arXiv:2011.15088v1 [math.GR] 30 Nov 2020 xml,i 2 ]i spoe htsmercgop fdmningrea dimension of of socle groups the symmetric If that recognizable. proved are is 10 it than 5] [2, in example, eonzbegop r nw,teeare these known, are groups recognizable nt ipegopbut group simple finite a ysetu feeyfiiegroup finite every if spectrum by Theorem. e 4.I h rsn ae epoeta h ietpouto t of product direct the that prove we paper L present the In [4]. see nti ae,algop r nt.Denote finite. are groups all paper, this In results Preliminary 1 nizable. oaeinsml rusi ovdfrmn rus[] ftesceof finite socle the a If of [6]. recognizability groups many on p for question direct solved a is The is groups group simple groups. recognizable nonabelian wit radic simple a groups soluble of nonabelian finite non-trivial socle non-isomorphic of a the of Thus, has number group spectrum. infinite finite same an a are if there that then [1] showed Shi W.J. Let Introduction groups. finite of class the in spectrum its by determined btat h pcrmo nt ru sasto t element its of set a is group if finite that a prove of spectrum The Abstract: ento 1. Definition 2 m 1 1. ewrs nt ru,spectrum. group, finite Keywords: h okwsspotdb FR18-31-00257. RFBR by supported was work The 2,where (2), ω σ ( G ( n etesetu fgroup of spectrum the be ) hrceiaino ruswt o-ipesocle non-simple with groups of Characterization = ) h groups The > m ubro ieetpie dividing primes different of number > m Let 5 H ,i recognizable. is 5, hntegroup the then eafiiegroup, finite a be L 2 G m .B Gorshkov B. I. (2) sntsml,then simple, not is × L G 2 m L with 1 (2) 2 G m nt group finite A . n (2) J G × ω 4 eapstv integer. positive a be × sntasml ru,te two then group, simple a not is G ( L × G 2 J n 1 m = ) L 4 = (2) G 2 e 3,and [3], see m G | n ω a ercgial.For recognizable. be can (2) where , , ( × L × {z ... sioopi to isomorphic is ) n L × L 2 > m m G Sz } srecognizable is (2) . (2 5 regroups hree res We orders. suniquely is 7 ) r recog- are × Sz roduct the h G (2 ter al, L 7 is ) . 2. σ(H)= max{σ(|g|)|g ∈ H}, 3. γ(n)= max{σ(|T |)|T is a solvable group with σ(T )= n}, 4. π(H)= σ(|H|)= set of prime divisors |H|, Lemma 1. [7, Theorem 3.3] γ(3) = 8.

ε Lemma 2. [11] Let G = Ln(q), where n ≥ 2, q is a power of p. Put d = (n, q − ε1). Then ω(G) consists from the devisers of

qn−(ε1)n 1. d(q−ε1) ;

[qn1 −(ε1)n1 ,qn2 −(ε1)n2 ] 2. where n1,n2 > 0 are such that n1 + n2 = n; (n/(n1,n2),q−ε1)

3. [qn1 − (ε1)n1 , qn2 − (ε1)n2 , ..., qns − (ε1)ns ] where s > 3 and n1,n2, ..., ns > 0 are such that n1 + n2 + ... + ns = n;

n1 − n1 k q (ε1) k−1 4. p d where k,n1 > 0 are such that p +1+ n1 = n;

k n1 n2 n2 ns ns 5. p [q − (ε1)n1, q − (ε1) , ..., q − (ε1) ] where s > 2 and k−1 k,n1,n2..., ns > 0 are such that p +1+ n1 + n2 + ... + ns = n; 6) pk, where pk−1 +1= n,k > 0. If n is a nonzero integer and r is an odd prime with (r, n) = 1, then e(r, n) denotes the multiplicative order of n modulo r. Given an odd integer n, we put e(2,n) = 1 if n ≡ 1(mod 4), and e(2,n) = 2 otherwise. Fix an integer a with |a| > 1. A prime r is said to be a primitive prime divisor of i a −1 if e(r, a)= i. We write ri(a) to denote some primitive prime divisor of i a −1, if such a prime exists, and Ri(a) to denote the set of all such divisors. Zsigmondy [8] proved that primitive prime divisors exist for almost all pairs (a,i). Lemma 3. (Zsigmondy). Let a be an integer and |a| > 1. For every natural number i there exists some primitive prime devisors ri(a), except for the pairs (a,i) ∈{(2, 1), (2, 6), (−2, 2), (−2, 3), (3, 1), (−3, 2)}. Let Θ be a set of primes. We say that Θ is an independent set of a group H if Θ ⊆ π(H) and for any distinct p, q ∈ Θ we have pq 6∈ ω(H). Denote by ρ(G) some maximal independent set of G and t(G) = |ρ(G)|. We call the number t(G) the independence number of the group G.

