Behind the Ranges: Patrolling in New Guinea, University Press, 1966. 5,000 copies.

The Outside Man: Jack Hides of Papua, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1969. 3,000 copies. Reprinted Robert Brown & Associates, Port Moresby, 1971. 2,000 copies.

Sepik Pilot: Bobby Gibbes DSO, DFC and Bar, Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, 1971. 3,000 copies. Reprinted Robert Brown & Associates, Port Moresby, 1977. 3,000 copies.

The Highlanders, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane, 1973. 20,000 copies. Reprinted Robert Brown & Associates, Port Moresby, 1980. 5,000 copies.

Wigmen of Papua, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane, 1973. 7,500 copies.

Faces of New Guinea, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane, 1973. 10,000 copies.

The Arts of , Robert Brown & Associates, Port Moresby, 1977. 10,000 copies.

Colourful Papua New Guinea, Robert Brown & Associates, Port Moresby, 1977. 10,000 copies.

Wings of Gold: How the Aeroplane Developed New Guinea, Pacific Publications, , 1978. 3,000 copies standard, 100 special numbered and signed copies. Reprinted Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1983. 3,000 copies.

Cape York to Coolangatta, Jacaranda Press, Brisbane, 1981. 12,500 copies.

Kiap: Australia’s Patrol Officers in Papua New Guinea, Pacific Publications, Sydney, 1981. 3,000 copies standard, 100 special numbered and signed copies. Reprinted Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1983. 3,000 copies.

South Pacific Brewery, Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1983. 7,500 copies Plus 200 special edition.

Uniting a Nation: The Telecommunication and Postal Services of Papua New Guinea, Oxford University Press, Sydney, 1984. 2,500 copies soft cover, 500 full bound.

Papua New Guinea: The First 100 Years, Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1985. 5,000 copies, special edition 100 numbered and signed copies. Reprinted 1989. 5,000 copies.

Balus: The Aeroplane in Papua New Guinea. Vol One: The Early Years. Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1986. 3,000 copies plus special edition 200 numbered and signed copies.

Balus: The Aeroplane in Papua New Guinea. Vol Two: The Rise of Talair, Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1988. 3,000 copies plus special edition 200 numbered and signed copies.

Balus: The Aeroplane in Papua New Guiea. Vol Three: Wings of a Nation, Robert Brown & Associates, Bathurst, 1990, 3,000 copies plus special edition 200 numbered and signed copies.

Last Frontiers: The Explorations of Ivan Champion of Papua, Pacific Press, Gold Coast, 1988. 1,000 specially bound, numbered and signed copies plus 500 standard.

To Find a Path: The Life and Times of the Royal Pacific Islands Regiment. Vol One: Yesterday’s Heroes 1885-1950. Boolarong Press, Brisbane, 1990. 3,000 copies.

To Find a Path: Vol Two: Keeping the Peace 1945-1975, Crawford House Press, Bathurst, 1992. 3,000 copies.

South Pacific: The Games of 1990, Crawford House Press, Bathurst, 1991. 5,000 copies full bound and soft cover.

PTC: Uniting a Nation Through the 1980’s, Crawford House Press, Bathurst, 1993. 3,000 copies. 200 special edition.

The Money Tree: Coffee in Papua New Guinea, Crawford House Press, Bathurst, 1995. 3,000 copies plus 200 numbered and signed special edition.

Golden Gateway: Lae and the Province of Morobe, Crawford House Press, Bathurst, 1998. 3,000 copies plus 300 numbered and signed special edition.

MastaMak: The Land Surveyors of Papua New Guinea, Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, 2001. 500 special edition, 500 standard.

The Papua Club, Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, 2002. 350 copies, special leather-bound and numbered edition.

Madang. Divine Word University Press, Madang, 2005. 1,000 copies, special edition.

Steamships Trading Company. Alan Caudell & Associates, Cairns, 2008. 1,500 general, 200 special

Gavamani: The Magisterial Service of British New Guinea. Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, 2009. Soft cover.

The Middle Kingdom – a major history of the Highlands Districts of PNG from the beginnings to Independence. In preparation for publication by Crawford House Publishing in 2014.

The Creek: Edie Creek and the Morobe goldfield. To be published in 2014-2015 by Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide.

Mr B: The Life and Times of Sir Brian Bell, Alan Caudell & Associates, Cairns, published 2010, special and general editions. DIWAI: A History of Divine Word University, for publication 2013.

Books edited and prepared for publication.

Up From South, by Jack O’Neill with notes and background by James Sinclair. Oxford University Press, 1979, 3,000 copies.

Stephenson Called Peter. The Autobiography of Peter Fox, Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, 1995, 1,000 copies.

Hurrell’s Way, A.Lloyd Hurrell, Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, 2006.

Letters from Salamoa, Hal Johns, in preparation for publication 2013.

My Life on Karkar, John Middleton, published 2011 by Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide.

JAMES PATRICK SINCLAIR, born Dubbo, NSW, 18 April 1928. Educated Dubbo High School, Sydney Grammar School, and Australian School of Pacific Administration. Joined Department of District Services & Native Affairs, Administration of Papua New Guinea, November 1947. Attended orientation course at Australian School of Pacific Administration, Sydney, and proceed to PNG August 1948 as cadet patrol officer. (Attended No 4 Long Course at ASOPA 1953-1954). From 1948 to 1975 served successively on many stations as patrol officer, assistant district officer, deputy district commissioner and district commissioner. Was the last Australian DC of Eastern Highlands District, 1969-1974.

During service conducted extensive exploratory and pacification patrols in Morobe and Southern Highlands Districts. Opened station of Koroba 1955, Lake Kopiago base camp 1956: explored the then Uncontrolled area to the Strickland River to late 1958. Married Janece Marie McGrath January 1959,1 daughter, 2 sons. Subsequently served in charge of Wau, Finschhafen and Lae Sub-Districts before moving to Eastern Highlands in 1968.

Retired August 1975 (position localized because of Independence). Decided to turn previous hobby of writing on PNG history into a full-time occupation and have since published more than 30 books, as detailed above.

Honours: OBE 1992; Hon. Doctor of Letters (Australian National University) October 1999; Companion, Order of the Star of Melanesia (PNG) 2008.