
Journal of and Applications 235, 108᎐121Ž. 1999 Article ID jmaa.1999.6363, available online at http:rrwww.idealibrary.com on

Properties of Isometric Mappings

Themistocles M. Rassias

Department of , National Technical Uni¨ersity of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted by William F. Ames

Received February 9, 1999


Some relations between and linearity are examined. In particular, generalizations of the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem and open problems are discussed. ᮊ 1999 Academic Press Key Words: isometric mappings; Mazur᎐Ulam theorem; Banach spaces; strictly convex; topological vector spaces; approximate ; conservative .


The main theme of this article is the relation between isometry and linearity, that is, the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem and its generalizations. For a discussion of several other aspects of isometries on Banach spaces see the article by Fleming and Jamisonwx 19 . All vector spaces mentioned in this article are assumed to be real unless otherwise stated. Mazur and Ulam wx31 proved the following resultŽ see also Banachwx 5. .

THEOREM 1.1. Let U be an isometric transformation from a normed ¨ector X onto a normed ¨ector space Y with UŽ.0 s 0. Then U is linear. Since continuity is implied by isometry it is only necessary to show that the isometric transformation U is additive, and additivity follows easily providing one can prove that U satisfies the functional equation q x12x 11 U s UxŽ.q Ux Ž.;1.1Ž. ž/2212 2 that is, U maps the midpoint of the joining x12and x onto the midpoint of the line segment joining UxŽ.1212and Ux Ž.for all x and x

108 0022-247Xr99 $30.00 Copyright ᮊ 1999 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 109 in X. For the special case where both X and Y are strictly convex the proof ofŽ. 1.1 is immediate. A normed E is called strictly con¨ex ŽClarksonwx 15. if, for each pair u, ¨ of nonzero elements in E such that 555555u q ¨ s u q ¨ , it follows that u s c¨ for some c ) 0. When X is strictly convex the only solution m of the pair of equations 5555y s y 555555y q y s y m x12x m and m x12x m x 21x Ž.1.2 s 11q s s is m 22x12x , with an analogous statement for y1UxŽ. 1and y 2 UxŽ.2 in Y. Thus, for strictly convex spaces the equationsŽ. 1.2 provide a characterization of the midpoint of the segment joining x12and x in X as well as that of the segment joining UxŽ.12and Ux Ž.in Y, so the linearity of U is demonstrated. A well-known example of a space which is not strictly convex is R2 with the 5Ž.a, b 5 s maxw<<< of s sets Hm, m 1, 2, 3, . . . , where H1 is the of solutions ofŽ. 1.2 ; thus s g 555555y s y s 1 y H11Ä4x X : x x x x22 x1x2 and s g 55y F 1 ␦ g HmmÄ4x H y1 : x z 2 Ž.Hmy1 for all z Hmy1 , m s 2,3,..., ␦ where Ž.Hmy1 designates the diameter of the set Hmy1. The intersection of these sets Hm is called the metric center of x12and x . Mazur and Ulam 11q proved that it consists of a single point 22x12x . In Section 2 we often deal with metric vector spaces. For these we use the following terminology. A real vector space with a metric dŽ.и, и satisfying duŽ.Ž.q ¨, w q ¨ s du, w for all u, ¨, w, and for which the operations of addition and multiplication are jointly continuous will be called a metric ¨ector space. A complete metric vector space will be called an F-space, following BanachŽwx 5 , p. 35. . It is often convenient to introduce the functional 55u s duŽ., 0 and call it the quasi-norm for the space. It clearly has the properties Ž.a 55u s 0 if and only if u s 0, Ž.b 555555u q ¨ F u q ¨ , Ž.1.3 Ž.c 5555y u s u , ␤ ª ␤ 55y ª 5␤ y ␤ 5ª Ž.d mmand u u 0 imply mumu 0 ¨ ␤ ␤ for u, , ummin the space and , real numbers. 110 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS

We note that the quasi-norm fails to be a norm since it is not required to be positive homogeneous. With the above definition of an F-space, local convexity is not required. We will use some standard definitions concern- ing topological vector spaces, including those of a semi-norm and a . A is called locally bounded if every neighborhood of the origin contains a bounded open setŽ see Hyersw 22, 23x. .


