Progress Report Covering the Five Year Period November 1, 1974 to October 31, 1979 and A Proposal for Continued Support of Research in > ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS

For the Period December 1, 1979 Eo February 28, 1981

to the


15-month Request: $956,600 Budget on page 100

EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICISTS: Authentication : J.R. Albright, Professor R. N. Diamond, Asst. Prof. H. Fenker, Res. Assoc. J. Goldman, Res. Asst. Prof. S. Hagopian, Staff Physicist V. Hagopian, Professor 904-644-1492 or FTS-946-4287 J.E. Lannutti, Professor

THEORETICAL PHYSICISTS: Robert H., Davis, Chairman P.A.M. Dirac, Professor Department of Physics D.W. Duke, Visiting Asst. Prof. 904-644-2867 L. hclpern, Res. Assoc. J.D. Kimel, Assoc. Prof. J.F. Owens, Res. Asst. Prof. P.K. Williams, Assoc. Prof. [Robert M. Johnson, Dean Division of Gia'ciuate Studies and Research^ 904-644-3500 - disclaimer -

North** the U"««a States Gowrnnwt « • v * • ,«Kiru.o,htv to' WW, «rJmpUI. or product. or proem Or toTol'itW'w*. o* usefulness ol any 1 . , Raenc4 her*'n to any W*C’tiC Wat ,1I t.t. MUM '»<'«• manutanurn. or o:Kerw,ie. Son OOCU WEKr IS UNU^Ill^SL commercial product, proem «c’vicc bv ’recommendation or tawr-ng by the United this „« «•«»>“ <» "» W* OF Government or driv ayency themet. ine **v» a u Mce-wrrtv state

F. Software Development 1. Review of Work Done in 1974-1979 58 2. Software Projects for 1980 61 V. Particle Theory A. Overall Review 62 B. P.K. Williams Program 65 C. J.D. Kimel’s Program • 67

D. J.F. Owens' Program . 72 E. D.W. Duke's Program 81 VI. Gravitational Theory Program A. Overall Review 84 B. P.A.M. Dirac's Program 84 C. L. Halpern's Program 86 VII. Conferences Held at Florida State University 88

VIII. Scientific Personnel for 1980 94 IX. Support Personnel 96 X. Other Financial Assistance 97 XI. Premises, Facilities, Equipment and Material 97 to be Furnished by the Contractor XII. Budget for Period December 1, 1979 to February 100 28, 1981 Budget Explanatory Notes XIII. Amount Requested • 104 Appendix I - Five Year Publications ? Appendix II - Copie^o^Papers and Reports ;v- Appendix III - HH^^^^Bublications of Scientific Personnel TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Project Abstract

A. Experimental 1 B. Particle Theory 2 C. Gravitational Theory 2 II. Support: Five Year Summary 3 III. Personnel: Five Year Summary 4 IV. Experimental Program A. Overall Review 7 B. Review of Work Completed During 1974-1979 1. K d Interactions in the BNL 30-inch Bubble 10 Chamber 2. ir+d at 15 GeV/c in the SLAC 82-inch Bubble 11 Chamber 3. it p at 250 and 360 GeV/c in the Fermilab 14 15-ft Bubble Chamber 4. Neutrino Experiments at Fermilab 16 C. Experiments in Progress 1. H* Search at BNL using the MPS; Search for 17 Baryonium 2. ir+p in the 40-inch SLAC Bubble Chamber with 26 the Lead-Glass Wall 3. A Search for Narrow and Broad Resonances Decaying 34 into AA, AAir, KgKS and KgKgir from ir'p Interaction at 300 GeV/c in the Fermilab MPS. 4. An Experiment to Study Photoproduction of Charm 38 in the SHF Exposed to a Polarized Mono-Energetic Backscattered Laser Beam of 20 GeV Photons in the SLAC 40-inch Bubble Chamber with the Hybrid Faci­ lity D. Preparations and Proposals for Future Experiments

1. High Mass States Decaying into $fr~Y and 47 Produced Centrally in 300 GeV/c n"p Interac­ tions Using Fermilab MPS. 2. Search for Baryonium at BNL MPS 49 3. Search for Hyperonium, Exotic States and Charm 50 Decays Using BNL MPS 4. Dilepton Production by Neutrinos at Fermilab 51 I. Project Abstract The research in progress and proposed herein is a study of several of the fundamental forces of nature. The research involves both experimental and theoretical work. A. Experimental Program The period since 1974 has been a time of remarkable progress and change for the experimental group. During this time we have shifted from the use of bare bubble chambers to use of electronic equipment in multiparticle spectrometers KPS) and in hybrid bubble chamber systems. The experiments now probe nb physics instead of ub physics. The older experiments with bare bubble chambers are now completed, and new experiments have obtained data at the Brookhaven MPS and at the SLAC 40-inch hybrid system.

During the next contract year we expect to: (1) Continue analysis and obtain results on the BNL experiment. The data will provide new information about E* resonances produced by K p; it will also explore various states produced by pp; (2) Continue measurements, analysis and interpretation of the SLAC data from ir p+miro + X at 16 5eV/c. Gamma rays from the it0 mesons were detected with a lead-glass wall; (3) Start taking data on ir“p-»- 2V + X at 300 3 eV/c using the Fermilab -MPSr beginning in November of 1979. (4) Start taking data at the SLAC hybrid facility (SHF) using photons from the backscattered laser beam. This will be our second experiment with the lead-glass wall. With varying degrees of probability we can predict the physics that will come from these experiments. New cascade resonances may be found and interpreted. We may be able to pin down the elusive four-quark baryonium states that decay into pp. We may learn some new aspect of resonances that decay into multiple neutrals. We may find_evidence for high-mass resonances that decay into KSKS or AA. We may find bare charm or other exciting effects in photoproduced vector mesons. With all these possibilities, something exciting should be obtained during the coming year.

1 B. Particle Theory Program The past five years have been a period of rapid broadening of interests and reorientation for the particle theory group at Florida State thiversity — as it has been for particle theory as a whole. In the fall of 1973, we first proposed the beginning of a research effort in parton physics, breaking with our traditional concentration on low momentum transfer reactions, irir phase shifts, Regge phenomenology, and amplitude analyses. The discovery of the J/W in November 1974,of neutral currents in weak interactions as predicted by the Weinberg- Salam model, and of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) as a pro­ mising candidate for the theory of strong interactions sti­ mulated and hastened our evolution into a research group with an emphasis on QCD. We are interested in the effects of QCD in hadron physics, especially high-pT reactions. We are also interested in QCD effects of higher order in processes basically mediated by electromagnetic or weak interactions, such as deep inelastic scattering or the Drell-Yan process. In the last three years, we have achieved increasing success and recognition for theoretical contributions to parton physics, particularly in hadronic reactions. We believe that we now have the experience and the personnel to make our work in testing and understanding the fundamental interactions of particle physics even more significant in the future.

C. Gravitational Theory Program . . Since 1974, the gravitational theory program has increased its momentum and hosted three conferences. Two of the confer­ ences were designed to encourage experimental physicists seeking a'variation in the gravitational constant G : the third was a more general international conference in the subject of Current Trends in the Theory of F ields. Curing the past year the cosmological theory, of an expanding universe with varying G has become more definite. In addition, all the experimental data, although measurement uncertainties are large, are now in agreement and consistent with our theore­ tical prediction. , Further development of the theory with varying G will be made during the next year to provide definite equations of motion for problems in which both gravitation and quantum effects play a role. It is hoped ultimately to obtain an underlying field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism.


/ / II. Support: Five Year Summary This work is currently supported in part by the U-S. Department of Energy Contract No. EY-76-S-05-3509, which is a twelve-month contract with U.S. Department of Energy with a basic support of $350,000, an additional amount of $10,000 for a Junior Investigator support and $6000 carry-over from the previous year for a total of $366,00 and which expires November 30, 1979. The remaining support this year comes from University resources, of which it is estimated that $322,500 will be used for cost sharing. The table given below gives our program budgets for the last five years: Budgets and/or Expenditures Purine Last Five Years (in thousands of dollars)

"1975" "1976" ”1977 II "1978 n "1979"* Contract 2/1/75 1/1/76 2/1/77 12/1/77 12/1/78 Period 12/31/75 1/31/77 11/30/77 11/30/78 11/30/79

FSU DOE ‘ PSP - DOS FSU DOE rsu DOS FSU DOE Personnel 121.3 142-.7 . 207.9 .204.3 130.2 167.5 244.6 206.7 252.5 232.0

Expenses' 0 32.1 0 39.7 0 55.9 2.2 71.3 f:o 97.0 Computer Use 157.6 21.8 138.7 30.4 128.3 26.8 124.2 32.5 145.0 36.5

Equipment 0 0 0 .2 0 0.2 2. 0 5.5 9.5 0.5

Totals 278.9 196.7 346.6 274.5 258.5 250.4 373 . 1 315.9 It 0 8.0 366.0 Annualized Totals 304.3 214.5 320.0 253.4 310.2 300.5 3 7 3.1 315.9 408.0 366.0

* Estimated in part A significant point to note in this table is the partnership in support evidenced by the magnitude of assistance provided by the University. It had been realized earlier that the State of Florida, ranking 8th in population among the U.S. (i.e., higher than Massachusetts) should have at least one graduate uni­ versity strong in this,the most fundamental field of physics. Hence, the local support has been significant throughout.

The itme "Computer Use" refers to cost for the use of the central campus computer only. This item has con­ tinued to be an appreciable contribution by the University over a number of years. In the past the DOE share of our computing costs has been about 10% of our operating expenses We expect this level of cost sharing on computer costs will continue in the future.

3 Ill. Personnel: Five Year Summary In the Fall of 1974 the high energy group included three theorists and four faculty experimentalists. Now in the Fall of 1979 the number in each category is the same. However, the total number of physicists involved has in­ creased from 10 to 12 — 5 theorists and 7 experimentalists. The table given below lists the physicists and engi­ neer involved with the program in the last five years and gives their tenure period.

(1) On leave to the High Energy Physics Program in the Division of Research of the Department of Energy. (2) Funding Legend is as follows: * Funded by FSU ** Funded by DOE

RA-Research Associate; RP-Research Professor; SP-Staff Physicist

4 The Florida State University has been supporting our High Energy Program with manpower as well as capital and expense funds. During the academic year during which the faculty is paid by the University, our teaching load has varied from zero to two 3-hour courses per person. The average being 1.15 courses for this academic year. In addition, the University supports our program with three full time people paid entirely from FSU funds. The first is Dr. Sharon Hagopian (Staff Physicist) who devotes 100% of her time to our experimental program. The second is Mr. Frank Rydeen, our extremely capable Electronic Engineer: he has designed and built over seven microprocessor units. Four control our measuring tables, one is for our CAMAC system in our Detector Development Laboratory and the last two for intelligent computer terminals with floppy discs. He was the one who interfaced the SLAC test beam area to an LSI-11 to test the lead-glass blocks. He is currently helping to design and construct a hardwired 3-fold coincidence trigger for the Fermilab E5S0 experiment. In addition, he supervises and main­ tains all our electronic and mechanical units from our measuring tables to our EMR computer. The third person is Miss Daphne Summers (B.S. in Physics). She is in charge of our scanning­ measuring facility and spends half-time scanning and measuring and half-time managing our computer work on the University com­ puter including tape library, permanent disc files and some software development. She also assists in data analysis when­ ever appropriate. .

5 Not shown on the above table, but of course, of signifi­ cance to the research progress have been the graduate students trained in the group. Those still with us are given later in this proposal. We give below those who have worked with us, left during the review period, and where they are: Doug Pewitt (Ph.D., 1975 - Deputy Director Energy Research Division, Dept. of Energy) David Capps (Ph.D., 1975, Hughes Aircraft, San Diego) Dennis Wilkins (Ph.D., 1975, U. S. Army) John Richey (Ph.D., 1976, Old Dominion Systems, Gaithersburg, Md.) Paul Madden (Ph.D., 1976 - A Group, Lawrence Berkeley Lab.) David P. Gluch (Ph.D., 1976, Honeywell Corp., St. Petersburg, FL.) Barbara Wind (M.S., 1972, Student until 1977, Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, California) Norberto Ezquerra (Ph.D. 1978 - Georgia Institute of Technology) Kenneth Rauchwarger (M.S. in Particle Physics, 1975, Ph.D. in Solid State, 1978, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, California) Roger Parsons (Ph.D. 1979 - Completed Work in November) Patrick Hays (Ph.D. 1979 - Expected completion in December)

In the category of non-physicist personnel providing support services during the review period, we have had:

1 Electronic Engineer - Funded by FSU 1 Electronic Technician - Funded by DOE 1 Laboratory Technician - Funded by FSU ~2.5 FTE Undergraduate Student Assistants- Funded by DOE JO.5 FTE Secretary - Funded by DOE -

,/ ' plus the equivalent assistance of the)' following Departmental employees:

~0.5 FTE Machinist ~1 FTE Manuscript typist and an Administrative Assistant -0.1 FTE Draftsman. ,

6 IV. Experimental Program

A. Overall Review

For the experimental group, the last few years have entailed a period of dramatic transition and excitement (and a lot more travel)! For many years we had done experiments using bare bubble chambers as our primary tool—not only because the problems that could be done with it were interesting and current but also because most of the work could be done at our home base where we could conveniently cover our teaching responsibilities too. However, about five years ago it began to become obvious that the more crucial physics experiments entailed effects with smaller and smaller cross sections—too small for a single bubble chamber group to do in a reasonable time. Hence, the bare bubble chamber technique began to lose its applicability. We began to experience difficulty in getting approved experiments scheduled when in competition with other experi­ ments with other tools. (Our 15’ bubble chamber experiment Fermilab E-384 submitted in December 1974 and approved in June 1975 was finally officially reclassified as inactive in June 1978 without being run.) Our last bare bubble chamber experiment with a signifi­ cant number of pictures was run in Fall 1974 (see section IV-A-3). In addition, we submitted a number of other bubble chamber proposals to Fermilab (both for the 30 inch and the 15 ft.) and in each case our request was not approved. The reasons for rejection were not always based on physics grounds, since in most cases the same exposure was given to other groups, twice -to foreign laboratories, one of which had little reputation for productivity at that time. Hence during the last five years we have become involved in three major experiments which have caused significant changes in our mode of operation and national reputation: - 1. In the summer of 1973 we submitted a proposal to BNL to study the reaction ir±d •+ (mirijd using the Brookhaven MPS. This was to be an extension of our 15 GeV/c r^d experiment using the SLAC 82" bubble chamber. After presenting it to the BNL PAC we realized that , it would be advisable to gain experience with the MPS by collabora­ ting with an experienced MPS group. So we joined with the Omega ; . Group at BNL and in June 197 5 proposed to do a S* experiment for which we built a recoil-K+ detector. This venture culminated in' an extensive run January 1979 thru April 1979 which is described in 1 2 * * * Section IV B-l. , " I, ' ' 2. In December 1976 we joined with Duke University, the University of Tennessee, and ORNL and submitted a proposal to SLAC to use the 40" bubble chamber and the associated SLAC Hybrid Facility (SHF). The experiment was approved in February 1977. The uniqueness of the proposed experiment was to be that we would construct and instrument an array of lead-glass blocks to be set up as part of! the SHF behind the bubble chamber to detect arid trigger on yrays. The experiment studied resonances decaying into tt° modes6'produced in 16 GeV/c ir+d reactions (i.e., ttN CM energy of 5.6 GeV) Our triggeru was to require more than 8 GeV ofelectromagnetic energy in;the lead glass wall to minimize the diffractively produced resonances. !( We Q constructed the apparatus during the period Spring 1977 to Summer 1978. The experiment was changed to ir+p in the fall of 1978 due to difficulties in operating the 40" bubble chamber with deuterium. The experiment was run in three periods: July 1978, November 1978, and January-February 1979. This experiment (described in Section B—2) was another major departure for us since we had to do extensive mechanical, optical, and electronics construction as well as on-line software at a national lab. 3. Another move away from bubble chambers came when in January 1978 we joined with several other bubble chamber groups and submitted a proposal to Fermilab to use the Meson Lab MPS to extend our 250 GeV/c 15 ft. bubble chamber 2V physics (see Section A-3) to an all electronic small cross section search for high mass resonances decaying via two neutral strange particles. Although the PAC viewed the physics favorably they contended that we could not operate the MPS ourselves and deferred the proposal for consideration at a later time. Subse­ quently two changes were made: (1) Fermilab employed a full-time staff to maintain the Meson Lab MPS and (2) we added several other institutions to our collaboration team to gain physicists with more hardware expertise. Then in June 1978 the proposal was resubmitted, defended and approved as E580. This experiment is described in Section IV-B-3. With this experiment, cur experience in nonbubble chamber work has grown by leaps and bounds. Subsequent to the approval, the spokesmanship for the experiment was changed to our group (JEL)—in large measure because our group was to make major contributions in all areas of reconstruction and operation of hardware and software. At the time of this writing we are nearing our first test run of this experiment in November 1979. It is interesting that now as a result of our efforts in the above three experiments we are already moving into even more exciting second generation experiments and proposals with each of the facilities with which we have gained experience. Our future for the next few years is committed to capitalizing on the investments made in these three experiments. One such second generation experiment is already approved and is discussed in Section IV-B-4. Others are still in the proposal stage and are discussed in Section IV C. Our major problem is to manage to schedule experiments so that we will not have long periods of time when we have no significant physics experiment in progress. During the past year we had the fluctuation that the long delayed BNL experiment interfered somewhat with the rather quickly approved and run SLAC experiment. Although this has caused us to be somewhat overloaded this year, we are firmly con­ vinced that this situation is much preferable to having almost no new experimental results for several years! For the next 5 years or so we expect to complete our program at SLAC with the SHF facility. We are confident that we will have another MPS experiment at Fermilab, which may happen during 1981 (discussed in Section IV C-l). Our future plans at BNL will firm up when we process our present data, but in any case we expect to perform one or two experiments using the upgraded MPS fdiscussed in Section IV C-2 and 3).

8 Beyond 1982 we will capitalize on our experience with MPS-type equipments and get ready to perform experiments at the Tevatron in Fermilab and most likely ISABELLE at BNL. For the Tevatron we have already started discussions with other groups about possible experi­ ments. One of us (JEL) was appointed by L. Lederman as one of three members to advise the Meson Lab on preparations for the Tevatron. We have also made some very preliminary plans for a neutrino expo­ sure in the 15 ft. bubble chamber. (Discussed in Section IV C.-4) . We have also started to explore various possibilities for experiments at ISABELLE. We have participated in summer work shops and expect to devote an appreciable amount of time to ISABELLE starting in 1983, assuming that the construction does not slip more. We believe the future looks very bright. We will continue to perform experiments at several laboratories even if our underfunded state does not improve appreciably. We do not like to focus all of our attention on work at one laboratory, because such a commitment could be disastrous for us. We do not want a repeat of the 1974 to 1978 situation where for four years we did not get any new data, no matter how hard we tried. Since neither the Tevatron nor ISABELLE promises easy access, we need to keep our options open. It is not inconceivable that during the next five years we may start a major program at PEP.

9 B. Review of Work. Completed During 1974-197 9 1. K d Interactions in the BNL 30-inch Bubble Chamber During the years from 1963 through 1971 the Florida State group obtained a number of bubble-chamber pictures at Brookhaven using the 30-inch bubble chamber. The exposures were made with a K minus beam at eight different momenta from 475 MeV/c to 850 MeV/c. During the five years covered by this report, the last of the analyses was completed on the data from this experiment. , The original intention of the experiment was to study s-channel formation of the 1(1660) and 1(1620), using partial wave analyses of

K~n Air -* Atttt -*■ Ztttt

to determine the spin and parity of the 1 states in question. The concept was reasonable in principle, since a K n initial state has isospin equal to unity, leading to a significant reduction in the number of partial-wave ampli­ tudes to be fitted. As a result of two unfortunate findings, the experiment was somewhat disappointing in its outcome. First of all, the coupling of these 1 resonances to K n • is not large. Secondly, in the resonant regions the A hyperons have essentially no polarization. Therefore it was difficult to make a case that the resonances were present, and impossible to make really unambiguous determinations of the parity. •

In the past five years two experimental students, Paul Madden and Norberto Ezquerra, received Ph.D.’s based on research in this experiment. One theoretical student, David Capps, received a Ph.D. on the analysis of data from the Etttt final state. A paper on the Att final state was published in the Physical Review, four talks were given by students at APS meetings, and two talks were given at European • universities. In previous years five papers were published from this experiment, and seventeen talks were presented at APS meetings. .

j 10 2. tr+d at 15 GeV/c in the SLAC 82-inch Bubble Chamber (BC-38)

The data of this experiment were taken 6 years ago; we obtained about 900,000 photographs corresponding to about 20 events/pb. This was a major project for our group resulting in very productive physics. We have already published 11 papers from the data of this experiment and and have another'one submitted for publication. A list of the papers is attached at the end of this section. In addition eight (8) contributed talks were given at American Physical Society meetings and one invited talk at an International Conference. Four graduate stu­ dents at Florida State University used the data of this experiment to write Ph.D. theses and three students used the data for their M.S. theses.

For this experiment all the data reduction, starting with scanning, was performed at Florida State University, with the exception of measuring the predigitized non-strange particles on the University of Pennsylvania HPD and the Univer­ sity of Tennessee Spiral Reader at Oak Ridge. All the computing work and the data analysis were performed at our institution with the exception of the last two papers, where the final analysis, from our data summary tape and Ph.D. thesis written by our students, were done by our colleagues University of Tennessee. The data were also used in estimating rates and background calculations for our next SLAC experiment (EC-67) discussed elsewhere in this document (section B2) •A glance at the publication list shows the highlights of this experiment. Our data showed the first indication that a small fraction’^ of the time the deuteron exists as A-A instead of p-n. Other similar experiments have also confirmed the same result. Essentially the reaction studied was Tr+d-*iT+AA, where the tt has most of the laboratory momentum. This result has stimulated many theoretical calculations and resulted in various theoretical papers. This experiment also determined limits of charmed meson and baryon production from pions. Theta limits have been quoted in many review articles. For this limit calculation we pioneered the technique of search­ ing for high mass resonances by inspecting events with large momentum transverse to the direction of the beam or the resonant state. Our limits were some of the smallest reported at medium energies ('vl5 GeV/c) for many years.

The rest of the analysis of the data consisted of studying various final states. Special early attention was focused on coherent production (papers 3 and 10) where the clearest A'frr) signal was observed, i.e. ^.t_was a peak instead of a shoulder in the 3tt mass plot. The it tt, tt+tt tt°states have been studied ‘ . thoroughly with the aid of longitudinal phase space analysis which separates the various competing production diagrams • (papers 8, 11, and 12). Also all the double V events

11 were scanned and measured at Florida State University which produced a large sample of KgKg events. Resonance searches and analysis of the data (papers 4 and 7) convinced us of the significance of using KsK| as an important tool and we are happy that our proposed experiment at Fermilab (E-580) looking at exactly the same final state was approved. In this study we observed that the tt+ which has ud quarks cannot form low t, low mass KgKg resonances(which have ds or ds quarks)at low momentum transfer. This is consistent with planar quark diagrams with crossing lines suppressed,a fact that was not noticed before. During the past year the analysis of the multipion final states was completed and a paper summarizing our results was accepted for publication (paper 10, see also Enclosure ). In this paper, the cross sections of all measurable final states were reported including the multi- pi zero events. Even though no new narrow resonances were observed, the computation of the number of ir°’s as a func­ tion of the charged pions seemed to violate isospin conservation predictions. This dilemma was resolved by realizing the effects of kinematic limits which, at our energy,produce an average of two tt°'s independent of the number of produced charged pions. The average number of charged pions produced at 15 GeV/c is 3.5, so most of the events have four or more charged pions. Since in many pion final states the combinatorial background usually dominates any mass calculation, we were curious to know whether we could predict the shape of these background distributions. We succeeded by modifying phase space with the inclusion of a 4 momentum distribution (t) weight that reproduces the exponential t distribution of the data, and also by fixing the average momentum transfer of the pions to be equal to the experimental value. These modifications were enough to predict the correct shape of all the mass distributions. - ■ . • . The n ir p final state yielded rich samples of p°, f° and g° (paper 8) and the 7r+ir“n°p has the n, m, A2 and possibly some higher mass resonances. It is now clear that to observe new narrow high mass resonances, we need over 100 events/ub sensitivity, and so the guest for new resonances produced by hadrons should be done using such devices as multiparticle spectrometers 'instead of bubble chambers. We even studied our K+K“ and pp but the sample was too small to draw any major conclusions.

In conclusion, this bubble chamber exposure has yielded rich hadron physics information and the work is essentially completed. We do not expect to devote any considerable effort to this experiment in the future.

12 Publications of TT+d at 15 GeV/c


1. Comment on the Structure of the Deuteron. Journal de Physique 34 , Cl-209 (1973). 2. Search for Evidence of a A (1236)-A (1236) Component of the Deuteron. Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 380 (1974) 3. The Reaction Tr+d->ir+ir+ir d at 15 GeV/c. Phys. Rev. Dll, 996 (1975). 4. Duality and Low Mass KK Resonances. Proc. of DPF meeting in Seattle,Wash., p. 277, Amer. Tns. of Phys., NY (1975).

5. RESURX: A Computer-Assisted Human intervention System for High-Energy Physics Data Reduction. Rev. of Sci. Inst. 47, 427 (1976). 6. Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 296 (1976). 7. Resonances in the K°K° System. Phys. Rev. D13, 1831 (1976). S S ■■_ 8. Longitudinal - Phase-Space Analysis of ir+n-*TT+ir p .at 15 GeV/c. Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). 9. Search for New Particles Using Bubble Chambers. Proc. of the 18th International Conference on High Energy Physics, p.N15 (1977). ' 10. Many-Pion Production in iT+d Reactions at 15 GeV/c. Accepted for Publication by Phys. Rev. D. Nov. 1979.

11. Neutral Three Pion (it it tt°) Resonance Production in 15 GeV/c ir d Collisions. Paper accepted by Phys. Rev. D. 12. Investigation of Higher Mass Even G States from 15 GeV/c ir+d Collisions. Paper submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Ph.D. Theses 1. Four Charged Particle Final States from the Reaction Tr+d at 15- GeV/c by N.D. Pewitt (1975). . - 2. Strange Particle Final States from 15 GeV/c ir+d Interactions by D.P. Wilkins (1975).

3. Longitudinal Phase Space Analysis of the Reactions tt h-»-7r tt p and m+n-»-Tr+7r”7rop at 15 GeV/c by J.E. Richey (1976) .

4. A Deck Model Analysis of the Reaction u+d-»-TT+iT+TT*"d at 15 GeV/c

by D.P. Gluch (1976). .

33 3 - tt p at 25C GeV/c and 360 GeV/c in the Fermi lab 15 ft. Bubble Chamber

This experiment was performed in collaboration with Russ Huson's group at Fermilab. The exposure was made during October 1974 (Expt. #234) and 46K useful pictures were obtained with an average of 4 tracks per picture - a sensitivity level of about 1.2 events/microbarn. A second exposure of 2OK pictures was obtained in February 1977 at 360 GeV/c (Expt. #384) as the first part of an approved exposure for 200K pictures. ' ' We consider ourselves fortunate to be able to work with one of che rare hadron experiments using the 15-foot bubble chamber. This chamber is especially useful for studying production processes with neutral strange particles and is one of the few existing tools for studying the production of gamma rays. The scanning and measuring for this experiment was completed two years ago and the analysis is winding up and should be completed in the next year, unless further topics of interest are developed. A partial list of various topologies on the 250 GeV/c film is as follows: Number . Number Percentage Available Measured Measured Primary events -20K -5.. OK ~25% 2-prong. inelastics -2K ~2K 100% 4-prongs -3. OK -1.5K -50% 6-prongs -3. 6K ~1K -30% Events with stopping protons -6K ~0. 3K -5% All GVA's* ~29K ~18K ~ 62% Gammas(i.e. GA’s) -26K -13K , -50% Primary events with GVA’s -12K ~2.0K -17% V’s & A;s as strange part, candidates -5.0K ~5.0K -100% Primary events with identified K's or A's -1.2K -1.1K -90% *"G"=definite gamma, "V"s definitely not gamma, "A"=ambiguous

The physics interests in this experiment have been manifold: reports have been published on a search for charm, inclusive strange particle production, a multiplicity study and correlation studies in strange particle events. Additional reports are essentially complete on the analysis of pion production using the two-component model and on inclusive strange resonance production. A Ph.D. thesis will be completed this quarter on the study of tt°

14 production and associated papers will soon be forthcoming. Another Ph.D Thesis is in preparation at the University of Maryland which studies the 4- and 6-prong primary events from this experiment. Highlights of these topics include the following: Search for Charm: Using approximately 660 primaries with identified K°'s, effective mass combinations of K°ir, K°27t and K°3ir showed no statistically significant evidence for charm. Also under the assumption that the D lifetime might be larger than 10“13 seconds we analyzed the distance by which 1-c fitted K°’s missed their associated primary vertices. No charmed candidates were found. Inclusive Strange Particle Production: The inclusive K° and A° cross sections at this energy agree with extrapolations from lower energy experiments. The number of K°’s and A°’s produced is approximately constant as a function of primary multiplicity. This is in contrast to tt° production and had not been studied in previous experiments. A threshold enhancement, which could be the S*, was observed in KOSK°S along with a high mass tail. Correlations of K°SK°S and K°sfT+ were shown tc be different from those for ir+r-. Mu 3 tiplicity Study: The cross sections for various multiplicities were published early in the experiment, and comparison with other experiments show consistancy and crude agreement with KNO scaling as has been found by others. Further analysis of the energy dependence of these experiments gave good fits with two-component models having a low multiplicity (diffractive) component and a higher multiplicity (non-diffractive) component. The best fit was obtained for cluster multiplicities of ~2 charged particles per cluster in agreement with recent ISR results. Single-comoonent models with ir, a, p or p-p clusters did not fit the data ’ ell. Inclusive Photon Production: A systematic study of ir° production at 250 GeV/c has been made using 12,000 y candidates of which 6,000 gave 3-c fits. Results have been obtained for it0 production versus various charged particle multiplicities and for Mueller's two-particle correlation moment f2°°. The y cross section distributions are consistent with data at lower energies. Diffraction Dissociation: Work is being done on 4- and 6-prong events in order to collect a significant sample of exclusive events such as ir~p -> (3ir)p and 5ir(p) and study diffraction dissociation.

As to the 360 GeV/c tt p experiment, a letter was received from T. Groves, Fermilab, informing us that Experiment #364 was switched from "Approved but not completed" to "Inactive" status since the Neutrino Laboratory schedule until March 1981 excludes hadron exposures. .

15 4. Neutrino Experiments at Fermilab Before he came to Florida State, R. Diamond.worked with the University of Michigan bubble chamber group on two neutrino experiments at Fermilab — E45 (v-P) and E180 (v. Me) — both of which were run in the 15 ft. bubble chamber. During his first 18 months at Florida State he continued to make con­ tributions to those experiments, including work on strange, particle production and a study of the reaction vp-+pK+y . His biggest contribution while_at Florida State was to continue some_calculations for the v-Ne experiment. The idea was that the v really interacts with one of the nucleons inside the Neon nucleus. The naive parton model predicts the vp to vn cross section ratios to be 2:1. By looking at the multiplicity dis­ tribution and making corrections for the nuclear breakup, the cross section ratio was obtained. The x and y dependence of this ratio showed scaling deviations. This paper has been published in Physics Letters. A number of papers were published during the 1978-1979 time period which were still in the preparation stage or which were composed with Diamond's contributions while he was at Florida State. The list of these publications follows:

1. Diffractive Production of Vector Mesons in High-Energy Neutrino Interactions, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 1226 (1978). 2. Inclusive Neutral Strange Particle Production from High- Energy vp Charged Current Interactions, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 1359 (1978). 3. Inclusive Negative Hadron Production from High-Energy v Nucleus Charged Current Interactions, Fermilab, IHEP, ITEP, Michigan, Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 3905 (1978). 4. Cross Section Meaurements for the Reaction vp-*-yTr+p and vp->p-K+p at High Energies, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1005 (1978). 5. A Study of the Reaction vp-*y A++ at High Energies and Com- parisions with Theory, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett 41, 1008 (1978).

6. Experimental Study of Hadrons Produced in High Energy Charged Current Neutrino-Proton Interactions, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D19, 1 (1979).

7. v P and "v N Charged — Current Interactions Unfolded from from HighvEnergy v Interactions in Neon, Fermilab, IHEP, ' ITEP, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Lett. 84B, no.4 511 (1979)

16 C. Experiments in Progress 1. E* Search at Brookhaven National Laboratory U' tg the Multiparticle Spectrometer (MPS). .pt. 673); Search for Baryonium Using an l.ntiproton Beam.

The study of S resonances is a young field, and almost all the results previous to this experiment come from bubble chambers. Several 5 resonances such as the E (1530), 5 (1830) and E (2030), are known,but the spin and parity of only the first one is measured. In addition, the particle data group lists another five more possible resonances of which most are suspect. The reason for this confusion is that all the p-.evious experiments had very few E events. The bubble chambers had sensitivites of about 100 events/ub and their final samples had about 1000 events in a typical mass plot. With such statistics, it is hard to sep 1 .ate resonant peaks from statistical fluctuations. In addition, another ex­ periment using the streamer chamber at SLAC has also searched for cascade resonances. With a sensitivity of 70 events/ub/ the streamer chamber observed many peaks but at different masses compared to the bubble chamber results. So we can safely say that the field of cascade resonances is very much confused. The only other data that exist besides our experi­ ment come from the SLAC-LASS run done at a much higher momentum (12 GeV/c). Since the cross section for production of cascade resonances is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the momentum, our data should provide the best search tor cascade resonances. This, experiment was proposed in collaboration with sev­ eral physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory in June of 1975. The experiment was approved in 1976 together with a forced merger of another proposal from the Brandeis-Syracuse-Cincinnati collaboration. Our proposal used the technique of K p-*K++X~ mode where the recoil K+ is slow (P<600 MeV/c). This trigger forces the X to contain a E or E* most of the time. In order to maximize the phase space for higher-mass E* and still have a decent K“ beam flux, the momentum chosen to run this experiment was 5 GeV/c. The other proposal relied on the high multiplicity feature of S production at lower beam momenta, namely 2-3 GeV/c. Clearly the two experiments were incompat­ ible and could not run simultaneously. Between 1976-1979, the Syracuse members of the collaboration dropped out and from Cincinnati only one member showed an interest in continuing with this experiment. In the meantime, a new cylindrical (4.5 m long, over 2 m diameter) high pressure Cerenkov counter was built at

17 BNL, so it was decided to combine both experiments and do one experiment using two separate triggers, the original trigger of slow K+ and a new trigger of identifying a fast forward proton where 50% come from a forward A. From January through mid-April 1979, this experiment was performed at the BNL-MPS using a 5 GeV/c K” beam. About 1500 tapes of data were recorded at about 4000 events per tape. In addition, due to the breakdown of one of the electrostatic separators (the glass separator cracked), we tuned the beam to 5 GeV/c antiprotons and took 200 tapes of data searching for baryonium using a fast-forward—proton trigger. These two experiments were performed by us (6 physicists), Brandeis University (4 physicists), BNL (4 physicists), Cincinnati (one physicist). We invited Southeastern Massachusetts University to join our experiment to set up the high pressure Cerenkov counter. Southeastern Mass joined us several months before the experiment started with 3 physicists. The spokesman for this experiment was Dr. S. Chung of BNL. The first trigger used two K+ detectors. The smaller one was borrowed from Imperial College, London, and had an active area of 60 cm x 100 cm. It contained 8 layers of brass 1 cm thick sandwiched between strips of scintillators 4 cm wide. In each plane every other scintillator strip was connected to a separate phototube. A K+ signal is defined to be a heavily ionizing particle stopping, followed by a delayed decay signal. A second K+ detector 2.5 times larger than the borrowed one (110 cm x 140 cm) was built by us- For this detector we at FSU machined and polished 650 light guides 6 ft. long. We also bought the needed brass sheets, some of thia scintillators, phototubes and bases, and supplied most of the manpower needed to bend the lightguides, and then glued and assembled the detector at BNL. For this purpose from 1976 on we had two members of our group permanently at BNL, augmented at various times by up to 4 more physicists. In addition, we repaired the smaller K+ detector and added an extra plane to increase the momentum acceptance and efficiency. Both detectors were first tested by us in the unseparated test beam and then tested and cali­ brated in the slow separated K+ beam (LESB). In order to pre­ dict the K+ detector efficiency, one of us from FSU wrote a major Monte-Carlo computer program, using our campus CDC com­ puter, that calculates the theoretical efficiency as a function of incident K+ momentum and angle. This proqram makes use of all the known decay modes of the K+. In Figure l, we show the efficiency of the large K+ detector as a function of K+ momentum normal to the K+ detector. The smooth curve shows the efficiency as calculated by the Monte-Carlo program while the data points are the measurements from our test run. The actual data show a higher efficiency than the Monte-Carlo calculations, because the time jitter of the decay time measurement (>6n sec) adds more events. This is so because more K+'s decay between 4 to 6 nsec than between 6 to 8 nsec. The results from the smaller K+ detector were similar.


During 1978 we developed a complete Monte-Carlo pro­ gram for the MPS acceptance as a means of maximizing the 5* production. We varied the positions of various chambers, tar­ get, K+ detectors and the high-pressure Cerenkov counter. All our calculations were performed both for full magnetic field (10kg) and for half field (5kg). Our final MPS configuration was based on these calculations, with a view toward minimizing the necessary changeover time between experiments. Two internal reports ware written on our work, the first by R. Diamond on the Monte-Carlo calculation of the K+ efficiency and the second by S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian and M. Barlow on the acceptance of various MPS configurations. Figure 2 shows the total acceptance of both triggers for a beam momentum of 5 GeV/c. As mentioned, we obtained data between January and April of 1979. The schematic diagram of the MPS is shown in Figure 3. The target used was 60 cm long: the magnetic field was 5 kgauss. KA is the 60 cm x 100 cm K+ detector and KB is the 110 cm x 140 cm detector. The separated beam had about 30,000K“ per pulse out of a flux of 200,000 particles per pulse. The trigger rate was about 15 per pulse resulting in a deadtime due to the downstream spark chambers of about 50%. The raw numbers of good events written on tape are as follows:

KA tri99er about 200,000 events Kfi trigger about 200,000 events

■ Pfast trigger about 4 x 106 events In addition, the p beam at 5 GeV/c produced another 600,000 events Since this was our first total?.y non-bubble chamber experiment, it was a major education for us. The commitment of our time at BNL far exceeded our early guesses. We had to commit much more manpower than we estimated, including the hiring of a physicist with MPS experience a month before the start of the experiment. During the run, half the FSU group at BNL took total responsibility for the K+ trigger (10 racks of electronics) while the other half (3 persons) took regular shifts for the rest of the operations including on-line and off-line software. It is now apparent that we had barely enough testing and monitoring equipment for our data taking. What we needed most was a small computer totally dedicated to the K+ detectors. If we need to use the K+ detectors for a future experiment, the acquisition of a minicomputer, such as an LSI-11 with a CAMAC crate is imperative. Since the end of the run, our group has taken major responsibility for the alignment of the spark chambers on each side of the target. For this purpose we used cosmic rays and have succeeded at\aligning every chamber to about 50 microns in the MPS coordinate system. The resolution of these side chambers varies between 350 and 600 microns. The BNL group aligned the downstream chambers. Since our spark chambers are in a magnetic field, E x B corrections are needed. Again

20 we determined the needed corrections for the side chambers and, in collaboration with the BNL group, we completed the E x B corrections for the downstream chambers. This correction is time-dependent and on the average is done once for each day's data taking. The next task is the multistage data reduction. Again our group has taken major responsibility in adapting previously developed MPS programs to our experiment. The first process is called AJAX, which unpacks the data tapes, sets up the beam, converts all the spark wire locations to coordinates in the MPS system, applies the E x B correction, deletes extraneous informa­ tion, repacks and writes out condensed tapes. Since all the needed files are at BNL, our physicists are doing most of this work at BNL. We expect this part of the data reduction to be essentially over by the end of November 1979. The next stage, which requires the most computer time, is pattern recognition and geometry. Our group has been working hard at refining and tuning these programs for our experiment. Several thousand events have been processed and are now being examined carefully before final production starts. At the present time, the plan is to do all pattern recognition and geometry for the K+ trigger events at FSU using our CYBER74 computer (a souped up CDC6600). We may even process some of the antiproton data. The plan is to do the rest of the antiproton triggers at BNL and the for­ ward proton trigger at the University of Cincinnati and Brandeis University. We expect to complete the geometry phase of the ; K+ and p triggers by the end of January I960. The forward pro­ ton trigger may take as long as one year of data reduction. Simulataneously with the data reduction software development, we are also developing software to cleanly select the K+ events. For this purpose we are using a sample of 5000 events that have successfully passed geometrical reconstruction. In order to study the efficiency of the K+ detectors, at the end of the run, the K+ detectors were moved into the beam. At six locations on the sensitive surface of the detectors, the ADC and TDC information were recorded for 25,000 beam particles that penetrated the detectors without interacting. Through the TDC and ADC information we discovered that the recorded time of a particle's passage varies as much as 6-8 nsec depending on the pulse height. A typical curve is shown in Fig. 4. ,


21 _ Ka and Kjj are the slow K+ detectors ' KESB is the 5 GeV/c separated bean . C? *is the High Pressure Cherenkov . . Counter . ’ and H? are scintillator hodoscopes

Figure 3 . . •

r J GURF S' 22 In other words, a small pulse height signal may be delayed as much as 6 nsec compared to a large pulse height signal. Since the K+ detection depends critically on timing information of the decay products, this correction is a very important one (the lifetime of the K+ is 12.4 nsec). We have some preliminary results from our data. For the trigger K +p-*K^j^wX , where X- has strangeness -2, the K+ selection is performed by computing the mass of the i,article from range and momentum. Figure 5a shows this mass distribution before software selection. In the real data we estimate to have at the K+ detector a iT+:K+:p ratio of 2000:1:1000. Our hardware trigger selected out the tt+ and p by a factor 200, but this still leaves us 15 unwanted triggers for each genuine K+ trigger. Figure 5b shows a preliminary software selection where now the unwanted to K+ events are only 3 to 1. Further selection of events in the K+ mass region only will result in a sample where over 75% will be real K+,s. We hope to improve on this software selection before final analysis starts. The trigger K~p->Af^ . .. used the fast proton as an identifier. About 50% of the fast protons came from_a A and 10% of these events had a E. Figure 6a shows the it p mass plot where 50% of the events are in the A peak and figure 6b shows the Air mass distribution, where there is a clear E signal. The uncorrected Eir mass distribution shows the S* (1520). Please note that these computations were done previous to alignment and E x B corrections; the final data should be a lot cleaner, and resonances will be narrower.

