
Theoretical Physics Prof. Ruiz, UNC Asheville, doctorphys on YouTube Chapter G Notes. The Ideal Law and

G1. The Law. The following apply to the ideal gas. ------Boyle's Law. of a gas is inversely related to at constant .

1 P  PVPV V and 1 1 2 2 as constant temperature.

When temperature is used with the equations in this section, the scale is used, i.e., T = Celsius Temperature − 273.

Robert Boyle (1627-1691)

Images from the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Univ. of St. Andrews, Scotland ------Charles's Law. Volume of a gas is proportional to temperature at constant pressure.

VV12 VT and  as constant pressure TT12

and we use the absolute Kelvin temperature scale. Consider this as a definition for the absolute temperature scale: as you cool the gas down at constant pressure, the volume shrinks to zero as temperature goes to zero.

Jacques Charles (1746-1823) ------Gay-Lussac's Law. Pressure of a gas is proportional to temperature at constant volume.

PP12 PT and  at constant volume. TT12

Think of this as an alternative definition for temperature on the absolute scale. As you lower the pressure at constant volume, the temperature lowers, both heading towards zero.

Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778-1850)

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License We can incorporate all these laws in the form:

PVPV1 1 2 2  TT12

The chemists write the as

The physicists often like to write

The definition of the is

N n  23 , where NxA  6.022 10 is called Avogadro's number. N A

Since PV nRT  NkT  nNA kT , the physicist's constant is related to the chemist's constant as R k  . N A

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License G2. "Derivation" of the Ideal Gas Law

The ideal gas law is an excellent example of a combination of experimental results. We will attempt to "derive" this law since our course is called "Theoretical Physics."

Sir Isaac (1642-1727)

Let's see what we can derive from Newton's Law

F ma .

Bur first, let's summarize what have we accomplished so far in our theoretical analysis of fundamental laws.

We started with the following: Newton's Second Law, Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, Coulomb's Law, and Special Relativity.

GMm kQq F ma FG  FE  ""x ct r 2 r 2

We used the first, third, and fourth to derive the Maxwell equations. From the Maxwell equations we derived the existence of electromagnetic , i.e., we obtained optics.

=> E&M and Optics

Now we will attempt to arrive at thermodynamics from Newton's Second Law.

=> Thermodynamics

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License We will consider a box containing a gas. Below is the basic idea of a discrete distribution of velocities and a continuous one.

The total probability must be 1 in each case, i.e., the probability that a given gas particle has some velocity is 1. Therefore, for the discrete case,

N i  1, which is consistent with NN  i . i N i

For the continuous case, the total under the curve must be 1.

 f( v ) dv  1 .

Classically, one integrates from zero to infinity. We are justified in doing this even knowing relativity since our particles no way approach the speed of light. Therefore, our function f(v) will drop to zero before we even get close to the speed of light and it is easier to integrate to infinity when you are dealing with exponential-type functions. We will not get into such details here anyway and at times leave the integration limits off. It is understood that you integrate over all velocities.

We will consider a continuous distribution of velocities for our gas particles. The neat thing about our analysis is that we will never need to worry about the exact form of the function f(v). Watch!

Consider a box with N particles and volume V . The pressure is defined as per unit area and the force is the change in with respect to time:

PFA / and F dp/ dt .

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

A slanted region is shown below where some particles are heading towards the area shown on the floor. From the geometry at the lower right we will determine the probability for a particle to be traveling along the slanted region at velocity v.

The volume element below is Acos dl . We need another piece. The change in momentum when a particle coming in along the slant with velocity v bounces off the bottom floor. The change in momentum is 2mv cos .

The following is from Derek L. Livesey, Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Waltham, MA, Blaisdell Publishing, 1966). Let the probability distribution for the angle  be g() .

 /2 2r sin  r d  gd( ) 1 g( ) d 2 sin  d  . 0 2 r

N1   2 mv cos  1 dP Acos dl f ( v ) dv sin  d   V2   dt   A

N dl  1  dP cos f ( v ) dv sin  d  2 mv cos   V dt  2 

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Nm dl 2 dP  v f( v ) dv cos sin  d  V dt

Nm dP  v22 f( v ) dv   cos sin  d   V    

Nm   /2 P v22 f( v ) dv cos sin  d  V 00

 /2 Nm cos3  Pv2 V 3 0

Nm 1 Pv2 0  (  ) V 3

N 1 N P mv2 PV mv2 V 3 and 3

We can define temperature by the total kinetic of the gas particles. This total energy is equal to the average the particles times the number of particles,

mv2 KE N 2 . N 13 PV mv2 NkT mv2  kT Since we want the assignment 3 , we find 22.

In summary, we have

PV nRT and PV NkT with .

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

G3. The First Law of Thermodynamics and Specific

We will phrase the first law of thermodynamics in terms of our ideal gas. The first law of thermodynamics is the law of : The change in energy of a system is equal to the that flows into the gas minus the that is done by the gas.

UQW    

We can therefore also write the first law as

Here is an application using the definition of the specific heat at constant volume.

1 Q cV  nT V

QUPV     and QUV  

1 3 3 U N mv2  NkT  nRT 2 2 2

1Q 1  Q 1 3 nR  T 3 cRV     n TV n  T n22  T

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Here is an application using the definition of the specific heat at constant pressure.

1 Q cP  nT P 3 Q UPV nRTPV  ncTPV  2 V Since we want constant pressure, it is better to have a P in the above. We note

PV nRT and ()PV  nR  T  P  V  V  P .

Then P V  nR  T  V  P and

QncVV  TnRTVP nc()  RTVP .

1 Q cPV  c  R since P 0 ' nT P . Summary

132 PV nRT PV NkT mv kT and with 22.

1 3 3 U N mv2  NkT  nRT 2 2 2

UQPV     and QUPV    

1 Q 1 Q c  c  V , P , and cPV c R nT V nT P

3R 5R c  c  For an ideal gas we have V 2 and P 2 .

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License G4. Four Thermodynamic Processes

1. Isometric, Isochoric (constant volume): V 0 .

W P dV 0

2. Isobaric (constant pressure): P 0 .

VV W22 P dV  P dV  P() V  V VV21 11

3. Isothermal (constant temperature): T 0 .

VVV2 2nRT 2 1 W P dV  dV  nRT dV VVV   1 1VV 1

V V W nRTln V2 nRT ln 2 V1 V1 4. Adiabatic (no heat flow): Q 0 .Note that we can't say constant heat since heat is not a "regular" variable like P, V, and T. Heat exchange, like work, depends on a path we take in the PV plane. Heat and work are not intrinsic properties of the gas. But energy is. From the earlier section, write 3 Q   U  P  V  nc  T  P  V U nRT V . Remember 2 .

QncVV  TnRTVP nc()  RTVP

These equations are

Q  ncV  T  P  V and Q  ncP  T  V  P .

For we can write

ncV  T   P  V and ncP T  V  P .

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License ncP T VP cP V dP  leads to  . ncV  T P V cV P dV

cP V dP We define   . Then,   cV P dV

dP dV  PV

PV2211 dP dV PV 11PV

PV22 lnPV ln PV11

PV22 ln ln PV11

 PV22 ln ln  PV11

  PV22 PV21   and   PV11 PV12

  PVPV1 1 2 2 , i.e., PV const

PG1 (Practice Problem). Show that the work done by a gas in an adiabatic expansion from volume V1 to V2 is

 11   VVPVPV2 1 2 2 1 1 W const  11

Michael J. Ruiz, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License