All Saints Catholic Community

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All Saints Catholic Community ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 215 East Tenth Street • Houston, Texas 77008-7025 Parish Office 713 864-2653 Fax 713 864-0761 Web Site: PARISH STAFF William Oliver Pastor MASS SCHEDULE Gary Hilbig Deacon Saturday 5:30 PM (English) Rodolfo Cerda Deacon Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM (English) Juan F. Pareja Deacon 12:30 PM (Spanish) Joseph Blanco Pastoral Assistant Weekdays: Tue - Fri 8:00 AM David V. Dwigans Business/Facilities Mgr ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Jeanenne Hagerman Bookkeeper Wednesday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM Dan Schwieterman DRE RECONCILIATION Adriana Guzman Youth Minister. Saturday 4:30 PM or by appointment Irene Chavez RE Admin Assistant John Guzman Hispanic Ministries ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Friday of the month after Morning Mass. Mary Gahr Director of Music Gonzalo Ramos Spanish Choir BAPTISM Classes offered five times a year. Lupe Padilla Parish Secretary MARRIAGE Allow six months for preparation. Dalia Mendoza Receptionist Call church office for appointment. Maria Crouch Housekeeper INSTRUCTIONS for ADULTS First Holy Com- Baldemar Gonzales Custodian © Seraphic Icons, “Trinity” icon, by Robert Lentz, OFM munion & Confirmation - Call the church office. Courtesy of Trinity Stores, 800.699.4482 All Saints Todos Los Santos November 1, 2015 1 de Noviembre 2015 See what love Vea lo que el amor the Father has bestowed el Padre nos ha dado on us that we may be para que seamos llamados called the children of God. hijos de Dios. — 1 John 3:1 - 1 Juan 3 : 1 Color it in! Color in the picture. Once you are done, cut it out, write your name on the back, turn it in the Parish Hall today and your drawing can be on Sunday, November 1 our Bulletin Board! 8:30 AM Mass (English) 9:15 AM CCE (English) 9:45 AM Adult Bible Study “By God’s love, 10:30 AM Mass (English) we may be called 11:15 AM CCE (Español) God’s children.” 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) (1 John 3:1-3) Monday, November 2 8:00 AM Mass (English) Order Apple Strudel for the Holidays All Saints will be preparing homemade Apple Strudels for sale No- Tuesday, November 3 vember 14th & 15th. The strudels will be unbaked & frozen for your 8:00 AM Mass (English) convenience. Simply pop in the oven and bake for a hot, delicious 7:00 PM RCIA (SVDP Rm #2) dessert on special occasions. They will make a great dessert for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, or as a gift for family and Wednesday, November 4 friends! Eucharistic Adoration from 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM Our goal this year is to prepare and sell 250 strudels. Order now to 8:00 AM Mass (English) reserve one or more of these delicious strudels. Strudels will be available for pickup in the Parish Hall at All Saints on Saturday, No- Thursday, November 5 vember 14th from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM or after all Masses on Sat- NO Mass urday & Sunday, November 14th & 15th. The Apple Strudels will be sold for $20.00 each. Order forms are available at the entrances to Friday, November 6 the church, or you may contact Jeanenne Hagerman at No Mass [email protected] or call 281-734-4625 to order. If you are unable to pick up on the weekend of the sale, please make arrangements for Saturday, November 7 someone else to pick up for you. 5:30 PM Mass (English) Sunday, November 8 8:30 AM Mass (English) 9:15 AM CCE (English) There is no 8am Mass November 5th, and 6th and 9:45 AM Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM Mass (English) on Nov10, Deacon Gary will have a 11:15 AM CCE (Español) Communion Service. 12:30 PM Mass (Spanish) The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be on Friday, Nov 13 following the 8am Mass Pastor’s Chronicle Crónica del Pastor Today we enter the month of November with its twin Hoy entramos el mes de noviembre con sus fiestas gemelas feasts of All Saints and All Souls. The scripture read- de Todos los Santos y de Todos los Difuntos. Las lecturas de ings for the Sundays of this month, leading up to the las escrituras para los domingos de este mes, conduciéndonos hasta la Fiesta de Cristo Rey el 22 de noviembre todas se feast of Christ the King (on November 22) all blend mezclan con una cierta tristeza pacifica que trae el mes de together with a certain peaceful sadness that Novem- noviembre. Por todo el mes de noviembre nos enfocamos ber brings. Throughout November we focus on our sobre nuestra creencia