The on-line analysis of the trigger p+p-*pf * ‘has been studied the least so far. The only check on these data comes from the on-line sample analysis where every negative track was assumed to be p. Figure 7 shows the uncorrected and assumed pp mass distribution. It is clear that if baryonium states exist at 1.93, 2.02 and 2.2 GeV with a cross section of 100 nbarn or more, these data should be able to observe them.Of course, if any statistically significant baryonium is observed, we would immediately submit another proposal requesting 500 hours of antiproton running. This possibility is discussed in more detail under Future Work Plans, section C2. In conclusion: our first totally non-bubble chamber experiment was a tremendously valuable experience for us. It showed that our group can contribute significant effort for pre­ paration, data taking reduction and analysis; we are excited about the possible physics results that we will obtain in the near future - before the middle of 1980. The K+ trigger should yield about 300 events/pb or about (1 to 2) x lO^S events, with most of the Stt.. events between 2.0 and 2.6 GeV. The forward proton trigger should produce over 400,000 E events with most of the E* events between threshold and 2.0 GeV. We do not know how many pp events we will have, but the final sample should have more than 100 events per pb.


2. Tr+p in the 4 0-Inch SLAC Bubble Chamber with a Lead-Glass Wall (Expt. BC-67) In the past the high energy group at Florida State has primarily used the bubble chamber to acquire data for its experiments in elementary particle physics. During the past decade the bubble chamber has become less adequate at providing the data necessary for ex­ ploration of new physics. Since the 4 it solid angle acceptance and ease of visualization of high energy interactions remain strong points for the bubble cham­ ber, at many labs efforts have been made to improve the bubble chamber performance by developing so-called hybrid systems where the picture taking of rapid cycling bubble chambers is triggered by external electronic detectors. One such hybrid system is the 40-inch bubble chamber at SLAC. The high energy group at Florida State has for some time been interested in neutral particle production, both strange particles and y-rays. So when in 1976 the lead- glass wall was removed from the MARK I detector at SPEAR and made available for other users it was natural that we be­ came interested in upgrading the SLAC Hybrid Facility with an external detector sensitive to y-ray production. In December 1976 in collaboration with groups at Duke University, the University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the State University of New York at Albany we proposed to reconfigure the lead-glass wall from Mark I; place it behind the 40-inch bubble chamber, and to trigger the bubble chamber cameras when a large amount of energy was deposited by neutral particles. We requested 40 million expansions of the bubble chamber which would result in a 2 million-picture exposure at a 5% trigger rate. In January 1977 we won approval as a first stage for 10 million expansions to be operated in the triggered mode. Our proposal called for a 16 GeV/c ir+ beam incident upon the deuterium-filled 40 inch bubble chamber. As explained later, the liquid was changed to hydrogen for the data run. Some of the reactions of interest are

+ o + TT p+TT forwardTT P By concentrating on reactions which are not dominated by Pomeron exchange, we hoped to do a sensitive search for resonances with masses of up to 3 GeV/c2. We anti­ cipate that the physics of this experiment (BC-67) will be quite unique as it is one of the first bubble chamber experiments to have a high detection efficiency for y rays as well as accurate measurements of the primary tracks. A cut-away view of the experimental set-up (fig- 1) is included. The previously existing components of the SLAC Hybrid Facility (SHF) used in BC-67 were in addition to the 40 inch bubble chamber, the on-line NOVA computer and the upstream and downstream PWC system. The 6 PWC was added to the SHF for our experiment to aid in the re­ construction of tracks which might hit the lead-glass wall (LGW) and to help identify and eliminate showers in the lead- glass wall which were due to charged particles. Our group at Florida State took the primary responsibility for the construction of the lead-glass wall. This required taking apart the single-layer wall used by the SLAC-LBL group in MARK I and putting it together in the new configuration. The reconfiguration was done in order to completely contain the shower from the higher energy y rays. This involved the unwrapping, cleaning, and gluing together of 88 pairs of lead glass blocks, each block weighing ^-50 pounds. The blocks were rewrapped and mounted in the wall along with 64 single blocks in an array 8 blocks wide and 19 blocks high, i.e. 4 ft. by 9.5 ft. The 52 active converter blocks, were installed in two columns, covering an area 6 ft. wide and 8 ft. high. Both the active converter and absorber blocks were mounted on a carriage built at SLAC. This phase of the project was completed by September 1977.

During the next 8 months physicists from Tennessee and Florida State prepared the 212 scintillator fingers and light guides for the two hodoscope planes. UT wrapped them, attached phototubes, and tested each element. At SLAC, meanwhile Florida State, Tennessee, and Duke physicists designed, constructed and installed the housing for the lead-glass wall. Because the photo­ tube gains are sensitive functions of temperature, an air condi­ tioning and temperature monitoring system was installed. Two systems for calibrating the lead-glass were installed and tested: the first was a light-emitting diode system consisting of a pulser, LED, light fibers to each block, and remotely controlled filter wheel for adjusting the light intensity; the second system used a radioactive source and contained a small Americium source inside a Nal crystal.

In January 1978 a 9-double-block system was assembled and tested in an electron beam so that we might acquire some working experience with lead-glass. This small system in the electron beam calibrated the blocks, determined their energy resolution

27 and tested some of the electronics. In order to facilitate data acquisitioii for this run C. Frank Rydeen of FSU built the interface for an on-line LSI 11 and wrote the programs for gathering the data, storing it on magnetic tape, and displaying the results on a Tektronix 4010 display scope. This LSI 11 is now part of the SLAC test beam facility. All cables, digital electronics, power supplies for the 424 phototubes, etc. were gathered and tested. Of particular concern to us was the 320 channel large scale digitizer (LSD) borrowed from LBL, which was used to digitize the analog sig­ nals from the phototubes. We were not able to do much testing of the LSD before our initial data run. Finally we got our test run during June and July 1978. During the first 'week final construction, cabling, and tests were made of the wall, housing, interlocks, etc. On June 19, the wall system was moved into the bubble chamber building and by June 21 it was mounted on tracks behind the buoble chamber. Installa­ tion and checking of about 1000 signal and high-voltage cables connecting the wall to the NOVA control room was completed by June 27. While this hardware activity was going on, on-line and off-line programs were being written and debugged. About seven days were spent calibrating the lead-glass block with a high-energy electron beam, checking out the electronics, timing signals, etc. before serious bubble chamber operation could be attempted. In the meantime, the bubble chamber crew filled the chamber with deuterium-the first time in 9 years I The bubble chamber was equipped with three tantalum plates for converting wide angle y rays. Holes in the center of each plate are sub­ tended by the LGW to allow energy as well as position measure­ ments of the more forward going y rays to be made. We were gratified when the crew succeeded in pulsing the chamber at a steady 6-8 pulses per second. . Considering the fact that this complex system had never been operated before and despite a number of problems during the run, the commissioning went well. The LSD which we had borrowed from LBL proved to be our biggest headache. In addition, to occasionally giving garbage output, it regularly failed to digitize the up­ stream plane of the hodoscope. We were not able to correct these problems before the actual data runs which took place in October. From July 5 to July 12, just prior to the accelerator shut­ down, we were able to take 28K pictures of untriggered film (actually a disappearing beam track trigger was used) and 74K pictures in which it was required that 8 GeV of energy be deposited in the LGW. The trigger mode used the dynode signals from the lead-glass photocubes while the anode signals were transmitted to the LSD and written via the NOVA onto magnetic tape.

In order to understand the performance of the equipment we scanned for and measured 'vlOOO events with no y conversions in the plates so that we could compare the energy deposited in the lead-glass wall with the neutral energy computed from

' 28 the event kinematics. We were able to set up a new scanning and measuring program, get the SLAC versions of the geometry and kinematics programs TVGP and SQUAW running, and process ^1000 events in about 2 months. At that time our analysis programs were not able to find individual y showers and associate them with events in the bubble chamber (in fact, we are still trying to improve our y finding alogrithms) but we were able to show that for a large class of events the energy found in the lead-glass wall was equal to energy of neutral particles which was missing from the charged tracks. We were also able to show that a number of triggers were generated because charged particles from elastic two prongs missed our beam veto counter, interacted in the LGW and deposited energy. Our real data run commenced in October 1978 with improved electronics and software. Unfortunately the deuterium became contaminated with N2 when the bubble chamber was refilled. By this time our anticipated long run was being whittled away, as we were only guaranteed running time till the mid-December shut­ down and because 5 weeks of our accelerator time were given to another experiment to study parity violating effects. The prospect of losing valuable weeks in order to purify the Dp, and ability of the bubble chamber to pulse more rapidly with hydrogen dictated to us that we should change liquids from D2 to H2.When the parity violation experiment actually took more than the allotted 5 weeks, our run was extended until early February.

The equipment performed well and we took a total of %75OK pictures of which ^150K used only the beam veto trigger in order to study some inclusive production processes and to estimate our trigger biases in the remaining 600K pictures. As before the trigger used the dynode sums from the lead-glass wall phototubes and required at least 8 GeV to be deposited. We have been analyzing the data since the run ended. The SLAC hybrid program to use the downstream PWC information has been adapted for our experiment. Analysis programs for the lead-glass wall data have been developed and have started to yield interesting results. Our intention at Florida State has been to use the Spiral Reader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to measure our film and to predigitize half the film Using our image plane digitizers. The other half of the film will be measured at Duke University

The Spiral Reader had to undergo extensive modification and is just now ready to come on-line. We have scanned 'V10 7K frames (115 rolls), finding 38R measurable events which were predigitized. Our current rate of predigitizing is averaging over 21 rolls per month. We should be able to predigitize another 170 rolls by June of 1980. Ultimately we hope to be more selective in the frames we predigitize by making use of the lead—glass wall information at the scanning stage.

29 We now show some of the results from our lead-glass wall analysis programs. These results are preliminary because the final calibration constants such as phototube gains are not yet available. The resolution is worsened by not knowing the event vertex location. In addition our y finding algorithms are still undergoing improvement. Our present algorithm starts with the absorber blocks in the lead-glass, finds the "hot spots", looks at the corresponding locations in each hodoscope plane for showers, . and then examines the active converter to see if there is an associated shower. The showers thus found are classified according to how many of the components of the system were used in reconstructing the y showers, Class 1 showers having associated back blocks, hodoscope planes, and the active converter. If the PWC's between the bubble chamber and lead-glass indicate that a charged particle produced the shower, it is flagged as such. Out of a sample of 5000 events we find a total of ^24,000 showers. Of these showers the following five categories are equally populated: Class 1 showers, back block only showers, active converter only showers, showers with one wall component missing, and showers due to charged particles. Figure 2 shows the energy deposited in the active-converter by the Class 1 showers. The peak at low energy Cx-lOO MeV) corresponds to minimum ionizing particles, that is they are due mostly to charged particles which are not recorded by the PWC located just in front of the lead-glass wall. From the number of events in the peak we estimate an 85% efficiency for the PWC system. Figure 3 shows the yy mass spectrum for those combinations in which both showers were of Class 1. The cross hatched part of Figure 3 shows the subset whose energies exceeded 200 MeV. The tt° peak seems more pronounced in this restricted sample and there is even an indication of an n signal. The work remaining before us involves improving our shower finding algorithm, adapting the SLAC charged particle hybrid program to our experiment, modification of the SQUAW kinematics program to incorporate our PWC and lead glass data, and the processing of events through the Spiral Reader. We expect to have some significant results within a year.

30 !



cm -860 -325 445 cm


I c z-uv'/c1 3. Fermilab Experiment E580 - A Search for Narrow and

Broad Resonances Decaying into AA, AAir, K_°K6 9 and

K° K °tt from tt_p Interactions at 300 GeV/c. —*S—S - - — — —------— ■ ■ ' —■ —

One of the most effective ways to study resonances in hadron interactions has been to probe a definite quantum state such as e+e"or p+p- but these are restricted to the _ J =1 system. In our experiment we proposed to apply this technique to other quantum states such as 0+. and 2+ with at least an order of magnitude greater sensitivity than all other previous measurements. 1 The reactions of interest will be p + + 7T~p -> K °K 0 + X only J = 0 , 2 , . . . (1) s s I = 0,1 (2) 7r“p -> AA + X 1 = 0 JP = o+, 0“,... 0 0 7T~p ->■ K K it + X (3) s s I = 1,2 (4) TT~p -> AAir1 + X 1 = 1 Our aim is to reach masses of up to 22 GeV and to reach a sensitivity as high as ^60 visible events/nb with a mass reso­ lution of ^60 MeV/c2 or better. This sentivity is sufficient to give a signal of eight standard deviations for a narrow 15 GeV resonance with a cross section times branching ratio, cB, of 1 nb. Of particular interest will be the mass region near 5 GeV where indications of bare bottom particles have been seen at CERN and the region near 20 GeV where bare top particles have been predicted. The planned trigger is a definite number (0, 1, 2) of charged tracks leaving the target and the appearance downstream of four additional.tracks from the decays of the'two V's. Similar triggers have already been used in the Fermilab MPS. This experiment was presented to the PAC in May 1978 by Sharon Ilagopian from Florida State and John Poirier from Notre Dame and was approved in June 1978 by the Fermilab Advisory _ Committee for 8 00 hours running time, equivalent to 3X10^ it ’s on target. It is being run in collaboration with physicists at the University of Arizona, Brookhaven National Lab, Fermilab, Georgia Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, Notre Dame, Tufts University, Vanderbilt University, and Vir­ ginia Polytechnic Institute.

The equipment configuration to be used is sketched on the following page. It will consist of a "smart target" consisting of 20 layers of scintillator which will give an accurate vertex location in x, y and z as well as dE/dx information. This target is immediately followed by a rectangular MWPC (A chamber) to count and locate particles leaving the target and entering the downstream system. This is followed by a 3-meter helium-filled chamber to serve as the decav volume for the K s 0,s and A’s.-

W. Beusch, et. al., Physics Letters 25B, 357 (1967); Physics Letters 28B, 211 (1968). 34 <3l id * H ku. >- m •* z o *-j O' l~ a uj Q. J? i/i 'S U- Ul 2 -j o >» ^•fec+ £ X X

/ E uj k co csr-

& a_ In

v i VJ -J

U X oJ-O

a : 5: s! « -J o Ul•si s:



A A\ Attached to the downstream end of the decay chamber is the B" I1WPC which is then followed by the B', B and C MWPC chambers to define tracks of the particles entering the superconducting magnet aperture. Wire chambers D and F* and spark chambers E and F follow the magnet to locate the outgoing tracks. The segmented Cherenkov counter is designed to allow us to distinguish n's from protons ana tnus eliminate the AK ambiguities. A fast hardwired coincidence trigger will be included later to pick out the A's and enrich the AA data. The cross section for inclusive AA and Ks0Ks° production as a function of the number of accompanying charged tracks has been measured in our 250 GeV/c ii“p experiment in the 15 ft. chamber (see Section A-3 above). The total inclusive AA and KS°KS° cross sections are 0.15 mb and 0.60 mb respectively. Requiring two or fewer accompanying charged tracks through the spectrometer reduces these to 0.02 mb and 0.045 mb respectively. Assuming 800 hours of running time with 250 pulses/hr and 1.5 x 106 tt ' s/pulse at 300 GeV/c, we expect 1.2 x 10° AA triggers and 2.5 x 106Ks°Ks° triggers or roughly 18 triggers/pulse. Extensive modifications have been made to the MPS in the year since it finished the first-generation experiments (E260-Hiqh pT Jets and EllO-Peripheral Multiparticle production). The magnet1 pole pieces were stripped off for increased acceptance, and the new magnetic field was mapped. The A-chamber was extensively rebuilt as was the D chamber. Chamber B" was especially constructed for E580 to give more points on V° tracks. The Cerenkov counter was pieced together from two Michigan State counters plus a new center counter to replace the one removed from the MPS. Special rails were installed for the target to allow us to vary the length of the decay region between the target and the magnet. The specific Florida State University contributions to this experiment have been major in almost.every area. In designing the experiment practically the only input data for cross sections estimates came from FSU's bubble chamber work on ir-p at 250 GeV/c. Diamond worked with E110 physicists to analyze their data for 2V triggers. These results were heavily used in the proposal. S. Hagopian has assumed the primary responsibility in bringing up the E580 off-line data processing software at FSU and Fermilab. (See Section E herein.) Lannutti became Spokesman for the experiment in January 1979. We have stationed Research Associate Howard Fenker permanently at Fermilab effective April 1979 and he has been rebuilding the A-station wire chamber. Graduate student John Piper has been stationed more or less permanently at Fermilab since January 1979 helping map the magnetic field, rebuilding electronics, cabling up wire chambers, etc. Then during the summer of 1979, Albright, Lannutti, S. Hagopian worked at Fermilab most of the summer helping to rebuild the beam line and the MPS which had been almost totally dismantled to increase the number of wire chambers, to move the MPS to’ the higher beam momentum line, to better organize the entire MPS, etc., etc. In addition, Rydeen has been building electronics for the hardwired coincidence trigger to distinguish A's.

36 The work on reconstruction has been progressing steadily. During the Fall there has been a major infusion of additional personnel provided by the E557 group who also intend to use the MPS for a nev jet experiment. We intend to share running periods with them. It is expected that we will be able to commission the new high momentum beam line, check out all MPS components, and gather data from a test run during the period November - January, 1930. According to the current Fermilab schedule we expect official run periods of 4 to 5 weeks in March and July or August.. Hence, during the next contract period we expect to be able to collect and process a major part, if not all, of the data for this experiment. The data analysis is planned to be done primarily on the CDC computers at FSU, University of Arizona, and Fermilab.

37 4. SLAC BC-72 — An Experiment to Study Photoproduction of Charm in the SHF Exposed to a Polarized Mono-Energetic Backscattered Laser Beam of 20 GeV Photons Although we had planned to continue doing further hadron experiments for several years at the SLAC SHF in the configu­ ration described in Item B-2 above, in particular using our new tool a y detector behind the bubble chamber, we became interested in a proposal to move the SHF to a new beam with polarized photons at 20 GeV. Since a) we became excited about the physics of a yp experiment, b) further hadron experiments would interfere with an early yp run, and c) the use of the lead-glass wall would make a valuable addition for the yp experiment, we decided to join the collaboration to do that experiment. The experiment will entail the efforts of a large number of physicists in 16 institutions in the U.S., England, Israel, and Japan. The proposal was submitted to the SLAC PAC in April 1979 and was approved. (A copy of the proposal is included herewith as Appendix 'TT) • Briefly, the experiment will be a high-statistics photo­ production experiment to search for charmed mesons and baryons. The SLAC Hybrid Facility will b- exposed to a polarized back- scattered laser beam of 20 GeV .uiotons at a sensitivity of 10 events/nb. The exposure will allow a detailed study of charm photoproduction and of properties of the charmed baryon system including masses, branching ratios, decay spectra, etc. The experiment will also yield valuable information on baryonium states, higher mass vector mesons such as the p* (1250) and \ p'(1600), and the expected excitations of the omega and phi vector mesons. We plan also to study spin dependent effects in the inclusive production of A. hyperons and vector mesons at large pt and positive Feynman x as a test of QCD predictions. The SLAC Hybrid Facility is shown in the sketch on the next page. It consists of the following elements: a) the 40" bubble chamber filled with hydrogen to be operated at 15 to 20 expansions/sec; b) proportional wire chambers (a, 6, y) in the fringe field of the 26kG magnetic field which will provide the hadronic trigger for the flash lamps, i.e., pictures will be taken whenever a track emerges from the bubble chamber fidu­ cial volume but outside the e+e*pair area; c) two large Cerenkov counters each with twelve segments to provide r/K/p separation over a wide momentum range; d) lead-glass columns to provide photon detection and electron identification with each column consisting of an active converter, a hodoscope position monitor, and absorber blocks; e) a flux and energy monitoring pair spectro


38 meter (not shown) in the beam ahead of the bubble chamber con­ sisting of a thin radiator to convert some y's to e+e“ pairs to be measured in the spectrometer; and f) an on-line NOVA-840 computer with two 168E microprocessors connected to the CAMAC dataway to read the PWC information for each pulse (all photons come within lOn sec) and determine whether the track originates in the bubble chamber fiducial volume.

Fi&, 1 - Perspective drawing of the SIAC Hybrid Facility. The cylindrical bubble chamber is represented in a cut-away drawing of its magnet body.

39 Some details of the exciting physics that will be possible in the experiment are as follows: a. Charm Production: The existence of charmed mesons (D, D , D* . . .) is now well established from e+e~ annihilation reactions. DD pairs are produced prolifically from decays of t!/' mesons created in such experiments, and these provide by far the best way to study the decay properties of the D's. However, in such reactions the DD pair comes from a single photon, and the process is similar to diffractive photoproduction. Thus these experiments tell us nothing of the nondiftractive pro­ duction of charmed states from either photon or hadron induced reactions. So far e+e experiments have not been successful in clearly identifying charmed baryon pairs, which suggests that these states are not strongly produced diffractively. Hence, the alternative technique of a bubble chamber with its 4ir geometry, excellent detection ability for both high multiplicity events and strange particle decays close to the vertex is ideal to isolate them and study their properties, particularly when backed up with good downstream track measurements, kaon iden­ tification, and y detection. Photoproduction has always been considered a likely reaction in which to study charmed hadrons. The photon is _ thought to have a charm component through its coupling to cc states. It is the hadronic interaction of the cc states with the proton which produces final state charmed mesons and baryons. + _ The measured properties of charmed particles come from e e colliding beam experiments at SLAC and DESY, from v inter­ actions in neon-filled bubble chambers and from a photoproduction experiments. We summarize the results of these experiments and give the decay branching in Tables I and II on the following page In the framework of the Vector Dominance Model (VDM) the cross section calculation yields a (YP*charm) > 300nb . Gotsman and Levy (2)> have applied a core-valence quark model together with the VDM relations and a contribution of heavier quarks to conclude that c(yp^charm) < 3yb. QCD calculations, assuming the production of charmed quarks through the inter­ action of quarks and gluons and that the production can be estimated by lowest-order perturbation calculation, give a range of .30nb < cr (YP+charm) < 1000 nb. Charm production mechanisms can be divided into the 3 types shown in Figure 2. We expect, based on analogy with strange particle photo­ production, that more than half of the cross section will be by associated production as opposed to . (


i(Jp) STATE MASS WIDTH Hch Ech V 'ch REFERENCE OfcV) CXcV) w (2) <=) OteV)

D+ w> 1868 ± 1 2.3 t .3 66 ± 10 16 i 14 20 ± 12 KARR I

D° «0“> 1864 ± 1 2.3 ± .3 71 ± 8 21 ± 11 21 ± 11 MARK 1

D*+ ’sU") 2003 i 1 < 2 MASK 1

HU-) 2006 ± 2 < 5 MARK 1

r 2030 ± 60 DAS?

* r 2140 ± 60 DAS?

I-1* 2425 ± 25 < 10 C1F, CV+3NT. c


sun iTttttin lKustn txmocs imk ^iv; uno iiasqu *; uno <’>

»‘ r«* 1.) 1 .1 «s« 1> a 21 (MU X 3.X 1 1.0 1*1 10 * 2 Ci 1 1 1

«-.• X.} t .« 11 > 10 mu x r»-.v •1 > 20 5.2 s 1.1 . t'A* <20 »v 10 t 10 ■£” 4 1 1.1 $v.v <21 (1 neat) Ci 22 I It ,w 1 11.1 I 1.1

lew 1.1 K 1.0 U2P K*«« 1.1 t 1.0

»- »V It 1 10 mu i 11 t 10 0 t 1 IS t IS mu s t, IS 1 IS 0

»♦ »* msr I*T Ml* a *: r, 11 1 ts COHML * • .♦ W t 10 P,.V a « > o*»o *.‘.V a » a 10

■7 too CD* IN,

These are percentages of obnerved decay nodes.

41 * f



D y 0

P P (b) o y o



Fig' 2 - Diagraas for photoproduction of Characd States, a) quasi-elastic, b) diffractive production, c) non-diffractive pair production, and 4) associated production of Chanted Mesons And Baryons*


j 42 diffractive and non-diftractive pair production. Further, the energy of 20 GeV is probably optimum for associated charm production via reactions such as yp->DC. We conclude that if the charm cross section is in the lower ranqe of estimates ('v-SOnb) we will be able to observe charm; if it lies in the expected region ( 300nb)we will be able to . study charm states in some detail. The SHF is particularly well-suited for the study of associated charm production and the search for charmed baryons. b. High-Mass Vector Mesons: The quark model and SU(3) have managed to correlate successfully a large amount of data. As an example of one theory, the meson classification in orbital excitation levels is illustrated in Table III for-.qq states with orbital angular . momentum L< 2. states have been discovered that would not be accomodated by this scheme, it is apparent that numerous states are predicted which have not yet been seen. We intend to study photoproduction of the u1 and

Table IV gives the estimated cross sections for various vector mesons and the expected number of events. We believe that the physics interest regarding the high-mass vector meson photoproduction is considerable. The sensitivity of our experiment, 10 ev/nb, should allow a detailed analysis of these states.

43 Table III


7C L s I - 1 I - 1/2 I - 0 I - 0

0 0 0-* T K n(550) n'(958)

0 1 1— p(77O) K*(890) u(783) $ (1020)

1*- 1 0 B(1235) 7 7 1 1 0* 6(970) t(1400) S*(993) c(1200) l" 1 1 Aj(llOO) Qa (1300) D(1285) E(1420) 2*+ 1 1 ■ *j(U10) K*(1420) £(1270) £'(1514)

2"+ 2 0 A3(1640) 1.(1770) 7 7 2 1 l“~ p'(1600) ? 7 2

2 1 2~ F1(1540) L~ 7 7

2 1 3~ $(1680) k £(1800) i»'(1675) 7

Table IV




Yield State Decay Mjdc Est- 0;BR TtlgS'et Acceptance (lib) *

+ - o o .2 5000 p'(1250) V V « < 2.5 AU

.95 15000 #'(1600) ,VtV 1.6 A 1500 p'(1600) 0.8 AU .19

«* I 4*±»° 0.5 A • .9 4500

♦' K*K «+«~ 0.048 A .95 450


44 c. Search for Baryonium States: Baryonium states were first suggested within the framework of duality, and later their decays according to a new kind of OZI rule were discussedsome recent review articles summarize the latest results on baryon.;,urn in exchange phenomena,experimental evidenceand theoretical ideas.(8) These states show unusual affinity for the baryon- antibaryon system and it is therefore generally believed that they are not ordinary qq mesons. The special interest in the spectroscopy of these states is that it may prove to be e valuable testing ground for the concept of color(8). The field of search for baryonium is clearly an important and exciting one, and in spite of intense experimental activity, the situation is confused. This experiment will provide useful results complementing the more traditional approaches using hadron beams. d. Tests with Circularly Polarized Photons: If circularly polarized photons are used in this experiment we may be able to test certain predictions of QCD and quark-parton models by studying the polarization of inclusively produced A’s and p’s. Although the possibilities introduced by this circular polarization technique are intri­ guing , at this time it is not clear whether we will proceed with the tests because the statistics will not be great and because the high mass vector meson photoproduction will be more simply interpretable if linear polarization is used. Proposal for FSU efforts during the next contract period; Two people helped rebuild the lead-glass block array into columns in August and September 1979. However, our major contri­ bution before the experiment will be to develop the techniques for tt° detection using the lead-glass.blocks in BC67. (See Item B-2 above). We will also contribute some assistance in refining the on-line algorithms for the trigger and on-line data displays. (For more detail regarding .the lead-glass columns and their special contribution to the experiment we refer the reader to pages 71-79 of Appendix 11_.) Of course, by about February or March 1980 we will have to assign some personnel to help set up and check out the mechani cal and electronic systems for the lead- glass columns. , h The run, which is optimistically expected by March 1980, will probably take place in the summer of 1980 during which time we will send three or more people.

45 Subsequently, it is our intention to proceed with scanning, pre-digitizing and processing film for BC-72 in a manner similar to our procedures for BC-67 in that our measurements will be made in the Spiral Reader at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We expect that by the time we finish the film work on BC—67 we will just begin to receive BC-72 film and will thus have a continuing need for student scanners throughout the contract period.

SLAC Proposal BC-72, April 1979 (Appendix T|" ) page 10. k(2) E. Gotsman and A. Levy, Phys. Rev. D13, 3036 (1976) and SLAC Proposal BC-72, page 12. (3) L.M. Jones and H.W. Wyld, Phys. Rev. D17, 750 (1978); . J- Babcock, D. Sivers, and S. Wolfram, Phys. Rev. D18, 162 (1978); V.A. Norikov, et al. , Nucl, Phys.*B136, 125 (1978) ; C. Quigg, Photon Workshop, Fermilab, Aug. 1978. ^j. Rosen, Phys. Rev.Lett. 21, 950 (1968); Phys. Beports 3A, 189 (1974) .

Tosenzweig, Phys. Rev Lett. 36, 697 (1976); C.F . Chiew, Proc. of III European Symp. on NN Interactions, 515 (1976) (G^b. Nicclescu, Nuclear Physics, B134, 495 (1978)

(7) L. Montanet, Exp. Meson Spectroscopy Conf. Proc., 260 (1977) Northeastern University, Boston, Mass.; No. 22 of Moriond Proceedings (Phenomenology of QCD) XIII Fencontre de Moriond (1978) (8) v a) C. Rosenweig, Invited Talk at APS Eiv. of Particles and Field, ANL 6-8 October (1977). Preprint COO-3533-106 Eecember (1977) b) Chan Hong-Mo, No. 22 of Moriond Proceedings (Phenomenology of QCD) XIII Bencontre de Moriond March (1978); 3V European Antiproton Symposium, Barr (Strasbourg) June (1978); Chan Hong-Mo and H. Hogaasen, Nucl. Phys. B136 , 401 (1978) c) M. Fukugita and T.H.. Hansson, Futherford Laboratory report, FL-78-101; Chan Hong-Mo, Proceedings of the XIX International Conference, Tokyo (1978) page 143.


46 D. Preparations and Proposals for Future Experiments 1. Proposal to Study Hinh—Mass States Decaying into and $°p° Produced Centrally in 300 Gev/c n~p Interactions.(Fermilab proposal P62 3) In May 1979 the E-58 0 collaboration supplemented by the University of Illinois-Chicago Circle and the College of William and Mary submitted a proposal to Fermilab to study high-mass states decaying into (Jjit— and . This was designed to be a follow-on experiment with the Fermilab MPS to capitalize on the experience gained in running E-580. We summarize the pro posal below . + _ We proposed to trigger the Fermilab MPS on 4>°tt (i.e., K K it — ) decays of high mass (M > 2 GeV/c^) states at the 15pb level. $ 500 hour data r.un would yield a sensitivity of a (M-) B (4>°tt-) >, 40nb. The (J)0-!!1 system is a filter for baryonium and weak decays. In particular, we will search for F- decays. The MPS aperture is large enough to provide good geometric efficiency in the restricted region (y*=0) where production is expected to be concentrated. in addition, the large calorimeter at the MPS allows for efficient collection of single photons, from F*-*Fy decays and for rejection of combinatorial background due to photons from ir° decays. The requirement of two narrow states increases the sensitivity by roughly a factor of 2 , since the f*-»-Fy branching ratio is expected to be - 1. • Given a trigger, it can be easily extended to form a $°cj>° trigger.. Th^ expected rate, 2.5-pb, is small compared to the main trigger. Requiring M(j)(j)= +AM one obtains a sensitivity of cr^ ,3 (r)c-*-) >, 8nb. The Expected sensitivities are an order of mSgnitude better than those from existing data and are sufficient to observe the F* and nc, even if conservative estimates of production cross sections are used. We requested 1000 hours of testing and data taking time with triggers being d>°, , and °

47 June 1980 after we had run at least part of E-580.

For us it was a setback because the necessity for construction of high-level fast trigger logic requires a significant lead time. It would have been most benefi­ cial to have had the proposal approved because then we would have had official justification to seek funding to design, build, and test the new fast trigger elec­ tronics with sufficient lead time. Along this line, a three-fold coincidence pretriqger system very similar to that proposed for P623 is currently being constructed to enhance the AA sensitivity for E-580. The electronics is under construction at Florida State University and should give us experience to apply to P623 as well as give us better data for E-580.



48 2. Search for Baryonium at BNL MPS During our last multiparticle spectrometer (MPS) experiment at BNL we devoted the last 100 hours of data taking to a simple trigger of p + p + Pfast + ••- • The motivation of this trigger was the confusing state of baryonium in recent times. The original three states at 1.93, 2.02 and 2.2 GeV were thought to be well established when three independent experiments at BNL looking for new NN states failed to detect any of the previously observed states. Since each experiment had its own drawbacks, we thought that our equipment was ideally suited to search for these states. (We recently heard that one of the BNL experiments now sees the 1.93 GeV state, but at a production cross section ten times smaller than originally expected.) Our method of searching for pp states selects a baryon exchange process which ' forms the baryonium that then will decay part of the time into pp. A simple diagram of this process is

Where B is the baryonium. If such a system exists and is close to threshold, then both p and p are fast and observing the fast proton will help us select these everts. Our acceptance is good for masses up to 2.3 GeV. The data are now being reduced, and we hope to com­ plete the initial analysis by the end of 1979. If baryonium is observed, we will then request a major run using the BNL MPS with p beam and our previous trigger. Since the p and p go forward, we will use only the downstream spark chambers, thereby greatly simplifying the experiment. We have explored this possibility with BNL and next fall (1980) will be an ideal time to take data. Therefore, if we observe any baryonium, the collaborators of BNL experiment 673 will immediately submit a formal proposal asking for .500 hours of data taking time to search for new baryonium states. We will choose the final momentum and MPS configuration to maximize detection ability. This will not be a major drain on our efforts/; as we are well experienced, the equipment (including all the cables) is in place and the software developed to a high state. ,


49 3. Search for Hyperonium, Exotic States and Charm Dscays Using the BNL Multiparticle Spectrometer (MPS) On January 1978, V. Hagopian, S. Chung (BNL) and J. Bensinger (Brandeis Univ.) submitted a letter of intent to BNL to use the upgraded MPS in search of hyperoniums and exotic states. At that time baryonium (iqqg) was a hot subject and if its existence was ' demonstrated, a search for four-quark states with strange­ ness was a natural and desirable goal. For this we would ' need the upgraded MPS with all drift chambers which can handle 10 to 20 times more beam flux. For such an experi­ ment we would use both a forward proton trigger to pick up A’s and the slow K+ detectors for hyperon exchange. Such an experiment can observe KA, Kp, KE,... states and also copious amounts of at the same time. Since the submission of the letter of intent, the fate of baryonium has been uncertain, and so searching for hyperonium is not very wise. As mentioned in the previous section we hope to know more about baryonium by the end of 1979. Just in case baryonium and hyperonium are not observable at the BNL MPS, we are preparing to submit two other proposals for the upgraded MPS. The first proposal is a search for exotic states with a forward A trigger.

we can identify one particle using the RAM system, but the upgraded MPS will have a dua^.+ RAMthat can select a fast A4" or A°. Of course both X and X are 4-quark states, but decay into pp is not required. ,The second proposal is to look for decay modes of charmed baryons,(C) and mesons (D*) such as u p->D*C

for the C states, states that have not been observed so far. Both proposals are for 400 hours and should yield sensitivi­ ties of about 300 events per nanobarn. We expect to submit these two proposals by early 1980. If baryoniums exist, then I/' these two proposals may have a lower priority. The upgraded MPS if totally funded (partial funding occurred a year ago) should be ready during 1981 when the first experiment will probably be performed by the BNL MPS group. This is desirable as they will debug the system. In addition, a task force is writing a uniform software for the upgrade to be used by everyone rather than the hodge podge development of the present MPS programs. We expect to be able to use the upgraded MPS during 1982 for one or two experiments. After that we expect to shift our resources in setting up an experimental program at ISABELLE.

4. Dilepton Production by Neutrinos at Fermilab In conjunction with the Michigan bubble chamber group we proposed a v-d bubble chamber exposure (P-521) in the Fermilab 15 ft. bubble chamber. The motivation was to study dilepton production by neutrinos. In order to facilitate this study we proposed putting plates in the chamber. The plates would increase the electron bremsstrahlung thus aiding in identification while at the same time eliminating some hadron contamination in the muon signal through the increased interaction probability. Side benefits of the plate system were to be increased neutral particle detection efficiency and, if the plates were made of different materials, the ability to study the atomic number dependence of neutrino-nucleus scattering. Prior to the submission of P-521, a group headed by George Snow at the University of Maryland had already .been approved to run a v-d experiment in the bare 15 ft. chamber. We thought that this experiment would be run long before plates could be put in the chamber SO that no conflict could arise. A plate proposal for v-p in the 15 ft. chamber had been submitted a year earlier and rejected. Our proposal revived such interest in the idea that seven other proposals were subsequently submitted calling for plates in the bubble chamber. Among the proposals submitted was another proposal from the group headed by Snow with plates added to their original proposal. After a meeting in which the different plate configurations of the various proposals were amalgamated, the revised proposals were reconsidered. Our proposal was subsequently rejected in favor of the Snow v-d proposal. However, when the Maryland experiment was run, they did not use plates because a preliminary test with plates failed. We continue to be interested in neutrino bubble chamber experiments both because of the physics interest in high energy neutrino interactions and because of our experience with the 15 ft. bubble chamber. R. Diamond has participated in the Fermilab sponsored workshop entitled "Neutrino Bubble Chamber Physics at Tevatron Energies during October 1979.

51 E. Hardware Development 1. Review of Work Done During 1974-1979 The trend toward electronics and away from bubble chambers has had an effect on the hardware interests of our group. Al­ though bare bubble chambers experiments are no longer our main­ stay, we must nevertheless maintain a conventional scanning and measuring capability for experiments that use the SLAC-SHF. Our basic devices are four tables built from the LBL design with optics sturdy enough to use for image-plane digitizing (IPD). The precision arms were added to two of these tables during the five-year period, so that now all four of our tables have both scanning and measuring capability. In addition, a distributed intelligence system has been designed for these IPD's. Each IPD has its own dedicated microprocessor and video terminal. The microprocessors are connected to the EMR 6050 through a communications processor so that data from the tables can be inspected by the EMR 6050 and then-Stored on magnetic tape. This system has been installed and is working on three of the IPD’s. Installation on the fourth IPD will be completed soon. Computational hardware has been improved in a number of ways by construction and acquisition. Our engineer has de­ signed and built eight video-screen terminals that can be used with the EMR 6050, with microprocessors, with the campus CDC computer or with computers at national laboratories through telephone lines. He designed and built an intelligent termi­ nal. He designed and built two microprocessor systems, each consisting of a processor, terminal, printer, floppy disc and communication facility. One of these is used for system hard­ ware and software development by our engineer and our programer. The other is used by experimentalists for small FORTRAN jobs and for the development of software for the microprocessors that are attached to the IPD’s. In addition to this construction, a 4010 Tektronix graphic display terminal was purchased. Three surplus EMR 6050's were acquired during this period. They were obtained primarily for this mass-storage devices, which are Burroughs disc units. These were needed to keep the old EMR 6050 running. Another computational item was a PDP-11 CAMAC acquisition system obtained for SLAC. As a means of broadening our experience with detectors other than bubble chambers, our group helped in the construction and testing of the device known as ISIS (identification of secondaries by ionization sampling). The design and implementation were led by the MIT group. A Considerably Reduced ISIS (CRISIS) was installed and tested at Fermilab in 1977-1978. Our group pro­ vided personnel for this effort. Results are reported in Appendix II. Our group has begun a Detector Development Laboratory (DDL) to enhance our growing capability with scintillators, wire chambers/ etc. Thus far our emphasis has been on collecting

52 equipment to be used for testing components. We have acquired a NIM bin with several modules; we also have a CAMAC bin and several modules. We acquired a Tektronix 485 fast oscilloscope. Most of the above (about $10,000) were purchased with state funds. Construction has begun on a CAMAC data-acquisition system using a microprocessor. Our recent experience along these lines was the construction of a K+ detector for the MPS at Brookhaven (see Section IV C 1). Most of the construction and all of the testing had to be done at BNL. In the future, we expect that our DDL will enable us to build and test equip­ ment closer to home. 2. Proposed Activity for 1980 Three major projects are envisioned for the coming year. a) A complex fast-triggering system is being built for the Fermilab MPS. b) The microprocessor CAMAC data acquisition system will be completed for use in the DDL. c) The EMR fi050 will be replaced with a VAX or some equivalent computer if money is available.

