[.] FAR 610 [POST OFFICg

FARMERS-continued. Hill ing Mrs. Sophia,Gunthorpe, IlouldPn Jall'le~, Church end, West Ha~tings J olm, Field house, Swan ton Hilton Henry, Surlingham, Walton, Wisbeeh Morlt·y, E>~st tlinchley Smith, Bunwell, Attleburough How John, Ten )lile bank, fen, Ha sting~ J aim Lon gliam, EastDereham Hind John Ing-ham, , Down ham Hn,.ting-s John Henry, Bintry, near East Dert~ham How William, Totting-ton, Thet.ford , Thetford Hinde Ephraim, Catton, Norwif'h Howal'd Henjalllin, Gl'imston, Lynn Hastings \Villiarn, Felthorpe, Norwicl1 Hiude Epllraim W.Frettenham,N orwich Howard Fretlk.Downham, Rattan .fonathn, l\Tattishall,Ea.Derehm Hinrle Hiclmrd Fras. Brockdish, Scale Howard Geo. \VhiniJurgh, Ea. Dereham Haunron David, Gissing, Diss Hindle J onathan, Hetltmham, & at H award J ames, Beighton, Norwich H aunton Hobert, Gi~sing, Diss Thwaite St. :Mary, Bung-ay H award J as.Stratto11 Straw less, Norwich Haward Charles, Earsham, Bungay Hipkin George, , Thetford Howard James, Swauton Abbott, & at Hawrs William, Woodton, Bungay Hipkin Stephcn, Honingham, Norwich Skeyton, Norwieh Hawkins John, Aslihy, Norwich Hipperson !1-Irs. Ann, Little Melton, Howard J ames, Thornham, Lynn Httyes Samuel, Surlingham, Norwich Wymondham 1:-I award Robert, Brakefield, EH.Derehm Haylett Robert, Wiggenhall St. Mary Hipperson Hen.Lit.Melton,,Vymondhm Huward Robert, Houghton, Magdalen, Lynn Hipperson James, Wramplingham, Wy­ Howard Samuel, Hickling, Norwich Hayldt St~phen, Bawdeswell, Thetford mondham Howard Wig-more, Stiffkey, Wells Hayne Wm.Fiddy,Felmingham,Norwch Hipperson Samuel, Hempnall, Long Howard William Colvy,Thornham,Lynn Hayward Edward Walter, Hardley, &at Stratton Ha well John & Robert, Ho! me-next~ Heckingham, Norwich Hipperson Samuel, Little .M:clton, Runcton, & South Huncton, Downhm Hayward Frederick Richard, Elling­ Wymondham Howell Frederick, Guild street, & New harn, Bungay Hipperson Mrs. Susannah, Hempnall, ·, Brandon Hayward Nelson, Carr house, Nor ton Long Stratton Howell Henry, , Thetford Hubcourse, Norwich Hobart Hobert, Saxlingham, Nether­ Howell Henry, Weo;t Winch, Lynn Haywarrl Nelson Hylton, The Hall, gate, Norwich Howell Jas. NewWalsingham, Brandon Rushnll, Scole Hodgkinson Edward, , Howell J olm, Baconsthorpe, Thttford Hazell Jonah, Banham, Brandon HowellJohn, Old Walsingham,Brandon Hazle Jas.ShotteshamSt.Mary,N orwich H odgkinson William, Should ham Howell Uichardson, l\Iorley St. Peter, Hazle James, 'Vereham, Brandon Thorpe, Downham Wymondham Head Robert, Wicklewood, Wymondham Hodson Robert, Holme-next-Runcton, Howell Thomas, Elmham, Thetford Head William, Hnckford, Wymondham Downharn Howell Williarn, , ThPtford Head William, Wicklewood, Wymondhm Hodson Robert, Priory farm, Wiggen- Howell Wm. Field Dalling, Thetford Heading Mrs. Anna, Holme-next- ball St. Mary Magdalen, Lynn Howes Mrs. Ann, Ridlington, Norwich Runcton, Downham Hoff William Gilson, , Lynn Howes Cubitt, Hempstead, Norwich Heading George,Thorpland,Wallington, 1:-Iolrlsworth Rol!ert, Earsham, Bungay Howes Mrs. Elizbth.Breckles,Attleboro' HollanC:. George, Earsbam, Bungay Howes Geo. Barningham town, K or\vich Heading Henry, jun. , Brandon Holland Hobert, Welborne, Ea. Derehm Howes Geo. "'est Somerton, Yarmouth Heard George, Shottesham All Saints, Holland William, Denton, Harleston Howes James, Hempstead, Norwich Norwich Holley John, Whinburgh, Ea. Dereham Howes James, Ringland, Norwich Hearne John ( exors. of), Heywood, Diss Hollox Jonathan, l"eltwell, Brandon Howes J olm, Bale, Thetford Hearne Mathw.Stokei-IolyCross,Xrwch Holman Edwnrd, Bunwell, Attleboro' H owes John, 1\T eth wold, Brandon Hebgin John, Hillington, Lynn Holman Geo. , Ea.Dereham Howes John, Saxlingham, 'fhetford Hebg-in 'Villiam, Great , Lynn Holman George, Thuxton, Attleboro' Howes John, Villa, Ing-ham, Norwich Heifer Robt.