea haerapa 138 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX luminous hohorohohoro work in manure e roara lump of clay pi kuru uku many oaria. maeakoko be many maeakoko lai lunatic ihape haela mar lei heaha lai lungs hoa margin hoa. pao. kao lure amuraea. kurupaea mark maka. ihova lurk muruhari kari make mark ih'ova lai M marking karoro marry (of men) uva laea. uva maepa mad ihape. iki haveva (of women) vila laea. vila maepa be mad iki haveva lai. ihape lai marriage maepaki hoa madness ihape mai marsh, marshy havari. huruha maggot hehee marvel n. ikihaparae. iki haparaehaparae. iki paealari. ikihorahora; v.i. iki magic maho haparaehaparae lai black magic maeahiri magician (sorcerer) maho haela. mast ive. auvia maeahiri haela master haelapo magistrate heheavaki haela headman amua magnify lei eapapo lai master of house uvi ve haelapo maid mario marihari masticate kao kakaoa maidservant horova mari mat kile maimed maea kakare match v.l. hoveahovea lai mainland meahaiapo matches n. a hari maintain kiva mea oaria lai mate n. kake. koaraki haela make kariki materials horova eharu. eharu male (of animals and birds) mea mature (of fruit) hae hovare malice iki heaha (of bananas) mea be mature mea lai mallet kora hama mean (miserly) ivuru man vila. haela; pl. vilaita. hilavila menfolk vilahoaha meaning iele mankind haela oaria meaning of speech ohar� ve iele mangle (tear) haipararapa measure n. ihova: v.t. ihova lai mango, tree and fruit meve. veve mediate lei havila lai mediator havila leiki haela mangrove (Rhizophora) para medicine muramura manifest hihika meek malaha manioc maniota meet koara. eava manner mal meeting (assembly) korukaia in this manner mario maria. mahovea meeting place koaraki ita manure e melancholy ikihuru ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 139 melt avoa misbehave mai heaha lai menace vuvuraea miserly ivuru mend (clothes) kokora be miserly ivuru lai mend (hoop net) keve hahaeroa mist mea oro mend holes ura hahaea. ura haea mistress (owner of dog, pig) lou; pi. lou­ menses papare mi ula mention maea. oharo maea; pl. maeaea misunderstand haiae iapa merchant ilaea haela mix, mix into, be mixed lamuki be mentally mixed up iki lamukilamuki merciful ikiheroe lai merry ikiveveke moan n_ maea hi; v.i. maea hi ara mesh ovo mock heheo ara. koela mesh net (various kinds:) reke. loko. keve moderate (sun or wind) mahuka message paraeaki oharo modest maea oaoka. maeoka messenger meu haela moist huruhuru act as messenger meu lai moisten lei huruhuru lai metaphor oharo hoveahovea (to water) ma vevea method maio leiki mai mole (on skin) laa micturate mi upa monsoon, south-east mea maura. maura midday hare hihi month papare middle aru hihi monument hehe have midnight oroa ahihi moon papare new moon papare are midrib (sago leaf) kokaa (moon) first quarter papare kerehekai midst aru ve full moon papare eapapo moonlight papare ovava midway ikupa hoa more kepea might aheke morning mild vevelare mahuka morning time vevelare hoa mildew mihiri Morning Star meopa kou milk amae apu morrow opoa. opoa hare mimic hoveahovea lai morsel(s) hakaea. perepere morsels of food eapai perepere mind n. iki. ikiure mine arave mortice (joint) kora koperereaki kao mingle, be mingled lamuki. hoa hareho mosquito ehare kopererea moth pipi mire pikuru mother lou; pl. lou-ula mirror ma ve ove mother-in-law (wife's mother) uva ve lou mirth ikiveveke m.-in-1. (husband's mother) vila ve lou 140 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX

motherly lou hovea N mother-of- pearl aitave haro nail karahe. ikoko mould, mouldy mihiri nail (finger) mai haro moult ori koro oau (toe) loa haro mound ita pakuva naked maheare; pI. maheheare mountain kela. kela eapapo be naked maheare lai mourn, mourn for ikihuru lai. hivavara name rare mourning ikihuru call by the name of rare ara mourning feast hehe eapai give name to rare rare itava move lei hareava gain a name rare ava move about velari nape (of neck) avea ipi move to and fro aula kela yea narrative hari much oaria narrow koko mucus pekoro very narrow koko hekai mud pikuru nasty heaha muddy pikuru ila nation wallow in mud pikuru ureve uava vila-ipi; pI. vila ipipi. vilaipipi native (belonging by birth) karikara haela. mulberrry hi kora. tapua ita haela multiply lei eapapo lai naughty heaha multitude haela oaria nausea mu maea hovea mumble ape harita harita ara nautilus shell iii haro murder haela hara navel hekore murmur ape harita harita ara nay ka murmur against ape hahari hahari ara. oharo hahari hahari near, nearly maeamaea near to maeamaea ve mute 0 muruha very near maea iele mutilate maea kovaela. maea haiae lai be near maeamaea lai mutter ape hahari hahari ara. 0 hihiri ara at a near distance arai ve (el- apehai vel mutual elarelare neck (front part) karave back of neck avea my arave necklace karave heropaki eharu. aitave. I myself ara havahu karave horou myrrh (Bibl. trans.) muro needle karahe myth lou oharo needy merava. maea heraho be needy merava lai neglect lei merava lai. haure lai neighbour i hareho aeavila haela: pI. i apealula haela nephew, niece: man's sister's child arlvu ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 141

man's brother's child akorejmari nostril(s) overa ape. overa ura woman's brother's child meavore not (neg. mkr.) ka; (emphatic) karia woman's sister's child akorejmari. See Appendix 1 notable (important) hari eapapo nest loro notch (nick) hohara bird's nest ori loro nothing eharu karia; (emphatic) karia karia rat's nest airi loro iele net (drag fish) reke. loko notify maea. kilea let down net loko paraea scoop fishnet keve notwithstanding lae-viva hoop net iviri nought karia havahu scoop with kevejiviri paraea nourish eapai laea nevertheless lae-viva. lae vi va novel (new) are new are now rna. me. mae. mave. mahau. rna hoa. news hari mahoa spread news hari huava nowadays rna hoa next aire. aireaki nude maheare; pl. maheheare be nude maheare lai night oroa. oroa hoa midnight oroa ahihi nuisance heraho nimble maea elavelave. mai elavelave numb, numbness maea avuku hovea nine kae-ila number numera nineteen kae-ukai-ila a number of uku numberless kaoaki hovea ka nip burava numerous oarla nipple amae petoe nurse (sick person) kakare haela kiva lai no (absence of quality or thing) ka (answer to question) kao nutshell (coconut) la hekako nobody haela karia o nod (head) haro haiara noise karakara. ikihahika oar para ply oar, row para koa nominate rare maea oath okoare none karia make an oath okoare ara noon hare hihi obey iapa. iapai lai noose lohela object to iki hairihairi lai north maruru. paipai. paipai hoa obscure adj. muru. murumuru north wind maruru north-west hurava observe ovohae eava to the north-west hurava ukaki obstacle hereavaki eharu north-west wind lahara obstinate iki aheke nose overa nose ornament overa kora obstruct hereava rub noses (greeting) overa hihi obtain ava; pl. aea 142 ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX occasion hoa opposite side (across river) ukai opposite bank (river) occupation horova ukai poe oppress occupy aea lei heaha lai or ocean ahea ma. ma kaikara aka octopus murita orange (tree and fruit) onani odour muo oration iroro oharo orator iroro haela of gen. mkr. vel order (command) ape karava maea. ape offence haiae. heaha karava ara. ahila offering meru. meru eharu origin ipi. ipopeavaki hoa make an offering meru avara ornament maupa. maupa eharu. mutiti offering to God hehe maru thank offering thank-you meru orphan akore/mari merava office (work place) horova ita other lahua. aea offset (of plants) mere. kora mere our elave (excL.): elaviilave (incl.) ourselves ela havahu offspring akore. akoremari. mere oust avaka. haruapa often hoa oaria outer mahokaea oh! o! aea! outlet okiape oil (coconut) la apu. tehoro rub with oil tehoro roroa outrigger miro ointment mura mura outrun heaorapa. hukau old overa outside mahokaea ve. mea ve old thing overa ve eharu outward mahokaea ve old man haela eapa po oven (of hot stones) kemo. hurae on akea ve over akea ve once hoa haroapo overcast (sky) mea murumuru one haroapo overcome heaorapa only hiki be overcome iki iha open adj. hihi overflow heloekoa. hakaitapa in the open hihi ve overhead akea ve open sea ma hihi oversleep avuku haeapo eapa open v.t. & i. hapa open up kaivoava overtake heaorapa open mouth ape ha overturn haivarukapa: pl. haivavarukapa opening ura openly hihika owe apitore lai opinion ikikekela. iki kelava owl ovarara varied opinion iki lahualahua winking owl mapu opponent iri haela. hahari haela own (on one's own) havahu ve owner amua oppose hahari lai. 0 hahari ara ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 143 oyster aitave (green) aiara part hakaea. uku p part (leave) hakurepa pacify hakakaea partner kake pack n. hauka: v.t. & i. haha party (company of people) hiru. korukaiaki haela paddle n. kaita: v.i. & t. kaita ma. kaita kai ma pass v.i. & t. heaorapa page (paper) pepa koro pass over elau pass by oropa havi pain kakare. ahea pass word on oharo kimaea be in pain kakare lai bear pain kakare oraiava passage (for boat) oki. ma ve oki. mai cause pain lei kakare lai passenger hahi haela pain in body maea kakare passion (anger) hihiri pain in bones maea uki kakare relieve pain kakare haelapa past (of time) overa. over a hoa paint n. muramura: v.t. muramura koa pastime elau pair maroka pasture hohe pair of coconuts la maroka pat v.t. popoa pale perehekai houhuka patch v.t. koperea. kokora palm (no general term) path okiharo. oki various kinds: apo. haio. laporo forked path okiharo laka areca ehele edge of path oki poe coconut la undulating path oki pakupaku bastard p. haea block path oki hereava sago pai patience hahari hahari. au pavaki maea. palm (of hand) mai hara harita harita palpitate (heart) iki haparaehaparae lai pattern hohoa. karoro. maea karoro: also adj. patterned pancake (sago) pai hakaea paunch eharau pant v.i. iki hua pavement kavale. kavale kavale pants n. piripou paw mai paper pepa pawpaw (tree and fruit) loku paralytic n. luluauka haela: adj. maea luluauka. epe apo heheva maea pay v.t. kavale avara parcel hauka peace havila live peacefully havila ila aea parch (by sun) haroroapa peak (of mountain) hohori. kela hohori pardon haiae hapururuka pearl aitave hae pare (peel) iilu hohoa pearl shell aitave haro parents oalou. oa i lou ila pebble have koru hekai parley oharoharo ara peck ape burava parrot (red) miro 144 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX peculiar lahua. hoa lahua physician dokita. muramura haela be peculiar lahua lai pick (fruit. flowers) ikaea peel iilu hoha. iilu hohoa gather fruit hae ikaea peel n. iilu pick up kaila peep muruhari eava picture ove eharu pelt v.t. koava piece(s) perepere. hakaea pieces of cloth pura perepere pen. pencil peni pierce huha. hukora penalty kavale pierce through hukarai horela penetrate araea pig ila: pI. ilaita penis he piglet ila mere penitence mai heaha ve ikihuru pigsty ila ve ara boar ila mea pensive ikikekelaki mai sow ila lou people haela (oaria) pigeon. thickbilled ground p. huva peopled haela ila pile(s) (posts) of house uvi ve ihau perceive eava. ore lai pilfer korea lai perch v.i. haiava pillow aihari perfidious opore. hehepo pimple laa. evea perforate ura hukora pinch haipepeka. mai buru perfume muo heroe. muo veveke pink ovoka houhuka ila perish apa pipe (bamboo) hika permanent. be haiapo aea pit karu. mea karu permit n. pepa dig pit karu iha perpetual mea oaria pitch (throw) koa perplexed. be horahora lai. iki lamukilamuki p. from side to side marukaumarukau lai ara perplexity horahora: ikihorahora pith (chopped sago) lohoru persecute hararua pitsaw e eapapo person haela pitted (skin) evea. kikili perspire orovahe lai. orovahe ila pity ikihuru perspiration orovahe. maea orovahe place n. ita: v.l. aepa persuade kurupaea. ovoro kopa place in the hands mai ve kora perverse ikivere haiae place the head on haro kora pervert lei haiae lai place on the head haro ve kora place on top of koharitopa pestilence maea heaha desert place ita hauaka petition oharo velavela: v.L oharo velavela landing place pekaki ita ara this place maia phlegm liha pekoro that place laia phosphorescence hohorohohoro placid (water) ma here. ma kapare ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 145 plague maea heaha policeman pura haela plain (level place) ita heheapa polish v.t. muramura hariri plaint hahaki oharo polite ape veveke plait (weave) peroka lai. hara pollute lei heaha lai. lei hirihiri lai plan n. iki ure pond rna haru plane (tool) aihau ponder ikikekela planet kou ponderous mehau plank huhu. kora hakaea poor merava be poor merava lai plant n. kora mere: v.t. huhu planting stick lopa pop (burst) koharoa plantain meae pork ila aivau (hakaea) plantation oru eapapo porpoise lavai. namai plaster hekaeaki eharu port (shipping) vevaea pekaki ita plate mereki portent ihova soup plate haita mereki portion perepere. hiru play n. elau: v.i. elau ara portrait ove eharu. ove plead apevelavela lai Portuguese man-o-war kaliko pleasant (taste) ape veveke position ukaki please lei ikiveveke lai own position (home) elare ukaki pleasure ikiveveke possess ava: pl. aea plenty maeakoko. oaria possessed (demon) ovehahu ila be plentiful maeakoko lai possum kaye make plentiful lei maeakoko lai post (of house) uvi ve ihau pliant mahuka king post ive plot (of land) kekele uku posterity meavohula plucky aeaha potsherd elaa hakaea pluck (flowers, fruit) ikaea. korava potter elaa karikiki ua plug (stopper, cork) hukuvu pouch aroa. aroate. hurua plumage ori koro marsupial pouch aroa plump paraeapo pound v.t. harava plunder korea eharu pour kakaitapa pour in, into, onto kakaita plunge apihau pour out, away hakaitapa point n. kao poverty merava hoa point at/to amoea: pi. aioea powder mihiri poison muramura heaha powder (dust) in air kekele ve mahuvu pole n. kora heaikiapo gunpowder pauda pole (canoe) kaiaruka: kora ua power aheke. ahea: also adj. powerful 146 ENGUSH-OROKOlO INDEX praise n. marahe. marahe 0; v.t. & i. prick hua. huha maeaki lai. marahe ara. morapaea; pI. prickly mamareke momorapu cause to praise lei morapaea pride pelaea. maea pelaea. iki paealapaeala prate oharo noae ara priest oharo haela pray ivaiva ara prince amua ve akore. amua prayer ivaiva principal oropa haela. akea haela praying mantis pailava (senior) koare preach iroro ara print v.t. & i. hohoa. haea preacher iroro haela (of foot) n. loa karu precede oropa au prior over a precept kileaki oharo prison uvi muru put in prison uvi muru paraea precious (value) kavale eapapo private, in havahu ve precipice kela pelaea privately muruhari predict oropa maea proclaim iroro ara. paperapa prefer ikivere lai proclamation iroro oharo preference i kivere produce (of garden) oru eapai pregnant ero ila profane v.t. oharo heaha ara prepare oropa kariki proficient maiore prepare place ita kariki prepare food hua profit (gain) kavale kepea ava prepay kava Ie oropa lai prohibit kokauka. oki hereava 3 presence oropape project (jut out) haea . kepea paraea into the presence of oropaki prolong lei heaikiapo lai present (offer) v.t. avara promise okoare; v.i. okoare ara present n. meru. meru eharu prompt karaveria give a present meru avara pronounce receive a· present meru ava maea. oharo maea; pI. maeaea present adj. mahau. mahoa prop v.t. & i. kopererea; n. kaibaraka. muhi present time mahau hoa propel huikapa presently aireaki proper veveke preserve kiva lai prophesy oropa maea press upon (in crowd) maea koela prophet peroveta press down huhara propitiate lei havila lai pretend hehepo lai propitious (time) hoa hovea prevail heaorapa prostitute harari uamari prevent hereava prostrate uavai aea previous oropa protect kaeva. kiva lai price kavale protract lei haiapo (heaikeapo) lai ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 147 proud pelaea. maea pelaea. iki pelaea. iki push huavilaia paealapaeala push down (coconuts) huikapa prove lei iele lai put aepa proverb ikiore oharo put on clothes pura ora; pl. oreau put off clothes pura oava provide avara put many things into opa provisions (food) eapai. eapai eharu putrid huru. poae provoke hararua. lei hihiri lai proximity ita maeamaea Q proxy ita ava ki haela. meu haela quail (Bibl. trans.) n. karakara prudent ikiore quake v.i. paialapaiala. humahehumahe ara. lalaeapa prune haerapa. koelaea quarrel ape hahari public hihika queen uamari amua publish (proclaim) paperapa. iroro ara quell (fight) hahari haerapa puckered (skin) maea iilu paruparu quench, be quenched (of fire) a huhurapa. pudding (sago) pai koru a huhura puerile akore hekai hovea quest haropaki hoa pugnacious aeaha question ape lalahe. velavela oharo. oharo velavela; v.l. & i. oharo velavela lai. ape pull hailava lalahe lai pumpkin mausini quick, quickly elavelave. karaveria pungent kaiake quicklime oro punish heaha ve kavale avara quiet hahari hahari. harita harita punishment heaha ve kavale quill ori koro punt (canoe) v.l. kora ua quit hakurepa puny hekai iele quite oaria pup, puppy ave akore/mari. ave mere quiver n. harita oroa pupil kilea akore. kilea haela. ore akore quiver v.i. humahemahe ara purchase n. ilaea; v.l. ilaea lai quote oharo kimaea pure veveroro quotation buka oharo uku pure in heart iki veveroro be pure veveroro lai R make pure lei veveroro lai purple (reddish-purple) ovoka race, run hivove vi vila purport (of speech) oharo ve iele radiant hohorohohoro purpose iele. ikivere raft n. kopea pursue aireaki vivila rafter kekela purulent huri ila rag (s) pura hea ha pus huri 148 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX rage hihiri reason iele. ehovea ragged, make (cloth) pura kao kao reassemble aeka korukaia haipararapa rebuke aihukamaea rail against 0 hihiri ara. hihiri oharo ara recall iki alala rain n. lai: v.i. lai ihau recede airekai au raindrops lai perepere (of tide) oa slight rain lai ororo. lai loaela receive ava rainbow biae recite maea4 raise urapa raise up morava reckless, be naoae kekela raise up (with the hands) mai peke paea reckon (count) kaoa raise eyes ovohae iupe (think) iki heheava. ikikekela ram down (earth) huhara recline uava ramble loa loa vea recognise ore lai random naoae recollect iki alala rap v.t. koa recompense kavale rapid elavelave reconcile lei havila lai rascal haela heaha recover (from sickness) maea heaha paraea rash adj. ikihaveva recriminate 0 haha. oropai maea be rash ikihaveva lai rectify lei ehoe lai rash (on skin) kikili. evea red ovoka rat airi be red (of sky) ovo hehea rather adv. maea3. perehekai redeem kava Ie lai rather small hekai maea rather warm perehekai ahea reduce lei hekai lai rattan palm merove reed hirivo. moi spines of rattan merove kao reef haha rattle karakara reel v.i. haro helari rave urukuku lai. ara hai itava reflect (consider) i ki kekela raw hakoa reflection (in water) ma ureve ove raze hai ka lai. haipararapa refuge (shelter) kavu razor lepo. lesa. dihau refuse v.t. & i. haure lai reach (arrive) kivika; pI. kivakavaha. koara region hoa. ita reach out hand to mai horava regret n. ikihuru: V.t. ikihuru lai read murea rehearse maea hovave lai ready, make hovea hukava reject haure lai real iele rejoice ikiveveke lai rear up V.t. urou rejoiner kavale oharo ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX 149 relate oharo ara get a reputation rare ava

relative(s} n. apavara request oharo velavela lai. apevelavela lai relax iki paraea: pl. iki paparaeha requite kavale lai release paraea: pi- paparaeha rescue hukapa. lei ovokake lai relent ikihuru lai resemble hoveahovea lai relinquish hakurepa resent iki heaha lai rely ikikekela reside aea: pl. apea remain (stay) aea. au pava: pi- apea residue kepea. kurua remainder hohoe. kepea (of sago) pai ve kurua remember iki alala. ikikekela resin avare

remedy n. muramura: v.t. lei veveke lai resist hereava remind lei ore lai respect morapaea: pi- momorapu

remit v.t. hapururuka respire iki hua remnant hakaea respond kavale oharo ara remorse ikihuru rest (of mind) iki paraea: pI. iki paparaeha be remorseful ikihuru lai. iki hairihairi lai rest (repose) uava: pl. urapa restless maea heraho. helari helari remote apehai ve restore helari avara remove hareava restrain hereava rend kovaela: pi. kovavaela resurrection api kai urouki hoa rendezvous koara ki ita. korukaia ita retain ava: pl. aea renowned hari veveke retaliate kavale koa. kavale lai repair lei veveke lai retard lei hahari hahari lai repeat (someone else's word) oharo kimaea retch mu kaitava repent iki helari lai retreat airekai au. helari au repentance iki helari return airekai eke reply n. kavale oharo: v.t. &: i. kavale maea. kava Ie oharo ara reveal kilea be revealed hihika lai report hari oharo revenge kavale kavale repose uava: pi. UTupa pl. repose n. uavaki hoa revere morapaea: momorapu represent (be agent for) meu lai reverse v.i. ukai helari representation (picture) ove eharu revile 0 heaha ara reprimand aihukamaea revive lei ovokake lai reproach 0 aheke ara. oharo aheke ara revolve helari helari repulse hereava reward n. kavale. kava Ie veveke: v.t. kavale avara repute hari eapapo bad reputation rare heaha 150 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX rheumatism maea uki kakare roast a yea rib(s) kararapi uki singe a ekaraia rob korea lai rich (man) erohoho (haela) robber korea haela rid, get rid of avau. pI. aiau; hareava; avaka. pl. haruapa robust (man) haela aheke ride horeai au rock have rock face kela pelaea ridge kela pelaea summit kela hohori rock v.t. & i. lalaeapa r. from side to side laukelauke ara ridge cap (building) ailauki ridge pole ailauki kora roe (fish) ekaka hae ridicule 0 heheo. ohar� heheo. ape heheo roll fibre (to make string) ela roroa roll up v.t. lakori right ehoe right hand mai ore rollers (of sea) ma loru right leg loa ore roof (thatch) oko rigid aheke. aheke iele room lalava. kore rim poe. pao root elele rind iilu rope haroo ring (bell) kapa koa rot, become rotten v.i. poae lai ring (finger) maimari rotten adJ. poae. huru put on ring maimari ora rough laualaua. pakupaku put r. on finger maimari mai lekoka ora rough track oki pakupaku ringworm kare. hepouka rough (of sea) ma pakupaku rinse ma huhela round (shape) koru go round helari rip kovaela; pl. kovavaela rouse hurapa ripe hovare ripe (bananas) mea row, stand in hakea be ripe, ripen mea lai row (boat) para koa rise urou; pI. urahuka rub hariri. hua rise up and stand urou pava rub clean huhela rise from dead api kai urou rub in roroa rite, perform a rite Ivalva ara rub with oil tehoro roroa rival iri haela rubbish mikoamakoa. elorova river mai rudder kapena mouth of r. mai ape steering oar tari. hihe bank of r. mai ma poe. mai poe ruffian haela heaha source, upper reaches of r. mai kue rule amua lai road okiharo. oki ruler (headman) amua roam loa loa yea rumble n. uara; v.i. karakara lai roar ara hai eapapo rumble of thunder mea hi. kaia hi ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 151 rumour hari sandfly ihi run, run away vivila sandal(s) loa iilu run race hivove vivila sandalwood paiha run over (liquid) kaitau run swiftly harava vivila sap kora apu run blindly naoae vivila sapling kora mere. kora pepekeke ruse maea hahehahe satchel aroa rush v.i. harava elavelave satisfy {with food) eharau huhara. ere momoha. eharau mohoava rust n. aun apu saunter loa hahari hahari

s savage aeha save (life) lei makuri: pI. lei makukuri. lei sack, sackcloth hurua. pute ovokake lai sacred pupu. pupu ila. hehe saviour lei ovokake leiki haela sacrifice maea morava saw n. e. e'e sawdust kora eroe sad, sadness ikihuru. iki kakare 4 be sad ikihuru lai say maea • oharo maea: pl. maeaea. mama: pI. mamava. oharo ara safe ovokake scab hohara sago pai scabies sago adze mavara kikili adze out sago pith pai mavara hara. pai scald rnaah ea ve hara hara process sago pai koa scale (fish) keke. ekaka keke sago leaf stem pai kakape scalp haro iilu sago thorn pai aha scamper harava sail n. v.i. & t. eara: vivila scar hohara. maea helare helare hoist sail eara huavavahia scarce perehekai salary kavale scarcity (of food) perehekai. hohera sale kakavae. ilaea scare n. oaoka: v.t. lei oaoka lai saline kaikara ila be scared oaoka lai saliva apea. pekoro scarf muko sallow kairuka scarify titae titae haerapa salt kaikara scarlet ovo. ovoka salty kaikara ila saltpan kaikara ita scatter koavelari. kopiapa. kopurapa salt water rnakaikara scatter seeds hae purava rock salt rnakaikara have move about scattering (seed) puravai velari same hoveahovea scent muo sanctify lei hehe lai sweet scent, sweetly scented muo sand miri horo heroe. muo veveke sandy soil kekele scholar kilea akore. kilea haela sandbank miri hiru. miri haha. ita miri 152 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX school sikuli seat haiavaki haha attend school sikuli lai be seated, settled tita; pI- aipepea schoolmaster kileaki haela second aire, orahoka hoa scissors pakosi secret, secretly muruha, muruhari scoff ape heheo ara, oharo heheo ara secret word oharo muruhari scold aihukamaea secure aheke scoop (water) ma hiva make secure lei aheke hovea lai scoop up mapa sediment kurua scorch (of plants) haroroapa seduce korea hea scorn oharo heheo ara, ape heheo ara see ovohae eava, eava scorpion aukara seed hae scour ma huhela seedling mere, kora mere scourge v_L huhari hara; pI- huhari hara seek haropa scowl n_ oropape hihiri, oropape heaha seemly (manner) mai veveke scramble naoae vivila seine (twine) kako ela seize huverava. mai paea; pI- mai papaeha, scrap hakaea aura kerari scrape, scratch karila, karika seize hold of (of evil spirit) aurakela ara scream hi eapapo ara seldom hoa haroapo haroapo screen v.t. kokauka; n. kokaukaki eharu select ikivere lai scribble hohoa naoae hara sell ilaea lei avara Scribes (Bibl. trans.) hohoa haealula haela semblance maea hovea Scriptures Pupu Buka Oharo semen maea ma scrotum kou send, send out/forth kiparaea; pl. kipaparaeha scrub v.L ma huhela send paraea; pl. paparaeha scrub n. kaipure. kaipu senior koare scrub fowl malaita senior person koare haela. oropa haela scrutinise ovohaehae eava separate adj. lahua scum (on water) latite sepulchre kapu ita scum (from pounding surf) ma ohare sermon Iroro sea ma kaikara. ahea ma open sea ma hihi serpent ekaroa seashore miri servant horova haela seasickness ahea ma mu seaside ahea ma poe serve horova lai seaward ahea ukai set (put) aepa seawater ma kaikara set of sun hare hoau search haropa set on fire (e_g_ grass) a ilila yea season hoa seven parae-ila seven times hoa parae-ila ENGUSH-OROKOLO INDEX 153

seventh parae-ila hoa aitave. aiu. iii. mui seventeen avea-ukai-ila shelter n. lava. kavu. kovo uvi sever haerapa give shelter kavu avara sever with a blow koerapa; pi. koeraea sherd elaa hakaea several uku shield n. laua. korepaka; v_to kaeava. kiva lai sew kokora shin, shin bone loa uki sexual intercourse, have koarai uava shine hohoro ara. hohorohohoro ara/lai shade kavu; vL kavu lai shine (light) ova vaheaoa pa. ova va horera shadow ove shining hohoro. hohorohohoro s. cast by sun hare ve ove ship vevaea shake lalaeapa. paialapaiala ara. lulalula ship's anchorage vevaea haiavaki ita shaky luluauka ship's captain vevaea kapena shallow place (of water) ita miri. rna miri. ship's deck vevaea ve luha rna haraka fleet of ships vevaea oaria sham opore journey by ship vevaea ve hahi ship's hold vevaea ve eharu ita shame, shameful makiri. maea makiri; shipwreck vevaea heaha lai maea oaoka; shameful conduct makiri leiki mai shirt maea pura shape n. maea hovea; v.t. ku; pi. kukuea shiver (as with malaria) maea hahaita lai; maea vevehere lai; share n. hiru; v.t. hamurea shivering maea vevehere shark aitari shoal (fish) ekaka oaria. ekaka maeakoko sharp mare. mamareke shoal (shallow water) ma min be sharp mare lai sharpen mareka. lei mare lai shoe(s) loa iilu sharp edge mare ve ukai shoot (bow) apo hea shatter kopararapa shoot (gun) ipidi hea shave au hale koro haelaea shoot (plant) kororo. rorore shoot to appear kororo horeava; pI­ she are rorore huhoreava sheath aroa shop (store) ilaea uvi shed n. lava. uvi hekai. kovo uvi shore n. miri shed (leaves) oau short adj. kahekai; pI- kaotiaeka sheep mamoe shorts (garment) piripou sheep's wool mamoe koro shortly hoa maeamaea sheet pura short-winded iki hua sheet (sail) eara shot (cartridge) ipidi ve harita hae/have shelf haha shoulder shell 2 horo haro shoulder blade horo ve uki shellfish(n o general term) shout various kinds: ara hai itava 154 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX shove huikapa silly iki haveva shovel tuapara silver ario show v.t. amoea: pI. aioea silverfish mekere shower (of rain) lai loaela. lai perehekai similar hovea: pI. hoveahovea shred v.t. kovaela simile oharo hoveahovea shriek v.i. hi ara simple, simple-minded iki haveva shrimp avirape sin mai heaha very small oaea sinner mai heaha haela shrivel, shrivel up kakaroa. maea kakaroa since aiai. ikiki shrivel (of plants) haroroapa sincere iele shrivelled seeds hae pepekeke sinew s elele. horoo shudder paialapaiala ara ( ) sing hivi hela shun haure lai singer hivi helaki haela shut, shut in kokauka singe a yea beseige oki kokauka single haroapo. hiki shy, shyness makiri. maea makiri. maea oaoka singly haroapo haroapo be shy makiri lai. maea oaoka lai singular lahua sick, sickness maea. maea heaha sink (in water) rna ihau. leihia be sick maea ila sire clan ancestor oa become sick maea hara ( ) sick person maea heaha haela sister (t. speaking) (elder) mariapo side ukai (younger) mariheare m. speaking) side of body maea ve ukai ( mariloa: pl. maritaloa left side keva ukai sit haiava right side ore ukai sit astride kaka hara by his side areve ukai site, situation ita go to one side ukai hareau equal sides ukai ukai hovea hovea six aukava-ila side (team) ukai haela sixteen avako-ukai-ila turn to other side ukai helari sixth aukava-ila hoa sigh v.i. iki hoara skilful ikiore. mai ore sight, catch sight of ovohae eava skin iilu. maea iilu. ruru: v.t. iilu hohoa bad sight ovohae heaha puckered, creased skin maea iilu paruparu sign ihova skinny maea pekehekai make sign ihova lai make signs by turning the hand mal skipper hihe haela koelari skirt ('grass') mae show sign ihova avivoa skull haela haro signal (with hand) n. mai koaki ihova. mai ove: v.t. & i. mal ove koa sky kaia signal (with eyes) ovohaehae eava lowering sky kaia uru sky become lowering mea uru koa silence! oharo kahara! ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 155

overcast sky mea hihiri smelly, bad smell muo heaha sky to redden, be red ovo hehea to have a smell muo ila smell (without purposely inhaling) muo slack adj. avaro koa slander oharo heaha; v.t. rare lei heaha lai smell from a distance muo hoea slanting, aslant kere smile n. area ape slap mai hara koa. mai koa smoke n. a mahuvu slap thigh (defiance) mai koa smoke dry (as fish) v.t. kararoa smoke tobacco kuku lara slate have smooth adj. hahilaka slay hara. huru hara; pl. haea smooth (of sea) ahea kiapa sleep avuku very smooth sea ma peke sleepy ovohae hoea smut a oro deep sleep avuku huru lie down to sleep avuku uava snail urihelaipe sleeve mai snake ekaroa (various kinds, see list under ekaroa) slender maea karoroka snare saro slide hukilala snatch huverava. humoelava. lorilori slim adj. maea pekeheka sneeze n. ahita slime pikuru sniff muo hoea sling n. peroka snip kehekai haerapa slink v.i. hai yea snore harara slip hukilala be slippery hukilalaka snout (of pig, crocodile) mau'u slippery hahilaka so adv. laelave; conj. kahara slit haipararapa soak v.t. ma huruhuru lai slosh pikuru soap sopu sloth maea mahuka soar (fly up) maho urou slow, slowly hahari. hahari hahari sob maea hi ara slow pace loa mehau be slow mehau lai soft mahuka. maea mahuka be soft mahuka lai sluggard avuku hovea haela make soft lei mahuka lai slumber avuku soil, sandy soil mea kekele. kekele smack v.t. mai hara koa. mai koa sojourn aea; pi. apea small hekai; pi. titaeka. titaka solace hakakaea very small titae titae sale (of foot) loa hara smart (pain) kakare. ahea solicit apevelavela lai smash kohaharoa solitary lahua smear v.t. hariri some adj. uku smell n. muo some only uku hi hi 156 ENGLlSH·OROKOlO INDEX