2 Lemma 4. [6, Lemma 2.2] Let L be a simple classical group over a field of order q and characteristic p. Suppose that r and s are distinct primes, 2 r, s 6∈ π(q − 1), r ∈ Ri(q), and s ∈ Rj (q). ′ ′ ′ (i)If rs ∈ ω(L), then r s ∈ ω(L) for every distinct odd primes r ∈ Ri(q) ′ and s ∈ Rj (q). ′ ′ (ii)If pr ∈ (L), then pr ∈ ω(L) for every odd prime r ∈ Ri(q). For a classical group L, we put prk(L) to denote its dimension if L is a linear or , and its Lie rank if L is a symplectic or . Now we introduce a new function in order to unify further arguments on classical groups. Namely, given a simple classical group L over a field of order q and a prime r coprime to q, we put

e(r, εq), if L = Lε (q), ϕ(r, L)= n (η(e(r, q)), if L is symplectic or orthogonal. Where η(a)= a if a is odd, and η(a)= a/2 if a is even. Lemma 5. [6, Lemma 2.4] Let L be a simple classical group over a field of order q and characteristic p, and let prk(L)= n ≥ 4. (i) If r ∈ π(L) \{p}, then ϕ(r, L) ≤ n. (ii) If r and s are distinct primes from π(L) \{p} with Φ(r, L) ≤ n/2 and Φ(s,L) ≤ n/2, then rs ∈ ω(L). (iii) If r and s are distinct primes from π(L)\{p} with n/2 < Φ(r, L) ≤ n and n/2 < Φ(s,L) ≤ n, then r and s are adjacent in GK(L) if and only if e(r, q)= e(s, q). (iv) If r and s are distinct primes from π(L) \{p} and e(r, q)= e(s, q), then r and s are adjacent in GK(L). Lemma 6. [6, Lemma 3.5] Let L be a simple classical group over a field of order q and characteristic p, r ∈ π(L), rs ∈ ω(P ), where P is a proper parabolic subgroup of L, and (r, 6p(q+1)) = 1. If L acts faithfully on a V over the field of characteristic t distinct from p, then trs ∈ ω(V ⋋L). Lemma 7. [6, Lemmas 3.3, 3.6] Let s and p be distinct primes, a group H be a semidirect product of a normal p-subgroup T and a cyclic subgroup C = hgi of order s, and let [T,g] 6= 1. Suppose that H acts faithfully on a vector space V of positive characteristic t not equal to p. s If the minimal polynomial of g on V equals to x − 1, then CV (g) is non-trivial.

3 If the minimal polynomial of g on V does not equal xs − 1, then (i) CT (g) 6=1; (ii) T is nonabelian; δ (iii) p =2 and s =22 +1 is a Fermat prime. Lemma 8. [6, Lemma 3.8] For a simple classical group S over a field of order u and characteristic v with prk(S)= m ≥ 4, put

m if S ≃ Lm(u), + j = 2m − 2 if either S ≃ O2m(u) or S ≃ Um(u) and m is even, 2m otherwise.  Then(rj (u), |P |)=1 for every proper parabolic subgroup P of S. If i 6= j and a primitive prime divisor ri(u) lies in π(L) then there is a proper parabolic subgroup P of S such that ri(u) lies in ω(P ). In particular, if two distinct primes r, s ∈ π(S) do not divide the order of any proper parabolic subgroup of S then r and s are adjacent in Γ(S). Lemma 9. [16, Lemma 10] Let N be a normal elementary abelian p- subgroup of G, K = G/N, and G1 = NK be the natural semidirect product. Then ω(G1) ⊆ ω(G).

Lemma 10. [17, Lemma 5] Let L be a finite Ln(q), d = (q − 1,n). If there exists a primitive prime divisor r of qn − 1 then L includes a Frobenius subgroup with kernel of order r and cyclic complement of order n.

3 Let L = L2m (2), where m> 5, R = L . Suppose that G is a group such that ω(G)= ω(R). Set ri = ri(2) and Ω = {r2m−1 , r2m−1+1, ..., r2m }. Lemma 11. t(L)=2m−1. Proof. The assertion of the lemma follows from Lemma 2.