53 3. Acquisition of a Medium-Sized Computer The Florida State University's High Energy Physics research group has used the campus CDC computers and our on-line EMR6050 computer for many years to keep us in the forefront of the field. One of our greatest recognized assets has been our com­ putational capability. The on-line computer has been used mostly to control and collect data from our bubble chamber scanning and measuring devices. The EMR6050 is now more than 15 years old; repairing it and obtaining spare parts are be­ coming serious problems—especially so since the company has been sold and resold. The disk unit is near failure and replacing it would be very costly, and most likely impossible. The present EMR6050 is not useful for our general computations since it has a very limited memory and its operating system is unwieldly

In the past few years we have used about 10% of the campus CDC—CYBER 74 computer, essentially a souped up CDC 6600. Until recently, the campus computer has been adequate for the analysis of the results of our experiments and for theoretical calculations. In addition, access to a CDC computer has been a major advantage for us since most national labs have CDC computers, and it has been relatively easy to bring computer codes (with typically 5-man years development each), to FSU and have these programs working on our computer in a short time. Unfortunately, the national labs have been expanding their computer memories and consequently the size of their programs, but the size of the computer memory allowed to us at FSU has stayed constant. In addition, our need for more com­ putations is increasing fairly rapidly,so that even the acqui­ sition by FSU of a new larger memory but slower CYBER 730 compu­ ter (factor of 2 to 3), we believe will not help the situation. Below we will summarize our computational needs for the next 5 or so years. Our experimental physics research has started moving away from simple bubble chamber experiments to hybrid bubble chamber experiments on counterand spark chamber experiments using multi­ particle spectrometers. The slow transition started three years ago and data reduction from pure bubble chambers stopped about a year ago. Our first hybrid bubble chamber experiment at SLAC was completed in February 1979 and resulted in about one million (10°) photographs. The photographs are now being scanned and digitized using our on-line EMR computer. But breakdowns have slowed the process and occasionally major breakdowns have threatened long delays. We expect the scanning and digitizing of that experiment to be essentially completed by the middle of 1980. (Our share of the data reduction for this collaboration is about 50%). The data reduction of the

54 digitized events will need at least 1000 hrs of CYBER 74 time. This estimate does not include either debugging time or post data reduction analysis time which could easily double the total needed time. In April of 1979 we completed the running of a major experiment at the BNL multiparticle spectrometer. This experi­ ment produced 1800 full-length magnetic tapes with data from wire chambers, scintillators and Cerenkov counters. If all the data reduction for this experiment were to be performed on the CYBER 74 at Florida State, it would take about 3000 hours of computer time. An immediate problem arose in trying to run small samples of data, since the BNL data-reduction pro­ gram will not fit in the CYBER 74 without considerable modification. So in addition to data-reduction time, there is a need for debug time. There is also a need for machine time to analyze tne reduced data to obtain physics. The solution agreed on for this experiment is that the High Energy group at Brandeis University will reduce 80% of the data using their dedicated VAX 11/780 computer;Florida State and Brookhaven will each reduce 10%. Although the problem of computing time has been solved for this experiment, we feel that Florida State should not continually depend on other universities or on national laboratories for the adequate computing power that should be available at any leading center of research. ' Our next experiment will be run at FERMILAB using the multiparticle spectrometer with scintillation counters, spark- chambers, proportional chambers and Cerenkov counters. This experiment will start in November 1979 and continue to take data in several four to six week periods throughout 1980. We expect to take at least 1000 tapes of data. Since we are the major group of this collaboration, we would like to be able to analyze most of the data. On our CYBER 74, just the data re­ duction will take a minimum of 2000 hrs. At this time we are not certain where we will reduce all the data but we will pro­ bably distribute the work by getting computer time at several collaborating institutions. We are approved to run a photoproduction experiment using the hybrid bubble chamber at SLAC. We expect to obtain data from this experiment during 1980. The data reduction will need our scanning end digitizing facility with an on-line com­ puter as well as data reduction, debugging and analysis. Computer needs are similar to those of the first SLAC experi­ ment and are estimated to be 1000 to 2000 hours of CYBER 74 time In addition there are two other major experiments in plan­ ning stages which may take data in the fall of 1980 and during 1981; these experiments will require another 6000 hours of CYBER 74 time. Our normal computer use at FSU without any data reduction is about 50-100 hrs/month. This computer time is used not only for debugging of programs and data analysis for experiments but also, by our theoretical staff.

55 In summary, we will need about 7000 hours of CYBER 74 time over the next two years. Even acquiring the new larger memory CYBER 730 which is at most one-half the speed of the CYBER 74, we do not see how we can satisfy our computer needs. We expect to need about 3000 to 3500 hrs per year of CYBER 74 time over the next five years or so. In addition, we must solve the problem of our aging on-line EMR6050 computer. Fortunately, during the past several years various computer manufacturers have started delivering medium-sized computers, mostly with 32-bit words, at very reasonable cost (less than $300,000) with very large memory (a 250K word memory is common) with very good hardware and stand-alone software, so no full­ time system programmer is needed. In addition, these computers are designed to accept on-line data and have peripheral equip­ ment which we need but which is not available at our Computing Center, e.g. disk packs and 9-track tape drivers at 800/1600/6250 BPI. (Our computing center has no disk packs and only 7 track tape drives). The computational speeds of these computers vary from 50% to 200% of the CYBER 74 depending on manufacturer and various options. Such a computer will not replace our need for the CYBER computers but will be complementary. Actually we would like this computer to be connected to the campus CYBER computer through a link. We have made some preliminary investigations of various medium-sized computers, consulted with other High Energy groups which have obtained such computers or are in the process of receiving bids and have formed a preliminary configuration. The computers considered were: IBM 4341, VAXll/780, SEL 32/77, Perkin Elmer 8/32, Prime 500 and Harris. The computer we would like to obtain is a 32 bit machine with: 1. 1 - megbyte memory (with 8K Cache memory) 2. Two disk drives of 1 MB/sec and each over 65MByte. One is to be used for system and scratch, the other as a user disk pack. -

3. Two 9-track tape drives, > 75 in/sec, 800/1600 BPI, preferably one with 800/1600/6250 BPI and one 1600/6250. 4. Up to 16 EAI terminal port multiplexers. 5. One 600 lines/min printer

6. Such options as floating point accelerators to speed up computation.

7. Hardware and Software to handle Virtual Memory.

8. Software system and source code.

9. A useful FORTRAN.

56 The cost of such a computer is about $300,000. We have asked our University to cost-share such a computer , but so far we have not yet received any commitments. Some funds are available university wide for upgrade of equip­ ment but we have no prior claim. We are hopeful that even­ tually we will be able to obtain some matching funds locally Of course a committment by DOE will improve our chances of getting University funds. Lacking a firm commitment from our University at this time, we are requesting the. total cost of the computer.

57 F. Software Developments

1. Review of work done in 1974-1979

One of the major contributions of this group to its various experimental collaborations over the last 5 years has been in software expertise - both in computer program development and in data processing. This has been due not only to the personnel, but to the availability of a CDC computer on-campus, with sufficient memory size, debug turn­ around and processing time to meet our needs. Because FSU has a CDC computer which is compatible with those of the major laboratories, we have been able to transport and modi­ fy for our use on new experiments the following manor procrams: (a) POOH -LBL pattern recognition program for spiral reader measurements of bubble chamber pictures. (b) TVGP-SQUAW - LBL-Maryland geometry and kinematic programs for standard bubble chambers. (c) ERGON - LBL plotting package (d) HYDRA - CERN geometry and kinematics for 15' B.C. (e) TEARS - FERMILAB - CALTECH, pattern recognition ' and geometry for FERMILAB Multiparticle Spectrometer. (f) SNOOPY - BNL pattern recognition and geometry for BNL multiparticle spectrometer. Although the data processing needs of large scale spark chamber experiments cannot be met by the FSU CDC CYBER74 computer, it is still of great advantage to have it available for developmental and analysis work. Continual advances have been made in the software associated with our scanning and measuring equipment for bubble chamber film. Originally the software was for the EMR 6050 connected to the tables. Next came soft­ ware for a system of EMR plus microprocessors, the system that now exists. These software advances have not only enabled us to measure more pictures faster with fewer employees,but they have also given us experience with real­ time programming and with interfacing. Such experience has already proved valuable for experiments involving on-line triggering and data acquisition at hybrid and multi-particle spectrometers.

(a) BNL MPS Computer Program (2 man years so far) , A Monte Carlo program called SHYSTAR was written ( ' to measure the performance of the K+ detectors. This was accomplished by following K+ particles until they stopped or interacted and finally decayed. The decay products .were also followed. The efficiency of observing the K+ was determined as a function of K+ position, momentum and incident angle.

58 A second Monte Carlo program was developed to determine the MPS acceptance for various triggers. This was accomplished by tracing the charged tracks from the production or decay vertex into the detectors or edges of the MPS. For the ex­ perimental run, we wrote several on-line and off-line pro­ grams to keep track of our equipment by analyzing the ADC and TDC information from the K+ detectors. The software re­ constructed its own K+ decay signal, displayed this informa­ tion along with the rest of the event on a CRT for the experi­ menters, and computed the range-momentum correlation for the trigger particle. Since the completion of the experiment we have developed the software needed for MPS chamber alignment and for pre­ processing data. Work has begun on the pattern recognition and the geometry, since these programs must be fine-tuned for this experiment. (b) FERMILAB MPS Computer Programs (one man year so far) During the past year, TEARS, the off-line geometry and pattern recognition program has been transported from its FERMILAB home to FSU. Studies of single V° events from a. previous ’■'PS experiment (E110) have been made. Modifications were made to the program to approximate the reconfiguration of the MPS for the forthcoming experiment. Old MPS data was then faked to correspond to the new set-up and this data was processed successfully through the program. (c) FERMILAB 250 BeV/c r“p 15’ B.C. (1/2 man year) • Improvements were made in HYDRA, (the geometry and kinematics programs for large bubble chambers), for gamma ray events. An on-line measuring system was set up for the EMR 6050 computer for this experiment and successfully used to measure 12000 y's. Associated plotting programs and moment analysis programs were also developed. (d) SLAC Hybrid Facility (SHF) and Lead-Glass Wall Programs (1.5 man year) A version of TVGP and.SQUAW for the SHF was obtained from SLAC and is now running at FSU. However, it does not yet merge the data from the lead-glass wall with the bubble chamber and downstream PWC information. A separate program has been written at FSU, which picks out neutral showers in the back blocks of the lead-glass wall, associates them with signals from the wall hodoscope and active converter blocks and calculates the effective mass of pairs. Using this program a clear tt° peak is seen in the data. In addition on-line programs for triggering the bub­ ble chamber, monitoring the equipment, and checking . the quality of the data were written and used by us at SLAC. The on-line foreground program gathered the data from the Lead Glass Wall and PWC systems, decided if the trigger require­ ments were satisfied, enabled the bubble chamber cameras to take the picture, and wrote the data to magnetic tape. The background programs monitored the phototube gains, high voltage, ADC pedestals, and the gains of the LSD (Large Scale Digitizer). At the same time events could be displayed on a Tektronix 4010

59 display scope. Prior to the experimental runs we tested a small portion of the Lead Glass Wall in a test beam. An LSI-11 computer which has subsequently become part of the SLAC test facility was built and used to record the data. In the process several programs were written for the LSI-11. The largest programming effort at FSU has gone into the development of the programs for analyzing the Lead Glass Wall data. Some of the results of these programs have been presented earlier in the discussion of the experiment itself. (e) EMR 6050 and Microprocessor Programs (One man year) At Florida State the scanning and measuring system has been upgraded during the past two years with the installa­ tion of microprocessors on our measuring tables. Programs for the microprocessors which control communication between the measurers and our EMR 6050 computer were written. In particular

1. A microprocessor data acquisition and IPD control system has been written to take advantage of the microprocessor dedicated to each table. This system is quite powerful and grants greater local autonomy to each table in the following areas: a. Data gathering b. Calibration of optics • c. Diagnostics 2. A 6050 Multitasking system to acquire data from each table microprocessor has been written. In addition, the two microprocessor development systems have a CPM Disk operating system and have the following facili­ ties :

1. FORTRAN COMPILER 6 + Bit floating pt. 2. Assemblers 3. Test Editor 4. Basic Interpreter (three) 5. STOIC Compiler 6. Permanent file facilities These have been used successfully to scan-predigi- tize 40,000 events and measure completely about 2000 . ( events for the SLAC SHF experiment.

60 2. Software Projects for 1980 . (a) BNL MPS Experiment During the next few months the BNL multiparticle spectrometer geometry and pattern recognition program will be optimized for the =* and pp experiments. Algorithms for the K+ detector will be refined. A program to display sparks and tracks will be implemented. Finally the analysis programs need to be written to determine the spin and parity of observed resonances. (b) FERMILAB MPS 2VC Experiment Changes in TEARS, the off-line geometry and pattern recognition program, will be made to correspond to the experi­ mental conditions of the November-January run. These include new data tape formats and a complete reconfiguration of the MPS hardware, with many individual pieces of equipment being rebuilt. Programs for determining alignment parameters of the chambers must be made to work and good alignment constants determined. Modifications must be made to TEARS for our special 2V° trigger. Also the current version of TEARS has no kinematic fitting , so work will be done to incorporate multivertex kine­ matic fitting and spline track fitting through an inhomogeneous magnetic field into TEARS. (c) SLAC Hybrid Facility

Corrected data tapes for BC-67 must be generated requiring extensive monitoring of gain changes and tempera­ ture effects. SQUAW will have to be edited to handle the information from the PWC system, the Pb-glass wall and the tantalum plates in the bubble chamber. This will entail the implementation of a program which will be used to merge TVGP output with data from the lead-glass wall and hence into SQUAW Also; TVGP must be made to handle gammas converting in the bubble chamber plates. Monte Carlo programs to determine the acceptance and efficiency of the lead—glass wall for parti cular final states must still be written.

61 Particle Theory Program A. Review of the Particle Theory Program The past five years have been a period of intellectual growth and transition for the particle theory group at FSU. During this period we have gradually changed the focus of our research effort from studies of low-momentum transfer hadronic reactions and related topic?’, generally based on Regge phenomenology, to what we consider to be more basic and interesting physics manifested in high-momentum transfer reactions (or similar reactions characterized by a large kinematic scale). In these latter reactions the composite nature of hadrons becomes evident, and the interaction of their constit­ uents (partons) can be studied on the basis of an underlying field theory. Even though these years have seen change in the direction of the main theoretical research effort, we have . continued to cooperate closely with the particle experimenters sometimes to the extent of collaborating formally with them on selected research problems. Over the last seven years, we have remained constant in our manpower resources with two permanent faculty members in particle theory (Williams and Kimel). Because of our small numbers, research associates have always played a key role in our program —as colleagues, collaborators, and as independent researchers. Generally during the past five years, we have been able to find funds for one research associate to work with our theoretical group. One exception to this arrangement was during the 1975-1976 academic year when, due to funding fluctuations,we were not able to hire a research associate in particle theory. During the past year, however, several developments have occurred which affect the personnel and future growth pattern of the particle theory group: 1) A new faculty position for particle theory has been voted by the Physics Department. Such an addition would bring the particle theory faculty to three. Unfortunately this position cannot be . filled until the University can overcome a funding squeeze, which we expect to lessen within a year. 2) J. F. Owens has been awarded a supplementary grant, effective May 1, 1979, under the Young Investigator Program of DOE. Conse­ quently he naturally will be a prime candidate for the position mentioned above when it can be filled. 2) P. K. Williams has taken a two-year leave of absence to work with the Department of Energy. We were very fortunate to find a replacement (as a Visiting Assistant Professor) for P. K. with the excellent qualifications of Dennis W. Duke, formerly of the Rutherford Laboratory and Fermilab. Duke, widely known for his work in QCD phenomenology, should fit into the program here quite productively, and we expect him to mitigate substantially the loss to the research effort due to Williams' absence.

62 It is our hope that in the near future we can again obtain funds for a research associate to work with the particle theory group. Although details will be presented in following sections by individual researchers, here we note some of the highlights of our research effort during the previous five years: 1) We have continued to contribute significantly to the detailed understanding of low-momentum-transfer production mechanisms in hadronic reactions. In particular we have developed models to explain the peculiar phenomenon of absorption weakening in the production of higher mass states, noted especially in reactions dominated by pion exchange. We also were the first to show definitively the need for the exchange of A^ quantum numbers to explain polarization data in ir~p ■* 7r~ir+n. It is satisfying to note that the weight of experi­ mental evidence now suggests the existence of an Aj resonance with a mass around 1100 MeV. We have presented a model to understand simply certain experimentally observed limits in inelastic diffraction based on factorization in the direct and crossed channels. We have also developed and applied a formalism for Regge cuts in inclusive processes dominated by the triple-Regge mechanism and have predicted the spin dependence of specific inclusive particle production. 2) The close cooperative relationship between theorists and experimenters within the particle physics group again evidences itself in the several papers published during the last five years as the result of a formal collaboration between theorists and experimenters. We consider this kind of collaboration a major strength of the group which is expected to continue. 3) It has been shown, after several years of controversy, that the Yang-Feldman and Action Principle quantization methods are equivalent in handling a large class of pathological field theories. ,,

4) In 1977 Ewald Reya, one of our Former Research Associates (1971-1973) and now a professor at the University of Dortmund, spent the summer at FSU. Reya's stay here was a. stimula­ tion to the whole particle theory group, but in particular a very fruitful collaboration began during this time between Reya and J. F. Owens. This collaboration resulted in several papers stressing the need for the inclusion of gluon effects in high p>p hadronic . • inclusive reactions.

’a,-- 63 5) Owens' paper on the q2 dependence of parton fragmentation functions was the first to show conclusively the scale breaking in fragmentation functions implied by QCD. This paper now is widely credited as being the fundamental work on this subject. 6) The collaboration of P. K. williams with a group . at Brookhaven National Laboratory during the 1977 Isabelle Summer Workshop resulted in an interesting paper estimating the rate for W+hadron jets as a possible way of observing the intermediate vector bason at Isabelle. 7) Owens and Kimel together wrote a paper estimating the effect of transverse parton momentum on QCD calculations of high pt hadronic reactions. This paper, written contemporaneously with a similar work by Feynman, Field, and Fox made possible the applica­ tion of QCD perturbation theory to kinematic regions inaccessible to calculation previously. 8) J. F. Owens has developed a series of papers on jet production in high p^ physics. These calculations, based on perturbative QCD, are closely related to experiments going on or projected and should have a considerable impact on experimental developments in the field. In the immediate future we expect to be working in the following areas: 1) Calculation of the photon structure function; 2) Deep inelastic and Drell-Yan pnenomenology; 3) Higher order QCD corrections to other processes; 4) The pion structure function; 5) Quark mass effects; 6) High-pT jet phenomenology; 7) Infrared effects using dimensional regularization; 8) Study of multiple large scales; 9) Polarization effects in perturbative QCD; 10) Non-perturbative applications of QCD.



64 B. P. K. Williams

1. Review of the Period 1974-1979 Papers Published

a) Search for evidence of a A (1236)-A(1236) Component of the Deuteron, Horne, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, Pewitt, Williams, Wind, Bensinger, Porter, Yost, Bingham, Fretter, Groves, Harris, Lubatti, Moriyasu, Podolsky, Firestone, G. Goldhaber, and M. Goldhaber , Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 380 (1974).

This paper is a good example of the kind of collaboration with experimenters which has come to characterize our group. Williams, the only theorist among the authors, performed most of the calculations necessary to estimate the A-A component of the deuteron. A preliminary version of this paper was included in Physics in 1973, an annual report published by the American Institute of Physics of the outstanding new developments in physics during the year. b) Absorption Weakening in Production of Higher Mass States, P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D 12, 3572 (1975) . One of the remarkable features noted by several authors studying high statistics data on it N -*TrirN has been that for higher •• ion masses, absorption corrections (cuts) get inexplj < jy weaker. This paper explains the result through a model •. ::ich combines, for pion exchange, a Born-term form factor of increasing steepness with absorption of decreasing range. c) Inelastic Diffraction and Factorization in the Direct and Crossed Channels, P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D 17, 909 (1978). Inelastic diffractive processes are characterized experi­ mentally by weak energy dependence, a differential cross section slope-mass correlation, and factorization. In this work a simple phenomenological framework is introduced based on approximate factorization properties in the direct and crossed channels of diffraction processes. It is shown that the observed slope-mass correlation requires the breaking of crossed-channel factoriza­ tion in this framework. Among the additional conclusions of this work are:

1) Diffraction-dissociation slopes are bounded above and below, the predicted bounds being verified by experiment.

2) The observed diffraction dissociations imply through this framework that o(p*p), in which p is a proton and p* is a diffractively produced excited state, must decrease as the mass of the p* increases.

65 3) Strong absorption becomes explicitly related to diffraction dissociation. d) Considerations on W Hadron Jets, P. K. Williams, S. U. Chung, V. Flaminio, F. E. Paige, E. A. Paschos, and T. L. Trueman, in Proceedings of the 1977 Isabelle Summer Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory Publication BNL 50721, p. 224 (1978). This work was the result of a collaboration between . P.K. Williams and the BNL group begun during the two-week Isabelle Summer Workshop held during the summer of 1977. The main point of the paper is to investigate the possibility of discovering the intermediate vector boson through hadronic final states. Based on a colored parton model framework, the paper estimates the rate for W -> hadron jets as well as the rates of the major background processes. The conclusion is that it is marginally possible to observe the W through its hadronic jet decay mode. e) Many-Pion Production in ir+d Reactions at 15 GeV/c, V. Hagopian, D. Gluch, S. Hagopian, C. P. Horne, M. Jenkins, J. E. Lannutti, P. K. Williams, B. Wind, H. 0. Cohn, W. M. Bugg, G. T. Condo, T. Handler, and E. L. Hart (accepted for publi­ cation in the Physical Review, 1979). This experimental paper is the result of a collaboration among Florida State University, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Tennessee. Williams, again the only theorist in the collaboration, contributed significantly to the understanding of the relative number of ir° ’ s observed in this experi ment compared to tt+’s and tt-'s. At first glance, the relatively small number of tt°’s observed would suggest a violation of charge independence, but Williams, with the help of J. F. Owens, showed that this effect could be well explained on the basis of s-channel resonances and phase space effects.

The paper itself was written by Williams and V. Hagopian. Thesis Research Directed a. C. David Capps, A Study of the Reaction K~n-^ir k_E+ using a Newly Developed Isobar Model with Unitarity, Ph.D. Thesis, 1975.

Abstracts and Invited Papers Reclusive Charm, Invited paper (20 minutes)P.K. Williams, Sonoma Conference on the Future of Hadron Physics. (October, 1975) < Model Bounds on Slopes for Inelastic-Diffractive Processes, P.K. Williams, Proceedings Particles and Fields, 1976, 'Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL Report 50598, p. Hl

66 C. J. D. Kimel

1. Review of the Period 1974-1979. Papers Published a. Equivalence of Yang-Feldman and Action-Principle Quantization, D. Gluch, P. Hays, and J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D9, 1674 (1974).

The pathological nature of theories with interacting spin- 3/2 fields can be classified as type I, the noncausal propa­ gation of disturbances, and type II, the Johnson—Sudarshan effect in which the spinor anticommutator, postive-definite by form, in fact is indefinite. Since the latter pathology was discovered on the basis of a particular quantization technique, the Schwiger Action Principle, there have been questions raised over the years as to whether the Johnson-Sudarshan effect is independent of quantization method. In this paper we think we found the simplest possible system exhibiting pathologies of type I and II. The system was quantized without approximation using both the Action Principle and the Yang-Feldman approach. We found that both quantization methods yielded identical results in all aspects of the quantization procedure and concluded that the pathologies observed in this kind of theory are independent of the method of quantization. b. and c. Dynamics of the Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser, P. Richter, J. D. Kimel, and G. C. Moulton, Appl. Opt. 15, 756 (1976); Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser: Its Intensity and Line Width, P. Richter, J. D. Kimel, and G. C. Moulton, Appl. Opt. 15, 1117 (1976).

These papers are examples of intradepartmental cross­ specialty research, originated and developed somewhat by accident at the daily Departmental coffee, where students and faculty get together to discuss a wide variety of physics topics. Since the results probably are not of great interest to most particle physicists, we merely note that the first paper was judged in a University-wide Sigma Xi contest to be one of the top three published by FSU entrants in 1976 and that P. Richter developed the results of these papers into a satisfactory Ph.D. thesis. d. Longitudiual Phase Space Analysis of ir+n-*Tr+'rr“p at 15 GeV/c, J. E. Richey, V. Hagopian, J. D. Kimel, S. Hagopian, J. E. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. P. Horne, N. D. Pewitt, J. R. Bensinger, H. 0 Cohn, Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). :< /,

In this analysis a longitudinal phase space tecnique was used to separate and enhance various production mechnisms, particularly to isolate as far as practicable the contribution

67 of t—channel pion exchange. Kimel, the only theorist among the authors, contributed in detail a pion exchange model which incorporated the production of 7i+ir~ resonances, e.g. p, f, and g mesons, in terms of known tttt phase shifts. Using Monte Carlo methods, the model could be compared with the data by applying the same cuts and longitudiual phase space analyses to the experimental data and to the model generated events. Using this procedure, we found that the model, with only the normalization as a parameter, provided quantitative predictions in agreement with a large number of experimentally measured distributions. • — + — e. The Role of A^ Exchange in the Reaction ir"p->-7r tt n, J. D. Kimel and J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B122, 464 (1977). Data from the CERN-Munich group were presented in the summer of 1976 at the Argonne Polarization Conference on the reaction 7T-p->-Tr+iT“n at 17.2 GeV/c and showed strong target polarization effects in this reaction. The present paper showed definitively that the data required the presence of an exchange with the quantum numbers of the A^. A simple model based on it, A2 and Ai Regge-pole exchange together with parametrized n=0 cuts was found to provide an excel­ lent description of both the polarized and unpolarized data. Subsequent experimental results have supported the existence of a physical A^ with a mass of approximately 1100 MeV. •

f. Reaction K“n->AOTT“ from 1550 to 1650 MeV, W. A. Morris J. R. Albright, A. P. Collaraine, J. D. Kimel, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D17, 55 (1978).

In this experimental paper, Kimel's role was to develope an appropriate framework for the partial wave analysis and to include the constraints imposed on the analysis by the experimental measurement of the A° polarization. Further details concerning the results of this work can be found in Section IV-A.-l.

g. Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromodynamic Description of High-pT Processes, J. F. Owens and J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D18, 3313 (1978).

Previous calculations which had neglected the internal transverse motion of partons in hadrons, i.e. kT effects, have shown that the QCD predictions for single particle inclusive reactions are in good agreement with the data in the region Pt 2. 4.5 GeV and /s > 50 GeV. Using Monte Carlo techniques, we included in this paper the above mentioned transverse momentum of partons and as a result enlarged significantly the kinematic region of agreement between the QCD predictions and experiment. This paner was written contemporaneously with a similar work by Feynman, Field, and Fox, and the results of the two independent calculations agree.

68 Abstracts of Papers Presented at National Meetings a. Dynamics of the Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser, P. Richter,

J. D. Kimel, and G. C. Moulton, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 1363 (1975). b. Intensity and Line Width of the Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser, P. Richter, J. D. Kimel, and G. C. Moulton, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21 393 (1976). c. LPS Analysis of the Reaction TT+d-*tT+ir“ p ps at 15 GeV/c, J. Richey, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, C. Horne, J. D. Kimel, and B. Wind, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 569 (1976). d. Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromodynamic Description of High-p^ Processes, J. F. Owens and J. D. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 23, 579 (1978).

Ph.D. Thesis Directed a. A Deck Model Analysis of the Reaction ir+d-*ir+7r+ir d at 15 Gev/c,

David P. Gluch (Ph. D. Thesis, 1976).

69 2. Proposed Research The situation in theoretical particle physics at the present time is very encouraging in view of the successes of the Weinberg-Salam model of electromagnetic and weak interactions and of QCD in the realm of hadronic interactions. But there still exists no incontrovertible experimental verification of QCD as the theory of strong interactions. At FSU we intend in the very immediate future to concentrate our efforts on studying, applying, and testing QCD, but we may well broaden our research interests to include work on weak interaction phenomeno­ logy and on the consequences of grand unification schemes. An interesting point about our theory group as it is now constituted is that we are all (three faculty members and two students) focusing our attention on finding ways to probe and test the predictions of QCD and the consti­ tuent nature of hadrons. Among future research areas are: a) QCD Corrections to the Drell-Yan Process and Deep Inelastic Scattering Non-leading corrections to the Drell-Yan process as well as corresponding corrections to deep inelastic scatter­ ing recently have been calculated by several authors with con­ tradictory results. We intend to work on aspects of this pro­ blem and compare with the previous calculations. This program is important(1) because it involves (I think) the simplest process for taking higher order QCD effects into account and (2) previous calculations suggest that the non-leading correc­ tions are roughly of the same size as the leading contributions in presently accessible kinematic regions. In view of the fact that experimental results also differ from the naive Drell-Yan prediction by about a factor of 2, checking previous calcula­ tions becomes even more urgent. b) Higher Order QCD Corrections to Other Processes Because of the surprisingly large contribution from non-leading terms in the Drell-Yan process, it is impor­ tant to see if analogous effects occur in other processes. c) Polarization Effects in Perturbative QCD Having considerable experience in the use of polari zation measurement in low-momentum transfer physics to determine the spin structure of amplitudes, I think considerable work remains to be done in calculating polarization effects in kine­ matic regions where perturbative QCD would apply. In particular such calculations would be a way of testing the one-loop order of perturbation theory, and upcoming experiments will assay the predicted spin structure of QCD.

70 d. Non-perturbative Applications of QCD The study of high-p^ hadron physics is motivated by the asymptotic freedom property of QCD which justifies the use of the perturbation expansion for large transverse momentum transfers. But QCD purports to be a complete theory of strong interactions, valid in all kinematic regions. Thus high-p physics and its attendant perturbative methods only indirectly investigate some of the most interesting questions regarding the theory, such as confinement, and are not applicable to the kinematic regions where most of the data lie, e.g. at low p . No doubt, as confidence grows in QCD, Herculean efforts will be made to enlarge the physical regions where reliable calculations can be made. Some encouraging first steps have already been taken, and I hope to apply some of these calculational techniques as use of the perturbative series approaches the limits of practicability.

71 D. J. F« Owens:

1. Research Summary: I joined the Florida State University High Energy Physics Group in August, 1976, having previously been a Research Associate at Case Western Reserve University. The initial phase of my research program here was a continuation of work which I had been doing concerning the spin dependences of various inclusive processes. The earlier work, part of which was done in collaboration with Gary Goldstein of Tufts University, dealt with the general properties of spin dependent observables in inclusive hadronic interactions. Subsequent papers dealt with applications to specific reactions including A production with a polarized proton beam and vector meson pro­ duction with it and K beams. Several of th^se papers were done in collaboration with the experimental group at Case Western Reserve University. A complete listing of this earlier work may be found in my publication list. This program continued for some time after my arrival at Florida State University. I first completed an analysis of the effects of absorptive corrections in the reaction pp ■* A++ + X (1). This work was done in collaboration with Gary Goldstein. The last paper of this series was a thorough study of model pre­ dictions for various two-spin correlation observables in pp ■* A + X<2) .

_ + _ At about this time new preliminary data on the reaction 7T p-^iT tt n became available. These data were of special inter­ est because they had been obtained using a polarized target. In combination with earlier data, obtained with an unpolarized tar­ get, these new data made it possible to perform a sensitive search for effects due to the exchange of a Regge trajectory with the quantum numbers of the A.. Effects attributable to this mechanism were indeed present in the data and a thorough phenomenological analysis was performed^). This work was done in collaboration with J. D. Kimel. For some time it had become clear to me that although the study of spin dependent effects in hadronic scattering was interesting, it was not leading to any fundamentally new under­ standing of the dynamical processes involved. This unfortunate situation was largely a result of the flexibility inherent in the phenomenological applications of Regge theory. Accordingly, I decided to focus my attention on the study of deep inelastic scattering processes. I undertook a program of collecting the deep inelastic data then available and analyzing it in the con­ text of the parton model. This exercise served to familiarize rne with the basic concepts of the parton model and set the stage for further studies in the area of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).

72 During the summer of 1977 we were fortunate to have Prof Ewald Reya visit for a period of three months. At that time he was actively involved in QCD calculations and his arrival afforded me the perfect opportunity to apply some of the ideas which I had been studying over the past several months. Our initial collaborative effort was a study of hadronic produc­ tion of the J/ip. This work had been initiated by Reya with Moshe Gluck at the University of Mainz in Mainz, West Germany. The basic result of the analysis was that by studying new data taken with it, K, p,-and p beams it was possible to deter­ mine that the J/ty was produced via a two component mechanism involving both quark - antiquark annihilation and gluon - gluon fusion. This calculation required as input the various parton distribution functions, but beyond this the only para­ meter necessary was an overall normalization. By studying both the x distributions as well as the cross section ratios for various beams it was possible to place useful constraints on some of the parton distribution functions. Some of the results of this analysis were presented at the 1977 Division of Particles and Fields Conference (4) and the full analysis was subsequently published in the Physical Review (5).

During the summer of 1977 new data were becoming available on the production of the T resonance. It was, there­ fore, a natural extension of the previous work to study the predictions for the production properties of the T. Accordingly, these calculations were performed and subsequently published . The proposed production mechanism for both the J/ip and T is similar to that for the hadronic production of dimuons — the Drell—Yan mechanism. However, this latter mechanism lacks the gluon-gluon fusion component found to be necessary for the production of the purely hadronic systems. Thus, it was of some interest to try to identify differences between dimuon pro­ duction and, for example, T production. Experimentally it had been observed that the transverse momentum distribution of the T was broader than that of the neighboring dimuon continuum. It seemed possible that this effect might be attributable to the additional gluon-gluon fusion component present in the pro­ duction of the T. Subsequently, I was able to show that this was indeed the case. Quantitative QCD calculations (?) were able to explain the difference between the transverse momentum spectrum of the T and the dimuon continuum. Perturbative calculations in QCD depend crucially on the property of asymptotic freedom, i.e. the decrease of the running coupling constant with increasing momentum transfer. The large momentum scale needed for such calculations was pro­ vided in the previous calculations by the large resonance or dimuon masses. Other processes involving large momentum trans­ fers should also be calculable using perturbative QCD. For this reason we, and othersrconsidered the calculation of

73 high—p^, hadron-hadron scattering processes using QCD- This involved calculating various "hard scattering" subprocesses, e.g. gg->gg, gq-*gq, qq^qq, etc. in addition to developing Q2 dependent parton distributions and fragmentation functions The early portion of this work was started by Reya and Gluck at Mainz, and I joined in during Reya's visit here in 1977. The initial calculations were encouraging and showed that good agreement with the data could be obtained at sufficiently large momentum transfer. ^8).

The above calculation required predictions for the Q2 dependence of both distribution and fragmentation functions. Calculations of the former were well known, but at the time it was not clear how to treat the fragmentation functions. Accord­ ingly, I started a study of this problem and found a leading logarithm solution for the Q2 dependence of the fragmentation functions (9). The resulting improved fragmentation functions were incorporated in subsequent calculations. Another effect which is of potential importance in high-p_ calculations is the transverse motion of the colliding constituents. This effect had not been incorporated into the previous calculation and it seemed desirable to study its signi­ ficance. The basic point is that the momentum spectrum of the produced hadrons is a sharply decreasing function and even a small amount of transverse momentum from the initial-state par­ tons could yield a sizeable increase in the cross section. An attempt to estimate the magnitude of the effect was made in col­ laboration with J. D. Kimel. Unfortunately, the calculation is plagued with ambiguities since one does not know the intrinsic parton transverse momentum distribution and, in addition, there are contributions from higher order diagrams. We attempted to estimate the relevant distribution by using information obtained from dimuon data and we obtained the result(10) that one could extend the region of agreement with the data to smaller values of the beam momentum and the produced particle transverse mo­ mentum than was the case is the parton transverse momentum was neglected. While this result is suggestive, it is by no means conclusive and more work is needed on calculating the contribu­ tions of higher order processes. The next area that I investigated was the topic of baryon production. The preceeding high-pT calculations had all been for meson production because, at that time, the data re­ quired for the determination of the fragmentation+functions were limited to mesons. Howeverf some new data from e e annihila­ tion and deep inelastic electroproduction yielded sufficient information to determine simultaneously a set of baryon and meson fragmentation functions. With these I was then able to predict the cross sections for high-p- proton and antiproton production (11) . The result was that even if moderate parton k^,

74 smearing was included, the curves were below the data in the same kinematic region where agreement was obtained for meson production. This was especially true for pp->p + X and, to a somewhat lesser extent for PP~*P + X. One interpretation of this is that the QCD subprocesses are suppressed more for baryon production than for meson production by the phenomenon of trigger bias. This results from the fact that in order to get a high value of pT the hadron must take a large fraction of the parent parton’s momentum. Furthermore, the fragmenta­ tion functions are rapidly decreasing functions of this momen­ tum fraction. In particular, the baryon functions fall off more rapidly than the meson functions, thereby providing a suppression factor. It is possible then, especially in the case of pp-*p + X, that other types of scattering processes may contribute in addition to the lowest order QCD terms. Another area of interest involving large-pT phenomena is the production of hadronic jets. Theoretically this type of process is easier to calculate insofar as no- parton frag­ mentation functions are needed as input. This means that the trigger bias effect discussed above is not operative here and, therefore, that the resulting suppression factor is removed. This simplifying feature is compensated in part, however, by the experimental difficulties involved in jet detection and even jet definition. Given the preceeding calculations for the production of various types of particles it is an easy job to give predictions for jet cross sections. One simply removes the fragmentation functions and identifies the outgoing parton as the hadronic jet, i.e. the parton and jet four-vectors are assumed to be the same. It is known that this treatment can­ not be completely correct and some modifications will be dis­ cussed below. However, the use of this approximation does allow one to predict the qualitative features expected for hadronic jet production. A study of these jet production pre­ dictions was made as an extension of the previous high-pT cal­ culations and the results have been published (12). it is en­ couraging to note that there is broad agreement between the predictions and the preliminary data available at the time that the analysis was completed. As new data become available, more refined calculations will be required in order to develop more stringent tests of the theory. In addition to studying the production of jets in purely hadronic interactions, I have also studied high-p jet photoproduction(13). This topic is interesting for a variety of reasons. First of all, in QCD one can calculate the parton distribution functions for a photon in the leading logarithm approximation without any phenomenological input other than the strong interaction scale parameter A. This means that there is less theoretical uncertainty regarding the input to the calculation. Secondly, there exists a new type of sub­ process topology not encountered in the hadronic case. Part of the time the photon can interact with the partons in the

75 target in a point-like manner so that all of the incident energy enters the subprocess. There is then no beam frag­ mentation and one should observe only three jets —• one from target fragmentation and two high-p jets with approximately balancing transverse momenta. In aadition, there will be the usual four—jet topology in which the a parton from the photon interacts with a parton in the target. Then there will be a beam fragmentation jet. With a double arm spectrometer of sufficiently large solid angle one can in fact separate these two types of subprocesses by using kinematics alone. Another point of possible interest is that the different kinematic regions are dominated by characteristic subprocesses and, for example, one can use this feature to search for differences be­ tween quark and gluon jets. For forward angles (0cm=25°) only about 10% of the jets are expected to be gluon jets while near 90° this fraction is predicted to rise to about 50%. If differ­ ences are observed between the jets in these two regions they may be attributable to basic differences in the properties of quarx and gluon jets. As mentioned briefly above, the identification of the outgoing parton four-momentum as that of the jet cannot be exact in these calculations. This is because the partons are treated as massless in the calculation but the jets are observed to have finite rest masses. Using QCD it is possible to esti­ mate the mass spectrum of a jet and it is also possible to esti­ mate the effects of finite jet masses on the kinematics and on the subprocess cross sections. I have made such a study (14) and find that for quark (gluon) jets the cross section may be reduced by a factor of about .2(5) at /Is = 19.4 GeV and about 1.2(2) at /*s = 62 GeV. These reduction factors are smaller than might be expected simply on the basis of a substitution of the jet energy for the jet momentum. During the last year I have had the opportunity to give several invited talks at various conferences. In January 1979 I gave a review talkd^) at the Coral Gables Conference, Orbis Scientiae 1979, on the application of perturbative QCD to the calculation of processes involving large momentum transfers. In March ,1979 ,1 attended the XIVth Rencontre de Moriond in Les Arcs, France, and gave a talk on high-pT jet production(16). This completes the summary of the research which I have performed during the.past three years. In the next section I will discuss my proposed plans for research during the next year. First, however, I should point out that prior to May,1979, my position here was that of a Research Associate. In May I received a separate DOE grant and was promoted to a Staff Physi­ cist position. Then, in September 19? 9, my position was changed to that of a Research Assistant Professor. This latter position is a non-tenured temporary faculty position.

f 76 References

1. The Role of Absorptive Corrections in a Triple-Regge Analysis of pp-> A++ + X» G. R. Goldstein and J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B118, 29 (1977). 2. Regge Cuts and the Spin Dependence of Inclusive A Pro­ duction , J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. 3131, 209 (1977).

3. The Role of Ai Exchange in the Reaction it p-»-7T+- n , J. D. Kimel and J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B122, 464 (1977). 4. Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/W Production , M. Gluck, J. F. Owens, and E. Reya, AIP Conf. Proc. 43, 467 (1978). 5. Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/^ Production , M. Gluck, J. F. Owens, and E. Reya, Phys. Rev. D17, 2324 (1978).

6. Hadronic T Production, Parton Distributions, and QCD , J. F. Owens and E. Reya, Phys. Rev. D17, 3003 (1978). .

7. Transverse Momentum Distributions for T and Dimuon Produc­ tion in Quantum Chromodynamics , J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D18, 2462 (1978). ' "> } v ' • . 8. Detailed Quantum Chromodynamic Predictions for Hioh-p_ . Processes , J. F. Owens, E. Reya, and M. Gluck,, Phys. Rev, D18, 1501 (1978). , .

