ANNUAL REPORT Baptist Iwisstonarg $Omtg
ANNUAL REPORT baptist iWisstonarg $omtg, THE Y E A R 1825; HEING A CONTINUATION OF THE PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS Relative to the said Society. LONDON: PRINTED BY i, HADDON, CASTLE STREET, FINSBURY ; SOLD AT TUB SOCIETY’S HOUSE, 6, FEN COURT, FENCHURCtf STREET; And may be bad of the Baptist Ministers in the principal Towns throughout the United Kingdom. Price Ono Shilling, Yale Divinity Library New Havtn* Conn. Subscriptions and Donations for the Baptist Missions ARE RECEIVED At the Society’s H ouse, 0, Fen Court, Fencburch Street; by The Treasurer, BENJAMIN SHAW, E s q . The Secretaryf REV. JOHN DYER; i Also, by the Collector o f the London Subscriptions, Mr. B, LE P A R D , Punderson Place, Bethnal Green ; And by Friends at the following Places, Abergavenny,—Rev. MICAH THOMAS ; Aberdeen,— Mr. W. THOMPSON ; Abingdon,— Rev. J. KERSHAW ; Bath.,—Rev. J. P. PORTER ; Biggleswade,—Rev. T. MIDDLEDITCH; Birmingham,—Mr. THOMAS KING; Bluntisham,— Rev. SAMUEL GREEN; Bradford,— Rev. Dr. STEADMAN ; Bristol,— Rev. T. S. CRISP. Rev. T. ROBERTS, & Mr. JOHN HART Cambridge,—Rev. T. C. EDMONDS; Chatham,—Rev. W. GILES ; Chesham,— Rev. W. TOM LIN; Mipstone,— Rev. JOHN MACK; Derby,—Rev. C. E. BIRT; Devonport,—Rev. T. HORTON ; poleu, Radnorshire,—Rev. DAVID EVANS; Dunstable,— Rev. W. ANDERSON; Edinburgh,— Dr. STUART, Rev. C. ANDERSON, & Rev. W. 1NNES Exeter,— Rev. SAMUEL KILPIN ; Frame,— Mr. JOHN SH E PP A R D ; Glasgow,— Mr. DEAKIN , Treasurer to the Glasgow Auxiliary Society or by any Member of the Committee of that Society. Null,— Rev. THOMAS THONGER; Ipntich,— Rev. JAMES PAYNE; Irvine,— Rev. GEORGE BARCLAY; Kettering,—Rev.
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