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MRTD Report Vol9 No2.Pdf ICAO MRTD REPort VOLUMe 9, NuMBER 2, 2014 Editorial MRTD Programme—Aviation Security Contents and Facilitation Policy Section Editor-in-Chief: Mauricio Siciliano Tel: +1 (514) 954-8219 ext. 7068 Message from the Editor-in-Chief E-mail: [email protected] Mauricio Siciliano outlines traveller ID management topics covered in the Coordinator: Erik Slavenas 3 Tel: +1 (514) 954-8219 ext. 8242 Summer edition, including issues to consider before implementing ePassports, E-mail: [email protected] Sweden and Canada as active ICAO PKD members, Estonia-Finland’s Coordinator: Nathalie Teatin Tel: +1 (514) 954-8219 ext. 6056 innovative data sharing initiative and capacity-building activities in the E-mail: [email protected] Americas and Central America. Programme Assistant: Garleen Tomney-McGann Tel: +1 (514) 954 8219 ext. 6329 E-mail: [email protected] ePassport: Do It the Right Way! Contributor: Omer Faruk Arinc Barry J. Kefauver describes the efforts undertaken in researching, designing, Tel: +1 (514) 954 8219 ext. 6515 4 E-mail: [email protected] developing and deploying today’s generations of travel documents and the work now underway on the next generation of travel documents. Content Development KDH Communications Assistant Editor: Kathlyn Horibe Sweden Develops One of World's Most Secure ePassports Tel: +1 (514) 697-8654 Birgitta Lindblom and Stefan Danielsson describe the evolution of the Swedish E-mail: [email protected] 8 ePassport and how connecting to the ICAO PKD has made it even more secure. Production and Design Bang Marketing Stéphanie Kennan Maximizing Canada's ePassport Tel: +1 (514) 849-2264 Justin Ikura describes Canada’s experience with the ICAO PKD and its plans E-mail: [email protected] 10 to ensure ePassport is both widely accepted and trusted. Web Site: Advertising Central America: Enchancing Traveller Identification Management Caroline Casabon, Advertising Representative Tel: +1 (514) 954-8219, ext. 6466 14 and Border Controls Fax: +1 (514) 954 6769 Review of gap assessments held in Costa Rica and Honduras. E-mail: [email protected] Submissions The MRTD Report encourages submissions from interested 16 MRTD and Border Control News individuals, organizations and States wishing to share updates, perspectives or analysis related to global civil aviation. For further information on submission deadlines Turkish Foreign Ministry's Electronic Visa Application System and planned issue topics for future editions of the The Electronic Visa Application System (EVAS) issued approximately one MRTD Report, please contact Mauricio Siciliano, 19 Editor-in-Chief, at: [email protected]. million e-Visas in its first year of operation, explains Yasin Temizkan. Currently, citizens of 98 countries can obtain an e-Visa over the Internet within minutes. Opinions expressed in signed articles or in advertisements appearing in the ICAO MRTD Report represent the author’s or advertiser’s opinion and do not necessarily reflect ICAO and OAS/CICTE Project in Americas Successfully Implemented the views of ICAO. The mention of specific companies or products in articles or advertisements does not imply that Review of capacity-building project in travel document security and they are endorsed or recommended by ICAO in preference 24 identification management in Chile, Peru, Paraguay and the Unites States. to others of a similar nature which are not mentioned or advertised. Making Identification Management More Secure: Estonia-Finland Data The publishers extend their thanks to the companies, Sharing Initiative organizations and photographers who graciously supplied 28 photographs for this issue. Helar Lasik explains that when Estonia and Finland signed a cooperation memorandum to give Finnish authorities access to the Estonian X-Road source Published by code, the world's first international agreement digitally signed by ID cards International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 999 University Street took cooperation in information and communication technology between the Montréal, Québec two countries to a new level. Canada H3C 5H7 The objective of the ICAO MRTD Report is to provide a comprehensive account of new developments, trends, innovations and applications in the field of MRTDs to the ICAO Member States and the international aeronautical and security communities. Copyright © 2014 International Civil Aviation Organization Printed by ICAO XXXXX Ms. A. Moores Australia Ms. G.M.Keijzer-Baldé Netherlands Ms. H. Richardson Canada Mr. D. Philp New Zealand Ms. M. Cabello Chile Mr. J. Wariya Nigeria Mr. M. Vacek Czech Republic Mr. W. Xiaobo People's Republic of China Ms. P. Moutafian France Vacant Portugal Mr. O. Götz Germany Vacant Russian Federation Mr. R. Swaminathan India Mr. Lars Bjöhle Sweden Mr. J. Nugent Ireland