Democrats Say Article Against Trump Is Solid

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Democrats Say Article Against Trump Is Solid ★★ PRICES MAY VARY OUTSIDE METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON AREA HIGH 45, LOW 30 MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021 $1.50 WHITE HOUSE IMPEACHMENT Trump, D.C. to bid good Democrats say riddance to each other President regularly jeered, felt confi ned article against BY STEPHEN DINAN AND SETH MCLAUGHLIN The feeling was mutual. D.C. residents THE WASHINGTON TIMES regularly lined up to boo his motorcade Trump is solid and jeer his staff as they braved the streets Oil and water. Dogs and cats. And for a bite to eat. Donald Trump and Washington. “He considered it a swamp, and they Signs of pre-planned attack on In the history of the nation’s capital, no considered him the swamp creature,” said chief executive has ever had so terrible a Kevin Chaff ee, editor of Washington Life Capitol won’t sway lawmakers relationship with his new home as Mr. Magazine. Trump, who leaves the city a more broken As Mr. Trump departs, his supporters BY ALEX SWOYER and battered version of itself. are leaving a parting gift for a city on edge THE WASHINGTON TIMES The president found the District to and under siege. Ahead of the inauguration Divergent be a prison, confi ning him to the White of Joseph R. Biden, the Potomac River is Democratic lawmakers on House. His only safe spot was his hotel on being treated like a moat protecting the ASSOCIATED PRESS Sunday said evidence of pre- extremists Pennsylvania Avenue. Any chance he got, District. Although the drawbridges aren’t GOODBYE: President Trump, who was not part of planning for the U.S. Capitol at- he headed for one of his golf clubs, either being pulled up, authorities plan to post the Washington social scene as his predecessors tack does not undermine their converge for in Virginia for daylong road trips, or New traditionally were, left the nation’s capital when he impeachment case that President Jersey or Florida for longer escapes. » see TRUMP | A10 could for the comforts of a golf course. Trump incited the deadly riot. one purpose Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Mary- land Democrat who will be the BY JEFF MORDOCK lead impeachment manager or THE WASHINGTON TIMES ACCOUNTABILITY prosecutor at the Senate trial set to begin as soon as this week, The deadly attack at the said the case will detail all of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 marked Successful lawyers fail Trump miserably events leading up to the Jan. 6 a shocking milestone in the storming of the Capitol building. evolution of right-wing ex- “Everything is due to his ac- tremism when, for the fi rst tions,” Mr. Raskin said on CNN’s time, a diverse mix of or- “State of the Union.” ganizations converged for a “They built a gallows outside major assault, said current the Capitol of the United States. and former federal law en- There was an assassination party forcement offi cials. hunting for Nancy Pelosi,” he Photos and video of the said. “We are going to be able Capitol assault showed rioters to tell the story of the attack on with clothing, emblems and America.” fl ags identifying themselves Some conservative allies as members of the conspiracy of the president have pointed group QAnon, the loosely al- to evidence of pre-planning to lied alt-right America First contradict the narrative that Mr. group, and militias such as Trump’s speech at a Jan. 6 rally Three Percenters, the Proud near the Capitol incited the at- Boys and the Oath Keepers. tack, which is the basis of the ar- A left-wing activist linked ticle of impeachment the House to Black Lives Matter also approved last week with the sup- was hit with criminal charges port of 10 Republicans. for participating in the siege. Mr. Trump’s defenders argue John Sullivan, 26, who that pipe bombs and other weap- leads the liberal activist ons discovered around Capitol group Insurgence USA, was Hill before the attack demonstrate charged with civil disorder, that the assault was planned well violent entry or disorderly before the speech. conduct, and entering a re- Police said they found two stricted building or grounds. people armed with explosives, He admitted to media tactical gear and caches of weap- outlets that he entered the ons who arrived on or before Jan. Capitol after a pro-Trump 6, according to court documents. mob stormed the building. The FBI also knew beforehand of He maintains he was there plans for a “war” at the Capitol, to document the mayhem, according to The Washington not to riot. Post. » see ATTACK | A10 ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS » see CAPITOL | A5 ‘ELITE STRIKE FORCE TEAM’ Rudolph W. Giuliani and Sidney Powell said, among other things, that some of the presidential ballots were counted overseas using Dominion Voting Systems. Th ey claimed to have found