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Psychoanalytic Theory

Theories of counseling- OMC 18th January, 2011 Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Dr 1856-1939

n Oldest of eight children n Married with 3 girls and 3 boys n Physician-Biologist – Scientific oriented and Pathology oriented theory n Jewish-anti-religion-All religion an illusion used to cope with feelings of infantile helplessness n In Vienna Austria 78 years till 1938 n Based theory on personal experiences n Died of cancer of jaw & mouth lifelong cigar chain-smoker Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Approach:

n Model of personality development n Philosophy of Human Nature n Method of Psychotherapy n Identified dynamic factors that motivate behavior n Focused on role of unconscious n Developed first therapeutic procedures for understanding & modifying structure of one’s basic character Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Freud’s perspective n Behavior is determined by n Irrational forces n Unconscious motivations n Biological and instinctual drives as they evolve through the six psychosexual stages of life Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n – sexual energy – survival of the individual and human race- oriented towards growth, development & creativity – Pleasure principle – goal of life gain pleasure and avoid pain n Death instinct – accounts for aggressive drive – to die or to hurt themselves or others n Sex and aggressive drives- powerful determinants of peoples actions Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

The Structure of Personality

n THE ID — The Demanding Child n Ruled by the pleasure principle n THE EGO — The Traffic Cop n Ruled by the n THE SUPEREGO — The Judge n Ruled by the moral principle Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Basic psychic energy and motivations n Operates to demands of Pleasure Principle - strive to satisfy desires and reduce inner tension n Sea around an Island Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Deals with real world n Operates to demands of Reality Principle solves problems by planning & acting n City Hall on island roots and foundation in sea - id Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Internalized social norm & moral forces pressing on and constraining individual action n The “over-I” over ego n Church on island roots and foundation in sea - id Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Psychosexual Theory of Development

n Five Stages of Development n n n n Latency Period n Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

The Development of Personality

n ORAL STAGE (First year) n Related to later mistrust and rejection issues n ANAL STAGE (Ages 2-4) n Related to later personal power issues n PHALLIC STAGE (Ages 4-6) n Related to later sexual attitudes n (Ages 5-11) n A time of socialization n GENITAL STAGE (Ages 12-60) n Sexual energies are invested in life Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Oral Stage: Birth to 2 year

n Satisfy drive of hunger and thirst by breast or bottle n If fixated after weaned: n Over Dependency n Over Attachment n “Intake” of interesting substances/ideas Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Anal Stage: 2- 4 years

n Id wants pleasure of reducing tension by defecating & urinating n Toilet training – get superego to impose societal norms n Self-control n Holding back n Freedom of action no control Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Fixated at Anal Stage

n Enjoy bathroom humor-making messes-even of other people’s lives n Neatness, order & organization and Obstinacy & Stinginess – Anal retentive- passive aggressive Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Phallic Stage: 4 – 6 years

n Sexual energy focused on genitals n Masturbation n Differences between boys and girls n Emerging sexual gender identity n Personality fixed by end of this stage Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n A boy’s sexual feeling for his mother and rivalries with his father n Psychological defenses against these threatening thoughts and feelings n Form reaction pattern used throughout life n Form personality through identification with father n Diminish fear of castration- vicariously obtain mother through father Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Castration Anxiety

n Unconscious fear of loss of penis and becoming like a female n Fear of powerful people overcoming them n Fear of revenge of the powerful people Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Penis Envy

n A girl’s feelings of inferiority and jealousy n Turns affections from mother to father since blame mom for no penis n Although can’t have penis can have baby n Wants to find a good man like her father and produce a baby Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Latency Period 5-11 years of age

n Time between resolution of and puberty n Usually not possible for sexual urges to be directly expressed n Sexual energies are channeled into school and friends Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Genital Stage Adolescence - Adulthood

n Normal sexual relations n Marriage n Child-rearing Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Ego-Defense Mechanisms

n Ego-defense mechanisms: n Are normal behaviors which operate on an unconscious level and tend to deny or distort reality n Help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent the ego from being overwhelmed n Have adaptive value if they do not become a style of life to avoid facing reality Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Defense Mechanisms

n To protect the ego against the painful and threatening impulses arising from the id we distort the reality n The processes that distort the reality for the ego are called defense mechanisms Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Types of Defense Mechanisms

n n Reaction Formation n n Projection n Displacement n n n Rationalization Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Pushes threatening thoughts back into the unconscious n Posttraumatic Stress Disorder- PTSD – Common with veterans and victims of sexual abuse n False memories – suggested through psychotherapist intentionally or unintentionally Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Reaction Formation