The question of whether the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem holds for all metric vector spaces still seems to be open. The finite dimensional case was dealt with by Charzynskiwx 13 . He proved the theorem for a mapping U: E ª H with UŽ.0 s 0 which is an isometry between metric vector spaces E and H of the same finite n. First he showed that it is sufficient to prove the theorem for the case H s E. Next, by a lengthy proof, he succeeded in defining a semi-norm sŽ.и on E which satisfies the condition sUwŽŽ.y Uz Ž..s sw Žy z .for all w, z in E. In the special case n s 1 the semi-norm is actually a norm, and the linearity of U follows from the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem. The rest of the proof is carried out by means of an induction on n. Rolewiczwx 44, 45 considered the class of metric vector spaces which are locally bounded and whose quasi-norms are conca¨e; that is, for each element u of the space, the ␸: R ª R defined by ␸Ž.t s 55tu is concave for positive t. When both E and H are F-spaces subject to these two conditons, Rolewicz proved that each surjective isometry U: E ª H satisfying UŽ.0 s 0 is linear. Using both local boundedness and the concav- ity condition he first proved the following:

LEMMA 2.1. Let E be a locally bounded F-space whose quasi-norm is ¨ s 555 5F ) conca e, and put mŽ. r supÄ u :2u r4. Then there exists r0 0 such - - - that mŽ. r r for 0 r r0. Rolewicz’s proof now proceeds by a method analogous to that of Mazur᎐Ulam, but by first restricting points u and ¨ of E by the condition 55y ¨ - r u q ¨ ¨ u r0 2 in characterizing 22as the metric center of u and and later removing this restriction. A different kind of generalization of the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem was given by Daywx 16, pp. 110, 111 . He adapted their proof to the following situation. Let X and Y be locally convex topological vector spaces and let ª wx T: X Y carry a separating family ps of semi-norms to another such w X x X y s y family pssson Y by the rule pTxŽ.Ž.Ty px y , where T is surjec- tive and TŽ.0 s 0. Then T is linear. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 111

In each of the theorems quoted above on the linearity of an isometry Ž.except Charzynski’s , the hypothesis of surjectivity of the isometry was required. The necessity of this condition in general is shown by an example. Figielwx 18 cites the following. Let R have the usual as 2 5 5 s w<<<

THEOREM 2.2. Let E and F be metric ¨ector spaces with E finite dimen- sional. Let T: E ª F be a surjecti¨e isometry with TŽ.0 s 0. Then T is a linear mapping. He also proved that every isometry of a locally compact connected metric with metric into itself is surjective. In the same paper Wobst generalized Rolewicz’s theorem cited above in the following way. Given a metric vector space E with quasi-norm 55и and - - real numbers r, r00with 0 r r , define

552 x srŽ., r s inf : x g E, r F 55x - r , E 00½555x and define srF Ž., r0 in the same way for another metric vector space F.

THEOREM 2.3Ž Wobstwx 50, Theorem 4. . Let E and F be metric ¨ector ) spaces, and suppose that there exists an r0 0 such that for all r satisfying - - ¨ 0 r rweha0 e ) ) srE Ž., r0 1 and srF Ž., r0 1.Ž. 2.1

Then e¨ery isometry T of E onto F with TŽ.0 s 0 is linear. Wobst showed that if E and F are locally bounded and their quasi-norms are concave the conditions of Theorem 2.3 are satisfied and also that the conditionsŽ. 2.1 imply local boundedness of E and F. He gave an example of a E satisfying conditionŽ. 2.1 pertaining to E, and yet 112 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS having a quasi-norm which is not concave, to show that Theorem 2.3 is a true generalization of the theorem of Rolewicz. Can anything be said regarding linearity in the case of isometric embed- dings of normed vector spaces in generalŽ. i.e., the nonsurjective case ? An answer has been provided by Figielwx 18 , who demonstrated the following:

THEOREM 2.4. Gi¨en an isometric ␸: X ª Y of a normed ¨ector space X into a normed ¨ector space Y with ␸Ž.0 s 0, there exists a linearŽ. not necessarily continuous mapping F: Y ª X such that F(␸ is the identity on X and the restriction of F to the of ␸Ž.X is of norm one. Vogtwx 48 gave a generalization of the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem in which he considered, instead of isometries, mappings which preserve equality of .