someone haela aea speak maea. oharo maea: pl. maeaea. oharo something eharu aea ara sometimes adv. hoa uku. mehaemehae speak thus: before direct speech oharo somewhat maea. maea hovea. perehekai ma ara somewhat white, whitish perehekai speak untruthfully opoepoe hukava houhuka speaker oharo haela son akore spear lape. haura son-in-law man cast spear lape huha song hivi speckled karoro karoro sonorous ape mehau spectator ovohae eavaki haela soothe hakakaea spectre ovehahu. haelaharihu soot a oro speech o. oharo. uri sooty a oro ila cut short speech of another oharo haerapa sorcery maeahiri sorcerer maeahiri haela speed v.i. harava elavelave spell charm maho. maho horova sore adj. kakare: n. paila. maea paila ( ) multiple sores pailapaila spell maker maho haela sorrow ikihuru. iki kakare spew mu kaitava be sorry iki hairihairi lai. ikihuru lai spider paikuku soul ove spill v.l. & i. hakaitapa: v.i. kaitau sound n. hi spine kaka uki s. peculiar to bird, animal, etc. maea hi spinster uamari dedehi sound of sea uara clashing sound kukururu spirit ove. ovehahu. haelaharihu Spirit land Hurava Oro Miri. Horova sour kaiake Harivu source (of river) mai kue Holy Spirit Ove Veveke south diho ukai. eau spit, spittle apea south wind eau lahara spit upon v.l. apea koa: v.i. apea kuara south-east maura ukai. maura spite iki heaha south-east wind mea maura splash v.l. & i. ma hurita. ma kaito pa sow (seed) hae purava. hae puravai velari spleen kapa sow (f. pig) ila abu. ila lou splendid mekakure space (between) aru ita spacious hurahapo splinter kora mare. kora harava spade tuapara split kovaela: kovavaela spare kepea spoil v.t. lei heaha lai spoil shape of maea lei haiae lai spark a kae spoil someone's name rare lei heaha lai spathe (of haea palm) ruru sponge latite spatter hakaitapa sport elau spawn hae era spot maka. hirihiri ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 157

spotless veveroro stammer ape kuarakuara spotted pattern karoro karoro. hohoa ( ) stamp (under foot) loa huhara. loa aheke ila huhara n. v.t. sprain elele kakare: elele hailava stand, be standing pava spray rna ororo stand up urou: pI. urahuka make to stand spread v.t. kopurapa lei urou spread cloth pura hailava staunch (blood) apu kokauka. apu hereava spread mat kile hururuka star kou spread news hari kopurapa constellation kou oaria spring v.i. hareau Morning Star Malala Harai. opovila kou spring up (plants) huhorela: pI. stars to shoot kou kihoae huhoreavavahaea starch pai spring (water) n. rnave pekaki rna. rna hoho pekaki ita. rnapupu pupu stare, stare at ovohae hohoa. ovohaehae sprinkle rnaperepere koa eava start, make a start ipopeava sprout n. rorore: v.i. rorore huhorea: pI. rorore huhoreava startle lei oaoka lai spume rna ohare be startled oaoka lai spurn haure lai starve ere ererea sputum liha pekoro stay, remain au pavao pea. aea: pl. apea spy rnuruhari eava: n. rnuruhari eavaki haela steadfast aheke squabble 0 hahari steady aheke squall mea heaha. guba steal korea lai gain by stealing korea aea. korea kaiva square ukai ukai hovea hovea stolen article korea eharu squat loa ari haiava stealthily rnuruha.rnu ruhari squeak hi ara steam rnarnah uvu squeeze haipepeka steamer pupukaura squint ovohae haiae steep kere squirt rnaha horeava steer hi he horova lai s. with paddle towards canoe kaita hiha stab huha kopererea stab and withdraw weapon huhareava steersman hihe haela staff (stick) rnai kaika. rnai haru steering oar tari. hihe stagnant (water) rnaharu heaha. rna stem ikupa hirihiri stemmed kora ikupa stair(s) papaita stench rnuo heaha stake (wood) kaika step n. loa: v.i. loa yea stale poae stepfather rnauki oa stale thing overa ve eharu steps ladder papaita become stale poae lai ( ) stern (of ship) vevaea ve evoe stalk (of leaf) koro ve uki 158 ENGlISH·OROKOLO INDEX stew papaa stray v.i. oki haiae lai stick n. kaika. kora stream n. rna hoho digging stick lopa. lopaea large stream mai walking stick loa kaika. mai haru. mai stream forth (water) rnahu horeava kaika street okiharo karikara ureve stick v.t. & i. hekaea. kopakaea. au kopakaea. kopererea strength aheke. maea aheke sticky pakara. pikuru pakara stretch hailava stiff aheke stretch out the hand mai horapa. mai stiff neck avea haiae horava stretch out hand upon avihorapa stillborn. be; give birth to stillborn huru epa strew kopurapa. kopiapa stimulate hakakaea2 strife hahari sting burava. mulava string ela bow string apo maolo stingray mahuka string bow apo maolo haha stingy ivuru string (coconuts) hupi be stingy ivuru lai string of white shells movio stink muo heaha stripe (pattern) karoro. hohoa stir v.t. helari strive hahari ara stitch v.t. kokora stroke n. haru hoa stomach eharau. ere strong aheke stone have stubborn iki aheke throw stones at v.t. have koa. have koava stud (wall post) miku stony have ila stumble hilau stool haiavaki haha stump (of tree) kora ikupa stoop ekaopa stunted keke. maea keke stop hereava stupid ikihaveva. ihape stop! kahara! sturdy aheke stop talking! oharo kahara! stutter ape kuarakuara ara storm mea heaha eapapo be stormy mea uru koa sty (pig) ila ve ara. ila ve uvi story hari stye (on eye) laa stout (corpulent) paraeapo submerge rna ihau straight ehoe subsequent aireaki make straight lei ehoe lai subside (of tide) rnaoa straight (channel) rnave oki substance maea strange hoa lahua be strange lahua lai substitute ita avaki eharu/haela stranger haela lahua succour hukapa. koara strangle karave hae haehaharoa such laria. lahovea ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 159

suck (breast) amae lara swallow iropa. ilopea suckle amae avara (Iaea) swamp n. havari ita. ita havari give suck to mahumu swampy huruha suck mevekea suckling amae akore hekai sway (in wind) mea lalaeapa. mea vavara sway side to side laukelauke ara; vavara sucker (plant) mere ara banana sucker meae mere sweat n. orovahe; v.i. orovahe lai. maea sudden elavelave. hoa haroapo orovahe lai suffer (pain) kakare lai sweep v.t. puri hoapa. kilava I. suffice hoveahovea lai sweet kapare. hi lore sugarcane ahe swell v.i. larua. mohoava suicide, to commit elare maea hara swell up vovohoa. vovohoa lai swell of ocean n. rna haha sulky iki heaha swift elavelave summit (of hill, mountain) kela hohori swim rna hara. hara au summon itava swine ila; pl. ilaita sun hare sunny hare ila swing n. lalaeapaki ela sunset hare hoaki hoa swoon apa maea lai expose to sun hare koa swop kakavae lai sunder haerapa sword (BibL. trans.) poke (actually long sundry mihea mahea club). hoi mare. lelao mare superior veveke iele symptom maea ve ihova supple pereuara T supplicate ape velavela lai. vela velalai supply avara; pl. aiara table haha support hukapa; n. muhi. kaibaraka taboo pupu ancestral taboo uvari vilari ve pupu suppress hereava. kokauka tabooed pupu suppurate huri lai. huritau be tabooed pupu lai fixtaboo pupu hahaea supreme akea iele make taboo pupu hua sure, be ore havahu lai observe taboo pupu kiva lai violate taboo pupu haerapa surf rnaohare. auhare tail (animal) aue surface iilu tail (bird) e poe surmise ikikekela take kaiva; pl. kara; avau; pl. aiau surpass heaorapa take away kari au take off (clothes) surplus kepea pura oava take out (box, bag) oaea surprise n. iki haparaehaparae take by the hand mai paea ; pi. mai be surprised iki haparaehaparae lai papaeha take up kaila surround (throng) helari hupakaia. hupakaia 160 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX tale hari ten mai ukai ukai. horo-ila talk n. oharoharo tenth mai ukai ukai h'oa talkative oharo oaria tend kiva lai talk be finished oharo karia lai tend (feed) eapai laea talk openly hihika hukava tender (of plant growth) mahuka stop talking! oharo kahara! be tender mahuka lai talk lies opoepoe hukava make tender lei mahuka lai talk together oharo hukava tendon elele. maea elele tall heaikiapo tent kovo uvi tame malaha be tame malaha lai termination kao. karia leiki hoa make tame lai malaha lai terrify lei oaoka lai tap (on door) kokoea be terrified iki ihau: pL. iki ihaha. oaoka lai taro hoela. aipo terror oaoka tarry kari test, put to the test v.t. muraea tart adj. kaiake. kaeake testicles kou hae taste v.t. hovave lai tasty kapare testify vavava tattoo n. hohoa: v.t. hohoa hara text (of sermon) iroro ve ipi. ikivere oharo taunt heheo ara thanks thank-you oharo thank offering thank-you meru taut aheke that / those la. lae teach kilea. lei ore lai that there lale teach clearly hihika kilea teacher kilea haela thatch oko team ukai haela theft korea tear v.t. haipararapa their, theirs ereve tear to pieces mihuamihua them erero tear(s), teardrops 0 rna then la hoa. Ie in tears 0 rnaila there (at or in that place) leia. lave tease heheo maea towards there leia ki teat amae petoe therefore laelave. ehovea la tell maea. oharo maea: pi. maeaea: oharo thereupon Ie ara these rna.mae tell lies opoepoe hukava they ere tempest mea heaha eapapo thick parula. momohoro temple (forehead) hevere thief korea haela temple (building, B£bL. trans.) hehe uvi thieve korea lai tempt amuraea. murukaea. kurupaea thigh mauki temptation kurupaeaki hoa. amuraeharae hoa thin (person) maea kararoka. pekeheka. maea pekeheka ENGLl SH·OROKOLO INDEX 161

become thin kakaroa. maea kakaroa throw down ipi koa thin (thing, timber, paper) heheroro throw on fire a ve huava thin (stick, pole) pekeheka: pI. 'pepekeke throw up kikoa thing eharu thrush (of mouth/throat) ape ure paila think ikikekela: kelava. ikikelava thrust huikapa third ilehoila hoa thumb hue. mai hue third day (from today) itovea thump koa thirst ma karave koa thunder n. kaia hi. kaia kukururu. mea hi thirsty ma karave koa ila be thirsty ma karave koa lai thus (in that way) laria. lahovea thus (in this way) maria mahovea thirteen aho-ila thwart v.t. hereava this, these ma: predic. position me. mae this manner mario maria. mahovea thy, thine ave this place maia tickle v.t. lei mirimiri lai thistle koroh u tide (high) ma eapapo: pI. ma ehoaha thorn kora mare half tide ma aru sago thorn pai aha low tide ma titaeka. ma titaka. ma hekai thorny mamareke tide to ebb ma oa. ma loi thorny tree mamareke kora tidings hari thorn (lawyer vine) merove tidy up (place) ita kariki thoroughly oaria tie v.t. haha those lae tight aheke thou a till aiai. ikiki though laeviva timber kora thoughts ikikekela. iki kelava thoughtful ikiore time hoa thoughtless iki haveva all the time mea oaria another time mea aea. mea lauha thrash koa time offamine mea hohera thread ela present time mahau hoa this time ma hoa three ilehoila times of day and night: threefold hoa ilehoila beginning of time (about 4 a.m.) mea threshold oki ape opa cockcrow kokora hi hoa throat karave ipi. karave hae dawn mea opaki hoa sore throat karave ipi heaha. karave ipi kakare morning vevelare midday hare hihi throb (heart) iki haparaehaparae lai early afternoon hare hoa throng v.t. & i. hupakaia. haela maeakoko late afternoon and evening hailaea lai sunset hare hoauki hoa time of darkness mea muru hoa. mea throttle (throat) karave hae haehaharoa murumuru throw huava. koa night oroa throw away aukapa midnight oroa ahihi 162 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX timid, be oaoka lai torture lei kakare lai tinder a lakalaka tossed (by waves) ahea rnave koa tingle rnaearnirirniri total oaria. oaria hareho tiny hekai iele: pI. titae titae totter (of person) loa hilau hilau tip kao touch (with hand) rnaikohara . kopakaea. tip of reed hirivo kao rnaiha paea tip of land pelaea tough aheke tipsy rnave ihape tow v.t. hakeava tiptoe loa oropa yea towards (direction) kai. ukai ve to (motion towards a person) kai: towards (motion to) ki prefix, suffix reqw'res obj. of pron., but not of n., e.g. or infix; e.g. kiau go to: aireaki to the to him arero kai rear: avikiara (avi-ki-ara) give to (me) tobacco (trade) kuku town karikara eapapo smoke tobacco kuku lara toy elau eharu today rnahauhare track n. oki. okiharo. rnai toe loa lekoka tractable rnalaha together hareho trade kakavae lai toil horova: v.i. horova lai trade wind (south-east) rnaura token ihova (north-east) lahara tomb kapu. kapu ita tradition lou ohar� traditional stories overa ohar� tomorrow opoa. opoa hare trail n. oki. okiharo tongs koepa train v.t. kilea tongue auli trample, trample on v.i. & t. loa aheke tool(s) horova eharu huhara. loa hara: pI. loa haea tooth kao tranquil (sea) rnahere toothache kao kakare very tranquil rnapeke gnash teeth kao heheava transcend heaorapa top (of hill / mountain) kela hohori on the top akea ve transfer ita aea paraea top plate rniku ava transfix (spear) lape hukorai kopererea top (spinning) ope transgress haiae lai play with top ope koa translate (language) uri helari. ohar� helari topple down rnarura transparent (of water) alalaka. rnaalalak a topple over hilau' trap (for rat, etc.) saro torch (dried coconut leaf) la hehaa trash elorova torment hararua travel n. hahi torrent rnahaa. rnahuhu traveller hahi haela tortoise hapapa treacherous, treachery op�re. hehepo ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 163 tread epava turmeric kairu pl. tread upon loa huhara: huharavahaea turmoil urukuku treasure(s) erohoho eharu turn, turn round oelari tree kora turn aside helari tree bark kora iilu turn back airekai helari clump of trees kora hiru. kaipu kora turn into (change) koelari tree leaf kora koro turn upside down haivarukapa: pI. tree stump kora ikupa haivavarukapa young tree kora mere turn down light a muhuao various kinds of trees: hurau. ihohea. turtle hara mao. oro. ovo. paiha. para tusk (of pig) kea tremble maea paiala paiala lei. uki harea twelve avako-ila tremendous eapapo havahu twenty mai-ukai-ukai-Ioa-ukai-ukai. ari-ukai­ trench karu ila trespass v.i. oki haiae au. oki haiae lai twice hoa orahokaila trial (testing) maea hovave twig kora lakalaka. maeako: pI. mamaeako tribulation hoa heaha. heraho hoa twilight hailaea mea murumuru trick, tricky maea hahehahe twin(s) maraehae trickle rna perepere twine ela trifle with v.t. elau lai twirl helari helari trip (stumble) hilau twist avi helari triple hoa ilehoila twist fibre(to make string) ela lakori. ela roroa triumph heaorapa two orahokaila. orahoka trouble heraho. heaha twofold hoa orahokaila be troublesome heraho lai be troubled iki ihau: pl. iki ihaha u trousers piripou ugly heaha true iele true word, truth 0 iele. ohar� iele ulcer paila trumpet (Bibl. trans.) puva umbrella kavu. kebu trunk (of tree) kora ikupa unable, be (pres.) ore ka. hovea ka other tenses with lai: e.g. was not able trust, trust in ikikekela ore au leila try maea hovave lai unaccustomed maea haveva try out muraea unawares, be haveva lai tumble hilau unbend (unstring) bow tumble into hole oau apo maolo helauka unblemished tumult urukuku popou uncertain, be turbid (water) rnapi kuru ila. rna hirihiri ikihorahora lai. horahora lai uncertainty horahora. ikihorahora turkey (scrub) malaita 164 ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX

uncle (mother's brother) aukau: pI­ un practised maea haveva aukah ula father's younger brother oa-hela: pI- oa­ unripe hakoa. kaulau hela-ula unroll (mat) kile hauka father's older brother oa: pI- oa-ula unstable luluauka unclean hirihiri untamed merava unclothe pura oaea. pura helauka untie helauka uncommon lahua. hoa lahua until aiai (from now on): ikiki (from past uncover hapa. hihika lai until now) uncultivated ita merava untruth oharo opore. opore undecided ikihorahora unwilling iki hairihairi under, underneath ihau ve. ora ve up akeaki underpart ihau. ora upbraid aihukamaea. hihiri oharo ara underclothes ure pura uphold hukapa. lei urou. lei urapa underdone hakoa upon akea ve understand iapa. kelava upright pI- understanding ikiore. ore ehoe: ehoehoe upright man mai ehoe haela undo helauka uproar, uproarious urukuku. ikihahika undress pura helauka. pura hauava: v. reflex. pura oaea. pura oava uproot hareava uneasy iki heraho upside down, to turn haivarukapa uneven pakupaku upward akeaki unfasten helauka urge ape karaya ara. kaupa unfold hapa urine mi urinate mi upa unfrequented (path or place) hauaka us (exclus.) elaro: (incl.) elaviilara unfriendly iki hairi hairi use n. horova: v.t. horova lai unfruitful, be koherapa usually mea oaria. hare oaria unhappy iki kakare uterus airoa uniform ihova pura union koperereaki hoa v unite kopererea vacant hauaka. haroka unknown haveva vacation sepele unlike. be lahua lai vain pelaea. maea pelaea unlock helauka. hapa be vain maea pelaea lai unloose helauka vainglorious pelaea iele unmarried dedehi vainly naoae unobserved muruhari vale hahapa value kavale ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX 165

valuable kavale eapapo violate (taboo) pupu haerapa vanish havoava violent aeha vanity maea pelaea violet (colour) ovoka ahihuru ahihuru vanquish heaorapa viper hepare vapour (misty spray from heavy surf) ma virgin mari popou mahuvu. mahuvu vapour from mouth ape ve mahuvu visit eavaki au visitor hahi haela variance iki lahualahua. 0 hahari voice ara variety n. lahua lahua volcano a ila kela various (kinds) laelaea. lahua lahua vomit mu: v.i. mu kaitava. mu kakaita vast eapapo iele voracious eapai oaria ikivere vaunt ape pelaea voyage vevaea ve hahi veil kokaukaki pura vein apu elele w venerate morapaea wade ma ureve loa vengeance heaha ve kavale wages kavale venomous (thing) harive (eharu) wail v.i. hi ara. hi vavara ara veranda mailare wailing hi vavara verify lei iele lai waist hopa verse hiru wait, wait for kari. au pava vertigo haro helari wake up ovokake lai. urou: pI . urahuka awaken v.l. hurapa. lei ovokake lai very iele: e.g. veveke iele (very good) walk, walk about loa yea velari: loa. loaloa. vex lei iki heaha lai loa helari vexatious (thing) hararuaki (eharu) walk aimlessly loa naoae yea vice mai heaha. mai haiae walk through water lou elau walking stick mai kaika. loa haru. loa victor heaorapaki haela kaika victuals eapai eharu wall (of building) haua vigilant, be kiva auhohi lai stone wall paku garden wall ara vigorous aheke wall post miku vile heaha wallaby haiaru vilify rare lei heaha lai wallow pikuru ureve uava. pikuru i ma ila village karikara uava open place in village karikara hihi wander loa helari helari vindicate lei ehoe lai wander aimlessly naoae yea vine, prickly marevare want n. ikivere: vL ikivere lai slender vine marivi want (poverty) merava hoa 166 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX war maora, mare weapon(s) mare eharu, hahari eharu make war maora ara, mare ara weary maea mahuka war cry mare leiki ara warrior maora haela, hevehe haela. maora weather mea hevehe haela bad weather mea heaha calm w. warm n. perehekai ahea; v.t. lei ahea lai mea here cloudy overcast w, mea hihiri warp (timber) haiae lai good w, mea veveke wart laa tranquil w. mea mahuka w. be stormy mea uru koa wash v.t. rnahuh ela; reflex. mi huka wash (by pouring water and rubbing weave (plait) (mat, basket, net) hara down with hands) mi mita web, cobweb apupurita wash hands mai huhela wash out sago pai koa wed (wife) uva laea, uva maepa wed wife/husband uva/vila maepa wasp, hornet apovea, muru wed husband vila laea waste n. kurua, mikoamakoa wedding feast uva laeaki hurae waste away v.i. kakaroa wedge kora havi watch ovohae kiva lai weed(s) hohe, kora mere merava; v.t. hohe herava, hohe koa watch (timepiece) hare weep hi ara water rna;v.t. rnavevea watery rna ila weigh mehau lai; v.t. mehau heheava clear water rna alalaka weighty mehau floodwater rnahuhu welcome (greeting) a va lae; pl. e va lae salt water rnakaikara waterfall have oauki rna well (water) rna karu waterhole rna karu well, be veveke lai, heroe lai; pi. mekaka lai water pot hohu well conj. kahara wave (by wind) mea lalaeapa wellnigh maeamaea go up and down in wind mea vavara wave(s) (of sea) rnaloru, rna haha west (north-west), western region hurava, hurava hoa wax avare wet huruhuru, rnahuruhuru way (road) oki be wet rna huruhuru lai way (custom) mai make wet lei huruhuru lai right way mai ehoe wrong way mai haiae, mai heaha whale shark oalaia waylay muruhari kari what? Ie? Ie ha? lehae? we ela (excl.). elaviila (incl.) what for? leve? we-two (dual) elalila. elavaila in what manner? learia? leari? what kind? lela? weak mahuka. maea mahuka be weak mahuka lai whelp ave mere. ave akore make weak lei mahuka lai when? leahau? leahovea? wealth erohoho whence? lahoa ve? wean amae hoa haerapa, amae haure lai where? lahoa? lahoa ha? where at/in lahoa ve ENGLlSH·OROKOLO INDEX 167

where to lahoaki wilderness kaipu. ka,ipure. ita merava wherefore? ehovea leve? wile, wily maea hahehahe will (desire) whet mareka ikivere mai whetstone marekaki have willing, be ikikekela hovea whether la .... lava wind v.t. avi helari whine maea hi; v.�·. maea hi ara wind n. mea adverse wind which? Ie ha? lela? mea heaha w. begin to blow mea kivika while la hoa w. to blow mea vevea whip (for top) oro poporo w. blow hard mea eapapo kivika w. blow from beam mea ukai koa whipping top ope blown by w. mea koa whirlpool rnala roa wind bound mea karia whirlwind mea helari helari w. to cease mea haerapa favourable w. mea veveke whisk (of cassowary tail feathers) mal sway in w. mea vavara pupu short-winded iki mea hekai whiskers ape koro north-west wind lahara. mea avara south-east wind whisper avako haopa maura window harihu ura whistle meovo hohoa wing (of bird) ori ve maho white, whiteness houhuka white (grey) hair haro harita winkle (shellfish) alu whitewash oro rnaila wipe huhela whither? lahoa au? wise, wisdom ikiore who? leita? whoever? pl. leitaura? wish n. ikivere; v.i. & l. ikivere lai whom? leira? with ila. i whole, wholly hareho; adj. maeakoko. together with ila hareho oaria. oaria hareho wither oaikare. haroropa whore harari uamari within ureve whose? leita-ve? within a garden oru ure why? ipi leve? ehovea leve? without (outside) mahokaea ve wicked mai heaha withstand hereava wide, width huraha witness v.l. &: i. vavava; n. vavavaki haela very wide hurahapo false witness hovare opore be wide huraha lai woe ikihuru. iki kakare widow uva maitava. uva dedehi; pI. uavila woe! oea! ikihuru hela! dedehi widower vila dedehi woman uamari; pl. uavila young woman marihari wife uva; pI. uavila old woman lauapau. uamari-apo wed a wife uva laea. uva maepa divorce a wife uva hoa haerapa. uva womb airoa haure lai wonder n. iki haparaehaparae. ikihorahora; wild (untamed) merava v.i. iki haparaehaparae lai 168 ENGLISH-OROKOLO INDEX -I wood (timber) kora wriggle about maea helari helari wool mamoe koro wrist aukava word o. oharo; pl. oharoharo write hohoa hara. karoro hara bitter words oharo kaiake writing hohoa. mai karoro harsh words oharo aheke wrong haiae. mai haiae. mai heaha word of thanks thank-you oharo do wrong mai heaha lai. haiae lai true word 0 iele. oharo iele work n. horova; v.i. & t. horova lai y workman horova haela world meahaiapo yam mapore worm hehee sweet yam haho earthworm maea hevehe. mea ve hevehe yawn n. ape aruru; v.i. ape aruru ara worry, be worried about v.i. & t. iki kelava year hitolo worse heaha; e.g. your way is worse than yearly hitolo haroapo haroapo mine ave mai heaha. arave ka perehekai yearn ikivere havahu heaha yell hi ara worship oharo morapaea yellow kairuka worth kavale worthy mekakure yes e emphatic yes indeed kaire wound n. hohara be wounded hohara yesterday haila hare wrangle ape hahari· yoke e mehau wrap, wrap around haha. kohaha yonder leia to yonder leia ki wrath hihiri you 5g. a; pl. e wreath haro maupa young are. hekai wrecked, be (ship) (vevaea) heaha lai your, yours 5g. ave; pl. eve wrench hailava wrench undone hareava youth erekai akore. hoahu akore. harokou haela wretched iki kakare. iki heraho 169


A a sukapai a ve huava a suru a hururu a pers. pron. a1 aro obj. aro a toai, maea a toai maea a koa ave gen. ave a-uri, a-uri loi a uri. a uri lai a reha a va lae a-uri kokoeai a muhuao a (' yes') e2 a vi lai a ilila alova! kaire a 0 la moi eara ara a voa eai kararuka a' (convb. auai) a3 a voa toapai a ve huava a- (but) aka. ka. laeviva abitorea apitore a (fire, firewood) a4• a ukuku abitorea loi apitore lai a-e, a eroe a kae aea aea. ae a eai, a voa eai a avea. kararuka aeata aeka a lolai a kovaela ahai-e! ikihuru e! oea! a lutai a huhura. a huhurapa aiera aiera auai hehepo lai a lutailutai a huraihurai aierai aera. ora mea lalou aierai mea lalou ora afutae a hurae tetere sa aierai kekele roroapa a-hari a hari ovi aierai heaorapa a hehea a ahea aiorai pl. aiara pl. miarai sg. avara sg. a-hiuka a hoi a aiovu mariheari. mariapo a-hiuka hoeai a hoia aipepea avaipea aikaera a mahuvu aiperovai a ita a ila korukaia airi, airi roro airi. airi loro a itoreai a ekaraea. a avea aisesea tita. titava a itua a uku aite, aitetai aire. aireka akoda a koela aite voa aire ve a lavesa, a lavesa loi a lakalaka aite soa aireaki hoa a-maso a maho soea vo aitetai aireaki vivila a mea a mea aitetai terai aire ekekai au a mopai a avea. a yea aite oti terai airekai au a mu a muo aiteai loara a-oro a oro aitemOia akoreheari hekai a ovava a ovava aiterori auai helari a poe a kao aivo avirape a sauai, a sa sauai a hara. a avea akoako hapa a sukai, a sukeai a ilila 170 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX akoela a koela ape serea auai ape karava ara akoka, mea akoka mea here ape siahu ape ve mahuvu alaeai araea ape soare ape ohare alaua, meae alaua meae alaue ape sosori ape hahari Alaua-ipi Horovu Harivu ape sukavasukava oharo oaria alitara arura haha. morapulula haha ape tapare ape veveke alova! kaire! apea, pea apea apea sa toai apea koa aluopai hupakaia pea soeai apea kuara a-mlsa aukara ape va opore. hehepo amu havahu havara apeva hovare opore ao (teTmite) ao apeva karu opore haela ao oti ao ita apeva maeati opore morapaea o apeva auai opore ara. opoepoe hukava aoro, uti ve aoro uki pakupaku apisi ahihi ape ape apo (palm tree) apo ape aruru auai ape aruru ara apo (bow) apo ape fapai ape ha apo mauro apo ela. apo maolo ape hai ape ha apo mauro fareovai apo ela helauka ape kaitoea auai kakakoea apo mauro ferai apo ela haha ape kaka ape paila apo sai apo hea ape karakara iki hahika -apo sulf. -apo ape karava ape karava ara peTS. pron. ara ape lalasi loi ape velavela lai. ape lalahi lai araro obj. araro ape ma lalaukai karave ipi laloka arave gen. arave ape mehe ape koro ora (distant) arai. apehai ora voa arai ve. apehai ve ape maruru ape ve mahuvu. iki mahuvu ora-ara arara ape maruru sa fofoai hohomaia arafukai sg. &: pi. arau sg . . arahuka pl. ape 0 ape oharo arahoha ovehahu ape pasou ape mehau Safu Arahoha Lareva Ove Veveke ape poe ape iilu arahoha sa toai ovehahu ila ape putovai ape burava arakaisa arakaita ape rovaea ape eapapo arapai iropa ape ruru ape iilu arara, mea arara kakarara. mea kakarara ape sari ape koro ararapai alalaka lai ape sa seseovai ape hovave lai araupai ilopoa ape seika ape hekai aravai, rare aravai rare itava. rare ava. pi. rare avahaea TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 171

mate aravai mae haha. pl. mae hahaea arova arava are pers. pron. are aru aru. ikupa hoa area emphat- area aru oti oki ikupa hoa arero obj. arero aru voa aru ve areve gen. areve arusisi aru hi hive are new are arua auraa area, area sare haila hare arua harivai auraa hariva arua sauai auraa hara area laita haila oroa arua (marsupial pouch) aroa area auai area kea. area ara area soso area ape aruita arila area sa vuteai area amuraea. koela. ape aruovai hailava. hakeava. heava. keava. pI. heheo ara. area koava hakekeapu area mai area mai (ape Jaruru auai ape aruru ara areapo aireaki ve asai aha. horeava. pl. aheau ari, arihau loa ari ase, misa ase miha ahe arireai korukaia ase (sugarcane) a he ase opu ahe apu arisa arita asera, asera patai aka. aka ara arisovai kaila ase voa pavai eleleapa. hakea aritovai overa ape aitovea. iki harerava asia, asia auai hia. hia ara ariveai ma hara asini asini arivu, pI. arivusu arivu. pI. arivuhura ata aeka. kai aro pers. pron. obj. aro ata kokorukai aeka korukaia aro (charcoal) aro ata kerori helariki aro toai aro koa ata pisosi aeka kariki aro (frigate bird) aro atute akore atutemori akoremari aroa aroa arivu atute arivu akore sariva aroa hahi aroa atute kokoe akoreheari aroaro ma aroaro. ma haha. kohaharuka meavo atute meavore akore aroavai pI. vivila sg. & pl. mere atute akorevila atute seika akore hekai arori, arori voa akea. akea ve atute toare akoreapo. akore koare arori karu akea haela au au arori kola akea iele auvaro, varo laS kauri arori kaia ve akea aua, aua lerai hivi. hivi hela arori posa akea haha aual ara arori puta akea pura aueli uriheleipe arori soa voa akeaki auka, auka paeai ivahi n. & v. arorisai arau sg .. arahuka pl. auka paea eavai ivahi eava 172 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX

auka dual mkr. ari. ali. evari avoro hapaela. lavi

auka .••. ita i ... .ila. i ... i B auke aue auraka naoae bapatiso loi bapatiso lai auraka sosori auai hihiri naoae lai basileia basileia auri, auri horou auri. auri horou boromakao boromakau auri siri auri apu boromakao lou boromakau lou auri sukai aUri ua boromakao mere boromakau mere auri koavi berasi boromakao torea boromakau mea ava, mai ava keva. mai keva buka buka mora ava loa keva ava' 0 oharo velavela D ava ' loi oharo velavela lai dibura hahai uvi. uvi muru avae iloki pao dibura voa paraeai uvi muru paraea aval heava. haiava. haevava. ava diho eau. eau lahara au avai au haiava avaita posa haiavaki haha. e-ipi haha dokita karu muramura haela avako maho E avasa avaha avasa patai avaha kakare lai e pers. pron. e avasa pataita hehea avaha kakare ero obj. ero avato (ear lobe) avako (outer ear) eve gen. eve e reha e va lae avavu avavu. ruma avavu seika ruma hekai e (dance). e-oi e-irihi. mahea hara ave sg. & pl. ave. pl. avita e (faeces). epai e. epa ave mere ave mere e kere, e mare e aheke. e mare ave tao ave kao e mu, e suru e muo. e huru mere epai mere epa ave caution mkr. ave e (saw) e avea apea avea-ipi apea-ipi e, elare mapore avea tai aire ekekai au evocative mkr. e avi> havari eae haiae avoa auat hehepo lai eaea. pl. sisea aea2• pI. apea avoha, larietau ere ererea eai, a voa eai a vea. kararuka avoha eakoa toepai avihelari. helari hukapaia. avora avara. hurava hupakaia avora lareovai avara hareava eapo pI. loloroe hela sg. & pl. avora itai avara ukai. hurava ukai Avora Marisa Iroki Marita easo, easo sukai eaho. haleava avora ve lavu lahara eavai, olae eavai ovohae eava avora ve soa avara hoa. hurava hoa eavia ehovea TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 173 efare mapore elo, eloela elaa eharo eharo eloela fere elaa hakaea ehe! ehe! elore, dore elore elare. elarelare elore oti ei? ha? elare ita elore haiiri elare iki eight ari-ila elore maea elare maea eite havahu. iele elorai elari eite kasirau iele karia eokere kaiake eka, eka loi maea. maea hara. maea lai o ivara eokere oharo kaiake eka karu maea haela eopea papare eka papare mi eapea eopea sosoru ekaka ekaka aikakiri ekaka aruovai ekaka hoherava ere pers. pron. ere ekaka fae ekaka hae erero obj. erero ekaka lati ekaka ve hoa ereve gen_ ereve ekaka sitavu ekaka oaria ere, ere horou ere. eharau ekaka sukai ekaka haleava ere horou hehea ekaka tapora loi ekaka haropa eharau kakare ekaka tapora karu ekaka haropa ere popai eharau huhara ekaka tete ekaka keke ere ia, ere ovai ero ava. ero-ila ekaka ve heva ekaka ve kavuru ere atute akore eke pikeke ere mori meavore ela pers. pron. ela elaro obj. elaro erea, tola erea kora harava dave gen. elave ereita pers. pron. elaviila eta (string) ela ereitaro obj. elaviilara ereitave gen. elaviilave eta fasai ela haha marivi ela marivi ela erere, 0 erere auai ererea. hereava morove ela merove ela ereuka pers_ pron. erearila eta karoro paikake ereukaro obj. erearilara eta roroai ela loroa. lakori ereukave gen. erearilave ela sa totorai kokora eroa, eroa sauai eroa. eroa hara elai, kora elai kara haha etau. pl. etau etau eharu. pI. eharuharu elaka pers. pron. elalila etauroro fai eharu koa elakaro obj. elalilara ete, ete sari eke. eke koro elakave gen. elalilave eteai eharau huikapa elarukeai, mai sa elarukeai mai hahava eteai, apo eteai apo haivaiava elavo eravo. hehe eravo moupa elavo maupa eravo euka pers. pron. earila. eali eukaro obj. earilara dele elele eukave gen. earilave sarova ve elele maea elele dele hasiavai elele hailava eva eva eli haropa evale maea loi ukai hareau 174 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX eve, eve-eve mikoamakoa lara, lara lerai hivi. hivi hela evera, everape overa. overa ape lara (oar) pala evera ape aritovai overa ape aitovea lara toai pala koa evera pavuta overa kora lara (wild) merava evera sisi overa hihi la ra loi merava lai evera uta overa ura evera uti over a uki laralarapo haroapo haroapo. perehekai evera adj. & adv. overa2 larai kopiapa 2 evera soa overa hoa larakeka haroapo evoe evoe. hiha soa larakeka mea haroapa oroti ve evoe iloki ve evoe lare, la re lorerai hae. hae horela lare hari hae are F lare itovai hae ikaea la re lareva hae veveke lae, kovore lae iele. hae. karave hae lare sora hae hovare pepa lae hapa lare sora loi hae ka laeai hamurea. kovara lare tai hae horela. hae horeava itai itai laeai kovara ukai ukai lareai, rna lareai rnahorea lalarapai kopurapa. paperapa lareapai, hai/areapai iki mea karia lari lalarapai hari kopurapa lareho, larehoria hareho. i hareho lalukai pl .. sg. laukai kihoahuka pi .. sg. kihoau lareovai harea. hareava avora lareovai avara hareava lai, etauroro lai eharu koa lari, lari lalarapai hari. hari huava lai, rorore lai houka2• pi. hahouka: rorore huhorea larisa, larisa sai harita. harita hea lai, kevaro lai makaea. mava. kevao larova, larova eta ekaka ela makaea la rova eite kimai faia, faia haro haea. haea ruru larova paraeai ekaka ela paraea faia pitao haea puri laruopai korukaia faihohoroai pl . sg. haihaharoa . haiharoava lasai haha kovore fae laihohoroai karave hae lasaita etau hahaki eharu haiharoa mora faihohoroai loa haiharoava lau (pandanus) hau faita oroa lau hurau faita soa oroa hoa laukai, pl. lalukai hoau. kihoau. pI. faiita haira hoahuka. kihoahuka lei la ukai lei hoau faitora mahoa. mahau faitora soa mahau hoa lavai mapa falahore mauki lave have lave koru have koru falai eara lave lova paku faloa palaoa lave oti have ita la ve soase latite fapai hapa lave toai have koa. pl. have koava TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 175

