Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

Lockdown Procedures

Some situations may require the need for the classrooms to go into “”. These situations may include (but not be limited to) such things as: an unauthorized visitor, volatile parent, medical emergency which requires students to stay out of the hallway, police search, etc. Upon the verbal notification “Lockdown, lockdown” teachers will:

 Clear the hallway near their classroom and lock the door. Once the classroom door is locked, NO ONE should be permitted to enter or leave the room.  Cover the window in the classroom door and pull the curtains or blinds.  Students should be moved to a location in the classroom away from where they can be seen from the door or window.  Listen for additional information to determine further course of action. EX: a. “Lockdown, lockdown. Medical situation, stay in your rooms – no threat of danger.” b. “Lockdown, lockdown. Unauthorized visitor.” Teachers should conceal the students and be on alert for more information which may require the Active Shooter/Dangerous Intruder or Evacuation Plans to be put into place.  Wait for instructions. In a drill, the notification will be made: “All is clear. All is clear” when it is clear to return to a normal routine.

Special Areas of concern

Cafeteria – Based upon available information teachers and students are to either stay in the cafeteria following classroom procedures (lock doors, close blinds, etc.) or exit the cafeteria through the kitchen and proceed to Yoder Lumber. Outside – Teachers and students should NOT attempt to reenter the building and should instead proceed to either Yoder Lumber or Kline Lumber based upon available information and teachers should contact the principal/office.

Important contact numbers  Matt Johnson Principal 330-204-5629 Erik Beun Asst. Principal 330-231-0979  Craig Hershberger Guidance Counselor 330-204-3317 Joseph Edinger Superintendent 330-231-4459  High School Office 330-893-2626 Central Office 330-893-2610

Active Shooter/Dangerous Intruder Plan


Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

In the event of a life threatening situation, staff should know their roles and options (See Appendix A) and begin to take appropriate action. Verbal notification will be given with as much information as possible. Staff will use that information to take one of the three options.

Option 1 – Evacuate

1. Upon verbal notification “Lockdown, lockdown. Active shooter in the (specific area of the building).” Staff may determine they can safely exit the building. 2. Exit the nearest door as quickly as possible taking your cell phone if possible. 3. Proceed to the safest rally point farthest away from the threat. (East = Kline Lumber // West = Yoder Lumber) 4. Text Matt Johnson and Erik Beun with your class’s location. 5. The first two staff members at each rally point will be responsible for gathering everyone together, controlling the situation, and reporting in with the superintendent’s office via cell phone. 6. Depending on which rally point (see below) follow the directions for getting students to Grace Mennonite Church.

Option 2 – Lockdown and Barricade

1. Upon verbal notification “Lockdown, lockdown. Active shooter in the (specific area of the building).” Staff may determine that evacuation is not a safe option. 2. Shut and lock all doors. 3. Barricade the entry way with any available means such as tables, desks, bookcases, etc. 4. Use belts, cords, etc. to secure the door as best as possible. 5. Text Matt Johnson and Erik Beun with your class’s location. 6. Wait for instructions from law enforcement. 7. If the room is breached, proceed to Option 3.

Option 3 – Swarm, Confuse, and Misdirect

1. Upon the breach of a barricaded room or a situation of immediate danger, create chaos. 2. Throw objects, make a lot of noise, run around 3. Instruct students to run out of the room to evacuate the building when the intruder is distracted.


Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

Rally Points (See Appendix B) – all students and staff should proceed by foot to the nearest and safest rally point as quickly as possible. No vehicles should be entering or exiting the parking lot except for emergency personnel.

 West – YODER LUMBER – gather and account for as many students as possible wait for buses to arrive and transport students to the GRACE MENNONITE CHURCH.  East – KLINE LUMBER – gather and account for as many students as possible wait for buses to arrive and transport students to the GRACE MENNONITE CHURCH.  Emergency Personnel – will gather in the Reese Center Parking Lot. The Reese Center locker rooms and training room will be used for injured students and staff. Emergency personnel will then be able to move to the high school when possible.

