American Mineralogist, Volume 81, pages 1282-1286, 1996


Jonx L. J.lvrnonor Yraonvnn A. Kovar,BNKER2 Jacm Puzrnwtcz,3 Axonrw C. Ronnnrsa

lDepartment of Earth Sciences,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl, Canada '?IGREM RAN, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow 10917, Staromonetnii 35, Russia 3lnstitute of Geological Sciences,University of Wroclaw, Cybulskiego 30, 50-205 Wroclaw, Poland aGeologicalSurvey of Canada, 601 Booth Street,Ottawa KIA 088, Canada

Clinoatacamite* mineral from the Clear Creek claim, San Benito Coun- ty, California: Description and . Pow- J.L. Jambor,J.E. Dutrizac,A.C. Roberts,J.D. Grice,J.T. der Diffraction, I l(l), 45-50. Szymariski(1996) Clinoatacamite, a new polymorph of Cur(OH),CI, and its relationship to paratacamite and The mineral occurs sparinglywith calomel, native mer- "anarakite." Can. Mineral., 34, 6l-7 2. cury, cinnabar, montroydite, and quartz in a single spec- J.D. Grice, J.T. Szymafiski,J.L. Jambor (1996)The crys- imen of float near a prospectpit at the former Clear Creek tal structure of clinoatacamite, a new polymorph of mercury mine in the new Idria district of California. The Cur(OH)rCl. Can. Mineral., 34, 7 3-7 8. specimen contains subhedral to anhedral crystals, typi- Electron microprobe analysis gave CuO 74.7 (73.4- cally bladed to platy, maximum size 0.3 x 0.3 mm, stri- 76.0),Cl16.5(15.7-17.2),HrO (calc.) 13.5, sum 104.7, ated [001], black to dark brown-black color, dark red- less O = Cl 3.7, total 101.0 wt0/0,corresponding to brown to black , opaque to translucent on thin Cu,.ruOrorHr,,Clonr,ideally Cur(OH)rCl. The morphol- edges,metallic luster, brittle, uneven , good {001} ogy is variable, from simple twinned pseudorhombo- ,H : <5, nonfluorescenl,Dur":9.51 g/cm3for hedral grains up to I mm across, to complicated inter- Z : 4, decrepitateson exposureto sunlight. Electron mi- growths of euhedra. Varicolored from green to dark croprobe analysisgave HgO 96.2, Cl 3.3, O = Cl 0.75, greenishblack, less commonly greenishblue; vitreous to sum 98.79 wto/o;the recalculated empirical formula on adamantine luster, transparentto translucent,brittle with the basis of the crystal-structure determination is Hgljo- an even fracture, nonfluorescent,cleavage {012} perfect, Hgiso[Cl,..r(OH)o,,]"rooO, oo. Bright bluish white to duller twinned on {100}, H : 3, D.,,.(idealized): 3.77 g/cm3 grayish white in reflected light, bireflectant and slightly for Z :4. Optically biaxial negative,nonpleochroic,2V^* pleochroic, straight extinction; reflectancepercentages in : 75(5), 2Vurc: 69(3)'; strongdispersion, r << v; orien- air and in oil are given in 20 nm steps from 400 to 700 tation X: b, Y:a: l0'in obtuseangle B. Single-crystal nm. Single-crystalX-ray structure study (R : 0.152) in- X-ray structure study (R : 0.052) indicated monoclinic dicated orthorhombic symmetry, spacegroup Pbma, a: symmetry,space group P2r/n, a: 6.157(2),b: 6.814(3), I1.790(3),b: 13.881(4),c:6.450(D Aas refinedfrom c:9.10a(5) A, p:99.65(4) asrefined from l14 mm a I 14 mm Debye-Scherrerpowder pattem (Cu radiation, Debye-Scherrer(CoKa,) powder data; strongestlines