lave tatava kela pelaea flauaflaua oti auka lave uta have ura 10 auai, mea fo auai mea haerapa Ie, leai he, hea foa, pi. foafoa hoa, hohoa leoro maea rna loa sauai hoa hara Ie sari he koro foai pi. . foi sg. hahaea pl., haea sg. leai (prawn) heae foapai oropa havi leai (lot) koae leai lasai koae koa foaru sare marape leare, loleare hovea, lahovea mahovea loavai pura oava moleare mahovea loea, pi. lofoea, foealoea haea, pl. hahaea usoso kola leare hovea hiki usoso leare loi hoveahovea lai lolai sg. &: pl. haivaela, pl. haivavaela lofoai, ape maruru sa lofooi hohoa. leleo ehoo hohomaia leleopai haroropa,oaikare mioho fo loai meovo hohoa tolo leleopai koro haroropa u fofoai puva hohoa le lekeai mai apora foloisai, ofae fofoisai ovohaehae eava leleropeai, olae leleropeai ovohae foloroe hela kohelauka, pl. ovohae kohehelauka lolorukai marura lelese, oti le lese ita heheapa loi, tola loi, pl. loai haea, kora haea, pi. lelesi mohoava, vovohoa hahaea ere lelesi eharau mohoava folo, miri folo miri holo lelaukeai helauka, havaro foovai, puta foovai pura hauava, pura ferai, apo maoro ferai apo ela haha oava ferai, fara ferai hela. hivi hela foreai sg. &: pi. hareau, pl. hahareau forea forea auai hareau hareau ara fere (betel nut) ehele, here fere huhu ehele haro forerai horera, huhorera, kihorera pisiri forerai hihika horera fere, mai-itai-fere mai ukai fori paeai mai aheka paea fere, eloela fere elaa hakaea foroe hela. heroe fi, fi auai hi, hi ara muforoe muo heroe fi ape, fi lara hi ape, hehe hivi hai fi, kokora fi maea hi, kokora hi foromai oaria. oaria hareho sare foromai fi osa auai hivavara ara hare oaria forova oti fifa hiha oru fifa ve fae hiha ve iele forova auai oru haha file marekaki eharu losi kelau itai fosi ukai kelau firu, pI. firufiru hiru, pI. hiruhiru firu rovaea hiru eapapo fu auai haroau, hauara. koharoa firu seika hiru hekai fuapai hukerapa, hakurepa fitova lohela, lohari fufukai maho vivila ori fitova ori lohari fufuka patai maho urou 176 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX

fu/uta loi ipouka haha hailae uti arahu ve uki fukiapai huritau haifareapai iki hua. iki paperapa furi furi ia huri huri ila haifareapaita eka iki au puparapaila furi, rnafu ri auai rnahu rita haifi rnaeahi furirai huriva haifoforora loi iki hailava furuka, furuka merava huakara. huakara haiharua iki mea karia rnerava. kaipu haihava loi iki haparaehaparae lai furukeai kopiapa haihaveva ikihaveva fururukeai hururuka2• hailava. hauka3 kite fururukeai kile hauka haiiri ikiure puta fururukeai pura hailava haiiri eae iki hareho fusifusi, tui fusifusi larolaro haiiri eokere iki heaha fusu, rnalusu rna pukuru ila haiiri heafo iki heraho futai, a futai a huhura. a huhurapa haiiri hariaharia iki lahualahua

G haiiri ivara aeaha haiiri kapekapeai iki larnukilarnuki gold auro haiiri kere iki aheke H haiiri kerori iki helari lai haiiri kitou loi iki hihiri lai haeai karara. heauapa ova va haeai ovava heauapa haiiri kureai ovoro kopa rnaeahaeai maea kohauara haiiri mavitoai iki helari haekao rnaea. maearnaea haiiri rnerava iki haveva haekao kofa maea iele haiiri 0, 0 haiiri iki hairi haekao koti rnaearnaea eke haiiri oai iki iha haelarehaelare hoa oaria haiiri ovava iki veveroro halu hapu haiiri pasou iki mehau hafu haha. ela haha haiiri patoita iki mahuka hahaea loi ivuru lai haiiri seseovai auke ita heheava naoae hahauhahau lahua lahua kekela hahoro kararoa haiiri tore iki oaoka hahuru auai haitaviri. liha hua haiiri usoso loi ikikekela hovea lai hai v . . ape hai ape ha haiisoi ikihuru hai n . . haiako iki. ovokake haiivavu ikihaveva haiarara loi haure lai. helarna haikaeai ikikekela. iki alala. ikivere lai haiarori iki arnua haikakapu kakapu ikihorahora haieae ikihuru. iki kakare haikakare ikiheroe. iki havahu. ikivere TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 177 haikakeva ikikekela ara haria ara havahu. ara hiki ara lahua haria loi haikavora iki heraho. iki kelava lahua lai hariakao hihika hailareva ikiveveke oti haria voa havahu ve hailareva loi ikiveveke lai soa haria hoa lahua haimafu mahuka. here harihari hevere. pelaea haimerava iki haveva harisu haelaharisu haiorai iki paraea. pI. iki paparaeha harivai hariva. keka hariva haiore ikiore haro, harofave haro haioriri iki oaoka haro kaiakaia auai haro haiara haro karuta haro haeka haiovoro ikiore harofave miavai haro kora haiparaeai iki paraea harofave miavaita hiore haro koraki aihari haipasavai arahu hahava haro miriare haro haeka haiposa tititai hailoa haro ovave haro kue haro puru haro hae. haro ara haipasou iki mehau haro sari haro harita haiposa arahu. hai haro topai haro ve kora haiposa toai arahu koava harotavu lava. kavu haisafai iki haopa haro-tui haro koro haro tui ovai haro haelaea haisai iki paraea haro tupe haro kue haisora loi ikihuru lai. iki kakare lai faia haro, la haro haea haro. la haro hake haro, mai haro aihao haro. mai haisoropai heropa haro haisukatori mapai auhohi iapa misa haro miha haro mora haro loa haro haisusuru auai iki hoara poi haro pai haro haivevekoko vevehere haroavai, la ' haroavai lakara haiauru forerai hakupa huhorela. kororo harokao horeava haroka mai harokao mai haroka. mai ka haihiri, maea haihiri uruka harokou, pl. harokoulese hoahu akore. pl. haipiri hahari hoahu akoremari haipiri loi hahari hahari lai harokou are erekae akore lei haipiri loi lei hahari hahari lai haropai haro kokauka haka haa harua, pI. hohorua kahekai. pl. kaotiaeka hake, hake haro aihao. aihao haro hasiavai hararua hakeake hara satu hasiavai pupu hararua hakeake haro hara haro hasu haruku hako, hako are kaulau hau (sand crab) hauka harapaharapa hehepo hau (joint) ove. ari hari, fare hari haurave. hae haurave arihau loa ari haria pI. hariaharia aea. lahua. pl. lahua kirihau mai ari lahua 178 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX

kovore hau karave hehova, pl. hehovalese miro akore, pl. miro mora hau loa ove akoremari mai lakoka ve hau mai lekoka ve helaukeai helauka hauara, pI. hauara hauara eapapo, pI. heohea, heohea auai urukuku, urukuku lai ehoaha heoheai maeamaea lai hauka malaita heorukai kopakaea haukai koara hera hela haura 8g. & pl. ehoe, pI. ehohoe haura loi ehoe lai he rei rnailoi airi pavora lai lei haura loi lei ehoe lai herusu, oa-ita herusu oa-hea-ula mai haura mai ehoe louita herusu lou-hea-ula hauta karavari heva aho haute haure ekaka ve heva ekaka ve kavuru larietau haute ere aheke hia hia hava, haihava iki haparaehaparae hiai, hiairi ihau, ora, eheau havara hovare hiairi voa ihau ve, ora ve havara paraeai oropa, 0 haha, hihi hiake paraea herehekai hilili haveva, haihaveva haveva, ikihaveva irii maea haveva maea haveva hilisi loi iki hairihairi lai haveva loi haveva lai hiohio, lai hiohio lai loaela havia mauki hiopai ahohopa, ekaopa havohu, havou elau, helau hiore pailava havou etau elau eharu havohu loi elau ara, helauhe lai hiori, haro hiori aihari havu, ma havu rna mahuvu hipa lalupe mea havu kekele ve mahuvu, mea hiuka, hiuka hoeai hauka, a hoia mahuvu hiva auai mara vi ara, pelaea ara havuopai havuopa hivai, rnahivai rnahip a, rnahi va hea, hea haria uku, uku hiki ho, rnaho, pI. hoho rna hoho 8g. & pI. heaea, vita heaea vilahoaha hoao, koae hohao healo, healo loi heraho, heraho lai lei healo loi lei heraho lai hoeai, hiuka hoeai a hoia healo soa heraho hoa hoha, poi hoha aha, pai aha heatao vilakao hohoi hohoe, kepea hehea (pain) kakare larietau hohoi eapai kepea hehea loi kakare lai hohoreai avoa maea hehea maea kakare hehea rovaea kakare eapapo hohoroai haharuka toa hohoroai koa habaruka hehea (heat) ahea hehea loi ahea lai hohororo urukuku lei hehea loi lei ahea lai TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 179 hoi rnaearnaea ikaka ikaka loi lei kohohaharoa hoio, hoiho hoio ikaroa ekaroa hola, hola lou kekela iko kaliko hopa hela ikorea iviri. orea hora, hora sa sukai haura. lape. lape huha ilafisai kohaha. larnuki horahora horahora ilala loi ilaea haiiri horahora ikihorahora ipaisa karu ita avaki haela horahora loi horahora lai ipi (base, foundation, also reason, hore kupa cause) ipi (base). ehovea (reason) hore itai rnavaihe ukai ipi reha, ipi meha ehovea la/rna horela ma rnaahe a ipi lekoru? ipi levea? ehovea leve? ipi leve? horou, ere horou horoo. eharau ipi leive? ehovea leita-ve? horou ereseai e oaea ipi ita fareovai haitahare horu, hiairi horu ekapa ipi vita ehovea haela. ipi haela hova elavelave ipi voa ipi ve hovea ehoe iposea ihohea huai haiae iputu hukoraki eharu huale auhale irave pl . . sg. siare rnekehakupI .. sg. akore huale mehe auhale kolo iri, iri voa ure. ure ve huale uti auhale uki iri puta ure pura huavea huavea, mora huavea huavea loa oru iri oru ure hilauhilau iriharo iii haro huhu, fere huhu ehele haro irori rnai eakea huhuru auai liha hua iroropai pl . . sg. iavai urupa pl .. sg. uava huhururu auai pururu ara iruka, rna iruka rna pikuru ila hukuai poaekaka iruri auai ikivere oharo ara hura rnahoro isai (call) itava huvu, ma huvu rnarnahuv u isai (dig) iha. kekele iha isai (go w.) itau isapea aitahe i auai ara hara isave, isave lare aitave. aitave hae ia, ita i. ila isave haro aitave haro ...auk a .••ia ...1. .• 1 iso, iso sare rnahau hare iavai, pl. iroropai uava. pl . urupa iavi eaea uavai aea i'so itovea ivutu iavai avuku uava iso (lime stick) aito ifalea ehare isoi, ma ism, pI. ma isoseai rnaiha. pI. rnaihah a ilo ihoko 180 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX

isoka! isora! kahara! itoro 0 iroro oharo isuta, isuta auai ihura. ihura ara itova maiva ma isuta rnaihura itovai, fare itovai ikaea. hae ikaea maea isuta maea ihura mea isuta mea ihura ko itovai amae hoa haerapa ita, ita fareho ila. i hareho. ila hareho itua hakaea ...ita ...ita/ ia ...ka ...ila /i ivahia, ivahia itotai ivahi n .. ivahi v. ita (pig) sg. & pl. ila. pi. ilaita ivaiva, ivai va loi ivaiva. ivaiva ara ita kora ila ve ara ivara, ivara loi aeaha. aheke. aeaha lai ita lou, ita torea ila lou. ila mea karu ivara haela aheke ita ovu ila abu ita ve kokorara ila ve koreara koreara ivare, pi. ivaresuta akira. pl. ovakira ita ve lati ila ve laki ivavu, haiivavu iki haveva ita (axe). naoita ila ivi ivi naoita haro ila haro ivuru, ivuru auai ivuru. ivuru lai itaea, itaea etau ilaea. kakavae. ilaea eharu itaea loi ilaea lai. kakavae lai ivuta ivura. ukaipu itaea lei miarai ilaea lei avara ivutu, ivutu eaea, pi. ivutu sisea avuku itaea lei ovai ilaea lei ava avuku eapa. pi. avuku eapea ivutu iavai, pi. ivutu iroropai avuku itai, pl. itai itai ukai. ukaki. pi. ukai ukai uava. pl. avuku urupa itai foapai ukai hareau ivutu posa avuku haha itai karu ukai haela ivutu suru avuku huru itai kerori ukai helari ivutu voa itoi, pl. ivutu voa mai ava itai mai keva ukai itoteai avuku ve urou. pl. avuku ve mai toare itai mai ore ukai urahuka itai poe ukai poe itai itai tofai kovaela ukai ukai K itai itai usoso ukai ukai hovea hovea avora itai hurava ukaki -ka, -eka -ka6 itali aitari kaearuka kaiaruka itapai sg. & pl. kiparaea. paraea. pi. kaearuka sukai kora ua kipaparaeha. paparaeha kaeava, kaeava loi sg. & pl. haure. haure darake, pl. tirarake hahilaka sg. & pl. lai. pi. hahaure lai itarake loi hukilalaka kaeavuru kaiavuru iti iki. avakea. kiavakea kaekae pi.. sg. seika titaeka pi. . sg. hekai ititi ikiki kafai karave haeharoa. kopareara ito uvi ure kafearu parula. momohoro itoi, pl. itoteai urou. pi. urahura kafu e ape lei itoi lei urou kaiae, kaiae loi haiae. haiae lai mea itoi mea kivika. pl. mea kivikavaha lei kaiae loi lei haiae lai itoreai, a itoreai a ekaraea mai kaiae mai haiae mora kaiae loa haiae itoro auai iroro ara kaiae 0 auai 0 haha itoro karu iroro haela. oharo haela kaiae sasukai haiae hapururuka TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 181

kaiae ve tava, pi. kaiae kaiae heaha ve kapofare pirere hae kavale. pl. hahaiae kaputai, ofae kaputai ovohae apukilava kaiapai oropa kariki karakara aramito. karakara kaiaruri ovohae ekaupa. ipi eava ape karakara ikihahika kaifa, kaifa loi haure.'haure lai. iki heaha kararapa kararapi lai kararapa uti kararapi uki kaika, mora kaika kaika. haru. loa ' karekare, tao karekare auai kao ererea mai kaika kaika. mai kaika karera, toru karera karu karu iele kaioeai helari kari, pI. karikari pakupaku kaiopai ahohopa ma karikari rnapa kupaku kaiovai kovaiava otiharo karikari oki pakupaku kaisa kaisa auai maea helari helari kariapai, utihau kariapai uki haiae lai kaisi kaisi karikara, karikara pisiri karikara. karikara hihi kaisova (male) mea3 karisu haelaharihu. harihu kaitoeai, ape kaitoea auai kakakoea karitai karila kaka paila karivaripu mea heaha eapapo kakaeite karia karia iele karoai apihau kakafare karakara karoro hohoa. karoro kakapiso loi maea mahuka lai karoro muti hohoa murea kakare, maeakakare iki haveva. ihape karoro ukai hohoa hara. pl. hohoa haea maeakakare loi ihape lai karova, ape karova ape karaya kake kake karu haela kakeva loi ikikekela hovea lai. iapa karikara karu karikara haela karu merava eharu aue haela kakiri kakiri loi laualaua lai karu metameta haela hoaha kako, kako ela kako. kako ela karu rovaea haelapo karu sitavu kakosa kopea harekoko karuta, haro karuta haro haeka. haro kala he ikoko. karahe helare kaloi ka lai. kari lai. karia lai kasirau karia kamuta karu evera haela kasirau kofa karia karia iele kao, lareva kao au. ka. kao. veveke ka kasoapai hukilala -kao _ka7 katekate, maea katekate maea mahuka kaou fi auai ave hi ara. ihuru ara katekateai maea helari helari kapekapeai, haiiri kapekapeai iki katiri loi pakara lai lamukilamuki lai kato' oeai ape popoa kapena, kapena karu, kapena loi hihe haela. hihe horova lai kaua iroki miro kapesa, maea kapesa, pi. kapesa kapesa, kauari haukava fare kapesa kapesa pekeheka. maea pekeheka. pI. pepekeke. hae pepekere 182 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX kaukai, oroti uta kaukai iroki ura kokauka kika hika kauri, kauri arori kaia. kaia ahe;'l kikirifa kikili kauri lavai biae kikirikikiri laualaua kauri tavutavu kaia uru kauri tupe kaia kue kikirivisa ihi kauri ikaroa mlna kiri, kiriape e ape. e ipi mai kiri mai ari kausisa kautita. hapaela mora kiri loa ari kava, kava sukai erekai. erekai haha kiriape (hinterland) ure kavai aileia. ukava. au. kau. kiau kiriape karu ure haela kavapu, kavapu ape kavapu. kavapu ap. e. kiriposa e-ipi haha. haiavaki haha hukuvu kiripai sg. & pl. haitapa. harepa. pl. kavaro kimai ve mehau hakurepa kavekaveai lei mirimiri lai kiriraua korohu kavuarai kokauka kirori avako kavuru, kavuru lauai hohe. hohe lara kite kile kite sauai kea haro karahe. kea kile hara kite fururukeai kile hururuka kearai, ofae kearai ovohae kapuara kapuara kitou, kitou loi hihiri. hihiri lai lei kitou loi lei hihiri lai kefa, kefa 0 auai, kefa uri auai avako kitou muru iki hihiri haopa. avako hopa. ape harita harita ara kitou 0 hihiri oharo kekese, kekese loi karia lai. hua kitou safefeapai hihiri hava lei kekese loi hovea hukava kiva, kiva loi kiva. kiva lai. kaeava kekeva korona kiva kofa loi kiva auhohi lai kekevarai, kekevari eavai muruhari eava kiva karu kiva leiki haela kelavari kivaia loi avaraparapa. hihila maepa. hi hila kimai ve mehau epa. pl. hi hila epeau kemo hurae. kemo . ko, ko opu amae. amae apu kepakepa haro hati. haro iilu. kepa-kepa ko itovai amae hoa haerapa kere, kere loi aheke. aheke lai ko sosoai amae lara haiiri kere iki aheke ko ukopai amae avara kerori, ata kerori helari. oelari. airekai ko, ko fare kou. kou hae helari ko erai kou hae oaea haiiri kerori iki helari mea kerori kerori mea helari helari koa akea mora kerori loa helari koakoa eite akea iele ofae kerorikerori ovohae helari helari koa (pepper) hai ovi kerori avi helari koa fare haihai kerorikerori auai helari helari koa uti hai erere kevaro kevao koata, miri koata huru. miri koaka kevaro mavai kevao makaea. kevao mava koavi, maea-koavi kairu. kairuka kevaro mavamava auai kevao makaemakae lai koesa, koesa uti kararapi uti TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 183

koeta pipi koru sisapai kou kihoae. kou hohoa kola havahu. iele koru (lump) . lave koru have koru kola kola eite iele havahu sauka koru pikuru uku karia karia iele havahu kakaeite kola koseva, lakai koseva kora lakalaka. lareva kola veveke iele maeako. pl. mamaeako raepa koa kola kela heaikiapo iele koti, haekao koti eke. maia eke koki kiokio. marere lei koti, ovi koti lai eke. kari eke koko koko kou, kou aite kaikava. aireaki koko kola koko hekai kou-uti kaka uki sare koko hare hihi kou-uti lare lauka-hae kokoe, atute kokoe akoreheari kou-uti kaiae kaikava haiae lou-hela lou kokoe uvi kou uvi akea oa kokoe,pl. louita-herusu oa-hela. pi. lou-hea-ula koukova haiaru oa-ita-herusu oa-hea-ula koukova lou hako oa-ita-herusu oa-hea-ula kovaro kimai ve mehau kokoeai, a-uri kokoeai a muhuao kovi (needle) karahe kokoputai, mai kokoputai mai kupava kovi (comb) huhari kokora, kokora Ii kokora. kokora hi kokora lou kokora lou kovore, kovore lae karave. karave hae kokora abu kovore laihohoroai karave hae kokora ovu haehahoroa kokora vita kokora mea kovore ipi karave ipi kokorara auai harara kovore ipi hehea karave ipi heaha ita ve kokorara ila ve koreara koreara. hauara hauara kovore ipi lalaukai karave ipi lalaoka kovore luka karave lika kokoriri, lave kokoriri have kekele kovore tolo loi rna karave koa (Iai) kokoroai kakaroa . karoroka maea kokoroai maea kakaroa. maea kuli, lavekuli maimari karoroka kui, naoita kui ila hekai kokorukai korukaia kuku (tobacco) kuku kokosa kopea kuku lauai kuku lara koku, kokuveisa hekako kuku, okuku 0 haveva olae kuku ovohae kariri kopa, kopa toai kapa. kapa koa olae kuku loi ovohae kariri lai kora ara. kara kukutare patai pupuari pupuari ara. ohare kora elai kara haha horera korarai helari kupa, mai kupa mai apu. mai kupava koravasa mahokaea kupai pakupaku korovu, korovu 1m korovu. korovu lai kupusi hekako koherapa kureai ahila. kopa. kurupaea koru (star) kou haiiri kureai ovoro kopa mea opai koru opovila kou kaiae leiti vei kureai murukaea koru sitavu kou oaria 184 kurumori kurumori lakakare (heart) haipe lakakare (charm) marupai l lakoka lekoka la obj. mkr. la mai lakoka mai lekoka mora lakoka loa lekoka la (coconut) la la fae la hae lalaea ailauki la lelo la mahura lalaea tola ailauki kora la loure la ihaure lalasi ape velavela. ape lalahi la hari la haipara lalasi loi velavela lai. ape lalahi lai la kakare la kokopi lalasi 0 oharo velavela la kauke la kouke lalasi serea loi auhohi velavela lai lakoko hako la oroa la marota la maropa lalava lalava. kore la musu la hepara lalave huepa la oeai la hukuaea lalave, ere lalave hekore la opu la apu lamepa lamepa la ovo la ovo lamepa a mopai lamepa avea la poe la hupi la sasae la hehaa lape lape la sasaekiJvi la puri lape sa sukai lape huha la sariJva la aivau laporo laporo la seseai la hehea lare (unfulfilled conditional) la .... -ki v. la sukai la karitai form la surua la hurua lareva veveke. pI. mekaka la tororo la kororo lare lareva hae makaka la tororo kuku la kororo hakupa lareva loi veveke lai la tororo sora la kororo laua lei lareva loi lei veveke lai la uti la uki la veveroro la veveure lari, larietau e eapai larietau haute loi ere ereava. ere ererea laeai, ua laeai laea. uva laea larietau hohoi eapai kepea vita laeai vila laea larietau kao ereka laho, saiva laho lakalaka larietau pisosi eapai aepa lahoapo harapa. laho larietau tapare e karave lahupi kurukuru. lahupi lariiJvai oropa au. lai au lariiJvaitakaru lai auki haela lai lai lai eke lai auai lai ihau lariiJvi koti lai ororo lai ororo lariiJvipatai lai peka lai hiohio lai loaela larivatai huverea. avaka. pI. haruapa lai ovo lai perepere lasusa turai pikuru ureve uava laka, pl. lakalaka, otiharo lakalaka oki lakalaka lati, ekaka ve ekaka ve hoa tola laka kora ikupa lati, ita ve lati ila ve laki lakahai avai kaka hara laua (shield) korepaka.laua lakai laka. maeako laua (talk) oharo. oharo oharo lakai kaekae laka titaeka laua sukavai oharo hukava TOARIPI·OROKOlO INDEX 185

laua vita ape haela lelesi dedehi. lelehi ua lelesi uamari dedehi lauai lara vita lelesi, pi. lelesi lelesi pi. uavila larietau lauai eapai lara dedehi. vilaita dedehi ma lauai rnalara la ' haroavai la kara lepu lepo lauka lauka lera? lela? lavai (porpoise) lavai. namai levea? ipi levea ? ehovea leve? lavai (snake) biae levei? leve? lavai, kauri lavai biae (rainbow) levi ka ... lue. ka ... rue lavea, lavealavea leitaura. leitaula leva helpoka. kare lavelave elavelave. edeavedea. karaveria levolevo, mea levolevo mea mahuka lavi ohela. hohoela lia lia. pairalia laviku/i maimari likilea elele laviku/i oreai maimari ora likiliki papaa lavu, avora ve lavu maruru lioveai huverea lavukakaeai, haiiri lavukakaeai iki lamukilamuki lai 10, 10 ea 10 ea noaenoae 10 10 aula kela lea, lea vei la. laelava tera iti loi loleare lahovea lea '? lealeare ? Ie? leari? IOri lari. laria lealere? leovaila? lovoa leia. lave leasauka? leahau? leahovea? lohalai auai/loi hehepo lai leati? leari? lehae? lohio karu haela eapapo leavoa? lahoa? loi, leiti, loloi lai. leiki. leilai soa leavoa ? lahoaki? loka, loka toai loka . loka kerari lealea karu e lahua haela. hamuha haela loki 0 ape vela vela lehara? Ie? loki loi ape velavela lai. hila hila lai lei lei. rei loki taupai morapa leisa? leisa leisa? leita? leitaura? loko, loko paraeai loko. joke paraea leiro? obj. leira? loku lei ve ? gen. leita-ve? loku leiai, taisa leiai rna. kaita rna. kaita kai lopa kora havi rna lorara hahapa 4 leiora ovo • laiara loreai, otiharo loreai oki heheava lekaleka hahari hahari loreape auai hivove ara. hivove vivila lekaleka loi hahari hahari aea loroa rna elele leke reke lou, pi. louita lou. pi. lou-ula lekoru? leha? louapo lou hera ipi lekoru? ehovea leve? lou kokoe lou hera lele lele mauti lou mauki lou 186 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX

ova lou uva ve lou rnasoare rna auhare ueri lou lou hera rnasoauai rnaheloekoa rna kaito pa lou (large). mai lou rnai hue rnasuka sisovai masukoi rna rnihukau lou-e! oie! ma taiva rnahaa. rnahuhu lova, fave lova paku ma tao rnakao ma tarereai rna hoau mare lova kara ma tatara sisapai rna peroavaia lovoa leia. lave ma tatara rna perehekai lea oti voa leia ve ma toai rnahip a luka larupe. eharau ma toru rna karu ma tovuseai rnahur ita. rna perepere koa karave lika kovore luka maukai rna huela lulalula auai lalaepa . lulalula ma ve solo latite ma veveal rna vevea M ma vevete rna here. rna kapare rnaviseai rni rnita ma, ma aru rna.rna aru ma voa paraeai huaparaea ma elori elori rnaelel e. rnala roa rnaea3 ma feare loi rna ka lai maea (somewhat) hekai rnaea ma havu rna ororo.rna oro seika rnaea hekai rnaea hovea ma hehea sa sauai rnaah ea ve hara seika maea feare rna hiva rnaea (body, shape, colour, mental ma hivai 5 ma ho rna hoho states) rnaea ma huvu rna rnahuvu maea a toai rnaea a koa ma isoi, pi. ma isoseai rna iha. pl. rna maea aro hehe eapai ihaha maeati sg. & pl. rnaeaki lai. rnorapaea. makaikara rna kaikara pi. rnornorapu ma karoai apihau apeva maeati opore rnorapaea ma koti rnahara maea eka loi rnaea heaha lai ma koata rniri koaka maea eka paraeai rnaea heaha paraea ma karikari rna pakupaku maea eka toarai rnaea heaha koara ma laroa rnaelele maea feare rnaea hovea ma lauai rna lara maea fi auai rnaea hi ara ma loru rnaloru maea foa hohoa ma loi rnaloi maeaforoe loi sg. & pi. ikiheroe lai. pl. ma orai rnaar a ikiheheroe lai ma otiharo rna ve oki maeaforoe-o! ikihuru hela! ma ovava rna alalaka maea fufuta 1m rnaea avuku hovea lai rnaeafukapai auhohi lai. auhohi ma-ove rna ve ove rnorapaea rna pete fai rna peke. ahea kiapa maeahahauhahau hehepo. ma poe rna poe rnaeahahehahe ma popotoaita oti rna pupupupu maea-haihiri uruka. uru ma pusu rna hauvito. rnakoa maea haveva rnaea haveva ma rovaea rnaeapa po. rnaehoaha maea hasiavai rnaea haiae lai ma seika rnatitaek a maea hehea rnaea kakare ma sese rna hehe maeahoa rnaea rnekaka ma sisapai rna hakaitapa maea hukuai rnaea poaekaka ma S1TlS1Tl rna hirihiri maea isuta rnaea ihura ma sisovai rna kakaita maea kaisakaisa rnaea heraho TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 187

maea kakapiso maea pekeheka maea sora maea hovare maeakakare ikihaveva maea titiri kikili maeakakare loi ikihaveva lai maea tu here-maea maea karorokaroro maea karoro karoro maea tu loi here-maea lai maea koauka kolu maea-uru uruka. ahihuru ahihuru maea-koavi kairuka maea-uru-mohari kairuka apiapi maea kokoroai maea kororoka maea-uti maea uki 4 maea loi sg. & pl. harepa. hoa . uhau. pI. maea-uti hehea maea uki kakare uhauka maea-uti oriri uki harea maealolo heaha. pI. heahaha maea utohoa maea elavelave maealolo loi heaha lai maea ve itai maea ve ukai maeamaea laelaea. mihea mahea maea ve peise maea ve ihova maea malu maea mahuka maea vevekoko maea vevehere. maea maeamariti maea makiri. maea oaoka ' hahaita maeamariti loi makiri lai maea veveveve auai maea hahaita lai maea makora maeakoko malu mahuka. pereuava maeamarbva maea pelaea. iki malu loi mahuka lai paealapaeala lei malu loi lai mahuka lai maea mehe maea koro maea mehe sarapi ovai maea koro mahapa mahapa haelaea maho haho maea mitutu n. maea kovaela v. maea-mohari ovoka.ovo mahoro mahoro maea Orlrl auai maea paiala paiala lai mai, mai ava maio mai keva maea opaopa loi iki papailapa. maea mai etau miarai maepaki okoare ara helari helari mai larakeka mai haroapo maea veveroro maea ovava mai haro mai haro maea pakokoai koekaopa mai harokao mai haroka. mai ka maea pakura paraeapo mai haukai mai paea maheare maea paseare mai horu mai parae luluauka. maea mahuka maeapatoita mai itai mai ukai maeapavora kake mai itai itai mai ukai ukai maea pitokopi laa mai kaika mai haru maea-popori kairuka mai karoro mai karoro maea puta mopai maea pura oreau. maea kohaha mai kiri mai ari maea rolo maea aheke mai kupa mai apu. mai kupava maea ruru maea iilu mai lakeka haroapo maea ruru kikieai maea iilu paruparu mai lakoka mai lekoka maea ruruiai hovea hovea lai mai lakoka ve hau mai lekoka ve ove maea sari maea koro mai lou mai hue mai malu mai mahuka aivau haela maeasarbva mai mopai mai kohara hauhuka maea-sea mai muti kaoa kairuka kairuka karu maea-sea maiore maiore pura hauhuka puta maea-sea mai ovava mai veveroro maea helare helare maea serare mai ove mai ove maea mlrlmlrl maea sesea mai paeai maepa maeahiri maeasiri mai paopao toai mai haparahapara maeasiri karu maeahiri haela mai pasavai mai hahava maea siaviri maea paila mai posa mai hara 188 TOARIPI·OROKOlO INDEX

