CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: PARISH STAFF MASS SCHEDULE Msgr. Adam S. McClosky Pastor Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Gary Hilbig Deacon Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) Rodolfo Cerda Deacon 12:30 PM (Spanish) Juan F. Pareja Deacon Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM Joseph Blanco Pastoral Assistant ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Maria Crouch Housekeeper RECONCILIATION David V. Dwigans Business/Facilities Mgr Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment Mary Gahr Director of Music ANOINTING OF THE SICK Baldemar Gonzales Custodian First Friday of the month after Morning Mass. Adriana Guzman Youth Minister John Guzman Hispanic Ministries BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year. Jeanenne Hagerman Bookkeeper MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation. Dalia Mendoza Receptionist Call church office for appointment. © Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Com- Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482 Dan Schwieterman DRE munion & Confirmation - Call the church office. Thirteenth Sunday In Decimotercero Domingo del Ordinary Time Tiempo Ordinario June 28, 2015 28 de Junio de 2015

“You changed my mourn- "Has cambiado mi lamento ing into dancing; O Lord, en baile ; Oh Jehová , Dios my God, forever will I give mío, siempre voy a darle you thanks.” las gracias.”

— Psalm 30:13 — Salmo 30:13

Youth Group Sunday, June 28 Dive in Movies! 8:30 AM Mass (English)

9:45 AM Adult Bible Study The youth will have an 10:30 AM Mass (English) outing on July 12, 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) Join us for a movie by the 2:00 PM Father Adam’s Farewell Party pool! At Dow park Pool 610 E San Augustin St Deer Park Monday, June 29 TX 77536. Bring a blanket to sit on the deck or your 8:00 AM Communion Service swimsuit to take a dip (Flotation device allowed but must Tuesday, June 30 be see through). We will meet at All Saints Parish at 8:00 AM Mass (English) 5:30pm and leave promptly at 6pm. Cost is 8.00 per per-

Wednesday, July 1 son, Chick fil a meal box and a drink included. Movie Eucharistic Adoration from starts at 8:30. Movie featured is The Lego Movie. Chaper- nd 8:30 AM until 12:00 PM (Summer Schedule) ones are provided money must be turned in by July 2 or 8:00 AM Mass (English) call Adriana for more information 713-864-2653 ext: 219 7:00 PM Spanish Choir Practice o Adriana.Guzman@allsaints (SVDP Rm #1) El grupo juvenil tendrá una excursión el 12 de Julio Thursday, July 2 ¡ Únete a nosotros para una película junto a la piscina! En 8:00 AM Mass (English) 6:30 PM English Choir Practice el parque Dow local 610 E San Augustine St. Deer Park (SVDP Rm #1) TX 77536. Traiga una frazada para sentarse en la terraza

Friday, July 3 o su traje de baño y darse un chapuzón (flotación disposi- 8:00 AM Mass (English) tivo permitido pero se debe ver a través). Nos encontrare-

mos en el parqueadero de los Santos todos a las 5:30pm y Saturday, July 4 5:30 PM Mass (English) salimos puntualmente a las 6:00pm. El costo son $8 por

Sunday, July 5 persona incluye admisión y una caja de comida y una be- 8:30 AM Mass (English) bida de Chick- fila. La película comienza a las 8:30PM. 9:45 AM Adult Bible Study La película que se presentara es: “The Lego Movie . Habra 10:30 AM Mass (English) El dinero, deberá ser entregada para el 2 de julio para más 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) información comunicarse con Adriana al 713-864-2653 2:00 PM Guadalupanas Monthly Mtg ext. 219 or [email protected] (Parish Hall)

Msgr. Adam Adam Msgr.

