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Caernarvonshire Record Office 1974 Records of the iuarrymen's Union, deposited by Mr. Idwal Edwards of the Transport and general Workers1 Union.

Listed by Mrs. M.A. Aris, Senior Assistant Archivist.


mm 1 6 Union minutes 7 - 14 Lodge minutes 15 46 Union accounts and balance sheets 47 - 51 Cash books and ledgers 52 - 58 Union roll and contribution books 59 - 60 Receipts 61 - 69 Lodge records 70 100 Programmes etc* re annual conference and labour festival 101 - 179 Union letter books 180 - 181 Lodge letter books 182 ** 249 Correspondence files and general corres pondence 250 Branch c orres, ondenee 251 - 252 Union Solicitors' records 253 - 268 General union papers 269 - 276 Printed material 277 - 288 Papers, re the Penrhyn strikes 289 Contributions to other strikes 290 - 295 Quarry company records 296 297 Records of Dinesydd publishing company 298 299 Minutes of Caernarvon Labour Council mm 3C0 302 Minutes etc. of Gwyrfai Local Tribunal 303 - 305 Papers re Caernarvon Labour party 305 308 Papers re parliamentary candidature of R.T. Jones. 309 Miscellaneous UNION MINUTE BOOKS 1-6 Union Minutes;

1. 1881-92 MINUTE BOOK: North ftales Quarrymen'8 Union; with printed material re Union activities pasted-in.

2. 1892-1911 MINUTE BOOK: North Wales Quarrymen^ Union; with printed material pasted-in re Union activities including programmes of Labour Bay meetings (Gwyliau Llafur) from 1893­

3* 1898 6 June APPEAL of Amalgamated Union of Upholsteres to fellow trade unionists for support during a lock-out in Scotland (printed). (Found with 2).

k. 1899 19 July MINUTES of first General Council Meeting of the General federation of Trade Unions (printed;; v/ith news­ paper cutting inserted. (Found with 2).

5* 1912-21 MINUTE ?00K: Forth Wales Quarrymen's Union; v/ith printed material pasted-in re Union activities including programmes of Labour Bay meetings (Gwyliau Llafur).

-1­ 6 1921-33 MINUTE BOOK: North Wales Quarry-ten1 s Union; with printed material pasted-in re Union activities including programmes of Labour Day Meetings (Gwyliau Llafur).

-2­ LODGE MINUTES 7-14 Lod^e Minutest

7. 1888-92 MINUTE BOOK of Bethesda Lodge (with newspaper cuttings and other material pa3ted-in; including rules of the Forth ti'ales uarrymen^ Union, 189CJ testunau cynhadiedd arbennig Chwarelwyr Qogledd Cynru; papers ana discussions re hours of work, wages, working conditions, etc;.

8. 1887-91 lilNUTE BOOK of the Dinorwic lodge of the IT rt Wales tuarrymen^ Union.

9. 1891-93 lilNUTE BuGK of Linorwic lodge of the Forth . ales : uarryuenf s Union; in dorses Listt- of officers, representatives etc..

10. 1902-3 MIFUTE BOOK of Dinorwie lodge.

11* 1905-9 KIFUTE BOOK of Cesarea lodge of the North Wales Cuarrymer/s Union.

1 2. 1909-27 M IF UTS BOOK of Gesarea lodge of the Forth Wales ruarryaen^ Union.

3­ 13* 1881-88 MITTUTE BOOK of the works committee at C^ebraicftycafn (includes a circular letter from Lord Penrhyn complaining that workmen have been rioting in Bethesda (16 xlaroh 1885).

- ik* 1892-6 MINUTE BOOK of Caebraiohycafn lodge. UNION ACCOUNTS AND

BALANCE SHEETS 15-46 Union accounts and balance sheets:

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, 15. 1909 North Wales Quarryinen's Union-

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, 16* 1913 North Wales Quarrymen^ Union.

ACCOUNTS AND E\LANCE SHEET, 17* 1922 North Wales Suarrymen's Union.

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, 18. 1923 North Wales Cuarrymen*s Union.

ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, 19. 1925 North \vales Quarrymen^ Union.

20. 1926 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen*s union.

21. 1927 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen^ Union.

22. 1926 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET. North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

5­ 23* 1929 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

21*. 1930 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

25* 1931 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

26. 1932 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarry-men's Union.

27* 1933 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

28. 1934 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarryaen^ Union.

29­ 1937 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

30. 1938 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

31. 1939 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen's Union. 32. 1940 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, Forth wales Quarry-men's Union.

33* 1941 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarryiaen*s Union.

34 1942 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North V.ales Cuarrynen*s Union.

35* 1943 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarryinen'6 Urion.

36. 1944 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales ^uarrymen^ Union.

37- 1945 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

38. 1946 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarryffienfs Union.

39. 19U7 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North wales Quarrymen*s Union.

**** 19h8 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarry&en*s Union.

-7­ M* 19^9 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarryme^s Union.

1*2* 1950 ACC UNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

l& 1951 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North wales Quarrymen*s Union.

kk* 1952 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SIIIET, North Wales Cviarryiaen's Union.

45 1953 ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North wales uarrymen's Union.

kS 1955 ACC UNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, North wales Quarrymen'8 Union.

-8"* ­ CASH BOOKS AO LEDGERS k7-51 Cash books and ledgers:

47* 1885-95 CASH BOOK ­ North wales Quarry-men's Union.

48. 1897-1914 CASH BOOK ­ North Wales Quarrynen's Union.

49* 1912-22 PETTY CASH BOOK ­ North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

50. 1907-14 LEDGER ­ Forth Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

51. 1915-22 LEDGER ­ Forth Wales Quarrymen'8 Union.


