“The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres,” International conference to be held on October 22-24, 2004 in Beirut, Lebanon The Social Science Research Council (New York) — SSRC Program on the Middle East and North Africa The American University of Beirut — Center for Behavioral Research at AUB. Paper Presenter’s Name: Vincent Battesti Paper Title: Change in the Uses of Urban Public Spaces by Cairo People (With a special focus on public gardens) Job Title, Department, and Home Institution: Social Anthropologist, CEDEJ in Cairo, Egypt (Centre d’études et de documentation économiques, juridiques et sociales, CNRS) Complete mailing address: CEDEJ, abs Service de la valise diplomatique Ambassade de France au Caire (RAE), 128 bis, rue de l'Université F-75351 Paris 07 SP, France Phone / Fax: Ph. home (202) 579 7776 — Ph. work (202) 392 87 11 — Fax work (202) 392 87 91 Email:
[email protected] Short Abstract (350 words and less): The uses of urban public spaces in Cairo have undergone a profound transformation over the last four decades. Beginning with the reign of Muhammad Ali and continuing under khedive Ismail, a Haussmannian model of urbanization and gentrification prevailed. Until the 1960s and 1970s, these modernized urban spaces (found primarily in the new downtown area) can be defined as the location of a bourgeois public. In Wast el-Balad (downtown) Haussmannian architecture was a key site for the articulation of new “modern” spatial prac- tices, identities, and sociabilities. This new downtown was to provide a kind of display win- dow of Egyptian modernity. Since the 1970s the meanings, uses, and publics associated with modernist urban space have undergone a radical inversion.