Temporary Site Still up in The
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ROSENBERG NAMED ACTING DEAN OF SOCIAL SCIENCES by Steve Lynch A giant step toward the the curriculum, Dr. Rosenberg gy." Such courses already In- scholastic growth of York Col- replied that the selection of cluded in the curriculum are In- lege was made on September 4 proper faculty to teach Social tellectual History of the Social when Dr. Sydney Rosenberg, As- Science has been very difficult. Sciences, Black Capitalism, and sociate Professor of Psychology, He indicated, however, that all Military Industrial Complex. was named as Acting Associate York students, including Social Joint programs involving se- Dean of Social Sciences at York Science majors, have a Natural quences from different depart- College. Science requirement to fulfill; ments are also under considera- As a result of this appointment, any major in die Social Sci- tion. Dr. Rosenberg has already which now places Social Science ences, including the charter stu- instituted in the curriculum a on an equal footing with the other dents of 1967, has more man sequence in psychology and bi- departments, Dr. Rosenberg be- enough time to have a sufficient ology for future psychobiologists. comes York's fourth department major in- his field. He added, Speaking further on joint pro- head, joining Associate Deans "Last year, we began to offer grams, he said, "As an example, Daniel Coogan of Humanities, first-level courses in the Social we have someone who is major- Richard Gruen of Students, and Sciences; now we're up to the ing in psychology and minoring Lewis Bodi of the Natural Sci- second-level courses, and by next in Spanish, who would like to ences. year we will have a fairly full- become a psychologist but also In an interview on Wednesday, fledged program. We might have wants to continue in Spanish; September 17, Dr. Rosenberg been somewhat behind schedule, there is a great need for Span- discussed his appointment and but we're quickly making up for ish-speaking psychologists who its significance. In reference to that deficit; we had the largest are Interested in community the appointment Itself, he said, growth of faculty this year, and psychology." "I -was pleased, on behalf of the we anticipate another very large Dr. Rosenberg was born in Social Science faculty, because growth In 1970-71." Brooklyn, and graduated from we felt that we needed someone Dr. Rosenberg discussed how Boys High School in Bedford- to coordinate the development his new position would help him Stuyvesant. He men became a of the Social Science program to improve the Social Science De- (Continued on page 3) Dr. Sydney Rosenberg discusses his appointment at York, especially at mis very partment He stated that the of- during interview. critical stage. The department fice of Associate Dean would help is just beginning to grow." him in: Of equal significance concern- 1) selection of a first-rate ing the appointment of Dr. Rosen- faculty; berg was the fact that he is the 2) implementing the Social Sci- TEMPORARY SITE STILL first to be chosen from within ence curriculum as of last the faculty of York College. On year; this Dr. Rosenberg commented, 3) pressing for "happy mar- "I think that mis is an indica- riages" among the Natural tion that the President is willing and Social Sciences and the UP IN THE AIR to look within his own faculty Humanities. by Alan Barry Metrick for promotional opportunities and With regard to the third item, On May 27, 1968, Jamaica was Central Queens, it was announc- identification of people who can in fact, assured that there was Dr. Rosenberg commented, "All designated as the permanent site ed that these facilities would nothing that could be done, and play a special role in the col- of the Social Science faculty share of York College, the newest unit make up the temporary facilities lege." they would have no where to go. this point of view: that we should of the City University of New of York College. The college, working on its own The primary Importance of Dr. be as integrated a faculty as we York. This designation, made After not more man a month,, uncovered some other possibili- Rosenberg's appointment is that possibly can; since I particularly against me will of the student the plans fell through when it was, ties, one being the Yeshiva of it now provides new hope for the share that point of view, I hope body, was a response to com- learned that Mayor Lindsay had Central Queens. After many Social Science majors at York, that we can do things in this di- munity pressure In Jamaica. promised the Queensborough li- meetings with the rabbi and his who comprise 30% of the student rection through interdisciplinary Since that date, very little real brary building would be the new staff, me college drew up com- body. Since York opened In 1967, courses and joint programs." progress has been made in put- home for the Queens Family plete working plans for the use students have voiced their com- An interdisciplinary program ting York -College in a tempor- Court, which was old and needing of the Yeshiva. plaints concerning the dominance In the Social Sciences would allow ary facility in Jamaica, despite a new location. This was a severe The board of the Yeshiva want- of Natural Sciences in the cur- a student to combine two majors assurances by various govern- blow to the College's plans In that riculum. When asked whether ed $200,000 more than the high- in the Social Sciences, and have mental agencies of cooperation. the library, because of space con- est estimate made on the build- the social sciences were "short- a major In "psychological eco- According to the original plan, siderations and location was a changed" in the formation of ing. This demand effectively kill- nomics." or "political sociolo- the temporary facilities in Bay- key part of the package. ed all plans for the use of Yesh- side were to be used for one In the ensuing debate between iva. year, vacated in September of the college and the city agencies The Whitman Hotel was another 1968. Chairman Elliot of the involved, the owner of the Treo possible building for the tempor- City Planning Commission is on factory signed a long term lease ary site which, because of money, record as telling leaders in the with a private concern without couldn't be used. The hotel had a Jamaica community mat tempor- consulting the college. large L-shaped parking lot on ary facilities would be provided, In response, the City Planning which could have been erected all and that the college would be in Commission came back with a our labs. This would have made Jamaica by September, 1968. plan to acquire, not only the possible the most modern lab These promises were not ac- Montgomery Ward Building, but facilities possible. However, companied by any practical ac- two blocks of property adjacent because of the type of renova- tion to find temporary facilities to the building, mostly store- tion needed to make the building for the college. fronts of one or two floors, usable, it would have cost $80 Shortly after the permanent which were to be razed. Tempor- per sq, ft. to renovate. A new site was designated, the City aries were also to be built. The building in the city costs any- Planning Commission, and community, through the Jamaica where from $40-60. The board Charles Smith of Jamaica came Community Corporation, voiced of Higher Education could not up with a package of buildings their opposition to me plan, ex- approve such a costly venture. for the temporary facility. The pressing concern about where Up until last week, the Jamaica package, endorsed by Chairman the money would go, and which Jewish Center was one of the Elliot consisted of the old buildings would be removed. Un- buildings that was going to make Queensborough Library Building, der increasing community heat, up the temporary campus of the the Treo Corset factory, and the the plan was quietly removed, college. The Center was to be Montgomery Ward building. After which left the situation, again, used to house music and art stu- Inspecting the facilities, the col- up in the air. dios, and health facilities. It had lege found them adequate for the Subsequently, the college re- a pool, and a large auditorium. The Mongomery Ward Building, site of future York spatial needs of the college and ceived no further aid from me A complicated arrangement was accepted the offer. Augmented City Planning Commission or worked out with the Center College classes. by the use of the Y. M. C. A. of any city agency. The college was, (Continued on page 5) PAGE 2 PANDORA'S BOX SEPTEMBER 25, 1969 HUMAN FIRST Steve Lynch by Dave Mendels I was asked to find out what Joe" is concerned about the role up in a pomposity completely Father Joseph McKeon does: of the church in our society. alien to one as informal as him however the answer lies in the Hardly a fundamentalist, he feels self. One of his greatest assets question of what Father Joseph that the church should take a is his ability to accept others McKeon is. Above all else he firmer stand on the war, racism, for what they are. He claims is intensely human. His job and poverty, and yet to a certain no monopoly on truth, and asks as chaplain of York College is extent he refrains from taking only for reason. his first experience outside of such a position, unless he feels Probably his most typical stand a purely Catholic structure, and morally obliged to do so.