Trransactions. RAR PUBLISHED by |Iltc1 E T3S

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Trransactions. RAR PUBLISHED by |Iltc1 E T3S MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL - TrRANSACTIONS. RAR PUBLISHED BY |ILtC1 e T3S. 3 0. THE ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. VOLUME THE SEVENTY-THIRD. (SECOND SERIES, VOLUME THE FIFTY-FIFTH.) LONDON: LONG-MANS, GREEN, AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. 1890. Issued from the Society's House at 20, Hanover Square, W. October, 1890. PRINTED BY ADLARD AND SON, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON PATRON THE QUEEN OFFICERS AND COUNCIL ELECTED AIARCH 1, 1890 TIMOTHY HOLMES ROBERT BARNES, M.D. 5 J. LANGDON DOWN, M.D. V[CE- PRESIDENTS ALFRED WILLETT JOHN CROFT t CHARLES JOHN HARE, M.D. HON. TREASURERS JOHN ASHTON BOSTOCK, C.B. t FREDERICK TAYLOR, M.D. HON. SECRETARIES J. WARRINGTON HAWARD t SAMUEL JONES GEE, M.D. HON. LIBRARIANS JOHN WHITAKER HULKE, F.R.S. rWALTER BUTLER CHEADLE, M.D. WILLIAM MILLER ORD, M.D. A. JULIUS POLLOCK, M.D. (deceased) GEORGE VIVIAN POORE, M.D. T. GILBART SMITH, M.D. OTHER MEMBERS OF COUNCIL WILLIAM HARRISON CRIPPS CLINTON THOTMAS DENT HENRY GREENWAY HOWSE HENRY WALTER KIALLMARK HERBERT WILLIAM PAGE RESIDENT LIBRARIAN J. Y. W. MAC ALISTER, F.S.A. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY APPOINTED BY THE COUNCIL AS REFEREES OF PAPERS FOR THE SESSION OF 1890-91 HENRY CHARLTON BASTIAN, M.D., F.R.S. MARCUS BECK WILLIAM HENRY BROADBENT, M.D. JOHN MITCHELL BRUCE, M.D. THO-MAS BUZZARD, M.D. JOHN CURNOW, M.D. J. NEVILLE C. DAVIES-COLLEY SIR DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D. SAMUEL FENWICK, M.D. ALFRED LEWIS GALABIN, AT.D. FREDERICK JAMIES GANT HENRY GERVIS, MI.D. RICKMAN JOHN GODLEE, M.S. WILLIAM RICHARD GOWERS, M.D., F.R.S. JOHN HARLEY, M.D. GRAILY HEWITT, M.D. M. BERKELEY IIILL JONATHAN HUTCHINSON, F.R.S. JOHN LANGTON JEREMIAH MAC CARTHY SIR WILLIAM iMACCORMAC STEPHEN MACKENZIE, M.D. CHARLES MACINAMARA F. HOWARD MARSH NORMAN MOORE, M.D. JOSEPH FRANK PAYNE, M.D. SIDNEY RINGER, M.D., F.R.S. ART'HUR ERNEST SANSOM, M.D. EDWARD ALBERIT SCIIXFER, F.R.S. HENRY GAWEN SUTTON, M.D. FREDERICK TRE VES WILLIAM IIALE WHITE, M.D. C THEODORE AVILLIAMS, M.D. JOHN WILLIAMS, MI.D. JOIIN WOOD, F.R.S. TRUSTEES OF THE SOCIETY SIR ANDREW CLARK, BART., MI.D., LL.D., F.Rt.S. WALTER BUTLER CHEADLE, M.D. CHRISTOPHER HEATH TRUSTEES OF THE MARSHALL HALL MEMORIAL FUND WALTER BUTLER CHEADLE, M.D. IVILLIAM OGLE, M.D. THOMAS SMITH LIBRARY COMMITTEE FOIl THE SESSION OF 1890-91 JOHN MITCHELL BRUCE, M.I.D. JOHN CAVAFY, M.D. FRANCIS HENRY CHAMPNEYS, MI.A., M1.B. JOSEPH FRAN, K PAYNE, M.D. ROBERT WILLIAM PARKER PHILIP HENRY PYE-SMITH, M.D., F.R.S. WILLIAM WATSON CHEYNE JOHN LANGTON CHARLES MACNAMAR&A JOHN KNOWSLEY THORNTON Mon. Sees. FREDERICK TAYLOR, M.D. H.J.S WARRINGTON HAWARI) Hon. Libs. SAMUEL JONES GEE, M.D. JOHN WHITAKER HULKE, F.R S. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Appointed to investigate the Medical Climatology and Balneology of Great Britain and Ireland WILLIAM MILLER ORD, 1M.D., Chairman ARCHIBALD EDWARD GARROD, M.A., m.D., 11o01. Sec. EDWARD BALLARD, M.D., F.R.S. JOHN MITCHELL BRUCE, 1M.D. WALTER BUTLER CHEADLE, M.D. WILLIAM HOWSHIP DICKiNSON, M.D. WILLIAM EWART, M.D. MALCOLAI ALEXANDER MIORRIS WILLIAM MURRELL. M.D. FREDERICK TAYLOR, M.D EDMUND SYMES THOMPSON, M.D. FREDERICK TREVES HERMANN WEBER, M.D. A LIST OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE SOCIETY FROM ITS FORMATION ELECTED 1805. WILLIAM SAUNDERS, M.D. 1808. MATTHEW BAILLIE, M.D. 1810. SIR HENRY HALFORD, BART., M.D., G.C.H. 1813. SIR GILBERT BLANE, BART., M.D. 1815. HENRY CLINE 1817. WILLIAM BABINGTON, M.D. 1819. SIR ASTLEY PASTON COOPER, BART., K.C.H., D.CL. 1821. JOIIN COOKE, M.D. 1823. JOHN ABERNETHY 1825. GEORGE BIRKBECK, M.D. 1827. BENJAMIN TRAVERS 1829. PETER MARK ROGET, M.D. 1831. SIR WVILLIAM LAWVRENCE, BART. 1833. JOHN ELLIOTSON, M.D. 1835. HENRY EARLE 1837. RICIIARD BRIGIIT, M.D., D.C.L. 1839. SIR BENJAMIN COLLINS BRODIE, BART., D.C.L. 1841. ROBERT WILLIAMS, M.D. 1843. EDWVARD STANLEY 1845. WILLIAM FREDERICK CHAMBERS, M.D., K.C.H. 1847. JAMES MONCRIEFF ARNOTT 1849. THOMAS ADDISON, M.D. 1851. JOSEPH HODGSON 1853. JAMES COPLAND, M.D. 1855. C]ESAR HENRY HAWKINS 1857. SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, BART., M.D. 1859. FREDERIC CARPENTER SKEY 1861. BENJAMIN GUY BABINGTON, M.D. 1863. RICHARD PARTRIDGE 1865. SIR JAMES ALDERSON, M.D., D.C.L. 1867. SAMUEL SOLLY 1869. SIR GEORGE BURROWS, BART., M.D., D.C.L. 1871. THOMAS BLIZARD CURLING 1873. CHARLES JAMES BLASIUS WILLIAMS, M.D. 1875. SIR JAMES PAGET, BART., D.C.L., LL.D. 1877. CHARLES WEST. M.D. 1879. JOHN ERIC ERICHSEN 1881. ANDREW WHYTE BARCLAY, M.D. 1882. JOHN MARSHALL 1884. GEORGE JOHNSON, M.D. 1886. GEORGE DAVID POLLOCK 1888. SIR EDWARD HENRY SIEVEKING, M.D., LL.D. 1890. TIMOTHY HOLMES HONORARY FELLOWS. (Limited to Twelve.) Elected 1887 FLOWER, WILLIAM HENRY, C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., I)irector of the Natural History Departmeint, British Muscani, Cromwell road. 1887 FOSTER, MICHAEL, LL.D., F. R.S., Professor of Physiology in the University of Cambridge. 1883 FRANKLAND, EDWARD, M.D., D.C.L., Ph.D., F.R.S., (Co. responding Member of the French Inistitute; The Yews, Reigate Hill, Reigate. 1868 HOOKER, SIR JOSEPH DALTON, C.B., M.D., K.C.S.I., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Member of the Senate of the University of London, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France; The Camp, Sunninigdale. 1868 HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., late Professor of Natural History in the Royal School of Mines; Corresponding Member of the Academies of Sciences of St. Petersburg, Berlin, Dresden, &c.; 4, Marlborough place, St. John's wood. 1878 LUBBOCK, SIR JOHN, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., High Elms, Hayes, Kent. 1847 OWEN, SIR RICHARD, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., late Superintendent of the Natural History Departments in the British Museum; Foreign Associate of the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France; Sheen Lodge, East Sheen, Mortlake. V111 FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. Elected 1873 STOKES, SiR GEORGE GABRIEL, Bart., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., M.P., Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge; President of the Royal Society; Lensfield Cottage, Cambridge. 18S7 TURNER, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh. 1868 TYNDALL, JOHN, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Honorary Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Royal Institution; Cor- responding Member of the Academies and Societies of Sciences of Gottingen, Haarlem, Geneva, &c.; Hind Head House, Sliotter Mill, near Petersfield. