Bibliography of Isoetes
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ISOETES ALLEN, B.M. 1975. A note on the distribution of Isoetes in the Cadiz Province, Spain. Fern Gaz. (U.K.) 11 (2-3): 163-164 (1975). ALONSO, PAZ, E. 1989. Notas sobre plantas nuevas o interesantes para la flora Uruguaya: 1. (Notes on new or interesting plants for the Uruguayan flora: 1.) Comun. Bot. Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 5 (91): 1-4 (1989) - Isoetes pp.2-3 ALSTON, A.H.G. 1982. Isoetaceae: 1. In Steenis, C.G.G.J. van, Holttum, R. E., eds. Flora Malesiana, series 2. Pteridophytes, volume 1. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr. W. Junk Publ. 62-64 (1982)- illus., chrom. nos., key. ANDREIS, C., RODONDI, G. 1987. Alcune stazioni di Isoetes echinospora Dur. nel Bresciano e osservazioni al SEM delle spore delle Isoetes della flora Italica. Natura Bresciana no.23: 119-130 (1986 publ. 1987) - illus., maps. 4, ANTHONY, N.C., & E.A. SCHELPE, 1985. Two new taxa and a new combination in southern African Pteridophyta. Bothalia, 15 (3 & 4): 554-555 (1985) ARREGUIN-SANCHEZ, M., 1986. Nuevos registros y taxa interesantes de pteridofitas del Valle de Mexico. (Isoetaceae, Psilotaceae y Selaginellaceae) Phytologia 59 (7): 451-453 (1986) ASH, S., & K.B. PIGG. 1991. A new Jurassic Isoetites (Isoetales) from the Wallowa Terrane in Hells Canyon Oregon and Idaho. Amer. J. Bot. 78: 1636-1642. BAJPAI, U., & H.K. MAHESHWARI,1985. EM studies on the megaspores of Isoetes coromandelina. Phytomorphology, 34 (1-4): 226-231 (1984 publ. 1985) - illus. BALDWIN, W.K.W. 1933. The organization of the young sporophyte of Isoetes engelmanni, A.
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