9. On the Q2 Dependence of Parton Fragmentation Functions r J. F. Owens, Phys. Lett . 76B, 85 (1978). 10. Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum. ^hromo- dynamic Description of High-pT Processes , J. F. Owens and J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D18, 3313 (1978). \ 11. Quantum Chromodynamic Predictions for High-p Baryon Pro­ duction , J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D19, 3279 11979) . // 12. High-p Hadronic Jet Production , J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D20, 221 (1979). Si

13. ' The Photoproduction of Large Trans^irse Momentum Hadronic Jets , J. F. Owens, accepted for "publication in Phys. Rev.

14. Jet Mass Effects and High-pT Jet Production , J. F. Owens, accepted for publication in Phys, Rev. D.

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77 15. Quantum Chromodynamics and Large Momentum Transfer Pro­ cesses t J. F. Owens, "High-Energy Physics in the Einstein Centennial Year", edited by A. Perimutter, F. Krausz, and L. Scott (Plenum Press, New York, 1979) pg. 347. 16. Quantum Chromodynamics and High-pT Jet Photoproduction, J. F. Owens, to be published in the proceedings of the XIVth Rencontre de Moriond (1979).

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78 r 2. Proposed Research.: It should be clear from the preceeding research summary that my current interests mostly involve perturba­ tive QCD calculations of various types of processes involv­ ing large momentum transfers. Broadly speaking, I intend to pursue calculations of this type during the upcoming year. I expect that much of this work will be performed in collab­ oration with Dennis Duke who is here now as a Visiting Assis­ tant Professor. In the following, I will outline several ' topics which are currently under investigation. (A) Photon Structure Function As discussed previously, the parton distributions in a photon can be calculated in the leading logarithm approx­ imation without needing any phenomenologically determined in­ put distributions. Also, the next-to-leading order corrections can be, and have been, calculated. Here, however, are en­ countered additional terms which contain contributions from hadronic matrix elements of certain operators. Thus, at this order, some additional input is required. Vector dominance arguments can be used to estimate the required correction terms Together with Dennis Duke, I am assessing the importance of these correction terms for a variety of processes including two photon processes in e+e“ annihilation and high-pT jet photo­ production . (B) Deep Inelastic and prell-Yan Phenomenology New data on deep inelastic scattering are available and have provided stringent tests of the QCD calculated next- to-leading order corrections in deep inelastic scattering pro­ cesses. These data will make it possible to further refine existing parametrizations of the various parton distribution functions. These functions can then be used as input to the QCD calculations for the hadronic production of muon pairs. Here, too, the next-to-leading order corrections have been calculated. New data are also available on dimuon production making it possible to perform detailed tests of the theory. This project will also be done in collaboration with Dennis Duke.

(C) Pion Structure Function To date, information concerning the pion structure function has come primarily from three sources — low p„, phenom­ enology involving the recombination model, high-pT jet pro­ duction, and dimuon or J/ip production using pion beams. Each of these determinations is to some extent model dependent and , the final result, therefore., reflects somewhat the input as- ' sumptions. I feel that it would be both interesting as well as beneficial to study and compare each of these techniques and thereby assess the current state of our knowledge concern­ ing the parton distributionsvin the pion. In addition, as

79 more data become available it should be possible to study kaon parton distributions, as well. (D) High-pT Jet Phenomenology The initial round of jet experiments has been com­ pleted and there appears to be general agreement between the experimental results and the theory. Now, new jet experiments are under construction or are being performed and, as the new results become available, more detailed theoretical analyses will be required. I intend to continue to refine the high-p jet calculations outlined previously in anticipation of these new results. One area which deserves special attention is the problem of higher order corrections. It appears that contribu tions from diagrams involving three large p_, jets may be signi' ficant. I am currently looking at different techniques for identifying the extent to which such contributions will affect the predictions for single and double jet production.

80 E. Dennis W. Duke 1. Research Summary I joined the Florida State University High Energy Physics Group in September 1979. I hold the position of Visiting Assistant Professor. I spent the previous year with the Theory Group of the Rutherford Laboratory in England and before that I was with the Theory Department at Fermilab. I will first review my work for the previous two years and then discuss my proposals for future work here at Florida State University. In the Spring of 1978 I wrote a paper in collaboration with W. A. Bardeen, A. J. Buras, and T. Muta at Fermilab concerning higher-order QCD corrections to deep inelastic scattering.(D The main achievements of this paper were (1) the first correct and usable calculations of the coefficient functions for deep inelastic scattering, (2) an improved understanding of the real significance of the basic scale parameter A in QCD, and in particular how to relate A's measured in different processes, and (3) a first attempt at comparing our new theoretical knowledge with existing experimental data, in this case the BEBC neutrino data from CERN. Since our paper was published,there have been efforts by many authors to extend our ideas to other processes in QCD. When I left Fermilab to go the Rutherford Laboratory in September 1978 I decided it was important to test our calculations further against experiment, especially since the first tests using rather poor neutrino data were, at best, inconclusive. Consequently R. G. Roberts and I made a very careful and thorough analysis of older SLAC electron deep inelastic data combined with newer Fermi­ lab muon data. Our results(2) show clearly that the theoretical predictions of QCD which were published by Bardeen et. al. agree remarkably well with the best available experimental data. Roberts and I have now extended our analysis to include new CDHS data from CERN and again the results^) provide strong support for QCD.

References 1. Deep Inelastic Scattering Beyond the Leading Order in Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories, with W. A. Bardeen, A. J. Buras, and T. Muta, Phys. Rev. D18, 3998 (1978).

2. Analysis of Nucleon Structure Function Moments from Electron and Muon Data and Critical Tests of Asymptotic Freedom, with R. G. Roberts, Phys. Lett. 85B, 389 (1979). 3. Deep Inelastic Scattering and Asymptotic Freedom: A Detailed Analysis and Confrontation, with R. G. Roberts, submitted to Nuclear Physics B.

81 2. Proposed Research Although there has been significant progress within the past year in understanding the predictions of QCD and in testing the predictions against experiment, we must recognize that there still remains much work to be done. In particular, although we have seen that QCD seems to be working very well at describing one particular process, deep inelastic lepton scattering, we must still check that QCD describes correctly the relationships between different processes. Toward this end I am now studying several topics as detailed below. Each of these projects will be done in collaboration with J. F. Owens. (A) Photon Structure Function Here we use QCD to predict two-photon cross sections that can be measured in high energy e+e~ colliding beam machines. The main improvement over previous calculations will be the inclusion of important higher-order QCD corrections. (B) Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering Very soon we will have available new high energy data from CERN on deep inelastic muon scattering. Our previous calculations allow absolutely parameter-free predictions for these experimental results. We fully expect that these new tests of QCD will be among the most important tests done in the immediate future. (C) Drell-Yan Phenomenology . We are now beginning to understand how to apply QCD to a wide variety of processes. One such process is the production of pairs- of leptons with high effective mass. Recently the experiments have accumulated a large amount of data for this process. Therefore this reaction affords us an excellent chance to test whether QCD is able to relate two different processes correctly. (D) Higher Order Corrections to Other Processes Here we have in mind fragmentation functions and polarized structure functions. In each case the higher order corrections are known, but there has been no detailed phenomenology performed for these processes. . ; .

In addition to the above phenomenological analyses, I also will be investigating certain theoretical prob.lems. (E) Quark Mass Effects An often neglected effect in QCD calculations is the effect of non-zero quark masses. At present we do not understand precisely how to account for quark masses with the usual asymptotic freedom calculations in QCD.

82 (F) Infrared Effects using Dimensional Regularization The calculations in QCD are done most efficiently using the technique of dimensional regularization- Recently it has become popular to use this technique for infrared sensitive problems. I believe that it may be possible to develop our understanding of this technique even further so as to provide a very well defined basis for calculations of many different processes in QCD. (G) Multiple Large Scales At present we use renormalization group techniques to analyze problems in which there is just one large quantity or else all large quantities scale together with fixed ratios. It would be enormously useful to have a technique for handling problems that involve more than one large quantity with each quantity scaling independently.

83 VI. Gravitational Theory Program A. Overall Review This program has received considerable attention during the past five years. Professor Dirac has been giving lectures throughout the and the rest of the world from New Zealand to Czechoslovkia. The topics have ranged over a variety of subjects with his work on time varia­ tion of G being most frequent, but during the last few years due to the Einstein emphases he has given many talks viewing the state of physics with historical perspective. In addition, of course, he has also published in various journals and con­ ference proceedings on the two general areas. L. Halpern, having many personal acquaintances in the area of gravitational theory, has been of considerable assistance to Professor Dirac as well as having an active research program of his own. The two workshops on G variation brought together people active in related measurements and resulted in a continuing dialogue on the progress in this endeavor. It now seems especially interesting that all evidence, although with large measurement uncertainties, indicates a variation consistent with the predicted magnitude. ' The conference on the Current Trends in the Theory of Fields honoring Paul Dirac on 50 years of the Dirac Equation was very successful thanks to many physicists who hold Professor Dirac in high regard. B. Paul A.M. Dirac . The cosmological theory of an expanding universe with varying G, the gravitational constant, has become much more de­ finite during the past year. The idea that G expressed in ato­ mic units varies with time is an old one, dating from 1937. But it could not then be developed consistently with conservation of mass because it could not be fitted in with the value of the Hubble constant that was then believed. For this' reason I developed an alternative theory involving continuous creation of matter and wrote several papers about it from 1973-7. The alternative theory leads to anomalies in the motion of the iloon which were supported by observations of Van Flandern. However,) the idea of continuous creation of matter faces some serious difficulties, both theoretical and observational.


84 Further work by Van Flandern, based on revised calculations and further observations, have led him to change his conclusions so that they no longer sup­ port the theory with continuous creation. On the con­ trary, they now tend to support the original theory with conservation of mass. With the revised value of the Hubble constant the original objection to this theory has disappeared. So I have now revived this theory and am now working on it. I have written papers about it during the last two years. The latter theory is more satisfactory in every way including the explanation of the microwave backgrounds, and also some support from Shapiro's radar observations of the inner planets. So the continuous creation idea may be abandoned. The new cosmological theory may be expressed in terms of units such that G is constant, while h increases in proportion to t and & in proportion to t1'^. One can then keep to all the equations of Einstein’s gravitational theory and preserve all its successes. Some modification of usual ideas are needed in order to take into account the expansion of the universe. In particular, cosmic rays will be continually slowing down. Graduate student Roger Parsons has completed a disser­ tation on geodesics of this geometry. The work includes a proof that this geometry is incomplete and a study of nearly circular orbits in the Newtonian limit is performed.

Proposal There is much further work to be done on the theory of varying G with conservation of mass. In particular there is the problem of explaning the history of the moon.

The usual theory wi...i constant G leads to contradic tions between the astronomical evidence about the earth—moon system and the geological evidence. The new theory varying G leads to good prospects of reconciling them. •'

• 4 Further development of the theory with varying G will have to be made in order to provide definite equations of motion for problems in which both gravitation and quantum effects play a role. It is hoped ultimately to get an underlying field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism.

85 C. Leopold Halpern During the report period, Halpern’s activities have been varied. He considered how the gravitational collapse of a ball of dust would be modified by the presence of interstellar electromagnetic radiation. This subject became the M.S. thesis of Roger Parsons. He showed that the theory of rotating super­ conductors implies that the rotation of the earth sometimes it impossible to reach the limit of zero magnetic field inside a superconducting shell. This result has a bearing on Fairbank’s experiments at Stanford. Discussions with Fairbank indicated that he already knew about this effect, so we did not publish it. "Conclusions from an Extended Gauge Principle of Dirac's Equation", Proc. of Symposium on Differential Geometry and Physics, Springer, Bonn, 1975 was a paper in which gravitational and electromagnetic laws are derived simultaneously from invariance properties of the Dirac equation. The spinor connection and the electromagnetic potential are formally combined. The total Lagrangian is of the same form as Maxwell's Lagrangian. An additional gauge term renormalizes the rest mass of the Dirac particle and gives an admixture of the Einstein Lagrangian to the quadratic Lagrangian of the gravitational field, thus eli­ minating divergence problems. This v;ork was later extended to electric and gravitational monopoles. "Two Methods for Measuring the Variation of the Gravitational Parameter G Using Superconducting Technology" by L. Ilalpern cind C. Long appeared in the Proceedings of the workshop on the measure­ ment of cosmological constant (see Section VII). "Gravitational Theories Generated by Groups of Transformations and Dirac's Large Number Hypothesis", appeared in Current Trends in the Theory of Fields (see Section VII). This paper is a dis­ cussion of the general theory of relativity based on invariance groups other than the Poincard group. It is shown that an invariance group in accord with Dirac's large number hypothesis does not exist. A suggestion is made for overcoming this difficulty. "Gravitational Law and Spinning Electron Equation in a Space of De Sitter Symmetry", General Relativity and Gravita­ tion; J3, 623 (1977) . This paper shows that general rela­ tivity can be based on the De Sitter group instead of the Poincard group. The analog of the principle of equivalence is derived for De Sitter space, and the analog of the general- relativistic Dirac Equation is discussed. "General Relativistic Gravitation as the Theory of Broken Symmetry of Intransitive Groups of Transformations", presented at the symposium in honor of Professor A. Taub, Berkely, 1978; to be published in General Relativity and Gravitation. This paper shows that minimal invariant variables of semisimple groups of transformations from the unperturbed background of space-time for the Universe. The metric is expressible in terms 'of the generators of the group and thus in terms of the dynamical variables. A gauge transformation in the space of the generators

86 allows a derivation of the general gravitational law that generalizes the above relations. ”0n Group Invariant Laws and Gravitation", Proc. of the Symposium on Group Theory and Physics, Austin, 1978. "Connections and Spinor Connections Associated with Finite Groups of Transformations", Revista Brasileira de Fisica, 8, 465 (1978). Modified and generalized spinor connections are obatined from the nonsymmetric connections of groups of transformations on the Riernannian spaces, which are invariant varieties of the group. Rotation groups and Lorentz-DeSitter groups arc obtained as an example. The Lie derivative of a spinor is defined. "Broken Symmetry of Lie Groups of Transformations Generating General Relativistic Theories of Gravitation," to appear in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics. llalpern’s method of deriving general relativistic theories of gravitation from a gauge formalism is worked out in detail. Yang-tyills equations for the gauge potential and equations for the generators are coupled by Lagrange multipliers. These can be eliminated in the case of the De Sitter group, leading to general relativity and generalizations of the theory. In addition, the gauge formalism of the space generators of Lie Groups of transforma­ tions is applied to the extended groups resulting in an equivalent theory to a modified gauge theory in group space. The paper "Gauge Formalism of the Lie Algebra Extended to a Gauge Theory of Higher Order Equivalent to Group Space Gauging" will appear in the Proceedings of the Symposium on Group Theory in Physics - Kiriath Amevim 1979. Proposal for 1980: llalpern will apply his field -theoretic formalism to Dirac's large number hypothesis. Possible experi­ ments will be discussed with Fairbank's group at Stanford. VII. CONFERENCES HELD AT FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY During the past five years two conferences and a workshop were held at Florida State University. The first workshop, held in 1975, brought together active physicists working in the measurement and interpretation of the variation of the universal gravitational constant G. The conference was held Nov. 12 to 14, 1975 and the subject was "On the Measurement of Cosmological Variations of the Gravitational Constant". Six invited talks were given; proceedings, dited by L. Ualpern of FSU were published. It is appropri u to mention that Dirac’s prediction of a changing grt. /itational constant G is now neing verified, even though the relative errors of the measurements are still large. The second workshop held in 197 6 reviewed progress during the past year. The third conference was an international symposium in honor of Prof. Dirac's 50th anniversary of the relativistic elec tron equation. It was held on April 5-7, 1978 with a title "Current Trends in the Theory of Fields". Sixteen invited talks were given with lively discussions after every talk. Conference proceedings edited by P.K. Williams and J. E. Lannutti were published by A.I.P. Rather than listing the highlights of each conference, we are attaching copies of the table of contents. Even though we have no immediate plans for another con­ ference in Tallahassee, we suspect that we will hold another one during the next few years — as soon as we recover from the last one.


Proceedings of the Workshop Meeting Held November 12-14, 1975, at the Department of Physics, Florida State University Tallahassee


Host — P. A. M. Dirac

Edited by Leopold Halpern

A Florida State University Boolt UNIVERSITY PRESSES OF FLORIDA, Gainesville 1978


Preface Conference Contributors The Large Numbers Hypothesis and 3 the Cosmological Variation of the Gravitational Constant P.A.M. Dirac

Status of the Occultation Determination 21 of G-Dot Thomas C. Van Flandern

A Laboratory Measurement of the 29 Constancy c f G Rogers C. Ritter and Jesse W. Beams

A Radar Test of the Constancy of the 71 Gravitational Interaction R. D. Reasenberg and I. I. Shapiro

Two Methods for Measuring the Variation 87 of the Gravitational Parameter, G, Using Superconducting Technology Leopold Halpern and Chris Long

Determination of the Cosmological Rate 93 of Change of G and the Tidal Accelerations of Earth and Moon from Ancient and Modern Astronomical Data Paul M. Muller


P.A.M. Dirac - Professor of Physics at Florida State University since 1969. Paul Dirac won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1932. A founder of modern physical science. , Thomas C. Van Fianderr - Research scientist at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C. Dr. Van Flandern held the invited lectureship at the Spring meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C. in 1975 on the subject of gravitation.

Rogers C. Ritter - Professor of Physics at the (Charlottesville) and long-time collaborator of Professor Jesse Beams.

Jesse W. Beams - Jesse Beams died on July 23, 1977. Having spent a lifetime on biophysical and fundamental research involving rotations, his most recent work in this ’ field was in the measurement of the absolute value of G. This is being continued at the National . - Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland. ’ 1 P.obert D. Reasenberg - Staff Researcher in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at M.I.T. His •. current research interests include the structure and rotation of planets, astronomical constants, ' and tests of theories of gravitation. In pursuing these interests, Dr. Reasenberg uses primarily planetary radar and spacecraft radio tracking data. . • i

Irwin I. Shapiro - Professor of Physics and Geophysics at M.I.T. In addition to testing theories of gravita-n, his current research interests include geophysical . applications of atomic-clock radio int.erfertbrneV y, the structure and internal kinematics of puac'a\/y\b? the rotation of planets, and astronomic^- ?on?.xants. Leopold Halpern - Senior Research Scientist associated with ' P.A.M. Dirac at Florida State University. , , Dr. Halpern is the author of numerous publications r ,'\;h ■ ' on gravitation. • . h;;

Chris Long - Research Associate at Florida State University.h . Dr. Long's research area is low tempera,tur-o paysiths-;

Paul Muller - On the scientific staff of the Jet Propulsion ” Laboratory of Pasadena, California, Dr. Muller is y the author of An Analysis of the AncientAstronom- ' ,, ical Observations with Their Implications for Geo­ physics and Cosmology.

91 'hf ft ■■ -hr. PREFACE

The Jubilee Conference "Current Trends in the Theory of Fields'* in honor of NobcL Laurence Paul A.M. Dirac was held at AIP Conference Proceedings Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, April 6-7, 1978. Series Editor: Hugh C. Wolfe The occasion marked the 50th anniversary of the publication Number 48 of the Dirac Equation and was attended by about 75 physicists from Particles and Fields Subscrlcs No. 15 around the world. ' The conference wa ■ -r-;anized into three sessions, each with two or three principal speakers and a panel discussion with addi­ tional short talks by other speakers, which arc Included herein. Unfortunately, we arc not able to Include the spontaneous parts of the discussions, nor the delightful after-dinner speech by A. Pols given at the banquet.

The organizing committee was chaired by J. E. Lannutti and included 5. Glashow, S. Drcll and J. Wheeler in addition to local people (P.K. Williams, V. Hagopian, L. Ilalpern, J. D. Klracl and Current Trends in the D. Robson). The conference drew support from the President's Club- Florlda State University, The U. S. Department of Energy and the Theory of Fields National Science Foundation. (Tallatmsscc-197S) A Symposium in Honor of P.A.M. Dirac We gratefully acknowledge the help of the FSU Office of Continuing Education. Special thanks are due to the members of the Physics Department who helped, notably Dr. J. F. Owens, A. Thibault v and A. Connor.

\s July, 1978 J. E. Lannutti to P. K. Williams

Editors ' J.E. Lannutti and P.K. Williams Florida State University '

i Ch

American Institute of Physics New York 1978

>« .r...... _ _ _ • . _ __ ’ xi ...... ------.


I. GAUGE THEORIES Chairman: Abraham Pais ’ A. Non-Abelian Gauge Theories and Quark Confinement Gerard 't Hooft ...... 1

B. Quark Confinement and Lattice Calculations Kenneth G. Kilson ...... 9

C. Panel Discussion i. A Review of Developments in Lattice • Gauge Theory; Extreme Environment and • Duality Transformations John B. Kogut ...... 37

ii. Steps Toward the Heavy Quark Potential ' Frank Kilczek ...... :..... 30


A. Neutral Currents and Gauge Theories— Past? Present and Future ' J. J. Sakurai ...... 38

B. Applications of QCD • John R. Ellis ...... 61

Ci Panel Discussion

• 1« Are Quarks Dirac Particles? ' H. David Politzer ...... • 308

. . ii. The Static Potential Energy of a Heavy Quark ar.c Antl-cuark ' Kenneth A. Johnson ...... 313

III. OTHER DIRECTIONS Chairman: Sheldon Glashow A. Non-Internal Gauge Theories Tuval Ne'eman ...... 330

B. Panel Discussion i. ),'Spin, Supersymmetry and Square Roots /. Constraints /' Claudio Teitelboim...... 334

; 11. Gravitational Theories Generated "• by Grouts o: Transformation and Dirac's Larce Number Hypothesis , Leopold Kalpern ...... 340

iii. Poincare Invariance Without Poincard . Croup , ' Siegfried A. -'Kouthuysen...... 333

iv. Elimination of Redundancy in Super­ ’ • space Equations of Supgrcravity Murray Gell-Mann, Pierre Ramond, and John Schwar2 ...... 359

C. Variation of Constants ' . Freeman J. Dyson...... 363 D. Consequences of Varying G Paul A.'M. Dirac ...... 369

£. Concluding Remarks Eugene P. Wigner ...... 135 -

93 VIII, Scientific Personnel for 1980: A. Experimental Physicists:

1. Faculty and Research Associates: a. Joseph E. Lannutti, Principal Investigator, Ph.D., Professor, 0.4-tS^ro^^^!ontns and full-time for summer. b. John R. Albright, Ph.D., Professor, 0.4-time for 9 months and full-uw^fo^suminer. c. Sharon Hagopian, Ph.D., Staff Physicist, full-time all year. d. Vasken Hagopian, Ph.D., Professor, 0.4-time for 9 months and full^Pm^to^sununer. e. Ronald N. Diamond, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, 0.4-time for 9 months an^rW^^SBn^ror summer. f. Howard Fenker, , Ph.D. Research Associate, full-time all year. g. J. Harvey Goldman, , Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, full-time al^yea^^^^^^^^

2. Fjve Graduate Students working toward Ph.D.'s. B. Theoretical Physicists: 1. Faculty and Research Associates: a. J. Daniel Kimel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, 0.4-time for 9 months an^uJuPtinie for summer. b. P.K. Williams, Ph.D., Associate Professor, on leave with 0.S. Depa^men^o^Energy, Washington, D.C. c. Paul A.M. Dirac, Ph.D. Professor, 0.83-time for 9 months and full^^n^ro^on^month in summer. d. Leopold Halpern, , Ph.D., Research Associate, full-time all year, e. J.F. Owens, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, full-txm^a^^yea^^

f. Dennis W. Duke, , Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor, 0.4-time ro^^^montn^and full-time for summer.

94 2. Two Graduate Students working toward Ph.D.’s. Note: The 60% time of faculty effort during the academic year that is not counted for cost sharing includes advising of graduate students, such as major advisor of Ph.D. thesis. C. Education, Experience, and Publications of Faculty and Research Associates: see Appendix III.

95 3X . Support Personnel; A. Laboratory Technicians At present 3.0 FTE laboratory technicians are employed in this area, of which 2.0 are funded by the cur­ rent DOE contract and one is supported by F.S.U. funds. It is intended that they all be continued into the next contract period, 2.0 FTE are part-time student assistants, who work full-time during the summer. They assist in scan­ ning, measuring, maintenance of data records, data pro­ cessing, programming computers, etc. The actual number of laboratory technicians fluctuates during the year. The employment of more student assistants occurs in the summer not only because they can work more time but also because faculty and graduate students can spend more time monitoring their work. During the next contract year, it is intended that two more half-time student assistants be employed be­ cause we expect that we will have a great deal more film processing work resulting from the SLAC 40-inch chamber experiments. B. Electronics Engineers We have an Electronics Development Engineer, C.F. Rydeen, working with us full-time, with the charge of increasing our data collection capability, maintaining our on-line 6050 computers, increasing efficiency and accuracy of present equipment, designing and building new measuring equipment, and designing and building electronics equipment to be used at SLAC, nNL, and Fermilab. Some of our plans are elaboiated in the construction projects section of this proposal. Mr. Rydeen's position is funded totally by F.S.U. , We also have full-time Electronics Engineer, Larry Newsom, who works with us to help maintain measuring equipment and on-line computers in operating condition and to help build new equipment. Mr. Newsom's position is funded by the DOE contract. ' During the contract period it is expected that, because of computer and equipment maintenance problems, we will also use the efforts of the Departmentally funded Electronics Engineer, James Bussey, for about 20% of his time. C. Shop Machinist It is expected that Physics Department Instrument-Shop work will be necessary during this coming year to modify and repair existing equipment. Machinists’ salaries are provided from Departmental operating funds. We estimate that, averaging over the year, a 0.5 FTE machinist will be working on various projects for us.

96 D. Secretarial and Administrative Assistants The Physics Department employs several manuscript typists as part of the supporting technical staff. Particle physicists utilize about 0.25 FTE of their services in pre­ paring manuscripts for publication. In the past, the Department Administrative Assistant has done much of the accounting for our group. However, in this proposal we have requested contract funds to employ a full-time Fiscal Assistant to assume accounting responsibilities for our contract. In addition, using contract funds, we have employed a 0.5-time clerk-typist to work in our group for typing reports and correspondence, managing preprints, taking telephone mes­ sages, etc. X. Other Financial Assistance: No other direct support is being sought from other Federal or non-university sources for the period to be covered by this request. XI. Premises, Facilities, Equipment, and Material to be Furnished by the Contractor A. Premises: Most of the work described in this proposal will be done in the J. Velma Keen Physics Research Building at the Florida State University. This building is devoted almost entirely to research. Particle physics has been allotted most of the fifth floor - approximately 8,000 square feet of laboratory and office space. At present, we are using almost all the space on this floor (all but one laboratory room which is not assigned to us) and, on the floor below, we are using half of the electronics shop. In addition, we have been assigned about 1000 square feet of space on the sixth floor.. VJe will'be using one" of the sixth floor laboratories to assemble and test -detectors' for nse at the national laboratories, i.e. as our Detector Development Laboratory. B. Computing Center Facilities: The major campus computers are a CDC Cyber 730 with a 256K-word memory and a CDC Cyber 74 with a 13lK-word memory, and a total of 34 peripheral processors, 2 billion characters of disk space, and one million words of CCS , located in the Computing Center about 200 yards from the Physics Research Building. In addition, we have a CDC 200 User Terminal located on our floor, connected to the campus computers, which has a CRT, card reader, and line printer. It is appro­ priate to remark that the CDC 6600, 7600, and Cyber computers operate with almost identical programs. Hence, since most large particle physics laboratories have CDC 7600's or 6600's, the interchange of programs is greatly facilitated. We also have six CRT terminals connected to the Cyber computers.


98 C. Major Particle Physics Equipment Already Available at FSU: 1. N.R.I. Film Plane Measuring Microscope and an associated IBM 526 Keypunch, used only for calibration. 2. Four multiple-film-format Scan and Measuring Table Image Plane Digitizers. One of these was purchased from the Micro-Metric Corporation. The other three were built in our Instrument Shop. All are interfaced to the EMR 6050 computer via microprocessors. 3. An EMR 6050 (now called Univac Series 60, Mod^l 6050) computer system. The system consists of a memory of 24K 24- bit words, a console typewriter, two 75 ips magnetic tape units with controller, a fast drum with 40OK work capacity, a card reader, and a 400 1pm line printer. The cycle time is 1.9ys. The entire original system was financed by the University. The computer was purchased second hand as a stand-alone processor in September 1969. 4. A Tektronix 4010 computer terminal (connected to our 5050 or to the campus CDC computer). 5. We have accepted three surplus EMR 6050*s as gifts from the Schlumberger Corporation - one in June 1975, one in June 1976, and another in June 1978. Our prime interest in this surplus equipment was to have a spare parts supply to be used in keeping the old computer operating with no additional expense for replacement components. 6. The Department purchased a 120 character portable printer for use on our microprocessor system at a cost of approximately $1500.00 and a replacement storage CRT for the 4010 at a cost of $700.00. 7. By trading some of the surplus 6050 computer equip­ ment we also acquired two floppy discs valued at approximately $600.00 each. These are being used in our microprocessor systems 8. Eight terminals constructed in house for use on micro­ processor systems and the CDC. Also an Intelligent terminal. 9. Two microprocessor Development, systems-. One is used by the HEP Groups engineer for systems hardware and software development. The other system is used by the experimental grad­ uate students to run small FORTRAN jobs and develop applications software for the IPD uprocessor systems.

10. A detector development lab in which we have a 485 Tektronix oscilloscope,Caraac bin with modules and Nim bin with modules. XII. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY PARTICLE PHYSICS 15-MONTH BUDGET For Period December 1, 1979 to February 28, 1981 Contract No. EY-76-S-05-3509 (See Explanatory Notes on Pages Following) (In Thousands of Dollars) FSU DOE FSU DOE

A. Scientific Personnel: (1) Faculty Physicists (7) 119.8 46.9 (2) Other Physicists (6) 4.2 99.9 (3) Graduate Students (9) 0 48.3 Subtotals: 124.0 195.1 B. Support Personnel: (1) Engineering Staff "’.'7FTE) 44.5 17.1 (2) Lab Technicians (1) 11.6 0 (3) Student Assts. (3FTE) 0 23.0 (4) Seer. & Adm. Assts. (2FTE) 7.6 20.2 Subtotals: 63.7 60.3 Salary Totals: 187.7 255.4 Fringe Benefits: 31.9 16.8 *0verhead (61% S&W approved rate) • 114.5 0 (56% S&W campus charge) • 0 132.0 (5% S&W cost shared difference) • 12.8 0 (31% S&W off-campus charge): 0 6.1 Personnel Totals: 346.9 410.3 C. Materials, Supplies, Operating Expenses & Services - 0 49.0 D. FSU Computer Services 127.7 97.3 E. Travel & Per Diem 0 75.0 F. Equipment 0 325.0 Non-Personnel Totals: 127 .7 546.3 f TOTALS: 474.6 956.6 Combined Totals: 1431.? Percentage Shared 33% 67% *0.46% of this negotiated rate is for the State Central Services cost.

100 Budget Explanatory Notes A. Scientific Personnel 1. Faculty Physicists, giving fraction of time on research during nine-month academic year funded by F.S.U. and during summer funded by DOE contract. The three-month salary is at the rate of 1/3 of the academic-year salary. Not counted in the FSU academic year contribution to research is the supervision of graduate students < mg on their thesis projects. FSU DOE Acad. Yr. Summer J.R. Albright, Professor 0.40-time Full-time R.N. Diamond, Asst. Prof. 0.40-time Full-time P.A.M. Dirac, Professor .• 0.83-time Full-time (1 month) D. Duke, Visiting Asst. Prof. 0.40-time Full-time V. Hagopian, Professor 0.40-time Full-time J.D. kimel, Assoc. Professor 0.40-time Full-time J.E. Lannutti, Professor 0.40-time Full-time 2. Other Physicists working on research full-time. Funded by J. H. Goldman, Res. Asst. Prof. DOE H. Fenker, Res. Assoc. DOE S. Hagopian, Staff Physicist FSU & DOE L. Halpern, Senior Res. Assoc. DOE J. F. Owens, Res. Asst. Prof. DOE* Replacement Res. Assoc, to be employed DOE *(on Young Investigator Award) 3. There will be seven graduate students working in this pro­ gram at the beginning of the new contract period, December 1, 1979-five experimental and two theoretical. The 12-month assistant­ ship includes tuition plus $5571. It is assumed that two new stu­ dents will join the group for Quarter IV, 1980.

B. Support Personnel 1. Engineering Staff includes: a. C.F. Rydeen, Electronics Engineer, full-time with particle physics, funded by F.S.U. b. Larry Newsom, Electronics Engineer, working with Rydeen on various construction projects. c. J. Bussey, Electronics Engineer, from the Physics Elec­ tronics Shop, who will probably work about 20% of his time with particle physics, but be funded totally by FSU. d. 1/2-FTE Physics Shop Machinist who will work on various construction and repair projects for particle physics, but be funded by F.S.U.

lul 2 & 3. Laboratory Technicians: During the new contract period, it is expected that there will be an average of 4-FTE Laboratory Technicians, 3 of whom are student assistants, assisting in scanning, measuring, data processing and assembling apparatus, if sufficient funds are granted. Our parti­ cipation in collaboration experiments makes it necessary that we have this level of personnel for the experiments. One FTE fully funded by FSU. 4. Secretarial and Administrative Assistance: The Physics Department will contribute approximately 0.5-FTE person in that: (a) we will have manuscripts, letters, etc. typed in the departmental office, and (b) the Departmental Administrative Assistant will give us accounting assistance until the new Staff Assistant is trained. One 1/2-time Clerk-Typist is included, to be supported by the DOE contract. This person works more closely with our group and has become expert in the kind of typing done specifically for particle physics and in handling our preprint distribution, cataloguing, etc. In addition, we have included a full-time Fiscal Staff Assistant to be employed if sufficient funds are made available in the new contract. This work was formerly done for us totally by the Departmental Administrative Assistant but her work load and the problems involved in this contract made it necessary to add this person to assist her in this area. Fringe Benefits: 1 I For both academic and non-academic stars. the percentage of fringe benefits charged to the contract for social security, Florida retirement, workmen’s compensation, and unemployment insurance pro­ grams is 15.55 percent. However, for Research Associates, only 0.32 percent for workmen's compensation and unemployment insurance applies. Another fringe benefit is a contribution of $29.98 per month per employee for Health Insurance, except for Research Asso­ ciates, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students. This must be covered by contracting agencies for employees paid by contract funds. Overhead: // Overhead is 61% of salaries except for people working full-time off campus for periods over three months for whom it is 31%. -The University absorbs 5% of the overhead as additional cost sharing so that the on-campus actually 56%.

C. Materials, Supplies, Operating Expenses, and Services Included under this heading are items like: Transistors,valves projection bulbs; magnetic tapes; computer cards; small parts and supplies (electronic and mechanical) for the maintenance of scanning

102 and measuring tables and for our on-line 6050 computer; rental of computer terminal modem; long distance telephone charges; page costs for publications; Xerox charges for duplicating reprints and preprints; duplication costs for reports distri­ buted; mail or other shipping expenses; student fees; metal, stock, phototubes, phototube bases, and other electronic and mechanical components necessary for the construction of equip­ ment being built at national laboratories; reference manuals; conference proceedings; etc. D. F.S.U. Computer Services The Florida State University Computing Center’s sources of support are University/State-provided funds and contributions by Federally supported research projects. It is the University’s policy to encourage and support computer use by undergraduate and graduate students in faculty-sponsored educational research programs. However, users doing externally supported contract research are asked to pay for computer use at a rate agreeable to Federal auditors. Since essentially all University research activities involve graduate students and most have some external support, there is an overlap of the two categories. Hence, users are required to make every effort to maximize the funds available to pay for use of computing equipment, but the University has agreed to a cost-sharing formula when there .is such overlap. We estimate that during the next contract period, our CYBER computer costs will be approximately $225,000. According to the established University cost-sharing guidelines for computing costs, the portion requested to be covered by the DOE is $97,300. ' ' *< E. Travel Travel funds for particle physicists at F.S.U. are an important budget item due to the remote location relative to us of the existing national accelerator laboratories and other large particle physics : groups. The amount requested includes support for an average of i- two trips to national meetings, such as topical conferences^ users’1 meetings, and APS meetings, for each physicist, and one for jthe advanced graduate studerits; funds, to cover several visiting jeon- sulfants to F.S.U.; travel and per diem for experimental physicists " to construct, test,\and run experiments at Fermilab, SLAC, and BNL; the cost of’ travel a'nd per diem to attend Summer schools;- and travel'' and per diem costs for collaboration work-sessions with collaborators at other universities or national laboratories. '

F. Equipment 1

The amount listed covers two categories of equipment^ -"' 1. A VAX computer (or equivalent stateof the art computer) , whose estimated cost is $300,000, to replace and upgrade the o

■■ ■ f . i'I'X • • !..:'u .

XIII. Amount Requested: The estimated total cost of this work for the one year is $1,431,200. Of this amount, the University using State funds, will contribute support equivalent to $474,600. Therefore, the amount requested of the U. S. Department of Energy is $956,600, i.e., 67 percent of the total cost.



Number which appeared in Journals: 67 Number submitted for publication, but which have not yet appeared: u

Books Published: 4 completed g

M.S.'s completed: 2 Technical memoranda and special reports: 6

Proposals: 7 For the period 1 November 1974 to 30 September 1975 A. Papers Presented at Meetings 1. Washington Meeting, April 1975; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 20, No. 4. a. "Preliminary Results from the 250 GeV/c ir Engineering Run of the 15-foot Bubble Chamber", by S. Hagopian, Albright, Hays, Knop, Lan­ nutti, Bogert, Hanft, Harris, Huson, Kahn, and Smart. b. "Production of Multiple Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c it Interactions", by Kahn, Bogert, Hanft, Harris, Huson, Smart, Albright, S. Hagopian, Hays, Knop and Lannutti. c. "Six and Eight-Prong Interactions by ir+d at 15 GeV/c", by Wind, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, Horne, Pewitt, Wind and Bensinger. 2. "15-foot Experiences", talk presented by J. E. Lan­ nutti at Fermilab on 16 August 1975. 3. Papers presented at the DPF meeting in Seattle, August 1975. a. "Topological Cross Sections and Multiplicity Momenta for it p Interactions at 250 GeV/c", by S. Hagopian, J. R. Albright, P. Hays, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R‘. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson, C. Pascaud and W. Smart. b. "Search for Charm in 250 GeV/c ir"p Inter­ actions", by R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson, C. Pascaud, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J. Lannutti. FN-281

c. "Neutral Strange Particle Production in jt p Interactions at 250 GeV/c", by D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn, C. Pascaud, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J. Lannutti.

• 4. Talks presented at the Fermilab Symposium on Hadrons in Bubble Chambers, 18 and 19 September 1975. a. "15-foot Chamber Characteristics," by F. R. Huson and J. E. Lannutti. B. Ph.D. Thesis 1. "Four Charged Particle Final States from the Re­ action ti d at 15 GeV/c," by N. D. Pewitt, FSU Pub­ lication HEP-75-1-03(1975). 2. "Strange Particle Final States from 15 GeV/c ir+d Interactions," by D. P. Wilkins, FSU Publication HEP-76-6-5(1975). 3. "A Study of the Reaction K n ■* tt ir E+ Using a Newly Developed Isobar Model with Unitarity," by C. D. Capps. C. M. S. Thesis 1. "Ionization Identification of Chai'ged Particles in Bubble Chamber Experiments," by K. A. Rauchwarger, FSU Publication HEP-75-6-6(1975). D. Book General Relativity, by P.A.M. Dirac, Plenum Publishing Company (1975). E. Papers Published 1. "An Action Principle for the Motion of Particles," by P.A.M. Dirac, Gen. Rel. Grav. j5, 741 (1974) . 2. "Variation of G," by P.A.M. Dirac, Nature 254, 273 (1975). 3. "Reaction iT+d ■* 7r+TT+ir d at 15 GeV/c," by C. P. Horne, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. E. Lannutti, N. D. Pewitt, D. P. Wilkins, B. Wind, and J. R. Bensinger, Phys. Rev. D 11, 996 (1975) .

4. "Gravitational and Electromagnetic Radiation in Kerr-Maxwell Spaces," by R. W. Lind, J. Math. ' Phys. 16, 39 (1975). 5. "Stationary Kerr-Maxwell Space," by R. W. Lind, J. Math. Phys. 16 39 (1975).

