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feli TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS ) <•- DEPORTED REDS of Reactionary fl| Washington—The shipping board announced that contracts for 12,000,; a 600 barrel# of fuel oil had been REPORTED TO BE Government Reported signed. Roanoke, Va.—Four delegates at large' and four alternates were in­ SUFFERING MICH Have Fled From structed for Frank. <0. Lowden by the Virginia Republican convention. Admiral Sims'.. direct testimony Reiterates Declaration Thai filled nearly 200 large printed pages Tickets,Appear Vic­ Washington — Trade-organisations Berkmaii and Goldman Be­ Bolshevism Takes Hold Of Working Classes And and it took him neatly 16 hours to exchanging -trade information were His Crilicinns Are Aimed read it His cross-examination ^ by torious in Botii-Party ^ placed in the category with trusts, lieved to be Forming Or­ subject to prosecution by .the depart­ cal* Are Reported To Hare Taken Over Direction Of members- of the committee probably -v.:- Vul ganization to Aid Them. >< At No Individual And Thai will be started Friday, after which Primaries. ment of-justice. members of his staff will be heard Affairs For Time Being; PublicPlaces lnBeHia Aii The Departraent At Whole before Secretary Daniels and officials Detroit—Mel Coogan outfought of the navy department are called, SUNDAY BASEBALL Johnny Mendelsohn in ten rounds. Moscow, March 12.—Many radicals Is To Blame. • • Philadelphia—Fred Fulton, west- who were deported from • the United Said To Be Filled With Crowds In An Ugly Honor. . ff-: ...., TO DISCUSS PLAN MAY HAVE CARRIED ern heavyweight, defeated Johnny«States on the steamship Buford have : Madden tin six rounds... been suffering privations since they TO RAISE TAXES arrived in Russia. They have failed to ••' Washington, March 18.—Approach­ 7 Other Blue Laws Appear. San Diego, Cal.—A1 Gruan won a; locate their relatives and have not yet •'V';/ •• -,(By the Associated Press) ing the conclusion of his long ar­ , has-cast off the governmental regime suddenly set up by UA Washington, March 18.—Treasury twenty-round match from Johnny secured employment. Efforts are now :•? raignment of the navy department's •Defeated; Returns Come (lUd) Mex, at Tia Juana, Mexico. being made, by Alexander Berkman reactionary elements last' Saturday morning, but adviees Indicate she is, fto|r \ 'Conduct of the war,-' Rear Admiral officials were called today to present and Emma Goldman, leaders of the facing another extreme peril in the form of a wave of radicalism. - - -.-films laid before the senate investi­ the department's view» to the house In Slowly. /.'W, : Cedar Rapids, Iowa—- Harvey deportees, to form • an organization Reports from say Dr. Wolfgang Kapp, the reactionary cihancellof,' gating committee today, thirteen spec­ ways and means, committee, on rals- Thorpe won from Sailor Friedman in which will give employment to mem­ and his adherents have either fled from the city or contemplate going.at'oncf.* ific counts in his indictment charg­ liig federal revenues to meet losses as • ..iff. bers of the party who are in distress Armed forces of the reactionary element are leaving Berlin today and 'th* ing mistakes and costly delays. a result of the decision of the su ten* rounds. and care for them pending permanent presence of , minister of defense in the Ebert cabinet who;ar- Reiterating his declaration that his preme court that stock .dividends are With returns in from 295 scattering precincts out of the 2,057 precincts in­ St Paul—Mike O'Dowd, middle­ arrangements! rived in Berlin last night; by. airplane from Stuttgart, would seem^ to. iadlcatW celticisms were ainie^ at no individ­ not taxable. weight champion, defeated Augie Headquarters of this organization that the constitutional-government intends to assume control immediately. ual; .but that "responsibility for any cluded in the state the anti-Townley General von Seecht, President Ebert's chief .of stsif, ha4 been named .com^ failures" rested upon "the navy de­ Republican and Democratic candi­ Ratner.ln ten rounds. . will be established at Petrograd with dates for national committeemen, and j a branch in Moscow and it is planned mander of government forces in Berlin. v c - partment as an organization," Admir­ Announcements by Dr. Kapp as well as official statements from the'! o$l^ al Sims said: 4 delegates to the national conventions Kenosha, Wis.—The ten round' to give all deportees from the United MOST DELEGATES of their respective parties continued bout between Ted Jamison and State* advantage of the facilities it clals of the .Ebert'government reflects the fear of a radical uprising in' Geft "If I have shown that there was lack of' conviction or clear under­ today to lead the candidates favored George (Knockout) Brown was offers. many. In fact Dr. Kapp*a announcement stated he had resigned from th* by the Nonpartisan league. stopped in' the fourth round when direction of affairs so that the country might be enabled to fight Bolshevist* standing- on the part of the navy de- Jamison claimed he was fouled. . From various cities come report* of uprisings of workers and adviees from . partmeni as to .where- its efforts TO ST. PAUL ARE . The defeat of all tWe initiated meas­ Berlin state that red