Student Accounting  Organization, accountability structure – group students by grade level, assigned teachers are responsible for communicating with office staff to account for all the students. The names of any missing students should be given to the office staff. KLINE LUMBER YODER LUMBER **7th Grade – Lavonna Gress **7th Grade – Scott Bodiker **8th Grade – Mary Myrick **8th Grade – Roche Harmon **Freshman – Mark Schlabach **Freshman – Vicki Antequera **Sophomores – Aaron Rossetti **Sophomores – Krista Albright **Juniors – Virginia Steiner **Juniors – Chad Hochstetler **Seniors – Jan Isaac **Seniors – Bert Jones **Parents – Office and Guidance Staff **Parents – Office and Guidance Staff

**Supervision/Misc. – all other staff, check with Office staff first to see if they need additional help and then help monitor students.

Family Reunification Spot – Grace Mennonite Church Upon accounting for all students at the Rally Points and the buses being released from the bus garage all students will be transported to Grace Mennonite Church to be released to their parents or guardians.  Process for releasing students to their parents or guardians o Parents arrive and check-in with Office staff. o The “OK” to release students must be given by the Superintendent, Principal and Law Enforcement Personnel. o Office staff finds the student EMF form and verifies parent or guardian’s authority to pick up student. o The parent signs the student out and the student is released to the parent. The EMF form is removed from the binder and kept with the forms of the other students already released.


Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

Communicating with the public

 Parents – all parents will be directed to the Grace Mennonite Church via all communication outlets (media, student texting, Ohio Alerts, etc.) All other information will be released by the Superintendent’s Office.  Media – All inquiries, questions, or concerns should be directed to the Superintendent’s Office.  Local residents (near the High School) – if asked, inform them there is a situation requiring the evacuation of the high school and that the students are being moved to the Grace Mennonite Church. All other inquiries should be sent to the Superintendent’s Office.

Important contact numbers  Matt Johnson Principal 330-204-5629 Radios  Erik Beun Asst. Principal 330-231-0979  Matt Johnson Principal  Craig Hershberger Guidance Counselor 330-204-3317  Erik Beun Asst. Principal  Joseph Edinger Superintendent 330-231-4459  Office Staff  High School Office 330-893-2626  Wes Kandel 1st Shift Custodian  Central Office 330-893-2610


Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

Appendix A – Active Shooter Roles/Communication

Roles  Teacher – Survivability – Your main objective is to enhance you and your students’ ability to survive the situation. You have the ability and the responsibility to use the information at hand to make the best choice of a few options per the ALICE training. Inform the office and call 911 if you are first to observe an active shooter(s).  Students – Survivability – Your main objective is to survive the situation. If you are in the situation of immediate danger you are to create chaos by running, making noise, throwing objects and/or swarming and disarming the active shooter. If you are not in immediate danger follow the directions of the classroom teacher.  Office staff and/or other authorized personnel – Communication/Survival – anyone with access to knowledge of the situation (location, number of intruders, etc.) must communicate via PA with the rest of the staff from a locked office. Call 911 and relay as much information as possible. If possible, locate intruders on live cameras and keep a constant flow of information to the rest of the building. Keep radio with you to receive information.  Principals and/or other authorized personnel – Assess, Inform, and Engage –Grab the radio to relay information to office staff (including location, number of intruders, etc.). Proceed to nearest, safest location to relay information and/or take control of immediate area.

Communication plan  All phones have access to the PA o Dial 66 then #11  Use common terms for building locations.  All commands will start with “Lockdown, lockdown” followed by any information or further commands available at the current time. The following commands could be given: o “Lockdown, lockdown” followed by no commands or information – stay in lockdown with doors and windows shut and locked. o “Lockdown, lockdown, barricade your room” – stay in lockdown and barricade yourself into the room. o “Lockdown, lockdown” followed by information about the situation – Given the information at hand, teachers will make the best choice between the following options in an effort to enhance survivability.


Hiland High School Lock Down Procedures (Updated 9/19/2014)

Appendix B – Rally Points Rally Points – all students and staff should proceed by foot to the nearest and safest rally point as quickly as possible. No vehicles should be entering or exiting the parking lot except for emergency personnel.


YODER LUMBER Emergency Personnel

 West – YODER LUMBER – gather and account for as many students as possible wait for buses to arrive and transport students to the GRACE MENNONITE CHURCH.  East – KLINE LUMBER – gather and account for as many students as possible wait for buses to arrive and transport students to the GRACE MENNONITE CHURCH.  Emergency Personnel – will gather in the Reese Center Parking Lot. The Reese Center locker rooms and training room will be used for injured students and staff. Emergency personnel will then be able to move to the high school when possible.