Mr. R. Vanek Switzerland Mr. Y. Ando Japan Mr. A. Brown United Kingdom Mr. M. Holly United States Organization of American States (OAS) - Inter-American Committee on Terrorism (CICTE) XXXXX MessAge fROM The editor-In-ChIef WelCOMe to MRTD Report’s suMMeR Issue! This issue continues to reflect the diversity of topics and This issue also shares some important lessons learned by ICAO challenges in holistic traveller identification management. Member States on separate holistic identification management priorities. The innovative Estonia-Finland data sharing initiative, The ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (ICAO TRIP) Strategy, intended to make identification management more effective and adopted by the ICAO Assembly in 2013, has been gaining further secure, is a good example of how new technologies, trust and solid momentum. The adoption of the Strategy has provided a framework partnerships can be effectively leveraged to enhance inter-agency for achieving the maximum facilitation and security benefits in the and cross-border cooperation. The Turkish Foreign Ministry’s article future by bringing together all the elements of traveller identification on its new Electronic Visa System additionally provides lessons on management. Now the main focus is on operationalizing the ICAO how both border security and facilitation can be enhanced by applying TRIP Strategy and developing it into an action plan where all new thinking and new technologies to old challenges. stakeholders, in a coordinated manner, have a role to play in day-to- day implementation work. Finally, capacity-building and assistance to States remains an important component of the ICAO TRIP Strategy and this issue shares some In line with promoting advocacy and technical dialogue with Member updates about recent activities in the Americas. The Canada-funded States, the recent MRTD Regional Seminar in Uzbekistan, organized ICAO-OAS/CICTE project in the Americas has been successfully in partnership with the OSCE, addressed ICAO MRTD Standards and implemented and provides food for thought for further capacity- specifications, identification management best practices and related building initiatives in the region. Enhancing traveller identification border security issues. With a strong regional focus, it looked into management and border controls in Central America is another area capacity-building challenges and explored new and more effective where the ICAO TRIP programme has been active and offers some ways of providing future technical assistance in Central Asia. As insights from recent assessment missions in Costa Rica and Honduras. usual, Seminar materials are available for reference on the MRTD website. The next MRTD/ICAO TRIP Regional Seminar, in Spain (June 2014), is just round the corner. An important new feature of this Seminar is This issue looks into a broad range of areas initiated by the ICAO TRIP interoperability tests for the Supplemental Access Control (PACE/ Strategy that explore challenges and responses in regions and SAC) digital protocol that will be mandatory for all new European Member States. The implementation of ePassport—and getting it travel documents after 31 December 2014. At the Seminar, States and right—remains a central theme on the global traveller identification industry partners will have an opportunity to test the interoperability management agenda. Current specifications for issuing ICAO- of the PACE/SAC in their passports and share and discuss their compliant ePassports provide a solid foundation for assuring the experiences. most secure and robust travel document ever issued. With about 500 million ePassports in circulation, over 120 States claim they are Lastly, the 10th MRTD/ICAO TRIP Symposium will take place in currently issuing ePassports. And these numbers continue to rise. Montreal on 7-9 October 2014. This year’s Symposium will focus on the need for robust identification management infrastructure by Given the background, it is of crucial importance ePassport issuance exploring key concepts and components such as Evidence of projects achieve their full security and facilitation benefits, including Identification, civil registries, inter-agency cooperation and data ensuring accurate ePassport readings at borders and the proper use sharing and integrity of the passport issuance process. In light of of the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD). In this magazine, Barry recent events, the Symposium will also highlight the importance of Kefauver shares a helpful framework of policy issues and points to properly managing stolen and lost passports and other interoperable consider before embarking upon an ambitious—and often costly— applications that enhance border controls for combating and ePassport implementation
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