DEFINITION 2.5. A mapping f: X ª Y between two normed vector spaces is said to preser¨e equality of distance if there exists a function p whose domain and range is the real intervalw 0, ϱ. such that 5 fxŽ.y fy Ž.5 s pxŽ55y y .. Such mappings were studied by Schoenbergwx 46 and by von Neumann and Schoenbergwx 35 for Hilbert spaces. Vogt’s result is:

THEOREM 2.6. Let X and Y be normed ¨ector spaces, where the dimen- sion of X is greater than one. If f: X ª Y is a surjecti¨e mapping which preser¨es equality of distance with fŽ.0 s 0, then f is linear and f s ␤ T, where ␤ / 0 is a and T is an isometry from X onto Y. The same result holds for dim X s 1 pro¨iding that f is continuous. In proving this theorem Vogt adapted the method of Mazur and Ulam to his purposes by first demonstrating the following theorem in metric theory, a theorem similar to one stated by Aronszajnwx 3 . We give an outline of Vogt’s proof to illustrate his approach, which will be important later.

THEOREM 2.7. LetŽ. M, d be a bounded metric space. Suppose that there exists an element m in M, a surjecti¨e isometry g: M ª M, and a constant k ) 1 such that for all x in M, dgxŽ., x G kd Ž. m, x . Then m is a fixed point for e¨ery surjecti¨e isometry h: M ª M. Proof. Since metric isometries are injective, hy1 and gy1 exist and are bijective isometries along with h, g and combinations of these four - ª pings. Define a sequence of bijective isometries gn: M M and elements mn as follows: s s y1 s y1 G g12g, g hgh , gnq1 gggny1 nny1 , n 2, s s s G m12m, m hm, mnq1 gmny1 n , n 2. PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 113

A straightforward induction shows that G G dgxŽ.Ž.nn, x kd m , x for all x in M and n 1.Ž. 2.2 s Put x mnq1 inŽ. 2.2 to obtain s G s dmŽ.Ž.Ž.Ž.nq2 , mnq1 dgmnnq1 , mnq1 kd mnn, m q1 kd mnq1 , mn . G n G Another induction gives dmŽ.nq2 , mnq121kdmŽ., m for n 1. Since M is a bounded metric space there exists a positive number s such that G G r n G s dmŽ.nq2 , mnq12for all n 1. Hence, s k dmŽ., m1for all n and ) s s since k 1 by hypothesis, it follows that dmŽ.21, m 0, so that m2hm 1 s hm s m and m is a fixed point of h. To illustrate how Theorem 2.7 may be applied, we shall use it in proving X the following statementŽ i.e., Theorem 4 of Wobstwx 50. .

THEOREM 2.8. Let E and F be metric ¨ector spaces and let T: E ª Fbe a surjecti¨e isometry with TŽ.0 s 0. Suppose that there exist real numbers ) ) ) G ¨ G r 0, a 1, b 1 such that dEEŽ.2u,0 ad Ž. u,0 and d F Ž.2 ,0 ¨ - ¨ ¨ - bdFEŽ.,0 for all u in E with dŽ. u,0 r and all in F with d FŽ.,0 r. Then T is linear. Proof. For convenience we will use quasi-norms for the spaces E and F, both designated by 55и , and we will use Vogt’s method in the proof of the linearity of T. As indicated in the Introduction, it is sufficient to show that T satisfies x q yTxTyŽ. Ž. T sq Ž.2.3 ž/222 for all x and y in E. We shall prove this first, subject to the restriction 55y - ar that x and y satisfy the inequality x y 4 . Making a change of variableŽ.Ž. a translation in 2.3 we have y y xTŽ.0 Ty Žy x . T sq . ž/22 2 Put 2u s y y x and use the fact that TŽ.0 s 0 to obtain 2TuŽ.s T Ž2u . Ž.2.4 55F 5 5s 5y 5- ar instead ofŽ. 2.3 . Note that the inequalities au 2u y x 4 are true if and only if 55u - rr4. In order to proveŽ. 2.4 let u be fixed in E and satisfy 55u - rr4, and define a set M as

s ¨ g 55¨ s 5y ¨ 5- 5 5- r M Ä4F : 2Tu 2 Tu 2 . 114 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS

Set m s Tu and define g: M ª M by g¨ s 2Tu y ¨. It follows easily that M is a bounded metric subspace of F, that m belongs to M, that g is a surjective isometry of M onto itself, and that for ¨ in M we have dgŽ.¨, ¨ s 5552Tu y 2¨ s 2Ž.m y ¨ 5 G bdŽ. m, ¨ , where b ) 1 by hypothe- sis. Thus, the conditions of theorem are satisfied. Next, let u0 be fixed in y1 55- r T Ž.2Tu with u0 4 , and let

ª ¨ s y y1 ¨ h: M M be defined by h TuŽ.0 T Ž..

