Annual Report [Electronic Resource]
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X MISSOURI BOTHNICHL GHRDEN, FOURTH flKHOfill REPORT. ST. LOUIS, MO.: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 1893. i BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN. President, RUFUS J. LACKLAND. Vice -President, HENRY HITCHCOCK, LL. D. Joseph W. Branch. Gist Blair.3 President of the Board of Public George B. Drake. Schools of St. Louie.* W infield S. Chaplin,* George J. Engelmann, M. d.2 Chancellor of Washington Univer- sity.* John B. Johnson, m. D. Edward A. Noonan, f. David Kaime. Mayor of the City of St. Louis.* Henry George a. Madill. S. Pritchett/' President of the Academy of Science William H. H. Pettos. of St. Louis.* Daniel S. Tuttle, James E. Yeatman. Bishop of the Diocese of Missouri.* A. D. Cunningham, Secretary. * Ex- officio. 1 Elected April 9th, 1890, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Samuel Treat, one of the Trustees named by Mr. Shaw. 2 Elected December 18th, 1889, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of M. Dwight Collier, one of the Trustees named by Mr. Shaw, but who had removed from the city. 3 Elected President of the School Board November 8th, 1892, in place of Richard Bartholdt, who met with the Board for a year prior to that date. * Elected Chancellor of Washington University October 16th, 1891, up to which Ume the office had been vacant, since the organization of the Board. 6 Elected President of the Academy of Science January 4th, 1892, in plaea of F. E. Nipher, who had met with the Board until that date. I.'ki't. Mo. Box. (Jakd., 1898 PLATB 1. YUCCA GUATEMALEN8I8. PREFACE. Under direction of the Board of Trustees, the fourth an- ual report of the Missouri Botanical Garden is presented to the public. The first volume of the series was issued in December, 1890, the second in May, 1891, and the third in June, 1892. Reprints of scientific papers, fixing the date of publication of the latter, were issued as follows : Tre- lease, North American Species of Epilobium, April 22, 1891 ; Trelease, North American Species of Rumex, April 12, 1892; Riley, the Yucca Moth and Yucca Pollination, May 28, 1892; Williams, Fruiting of Parmelia molliuscula, May 28, 1892 ; Trelease, Detail illustrations of Yucca, and description of Agave Engelmanni, May 28, 1892. The reports of the Garden are sent regularly to scientific institutions and journals in exchange for publications de- sirable for the work of the Garden, and so far as is pos- sible reprints of the botanical articles which they contain are sent to botanists to whom these papers are directly useful in their work. For the accommodation of persons who may desire the publications of the Garden but feel that they are not entitled to receive them by way of ex- change or as aids to scientific work, a few copies are offered for sale at about the cost of publication ($1.00 each for reports, and 50 cents each for the larger reprints), by Dr. A. E. Foote, of Philadelphia, W. Wesley & Son, of London, and R. Friedlander & Sohn, of Berlin. Application for the exchange of either reports or separate papers may be made to the Director of the Garden. William Trelease. St. Louis, Jan. 12, 1893. (3) Rept. Mo. Rot. Gahd., 1S93. Plate „». YUCCA GUATEMALENSIS. — CONTENTS. :— page. 1. Reports for the Year 1892 7 a. Report of the Officers of the Board H b. Fourth Annual Report of the Director Anniversary Publication's : 2. — a. Third Annual Flower Sermon 23 By the Reverend Cameron Mann Banquet of the Trustees b. Proceedings at the Third Annual r>6 of the Garden Annual Banquet to Gardeners 44 c. Proceedings at the Third 3. Scientific Papers: — the Bahamas, Jamaica and a. List of Plants collected in Grand Cayman — 47 By Professor A. S. Hitchcock their Pollination — b. Additional notes on Yuccas and 181 By William Trelease [«] LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispiece, The Gate House. View of Mill Hill School Facim page 38 Plate Yucca 1, Guatemalensis « 3 tt a 2, Guatemalensis u 5 (C u 3, Schottii tt 7 u " 4, australis it " 11 a " tt 5, australis •• 14 a u 6, brevifolia tt tt 19 u 7, " brevifolia a a 23 a 8, " brevifolia u 3G a 9, " brevifolia tt 44 tt u 10, elata tt 47 M 11-14, West Indian Plants Following 189 K 15, Yucca elata aud filamentosa Facing 202 tt 16, Hesperoyucca Whipplei tt 206 (C W> Whipplei, « " var. gramiuifolia . 