mai rururi ovai mai buru maniota maniota mai sa miarai mai avuhukavaea mao mao mai sa mopai mai kohara mai sa paeai mai hapaea maola maora. mare mai sa rorokeai mai rokoa maola dau mare eharu mai sa tatavai mai peke paea maola karu hevehe haela. maora haela mai sa toai mai koa maola loi maora ara mai sosoropai mai horapa maola vei isaita 0 mare ve itavaki 0 mai sosoropi ovai mai avihorapa maola etau maravai mare eharu aea mai toare mai ore maoro, apo maoro apo maolo mai voa miavai mai ve kora ma-ove rnave ove mai (river) mai mai ape mai ape mapai iapa maipisiri mai hihi. ahea hauahu marase 0 marahe 0 mai poe mai poe marase auai mara he ara mai tupe mai kue maravai pl. . ovai sg. aea. kara. pI. ava. mai (way, track) mai kaiva sg. mai haura mai ehoe mara vi patai aipeka mai kaiae mai haiae mare, mare loi mare. mare lai mai maealolo mai heaha lei mare loi lai mare lai. mareka mai ovava mai veveroro marekeke mamareke . mai-itai-fere hue-ila mare sukaita fave marekaki have mai-itai mai-itai-fere mai ukai ukai. marehari, pl. mariosu akoreheari. pl. horo-ila maraita. apavara maiore maiore marehari (father's brother's son) apoheari mairimairi herere. kauri marehaukai mare ara. marehahari ara mairimairi itai kauri ukai maria, maria voa mahokaea. mahokaea ve maisoi, pl. maisoseai rna iha.pI. rna ihaha maria uti maria uki maka maka maravara marevare makaikara ahea. ahea rna.rna kaikara marivi, marivi eIa marivi. marivi ela makaikara (salt) kaikara marukapai marura makapi kapita maruru, ape maruru ape ve mahuvu. iki makora marukae mahuvu marukae koro makora ere sari maruru itai maruru. paipai hoa makuri ovokake maso maho makuri. ovokake lai makuri loi maso karu maho haela lei makuri lei makuri loi maso tivi maho horova ovokake aiai karia lei va ka peita makuri maso toai oharo morapaea malaila marl maso uvi hehe uvi mala sa malaha masukoi mihukau malaha lai malasa loi mate mae mamoe, mamoe mehe mamoe. mamoe mate aravai mae hearai koro mati maki TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 189 matoru ma karu mea voa toapai mea koa maukai ma huhela mea demon. ma mai maukai mai huhela meha, mea oti me. mae maia maumau maumau mea soa ma mea a meha! e meha! a va lae! eva lae! mauta maura mea mauta itai maura ukai mea (ripe) mauti mauki mea-e meuru mauti lou mauki lou mea-e sa aierai meuru ora mauti oa mauki oa meae meae meae alaue mava auai humahemahe ara meae alaua meae hahiri meae hahiri mavai, kevaro mavai kevao makaea. kevao meae mere meae mere maya meae uti meae kupe mavue mavia meako maeako. pI. mamaeako mavitoai sg. & pI. haivarukapa. pI. hauaka haivavarukapa. havuopa. avihelari meara oti meara ita hauaka o mavitoai oharo helari uri mavitoai uri helari mea seseve mea hevehe mea (to be). pl. roroa yea. pl. roa meavea hoa oaria. mea oaria mea (wind, weather, time) mea aeai mea meavo, pI. meavusu meamari. pI. aia meavohula mea akoka mea here meavumOia meavohula mea-e mea-uru meafautu hailaea meha me. mae mea itoi mea kivika mehe, maea mehe maea koro mea kerorikerori mea helari helari ape mehe ape koro mea lareva mea veveke ofae ve mehe ovohae koro mea lere mea mahuka ori mehe ori koro mea lolou mea lalou mea maealolo mea heaha melare melare mea opai mea opa melela aikaupe ovo mea peperi ovo hehea meoe avare mea sa toai mea vevea. mea koa mea sarapai mea haerapa merava, merava 1m merava. merava lai mea tavutavu mea hihiri fare merava hae merava mea uru loi mea uru koa ori merava ori merava mea viriviri mea opaki hoa oti merava ita merava mea (ground, earth) mea mere, mere epai mere. mere epa mearovaeka meahaiapo ave mere ave mere mea arara mea karakara ita mere ila mere mea havu kekele mahuvu meae mere meae mere mea kari ita pakuva mere mi auai mere era mea seseve mea hevehe tolamere kora mere sisi mea kekele vovohoro mere tovuseai hae purava mea tetere mea kekele mereki mereki mea uta mea ura saesa mereki haita mereki 190 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX meru, meru etau meru. meru eharu miruru (fan) papahi meru loi meru lai miruru toai papahi veveo meru loki loi meru here lai miruru aritovai iki harerava meru miarai meru avara . . meru oval meru oval misa, misa ase miha. miha ahe misa haro miha haro metakao auhohi. mekari misa kapera miha kapere metakao mapai mekari iapa misa tao miha kao metameta pi.. rovaea sg. ehoaha pi .. misilai, ofae misilai ovohae iupe eapapo sg. metere mekere misisapai haikaitapa metori mekari misu biko meu ape vivi oharo mita, loku loku meu karu meu haela mo, mofeare mahovea meu 0 paraeaki oharo mori, movoa mario maia meu loi meu lai moea, pi. movoea mura. aea. aeave. pI. meve meve mumura. apea. apearo mi, mi sosorai mi. mi upa moi (handle) mail ml aual era Molala Opa Kou miarai, pi. aiorai avara. pi. aiara mopai sg. & pi. ora. pi. oreau hehea miarai kakare avara puta mopai pura ora meru miarai meru avara maea pura mopai maea pura ora tava miarai kavaIe avara a mopai avea miavai aepa mai sa mopai mai kohara harofave miavai haro kora tola mopaita tao mora koperereaki kao mai voa miavai mai ve kora mopamopa auai mai naoae paea mikumiku auai aurakela ara mora, mora ava loa. loa keva milafukai aerapa. avarapa mora faihohoroai loa haihaloava mora haro loa haro miloroa, pi. milorosu loare. pI. loahura mora hau loa ove mileri, pi. milerita vilari. pi. vilari-ula mora haura loa ehoe mora huaveahuavea loa hilau hilau mioho meovo mora ikuku loa hara ve iilu mioho fofoai meovo hohoa mora kaiae loa haiae miori vevelare mora kerori loa yea velari miori soa vevelare hoa mora karoro loa karu mora kiri loa ikipi miri, fave miri miri. have miri mora lakoka loa lekoka miri folo miri horo mora omopa mea loa oropa yea miri koata miri koaka mora pasoa loa elavelave miri posa miri haha mora patai loa huhara miri ukavai miri ukavu mora posa loa hara miriare, haro miriare haro haeka . haro mora sukai loa hua helare mora sa toai loa koa miro miro mora terai loa au mora toare loa ore. loa koare mirupa muramura kaeake TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 191

mora ulai loa elau lei murumuru loi lei muru lai mora uti loa uki murumuru soa mea muru. muru hoa murumuru kalearu rovaea murumuru moraitai, pI. moraitaiitai haelakaru. apo havahu loaukai. pI. haelakakaruru muru (hornet) apovea. muru moravai morava. urapa lapi moravai kaivoava mutapai 8g. & pI- aukapa. pI. aikilapa mori mari muti murea mai muti kaoa mori, pI. marisa mario pI. marita moriapo, pI. marisa-apo-ita maria po. pI. marita hoaha N morihova hila-uamari mori-siare mariheari nani nanikosi morove merove nao karu laho haela morove ela merove ela naoita ila morove tao merove kao naoita haro ila haro morovu, pl. maraiosu mariloa. pl. naosoi hoi maritaloa naosoi tao hoi ve oropa. hoi kao moupa, moupa loi maupa. maupa lai nila, kovi karahe moupa elavo maupa eravo nila ela ela mouseni mauseni nila sukai karahe huha movio movlo numera numera movoa maia. mave o movoa pea maia lai. maia ara movokoa, movora mavara o 8g. & pI. oharo. pl. oharoharo o auai oharo ara mu, mu ia muo. muo ila o auraka auai oharo naoae ara mu eokere muo heaha ape 0 ape oharo muloroe muo heroe. muo veveke o apeva oharo opore mu muriai muo hoea. muo koa o apeva auai opoepoe hukava mu, mu maea leare mu. mu maea hovea o erereai aihukamaea mu sisovai mu kaitava Ii 0 hahaki oharo o haiarori auai 0 pelaea ara mu tova lai mu kakaita o haria 0 lahua muhi kaibaraka. muhi o haiiri auai iki hairi oharo ara mui aiu. hapea o kaiae auai 0 heaha ara o kaloi oharo karia lai muiai 8g. & pI. amoea. pl. aioea o kere 0 aheke muko muko kisari 0 0 heaha o kola 0 iele. oharo iele muramura muramura okuku 0 haveva. 0 muruha muramura maealolo muramura heaha okuku loi oharo haveva lai. 0 haveva muri huruha lai o maealolo 0 haiae muriai, mu muriai muo koa. muo hoea o maeakakare ihape oharo muru, murumuru loi muru. muru lai o mavitoai oharo helari 192 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX

o merava naoae oharo olae misilai ovohae iupe o rauapo oharo oaria olae murumuru ovohae murumuru o ruru oharo hoveahovea olae ve lare ovohae hae o sarapai oharo haelapa olae ve mehe ovohae koro o serea auai ape karaya ara oioi, Dio kovave o seseovai oharo heheava o soka oharo kahara okola auai 0 iele ara o sukasuka auai ape kuarakuara okuku 0 muruha sosori 0 0 hahari omoi 8g. & pl. oharo maea . pl. oharo o usoso auai 0 hovea ara maeaea o ve eite oharo ve iele o vituvitu auai 0 vere ara omopa, omopa voa oropa. opa. oropa ve omopa soa voa oropaki hoa o (or) aka. ka omopa terai oropa au o a2 omopa sora, opasora, pl. opasora-sora oropa haela. pI. avai oa, pI. oa-ita oa. pI. oa-ula haela. avai oa kokoe, pI. oa-ita herusu oa hela. pl. oa hehea-ula oovai, ma oovai ma oa oalou oalou. oa i lou ila opa, opa toai apa. apa koa mauti oa mauki oa opa haiaoro oropape hihiri ova oa uva ve oa oasora loi oropa haela lai opamola apavara oaea oaea opai 8g. & pI. apa. pI. apihaea opaopa loi aitara areau. apa maea lai. api oal oau heheapa Oa-Laea Oa-Laea opai pl. obj. opa Oa-Miri-Mirou Hailaea Kou. Oa Birukapu. opai, mea opai mea opa Opovila Kou opape oropape Oa-Molala Oa Malara. Opovila Kou opasea laua elau oharo oarehova avare oarehova kola soa avare koare hoa ope, ope toai ope. ope koa oarehova loi avare koa opoope loi mahuka lai oe, pl. oe-ita ai. pl. ai-api opu, ase opu apu. ahe apu olae, olae eavai ovohae. ovohae eava ko opu amae apu la apu olae leleropeai 8g. & pl. ovohae la opu kohelauka. pl. ovohae kohehelauka tola opu kora apu olae hoeai ovohae hoea ora, ora voa ora. ora ve olae kaiaruri ovohae ipi eava. ovohae ekaupa ora lolai ara hara olae kaputai ovohae apukilava orai, ma orai ara. ma ara olae kaputa kaputa auai ovohae kapuara kapuara orakoria, oraka, orakori orahokaila. olae koko 10lDisai ovohaehae eava orahoka olae kerori kerori ovohae helari helari orakaraka hari-ila olae kuku ovohae kariri olae kuku loi ovohae kariri ara orali, orali loi avaro. avaro lai olae maealolo ovohae heaha lei orali loi lei avaro lai TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 193 orapai keveka orovea fai orovahe ha. orovahe lai ore, haiore ore. ikiore oru, oru iri oru. oru ure ore fae ipoveare oru larietau oru eapai ore kofa ore havahu oru tivi loi oru horova lai maiore maiore. oremai ore loi ore lai osa, osa patai aaka. aaka peka lei ore loi lei ore lai fi osa auai hivavara ara oreai haiava osefase aho oreai, lavekufi oreai malman ora ote, ote karu iri haela ote karu loi iri haela lai on on ori fare ori hae otiape, utape okiape ori fare toharai ori hae koekaka oti, pI. otioti ita. oki ori fitova ori lohari aru oti oki ikupa hoa ori leleisa hivi elore oti elare ita ori mehe ori koro oti fapai haikilava ori mehe oai ori koro oau oti hoi ita maeamaea on roro ori loro oti meara ita hauaka ori saro ori haioha oti merava ita merava oria la ...-Iav a oti pekauke ita pikuru oti sasaukai oki kokauka oriri auai humahemahe ara oti vevete ita heheapa oro, oro fare oro. oro hae oti vuvuri ita havari oro rnaita oro ma ila otiharo okiharo. oki oro, uti ve oro uki pakupaku otiharo areare oki pakupaku otiharo fapai oki avara oro (tree) oro otiharo kaiae loi oki haiae lai oro poporo oro poporo otiharo laka okiharo laka oroa, oroa sauai aroa hara otiharo peto oki poe otiharo sasaukai okiharo hereava pI. titava pI. oroai otiharo veverapai ovo hoavi oroasi aroate. kohu. maua oto, oto uke oko. oko kao oroisoria, oroiso, oroisori ilehoila otoare okoare oroofa oroapu otoare auai okoare ara oropai hihilauka. keveka ova, ova-lou uva ve lou. ava lou oropea erope ova-oa uva ve oa ororo kire ovafae, ovauta avako ipi ovasuru avako ipi huhuru ororo, lai ororo lai ororo ovai pI. maravai ava. kaiva. pI. aea. kara ororukai avarura ata ovai kai ava oroti iroki oviti, ovikoti avikela. kaiva eke oroti opa iroki ve opa ovi kerori avi helari oroti pere iroki pao ovi patai avipeka. pl. aipeka oroti uta sasaukai iroki ura kokauka ovava (clean) veveroro orovea orovahe ovava loi veveroro loi 194 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX

lei ovava loi lei veveroro lai paoka paiha haiiri ovava iki veveroro papa, pl. papa-ita aualau. vilari. pl. vilari­ ovava (It'ght) ovava ula ovava loi ova va lai papa etau overa ve eharu lei ovava loi lei ovava lai papa karu vilari haela. houva hoa haela ovava haeai ovava heaoapa papa laua lou oharo over a oharo koru ovava kou ovava papa soa houva hoa papare· ovava papare ova va papare papare sare ova va hare ova va papare are papare are ove, ma ove ove. ma ve ove papare ovava papare ovava mai ove toai mai ove koa papare rovaea papare eapapo sare ove hare ve ove papare seika papare kerehekai ove ve Ii ove ve hi papukaru, papuvita amua haela. haelapo oviti avikela paraeai sg. & pI. paraea. pl. paparaeha ovo, olae ovokake dibura voa paraeai uvi muru paraea ovoako ovokake lave paraeai have paraea ovoharo ovohapu ipi voa paraeai ipi paraea ovopute ovohae iilu loko paraeai loko paraea ovororo 0 ma ma voa paraeai huaparaea ovosea ua laa maea eka paraeai maea heaha paraea teveteve paraeai keve paraea ovo (blood) apu ovo elele apu elele parurukai ma ihau. leihia ovo lorerai apu horera pasaeai hekaea. kopereai ovo sasaukai apu kokauka toa pasaeai kopakaea ovo sisapai apu epava ovo mea peperi ovo hehea pasavai hahava mai pasavai mai hahava ovoro kileaki oharo. ovoro haiposa pasavai arahu hahava ovoro kureai ovoro kopa paseare sg. & pI . maheare. pI. maheheare ovu abu paseare loi maheare lai

p pasisa papaita pasoa koraoka paeai, pl. paea paea hara. huru hara. pl. pasoa soeai haramara . harava vi vila haea tava tava paeai kavale kavale hara pasou mehau pasou loi mehau lai pahava mau'u lei pasou loi lei mehau lai paieai, mai paeai mai paea. pl. mai etau pasou mehau eharu papaeha haiiri pasou iki mehau pailalaeai paialapaiala ara. haiarahaiara ara mora pasou loa mehau paiva paiva pasova mahava pakeke pariala pasuka mahuka koekaopa patai, pl. papatavai peka. kipeka. pl. pakokoai, maea pakokoai pekahava pakosi pa kosi avasa patai avaha kakare lai .pakou pekou kei patai kiau TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 195

lei patai lei peka puta peto pura kao loa huhara mora sa patai pikuru poae pataita oti pekaki ita toapi patai kikoa pipi pipi. eharo patoa, poi patoa pai pekoa piripou piripou paua, pl. pauita akoreapo. pl. huhohoaha pisahu hoa pauda pauda pisasa huraha pisasa loi huraha lai popoka pauka pisasa kofa hurahapo paula-ovu, pI. paulovuta apau. pI. apau­ ula pisi luha paurnarehari apavara. apoheari pisi (gun) ipidi pisi sai ipidi hea pauovai oaea pisiri hihi. hihika pavai eapa . epava. pava pisiri loi hihika lai au pavai au pava aru pisiri aru hi hi itei pavai urou pava pisiri forerai aihorera pavaita oti aeaki ita karikara pisiri karikara hi hi pavo mauki mai pisiri ahea hauahu mea pisiri mea hihika pea, pi. pepea aea. aeave. pea. pI. apea. hihika kilea apearo pisiri rnuiai o pisiri moi hihika maea -pea sg. &:: pl. -yeo pl. -ro oti pisiri oki hi hi pea (saliva) apea pisiri voa hihi ve pea soeai apea kuara pisoo tari. hihe pea toai apea koa pisoru haiaru peise ihova pisosi kariki peise loi ihova lai pisosita haveva kariki haveva peise muiai ihova avivoa oti pisosi ita kariki pekauke pikuru pisoso erehoho. mutiti oti pekauke ita pikuru pisoso etau erehoho eharu pekoro pekoro. liha pekoro pisoso karu erehoho haela peni peni pitaka mailare pepe, pepepepe apeapea pitao haea puri pepea pl.. pea sg. apea. apearo pi .. aea sg. pitipiti heheapa pepeapai, ma pepeapai rna hara. hara au pitipiti loi heheapa lai pepeke pikeke pitopito pitopito peperi, ovo mea peperi ovo hehea pitu piku pepeteai ape mehela poe, ape poe poe. opoe. ape iilu itai rnaipoe ukai poe pere pere ma poe rnapoe peti, ma peti fai ahea kiapa mai poe mai poe peto pao. kao poi, poi haro pai. pai haro poi hoha pai aha 196 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX

poi koru pai koru puaveai haihaharoa la pai la poi pui, maea pui maea mahuka poi losovu pai lohoru pui loi mahuka lai meae poi meae pai poi moha, poi u pai kokaa puka paitau poi patoa pai pekoa pupu mai pupu sea poi hea pai pupu haeai pupu hahaea poi seaea pai hakaea poi sauai pai hara. pai mavara hara pupuiovu mea puipui poi toai pai koa pupuiovu patai mae puipui eke pokea eka leper maea pupuri, tola pupuri pupuri pokea karu leper haela puru, haro puru haro hae. haro ara pola para puruta poae. porora popai, ere popai eharau huhara. eharau puruta loi poae lai mohoava puse hite popori poaekakape ita pusi PUSI maea-popori ahihiru ahihiru pusu, ma pusu rnakoa poporora auai kopararapa puta pura poporu, 0 poporu auai oharo hahari hahari ara arori puta akea pura puta loovai pura hauava. pura oava. pura popota maraehae oaea popotoai, ma popotoai rna huhoreava iri puta ure pura popotoaita ma rnapupupupu puta lelaukeai pura helauka puta lururukeai pura hailava porai 8g. & pI. apora. pl. apopora puta karu pura haela porapora poro maea puta maea pura puta malu pura mahuka porokitai, elore maea porokitai airovo-kaea. elare maea airoro­ puta mopai pura ora kaea puta osi pura heaha puta sauai pura hara posa, lave posa haha. have haha puta totorai pura kokora ivutu posa avuku haha kiriposa e-ipi haha putovai mulava. burava lamepa posa lamepa haha putepute airoa miri haha miri haha. miri hiru pute pute posaseai, omopa posaseai maea morava putoi hiloi. hilau pose moi posea hara R posera, posera soa hohera. mea hohera raepa kela posu, ma posu hahu. rna hahu raepa tao kela hohori posu pisosita karu hahu karikiki haela raepa tatava kela pelaea poti ea. haruka. poke rapi hela pototi, pototi mea hai vea rare rare puavai pua rare aravai rare itava TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 197

rare ita moi rare ara safai, haisafai iki haopa rare maealolo rare heaha safaukai hukau rare lei maealolo loi rare lei heaha lai rare ovai rare ava safefeapai, kitou safefeapai hihiri hava rauapo oaria safora hapala reha la. lae. lale saforai huhara -ri -ri safosafoai hilau. pI- hihilauvahaea rofo, rofo loi aheke. aheke lai safu, safu loi pupu. hehe. pupu lai. here lai lei safu loi lei hehe lai roro elorova. hohe. kurua. mikoamakoa safu hasiavai pupu haerapa airi roro airi loro safu karu hehe haela roro mutapai elorova aukapa safu karoro ore karu pupu haealula ori roro ori loro haela roro titai hohe herava safu kiva loi pupu kiva lai safu sarapai pupu haelapa roroa pl. . mea sg_ roa pl. . vea sg. safu sukai pupu hahaea roroai, ela roroai huhela. roroa. lakori ela roroa sai, apo sai hea. apo hea roroaita muramura hariri muramura pisi sai ipidi hea roroaita puta pura hakaea saini sauai hehea3 roroa sasukai haroroa saireai koelaea rorokeai, mai sa rorokeai mai rokoa. pl. mai rokoava saiva, saiva laho lakalaka rorore fai rorore huhorea. pl. huhoreava soli vera harivera rovaea pl. metameta eapapo. pl. ehoaha sapatai heaorapa. heauau rovaea loi eapapo lai sarapai, pI. saereai, saireai haelapa. pI. lei rovaea loi lei eapapo lai haerala ruri, ofae ruri ovohae eava mea sarapai mea haelapa toa sarapai koerapa ruru, maea ruru iilu. ruru. maea iilu ruru ukai iilu hoha sore, saresare hare. hare hare ruru uka fareovai iilu hohoa a sare avea tola ruru kora iilu area sare haila hare foaru sore marape ruruiai hoveahovea lai sore farafarapo hare haroapoharoapo ruruku, 0 ruruku auai iki hairihairi lai iso sare mahau hare i'so sare itovea s sare koko hare hi hi sare ovava hare ovava so instrumental mkr. ha2 (appears as sare ove hare ve ove prefix to vb.) sore soa hare hoa sore sukopai hare hoau sa' (Jr. sauai) ha (Jr. hara. pI- haea) sare sukopaita soa hare hoaila hoa saepai sg_ & pI- haha3. pI- hahaea sare toai hare koa saepi i auai aheke haha vevere sare opoa hare eae saepai haha naoae sarea harea saesa dihu. haita sarea tivi harea horova tola saesa huhu haita 198 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX sari, ape poe sari koro. ape koro eroa sauai eroa hara de sari eke koro loa sauai hoa hara Ie sari he koro kite sauai kile hara haro sari haro harita oroa sauai aroa hara huale sari auhale koro poi sauai pai hara maea sari rnaea koro puta sauai pura hara mai sari rnai koro selo sauai helD hara mokora ere sari rnurukae koro teavi sauai haru hara mora sara loa koro teve sauai keve hara teve uta sauai keve ura hara. pl. keve ura sariva hahi haea sari va loi hahi au kae. pi kuru sariva haela hahi haela sauka sauka koru pi kuru uku sariva oroa hahi aroa saukuru ovehahu saro haioha. saro ori saro ori haioha. ori lohari savai hara. huru hara saroa horoa. keva savori, pI. sosovori, sasairi heaikiapo. haiapo. pI. heahapiki saroroapai hai ka lai. haivoava. haroropa savori loi heaikiapo lai. haiapo lai sarova aivau lei savori loi lei haiapo lai sarova hau aivau hakau savori kola haiapo iele ita sarova ila aivau sare savori hare haiapo soa savori hoa haiapo la sarova la aivau tola sarova kora laka savoro ive oroti savoro a uVla saru/a karu horova haela savuai eapai laea saruka ua harari uarnari saw rnai ee saruta karula se! vavavae! sasae hehaa la sasae la hehaa sea hea sasaekovi puri sea, maea-sea hauhuka sasaekovi tai/eai puri hoapa maea-sea loi hauhuka lai sasaukai kokauka seaea, poi seaea pai hakaea oti sasaukai oki hereava seika, pl . kaekae hekai. pI. titaeka ovo sasaukai apu kokauka seika kola hekai iele sasaukaita lova kokaukaki eharu seika maea hekai rnaea saserovai kohehea tava seika kavale hekai sasukai, kaiae sasukai haiae hapururuka selo, selo sauai helo. helD hara satauro satauro semese, ma semese hevehe. rnahevehe satauro voa paeai satauro hara semese karu hevehe haela satiriarai kilea seo heaoa satiriaraita karu kilea haela sepele sepele o pisiri satiriarai hihika kilea sepele loi sepele lai sauai 8g. & pI. hara. pI. haea serare, maea serare rnaea hohara a sauai ahara TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX 199 serovai a ekaraea sirivo tao hirivo kao mea sa too miavamiava arita sesea auai elaela sirivo mea vavaraivila hirivo seseai kakaoa sisa hita la seseai la hehea ruru seseai iilu hohoa· sisapai hitau sesearai ikikekela sisea pl .. eaea sg. eapea pl . . eaea sg_ seseavare hehemare. kukuita sisi, evera sisi hihi. overa hi hi seseovai heheava. muraea sisia hihia ape sa seseovai hovave lai sisikaekae titae titae haiiri seseovai iki heheava. iki kelava sisikaekae sarapai titae titae haerapa laua seseovai oharo heheava sisiovai kaitau laua seseovaita karu oharo heheavai haela sisoha-pisiri kaikara ita sesera hehera sisorea kaia hi sesera (adj.) kere1 sisoro hitolo seseroro heheroro sisovai kakaita. kakaitapa tetere seseroro kekele heheroro mu sisovai mu kakaita. mu maitava sesetopai apea huka sitavu oaria ekaka sitavu ekaka oaria seseve, mea seseve hevehe. hehee. mea karu sitavu haela lakea. haela harekoko. hevehe haela oaria sevese hevehe ori sitavu Or! oarla sia ahita. aliha. hia sito hilo sia auai ahita ara. hia ara sitoi ma haru. ma ekakoa siae meleri siva lopa siaea-ipi ahea-ipi siviri oaria 2 siahu ahea sixteen avako-ukai-ila ape siahu ape ve mahuvu soa, pl. soasoo hoa. pl. hoahoa siare, pi- siaresi akore. pl. mekehaku . soa aea mea aea akoremari soa /arakeka hoa haroapo siaviri ara2 soa /oromai hoa oaria sii, sii toai hii. hii koa soa haekao hoa maeamaea soa haria hoa lahua sikuli, sikuli loi sikuli. sikuli lai soa hea hoa uku silva ario papa soa houva hoa sipora sepora. tiporo soare, ma soore ma ohare siri hiri. mihiri soare (lungs) haiepe auri siri auri apu soauai sg. & pl. heloekoa. pl. heheloekoava sirisiri hirihiri soea huaea sirisiri loi hirihiri lai soeai, pi. orooi vivila. harava . pi. harava sirivo hirivo huka 200 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX

pasoa soeai harava vivila sukai huha. hua. hukuaea soera hoera falai sukai eara huavavahia hora sukai lape huha sofa hopa kaearuka sukai kora ua sofa tae erekai la sukai la hukuaea tola sofa kora ikupa mora sukai loa hua soi, naosoi hoi ni/a sukai karahe huha marehaukaita soi hoi mare. lelao mare pisi farisa sukai harita hua safu sukai pupu hua soi pavai pava siva sukai lelao huha soka, ara soka! kahara. ara kahara! sukaerereai iapa. ikikekela o soka oharo kahara suka fareovai huhareava solo kaikara suka faropai hukarai horela sopu sopu suka forai huverava sora, sora loi hovare. hovare lai fare sora hae hovare suka hoaveai maea koela haisora ikihuru sukakoka avai loa ari ava. hekaopa opasora-sora aval suka sisovai havuopa sore aue suka toserovai huikapa soro horo soro-Iaua horo ve uki sukavai, laua sukavai oharo hukava sukavuteai huavilaia. amuhuia. avaka. pi. soso oropape haruapa kitou soso oropape hihiri maea-tu soso oropape here-maea sukeai, a sukeai a ilila sosoai, ko sosoai mahumu sukelapai oki hereava sosofa hapapa sukitapai hurapa sosoka hurae sukopai, sare sukopai hare hoau. hare hoa sosoka loi hurae lai sare sukopaita soa hare hoauki hoa eva-e sosoka uva laeaki hurae suru huru sosorai, mi sosorai mi upa ivutu suru avuku huru sosori hahari mere suru epai huru epa sosori auai hahari ara. hahari lai ovasuru avako hahuru oharo hahari ape sosori surua hurua sosori soa sarapai hahari haerapa surusuru huruhuru. hururu sosoropai, mai sosoropai mai avihorapa. mai horapa surusuru loi huruhuru lai sosoru hohoro susu huhu. kora hakaea sosorusosoru, sosorusosoru auai haharika. susumori huhuve hohorohohoro. hohorohohoro ara susuru, maea susuru pataita eka karu sua hua. huva epe apo heheva haela sua ve fi huva ve hi sukaeai koarai. kilahuka sukaeaita oti koaraki ita TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 201

T tapora hahie tapora loi hahie lai. nakea ta, ita, ta reha kai1. kara1 ekaka tapora ekaka haropa tapora karu hahie haela tae, pl. taeita aukau. pl. aukahula tapu, tapu oti kapu. kapu ita tae, ere tae kai. erekai mai tae mai kai taratara perepere mora tae loa kai larietau taratara eapai perepere taheka perehekai tarereai, ma tarereai hoau. ma hoau taheka sea feare perehekai houhuka tari tari. hihe hovea tariva miro iroki. iroki miro kai. erero kai tai, erero tai tariva itai miro ukai tai, aitetai kari. airekai tataeai, 80S0 tataeai oropape lai hae horera tai, fare tai tatava hahapa . pelaea taileai hoapa. puri hoapa. kilava raepa tatava kela pelaea aititiva tailea fareovai tatavai, mai sa tatavai mai peke paea orea taioro taukai, toetai, pl. topupukavai haeka . pI. taiovai oraiava. kaiva haekaka 1 tairu havila taukovai, pI. taukoravai ava • pI. aea tairu loi havila lai taupai kaupa lei tairu loi lei havila lai loki taupai morapa taisa kaita tava kava Ie taisa leiai kaita ma tava loi kavale lai taisa fofai kaita hiha kopererea tava etau kavale eharu taiva, ma taiva ma haa kaiae ve tava heaha ve kavale tava miarai kavale avara taivatai titava pI. tava 0 kavale oharo taivotai 89. & pI. morapaea. pI. momorapu tava 0 auai/moi kavale oharo ara/maea tava rovaea kavale eapapo tamaka loa iilu tava seika kavale hekai kebu tamaru tavaea liJva harihu-urape tao (tooth) kao taviJ kayo tao hehea kao kakare tao ipi kao miri tavutavu, mea tavutavu mea murumuru tao karekare auai kao heheava. kao miri pava ererea teapai teavi sauai 89. & pl. haru hara. haru koa. tao (point) ailoki. kao huhari hara: pl. huhari haea ma tao ma kao naosoi tao hoi kao teoru tehoro raepa tao kela hohori teoru roroai tehoro loroa uvi tao uvi ailoki terai, teraia! au. aula! tao, heatao vilakao lei terai lai au ovi terai kari au tapare kapare. hilore tero koko tapere harova 202 TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX terona terona toarai hukapa toari avai kaeava tete, maea tete keke. maea keke toari pavai koara tete (scale) keke toaraita karu koaraki haela ekaka tete ekaka keke toare koare tetete, tete aiai. ai atute toare akore koare tetere, mea tetere kekele mai toare mai ore mori toare mari koare teto keko otoare okoare teveteve keve ua toare uva koare teveteve paraeai keve paraea toarorisai koelari teveteve uta sauai keve ura hahaea toea, pI- totoea kaea. pI- kakaeha thank-you 0 thank-you oharo toepai, eakoa toepai helari hupaka tiparu hevehe toetai haeka. koeka titai, roro titai hohe herava. hohe koa tofai sg. & pl. kovaela. pl. kovavaela titiri, maea titiri kikili tohorai koeka. pI- koekava tititai hailoa. loa hai loa. hai yea tohohoroai kohaharoa ti vi, tivi loi horova. horova lai tivi etau horova eharu tola kora tivi karu horova haela tola elele karoro tola eroe kora eroe toai koa tola erea kora harava a siahu toai maea a koa tola fare kora hae fara toai para koa tola firu kora hiru fave toai have koa tola hama kora hama loka toai loka kerari tola havi kora havi ma toai ma hipa tola horu kora hakaea mai sa toai mai koa tola lakai laka maso toai oharo morapaea tola marekeke kora mare mea toai mea koa tola marisa kora marita opa toai apa koava tola meako kora lakalaka poi toai pai koa tola mere kora mere sare toai hare koa tola m"opaita tao kora koperereaki kao tava toai kavale koa tola opu kora apu tola sa toai haru koa tola opu katiri avare toa fafarapai kopiapa tola pupuri pupuri toa fareovai koeherava tola ruru kora iilu toa hohoroai kohaharoa tola sa toai haru koa topasaeai kopakaea tola sofa kora ikupa toa sarapai koerapa tola tolo kora koro toapai koa. huava tolo, tolotolo kora koro. korokoro a voa toapai a ve huava tolo fe feopai koro haroropa ipi koa ipi voa toapai topai koharitopa mea voa toapai mea koa toapi mutapai aukapa topiarai kopererea toapi ovai lorilori topiferavai hereava. hupakaia toapi patai kikoa TOARIPI·OROKOLO INDEX 203 topukavai, pI- topupukavai haeka. pI­ kauri tupe kaia kue haekaka mai tupe mai kue

