Report on the current state of R&D in development of the storage of harvested energy for small-scale applications Special Interest Group Energy Harvesting UK’s Knowledge Transfer Network Energy Harvesting Special Interest Group Materials, ESP and Nano Communities Markys G Cain, Paul Mitcheson and Steve Morris Any correspondence to Steve Morris at
[email protected] The Energy Harvesting Contents Special Interest Group The Technology Strategy Board has launched its Emerg- ing Technologies and Industries programme and is working The Energy Havresting Special Interest with partners to build a UK programme in Energy Harvest- Group ing. The programme is intended to accelerate the develop- 002 ment and commercial use of products, processes and ser- vices based on energy harvesting technology. The Energy Harvesting Special Interest Group (SIG) brings together the community along the value chain – from academia, materi- Executive Summary als technologies, devices, systems integration and through 004 to the user communities helping build a vibrant and produc- tive Energy Harvesting community in the UK. Energy Storage Approaches The information in this report will be used by the SIG to 005 widen the debate about where energy harvesting may have a role to play. It will also provide input to briefings for fund- ing agencies on challenge areas to be supported. 007 Battery Materials and Devices 016 Capacitor Materials and Devices Integration of Energy Storage in Energy 023 Harvesting Systems 029 Recommendations 030 Acknowledgements 031 References 2 3 Executive Summary Energy Storage Approaches In this report, we identify the issues and challenges thought of this and are slowly developing tech- As mobile technology advances so the need for 8.