Amen...Blessings, Amen...Blessings,

Belgium during the II World War] War] World II the during Belgium

you and to all the world ! ! world the all to and you

William Doyle, S. J. [Written in in [Written J. S. Doyle, William Fr. Fr. peace and hope to all of of all to hope and peace lasting and joy bring it May Faith. of Mystery

intimacy with Himself. This is the the is This Himself. with intimacy and love of union that into us vites

as no one has ever loved and in- and loved ever has one no as loved who Him with intimacy divine

'self-comfort.' " " 'self-comfort.'

how much more powerful is that that is powerful more much how Oh, intimacy. human and love man their watchword is 'sacrifice' and not not and 'sacrifice' is watchword their

Intimacy. We know the power of hu- of power the know We Intimacy. perhaps, in the eyes of the world, For For world, the of eyes the in perhaps,

Sacrament of Divine Lord, of Divine Divine of Lord, Divine of Sacrament the rest of men, and who may be fools, fools, be may who and men, of rest the

them. In a word, souls who are not as as not are who souls word, a In them. us and with us. the Eucharist is the the is Eucharist the us. with and us

for Him who has done so much for for much so done has who Him for about the love that Jesus desires for for desires Jesus that love the about

not do more and give and suffer more more suffer and give and more do not Father and I are ONE." This unity is is unity This ONE." are I and Father

whose only pain will be that they can can they that be will pain only whose

pray that they may be ONE as the the as ONE be may they that pray

will give and will not count the costs, costs, the count not will and give will

the great prayer of Jesus, UNITY. "I "I UNITY. Jesus, of prayer great the

for His Love?" A legion of souls who who souls of legion A Love?" His for

rist is where we are called to fulfill fulfill to called are we where is rist

do?" but rather, "How much can I do do I can much "How rather, but do?"

tion and our very selves. The Eucha- The selves. very our and tion

who will not ask, "How much must I I must much "How ask, not will who

have to give: our respect, our devo- our respect, our give: to have

count for help and consolation; souls souls consolation; and help for count

e very best we we best very e th due is and rves dese Eucharist The truth. important very ests. Upon whom He may always always may He whom Upon ests.

XVI clearly reminded us of this this of us reminded clearly XVI Benedict Pope ourselves. on not God, heart and soul to Him and His inter- His and Him to soul and heart

are "centered" on on "centered" are we that here is It Mass. the of Liturgy the charist, Him a legion of chosen souls devoted, devoted, souls chosen of legion a Him

God, the Lord wants to gather around around gather to wants Lord the God, st in the great prayer of the Eu- the of prayer great the in st manife made and celebrated is faith Our

"In these days of awful sin, hatred of of hatred sin, awful of days these "In prayers. prayers.

forgiveness and understanding and and understanding and forgiveness their beg I way, any in offended


no exception. And for anyone who I may have have may I who anyone for And exception. no

hout sin; and priests are are priests and sin; hout wit is us of none that

these years, too. The bible clearly reminds us us reminds clearly bible The too. years, these

My shortcoming and failings were part of of part were failings and shortcoming My Final Letter Letter Final

see are truly prophetic his words are. are. words his prophetic truly are see

Father Adam’s Adam’s Father always added the children. Already we can can we Already children. the added always

years and beyond, especially the children." He He children." the especially beyond, and years

an inspiration to those who see them a hundred hundred a them see who those to inspiration an

he often commented: "I want these icons to be be to icons these want "I commented: often he

Robert Lentz, O.F.M. was painting the icons, icons, the painting was O.F.M. Lentz, Robert

People for generations to come. When Bro. Bro. When come. to generations for People

and strengthen God's God's strengthen and inspire to faith of ny

all stand as a testimo- a as stand all sh work this God. of ple

work, patience and generosity of you, the Peo- the you, of generosity and patience work,

beautiful Church. The plan was made was plan The Church. beautiful possible thru the prayers, hard hard prayers, the thru possible

Spirit has inspired and guided us in us guided and inspired has Spirit developing a plan to renovate our our renovate to plan a developing

you may have it more abundantly." During these last 16 years the Holy Holy the years 16 last these During abundantly." more it have may you

do. "I have come that you may have life, and that that and life, have may you that come have "I do.

a deep desire to live the faith as Jesus called us to to us called Jesus as faith the live to desire deep a

of the Gospel 'captures' us and we and grow into into grow and we and us 'captures' Gospel the of

And in teaching and learning these truths the joy joy the truths these learning and teaching in And

truths of our Catholic faith that Jesus taught us. us. taught Jesus that faith Catholic our of truths

by teaching the beauty and the richness of the the of richness the and beauty the teaching by

particular plans in mind, only to serve you you serve to only mind, in plans particular

life. When I came here 16 years ago, I had no no had I ago, years 16 here came I When life.

of All Saints the happies the Saints All of t years of my priestly priestly my of years t

you for making these last sixteen years as pastor pastor as years sixteen last these making for you

Please allow me to me allow Please say THANK YOU to all of of all to YOU THANK say

My Beloved Brothers Beloved My and Sisters, Sisters, and Anuncios para la Comunidad Hispana Josué 24: 15 Por mi parte, ¡mi familia y yo serviremos al SENOR!