n Process of pushing away threatening impulses by overemphasizing the opposite in one’s thoughts and actions n Examples: Jim Bakker & Jimmy Swaggart Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Refusing to acknowledge anxiety-provoking stimuli n Mind’s means of keeping its own sensations out of conscious awareness n Or n That fabulous river which runs down the middle of Egypt which many of us sail on Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Anxiety-arousing impulses are externalized by placing them, or projecting them, onto others. n A person’s inner threats are attributed to those around them n Newt Gingrich: public diatribe against infidelity of president while engaged in own long term infidelity out of public eye Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n The shifting of the targets of one’s unconscious fears or desires n Hydraulic Replacement Model n Some release valve must be found for the bottled-up aggressive impulses triggered by frustration and humiliation n Example: Man angry at boss kicks dog, kids n Tools for Anger Workout- Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Transforming of dangerous urges into positive, socially acceptable motivation n Turns sexual energy away fro sexual ends and towards societal goals n Is is possible that as society becomes more sexually liberated, art, creativity and even civilization will suffer? Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Returning to earlier, safer stages of our lives n There may be regression to the stage where there was previous fixation Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n A mechanism involving post hoc logical explanations for behaviors that were actually driven by internal unconscious motives n Explanation for behavior not even remotely related to the true causes Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

What is the Unconscious

n That portion of the mind inaccessible to usual, conscious thought n Get to unconscious through Free Association: spontaneous free flowing associations of ideas and feelings Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

The Unconscious

n Clinical evidence for postulating the unconscious: n Dreams n Slips of the tongue n Posthypnotic suggestions n Material derived from free- association n Material derived from projective techniques n Symbolic content of psychotic symptoms n NOTE: is only a thin slice of the total mind Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

n THERAPIST ROLE Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Therapist role

n In the face of incredible emotional arousal, the therapist is required to maintain; neutrality, detachment, frustration tolerance, empathy, alertness, interest and impulse control without feeling depleted, deprived and isolated Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Role of the therapist

n Neutrality n - this involves projecting onto the therapist feelings that were once attached to an emotionally significant figure in early life. n Working through: a process of resolving basic conflicts that are manifested in the client’s relationship with the therapist. Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

n THERAPEUTIC GOALS IN Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Goals of therapy

n Make the unconscious conscious n Identify and correct old patterns of behavior n Develop new insight-based behaviors n Restructure personality Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

n TECHNIQUES OF COUNSELLING IN PSYCHOANALYSIS Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Psychoanalytic Techniques n Free Association n Client reports immediately without censoring any feelings or thoughts n Interpretation n Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the meanings of whatever is revealed n Dream Analysis n Therapist uses the “royal road to the unconscious” to bring unconscious material to light Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Dream Interpretation

n Manifest Content: what a person remembers and consciously considers-only a partial representation n Latent Content: underlying hidden meaning-vast underlying n Unconscious can manifest itself symbolically in a dream Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Dream Interpretation

n “Royal road to the unconscious” n What is important in dreams is the infantile wish fulfillment represented in them n Freud assumed every dream has a meaning that can be interpreted by decoding representations of the unconscious material n Dream symbol = represents some person, thing, or activity involved in the unconscious process Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Dream Interpretations

n Knife, umbrella, snake = Penis n Box, oven, ship = Uterus n Room, table with food = Women n Staircase, ladder = Sexual intercourse n Water = Birth, mother n Baldness, tooth removal = castration n Left (direction) = crime, sexual deviation n Children playing = masturbation n Fire = bedwetting n Robber = father n Falling = anxiety Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Freudian Slip

n Psychological error in speaking or writing n Evidence of some unconscious urge, desire, or conflict & struggle n When ego or superego are not doing their job properly elements of id slip out or are seen Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Transference and

n Transference n The client reacts to the therapist as he did to an earlier significant other n This allows the client to experience feelings that would otherwise be inaccessible n ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE — allows the client to achieve insight into the influence of the past n Countertransference n The reaction of the therapist toward the client that may interfere with objectivity Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.


n Resistance n Anything that works against the progress of therapy and prevents the production of unconscious material n Analysis of Resistance n Helps the client to see that canceling appointments, fleeing from therapy prematurely, etc., are ways of defending against anxiety n These acts interfere with the ability to accept changes which could lead to a more satisfying life Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Contributions of Freud

n First personality & psychotherapy theory n Emphasis on sexuality as influence n Importance of early childhood experience n Concept of unconscious n Emphasis on Helper Role in therapeutic relationship n Scientific approach to mental health on continuum from physical health Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.

Limitations of Freud’s Work

n Pessimistic and deterministic approach to personality n Pathology based theory n Hydraulic model of psychic energy exaggerated n No controlled studies-poor research n Overemphasis on differences between men and women n Unconcerned with interpersonal relations, individual identity and adaptation over one’s lifetime Please purchase PDFcamp Printer on to remove this watermark.