are 55 lines listed) with strongest lines of 5.25(80,lll), 5.4 7( l 00,T0l .0| t), 2.767 (60,2 I I ), 2.742(7 0,0 | 3,202), 3.164(60,231), 3.053(100,041), 2.954(7 0,t4t), 2.681- 2.266(60,220), 2.243(50,004),and 1.704(50,224,040). (50,40I ), arrd2.4 | | (50,232,34 l). Reliably distinguished from paratacamiteonly by optical The new name is for J.D. Hanawalt (1903-1987), a or X-ray study. pioneer in the field of X-ray powder diffraction. Type The mineral has been found on specimensfrom several material is in the SystematicReference Series of the Na- localities worldwide. On the type specimen, from Chu- tional Mineral Collection at the Geological Survey of quicamata, Chile, the mineral is associatedwith atacam- Canada, Ottawa. J.L.J. ite, paratacamite, gypsum, and alunite on a quartzose matrix. The new name alludes to the monoclinic sym- metry and polymorphic relationship to atacamite. Type Jensenite* material is in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. A.C.R. A.C. Roberts,J.D. Grice, L.A. Groat, A.J. Criddle, R.A. Gault, R.C. Erd, E.A. Moffatt (1996) Jensenite, Hanawaltite* CurTe6*Ou.2HrO,a new mineral speciesfrom the Cen- tennial Eureka mine, Tintic district, Juab County, Utah. A.C. Roberts,J.D. Grice, R.A. Gault, A.J. Criddle, R.C. Can. Mineral., 34, 49-54. Erd (l 996)Hanawaltite, Hg|+Hg,+[Cl,(OH)]rO,-A new J.D. Grice, L.A. Groat, A.C. Roberts(1996) Jensenite, a cupric tellurate framework structure with two coordi- nations of copper.Can. Mineral., 34, 55-59. * Before publication, marked with an asterisk were approved by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Electron microprobe analysis gave CuO 50.91, ZnO Names, International Mineralogical Association. 0.31,TeO, 38.91,HrO (calc.)8.00, sum 98.13wt0/0, cor- 0003-004x/96109l 0- I 282$05.00 r282 JAMBOR ET AL.: NEW MINERAL NAMES r283 respondingto (CurnrZnoor)rrroTefS,O, nr'2.03HrO. An IR Discussion.For reports of AgFeS, as an unnamed min- spectrum confirmed the presenceof structurally bound eral, seeAm. Mineral.,73, p. 1497 (1988);75, p. 435 HrO, and the formula was obtained by X-ray crystal- (1990);80, p. 186(1995). V.A.K. structure analysis (R* : 0.025). The mineral occurs as emerald-green,transparent, single crystals(up to 0.4 mm long) and groups of crystals on white to colorless quartz. Magnesiocoulsonite* Green streak, fair {T0l} cleavage,brittle, H : 3-4, w- L.Z. Reznitskii, E.V. Sklyarov, Z.F. Ushchapovskaya even fracture, adamantine luster, nonfluorescent, D-r": (1995) Magnesiocoulsonite-A new mineral speciesin 4.78 g/cm3for Z:4. Crystalsare mainly simplerhombs, the spinel group. Zapiski Vseross. Mineral. Obshch., someslightly elongate [l01], showing{l0l}, {ll0}, mi- 124(4),9 l-97 (in Russian). nor { 100}, and severalsmaller forms. Weakly bireflectant Electron microprobe analyses(extremes of ten listed) plane-polar- and nonpleochroic in reflectedlight; gray in gaveTiO, 0.12,0.16,A11030.35, 0.41, VrO3 46.68, 55'88, ized light in air; anisotropy not detectable.Single-crystal CrrOr 3l.72, 21.49,FeO 0.07,0.61, MnO 0.19,0.19, group X-ray study indicated monoclinic symmetry, space MgO 20.94,21.03,sum 99.87,99.'7'7wt0/0, corresponding : : : P2,/n, a: 9.204(2),b 9.170(2),c 7.584(\ A, 0 to Mg(V,Cr)rOo, with 59-72 molo/oMgVrOo. Occurs as powder pattern (l14 102.32(3)',as refined from a mm black, irregular grains up to 0.25 mm; black streak, me- Debye-Scherrer, Cu radiation) with strongest lines of tallic luster, uneven fracture, brittle, Hrco: 969 (873- 6.428(I 00,T0l, I I 0), 3.2| 7(7 0,202), 2.60(60,202), 1080)kelmm2 (Mohs 6.5), insolublein HCI and HNO.. 2.5 30(5 0,230), 2.1 44(3 5,33 I ), and | .750(3 5,432). Light gray in reflected light, isotropic, no internal reflec- The mineral is associatedwith mcalpineite, xocome- tion. Reflectance measurements for grains containing catlite, and several unnamed Cu- and Te-bearing min- 50.2-51.9 Mo/oVrO, gave (nm, Rolo):400, 14.3; 420, 14.2; erals that occur in dumps at the Centennial Eureka mine. 440,14.1; 460, 14.0;480, 13.9; 500, 13.8; 520, 13.8; 540, (b. The new name is for M.C. Jensen 1959),who first 13.7: 560, 13.7; 580, 13.7; 600, 13.7; 620, 13.7',640, recognizedthe mineral. Type material is in the National 13.7;660,13.8;680, 13.8;700, 13.7.The X-raypowder Mineral Collection at the Geological Survey of Canada, pattern of a grain containing 48.7 wto/oVrO, was indexed Ottawa. J.L.J. by analogy with magnesiochromite and MgVrO-.. Iso- metric symmetry, spacegroup Fd3m, a : 8.385 A, D-" : g,/cm3 : Strongestlines of the powder Lenaite* 4.31 for Z 8. pattern are 4.84(90,I I I ), 2.52( I 00,3| l), 2.093(80,400), V.A. Amuzinsky, Yu.Ya. Zhadov, N.V. Zayakina, N.V. 1.6l2(80,5 I l), and 1.582(90,440). Leskova (1995) Lenaite AgFeSr-A new mineral spe- The mineral occurs in quartz-diopside rocks of the cies.Zapiski Vseross.Mineral. Obshch.,124(5), 85-91 Slyudyanka complex, southern Baikal region, Siberia, (in Russian, English abs.). Russia, in associationwith Cr- and V-bearing tremolite, The mineral occurs as xenomorphic or equant grains, diopside,chlorite, and muscovite,and with calcite, quartz, to 0.2 mm, in goethite pseudomorphs after magnesian goldmanite, pyrite, karelianite and chromian karelianite, siderite. Electron microprobe analysis of 22 grains gave Cr-V spinels, and unnamed Mg(Cr,V)oOr. The name al- an averageand rangeof Ag 46.58 (44.9-47.3),Fe 24.08 ludes to the composition and the relationship to coulson- (23.'7-24.5),S 28.86(28.0-30.6), Hg 0.3 (0.0-0.4),sum ite, FeVrO4. Type material is at the Fersman Mineral- 99. 8 (98. 8- I 0 I .5) wt0/0,corresponding to AgonrFeo nrS, oo, ogical Museum, Moscow, Russia. J.P. ideally AgFeSr. Megascopiccolor not observed,metallic luster,opaqul, H : 4.5, VHNrc: 310 (270-360),D*'" : : 4.63 g/cm3 for Z 4. Cream with a grayish tint in re- Smrkovecite* flected light, nonpleochroic, no bireflectance, moderate (1996) anisotropism. Reflectance percentages,given in 20 nm T. Ridkol5il, J. Sejkora, V. Srein Smrkovecite, BirO(OHXPO'), a new mineral of the ate- stepsfor R-". and R-,n from 420 to 680 nm, arc 27.2, monoclinic lestitegroup. NeuesJahrb. Mineral. Mon., 97-102. 