Circle all the people who look like a Priest, Nun, Altar Server, Bishop, or a Pope. ¡Feliz Día de los Padres! ¡REUNION IMPORTANTE! Marque su calenda- rio. Le invitamos a toda la Comunidad Habla Hispana a una reunión importante el 12 de julio a las 2:30 p.m. Se requiere su voz para mejor servirle a nuestra comu- nidad. Habrá merienditas durante nuestra reunión. ¡No pierda esta oportunidad de compartir sus ideas!

INGLES COMO SEGUNDA IDIOMA: ¿Perdió la última clase de inglés? Está bien porque las clases de verano siguen este sábado desde las 10:15 hasta las 2:15 pm, en el salón 4 del Third Age eLearning Center (TALC). ¡No pierda esta oportunidad !

SACRAMENTOS PARA ADULTOS: ¿Necesita preparación espiritual? Le podemos ayudar si usted desea. Solo pase por la Oficina de la Parroquia y hable con Lupe, Dan o John para iniciar su preparación— matrimonio, convalidación, sacramento o RICA. Could you be our Future Priest or Future Sister! All Saints offers faith formation programs for the stu- dents of the following public schools one day a week at the close of the school day on their campuses: Elemen- tary: Harvard, Helms, Love, Sinclair and Travis; Second- ary: Hamilton and Hogg MS and Reagan HS. Registra- Registration for religious formation begins now. Each tion is on line or at church as above. These programs Sunday in June we take registrations in Parish Hall (north begin in September depending on the arrangement with end of the parking lot.) from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Or you each school. For more information call the church of- can register all summer at the church office during the fice or visit us on Sunday AM in TALC.. week or at with a link for reli- gious formation. La Iglesia de Todos los Santos ofrece los programas de Classes at church are on Wed. 6:45 PM and Sunday at formación de la fe en las siguientes escuelas públicas, 9:15 AM (Eng.) and 11:15 AM (Spanish) . Programs un día a la semana al terminar sus clases regulares y begin September 27 and 30. en sus propios campus. Elementales: Harvard, Helms, Love, Sinclair y Travis: Secundarias – Hamilton y El registro para la formación religiosa comienza Hogg y Preparatoria Reagan. Los registros son por cor- ya. Cada Domingo del mes de Junio pueden registrarse en reo electrónico o directamente en la iglesia como men- el edificio salón parroquial (lado norte del estaciona- cionamos anteriormente. Estos pro- miento), de 9 AM a 12:30 PM. O Pueden registrarse du- gramas comienzan en Septiembre, rante todo el verano en la oficina de la iglesia o por inter- dependiendo de los arreglos con cada net en en la clave educación escuela. Para mayor información religiosa. llamen a la oficina parroquial o Las clases en la iglesia son: Miércoles a las 6:45 PM, Do- visítenos un domingo en el edificio mingo a las 9:15 (Inglés) y a las 11:15 AM (Español). Los TALC. programas comienzan en Septiembre 27 y 30. Mass Intenions/ Readings for the Week/ Intenciones de las Misas Lecturas de la Semana Monday: June 29 Monday: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 8:00 AM: Communion Service 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19

Tuesday: June 30 Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27 8:00 AM: Adele R. Wrightson †

Wednesday: July 1 Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34 8:00 AM: Haƫe Sanders † Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8 Thursday: July 2 8:00 AM: Bernardo Perugache Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29

Friday: July 3 Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17 8:00 AM: Estelle Holt (Benefactor) †

Saturday: July 4 Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-4; 2 Cor 12:7-10; 5:30 PM: Anan Maria Cagigal † Mk 6:1-6a

