תשליך TASHLIKH The Sea Before the bread is cast into the water, the following may be recited: Introduction. Tashlikh is a ceremony performed near a body of water, preferably one that flows into a larger Throwing bread into Is there any divinity save You who forgives the sins and par- body of water. It takes place on the first day of , except when the first day falls on , in which case it takes place on the second day. The origin of Tashlikh is shrouded in mystery. The first direct the water and reciting dons the transgressions of the remnant, Your people? You do the biblical passage mention can be found in the halakhic work of Moellin (Maharil, 15th century), who approved of mentioning “the deep” not maintain anger forever, for You delight in love. You will the custom of going to the Before the bread is cast into the water, the following may be recited: is a reminder of the deep return to us compassionately, overcoming the consequences water to recite particular biblical verses and prayers מִי־אֵ לכָּמֽ וָֹך נֹשֵׂא עָן וְ עֹבֵר עַל־פֶּֽשַׁ ע לִשְׁאֵרִ ית נַחֲ לָ תוֹ, out of which the days of of our sin, hurling our sins into the depths of the sea. You will creation were formed. on Rosh Hashanah, but Thus, by going to the sea keep faith with Jacob, showing enduring love to , as specified that it is inap- propriate to throw bread לֹא הֶחֱ זִיקלָעַד אַ פּוֹ כִּי חָפֵץ דחֶֽסֶ הוּא. יָ שׁוּב יְרַחֲמֵֽ נוּ on Rosh Hashanah, we You promised our ancestors in days of old. Micah 7:18-20 in the water to represent יִכְ בֹּשׁ עֲ נֹתֵֽינוּ וְתַשְׁ לִיְך בִּמְ צֻ לוֹת יָם כׇּל־חַ טֹּאתָם. תִּתֵּ ן celebrate creation and are the sins that are being cast תאֱמֶ לְיַעֲ קֹב חֶֽסֶ דלְאַ בְרָהָםאֲשֶׁ רנִשְׁ בַּֽעְתָּ לַאֲ בוֹתֵֽ ינוּ :led to think of our own The following may be added place in God’s scheme away. Clearly, both the -custom and the bread מִימֵי קֶֽדֶ ם. מיכה ז יח-כ ;of creation. When we In my trouble I called to ADONAI, who answered me contemplate these mat- from the belly of Sheol I cried out, and You heard my voice. The following may be added: throwing preceded him; but we do not know when ters and repent from our You cast me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, the .this tradition began קָרָֽאתִי מִ צָּרָ הלִי אֶ ל־יהוה וַיַּעֲ נֵֽנִי מִ בֶּֽטֶן שְׁאוֹל שִׁ וַּֽעְתִּ י sins, then they are truly The ceremony of Tashlikh שָׁמַֽ עְתָּ קוֹלִי. וַתַּשְׁ לִ יכֵֽנִי מְ צוּלָה בִּ לְבַ ב יַמִּ ים וְנָהָ ר thrown away, into the wa- floods engulfed me; all Your breakers and billows swept over ter, and we feel renewed me. I thought I was driven away out of Your sight: Would I ever survived and grew in popu- larity, despite significant יְסֹבְ בֵֽנִי כׇּל־מִשְׁבָּרֶֽ יָךוְגַלֶּֽיָך עָלַי עָבָֽ רוּ. וַאֲ נִי אָמַֽרְתִּ י on this Day of Judgment. gaze again upon Your holy Temple? The waters closed in over — Isserles rabbinic opposition. Some opposed Tashlikh נִגְרַֽשְׁתִּימִ נֶּֽגֶד עֵ ינֶֽיָך אְַך אוֹסִ יף לְהַבִּיטאֶל־הֵ יכַלקׇדְ שֶֽׁ ָך. me, the deep engulfed me. Weeds twined around my head. I sank to the base of the mountains; the bars of the earth closed because it makes the -complex process of sepa אֲ פָפֽ וּנִימַֽ יִם עַ ד־נֶֽפֶשׁ תְּ הוֹם יְ סֹבְ בֵֽנִי סוּף חָ בוּשׁ לְ רֹאשִׁ י. rating sin from our lives לְקִצְבֵי הָרִ ים יָרַֽדְתִּי הָאָֽרֶ ץבְּרִ חֶֽיהָ יבַעֲדִ לְעוֹלָם וַתַּֽעַ ל upon me forever. Yet You brought my life up from the pit, O my God ADONAI! When my life was ebbing away, I called seem too facile, as if it is simply a matter of casting מִ שַּֽׁחַת חַ ייַּ יהוה אֱֹלהָי. בְּהִתְ עַטֵּף עָלַי נַפְשִׁי אֶ ת־יהוה ADONAI to mind; and my prayer came before You, into Your bread from our hands. But Tashlikh survived because זָכָֽרְתִּ י וַתָּבוֹאאֵ לֶֽיָך תְּ פִ לָּתִי אֶל־הֵ יכַלקׇדְ שֶֽׁ ָך. יונה ב ג-ח holy Temple. Jonah 2:3-8 it fulfilled a popular need. After the bread is cast into the water, one of the following may be recited: After the bread is cast into the water, one of the following may be recited: Most of what we do on Rosh Hashanah depends א on verbal expression or א on listening. Tashlikh, the לֹא־יָרֵֽ עוּוְ לֹא־יַשְׁחִֽ יתוּ בְּכׇל־הַר קׇדְ ישִׁ כִּי־מָ לְאָה הָאָֽרֶ ץ None shall hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain, for the symbolic casting away of דֵּ עָה אֶ ת־יהוה כַּמַּֽ יִם לַיָּם מְ כַסִּ ים. ישעיה יא ט .love of ADONAI shall fill the earth as the waters fill the sea Isaiah 11:9 our sins, constitutes one of the few active rituals of ב the day. -Tashlikh has been under יכִּי־מֵ נֹֽחַ זֹאת לִי ראֲשֶׁ נִשְׁ בַּֽעְתִּי מֵ עֲ בֹר מֵ י־נֹֽחַ עוֹד עַ ל־ ב .stood in a variety of ways הָאָֽרֶ ץ כֵּןנִשְׁ בַּֽעְתִּימִ קְּ צֹף עָלַֽיְִך וּמִ גְּעָר־בָּ ְך. כִּי הֶהָרִ ים For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; for just as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more flood the earth; Throwing bread into the water can be understood יָמֽ וּשׁוּ וְהַ גְּבָעוֹת תְּמוּטֶֽ ינָה וְחַסְדִּי מֵאִתֵּ ְך לֹא־יָ מוּשׁ so have I sworn that I will not be angry with you, nor rebuke as a symbolic casting away ישעיה נד ט-י of our sins, marking the וּבְרִ ית ישְׁלוֹמִ לֹא תָמוּט אָמַר מְרַחֲמֵ ְך יהוה. you. For the mountains may move and the hills shake; but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall my covenant of purification that takes peace be taken away—says ADONAI, who has taken you back place on these days. Moreover, just as fish eat our bread and what is cast away becomes nourishment, so we pray that even in love. Isaiah 54:9–10 our sins will eventually be turned to good effect in the world. Lastly, just as the waters of the sea go around the world, so too can we, at this moment, become conscious of how we are connected to all that is around us.

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