1 The business of war: A content analysis of private military companies’ websites By John Gainer An Applied Research Project (Political Science 5397) Submitted to the Department of Political Science Texas State University In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Public Administration Fall 2010 Faculty Approval: _________________________ Patricia Shields, PhD _________________________ William P. Ruger, PhD _________________________ Ismael Amaya, MPA 2 About the Author John Gainer holds a BBA of Management from Abilene Christian University and is currently working towards a Master of Public Administration at Texas State University. While pursuing his education, John has been a part of multiple on- and off-campus interest groups and student organizations. During his time at ACU, he was elected twice to the Student‟s Association student congress, has volunteered on campaigns at the state and federal level, volunteered in New Orleans, and made many lasting friendships along the way. His professional interests include international economic development, business consulting, and the African NGO community. Eventually, he hopes to make professional contributions in the areas of social justice and environmental law. In his free time, John enjoys being outdoors, golf, playing guitar, and reading. For any questions, comments, or general advice, he can be reached at
[email protected]. 3 Author’s thanks I would like to thank my family for their encouragement and willingness to listen to the various aspects of this research as it was being conducted. I would also like to thank my friends who provided feedback, an ear, and personal support. Thanks to Jason Ozment for providing the inter-rater reliability study and being a counterpart in too many conversations relating to private military companies.