-tore -Iula turai sg. & pl. ku. pl. kukuea tore, tore loi oaoka. oaoka lai turi moravai urapa. kui epa lei tore loi lei oaoka lai lasusa turai pikuru ureve uava torea, torea loi korea. korea lai turi auai koparuka torea etau korea eharu tutururu kukururu. kaia kukururu. kaia hi torea karu korea haela torea lei ovai korea kaiva u torea mai korea mai ua torea uva korea. korea hea u, u loloai puva. hoi. puva hohoa vita torea vila korea ua, pI- uamori uva. uamari. pI- uavila torerapai haipararapa. mihuamihua ua haiarara lei kiripai uva haure lai. uva tororukai kararuka hoa haerapa ua laeai uva laea toru karu ua lelesi uva dedehi toru kola karu karu iele ua toare uva koare matoru ma karu ua torea loi uva korea lai toru uta isai karu iha ua vitova uva maitava to��i�, pI- toruipi-ipi vila-ipi. pI- vila Iplpl Ualare Aualari toseseai mihuamihua uamai lauapau totavai maeakoko lai uapapa marevare lei totavai lei maeakoko lai uapapa (spider) paikuku toto kaiapakore. pakore uapu haite totoai kokoea. popoa uaroa, pI- uarosu moriloa. pI- marita loa totoeai lei havila lai uarova malaita totopo elauha uasora lauapau. uamari-apo totorai, ela sa totorai kokora ueri, pl. uerisuta vila ve lou. uvari. pi­ uta totorai ura hukora uvari-ula ueri mileri uvari vilari totororo, maea totororo maea paialapaiala lai ueve, pI- uepisuta evera. pi- eveahura

tovu, tovu loi kavu. kavu lai u/ai sg. & pi- elahu. elau. pi- elahuka harotovu kovo uvi. kavu uvi itai ulai ukai elau tovu itai kavu ukai uiva iva tovu sasukai kavu hakurepa ukai, karoro ukai hohoa hara. pi- hohoa tola tovu kora kavu haea tovuseai koavelare. kopurapa maukai ma huhela ma tovuseai ma perepere koa ruru ukai iilu hoha tu ita pakuva ukavai, kavai ukavu miri ukavai huru ukavu tui, harotui haro koro uke (of bird) e poe tupe, haro tupe kue. mai kue 204 TOARIPI-OROKOLO INDEX uke, bto uke aue. oko kao v sii uke hii aue varo la ukokai arakakara. kopakohaea. koravakaia vavaea vevaea. pupukaura ukopai mevekea vavaea kapena vevaea kapena umapu mapu vavaea karu vevaea haela vavaea pataita oti vevaea pekaki ita upi apiapi vavaea sitavu vevaea oaria uri, a uri auli. uri. a uru vavaea ve pisi vevaea ve luha kela uri auai avako hopa vavaea ve sariva vevaea ve hahi uri helari uri mavitoai vavavai vavava ape mehela uri sa pepeteai vavavaita karu vavavaki haela urita. murita urita ve, arave ve. arave uruuru auai lJara ara tola ve omopa voa kora ve oropa ve rnave uara ma ve ururu vei, veia ve. harihari. v'ila usoso, usoso loi hovea. hovea lai ipi a vei ehovea ave harihari uta ura veveai, ma veveai rnavevea have ura lave-uta veveovai, haiiri veveovai amuraea mea-uta mea ura uta sauai ura hahaea vevekoko loi vevehere lai uta totorai ura hukora veverapai havoava utape okiape vevere sare opoa hare utape seika harihau ura vevete hapirapaka . hivilake heheapa utI uki. ikupa vevele loi heheapa lai uki haiae lai uti lareapai lei vevete 1m lei heheapa lai utikao uki ila oti vevele ita heheapa kbuti-uti kaka uki maea-uti maea uki veveli hariri maria-uti maria uki veveu, veveu loi ivaiva. ivaiva ara meae uti meae kupe viopai 8g. & pI. iha. pl. ihaha maea-uti oriri uki harea uti toetai uki koeka vipai huhu uti ve oro uki pakupaku viriviri, mea viriviri loi mea aia utohoa karaveria viseai, ma viseai rna mita uvi, uvi ve ipi uvi. uvi ve ihau vita, pi. vita heaea vila. pi. vilaita. uvi karu uvi haela vilahoaha uvi ve aite uvi ve aireaki ukai vita lelesi vila dedehi maso uvi hehe uvi vita haiarara lei kiripai vila hoa uvi ve oto uke uvi ve oko kao haerapa uvi ve papuvita uvi ve haelapo vitai avaka. avika uvilou hapatita vitu miku vitu haro miku ava

vituvitu, 0 vituvitu auai 0 peke ara viviuti karakara. mokora TOARIPI·OROKOlO INDEX 205 vo, vovo va vovea -Iula. mehaemehae voa, aite voa ve. aire ve vovoro loi hakakaea. ovohava apea (ira voaap ehai ve. arai ve lei vovoro loi ovohava arori voa a kea ve vuapai, pi. opai aivaopa. avara3 aru voa aruhihi ve haekao voa maeamaea ve vuteai amuraea hiairi voa ihau ve area sa vuteai ape heheo ara. koela ipi voa ipi ve vuvuiovai vuvuraea iri voa ure ve itai voa ukai ve vuvuri oti ita havari maria voa mahokaea ve omopa voa oropa ve pisiri voa hihi ve ora voa ora ve 206


DEWDNEY,.S.H. 1943 Hivi buka apevelavela oharo [Hymn book and catechism]. Sydney. 95pp. Reprinted 1952 and subsequently. 1947 Akoremari ve mureaki buka [Children's reading book]. Sydney. 47pp. 1951 Evanelia buka hari-ila aea Aposetelo ve horova [Four Gospels and Acts]. Sydney: The Bible Society of Australia. 295pp. 1963a Amua ve areto ve ivaiva [Lord's service of communion]. London. 34pp. 1963b Pupu oharo are [New Testament]. London: British and Foreign Bible Society. 473pp. 1970 Genese [Genesis] illustrated . Canberra: The Bible Society in Australia. 127pp. 1973 Ruta [Ruth] illustrated. Canberra: The Bible Society in Australia. 13pp. SCHLENCKER, H.P. 1922 Iesu ve hari [Story of Jesus]. Sydney. 1926 Evanelia buka aea horova [Gospels and Acts]. London: British and Foreign Bible Society.



1892 Aboriginal vocabulary of Toaripi . . . Annual report Jor 1890-91, 145-149. 207

BROWN. H.A. 1954 The folklore of eastern Elema people. Papua and New Guinea Scientific Society: annual report and proceedings for 1954. 64-82.

1957 The eastern Elema. Thesis for post-graduate Diploma in Anthropology. London School of Economics and Political Science. TS. 298pp.

1968 A dictionary of Toaripi with English-Toaripi index. 2 vols. Oceania Linguistic Monographs 11. Sydney: The University of Sydney.

1972 The Elema languages: a comparative study of T oaripi. Orokolo and their related dialects. Ph.D. thesis. University of London. 2 vols. 1973 The Eleman Language Family. and Appendix H: Toaripi-Eleman [comparative wordlists]. In K.J. Franklin. ed. The linguistic situation in the Gulf District and adjacent areas, Papua New Guinea. 280-376 and 579-585. PL . C-26.

1975 Meavea Kivovia. Port Moresby: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies. Illustrated. 50pp. CAPELL. A. 1962 Oceanic linguistics today. Current Anthropology 3/4:371-428. CHALMERS. J. 1898 Toaripi. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27:32-34. Journals and letters. Reference Library. Council for World Mission (MSS now transferred to S.O.A.S .. London). FRANKLIN. K.J. 1968 Languages of the Gulf District: a preview. Pa pers in New Guinea linguistics 8. PL . A-16:18-44. HOLMES. J.H. 1902 Lapu mikio no omoro Kuruai buka: Namau eiei buka ieire [Namau primer and vocabulary] . London Missionary Society. Namau District Committee. 1924 Notes and letters. Council for World Mission Records. S.O.A.S. Reference Library. London. JONES. E. Pryce Journals and letters. Council for World Mission Records. S.O.A.S. Reference Library. London. LAWES. F.E. 1894 Vocabulary of words spoken by natives of Orokolo. Bairara. Keura and Kerema. British New Guinea annual report for 1892-93. 100-103 (Appendix X). 208

MAHER. R.F. 1961 New men of Papua: a study in culture change. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. MAORI KIKI. A. 1968 Kiki: ten thousand years in a lifetime. Melbourne: Cheshire. RAY. S.H. 1907 The languages of the Papuan Gulf. In S.H. Ray Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits. vol. 3:320-324. Cambridge University Press.

1913-14 The languages of the Papuan Gulf District. Papua. Zeitschrift fur Kolonialsprachen 4:20-67. SWADLING. Pamela

1980 Decorative features and sources of selected potsherds from archaeological sites In the Gulf and Central Provinces. Oral History 8/8:101-125 (esp. 106ff) . WILLIAMS. F .E. 1924 The natives of the Purari Delta. Anthropological Report No.5. Port Moresby: Government Printer.

1940 Drama of Orokolo: the social and ceremonial life of the Elema. Oxford: Clarendon Press. WURM. SA and D.C. LAYCOCK 1961 The question of language and dialect in New Guinea. Oceania 32/2:128-143 209



Abbreviations: 1

anc. ancestor f. female m. male bro. brother fa . father mo. mother ch. child gra. grand- SIS. sister dau. daughter hus. husband sp. speaking eld. elder in-I. in-law you. younger WI . wife

Toaripi Meaning 2 Orokolo Singular Plural Singular Plural

(a) by adding -osu/-usu anvu arivusu sis.son. dau. arivu arivuhula marehari manosu you.bro. akoreheari maraita meavo meavusu meavore, meavohula meamari ova avaiosuta son-in-1. evera everahula uaroa uarosu sis .. m.sp. mariloa maritaloa mi/oroa mi/orosu bro .. f.sp. loare loahula

(b) by adding -ita or -uta aiovu aiovuta mo.bro.dau .. f.sp. mariheari marita-heari maria po marita-hoaha lou louita mo. lou loa-ula louapo louapo-ita mo.bro.wi. lou-hela lou-hea-ula louheri lou kokoe louita kokoe fa .you.bro.wi. lou-hela lou-hea-ula lou seika louita herusu mi/eri milerita gra.fa.anc. vilari vilari-ula moriapo marisa-apo-ita eld.sis .. f.sp. mariapo marita hoaha oa oa-ita fa. oa oa-ula oa kokoe oa-ita kokoe oa-hela oa-hea-ula oa seika oa-ita herusu oe oe-ita ai ai-api ova-oa avaiosuta fa-in-I.. m .sp. uva ve oa uva ve oa-ula

1 singular or plural. 2 see T. Dictionary for fuller details. 210

Toaripi Meaning Orokolo Singular Plural Singular Plural

ova-Iou m.sp. uva ve lou uva ve lou-ula papa (mileri) papa-ita gra.fa .anc. vilari vilari-ula paulovu paulovuta eld.bro.wi .. m.sp. apau apau-ula pau/a-ovu hus.eld.bro.wi. tae taeita mo.bro. aukau aukahula uen uerita mo-in-I.. f.sp. vila ve lou vila ve lou-ula ueve uepisuta dau-in-I. evera everahula ivare ivaresuta hus.sis.;wi.bro. akila ovakila

(c) by adding esi, ese siare siaresi boy akore mekehaku harokou harokoulese young man harokou harokou haela

(d) varied endings mon marlsa dau. girl mari marita mon-slare mansa-slare adolescent girl mariheari marita-heari

ua uamon WI .. woman uamari uavila (woman). uva (wi.) atute arave son; ch.m. akore mekehaku (boys) akoremari (sons) ere at ute ere susuve bro.son. f.sp. akore akoremari ere mori ere susuve bro.dau .. f.sp. meavore meavohula moriapo marisa-apo-ita eld .sis .. f.sp. mariapo marita hoaha morovu marisa kaekae you.sis .. f.sp. mariheari hekai maraita titaeka vita vita heaea hus. vila vila-ita 211



Orokolo, using parts of the body Toaripi, finger counting, the general as tallies, the Namau mode. Elema mode.

1. haroapo ('little finger') farakeka (fa + lakeka* 'little finger')

2. orahokaila (orahoka 'ring finger' orakoria (olaka + ila, lakoka 'other + ila 'with') fi ngers')

3. ilehoila ('middle fi nger' + ila) oroisoria (oroiso + ila)

4. hari-ila (from Motu hani 'four') orakaraka (oraka + oraka) (,two two')

5. hue-ila ( 'thumb') mai-itai-fere (,hand-side-group')

6. aukava-ila ('wrist') mai-itai-fere-fa rakeka ( ,hand­ side-group-one') , 7. parae-ila ( forearm ') Continues to 10 by adding orakoria, etc.

8. ari-ila ('elbow')

9. kae-ila ( 'upper arm')

10. horo-ila ('shoulder') : also mai-ukai-ukai mai-i tai -mai -itai -fere ('hand-side-side ') ('ha nd-side-hand-side-group ' )

11. karave-ila ( 'throat') Continues by adding farakeka, etc.

12. avako-ila ('ear')

13. aho-ila ('cheek')

14. aho-ukai-ila ( ,other-side-cheek')

15. karave-ukai-ila ( ,other-side-throat')

16. avako-ukai-ila ( ,other-side-ear')

17. avea-ukai-ila ( 'back-of-neck-side')

18. horo-ukai-ila (,other-side-shoulder')

19. kae-ukai-ila ( ,other-side-upper-arm')

20. mai-ukai-ukai-Ioa-ukai-ukai (,hand­ mai-i tai -itai-mora-itai -itai side-side-foot-side-side' ) ( ' ha nd-side-side-foot-side-side')

* Note: I and r represent variants of the same phoneme. 212


COMPARATIVE OUTLINE OF THE VERB SYSTEM ' For a grammar of Orokolo, Toaripi and Sepoe, see my Chapter 8 in The linguistic situation in the Gulf District and adJ'acent areas, Papua New Guinea: edited by Karl Franklin, Pacific . Linguistics, Series C, No. 26, 1973. A more detailed grammar will be found in my . The Elema languages" (typescript): Ph.D. thesis, London, 1972.

Where words appear thus: pua/puavai, the first is Orokolo (0), the second Toaripi (T).

The 'Plain Form' This with varied endings is the basic finite form from which other verb forms can be built up. It is used as the lexeme.

Orokolo Toaripi

(i) -a, e.g. iapa 'hear' -ai, e.g. mapai 'hear' -au, e.g. au 'go to E.' e.g. kavai 'go to E.' -u, e.g. ku 'build' e.g. turai 'build'

(ii) -e, e.g. eke 'come from W.' -i, e.g. koti 'come from W.' -i. e.g. kariki 'make' e.g. pisosi 'make'

(iii) -ou, e.g. urou 'stand up' -oi e.g. itoi

(iv) -a, e.g. yea 'have being' -a, e.g. vea 'have being'

Verb forms i-iii are closely related. The seven 'stative' verbs (iv) form a special class. They all describe states of being and hence are intransitive. They have certain peculiarities of morphology: there are singular and plural forms throughout.

Class (iv) Stative Verbs Orokolo Toaripi Meaning singular plural singular plural be seated, be in sitting position lila avaipea alsesea aipepea be in prone posi­ tion, be lying eaea eapea eaea sisea project out. be sticking out haea hahaea loea loloea 213 have being. to be (no specific place) vea roa mea roroa be set. to be (in a place) . dwell aea, pea apea pea pepea be inside. be floating mura mumura moea movoea be suspended . be hanging kaea kakaeha toea totoea

The Auxiliary Verbs The following are auxiliary verbs in that they require some noun. verb. adjective. adverb or demonstrative with them: lai/loi. aralauai . haral sauai. larallauai. The last two pairs may be regarded as ha+aral sa+auai (hal sa instrument marker) . and la aralia auai (Ia = 'food ' ) .

In O. but not in T. there is also haea. the plural form of hara. This is used in O. as an auxiliary of plurality with verbs lacking plural forms. It differs. however. from other auxiliaries in that it requires before it the verbal conjunction va. This is used elsewhere in O. and also in T. (in the form vol to link together finite verbs only.

A minor auxiliary pual puavai. which denotes totality. requires an adverb in English to convey its meaning. i.e. ·entirely·. ·completely·.


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Verb Class -a, -ai -e, -i -ou, -oi -a -au, -u -i (Stative)

Plain form 0 iapa eke urou vea (Present) au, ku kariki T mapai koti itoi mea Remote Past 0 iapape ekepe uroipe veape aupe, kupe karikipe T mapope kotipe itoipe meiape Recent Past 0 la iapaila leikila la uraila la vila la auila la karikila la kuila T mapaita kotita itoita meita Future 0 iapakilai ekekilai uroukilai veakilai aukilai karikikilai kukilai T mapai roi koti roi itoi roi meava rOl 214

Immediate o la iapakilai la ekekilai la uroukilai la veakilai Future T mapai vei koti vei itoi vei mel vel la roi la roi la roi la roi

'Tense with Auxiliaries

Auxiliaries lailloi aralauai haral sauai haea (pl.)

Remote Past 0 leipe ape hape haeape T leipe ope sope

Recent Past 0 la leila la arila la hila la haeaila T leita arita sarita leitita Future 0 leikilai arilai harilai haeakilai T leiti roi an ro. san rOI Immediate 0 la lai la arilai la harilai la haeakilai T leiti vei ari vei la san vel la roi rOI la roi

Aspect Verbs are marked for aspect to indicate the present continuous. the recent and the remote past Jrequentative. and the habitual.

Verb Class (i) (iv) or -a aealpea (sg.) lailloi aralauai Auxiliary -ai apealpepea (pl.)

Pres. Cant. O. sg. iapave aeave leive ave pI. iaparo apearo leiro aro T. (La mapaipea) pea (la)leipea (Ia)aipea Frequent. Rec. P. O. sg. iapavila aeavila leivila avila pI. iapalula apealula leilula alula T. mapavota peivota leivota ovota pI. pepeivota 215

Frequent. Rem. P. O. sg. la iapailape aeaveape leiveape aveape pI. apearoape leiroape aroape T. mapaiape peiape leiape ape pI. pepeiape Habitual O. sg. iapaivila aeavila leivila avila pI. iapailula apealula leilula alula T. (i) mapa vovea pea vovea lei vovea o vovea (ii) mapaitore pepea vovea leititore aritore (pe )peitore

The verb fo rm marker la is often added to the present continuous in T. Habitual (i) and (ii) in T. are simply alternative ways of expressing the habituative aspect; there is no difference in meaning.

The Converb This is an unmarked form of the verb used before another verb. and accords with it for tense, aspect or mood. The stative verbs do not change to form the coriverb. Other verbs change as follows:

Orokolo changes from -a to -ai from -a to -ai from -a to -ai from -ou to -ai

T oaripi changes from -ai to -i -ai to -ei -eai to -ea -oi to -ei Plain form O. iapa peka paraea urou Converb iapai pekai paraeai urai Plain form T. mapai patai paraeai itoi Converb mapi patei paraea itei

Auxiliaries lailloi aralauai haral sauai haea (pI.) Converb O. lei ai, a hai, ha haeai T. lei ai, a', 0 sa '

Infinitive and Imperative In addition to expressing purpose, the infinitive form may be used as an emphatic imperative In both O. and T. 216

Verb Class Verb Class lail'oi ara/auai

Infinitive O. iapakive veakive leikive arive T. mapai vei mel vel leiti vei ara vel Imperative O. iapaila viva leila eila, aila iapaki veaki leiki araiki T. mapaia meava leitia ana

Of the two forms for the O. imperative, the -ki form tends to imply requests or exhortations rather than commands.

The Relative Verb The relative form of the verb IS used before nouns as a modifier: e.g. koaraki haela/toaraita karu 'helping man', 'helper'.

Relative Verbs Verb Class (iv) (i) to (iii) O. aea, apea lailloi aralauai Tense T. pea, pepea

Indefinite O. iapaki aeaki leiki araiki apeaki T. mapaita peita leitita arita or pepeita or leita oita Remote Past O. iapape aeape leipe ape apeape T. mapope peiape leipe ope pepeiape Recent Past O. la iapaila laeavila la leila la arila la apealula T. mapaia peia leitia ana pepeia Future O. iapakila aeakila leikila araikila T. mapai pei leiti ari 217

Immediate Future O. iapaki leiki aeakive leiki leikive leiki arive leiki T. mapai tJel leita pei tJeileita leiti tJei leita ari tJeileita

Relative Verb Verb Class (iv) (0) aea. lai/loi ara/auai Aspect (i) to (iii) apea. (T) pea

Present O. iapaivila aeavila leivila avila Continuous pI. iapailula apealula leilula alula T. mapaipeta peipeta leipeta aipeta Frequent. O. iapailape aeaveape leiveape aveape Remote pI. apearoape leiroape aroape Past T. mapaiape peiape leiape ape Frequent. O. la iapakila la aeakila la leikila la araikila Recent pI. la apeakila Past T. mapatJota peitJota leitJota otJota Habitual O. uses relative present continuous for habitual T. uses the relative indefinite for habitual

Negatives The negative marker ka/kao may be used alone in answer to a question. when it means no'. With an adjective or noun it expresses the absence of a quality or thing.

Tense. Verb Class (iv) Stative lai/loi ara/auai Aspect (i) to (iii) aea/pea

Present & Future O. iapa va ka aea va ka lei va ka eva ka

Present & Past T. mapai kao pei kao leiti kao ari kao Past O. au iapaila au aeaila au leila au aila

Future T. letJi mapai letJi peatJa letJi leiti letJi ari rOl roi rOl r01 Present Continuous O. au iapakue au aeakue au leikue au aikue Incomplete Action T. mapaia kao peia kao leitia kao aria kao 218

Prohibitive O. ka iapalue kaealue kalailue kailue, kavalue T. levi mapaia levi peava levi leitia levi aria Relative O. iapaki aue aeaki aue leiki aue araiki aue Indefinite T. mapai auke pei auke leiti auke ari auke

Relative O. au iap"ila au aeaila au leila au aila Past T. mapai auke pei auke leiti auke ari auke leipe leipe leipe leipe

Conditional Constructions In real conditions the apodosis takes the indefinite future or the imperative as may be required. The protasis may be formed without change of meaning in either of the following two ways:- Form (a) , with the conditional markers lava/oria: Positive: 'if ... listen' Negative: 'if ... do not listen'

O. la iapakilava iapaki aue la leikilava T. mapait 'oria mapai auke leitit 'oria

If the verb in the protasis be a relative verb, then the following is the construction: 'if ... person who listens' 'if ... person who does not listen'

O. iapaki haela la leikilava iapaki aue haela la leikilava T. mapai karu leitit 'oria mapai auke karu leitit 'oria

Form (b) , without conditional markers - Iava/oria: Positive: 'if ... listen' Negative: 'if ... do not listen'

O. la iapakila negative form not in use T. mapaita, a- mapai auke leitita, a-

In unreal conditions the protasis remains in one or the other of the forms given above. For the apodosis, however, the following is the comparative model:

'would have listened' 'would not have listened '

O. la iapaki iapaki aue leiki T. mapai lare levi mapai lare

In Orokolo, but not in T oaripi, there is an alternative unreal conditional construction. This operates with the protasis which has the converb form of the verb preceded by va and followed by la. In the apodosis the verb is the indefinite future, but having the meaning of 'would' rather than 'will'. It may be noted that this reverses the lava that marks the real conditional. Here is an example of this construction: Vevaea kapena haiavaki ita ore va lei la, are va elavelave Ie ekekilai 'If the boat captain had known the anchorage, he would then have come quickly'. 219



(taken from Lehmann's Historical linguistics, pp. 112-113) Note: this list has been modified as follows: for No. 3 (animal), only introduced word 'animala', substitute 'banana'; No. 26 (day identical with sun) substitute 'breast'; No. 58 (freeze) 'crocodile'; No. 79 (ice) 'moon'; No. 145 ( ) 'pig'.

English Toaripi Sepoe Kaipi Orokolo

0 = [:)j C = [tIl 1. all foromai falakeilive foromai oarla 2. and aea aea aeava ae aea 3. (banana) meae e meae meae 4. ashes afutae afulae afucae ahurae 5. at voa voa ve ve 6. back (body) kou koo fisi kaikava 7. bad maealolo kaho ekapo heaha 8. bark (tree) tola ruru tola ruru tola ruru kora iilu 9. because Ipl. .. eavla ipi ...eavia Ipl. .. ehovea ... 10. belly ere ere, kakaita ere ere 11. big (sg.) rovaea oaharo karulovu eapapo (pl.) 'metameta oaharofafa karulovukaka ehoaha 12. bird on on orl orl 13. bite (v.) putovai mulovi pucovi mulava 14. black maea-uru mea uru moi haihiri uruka maea-haihiri 15. blood ovo ovo ovo apu 16. blow (away) mea sa toai mea toai mea toa mea vevea 17. bone maea uti uti uti uki 18. breathe aritovai orlrloval haiiru mehe iki harerava erona 19. burn a saual a sopusa a sara ahara 20. child, son, atute atule atuce akore daughter mori mon morl marl 21. cloud mea-e mea-e mea-e meuru 22. cold vevekoko masesere memesere vevehere 23. come from E. iti iti iti iki from W. koti koti kwoti eke 24. count mai muti mai mula mai amukwa murea 25. cut sarapai sarapal serapa haelapa 26. (breast) ko ko ko amae 27. die opai Opl opia apa 28. dig Isal isai Isa iha 29. dirty slnslrl SIrlSln Slrl51rl hirihiri 30. dog ave ave ave ave 31. drink (v.) rnalauai rna lari rnalala rnalara 220

32. dry arara arara orara kakarara 33. dull (blunt) hore hore hore kupa 34. dust (in air) havu mea ve havu mea havu kekele ve mea oro mahuvu 35. ear (outer) kirori ava-uta avala avako 36. earth • mear<;>vaeka mearovaeka mearovaeka meahaiapo 37. eat lauai lari lala lara 38. egg (bird's) ori fare ori fare ori fae ori hae 39. eye· ofae ofare ofae ovohae 40. fall (drop) oai oai oal oau (topple) putoi miloi micol hiloi 41. far ara ara aeara aral 42. fat. grease tapare tapare tapare kapare 43. father oa oa oa oa 44. fear (n.) tore tore sioloi oaoka 45. feather ori meha ori mehe ori mehe ori koro (of tail) ori tolo ori tolo ori tolo 46. few farafarapo liheri liheri fareapo-fareapo haroapo haroapo 47. fight (v.) SOSOri aual SOSOri opua sosori ara hahari ara 48. fire a a a a 49. fish ekaka ekaka tava ekaka 50. five mai-tai-fere mai-tai-fere mai-tai-fareapo hue-ila 51. float (v.) moea moea avoea mura (pI.) momoea momoea (sg. & pl.) mumura 52. flow (v.) tarereai taratara tarereai rna hoau 53. flower tola pupuri tola pupuri tola pupuri pUpUri 54. fly (v.) fufukai furunika fufukwai vivila 55. fog rna huvu rna-oro ma-havu. rna-oro rna mahuvu 56. foot mora mora mora loa 57. four orakaraka orakarake oralerale hari-ila 58. (crocodile) Isapea safe lafe aitahe 59. fruit tola fare tola fare tola fae kora hae 60. give mlaral mlaral ovilai avaral 61. good lareva lareva meta veveke 62. grass kavuru kavuru kavuru hohe . . 63. green (yellow) maea pOpOri mea popori mOl opoporl kairuka 64. guts ere horou kakaita eherou eharau 65. hair (head) haro tui haro tupe haro tue haro koro 66. hand mal mal mal mal 67. he (she) are areva are are 68. head harofave harokuku harofave haro 69. hear mapai moapal avapala lapa 70. heart lakakare lakakare hoipe 71. heavy pasou pasou mlsou mihau 72. here movoa movoa malavea mala 73. hit toai toai toa koa 74. hold (take) oval oval aval ava (pl.) maravai maraval taukwoai aea 75. how? lea'. leafeare? lefeare? leaisoka? leari? 76. hunt (v.) tapora loi tapora loi tapara loi hahie lai 77. husband vita vila mica vila 78. I ara arava ara ara 221

79. (moon) papare papare papare papare 80. if ..orla ..ualeia -ca (v. ending) -lava 81. in. inside Irl voa iri voa iri ve ureve 82. kill (person) paeal paeal paea hara. paea (animal) savai saval savati (animal also) 83. know ore loi ore loi ore loi ore lai 84. lake sitoi siloi siloi rna haru 85. laugh (v.) area aual area opua area ara area kea 86. leaf tolotolo tolotolo tolotolo korokoro 87. left side (hand) mai ava itai mai ava itai mai ava tai mai keva ukai 88. leg mora mora mora loa 89. lie (down) laval iava ula uava 90. live (v.) makuri loi makuri loi makuri loi ovokake lai. makuri 91. liver hai haie hai iki 92. long sa VOrl savorl saieka heaikiapo 93. louse saruta sarula saruca karula 94. man. male heavita heavila vicoica hilavila 95. many rauapo rauapo SIVlri oaria 96. meat. flesh sarova salava osa aivau 97. mother lou lou lou lou 98. mountain raepa laepa raepa kela 99. mouth ape ape ape ape 100. name rare lare lare rare 101. narrow koko. tero koko. tero koko. tero koko 102. near haekao. hoi haekao hoe maeamaea 103. neck kovore kovore kovore karave 104. new are are are are 105. night faita faita faica oroa 106. nose everape evera evera overa 107. not kao. levi kau. ievi haroka. levei ka. -Iue 108. old evera omopa omopa overa 109. one farakeka liheriapo fareapo haroapo 110. other haria haria lahia lahua 111. person karu karu karu haela 112. play (v.) havou loi tola loi hai ara elau lai. elau ara 113. pull aruovai aruavi aruava hailava 114. push sukavuteai sukavuteai sucavutea huavilaia 115. rain lai lai lai lai 116. red maea-mohari mea-ovohari moi-ovohori ovoka 117. right. correct haura haura haukwa ehoe 118. right (side) mai toare mai toar� mai toare mai ore (mai hand) (itai) (itai) (tai) ( ukai) 119. river mal mal mal mai 120. road otiharo otiharo otiharo oki. okiharo 121. root likilea likere lakerea elele 122. rope horou horou horou horou 123. rotten puruta purula purukwa poae 124. rub roroal roroapal roroal huhela 125. salt makaikara makaikara makaikara kaikara 126. sand (soil) mea tetere mea tetere mea tetere mea kekele (beach sand) miri folo miri folo miri folo miri horo 222

127. say. omoi. omol . o meai. oharo maea. ( speak) o auai o apua o ara o ara 128. scratch karitai kaia karicai karila 129. sea makaikara makaikara makaikara ahea. makaikara 130. see ofae eavai ofae eovi ofae eovi ov.ohae eava 131. seed (tola)mere (tola)mere (tola)mere (kora )hae 132. sew totorai totola totola kokora 133. sharp mare mare mare mare 134. short harua harua haruva kahekai 135. sing song fara ferai fara feri fara fera hivi hela 136. sit (down) aval aval aval haiava 137. skin maea ruru maea ruru maea ruru maea iilu 138. sky kauri kauri kauri kaia 139. sleep. lie down ivutu iavai ivutu iavai ivutu loi avuku uava 140. small seika keai ekari hekai (pl.) kaekae titititi kaekaehehela titaeka 141. smell (v.) mu murlal mu muriai muo hokea muo' hoea 142. smoke (n.) aikaera aikaera aikohela a-mahuvu 143. smooth vevete vevete vevete hapirapaka 144. snake ikaroa ikaroa okaroa ekaroa 145. (pig) ita ila Ica ila 146. some hea hea hea uku 147. spit (v.) pea toai apea toai pea toa apea koa 148. split haeai. kararai haeai. kararai haea. karara karara 149. squeeze faihohoroai faihohorai faihohoroa haihaharoa 150. stab. pierce sukai sukai suca huha 151. stand (up) itoi Urol COl urou 152. star koru koru koru kou 153. stick (n.) kaika kaika kaika kaika 154. stone fave fave fave have 155. straight haura haura haukwa ehoe 156. suck ukopai fofosa petoava mevekea 157. sun sare sare sare hare 158. swell (v. ) fefesi fefesi popota vovohoa 159. sWim ariveai arivi arlvea ma hara 160. tail uke uke ue aue 161. that lea. reha lea. leha la. lealea la. lae 162. there lovoa lovoa lalomea leia 163. they ere ereva ere ere 164. thick kafearu kafiheru kafearu parula 165. thin (slim) kapesa kapesa pakeke pekeheka (flimsy) seseroro seseroro seseroro heheroro 166. think haikaeai haikaeai haicioti ikivere 167. this mea. meha mea.meha ma. mealea ma. mae 168. thou a ava a a 169. three oroisoria orOisorla orOiso ilehoila 170. throw toapai topai faveai koava 171. tie (v.) saepai saepai satati haha 172. tongue uri uri uri auli 173. tooth tao tao tao kao 174. tree tola tola tola kora 175. turn (v.) kerori kaiai herori helari 223

176. two orakoria orakoria orale orahokaila 177. vomit (v.) mu suka sisovai mu SISIOVI mu teiaea mu kaitava 178. walk mora terai' mora terai mora ara loa vea 179. warm (hot) hehea hahea hahea ahea 180. wash maukai maukai mauea rna huhela 18l. w�ter rna rna rna rna 182. we (incl.) ereita iauoa ereiea elavila (excl. ) ela elava ela ela 183. wet surusuru surusuru surusuru huruhuru 184. what? lekoru? larievu? lea'? lela? 185. when? leasauka? leasauka? leasau? leahau? 186. where? leavoa? iotao? lelao? lahoa? 187. white maea-sea mea-sea moi-sea hauhuka 188. who? leisa? aia? leiea? leita? 189. wide pisasa pulasa pisasa huraha 190. wife ua ua uva uva 19l. wind (n.) mea mea mea mea 192. wing (n.) avako maho maho maho 193. wipe (rub out) roroapai roroal roroal haroroa 194. with ita, ia ila lea ila, i 195. woman ua ua uva uva 196. woods (bush) furuka kasoiri furukwa kaipu 197. worm mea seseve mea seseva mea seseve mea hevehe 198. ye e eva e e 199. year slsoro SISOro sieoro hitolo 200. yellow maea-koavi mea-opon moi-koavai kairuka 224




as told by Sir Maori Kiki


Th is is an examp le of the Elema my ths concerned with the doings of the Aualari (Ualare) . It be l ongs to both the Au ipi and the Savoripi clans amongst the Eastern Elema . Wi lliams (1940) lis ts these clans as 'Auma ' and 'Kaia' respect ively, although the name Havor ipi is also known amongst the Western Elema . He does not record this part icular myth , ne i ther is there any reference to it in Holmes 1924 . Maori Kiki (1968 : 40-42) has a briefer version of the my th as given here. This Orokolo vers ion is indeed also from him, for he wa s good enough to record it on a tape for me in Orokolo. I had previously recorded severa l vers ions in Toaripi of the Kari Ma rupi myth , the character who appears in this Pipi story, but they do not tal ly with the account as given here. I had also recorded a myth with Pipi as the ch ief character, and a love charm in poet ic form that paral lels the story , but in both the story and the love charml Pipi is described as coming from the west, the locat ion of the Spi rit Land . In Sir Maori Kiki 's narrat ive given here , his home is Auma , at the mouth of the Vai lala River, and his travels are towa rds the we st, not from it. Mo reover, Pi pi in the Eastern Elema (Toaripi) version, makes his jou rney in the form of a shark, wh ich is a strange metamorphos is, seeing that pipi in both Toaripi and Orokolo means 'butterfly' or 'moth ', although in Orokolo it is also a genera l term for 'flying fish' . To sea rch for the authentic vers ion of any myth is a hopeless task , nei ther should one expect any logical cons istency . However , Sir Maori Kiki 's rendering attracted me , for here was not just anothe r version with minor va riations , but one in wh ich there was no longer that puzzl ing contrad ict ion between the name of the ch ief character and the act ion of the myth. I give it here in fu ll as an outstand ing example of an Orokolo text . The orthog raphy wh ich I have used in transcribing the tape is that wh ich is given in the foregoing dict iona ry . As regards the division between wo rds . the ma in dif­ ficulty is whether to join the subj ect marker va wi th the pronouns . I have thought it adv isable to conform with the pract ice of the Orokolo New Testament and Genes is. These books show cons idera ble va riat ion in the ma tter, but the gene ral pract ice is to separate the va wherever possible, and this I have done here .