Sunday: July 5 8:30 AM: Florian Konieczny † 10:30 AM: Robert A. Buford † PRAYER LIST 12:30 PM: For The People Please keep the following persons in your prayers. The Lozano Family, Dorothy Scalco, Rosi Hernandez-Curtis, Sue Ann Schwantes, Ralph Lasher, Juan Ygnacio, Miguel Pe- Saints and Special Observances rugache, Camile Nick & Gloria Herminia, Alexie Alcoser, Sunday: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Altagracia Flores, Dubelza C. Garcia, Sylvia G. Reyes, Blanche Monday: Ss. Peter and Paul Perez, Refaela DeLeon, Jaclyn Aguirre, Mike Komkov, Janie Friday: St. Thomas Alcoser, Jonah Robert Reda, Terry Lee Smith, Laura LuLu Saturday: Independence Day; Blessed Virgin Mary Reyes, Joyce Waire, Dudley Richard, Yvonne Davila, Leo Munguia, Louis Freeh, Corina Pizzini, Ellie Perez, Sandra Mar- tinez, Lorenzo Diaz, Virginia Zamarripa, Roberto Varela, An- gela Perkins, Barbara Alban, Bettye Martinez, Joe B. Cortez, PRAY FOR THOSE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY Mary Louise Flores, Griselda Ramirez, Lydia G. Moreno, Ro- Many parishioners have family or friends who are active in sie Peradre, Martin Engquist, Josie Cobb, Albert Lee Cobb Sr., the military. Join us in supporting their families as we Katrina Cobb, Anthony Amy, Cecilia Garcia, Albert Reyes, pray for their safe return: Diana Underwood, Fabiola Cagibal, Sandra Gilliam, Hayzel Cecilio D. Flores, Robert Padilla, Michael Rodriguez, Randy Boyorquez, Harry & Rocio Slone, Adrian Rodriquez, Francisco G. Leonard., Armando Hinojosa, Mary Molina., Julio Anguiano, Martinez, Mark Lubinski, Brett A. West, Christian Flores, John Mark Connie Villarreal, June Carroll, Frank Girton, Nicholas Row- Hamm, Jillian Dougherty, Dianne Keister, Major Michael Huerta, ell, Jesus Villarreal, Arthur Lejia, Sister Mary Paulette, Dee Michael Jones, Michael Katkoski, Luis Espinoza, Andrew Munoz, Hymel , Bernardo Perugache, J. D. Raburm, Marcia Reed, Leo (Leo Getz) Richardson, Eric Michael Wilganowski, Patrick Ryan Mike Lester Alban, Anthony Brian Garcia, Lt Colonel Christopher Goodyear, Anthony B. Garcia Please contact the Church Office with an update.

If you have a family member, friend or neighbor who is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion and in need of prayer, let the church know by either calling the parish office or emailing [email protected]. CATECHIST TRAINING DAY OFFERTORY COLLECTION REPORT For the Week Ended Sunday, 06/21/2015 There is a Catechist training Day for all who teach Week Actual Budget Variance our children, youth and adults the faith. It will be Weekly Offering 11,008.41 11,062.46 (54.05) held on August 15 at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Electronic Offering 3,160.00 3,160.00 0.00 from 8 AM to 3 PM. Last year, 400 Catechist attend- Building Imp Fund 140.00 0.00 140.00 ed the workshops here at All Saints. We encourage TOTAL 14,308.41 14,222.46 85.95 anyone interested in teaching the to join this For the 51 Weeks Ended Sunday, 06/21/2015 event. Call the Religious Education office at All Year- to-Date Actual Budget Variance Saints for details. Weekly Offering 549,294.82 568,744.80 (19,449.98) Hay un día de formación de Catequistas para todos Electronic Offering 70,640.00 70,640.00 0.00 los que enseñan a nuestros niños , jóvenes y adultos Building Imp Fund 13,161.00 15,000.00 (1,839.00) de la fe. Se llevará a cabo el 15 de agosto en Nuestra 633,095.82 654,384.80 (21,288.98) Señora de Fátima Parroquia de 8 TOTAL a.m.-3 p.m. . El año pasado, 400