en la resurrección del cuerpo y sobre belief in the resurrection of the body and in the Com- la Comunión de los Santos que consiste de los fieles en la munion of Saints that is made up of the faithful on tierra, en el purgatorio y en el cielo y que nos recuerda cada earth, in purgatory and in heaven and daily remind día de la gran asamblea de santos nombrados y no- ourselves of the great assembly of saints named and nombrados quienes transmitieron su fe en el evangelio con nosotros. unnamed who passed on the gospel faith to us. La Escrituras nos ensenan que nosotros no debemos The scriptures teach that we are not to deny negarnos al misterio de la muerte, pero debemos tener fe y the mystery of death, but to have faith and hope be- esperanza por un solo hecho: Jesucristo ha resucitado (1 Te- cause of one fact: Jesus Christ is risen (1 Thessaloni- salonicenses 4:17). Los que estemos bautizados en Cristo ans 4: 17). Those baptized into Christ Jesus will be Jesús seremos llevados, juntamente con ellos, en las nubes, caught-up with the risen Lord after their death. This para encontrarnos con el Señor en el aire; y así estaremos con is our faith and our hope, proclaimed at funerals and el Señor para siempre (1 Tesalonicenses 4: 17), después de su in the annual celebrations of All Souls and the Mexi- muerte. Este es nuestra fe y esperanza, proclamada en los funerales y en las celebraciones anuales de Todos los Santos can “Day of the Dead” (Dias de los Muertos). Our y en el día mexicano nombrado, “El Día del Muerto” (Días prayers and cultural celebrations do not remove our de los Muertos). Nuestras oraciones y celebraciones cultura- questions about death. Death does trouble us, render- das do quitan nuestras preguntas sobre la muerte. La muerte ing us unable to get things done during the mourning nos molesta, nos incapacita de cumplir las cosas durante un period following the death of a loved one. Torn be- periodo de luto después de haber perdido un querido. Duran- tween conflicting feelings we might be tempted to te este periodo estamos estirados por sentidos conflictos cua- give up. At these times we may recall the agony of les nos retan de dejarse por vencido. En estos tiempos debe- mos recordarnos de la agonía de Jesús y Sus palabras desde Jesus and his cry from the cross: “My God, my God, la Cruz, “¿Dios mío, Dios mío, por qué me has abandona- why have you forsaken me?” But Jesus died with do?” Pero Jesús murió con confianza absoluta: “Padre, en tus absolute trust: “Father, into your hands I commend manos encomiendo mi alma.” La confianza de Jesús está ba- my spirt.” Jesus’ trust is rooted in the experience of sada en la experiencia del amor incondicional de Dios que God’s unconditional love that never fails. This same jamás falla. Esta misma fe y confianza nos permite no ser faith and trust allow us not to be overcome by sad- sobre superados con tristeza como los que no “tienen nada de ness like those “who have no hope.” Our prayers for esperanza”. Nuestras oraciones por los difuntos y nuestro the dead and our remembrance of the faithful depart- recuerdo de los fieles separados nos permite “mezclar” nues- tras preguntas sobre el misterio de la muerte con oraciones de ed allow us to “mix” our questions about the mystery agradecimiento a Dios para la vida de la persona querida of death with prayers of thanksgiving to God for the quien ahora ve el rostro del Señor cara a cara. life of a person we loved who now sees the Lord face Los pensamientos del mes de noviembre en nuestra to face. Iglesia son sobre la muerte, de los santos cuales nos rodean y The thoughts of the month of November in de lo sagrado de la vida humana misma. our Church are of death, of the saints who surround us, and of sacredness of human life itself. Fr. Bill Fr. Bill Groceries needed to make a complete Thanksgiving Dinner will be donated this year to ap- proximately 125 families who are clients of the All Saints St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. If you want to sponsor a family in need, please take one of our grocery bags home with you today, fill it with the grocery items listed on the bag, and return it no later than November 15th. Volunteers from the St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry will be distributing the bags after Mass today, at the table in front of the altar. THANKSGIVING DINNERS SPONSORED BY FOOD PANTRY Groceries required to make a complete Thanksgiving Dinner will be given this year to approximately 125 families who are clients of the All Saints St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.
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