a communist money trail that fl owed from Europe to Venezuela. BY ROWAN SCARBOROUGH the FBI’s unfair war against the HIGHER EDUCATION THE WASHINGTON TIMES Three snatch defeat from jaws president. Ms. Powell also forced the exposure of secret FBI docu- Three lawyers in the national of victory in voter fraud pursuit ments showing, she said, that College Fix editor spotlight for their defense of agents entrapped her client. President Trump scored major Mr. Wood, running a one-man public victories before the Nov. boutique fi rm in Atlanta, took on teaches students to 3 election, fueling conservatives’ a bevy of news media titans in fi l- hopes that they could overturn ing defamation lawsuits on behalf the loss to Joseph R. Biden. of besieged Covington Catholic But two months later, Sidney High School student and pro-life defend free speech Powell, Lin Wood and Rudolph advocate Nicholas Sandmann. W. Giuliani failed in their mission. A conservative icon for liberal Strives for political objectivity In the process, judges ruled that media abuse, Mr. Sandmann set- they spread unfounded election tled with The Washington Post BY JAMES VARNEY Amendment rights continue to conspiracy theories that were and CNN. THE WASHINGTON TIMES be eroded,” she said. endorsed by the president in Mr. Giuliani, the former pros- That was the unconventional daily tweets. The fraud claims ecutor, New York City mayor and An occasional interview series task The College Fix set for itself spawned the “Stop the Steal” Mr. Trump’s closest legal con- with Americans who are challeng- 10 years ago when it launched, movement, whose participants fi dant, came by Hunter Biden’s ing the status quo. with a professional rather than rallied in Washington on Jan. 6 abandoned laptop. Spilled to the The left may clamp down on political goal. and then waged a violent riot at press, the contents told the full- conservative speech on campus, “I always say it’s a website the U.S. Capitol. est story yet of the Biden fam- and liberal views may dominate dedicated to higher education None of the three’s election ily’s fi nancial entanglements with most newsrooms, but along with a conserva- fraud lawsuits — fi lled with tales shady foreign actors. Jennifer Kabbany is tive campus newswire,” of rigged voting machines, China IN ON THE ACTION: Lin Wood capitalized on the Trump election Today, the trio stand accused fi ghting to change that, said Ms. Kabbany, the and Hugo Chavez — succeeded loss to become a litigator, social media activist and voice for “Stop the by judges and some fellow con- one news article at a site’s editor. “It might in court. Steal.” Along the way, he smeared Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. servatives. They championed time. mean a little extra “Good lawyers do not make sometimes bizarre conspiracy From her perch as pizza money for some, claims without evidence, and theories such as vote tallies being editor of The College Fix, a blend but it is also a way to fl esh out a these lawyers don’t have any of offi cials, including Republi- have not backed off their claims, sent to Europe, Trump votes being of online newspaper and college budding resume, generate a stack evidence,” Michael D. Gilbert, cans, across multiple states and were basking in their successes. switched to Mr. Biden, thousands newswire, Ms. Kabbany sees her of clips, and show you know how a professor at the University of branches of government to con- Ms. Powell, a blunt Texas ap- of dead voters and forged signa- student journalists as the front to write, pay attention to detail Virginia School of Law, told The spire successfully — no traces, no peals litigator, had freed retired tures, and Chinese and Iranian line in the fi ght for the future of and meet a deadline. Washington Times. “Perpetrating leaks, no defections. That’s utterly Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Mr. control over voting machines. free speech. “It’s a win-win, and we get to fraud on the scale these lawyers implausible.” Trump’s fi rst national security “This battle has never been imagine would require hundreds Months earlier, the three, who adviser who came to symbolize » see LEGAL | A6 more important, as our First » see SPEECH | A10 POLITICS NATIONS WORLD METRO VOLUME 39, NUMBER 12 Cheney faces backlash States pushing to open Biden’s burden grows District, state capitals aft er voting for Trump schools as teachers as Russia moves to brace for potentially impeachment. A4 get vaccinations. A7 leave Open Skies. A9 violent week. A12 7702803 87040 INDEX American Scene A8 | Commentary B1 | Comics B6 | Dear Abby A11 | Editorials B2 | Horoscope A11 | Inside the Beltway A2 | Metro A12 | Nation A7 | Politics A4 | Sports B8 | Television A11 | World A9 A2 | POLITICS ☆ R MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2021 HURRAY: RETAIL SALES JUMP ‘UNEXPECTEDLY’ the magazine.
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