30.1(470 nm), 32.3,36.4 (546 nm), 33.0,37.1 (589 nm), and 31.2,35.3 (650 nm). Indexing of the X-ray powder Electron microprobe analysisgave BirO, 85.16, P2Os pattern (57 mm Debye-Scherrer,Fe radiation) indicated 12.74,AsrOr0.l7, V2O5 0.03, SiOr 0.02, H2O (calc.) 1.62, tetragonal symmetry, possible spacegroup P4rmc, a : sum 99.77 wo/0, correspondingto Bi,orO(OfD'.oo(POo)o*- 5.64(l), c : 10.34(3)A; strongestlines (14 given) are (AsOo)'.,. Occurs within cavities in quartz as crusts and 3.I 5(I 00,I t2), 2.445(20,2tt), 2.340(< 20,I 04), 1.91 0- mamillary to spherical aggregatesto 0.2 mm, and as (40,204), and,| .69 2(20,3 | 2). intergrown crystalsto 0.1 mm. White to pale yellow color, The mineral is associatedwith acanthite, chalcopyrite, transparent to translucent, vitreous to adamantine luster, -- and Ag-rich members of the tetrahedrite group (24-54 indistinct {010} cleavage,subconchoidal fracture, H 4- wto/oAg) in quartz-siderite veins and veinlets at the Kha- 5, D-": 4.75 g/cm3for Z:4, nonfluorescent.Optically chakchanskoe deposit near the Lena River in eastern biaxial positive, a : 2.05(6),0 : 2.06(7),7 : 2.09(6), Yakutia, Russia. The new name is for the locality. The 2v^.":58'0(6), 2Vurc:61o,dispersion r > v distinct. repository for type material is not given. Monoclinic symmetry by analogyto atelestite,space group t284 JAMBOR ET AL.: NEW MINERAL NAMES

P2,/c, a : 6.954(2),b : 7.494(4),c : 10.869(qA, p : the interstices of aggregatesof studenitsite. The name is 107.00" as calculated from the X-ray powder pattern for the cloister Studenica in western Serbia, close to the (diffractometer, Cu radiation). Strongestlines are 4.268 placeof occurrence.Type material is at the FersmanMin- (11,0| 2), 3.27| (5t,202), 3.2 54( I 00,| | 2), 3.145(3 4,0 | 3), eralogical Museum, Moscow, Russia. 2.727 (29,211), and 1.885(I 6,323-). Discussion. The initial report on the crystal structure The mineral occurs in weathereddump material from of the then-unnamedmineral wasabstractedinAm. Min- a small Ag-Bi-As-U deposit at Smrkovec,near Mari6nsk6 eral.,79, p. l2l3 (1994).J.P. Liun6, Czech Republic. Among the numerous associated secondaryminerals are atelestite,bismutite, bismutofer- rite, eulytite, pucherite, petitjeanite, preisingerite,and sil- Viaeneite* lenite. Type material is in the Department of Mineralogy H. Kucha, W. Osuch, J. Elsen (1996) Viaeneite, and Geology, National Museum, Praha, Czech Republic. (Fe,Pb)oSrO,a new mineral with mixed sulphur valen- J.L.J. cies from Engis,Belgium. Eur. Jour. Mineral., 8, 93- r02.

Studenitsite* The mineral occurs as oval aggregates,up to 4 mm, inside pyrite, marcasite, and sphalerite at the carbonate- S.V. Malinko, S. Anichich, D. Yoksimovich. A.E. Lisit- hosted La Mallieue Pb-Zn deposit, about 40 km from syn, G.I. Dorokhova, M.A. Yamnova, V.V. Vlasov, Liege, Belgium. Individual grains in A.A. Ozol (1995) Studenitsire NaCa,[B,O,o(OH).]. the aggregatesare up pm, : : 2HrO-A new borate from Serbia,Yugoslavia. Zapiskt to 80 homogeneous,11 3, VHN2oo 252 (123- : : Vseross.Mineral. Obshch.,124(3),57-64 (in Russian). 