CONTRIBUTIONS BOOKS 52-58 Union Roll and contributions books;

52. 1887-91 UNION ROLL, giving membership of lodges with individual contribution paid.

53. n.d. Z"l9127 Union Roll.

54* 1887.89 CONTRIBUTIONS BOOK, giving membership of lodge v/ith details of contributions to General Fund ana Annuity, Sick/Accident and Emigration Funds.

55* 1888 CONTRIBUTIONS BOOK, giving membership of lodge with details of contributions to General Fund and Annuity, Sick/Accident and Emigration Funds.

-10­ BENEFIT REGISTERS 56*58 Benefit registers;

56. 1921-22 UNEMPLOYED BENEFIT REOISTEB: gives names of members of lodges entitled to benefit and amounts paid.

57. 1921-22 UNEMPLOYED BENEFIT REGISTER: sums paid out.

58. 1908-18 FUNERAL BENEFIT REGISTER, containing also: accounts re Dinesydd Extension Fund- , 1921. Results of strike ballot, 1922. Results of ballot re amalgamation of the North Wales Quarrymen's Union and the Transport and Worker's General Union.

11­ RECEIPTS 59-60 Receipts

59. 1917-20 ONE PILE OP RECEIPTS of the North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

60. 1921-22 ONE PILE OP RECEIPTS of the North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

-12­ LODGE RECORDS 61-69 Lodge records

61. 1895 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK - Dinorwic, Bethesda, Ffestiniog, Nantlle, Glyn Uchaf, Glyn Isaf, Penrhyndeudraeth, Trawsfynydd, Alexandria, Moeltryfan, v/aenfawr, Cesarea.

62. 1896-98 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK - Dinorwic, Bethesda, Ffestiniog, Nantlle, Glyn TTchaf, Glyn Isaf, Penrhyndeudraeth, Trav/sfynydd, / lexandria, Moeltryfan, 7;aenfawr, Cesarea, Dolwyddelan.

63. 1899-1905 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK - Dinorwic, Bethesda, Ffestiniog, Nantlle, Glyn Uchaf, Glyn Isaf, Penrhyndeudraeth, Trawsfynydd, Alexandria, Koeltryfan, V/a enfav;r, Cesarea, Dolwyddelan.

6k. 1907-13 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK - Dinorwic, Bethesda, Ffestiniog, Nantlle, Glyn Uchaf, Glyn Isaf, Penrhyndeudraeth, Trawsfynydd, Alexandria, Lioeltryfan, I7aenfav/r, Cesarea, Dolwyddelan.

65. 1913-17 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK of the Ouarrymen^ Union No. 1 district - Dinorwic.

-13­ 66. 1915-17 LODGE SUBSCRIPTION BOOK to the ^uarrymei^s Union. No. 2 district ­ Bethesda.

67. 1918-19 CONTRIBUTIONS BOOK ­ .

68. 1897-1906 LEDGER ­ Lodge*s contributions. -

: I

69. 1896-61 ACCOUNT BOOK of Dinorwio lodge of the North wales Quarrymen*s Union and lists of officers elected annually etc..


LABOUR FESTIVAL 70-100 Annual conference and Labour festival: '

70. 1898-192^ AGENDA of the Annual Conference, 1898; programme for the Labour festival, 1898, 1906, 1912, 1915, 1924­

71 1909-29 PROGRAMMES for the conference and Labour festival, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1915, 1915, 19 M, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1927, 1929.

72, 1908-30 PROGRAMME for the conference and Labour festival, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1924, 1926, 1927, 1929, 1930.

73. 1931 PROGRAMS for the Labour festival and conference.

74 1932 PROGRAMiffi for the Labour festival and conference.

75. 1933 PROGRAM..E for the Labour festival and conference.

-1 5­ 76. 1934 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

77. 1935 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

78. 1936 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

79. 1937 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

80. 1938 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

81. 1939 PROGRAMS; for the Labour festival and conference.

82. 19*40 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

8 3 . 1941 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

84. 1942 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

-16­ 85* 1943 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

86. 19*44 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

87* 1945 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

88. 1946 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

89. 1947 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

90. 1948 ' PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

91. 1949 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

92. 1950 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

93. 1951 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

-17­ 94* 1952 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

92. 1953 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

96. 1954 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

97- 1955 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

98. 1956 PROGRAMS for the Labour festival and conference.

' 99. 1957 PROGRAMME for the Labour festival and conference.

100. n.d. PAMPHLET - Address of Henry Jones for the Labour festival of the Quarrymen*s Union "Amodau Llwyddiant y Chv/arelwyr" given in the Pavilion, Caernarvon, 7 May, 1900.


OTHER PAPERS UNION LETTER BOOKS 101-179 Union letter bookst

1014 1896-1906 LETTER BOOK of John Elli s Williams. W.J. Williams and others including correspondence re Penrhyn Strike.

102. 1908-10 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of the North wales Quarrymen^ Union. Caernarvon.

103. 1908-11 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones.

104" 1911-13 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones.

105. 1913 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones.

106. 1913-14 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones and others.

107. 1915-18 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones.

108. 1918-21 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of the North Wales ouarrymenf s Union, Caernarvon.

-19- 109* 1921 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams and R.T. Jones of the ITorth Wales Quarry-men's Union, Caernarvon.

110. 1921 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams and R.T. Jones of the North Wales Quarrymen^ Union.

111. 1922-23 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams

t of the North Wales Quarrymen's Union, Caernarvon.

112. 1922-23 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of North Wales Quarrymen's Union, Caernarvon.

113. 1923-24 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones and R.W. Williams, ITorth Wales Quarrymen's Union, Caernarvon.

11h. 1923-25 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones, North Wales Quarrymen^ Union, Caernarvon.

115. 1923-25 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones and R.W. Williams.