1.1 Pipi Ko rovu akore va Kari Ma rupi haela.2 Are va Kari -ipi hael a, Kari Pipi Ko rovu son Ka ri Ma ru pi man. He Ka ri descent man , Ka ri

Ma rupi hael a ve lalava . Are aeaveape ita Auma , Vai lala mai ape ve. Ma rupi people's lineage. He was-l iving place Auma , Va i lala river mou th at.

Ha re oari a Pipi Korou 3 are hare la hoailape4 la hoa ve , ovohae ahea Day every Pipi Ko rou he sun was-descend ing that time at, eyes sea

ukaki le la epavi lape4 eavi l ape4 hoa mea-uru hiki , are ma ri a re , towards then was-stand ing, was-looking time clouds on ly, he this-l ike said,

Die! ore ka laia hael a hela apeal ul a lao Oh ! know not that-place peop le lovely dwel l pe rhans . 225

Pi pi , Korovu 's son , was a Ka ri Marupi man. He belonged to the Ka ri-ipi clan, and was of the 1 ineage of Ka ri Ma rupi . The place where he lived was Auma , at the mouth of the Va ilala River. Every day when the sun was going down he wou ld stand looking out over the sea. As he watched the clouds he wou ld say , "Oh ! wou ld that I knew! Perhaps lovely people are 1 iving over there."

1.2 Hare oari a are Auma ve 1 a have akea pekai pavi , ahea ve la mea-uru la Day every he Auma at that rock top cl imbed stood , sea on those clouds 5 eavi l ape. Areve kekel a mari laia haela apearoape 1 a. wa s-looking. His thought this-l ike that-pl ace people we re-dwel ling pe rhaps .

Hare la hoailape hoa mea lalou mekaka le eavi l ape la hoa ve Sun was-descend ing time cumulus clouds good then wa s-seeing that time at

are va iki kekela, 0--- a- --! mea hel a-ka le aeave . Ara hare ae he thought, Oh! 1 and lovel y-very there is. I day a

veavea , la ita hel a la eavakilai . Kahara are ahea ve la mea lalou go-about, that place love ly - see-shall. We l l he sea on those cumu lus

la eavilape , ikihuru 1 ei 1 ari aeape . clouds was- looking, had yea rn i ng that-manner was. Every day he would cl imb to the top of the rock at Auma , and there he would stand looking at those clouds across the sea . He had th is in mind that maybe people we re living there. When the sun was going down he wou ld see the lovely cumulus clouds and wou ld think, "Oh ! such a lovely land 1 ies over there ! One day I'll travel and have a look at that place." So that is how he used to gaze at those banks of clouds across the sea , and there he was with his yearning.

1.3 Kahara are hare ae mari hiki le ape , Ara hare ae la laia Well he day a this-manner himsel f then sa id, I day a that local ity

hel a itauki lai . Ara are ka laia leita apearo . Ere va lovely wi l l-go (west) . I know not that-pl ace who are-dwell ing. They - haela haeal ul a haela la leiki lava , araro hel a6 ere le harilai ; aka ere people ki lling peopl e - do- if me they then ki ll-w ill; but they

hael a haeaki aue hael a la leikilava, ere araro hel a he va ka . people ki lling (neg. ) people - do- if, they me kill wi ll not . There came a day when he sa id to himself, "One day I'm going to that place. I've no idea who is living there . If they're the sort of people who murder strangers , they'll put me to death; but if they're not , then I shal l not get ki lIed."

2.1 Kahara hare haroapo are mari ape , Ara pipi maho au hahaki lai . Wel l day one he 1 ike-this said, I butterfly wings - fasten-wi 11.

Kahara are pipi maho hahakive el are mari vi ela leipe hovea ka . We ll he butterfly wings fasten-to own slender cane made equal not . 7 Mari vi ela va ereve el a. Kahara are mari ape , Ara Eoe Luru la vel avela Slender cane - thei r vine. We ll he this-l ike sa id, I Eoe Luru - request leikilai . Ereari hela �raro ereve la "-erove el a aviki arakive ipi make-wi ll. They- two me their that rattan cane give-to because

arave mari vi el a hel a hovea ka . Eoe Luru ila Va i lala ma i kue ve my slender cane equal not. Eoe and Luru also Va ilala river source at

apearoape. \-.Je re- l iving. One day he said, "I'll fasten wings like a butterfly." So he set about fast­ en ing butterfly wi ngs , bu t his own slender cane wasn 't equal to the j ob . That kind of cane be l onged to his clan. So he dec i ded to ask Eoe and Luru to give hiM some of thei r rattan cane , seeing that his O\",n slender cane wou ld not do . It was away on the upper reaches of the Va ilala River that Eoe and Luru 1 ived. 226

2.2 Kahara are hare ae pekai Eoe Luru ila ve laia. Ereari ape , 0--- Well he day a ascended Eoe and Luru also loca l ity. They-two said, Ohl

a---! kake a ka ve hela yea ve l Leipe Pipi are ape , Ehe ! kake e, friend you also here are! Did Pipi he sa id, Aye ! friend o!

ara va yea ve . A le hel a 8 ve? Ka kake eharu iele hel a ka ; ara I am here. You what for? But friend thing true - not ; I

merove hela la haropave . Ara va horova leiki leivila, el are mari vi rattan-cane - am seeking fo r. I wo rk do am-doing, own slender

el a hel a hovea ka . Eari l ave la merove aheke araro hela aviki arakive . cane - equal not . Your-two's that rattan-cane strong me give. We ll one day he went up to this place of Eoe and Luru . "Oh !" they exclaimed , "here you are, chum!" Whereupon Pipi responded , "Aye , chum, here I am!" "What are you after may I ask?" "I t's not much of a thing that I'm after, if I may say so. I'm looking for rattan cane. It's a job that I'm on , and my own slen­ der cane isn't equa l to it. Wou ld you two obI ige by giving me some of your strong rattan cane?"

2.3 Kahara Eoe i Luru ila urahuka arero Merove-kovael a Merove-hahael a9 We ll Eoe and Luru also· arose him rattan-spl i t-vine rattan-fasten-vine

le avarape . Are la merove ela lael aea lari avararo , are la then gave. He that rattan vine those-those that-way suppl ied, he that

merove la avape le itaupe , itai itai horel a ml rl havahu ve , elare rattan - got then went (coastwa rds) went went arrived beach open at, own

ita ve . La merove are kovavael a, hare ve ai pe. Ere kakarara pl ace to. That rattan-cane he spl it, sun in placed . They dry

leipe la hoa ve, kah!lra ruru le hahape . 10 Ruru la hahai hahai kari became that time at , so mask then made. Mask - fasten fasten finish

leipe la hoa ve , are urai la ruru ureve . Are ura i hai avi , made that time at , he soared that mask inside . He soared pepper got ,

ehere avi , orohae . Orohae la avi paraeape la hoa ve , el are ruru la betel nut got , gou rd . Gourd got let-down that time at , own mask -

paraeape la hoa ve , hoai.a hivi 1 ari hel a ve : I et-do�m that time at , descend song I ike that sing to : Thereupon Eoe and Lu ru got up and gave him some rattan cane for spl itting and fastening. Hav ing thus got a supply of assorted rattan cane , he took it and went off coas twa rds, travel l ing on and on until he arrived home at his open beach . He spl it the lengths of rattan cane and put them in the sun . When they had dried, he then fastened together the ma sk. Thus he conti nued until he had comp leted the mask, and havi ng got inside , up he soared . On ga ining hei ght he gathered pepper catkins, betel nuts and a gou rd . The gou rd he let fal l. Then he let down his own masked form , and al ighted to sing this song :

11 2.4 Ara va Auma pi pi 0 I Auma butterfly 0 Pipi Korovu 0 ... 0 ... Pipi Ko rovu 0 ••. 0 ••• Arave rna 0 elare ve o ... My this word own 's wo rd

Ara va 0, ara Pipi 0 ... Orovu 0 I word , I Pipi 0 ... Orovu 0 Hari vi la ve mea he 1 a ri ve 0 ... story man 's wi nd move-about to wo rd . "An Auma butterfly am I; Pipi Ko rovu; Th is is my word , my very own wo rd , 227

Pipi Korovu am I; The word of a man of renown ; About to move on the wind."

3.1 Kahara are le itaupe , itai itai ahea hauahu ve . Are eavape la We ll he then went (westwa rds) went went sea open to. He looked that

hoa ve lave itai ae lave eapaiveape mea-uru are orai veape va , time at th e re-was went there-was was-stand ing cloud it covering-was here,

orai ka ape . Are lari avi , oha ! are haropavila ita mae covered comp lete. It like-that rested , oh ! he was-seeking place here

lao Mea-uru le oraiave . Kahara are eavape la hoa ve , perhaps. Cloud there wa s-covering. We ll he looked that direct ion at ,

la aruhihi havahu ve mea-uru orape la hoa ve , aireaki lave that centre quite at cloud covered that place at , afterwa rds there-was

eavave itai itai kora kao le eapaive kora kao la eavai . Are ape , Oha ! seeing went went tree top there stand ing tree top - saw. He sa id, Oh!

kora hel a ka le peave ; hael a apearo la, kari kara mae lao tree lovel y very is standing; peopl e live perhaps , village this perhaps . Off he went westwards, travel ling on and on out over the open sea . As he con­ tinued westwa rd he saw there was a bank of cloud that formed a complete cover­ ing. That was how it was . Maybe this was the place he was seeking, the place covered in by cloud. So he looked in that direct ion, towa rds the very centre of the cloud-covered area . After cont inuing westwa rd looking as he went, there stood out the top of a tree ! On seeing the tree top he sa id, "Oh ! what a lovely tree is stand ing there ! Perhaps people I ive there. Maybe there is a vii lage there!"

3.2 Kahara are itai itai laia havahu ve , akea havahu ve , hihika eapape We ll he went went that-pl ace qui te to , above quite at, openly looked-down-

la hoa ve Kari ve , Kari ve la kari kara , Kari ve ahea hi ru, ahea on that place at Ka ri 's Ka ri 's that village, Ka ri 's sea island , sea

hiru ve eapape la hoa ve Hurau , Kari ve kora , Kari Marupi ve kora lare island on stood that place of Hurau , Ka ri 's tree , Ka ri Marupi 's tree name

Hurau .u Hurau la mae peaveape , are ape , Oha ! kora hela aru ve Hurau Hurau that here was-stand ing, he sa id, Oh ! tree lovely middle in

le peave . Are va itai itai kora ve le haiavape . Itai itai pekai there stands. He went went tree on thereupon sat-down . Wen t went cl imbed

la kora maku ve le haiavape , akea havahu ve . that tree branch on thereupon sat-down , top quite at . We l l he conti nued on right to that ver y place , just above it, and there in the open looked down on Ka ri 's abode , Kari 's vii lage , Ka ri 's sea isle, and on that island was the Hu rau tree , Kari 's tree , Ka ri Ma ru pi 's tree , Hurau by name. Right there wa s where the Hurau was stand ing. "Oh !" he exclaimed , "a lovely tree is stand ing there in the centre." On he went and settled on the tree . He went and cl imbed the tree, and settled on a branch right at the very top.

3.3 Kahara are ita haiavape la hoa ve , mari ta orahokai la, Aro Pora ilau Wel l he place sat-down that time at , girls two , Aro and Pora also,

Kari ve mari ta orahoka . Ka Aro Pora i1a arero au eavaila. Are va Ka ri 's daughters two . But Aro and Pora also him not see. He tita tita eapape 1a hoa ve14 la mari ta orahokaila erevari keve perched perched stood that time at, those girls two they-two scoop

la avai pea haearoape , keve ura 1a haearoape .15 net sitting we re-weav ing, scoop-net hol es - were-weav ing. 228

There were then two girls at the place where he settled himself, Aro and Pora , who were Ka ri 's two daughters. Aro and Pora did not , however, see. him. During the time when he was settl ing himself here and there , those two girls we re weaving a hoop net , mend ing hol es in the net .

3.4 Are ape, Oha ! mari ta hevehe, mek aka iele ka me avaipearo ! Oha ! ara He sa id, Oh l girls beautiful, good true indeed here are-sitting! Oh ! I

ereari la uavi la ve karaki lai . them- two wives fo r ma rry-shal l. "Oh !" said he, "what beautiful, really lovely girls are sitting there ! I shal l take those two fo r my wives!"

3.5 Kahara are ti ta ovaro la le koapape erevari arero eava va ka . We ll he perched tree-fru it - thereupon threw they-two him saw not .

Are ovaro la koapai koapai , kari leipe la hoa ve . Ai reaki are He tree-fruit - threw threw, finish made that time at. Afterwa rds he

havahu ve la ruru ureve , urai are overa opi la ehere i very of that ma sk inside, rose-up he previously put- in those betel nut and

hai ila oaea are ape , Oha ! arave aro pero me i ro pero16 ara ereari l a pepper also took-out he sa id, Oh ! my aro-pero me i ro-pe ro I them

kai paraek i ve laive. Kahara are la aropora pora pero , are la aropora to let-fall am-about-to . We l l he those betel nuts, he that aropora

pora pero la ape hoa , ereari la kai le paraeape . La va ehere po rapero ( name) said time , them to thereupon let-fal l. That - betel nut va lao Ehere are kai paraeape la hoa , Aro la ehere la kai vi that . Betel nut he also let-fal l that time , Aro that betel nut - got ape, Oha ! Pora ma ehere lahoa ve ha? said, Oh! Pora this betel nut where from eh? From his perch he then tossed down fruit from the tree , but the two of them did not not ice him. He kept tossing down fruit unti I the supply came to an end . He next got out the betel nut and pepper that he had got and put inside that mask of his when first he took off from the ground . As he did so he sa id, "Ah ! I'm about to let fal l to them my Aro-pero Me i ro-pero ." As he pronounced the name "Aropora Porape ro" , he let fal l to them the "Aropora Porapero" wh ich were his betel nuts. Aro got those betel nuts as he let them fa l l, and exclaimed , "Oh ! Pora , where do these betel nuts come from? "

3.6 Kahara ereari aloa ve eavape hoa , Pipi Korovu-apo17 va akea ve titaveape. WeI I they- two above - looked time , Pipi Ko rovu-great - above perched-was. Oha! rna pipi va haela, pipi ka. Pipi havahu are ma eharu Oh ! this butterfly - man , butterfly not . Butterfly indeed he th is th ing

lahoa ve la avi la? Ka hara , ere ape , Ehere veveke havahu . where from has-got? We l l, they said, Betel nuts good very . When the two of them looked up, there was Pipi Korovu the Great perched up above . "Oh! this butterfly is a man, it isn't a butterfly. Where wou ld it get these th ings from if it were real ly a bu tterfly?" Then they added , "Very good betel nuts."

3.7 Ereval i la ehere la ma i pae avaipealula, are va hai le They-two those betel nuts took- i n-hand we re-sitt ing, he pepper then

paraeaive, hai la pa raeai , elare ape , Oha! hai hela ka was-l et-fall ing, pepper-l et-fal l, one-another sa id, Oh ! pepper nice very

kioau ve . 18 Ore ka hael a lao El are hai la eavi au is-descend ing. Know not man perhaps. Each-own peppe r - looked

ai peal ul a, are va orohae le poraive, orohae la paraeai .H Ere ape , Oha! were-sitting, he gourd then got out , gourd let fa l l. They sa id, Oh ! lao Ma pipi hael a! Elai areve ehere au20 hela larilai . that . Th is butterfly man! We his betel nut simply - eat-shal l. 229

There were the two of them sitting with the betel nuts in hand , so he then let fal l the pepper catkins. As the pepper catk ins fel l, the girls sa id to each other, "Oh ! some very nice pepper catk ins are co ming down . There 's no tel l ing, but maybe it is a man ." As they we re sitting each look ing at her pepper cat­ kins, he then got out the lime gou rd , and let it fal l. "There!" they ex claimed , "this butterfly must be a man! We 'll go ahead and chew his betel nuts."

3.8 Kahara , erevari areve la ehere la la ' , oro la 1 a' , Pi pi areve oro We l l, they-two his those betel nuts - ate, 1 ime - chewed , Pipi his 1 ime

1 a 1 a' le avape . Erevari i ki are iki le kekelape . Oha! haela ate then got . They-two mi nd he mi nd thereupon des i red . Oh ! man

hela! A hael a la leikilava , hel a kihoau . A pi pi la leikilava , lovely! You man if-are , please come-down . You butterfly - if-are,

laia ve la haiavaki . that-place at there sit. So they ate his betel nuts and chewed his lime , and in the process Pi pi there and then won their affect ions. The two of them fel l in love wi th him. "Oh ! such a ha ndsome man ! If indeed you are a ma n, please come down , but if you are a butterfly, stay up there."

3.9 Ka Pi pi va , are maea va au 1 ei l a, are la haiavape kora akea va . Pi pi But Pi pi - he body - not did, he there seated tree above on . Pipi

laia ve tita tita kai ura i le ukaki pe , el are ita that-place at perched perched and arose then went coas twa rds, own place

havahu, Auma havahu . true, Auma true. Pipi , howeve r, made no response, but simply rested there on the tree top . There he perched hither and thi ther, then up he went off to the coast to his own home , right to Auma .

4.1 Kahara ereval i pekahavi avuku au urupaila. Hailaea erevali i k i ve Wel l they-two went-up sleep not 1 ie-down . Even ing they-two mi nd th is

ereal i 21 eavape la pipi i k i 1 avae kakahaearoape . Oha ! haela ka , they- two saw that butterf ly mind that-about deb at i ng-were. Oh! man not ,

pl pl havahu ! butterfly real ly!

We l l, they went up into the house, but did not 1 ie down to sleep. Evening came on and they were st ill debating in their mi nds abou t the butterfly they had seen . "It wasn 't a man , it was really a bu tterfly."

4.2 Kahara Oa va are va oru veavea , ereari lave Oa , Kari va . Oru We ll Father - he garden wa s, thei r-two Father, Ka ri this. Garden

veavea , oru horova kari 1 ei pe , le ki horelape. Hukihorel a pekai uvi . was, garden work finish made, then came- in. Arrived went-up house.

Lelao la aepei . Lel ao va overa hael a ve , ere va oru lelao Wo rk-stick - put-down . Wo rk-stick - former people's, they - garden stick

horova aroape . Ere la hoa ila i hoi ila karia. Laho 22 hael a ve wo rk used-to-do. They that time axe and kn ife also none. Foreign people's

la ila hoi ila karia. Kahara are lelao la aepei , marita those axes and kn ives also none . We ll he wo rk-stick - put-down , daughters orahokaila eapai la lai , eapai la la' , ere va avuku le urupape. two food then made, food ate, they - sleep thereupon lay-down.

Oa va are va23 avuku huru havahu . Father - he sleep deep very . 230

Meanwh ile, Kar i, their father, was away in the garden wo rking. When he had finished garden ing, in he came. On arrival he went up into the house, and put down his work stick. (A wo rk stick wa s a th ing people used to use when they were doing garden ing. That was a time wh en they had nei ther axes nor kn ives. There were then none of the wh ite people's axes and kn ives . ) We l l, he put down his wo rk stick. The two giTls then prepared a meal . When they had ea ten their food , they lay down to sleep. The father fo r his part went into a very pro­ found sleep .

4.3 La mari ta orahokaila apea apea , are ve , Aro va Pipi va are24 ivahi Those daughters two stayed stayed , she - Aro - Pipi - she dream

lari eavave. Pi pi mari ape , Arave rare va Pipi Korovu Akore . like- that is-seeing. Pipi this-like sa id, My name - Pipi Ko rovu Son .

Ara , ara va Auma aeavi la, eve ma hihi havahu pekai pekai ... kekele I I Auma am-dwel l ing, your water open very go-up go-up ... ground

eapapo are va laia ve le aeave , akeaki are va eve ma hihi· pekaki la , big it that-place is, upwa rds he your wa ter open go ing-up,

pekai pekai arave laia huhorel aki lai . Ara25 hare oaria, hare la go-up go-up my that-place encounter-wi ll. I day every, sun

hoauki la la hoa ve, mea here la leikila la hoa , ahea la kiapakila was-descend ing that time at , weather cA lm was that time , sea was smooth

la hoa ve , mea lalou le oraki lai , orai ara mari avi la, that time at , cumu lus clouds then would-form, fo rm I this-l ike was-say ing,

Oha! la ahea haela hela apearo la. Le arearo hare oaria. Oh ! that sea 'peop le - d�lel l ncrhaps . Thus was-dwel l ing day every . Those two daughters, howeve r, continued lying there , when she, that is to say Aro, had a dream in wh ich Pipi appea red to her; sa id he, "My name is Pipi , the son of Korovu . I live at Auma . From you r open sea keep going up towards the great land , and there is the place where I am. If anyone goes up from your open sea and keeps going on , he will encounter th is pl ace of mine. Every day when the sun was going down at the time of ca lm weather, when the sea was smooth, banks of cloud wou ld form. As they formed I spoke after this manner, 'Oh! maybe people are 1 iving out there across the sea . Every day that 's how things were' ."

4.4 Iki iki mahau ara i k i la kekel a ara pipi ruru la hahai Unt i 1 this-time I thought - took I butterfly mask - fastened

lael ave la k i hare 1 a ila. 26 Kihorela i k i eve ma hurau akea ve because-of-that appeared . Appeared came you r th is hurau-tree 's

hailavaila26 mae . Haiavai eari la ehere hai ila lael ave to on rested here . Settled you-two betel nut and pepper al so on-that-account avi lakiarai la.26 Lael ave ara earilara eavila hoa , arave iki vere ka gave. Because I you-two saw time , my des ire also

eari l ara lei lai . 26 Eal i iki vere la leikilava , eari l ara ara hel a uva ve you-two- towa rds to. You-two des i re have- if, you-two I wife -

laeaki lai . Ara lahua aea vi la, ara uva ka . Ara lahua hela aea vi la. ma rry-wi ll. I alone living man, I wife none . I alone - living man.

"Unti 1 the present time , when having got the idea of making a butterfly ma sk, I thus appeared . I came and rested on the top of that Hurau tree of you rs . The re I settled and I gave you two betel nuts and pepper. It wa s fo r th is reason , when I set eyes on you two I fel l in love with you both . If you two return my affect ion, I'll ma rry the two of you . I'm a man 1 iving alone. I have no wife. I live , I may say , quite on my own ."

4.5 Kahara Aro are uroupe , la ivahi ohara Para la maeave .v Para la maeape , ari � We ll Aro she woke-up, that dream word Pora - to-tel l. Pora to sa id, two 231

la ivahi oharo la hukavi ai mea opi la. that dream wo rd tal ked-about until ea rly dawn . We l l, Aro woke up to tel l Pora the wo rds of the dream. When she had done so, the two of them talked about the dream message unti l the first light of dawn appeared .

5.1 Mea opi la Oa are maeape , Oe ! evari hel a apeai la, ara la horerave , ara Earl y dawn Father he said, Heh! you-two - stay, I-am-going-out, I

hoai oru horova la lai. Kahara Oa le hoaupe . go-down garden work about-to-do. We l l Father then went-down . At early dawn their father sa id, "Heh ! you two stay at home . I'm going out ; I'm going down to do some gardening." We l l, off went their father.

5.2 Ereva ri kai keve la avape , le horerape erevari hoahukape . Hoahuka They-two al so net got , then went-out they-two went-down . Went-down

hurau i pi ve le avape . Avai keve horova ka , erevari Pipi la hurau tree beneath 's then sat. Sat net wo rk not , they-two Pi pi -

kari roape. Kari kari Pi pi itai , are ka i itai , le were-waiting. Awa ited awa ited Pipi went, he als o went (westwa rds) , then haiavape . sat-down . The two gi r ls took their fishing nets and then went down . They made their way down and sat unde r the Hurau tree. Th is was not to do work on their nets ; they were sitting wa iting for Pipi. Thus they wa ited . Pipi, for his part , made his way westwards, going on and on, and then settled on the tree .

5.3 Ereari la ape , Oe ! el alila a hel a ivahi la kimaeai la oharo overa hela They-two said, Ah ! we-two you - dream that informing wo rd al ready -

iapai . A hael a la leikilava , urai ki hoau . A pipi la leikila29 hear. You man are-if, ari se come down . You bu tterfly are-if

laia ve haiava . that-place at sit. The two of them sa i d, "Heh! we have a 1 ready hea rd tha t message of you rs in a dream. If you are a man, get up and come down , but if you are a butterfly, stay up there."

5.4 Ka Pi pi erearilave la oharo au iapaila are le haiavape . Are tita But Pi pi thei r-two that word not 1 isten he then sat. He pe rched

tita, are ape , Oe ! ara va arekaea , 30 ara hoauki la, araro ereve Oa perched , he sa id, Oh l I let-be , I descend- if, me thei r father

la hari lai , aka maia kari kara haela ka oaria apearo la, la then ki II-wi 11, or t his vi iiag e people also many dwel l perhaps, that

leikila, araro 31 karikara hael a iki le hari lai . Are oaoka 1 ei le i s-if, me vi llage men come then ki II-wi 11. He fearful was then

haiavape titape . 32 Ti ta are aihorerape 1 a, aireaki aihorerape sat perched . Perched he came- into-open then , afterwa rds came- into-open

la ehere hai il a ka i erearil a la paraeai ; kari 1 ei , are kai betel nu ts and peppe r also them- hlo - 1 et-fall , finish made , he aga in

ai reaki urai le huavape. Ere ka hare orahokaila le leipe. afterwa rd s arose then went coastwards. They also days two that did. However, Pipi did not heed that word of thei rs. He pe rched here and there , and sa id, "Oh ! that won't do for me . If I go down I'll get kil led by their father, or perhaps there are ma ny men in this village, and if that 's how it is, the vil lage men will come, and then I'll get ki lled by them . " So be i ng afraid, he sat perched there . After a wh ile he came out into the open, and once again 232

let fall for those two gir ls his betel nuts and peppe r catkins. When this was done, after a wh ile he took off and made way once aga in to the coast. That is also how things cont i nued for the next two days .

6.1 Hare orahokaila 1 ei , erevari kai pekahavi avuku le urupape . Urupa i Days two did, they-two again went-up sleep thereupon lay-down . Lay-down

kai la oroa rna i orahoka rna. La oroa ve ereari la va are ivahi are aga in that night way two this. That night du ring they-two - he dream he

rnaeape , Ari hel a eari lave ikivere araro eavakive la leikilava la hoa ve , sa id, You-two - your-two des ire me see-to have- if that time at,

opoa urahuka eapai la' lei kari le leikila la hoa ve , eari lave Oa tomor row wake-up food eat make finish - making that time at , you r-two Father

are oru horova ve la aukilava, lelao la ka ivi oru ve 1 a auki la la he ga rden wo rk for go- If, wo rk-st ick gets garden to - going that

hoa , evari hoahuka harapai la arero arnuraeai, are oru ve ai la , ari time , you-two descend pretend him dece ive, he garden to going, you- two

rna ve la hahu la33 kaivaki , eari rna hihiukalula la hahu la wa ter for that pot get , you- two water draw ing that pot

kaivaki , ka i vi ai eari rna hihiukalula laia ara va eari la hurau get, get go you-two wa ter drawing that-place I you- two hurau

akea ve ti ta eavaki lai . Ti ta eavi eari ai rna ita ai la top on perch see-shall. Perch see you- two go water place to there

hoahukaki la, ara ka a i. la hoahuki l a i . descend ing, I a 1 so go thereupon descend ing-shall. The two days passed , and the girls aga in went up to the house, and then lay down to sleep . As they slept that night there wa s this second appearance . During the night he sa id to them both in a dream , "If you two are wanting to see �e, when you wake up tomorrow and have finished eat ing your food , assuming you r fathe r goes garden ing, when he gets his wo rk st ick and sets off for the garden , you two make out that you 're coming down from the house . When he's going off to the ga rden , you two mislead him by gett ing the wa ter pot , the pot that you use for drawing water. As you two go down to the place where you get water, I'll be perched on the top of the Hurau tree , and wi ll keep my eyes open . There I'll be perched and on seei ng you go down to the wa ter hole, I'll also then go down ."

7. 1 Kahara ari ka i mea opape la hoa urahuka , Oa ve eapai la lei We ll they-two again early dawned that time awoke , Father's food made

avarape , Oa oru ve la aupe. Erevari hoahuka34 la hurau ipi gave, Fathe r garden to then went . They-two descended that hurau underneath

ve la kai avape. La hurau i pi avaipeal ula eavape Pipi kiauki haravape . at then aga in sat . That hu rau under we re sitting saw Pipi go-to settled.

Are kiauki haiavape la hoa erevari pekahavi 34 rna hihiukaroape ha hu la He go- to sett led that time they-two ascended wa ter drawing pot

kari ai rna hi hiukaroape la ita ve ma karu ve . Erevari rna got went water drawing that place's water hole to. They-two wa ter

hoahukape la hoa Pipi va ai rna karu ve. Are ruru va are la kora akea descended that time Pipi - went water hole to. He mask - he that tree top

ve le aepepe . La kora akea ve aepei le hoauve , hoai kora on then placed . That tree top on placed then was-descend ing, descended tree

rnaku ve le pavape . branch on then stood . We i 1, �t early dawn the two of them awoke. They prepared their father 's food and gave it to him. He then set off for the garden . The two girls went down and again seated themselves under the Hurau tree . Wh ile they were there 233

sitting under the tree, they saw Pipi come and settle. As he wa s settl ing, up they went to the house, got the pot for drawing wa ter, and went to the water hole, the place from wh ich they got thei r water. As the two of them made their way down to the water , so Pipi went to the wa ter hole. Then on the top of the tree there he put his mask, and having done that , he cl imbed down and stood on a branch of the tree.

7.2 Erevari hoahuka ma ve , eavape la hoa ve , areve ove ma ve They-two descended water in, looked that time at , his reflect ion water in

ma karu ve peaveape . Ereari ape , De ! haela hevehe35 iele ka mae ha? water hole at was . They-two sa id, Oh ! man hand some true very th is eh?

Ma hael a lahoa ve peave? Ereari hoahuka areve ove la eavi , kai Th is man where at is? They-two went-down his reflection - saw, and

le hukai pekahavape. Pekahavi akea ve arero haropi haropi , la kaipu36 then ran ascended . Ascended above at him searched searched , that bush ureve arero au eavi la 0 ma , Haela e, a hela hael a la leikila, el a ave inside him not seeing word th is, Man 0, you - man are-if, we you r

rare ore overa lai , ave rare Pipi Korovu Akore . A hela hael a la name knowledge al ready have, you r name Pipi Korovu Son . You - man

leikilava , hukihorera . A ka kai pipi la leila laiaki orai are-if, appear. You but also butterfly - are- if there-from rise-up

havoava . disappear. The two girls went down to the water, and when they looked , there was his refl ect ion in the water of the water hole. "Oh l" they exclaimed , "Isn't this a real ly handsome man , eh? Whereabouts is he?" Both of them saw his reflect ion, and then made a dash up above. There they kept search ing for him in the bush , they ca lled out , "Heh ! Man! if you are a man ! we already know you r name . Your name is Pipi , Ko rovu 's son . If you 're a man, make an appearance, but if you 're a butte rfly, get up from there and disappear.

7.3 Erevari kai hoahuka ma ve eavape la hoa , are va lavae peaveape . They-two again wen t-down water in looked that time , he there wa s.

Ereari kai pekahavi akea ve arero haropi haropi la kai hoahukape . They-two aga in ascended above at him searched searched then again descended .

Hoahuka kai ma aireaki Pipi la huhorel ave ; huhorel a, ereari Descended aga in wa ter beh ind Pipi then encountered ; encountered , they-two

eavape la hoa ve , haela hevehe havahu , harokoro ruruapo , haro are au saw that time at, man hand some very , feather headdress , head he

koaveape. 37 Kahara laia ve are ereari la maupa lari was nodd ing. We ll that-place he them-two decorat ion in that manner

laive 38 mariapo maupa lai , mari heari maupa lai . 38 is making elder-si ster decorat ion has , younger-si ster decoration has . Down they both wen t aga in, and on looking into the wa ter, there he was. Once mo re they went up above and kept sea rch ing around for him, then down they went aga in. Thereupon they came upon Pipi beh ind the place where the wa ter was. When the two of them encountered him, they saw that he wa s a very handsome man with a feather headdress that swayed as he nodded his head . We l l, he decorated them both in a manner simi lar to his own , first the elder of the sisters, and then the younger.

7.4 Kahara are ereari la 1 ari maeaive, 38 Ara aeavi la ita, ita veveke Wel l he them-two that-l ike is saying, I living place , place good

havahu . Hare ae ve ureve ara ma ruru la ukavi aepei , are hekai , ara kai indeed . Day a of inside I this mask - go-shorewa rd , it smal l, I aga i n 234

eapapo hahaki lai . Eapapo hahai kihorerakilai eari l ara ara hoa haroapo big fasten-shal l. Big fasten appea r-shall you- two 1 time one

le karaki lai , kari evari la ruru ureve le avaki lai , avai elavi ila then take- shall, take you- two that mask inside then have-shal l, have we

hoa haroapo le ukavukilai . time one then go-coas twa rds-shall.

Then he sa id this to them, "Where I 1 ive is a very good place . One day I'll go to the coast, and I'll put as ide th is mask, for it is smal l. I'll fasten together another, a big one . I'll come along with the big one , and take the two of you together inside that mask. Hav ing you wi th me 1 ike that , we 'll make ou r way to the coast all at one time."