357), Ill0) cleavage,D-""" 3.8(l), d" 3.65 g/cm3 for Z :2. In reflectedlight, yellow with a brassyhue, Microchemical analysis of specimen, which was also darker than pyrite and marcasite,bireflectant from gray- physical, studied by optical, and X-ray methods, gave ish brown through orange to yellow-orange; strong an- SiOr0.09, TiOr 0.00,AlrO3 0.05, FerOr 0.05, MnO 0.01, isotropy, with polarization colors of orange, yellow-or- CaO 20.84,MgO 0.02,SrO 0.09,Na,O 5.96,&O 0.08, ange,greenish gray. Reflectancepercentages are given in BrO3 59.64, HrO- 0.00, H2O+ 13.64, CO, 0.00, sum l0 nm steps (SiC standard) from 400 to 700 nm; R* ' 100.47wto/0, corresponding to NarO.4CaO.9B2O3 8HrO and R-," in air and in oil, respectively, are 19.5, 32.1, .2HrO. or NaCar[BnOr4(OH)4] No reaction with water, 11.3, 17.0 (470 nm), 23.8, 36.8, 14.8, 21.6 (550 nm), slowly dissolvesin dilute HCI and HrSO4. Occurs as ag- 24.6,37.4,15.3,21.9 (590 nm), 25.1,37.3, 14.9, 20.6 gregates of closely intergrown, striated crystals up to 5 (650 nm). Tarnishes in air in a few weeks. Electron mi- mm long. Colorless to light gray or dirty yellow, trans- croprobe analysisgave Fe 42.37, Ni 0.20, Zn 0.05, As pieces lucent, thin transparent,white streak, no cleavage, 0.17,Pb 4.02,S 49.74,sw 96.55,O-""" 3.69, O by dif- fragile, Hro : 527 kglmm, (Mohs 5'l-6), D-"o" : 2.29, ference 3.45 wto/o,corresponding to (Fe,n,Pbo.,oNL or)- or- D" : 2.34 g,/cm3for Z : 4. Crystalsshow 1 r" {00 }, {0 1l }, (S,ooAso o,)", o,O,,., simplifiedas (Fe,Pb)oSrO. pluspoorly and {l I l}, developed{100}, tl l0}, and {012}. Discussion.The above data supplement those from an DTA-TGA study revealed endotherms at 435 and 470 incomplete description abstracted in Am. Mineral., 81, "C (l5olo weight loss, corresponding to vaporization of p. l0l5 (1996).J.L.J. HrO and OH), 605 "C (changesin structure), 780 .C (melting), and an exotherm at 710'C (structural change). oC Weak endotherms at 80, 170, and 260 are due to dis- Warrierite sociation of impurities of other borates. The infrared Olliver, M. Thompson (1996) Warrierite-A spectrumshows absorption bands aI 450,480, 525, 560, J.G. new black tourmalinite gemstone from Western Australia. 670,695,740,790,915,970, 900, 960, 1015, 1060, I 120, Australian Gemmologist,19, 210-214. 1185,1290, 1340, 1375, 1420, 1455, 1590, 1665, 3150, 3230, 3450, 3540, 3570, and 3650 cm-'. Optically bi- The mineral is a fine-grained, spherulitic black tour- axial positive,a: 1.532(2),p : 1.538(2),t : 1.564(2), maline, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction data. Chemical 2V: 54(2),X : 1, Y : u, Z A p: l0', mediumdis- analysisgave results, including 4.57-6.76 wto/oMgO, that persion r > v. Single-crystalX-ray study (R : 0.051) indicate the mineral is in the dravite-schorl series.The showed the mineral to be monoclinic, space grolp P2r/ new name alludes to the occurrencein the Warriedar fold c, a: 7r.4994(8),b : 12.5878(9),c : r0.5297Q)A, p : belt of WesternAustralia. 99.423(6). Strongestlines of the powder pattern (44 lines Discussion.It is unfortunate that the new, unapproved given) are 5.41(66,021),3.35(89,1 l3), 3.27(59,032), name, which is intended for marketing purposes,was in- 3.04(100,123),and2.210(59,034). The basicunits of rhe troduced in a nonmarketing journal. J.L.J. structureare [BnO,o(OH)o]s-layers parallel to (001). The mineral occurs in volcanic-sedimentary rocks of the Yarondolskij basin, 280 km south of Belgrade (Ser- Native tungsten, unnamedYrO, bia). Associated minerals are , colemanite, and M.I. Novgorodova, N.N. Nedashkovskaya,A.V. Rasska- pentahydroborite, plus a coaly substance,which occur in zov, N.V. Trubkin, E.I. Semenov,B.L. Koshelev(1995) JAMBOR ET AL.: NEW MINERAL NAMES 1285