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. IX FOREIGN HONORARY FELLOWS. (Limited to Twenty.) Elected 1878 BACCELLI, GuIDO, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Rome. 1883 BIGELOW, HENRY J., M.D., Professor of Surgery at Harvard University, and Surgeon to the Massachiusetts General Hospital. 1887 BILLINGS, JOHN S., M.D., D.C.L.Oxoin., Surgeon U.S.Armv; Librarian, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington. 1876 BILLROTH, THEODOR, M.D., Professor of Surgery in the University of Vienna; 20, Alger Strasse, Vienna. 1883 CHARCOT, J. M., M.D., Physician to the H8pital de la Salp&- triere, and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris; Member of the Academy of Medicine; Quai Malaquais 17, Paris. 1883 DuBois REYM%iOND, EMIL, M.D., Professor in Berlin; N. WV. Neue Wilhelmstrasse 15, Berlin. 1887 ESMARCH, FRIEDRICH, M.D., Professor of Surgery in thie University of Kiel. 1866 HANNOVER, ADOLPH, M.D., Professor at Copenhagen. 1873 VON HELMIHOLTZ, HERMANN LUDWIG FERDINAND, Professor of Physics and Physiological Optics; Berlin. 1873 HOFMANN, A. W., LL.D., Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, Berlin. 1868 K;oLLIKER, ALBERT, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Wurzburg. X FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. Elected 1868 LARREY, HIPPOLYTE BARON, Member of the Institute of France; Inspector of the " Service de Sante' Militaire," and Member of the "Conseil de Sante des Armees ;" Commander of the Legion of Honour, &c. ; Rue de Lille, 91, Paris. 1883 PASTEUR, Louis, LL.D., Member of the Institute of France (Academy of Sciences). 1878 SCANZONI, FRIEDREICH WILHELM VON, Royal Bavarian Privy Councillor; Professor of Midwifery in the University of Wurzburg. 1856 VIRCHOW, RUDOLPH, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Pathiological Anatomy in the University of Berlin; Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of France; 10, Schellingstrasse, Berlin. FELLOWS OF THE ROYAL MEDICAL AND CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS. P.-President. V.P.-Vice-President. T.-Treasurer. S.- Secretarv. L.-Librarian. C.-Alember of Council. The figures succeeding the words Trans. and Pro. show the number of Papers which have been contributed to the Transactions or Proceedings by the Fellow to whose name they are annexed. Referee, Sci. Com., and Lib. Com., with the dates of office, are attached to the names of those who have served on the Committees of the Society. SEPTEMBER, 1890. Those marked thus (t) have paid the Composition Fee in lieu of further annual subscriptions. Amongst the non-residents those marked thus (*) are entitled by composition to receive the Transactions. Elected 1846 *ABERCROMBIE, JOHN, M.D. 1877 tABERCRONIBIE, JOHN, M.D., Assistant Physician to, and Lecturer on Forensic Medicinie at, Charing Cross Hos- pital; 23, Upper Wimpole street, Cavendish square. Tran8. 1. 1885 ABRAHAM, PHINEAS S., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physi- ology and Histology at the Westminster Hospital; 2, Henrietta street, Cavendish square.
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