AcousticAcoustic TransducersTransducers andand ArraysArrays Position / Heading Weather Monitoring Ultrasonic / Electromagnetic Speed Smart™ Depth Sensor Acoustic Communications (ACOMMs) Acoustic Communications (ACOMMs) Forward-looking Sonar Altimeter Synthetic Aperture Sonar Transducers Multibeam Sonar Standard Configurations and Custom Designs CUSTOMIZATION Ultrasonic Collaboration DESIGN Solutions Manufacture TEST Innovation Prototype Quality Production From prototype to production, AIRMAR and MSI push the boundaries of sonar technology. Whether you need a simple single element sensor or a large multi-element array, we have the solution. We specialize in partnerships providing strong engineering support, innovative technology, advanced manufacturing capabilities and exceptional customer service. TRANSDUCERS AIRMAR.COM MSITRANSDUCERS.COM PRESENTS Technology solution for tomorrow Intelligent control system Eco-friendly Low cost of ownership High degree of integrity WHO DO YOU TRUST? THE WORLD NAVAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION OCTOBER 2020 EXHIBITION CONFERENCE 20/23 19 LE BOURGET PARIS 4 ST | June 2020 JUNE 2020 CONTENTS Volume 61, No. 6 FEATURES
[email protected] sound by design GOING IT ALONE 10 John Houlder (Sonardyne), Matt Kingsland (U.K. National Oceanography Centre) and Geraint West (Sonardyne) introduce a project that has achieved enhanced independent Multibeam Imaging Sonars AUV navigation. Single and Dual Frequency Operation ICESAT-2 SPACE-BASED LASER 15 Kyle Goodrich and Ross Smith (TCarta Marine) discuss a new process of validation for satellite-derived bathymetry in NSF-funded research. UUVS ON THE FRONTIER 23 Michael Guay and Gordon Clark (General Dynamics Mission Systems) explain how UUVs are augmenting naval operations in the new decade. ACCELERATING SHIP DESIGN 27 Stefan Tynelius (MSC Software) and Ole Jan Nekstad (DNV GL) outline how to support sustainable shipping with improved ship simulation.