Native tungsten with inclusions of yttrium oxide from galena, or intergrown with tetradymite, native gold, and the alluvium of the Bolshaya Polya River (subpolar pyrrhotite. Optical properties of the minerals are similar Urals).Doklady Akad. Nauk, 340(5),681-684 (in Rus- to those of tetradymite and aleksite. sian). PbrBirTe,S, Aggregatesof native tungsten to 5 mm in diameter oc- intervals to depths of 30 m in al- cur throughout cored Electron microprobe analysis (mean of ten) gave Bi Bolshaya Polya River. The aggre- luvial deposits of the 44.32,Pb 29.29,Ag 0.02,Te 18.83,S 7.00,sum 99.46 gates consist of I - 2 pm cubo-octahedra.Electron wt0/0,corresponding to Pb, nuBi,nuTe, orS, or. microprobeanalysis gave 99.93-100.19 wto/o W, with Mo to 0. I I wt0/0,and Ca, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, and Ti from 0.01 PbrBirTerS, to 0.06 wt0/0.The X-ray powderpattern (l 14 mm Debye- Scherrer,Fe radiation) has lines similar to those of me- Electronmicroprobe analysis gave Bi 48.39,Pb 19.79' tallic W : 2.226(100, | 00), | .57 7 (7 0,200), | .292(r 00,2| l), Sb 0.29,Te29.74, S 3.04,sum 101'25wt0/0, correspond- l.llg(60,220),and 1.000(100,310),from whicha:3.157 A'. ing to Pb, o3BionrSbo orTeo nuS, or. In the voids ofaggregatesoftungsten is a phaseiden- tified as YrO.. Microdiffraction patterns gavea: 10.60(3) PbBioTerS, A, in good agreement with the cell parameter for syn- analysesgave thetic YrO.. J.P. The mean of three electron microprobe Bi 59.92,Pb 16.08,Sb 0.21, Te 18.97,S 4.59,sum 99.77 wt0/0,corresponding to Pb,.ouBi,nrSbo orTer orS, nu. Bi-Pb-Te-S minerals E.M. Spiridonov (1995)Minerals of the metamorphosed PbBinTerS plutonogenic gold-quartz Kochkar deposit, southern Urals: l. Gold-telluride ores.Zapiski Vseross.Mineral. An electron microprobe analysis gave Bi 56.10' Pb Obshch., 124(6),24-39 (in Russian,English abs.). 13.95,Ag 0.1l, Sb 0.08,Te 25.71,S 2.07,sum 98.02 wto/0,corresponding to Pb,..Ago or Bio.o, Sbo.or Te, o,So.r.' PbrBirTerS, Discussion.PbrBirTerS, is the samecomposition given for approved mineral IMA no. 94-051, but the properties Occurs as lamellar and tabular grains to 20 x 20 x 4 of the approved mineral and the mineral from the Koch- mm in galena and calcite, or intergrown with aleksite, kar deposit are distinctly different. Y.A.K. pyrrhotite, and native gold. Silver-gray color, metallic luster,I41N, ,s: 19-94,mean 45 (n: 36),D-* : 7.65(5) New Data g/cm3. In reflectedlight, white with a grayish brown tint, weak to moderate bireflectance,strong anisotropism. Re- Belovite-(Ce) percentages(Si standard,air) are given in 20 nm flectance I.V. Pekov,N.V. Chukanov,O.V. Beletskaya,A'P. Kho- values steps from 420 to 700 nm; representative for R' myakov, Yu.P. Menshikov (1995) Belovite-(Ce):New and R, are 46.8, 40.6 (440), 46.4, 43.6 (480), 46.8, 46.4 