A Hermeneutical Profile of the Hypomnemata
CHAPTER 9 A Hermeneutical Profile of the Hypomnemata This chapter offers a hermeneutical profile of the hypomnemata. This profile is based on the exegetical resources as they were defined in the previous chapter. As we shall see, the notion of Homer as a conscious, individual author and teacher governs interpretations of the Iliad in the hypomnemata. The resourc- es the hypomnema exegetes apply to derive meaning from their base text tie in with this overarching perspective. 1 Perspectivisation The hypomnema commentators approached the Homeric epics as the works of a single, conscious author and teacher by the name of Homer. For these exegetes, “Homer” referred not just to a collection of literary compositions,1 but to a single, conscious author, who had a name, a biography, and a style.2 Homer not merely composed, but also wrote down the Iliad and the Odyssey.3 1 The extent of Homer’s literary production was discussed in antiquity. Aristotle, for instance, famously attributed the Margites to Homer. Others attributed the Homeric Hymns, or even poetry in general, to Homer. See Rudolf Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginnings to the Hellenistic Age (Oxford: Clarendon, 1968), 73–74; Alexander Beecroft, Authorship and Cultural Identity in Early Greece and China: Patterns of Literary Circulation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 61–105. 2 See Dirk M. Schenkeveld, “Aristarchus and ΟΜΗΡΟΣ ΦΙΛΟΤΕΧΝΟΣ: Some Fundamental Ideas of Aristarchus on Homer as a Poet,” Mnemosyne 23 (1970): 162–78; Gregory Nagy, “Early Greek Views of Poets and Poetry,” in The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, ed. George A.
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