( exors of),Denver,Downhm Holman Palmer, Hingham, Attleboro' Howes John, , Helsdon Collins, Antingham, Norwich Holman Robert, Beeston, Swaffbam Howes Robert, ::\Iethwold, Brandon Helsdon Robert, Hanworth, Norwich Holman William, Thuxton, Attleboro' HowesThomas, Whinburgh, Ea.Dereham Henclry 'Villiam, Beeston, Holmes Benjamin, Spixworth, Norwich H owes \Villiam, Fund en hall, W)'mondiJm Hennery William, Brockdish, Scale Holmes Edward, North 'Vootton, Lynn Howes Wm. Runham, , Norwich HerhertJoseph, Fen end, West ·walton, Holmes Gervas, Brockdish hall, Scale Ilowlett Mrs. A. Bircham 'fofts, Lynn Wishech Holmes John, , Lynn Howlett Edward, Hilgayfen, Downham Hern James,Hoveton St.Peter,Norwich Holmes Matthew, Kenninghali,Thetford Ilowlett .Mrs. Eliza, Lower Falgate, Hernc Jamcs, Moulton St . .Michael, Holmes Robert, Tibenham, LongStratton , Swaffham Long Stratton Holmcs 'Villiarn, , Thetford H owlett Harcourt, Bees ton St. An drew, Her ne Robert,GreatHautboys, Norwich Holt Rice, Repps, Norwich Norwich Herwin Saml. Woorlbastwick, Norwich Hood Charles, Colti:;hall, Norwich Howlett Harcourt, Salhouse, N orwieh I-Iesson 'Vm. , Downham Hood John, Hethersett, Wymondham Howlett Horatio, Crostwick, Norwich Heugh Rayner, , Lynn Hood William, Thrigl!y, Yarmouth How lettl\I rs.J. Crown thorpe, W ymndhm Hcwitt Chas. street, Swaffham Hook Israel, , Downham Howlett J ames, jun. Attleboroul!h Hewitt Jas. Carleton Uode, Att!P.boro' Hook .J ames, West llradenhm. Thetford Howlett John, Bowthorpe hall, Norwich Hewitt Jas. , Attleboro' Hook Joshua, Wick mere, Norfolk Howlett John, Pulharn St.-Mary-the Hewitt Jnhn, Banham, Attlchoroug-h Hook Richard, Calthorpe, Norwich Virgin, Harleston Hewitt John, Tivetshall St . .Mary, Scole Hook William, Banningham, Norwich Howlett J olm, Stow Bardolpl1,Downham Hewitt Robert, Forncett St. Peter, Hook William, Erpingharn, Norwich Howlett Stephen, Billingtord, 'l'hctfurd Long Stratton Hooton J ames, ,Downham Howlett Thomas, , Brandon Hewitt Robert, South Repps, N orwiclJ Hopkin I~rancis,Denver sluice,Downhm Howlett William, Forncett St. Mary, Hewitt Samuel, , Yarmouth Hop king Williarn Clement, Moore farm, Long Stratton Hewitt Stephen, HP.msby, Yarmouth Great Bircham, Lynn Howling John, Elmham, Thetford Hewitt Thomas, Mautby, Yarmouth HopperDavid Walpole,St.Peter, Wisbech HowlingWm.Lit.Cressin~ham, Thetford Hewitt Wm. Gressenhall, East Dereham Hopper David, jun. \Valpole St. Peter, Howorth Edwd. Hayes lane, Fakenham Heyhoe George, , Thetford Wisbech Hubbard Charles, 'Valsoken, Wisbech Ileyhoe James, , Thetford Hopwn Alfred, Thurning, 'l'hetford Hubbard George, 'l'hurlton, Norwich Hickling Jas. Hernpnall, Long Stratton Horne,Villiam,Downham fen,Downham I-I ub bardGeorge, , East Dereha m Hickling J obn Shepheard, Cawston, Horney J olin, Gt. Dunham, Swaffham Hubhard Henry, Fen, ·walpole St. Norwich Horsfield J ames, North 'Yalsham Andrew, 'Visbech Hicks John, Hanworth, Norwich Horsley Charles, Sculthorpe, Fakenham Hubbard Hy. W al pole St. Peter, Wis be eh High Franeis, Gunthorpe, Thetford Horspole .John, Rast drove, Walpole St. Hubbard Henry, Yaxham,East Dereham Hi~h Henry, Wood N orton, Thetford Peter, 'Visbech Hubbard James, Stanfield, Swaffh.am High \Yilliam, Reymerstone, Attleboro' Horton W illiam, Hassingham, Norwich Hubbard .John, Swardeston, Norwich High William, Woodbastwick, Norwich Hoskins Charles, Fersfield, Diss Hub bard JolmA. H.eymerstne.A ttleboro' Hill 1\Irs. Hannah & Elizabeth, Gres- Iloskins J ames, Kenninghall, 'l'hetford Hubbard Parke, , ThetfcJrd senhall, East Dereham Hoskins "\'Villiam, Fersfield, Diss Ilubbard Richard, \Valpole St.Andrew, Hill George, New Walsingham, Bran don Hotson John, Smeeth, West Walton, Wisbech Hill James, Tivetshall St. Niary, Scale Wisbech Hubbartl H.obert, Cring1eford, Norwich Hill John, , Wisbech Hotson Richard, Stratton St. Mary, Hubbard Stephen, \Vramplingham, Hill Joseph, Walpole St. Peter, Wisbec!J Long Stratton Wymondham HilJJosiah, Briston, 1'betford Houchen Ellis, Rockland All Saints & Hubhard Thomas, Elmham, Thetford Hill Rohert, TilnPy St. Lawrence, Lynn St. Andrew's, Attleborough HubLard Thomas, }'en end, vVest Hill Hobert, Tbur~ford, Thetford Houc•hen Fras. Gt. Ellingham,Attleboro' 'Yalton, \Visbech l-1 ill Tooly, Great B.yburgh, Fa ken ham Houchen Williarn, , Tlletford Hubbard Thos.Moor, Dickleburgh,SeoJe Hill Wm. Tilney St. Lawrence, Lynn Houcheu William, Stant