data, refined formula and relationship to other minerals (520),47 .3, 47.9 (560),47 .7, 48.7(600), 47 .9, 49.3(640), of the apatite group. Zapiski Vseross.Mineral. Obshch., and 48.1, 49.9 (680). Electron microprobe analysis(av- 124(2),98-l l0 (in Russian). erageof 33) gaveBi 36.87,Pb 33.57,Te 20.79,S 8.20, Detailed chemical study of nine samples of belovite- Sb 0.31, Ag 0.04, sum 99.78 wt0/0,corresponding to (Ce), including the holotype specimen, showed the for- Pbr ideally PbrBirTerS,. Electron e2Bi2oesboorTe,rrSro., mula to be Na(Ce,La)Srr[POo]r(F,OH).X-ray study con- diffraction and X-ray powder diffraction study (57 mm firmed the P3 space group. The "recommended X-ray camera,Fe radiation) indicated rhombohedral symmetry, pattern" of the mineral is given, as well as the IR pattern. spacegroup P3ml, a:4.247(l),c:97.97(2) L, Z: e. All sampleshave F > OH and a stable ratio of Na:REE: Strongestlines ofthe powder pattern (24 lines given) are Sr : l: l:3. The formula and designationas belovite-(Ce) 4.26(20- 30,0.0.22),3.9 3(20,0.0.23), 3.2 | (20,r.0. I 5), are new. The redefinition is informal in that it has not 3.05(100,1.0.18),2.44(20,1.0.30), 2.19(40,1.0.36), been approved by the IMA. J.P. 2.1l(30,1.0.38,1 15,1 16), 1.99(20,1.1.17),1.78(20,1.1.30, 0.0.55,2.0.10),r.74(30,2.0.18), 1.660(20,0.0.59,1.1.37), Ludlockite and 1.520(20,1.1.45). M.A. Cooper,F.C. Hawthorne (1996)The crystal struc- ture of ludlockite, PbFe?*As?d-Orr,the mineral with PbrBirTeS. pentameric arsenitegroups and orangehair. Can. Min- eral..34. 79-89. Electron microprobe analysis (mean of two) gave Bi 39.02,Pb 38.86,Te 13.02,Sb 0.39, Ag 0.12,S 9.07,sum Electron microprobe analysisgave PbO 14.41,FerO, 100.48 wto/o,corresponding to Pb,*,{6 o'Bi, r-,S\orTe,,19.96, AsrO, 60.67, sum 95.04 wto/o,corresponding to ideally PbrBirTeSr. This mineral and the ones given be- Pb, ooFel.fioAs|trrOrr. Single-crystalX-ray structure study : low occur as lamellar grains up to 3 x 3 x I mm in (R : 0.047) showed the mineral to be triclinic, a r286 JAMBOR ET AL.: NEW MINERAL NAMES

10.426(4),b : 12.074(5),c: 18.349(8)A, a : 101.84(3), The mineral occurs as superfine (<0.1 pm) rounded B : 100.21(3),r : 90.60(3)",space group,4T, D*" : 4.58 grainsin fine-grainedmixtures within native gold and iron g,/cm3for Z : 4.In the new formula As is trivalent rather hydroxide, and iron and bismuth tellurates that coat na- than pentavalent. The designation of the mineral as an tive gold. Electron diffraction studiesindicated cubic sym- arsenite is informal in that the redefinition has not been metry, space group Fm3m, a : 4.45 A. ttre strongest approved by the IMA. J.L.J. diffraction spotsare 2.47(002), 2.02(21 l), 1.75(220), and 1.43(222).The infrared spectrum correspondsto that of Phosinaite-(Ce) AUO(OH). Discussion.Previously abstracted as AuO(OH,CI). nHrO A.M. McDonald, G.Y. Chao (1996)Phosinaite-(Ce) from in Am. Mineral., 81,768-769 (1996').V.A.K. Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: New data and structure refinement.Can. Mineral., 34, 107-l 14. Electron microprobe analysisgave NarO 31.68, CaO Tl-Sb-As sulfosalt 8.92, MnO 0.89, l^aro34. 