Winter 1992 - P~~Ge 5 !

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Winter 1992 - P~~Ge 5 ! -.._/ POSTAGE PAID AUSTRALIA THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) WINTER, 1992 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAS 1158 Painting by Ben Drake Age 1_7 years; 1990 Blcton Commonwealth Department of Veterans'· Affairs Can we· help·you? , You could be eligible for benefits if • you are a veteran • a widow, wife or dependent child of a veteran, or • your spouse,- pa:rent or guardian is, or was, a veteran, or member of the Australian Defence or Peacekeeping forces. • you have completed qualifying peacetime service in the .case of Defence Service Homes benefits. Veterans' benefits include: • Pensions and allowances • Health-care benefits • Counselling services • Pharmaceutical benefits • Defence Service Homes - housing loan subsidy - homeowners' insurance l • Funeral benefits • Commemoration FIND OUT WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS BY CONTACTING' THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS. ON . ....._ 425 8222 ; Country Callers Free Line: 008 113304 ~-- Remember .... "We're only a 'phone call away" Veterans' Affairs Cares Conte.,ats ·'.Pa9e LISTENING POST. .. Publishers President's Message 3 Returned & Services league W.A. Branch (Incorporated) House G.P.O. Box Cl28, Donations - Building Appeal ·] 28 St. Gcorges Terrace Perth, W.A. 6001 Perth, W.A. 6000 Tcl: 325 9799 p Darwin Bombing Commemorat1Gr"" - Air Commodore Neil Sm1th 2~ Defence Issues 2? Broome·s Da y of Infamy 31 Flag Petition JG The Capture of Lae - Part 2 -13 Editorial Committee Letters to th e Editor -17 Mrs H.P. Balfc, J.R. Babbagt'. Mrs DJ. Dowson, Mcssrs r. Horrobin, R. Mercer, W.J. Surridgc, P. White. Lost Tra ils S 1 · Mrs 'B. Clinton . (C'o-optcd) Messrs E.' Hinchliffc. L.J. Owcns Reunions SS Sub-Editor Sub-Branch News 59 Mrs Pat Elphinstonc Women's Auxiliary 71 Advertiser§ Last Post 75 Wcstralian Publishers. .. 263 Stirlihg Highway. Unit Associations 76 Clarcmont, W.A. 6010 Tcl: 31!3 4966 Typesetting/Composing Action Press. Deadlines . I 0 I Cathcrinc Street. for Listening Post Contributions Morlcy. W./\. 6062 / Tcl: 276 '5266 31 Jantiary for Autumn Edition 30 April fur Winter Edition 31 July fur Spring Edition 31 October fur Summer Edition Printer Prcs.~. If possible submission should be typed. double spaced. Hell Group Photographs can he black and white or colour gl(~y. 7 Rriggs Street, East Victoria Park, W.A. 6101 This is your-journal and 1.:9ntributions arc welcome. / Tcl: 361 5401 Post tu: Listening Post RSL . G.P.O. ~x C128 Orininn cxrm-"-""-' hy et>ntrihutn<l> in :oniul,-. and n:_pn>duwd artid,.,. ar ~ the Perth-6001 indi vi\lual nf'ininn• nfs och et>ntrit>utnrs or the auth<"" uf such n:pmlloM.\'tl :onkk-. (:t• . - th<· "''" n~ o y he} and nu4 ~'<arily th<R tol the ltSI. COVER: ltcrrothM.1i\>n nf articb (itr cxtraCL•l l'>nt:oinetl in l .istc nin~ l'o-.:t i• wdn>nM.'tl rrovi<k.'tlthc suurcc is acknnw k'tl~ 'tl . ·t'- Ben Drake: Sec "Letters to Editor" Listening Post - Winter 1"2 - Pege 1 WILDFLOWER TOURS kluttt4ftlt/tJI((/u "I wouldn't be dead. DEPARTURES: August 05, 19, 26 • September 09, 16. 