Dynamics of Mortality Factors of the Citrus Psyllid in Southern Florida
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Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 121:113–117. 2008. Dynamics of Mortality Factors of the Citrus Psyllid in Southern Florida JORGE E. PEÑA*, R.E. DUNCAN, AND JOSEP A. JACAS University of Florida, IFAS, Tropical Research and Education Center, Homestead, FL 33031 and Universitat Jaume I., Castelló de la Plana, Spain ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Diaphorina citri, Murraya, Citrus, Zelus, Allograpta, Harmonia, Cycloneda, Eriophora, Syrphi- dae, psyllid predators Frequency of parasitoids and predators of Diaphorina citri was recorded during the morning and afternoon hours by observing activity and presence of natural enemies on a D. citri-infested orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata) hedges located in Homestead. The most common natural enemies during these observations were the predators Zelus longipes (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), Allograpta obliqua (Diptera: Syrphidae), Cicloneda sanguinea, Harmonia axyridides (Cole- optera: Coccinellidae), and Eriophora ravilla (Aranea: Araneidae). A survey for predators and parasitoids of D. citri was conducted from Nov. 2005 through May 2006 on limes (Citrus aurantifolia) and on orange jasmine in Homestead, Miami–Dade County. Percentage parasitism from Tamarixia radiata fluctuated between 0.85% and 7.74% for 2nd to 5th instar D. citri. The most common predators were syrphids and coccinellids. A re-validation of predator frequency was conducted from Mar. to Apr. 2007. At this time, reduviids, coccinellids and syrphids were the most common predators observed on M. paniculata. Orange jasmine could be acting as a constant and important surrogate reservoir of D. citri. Our surveys show a pattern of predator interference with parasitoids of D. citri. The role of alternant host plants and the interaction with natural enemies needs to be studied more thoroughly. The asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, Materials and Methods was first found in Florida in 1998 (Halbert et al., 1998). The ACP is considered as one of the most serious pests of citrus if ACTIVITY OF PREDATORS ON M. PANICULATA. An 80-m-long hedge the pathogen that causes huanglongbing disease (HLB, citrus of M. paniculata, located at the University of Florida, Tropical greening), Candidatus Liberobacter is present. Huanglongbing Research and Education Center, Homestead, was selected for was reported in Florida in 2005, making the management of the this study. Predator activity was recorded for 20–30 min by two disease vector more important than ever. First, one of the major observers during the morning (10:30–11:00 AM) and afternoon problems of dispersal of ACP and its population growth is the hours (1:00–2:30 PM) during 4 consecutive weeks between 25 Jan. large number of host plants in Florida. Its host range includes and 16 Feb. 2006. The number of predators was recorded and many citrus relatives, Citrus spp., and other genera within the specimens collected for further identification by insect special- Rutaceae, e.g., Murraya, Amyris, Ptelea, Zanthoxylum, Aegles, ists. To determine infestation levels for ACP, parasitism, and to Atalantia, Severinia and Toddalia (Halbert et al., 2004; Hung observe under the microscope any predator that had escaped from et al., 2000; Koizumi et al., 1996; Tsai and Liu, 2000). Hosts, our visual observations in the field, an additional collection of leaf such as orange jasmine, Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack, might flushes was done after the field visual observations by collecting be contributing more than expected to the population growth of fifteen 10-cm flushes, placing them individually in plastic bags D. citri. For instance, during a study in Broward County during and bringing shoots to the laboratory for further inspection. 1999, Tsai et al. (2002) and Tsai and Liu (2000) concluded that NATURAL ENEMY SURVEY. Two different hedges of M. paniculata continuous shoot flushes produced by orange jasmine could play and one lime grove (Citrus aurantifolia) located in Homestead, an important role in maintaining high populations of this insect FL, were selected for this study. Each M. paniculata hedge was when new shoot flushes were not available in commercial citrus similar in length, 29 and 30 m. Monthly, 20 leaf flushes (≈10 cm groves. The potential importance of orange jasmine cannot be long) were randomly selected from the M. paniculata hedges or overemphasized. This common hedge plant is produced com- from lime trees. The presence of any predator on each flush was mercially and it is commonly planted as a hedge row (in many recorded and the predators were collected and saved for further instances a few meters from citrus trees) in many counties in urban identification. The leaf flush was placed in an individual plastic and suburban landscapes in south Florida, but also in the central, bag and then placed in a cooler and brought to the laboratory