-20­ 116. 1924 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams, North Wales Quarrymen*s Union, Caernarvon.

117. 1924-25 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

118. 1925-26 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones re Quarrymen,s Union branches. 1

119. 1925 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

120. 1925-26 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

121 1926 LET -ER BOOK of R.W. T/illiams.

122. 1926-27 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

123. 1927 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

124. 1927 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.


125­ 1927-29 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of the North Wales Quarrymen*s Union.

-21­ 126. 1928 LETTER BOOK of R.W, V/illiams.

127 1928 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.


128. 1928-30 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of the North Wales Quarry-men13 , Union, Caernarvon.

129. 1928-29 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

130. 1929 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

131* 1929 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

132. 1929 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

133* 1930-33 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones of the North Wales Quarry-men1 s Union.

134* 1929-30 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

135* 1930 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

-22­ 136. 1930 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

137* 1930 LETTER BOOK o f R.W. Williams.

138* 1930-31 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

139. 1931 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

140. 1931 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

141­ 1931-32 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

1l£. 1932 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

143* 1932 LETTER POOK of R.W. Williams.

1bA. IS32 LETTER BOOK o f R.W. Williams.

145. 1932 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

146. 1932-33 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams. 147. 1933 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams,

148* 1933 LETTFR BOOK Of R.W. Williams. i

149. 1933 LETTER BOOK Of R.W. Williams.

150. 1933 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

151. 1933-34 LETTER BOOK of R.W. WilliamG.

152. 1934 LETTIR BOOK of R.W. Williams.

153. 1934 LETTER BOOK of R.W. William^..

154. 1934 LETTER BOCK of R.W. Williams.

155. 1934 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

155. 1934 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

157. 1934-35 LETTFR BOOK of R.W. Williams. 158. 1935 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

159. 1935 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams, i 160* 1935 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

161., 1935 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

162. 1935-36 LETTER BOCK of R.W. Williams.

163* 1935 LETTER BOCK of R.W. Williams.

164. 1936 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

165­ 1936 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

166. 1936-37 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

167. 1937 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

168. 1937 LETTER BOOK Of R.W. Williams. I69t 1937-38 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams,

170. 1938 LETTER BOOK of R.7/. Williams.

171. 1 1938 LET ER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

172. 1938-39 LETTER BOOK Of R.W. Williams.

173. 1939 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams.

174. 1926-27 LETTS " BOOK of R.W. Williams and J.H. Jones to the Union Solicitors Ellis Davies and Co., Caernarvon.

175. 1925 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams and J.H. Jones to the Union Solicitors Ellis Davies and Co.. Caernarvon.

176. 1922 LETTER BOOK of R.W. Williams and J.H. Jone3 to the Union Solicitors, Ellis Davies and Co., Caernarvon. 177* 1915-19 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones to the Union lodges of the Nantlle District (Mantile, Alexandria, Lioeltryfan, Oesarea and others).

178. 1915-19 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones to the Union lodges of the 1 district (Dinorwic, Giyn Uchaf, Glyn Isaf, and Waenf av7r).

179. 1915-19 LETTER BOOK of R.T. Jones to the Union lodges of the Ffestiniog District. (Pfestiniog, rerirhyndeudraeth, Trawsfynydd and Dolwydaelen and others). %


LODGES 180-181 Lodge letter books;

180. 1918 LETTFR BOOK of Owen K. Owen Secretary of the Llanbedr lodge: correspondence v/ith the Forth r/alea ; unrryffien's Union, Caernarvon.

181. 1920-21 LFTTT R BOOK of John Pugh later of D.H. Roberts, Rhyd Mu re branch union matters - correspondence v/ith R.T. Jj-es of the ?Torth wales uarryffien*s Union, Caernarvon.



GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 162-249 Correspondence fllca rnd general corres : ,-.,nt ences

ONE PILE including! letter, 1906, of Howell S. Williams re the importation of foreign elates; letters re the corditions of work, wages etc. at Dnvs y Coed Coppermines, and Aberllefni, Pantdreiniog (Bethesda), Blaenau Ffestlniog U.D.C.; papers re National Service 182. 1906-23 and other papers re wages, contracts for etc; with other miscellaneous papers.

ONE PILE containing: (a) cases submitted to counsel for opinion wit I counsel1 s opinion, 1905-21. (b) compensation agreements, 1910-16.

(cj agreements between manage­ ment and the North Wales 183 . Cuarrymen's Union, 1917-19­ (d) lists of incapables at Dinorwic cuarry and correspondence re the same, 1918-23.

29­ I8h. 1909-21 PILE containing:

(a) correspondence of Joseph Williams re wage3 and other union mattery 1915-21.

(b) medical reports on accident oases; (1913-18).

(c) correspondence with II. Haydon Jones, a.P.-for Merionethshire and proprietor of Abergynolwyn Quarry; (1918-20).

(d) letters re the Parlia­ mentary representation of Merionethshire and the selection of a candidate for the liberals, 1909-10.

185. ONE PILE of correspondence with Ffestiniog Quarry Ovmers, 1909-1918 and 1919-1922.

186. 1909-20 ONE FILE of slate price lists and comparisons of slate prices.

187. 1910-33 REPORT on compensation cases.

188. 1910-15 FILE containing: (a) correspondence of the North Wales ruarrymen's Union re educational 188*(continued ...) matters re the promotion of higher education among the working classes;

(b) reports, correspondence etc. re unemployment, 1914-15­ (o) correspondence with the Cabinet Advisory Committee M.?. 's etc. * * (d) correspondence with labour exchanges; the enemployed and others re unemployment, including a list of works v.hich could be done by the unemployed in Cae marvonshi r e.