7.5 Ereari ape , Oha ! a va el aro leari maea paparaehaki lai? Ma va el a va , They-two sa id, Oh! you - us how body send-wil 17 Here - we

haela akea loaki aue . Akea loal ula eharu ori hiki kai pi pi hi k i . people above wa lk not . Above wa lking th ings birds on ly and butterfl ies only.

"Oh dear!" they exclaimed , "in what way wi ll you be taking us? People 1 ike us here don't travel around off the ground. It's on ly such th ings as bi rds and butterf l ies that get about 1 ike that ."

7.6 Evari araro eavaro , arave ru ru ara aepei la akea ve le ora i ave . You-two me are- looking, my mask I put over - thereupon am-carrying.

Arave pipi ruru lae, la ruru ve eari maea la leikila la hoa ve , My butterfly mask there , that mask in you- two do- if that time at ,

earila ara hoa haroapo ai ma ruru ure ve le paparaehakilai . you-two I time one go th is mask inside then send-sha 11 . "You two are seeing how that when I pu t on my ma sk I then become air-borne. It's my butterf ly mask there that does it. When the two of you are inside it, then I'll go at the same time , taking you along inside it."

7.7 Kahara , erevari ma la hiki uka i 39 aupe la hoa , iki va Pi pi hiki We l l, they-two water that open side went that time , mind - Pi pi alone

kakaearoape . Ka Pipi va are va uraupe va le ka i ukavupe ; ukavi drawn-were. But Pipi - he arose now then also went-coastwa rds; went

elare ita havahu . own place true.

Wei 1, as they went to the open side of the water hole, the des i res of both of them were completely centred on Pipi. But Pipi , however , took off and went towa rds the coast to his own home .

8.1 Kahara are lari leipe la hoa ve , areve avare koare lae. We ll he that-manner did that time at , his beginning first that .

Ai reaki leipe la hoa ve are lari hiki itau hiki , ma hiru itai Afterwa rds did that time at he that-l ike alone goes alone, this island goes

itai ereari la la koarai koarai , 40 aiai ereari ero le eavi goes them- two is hav ing sexual intercourse unti l they-two pregnant then seen

aro. Ero eavi ape la hoa ve kahara avai41 oropa oharo muruhari ape , are. Pregnant saw that time at then elders first wo rd sec ret ly sa id,

Oa mari ape , Oha ! Oa hare ae mari ta la leve eavi . Father this-l ike sa id, Oh ! Father day a daughters - how see . Such was the manner of his behav iour on that occas ion, for it was the very fi rst time . On subsequent occasions, as he continued goi ng out west to the island alone , he kept ma king love to them unt il it was not i ced that they were pregnant . When their cond ition was not iced , the elders first had a word in secret with their father, and sa id to him, "Father take a look one day at your daughters ." 235

8.2 Oha ! arave ma mari ta, are va oharo au maeape , arave ma marita leita Ohl my these daughters, he wo rds out spoke , me these daughters who

koaraivila? Oha! ove heaha , harihu heaha heaha has-been-hav ing sexual Intercourse? Oh l spi rit ev i l, ghost ev il ev il

ma o �2 Arero ara la eavaki lai , arero ara le hari lai . �3 this. Him I then see-shall, him thereupon ki ll- shal l. "Oh ! these my daughtersl" was his outburst. "Who has been interfering with these daughters of mine? Th is is an ev il spi rit! This is an utterly ev il spirit of the deadl When I see him, then I shal l kill him!"

8.3 Kahara le aeape , aea erevari eharau ehoaha leilula. Oa are maeape , We ll then was, was they-two bel lies big are-becoming. Father he sa id,

Aro e, eari la va leita koarai koarai , mahau evari la va eroi la 1 ei l a? Aro e, you-two - who associ ated-with, now you- two - pregnant - are?

Maia va hael a aea karia. Elavi hiki apeal ula. Th is-place - man another none . We alone are-l iving. We l l, there it wa s, and their pregnancy became mo re advanced . "Aro", sa id thei r father, "who has been carry ing on with you two so that you are nOl'/ both pregnant? There is no other man in this place . We 1 ive here alone ."

8.4 Lei pe�� va Aro oharo ka . Pora le maeave , Pora la maeape . Pora ka oharo Did this Aro word not. Pora then speak, Pora to spoke. Pora also wo rd

ka . Are ape , Eari la hael a havahu ve rare la leiki lava , arero ara mahau not . He sa id, you- two that man 's very name - make- if, him I now

le hari lai . thereupon ki ll- shal l. To this Aro made no reply. Then it was Pora 's turn to be questioned , but she also had not a wo rd to say. "If the two of you", he sa id, "come ou t with that man 's real name , I'll ki ll him right here and now."

8.5 Kahara Aro are ape , Oa haela aeava maia hukihoreraki lai . A va We ll Aro she said, Father man a this-place appear-wi 11. You -

are maia huki ki vel aki la hoa ve , a va arero he va ka . he this-place arrive be ing time at , you - him k i l1- not . So Aro sa id, "Fathe r, a man will appea r he re at this place. When he does appea r, you are not to ki ll him."

8.6 Leipe va ereari lave Oa are ape , Ka arero ara hari lai . Are ka Did this the i r-two Father he said, No him I kill- shal l. He also

leari hael a, arero ara harilai . Eari are lei lei mahau eroi what-manner-of man, him I ki l l-shal l. You-two he did did now pregnant

lei vahaeai la mae .� are-being here. On hearing this thei r father retorted , "On the contrary , I shall ki ll him"1 No matter who he is, I shal l kill him. It's through his do ings that you are both now with ch i 1 d."

8.7 Leipe va mariapo are ape , Ka , Oa l are haela veveke havahu . Areve Did this elder-s i ster she said, No , Father! he man good very . His

ikivere elal ila la karakive. Hael a ka hevehe havahu iele. A veveke ka des ire us-two to-ma rry . Man also handsome very true. But good not

elavi hi ki lahua apeakive. El al ilave ikivere ka apea vila karakive; we alone separate to-dwell. Our-two des ire also dwel l husband to-marry ;

ka el alila vi la karakila la hoa ve , elavilave ma ita haela oaria also we- two husband marry that time at , ou r this place people many le leikilai . then be-wi 11. 236

To th is the elder sister repl ied, "No , Father! he is such a good man, and he wants to marry us . He 's a real champ ion of a man . It isn't good that we should live here al l alone. We both want to ma rry and 1 ive with a husband . Al so with us two ma rrying a husband , th is place of ou rs wi ll then come to have many peop 1 e in It."

8.8 Leipe va , Oa are ape , Ka , ara ikihairi ; arave iki vere ka eari Did this, Father he sa id, No, I dis1 ike; my des ire also you- two

hi k i . Evari arave mari ta , ka la hael a huki hareraki l a, arera ara alone. You-two my daughters, but that man should-appear, him I

le harilai . thereupon ki ll- shal l. So said she, but their father retorted , "No! I won 't have it, I on ly want just you two . You are both my daughters , bu t should that man appear, I shal l ki ll him."

9.1 . urupai , are kai ivahi maeave , Pipi Kahara erevari le pekah·avi , · avuku We ll they-two then ascended , sleep lay-down , he again dream to, Pipi

va ! Ivahi are maeape . Ara mahau va kiavake kaaa . Ara va kai this! Dream he spoke . I now come ( from east ) . I again ure araeaki leive, ure pekakilaia . Ma i kue pek ai , hinterland enter about-to , hinterland ascend-shal l. River source ascend,

merave la hael aea , avera ve rna ruru aepekilai . Ara kai ruru rattan-cane - cut-off , former of th is mask set-down-shall. I also ma sk

eapapa hahaki lai . Kahara are kai ukavi ruru ae la hahai , big fasten-shal l. We l l he also we nt inland mask another - fastened ,

mea api la itaupe. early dawn went (westwards) . We l l, they then wen t up into the house. When the two of them lay down to sleep, Pipi again began to sp eak in a dream , "I 'm Pipi!" In the dream he sa id, "I am now come from the east . I am about to go inland . I shal l make my way up inland, ascend the upper reaches of the river, and cu t off rattan cane. This forme r mask I'll set aside, and I'll fasten together a big mask." We l l, he · wen t inland , fastened together another mask, and at early dawn he was off westwa rd s.

9.2 Mea apila Oa va are amuraeape . Evari apeaila; ara haai aru Early dawn Father - he deceived . You- two stay ; I go-down garden

harava 1 a 1 ai . Are vevel are eapai harapaila lape , rna haai a wo rk am-about to-do. He mo rning food pretend ing ate, wa ter went-down but

kai pu le pavape , au auila aru ve , ka are eavape . Areve la ma rita bush then stood , not go garden to , but he looked . His those daughters

a ra ha ka i 1 a , ereari rna hihiukalula la hahu la ka il i , rna karu two , they- two wa ter draw ing that pot picked-up, wa ter hole

rna hihiukaki aupe va . water draw wen t this. At ea rly dawn thei r fathe r pi ayed a trick. "You two stay here", he sa id. "I 'm going down to do some gardening." He made a pretence of eat ing morn ing food , then went down to the water. Instead of go ing to the ga rden , he went to the bush where he stood looking. Meanwh ile those two daughters of his picked up the water pot, and wen t to the water hole to draw wa ter.

9.3 Kahara are ka laia. Are ape , 0 ... aka mae ! Ereari leilula maea We l l he also that-place . He sa id, 0 ... bu t th is! They-two do ing body

havea rna 1 a. Are va au ara i pavi , eavava aeape .46 Kahara are 1 ike way that. He simply distant stood , l ook i ng was. We ll he 2 37

lave eavi , are ape , Oha ! hael a ka mae! Haela hevehe i e 1 e ka ! there-was saw, he said, Oh! man also herel Man handsome true veryl

Are eavape , Pipi Korovu iki la kora maku ve haiavape . Are ape , Oha! haela He looked , Pi pi Ko rovu came that tree on settled. He sa id, Oh l man

veveke iele ka mae hal Oha ! ara arero hari lai ha? Ka , ara are ila good true very this ei I Oh! I him ki I I-shal l ei? No , I he wi th

hovea ka . Are haela hevehe havahu . Ara laukila, araro are le equal not . He man champ ion indeed . I then-shou ld-go, me he then

hari l ai .47 Ka ! kari lai? Arave mari ta ka are 1 ei eroi ve ki I I-wi 11. Nol kil l-wi ll? My daughters also he made pregnant

lei vahaeape. Kahara ara arero hari . 1 ei ve aeha lari huri lave , have-become . Wel l I him ki ll a-about-to savage like-that crush-to,

aeha huri la va !� savage crush this! We l l, he was also there , and sa id to himsel f, "Ah ! here we are! That 's how the two of them do itl" There he was stand ing looking from a distance. We l l, he was there to see , and he exclaimed , "Oh l a man is also here. A very handsome man indeed!" Before his very eyes Pipi Ko rovu came and settled on a branch of the tree. "My wo rd!" he exclaimed , "what a real fine fel low is he! Shal l I ki ll him? No, I'm not on a par with him. He 's a rea l champ ion of a man . If I go for him, I'm the one who' ll get kil led. No! Shou ld there be a kill ing? He 's the one who has made my daughters pregnant, so I'll set about and do him in. Without pity, that 's how I'll crush him. Right now I'll smash him to bits without pity."

9.4 Erevari la la mari ta maupa 1 ai , are kai 1 ei veape . Le kai They- two those girl s decorat ion put-on , he also then was . Then again 49 ukavupe , el are ita havahu . Ka i Aro i Pora ila le aupe uvi havahu . went, own place true. Al so Aro and Po ra also then went house true. Meanwh ile the two girls were decorat ing themselves , and Pipi was there with them . Then off he wen t back to his own pl ace . Aro and Pora also then went back to thei r own house.

9.5 Kahara haela eapapo harapaila ai oru , Kari eapapo harapai la ai oru We l l man sen ior pretend ing wen t garden , Ka ri senior pretend ing went garden

aea ; itai are ape , Oha! arave mari ta , ara eroa havahu iele hahave . was; went he said, Oh l my daughters, I hungry very true am-be ing.

Ari eapai la lei avikiarai la. Ara eapai la la' , ara va arave ikivere You-two food make bring-give. I food eat, I my desire

avuku uavaki laive.5o Evari avai pea oharoharo la a' , eari havahu sleep 1 ie-down do- to. You-two stay sit-down words say , you-two true

urupaki hoa le ve , ari hela urupaki . lying-down time at , you-two please 1 ie-down . We l l, the old man sl ipped off to the garden . That old man Ka ri made out that he had been garden ing. On his return he said, "Oh ! my daughters, I'm absolutely famished . The two of you get some food ready and bring it along. When I've had a meal , I just want to lie down and sleep . You two sit and talk, and lie down yourselves whenever it is time to do so."

9.6 Leipe va mari ta ereari ape , Hehe! el ave Oa ore ka . Ka marita ore Did this girls they-two said, Ho ! ou r Father knows not . But 9 i r 1 s knew

va ka 51 are va Oa , Pipi la au arai pa vi eavape la ma i hovea va . not he Father, Pi pi - just distance stood saw that way equal th is. Kahara are la 0 a' le uavape avuku . 52 Erevari e 1 au 53 Well he that word sa id thereupon lay-down asleep. They - two crossed-over 238

avaipea 0 a' ka le urupape avuku . sat-down word said also then lay-down asleep . On hearing this the gir ls sa id to themselves, "Hoi our father doesn 't knowl" Actual ly the girls didn't real ise that their father wa s capable of stand ing at a dist ance and just look ing at Pipi. We l l, wi th these wo rds he then lay down and went to sleep. The two girls crossed over to the other side of the hearth; there they sat ta lking, and "then they also lay down and slept .

10.1 Are vevelare , l� oroa havahu lari urouve , marita orahoka avuku He mo rning, that night very that-l ike is-arising, daughters two asleep

iapearoape . Oroa uroi , hari ta , apo , lape , huraea , kora , la eharu la we re- lying. Night arose, arrows , bow, spear, club, stick, those th ings

aea ai , are havahu erero pavi eavape la ita ve , laia ve la eharu got went , he very them stood saw that place at, that-place at those

avarapape; avarapai kari lei , mea opi lao Mea opai la are va ai th i ngs hid; hid finish made, ea rly dawn that . Early dawn he went

harapaila54 avuku harapai la le uavape . Avuku harapaila uavai , pretend ing sleep pretend ing then lay-down . Sleep pretend ing lay-down ,

marita orahokaila vevel are havahu urahuka , eapai la lai , ere ape , Oa ! daughters two mo rning true arose, food made, they sa id, Father!

a va hel a oru auki lai? Leipe Oa are ape , Ehe ! ara va oru you - please garden go-wi ll? Did Father he said, Yes , I garden

1 ari hela auve . like- that may- I -say go-to. In the smal l hours of the mo rn ing, wh ile it was still dark and the two girls were lying asleep , their father arose. He got bow and arrows , a spear, a club and a st ick, and went out with the weapons . These th i ngs he went and hid at the very place where he had stood wa tch ing them . By the time he had finished hiding them it was ea rly dawn . He then went and lay down , and made out that he was sleep ing. Wh ile he was still in his pretended sleep, when it was real ly mo rn ing, his two daughters got up and prepared food . "Father" , they said, "are you go ing to the garden , may we ask?" To th is their father responded "Yes , that 's it; I'm about to go to the garden ."

10.2 Are eapai la lape le aupe . Ai oru ve au aui l a, ai He food ate thereupon went . Wen t garden to not went, wen t

1 el ao hoa haroapo ai , are eharo aerapape la ita ve le work-stick wi th time one went, he things hidden that place at then

pavape . Lai a ve ara i pavi , la ma i kari veape . Ka ri , kari , stood . That place at distance stood , that way wa s-waiting. Wa ited, wa ited ,

marita orahoka kai . Pipi kiavakeki la hare hovea hovea ve , daughters two also. Pipi came (from ea st) that day same same on ,

ari hahu la kairi , le aupe , rna hihikakive. Ma hihika harapai la they-two pot took , then went, water draw- to . Wa ter draw pretend ing

ai , Pipi iki le haiavave , are ruru la oavi la. Oa are ape , Oha ! went , Pipi came then sitting-down , he mask - put-off. Father he sa id, Oh l

are mae . he here. He ate the food and then went of f. He went out wi th his wo rk-sti ck, but it was not to the garden ; it was to the place where he had hidden the weapons . There he came to a halt. He stood at a distance, and he wa ited . As he continued wa iting, his two daughters aga in took the wa ter pot , just as on those other days when Pipi had come, and then went to draw wa ter. As they were going pretend ing to draw water, Pipi came , and hav ing settled himsel f, he put off his mask. "Oh!" sa id their father, "here he is!" 239

10.3 Are hoai ruru la oavi , akea ve koraia, le hoaupe . Hoai aea He descended ma sk - put-off, top on placed , then descended . Descended was

rnari ta orahoka ila oharoharo la pavi avila, rnaupa la girls two with wo rds there stood was-saying, decorat ion -

leivila, Oa horera Pipi ila are lari hahave . was-putt lng-on , Father appeared Pipl wi th he like that was fighting. Having removed the mask, Pipi placed it on the tree top , and then descended . There he stood talking with the two girls, and was decorating himself when their father came on the scene, and began fighting with Pipi .

10.4 Pipi haela hevehe . Are la koailape55 hoa , Pipi are areve la hari ta Pipi man champion. He that came-to-blows time, Pipi he his those arrows

are le koeka kailape .55 Are lape la avi huailape55 areve la lape he thereupon broke-picked . He spear - got wa s-jabb ing his that spea r

are le koekakai lape.� Are le hahave , haha aireaki ve , he thereupon broke-picked . He thereupon was-beat ing, beat afterwa rds at,

are haruka avi aea , Pipi lari hilauve. Are haruka la avi Pi pi ve he club got was , Pipl 1 ike-that wa s-fa ll ing. He cudgel - got Pipl 's

haro kohaharoaki leipe la hoa ve Aro i Pora hahareai areve haro head spl i t-open about-to that time at Aro and Pora also jumped-out his head

ve kohari topi 56 le avape areve haro akea ve . Ere ape, Oa l elave on protected then sat-down his head above at . They sa id, Fatherl our

vila! A va arero he va ka !� husband! You - him kill - not ! Pipi was qui te a champion. Du ring these attacks, Pipi caught their father's arrows and snapped them. He jabbed with his spear, Pipi caught the spear and broke it. He then started to hit Pipi , for he had next grabbed his cudgel . Pipi was thus fal l ing under the blows , and their father was about to spl it open Pipi's head with the cudgel, when Aro and Pora sprang out to protect his head . They sat down with themsel ves covering his head . "Father!" they cried, "our husband! You are not to kill him!"

10.5 Kahara Oa hakurepai urai rnarita ila. Are ape, Oha ! evari la rna We ll Father left-off stood-up daughters also. He sa i d, Oh! you- two th is

korea5B la leilula araro kirnaeaki aue , ikiiki rnahau eari lave vi la ara le steal ing - do me inform not , unti I now your-two husband I then eavi . Oa hihiri iele le havape . Hihiri havi apeapea , aireaki urai , see. Father anger true then abated . Anger abated stayed , afterwa rds arose ,

Pipi lari kaivave . Mari ta orahoka hoa haroapo kaivi ai el are Pipi like-that were-l ifting. Girls two time one lift went own

uvi havahu . Ka ri el are uvi havahu pekai aea , Pipi rnari ta orahokaila house very . Took own house true went-up was , Pipi girls two

rna ahea horova 59 lari leiro leilei Pipi ovokake leipe.60 water hot work that-l ike we re-doing do do Pipi al ive became . At that their father des isted , and stood up, and the girls also. "Oh ! you two have been letting this man keep having you both without tell ing me anything. It's only just now that I have set eyes on this man of yours." Their father's rea l anger then subsided . Wi th father no longer angry , there they we re , and they got up to attend to Pipi. The two girls together carried Pipi to their own house. Up into the house they ca rried Pipi , and there they kept bath ing him with hot wa ter until eventua lly he rega i ned consciousness.

11.1 Kahara , ere le apeape ahea hiru, Kari ve la ahea hiru, apeapea , Wel l, they then dwel t sea island , Ka rl 's that sea island , dwelt, 240

mari ta orahokaila ero hihi lari aro , ero leipe va . Are daughters two pregnant openly like-that we re, pregnant we re this. He

ape, Oa! e va marita apeaila. Ara va ukavi el are said, Fatherl you daughters with stay . I go (coastwa rds) own

ita havahu eharu , eapai eharu la ai le avakeki lai . place very true , eating things - get then bring-shal l. We l l, there they were alI I iving on that sea island , Ka ri 's island in the sea . Thus they conti nued until the two daughters we re in an advanced stage of preg­ nancy. Pipi then sa id, "Father , you and the girls rema in here . I'll go to the coast, to my own place to get a few th ings - some th ings to eat , and I'll then bring them here."

11.2 Kahara Pipi uroupe , urai le ukavupe aiai la ruru la avape We ll Pipi arose, arose then went (coastwa rds) as-fa r-as that mask - got

va ukavi ita havahu . Ruru are la kokolaoa , eapapo 61 kokol a kiavakiaoa this went pl ace true. Mask new - sewed , big sewed came (from east)

marita orahoka le karaive. Kahara are uavi la orahokaila karape , le daughters two then to-take. Well he wives two took, then

ukavupe , Auma havahu . 'Pekahavi Auma havahu hoahuka , ere ape , went (coastwards) , Auma true. Arose Auma true descended , they sa id,

Oha! mea hel a ka mae . El a 1 a hiru opoe la apeal ula, la hiru Ohl land lovely indeed this. We that island beach there dwel l, that island

la va ekaka ve hiru kai ori ve hiru 62 hael a ve hiru ka . El a laia there - fish's island and bi rd's island people's island not . We that-place

opoe la apeal ula. beach there dwe l l. We I I, Pipi went up and off coastwa rds, and he cont i nued on and on right up to the very place where he had got that mask of his. He stitched together a new mask, a big one, and journeyed out to get those two girls. So he got his two wives , and then wen t coastwa rds, right to Auma . As they came down just there at Auma , they said, "Oh l what a lovely land th is is! We have been 1 iving on that island beach. It's an island that be l ongs to the fish, and it belongs to the birds . It's not an island for people, yet we have been living on the beach there."

11.3 Kahara are uavila orahokai la la haitapa , aireaki le itaupe , itai We ll he wives two left , afterwa rds then went (westward s) , went

Oa la leipe. Kahara ere ukavi kai Auma le apeape . Auma ve Father - did. We l l they went (coastwa rds) and Auma then dwelt. Auma 's

have ure ukai ve . Laia Pipi Korovu aeaveape ita, ka Kari ukaki rock rear side at . That-place Pi pi Ko rovu dwel t place , but Ka ri towa rds

laia hai avape la hoa ve . Ere Auma ipi haela. Ereve kora va that-place settled that time at . They Auma descent people. Thei r trees -

Ova-Pila la Jpoea-Hurau la.63 Ova-P ila that Ipoea-Hu rau that. He then left his two wives and afterwa rds went west for thei r father. Thus they came to the coast and then dwelt at Auma , on the inwa rds side of Auma 's rock. That had been Pipi Ko rovu 's dwell ing place , but Ka ri then moved in that direct ion and settled there. They are the original Auma clanspeople, wi th . Ova-Pila and Ipoea-Hu rau as their tree totems . 241


1. The wo rds of this love-charm are as fol lows :

Pipi vo Morea maea uai lauati lava , Pipi vo Pae maea uai lauati lava ; Morea maea uai lauati lavevo , Lalafare mori ve meiri lavae fareovi Elore Al aua-ipi torai lavea ilave . Free translat ion : Pipi in the gu ise of a shark he comes , Pipi with fish-like form he comes , In the form of a shark he comes ; Se izing the ma lden Lalafare he goes off To his Spi rit -land home , to make her his bride.

2. Th is statement is a little strange right at the beginning of the story . As the end ing relates , Pipi becomes adopted into the clan of Ka ri Marupi, and the statement here Is to be understood in the light of th is. Actually, as the names of his betel nut demonstrate (see note 16) , Pipi is not an Auma man in origin. Since the clans are exogamous , it wou ld not be seemly for him to ma rry Ka ri Marupi 's daughters if he were in origin an Auma man.

Auma , like the Toaripi equ ivalent Au ipl , is derived from aua , a poet ic name for 'coconut', the common name for wh ich in both Orokolo and Toaripi is la. In both languages rna means 'water' . Here the reference is to the Vai lala River.

Ka ri Ma rupi Is an aualari whose primary connect ion is wi th the Auma (Toaripi Au ipi) clan. He has also some assoc iations wi th the Va ilala (Toaripi Luipi) clan. Ka ri is also the name of a fish, the Striped Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) . In the traditional art Ka ri Marup i is somet imes represented by a pa ir of figures wi th fish ta ils instead of legs. 3. Korou , a variant of Ko rovu .

4. hoai lape , epavi lape , eavilape - al I frequentative remote past , indicat ing repeated act ion, what used to happen . cf . hoaupe , epavape , eavape , simple remote past, i.e. single act ion. 5. The banked clouds seem to resemble land. I have often noticed this myself when looking ou t over the Cora l Sea in the late afternoon du ring calm weather.

6. hela Is best understood as an apology for saying someth ing, or for intrud ing upon the attention of the person spoken to, "if I may say so" ; or with requests, "may I ask" . Here it could be transl ated "sad to say", or "heaven forbid". For examp les of the use of hela see Dict ionary .

7. mari vi is a slender cl imbing cane. There is a thicker kind of mari vi known as aua marivi . The marivi is a totem (aualari) of the Auma clan. For a supply of merove , the Rattan Palm (a cl imbing pa lm, Cal amus sp.) Pipi has to apply to Eoe and Luru of the Vallala cl an, whose totem th is is. In Heavara (Moveave) the name of the Lu ipi elavo (the men 's house of the Toaripi equ ivalent to the Va ilala) , was Mo rovelavi , and part of the honorific title given to junior ma les was Luvu-Ioe , the full title being LuvU-Ioe Ka ri-Marupi. Ioe or la-ioe is also the name of a plant (Laportea sp.) with ha i ry leaves that st ing I ike a nettle. 8. Not ice the repeated hela with the request. A pe rson mak ing a request, and not too sure of the outcome wi ll add an ext ra hel a or two . 9. merove- kovaela merove-hahaela. The name is given the pa rallel poet ic form by add ing the two verbs , kovael a 'spl it' and haha 'fasten '; the latter has also el a 'vine' added to it.

10. ruru (Toaripi = 'skin' for wh ich the Orokolo is iilu) . Ruru wa s the regular term used for masks in forme r times for the Hevehe and the Kovave fest ivals. In his mode of construction for his bu tterfly outfit Pipi fol lows closely that used for making masks . See Wi ll iams 1940: 235-345. 242

11. Th is song is a charm to endow his mask with mag ic powe r. The wo rds be ing poetry are not easy to translate , and what I give here does not agree exactly wi th the English vers ion found in Maori Kiki (1968 :40) , al though one mu st suppose that he had the same Orokolo words for his original as those that he put on the tape for me. Here are the two translat ions:

Maori Ki ki Present translation I am a butterfly An Auma butterfly am I, A butterfly from Auma , Pipi Korovu; I am crawl ing through the air, Th is is my word , I am crawl ing to the land of the dead . Pipi Orovu am I; The wo rd of a man of renown , About to move on the wind.

Now to acco�nt for the differences . One query is when to interpret pipi as the personal name , and when as mean ing 'butterfly'. Another query is how to understand the repeated O. Does th is have the mean ing of 0 (= oharo 'word ' ) , or Is it a verbally mean ingless addition, simply put in where the rhythm requi res it, as is not unusual in Elema songs? The latter is how Maori Klki has interpreted it. I have, howeve r, taken it to mean 'word ' where the 0 is preceded by the demonstrat ive ma , and the genitive marker ve , but not elsewhere . We have now to determine the mean ing of Orovu. It wou ld be possible to under­ stand th is as mean ing the place of the dead , the spi rit land , as Maori Kiki does (cf . Toaripi orovu-hari su 'ghost' ) . A mo re plausible Interpretation is to see Orovu 0 as a parallel to Pipi 0, in wh ich case it is simply a variant of Korovu . The line is thus paral lel to Pipi Korovu o. There is st ill the refer­ ence to the spirit land to be cons idered , but it is Pipi who is assoc iated with it, whose place it is. The song thus supports those versions of the myth that describe him as coming from the spi rit land , not , as in th is myth, travel l ing to it. I have taken mea with hel ari ('move about ' ) as showing the mode of mov ing (cf. mea hel ari 'to move around on foot ' ) , and I have understood mea in the sense of 'wind' ,. 'air' . Who is the hari vila, the 'story man '? Th is pre­ sumably m� st be Pipi himsel f who wi ll acquire fame as the resu lt of his be ing able to fly. The song with mus ic that I have transcribed from the tape is as fol lows :

12:�U r $' t J f t � r rr r II A- ra va Au-ma pi- pi fgt1:J0 •. Pi-pi Ko-ro-vu 0 ...Ell0 {ff

A- ra-ve ma 0 e-La-re ve 0 0 . .. A-ra va 0, a-ra Pi-pi 0 .•.

0- ro-vu 0 ... ha-ri vi La ve mea he-La-ri ve o 12. hurau the name of a tree , a totem of the Auma clan, as is stated at the con­ clusion of the story . In Toaripi its name is fau . It is a large 1 ittoral tree with attractive wh ite and mauve tasselated flowe rs (Barrington ia as iatica) .

13. Aro i Para ila. Aro is the name of the Frigate Bird (Fregata aquila) ; Pora is a kind of mang rove with creamy-wh ite flowe rs and a long green fruit (Rh i zophora) . Al l such names apply not on ly to the characters in Elema myth­ ology , but also to various natural obj ects of the Elema env i ronment . 14. Pipi in donn ing his mask seems to acqu ire the general character istics of a butterfly. His mode of settl ing on the tree , first here then there , suggests a butterfly coming to rest. 243

15. keve is a long-hand led scoop net, such as is used along the beach when the tide is favourable.

16. aro-pero me iro-pero . It was formerly the custom for a young man to decorate his betel nuts with his clan design, and to charm them . A young woman accep­ ting and chewing such betel nuts wou ld then be full of des ire for the young man . Each clan had its own traditional names for betel nuts; aro-pero mei ro-pero is one of such names . Th is Is not the Auma name , wh ich wou ld be ova-hae pila-hae , but ne ither is it the Orokolo equ ivalent for the Savoripi name , Pipi 's clan in the Eastern Elema context. The form of name here Is influenced by the names of the girls. Pipi does , in fact , alter the traditional form so as to embody the names Aro and Pora . Th is is doubtl ess to make his love mag ic mo re potent .

17. -apo - a suffix often used with the names of the clan aualari .

18. ore ka - this ph rase Is often used without an expressed subj ect . cf. Pipi 's wo rds at the end of the first paragraph of the first sect ion (1 .1). In the free translation "there 's no tel l ing" is intended to represent ore ka .

19. orohae (Toaripi : orofare) . When chewing betel nut it is customa ry to add pepper and 1 ime to make a mast i catory mixture. The lime oro is made along the coast by burn ing sea shel ls. The resultant powder is, or rather wa s, stored in the dried rind of a bottle gourd fruit (orohae) . say 'was ' because empty baking powder tins are prefer red containers these days ; gou rds get brittle and break easily. The gourds are prepared by making a small hole at the narrow end when the fruit is ripe, scoop ing out the soft interior, and then drying the rind. A 1 ime­ stick, Orokolo ai to, often made from a cassowa ry thigh bone , is used to trans­ fer a po rt ion of the 1 ime to the mouth .

20. au - an intens ive in both Toaripi and Orokolo. The 'go ahead ' in the free translation is intended to convey the force of this au . The girls real ise that the nuts have been charmed , and accept that by chewing them their des ire wi ll be aroused .

21 . erevari , ereari . The variants of the pronoun stem from the insert ion of the va within the shortened form. The full form is ereari la.

22. laho (Toarlpi nao) from the Motu nao, wh ich also means 'foreign '. The word must date back to the days of the hiri trading voyages , when the Motu canoes came to the Gulf to trade pots for sago and other Gu lf products . Unl ike the Toaripi and the Mo ripi , the Orokolo never ventured themselves on trad ing voyages until the 1920s . See Wi ll iams 'Trad ing voyages in the Gulf of Papua ', Oceania , 1932, 3/2:139-166. 23. Here we have not only the pronoun as subj ect ma rker, but also a repeated va . I have tried to express this emphas is in the free translation by 'for his pa rt'.

24 . As is shown by the repet ition of the va wi th the names Aro and Pipi , both are involved as the subject of the sentence , the former as the one who has the dream , the latter for caus ing it so as to give his dream message to the girls. He speaks to Aro because she is the elder of the two . The pres. cont . eavave is used to make the na rrat ive mo re vivid.

25. The verb that goes with this ara doesn't appear until four 1 ines down , when the pronoun Is repeated . In the free translation I have ignored the first ara . In Toaripi avi la wou ld be 0 vo me ita, preceded by mari instead of mari o The Oroko10 avi la is from a (ara (6) 'say'), vila (fr. yea 'to be ') , 'was in the state of saying '.

26. la kihorel aila, hailavai la, (fr. hai+l a+ava+i la) , avi lakiaraila (fr. avi+l a+ kiara+i la) , are all rec . past. lei lai = Toaripi loloi for wh ich it is an

exact equ ivalent . Here the lei really = le; the altered form would seem to be for the purpose of distingu ishing it from la lai (e.g. 4.5 horova la lai) , the immed . fut .

27. la maeave : la is obj . ma rker, here the indirect obj . Pora ; maeave the infinitive ( = Toaripi moi vei) . Distingu ish from maeaive the pres . continuous . 244

28. ari 1 ike the Toar ipi auka is a form of the dual that can be used instead of the ful ler 2nd pers. eari (fr. e+al i or ari), or the 3rd pers. ereari (fr. ere+al i or ari). 29. In both Toaripi and Orokolo there are two ways of �xpressing the conditional . One way is used in the prev ious sentence , a hael a la leiki lava , for wh ich the Toar ipi paral lel wou ld .be , a heavita leitit'oria. The other way is seen in a pipi la leikila, for wh ich the Toaripi wou ld be a pipi leitita a-. In Orokolo the difference between the two ways is me rely the presence or absence of the final -va. Nei ther In Toaripi nor Orokolo do these different forms of the cond itional affect the mean ing.

