DIRECT FROM HAWAII Vssigiiineiit TV Ml CASE OF FGRWN.WIK Hy TKKKENCE O'FLAIFEUTY 58 WINNERS-ONE IN EVER* STORE The only new .series in vert 11>] c with >ri;p Ma- NOTHING TO BUT -NO OBLIGATION violence-conscious llollvw(K)d haris ftfoisrr* on ;i In i nr, cross- EEF ONLY NOW wiNNfus win ir HOIIIIID that isn't worried about it-; country jaunt. That's a long WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS j heroes carrying guns i^ time to spend on location. , NBC's "Adam \'2 " Co-stars Hacelor Mahari . footloose Martin Milner and Kent Mr- sort, liked it; Milner. who IS Cord will play uniformed married and has four chil­ officers of Ihc Ijus Angolet dren, didn't. They parted Police Department who will friends. Well, almost cope with crime a- well as "We're m,t in very the smorgasbord of other touch," said Milner. duties officers fate avery day as buffers between the public and the tronbltmak- ' TIHS IS one show where the gun is justified and vio­ -This series is different lence is neci-.-sary," said Mil- SLICED becau-e it's the first dra- ner voicing a familiar matic show to deal with the ' )hrasp ' Everv actor thlsM1 problems of the policeman," son thinks HIS violence If WHOLE LI6S OR THIGHS Milner told me When I BACON started to challenge him. he " Buf ln the first show' the interrupted: nnlv """« kllled '* d°S-" "All of the others dealt ^ sai(l "rnestly (Wait until PORK FRYER with investigative detective he "pts those l<>ttcrs frnm and made their lives look the Ppt faru>lers - > glamorous when actually In answer to my questtion, SPARERIBS PARTS they have routine duties 99 Milner said: "The I.os An- per cent checking on hotels 8e'('s Commission and in stake-out-; that some­ voted to sanction 'Adam-12.' times last for davs on end. The only other one so hon- Spend a random day with a ored was '. 1 We have police detective and it will a responsibility therefore to usually be a dull one.'' deal honestly with real stories even ones involving "ADAM -12" was created police brutality and riot con­ and produced by Jack "Drag trol, if they come up." net" W'ebb, one of the most f «Mf N, MAIN OR B'FADI 0 famous police detectives in UTO A -CHOiCf Ifff ONlY-BONtltSJ A4% r TODAY the police are the business, so I guess Mil under fire from lawbreakers CHUCK ROAST 89ib VEAL STEAKS ner knows what he's talking as well as politicians, and F«fSH SUCfO U <, [> A "HOiff Bfff ONU HOUID AlVilA about (If you're thinking many people seem willing to BEEF LIVER abount "Car 54 Where Are believe the worst about them CROSS RIB ROAST 98ib You." Milner classifies that without challenging their lFi"J Mf ATYCUBtS iVtf% e as a comedy. "Adam-12" is critics. If "Adam-12" can BREADED SHRIMP serious i So is Milner, whose answer for the policeman BONELESS STEW BEEF 79ib frecle-faced exterior covers who never has a chance to I ? A TMOiCf lit? ONIY 4» f - a pleasantly testy personal- defend hlnvelf against such ity. charges, it will be a public BEEF SHOUT RIBS 35ib. The title is taken from the sen ice many of us have LAPD radio call for the Mil- waited for. ner-McCord patrol car A-12. One of the first things Mil- In radio talk "A" Is "Adam," ner learned from the LA. a two man car In the 12th Police manual Is that a po- District nsored by the POTATO -COLE SLAW-MACARONI RIPE and signed by James K. Holy Name Society of the 13 oi. Church of the Nativity, held FRESH SALADS ctn. Dunham. EXTRA FANCY LARGE The forgeries are official its first court of honor re­ looking payroll c heck s, cently in the church annex. IASCCO (4-OZ JAR) 3 HAWAIIAN PAPAYAS FOB EXTRA FANCY TROPICAL TREAT printed on grey IBM cards Hev Kudolfo De la Cerna SHRIMP COCKTAIL with the Greyhound insig­ presented the invocation that FRESH MANOOES nia prefaced the awarding TROPICAL superimposed on them. of Persona receiving suspi Tenderfoot and Second Clas* LEO'S SLICED 3-«z. LAROE COCONUTS cious Greyhound checks advancement, and also in­ DARK TURKEY pkg. IMPORTED FROM NEW ZEALAND have been asked to detain ducted the troop scoutmas­ 1 the prospective ter, Bruce Kuliii, and payee if pos­ patrol EXOTIC KIWI FRUIT sible and notify police 1 HATH BLACKHAWK ASSORTED TROPICAL FLAVORS r CANNED HAM $E49 BOKU DRINKS Carpet Cleaning HAWAIIAN 5 Carpet Sales SALAD OR COOKING DRY DOG FOOD AAAIN DISH WESSON 89( SPENCER'S VETS' NUGGETS LIPTON DINNERS *« 31= SHRIMP can OIL bottle PtACHfS CQH ^ * ^^^^^^^•^^••••i^^^ CARPET CARE TOMATO TOMATO SPAGMUTIMlX BATHROOM CUANiR 5'b/O C 10-lb.$117 HAM CHEDDfRTON 20625 :HICKEN BARONET reg. JUICE PASTE SCHILLING ivi-otO^C CREW , 7.oz. HAWTHORNE BLVD. bogOJ bog BEEF STROGANOFF 77' pkg. 79' TORRANCE, CALIF. SAUCE can LJ AEROSOL can ItlEPHONE 371-4671