Lemma 12. Ω is a maximal independent set of L. Proof. The assertion of the lemma follows from Lemma 2.

4 Lemma 13. 2m ∈ ω(L) and 2m+1 6∈ ω(L). Proof. The assertion of the lemma follows from Lemma 2. Lemma 14. If g ∈ G and π(g) ⊆ Ω, then |π(g)|≤ 3. Proof. The proof is trivial.

2 Proof Theorem

m 3 Let L = Ln(2), where n = 2 and m > 5, R = L . Suppose that G is a group such that ω(G)= ω(R). Denote 1 < G1 < G2 < ... < Gr = G is a principal series of G, Si = Gi/Gi−1. Lemma 15. ω(G) does not contain qn/2−1 − 1, where q is odd. Proof. We have qn/2−1 − 1 = (q − 1)(q + 1)(q2 + 1)...(q2m−2 + 1). If follows n/2−1 that (q − 1)2 >n; a contradiction with Lemma 13. Lemma 16. Let S be a composition factor of G. If S is a over a field of odd characteristic, then Lie rank of S does not exceed n/2+3.

Proof. Assume that G includes a composition factor S ≃ Λk(q), where Λk(q) is a group of Lie type, k >n/2 + 2. From the description of maximal tories (see [12, 13]) it follows that qr − 1 ∈ ω(S) for each even r ≤ k − 1. The assertion of lemma follows from Lemma 15.

Lemma 17. Let Λ = {i1,i2, ..., ik} be a set of numbers such that there exists pj ∈ π(Sj ) ∩ (Ω \{pi|i ∈ Λ \{j}}), where j ∈ Λ. Then |Λ|≤ 8.

Proof. The proof is similar to that [9, Lemma 1.1]. Let Σ = {pj |j ∈ Λ}|, where pj as from the hypothesis of the lemma. Assume that |Σ| > 8. Using Frattini’s argument, it is easy to obtain that G includes a subgroup H such that π(H) = Σ. Since 2 6∈ π(H), the group H is solvable. Lemma 1 implies that H contains an element g whose order is divisible by 4 different numbers from the set Σ; a contradiction.

5 Let Λ = {i1,i2, ..., ik} be a maximal set of indices such that there exits a set Σ ≤ Ω and pj ∈ π(Sij ), where pj ∈ Σ, ij ∈ Λ. It follows from Lemma 17 that |Λ|≤ 8.

Lemma 18. The set {Si|i ∈ Λ} contains at most 3 nonsolvable groups.

Proof. Let Sa,Sb,Sc,Sd be nonsolvable groups such that a

Let Λ ≤ Λ be such that Si is nonsolvable, where i ∈ Λ. It follows from Lemma 18 that |Λ|≤ 3.

Lemma 19. There exists j ∈ Λ such that |(π(Sj ) ∩ Ω)|≥ 9. Proof. We have |Ω| = n/2 ≥ 32. Since the order of each solvable principal factor is divisible by at most one number from |Ω|, we have at least 25 numbers from Ω divide orders of nonsolvable principal factors of G. It follows from Lemma 18 that G contains at most 3 nonsolvable principal factors with this satisfies this conditions. Therefore, order of at least one of them is divisible by 9 numbers from Ω

Lemma 20. There exists H ✁G such that X = Soc(G/H)= A1 ×A2 ×A3, where Ai is a nonabelian simple group and |π(Ai) ∩ Ω| > 3, for 1 ≤ i ≤ 3. Proof. By Lemma 19 there exists a principal factor S of G such that |π(S)∩ Ω| > 3. Let j be a minimal number such that |π(Sj ) ∩ Ω| > 3. Let X be a socle of G = G/Gj−1. Put∆=Ω∩(π(X)\(π(Gj−1 )∪G/X)). We can assume that X is a direct product of simple groups A1, ..., Ak and the order of each of them ise divisible by at least 4 numbers from Ω. Therefe ore,