23 • October 07, 14, 21 • November 04 for qujds. · Tourlllclld'JJ . Air Conditoned Coach Touring, Meals as Indicated. All That's why I planned Entrances, 3 Nights Aceommodation with Facilities. fUneral~' ·. HIGHUGHTS my own NAMBUNG NATIONAL PARK fXMOUTH PINNACLES 'cORAL BAY I . GREENOUGH HAMLET tARNARVON GEaALDTON KALBARRI ~<VNKEYMIA ' CORAL BAY ""\ ~RI CAPE RANGE NATIONAL GEV.UllON PARK EXMOUTH. .. \ - ~ \ Pensloners7Senlors \ Twin Share $5.35 PERTH 1 Single Supplement $90 - ; ~ "I still get a lot of fun out of li fe ... I enjoy being independent. And I don't ~" lf/tdP{JJ(~a want to be a burden to my family. That's DEPARTURES: August 04, 11, 18 • September 01 , why I planned my funeral with Chippers, 15, 29 • October 06, 13·, 20 • November 03 down to the last detail. Now I can get on . Tour lnclucln: . with living:' Air Conditioned Coach Touring, Meals as Indicated. All Chipper & Son can advise you on pre- Entrances (except Leeuwin lighthouse) 3 Nights Accommodation with Facilities. arranging a funeral or one the many ' HIGHUGHTS options in a Prepaid Funeral Plan, all in the privacy of your own home. PERTH MANDURAH Funeral ,.......... BUNBtJRY expenses paid in advance are exempt from .BANAMAH WILDLIFE . I ' the pension assets test. Talk to one of K1m BU~UR'f ' .... MT BARKER PARK MARGARET RIVER ~~ET I Chipper's professiri"nal consultants by RM~ _ _ ""AlMNY STORM BAY calling 382 3933. · DENMARK - AUGUST A . CAPE LEEUWIN NANNUP JARRAH & KARRI FORESTS GLOUCESTER TREE THE VALLEY OF . GIANTS DENMARK, ALBANY Pen,lonen/Senlon C HIPP E11 Twln Share $440 A~ SON Single Supplement $70 CAIHNG FUNERAL DIHECTOitS • Booragoon • S.ubiaco • Hamilton Hill AUSTRALIAN COACHLINES HOLIDAYS • Rockingham • Mandurah A FDA) M.cmbcr ~f """!•loan Func,.l For information and reservations phone . Dutcaon. An0<U1l10n 00.8 800 2 - ~0 (Free call) Page 2- Listening Post- Winter 1192 President's Message · ·STATE PRESIDENT J.P. Hall, AM, BEM, JP. SENIOR.VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. STATE SECRETARY o ·.H. Gibbs, AFC·, JP. COMMITTEE J.R. Babbage, Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, Mrs B. Clinton, A.A. Dacre, OBE, MBE. Mrs D.J. Dowson, MBE, . ·. M.C. Hall, JP, J.L. Holman, Mrs A. Keynes, Or A.J. King, BSc, MBBS, FCCP, FRACMA, FACRM, Z. K.wiecinski, BEe, R.D. Mercer, AM, RFD, EO, K.J. Morrison, E.R. Reid, P. Simpson, W.J. Surridge, F.G_. Verdi, P. White, DCM. REGIONAL COUNTRY VICE PRESIDENTS Messrs R. Barber (Coolgardie Sub-Branch). P.J. Blenkinsopp (Port Hedl ~ md Sub-Branch) C. Mi11s (Bunbury Sub-Branch), S.G. Robinson (Merredin·Sub-Branch), A.J. Spendlove (Geraldton Sub-Brancn). · R.E. Stanley (Aibany Sub-Branch). TRUSTEES . Messrs K. Bro.adh.urst, FRAIA, ARABA, P. Pearson, CMG, OBE, JP, R.N. Stone, AM, JP. LISTENING POST COMMITTEE Mrs H.P. Balfe, BEe, J.J. Babbage, . · Mrs D.J.. Dbwson, MBE, Messrs R. Mercer, W.J. Surridge, P. White, DCM Mrs B. Clinton. Support.our CO-OPTED MEMBERS · Messrs E. Hinchli.ffe, L.J. Owens .advertisers Llatenlng Poet - Winter 1912 - P~~ge 3 -/ OLDER PERSONS RIGHTS SERVICE INC and DISABILITY RIGHTS SERVICE DO YOU, OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW HAVE-CONCERNS ABOUT THE SERVICES . PROVIDED BY AN ORGANISATION OFFERING: * Nursing ·Home or Hostel Accommodation * DOmiciliary Nursing Care Benefit *Assessment by Geriatric Assessment Team (Extended Care Department) *Home and Community Care Services (eg Day Care, Home Help, Home Nursing, Meals on Wheels, Transport) · · ' WOULD YOU LIKE TO TALK IT OVER? YES, then we may be able to help . We are a NON-GOVERNMENT, INDEPENDENT, FREE, CONSUMER DIRECTED and · CONFIDENTIAL service. Contact us by letter, in person or by