18, CerO, 6.52, NdrO3 0.99, V.A. Boronikhin, L. Cvetkovi6, D. Krajnovi6, I. GrZeti6, PrrOr0.26,ThO, 1.84,SiO, 18.36,P2Os23.69, sum 97.33 M.K. Pavi6evi6(1993) Investigation of a T1-As-Sb-sul- wto/0,corresponding to (Na, (Ca1 r, Ca".14)",2.86 8oMrb,e)"r.oo- fosalt from the Allchar ore deposit. Ann. Geol. Penins. (Ceo orLao.rrThoorNdo orPro.o2)>o ee[(Si3 77po.,rAt oo)r, ,uO,r]- Balk.,57(l), 301-306. (POo).,ideally Na,rCar(Ce,La)SioO,r(POo).. Single-crystal X-ray structure study (R : 0.031) indicated orthorhombic Electron microprobe analysis and optical properties in symmetry, space group P222t, a : 12.297(2), b : reflectedlight are given for a mineral from the Crven Dol 14.660(3),c : 7.245(l) A, D-*" : 2.9i(t), D-" : 3.09 deposit at Allchar. The mineral is assignedthe formula g,/cm3for Z : 2. The X-ray powder pattern is in good TlrSb,oAsrSrr. agreement with previous data, except that the line re- Discussion.This is clearly a preliminary report for the jankovi6ite. ported at 6.92 A (intensity 50) was not detected and is mineral subsequentlydescribed as In the later not indexable. The structure indicates that the mineral is description the formula was revised to Tl5Sbr(As,Sb)4S, a silicophosphate.The formula is new, and the name phos- on the basis of a crystal-structureanalysis (Am. Mineral., p. inaite-(Ce)is in recognition ofa specificstructural site for 81, 250, 1996).J.L.J. REE. The redefinition is informal in that it has not been approved by the IMA. J.L.J. K analog of nenadkevichite Shigaite O.V. Petersen,R.A. Gault, E.S. Leonardsen(1996) A K-dominant nenadkevichitefrom the Narssirssuk peg- M.A. Cooper,F.C. Hawthorne (1996) The crystal struc- matite, South Greenland. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Mon., ture of shigaite, (SO)rNa(H,O)5 [AlMn]+(OH)ul, {H,O }5, 103-l13. a hydrotalcite-groupmineral. Can. Mineral .,34,91-97. Electron microprobe analysis, after correction for Na Single-crystalX-ray structure study (R : 0.042) of shi- migration,gave NarO 3.75,CaO 1.04,IIO 6.53,Ba 1.28, gaite indicated rhombohedral symmetry, spacegroup R3, CerOr0.4l,Nb2O5 35.81, TiOr 2.54,SiO235.48, Al2O3 a: 9.512(l),c : 33.074(\A, D*,.:2.21 for Z: E/cm3 0.23,HzO (calc.)13.40, sum 100.47fio/0, corresponding 3. The structural formula corresponds to Na- to (IG Cao (Nbo Tio,, MnuAlr(SOo)r(OH)r8(HrO),r,which is new. The redefi- orNaoo, ouBaoorCeo o, )"0.e7 er )r, or(Si,nr- Aloo2)r2o0O653(OH).2HrO.Occurs as platy to bladed, nition is informal in that it has not been approved by the colorless,transparent crystals (to 0.05 mm) in aggregates IMA. J.L.J. to I x 2 mm. Optically biaxial positive, a : 1.6386(5), P : 1.6474(5), ^y : 1.7680(5),2V^*" : 145- 155, 2V-rc: AUO(OH) 148(0.5)",dispersion r < 4 orientationa : c, 0 : b,.y : M.I. Novgorodova,N.V. Trubkin, M.E. Generalov(1995) a. Single-crystalX-ray study gave a unit cell similar to Gold hydroxide-A new mineral phasefrom an alluvial that reported by Rastsvetaevaet al. for the K analog of gold placer in the southernUrals. Doklady Akad. Nauk, nenadkevichite from the Vuorijarvi complex, Kola Pen- 344(4), 525-529 (in Russian). insula (Am. Mineral.,80, p. 633, 1995).J.L.J.