215 a 18-23, Yucca Pollination Following 226 [6] Uki't. Mo. Hot. <;,\ri>., 189S. Plats :i. YUCCA 80HOTTII. REPORTS FOR THE YEAR 1892, REPORT OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. SUBMITTED TO THE TRUSTEES, .TAX. llTH, 1893. Missouri Botanical Garden: To the Board of Trustees of the have been The financial results of the year just closed for the probable entirely satisfactory and the estimate made were a income has been exceeded notwithstanding there number of vacant buildings at the last report, which were, however, rented during the year, and the expenditures were than the estimates. less, with the exception of two accounts, During the past year no extensive improvements have appropria- been undertaken at the Garden, but the liberal been judiciously ex- tions made for its maintenance have summer indicated, pended, as its appearance during the past done you are and for a more extensive notice of the work Garden. referred to the report of the Director of the Notwithstanding the fact that the condition of the rev- in some cases enue property has been well kept up, and Shaw's improved, the Garden fully provided for, all of Mr. all out of the rev- wishes carried out, and the taxes paid, surplus of enue for the year, we are able to show a makes a $17,636.50, which, with that on January 1, 1892, total of $23,561.59. The property of the Board in the business portions of exceptions, now occupied at fair the city, is, with one or two our income for next rentals, some in excess of last year, and than last. year should be at least 10 per cent, greater Board The Director of the Garden was instructed by the Library and Herbarium to make a careful inventory of the (7) 8 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN. at the Garden, which has just been completed with th e following results : — Library, 1 1,455 books and pamphlets $21 150 00 Herbarium, 203,000 sheets of specimens 20 300 00 Furniture, cases, etc 3 qqq qq Total $44,450 00 which amount has been credited to the stock account of the Board, which now aggregates $1,467,713.53. For a full and detailed statement of the receipts and expenditures you are referred to the following pages. 15 REPORT OF THE OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. KKCEIPTS. Rents collected in 1892 #89,079 27 Garden, pasturage and sales 1,079 13 Interest, cash discount on taxes 414 50 90,572 90 ° 7 Cash Balance on January 1, 1892 8,258 Total $98,830 97 EXPENDITURES Garden Expenses - Labor, including pupils 016,582 92 Fuel 1,1*8 29 Stable and implements 802 00 Repairs and supplies 2,839 32 Scholarship, care of lodge 445 87 Plants and seeds 736 43 Herbarium 502 07 Library, books and subscriptions 1,602 78 Garden Office, salaries, etc 5,446 50 $30,106 18 Garden Improvements — Furnishing Library, etc 2,806 06 Publications M20 6 Property expenses — Commission 3,247 32 Taxes 22,167 36 Insurance * ?853 45 Repairs 5,347 46 32,615 59 Sundry accounts — Office salaries 2,500 00 Rent of office 540 00 Printing and stationery 415 56 3,455 56 Legal expenses 2*2 1 Bequests, annual — Flower show, premiums 387 CO Flower sermon 200 00 Trustees' banquet 906 25 Gardeners' banquet 397 00 1,890 25 $72,936 40 Cash on hand 25^8!>4J>7 $98,830 07 Financial condition — Cash on hand and in bank $25,894 57 Less amount due stock account, etc 2,332 98 Surplus $23,56159 — 10 MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN. The books of the Board have been closed after showing the operations for the year ending December 31st, 1392, and the receipts have been dis- posed of as follows: Rent account $89,079 27 Interest 414 50 889,493 77 CONTRA. Garden expense $29,027 05 Garden improvements 2,806 06 Publications 1 ; 820 61 Commissions 3 247 32 Taxes 22,167 36 Insurance 1 ,853 45 Repairs 5,347 46 Office expense 3,455 56 Legal expense 242 15 Annual flower show 387 00 " " sermon 200 00 " Trustees' banquet 906 25 " Gardeners' dinner 397 00 Surplus for 1892 ] 7,636 50 8189,493 77 $89,493 77 Surplus January 1, 1892 $5,92509 " '(j for 1892 17 36 50 Total surplus Jauuary 1, 1893 $23,561 59 Respectfully submitted, R. J. LACKLAND, Prtsident. Attest, A. D. Cunningham, Secretary. Rett. Mo. Hot. Gari>., 1893, Plate i. i *; A *< YUCCA AU8TRALIS. FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR. SUBMITTED TO THK TRUSTEES JAN. 11, 1893. To the Board of Trustees of the Missouri Botanical Garden: The following report on the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Henry Shaw School of Botany is respectfully sub- mitted, in compliance with the rules of the Board. THE BOTANICAL GARDEN. It is gratifying to me to be able to report that the num- ber of visitors to the grounds through the past year has been considerably increased as compared with preceding years, and, so far as could be gathered from their remarks, they have shown an appreciation of the improvements which have been made, and especially the more natural grouping of the plants and the addition of large specimen cacti, yuccas, etc., from the arid regions.