Catequista asisteron a los talleres aquí en Todos los Santos. The Week of the Collection Animamos a todos los interesados In the second collection today, we are supporting en la enseñanza de la a unirse a es- Pope Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s te evento. Llame a la oficina de Pence Collection is taken up worldwide to support Educación Religiosa de Todos los the most disadvantaged; victims of war, oppression Santos para los detalles. and natural disasters. This is an opportunity to join with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and be a witness of Charity to our suffering brothers and sisters. Please All Saints Diocesan Services Fund be generous in today’s collection Activity Through June 22, 2015 Parish Goal: $62,000.00 Total Amount Paid: $61,552.70 La Semana De La Colecta Total Amount Pledged: $72,747.70 En la segunda Colecta de hoy, estaremos ayudando al Total Number of Participant: 196 papa Francisco en sus obras de caridad de nuestro Average Participant Pledge: $371.16 Santo Padre a Través de la Colecta Peter’s Pence. Sus Paid Over (Under) Goal: ($447.30) Contribuciones serán combinadas con lsd de nuestros Pledged Over (Under) Goal: $10,747.70 hermanos y hermanas del mundo entero para que el Percent Paid: 99.28% papa Francisco pueda brindarles una ayuda imprescindible a las personas necesitadas. Su gener- osidad es un acto de solidaridad con las Iglesia uni- ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING versal al responder al llamado para convertirse en un If you are interested in ELECTRONIC GIFT GIVING (Automatic Bank Withdrawal), please complete the “Agreement testigo de la caridad. Que Dios les bandiga. for Preauthorized Payments”. Forms are located in the rear of the church or on our website All you need to do is fill out the form in full and attach a “Voided” check. You can mail the form to the church, attention ATTENTION! of the Bookkeeper, or bring it by the Administration Building. The deadlines for bulletin articles, Use the mail slot if after hours. flyer inserts, and pulpit announcements are as Please DO NOT drop the form in the weekly collection basket as it contains your CONFIDENTIAL bank information. follows: Bulletin Articles: Mondays @ 3:00 PM Bulletin Inserts: Wednesdays @ 12:00 noon Pulpit Announcements: Thursdays @ 12:00 noon Check Out Our Website! PASTORAL MINISTRIES Altar Servers leigharon Rodgers / Marisela Villarreal Altar Society Liz Lester Art & Environment Barry Connor / Anita Longoria / Chuck Shoults Eucharistic Ministers Isaac Tapia / Richard Malinowski / Elisa Jimenez Homebound Ministry Jo Kelley Parish / Joseph Blanco Knights of Columbus Joel Syzdek Lectors Jimmy Phillips / Juanita Sanchez RCIA Kelly Hawkins Sacristans Maggie Tyerina / Wendy Nugent St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry Jeanenne Hagerman Third Age Learning Center Jo Kelley Parrish Ushers Richard Kercho / John Ortiz PASTORAL COUNCIL Charles Adams Chairperson [email protected] Duane Bradley [email protected] Esteban Caro [email protected] Christopher Cola [email protected] Charla Macicek [email protected] Trevor Pinkerton [email protected] Stephanie Sullivan [email protected] Paul Taverna [email protected] Mike Towns [email protected] Go To and get information about Our Mass Times, Ministries, STAFF E-MAILS and so much more! Msgr. Adam McClosky, Pastor [email protected] Gary Hilbig, Deacon [email protected] Joseph Blanco, Pastoral Assistant [email protected] David V. Dwigans, Business/Facilities Mgr [email protected] Father Adam, Lupe Padilla, Parish Secretary [email protected] Dalia Mendoza, Receptionist [email protected] Thank You for everything you Mary Gahr, Music Director and English Mass Choir Director [email protected] have done for us and giving us the Gonzalo Ramos, Spanish Choir [email protected] Jeanenne Hagerman, Bookkeeper [email protected] privilege to work for you! Dan Schwieterman, DRE [email protected] Adriana Guzman, Youth Ministry [email protected] - The All Saints Staff Irene Chavez, RE Admininstrative Assistant [email protected] John Guzman, Hispanic Ministry [email protected] BULLETIN INQUIRIES: [email protected]