forces under command of Spartacist leaders are marcii-- should be directed—if I have shown ures for the repeal of the state "blue that , the navy was hampered by a laws" *> ith the possible - exception of Atlantic City—Washington S. Val­ ing in that city.' As the Ebert troops have not as yet resumed full control lack'of preparedness, by lack of es­ that permitting Sunday baeeball is in­ entine, founder of numerous . Latin AMERICANS IN an attack by reds is feared. sential plan and by being held back dicated by the present returns. American business enterprises. and Throughout Germany. radical elements have in many places taken over MNSTRUCTCD llhandier, died. direction of affair s'at least temporarily. . ^ in the beginning—if I have demon­ . On the regular Republican ticket strated . that victory was won not be­ Ounder Olson and Miss Minnie J. Proletarian dictatorships have been set up at' Dortmund,. Germ, Halle. cause of these errors, but'in spite of -Nielson are running well in the lead ' Canton, • Ohio — Jack Britton, GERMANY ASK Ohilga, Unna and Gelsenklrchen',' according to reports, while in Leipslc work­ them, artd that such errors 'were, only Of - Those Ihstructed, Ma- with practically all of the independent world's welterweight champion,, out­ ers have driven government troops from the suburbs of the city, who. were nullified- by .a combination: of circum- Republican candidates for delegate to pointed Jack Perry' in twelve rounds! engaged lately in street fighting. In the Rhenish and Westphalian industrial stances which we would be foolhardy ' jority is to Boost the national convention running well districts it is said the workers are re4dy to follow the radical leaders. indeed to count upon in the future— ahead of their ToVnley opponents. Rio Janeiro—Eight thousand em­ ASSISTANCE Vein UnveHaMe.' then I will'feel-that I have been fully ; k ; Wood. On the Republican ticket the vote ployes of. the Leopoldina railway, justified in. submitting my letter (to in 295 precincts for national commit­ serving Rio aqd two adjoining states, Pa^is, March 18.—The situation in a number of the suburbs have Secretary Daniels)' of January 7. teeman stands Gunder Olson, 8964; walked-out, completely tying up the Declare Conditions Are Dan­ Germany is more obscure.'than ever need toward,the center of the:« "If any individual was responsible," Ole Olson, 4,716. system. ithls morning. Uttle reliable news which is being defended by volunteer Admiral Sims said; "the • tact would St. Paul, Minn., March 18.-^-Com­ On the Democratic ticket the re­ gerous and Fear They came out of that country during the troops. Lively fighting has been g*- necessarily -have to- be developed by plete ..reports from .the eighty-six turns are less complete but Perry and . Dayton, Ohio—^Harry Greb won a night but the position of the Ebert ing on in the. streets since 4 o'clock persons who knew the inn^r . work­ Minnesota Republican county conven­ the >anti-Townley .candidates are lead­ referee's decision over Tommy Rob- May be Killed. government seems \ • •$" ings of the' department during the tions " yesterday show that 52 counr ing? by a good • margin. « son in 12 rounds. stronger while the movement led by ties decided to send unlnstructed Dr. -Wolfgang Kapp has definitely war." Bine Lav Tote. Greater ^ ; 6amniM7 ,of CbHtfea. - delegations to their district conven­ ' The Hague—A royal decree, fixing collapsed. Washington, March 18.—The col­ The admiral's summary of his tions tomorrow and to the state con­ On the blue laws returns from be- the former - German emperor's resi Coblenz, March 18.—(By the Asso­ President Ebert -seems, to.'-be fac­ lapse • of the military revolution in charges follow: vention on. Friday. \ tween 270 and 800 precincts give the-dence in the province of Utrecht, was ciated Press.)—Two hundred Ameri­ ing a situation almost as difficult as Germany, in the opinion of official# That, In spite of the fact that war Twenty-seven county' delegations following results ( said in effect to 'restrict him perma. cans who have, been attending the When Spartacism first raxed in Ber­ here, has left the Ebert government had been going on:for nearly three were instructed for Wood. -Five were Athletic Com. .. .Yes 5072, No 6912- nently to Doom and Amerongen. fair at Leipsic have telegraphed and lin but it Is evident, the old govern­ with an even greater problem on It# . years, and our entrjQ lnto it had been won by Lowden majorities and two Cigarettes Tes 5185, No 6408! telephoned Major General H. T. Allen, ment does not intendi to lose Any time hands, that of controlling the work­ imminent at, least from February i, went to Johnson. Baseball Tes 8888, No 7787 commanding the' American army of ] in acting. Orders were -given for the men's movement started to checkm&e 1917, 'the vessels of .the • nary were , , The' last counties to report were Theaters Yes 5088, No 6409 occupation, urgently asking for help arrest of Dr. Kapp .and ..General von the militarists. '• * not' ready for war service when the Cook and - Clearwater. Both voted MaayBUssing. to leave. L

TSeOi^ught" " - Admiral »S& <* m b*t'«lM(.Ra«...Oraii dsicbt U,. been , Oat it t bindaigbt. |j> ss* to war A .^aartec# ;«f V:H*. nm the year m«&F' OntM jPaelfW Qlia is rmim illlls'lbikl * ¥ 'vv:V.^