6 k ≤ 3. We have G ≤ Aut(X). Since the group of outer of a simple group is solvable, it follows that G/X is solvable. For each p,q,le ∈ ∆ the group X contains an element of order pql. As- sume that Gj−1 includes a nonsolvablee composition factor whose order is divisible by t ∈ Ω. Using Lemma 18 it is easy to see that in this case G contain an element of order pqrt; a contradiction. We have |∆| ≥ |Ω|−8+k. Assume that X is a simple group. Assume that X ≃ Altt. In this case t easy to see that |∆|≤ λ(t/3,t/4) < 12 , where λ(a,b) is a number of primes in the interval [a,b]. Therefore t> 2n +2 and 2n ∈ ω(X); a contradiction. Assume that X is isomorphic one of the sporadic simple groups. Since ∆ contains a number greater than 100, a contradiction. Using the information about orders of the maximal tori of exceptional groups of Lie type [13], [14], we get that X does not isomorphic to an exceptional group of Lie type. Assume that X is isomorphic to Λt(q), a classical simple group of Lie type and prk(Λt(q)) = t over a field of order q. Assume that there exists i such that p, r ∈ Ri(q), for some p, r ∈ ∆. Then if ar ∈ ω(X), then from Lemma 4 follows that arp ∈ ω(X), where a ∈ π(X) \{p, r}. Let v, w ∈ ∆ \{p, r}. Therefore prvw ∈ ω(X); a contradiction. Therefore if p ∈ Ri(q) and r ∈ Rj (q), then i 6= j. From the fact that for each p, r ∈ ∆ we have pr ∈ ω(X) and Lemma 5 it follows that ϕ(s,X) < t/2 for each s ∈ ∆ except one. It follows from Lemma 19 that ∆ ≥ n/2 − 9. Therefore t/2 ≥ n/2−9. Hence t ≥ n−18 > n/2+3. Assume that q is odd. It follows from Lemma 16 that t ≤ n/2 + 2; a contradiction. l Assume that q =2 . In this case, it is easy to show that Ri(2) ⊆ π(X), where i>n; a contradiction. Assume that X = A1 × A2. We have that |π(A1) ∩ ∆| > 3 and |π(A2) ∩ ∆| > 3. Suppose there are numbers p,r,t,s ∈ ∆ such that pr ∈ ω(A1) and ts ∈ ω(A2). Then prts ∈ ω(X); a contradiction. Therefore, ω(A1) includes pr for each p, r ∈ ∆ ∩ π(A1) and |π(A1) ∩ ∆| ≥ |∆|− 1. Similarly, as above, we get a contradiction.

We fix the following notation X, H and A1, A2, A3 are such as in Lemma 20, G = G/H. Let∆=Ω ∩ (π(X) \ (π(H) ∪ G/X)). Lemma 21. e The following statements are true:e

1. For each distinct p, q ∈ ∆ we have pq 6∈ ω(Ai), where 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.

7 2. ∆ ⊂ π(Ai) for each 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.

Proof. Assume that there exists distinct p, q ∈ ∆ such that pq ∈ ω(A1). In this case ω(X) includes pqlt, where l ∈ π(A2) ∩ (∆ \{p, q}) and t ∈ π(A3) ∩ (∆ \{p,q,l}); a contradiction. Therefore, if p, q ∈ π(A1) ∩ ∆ then pq 6∈ ω(A1). Since pqr ∈ ω(X), for a distinct numbers p,q,r ∈ ∆, we have that ∆ ∈ π(Ai), where 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.

Lemma 22. The Ai is a classical group of Lie type over a field of even characteristic, where 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.

Proof. From the fact that ∆ ∈ π(Ai) and for each distinct p, q ∈ ∆ the spectrum of Ai does not contain pq see Lemma 21, it follows that Ai does not isomorphic one of sporadic groups or exceptional group of Lie type. Suppose that Ai is isomorphic to an alternating group of degree l. Then the interval [l/2,l] contains at least n/2 − 7 primes. From the description of the distribution of primes it follows that l> 2n +2. Therefore, Ai contains an element of order 2n; a contradiction. Suppose that Ai is isomorphic to a simple classical group of Lie type Λn′ (q) over a field of odd order q. To obtain a contradiction with Lemma 15, n/2 it is sufficient to show that ω(Λn′ (q)) contains an element of order q − 1. ′ The estimate for the number n will be obtained from the fact that the t(Ai) is greater than or equal to n/2 − 7. From the description of the spectra of finite simple groups [10], we obtain the required statement.

Lemma 23. Ω = ∆. Proof. Assume that there exists h ∈ π(H) ∩ Ω. Let W 27, by Lemma 8 there exists pairwise distinct numbers p1,p2,p3 ∈ ∆ such that pi ∈ πPi, where Pi < Ai is a parabolic subgroup. Let ai ∈ Pi be an element of order pi, where 1 ≤ i ≤ 3. We have G contains the subgroup V.(P1 × P2 × P3). Since |V | is not divisible by numbers from Ω, using Lemma 7, we obtain that G contains an element of order hp1p2p3; a contradiction. Thus, |H| is not divisible by numbers from Ω.

