SoUTheRN FANDOM CONFEDeRATiON UPDATE VoLUMe 1, ISsUE 15 MaRCh 2010 2 Musings of a Faned This issue’s cover is another wonderful piece from Brad Foster! I always have fun running his work. Yes, this issue is late – last week, I had limited computer access, and spent my weekend at StellarCon, nominally working. I’ve tried to pull this issue together throughout the week, meaning to get it out quite a bit earlier, but I find myself a whole week late. My apologies. Life got in the way. We do, however, have quite a treat for you this time around, though – I got the Southern Fandom Classic Yahoo Group to provide their suggestions for the various Hugo categories, and I’m sharing some of mine. I hope those of you out there who can nominate (members of Aussiecon 4 and members of Anticipation) will do so. There’s a lot of great work in the SF world, and it’s always nice when we can honor it. We’ve also got a few new contributors this time around – Rich Dengrove with a review of a novel from before any of us were born, and Jennifer Liang with her tale of running a convention. Table of Contents: Calendar of Events Warren Buff 3 Review: Darkship Thieves , by Sarah A. Hoyt Warren Buff 6 Review: Journey To Mars by Gustavus Pope Richard Dengrove 8 Hugo Recommendations Warren Buff, Joel 11 Zakem, John Purcell, Curt Phillips, Guy Lillian, Rich Lynch, Laura Haywood-Cory Rebel Yells: News and Notes from all over Y’all 18 I’m New At This, Don ’t Hurt Me Jennifer Liang 21 Colophon: Editor & SFC President: Warren Buff
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