Sustainability Report 2020 Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020

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Sustainability Report 2020 Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020 PT Astra International Tbk Semangat Saling Bantu Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020 Sustainability Report The Spirit of Helping One Another Semangat Saling Bantu The Spirit of Helping One Another Panduan Umum: Harap diperhatikan petunjuk dalam membaca laporan ini, ‘Perseroan’ dan ‘Astra’ mengacu pada PT Astra International Tbk sebagai perusahaan induk. ‘Grup’ dan ‘Grup Astra’ mengacu pada PT Astra International Tbk, anak perusahaan dan perusahaan afiliasi. Laba bersih mengacu pada laba yang diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk. General Use of Terms: For guidance when reading this report, please note the term ‘the Company’ and ‘Astra’ refer to PT Astra International Tbk as the parent company. ‘Group’ and ‘Astra Group’ refer to PT Astra International Tbk, subsidiaries and affiliates. Net income refers to profit attributable to owners of the parent. Sangkalan: Beberapa foto dalam laporan ini diambil sebelum masa pandemi. Untuk foto yang diambil di masa pandemi, dilakukan dengan protokol kesehatan. Disclaimer: Some of the pictures in this report were taken before the pandemic. Photos taken during the pandemic was done following the health protocols. The Spirit of Helping One Another 1 Introduction Portfolio Roadmap People Roadmap Public Contribution Roadmap Supporting Data & Information Pada saat pandemi melanda seluruh dunia dan membawa tantangan berat bagi kita, semangat gotong royong dan kekeluargaan menjadi yang terdepan dalam menghadapinya. Astra bahu-membahu bersama pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam melakukan pencegahan dan pengendalian COVID-19 di Indonesia baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung, tidak hanya di tempat kerja tetapi juga di rumah dan di tengah-tengah komunitas. Tujuan kami tidaklah berubah, yakni menjadi kebanggaan bangsa dengan menjalankan strategi Astra Triple-P Roadmap yaitu: Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap dan Public Contribution Roadmap, sebagai strategi jangka panjang Astra 2021-2030 sesuai dengan kondisi terkini dan aspirasi kami pada dekade mendatang. Dengan doa dan upaya, kita akan bersama-sama memulihkan negeri dan mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan. When the pandemic hit the entire world and brought along the tough challenges for us, the spirit of teamwork and kinship served at the forefront in facing those challenges. Astra works hand in hand with the government and the community to prevent and control COVID-19 transmission in Indonesia, both directly and indirectly, not only at workplace but also at home and throughout the community. Our goal has not changed, to be the pride of the nation. Through implementation of the Triple-P Roadmap strategy, namely: Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap and Public Contribution Roadmap, as Astra’s long-term strategy for 2021-2030 adjusted to current conditions and our aspirations for the next decade. With prayers and efforts, we will work together to restore the nation and achieve sustainable growth. ASTRA • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020 Sustainability Report 2 Semangat Saling Bantu Daftar Isi Contents Halaman | Page Halaman | Page Halaman | Page 1 24 50 Pembuka Tentang Astra Portfolio Roadmap Introduction About Astra Portfolio Roadmap 4 Tentang Laporan Keberlanjutan 26 Perusahaan yang Bermanfaat bagi 53 Kinerja Bisnis Grup Astra 2020 Astra Bangsa Astra Group Business Performance in About Astra Sustainability Report To be an Asset to the Nation 2020 4 Profil Laporan 27 Catur Dharma, Visi & Misi 55 Grup Astra dan Pembangunan Profile of Report Our Philosophy, Vision & Mission Astra Group and Development 6 Prinsip Pelaporan 28 Profil Perusahaan 57 Produk Ramah Lingkungan Reporting Principles Corporate Profile Environmentally Friendly Products 8 Ikhtisar Kinerja Keberlanjutan 30 Produk dan Jasa/Lini Bisnis 57 Produk dan Layanan Terbaik bagi Sustainability Performance Highlights Products and Services/Business Lines Pelanggan 12 Sebaran Program Kontribusi Sosial 32 Struktur Organisasi Best Product and Service for Distribution of Social Contribution Organizational Structure Customers Program 34 Strategi Triple-P Roadmap 59 Penanganan Keluhan Pelanggan 14 Sambutan Dewan Komisaris Strategic Triple-P Roadmap Customer Service Management Board of Commissioners Message 36 Kontribusi dalam Tujuan 18 Sambutan Direksi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Board of Directors Message Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals 38 Tata Kelola Keberlanjutan Sustainability Governance 44 Penghargaan dan Sertifikasi Awards and Certifications 46 Peristiwa Penting 2020 2020 Event Highlights ASTRA • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020 Sustainability Report The Spirit of Helping One Another 3 Introduction Portfolio Roadmap People Roadmap Public Contribution Roadmap Supporting Data & Information Halaman | Page Halaman | Page Halaman | Page 60 76 138 People Public Contribution Lampiran Roadmap Roadmap Appendix People Roadmap Public Contribution Roadmap 64 Inisiatif Strategis SDM 78 Pengantar dari Chief of Corporate 138 Indeks 51/POJK.03/2017 HR Strategic Initiatives Affairs 51/POJK.03/2017 Index 65 Implementasi Strategi Introduction from Chief of 143 Indeks Standar GRI “INTI” Strategy Implementation Corporate Affairs GRI Content Index - Core 66 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia 86 Program Unggulan Kontribusi 149 Lembar Umpan Balik HR Management Sosial Berkelanjutan Astra Feedback Form Astra Sustainable Social 66 Rekrutmen Contribution Flagship Programs Recruitment 86 Kampung Berseri Astra dan 67 Pengembangan Kepemimpinan Desa Sejahtera Astra Leadership Development Kampung Berseri Astra dan 69 Sistem Karier Desa Sejahtera Astra Career Ladder 92 SATU Indonesia Awards 69 Suksesi SATU Indonesia Awards Succession 99 Sistem Manajemen Astra 70 Internalisasi Budaya Perusahaan Astra System of Management Corporate Culture Internalization 99 Astra Green Company 70 Hubungan Industrial Astra Green Company Industrial Relations 100 Astra Friendly Company (AFC) 71 Menghargai Individu dan Membina Astra Friendly Company (AFC) Kerja Sama 101 4 Pilar Kontribusi Sosial Respecting Individuals and Building Berkelanjutan Astra Teamwork 4 Pillars of Astra Sustainable Social 71 Kesejahteraan Karyawan Contribution Employee Welfare 102 Astra Untuk Indonesia Sehat 72 Keseimbangan Kehidupan Kerja Astra Untuk Indonesia Sehat Work Life Balance 111 Astra Untuk Indonesia Cerdas 73 Program Pensiun Astra Untuk Indonesia Cerdas Retirement Benefits 113 Astra Untuk Indonesia Hijau Astra Untuk Indonesia Hijau 121 Astra Untuk Indonesia Kreatif Astra Untuk Indonesia Kreatif 130 Pencapaian Yayasan-Yayasan Astra pada Tahun 2020 Achievements of Astra Foundations in 2020 ASTRA • Laporan Keberlanjutan 2020 Sustainability Report 4 Semangat Saling Bantu Tentang Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra About Astra Sustainability Report Laporan Keberlanjutan ini memuat kinerja keberlanjutan This Sustainability Report discloses Astra’s sustainability Astra di bidang lingkungan, sosial, dan tata kelola dalam performance in the environment, social and governance menjalankan bisnis yang berkelanjutan serta kontribusi areas in operating a sustainable business as well as dalam pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable dan upaya mengatasi tantangan iklim. Development Goals and efforts to address climate challenges. Laporan ini disajikan berdasarkan strategi Astra yaitu This report is presented based on Astra’s strategy, Strategic Triple-P Roadmap yang terdiri atas Portfolio namely the Strategic Triple-P Roadmap which consists Roadmap, People Roadmap, dan Public Contribution of Portfolio Roadmap, People Roadmap, and Public Roadmap. Dalam laporan keberlanjutan 2020 ini, Contribution Roadmap. This 2020 sustainability report juga menyajikan komitmen, kebijakan, dan program also presents the commitments, policies and programs yang dilakukan Grup Astra dalam pencegahan dan carried out by Astra Group in the prevention and penanganan Pandemi COVID-19 yang terjadi pada handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic that occurs in 2020. tahun 2020. Profil Laporan Profile of Report Astra telah menerbitkan Laporan Keberlanjutan Astra has published Sustainability Report since 2002. sejak tahun 2002. Laporan Keberlanjutan disusun Sustainability Report is prepared and published on an annual dan dipublikasikan setahun sekali. Laporan terakhir basis. The Latest report was published in April 2020 accessible terbit pada April 2020 yang dapat diakses di laman on the website, and set web, dan memuat forth the information on Astra’s sustainability policies and informasi kebijakan serta kinerja keberlanjutan Astra performance for the period of January 1 to December 31, untuk periode 1 Januari hingga 31 Desember 2020. 2020. Laporan ini memuat data dan informasi yang This report sets forth data and information guided berpedoman kepada referensi Standar Pelaporan by the references to the Sustainability Reporting Keberlanjutan dari Global Reporting Initiatives Standard Standards from Global Reporting Initiatives Standards 101 (Standar GRI 101) - Pilihan Inti dan Peraturan (GRI Standards) and the POJK No. 51/POJK.03/2017 - Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 51/POJK.03/2017 - Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Penerapan Keuangan Berkelanjutan Bagi Lembaga Jasa Services Institutions, Issuers, and Public Companies and Keuangan, Emiten, dan Perusahaan Publik serta Tujuan Sustainable Development Goals. Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Informasi yang terkait kinerja finansial dan tata kelola Information pertaining to financial performance and merupakan hasil konsolidasi Grup Astra.
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