for western, and eastern citrus growing areas of Florida (Zones 9, further inspection. All stages of D. citri per flush were recorded 10, 11; Gilman, 1999). as well as the presence of insect mummies and nymphs with the The objectives of this study were to 1) identify predators of parasitoid Tamarixia radiata emergence holes. Insect cadavers of ACP when infesting M. paniculata in southern Florida, and 2) ACP nymphs or adults, still attached to the flush were recorded. determine the dynamics of ACP, its predators, and parasitoids in The stem of each flush, was then placed in a 5-mL glass vial, southern Florida. closed with tissue paper and stored at 23 °C and 70% relative humidity (RH) until parasitoid emergence. No insecticides were applied to any of the sites, during the course of this study. *Corresponding author; phone: (305) 246-7001 x223; email: [email protected]fl.edu VALIDATION OF THE FREQUENCY OF PREDACEOUS SPECIES, 2007. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 121: 2008. 113 differences of predator species be- tween the morning and afternoon observations (Fig. 2).There were no significant differences between the morning and afternoon obser- vations for Zelus longipes (Heter- optera: Reduviidae) (F = 20.96; df= 4,3). Means of 29.5 and 34.75 Z. longipes were observed during the morning and afternoon, fol- lowed by Eriophora spp. (Aranea: Araneidae), Hentzia spp. (Aranea: Salticidae), Camponotus florida- nus, Pheidole spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Cicloneda sanguinea, and Harmonia axyridides (Coleop- tera: Coccinellidae). There were no significant differences between the morning and afternoon observa- tions for the species of coccinellids (t test; F = 1.25; df = 4,3; Pr > F = 0.45). During our visual evaluations of predator activity, Z. longipes FigFig 1. FrequencyFrequency of of different different stages stages of ofasian ACP, citrus level psyllids, of parasitism, level of parasitism, mortality mortalitydue to predation due to predation and was 3 to 4 times more frequent meanand mean number number of predaceous of predaceous syrphid syrphid larvae larvae observed observed under under the the microscope. microscope. than C. floridanus and Pheidole, and approximately 30 times more An orange jasmine hedge of approximately 29 m long located in frequent than C. sanguinea and H. axyridides , Eriophora and Homestead, FL, was selected as the study site. The ACP popula- Hentzia. The highest density of Z. longipes was observed dur- tion was assessed by randomly collecting twenty 10-cm shoots ing the fourth week of the evaluation (F = 26.97; DF =3,1; P per treatment. Weekly counts were made 12 Mar. through 20 Apr. > F 0.01). Surprisingly, during our visual observations, we did 2007. All ACP counts were made under a microscope and the not observe Allograpta obliqua (Diptera: Syrphidae) which number of ACP with parasitoid exit holes or mummies recorded. was recorded later when ACP infestation on leaf flushes was Predators were checked by observing predators on the plants for recorded under the microscope. Eggs and pupae of A. obliqua about 2 min over a 3-d period to total about 10 replications. were observed in close proximity to ACP colonies and larvae were observed feeding on both ACP nymphs and adults. There Results and Discussion were no statistical differences between the different collecting dates for A. obliqua (F = 2.10, df = 3 ; P = 0.55) . Also, there DIURNAL FREQUENCY OF NATURAL ENEMIES OF D. CITRI. The were no significant differences between different collecting relative abundance of predator natural enemies observed on dates for the number of parasitized ACP ( F = 30.76; df = 24, P M. paniculata are presented in Figures 1 and 2 .There were no = 0.16) (Fig. 2). The only emerging parasitoid was Tamarixia radiata. The number of parasitized ACP was not different from the number of predators (A. obliqua) per date (F = 10.53; DF = 8; P = 0.23). In general, during both types of observations, the only two predators observed feeding on ACP nymphs were Z. longipes and A. obliqua. Once, Z. longipes was observed prey- ing on a T. radiata adult, indicating that some predators might be interfering with parasitoid activity. The role of C. floridanus and Pheidole sp. was not clear as we observed them carrying nymphs but no feeding was observed. NATURAL ENEMY SURVEY. With the exception of June 2005, the survey was carried out monthly, from Nov. 2005 to Oct. 2006. We decided to combine the results from the two M. paniculata sites, when no significant differences on ACP densities and dif- ferences on predator frequency were found between the two hedges (χ2, DF = 85, value 83.74, P = 0.51; t test; F = 1.43; df = 30, 399; Pr> F = 0.07) . More ACP densities were observed on M. paniculata than on citrus throughout the survey (χ2 = 123.78, DF = 88, P = 0.007). This could be due to the constant produc- tion of leaf flushes in M. paniculata, compared to the four leaf Fig. 2. Mean number of different predaceous species observed during flushing periods observed on limes. The range of eggs per shoot Fig. 2.