6. "Monte Carlo Generation of Two Body Resonant States," by R. E. Knop, J. Comp. Phys. 18, 12.5 (1975). 7. "An Experimental Model of Migmacell," by B. Mag- lich, M. Mazarakis, J. Galayda, B. Robinson, M. Lieberman, B. Weber, A. P. Colleraine, R. Gore, D. Santeller and C. Chieng, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 120, 309 (1974). 8. "Search for Nuclear Resonances of Mass up to 8.5 GeV," by K. Abe, J. Alspector, R. Bomberowitz, K. J. Cohen, A. P. Colleraine, G. Cvijanovich, T. Delillo, W. C. Harrison, J. Mueller, J. Oostens, B. Robinson, and F. Sannes, Phys. Lett. 53B, 114 (1974) F. Fermilab Technical Memo "Methods for Transporting Kaons to Bubble Chambers at Fermilab," by J. R. Albright, TM-604 (1975). G. Proposal Study of ■* Resonance with K+ detectors at the BNL-MPS

( For the period 1 October 1975 to 31 October 1976 A. Papers Presented at Meetings 1. APS New York Meeting, February 1967; Bull. Am. Phys. SOC. Vol. 21, No. 1 (1976). a. "K_d Interactions in the Region from 1500 to 1650 MeV C-M Energy," by N. Ezquerra, W. Morris, and J. Lannutti; p. 71. b. nK~d Interactions in the Region from 1580 to 1720 MeV C-M Energy," by P. Madden, J. Albright, and P. Williams; p. 71. . c. "Production of Single and Multiple Neusral Strange Particles at 250 GeV/c," by S. Kahn, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, F. Huson, C. Pascaud, W. Smart, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays and J. Lannutti; p. 87. 2. APS Washington, D.C., Meeting, April 1976; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 21, No. 4 (1976) . + + — • a. "LPS Analysis of the Reaction it d-*ir it ppsat 15 GeV/c," by J. Richey, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, C. Horne, J. Kimel, B. Wind, H. Cohn, W. Bugg, G. Condo, and E. Hart; p. 569. b. "Mass Distributions and Correlations in Events Containing Neutral Strange Particles," by D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. Huson, W. Smart, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J. Lannutti; p. 593. c. "Multiple Neutral Strange Particle Production in ir”p Interactions at 250 GeV/c," by D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. Huson, W. Smart, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J. Lannutti; d. "A Search for Charmed Particle Production in ir”p Interactions at 250 GeV/c," by P. Hays, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. Huson, and W. Smart; p. 593.

e. "Observation of a 5(1620) in A°tt”£A<,tt"’tt° and E°tt Final States in Low Energy K d Reactions," by N. Ezquerra, W. Morris, J. Albright, A. Colleraine, and J. Lannutti; p. 645. B. Ph.D. Dissertations 1. "^ong^tudinal P^ase+Space Analysis of the Reactions ir n-*-TT ir p and ir n-+ir ir ir°p at 15 GeV/c," by J. E. Richey, FSU Publication HEP-76-6-18 (1976). 2. "A Partial Wave Analysis of the Reaction K n->Air-ir° from 1610 to 1710 MeV," by P. B. Madden Jr., FSU Publication HEP-76-9-7 (1976). . + + + — 3. *'A Deck Model Analysis of the Reaction ir d-»-ir ir ir d at 15 GeV/c," by D. P. Gluch, FSU Publication HEP- 10-25 (1976) . C. M. S. Thesis 1. "Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse with Radiation," by R. K. Parsons, FSU Publication HEP-4­ 5 (1976). —I D. Special Report 1. Foreign Travel Report of Vasken and Sharon Hagopian to the USSR, May-July 1976. . E. Papers Published 1. "RESURX: A Computer-Assisted Human Intervention System for High-Energy Physics Data Reduction," by N. Pewitt, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, and B. Wind, ’ Rev. of Sci. Inst. 47, 427 (1976). 2. "Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons," by V. Hagopian, D. Wilkins, B. Wind, S. Hagopian, J. Albright, J. Lannutti, N. Pewitt, C. Horne, and J. Bensinger, Phys. Rev. Lett. £6, 296 . (1976). 3. "Resonances in the KgKg System," by D. Wilkins, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, v. Hagopian, and J. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D 13, 1831 (1976). 4. "Duality and Low Mass KK Resonances," by V. Hagopian, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti and D. Wilkins, Proc. of DPF meeting in Seattle, Wash., p. 277; Ed. H. Lubatti, Amer. Inst, of Phys., NY (1975). 5. "Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser: l£s Intensity and Line- width," by P. Richter, J. D. Kimel and G. Moulton, Appl. Optics 15, 1117 (1976). 6. "Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser: Dynamical Behavior,” by P. Richter, J. D. Kimel, and G. Moulton, Appl. Optics 15, 756 (1976). 7. "Theory of Magnetic Monopcles," by P.A.M. Dirac, New Pathways in High Energy Physics, ed. Arnold Perimutter, Plenum Pr., NY; p. 1 (1976). 8. "Cosmological Models and the Larg? Numbers Hypothesis," by P.A.M. Dirac, Proc. Royal Soc. Lond. 338, 439. 9. "Absorption Weakening in Production of Higher-Mass States," by P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D 12, 3572 (1975) 10. "Non-Abelian Magnetic Charge and Lorentz Invariance," by L. Thebaud, Phys. Rev. D 14, 1673 (1976). For the period 1 November 1976 to 31 August 1977 A. Papers Presented at Meetings 1. APS Chicago Meeting, February 1977; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 22, No. 1 (1977). a. "Corrections Involving Pions and Neutral Strange Particles," by R. Harris, D. Bogert, et al.; p. 23.

b. "Inclusive y Production and Correlations in tt p at 250 GeV/c," by P. Hays, J. R. Albright, et al.; p. 48. 2. APS shington, D.C., Meeting, April 1977; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Vol. 22, No. 4 (1977). a. "K~d Interactions in the Region from 1500 to 1650 MeV/c2 C-M Energy, " by N. F. Ezquerra, W. A. Morris, and J. R. Albright; p. 623. B. Papers Published + + “ 1. "Logitudinal-Phase-Space Analysis of it n-*-ir tt p at 15 GeV/c," by J. E. Richey, V. Hagopian, J. D. Kimel, S. Hagopian, J. E. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. P. Horne, N. D. Pewitt, J. R. Bensinger and H. 0. Cohn, Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). 2. - "Search for New Particles Using Bubble Chambers," by V. Hagopian, Proceedings of the 18th Intei'national Conference on High-Energy Physics, P. N15 (1977). 3. "Integrals of Products of Airy Functions," by J. R. Albright, J. Phys. A10, 485 (1977). 4. "The Role of Absorptive Corrections in a Triple-Regge Analysis of pp-*7\+++X," by G. R. Goldstein and J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B118, 29 (1977). — + — 5. "The Role of Ai Exchange in the Reaction tt p-*-(ir tt )n," by J. D. Kimel and J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B122. 464 (1977). 6. "An Approach to a Unified Treatment of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Theory Emerging from the Covariant Dirac Equation," by Leopold Halpern, Proceedings of the Marcel Grossman Conference, p. 113 (1977). 7. "Gravitational Law and Spinning Electron Equation in a De Sitter Symmetric Space," by L. Halpern, General Relativity and Gravitation 8_, 623 (1977).

8. "The Dynamics of Streams of Matter," by P.A.M. Dirac, in Deeper Pathways in High-Energy Physics (Plenum, New York, 1977), p. 1. C. Proposals 1. Proposal for Use of the 40-inch Bubble Chamber With the Pb-Glass Wall, L. Fortney, et al. For the period 1 September 1977 to 31 July 1578 A. Papers Presented at Meetings 1. APS Washington, D.C., Meeting, April 1978; Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Vol. 23, No. 4 (1978). a. "Neutral Pion Multiplicity Distributions in ir_p Interactions at 250 GeV/c," by P. Hays, J. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, et al.; p. 510. b. "Study of the Reactions ir+n-*ppp and ir+n-»-K+K—p at 15 GeV/c," by V. Hagopian, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, et al.; p. 598. c. "Fermilab CRISIS," by V. Kistiakowsky, F. Barreiro, J. McManus, T. Stoughton, B. Wadsworth, R. Yamamoto, A. Shapiro.g. Koizumi, J. Albright, et al.; p. 619. d. "Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromodynamic Description of High-pp Processes," by J. F. Owens and J. D. Kimel; p. 579. e. "Quantum Chromodynamic Predictions for Hadronic Upsilon Production," J. F. Ownes; p. 580.

B. Papers Published 1. "The Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Theory," P.A.M. . Dirac, in the book Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory, Academic Press, 1978. 2. "The Relativistic Electron Wave Equation," in Proc. of the 1977 European Conference on Particle Physics, p. 17, Buda­ pest, Hungary, 1977. 3. "Annahmen und Voreingenommenheit in der Physik" (German translation of "Basic Beliefs and Prejudices in Physics"), aus Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau, Band 30, Heft 12, Seite 429 (Dez. (L97^ . 4. "Diffractive Production of Vector Mesons in High Energy Neutrino Interactions," Fermilab-LBL-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 1226 (1978). 5. "Regge Cuts and the Spin Dependence of Inclusive A Pro­ duction," J. F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B131, 209 (1977).

6. "Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/ip Production," M. Gluck, E. Reya, and J. F. Owens, Physical Rev. D17, 2324 (1978).

4 I 7. "Inclusive Production of Neutral Strange Particle in 250 GeV/c ir~p Interactions," D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, P. R. Huson, S. Kahn, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D16, 2098 (1977). ‘

8. "Reaction K +n*A°+7r“ from 1550 to 1650 MeV," W. A. Mo.'ris, J. R. Albright, A. P. Colleraine, J. D. Kimel, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D17, 55 (1978). '

9. "Charm Effects in Deep Inelastic Muon-Proton Scattering," M. Gluck, J. F. Owens, and E. Reya, Phvs. Lett. 72B, 326 (1978). . . '

10. "Inelastic Diffraction and Factorization Properties in the Direct and Crossed Channels," P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D17, 909 (1978). . ,

11. "Considerations on W Hadron Jets," S. U. Chung, V. Flaminio, E. A. Paschos, F. E. Paige, T. L. Trueman, and P. K. Williams, Proceedings of 1977 Isabelle Summer Workshop, Brookhaven Nat. Lab. Pub. BNL50721, P. 224 (1978).

12. "Conclusions from the Extended Gauge Principle of Dirac’s Equation," L. Halpern; Springer, Lecture Notes in Mathe- • matics 570: Differential Geometrical Methods in Mathe­ matical Physics, p. 355 (1977). ''

13. "Hadronic T Production, Parton Distributions, and QCD," J. F. Owens, and E. Reya, Phys. Rev. D17, 3003 (1978) . 14. "On the Q2 Dependence of Parton Fragmentation Functions," J. F. Owens, Phys. Lett. 76B, 85 (1978). 15. "Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/ip Production," M. Gluck, J. F. Owens, and E. Reya, AIP Conference Proc., Particles and Fields - 1977, No. 43 (1978), p. 467. C. Books 1. "Proceedings of the Workshop Meeting on the Measurement of Cosmological Variations of the Gravitational Constant," held Nov. 12-14, 1975; a F.S.U. Book, Univ. Presses of Florida, Gainesville, 1978. In this book there are two articles by our members. a. "The Large Numbers Hypothesis and the Cosmological Variation of the Gravitational Constant," P.A.M. Dirac, p. 3. b. "Two Methods for Measuring the Variation of the Gravitational Parameter, G, Using Superconducting Thechnology," L. Halpern and C. Long, p. 87. 2. 'Directions in Physics," P.A.M. Dirac; lectures delivered during a visit to Australia and New Zealand, 1975 (J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978). D. Proposals 1. Proposal for utilization of the upgraded, all-drift-chamber MPS, S. U. Chung, J. R. Bensinger, V. Hagopian. 2. Proposal to search for narrow and broad resonances in ir~p->-AA (tt^+X and ir”p->-KgKg (tt^+X at 300 GeV/c using the Fermilab Multiparticle Spectrometer, FSU Internal Report No. 16 (1978). E. Ph.D. Dissertation 1. "A Study of K~d Interactions in the Energy Region between 1500 and 1600 MeV," Norberto Ezquerra, F.S.U. publication FSU HEP-780316 (1978). F Internal Reports 1. "SHYSTAR. A First Report." A program to calculate K+ detector efficiencies. By R. N. Diamond, FSU Internal Report No. 15 (1977).

2. "E180 - Comments on \>P, vn Cross Sections, UMBC-FSU 77-9.

( For the Period 1 August 1978 to 31 October 1979

A. Papers Presented at Meetings

1. Gauge Theory of Gravitation, by L. Halpern sunmiir 1979- Institute on Diffrential Geometry and Physics, Clausthal, Germany 2. Gauge Theory of Gravitation in Space time and in Group Space by L. Halpern, 1979 Marcel Grossmannn Meeting on Gravitational Physics at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. 3. Quantum Chromodynamics and Large Momentum Transfer Processes by J. Owens - Coral Gables Conference Jan. 1979. 4. The Test of Time by P.A.M. Dirac, Sept. 1978 lecture UNESCO Symposium, on Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas of Society. 5. Quantum Chromodynamics and High P Hadronic Jet Production by J. Owens,XIV Rencontre de MoriondTConference 1979.

6. Group Covariant Physical Laws and Gravitation by L. Halpern Symposium on Group Theory and Physics Sept. 1978, Austin, Texas. >

1 y J 7. General Relativistic Gravitation As the Theory of Broken ' Symmetry of Intrasensitive Group of Transformations by L. , Halpern. Symposium in honor of Professor A. Taub, Aug. 1978, Berkeley, CA. 8. Gauge Formalism of the Lie Algebra Extended to a Gauge Theory of H.igher Order Equivalent to Group Space Gauging by L. Halpern. Symposium on Group Theory in Physics, April 1979, Israel.

v, // B. Papers Published

1. "Gravitational Theories Generated by Groups of Transformation and Dirac's Large Number Hypothesis" by L. Halpern, Current Trends in the Theory of Fields - Eds. J. E. Lannutti and P. K. Williams, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 48, N.Y. p. 140 (1978) . 2. "Consequences of Varying G" by P.A.M. Dirac, Current Trends in the Theory of Fields - Eds. J. E. Lannutti ana P. K. Williams, AIP Conference Proceedings No. 48, N.Y. p. 169 (1978) 3. "The CRISIS Detector" by Wadsworth, Barreiro, Goloskie, Kistiakowski, McManus, Stoughton, Yamamoto, Albright, Burnstein Alyea, Plano, Watts, Bugg,Dhawan and Ludlam, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. NS-26, No. 1 p. 120 (1979 (. 4. "The Monopole Concept" by P.A.M. Dirac - Int. Journal of Theoretical Phys. 17 p. 235 (1978). 5. "New Approach to Cosmological Theory" by P.A.M. Dirac - New Frontiers in High Energy Physics - Ed. Kursunoglu, Perimutter and Scott, Plenum Publ. Corp. p. 1 (1978) . 6. "Quantum Chromodynamics and Large Momentum Transfer Pro­ cesses" by J. F. Owens, Proceeding of High-Energy Physics in the Einstein Centenial Year, Ed. Perimutter, Krause, Plenum Press, N.Y. (1979) p. 347. 7. ’’Detailed Quantum-Chromodynamic Predictions for High PT Processes" by J. F. Owens, E. Reya and M. Gluck - Phys. Rev. D 18, 1501 (1978). 8. "Transverse-Momentum Distributions for T and Dimuon Pro­ duction in Quantum Chromodynamics" by J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D 18, 2462 (1978). 9. "Parton-Transverse-Momentum Effects and the Quantum- Chromodynamic Description of High P Processes" by J. F. Owens and J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D, 18, 3313 (1978).

10. "High-P Hadronic-Jet Production" by J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D,T20 221 (1979).

11. "Quantum-Chromodynamic Predictions for High P Baryon Production" by J. F. Owens, Phys. Rev. D, 19,T3279 (1979).

12. "TheTest of Time" by P.A.M. Dirac - An abridged version of a lecture at the Unesco Symposium on the Impact of Modern Scientific Ideas of Society, Sept. 1978, The UNESCO Courier, p. 17, May 1979. 13. "Two-Particle Correlations Involving Neutral Strange Particles" by R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F. Huson, S. Kahn, W. Smart, N. Biswas, J. Bishop, N. Cason, V. Kenney, W. Shephard, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays and J. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D, 18 , 92 (1978) . 14. "The Large Numbers Hypothesis and the Einstein Theory of Gravitation" by P. A. M. Dirac, Proc. of Royal Soc. London A 36 5. 19 (19 79) . 15. "Directions in Physics" Lectures delivered by P.A.M. Dirac during a visit to Australia and New Zealand, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1978. 16. "The Excellence of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation" Impact of Science on Society, Vol. 29, p. 11 (1979) Published by UNESCO. 17. "On Group Covariant Laws and Gravitation",.by L. Halpern, Lecture Notes in Physics 94, p. 379, Springer, N.Y. (1978). 13. "Connections and Spinor Connections Associated with Finite Groups of Transformations", by L. Halpern, Revista di Fisica 8, 465 (1978).

The following six papers do not have FSU byline but one of the authors, our R. Diamond has contributed significantly to these experiments since coming to FSU. For more information see Sections IV B 4 and IV D 4. .

19. Inclusive Neutral Strange Particle Production from High Energy vp Charged-Current Interactions, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 1359 (1978). 20. Inclusive Negative Hadron Production from High Energy v Nucleus Charged-Current Interactions Fermilab, IHEP, ITEP, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 3905 (1978). 2-1 Cross ^ection Measurements for the Reaction vp->u_TT+p and vp-»-p K p at High Energies; Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1005 (1978). — ++ 22. A Study of the Reaction vp-^p & at High Energies and Com­ parisons With Theory; Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Colla­ boration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1008 (1978). 23 An Experimental Study of Inclusive Hadron Production in High Energy Neutrino Proton Interactions; J. P. Berge, D. Bogert, C. C. Cundy, F. A. DiBianca, A. Dunaitsev, V. Efremenko, P. Ermolov, W. Fowler, R. Hanft, G. Harigel, F. R. Huson, V. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F. A. Nezrick, Y. Rjabov, W. G. Scott, W. Smart, C. T. Coffin, R. N. Diamond, H. French, W. Louis, B. P. Roe, A. A. Seidl, J. C. Vander Velde, Phys. Rev. D19, . 1 (1979) . v p and_v n Charged-Current Interactions Unfolded from High 24;. EHergy v ^Interactions in Neon, Fermilab, IHEP, ITEP, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Lett. 84B, no. 4, 511 (1979). C. Papers Submitted for Publication

1. "Many-Pion Production in t+d Reactions at 15 GeV/c" by V. Hagopian, D. Gluch, S. Hagopian, C. Horne, M. Jenkins, J. Lannutti, P. Williams, B. Wind, H. Cohn , W. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler and E. Hart- Accepted for Publication by Phys. Rev. D. Nov. 1979.

2. "Neutral Three-Pion (7t+tt tt°) Resonance Production in 15 GeV/c ir+d Collisions" by W. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler, E. Hart, H. Cohn, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. Lannutti. Accepted for Publication by Phys. Rev. D. 3. "Investigations of Higher Mass Even G States from 15 GeV/c Ti+d Collisions" by W. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler, E. Hart, H. Cohn, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. Lannutti and B. Wind. Submitted for Publication to Phys. Rev. D.

4. "Quantum Chromodynamics and High p Hadronic Jet Production" by J. F. Owens to be published in the proceedings of the XIV Rencontre de Moriond Conf. 1979.

5. "Jet Mass Effectsand High-pT Jet Production" by J.F. Owens, Accepted for publication byxPhys. Rev. D.

6. "The Photoproduction of Large Transverse Momentum Hadronic Jets" by J. F. Owens, accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. D

7. "General Relativistic Gravitation as the Theory of Broken Symmetry of Intransitive Groups of Transformation" by L. Halpern, accepted for publication in The Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation. 8. "Broken Symmetry of Lie Groups of Transformations Generating General Relativistic Theories of Gravitation", by L. Halpern, to appear in the memorial Vol. of B. Jouvel, 1979 and also International Journal of Theoretical Physics.

9. "Gauge Formalism of the Lie Algebra Extended to a Gauge Theory of Higher Order Equivalent to Group Space Gauging" by L. Halpern, to appear in the Proceedings of VIII International Colloquium on Gauge Theory in Physics, Kiryat Anavim (1979).

10. "General Relativistic Gravitation as the Theory of Broken Symmetry of Intrasitive Group of Transformations" by L. Halpern, to appear in proceeding of Berkeley Calif. Con­ ference Aug. 1978.

11. ”250 GeV/c tt p Mutiplicity Distributions and the Two Com­ ponent Model" by P. Hays, R. Clark, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, J. Berge, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. Huson and W. Smart, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. 1979. D. Books "Current Trends in the Theory of Fields" Proceeding of a Symposium in Honor of P.A. M. Dirac (1978). Edited by J. E. Lannutti and P. K. Williams. AIP Conference Pro­ ceedings No. 48, Subseries on Particles and Fields No. 15, AIP, N.Y. (1978). Articles by group members are: a. "Gravitational Theories Generated by Groups of Transformation and Dirac's Large Number Hypothesis" by L. Halpern, p. 140. b. ’’Consequences of Varying G" by P.A. M. Lirac, p. 169.

E. Proposals

1. Prpposal to Study High Mass States Decaying into ({jtt4 , v and Produced Centrally in 300 GeV/c ir p Interactions. Fermilab Proposal P-623. 2. Proposal to Study Charm Photoproduction in the SHF Exposed to a Polarized Mono-Energetic Backscattered Laser Beam of 20 GeV Photons (SLAC - BC - 72). 3. Addendum to Fermilab P-123.

F. Ph.D. Dissertations Roger K. Parsons - Relativistic Gravitation and the Large Number Hypothesis.

G. Internal Reports 1. Studies of K+ and p Triggers for Experiment 673 on the BNL-MPS (Search for Cascade Resonances) by V. Hagopian, S. Hagopian and M. Barlow. Sept. 1978. 2. An Analysis of 500 Events Using FNDGAM by M. Barlow, K. Clark, R. Diamond and T. Handler (Expt. SLAC -BC-67 Note). .


AT 15 GeV/c*

+ V. Hagopian, D. Gluch, S. Hagopian, C. P. Horne, M. Jenkins, J. E. Lannutti, P. K. Williams, and B. Wind

Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306

H. 0. Cohn Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 37830

W. M. Bugg, G- T, Condo, T. Handler, E. L. Kart University of Tennessee X Knoxville, TN 37S16 1

Many-Pion Production in ir d Reactions at 15 GeV/c


The average number of charged pions produced in tt d reactions at 15 GeV/c ir momentum is 3.6±0.1 and the average number of tt° ’ s is 1.9±0.2. The average number of ir°'s produced is essentially in­ dependent of the number of charge pions. About 45% of the events have 4 or more charged pions in the final state. The exclusive final states with 4 or » more charged pions and none or one tt° are presented and compared with modified phase space background computations

G±her than the well known resonances, such as the p°, no new peaks have been observed. Coherently produced multipion systems with up to 7 pions are also discussed. Detailed cross section information for every final state is presented. I. INTRODUCTION

The bulk of the data presented in this article conics from the measurements of 6- and 8-prong events in the reactions of u+d at 15 GeV/c. Since a large percentage of the events

(about 455) has 4 or more charged pions in the final state, the

6- and 8-prong events were studied in detail. In reality, most of the final states contain many resonances, especially the p's, A's, and N*'s, but the large number of final-state pions makes it almost impossible to extract the resonances from the non-resonant background. For example, each event of u+n->(3ii+) (3ti'')p has nine combinations; even if each- event has one p°->-TT+ir“, there will be eight other com­ binations which will create a large non-resonant background.

An attempt was made to fit the various mass distributions of pions to a modified phase space calculation, where the average momentum transfer of each pion and the exponential slope of the t distribution for the nucleon was fixed at nominal ' values. The resulting distributions agreed amazingly well with the actual data in the non-resonant region.

In Section II a brief description of the experimental details is given. Section III lists the various cross sections and calculations of the average number of various particles.

In this section 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-prong final states are presented

Section IV discusses the six-prong final states. Section V gives some results of the eight-prong final states and Section I VI presents the coherent data for final states with up to 7 pions. • II. EXPERT MENTZiL METHOD

The data come from a 890,000-picture exposure of the deuterium-filled SLAC 82-inch bubble chamber, with an R.F.

separated -r+ beam at 15 GeV/c. All the events were scanned

and predigitized at Florida State University. The first 4 0% *

of the events were digitized on the University of Pennsylvania

Hough-Powell Device and the rest were digitized on the Univer­

sity of Tennessee Spiral Reader at Oak Ridge National Labora­

tory. The pattern recognition, geometry and kinematic com­

puter reductions were performed at Florida State University

using the ATF, POOH, TVGP and SQUAV? programs.

Four-,.six-, and eight-prong events which had an identi

fiable stopping proton or deuteron were scanned and measured. Also measured were 3-prong events with an identifiable proton

of momentum less than 650 MeV/c. In addition, the strange-

particle events were measured and analyzed separately. Since

there were so many 2-prong events, only those that had two

identifiable protons were accepted and digitized. The scanning, digitizing, and programming efficiencies for the two- and four-

prongs were above 90%, the six-prongs were above 75%, and the eight-prongs were about 60%. Since the 8-prongs had very few

events in any exclusive final state, only the first 40% of the

data was used. The sensitivity of the data varies with the

final state and is between 1 and 10 events per pb.

> Results of the four-prong events and strange-particle production events can be found in previous publications^

(2) and Ph.D. disserteitions. The total number of measured

events exceeded 110,000. 4


Table I lists the various 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-prong final states, the corresponding number or events, the corrected partial cross sections, and the sensitivities. In each event all positive charged tracks below 1.5 GeV/c momentum were identified either by kinematics or ioniza­ tion. Since the digitizing equipment measured the rela­ tive ionization for most of the tracks, less than 20% of the events were manually checked for ionization on the

scanning tables. Positive tracks above 1.5 GeV/c, with the exception of final states with no missing neutrals

(i.e., 4C), were assumed to be tt+,s and appropriate cor­

rections were applied to the cross sections. Since the

scanning criteria, the selection criteria, and the effi­ ciencies were different for various final states, the sensitivities vary from 1.0 to 10.0 events/ub.

Table II lists the cross sections for this experiment by scanning classification. The scanning process observes only 1/3 of the spectator protons (p ) and about 1/2 of the s deuterons (d) . An estimate of the number of tt°’s for a

particular charged final state was performed. For example, the cross sections for ir bn-*2ir+2TT (mr°)p are known for m=0,

m=l, and m>2. Even though the tt° number distributions are

unknown, a Poisson distribution can be a fair approximation. The data were checked and were observed to follow a Poisson distribution quite well for the three data points corresponding 6 of 10 GeV/c, the kinematics severely limits ir° production. A good discussion of this subject can be found in refer­ ence 3. Figure lisa plot of versus the number of charged pions (r+,s and it 's). The distribution is essen­ tially flat. At 40 GeV/c the same distribution has a small positive slope while at ISR energies the slope assumes its (31 proper value of 0.5 . So our result of a constant value of , independent of the number of charged particles, which might seem surprising, is in reality the result of the several competing mechanisms described above. For com­ pleteness, we present the average number of charged pions for the following reactions

ir+n-»-kti++kiT +mTT°+p =l. 6+0.1 =1.8+.2

ir+n-> (k+1) ir++kTT +iMr°-t-n =1.4+0.1 — O fij. n

In the latter case, the large value of compared to

is probably due to having only two data points (m-~C and m_>l) to determine it. The error quoted is only statistical. The overall average number of charged pions produced is 3.610.1.

IV. SIX-PRONG FINAL STATES Since every tT++n event has a spectator proton,

these events correspond, to final states with 4 or 5 charged pions. The large number of pions creates a sizable combina­ torial background. The common traits among the various final states are that the average transverse momentum is always about 450 MeV/c and the nucleon four-momentum-transfer distributions 7 are all exponential. A modified phase-space calculation, using the Monte Carlo event generation program SAGE, was used where the average transverse momentum was fixed at

450 MeV/c and the t distribution fixed to agree with the

experimental data. The various n-body mass distributions

generated by SAGE agreed rather well with the nonresonant mass distributions of the data.

In general the various final states show p°, f, some

o, and some A - A . The production cross sections of these 1 2 resonances decreases with the increasing number of final-state ++ pions. As anticipated, no A is observed, as this can be pro­ . 4-4- _ duced only by baryon exchange or via p*->A it . So p*1 s produced by charge exchange are not apparent in our data through ++ — their A it decay mode. However, small amounts of the produc­

tion of A° and A+ are observed.

Two of the final states that are unique to ir+n reac­

tions are + + + — — IT n->1T IT IT- IT p - + + + — — and it n->ir tt it tt ir°p.

These final states cannnot be easily studied by proton targets,

so these will be discussed in greater detail. . + + + — — a) TT n->TT TT TT TT p

The 911 events correspond to 257±17pb cross section. An exponential fit g^=Aexp(Bt) where t= (Pn~Pp)2 gives the values

A=780±70 pb(GeV/c)-2 and B=3.l±0.2(GeV/c)“2. A fit to the t’ , j J distribution, where t*=t-t , g-^»=A,exp(B,t‘) gives the values A’=1290±100pb(GeV/c)”2 and B'=5.1+0.2(GeV/c)”2. Figure 2 shows 8 the mass plot. The curve is the nonresonant calculation using the Monte Carlo generated events with a t slope of B=3.1 (GcV/c)~2 and an average transverse momentum of =4 50 MeV/c, normalized to the nonresonant region. As can be seen, strong

p° and f° signals are observed. The following resonant-produc­ tion cross sections have been computed:

Tr+n->-po7r+TT p 175±20pb

TT+n->-f °tt+tt p- 30±2 pb

TT+n-’-p° p°p 20 + 2 pb

No p°f° final state is observed and the mass plot of p°p° does not show notable structure. The Gotfried-Jackson decay angle in the p° region shows the characteristic asymmetry of s and p wave interference. 4. 4. — 4. _ _ Figures 3 and 4 show the ir if it and tt it it mass plots. + — There is evidence of A , but not much of A . Figures 5 and 6 2 2 + — 0 show the p°tt and poir mass plots, where p is defined to be 4- — 4- a ir ti mass between 680 and 830 MeV. The A is very prominent 2 while the A is much smaller. This is expected as A can be 2 2 formed forward peripherally or even diffractively while A~ 2 requires an associated forward ir+ and cannot be produced dif­

fractively. Figure 7 shows the 4tt mass plot which is essen­ tially featureless.

b) IT n-frlT TT TT IT TT ° p

There are 1894 events which fit this reaction; 10% are most likely multi-ir° events. The corrected cross section for this reaction is 460+75pb. Even though the average number of 9 charged pions per event is 3.6 and this reaction already has 4 such pions, the number of event with a single tt° is twice the number of events with no tto,s. This can'be under­ stood from a Poisson distribution with the average number of ir°’s about two, so single-ir° events will have a cross section about twice the no-n6 events. An exponential fit to the t and t* distributions of the nucleon yields

= Aexp(Bt) , A = 830±160ub (GeV/c)~2, B = 1.8±0.3 (GeV/c) 2

A'exp(B't'), A' = 1980120Opb(GeV/c)~2, B = 4.3±0.1(GeV/c)“2.

Figure 8 shows that tt+tt tt° mass plot, where a small u° is visible but the 4-times combinatorial background reduces the significance of the bi’ to almost the level of a statistical fluctuation. The curve of this and following plots represents the modified phase space background. Figure 9 shows the tt+it mass plot where the p® is clearly visible, corresponding to a cross section of 70±10pb + + — — + for the reaction it n->p°r tv ir6p. No corresponding p and p signal + + _ + — — v'j are observed. Figure 10 shows the it it it and it it it mass distri­ butions. The tt+tt+tt has a small, but significant, enhancement at the Afc. Figure 11 shows the p°tt+ and p°Tt mass distributions.

The A* is not appreciably enhanced, but the p°tt mass plot shows

.two distinct peaks centered at 1020 and 1280 MeV; these peaks ,, could correspond to the A and A-, but their forward peripheral 1 2 + production would require an associated tt , as pointed out above in the no-ir® case. Why we see peaks here but not there is a mystery to us. 10


Only the first 407; of the data was scanned and measured

for 8-prong events, yielding a sensitivity of about 1 event/pb-

The combinatorial background is very large. As seen from Table + + — I, the events u n->3n 3tt p with a single tt° are produced almost

twice as often as events with no n °, again confirming the fact

that even though the number of charged pions is 6, the average number of r°’s is still two. Figure 12 shows the ir+n~ + ■ + — mass plot for the reaction m n->37r 3r p. There may be as many

as 100 p° events corresponding to about 100±30pb. The dashed

histogram is the sum of i ~ and tv ti mass plots, which should + — + be the shape of the background for it a . The (3n)- mass plots

- are shown in Figure 13 and the (4tt) ° mass plot is shown in 4- — Figure 14. With the exception of tt no other resonances

. are observed. For the reaction Tr+n-»-3iT+3TT“Trop, figure 15 shows the

* . 2ir mass plots, and Figure 16 shows the 3tt mass plots. All

these distributions are featureless. The remaining mass plots

for the 8-prongs were searched and no resonances were observed,

This is not surprising since for every resonant. 2 or 3 pions

. there are 10 other nonresonant combinations. In those plots

where there is no combinatorial background, such as the 6ir , mass distribution from the reaction TT+n-*3-.i+3ir“p, the data XX

suffer from extremely limited statistics. These data cannot be appreciably improved, even if all the 87prongs vzith specta­

tors were scanned and measured. The Monte Carlo generated

events reproduce the mass distributions very well.


The following coherent pion production events have been observed

Reaction No. of Events Reaction

TT+d-»-Tr+TT',"TT_d 4775 1

2100 2

-*-7T+TT+TT+,n'“TT-d 252 3

-»-7r+TT+1T+Tr+IT “ TT “ 7T _d 5 4

Fits were made to the t and t* of the deuteron in

form —■ = Aexp(Bt) for the reactions 1 and 3. The slopes as follows

B (GeV/c) “2 B • (GeV/c)“2

Trd-*-3ird 27.4±1.1 • 31.8±1.2

rd-*-5TTd 23.0±3.5 30.5±3.7 Since the exponential slopes of reactions 1 and 3 are the

same, the production mechanisms are most likely similar. The

large values of B and B' mean that the pions are produced coher ’ently and probably mostly diffractively.

Figure 17 plots the coherent cross section versus the

number of pions. The distribution is an exponential of the

form o(mb)=35.9exp(-1.38n), where n is the number of pions.

It has been difficult to create a model which fits such a 12 steeply dropping cross section. Exp[30 tm^ ] effects can give only perhaps a factor of 10 decrease, not the needed factor of 100. An explanation of this pronounced cross section dependence on n may involve more careful deuteron break-up considerations for the multipion final state. However, if nuclear effects are important, we would not expect dp-+dx to satisfy factorization tests compared to pp-+px, which are indeed satisfied (4) . Probably, the rest of the decrease is accounted for by normal multi­ particle statistics, the diffractive cross section for producing 7tt on Hydrogen is about 1/10 that for 3tt . The first 40% of the (3ir)d final state data was previously published The increase in data has not changed any of the conclusions from previous papers. For

completeness the 2tt and 3tt mass plots of reaction 1 are shown in Figures 18 and 19; the p°, f, A and A are clearlv . 1 3 "" visible. In addition, the A is mostly p°ir+, and the A is 1 • s mostly p°iT+d\

Reaction 3, having many more pions than reaction 1, suffers from combinatorial background. Figure 20 shows the

tt+tt mass plot; a clear p° signal is observed, but no f° is

seen. The cross section for the reaction n d-*p°iT it it d is . + — . 13±2pb. Figure 21 shows the dir and dir mass plots. The ++ . d* (2200) is clearly visible, whereas only a hint of a d*° 13 is evident. The corresponding mass plots for reaction 1 are shown in Figure 22, and display similar features.

Figure 23 shows the tt tt tt and it ti tt mass plots. The overall shape of these two plots is similar, even though one of the histograms has a small peak at the A mass. A pH plot is not very meaningful, even though 1/3 of the events contain a p° since the combinatorial back­

ground does not allow us to separate the p° from the non

p°+ tt it combinations in the p mass interval. The 4tt and

5ir mass plots, which are not shown, are essentially fea­ tureless.

.1 >. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank N. D. Pewitt, J. Richey, J. Albright, J. Bensinger and J. D. Kimel for their valuable assistance at various stages of data reduction and analysis. The efforts of the tech­ nical staff at Florida State University, the measuring staffs of the University of Pennsylvania HPD and Uni­ versity of Tennessee Spiral reader were much appreciated. We would also like to thank the staff of the 82-inch bub­ ble chamber at SLAC, especially R. VJatt and Dr. J. Ballam.

1 References

* Work supported in part by U.S. Department of Energy •f Present address: Particle Data Group/ Berkeley, CA.

1. C. P. Horne, et al , Phys. Rev Dll, 996 (1975); J. Richey, et al , Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977); C. P. Horne, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 380 (1974); V. Hagopian, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 296 (1976) 2. N. D. Pewitt, Florida State University Ph.D. Thesis; J. Richey, Florida State University, Ph.D. Thesis; D. Wilkins, Florida State University, Ph.D. Thesis 3. D. Horn and F. Zachariasen, Hadron Phvsics at Very High Energies (W. A. Benjamin, Reading, 197TT

4. A. Goulianos, Rockefeller Preprint, COO-2232A-59 (1978) (paper presented to the XIII Recontre de Moriond Confer ence, 1978)

5. C. Baltay, et al, Phys. Rev. D17, 62 (1978); See also C. N. Kennedy, et al, Phys. Rev D17, 2888 (1978) FIGURE CZ\PTIOHS

1. Average number of u°*s — — as a function of the sum of k+ and k . ■X* . 4" 2. Ti tt mass distribution for the reaction k n-*-ir tt ti it p. The curve is a modified phase space normalized to events

above 1400 MeV. . . , -f- -J- 4. — —. 3. tt k k mass distribution for the reaction tt h->-k tt tt tt p. The curve is a modified phase space.

4. tt tt ti mass distribution for the reaction tt n^-tr tt ti tt p. The curve is a modified phase space. . + + 4 — — 5. tt p° mass distribution for the reaction it n-*n tt tt tt p. 4 — ‘ p° is defined as mass (tt tt ) between 680 and 830 MeV. 4* ■)“ 4* 6. tt p° mass distribution for the reaction tt n->-TT tt tt tt p. 4 — ' p° is defined as mass (k k ) between 68 0 and 830 MeV. 4- + — — + 4 4 — - 7. tt *it tt tt mass distribution for the reaction it n->ir r ir it 4- — + 4- 4- — — 8. it tt tt6 mass distribution for the reaction it n->-TT it tt it tt°i The curve is modified phase space. + — 4- 4- 4- — — 9. it tt mass distribution for the reaction tt n-*-K tt it tt ir°p, The curve is modified phase space. 10 Mass distributions for the reaction it n-*K k k k K°p: 4 4 _ 4 — — a) it tt it ; b) tt it k . The curves are modified phase space.

11 . TTp° mass distributions for the reaction n n-’-ir k k k ir°p Mass of p° is between 680 and 830 MeV; a) ir+p°, b) K~"p°

12 it it mass distribution (solid) for the reaction, it n-> 4 __ 4 4 — . ■ 3k 3k p. Dashed histogram is the sum of k k and k k mass distributions. 4 4 — 13 3k mass distributions for the reaction k n+3K 3k p: 4“ 4 **" a) K K K , b) KKK. 4- 4 — —. 4 4 14 k k k k mass distribution for the reaction k n+3K 3k p

15 k k mass distribution (solid) for the reaction k .n-> *t* + 4- — 3k 3k K°p. Dashed histogram is the sum of k k and k k mass distributions. + + — 16.* 3tt mass distributions for the reaction n n-»-3iT 3n ir°p: a) ir ti ir , b) n ir tt , c) n n tto. + + 17. Cross sections of coherent pion productions, ir d->(kn) d,

k=3 is ir n n , k=4 is ir it it it0, k=5 is ir ir it it rr and k=7 is 4ir+3n . Fitted line is a (mb)=35.9Exp(-1.38k) .

+ — + + + — 18. tt tr mass distribution for the reaction ir d->ir ir ir d. Each event is weighted by the inverse of deuteron azimuthal detection efficiency. VJeight varies between 1.0 and 1.6 and average weight per event is 1.2. + + — . + + + — 19. tt it it mass distribution for the reaction it d-»-u ir n d. Events are weighted; for explanation see Figure 18.

4. — 4- 4- _l _ 20.. tt tt mass distribution for the reaction tt d->7? tt tt ir ir d» * 4. ‘4. 4. 4. _ _ 21. ud mass distributions for the reaction it d-»-iT ir n u it d: 4. — a) it d, b) ir d. 4- + + “ 22. ‘ iTd mass distributions for the reaction ir d->tr it it d. For event weights see Figure 18; a) iT+d, b) it d. 4* 4. 4- 4- „ 23. 3ir mass distributions for the reaction ~ d->ir u it n it d.: 4* 4“ ~~ a)TTTTirfb)iririt. TABLE CAPTIONS

I. Partial cross sections, number of events and sensiti vities for non-strange final states up to 8 prongs. II. Topological cross sections. III. Partial cross sections for various charged pion con­ figurations. m is the number of ~o,s and can have values of 0, 1, 2, etc. Average value of m, denoted

by , is calculated for each charged final state assuming Poisson distribution. The weighted average value of is 1.93±0.09.


Final State with a(yb) no. of events events/ub 11 d 5000+1000 + Estimated * nP 5000+1000 Estimated ppgX (Xx neutrals) 200+25 817 4.1 n+Psx 2000±500 Estimated

+ — r 71 PPS 365+25 3632 10.0 ir+-n •n°PPs 495+30 4218 8.5 tt\~ (hut°)pps, m>l 1730 + 100 12554 7.3

Tr+fT+ir ppg 705+50 3203 4.5 ir+n+ir“ (mu °) nps , m^l4 050 + 200 18228 4.5 4- + — n Tt ir d 570+25 4755 -8.3 TT tr ir 1t°a 200 + 100 2100 10.5 4- ...... - IT TI IT (lMl°)a, m>l <100 Estimated

2ir pps _ 253 + 17 911 3.6 2Tr+2ir“n°pps 460+45 1894 4.1 2tt+2it (nuT°)pps, m>l 1520±95 5561 3.7______3TT+2w"~np 320±40 1393 . 4.4 1 3ir+2ir (imr°)nps, m>l 2380±145 8642 3.6 3tt+2tt <3 ______36*3___ ' 252 7.0 3ir+27r~ (mir °) d, m>l_5.52_____ Estimated ...... '! ' i i 3tt 3tt pps _ ____100+15 100_____ L 1.0 3tt ~3Tr“iTopps 185+25 5 217 ; 1.2 3tt 3tt~‘(imr°) ppg , m>l 325+40 359 ’ 1.1 4tt+3it nps __160+35 __ 161 i 1.0 4tt+3tt“ (nnT°)pps, m>l H25±125 1108 1.0 5 2.0 TABLE II

TT+d All 2 prongs 14.6+2.0mb

4 prong v/ith pg or d 8.2+0.4 4 prong other 8.1+0.4 prong with p or d 5.0+0.3 6 s 6 prong other 5.0 + 0.3 prong 1.9+0.2 8 with p s or d 8 prong other 1.8±0.2

10 prongs • 1.0+0.2 Strange particles 2.9 + 0.2 TOTAL 48.5mb


a (pb) 4. — n-*-ir ir (imr°)p 2590+105 1.65+0.15 4- M -*-2tt 2it (nui°)p 2235±105 2.00+0.20

-*3tt+3tt (m-iT°)p 610+50 1.85+0.35

-*2ir it (m7To)n 4755+205 1.90+0.15

-*-3tt 2it (nvn°)n 2700+150 2.15+0.30 4“ ->4tt 3ir (nuT°)n 1285+130 2.10+0.50 I f'J

_M. pilD+-ZI p ’0(\| I


o r.\ 'r’ 60


M a s s (77-+7r + 77-" 7r~) i n M eV '"•V 8 r-g? ny ioi^) I

1—I—I—<—n MeV

E v e n ts /5 0

. r 1

ii t- 13- 10 ft) ri|. // (a) t'f' /'I J II $?)