30. arekaea . Th is cor responds exactly to the Toaripi areaea , wh ich I regard as possibly originat ing from are eaea 'let it be '. Similarly Orokolo arekaea wou ld seem to be fro are+ka+aea . However in neither language does the are­ show any change for person or number as a pronoun should. Toaripi *ara eaea , or *ere eaea , Orokolo *arakaea or *erekaea , are al l unknown . The plur. forms in any case are ruled out because both eaea and aea are sing. only. The expression in both languages is used in such situations as when a numbe r of unsuccessfu l attempts have been made to do something, someone wi ll say , arekaea (Toaripi areaea) 'let be , give it up' . Or when asking for an article in a store and ·it be ing out of stock, various substitutes are offered but prove unsuitable, arekaea (Toaripi areaea) 'let them be , never mind'. 31 . Putting the obj ect first in th is manner gives emphasis to it. Using the pas­ sive construct ion is pe rhaps the best way of bringing ou t this emphasis in English.

32. haiavape ti tape . Two finite forms of verbs together in this manner is a mos t unusual occurrence. Nowhere else does th is occu r, and it must be due to the speaker chang ing his mind as to the su itable verb when recording the tape. The first of a pa ir of verbs 1 ike this should be in the converb form . 33 . The purpose of this signal was to indicate to Pipi that their father was absent. The water pot wou ld be clearly discerned , for it wou ld have a smal l mouth . The names in both Toaripi and Orokolo for 'water pot ' came from the Motu (T. posu , O. hohu , MT . hodu) . No pottery was made in the Gul f, and the Elema were depen­ dent for their suppl ies of pots on the Motu or the Roro of the Central Prov ince .

34. hoahuka ... pekahavi. Elema houses are bu i lt on piles we l l off the ground . To go out of a house is the refore to 'go down ', and to enter is to 'go up' . In the free trans lation in some cases I have added 'house ' to make this clear.

35. The primary reference of Hevehe (Toaripi Semese) is to the traditional festival wh ich Wi ll iams (1940) descri bed so vividly. The ma sks for th is festival were also known under the same name , hevehe , or semese . These masks we re so impres­ sive, as the wri ter can personally test ify, that the word hevehe or semese became used also as an adject ive meaning 'of ou tstand ing qual ity' . It is only so used in both Orokol o and Toaripi when speaking of human be ings. Thus ma ri hevehe (Toaripi mori semese) means 'a beautiful attract ive girl'. I have translated hael a hevehe in some passages as 'handsome', elsewhere as 'champion' . 36. Water holes are often sited in a pit surrounded by some trees and bush , so that the water wi ll be shaded and kept cool . Pipi chose th is place to revea l himself in human form to Aro and Pora because it was mo re secluded than the hurau tree.

37. au koaveape . In both Toaripi and Orokolo au = 'simply' or 'just'. Thus a group of men debating how best to accompl ish some awkwa rd piece of work, some­ one will say kahara ! au leila, or in Toaripi soka , au leitia, 'that 's enough! just get on (with it)'. Here the meaning is 'simply'. Pipi is not nodd ing his head to accompl ish anything in part icular; he is 'simply' stand ing there nodding his head , and as he does so the feathers of his headdress wave to and fro. cf. note 20 .

38. laive ... maeaive - pres . cont . lai simple form . These forms are used to heighten the drama of the story . Th is is the momen t of revelation; hitherto they had known him on ly as a butterfly. 245

39. rna la hihi ukai . The girls had encountered Pipi beh ind where the water was (7.3) . They now come round to the open side where there wou ld be a slope or steps lead ing upwa rds to the path on the level of the surround ing ground .

40. koara (convb. koarai) . The root meaning is 'to be ' or 'to come into close association with'; hence 'to meet , to help' , etc. The wo rd is also used as a euphemism for hea 'to copulate'.

41 . Avai . Th is sudden introduct ion of the vi llage elders seems odd . Hitherto the story has given the impress ion that only Ka ri and his daughters 1 ive on the island , although Pipi does make an ea rly specu lat ion on th is po int (see 5.4) . The father's bewi l derment and mention of 'evil spirit' seems to stem from the absence of other human be ings. However, there is abou t these myths a dream- 1 ike quality, whereby people appear on the scene and then disappear without further ment ion. Log ical consistency cannot be expected .

42. ove harihu. There is a traditiona l belief that a bush spirit may on occasion cause a woman to become pregnant. Years ago a girl wa s brought to me by her brothe r; their father had died some yea rs before. Al though she had been associating with no one in the village, she was pregnant, and claimed that a bush spi rit was responsible for her cond ition. Investigation revealed, however, that she had had a chance encounter wi th a young man in government employ, who had come back to the village for a brief visit.

43. la ... le - a use of the demonstratives that corresponds to the Eng l ish 'when ... then'. The arero is in the emphat ic pos ition at the beginning of each clause. The demonstratives in Toaripi are not used wi th the future tense, but the other feature of the Orokolo, the emphatic pos ition for the arero , is qu ite acceptable. In Toaripi this sentence wou ld be : arero ara eavai t'oria, arero ara lea soa paeai roi ('him I see if, him I that time kill shal l').

44. leipe va . The remote past of lai with va demonstrative serving as a conj unctive phrase. It does not carry forwa rd the thought of the preced ing sentence as the converb form wou ld do, but at the same time the dissociation is not so ma rked as when kahara is used . Hence it is an appropriate phrase to use to introduce the response to a word or act ion. Toaripi uses both the converb and soka (Orokolo kahara) in ways that conform precisely wi th the Orokolo usage, but never leipe va . The Toaripi equ ivalent here is 10 mei 'that sa id' , or 10 lei , tha t done' .

45. There are two subjects here - eal i for wh ich the verb is lei vahaeaila, and are wh ich goes with lei lei . In Toaripi such a construction is also possible. Thus in Toaripi this sentence would be: euka are lei lei fa i tora ere ita la roroa rneha ('you two he did did now pregnant are-be ing here'). Leivahaeaila lei +va+haea+i la. Haea (plural of hara) is used with va to form the plural of verbs that lack plura l forms of thei r own .

46. eavava aeape = eava+va+aeape . Th is va is used to I ink together verbs when the mean ing of one is involved in the mean ing of the other. The prev ious note gives an example of the use of va with haea . Toar ipi uses vo in a simi lar construct ion, and redupl icates on occas ion to denote drawn-out act ion; e.g. siare sei ka lou tai fi 0 vovo terope 'the small boy went crying al l the way to his mo ther' . In Toaripi the reduplicated form wou ld be used for this sentence of the text : are ara- ita pavi eava vovo meiape 'he at distance stood looking ... was' . In Orokolo the va is never dupl icated in this way. 47. la ... leo Th is is much along the I ines of the construct ion discussed in note 43 , a little obscured in this case by the la be ing el ided with aukila. Here , however, aukila is not future but a form of the cond itional paral leI to the T. teraita, a- 'if (i) shou ld go '. araro has the emphatic position, and I have expressed this in the free translation by 'i 'm the one who ... ' . 48. There is an element of rea l drama here, the father breathing out bloodth irsty threats among the bushes , while the young peop le prepare themselves fo r love­ making. Howeve r, it wou ld seem that Pipi sensed that al l was not wel l, for he cut short his visit and returned home . 246

49 . ita havahu ... uvi havahu . I n a roko 10 the verbs of act i on do not requ ire the postpos ition ve to indicate destination. Toaripi usage, however, requires voa with such verbs . Thus: 'he went to the villag e' , in Toaripi is are kari kara voa ter5pe; in Orokolo are kari kara aupe , never *are kari kara ve aupe . The passage in the text in Toaripi wou ld be : lea mea are ata ukav6pe elore oti kofa voa , aea Aro auka Pora ita uvi kofa voa terope reha . 50 . Ka ri makes out that he has been . hard at wo rk al l day in his garden, and that this has given him an appetite. The garden wou ld be some distance from the house, at a place away in the bush.

51 . ore ka ... oreva ka. In both Toaripi and Orokolo ore can be used wi thout specific time reference. Should a particular tense be needed , it can be indi­ cated by the addition of the appropriate form of Toaripi loi , Oroko lo lai ; e.g. Toaripi are ore leiti roi , Orokolo are ore leikilai . It is not the presence of va that gives the past reference to ma rita ore va ka , but the general sense of the passage. The use of va with ore ka is optional , and the prev ious sentence could also have been el ave Qa ore va ka .

52 . uavape avuku . Th is order wou ld be reversed in Toa r ipi , and somewhat illogic­ ally we get ivutu iavope - 'sleep' before 'lay down '. In both languages ivutu , avuku behave much I ike ore; e.g. Toaripi ara ivutu kao , Orokolo ara avuku ka 'I did not sleep, was not sleeping, am not sleeping'. 53. elau - the crossing over mu st refer to thei r pos ition wi th reference to the fami ly hearth. I have .added a I ittle to the free translation to make this clear. rhei r sleeping place, prepared by unroll ing a sleeping mat on the floor, wo uld be on the opposite side of the hearth from thei r fa ther. 54, harapaila - both Toaripi and Orokolo form adverbs by add ing the suffix -ri , or by the use of T. ita, O. ila; hence harapa+i la. Redupl icated in Toaripi harapaharapa is an adj . often used with tivi 'work' ; tivi harapaharapa means playing around without getting on with the job.

55. koailape , huai lape , indicate repeated action. It wa s a drawn-out struggle. koekakailape is from koeka 'break , snap' , and kai la 'take hold of ', and is thus not the frequentat ive remote past used in koailape and huai lape . la lape cou ld be plural bu t the avi 'got ' Indicates a single action; the plural wou ld be aea , as in 10.1 la eharu la aea ....

56. koharitopi convb. of kohari topa 'to p I ace on top of , to crown '. It is in th I s sense that it is used in IN.19.2. In Toaripi topai has the meaning 'to crawn , cap', but in former times it was the verb used with laua 'shield' ; laua topai 'to cover, protect , wi th a shield' . This is the sense here . The girls cowe r over his head protect ing it with their bod ies; areve haro akea ve goes with koharitopi , not with avape . They did not sit on his head !

57. he va ka (he fro hara 'to ki ll '). Th is is not the prohibitive, wh ich would be kahel ue ( = ka+he+l ue) , but the pres . or fut. neg . It is an entreaty rather than a command .

58 . korea , whi ch I ike the Toaripi torea has the bas ic mean ing of 'steal ', is also used like torea for sexual relat ionships that are not in accord with the socially accepted pattern.

59. rna ahea horova . The Elema are great bel ievers in the eff icacy of hot water treatment, especial ly for anyone who has lost consciousness.

60. ovokake leipe. Orokolo apa , I ike Toaripi opai , is often used to mean 'appar­ ently dead' , i.e. 'unconscious '. Similarly ovokake lai (Toaripi makuri loi) , in such a context has the mean ing of 'rega in consc iousness '.

61 . ruru are ... eapapo . In 9.1 the mak ing of a larger mask has al ready been recorded . The narrator has apparently forgotten this.

62 . ekaka ve hiru kai ori ve hiru. The pictu re here given of Ka ri 's island sug­ gests one of the lOW-lying sand banks , barely above high water ma rk, that form around the river mouths from the silt brought down by the big rivers. 247

63. Ova-pila ... Ipoea-hurau . The tree totems are named to establ Ish the ident ity of the Auma clan, wh ich elsewhere is known under other names. Thus in Heavara (Moveave) vi l lage the Veveapoe clan has a tree totem Ova-pita , and in Iokea , connected with the Au ipi clan , the same tree totem names appear as Ova-tola, Fi l a-tol a.


LETTER 1: From a fi sherman to his sister The wri ter of th is letter, whose home village is Kavava in Orokolo Bay , wo rks for a fishing company with headquarters in Port Moresby . He is about 20 years of age. At the time of writing he was aboard the fishing boat "Rash id 10", off the Western Elema coast. The letter is addressed to a 17-year-old clan sister of his, whom he addresses as 'Alaure'. Th is is not her rea l name, although it does have some faint resemblance to it. His reason for altering her name is to make it look mo re 'European '.

Rashid 10, Gulf Fisheries, P.O. Box 920, Port Moresby 23.4.71

Dear Sister Al au re,

1.1 Ikiheroe eapapo havahu . A veveke hel a1 aeave ha? Ara kara laria Affection big very. You we ll are eh? I also that-manner

veveke hel a aeave ipi Oa eapapo Aua lari havahu ve harihari apeal ul a wel l am because Father big God true of favour dwel l

hel a. A ara kiparaeape2 pepa overa eavape ha? Ara la pepa au You I sent letter al ready saw eh? I that letter -

kari ve hel a. am-waiting - Most affecti onate greet ings! Are you we l l, may I ask? I'm keep ing we ll because we dwel l in the favour of our great Father, God himsel f. Have you seen the letter I sent you some time ago? If I may ment ion it, I'm wa iting for a reply.

1.2 Kari kara haela veveke hel a apea 1 a. Karikara mari ta 1 ea ro rna ri ta Vi 11 age people wel l are perhaps . Vi llage girl s wh ich girls apearo ha? Araro pepa kiparaeaki ara ore leikive hel a. Oharo are-s taying eh? To-me 1 etter send I knowl edge to-have - Wo rd

rna , rna stamps 3 hael a ka airalue; i apa i , a hael a la aiaraki la this, these stamps person do-not-g ive; listen, you person to give that hoa ara hi hiri havahu le leikilai ; iapai , hael a ka aiaral ue , time I anger very the reupon shall-have ; I isten , persons do-not-g ive,

iapai .4 listen . The village people are all wel l perhaps. Wh ich of the vi l lage girls are sti ll in the village? Please send me a letter to put me in the know. Here is a word for you , don't give these stamps to anyone; ma rk my wo r ds , if you give these stamps to anyone, I shal I be very cross indeed . Listen! do not give them to anyone. 248

1.3 A ara Huaupe la avarape5 la pura overa eavape ha? La pura la You I Huaupe to give that cloth al ready saw eh? That cloth -

koaraki la hoa araro pepa kavale kimaeaki ara ore leikive, iapai . encounter that time me letter answe r inform I knowledge have-to 1 i sten .

Arave oharo perehekai maiave karia le 1 ei . A aeaki . Oroa veveke My words few here-at finish then make. You stay . Night good

havahu .6 Orovu harihu mi ri here le hel a lai .7 indeed . Western beach ca lm there is Have you seen the cloth that I gave Huaupe some time ago? If you should come across it at any time , tel l me about it in you r reply, so that I may know . Don't fo rget! I'll ma ke an end here of my few wo rds. Goodbye , and a very good night! There 1 ies the Western Beach so ca lm. Goodnight , Yours sincerely, Lohoro Aitari

LETTER 2: The fi sherman wri tes again Th� second letter from the young fisherman , and aga in writing to his sister at home. At this time of wr iting he has been transferred to a smal ler boat , "Pa i 4", that does inshore fishing. Un1 ike the first letter, this one is not dated , but a long interval cannot have elapsed , because he has just received the reply to the ea rl ier letter.

Pai 4, Gulf Fisheries, P.o. Box 920, Port Moresby Dear Sister,

2.1 I k i heroe eapapo havahu . Ara ave 1 a pepa Tuesday hare koarape he 1 a. 8 Affect ion big ve ry. I you r that letter Tuesday day received Ara la pep a eavape la hoa , iki huru eapapo havahu le koarape hela. I that letter saw that time, yearning big very then encountered

Ara Rashid 10 kari le leipe; ara rna hoa vevaea hekaive ve hela, karikara I Rashid 10 finish then made; I th is time ship small on - village

fi shing9 ela leiroape hela. Ara kari kara au kiapape la hoa iki huru eapapo fishing we we re-do ing - I vi llage went-up that time sadness big 10 havahu 1 e koarape he 1 a. very then encountered - Most affect ionate greet ings ! may say that I rece ived your letter on Tuesday. When I saw it such a yearning came over me . I had at that time finished wi th Rash id 10. ! am now on a smal l ship. We have been do ing vi llage fishing. I was , I may say , ve ry sad indeed when we moved off from the vi llage .

2.2 Oharo ae rna , ave ha repaeke el all Haupape lari avaki lai Wo rd another this, your left-come fish-1 ine Haupape wi th that-like get-wi ll 12 he1 a, hi hi ri ka . anger none . To change the subject - the fish- line that you left beh ind when you came is wi th Haupape, and you wi 11 get it from he r. Please don 't feel vexed .

2.3 Oharo ae rna , Haipavi la are Epu ea pai avarape ka au avaraila13 la Wo rd another th is, Haipavi1a he Epu food gave or not given that

oharo hovea araro pepa kiparaeaki , ara ore leikive hela. Oha ro rna14 word like to-me letter send , I knowledge have-to - Wo rd this 249

ma oharo Haipavila kai Maero ila maeaki ; Rohoro are Epu haure havahu this word Ha ipavlla and Maero also say ; Rohoro he Epu reject ion real

leive laelave arero e le koekai ;15 lael ave e va lai is-having on-tha t-account him you then break; . on-that-account you - do

aue le pavi , are ma hitolo kari kara kihoauki la leila, e ma ma i la not then stay , he this year village descend has-done, you this way

la leila, are le pavi are kihoau ka .� Eve la ikivere eharu hekape ka have-don� he then stay he descend not . You r that des ire th ing hel p not

eal ia au api haeaki la hoa , are le kihoaukilai ; lael ave arero you-two - dying that time, he than descend-wi ll; on-that-account him

e va le kopuravi lari havahu maeaki , eal ia au17 api haeaki you - then drive-away in-that-manner qui te say, you-two - dying

la hoa are le ki hoauki lai hel a. Arave oharo la ereal ila maeaki . that time he then descend-wi ll - My wo rd them-two say. There is another matter; please send me a letter and let me have wo rd about whether Ha ipavi la gave food to Epu or not, so that I may know. Th is is my wo rd to Ha i pav i la and Maero , Rohoro considers himself to be rebuffed by you , in you r rej ect ing Epu. Therefore if you rema in do ing noth ing, instead of return ing to the village as he has done this year, he' ll stay away and not come back. The th ing you des ire won 't be any hel p. If you two should die, he ' ll then return . There - he has been driven away by you . Say precisely that , and add , if you two should happen to die, he wi ll then return . Say to them that word from me .

2.4 Oharo ae ma , a ma oharo Eauku heka i 18 maeaki , maeaki a Rohoro la Wo rd another this, you this wo rd Eauku junior say, say you Rohoro to

pep a paraeape la mari ore la pepa la eavape la hoa , areve 1 etter sent that this-manner know that letter - saw that time , his

iki -ure heaha havahu le leipe; lael ave are aro hihiri eapapo mind- inside resentment much then had ; on-that-account he you anger big

havahu leilai ; arero ka 1 ari maeaki . indeed just-has; to-her also that-manner say. Here is another wo rd , and say th is wo rd to Eauku junior. Tel l her that you sent Rohoro a letter, and that you know that when he saw the letter his mind became very bitter indeed on that account ; he is very angry indeed with you . Speak to her also along those lines .

2.5 Oharo ae ma a hihiri ka , ave harepaeke avaki la ela Huaupe Wo rd another this you angry not , your left brought that fish-l ine Huaupe

lari avaki lai hela. Oharo la, ara ma hitol o ki hoauki lai or19 with that-l ike get-wi ll - Wo rd that, I this year descend-shall or

ki hoau ka , arave iki -ure heaha hiki la hoa20 aro kihoau ka , arave descend not , my mind-ins ide resentment on ly that time I descend not , my

i ki -ure are veveke leiki la hoa ara le kohoaukilai . Arave oharo mind- inside it good become that time I then descend-shall. My words

perehekai maiave karia le lai .ll A aeaki hel a. few here-at finish then make. You stay Here is another matter, don't be vexed about the fish-l ine that you brought and left beh ind. It is with Huaupe . That 's my wo rd . Whether I'll return to the village this year or not will depend on how I feel . If I have only a feel ing of resentment I'll not return , but in the event of my having good feel ings, I'll then return. Those are my few wo rds that I am bringing here to an end . Goodbye to you . Yours sincerely� Lohoro Aita ri. 250

LETTER 3: A tardy letter home The wri ter of this letter, a young fel low of 19 from the village �f Vailala East, is a student at Vudal Col lege , training to be an agricultural off icer. He has reached a somewhat higher standard of education than the prev ious writer, for he had three yea rs at Ke rema High School . He expresses his thoughts rather better. He also is writing to his sister at home , although later on , in 3.4, he includes also his parents with her.

Vudal Agricul tural Col lege, P.o. Keravat, East New Britain, T.P.N.G. 5th of Octobe r 1971 Dear Sister,

3.1 Ikiheroe aea iki huru ara hela kai mahau hare ave hohoa23 kahekai hela Affection and yea rn ing I al so this-present day you r letter short

hara . E ka he la he roe veveke or mekaka apearo ha? Ara ka write. You also - please good and we ll are-dwel l ing eh? I also

lari a hel a heroe veveke hi k i aeave , i pi Oa eapapo Aual ari ve that-like - please good only am-dwel l ing, because Father big God's

hari hari ve ma meahaiapo akea ve . favour in this wor ld upon It is, I may say; with affect ion and long ing that I write today this short letter to you . How are you al l, may I ask, fit and we l l, eh? That is how I am , good in every way , because the favour of ou r great Fathe r God is upon the wor ld.

3.2 Arave heari iki huru havahu iele ara hel a aro ka hihiri ka hel a. Ara My young-sister yearning very truly I you a 1 so anger not - I

ave oropaki ve la pepa kai aireaki ve ma pepa hel a overa your first of that letter also later of this letter - al ready

eavavahaeape .� Kahara kavale haeaki hel a horova oari a au i k i hoapape had-seen . We 11 answer wr iti ng - wo rk much simp ly came swept-away

hela.25 Araro hihiri la leiki hela. 26 Me anger make I do assure you most fervently, my sister, that I am not vexed with you in the least. I had already seen you r first letter, and later this other one ; but be ing overwhel med by so much unexpected wo rk, wr iting answers was out of the question. It's you who shou ld be vexed with me .

3.3 Ara a hela overa kiparaeape la pepa ma , ara aro ara moni ki pa raeape I you - formerly sent that letter this, I you I money sent

la pepa ve oharo vila aro vel avel a leipe. Ka arave heari ave that letter of wo rd about you asked But my young-s ister your

la pepa haela la kaivi hapai mani la avape la. 27 Kahara a aire hoa that letter person - took open money - took perhaps . We ll you next time

mani ve vel avel a leiki iki horahara ka hela. Ara ave akareapa ara era money for ask doubtfu l not - I your elder-son I you hihiri ka. 28 angry not . That first letter you sent - th is is what I say : I asked about the word ing of the letter in which I sent money to you . However, my sister, a person got hold of that letter to you , opened it and took the money , so it seems . We l l, next time you ask for money don't hes i tate about it, I'm your elder brother and I am not angry with you . 251

3.4 Kahara arave heari , ara e oa lou ila ape la oharo We 11 my young-s i ster, I you father and mother wi th sa i d that wo rd

overa eavape ka laua ara havahu Heai la iki ve havahu au leila.� formerly saw but talk I my self Hea l that mind in same not had .

Ka hara areve la akoreapo Lape Lavai , are pepa kimaeaila, ara ka Well his that elder-brother Lape Laval , he letter has-i nfo rmed , I also

mari ape , ara arero maea hovea leikilai . Ka ara areve veaki mai this-l ike sa id, I him mind 1 ike shal l-be . But I his be ing way

haveva . Aka araro oharo auhohi havahu kimaeaki ave , ara areve hohoa ignorant. But to-me wo rd heed real ly say lest, I his writing

kahekai la me ha ' kimaeaki leive. Are araro pepa aireaki ki paparaeava so lit tle am write inform am-do ing. He to-me letter later-on wi ll-send

ha? eh7 I had al ready set eyes on those wo rds wh ich you and father and mo ther had said, but I did not feel equal to talking to Hea i on my own . Well that elder brother of his, Lape Lavai , has sent a letter, quoting me as saying that I wou ld be of one mind with him. I am, however, in the dark as to his mode of 1 iving. Sti 11, lest I be told to pay attention to what is be ing sa id, I am writing a 1 ittle letter to him to let him know what's doing. Wi ll he be send i ng letters to me later on7

3.5 Arave heari , oharo ae mae ,Slma mari , Hilaula Av ia , are arai ve My young-sister, wo rd another th is, this girl , Hi laula Av ia, she distance

aui la. Kahara ara arero eharu oaria au aiarai la. Ka ara aro has-gone. Well I to-her thi ngs many not gave. But I to-you herehekai iki horahora ipi are ka ita apehai havahu aeave . Are some doubts because she also place far very is-l i ving. She

aeavila ve ita va 26 mi les hovea , rna va Rabaul town , ka ara aeavi la ita living at place - 26 miles like, this - Rabaul town , but I living place ve Vudal . Ka ara arero weekend hiki ve eavavila. Ka ara rna town at Vudal . But I her weekend only at see i ng-have-been . But she this town

ure akore 32 ai veavila, lael ave ara arero rna last weekend two ilass in son went has-been , on-that-account I her this last weekend two

ure ve au eavavila. Kahara arave heari , a ore ha? inside not seei ng -have-been . We ll my young-sister, you know eh7 To turn sister, to another subject , this girl , Hilaula Av ia, she's gone a long way away . However, I didn't give her many th ings. I may , mo reover, express to you some doubt , because she is living at a very distant place . It's Rabaul town where she is living, some 26 mi les away , wh ile I am living at Vuda1 . I've only been seeing her at weekends. She went off to some town man , and has been staying there. On that account I haven 't seen her during the past two weekends. Wel l, sister, you do understand, don't you .

3.6 Hahi re Kavana are kai rna hoa araro pepa lari kipaparaeve .� Ka Hah lre Kavana she also this time to-me letters that-like is send ing. But ara ore havahu ka , ara ma i veveke la 1 eive i pi areve pepa kavale know real ly not , I way good am-doi ng because her letter answer ka 35lari hai paparaeve hel a. Ka e i oa lou i 1 a eve not 1 ike-that mi nd resti ng-am - But you wi th father wi th mo ther your

ikikekel a learia ha? Oharo lae, arave heari . Apeaki ! op inion how eh7 Wo rd that , my young-sister . Stay ! At the present time Hah ire Kavana has been send ing letters to me . But I don't real ly know. I'm be ing very prope r in my behav iour, because I've answered none 252

of her letters . I'm just letting my mind rest I ike that . However, what do you and father and mother think about this? Those are my words, sister. Goodbyel Your brother, Harupa Ipau s.P. Sorry , sis, but I haven 't got time to write to our brother at Hoe.�


1. hela. Orokolo has but one polite expression as compared with three in Toaripi , rapi , eapo and hopa . Al l these words, including hel a, may be interpreted as various forms of apology for intrud ing upon the attention of another. Hence in the free trans lation here I have used such ph rases as "may I ask?", or "If I may mention it".

2. a ara - two subj ects, the ara goi ng with kiparaeape , the a with eavape . Both verbs are put in the remote past. The interva l of time represented here wou ld be about three weeks . 3. stamps - an introduction from Eng l ish. The young fel low, as he has more money than his sister, sends stamps for her reply. At the same time he is anx ious lest she should give them away for someone else to use. la aiaraki la hoa - he is not anticipating that she wi ll give them away , so the sense is conditional . la ... le, cf. Pipi Ko rovu, note 43 .

4. iapai - the converb form , but here used as an exc l amat ion, 'listen! '. It is

simi larly used in the N.T. , e.g. Mt.11:8 where it = 'behold! '.

5. a ara - anothe r sentence wi th two subjects (cf. note 2) ; the a goes wi th eavape , and the ara with avarape.

6. oroa veveke - this is a copy of the English 'good night' ; it is not a tradi­ tiona l form of farewel l, for wh ich see the end to Letter 3.

7. Orovu harihu mi ri . A surprisingly romantic way to end his prosa ic letter. The letter was wri tten on board his sh ip, and although on the 23rd April there was no moon , he wou ld be able in the starl ight to see the dark I ine of the shore . For Orovu harihu , see Pipi Ko rovu note 11.

8. koarape . He begins by putting his verbs in the remote past . In 2.3, however, in speaking of his visit to the vi l lage wh ich must have been ea rl ier than the Tuesday when he rece ived (koarape) his sister 's letter, he uses the recent past (la leila) .

9. karikara fishing. By th is he means inshore fishing, and in inlets and creeks where the 'Pai 4' with its shal low draught can go , unl ike his forme r ship 'Rashid 10' wh ich must keep out at sea . He uses the Engl ish wo rd 'fishing'.

10. hel a - d. note 1. He uses hel a five times in th is first paragraph . I cou ld not keep up with th is in the free translation, but have made do by using ' I may say' a couple of times .

11 . ave harepaeke ela - from harepa 'leave' , eke 'come' . Apparent ly his sister, out fishing on a canoe , had come aboa rd and had left her fish I ine beh ind. Th is he gave to Huaupe to del iver to his sister. He repeats th is information in the last paragraph , 2.5. Huaupe is one of his girl friends to whom he had prev iously given some cloth (see 1.3) .

12. hihiri - like the Toaripi kitou , hihiri is used for a wide range of feel ing from mi ld annoyance to downright anger. For the latter mean ing it is usual to add eapapo (Toaripi rovaea) as in 2.4.

13. eapai avarape ka au avaraila. He had given some food , possibly some of his rat ions, to Ha ipavila, a girl friend of his, and has told her to share it wi th Epu, another girl with whom he is on friendly terms . He has now hea rd that Ha ipavila, instead of doing what he had told her to do, had shared the food with another girl Maero. He wants to check up on th is story . 253

14. oharo rna . Although he has just asked for verification of the story about the disposal of the food , he now goes on to assume that it is true, and asks his sister to denounce Ha ipavila and Maero in wo rds that are quite out of propor­ tion to the al leged offence. 15. koekai - converb from koeka 'break' ; he must mean it in some figurative sense; hence the 'rebuff' of the free translation.

16. kihoau 'descend ' Is the general mean ing of this verb, but it is also used (1 Ike Toaripi faukai) In the sense of goi ng towa rds the coast, or westwa rds.

17. au impl ies something that occu rs wi thout del iberate planning or be ing foreseen ; hence the 'should happen ' in the free translation. 18. Eauku . In her letter to him his sister had made some complaint about a gir l Eauku . Hohoro now turns his ill-humour in that direct ion. 19. or - an introduct ion from Engl ish, for wh ich he uses Engl ish spel l ing. The same wo rd ha� entered Toaripi , where it is usually spelt o. 20. areve iki -ure heaha hiki la hoa . cf. note 3; here again the sense is con­ d itio nal .

21 . karia le lai - immed iate future, 'abou t to finish' ( = Toaripi la roi) . cf . leilai , towa rds the end of 2.4, wh ich in Toaripi wou ld be loloi , recent past. 22. He finishes his letter in Engl ish, wh ich is the way in which he began his 1 etter.

23. hohoa (Toaripi foa , plural foafoa) original ly meant the mot ifs or patterns used in the traditiona l art. These patterns were based on the clan totems . Here the word is used to mean 'writing, letter' ; hohoa hara means nowadays 'to write a letter'. In Toaripi karoro , wh ich also originally meant 'pattern , des ign', but in a mo re genera l sense than foa, has become the wo rd for 'writing'; karoro ukai 'write a letter'. in both Toaripi and Orokolo pepa (from Engl ish 'paper ') also means 'lette r'; cf. 1.1, 2.1.

24. oropaki ... aireaki from oropa and aire+ki wh ich denotes direction towards; see Dict iona ry p. 60. eavavahaeape - plur. from eava+va+haea+ape . The plur. is used because he had had two letters from her. cf . 2.1 pepa eavape where a single letter is meant. eava , 1 ike the Toaripi eavai , is used not only to mean 'see , look', but also in the sense of 'find' , and as here 'rece ive' .

25. iki hoapape. The subject of this verba l ph rase is horova 'work' , the object kavale haeaki 'writing answers ' (haea plur. of hara) put first in the emphatic pos ition. Us ing the pass ive so that kaval e haeaki rema ins in the emphatic position, a close translation wou ld be 'writing answe rs was swept away by much wo rk coming without wa rn ing '. For the au , cf. note 17. Here I have tried to express the force of the au by add ing 'unexpected '. 26. araro is in the emphatic position. She had interpreted his not answering her two letters as a sign that he was angry with her. 27. In an earl ier letter she had asked him for money . She had recei ved a reply from him, worded as though it conta ined money , although actual ly there was none in the envelope. I am reminded of an occasion wi th our own ma i l, wh ich always had many letters for village people. Once a letter was brought back by the recipient, who claimed that there should have been money in the envelope . The letter was certa inly worded to that effect. The sender of the letter later confessed that he had not actual ly encl osed any money , as he had none to spare at the time . Not I iking to say that he was unable or unwi ll ing to send , he simply posted the letter, hop ing that it wou ld be thought that the money had been stolen in the post. Did th is young fel low try a simi lar trick? 28. akoreapo - al though he is writing to his younger sister , he refers to himself from the standpoint of thei r parents. 29 . He had been asked for his views on a young man Hea i who had shown an interest in this sister to whom he is writing. Elder brothers are expected to express 254

some dec i ded opinion about possible in-laws . Hea i 's elder brother Lape is trying to help along his younger brother's courtship.

30. pepa kipaparaeava - the noun pepa may be singular or plural , but the verb shows that the plural Is meant.

31 . oharo ae mae . 'He now tu rns to his own love affair; about wh ich his sister in her letter had expressed interest.

32. town ure akore. Here akOre' does not have the mean ing of 'son ' or 'boy' , but some person (male) belong ing to the place in question, the town here be ing Rabaul. Thus Auma akore means a man of Auma , but it could include not only a native of the place , but also someone permanently domici led there .

33. last weekend two ila - an interesting mixture of Engl ish and Orokolo. Instead of using the Orokolo for 'two' , orahokaila, he puts 'two ' in Engl ish but adds ila, the postpos ition used with numbers. cf. hare 40 ila 'forty days ' Mk .l :13. The parallel passage in Luke (Lk.4:2) om its the ila, however.

34. pepa ... kipaparaeve - again the plural , this time in the present cont i nuous form. He has another girl friend in reserve.

35. areve pepa kavale ka . He shou ld not send a reply himself if he does not want to become invol ved with her . Howeve r, he hadn 't answered his sister 's letters , nor repl ied to Lape Lavai , and his postscript is to say that he hasn 't time to write to his brother. One suspects that it is not so much a des ire for correct behav iour that mot ivates him, as a dislike for writing letters . 36. He finishes in English wh ich is cQrrect enough, except that he adds an unnecessary 's' to his 'you' , and he ca lls his postscript 'S.P. '. Th is is possibly due to the influence of adverti sements for the loca l beer ('South Paci fic').

Brown, H.A. A comparative dictionary of Orokolo, Gulf of Papua. C-84, xxii + 275 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1986. DOI:10.15144/PL-C84.1 ©1986 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative.