Map 1 - Location of Upper Thurne in the Area and Parish Boundaries ²

River Ant

Sea Palling River Bure

River Thurne


Waxham Cut

Great River Yare Yarmouth

Hickling Civil Parish

Lowestoft River Waveney

Horsey Civil Parish

Horsey Mere

Catf ield Dyke

Hickling Broad

Catfield Civil Parish

e yk D w do ea M

Heigham Sound Somerton Civil Parish

Martham Broads West Somerton Staithe e n r u Civil Parish h T r e Winterton-on-Sea iv Candle R Civil Parish Dyke

Ludham Civil Parish Martham Civil Parish Map 2 - Pumps, Floodwalls & ² Reedswamp Margins Cut

R! Brograve Pump

Eastfield Pump R!

Horsey Mere R! Horsey Pump Stubb Mill m trea Pump d S R! dre Hun R! Pump

Hickling Broad

e yk D w do ea M R! Somerton North Pump

Heigham Sound

Heigham Holmes R! Somerton South Pump Pump R! Martham R! Broads Pump e n r u h T r Floodwall e iv R Flood Defence Line Candle Dyke Reedswamp Upper Thurne Water Space R! Potter Heigham Pump Martham Pump Roads Tracks And Paths R! Map 3 - Nature ² Conservation Designations

Brayden Marshes

Horsey Mere

Hickling Broad

Heigham Sound Heigham Holmes

Martham Broads

Area of Special Protection National Nature Reserve (NNR) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) SAC, SPA, Ramsar Upper Thurne Water Space ² Map 4a - Chara intermedia Cover - 1999

>70% 20-70% <20%

Meters 0 115 230 460

² Map 4b - Chara intermedia Cover - 2005 Plus Location of Trial Cutting Areas (2004)

>70% 20-70% <20% Trial_Cuts_2004

Meters 0 110 220 440 ² Map 5 - Winter Waterfowl Refuges

Hickling Broad and Heigham Sound refuges at Ling's Mill, Pleasure Island, Heigham Corner Horsey Mere closed to angling by boat and Duck Broad are marked using yellow from November to February inclusive, buoys. Code of Practice in operation except for limited winter permit trial. throughout November to March inclusive in all four Hickling refuges. In addition Ling's Mill refuge not in operation during the Sunday race days in November and the end of March.

Pleasure Island Bay ( Pits) Horsey Mere

Ling's Mill Bay Martham North Broad closed to all craft throughout the year. Limited angling three days a week by appointment only during October - March inclusive. Heigham Martham South Broad closed to all Corner craft throughout the year.

Martham North

Duck Broad Martham South

Waterfowl Refuges Aerial photographs by Bluesky International Ltd W Bluesky International Ltd 2004/05 Map 6 - Location of Visitor, Recreation ² and Access Facilities [!

Lambridge Mill


Waxham Cut

Brograve Mill [!


Hickling Parish Staithe k !(i! ÒÑ i!PH # !¤ i!

! Roland Green's Ö I- ! NWT ! Mill Horsey Mere ! Information Centre [! .! [! I- Catfield Horsey Parish Stubb Mill [! Drainage Mill Staithe !( PUBLIC ACCESS Hickling Broad ! Departure Point .! !\ for Water Trail [! Mill - only Horsey has public access ÒÑ Boatyard !\

i! Car Park Ling's Mill [! !¤ Hickling Broad Sailing Club Meadow Dyke

!( Parish Staithe ! Tree Tower Ö Public Toilets !\ Heigham Sound k Slipway/Potential Slipway Weavers Way West Somerton ! Swing Moorings Drainage Mill

Heigham Holmes !\ [! West Somerton Viewpoint Drainage Mill [! i! Parish I- Martham !( Staithe Visitor Information Point Broads # Windsurfing Beach .! Access Land (CROW)

Public Right of Way Martham Eel ! Parish Weaver's Way Set Staithe i! !( Alternative Route [! k High's Mill ÒÑk Broads Authority 24hr Moorings Martham Level [! Drainage Mill Private Long & Short Stay Moorings

Informal Moorings Permissive Paths Potter Heigham !( HBSC Usual Racing Area Parish Staithe !(.! Upper Thurne Water Space