'/ '1 1 i l i i i J | i i—i—i—i « i i—i—|—i—i—i—i—i—r

900 Entries _ •60

— 7r+7r“ 9Entries/Event > jh-1 — 77'+7r+ and ir~-rr~ CD ■ 6Entries/Event O 40 A to I I rJ • «"* I CO i n M—- I '1 *.4 i £Z i CD I > l U Ll J Hl Nn 20 III Lj

•” 11 ‘ Lj • 11 ' (I «-J 11 I • t U] I L. 14ir* jJkU L, 0 c J---- 1 I 1—1 L. J I I I I L | I ■ ! • .il 1000 2000 Mass(7r7r)in MeV F~i$ 4. f;% )3(i)

I tI I I »

Mass (77-77-)in MeV

\\ rz?. is- r r (

V F!j 11 F<$* 1$ I i f;?. /? i—i-i "j i i—j ii r i”i i

( f-1 » I r~j i i—i—l—J—i—J—I—«—j—i—I—i—I—j—i—i—i—r (a) 756 Entries 3 Entries/Event 20 V


o 1 in 1 10 tn If c CD > LiJ w Ln

JLlDLJL 0 J----- 1 III1 IL ! 1 1 I , , , , J—I L L •2000 4000 6000 Mass(7rd)inMeV

I • J Ft$ 51 (a) ** * "T—i—r~T—i—I—i—J—i—i—i—r

504 Entries - 2Entries/Event


CO -tc— a> > UJ 5

0 J-L » I I I l 2000 4000 6000 Mass(7r d) T-1—I-1-- 1-1-1-1-1-J-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-J-1-1-1-1-T 200 -ft (a) 11270 Entries 2.4 Entries/Event > o in [Ulfl <\] a. co .92 100 A If “V ru c .Ir nJ Ll I UJl


0 JL—1—I—1 L 1 t—I-!1 » -1!»- I 1- U I-1 J l ol l i -J B-TF i 2000 4000 6000 8000 . Mass(7r+d)in MeV

F(j. 3 3 («) i—i—i—j—i—i—i—i—i—r—i—i—i—(—i—i—i—i—i—|—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r (b) 5635 Entries 100 1.2 Entries/Event If] > CD

LO Cd to In "c-4— 50 c }f- Id ■nm ‘t! If In

J J U I l 1- l, I 1 L J----1.1 1 t I E.l » L, 0 J L J_L_I_l «Y. I t i 2000 4000 6000 8000 Mass(7r"d)inMeV

(. -J r,3 ’3(t) Neutral Three-Pion Resonance Production in

15 GeV/c tt+ Deuteron Collisions

W. M. Bugg, G. T. Condo, T. Handler, and E. L. Hart Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916


H. 0. Cohn Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830


S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, and J. E. Lannutti Department of Physics, Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306

The production of 7r+Tr“Tr° events allows the study of pure 1=1 exchange without the complicating presence of the a(1236) which appears with proton targets. A total of 4218 events, corresponding to 8.5 events/pb, were analyzed from an exposure of the SLAC 82-inch deuterium bubble chamber. The low mass resonances (n, w, A2, and w(1675j) are clearly observed. In addition, enhancements due to possible higher mass resonances are observed by using the technique of P^cuts. 2 3

2 the square of the missing mass (mm) where a clear #° peak is observed. INTRODUCTION Unfortunately neutral n decays produce a shoulder at (mm)2 = 0.3 (GeV) The production of neutral (3#) resonant states, 1n pion-deuteron thereby making the separation of single #° events from multi-ir° collisions, at energies greater than several GeV, is always a small events and n events a little more difficult. In addition only fraction of the total cross section. This is in contrast to the those events with a^2 fit probability of z. 2% and -0.2 < (mm)2 neutral dipion (#+ir) spectrum from #+d interactions, as well as the < 0.24 (GeV)2 were included in the sample. 4218 events survived charged (3u) states induced 1n l^p collisions. In some measure, the the cuts, with about 10% being multi-#0 or n -* TV events. This relative dearth of neutral ^3#) resonant production in #+d inter­ corresponds to o(#+d ■+ it+#"#°pp) = 495 ± 30 ub, giving a actions reflects the fact that neither pion charge exchange nor sensitivity of 8.5 events/pb. Other published results^ from this

pion diffractive dissociation can result in the production of the film Include additional experimental details. n+nJ5r° system at the pion vertex. The purpose of this article is

to present our results concerning the odd G parity bosons produced The Neutral Odd-G Parity Bosonic Spectrum

in the reaction: n+d ■* ppTr+rr~Tr°. Our attention will focus on the In Fig. 2, we present the full ir+#'n° spectrum from our data. production of states more massive than the w(l675). Aside from the lower mass states (n.u), the evidence for 3# states

in this histogram is less than compelling. Nevertheless, the EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS spectrum has been fit with Breit-Wgner resonances for the n, u, The data of this experiment was obtained from an 890,000 A2, u(1575) and A*(2030) and with a polynomial background including picture exposure of the SLAC 82-inch deuterium filled bubble chamber terms quadratic 1n mass, from threshold to 3 GeV. Because background in an R.F. separated n+ beam of 15 GeV/c. [The sample for this in the n region is essentially zero and because of the paucity of reaction comes from the measurement of 4 prong events with spec­ events in this region, the cross section for n production is obtained tators and some 3-prong events with a possible proton candidate by merely counting events. Further, with such a small sample, mass chosen during the scanning process.] The first 4056 of the events and width measurements would not be particularly meaningful. Because .were measured on a Hough-Powell Device while the remainder were of the ,oor quality of the A2 signal in this spectrum, its mass and measured on a Spiral Reader. Every positive particle below 1.5 width were constrained so they would not exceed 1370 MeV and 150 MeV GeV/c momentum was identified by ionization. In addition all respectively. In addition, the quality of the fit is enhanced by events that had a 4-constraint fit (#+d * #+Tr-pp, #+d * k+k'pp, the inclusion of a higher mass state at * 2050 MeV with a width and #+d + pppp) were removed from the sample. Figure 1 shows of 100 MeV. The production cross sections together with 4 5

the fitted masses and widths are given in Table I. As highest Py cut C(Pj) - 0-3 GeV/c], a new structure appears at a mass was mentioned in the introduction,3n resonance production does of 1,8 GeV/c2, for which additional analysis suggests at least a not appear to be a dominant effect in the spectrum. These well- partial f°s decay. established states contribute only about 40 ub. Because of the In order to effect a comparison between the n+p experiment

rather structureless nature of the spectrum in the A2 region, we alluded to in the previous paragraph and our jr+d experiment, all of show in Fig. 3 the 3n spectrum, where all events with any pn mass our subsequent presentation will refer to data for which no (up) less than 1.7 GeV/c2 have been removed. Although this removes mass lies in the b(1236) region (1.0 £Mpn £ 1.36 GeV/c2). While about 70% of our sample, the resulting spectrum displays convincing our data are relatively insensitive to such a restriction, such a evidence for both A2 and w(1675) production. Furthermore, in this selection is patently desirable when analyzing ir+p interactions

latter spectrum, the n and

structure beyond the u(I675). where the squared transverse momentum (p^) for each pion exceeds To amplify our search for higher mass 3n states, we invoke a the minimum values: .04, .06, .08 GeV2/c2. At the smallest p| cut, 2 method suggested by Hagopian et _al. and subsequently exploited by only the u(1675), among the well-established particles is manifest, q Deutschmann et al. in their search for massive states produced in while evidence for the A2 1s marginal, at best. This 1s 1n sharp up collisions. These authors have observed that higher mass resonances contrast with the r+p data, where, for a similar Py cut, 1t is still become enhanced in multiparticle spectra when only those events are a prominent feature of the (3n) mass spectrum. This undoubtedly included, for which the transverse momentum of each decay particle reflects the difference in production mechanisms of the charged and exceeds some specified minimum value. In their study of the reaction, neutral A2 mesons.^ At the larger py cuts (Fig. 4b,c), not only n+p ■* ir+ir+ir"p at 16 GeV/c, Deutschmann et al_.3 observed the usual does the u(1675) become relatively more dominant, but also higher structure in the complete 3ir spectrum at the A^ A2, A3 mass regions. mass structures appear to be present. However, as the acceptable minimum value for the transverse momentum For reasons of statistics, we have chosen to fit the inter­ of each pion (pj) increases from zero to 0.3 GeV/c, in steps of mediate (p|) spectrum (p| > .06 GeV2/c2) rather than the one with ^■0.05 GeV/c, the relative amounts of Aj, A2, ^3 ^be spectra change. the most restrictive transverse momentum selection. Our best fit, At the highest py cut, the Aj has disappeared while the A3 is more using a background including terms quadratic in mass, was obtained prominent than the A2. This contrasts to the state of affairs at the by employing Breit-W1gner resonances for the w(1675) and three lesser Py cuts or in the unselected spectrum. In addition, at the higher mass states (smooth curve, Fig. 4b). The parameters determined 6

several standard deviations less than the value reported by these from this fit are given in Table II. The inclusion of a cubic mass authors. In our data this state appears, in the (p| > .06 GeV2/c2) term in the background has negligible effect on the fitted parameters. spectrum, as a five standard deviation enhancement over background. A fit of somewhat lesser probability obtains when the two higher mass Moreover we are not able to achieve an acceptable fit to this states are coalesced into a single, broad state.

Our first observation concerning these high p| spectra is that spectrum without the introduction of at least one and more likely (from chi square considerations) two additional states with masses there appears to be no neutral object present at a mass of 1.8 GeV/c2 of 2355 ± 15 MeV (r = 61+” MeV) and 2530 ± 26 MeV (r =■ 157*’® MeV). corresponding to the charged state observed by Deutschmann et al_. •IB “53 Q Aside from the observations of Baltay et al° on the (predominantly) This suggests that the principal production mechanism of the charged ppn state at 2340 MeV, we are aware of no current evidence for state-is either diffractive or a process similar to Az production, whereby A® production in higher energy it+n collisions is considerably neutral odd-G parity objects in this mass region.

inhibited relative to Az production in i^p reactions/’9 We have also subjected these high p| spectra to the requirement

Higher mass odd-G parity bosons have recently been reported at that two of the three pions be in the p region (.66 GeV/c2 Mp 5.

1942 MeV (r = 57.o MeV),6 1900 MeV,7 2340 MeV (r = 180 MeV),8 .86 Gev/c2) (Fig. 5a). None of the states, at masses larger than n. 1900 MeV (r -v 200 MeV),9 and 2030 MeV (r = 510 ± 20 MeV).10 The 1.8 GeV/c2, appears to be enhanced by the selection of either (p*,p"> or (p+,p“,p°). We show only the latter result since it is to be states most relevant to our observations would apeear to be those expected that the higher mass states will be isoscalar as they* have of mass in excess of 2 GeV/c2. The state at 2.34 GeV decays primarily not appeared in the much more widely investigated iAS" spectra. into ppu and has isospin of at least one. Our five pion data from Fig. 5b shows the f°Tt° mass spectrum (1.12 5. M^ £ 1.42 GeV/c2) under the channel, jr+d •* ppj7+7i+n*ir*?0, have been examined for signals in

the p°p°Tt0, p+p°Tt° and p"p°h° spectra (not shown) without detecting the conditions that pT for each pion exceeds .06 GeV2/c2. While

any significant enhancements. Since this 2.34 GeV/c2 state decays the data are obviously rather limited, statistically, this spectrum suggests that, at least, the state around 2.0 GeV may have a signifi­ . into 3ir less than IOS! of the time, it is clear that none of the cant fM decay mode. Because of the large {’ 200 MeV) mass neutral enhancements observed here can be identified with it.

The other relevant state, observed by Corden et al_. ,10 in a difference with the f°ir state observed by Deutschmann et al. it 1s

study of the reaction, n'p + nnS'ir0, using the CERN Omega Multi­ uncertain whether the two experiments are observing the same object.

particle Spectrometer is quite broad (r

likely that the state we observe at 2037 ± 27 MeV should be identified

with this state, even though our fitted width (r = 238 ± 68 MeV) is 3 c


Boson Productions for the Reaction: n+d ->■ ppir+ir*ir° TABLE II

Mass, Width and Production Cross Sections for States 3> State® Cross Section (pb) Mass (MeV) Width (MeV) Appearing in High p| Data

n 2.5 ± .6 ^550 --- State Mass (MeV) Width (MeV) Cross Sections (pb)

a 2 10.4 ± 3.1 1370 150 w (1675) 1695 ± 19 97 ± 60 5.8 ± 2.1 u(1675) 15.0 ± 3.8 1679 i 13 92 ± 37 A$(2030) 2032 + 27 238 i 68 15.5 ± 3.3 A2(2030) 8.0 ± 3.0 2064 + 24 100 2355 ± 15 51-20 3.3 ± 1.3

2530 ± 30 157lS/.+9053 7.8 ± 2.4 “The cross section determination refers only to those decays which appear

in the ir+ir"n° final. The mass and width of the A2 has been constrained If the two most massive states are combined, we find a production cross not to exceed the values shown in the table. Similarly the A2(2030) section of 21 ± 4 pb with a mass of 2467 ± 39 MeV and a width of width was required to be no less than 100 MeV. 335 ± 85 MeV.


V 10


Fig. 1. Distribution of the square of the missing mass forevents with

out a four-constraint fit. The shaded area corresponds to 1. J. Richey et al., Phys. Rev. DI5, 3155 (1977); C. Horne et al., those events which were selected as n# fits(n+d+ppn+ir'i!0). Phys. Rev. Dll, 966 (1975); N. D. Pewitt et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. Fig. 2. Full n+T,"n° mass spectrum. 47, 430 (1976). Fig. 3. ff+ir*if0 mass spectrum for events where no pion-nucleon mass 2. V. Hagopian et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 36., 296 (1976). is less than 1.7 GeV/c2. 3. M. Deutschmann et. al_., Nucl. Phys. BI 14, 237 (1976). Fig, 4. ir+jr*ir° mass when each pion has a squared transverse 4. J. T. Carroll et ab, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25, 393 (1970). momentum greater than (a) .04 GeV2/c2; (b) .06 GeV2/c2; 5. D. M. Chew et ab, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LBL 53, «• (c) .08 GeV2/c2. ^Berkeley, California, May, 1973. Fig. 5. (a) (pir)° mass spectrum when each pion has a squared 6. A. Abashian et al.., Phys. Rev. D13, 5 (1976). transverse momentum greater than 0.06 (GeV/c)2. 7. Ch. O'Andlau et ab> Phys. Lett. 58B, 223 (1975). (b) f°ir° mass spectrum when each pion has a squared 8. C. Baltay, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 891 (1975). transverse momentum greater than 0.06 (GeV/c)2. 9. R. Baldi, et al.., Phys. Lett. 74B, 413 (1978).

10. M. J. Corden et al., Nucl. Phys. BI36, 77 (197bj.

6 6 .0 0 1 3 2 .0 0 1 9 8 .0 0 :2 6 4 .0 0--7 330*100 -’X ^ a e iO O :

P £ M * o oo • o Dj • D 0.00 ? ______

IS. I ______00

EVENTS/( 32.00 I ______

48.00 I 0.04 ______

) 64.00 I ______

80.00 1


46. I /

"■/ 1 O CD

n r


O I P , - I ) P . + I P t M

6 9 . 0 0 0 0 8 . 4 4 8 . S 8 8 . 2 2 9 . 1 JJ.00 3 8.00 l


24.00 0.04 I

) 32.00 I


I ;00 ------

48. 1 L~


Oo 3 .84 80 OD ‘2) DD ’D 00*9 DOT DD'IT QD ’K OB'OZ OD'31 OO'ZJ • OQ ’B ( WO 'I/S1N3W WO VS1H3K3 Investigation of Higher Mass Even G States from 15 u+D Collisions c

W. M. Bugg, G. T. Condo, T. Handler, and E. L. Hart Department of Physics University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 37916


H. 0. Cohn Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN 57S30


S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. E. Lannutti, and B. Wind Department of Physics Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32506 presentuu o/ ..... 4

mass of 1922 MeV and a width oi 1C7 Previously, ....

of structure beyond the g region have been presented by Boesebeck Only eveiiu ...... t

et al, Armenise et al,^) Caso et al an

Our experiment strongly suggests the existence of a meson the above reactions are 10.0 ±0.7 events/pb for reaction

with a mass of 1920 MeV and a width of -250 MeV. (1) and 4.9 ± 0.3 events/pb for the missing-moss events.

In another area the n+it"ir’u’ decay rates of the f* and Further details of the exposure, event selection and processing

f8 -10) g° mesons have been determined in, at most, several experiments. procedure arc available in references 11,

We will pre-:.jn'; i ur data pertaining to this multipion decay States beyond the g (1680) mode of the'i" -nd g° as well as investigate the formation of

intermediate states in this four pion decay channel for the ga. The histogram in Fig. 1 displays the full di pion mass

E.tperimental Method spectrum from reaction (1). While tho spectrum is dominated

Our data were obtained from an 890,000 picture exposure by p" and f* production, the po|ulatiou of the higher mass

of the SLAC 82 inch deuterium-filled bubble chamber. The region of the spectrum is not small. Indeed, from this

reactions, which have been measured, with sufficient statistics spectrum alone, it may be argued that, unloss tho background

to yield meaningful results, include: at higher dipion masses has a bizarre shape, the presence of ) . ’ the g (1680) implies tho existence of higher mass states, 3 4

This can be made more decisive by subjecting the dipion . _ • . of u quadratic fit out to a mass f 2200 ,McV. The anly - j' r V ' • ’ " ' spectrumto t’ cuts of 0.2 (~~)^ and 0.03 (-^”)2 (t* s tn.2ii .t_.min), significant difference between this fit and n cubic (or quadratic)

~ which are shown in Fig. 2. Fitting the mass distributions for fit over the entire spectrum is that the number of II (1P20)

t' < 0.03 (^Y.)2 to a quadratic background together with increases by about 105 when the en'iro range Is used. Tho c

Breit-Wigner shaped resonances for the p, £, g, H (1900), errors in Table I take account of the different fractions

and U (2350) yields enhancements of 4.5 and 4.9 standard among the various fits as wall as tho associated statistical

deviations for the H and (J states. errors.

Because we shall present our results for the f and g Kinematically, any peripherally produced dipion system as

- branching ratios in the next section, we discuss the t' < 0.2 (—)2 massive as the g, characterized by a strong forward angular

spectrum in detail. This t’ cut approximately maximizes the distribution, will have a pion-nucleon mass combination in the

signal to background ratios for the j\" and the (n*ir MM) diffractive region (M < 2 GeV), Recently, it has been shown,

spectrum concurrently. When the spectrum in Fig. 2a is fitted b; Kagopian et at.^ and by Ocutschmann ct al.^, thr.t higher

to various Breit-Wigners with a polynomial background (with mass states can be enhanced relative to both tho lower mass

terms up to M3), if higher mass states (H, U) are excluded, scates and the reflected diffractive background, by restricting

only fits with a probability of less than 1% are obtained. the spectrum to only those events for which each dccuy particle

Moreover, for these fits, the mass of the g (1680) increases of the resonance has a large transverse momentum (p^). Fig. 3

to “1900 MeV with its width ballooning to at least 500 MeV. shows our dipion spectrum subjected to the condition that both

These parameters are clearly egregious for the g. Furthermore, the n* and it* have values of pT greater thin (pT)min where

with these fits, the 2n to 4n branching ratio for the g vastly ^T^min = *'*’ -45 GeV/c. These spectra, In general,

exceeds that found by Baltay et al.tl0) We are thus impelled illustrate the principal thesis espoused by these authors, namoly,

to include an H at 1920 MeV as well as an additional mass state as (Pp)min 3S increased, the h!,;her mass states arc enhanced.

at 2350 MeV. In particular, at the larger (P-j’ s values, aside from a small

The linings in Table I summarize our results for the f° signal, the g (1680) and the 1920 MeV enhancement are the

____ ■ dipion spectrum, these results derive from averaging the fit most significant features of the dipion spectrum. At the

values obtained with a hand-drawn background as well as cubic, largest p? cut, the H appears with approximately tho same C- and quadratic bdi.’.Grounds. The curve on Fig. 2 is the result

‘ ’ 7 - -

r> ’ 6

statistical significance of the g--both being - 4.8 o above present our results here, even though they lack the statistical

background. The enhancement at 2350 MeV, while not becoming authority of those of reference 10. This follows from the fact

the dominant state in the spectrum at the higher (py)m£n cuts, that this prior determination of the g° decay into (it*u”MM)

nevertheless, appears to survive these cuts. utilized the 7+p initial state where the study of neutral

To recapitulate our arguments favoring the existence of bosons was effected by counting each event twice (once for each

broad states beyond the g, we note that the presence of g ir+ in the final state). There is the further consideration decays into (ir+7r~MM) (Fig. 4) requires the presence of that A++ production is a much more prominent feature of ir+p

dipionic g decays. The only way our dipionip spectrum can interactions than is A+ or A° production in a+n collisions.

accommodate the presence of the g, with parameters that are Both of these effects indicate the possibility of substantial

consistent with the established properties of the g, is to background differences between the two experiments indicating

require the presence of higher mass states. The very the desirability of the second determination.

'restrictive t’ cut, imposed in Fig. 2b, strongly supports this In Fig. 4, the full bosonic mass spectrum, M(ir+v'MM),

conclusion. A possible identification for the H would be to where MM indicates the missing mass, is shown with the restriction

assume it is the charged decay mode of the h (2040), However Jt'j | < 0.2 (~^)2. This spectrum has been subjected to the

because of the = 100 MeV mass difference, this must remain a same types of fits employed for the dipionic spectrum. An

speculative connection. A more natural correlation would immediate difficulty is the mass region in excess of 2 (^^)2

appear to be with the state observed by Antipov et al^ at an where the ir*ir"MM spectrum suggests again the possibility of

Identical mass, even though the fitted width which we find is higher mass states. Fitting this spectrum out to 3.0 (^—)2

somewhat in excess of their value. with Breit-Wigner shapes for the f, g and U (2350) and a

polynomial background results in driving the fraction of f# Decay of f° and g° into it+n MM events negative - a patently undesirable state of affairs. A Recently Baltay et al,^10^ using 15 n+p interactions more appropriate procedure would appear to bo to truncate the

determined the relative probabilities for the decay of the fitted portion of the spectrum at 2200 MeV, whence both the neutral g into nV, u*Tr*7r<’ir'*, and 2ir+2it . Since the most fitted hand-drawn background fit and the quadratic background fit

frequent g° decay mode is to which involves the uncon­ ir+ir“M>l, yield approximately the same results. The quadratic fit is

strained events of reaction (2), wc deem it appropriate to shown on Fig. 4. Another difficulty in the fitting procedure 7 &

lies in the f° region of the spectrum. If completely unconstrained, determination of the g° branching ratio has been that of Baltay

et a/10’ who found R^o = 0.35 ± 0.11. It is apparent that the the f® width is driven to less than 100 MeV. However, if the

f“ width is constrained to be 220 MeV - the width found for the two experiments agree. Furthermore, this agreement argues

ir tt decay of the f® - the fitted f® cross section exceeds implicitly for the existence, in our dipion spectrum, of '

10ub, which is patently unrealistic when account is taken of the higner mass states.

paucity of events in the f® mass region. Apropos of this, we The f® decay rate has been reported by Eisenberg et ax'- 1 to be Rfo = 0-23 ± .09 while Emms et a/9) found R^o to be have constrained the f° width to be 150 MeV. The number of

g® events is quite insensitive to the f® parameters. The 0.10. Our data are certainly in consonance with the latter

fitted quantities are given in Table II, where the errors are result. Statistically, it is also consistent with the fraction reported by Eisenberg et al/8) However, as mentioned above, calculated on the basis of the differences of the fits to the different backgrounds and the statistical errors. our fitting program, unless otherwise constrained, would drive

From Tables I and II, we determine the branching ratios the f® width to < 100 MeV with a concomitant reduction in the as follows: f° fraction. In this sense, we regard our decay ratio, Rj0, to

be more of an upper than a lower limit. The possible presence f°->irTff~HM + .055 0.082 f®-Mr+TT* - .082 of A2 in the tt*it”MM spectrum is supportive of this conclusion.

-g°~wr ”— = 0.33 ± 0.20 The f° and g® also have finite decay probabilities to g°-Mr*ir MM ir+ir+ir_ir-. However, because of the smaller sample of film which

In these determinations, we assume no significant amounts of was measured, any signal in this channel will not be significant. either D or A2 in the tt+tt~MM spectrum. Their production cross There is the further consideration that as the number of prongs sections in charge exchange reactions is anomalously low. In increases in the event topology, the probability of missing our experiment, while marginal A2 production was present in low momentum protons, in the scanning process, increases because the ir+jr*K® spectrum, no other channel gave any indication of of track obscuration. either A2° or D presence. The A2 production cross section of Tho sub-channels of the (ir'v MM) decay of the g° have not llyb in the tt*tt’tt® channel suggests that about 0.75pb of A2 been previously reported. In Fig. 5, we present the various mass should appear in the tt*tt MM spectrum. The only previous spectra for the g region (1.6 - 1.82 ■ The appearance of

any dipion state, in particular the p*, is at most minimal. 9

+ ' The (OM) spectra both peak rather sharply in the A2 region.

Vie have been unable to determine whether this is due to the

decay, g * A2~ir~, or is a kinematic enhancement. Of more

interest, Fig. 5d, which shows the missing mass spectrum for

g° decay shows a strong low mass enhancement in the n region.

Because of the impaired resolution in the missing mass channel, it is difficult to quantify the fraction of nun decay from this spectrum. It is perhaps more pertinent to examine the TABLE I (ir*ir MM) spectrum with the requirement that the missing mass is in the n region (0.48 - 0.62 ^—r). This ir+ir” "n" spectrum is Mass, Width on Production Cross Sections for Dipion Resonances at t' < 0.2 (^)2 shown in Fig. 6 where an approximately 5 standard deviation enhancement (over a hand-drawn background) appears in the Particle Mass (MeV) Width (MeV) o(yb) g region. The existence of n in the missing mass spectrum can

793 + 8 189 ± 24 60+6 be seen in Fig. 7. Taking this as substantiative evidence for P

f° 1294 ± 8 220 ± 25 61 ± 6 the nnir decay of the g (it is clearly not a threshold enhancement)

g’ 1681 + 23 155 + 55 15 ± 6 we find, by fitting the to a g with a quadratic background:

H 1920 ± 30 250 + 80 28 + 9 o(/dVpp^H Vpp+MMirVgp) = _9_±_2ub_= o.20 ± 0.12.

a (a d-+g°pp-kMMa+a~pp) 46 ± 14yb U 2355 ± 45 420 ± 120 45 ± 19

This indicates that there are considerable g” decays into

(ir+ir-MM) which are not of the variety, ir+Tr~ir°ir‘>. The mass of If the fit is truncated at 2200 MeV, excluding perforce the U, the width and cross section of the the g“ in this spectrum is 1699 ± 14 MeV and its width is H both increase about 10-15%.

38 + 50 MeV. This width is rather small compared with that found in the full a*ir-MM spectrum of 210 + 60 MeV, which suggests there may, in fact, be more than a single even fl purity state in the g region. REFERENCES

1. W. D. Apel et al, Phys. Letters 57B, 398 (1975)

2. W. Blum et al, Phys. Letters 57B, 403 (1975)

3. Yu. M. Antipov et al, Nucl. Phys. B119, 117 (1975)

4. K. Boesebeck et al, Nucl. Phys. B54, 501 (1968)

5. N. Armenise et al, Nuovo Cimento Letters 4_, 199 (1970)

6. C. Caso et al, Nuovo Cimento 62, 755 (1969)

7. D. Kemp et al, Nuovo Cimento 27, 155 (1975)

8. Y. Eisenbert et al. Physics Letters 52B, 239 (1974) TABLE II 9. Emms et al, Nucl. Phys. B96, 155 (1975)

Particle parameters for the Spectrum 10. C. Baltay et al, Phys. Rev. D, 17, 62 (1978) at t’ < 0.2 (^)2 11. N. D. Pewitt, dissertation, Florida State University, 1975

Particle Mass (MeV) Width o(ub) J. Richey, dissertation, Florida State University, 1976

12. V. Hagopian et al, Phys. Rev. Letters 36, 296 (1976) f’ 1237 ± 18 ISO (constrained) 5 * $

13. M, Deutschmann et al, Nucl. Phys. B114, 237 (1976) g# 1725 ± 19 210 ±60 46 t 14

t • •

o o a a u a o e o a • 0 •*■ 0 o e 0 • •» 0 u o 0 • « tfl O O tfl »0 O c o tfl *0 tfl FIGURE CAPTIONS e> e? • tfl »0 O o e e c o o a c 1. Full dipion spectrum 0 0 4 o o

i t GeV a • O tfl 2. [a] Dipion spectrum at |t'| i 0.2 (------)z c e 4 • 90 o a •3» tfl c c •9 C c o •O tfl I I * °V *4 • S 9 (b) Dipion spectrum at |t'| < 0.03 (-j—)z •n tfl 6 C * • r» O O C * • 0 tfl c c » • 0 C o o * • tfl tfl 3. Dipion spectrum when both pions have a minimum transverse c c » * • tfl 0 © e * •X tfl O 0 * • X o r: 9 0 * •*1 tfl GeV G-f. CO 0 • *i a Cc) 0.4 0 0 • * • re tfi momentum in excess of (a) 0.3 , (b) 0.3S CO * • no e c.- * • x in e c x GeV (d) 0.4S • 91 tfl c • 0 O o c < •to tfl O C I ■ s o 4. (ir\-MM) spectrum at |t'| <0.2 (^^)z e c • i o e M X X X o e X X X X ' c e < • « o X X X X 1 o 9 ■ • tfl tfl m X X X X X • re *»i C O • « • tfl o 5. For the g° region (1.6 - 1.82 (a) M + _> M(ir AW), m x x x x —• » O C •" X x X X X X I re •» DO tfi re x x X < O 0 tfl M x x x x e e « tf> M X XX x x x X « 0 0 • tfl (c) H(n MM), (d) missing mass spectTum X X X X X x X co *» tfl X X M M X X e e « AT X X X X X X X X X e c tfi X X X X < O O tfl XXX X X X X « c e • n 6. (it+i;-MM) spectrum at |t'|< 0.2 with the missing mass XXX xxx M > X X tf X X ..XXX X X X X 1 s o « X X X X X K X *• X ' tflO s c re •» tn o X X M X X X x X M X 1 0 C re fieV < K W X M X X > M X X t «A tfl e o • re in the n Tegion (.48 - .62 ^z) XXX K x X X » o e re XXX X X X X t M X X X X X X » co re c c re X X X X X c c • r» 7. Missing mass (MM) spectrum for events of the type it+d-*ppit+it MM «• X X X X X X X X X X X M X sc r« xMXMXXXXXKMK X X X X X X X X c c re X X X X X X X x x x x X X X X C C re •tfl tfl ■ ■•XXXXXXXX M X X M X X X X e e re • tfi e x »XXXXXMXX X X X X X X X X 4 c e • r* • re x o With |t« | < 0.2 (^)2 MXXXXMMHmX X X e c « • re e -3 •» X X X XXXXHXXXW c e re • -• tf» e c r* • — 0 A tfl M X K X X X X X M X X ir ir c c re. • 0 IT X .WXXXXXXX X x X X X X X X 4 * o> c c • re • 0 C > mxXxxxxxx X X X X x x x X c c •• •0X0 tKXXXMXXXX X X X X e e - >«KXMXXXX X X X X e c •• — X X ft X X x x x x X X X X • c e • — e < •• MXnXXMK> X X M X c c •<• • 00 re x m x x x » X X X X X x x X ' 9 0 — • 6 O re x x x m > X X X X X x X M CO x •tfl 0 M > X X X X X X X X 4 0 9 • X • tfl O M X X X » X X M X X X X M m « 0 9 — MXXXXXMXM* X X X X X X X X r» tf c e — X XXXXXXXXX* X X X X X X X X K C C C X O c X • tfl c • iXMMKXXMXXXXXKKX.* I X. X W X X x X X 4 C C • x •NM GEV lx M xx MW XXXMMXXKXXXX* < X x X X X X X X 9 C x • re e s xMMMXMXx X » t X X x X X X X X I 0 9 x • M0U ( X X X X X X X X ' 0 6 x • X O * I X X X X X X X X 1 c e x • O tfl X • X X X X X X X X • o e • x •09^ t x X w x X X X X ' 0 9 9 • > tfl 9 x X x X x » ( X X X X X X X X 1 O C = • 9 C t c c c • x tf. 9 I XXXXXXXXXMWXX X X X X X X X X 6 C £ •a £ : A<<Sr'*F*O06tfltf>*X*tf)^nnnMa» cz uu □ uu HISTOGRAM

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Professional Vita


Marital Status: Married, three children

Education: A.B. Susquehanna University# 1959 M.S. University of Wisconsin# Madison# 1961 Ph.D. University of Wisconsin# Madison# 19S4

Employment: Junior Mathematician, HRB-Singer# State College, PA, 1959 Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin, Madison# 1961-1963 Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Florida State University, 1963-1965 Assistant Professor, Florida State University, 1965-1970 Associate Professor, F.S.U-. , 1970-1978 Professor. F.S.U., 7978-present

Scholarships# Fellowships and Honors: Susquehanna Competitive Scholarship, 1955-1959 Pennsylvania State Scholarship, 1955-1956 Lutheran Brotherhood Scholarship, 1958-1959 A.B. Summa cum Laude, 1959 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Fellowship, 1959-1961 Senior Research Fellowship, Science Research Council of Great Britain, 1976

Visiting Appointments: Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1963-presenty Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 197,5 Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 1976 Selwyn College, University of Cambridge Argonne National Laboratory, 1965,.

Memberships: American Physical Society American Association of Physics Teachers Brookhaven National Laboratory High Energy Discussion Group . Users’ Group, Argonne Natibnal Laboratory Users’ Group, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Western Accelerator Users’ Group

Biographical Listings: American Men!and Women of Science


).K Proiiaction in the 7?-inch bubble Chamber, J. R. Albright, Inti. Coni . on liigh-bnergy Physics at CPRN, 1962 , p. 276. Negative Pion-Proton Plastic Scattering at 2.26 GeV/c, J. It. Albright, B. Reynolds, b. B. Brucker, C. Harrison, B. Harms, J. D. Kinel , and J. E. Lannutti, Phys- Letters, 2 4.P , 311 (19 6 7). Analysis of the Decay of p bosons Produced in r p Interactions at 2.26 GeV/c, B. G. Reynolds, R. II. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, W. C. Harrison, B. C. Harms, J. E. Lannutti, W. H . Sims, J. R. Albrigh t and R. P. Wieckowicz, Nucl. Phys. B6, 633 (1968)

4. ti p Elastic Scattering at 2.25 GeV/c, B. G. Reynolds, J. D. Kimel, R. II. Bradley, E. 3. Brucker, W. C. Harrison, B. C. Harms, J. E. Lannutti, W. H. Sims, 0 R. Albright and R. P. Wieckowicz Phys. Rev. 173, 1403 (1968).

5. Atttt Structure from 1600 to 1740 MeV, J. II. Bartley, R. Chu, R. M. Dowd, A. F. Greene, J. Schneps, W. H. Sims t E. B. Brucker, J. E. Lannutti., B. G. Reynolds, M. Meer, J. Mueller, M. Schneeberger, J. R. Albright, and S. E. Wolf, Ib,ys. Rev. Letters, 21, 1111 (1968). Partial Wave Analysis of the Sequential Reactions K N->Y* (1335) fi-wli'iT/■ W. H. Sims, E. B. Brucker, J. T. Dockery, J. E. Lannutti, J. S. O'Neall, B. G. Reynolds, J. H. Bartley, R. M. Dowd, A. P. Greene, J. Schneps, M. Meer, J. Mueller, M. J. R. Albright, and S. E. Wolf, Phys. Rev. Letters 21, 1413 C68) T=2 Pion-Pion Scattering, R. H. Bradley,. E. B. Brucker, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, R. E. Hunter, J. E. Lannutti, B. G. Reynolds, i W. H. Sims, J. R. Albright, and R. P. Wieckowicz, n Nuovo Cimento 60A, 1 (1969). Study of Resonant Structure in the ir q System from the Reaction ir”p->"ir’"pr| at 2.26 GeV/c, J. R. Albright, R. P. Wieckowicz, B. G. Reynolds, R. H. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, J. E. Lannutti and W. II. Sims, Phys. Lettr. 28B, 199 (1968). J.R. ALREIGL”? -Pub L i ca ti onu (cuntinvi’d)

Ci.-.-.-Pc Icon ). i'.i.: in p Internet-i<-'ns at 2.26 GoV/c, Reynold;:, Himel, Bradley, Brucker, Harrison, Barns, Lannutti, Sins, Albright, and Wieckowicz, Phys. Rev. jbl, 1424 (1069) .

10. How to Sum it Finite Series, J.R. Albright, Am. Jour. Phys. 38, 990 (1970).

11. & Study of the 1-0 i: r *■ Enhancement in the 1.07 GeV Mass Region, Reynolds, iiuwe, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harms, KarrioOn, Lannutti, Sims, Wieckowicz, Marquit, Oppenheimer, and Schultz, Nucl. Phys. B21, 77 (1970). 12. Observation of a 7:r Enhancement at 3,01 GeV, G. P. Yost, W. A. Morris, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D 3_, 642 (1971).

13. Study of the Nonimpulse Events in the Reactions K d+Arp and

AttitN at 670-925 MeV/c, W. H. Sims, J. S. O’Neall, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D 3, 1162 (1971). 14. A Study of the 1=1 Reaction I< n-»£”Ti’iT from 1585 to 1735 MeV, E. B. Brucker, W. C. Harrison, W. II. Sims, J. R. Albright, J. P. Chandler, J. E. Lannutti and B. G. Reynolds, in Hyperon Resonances - 70, ed. Earle C. Fowler, Moore Publishing Company, Durham, North Carolina, 1970, p. 155. 15. /Asymmetry Properties of Longitudinal-Momentum Distributions for the Reaction m p->p8n at 11 GeV/c, G. P. Yost, W. A. Morris, J. R. Albright and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D. 6_, 3051 (1972) . 16. K d Elastic Scattering at 727 MeV/c, R. P. Wieckowicz, J. R. Albright and J1. E. Lannutti, Nucl. Phys. B61, 274 (1973) . ' J. R. ALBRIGHT Publ.i cn L.i r>113 (rnn tinned)

P taper s 17. "ass Depontlence oT the Momentun-Transfor Distribution in r+p -► p8" at 11.0 GeV/c, G. P. Yost, Vi. A. Morris, J. R. Albright and J. E. Lnnnutti, Phys, Rev. D 1Q, 1 (1974). 18. Duality and Low-Mass KK Resonances, V. Hogopian, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, J. E. Lannutti and D. P. Wilkins, in Particles and Ei elds 1975, cds. H. J. Lubatti and P. M. Ilockett, Univ. of Washington, 1 975, p. 277. 19. Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons, V. 1-Iagopian, D. P. Williams, B. Wind, S. Hagopian, J. R. Albright, J. E. Lannutti, N. D. Pewitt, C. P. Horne and J. R. Bensinger, Phys, Rev. Letters 36, 296 (1976). 20. Resonances in the K^K^ System, D. P. Wilkins, J. R.Albright, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D 13, 1831 (1976). 21. Integrals of Products of Airy Functions, J. R. Albright, J. Phys. A 10, 485 (1977). 22. Reaction K-n->-AO7i from 1550 to 1650KeV, VJ. A. Morris, J. R.

Albright, A. P. Colleraine, J. D. Kimel and J. E.

' Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D 17, 55 (1978).

23. Inclusive Production of Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c ir p Interactions, R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn, C. Pascaud, W. M. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays and J. E. Lannutti,

Phys, Rev. D 16, 2098 (1977). J. R. ALBRIGHT - Publications (continued)

Papers 24. Two Particle Correlations Involving Neutral Strange Particles R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F.R. Huson, S. Kahn, W. Smart, N.N. Biswas, J.M. Bishop, N.M. Cason, V.P. Kenney, W.D. Shephard, J.R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P Hays and J.E. Lannutti, Phys.' P-ev. DIS, 92 (1978) . 25. The CRISIS Defector, B.F. Wadsworth, F. Barreiro, D. Goloskie, V. Kistiakowsky, J.B. McManus, T. Stoughton, R.K. Yamanoto, A. Shapiro, G. Koizuim, J.Albright, R. -Burnstein, E. D. ATyea, R.J. Plano, T.L. Watts, W. Sugg, S. Bhawan and T. Lud-am, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS26, 120 (1979). J. R. /iLRRIGHT - Publications (Cw.t'd).


Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics, 5th ed. H. Sonat and .1. R. Albright; published by Holt, Rinehart and V.'inston, Hew York, 1972.

Asian edition published by Mei Ya Publications, Inc., Taiwan, 1972.