Clearly h is an isometry taking M into M and h is surjective since it is its own inverse. Hence, by Theorem 2.7, m is a fixed point of h, so that

s s s y y1 s y Tu m hm TuŽ.00T Ž.m Tu Žu ., and we have s y y s y y s 55y 0 Tu TuŽ.000u u Ž.u u 2u u s y s y T Ž.2u Tu Ž.0 T Ž.2u 2Tu Ž.. 55- r This provesŽ. 2.4 for all u satisfying u 4 , and soŽ. 2.3 is demonstrated 55y - ar for all x and y in E subject to the inequality x y 4 . The proof for all x and y in E is completed by following the extension method of Rolewiczwx 44Ž see also pages 243 and 244 of Rolewiczwx 45. .


An ␧-isometry of one metric space E into another F is a mapping T: E ª F which changes distances by at most ␧ ) 0; that is

dTxŽ.Ž., Ty y dx, y - ␧ for all x, y in E.

For such mappings we may ask the following ‘‘stability’’ question. Given ␩ ) 0 does there exist an ␧ ) 0 and a true isometry U: E ª F such that dTŽŽ. x, Ux Ž..- ␩ for all x in E? In the case where E is a and F s E the answer was given by Hyers and Ulamwx 25 , who showed that for a given ␧ ) 0 and for a surjective ␧-isometry T with TŽ.0 s 0

T Ž.2 n x s UxŽ. limn Ž. 3.1 nªϱ 2 exists for all x in E and that

TxŽ.y Ux Ž.- k␧ Ž.3.2 PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 115 for all x in E, with k s 10. A similar stability theorem for spaces of continuous functions on metric spaces which are compact was proved by Hyers and Ulamwx 26 . For a discussion of these and other special cases see Section 4 of Hyerswx 24 . We now turn to the problem for general Banach spaces E and F. Gruberwx 21 studied this stability problem for arbitrary normed vector spaces and obtained the following result on the size of k inŽ. 3.2 .

THEOREM 3.1. Gi¨en normed ¨ector spaces E and F, suppose that T: E ª F is a surjecti¨e ␧-isometry with TŽ.0 s 0 and that U: E ª Fisan isometry such that UŽ.0 s 0 and that5 TŽ. x y Ux Ž.555r x tends to 0 uni- formly as55 x ª ϱ. Then U is a surjecti¨e linear isometry and both Ž.3.1 and Ž.3.2 hold with k s 5. Also, when T is continuous, k s 3.

In his proof of this theorem Gruber made use of Figiel’s theorem Ž.Theorem 2.4 above as well as a lemma of Renz Ž see Bourginwx 12, p. 317. . In the same paper Gruber proved the stability of isometry when the normed vector spaces are finite dimensional and T: E ª F is a surjective ␧-isometry. The breakthrough to the general case was obtained by Gevirtzwx 20 , who proved the following:

THEOREM 3.2. Gi¨en Banach spaces X and Y, let T: X ª Ybea surjecti¨e ␧-isometry with TŽ.0 s 0. Then there exists a surjecti¨e isometry U: X ª Ygi¨en by Ž.3.1 which satisfies Ž.3.2 with k s 5.

In order to prove this theorem, Gevirtz needed to demonstrate the inequality for the ␧-isometry T,

x q yTxŽ.q Ty Ž. r T yF10Ž.␧ 55x y y 1 2 q 20␧ ,3.3Ž. ž/22 for all x and y in X. With the help of this inequality and Theorem 3.1 above, Theorem 3.2 is easily proved. The difficult part of the proof is establishingŽ. 3.3 . In doing this Gevirtz succeeded in adapting Vogt’s approach, as described in Section 2, to the present situation where T is an ␧-isometry. Instead of inverses he used the concept of ␦-inverses. Given a surjective mapping T: X ª Y and a ␦ ) 0, a mapping S: Y ª X for which 5TSŽ. z y z5 - ␦ for all z in Y is called a ␦-in¨erse of T Žsee Bourginwx 12. . Omladic´ andˇ Semrlwx 36 have shown the following result.