8 Suppose that |G/X| is divisible by some number h from Ω. Then there exists 1 ≤ i ≤ 3 such that h ∈ π(Out(Ai). Since h> 32 and the character- istic of the task fielde of the group Ai is equal 2, then Ai contains the field automorphism of order h. Let k = 2t be the order of the field over which the group Ai is given. Then h divides t, in particular, t>n/2. In this case it is easy to show that Ai contains a primitive prime divisor of the number 2r − 1, where r>n; a contradiction. Thus, |H| and |G/X| are not divisible by numbers from Ω and therefore ∆ = Ω. e

Lemma 24. Ai ≃ L2m (2), where 1 ≤ i ≤ 3.

Proof. It follows from Lemma 22 that Ai is a classical group over a field of even characteristic. k k m Assume that Ai ≃ Lt(2 ). Since rtk ∈ π(Lt(2 )) we have t + k ≤ 2 . It m−1 m follows from the fact t(Ai) ≥ 2 that t =2 . Therefore k = 1. k m−1 Assume that Ai ≃ Ut(2 ). It follows from the fact t(Ai)=2 that t ≥ m m k 2 or t =2 −1. In this cases π(Ai) contains r2(2m−1)(2 ); a contradiction. If Ai is a symplectic or an orthogonal group, then from description of maximal tori follows that π(A1) contains r2t(Ai)+1(2); a contradiction.

Lemma 25. G = X.

Proof. Assume that there exists an element g ∈ N e(A ) which acts on A e G 1 1 as an outer automorphism. Since Aut(A1) ≃ A1 ⋋ λ where λ is the graph automorphism of order 2, we have g acts on Ai as the graph automorphism. It follows from [15] that in this case ω(G) contains the number 2m+1; a contradiction. Therefore, if g ∈ G \ X then withoute loss of generality we can assume g l t that A1 6= A1. In this case ω(G) \ ω(R) contains a number 2 or 3 ; a contradiction. e e Lemma 26. X = G. Proof. It follows from Lemma 25 that G = H.X. Assume that H is a nontrivial group. Without loss generation we can think that H is an abelian p-group. It follows from Lemma 23 that p 6∈ Ω.

9 Suppose that H.X is a central extension of H by X. Lemma 9 implies that it suffices to prove that ω(H × X) 6= ω(R). To do this, we need to find the maximal by divisibility number γ ∈ ω(X) that is not divisible by p. Assume p = 2. There is a decomposition of the number 2m − 1 into the sum of odd numbers k1 + k2 + ... + kl such that ki does not divide kj for i, j ∈ k1 k2 kl {1..l},i 6= j. Let g1 ∈ A1 be an element of order (2 −1)(2 −1)...(2 −1), n n−1 ∈ A2 an element of order 2 − 1, g3 ∈ A3 an element of order 2 − 1. Obviously, |g1g2g3| is the maximal by divisibility number in ω(R) and not divisible by 2. Hence p 6= 2. Let e(p, 2) = t. There are sets Υ, Φ, Ψ of positive integers such that ai does not divide aj , where ai,aj ∈ Υ∪Φ∪Ψ are distinct numbers and (Υ ∪ Φ ∪ Ψ) ∩{t, 1} = ∅, Υ= Φ=2m, Ψ= m i 2 − 1. The number i∈Υ∪Φ∪Ψ 2 − 1 is maximum by divisibility in ω(R) and is not divisible by p. P P P Q Thus, we can assume that A1 acts faithfully and irreducibly on H. Sup- pose p = 2. Lemma 10 implies that A1 contains a Frobenius group with m kernel of order 22 −1 and complement of order 2m. It follows from Lemma 6 that ω(G) contains the number 2m+1; a contradiction with Lemma 13. l l+1 Therefore p 6= 2. Let p ∈ ω(A1) be such p 6∈ ω(A1). Since p 6∈ R2m (2) it is easy to show that there exists t < 2m such that pl|2t − 1. The group l A1 include a parabolic subgroup P such that p ∈ ω(P ). In particular A1 includes a group NM where N is a normal 2-subgroup of NM and M is a cyclic group of order pl. It follows from Lemma 6 that pl+1 ∈ ω(G); a contradiction.


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