189­ ONE PILE containing: (a) correspondence re Alexandria .;uarry, 1913-14*

(b) correspondence re Entile District Slate Quarries, 1911-20;

(c) agreements with Nantlle District Quarries. 1918;

(d) list of incapables - Nantlle District, 1918-20..

19Q 1911-13 COPY CORRESPONDENCE between John Roberts, Peny^roes and R.T. Jones.

-31 191. 1912-16 CORRESPONDENCE PILE contains:

(a) correspondence of Arthur Henderson, ;:.p*, \v.A. Appleton and Mr. L.G. Chiozza Money, iUP. re information re official returns for housing starts etc., 1914*

(b) correspondence with Mr. William Owen of Ffestiniog, Mr. Greaves and Mr. C.E. Breese, 1913-14;

(c) correspondence with John Burns, M.P., President of the Board of Trade, 1914;

(d) correspondence re Alexandria, Moeltryfan and Nantlle Quarries, 1914;

(e) correspondence of Mr. Haydon"Jones, ii.P*, 1914; (f) correspondence of William Jones, M.P., 1914;

(g) correspondence of E.T. John, M.P., 1912;

(h) correspondence of D. Lloyd George, ;.!.?., 1912-16;

(i) letters from Elli s Dairies, Esq., Li.P., 1912-16; ­

(j) letters to Elli s Davies, Haydon Jones and William Jones, 1912-14.


(a) minutes of meeting of a joint commit,tee of Caernarvonshire and

32 192.(continued ...) Merioneth County Councils and the Quarryowners Association to consider the depression in the slate trade, 1915. and other papers; (b) 1914* memorandum of facts re the of North Wales;

(c) memorandum re the depres­ slon in the slate trade;

(d) lis t of rateable values of parishes of County of Caernarvon, 1916;

(e) notes on the development of Crovm Quarries. Caernarvonshire.

(f) notes re numbers employed in Quarries in the Ffestiniog district and analysis of i^en employed at Llech,vedd uarry, 1917;

(g) statistics and notes re Alexandria and Moeltryfan Quarries;

(h) other papers re the state of the slate industry.

193. 1916-17 CORRES 0NDETCE PILE - re quarrymen on War Service.

194. 1916-22 FILE containing:

(a) correspondence with Itajor Breese of the North Wales Slate Quarries, 1918-22.

-33­ 194- (continued ...) (b) correspondence with Mr, Richards, secretary of the Quarryowners Associ­ ation, 1919-22;

(c) statements and notes of R.T. Jones and the Quarry Proprietors Association;

(d) correspondence with the national Joint Industrial Council for the Quarrying Industry and other papers, 1918-20;

(e) correspondence with the Ministry of Labour, and various cuarry companies, 1916-17.*

195. 1916-20 ONE PILE of correspondence and agreements with the Penrhyn Cuarry Mangement, re wages 'penmis* etc..

195. 1916 LIST of objectors to the Politica l levy.

197. 1917-18 ONE PILE OF AGREEMENTS with tjuarryowners of the Ffestiniog District .

198. 1917-20 ONE FILE COS TESPQITDEITCE with Mr. Hobson of Penrhyn Quarries.

34­ 199. 1918 ONE PILE: (a) file re slate quarrying and essential industries;

(b) compensation cases at \ Dinorwic Quarry, 1910-19, and.Upper Glynrhonwy and other quarries, 1910-16.

200. 1918 MINUTES OP PROCEEDINGS before the Committee on Production re the Quarry Industry.

201. 1918 REPORT OP CONFERENCES between the North Wales Slate Quarry Proprietors and the North Wales Quarrymenfs Union re increase in wages.

202. 1918-19 ONE PILE re reconstruction in the slate industry includes file 1918-19 re the quarrying industry. Papers of the National Joint Council for the quarrying industry and other papers.

203. 1918 REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE of Rev. R.E. Davies re industrial relations, etc..

204. 1918-21 CORRESPONDENCE re Corris Aberllefsnni and Abergynolwyn and other quarries in Merionethshire.

35­ 1 205* ONE PILE includes:

(a) correspondence, agreements, etc. with Penrhyn Quarries re . working hours, wages, re-nabilitation after war, unemployment etc., 1919-22.

(b) list of ineapables at Penrhyn Quarry;

(c) correspondence re incapableo and re new schemes of working quarry.

206. 1919-20 ONE PILE containing:

(a) lists of incapables at Cefn Lu Quarry and Glyn Uchaf Quarry and corres­ pondence re the employment of these people;

(b) correspondence re Tanybryn Macadam Quarry, Dolwydd­ elan cuarry, Upper Glyn­ rhonwy Quarry and Rhyd Mu Quarry re wages, etc..

207. 1919 ONE PILE APPLICATIONS for a post as Union organiser.

208. 1919-20 ONE PILE re pension account of the North Wales Quarrymen*s Union and outline of scheme.

-36­ 209* 1919-21 ONE PILE containing:

(a) price lists of slate, 1919-21 j (b) prospectus of the Premier Glynrhonwy Slate Quarry, 1919*

210 . 1920-23 ONE PILE re unemployment.

211. 1920-23 ONE PILE correspondence with Dinorwic Quarry.

212. 1920-28 ONE PILE of miscellaneous correspondence re pensions, letting agreements, etc.; also copy of 'The Mining world' 1928, 1?th March.

213. 1920-26 ONE FILE re the output of the slate quarries at Penrhyn, Linorwic, the Nantlle District and the Pfestiniog District.

214. 1920-21 ONE PILE re the 1920 Unemploy­ ment Act.

215. 1921-22 ONE PILE of correspondence re Pfestiniog District quarries, agreements re wages conclli­ ation, etc..

37­ 216 . 1921-36 OUR PILE of correspondence re Penrhyn Quarries.

217. 1921-22 ORE PILE re unemployment insurance.