THEOREM 3.3. Let X and Y be real Banach spaces. Gi¨en ␧ ) 0, let f: X ª Y be a surjecti¨e ␧-isometry with fŽ.0 s 0. Then there exists a surjecti¨e 116 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS

isometry U: X ª Y such that fxŽ.y Ux Ž.F 2␧ for all x in X.3.4Ž. These authors gave examples to prove that 2␧ is the best possible result. Thus, the inequality is sharp. A wider concept of approximate isometry than that of ␧-isometry was defined and studied by Lindenstrauss and Szankowskiwx 29 . Given a surjec- ␸ tive mapping between Banach spaces X and Y, define the function T Ž.s for s G 0by ␸ s <5y ¨ 5y 5y ¨ 5< 5y ¨ 5F 5y ¨ 5F T Ž.s supÄ4Tu T u : u s or Tu T s . Ž.3.5 Lindenstrauss and Szankowski investigated the question: What order of ␸ growth for the function T Ž.s as s tends to infinity is permissible in order that the stability result of GevirtzŽ. Theorem 3.2 may be suitably general- ized? Their principal theorem is as follows.

THEOREM 3.4. Let T: X ª Y be a surjecti¨e mapping and suppose that ␸ T as defined by Ž.3.5 satisfies the condition ϱ ␸ Ž.s T - ϱ H 2 ds .3.6Ž. 1 s Then there exists a surjecti¨e isometry U: X ª Y such that ϱ ␸ Ž.s 55␸ Ž.s 5555y F q x Tx Ux KxHH2 ds ds ,3.7Ž. ž/55x s 1 s ¨ ␸ s ␸ where K is a uni ersal constant and Ž.s maxÄ 1, T Ž.s 4. These authors also show that this result is a best possible one by giving a counterexample showing that the conditionŽ. 3.6 is necessary. They note that the first summand inŽ. 3.7 has to appear. However, if we apply Ž. 3.7 to the special case where T is an ␧-isometry with ␧ G 1, we get 55Tx y Ux F K␧ q K␧ logŽ. 55x . Thus, by Theorem 3.2, the second summand inŽ. 3.7 is not always neces- sary. Incidentally, the necessity of the first summand shows thatŽ. 3.7 cannot be replaced by an inequality of the form 55y - ␸ 55 Tx Ux C T Ž.x as in the case where T is an ␧-isometry. Fickettwx 17 gave another generalization of the theorem of Hyers and Ulamwx 25 by considering the case where the ␧-isometry T is defined only on a bounded subset of R n. For this case one cannot apply the direct methodŽ. 3.1 to the construction of a true isometry U from T because the domain of T is bounded. He used an interesting method, whose basic idea comes from geometry, to construct a true isometry from the ‘‘␧-isometry.’’ PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 117

THEOREM 3.5. Gi¨en ␧ ) 0 and D ; R n of diameter 1, let T: D ª R n be a mapping such that

TxŽ.y Ty Ž.y 55x y y F ␧ Ž.3.8

for all x, y g D. Then there exists an isometry U: D ª R n with

yn TxŽ.y Ux Ž.F 27␧ 2

for e¨ery x g D. Using the stability result of Theorem 3.5, Fickett could partially prove Ulam’s conjecture in measure theory. In contrast to Theorem 3.5, Jungwx 27 dealt with the case where the ‘‘␧-isometry’’ T is defined on a restricted but unbounded domain. He modified the methodŽ. 3.1 slightly to prove the existence of a unique isometry which differs from T by no more than 9␧.

THEOREM 3.6. Let E be a finite dimensional, strictly con¨ex, real Hilbert s g 55) j ¨ G ¨ space and define Du Ä x E : x d4Ä40 for a gi en d 1. Gi en ␧ ) ª s 0, let T: Du E be a mapping which satisfies TŽ.0 0 and the g inequality Ž.3.8 for all x, y Du. Then there exists a unique isometry U: E ª E such that

TxŽ.y Ux Ž.F 9␧

g for all x Du. As Lindenstrauss and Szankowskiwx 29 investigated the inequalityŽ. 3.5 , in which the upper bound is not constant, in connection with the stability of isometries, Jungwx 27 considered the inequality

TxŽ.y Ty Ž.y 5555x y y F ␪ x y y p.3.9Ž.