telephone Ask for MARY or DEANNA at OLDER PERSONS RIGHTS SERVICE INC and DISABILITY RIGHT SEQVICE Lotteries House, 79 Stirling St, Perth W A6000 Telephone (09) 220 0637 Country callers please ask for our call back service. If you require an interpreter please call 325 9144. A primary objective of our service is to UPHOLD THE. RIGHTS OF OLDER PEOPLE and YOUNGER PEOPLE ~ITH DISABILITIES wbo are receiving services as mentioned above. AAAWA ER & DRYER SERVICE CENTRE . Enjoy your next holiday at the ~~ FREE ~t:HVIt;t: CALL PENSIONER DISCOUNT AMBLIN FREE QUOTES CARAVAN PARK Same Day'Service . BUSSELL HWY, VASSE Over 10 years experience INSURANCE CLAIMS RING 24·9 ALL ·6kms west of Busselton and NOW 6444 HOURS. fronting on to the Beach ... Mobile Ot8 928 113- A/ H 249 4215 • MODERN COTTAGES and · • ON SITE VANS· AAA FRIDGE & FREEZER SERVICE • . 150 POWERED SITES CENTRE • SHADY TREES FREE SERVICE CALL • PLAY AREAS. PENSIONER DISCOUNT • BBQs • MODERN LAUNDRY .FACILITIES FREE QUOTES • DOGS AlLOWED ON LEASH Same Day Service Over 10 years Write to fudy experience INSURANCE CLAIMS and Frank Frimstom RING ALL P.O. BOX 232 BUSSELTON WA 6280 NOW 249 6444 HOURS or Telephone: (097) 554079 Mobile 018 928113- A/ H 249 4215 Pege 4 ..:.. u.tenlng Pc*- Winter 1892 -......._/ War Veterans' Home Building.Appeal D~nations tO 30 April .1992 State Preside~t J!m Hall thanks the following donors· whose contributions have brought the total to $713, 7~4 . There IS st1ll a long way to go and he hopes that more sub-branches will respond to this most worthy cause. RSL SUB-BRANCHES ,.. UNIT & KINDRED ASSOCIATONS Boyup Brook ............................................. 100.00 7 Army Troops Coy RAE .......................... 100.00 Kalgoorlie .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... 20.00 Friendly Union of Servicemens Wives, Maylands Railways ........ .. .. ....................... 100.00 Mothers, Sisters & Daughters .. .. .. ..... .. .. 5.00 Moora ............................ .. .. ....... .......... .. .... 700.00 WP.AAC Association (WA Branch) ........ .. 200.00 Ravensthorpe .. .. .. ................. .... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. 50.00 BUS~NESS ' DONATIONS Toodyay .................... .. ...... ....................... 150.00 Brunswick District Ladies RSL WOMEN'S AUXILIARIES Bowling Club .... .. .. .. ...... .... .. ...... ....... .. ... 50.00 Boy up Brook ............................................ 200.00 Kenneth Broadhurst Architects ............ 3,000.00 Ongerup Bowling Club .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. 20.00 Perenjori Ladies BoV~Iing Club .. .............. 20.00 INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS W.A. Lotteries Commission ............... 500,000.00 Back, B. Gardiner, Mr & Mrs B. Moore, Mr & Mrs A. Barrell, C. Gfeller, Mr·& Mrs F. Oszinski, Mr & Mrs Bassett, M. Glancy, M. Rogers, J. Beck, D. Hall, A.W. Ryan, Mrs J. Blackburn, H. & J. Hall, F. Saw, A.J. & M.H. Butterly, Mrs E. Hammer, Mrs V. Tarr, B.A. Collins, J.V. Jones, A.W. Waring, G.L. Critchley, G. Leane, J. Warren, .Mr Cruikshank, J. Maplethorpe, G. Williams, Mr Da Silva, Mrs S. McCaffery, K.J. Williams, M. Dunmow, Mr & Mrs J. McDonald, P. Willis, G. l ANZAC CLUB MEMBERS - PLEASE HELP Anzac Club is unrque, because each member of the League is automatically a member of the Club. It is a handy club to belong to,.
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