218­ 1922-25 ONE PILE OP CIRCULARS from the Transport and General Workers' Union (Forth wales Quarrymen's branch). -

219­ 1922-24 ONE PILE re the Quarrying Industrial Council re safety, working hours, The Hours of Labour Enquiry; includes the report on eilicosis amongst cuarrynen 1922 by the National Joint Industrial Council for the Quarrying Industry.

1923 OBSERVATION of the ruarry­ men's Union on the study of the slate industry of North V/ales by the Joint Research Department of the Trade Union Congress and Labour Party.

221. 1923-31 ONE PILE ­ correspondence with the Ffestlniog District Quarry­ owners.

222. 1923-28 CORRESP.FDENCE and notes, wages list s etc. re Dinorwio Quarry. -38­ 223. 1923 LETTER from R.T. Jones to A.H. Greenwood, II.P. of the research department of the Trade Union Congress and Labour Party as icing him to undertake a survey of slate mines and quarries in Caernarvonshire and Merioneth­ shire ­ with copy reply agreeing to do so.

i 224­ 1923-27 ONE PILE re the National Trade Union Defence Committee and Trade Union and Labour Party matters

! 225. 1923 June PAMPHLET: The Slate Cuarry­ ing Industry of North Wales ­ a study prepared for the North Wales Quarrymen^ Union by the Joint Research Depart­ ment of the Trade Union Congress and the Labour Party.

226. 1923 STUDY on "The Slate Ouarries of North Wales" prepared for the Quarrymen'8 union by the Joint Research Council of the Trade Union Congress and the Labour party.

227. 1923 ONE PILE ­ correspondence re the proposal to roof a military camp at Cattericic in asbestos tiles. The North Wales Quarries urge them to change to slate.

-39­ 228* 1923 ONE PILE re overtime - trade board provisions.

229. 1924-32 ONE PILE OP CIRCULARS of the Transport and General Worker1 s Union. (North Wales Quarrymen, s branch).

230. 1924-26 ONE PILE of correspondence re Port Dinorwic and Port Penrhyn.

231. 1924-30 ONE PILE of correspondence with various quarries.

232. 1924-30 CORRESSPDNDENCE of-area office with Central Office re staff and salaries etc..

233. 1924-28 ONE PILE OP CORRESPOT T)ENCE re Premier Glynrhonwy and Cefn Du Quarries.

234. 1925 ONE PILE re royalties in North Wales.

235. 1925-26 ONE PILE re the miners1 crisis andthe North Wales Miners1 wives and children fund.

-40­ 236. 1926-27 ONE PILE containing: Liner's levy. etc..

237. 1928-30 ONE PILE re Penrhyn Quarry.

238. 1928-30 ONE PILE of correspondence re Dolv/yddelan Quarry re dismissal of a worker at the Votty and Bowydd Quarry.

239. 1928 ONE PILE re the case of R. Owen, Penrallt Form, Rhosgadfan, Llanwhda.

240. 1929-34 ONE PILE correspondenc ewith Maenofferen Quarry.

241. 1930-38 CORRESPONDENCE re Penyrorsedd Quarry.

242­ 1930-39 ONE PILE correspondence with Dorothea Slate Quarry Co., etc. includes unemployment benefit register, 1930. and details of an agreement re ^dimis'.

41­ 243­ 1930 29 Dec. LETTER to Daniel Evans, Grove Chamber's,Caernarvon, outlining the new agreement with the Forth Wales Quarries Association re wages, etc..

244. 1931-33 ONE PILE re the Pfestlniog District Quarries, notes on wages and correspondence with Joseph Williams of the Quarry- Union Office, Dlaenau Pfestiniog.

245. 1932-34 ONE FILE of agreements with Quarryowners re wages, conditions of work: etc..

246. 1934 ONE PILE re Labour Day, 1935 and the Quarrymen's Union; also list of funeral benefits paid, 1933-34­

247. ?1936 REPORT on internal audit of Caernarvonshire County Council.

248. 1936 FILE of correspondence re wage rates at Dorothea, Penyrorsedd and Crown Quarries.

-42. 249. 1953-55 ONE PILE of death certificates, mainly of people who died from industrial diseases and disease of the lungs and heart.

43­ BRANCH CORRESPONDENCE 250 Branch correspondence;

250. 1892-95 COREESPOITDENCE of the Dinorwic Quarry Management and the Dinorwic branch of the Union. UNION SOLICITORS 251-252 Union solicitors:

251. 1900-21 SOLICITORS REPORTS, ACCOUNTS, advice and correspondence. (1900-1907, 1908-1910, 1911-1914, 1915-1918, 1919-1921)

252. 1923-29 SOLICITORS CORRESPONDENCE, half yearly reports and accounts

-45­ GENERAL UNION PAPERS 253-268 General Union papers:

253. 1908 LIST OP QUARRIES giving name of agent, name of owner, number of workmen employed inside and outside, hours of working, description of the system of working the quarry and a resume of agreements with each individual quarry re wages, working conditions, etc.­

254. 1879-81 ONE PILE OP BONDS for payments to be made to the trustees of the North Wales Quarrymen's Union.

255. 1882-1915 NEWSPAPER CUTTING BOCK and scrap book of Mr. R. T. Jones re Union and ouarry matters, political matters, activities of R.T. Jones etc includes many items pasted-in, election address of R.T. Jones, etc..

256. 1913-23 NEWSPAPER CUTTING BOOK re Union activities, activities of R.T. Jones, etc. with programmes and other Items pasted into a rough minute book re some quarry tribunal.

257. 1922-38 ONE PILE re the amalgamation scheme between the North Wales Qunrrynen'8 Union and the Tra?isport and General Workers' Union.

-46­ 258. 1923 LIST of National Officers of the Transport and General Workers' Union; and corres­ ponaence and minutes of a meeting re officers1 salaries.

259. 1923-29 ONE PILE OP REPORTS of W.H. Bennett of the Transport and General Workers * Union, North Wales area to R.T. Jones.

260. 1924-26 ONE PILE OP REPORTS to R.T. Jones, Area secretary by J.W. Williams of the North wales craftsmen, enginemen, boiler­ men, motor men, and general workers groups of the Transport and General Workers' Union.

261. 1924-30 ONE PILE OP REPORTS of W.H. Bennett of the Transport and General Workers' Union, North Wales Area, to R.T. Williams.

262. 1927 0"E PILE re the agreement between the North Wales Quarry­ men' 8 Union and the Transport and General Workers' Union, re association.

263. n.d. RULFS of tho Forth Wales Quarry-men's Union. (English and Welsh versions).

-47­ 26k. RHEOLAU Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru.

265. n.d. CRYNHODEB CYaSEIG o Rheolau Y Transport and General Workers* Union.

266. n.d. UNUSED FORMS of the Transport and General Workers' Union. (Quarrying Section).

267. BLANK FORKS for notification of the Trade Union Congress on the termination of a strike or lockout.

268. PHOTOGRAPH. Presidents of the North wales Quarrymen's Union, 1508-29. PRINTED MATERIAL 269-276 Printed material;

269­ BOOKLET: "Undeb y Chwarelwyr 1908-29" gan Owen Parry.

270. PAMPHLET: The Slate Quarrying Industry - suggested scheme to meet the Unemployment Act, 1920.

271' 1925 PAMPHLET: "Hurmgofiant Rybelwr" ^an Hugh Loyd (Dyfrdwy) Blaenuu Ffestiniog.

272. 1926 5-17 May ONE PILE ^f the British Worker - the Official strike News Bulletin, enclosed with it is a declaration by the Trade Union Congress that its interests are not political or consitutional but purely to secure a decent standard of life for the miners.

274. 1939 KEP-JHT to the Ministry of Health of a Committee of Inquiry into the anti­ tuberculosis service in Wales and ionmouthshire.

275. PAMPHLET: "Llafur a f r bobl ­ am linelliad o bolisi*r Blaid Llafur 276- 1951 PAMPKLKT: "Sosialaeth Bur" gan Hywel D. Lewis yng ngwyl Lafur Undeb y Chwarelwyr ym Ulaenau Ffestiniog.

-50­ PENRHYN STRIKE 277-288 papers re Penrhyn Strike:

277. 1896-97 CASH BOOK Bethesda relief fund cash book.

278. 1896 NEWSPAPER CUTTING BOOK on the dispute with Lord Penrhyn (including many loose cuttings and other papers). Includes pamphlet printed by the North Wales -.uarrymen's Union "The struggle for the right of combination, 1896-97". Printed correspndence of Lord Penrhyn and his workers; aadress by Thomas Edwards of Talybont to his fellow workers at Penrhyn ruarry.

279. 1896 "HELYNT Chv/arel y Penrhyn": correspondence of the Quarry­ workers of Cnebraichycafn and Lord Penrhyn and the Qua*ry officials.

280. 1900-04 STATEMENT OP ACCOUNT: Penrhyn Relief Fund.

281. 1901 June-Get. CASH BOOK: contributions to the Penrhyn dispute from the Quarrymen/s Union and otlur Unions.

51­ 282. 1901-03 LEDGER: contributions towards the Penrhyn dispute.

283. 1901-03 CASH BOOK: contributions towards the Penrhyn dispute.

284- 1902-03 CASH BOOK: contributions to the Penrhyn Quarrymen*s fund.

285. 1902 PRINTED CORRESPONDENCE re the Penrhyn strike submitted to Caernarvonshire County Council by D.P. Viiiliams and E. wood after they failed to achieve a settlement between the quarrymen and Lord Penrhyn.

286. SONG SHEET "Punt y Cynffon" issued during the Penrhyn Quarry dispute.

287. 1903 March PUBLISHED CORRESP NDENCE of Sir Edward Clarke1 s negotiations in the Penrhyn Quarry dispute.

288. 1904 PAMPHLET: "The Penrhyn ruarry Dispute 1900-03 - a summary of events with list of contri­ butions from Trade and Labour Councils, Trade socieities and other sources and general balance sheet, 1904 .

-52­ CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER STRIKES 289 Contributions to other strikes:

289. 1898-1900 CAST BOOK: contributions towards the South Wales Mners' Relief Fund.

-53­ QUARRY RECORDS 290-295 Quarry Company records:

290. 1938-43 EXTRACTS from the annual returns and the Directors' reports of Oakeley Slate Quarry Co., 1938-42 endorsed: "Private: not to be made available R.G.o. 30/9/60".

291. 1938-44 EXTRACTS from the annual returns and Directors' reports of Maen Offcren Slate Quarry Co., 1938-44 endorsed "Private: not to be made avail­ able R.G.O. 30/9/60".

292. REPORTS AND BALANCE 3HF.ETS Of Dorothea Ouarry, 1909-12, 1914, 1919-24, 1926-33; reports and balance sheets of Votty and Pov/yud Quarries, 1910-12, 1914, 1919, 1921, 1923-31; reports and balance sheets of the Amalgamated Slate Associ­ ation Ltd., 1909, 1911, 1912, 1914, 1919-30, and corres­ pondence re same; balance sheets of Glynrhonv/y Quarry, Llanberis, 1910-12, 1917; reports and balance sheets of Maenofferen uarry, Ffestiniog, 1909-14, 1919 -28, 1930, 1933-34; reports and balance sheets of , Ffeet niog, 1909- 14, 1919-24, 192 5-31; correspondence re balance­ sheets and various companies, 1910- 49.