THEOREM 3.7. Let E be a finite dimensional, strictly con¨ex, real Hilbert s g 55F g x ¨ g ϱ space and define Db Ä x E : x d4 for a d Ž0, 1 . Gi en p Ž.1, ␪ g wx ª s and 0, 1 , let T: Db E be a mapping satisfying TŽ.0 0 as well as the g inequality Ž.3.9 for all x, y Db. Then there exists a unique isometry U: E ª E such that

Ž1qp.r2 ␪ 2 ' q r TxŽ.y Ux Ž.F 55x Ž1 p. 2 2Ž py1.r2 y 1

g for each x Db. 118 THEMISTOCLES M. RASSIAS


Given metric spaces E and F and a mapping U: E ª F, one may ask the general question, what do we really need to know to ensure that U is an isometry? In Section 3 we found that it is sufficient if U is the limit of an approximate isometry when E and F are Banach spaces. In the present section we consider the following situation. For some fixed positive num- ber a suppose that U: E ª F preserves the distance a; i.e., for all pairs s s x, y in E with dxEEŽ., y a we have dUx Ž, Uy .a. Then a is called a conser¨ati¨e distance for U. In case E and F are normed vector spaces we may assume without loss of generality that a s 1. The basic problem of conser¨ati¨e distances is whether the existence of a single conservative distance for U implies that U is an isometry of E into F. Beckman and Quarleswx 6 proved that in the case where E s F is Euclidean m-space E m with 2 F m - ϱ, and if a ) 0 is a conservative distance for U: E m ª E m, then U is a surjective isometry. They also observed that this theorem is false for m s 1 and m s ϱ Ži.e., real Hilbert space. . A counterexample for m s 1 is the mapping which translates each integral point one unit to the right and leaves all other points fixed. Their counterexample for m s ϱ is also discontinuousŽ see Rassiaswx 38. . Some interesting variations and extensions of the Beckman᎐Quarles theorem were given by Kuz’minyhwx 28 . Other remarks and problems concerning this problem of conservative distances are mentioned in Rassiaswx 40 . A discussion of the problem for finite dimensional spaces with various metrics can be found in the paper by Ciesielski and Rassiaswx 14 . As indicated above it is known that not every mapping U: Eϱ ª Eϱ which preserves the distance one is an isometry, but the counterexample was discontinuous. What happens if we impose conti- nuity conditions on U? An answer was given by Mielnik and Rassiaswx 33 as follows. E¨ery U: Eϱ ª Eϱ with a conser¨ati¨e distance a ) 0 is an isometry. The problem of conservative distances for mappings between general normed vector spaces X and Y was studied by Rassias andˇ Semrlwx 41 . They deal with mappings f: X ª Y which have the strong distance one preser¨ing property Ž.SDOPP ; i.e., for all x, y in X with 55x y y s 1it follows that 5 fxŽ.y fy Ž.5 s 1, and that the converse is also true. They show that when either X or Y has dimension greater than one and f: X ª Y is surjective with SDOPP, then f satisfies the inequality

fxŽ.y fy Ž.y 55x y y - 1 for all x, y in X, and also that f preserves the distance m in both directions for all positive integers m. Another result in the same paper demonstrates that if a PROPERTIES OF ISOMETRIC MAPPINGS 119 surjective mapping f: X ª Y with SDOPP satisfies the Lipschitz condition 5 fxŽ.y fy Ž.55F x y y 5for all x, y in X then f is an isometry. So far we have limited ourselves to mappings between real vector spaces. The last two sections of the paper of Rassias and Sharmawx 42 deal with isometries between complex Hilbert spaces, including a proof of Wigner’s theorem, which is important in the theory of quantum mechanics. A discussion of isometries between Hilbert spaces over the skew field of quaternions is also given.


The question of whether the Mazur᎐Ulam theorem can be generalized to isometries between any two metric vector spaces remains unsolved. In the theorems of Section 2 above, the behavior of the ratio dŽ.Ž.2 x,0 rdx,0 plays an important role, and the condition of local boundedness is either explicit or implied by the assumptions. The stability question of isometries between F-spaces remains open. Various unanswered questions concern- ing the problem of conservative distances are discussed by Rassiaswx 37᎐40 and by Ciesielski and Rassiaswx 14 .


The author expresses his thanks to Professor Soon-Mo Jung for helpful comments.


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