-54­ 293* n.d. WAGES BOOK, (gives name of worker, class, Gallery, cost of journeymen, total monthly tonnage, value of made, days worked, number of partners, wages etc.; at Einorwic Quarry; Branch official1 s cash book s - Dinorwic Quarries, giving details of poundage and tonnage at the Quarry before Merging bonuses July 1920 and after merging bonuses Jan. 1921 and 1921.

One file re the employment of incapables at Dinorwic Quarry. (1919-22).

Correspondence file re Dinorwic Quarry, 1912-15, 1918-19.

One file of notes of R.T. Jones and others re Dinorwic and Penrhyn 1920-21.. Lists of workmen etc. re working conditions etc..

291*. 1924 WAGES LIST ­ Penrhyn Quarry.

295. 1924 WAGES LIST ­ Dinorwic Quarry.

55­ t


V 296-297 Dinesydd Publishing Co.

296 1925 29 June ARTICLES of Association of Dinesydd Publishing Co..

297. 1925-29 CORRESi ONDENCE ACCOUNTS etc. re Dinesydd Publishing Co., Ltd..

56­ Hp

OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES 298-299 Minutes of Caernarvon Labour — C o d f t o l l 8 —

298. 1912-27 MINUTE BOOK of Caernarvon Labour Council including material pasted-in ­ election addresses etc..

299. 1918-19 ONE PILE re Caernarvonshire Trades and Labour Council and the formation of a County Labour party as a Trade Union party. 30C-302 Minutes etc. of Gv/yrfal Local Tribunal:

300. 1916 MITTGTE BOOK of Gwyrfai Local Tribunal £War Service/ (1).

301. 1916 ROUGH MINUTE BOOS of Gwyrfai Local iribuanl Avar Service/ (2). - J

302. /T9lg7 INDEX to Gwyrfai Local Tribunal cases, (gives name address, date reference to minute book and decision;.


-58­ 303-505 papers re Caernarvon Labour Party:

303. 1924 MEMORANDA BOOK of Caernarvon Labour Party.

304 . n.d. MSMORAtTDA BOOK of Caernarvon (o.1924) Labour Party.

305. 1924-28 MEMORANDA BOOK of Caernarvon Labour Party.

-59­ 3OS-3O8 Papersjee parliamentary ' candiaature of ?..T. Jones;

306. 1915-18 LETTER BOOK re R.T. Jones1 s Parliamentary candiature.

307. 1918-22 LETTER BOOK of David Thomas and R.E . Davics, election agent and R.T. re his parliamentary candidature.

308. 1922 om PILE re the 1S22 General Election re Mr. R.T. Jones's candidature.

60­ MISCELLANEOUS 309 Miscellaneous;

309. 1932 BUILD 1T7Q and electrical trades directory.

-61­ Additional Deposit/April 1980.

310. 1884 July 5 MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE of John Parry Jones of Powell, Dakota as a member of the Bankers Association of Minnesota. OCT 1936



Catalogue Mark : M/1379

CAERNARVONSHIRE RECORD OFFICE 1970 Papers of the Dinorwic Branch of the Transport and General Workers Union (formerly the North Wales Quarrymen's Union), deposited by Mr. Alun Roberts, Llanberis.

Catalogue Mark: M/1379

Caernarvonshire Record Office 1970 1. 1877 7 Mawrth 'Y Chwarelwr'.

2. 1922 PRINTED LETTERS re proposal for the amalgamation of North Wales Quarryme^s Union with the Transport and General Workers Union, with the terms and conditions of the amalgamation to he submitted to their memberso

1938 TABLE OF STATISTICS of the declining 1956 subscriptions to the Quarryme^s Union,

1947 REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET : Cymdeithas Cronfa Ysbytai Chwarelau Dinorwic a*r Cylch. j

5. 1951 7 Mai ANERCHIAD a draddodWyd i Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru gan yr Athro Hywel D. Lewis MoA., B,Litt., yng Ngwyl Lafur Undeb y Chwarelwyr ym Mlaenau Festiniog.

6. 1951 7 Mai PROGRAMME : Rali yn y Paf iliwn - Mudiad y diwaith Dyffryn Nan tile a'r Cylch.

7. 1950 23 Mai PROGRAMME : Gwasanaeth Coffa am fechgyn caban * steam mills' a aberthasant eu bywydau 1939-45*

8, 1950 26 May NEWSPAPER CUTTING re unveiling of the war memorial at Dinorwic Quarry (Caernarvon & Denbigh Herald).

9. 1952 11 February CIRCULAR LETTER to members and table of quarry workers wages.

10. 1952 VERSES titled *Y Ncdyn Bach1 by T. H. Jones of Bethel written on the occasion of the first redundancies at Dinorwic Quarries, in 1952. . .

11. 1953 REPORT . AND BALANCE SHEET for North Wales Quarrymen*s Union,

12. 1956 11 Mawrth APPLICATION by Alun Roberts for the post of General Secretary to the Quarryme^s Union. 13* 1956 REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET for North Wales Quarrynie^s Union. ' '

14* 1957 2 Mawrth MINUTES : Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Cyngor Gweithiol, with a circular to members attached (1957, 16" Mawrth) re programme for future meeting.

15* 1957 23 Mawrth MINUTES : Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Cyngor Gweithiol.

16. 1957 27 Ebrill MINUTES J Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Cyngor


17. 1957 4 Mai RHAGLEN : Y Gynhadledd Flynyddol.

18. 1957 4 Mai RHAGLEN : Y Gynhadledd Flynyddol.

19. 1957 1 Mehefin MINUTES : Ccifriodion Cyngor Gweithiol.

20. 1957 26 Hydref MINUTES : Cofnodion o'r Pwyllgor Gweithia

21. 1957 23 Tachwedd MINUTES : Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol. 22. 1957 16 Rhagfyr CIK5ULAR LETTER to Union members (2


23. 1957 1 "bundle containing :

1957 14 Medi Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol. ­ ; I 1957 6 Gorffennaf Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor


1957 1 Mehefin Cofnodion Cyngor Gweitiiiol.

1957 27 Ebrill Cofnodion Cyfarfod o*r Cyngor . .


24. 1957 1 bundle containing :

1957 11 March Minutes of a special meeting held at the Harbour Office, Caernarvon. * 1957 29 Aug Letter : Michael Jordan, Labour Party

research assistant to Mr0 Alun Roberts Llahberis, a reply to his enquiry on the prices of roofing slates. 1957 6 Gorffennaf Oofnodion cyfarfod o*r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

25. 1957 ­ 1 bundle containing : 1958

1957 26 Hydref Cofnodion o*r Cyfarfod Cyffredinol.

1957 23 Tachwedd Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

1957 21 Ehagfyr Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

1958 1 Chwefror Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

1958 8 Mawrth Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

1958 22 Hawrth Notes re the Industrial Disputes


1958 21 Ebril l Notes re committee meeting.

26. 1957 NOTICE re strike benefit. 27o 1957 VERSES titled *T Parchnad Lechi1 by T. H. Jones of Bethel, composed during the depression in 1957.

28. 1957 REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET : North Yfeles Quarrymen*s Union.

29. 1957 CIRCULAR re holidays with pay and the insurance position etc. with a table of conditions for workers i n different industries attached.

30* 1957 ' ANERCHIADAU : Ethol Tsgrifennydd Cvffredinol. (T. & G. W. U.).

31. 1958 28 Ebrill ' CIRCULAR LETTER with list of wage rates for the quarry workers.

52. 1958 19 Awst MINUTES : Cofnodion Cyfarfod o*r Cyngor Gwedthiol.

33. 1958 16 Hydref NEWSPAPER CUTTING "Bargen unochrog yw i un undeb mawr Lyncu'r Llall " ('Y Cymro'). \

34. 1958 8 Tachwedd MINUTES : Cofnodion cyfarfod o*r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

35. 1958 13 November MEMORANDUM of the decision of the Independent Chairman in the matter of a dispute between the North Wales Quarryme^s Union and the Penrhyn and Dinorwio Companies.

36. 1958 26 November NEWSPAPER CUTTING : Appeal, by the purchaser of a disused lifeboat house at Penrhyn Du headland Bwlchtocyn, against the planning authority's requirement that he use slate for roofing ('Daily Post')*

37. 1958 29 Taohwedd MINUTES : Cofnodion cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol (including the results of a ballot on going to arbitration).

38. 1958 REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET North Wales Quarrymen,s Union (2 copies).

39. 1959 February BLANK FORM - claim for dispute benefit.

40. 1959 4-7 NOTES on Union committee meetings to February discuss the question of weekly subsistence.

41. 1959 16 Chwefror NEWSPAPER CDTTING re strike at the Quarry ( 'Herald Cymraeg').

42* 1959 11 March NOTES on committee meeting at Llanrug.

43. 1959 14 Mawrth Amodau a thelerau a gynigwyd i ystyriaeth i ymuno yn llawn fel Adran Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru a'r Transport and General Workers Union.

44. 1959 18 Ebrill MINUTES : Cofnodion Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

45. 1959 18 Ebrill MINUTES : Cofnodion Pwyllgor Gweithiol, with letter attached (1959, 15 Gorff.)

46. 1959 May NEWSPAPER CUTTING re the future of the Quarry Industry (Liverpool Echo1 ).

47. 1959 26 Medi MINUTES : Cofnodion Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

48. 1959 18 Gorffennaf MINUTES : Cofnodion Pwyllgar Gweithiol. c

49. 1959 14 December CIRCULAR LETTER : Aneurin Owen to members of the North Y/ales Quarrymen*s Union re the proposed transfer of engagernext s to the Transport and General Workers Union with a form of consent attached.

50o 1959 December COPY DEED OP TRANSFER of engagements from the North Wales Quarrymen's Union to the Transport and General Workers Union.

51. 1959 ­ REPORT AND BALANCE SHEET, North Wales 1960 Quarryme^s Union. ' .

52. 1960 26 January NEWSPAPER CUTTING "North Wales Quarry Union merge with T, G. W. U." also includes a note on a new fall of rock at Dinorwic ('Daily Post').

53. 1960 3 March CIRCULAR LETTER re unemployment benefit.

54* 1960 18 May LETTER : Regional Secretary of the T. & G. W. U. (North Wales) re a sales campaign to promote the use of North

Wales Slates, with copies of replies e & from the various local councils approach/

55. 1960 21 Mai PROGRAMME : 1 Y Gynhadleddwyl Llafur 1 .

560 1968 19 July LETTER : District Secretary of the T. & G. W. U. re the decision of the arbitration board on wage rates.

57, ? 5 Chwefror MINUTES : Cofnodion Pwyllgor Gweithiol (2 copies). -i 58, ? 24 March NOTES on a committee meeting at Llanrug.

59. ? 21 Rhagfyr MINUTES : Cofnodion Cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Gweithiol.

60. N.D. WORK BOOK i A record of the work done at the quarries - referred to in any dispute (blank),

61 o N.D* NOTICE re Conditions of Entitlement to the Statutory and other public holidays with pay.

62. N.D. * NOTICE to Union Members re accident and sickness benefit. I 6% N,D. HULES : North "Wales Quarrymen^ Union.

64. N.D. EHEOLAU : Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru.

65. N.D. EEiEOLAU : Undeb Chwarelisyr Gogledd Cyraruo

66. N.D. HiEOLAU : Transport and General Workers



68. N.D. ADVERTISING BOOKLET for Dinorwic Slates.