British edition published by Chapman and Hall, 1973.

Translation into Spanish published by Aguilar S. A. de Ediciones, Spain, 1976. JOHN R. ALBRIGHT Publications

Abstracts Final State N* (1920) Enhancement in n p Interactions, J. R. Albright, L. Gutay, Tuli, J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 9_, 539 (1964). A Study of the Y* (1660), 0. P. Albright, J. Dockc-ry, J. Lannutti, W. Sims, S. Wolf, and M. Schneeberger, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 10, 517 (1965). Interfering Resonances at 2.27 BeV, J. R. Albright, L. Gutay, R. E. Hunter, J. Lannutti, B. Reynolds, and W. H. Sims, Eull. Am. Phys. Soc. 10, Wash. D.C., 26-29 (Apr. 1965). K D Interactions Near 1660 MeV Resonance, J. P.. Albright, Dockery, J. Lannutti, W. Sims, II. Schneeberger, S. Wolf, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. , 10 , 517 (1965). ii n Elastic Scattering Below 1 GeV, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker, R. E. Hunter, J. Lannutti, B. Reynolds, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 309 (1966).

K d ->- £ it it (p) Between 1600- and 1700-MeV Barycentric Energy, J. R. Albright, Meer, Mueller, M. Schneeberger, S. Wolf, E. B. Brucker, J. Lannutti, O'Neall, W. Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 342, (1966).

K d -> A n T! (Nucleon) Between 1600- and 1700-MeV Barycentric Energy, J. R. Albright, M. Schneeberger, Meer, Mueller, Wolf, E. B. Brucker, J. Lannutti, O’Neall, W. Sims, Dowd, Green, Schnepps, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 11, 342, (1966).

Amplitude Analysis of K d ■* A u (p) Between 1600 and 1700- MeV Air Barycentric Energy, J. R. Albright, O’Neall, E. B. Brucker, J. Dockery, J. Lannutti, W. Sims, Meer, Mueller, M. Schneeberger, S. Wolf, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 342, (1966). Elastic Scattering of 7? on Protons at 2.26 BeV/c, J. R. Albright, B. Harms, B. Reynolds, C. Harrison, J. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 341 (1966). JOlIi: R. ALBRIGHT - Abstracts continued

Rho Production in the ttitN Final States Produced by 2.26 BeV/c 7i Mesons on Protons, J. R. Albright, B. Reynolds, C. Harrison, B. Harms, and J. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. , 11, 841 (1966) .

Four-Prong Reactions in " p interactions at GeV/c, J. R. Albright, B. Harms, C. Harrison, E. B. Erucker, Bradley, J. Lannutti, B. Reynolds, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13_, 612 (1968).

A Study of the Reactions K D -> EttN in the Energy Region 1600-1720 MeV, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker, J. Lannutti, O’Neall and V7. Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13, 684 (19u8).

A Discussion of the Reaction K N -> Atttt in the Energy Region 1610-1720 MeV, J. R. Albright, W. Sims, E. B. Brucker, J. Lan'nutti, Greene, Bartley, Chu, Dowd, Schneps, Mueller, M. Schneeberger, S. Wolf, Bull. An. Phys. Soc. 13, 703 (1968).

A Discussion of the Reaction K n •+ Ztttt, J. R. Albright, W. C. Harrison, E. B. Brucker, B. G. Reynolds and W. H. Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1440 (1968).

tt+P Interactions at 11 BeV/c, J. R. Albright, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, R. H. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, J. E. Lannutti, B. G. Reynoldsand R. P. Wieckowicz Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1441 (1968).

Nucleon Isobar Production in Three-Body Final States in tt p, Interactions at 2.26 GeV/c, J. R. Albright, J. E. Lannutti, B. G. Reynolds, R. H. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, W. H. Sims and R. P. Wieckowicz, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13 , 1441 (1968).

A Study of the Reaction tt p->ir tt n+p at 2.26 GeV/c, J. R. Albright, c R. H. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, R. E. Hunter, J. E. Lannutti, B. G. Reynolds and W. H. Sims Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1441 (1968) . J. R. ALBRIGHT Abstracts continued

A Discussion of Lambda-Nucleon Interactions Observed in Apr , + - - ° Anr - and Apr it Final States, J. R. Albright, W. H. Sims, E. B. Brucker, J. E. Lannutti, A. Greene, J. Bartley, R. M. Dowd, a. Schneps, J. Mueller, M. Schneeberger and S. E. Wolf, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1442 (19G8).

A Study of the (Stth) Final States in K D Interactions, W. C. Harrison, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker, B. G. Reynolds and W. H. Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14 , 77 (1969). Four-Prong iT+p Interactions at 11 BeV/c, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, J. R. Albright, R. Bradley, E. B. Bruckcr, J. P. Chandler, J. E. Lannutti and W. Morris, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. i’, 615 (1969). Eight-Prong Reactions in ir+p Interactions at 11.0 GeV/c, W. A. Morris, J. R. Albright, R. H. Bradley, E. 3. Brucker, J. P. Chandler, B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 615 (1969).

Investigation of the Reaction r+p 4ttH 3tt Tr°p at 11.0 GeV/c, Yost, Morris, Albright, Chandler and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15 , 69 (1970 . K d -> K d and I< d -*• K np Reactions at 727 MeV/c, Wieckowicz, Albright, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15, 4 (1970) . Resonance Formation in the Reaction r+p-*p7r+ir+-.7_ir0 at 11 GeV/c, A. P. Colleraine, J. R. Albright, J. P. Chandler, B. C. Harms and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15., 1373 (1970). Resonance Production in the Reaction tt’,’p-*p8tt , G. P. Yost, W. A. Morris, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 16, 91 (1971). K d-*K d and K d-’-K np Reactions at 727 MeV/c, R. P. Wieckowicz, J. R. Albright and ul. E. Lannut ti, t Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 16, 135 (1971). J. R. ALBRIGHT Abstracts continued A Study of the Reactions K d->i'.v~, r.n r° near W = 16G0 MeV, Paul B. Madden, J. R. Albright, J. P. Chandler and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 16 , 136 (1971).

Preliminary Results from Four and Six Prong 'lopologies in 16 GeV/c r^d Interactions, C. P. Horne, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. R. Albright, H. B. Pewitt, D. Wilkins, B. Wind, and J. R. Bensinger, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 539 (1972).

A Study of Att , Atttt, Zc and Ztttt Final States in K d Reactions, V7. Morris, R. Knop, J. R. Albright, A. P. Colleraine and V. Hagopian, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 568 (1972). — — O A Study of the Reaction K n-*Ar r near Wcm = 1670 MeV,' P. B. Madden, J. R. Albright, C. D. Capps and P. K. Williams, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 588 (1972). Partial Wave Isobar Model Analysis of K n^Z+7i r near , Center-of-Mass Energy 1690 MeV, C. D. Capps, W. C. Harrison, P. B. Madden, J. I’. Chandler, J. R. Albright and P. K. Williams, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 18, 126 (1973).

Observation of a Z (1620) in A c it , A°ir tt°, and Z it0 Final States

in Low Energy K d Reactions, V7. Morris, J. R. Albright A. P. Colleraine and J. D. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 18, 536 (1973).

"Preliminary Results from the 250 GeV/c it .Engineering Run of

» the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber" by S. Hagopian, J. R. Albright, P. Hays, R. Knop, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn and W. M. Smart, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 591 (1975).

( J. R. ALBRIGHT - Abstracts continued

"Production of Multiple Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c

it Interactions" by S. Kalin; D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, F. R. Huson, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, R. Knop and J. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20 , 591 (1975). - K d Interactions in the Region from 1500 to 1650 MeV C-M Energy, N. F. Ezquerra, W. A. Morris and J. R. Albright, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21f 71 (1976)t I<""d Interactions in the Region from 1 580 to 1720 MeV C-M Energyt P. B, Madden, J. R. Albright and P. K. Williams, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 71 (1976). Production of Single and Multiple Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c, G. Kahn, D. Eogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris.. F. R. Huson, C. Pascaud, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S< Hagopian, P, Hays and J, 32, Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc, 21, 87 (1976). Mass Distribution" and correlations in Events containing Neutral Strange Particles, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays and J. Lannutti, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc. 21, 593 (1976). Multiple Neutral Strange Particle Production in ir p Interactions at 250 GeV/c, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays and J. Lannutti, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc 21, 593 (1976) a. R. Alrrijht ~ .-.LiAracts continued

A. Senrrb for Channn1 Particle Production in ~ p Interactions at 250 Go ■’/<_•. P. Hays, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, O. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S.Kahn, F. R. Huson und h’. Smart, Bull. ?-m. Phys. Soc. 21, 593 (1976) .

Observation of a 2 (1620) in Zl°it , A it tt and I tt Final States in Low Energy K d Reactions, N. F. Ezquerra, W. A. Morris, A. P. Colleraine, a. E. Lannutti and J. R. Albright, Eull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 645 (1976)

Correlations Involving Pions and Neutral Strange Particles, R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn, W. Smart, J. R. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, J. Lannutti, J. M. Bishop, N. N. Biswas, N. M. Cason, V. P. Kenney and W. D. Shepard, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 23 (1977), Inclusive y Production and Correlation in r p at 250 GeV/c, P. Hays, J. R. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson and V?. Smart, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 48 (1977)

K~d Interactions in the Region from 1500 to 1650 MeV CM Energy N. F. Ezquerra, V7. A, Morris and J. R. Albright, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22 , 523 (1977).

Neutral Pion Multiplicity Distributions in ir~p Interactions at 250 GeV/c, P. Hays, J. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Ilanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson, W. Smart, J. Wolfson, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. ( 23, 510 (1978) . J. R. Iklbright - /abstracts continued

Study of the Reactions -n+n -* ppp and 7T+n -> K+K“p at 15 GeV/c, V. Hagopian, J. lilbright,. S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, W. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler, E. Hart and H. Cohn, Bull- 7vm. ?hys. Soc. 23, 598 (1978).

Ferrailab CRISIS, V. Kistrakovsky, F. Barreiro, J. B. McManus, T. Stoughton, B. Wadsworth, R. K. Yamamoto, A. Shapiro G. Koizumi, J. Albright, R. Burnstein, E. D. Alyea, T. Watts, W. Bugg, S. Dhawan and T. Ludlam, Bull. Am.

Phys. Soc. 23, 619 (1978). 11/15/79

/ RONALD HORMAN DIAMOND RONALD N. DIAMOND - Publications A Vidicon Device for Ionization Measurements; R.N. Diamond, A.R. Erwin, M.A. Thompson, Nucl. Inst. Mesh. 89, 4 5

Citizenship: U.S.A. (1970). Marital Status: Single Observation of an S-Wave Resonance in the f* Mass Region; J.T. Education: B.S. Stanford University, Palo Alto, 1965 Carroll, R.N. Diamond, A'.W. Firobough, W.D. Walker, M.S. University of Wisconsin, 1966 J.A.J. Mathrews, J.D. Prentice, T.S, Yoon, Phys. Rev. Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1972 Lett. 28, 5, p. 318 (1972). Experience: Summer Research Intern, Argonne Nat. Lab. 1965 Properties of KK and KKit Systems and Diffractivo Dt-sociation; Teaching, Assistant, □. of Wisconsin, R.N. Diamond, J.T. Lynch, A. Peekna, M. Binkley, K. 1966-1959 Research Assistant, U. of Wisconsin, D. Walker, Phys. Rev. D7, 1977 (1973). 1969-1972 Characteristics of an Inelastic Vertex from Hadron-Hadron Research Associate, U. of Wisconsin, 1972- 1973 Scattering; R.N. Diamond, A.R. Erwin, R. Loveless, Rosearch Associate, U. of Michigan, 1973- 1976 M.A. Thompson, Nucl. Phys. B62, 128 (1973). Assistant Professor, Florida State U., K+P Interactions at 100 GeV/c Using a Hybrid Bubble Chamber - 1976-Present Spark Chamber System and a Tagged Beam; V.E. Barnes, D.D. Carmony, R.S. Christian, A.F. Garfinkel, W.M. Morse, T.fl. Mu1era, L.K. Rangon, R.N. Diamond, A.R. Erwin, K.H. Karvey, R.J. Loveless, M.A. Thompson, D.R. Winn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 415 (1975). Multiplicity Distributions in High Energy Neutrino Interactions; J.W. Chapman, C.T. Coffin, R.N. Diamond, H. French, W. Louis, B.P. Roe, A.A. Seidl, J.C. Vander Velde, J.P. Berge, D.V. Bogert, F.A. DiBianca, 0.C. Cundy, A. Dunaitsev, V. Efremenko, P. Ermolov, W. Fowler, R. Hanft, G. Harigel, F.R. Huson, V. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F.A. Nezxick, Y. Rjabov, W.G. Scott, W. Smart, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 124 (1976). RONALD N. DIAMOND - Publications con'd.

Neutrino-Proton Interactions at Fermilab Energies: Experimental Arrangement, Analysis Procedures, and Qualitative Features

RONALD N. DIAMOND - Publications con'd.. of the Data; J.W. Chapman, C.T. Coffin, R.N. Diamond, H. Inclusive Strange Particle Production by vP Interactions in French, W. Louis, B.P. Roe, A.A. Soldi, J.C. Vander Velde, the 10 - 200 GeV Region; J.P. Berge, D. Bogert, D.C. J.P. Berge, D. Bogert, F.A. DiBianca, A. Dunaitsev, V. Cundy, R.A. DiBianca, A. Dunaitsev, V. Efremenko, P. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F.A. Nezrick, Y. Rjabov, W.G. Scott, Ermolov, W. Fowler, R. Hanft, G. Harigel, F.R. Huson, W. Smart, R. Truxton, Phys. Rev. D14, 5 (1976). Search for ue Events in Antineutrino - Nucleon Interactions; J. E. V. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F.A. Nezrick, Y. Rjabov, W. Berge, F. A. DiBianca, H. Emans, R. Hanft, C. Kochowski, G. Scott, Wi Smart, C.T. Coffin, R.N. Diamond, H. F, A. Nezrick, W. G. Scott, W. Smart, W. Venus, V. V. French, W. Louis, B.P. Roe, A.A. Seidl, J.C. Vander Ammosov, A. G. Denison, P. E. Ermolov, V. A. Gapienko, V. I. Kljakhin, V. I. Koreshev, A. I. Mukhin, P. V. Velde, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 127 (1976). Pitukhin, Y. G. Rjabou, E A. Slobodyuk, V. I. Sirotenko, V. I. Efremenko, P. A. Gorichev, V. S. Kaftanov, V. D. Khovansky, G. K. Kliger, V. Z. Kolganov, S. P. Krutchinln, M. A. Kubantsev, S. U. Mironou, A. N. .Vjs.cou , V. G. An Experimental Study of Inclusive Deep Inelastic Neutrino Shevchenko, C. T. Coffin, R. N. Diamond, H. French, W. Hadron-Proton Scattering; J.P. Berge, D. Bogert, F. Louis, B. P. Roe, A. A. Seidl, D. Sinclair, Phys. Rev. A. DiBianca, D.C. Cundy, A. Dunaitsev, V. Efremenko, Lett. 3B, 266 C77) P. Ermolov, W. Fowler, R. Hanft, G. Harigel, F.R. Scaling-Variable Distributions for Antineutrino-Nucle-jn Interactions; Huson, V. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F.A. Nezrick, Y. Rja­ Fermilab-IHEP-ITEP-Michigan Neutrino Group, Phys. Rev. Lett. bov, W.G. Scott, W. Smart, C.T. Coffin, R.N. Diamond, 39, 382 (1977). H. French, 17. Louis, B.P. Roe, A.A. Seidl, J.C. Van­ Ratio of Neutral-Current to Charged-Current Cross Sections for In­ der Velde, Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 639 (1976). clusive Neutrino Interactions; F.A. Harris, J.P. Berge, D.V. Bogert, R.J. Cerce, C.T. Coffin, D.C. Cundy, R.N. Diamond, F.A. DiBianca, H.T. French, R. Hanft, C. Kochowski, W.C. Louis, G.R. Lynch, J. Malko, J.P. Marriner, F.A. Nezrick, S.I. Parker, M.W. Peters, V.Z. Peterson, B.P. Roe, R.T. Ross, H.G. Scott, A.A. Seidl, W. Smart, V.J. Stengen, M.L. Steven­ son, J.C. Vander Velde, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, 437 (1977). RONALD N. DIAMOND - Publications con'd. v o and v n Charged-Current Interactions Unfolded from yH U Diffractive Production of vector Mesons in High-Energy Neutrino High Energy v Interactions ir. Neon, Fermilab, Interactions, Femilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan collaboration, IHEP, ITEP , Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Lett.

Phys. Rev. Lett., 40, 1226 (1978). 843. no. 4, 511 (1979) .

Inclusive Neutral Strange Particle Production from High Energy vp 250 GeV/c r”p Multiplicity Distributions and the Two Component Model, P.J*. Hays, R.K. Clark, R.N. Diamond, S. Hagopian, Charged-Current Interactions, Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, J.E. Lar.nutti, J.P. Berge, D. Bogert, R. Har.ft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F.R. Huson, and W. Smart, submitted to Phys. Rev. Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 1359 (1978).

Inclusive Negative Hadr&n Production from High Energy v Nucleus Charged-Current interactions Fermilab, IHEP, ITEP, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D18, 3905 (1978) Cross Section Measurements for the Reaction vp-*-y”ir +p and vp-*y"K+p

at High Energies; Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collabo­ ration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 1005 (3,978) . A Study of the Reaction vp+y”A++ at High Energies and Comparisons With Theory; Fermilab, LBL, Hawaii, Michigan Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1008 (1978).

An Experimental Study of Inclusive Hadron Production in High

Energy Neutrino’ proton Interactions; J. p. Berge, D. Bogert, D.C. Cundy, F.A., A. Dunaitsev, V.Efremenko, p. Ermolov, W. Fowler, R. Hanft, G. Harigel, F.R. Huson, V. Kolganov, A. Mukhin, F.A. Nezrick, Y. Rjabov, W.G. Scott, I'. Smart, C.T. Coffin, R.N. Diamond, H. French, (7. Louis, B.P. Roe, A.A. Seidl, J.C. Vander Velde, Phys. Rev. D19, 1 (1979) RONALD N. Diamond - Abstracts Cont'd. RONALD N. OND - Abstracts

Single particle Hadron Inclusive Distributions in Neutrino-Proton A Study of the Reaction Tt+d->pspK+K- at 7 GeV/c; R.N. Diamond, A.R. Interactions; Fermilab-Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Erwin, H.W. Firebough', T.T. Lynch, W.D. Walker, J.A.J. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 16 (1976). Mattews, and J.D. Prentice, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 575 A++ Production by High Energy Neutrinos in Hydrogen; Fermilab- 11969). Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at Fermilab, I. Experimental 16 (1976).

Arrangement, Backgrounds and Data Cuts; Fermilab-Michigan Inclusive Neutral Current Production in Neutrino-Proton Interactions Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 613 (1975). Fermilab-Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at Fermilab, II. Model for Analysis Soc. 21, 16 (1976). Fermilab-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, Strange Particle Production and Search for Exotic States in Neutrino 613 (1975). Proton Interactions in the Fermilab 15-foot Bubble Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at Fermilab, III. Topology Dis­ Chamber; Fermilab-Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. tributions; Fermilab-Michigan collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 16 (1976). soc. 20, 613 (1975). Hadron Production by Antineutrinos in Hydrogen-Neon in the 15-foot Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at Fermilab, IV. Strange Particle • Bubble Chamber; Fermi Lab-ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Collaboration, Production; Fermilab-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Bull. Am. Phys■ Soc. 21, 16 (1976). Soc. 20, 613 (1975) . Scaling Distributions for Antineutrinos in Hydrogen-Noon in the 15- Neutrino Interactions in Hydrogen at Fermilab, V. Deep Inelastic foot Bubble Chamber; Fermilab-ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Collabora­ Scattering; Fermilab-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. tion, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 18 (1976). 20, 613 (1975). Observation of High Energy Antineutrinos Induced Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Neutrino-Proton Interactions at Fermilab Energies; Events in Hydrogen-Neon; Fermilab-ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Col­ Fermilab-Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. laboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc, 21, 546 (1976). Soc. 21, 16 (1976). Antineutrino Charged Current Interac'-’Obj in a Hydrogen-Neo.-. Diffractive-Elastic Production in Neutrino Proton Interactions; Mixture in the Fermilab 15-foot Bu.'ble Chamber; Fermilab- Fermilab-Hawaii-LBL-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Collaboration, By11. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, Soc. 21, 16 (1976). 546 (1976). RONALD N. DIAMOND - Abstracts Cont'd. RONALD N. /"”"”\oND - Abstracts Cont'd.

Inclusive Neutral Current Production in Neutrino-Proton Inter­ Neutral Pion Multiplicity Distribution in r"p Interactions at 250 CeV/c actions; Berkeley-Fermilab-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, P. Hays, J. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 546 (1976). D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F.R. Huson, W. Smart, Search for Strange Particle Production by Neutral Current Inter­ and J. Wolfson, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 23, 510 (1978) . actions in High Energy Neutrino-Proton Scattering; Berkeley- Fermilab-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 547 (1976). Inclusive y Production and Correlations in n~p at 250 GeV/c; P. Hays, J.R. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, S. Kahn, F.R. Huson, and W. Smart, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 48 (1977). Inclusive A on K’ Production from Charged Current vp Interactions; Berkeley-Fermilab-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 35 (1977). Search for Charmed Particle Production in High Energy Neutrino-Proton Charged Current Events; Berkeley-Fermilab-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 35 (1977). Tests of Scaling in vp Scattering at Fermilab Energies; Berkeley- Fermilab-Hawaii-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 35 (1977). Tests of Scaling in v NeH Scattering at Fermilab Energies; Fermilab- ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 35 (1977). Search for Dimuon Events in the Fermilab v NeH Experiment; Fermilab- ITEP-IHEP-Michigan Collaboration, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 35 (1977).

/ RONALD N. DIAMOND - Technical'Reports RONALD N. DIAMOND - Invited Talks "Summary of Neutrino Monitoring Results Obtained at Enclosure 103 "Neutrino-Proton Interactions in the Fernilab 15-Foot Bubble During December 1973 and January 1974,” C.T. Coffin, R.N. Chamber," presented at the 3rc* International Workshop on Diamond, H. French, B.P. Roe. Weak Interactions, Columbus, Ohio (Sept. 1975). "Muon Identification and Neutrino Energy Estimation," Mich. 1/75; "Recent Results on v-P and v (H2~Ne> Interactions in the Fermilab 15* Bubble Chamber," 11th Rencontre De Moriond, Flaine, France B.P. Roe, R.N. Diamond. (March, 1976). "Hadron Production at 0.8 Mrad by 300 GeV Protons Incident on a Thick Aluminium Target," Fermilab Conf. 75/31 Exp.; B. Aubert, A. Benvenuti, C. Rubbia, L. Sulak, L. Koester, T. Roberts, R. Sand, T. Coffin, R. Diamond, H. French, W.T. Ford, T.Y. Ling, A.K. Mann, D. Cline, R. Imlay, R. Orr,

d .d . Reeder, G. Koizumi, R. Stefanski, H. White. E45 Neutron Background, Mich. 12/75; R. Diamond, F. DiBianca. Prong Counting in Antineutrino - Neon, Hydrogen Reactions and Its Implications, U. M. BC 76-3, R. Diamond.

E180 - Comments on vP, vn Cross Sections, OMBC-FSU 77-9

SHYSTAR - A First Report, FSU Report, 1978.

BC-67 - Internal Note An Analysis of 5000 Events Using FNDGAM

i i i Howard Cobb Fenker PUBLICATIONS

1. "Z Production and Decay Properties in K”p-*Z~r + ", MPI-VU Collaboration, Nuclear Physics Bl32 (1978) 45-54.

2. ‘'Antiproton-Neutron Interactions at 100 GeV/c", Liverpool, Stockholm, Vanderbilt Collaboration. Nucl. Phys. B152, 27 Citizenship: U.S.A. (1979) ----

Education: B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1973 3. "Charged^Particie Multiplicity Distributions in 100 GeV/c Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1979 pd and ti d Interactions", Liverpool, Stockholm, Vanderbilt Collaboration. Submitted to Physical Review D. Cresent Manufacturing Co., Gallatin, Tenn, Experience * Data Processing# 1967 Rail Oil Company, Gallatin, Tenn, Accounting, Summer 1968, 1969 Computer Programmer, Psychology Dept., t.c.u., Summer 1970, 1971 X-Ray Crystalography (V.U.), Data Processing, Summer 1972 M.P.I. for Physics, Munich, Summer 1974 Teaching Advanced Laboratories (Nuclear, E&M, Mechanics) v.U. Research Fellowship, V.U. 1973-1978 ABSTRACTS CERN Visiting Physicist, Research Associate V.U 1978 1. MZ Non-Leptonic Decay Parameters'*, Bull. Am. PhyB. Soc. 22 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Florida State (1977) 495. ~ University, 1979-Present 2. "Charged Multiplicities and pd and ir"d'Interactions at 100 GeV/c", Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22 (1977) 1260. !

JOEL HARVEY GOLDMAN J. H. GOLDMAN - Publications Partial Wave Analysis of K*P Elastic Scattering, B. A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, A. T. Laasancn, and P. H. Steinberg, Univ. of Maryland. Presented at the Duke Univ. Hyporon

Citizenship; U.S.A. Resonances Conference (L970), and published in Hyperon Resonances—70 (page 443-445), Moore Publishing Company, Marital Status: Single Durham, North Carolina (1970). Education: B.S., Mathematics, M.I.T., 1966. M.S., Physics, Univ. of Minnesota,1967. Ph.D., Physics, Univ. of Maryland, 1972. Abstract Experiences: High Precision Differential Cross-sections.for K+P Elastic Associate Research Physicist at New York Univ. (December, 1972 Scattering in the Vicinity of the Zj(1900), J. H. Goldman, through August, 1975), working on Experiment #515 at Brookhaven K. Abe, B. A. Barnett, A. T. Laasanen, and P. H. Steinberg, National Laboratory—high precision measurement of the phase and magnetude of EtaQ0 in K° to two pi° decay (Eta*. in K° to pi+pi“ Univ. of Maryland, and G. J, Marmer, D. R. Moffett, and decay was also measured)• E. F. Parker, ARgonne National Laboratory. Talk HJ8 Assistant Physicist, Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory (September, 1975 through September, 1977) , working in presented at the Washington D.C. A.P.S. meeting (April the Lindenbaum-Ozaki Multiparticle Spectrometer group. 26, 1972). Associate Physicist, Physics Department, Brookhaven National K*P Elastic-Scattering Between 0.865 and 2.125 GeV/c J. H. Goldman, Laboratory (October, 1977 through December, 1978), working in the Lindenbaum-Ozaki Multiparticle Spectrometer group. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Maryland (1972), Univ. of Consultant to Florida State University on experiment 673 at Maryland Technical Report No. 73-054 (Unpublished). Brookhaven National Laboratory (January, 1979 through June, 1979) Pl+P Elastic Scattering Between 1.2 arfd 2,3 GeV/c, K. Abe, Associate Physicist, Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory (July through August 1979). B. A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, A. T. Laasanen, and Research Assistant Professor of Physics, Florida State University, P. H. Steinberg, Univ. of Maryland, and G. J. Marmer, September 1979 through present. D. R. Moffett, and E. F. Parker, Argonne National Laboratory. Presented at the Purdue Univ. Baryon Resonances Conference (1973), and published in Baryon Resonances—73 (page 107-111), Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana (1973) J. H. Goldman - Publications J. H. Goldman - Publications

Differential Cross Sections for K~P Elastic Scattering from K P Elastic Differential Cross Sections Between 1.4 and 1.9 GeV/c, 1.4 to 1.9 GeV/c, K. Abe, B. A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, K. Abe, B, A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, A. T, Laasanen, and P. H. Steinberg, Univ. of Maryland, and G. J. Marmer, and P. H. Stsinberg, Univ. of Maryland, and G. J. Marnier, D. R. Moffett, and E. F. Parker, A^g^nne National D. R. Moffett, and E. F. Parker, Argonne National Laboratory, Phys. Rev. D 12, 6 (1975) . Laboratory. Presented at the Purdue Univ. Baryon Observation of a Peak in the K°pi+pi~ Effective Mass at 1700 MeV Resonances Conference (1973), and published in K. J. Foley, J. H. Goldman, W. A. Love, T.W. Morris, Baryon Resonances—73 (pages 305-310), Purdue Univ., S. Ozaki, E. D. Platner, A. C. Saulys, C. D. Wheeler, West Lafayette, Indiana (1973) . and E. H. Willen, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Differential Cross Sections for Elastic pi+P Scattering Between and S. J. Lindenbaum, B.N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and I. J. Kim, ) 1.2 and 2.3 GeV/c, K. Abe, B. A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, M. A. Kramer, and U. Mallik, C.U.N.Y., Phys. Lett. 36, A. T. Laasanen, and P. H. Steinberg, Univ. of Maryland, 1482 (1976). and G. J. Marmer, D. R. Moffett, and E. F. Parker, . Abstract Argonne National Laboratory, Phys. Rev. D 10, 3556 The BNL Multiparticle Spectrometer (MPS) and an Observation of a (1974) . Peak in the K%l+pl Effective Mass at 1700 MeV, Differential Cross Sections for K+P Elastic Scattering from K. J. Foley, A. Etkin, J. H. Goldman, W. A Love, T. W. 0.865 to 2,125 GeV/c, K. Abe, B. A. Barnett, J. II. Morris, S. Ozaki, E. D. Platner, A. C. Saulys, C. i Goldman, A. T. Lassanen, and P. H. Steinberg, Univ. Wheeler, and E. H. Willen, Brookhaven National Labora­ of Maryland, and G. J. Manner, D. R. Moffett, and tory, and S. 3. Lindenbaum, B.N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and E. F. Parker, Argonne National Laboratory, Phys. I. J. Kim, M. A. Kramer, and U. Mallik, C.U.N.Y., Rev. D n, 1719 (1975) . contributed paper to the XVIII International Conference Wide Angle Differential Cross Sections for Elastic Proton-Proton on High Energy Physics, Tbilisi, U.S.S.R., 15-21 Scattering in the Region of the A (1236) Production, K. July, 1976. B.N.L. Report No. 21585 (1976). Abe, B. A. Barnett, J. H. Goldman, A. T. Laasanen,

and P. H. Steinberg, Univ. of Maryland, and G. J. Marmer, Programmable Combinational Logic Trigger System for High Energy D. R. Moffett, and E. F. Parker, Argonne National Particle Physics Experiments, E. D. Platner, A. Etkin, Laboratory, Phys. Rev. D 12, 1 {1975). K. J. Foley, J. H. Goldman, W. A. Love, T. W. Morris,

✓ J. H. Goldman - Publications J. H. Goldman - Publications

Continued Abstract

S. Ozaki, A. C. Saulys, C. D. Wheeler, and E. H. Willen, A Trigger Using Random AcceBB Memory, E. H. Willen, A. Etkins, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and S. J. Lindenbaum, K. J. Foley, J. H. Goldman, W. A. Love, T. W. Morris, B. N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and J. R. Bensinger, Brandeis S, Ozaki, E. D. Platner, A. C. Saulys, and C, D. Wheeler Univ., and M. A. Kramer, C.U.N.Y., Nucl. Inst, and Brookhaven National Laboratory, and s. J. Lindenbaum, Meth. 140, 549 (1977). B.N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and M. A. Kramer and U. Mallik, Study of K*(1780) in the Beactlon K~P •» K~pl+N at 6 GeV/c, S. 0. ' C.U.N.Y., talk presented at the San Francisco A.P.S. Chung, A. Etkin, V. Flamino, K. J. Foley, J. II. Goldman, meeting, January 23-26, 1973.

J. Kopp, W. A. Love, D. N. Michael, T. W. Morris, S. ■4 Test of the Okybo-Zweig-Iizuka Rule in 4 Production , A. Etkin, Ozaki, E. 0. Platner, S. D. Protopopescu, A. C. Saulys, K. J. Foley, J. H. Goldman, W. A. Love, T. W. Morris, C. 0. Wheeler, and E. H. Willen, Brookhaven National S. Ozaki, E. D. Platner, A. C. Saulys, C. D. Wheeler, Laboratory, and J. R. Bensinger and S. M. Jacobs, and E. H. Willen, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Brandeis Univ., and S. J. Lindenbaum, B.N.L. and S. J. Lindenbaum, B.N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and M. A. Kramer C.U.N.Y., and I. J. Kim and M. A. Kramer, C.U.N.Y., and and U. Mallik, C.U.N.Y., Rev. Lett. 41 784 (1978). J. Button-Shafer, S. Dhar, and R. Lichti, Univ. of Measurement of the Phase and Magnitude of n^n» H. Christenson, Massachusetts, and W. Selove, Univ. of Pennsylvania, J. H. Goldman, E. Hummel, S. D. Roth, T. W. L. Sanford, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 355 (1978,. And J. Sculli, Phys. Rev. Lett 43, 1209 (1979) Observation of Double 4-Meson Production in pi~P Interactions, Measurement of the Phase and Magnitude of nf ., J. H. Christenson, A. Etkin, K. J. Foley, J. H. Goldman, W. A. Love, T. W. J. H. Goldman, E. Hummel, S. D. Roth, T.w.L. Lanford, Morris, S. Ozaki, E. 0. Platner, A. C. Saulys, C. D. - T and J. Sculli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43, 1212 (1979). Wheeler, and E. H. Willen, Brookhaven National Labora­ tory, and S. J. Lindenbaum, B.N.L. and C.U.N.Y., and M. A. Kramer and U. Mallik, C.U.N.Y., Phys. Rev. Lett 40, 422 (1978). 111279


Citizenship: Marital Status: Education: June 1965 Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, June 1970 Experience: Research Specialist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, June 1963 - August 1963 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, September 1963 - May 1964 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, June 1964 - August 1965 Research Specialist, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, September 1965 - August 1966 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, September 1966 •- August 1967 National Science Foundation Research Trainee, September 1967 - May 1970 Research Associate, The Florida State University, June 1970 - November 1975 Staff Physicist, Florida State University November 1975 - present SHARON L. HAGOPIAN - Publications

Papers Minimum Guidance Programs at the University of Pennsylvania, S. Hagopian, with others, Proceedings of the Inter­ national Conference on Advanced Data Processing for Bubble and Spark Chambers, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-7515, p. 401 (1968). Programming Development for 4-Prong Events at the University of Pennsylvania, S. Hagopian, with others, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Data Processing for Bubble and Spark Chambers, Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-7515, p. 412 (1968), Single Pion Production in n p Interactions at 2.3 BeV/c, University of Pennsylvania, S. Hagopian (Thesis) (1969).

Backward Rho Production in tt p Reactions at 2.3 BeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Phys. Rev. Letters 24, 1445 (1970).

p—to Interference in the tt n+ Decay Mode of the Reaction tt + p -> (p,to) + n at 2.3 BeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Phys. Rev. Letters 25, 1050 (1970) .

p—to Interference in it" + p it” + tt+ + n at 2.3 BeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Experimental Meson Spectroscopy 1970, Columbia University Press (1970).

it p Elastic Scattering at 2.29 GeV/c, S. Hagopian with others, Physical Review D5, 2684 (197 2) .

The Non-Vanishing Cross Section for the Reaction it + N -> ir+ir+N At t=0, S. Hagopian with others, Physical Review D7 , 1271 (1973).

Structure in the Momentum Transfer Distribution of tt +p -> p+N

at 2.3 GeV/c, S. Hagopian with others, it-it Scatte?:ing 1973, A.I.P. Conference Proceedings No. 13, p.354 (1973). SHARON 11?.GOPIAN - Papers Continued: Evidence for Two-A(123G) Component of the Deuteron Ground State. With V. Hagopian, C. Horne, D. Pewitt and B. Wind, FSU, M. Goldhaber, BNL, J. Bensinger, Univ. of Pa., A. Firestone, Cal Tech, G. Goldhaber, LBL, F. Porter, H. Bingham and G. Yost, Univ. of Cal, Berkeley, R. Harris, K. Moriyasu and H. Lubatti, Un Univ. of Wash. - Seattle. Journal de Physique - Supplement No. 10, 209 (1974) . Search for Evidence of a A (1236)-A(1236) Component of the Deuteron. With C. Horne, V. Hagopian, N. Pewitt, P. Williams and B. Wind, FSU, J. Bensinger, Brandeis, F. Porter, G. Yost, H. Bingham, W. Fretter and W. Graves, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, R. Harris, H. Lubatti, K. Moriyasu and W. Podolsky, Univ. of Wash. - Seattle, A. Firestone, Cal-Tech, G. Goldhaber,

LBL and M. Goldhaber, BNL. Physical Review Letters 33, 380 (1974). 4. 4. 4. — The Reaction ir d tt tt tt d at 15 GeV/c. With C. Horne, V. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, N. Pewitt and D. Wilkins, FSU, and J. Bensinger, Brandeis Univ. Phys. Rev. 11, 996 (1975). SliARON HAGOPIZd-3 - Papers Continued:

R12SURX - A Computer .Assisted Human Intervention System for High Energy Physics Data Reduction - with TI. Pewitt, S. Ilagopinn, and B. Wind, Review's of Scientific In­

struments 47, 427 (1976) . Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons, with D. Wilkins, B. Wind, S. Eagopian, J. Albright, J. Lannutti, IT. Pewitt, C.P. I-Iorne and J. Bensingcr. Phys. Rev. Letters 36, 296 (1976).

Resonances in the KSKS System, with D. Wilkins, J. Albright, S. Hagopian and J. Lannutti. Phys. Rev.' D13, 18 31 (1976) . Duality and Low Mass KK Resonances, with J. Albright, S.

Ragopian, J. Lannutti and D. Wilkins. Proceedings

. of the 1975 Particle and Fields Divisional Meeting, Seattle, Wash., p. 277 (1976). Longitudinal Phase Space Analysis of ir+n->iT+TT p at 15 GeV/c, I with J. Richey, J. Kimel, V. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. Horne, N. D. Pewitt, J. Bensinger and H. Cohn. Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977).

Inclusive Production of Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c

it p Interactions, with D. Bogert, R. Eanfy, R. Harris, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn, C. Pascand, W. Smart, J. Albright, P. Hays and J. Lannutti. Phys. Rev. D16, 2098 (1977) . SHARON HAGOPIAN - Papers Continued

Two-Particle Correlations Involving Neutral Strange Particles,

with R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F.R. Huson, S. Kahn, VJ. Smart, N. Biswas, J. Bishop, N. Cason, V. Kenney, and W. Shephard, J- Albright, P. Hays and J. Lannutti. Phys. Rev. D17 (1978). Many-Pion Production in r+d Reactions at 15 GeV/c with D. Gluch,

\. Hagopian, C.P. Horne, M. Jenkins, J.E. Lannutti, P.K. Williams, B. Wind, H.D. Cohn, W.'l. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler and E.L. Hart, Accepted by Phys. Rev. D + — + Neutral Three Pion (n ■» it°) Resonance Production in 15 GeV/c it d Collisions wtih \. Hagopian, J.E. Lannutti, W.'l . Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler, E.L. Hart and H,D. Cohn, submitted to Phys. Rev. D.

250 Ge\/c it p Multiplicity Distribution and the Two-Component ■lodel with P. Hays, R. Diamond, K. Clark, J.E. Lannutti P. Berge, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, F.R. Huson, S. Kahn, and W. Smart, submitted to Phys. Rev. D.


( SHARON L. HAGOPIAN - Publications

Abstracts K+p Interactions at 4.6 BeV/c and Evidence for a K*(1320) Resonance, S. Hagopian, with others, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference on High Energy Physics, University of California Press (1967). Automated Track Following System Using the Hough-Powell Device, S. Hagopian, with others, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., New York City Meeting, (February 1969). Study of the Reaction it + p -> ir + it+ + n and it + p ir~ + tt^ + p at 2.3 GeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Chicago, (January 1970). Backward Resonance Production in n^p Two Prong Reactions at 2.3 BeV/c, S.. Hagopian, with others, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., _ Washington, D.C., (April 1970).

Four Prong Interactions and T=2 tttt Scattering in if p Collisions at 2.3 BeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C., (April 1970). ttit Scattering From the Reaction it +p->ir+iT+N at 2.3 GeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Bull. Tun. Phys. Soc., New York, (January 1971). A Detailed Analysis of p-w Interference in the Reaction it +p->Ti +tt +n at 2.3 GeV/c, S. Hagopian, with others, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc., New York, (January 1971). " Analysis of 15 GeV/c ir d Interactions Using a Minimum Guidance Automatic Measuring Device (HPD), S. Hagopian with others, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc., Wash. D.C. Meeting, V. 17, 539, April (197 2). Preliminary Results From Four and Six Prong Topologies in 15 GeV/c

it d Interactions, S. Hagopian with others, Bull. 7km. Phys. Soc., Wash. D.C. Meeting, V. 17, 539, April (1972). SHARON HAGOPOAN - Abstracts Continued: The Reaction i;+d •> (mu)+d for in = 3 to 8 at 15 GeV, S. Hagopian

with others, Amer. Phys. Soc., New York Meeting, V. 18, 105 (1973). Resonance Production from the Reaction u+d -* pp (mu0) for m = 2

to 8 at 15 GeV, S. Hagopian with others, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. New York Meeting, V. 18, 105 (1973). A Human Intervention Method to Improve the H.P.D. Measurement Efficiency of the u *"d Interactions at 15 GeV/c,

S. Hagopian with others, Bull. 71m. Phys. Soc., Wash. D.C., V. 18, 563 (1973). Possible Existance of a A-A (1236) Component of the Deuteron, S. Hagopian with others, Bull. Timer. Phys. Soc., 1973 Winter Meeting in Berkeley, to be published. Non Strange Resonance Formation from u+n Interactions at

15 GeV/c, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Chicago Meeting, V. 19, p. 80 (1974) . The Study of the Reaction iTd + irnTidatl5 GeV/c, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Chicago Meeting, V. 19 , p. 80 (1974). Multiparticle Resonances from 15 GeV/c iT+d Interactions.

Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 19, p. 588 (1974).

Production of Single and Multiple Neutral Strange Particles

in 250 6eV/c, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., New York meeting, V 21, p. 87 (1976).

A Search for Charmed Particle Production in JI~p Interactions at 250 GeV/c, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 1976 Washington

D. C. Meeting, Vel. 21, p. 593 (1976). SNARON ij?jGOPlA:3 - .\bstracLS Continued:

Six and Bigiit Frong Interactions by u'’d at 15 GcV/c. Full. Anci Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. ’looting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975) .

Study of the Reaction ir'!'d -v n+n+ii~7r°d at 15 GcV/c. Bull. Ziraer.

Phys. Soc., V7ashington, D.C. Meeting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975).

Preliminary Results from the 250 GcV/c tt“ Engineering Run of the 15-foot Bubble Chamber. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975). Production of Multiple Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GcV/c 7i~ Interactions. Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975).

Topological Cross Sections and Multiplicity Moments for iT“p In­ . teractions at 250 GeV/c. Submitted to the Seattle, Washington Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields, to be published (1975). Search for Charmed Particles in Multiple Strange Particle Final States. Submitted to the Seattle, Washington Meeting of the APS Division of Particles and Fields (1976).

Neutral Strange Particle Production in tt~p Interactions at 250

GeV/c. Submitted to the Seattle, Washington Meeting of

the APS Division of Particles and Fields (1976). Mass Distributions and Correlations in Events Containing Iieutrai Strange Particles, Eull. Amcr. Phys. Pee. 1976 Washington D. C. Meeting, V. 21, p. 593 (1976). Multiple Neutral Strange Particle Production in H”p Interac­ tions at 250 CeV/c., Bull. Araer. Phys. Soc.

21, 593 (1976).

LPS /Analysis of the Reaction if+d-ni +-iT-pp at 15 GeV/c, Pull.

Am. Phys. Soc., 1976, V7ash. , D.C., Meeting-, V. 21, p. 569 (1976). Correlations Involving Pions and Neutral Strange Particles, with R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Kanft, F. R. Huson, S. Kahn, W. Smart, J. Albright, P. Hays and J. Lannutti, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., 1977 Chicago Meeting.. V. 22 , p. 22 (1977). Inclusive y Production and Correlations in ir p at 250 GeV/c, with P. Hays, J. Albright, R. Diamond, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F. R. Huson and W. Smart, Bull. Timer. Phys. Soc. 1977, Chicago Meeting V.22, p. 48 (1977). Study of the Reactions TT+n-»ppp and iT+n->-K+K~p at 15 GeV/c, with

V. Hagopian, J. Albright, J. Lannutti, W. Bugg, G. Condo, T. Handler, E. Hart, and H. Cohn, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 1978, Wash. D.C. Meeting V.23, p. 598 (1978) Neutral Pion Multiplicity Distributions in ir“p Interactions at ' 250 GeV/c, with P. Hays, J. Albright, R. Diamond, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F.R. ( Huson, W. Smart, and J. Wolfson, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.

1978, Wash. D.C. Meeting V.23, p. 510 (1978). SHARON L. 1BAGOPIAN — Internal Reports

Definitions for v p=250GeV/c in the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber,

FSU Internal Report Ko. 12 (1974). NAL ERGON Users Guide, FSU Internal Report No. 13 (1976) . MPS Study Using 250 GeV/c ■n p 15-Foot Bubble Chamber Data, FSU Internal Report No. 14 (1977). Study of Mass Resolution for 250 GeV/c ir p in the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber, FSU Internal Report No. 15 (1978). Proposal to Search for Narrow and Broad Resonances in Tr_p->

AA(tt~)-i-X and tt p->K|K° (;;')+X at 360 GeV/c Using the Fermilab Multiparticle Spectrometer, FSU Internal Report No. 16 (1978). 11]279


Citizenship: U.S.A. Marital Status: Married Education: Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania Major - Physics, 1963

Experience: Part Time High School Physics Teacher 1954-1958 •Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania September 1958 - June 1963 Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania July 1963 - August 1965 Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., September 1965 - August 1966 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, September 1965 - December 1969 Head Physicist of Bubble Chamber Program at Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J. {h time basis) 1968-1969 Associate Professor of Physics, Florida State University, 1959 - 1975 Professor of Physics, Florida State Uni­ versity, 1975 - present Special Sumner Appointments: Where either salary or expenses paid by in­ stitution, not counting institutions where normally employed. 1964 Guest Physicist - Brookhaven National - Laboratory 1966 Physicist - Lawrence Berkeley Lab. 1968 Physicist - Princeton-Pennsylvania Accelerator 1973 Research Collaborator, Physics, Brook­ haven National Laboratory 1974 Research Collaborator, Physics, Brook­ haven National Laboratory Guest Appointments: Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1964 - Present (Worked on experiments Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at various times) 1965 - 1966 Princeton-Pennsylvania /Accelerator 1966 - 1969 Argonne National Laboratory 1966 - 1970 ■ Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 1971 - Present Organizations: American Physical Society Sigma Xi Brookhaven National Laboratory User Group Stanford Linear Accelerator User Group Fermi National Accelerator User Group Conferences: Co-Chairman of International Conference on tt-tt Scattering and Associated Topics. The Florida State University March 28-30, 1973 Principal Investigator: National Science Foundation Grant GP-37090 for International Conference on ir-it Scattering (1973-1974) Co-Investigator: Atomic Energy Commission Grant AT-(40-1)-3509 for High Energy Physicc 1970 - Present VASKEN HAGOPIAN - Publications

Further Search for the Decay p"* -* e+ + y. With S. Frankel, J. Ilalpern and A. Whetstone, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review 118, 589 (1950). . + — Evidence for a T=0, it - it Resonance at 1250 MeV. With W. Selove, H. Brody, A. Baker and E. Leboy, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review Letters % 272 (1962).

Experimental Evidence on tt-tt Scattering Hear p and f° from it +p->Tr + iT + nucleon at 3 BeV/c. With W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review Letters 10, 533 (1963).

The Reaction it + p -> it + it + nucleon, Dissertation (1963) (Included because of very wide distribution).

Evidence on it-tt Scattering from TT- + p->ir + ir + nucleon. With W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Proceedings on Topical Conference on Recently Discovered Resonant Particles, Athens, Ohio, p. 270 (1963). Further Search for Fractionally Charged Particles. With W. Selove, R. Ehrlich, E. Leboy and R. Lanza, Univ. of Pa. D. Rahm and M. Webestcr, Brookhaven National Lab. Physical Review Letters 13, 280 (1964) .

Indication of a 0+, T=0 2tt Resonance at 720 MeV. With W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. J. Alitti, J. Baton, M. Neveu-Rene, Saclay, France, R. Gessaroli and A. . Romano, Univ. of Bologna, Italy. Physical Review Letters 14, 1077 (1965).

tt" + p -* ir + tt + nucleon Reactions. With W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. J. Alitti, J. Baton and M. Neveu-Rene, Saclay, France. Physical Review 145, 1128 (1966).

Single Pion Production in tt + p Collisions at 2.14 BeV/c. With Y. Pan, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review 152, 1183 (1966). VASKEN HAGOPIAN - Publications Continued

A Study of iriT Elastic Scattering Using the Chew-Low Extrapola­ tion Method. With S. Maratek and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. L. Jacobs, Lawrence Berkeley Lab.^ F. Oppenheimer and W. Schults, Univ. of Colorado, L. Gutay and D. Miller, Purdue, J. Prentice and E. West, Univ. of . Toronto, B. Walker, Univ. of Wise. Physical Review Letters 21, 1613 (1968). Minimum Guidance Programs at the University of Pennsylvania. With E. Bogart, J. Adler, C. Drum, T. McGrath, R. O'Donnell, S. Hagopian, W. Ko, S. Marateck, R. Marshall and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Data Proces­ sing for Bubble and Spark Chambers, Argonne National Laboratory, Editor, R. Royston, p. 401 (1968). Programming Development for 4-prong Events at the University of Pennsylvania- With R. O'Donnell, E. Bogart, S. Hagopian, W. Ko, R. Marshall and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Data Processing for Bubble and Spark Chambers, Argonne National Laboratory, Editor, R. Royston, p. 412 (1968). A Study of K Decays. With R. Ely Jr., G. Gidal and G, Kalmus, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., K. Billing, F. Bullock, M. Esten, M. Govan, C. Henderson, W. Knight, F. Stannard and O. Truetler, Univ. College, London, U. Camerini, D. Cline, W. Fry, H. Haggerty, R. March and W. Singleton, Univ. of Wise. Physical Review 180, 1319 (1969). Determination of So and 6* from Chew-Low Extrapolation. With E. Bogart, S. Maratek and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Proceedings of the Conference on tttt and Kir Interactions. Argonne National Laboratory, Editors, F. Loeffler and E. Malamud, p. 149 (1969). VASKEK I1AG0PIAW - Publications Continued

Strange Particle Production by 1.7 GeV/c u on Proton. With Y. Pan, F. Forman, W. Ko and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review 1X2, 449 (1970) .

Absorption Model Applied to tttt Scattering. With L. Clian and P. Williams, FSU, Physical Review D2, 583 (1970).

Backward Rho Production in tt p Reactions at 2.3 BeV/c. With S. Ilagopian, FSU, E. Bogart, R. O’Donnell and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa., Physical Review Letters 24 , 1445 (1970) .

p—to Interference in the it tt+ Decay Mode of the Reaction

it +p'*(p,u)+nat2.3 GeV/c. With S. Hagopian, FSU, E. Bogart and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review Letters 25 1050 (1970). — —4- p-to Interference in it + p it + tt + nat2.3 GeV/c. With S. Hagopian, FSU, E. Bogart and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Experimental Meson Spectroscopy, Editors Baltay and Rosenfeld, Columbia Univ. Press, K.Y., p. 129 (1970) .

it p Elastic Scattering at 2.29 GeV/c. With S. Hagopian, FSU, E. Bogart, R. O'Donnell and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review D5, 2684 (1972).

The Won-Vanishing Cross Section for the Reaction it + N tt + it- + N at t=0. With S. Ilagopian, W. Pewitt and J. Kimel, FSU, W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. Physical Review D7, 1271 (1973).

Structure in the Momentum Transfer Distribution of it p -> p+N at 2.3 GeV/c. With S. Hagopian, FSU, and W. Selove, Univ. of Pa. tt-it Scattering-1973, Editors, P. Williams and V. Ilagopian. Publisher - American Institute of Physics, N.Y., p. 354 (1973). VASKAU IIAGOPIAN - Publications Continued

Editors with P. K. Williams tt-tt Scattering-1973 (Tallahassee Conference) 370 pages. Published by the /unerican Institute of Physics, II.Y., (1973).

Evidence for Two-A(1236) Component of the Deuteron Ground State. With S. Ilagopian, C. Horne, D. Pewitt and B. Wind, FSU, M. Goldhaber, BNL, J. Bensinger, Univ. of Pa., A. Firestone, Cal. Tech, G. Goldhaber, LBL, F. Porter, H. Bingham and G. Yost, Univ. of Cal, Berkeley, R. Harris, K. Iloriyasu and K. Lubatti, Univ. of Wash. - Seattle. Journal de Physique - Supplement No. 10, p. 209 (1974). Search for Evidence of a A (1236)-A(1236) Component of the Deuteron. With C. Horne, S. Ilagopian, N. Pewitt, P. Vlilliams and B. Wind, FSU, J. Bensinger, Brandeis, F. Porter, G. Yost, II. Bingham, W. Fretter and W. Graves, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, R. Harris, H. Lubatti, K. Moriyasu and W. Podolsky, Univ. of Wash.- Seattle, A. Firestone, Cal-Tech, G. Goldhaber, LBL and II. Goldhaber, BNL. Physical Review Letters 33, 380 (1974). + + + — Reaction tt d->ir it ir d at 15 GeV/c with C. Horne, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, N. Pewitt, D. Wilkins, B. Wind and J. Bensinger, Physical Review V. -11, p. 996 (1975) . RESURX - A Computer Assisted Human Intervention System for High Energy Physics Data Reduction - with N. Pewitt, S. Hagopian and B. Wind. Reviews of Scientific In­ struments 47, 427 (1976).

I VASKEN 11AG0PI.AN Publications Continued

Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons, with D. Wilkins, B. Wind, S. Hagopian, J. Albright, J. Lannutti, N. Pewitt., C.P. Horne and J. Bensinger. Phys. Rev. Letters 36, 296 (1976). . Resonances in the KsKs System, with D. Wilkins, J. Albright, S. Hagopian, and J. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D13, 1831 (1976). Duality and Low Mass KK Resonances, with J. Albright, S. Hago­ pian, J. Lannutti and D. Wilkins. Proceedings of the Particle and Fields Divisional Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Editors H. Luhatti and P. Mockect, Univ. of Washington Press, p. 277 (1975). (Published in 1976). + + — Longitudinal Phase Space Analysis of ir n + ir n p at 15 GeV/c, with J. Richey, J. Kimel, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. Horne, N.D. Pewitt, J. Bensinger and

H. Cohn, Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). ' .

Search for New Particles Using Bubble Chambers. Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on High Energy Physics Vol. 2 p. N15, Dubna, U.S.S.R (1977).

Many-Pion "-undue hion in t d reactions at 15 CcV/c with E. Gluch, S. Hagopian, C.P. Horne, M. Jenkins, J.E. Lannutti, P.K. Williams, B. Wind, H. r. Cohn,- W.M. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler and E.L. Hart. Accepted by Phys. Fev. E. + — + Neutral Three Pion (it it tt°) resonance Production in 15 GeV/c tt d Collisions, with S. Hagopian, J.E. Lannutti, W.M. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler, E.L. Hart and H-E. Cohn, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. . VASKEN HAGOPJZFJ - Publications


7i - it Scattering near the p° and f0 , Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., p. 69, New York Meeting, February (19G3) . Pion Interactions at 3 EeV/c, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 1-Icw York ’ Meeting, February (1963). Evidence on it - tt Scattering from it” + p tt + tt + nucleon, Proceedings on Topical Conference on Recently Dis­ . covered Resonant Particles, Athens, Ohio, p. 270 (1963) Absorption in tt + p -> p + p. Bull. Ztm. Phys. Soc. , VJashington, D. C. Meeting, April (1965). Experimental Determination of K n and K d Elastic Scattering Cross Sections in the K~ Momentum Range 815 to 1115 * MeV/c, Bull. Z\m. Phys. Soc., Washington, D. C. Meeting April (1966). ’ The Reaction n + p -> tt + ir + nucleon at 2.14 BeV/c, Bull. An. Phys. Soc., Washington, D. C. Meeting, April (1966). Low Energy tttt Interaction Studies From K Decays, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Berkeley, Calif., p. 268, University of California Press (1967). Study of the tt tt and tt tt0 Elastic Scattering Cross Section from an Extrapolation to the One-Pion Pole, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Washington, D. C. Meeting, April (1968). Study of Phase Shifts in it tt+ and tt tt° Elastic Scattering from Extrapolation to the One-Pion Pole, Bull. Zun. Phys. Soc., Washington D. C. Meeting, April (1968) . Associated Production by 1.7 BeV/c tt+ on Proton, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. , New York City Meeting, February (19 69) . Automated Track Following System Using the llough-Powell Device, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., New York City Meeting, February (1969). VASKEN II.AGOPl'AN - Abstracts Continued:

Test Production Results for 2-Prong and 4-Prong Events Using the. II.P.D. - Zi.T.F. System, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Rew York City Meeting, February (IS69).

tt0ii0 Mass Spectrum Between 500 and 900 MeV Calculated from . Experimentally Determined tt—tt s-wave Phase Shifts, .• Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., New York City Meeting, February (1963). — — 4. Study of the Reaction n + p->ir + tt + n and ‘ ' n + p ->■ it + ir° + p at 2.3 GeV/c, Bull. Phys. Soc. Chicago Meeting, V. 15, 69, January (1970). .

Backv;ard Resonance Production in tt p.Two Prong Reactions at 2.3 BeV/c, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Washington, D. C. Meeting, V. 15, 513, April (1970).

Four Prong Interactions and T=2 tth Scattering, in it p ' - Collisions at 2.3 BeV/c, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Wash.- ‘ D. C. Meeting, V. 15., 659, April (1970).

tttt.-Scattering From the Reaction tt +p-*ir+iT+N at 2.3 GeV/c, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., New York Meeting/ V. 16, 39 January (1971). A Detailed Analysis of p-w Interference in the Reaction tt +p->Tij!+tt +n at 2.3 GeV/c, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., New York Meeting, V. 16, 112, January (1971) . Analysis of 15 GeV/c H+d Interactions Using a Minimum Guidance Automatic Measuring Device (UPD), Bull. Am. Phys< Sec., Wash. D.C. Meeting, V. 17, 539, April (1972). Preliminary Results From Four and Six Prong Topologies in 15 GeV/c Ti+d Interactions, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Wash. D.C. Meeting, V. 17, 539, April (1972). A Study of Ah, Atttt, Eh, and Etth Final States in K*"d Reactions, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Wash. D.C. Meeting, V. 17., 568, April (1972). • VASKEN H.AGOPIAN - /Abstracts Continued:

The Reaction ’it'1 ci -> (nn:)\l for nt = 3 to 8 at 15 GeV, Hull. Airier. Phys. Soc., New York Meeting, V. 17, 105 (1973) . 4- D Resonance Production from the Reaction tt d -»■ pps (ron) c for m - 2 to 8 at 15 Gev, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. New York Meeting, V. 17, 105 (1973). A Human Intervention Method to Improve the Il.P.D. Measurement Efficiency of the t+d Interactions at 15 GeV/c, Bull. Amer. Phys. Sec., Nash. D.C. Meeting, V. IB, 563 ,

(1973). , 4. Non Strange Resonance Formation from tt n Interactions at 15 CeV/c,

Bull. Amer, Phys. Soc., Chicago Meeting, V. 19, p. 80 (1974). ,• 4. 4. 4. The Study of the Reaction tt d->Ti tt m d at 15 GcV/c, Eull. Amer Phys. Soc., Chicago Meeting, V 19, p. 80 (1974). I- i Multiparticle Resonances from 15 GeV/c u+d Interactions.

Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 19, p. 588 (1974).

Strange Particle Production from n+d Interactions at 15 GeV/c

Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V 19, p. 583 (1974).

1? VASKE12 RACOPIAI! - Abstracts Continued

Six and Eight Prong Interactions by 7T+d at 15 GcV/c. Bull.

Amcr. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975). Study of the Reaction ir+d -* ir+'ir*l'7r-ir°d at 15 GeV/c. Bull.

Amcr. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting, V. 20, p. 611 (1975). LPS Analysis of the Reaction K+d-^7T+7T-pp_ at 15 GeV/c. Bull

Amer. Phys. Soc., Washington, D.C. Meeting. V. 21, p. 569 (1976).

(' \ 111279


Citizenship: U.S.A. Marital Status: Married Education: B.S. Pennsylvania State College, Physics, 1950 M.S. University of Pennsylvania, Physics, 1953 Ph.D. University of California, Physics, 1957 Experience: Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Office of the Master Mechanic, June 1943-July 1944 U.S. Army, 28th Infantry Division, July 1944-July 1946 Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Adminis­ trative Assistant, Office of the Chief of Motive Power, Augiist 194 6- September 1947 Research Assistant, Pennsylvania State University, in X-ray Laboratory with Dr. Ray Pepinskv, December 1949-September 1950 Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, in fS-ray Spectros­ copy Lab with Dr. Sherman Frankel Theoretical Physicist designing guided missile autonavigation systems, North American Aviation, Inc., September 1952-September 1953 Research Assistant, University of California Radiation Laboratory with Dr. Gerson Goldhaber and Dr. Emilio Segre, January 1954- September 1957 Assistant Professor, Florida State University, September 1957-1963 Associate Professor, Florida State University, September 1963-1965 Professor, Florida State University, September 1965-Present JOSEPH E. LANHUTTI continued

Organizations: American Physical Society Sigma Xi Sigma Pi Siqma Field of Research Interest: Elementary Particle Physics


// JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI - Publications

Papers Method for Alignment of Stripped Nuclear Emulsions, Goldsack, Goldhaber, and J. E. Lannutti, University of California, UCRL-2928, March (1955).

Measurements on K-particles From the Bevatron, Chupp, Goldsack, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, Smith, Webb, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 92_, 335 (1955). K-meson Mass From a K-hydrogen Scattering Event, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, Chupp, Johnson, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 92_, 1042 (1955). Mean Lifetime of Positive K-mesons, Iloff, Chupp, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, Pevsner, Ritson, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 99, 1917 (1955). Interactions and Decay of Positive K-particles in Flight, Chupp, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, Iloff, Pevsner, Ritson, and J. E. Lannutti, Proc. Pisa. Conf. 1955, Nuovo Cimento 4 Supplement, 361 (1956). Mean Lifetime of Negative K-mesons, Iloff, G. Goldhaber, Gilbert, Violet, White, Fournet, Pevsner, Ritson, Widgoff, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 102, 927 (1956). Study of the Interaction of Positive K-mesons, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, Chupp, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 109, 2121 (1958). Scattering of K+ Mesons in Emulsion, Igo, Ravenhall, Tiemann, Chupp, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 109, 2133 (1958). Evidence for the Reaction p + p ->■ Z + A , Button, Eberhard, Lynch, Kalbfleisch, Maglic, Stevenson, Phys. Rev. Letters £, 530 (1960). JOST'l-ll E. LANNUTTI - Papers continued:

Double Scattering of Antiprotons in Hydrogen, Lynch, Maglic, Stevenson, Xuong, and Lannutti, Proceedings of the 1260 Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics at Rochester, August 25, 1960, 159. Antiproton Experiments in a Hydrogen Bubble Chamber, Button, Eberhard, Kalbfleisch, Limentani, Lynch, Maglic, Stevenson, Xuong, and Lannutti, Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics at Rochester, August 25, 1960, 164. The Reaction p + p A + A, Button, Eberhard, Kalbfleisch, Lynch, Maglic, Stevenson, Xuong, and Lannutti, Ibid, 481. The Reaction p + p ■* A + A, Button, Eberhard, Kalbfleisch, Lynch, Maglic, Stevenson, Xuong, and Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 121, 1788 (1961). Two-meson Annihilations of 1.16 Bev/c Antiprotons in Hydrogen, Lynch, Eberhard, Kalbfleisch, Maglic, Shafer, Stevenson, Xuong, and Lannutti, Phys. Rev. 131, 1287 (1963).

Final State Enhancement at 1920 MeV in it p Inelastic Scattering, Gutay, Csonka, Moravcsik, Scadron and Lannutti, Phys. Letters 16 , 343 (1965).

Exchange Mechanisms for the Reactions r p -r p°n and fi p + p p at 2.0 GeV/c, Gutay, Tuli, and Lannutti, Nuovo Cimento 39, 381 (1965).

Negative Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering at 2.26 GeV/c, Reynolds, Brucker, Harrison, Harms, Kimel, Albright, and Lannutti, Phys. Letters, 24B, 311 (1967).

( JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI - Papers continued:

Analysis of the Decay of p Mesons Produced in ~ p Interactions at 2.26 GeV/c, Reynolds, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harrison, Harms, Sims, Wieckowicz and Lannutti, Nucl. Phys. B6, 633 (1968). tt p Elastic Scattering at 2.26 GeV/c, Lannutti, Reynolds, Kimel, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harrison, Harms, Sims, and Wieckowicz, Phys. Rev. 173, 1403 (1968). Amr Structure from 1600 to 1740 MeV, Lannutti, Bartley, Chu, Dowd, Greene, Schnepps, Sims, Albright, Brucker, Reynolds, Meer, Mueller, Schneeberger, and Wolf, Phys. Rev. Letters 21, 1111 (1968). Partial Wave Analysis of the Sequential Reaction K N Y* (1385) tt -> Amr, Lannutti, Sims, Albright, Brucker, Dockery, O’Neall, Reynolds, Bartley, Dowd, Greene, Schnepps, Meer, Mueller, Schneeberger, and Wolf, Phys. Rev. Letters 21, 1413 (1968).

Study of Resonant Structure in the it n System from the Reaction tt p -> tt pr, at 2.26 GeV/c, Lannutti, Wieckowicz, Reynolds, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harms, Harrison, and Sims, Phys. Letters 28B, 199 (1968). T = 2 Pion-Pion Scattering, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harms, Harrison, Hunter, Lannutti, Reynolds, Sims and Wieckowicz, Il Nuovo Cimento 60A, 1 (1 March 1969).

Single Pion Production in it p Interaction at 2.26 GeV/c, Lannutti, Reynolds, Kimel, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harrison, Harms, Sims, and Wieckowicz, Phys. Rev. 184, 1424 (1969) . A Study of the 1=0 Enhancement in the 1.07 GeV Mass Region, Reynolds, Huwe, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harms, Harrison, Lannutti, Sims, Wieckowicz, Marquit, Oppen­ heimer and Schultz, Nucl. Phys. B21, 77(1970). JOSEPH’ E. LAL'NUTTI ~ Piipers Continued:

A Study of the 1-1 Reaction K n -> from 1535 to 1735 MeV, Brucker, Harrison, Sims, Albright, Chandler, Lannutti, and Reynolds, 1970 Conference Report on Hyperon Reso­ nances, Duke University, ivpril 1970, p. 155. A Study of the lion-Impulse Events in the P.eactions K d -* Arp and Arri-? at 670-925 MeV/c, Sims, O'Hea.11, /Albright, Brucker, and Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D3, 1162 (1971) . Observation of a 7ir Enhancement at 3.01 GeV, Yost, Morris, Albright, Brucker, and Lannutti, Phvs. Rev. D3, 642 (1971) . Asymme.try Properties of Longitudinal Momentum Distributions for the Reaction r p -> poir at 11 GeV/c, Yost, Morris, .Albright and Laniiutti, Phys. Rev. D6, 3051, (1972). ,K d Elastic Scattering at 727 MeV/c, Wieckowicz, Albright and Lannutti, Nucl. Phys. B61, 274 (1973). Mass Dependence of the Momentum Transfer Distribution in fi+p ■* p8r at 11.0 GeV/c, Yost, Morris, Albright and

Lannutti, Phys. Rev. DIP, 1 (1974). Topological Cross Sections and Multiplicity tnnenta for ~~p Inter­ actions at 250 GcV/c. S. Hagopian, Albright, hays, Lan­ nutti, Bogert, Hanft, Harris, Rahn, Huson, Pascaud, and Smart. Proceedings of Div. of Particle and Fields, Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1975.

Search for Charm in 250 C-eV/c 7i~p Interactions. ".arris, Bogert, Hanft, Kahn, Huson, Pascaud, Smart, Albright, S. Ilagopian, Hays, and Lannutti. Proc. of D.P.F., Seattle. Wash., Aug. 1975. JOLHPH L. LAHHCHTI - Paper 5 Continued:

Neutral Strange Particle Production in n-p Interactions at 250 GeV/c. Bogert, Hanft, Parris, Huson, Hahn, Pascaud, Smart, Albright, S. Hagopian, Pays, and Lannutti. Proc.

of D.P.F., Seattle, Hash., Aug. 1075.

Reaction n+d -> 7r+7i+ir“d at 15 GeV/c. Hone, Eactmian, Baconian,

Lannutti, Pevitt, Wilkins, Hind, Bensinger. Phys. Rev.

Dll, 996 (1975).

Duality and Low Mass KK Resonances. S. Ilagopian, J.R. Albright, V. Hagopian, J.E. Lannutti and D. Wilkins, Proc. of DPF Meeting, Seattle, Wash., p. 277, Am. Inst, of Phys. (1975). Search for Charmed Mesons and Baryons. S. Hagopian, D. Wilkins, B. Wind, V. Hagopian, J.R. Albright, J.E. Lannutti, N. Fewitt, C. Home, and J. Bensinger, Phys. Rev. 36, 296 (1976). Resonances in the K K System. D. Wilkins, J.R. Albright, S. t» o Ilagopian, V. Hagopian and J.E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. DI3, 1831 (1976).

Longitudinal-Phase-Space Analysis of ir+n->-'n+7T“p at 15 GeV/c. J. Richey, S. Hagopian, J.D. Kimel, V. Ilagopian, J.E. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. Horne, N. Pewitt, J. Bensinger and H. Cohn, Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). Reaction K-n-*A°7T- from 1550 to 1650 MeV. W.A. Morris, J.R. Albright, A.P. Colleraine, J.D. Kimel, and J.E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D17, 55 (1978). JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI - Pcipcrs Continued:

Inclusive Production of Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c n-p Interactions. R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Ilanft, F.R. Huson, S. Kahn, C. Pascaud, V7.M. Smart, J.R. Albright,

S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J.E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. DIG, 2098 (1977). Two Particle Correlations Involving Neutral Strange 'articles. R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F.R. Kahn, W. Smart, N.N. Biswas, J.M. Bishop, K.M. Cason, V.P. Kenney, W.D. Shephard, J.F. Albright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, and J.E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D. (accepted - to be published)

Many-Pion Production in ii d reactions at 15 GeV/c with T. Gluch, S. Kagopian, C.P. Horne, ?-I. Jenkins, J.E. Lannutti, P.K. Williams, B. Wind, H.P. Cohn, W.M. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler and E.L. Hart. Accepted by Phys. lev. r. + — + Neutral Three Pion (ir it ir°) Resonance Production in 15 GeV/c ti d Collisions, with S. Hagopian, J.E. Lannutti, W.M. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler, E.L. Hart and H.E. Cohn, submitted to Phys. FOv. D.

c JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI - Publications


Stars Formed by Protons of 3.2 bev from the Bevatron, Goldhaber z Goldsack and Lcinnutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 29 , 19 December (1954). Heavy Meson and Hyperon Production at the Bevatron, Chupp, Goldsack, Webb, and Lannutti, Dull. /Am. Phys. Soc., 29, 19 December (1954). Antiproton Measurements in Emulsions, G. Goldhaber, Birgc, Chupp, Ekspong, S. Goldhabcr, Perkins, Stork, Possum and Lannutti, Eull. Am. Phys. Soc., 1, 186(1956). Interaction of Positive K mesons at Energies of 100 to 200 Mev, Chupp, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 1, 392(1956). Two Meson /annihilations of Antiprotons in Hydrogen, Lynch, Button, Eberhard, Kalbfleisch, Magiic, Stevenson, . Xuong, and Lannutti, Bull, 7km. Phys. Soc., N. Y. Meeting, Vol. 6, 41(1961).

Nucleon Isobars and Multipion Resonances Observed in tt p Interactions at 1.97 Bev/c, F. SchWednb, E. B. Brucker, and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., January 1963 .

Study of Final States in 1.97 Bev/c r p Collisions, F. Schwamb, and J. E. Lannutti, SESAPS, -April 1963,

Low Energy Final State Resonances in 1.97 Bev/c it p Collisions, B. Reynolds, E. B. Brucker, and J. E. Lannutti, SESAPS, April 1963.

Analysis of Two-Prong Interactions in it p Collisions at 2.0 Bev/c, S. K. Tuli and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., April 1964.

1 JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI Abstracts continued:

Final State N* (1920) Enhancement in ~ p Interactions, L. Gutay, S. K. Tuli, J. R. Albright and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., October (1964).

A Study of the Y* (1660), J. Dockery, J. R. Albright, W. M. Sims, S. Wolf, M. Schneeberger, and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., l_0, 517 (1965). Interfering Resonances at 2.27 Bev, L. Gutay, J. R. Albright, R. E. Hunter, B. Reynolds, W. H. Sims and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. An. Phys. Soc., Wash, D. C. 26-29 April 1965. if t Elastic Scattering Below 1 GeV, J. R. Albright, E. B. Brucker, R. E. Hunter , B. Reynolds, and J. E. Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13., 309(1966).

K D Zttti (p) Between 1600- and 1700- MeV Barycentric Energy, Meer, Mueller, Schneeberger, Wolf, Albright, Brucker, O'Neall, Sims and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 342 (1966) .

K d + A tut (Nucleon) Between 1600- and 1700- MeV Barycentric ' Energy, Schneeberger, Meer, Mueller, Wolf, Brucker, Albright, O'Neall, Sims Dowd, Green Schnepps and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 342 (1966). Amplitude Analysis of K a -> A m (p) Between 1600 and 1700- MeV Air Barycentric Energy, O'Neall, Brucker, Dockery, Albright, Sims, Meer, Mueller, Schneeberger, Wolf, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 241(1966).

Elastic Scattering of m on Protons at 2.26 BeV/c, Albright Harms, Reynolds, Harrison, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. < Soc., 11, 841 (1966).

Rho Production in the ttttN Final States Produced by 2.26 BeV/c tt Mesons on Protons, Albright, Harms, Harrison, . Reynolds, and Lannutti, Bull Am. Phys. Soc., 11, 841 (1966) JOSEPH E. LANNUTTI - Abstracts continued:

+ Four-Prong Reactions in r p Interactions at GeV/c, Albright Brucker, Bradley, Harms, Harrison, Reynolds, and Lannutti, Bull. Ain. Phys. Soc., 13, 612 (1968).

A Study of the Reactions K D ->■ IitN in the Energy Region 1600-1720 MeV, Albright, Brucker, O'Neall, Sims, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13 , 684 (1968).

A Discussion of the Reaction K N Aiit in the Energy Region 1610-1720 MeV, 7\lbright, Bartley, Brucker, Chu, Dowd, Greene, Mueller, Schneeberger, Schnepps, Wolf, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 703 (1968). A Discussion of the Reaction K n -> Einr, Lannutti, Harrison, ?.lbright, Brucker, Reynolds, and Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13 , 1440 (1968). “4“ it p Interactions at 11 BeV/c, Lannutti, Harms, Harrison, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Reynolds, and Wieckovicz, Dull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13, 1441 (1968). Nucleon Isobar Production in Three-Body Final States in ir p Interactions at 2.26 GeV/c, Lannutti, Reynolds, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Harms, Harrison, Sims, and Wieckowicz, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1441 (1968). A Study of the Reaction ir p -> ir ir ir'p at 2.26 GeV/c, Lannutti, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Hunter, Reynolds, and Sims, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1441 (1968). A Discussion of Lambda-Nucleon Interactions Observed in Apir , AniT+ir , and Apir u° Final States, Lannutti, Sims, Albright, Brucker, Greene, Bartley, Dowd, Schnepps, Mueller, , Schneeberger and Wolf, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 1442 (1968). -t- Four-Prong ir p Interactions at 11 GeV/c. Harms, Harrison, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Chandler, Lannutti, and Morris, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 615 (1969).

if JOSEPH E. LANKUTTI Abstracts continued:

Eight-Prong Reactions in ~ p Interactions nt 11 GeV/c. ’-’orris, Albright, Bradley, Brucker, Chandler, Harms, Harrison, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14 , 615 (1969).

Investigation of the Reaction r p > 4« 3~; rr' p at 11 GeV/c, Yost, Morris, .Albright, Chandler, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 15, 69 (1970). K d -> K d and K d K np Reactions at 727 MeV/c, VJieckowicz, Albright, and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15, 4 (1970).

Resonance Formation in the Reaction r+p -y pr+,n+r~r0 at 11 GeV/c. Colleraine, -Albright, Chandler, Earns, and Lannutti, Pull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15, 11 (1970).

Resonance Production in the Reaction cm'p -* Ott at 11.0 GeV/c. Yost, Morris, -Albright, Brucker and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 16, (1971). K“d K~d and K~d -* K~np Reactions at 727 MeV/c, V'ieckowics, Albright, and Lannuttir Bu? 1. 7d?S, 16 (1971).

A. Study of the Reaction K~d ■* Ati“, Ar~Tf° Near V?cra = 1660 MeV. . Madden, Albright, Chandler, Lannutti, Eull. APS 16 (1971). Preliminary Results form the 250 GeV/c -:i_ Engineering P.un of the 15-Foot Bubble Chamber. S. hagopian, Albright, Hays, Knop, Lannutti, Bogert, hanft, Harris, Iluson, Rahn, and Smart. Bull. APS 20 (1975). Production of Multiple Neutral Strange Particles in 250 GeV/c m- Interactions. Kahn, Bogert, Hanft, Harris, Huson, Smart, Albright, S. Hagopian, Hays, Knop and Lannutti, Bull. APS 20 (1975). JOSEPH B- L.AIIHUTTI - Ab.'-.tracts con’d.

lr'd Interactions in Region from 1500 to 3 550 McV c-m Energy. Esqaerra, Morris, Albright, Lannutti,. Cull. -Am. Phys.

Soc. 21, 71 (1976). Production cf Single and ’"ultiple neutral Strange Particles at 25 0 GeV/c. Kahn, Bogert, Hanft, Parris, Euson, Pascaud, Smart, .Albright, Hagopian, Bays, and Lan­ nutti , Bull. .Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 2-7 (1976). Mass Distributions and. Correlations in Events Containing Neutral Strange Particles. Bogert, Ilanft, Harris, Kahn, Huson, Smart, Albrigat, Kagopian, days and Lan.nutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 593 (1976). Multiple Neutral Strange Particle Production in r~p Inter­ actions at 250 GeV/c. Bogert, llanft, Harris, Kahn, Huson, Smart, Albright, Hagopian, Hays and Lannutti, • Bull. Am. Pbvs. Soc. 21, 593 (1976). A Search for Charmed Particle Production in r“p Interactions at 250 GeV/c. Hays, Albright, Eagopian, Lannutti, Eogert, Kanft, Harris, Kahn, Huson, and Smart, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 593 (197f

Observation of a Z (1620) ini Aor-,. Arr-tt° and Zo7i“ Final States in Low Energy K~d Reactions. Ezguerra, Morris, Al­ bright, Colleraine and Lannutti, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, 9,45 (1976). JOSEPH E. LAHNUTTI - Abstracts continued:

Correlations Involving Pions and Neutral Strange Particles. R. Harris, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, F.R. Huson, S. Kahn W. Smart, J.R. /^.lbright, S. Hagopian, P. Hays, J. Lannutti, J.M. Bishop, R.N. Bisvzas, N.M. Cason, V.P Kenney, and W.P. Shephard. Bull. Jun. Phys- Soc. 22 23 (1977). Inclusive y Production and Correlation in r“p at 250 GeV/c. P. Hays, J.R. Albright, R. Diamond, S. Hagopian, J. Lannutti, D. Bogert, R. Hanft, R. Harris, S. Kahn, F.R. Huson, and W. Smart. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 22, 48 (1977).


>*•' /< 111279

Paul A. M. Dirac

Citizenship: England Education: BSc, Bristol University, 1921 Ph.D., Cambridge University, 1926 Experience: Fellow St. John's College, Cambridge, from 1927 to. Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge Univ., 1932 to 1969. Visiting lecturer at many universities in US7i during period 1929-1970. Member Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1934-1935, 1946, 1947-1948, 1958-1959 Professor of Physics, Florida State University, 1969 to present. Some of the Organizations in which Membership is held: Fellow Royal Society Honorary Member of American Physical Society Pontifical Academy of Sciences Corresponding Member, Soviet Academy of Sciences Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences of USA Some 7iv;ards: Nobel Price for Physics, 1933 Royal Medal, 1939 Copley Medal, 1952 Oppenheimer Prize, 1969 Order of Merit of the British Empire, 1973 Fields of Interest: Theoretical Physics Bibliography of P.A. M. Dirac [!] Dissociation under a temperature gradient, /’roe. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 22, 132-7 (1924). [2] Note on the rel.itivitv dynamics of a particle, Phil. 3/ng. 47, 1 158-9 (192 4). [3] Note on the Doppler principle and Bohr’s frequency condition, Pi or. Camlnidgc Phil. Soc. 22, 432-3 (19241. [4] The conditions for statistical equilibiium between atoms, electrons and radiation, Proc. Hoy. Soc. iLondun) A10G, .151-90 (1924). [.7] The adiabatic inv.’.ltants of the quantum integrals. Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) A107, 72.7-.1! (192.1). [0] The eflect of Compton scattering by free electrons in a stellar amios- phere. Monthly Xo'.iici Hoy. .-htron. Soc. (London) 85, 82.7-32 (192-7). [7] The adiabatic hypothesis for magnetic fields, P>oc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 23, 09-72 (1*92.7). [8] The’ fundamental equations of quantum mechanics, Proc. Huy. Soc. (.London) A10'.‘, 042-53 (192.7). [9] Quantum mechanic and a preliminary investigation of the hydrogen atom, Proc. Ho \\ •Sc’c. (London) A110. .701-79 (1920). [Kt] The elimination o; the nodes in quantum mechanics, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) .-Mil, 231-30.1 (1920). [11] R elativity quantum mechanics with an application to Compton scatter­ ing, Proc. Hoy. Sue. (London) All 1, 405-2:; (1929). [12] Quantum .Mechanics, Cambridge University dissertation. May 1926. [13] On quantum algebra. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 23, 412-lS (1926). [1-1] On the theory of quantum mechanics, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) A112, Go 1-77 (1926). — [Id] . The Compton elTect in„’vaw»mechanics, ProcSCai»■)ridge*Phil. Soc. 23, ’ 500-7 (1926). “ [1G] The physical interpretation of the quantum dynamics. Proc. Hoy. Soc. (Londcni) A113, 62*1-4 1 (1927). [17] The quantum theory of emission and absorption of radiation, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London') A114, 243-6.7 (1927). [is] T he quantum t'neoiv of dispersion, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) A144, 710-2,8 (1927). [19] Lber die Quuntenmechanik dcr Stossvorgange, 7,. Phviih 44, 585-9-7 (1927). [20] The quantum theory of the electron, I, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) All 7, 010-24 (192S). [21] ’l'he quantum theory uf the electron, IT, Pioc. Hoy. Soc. (London) AI 18, 351-61 (1928). [23] t'ber the Quantentheorie des Elektrons, Phys. Zeitschr. 29, 501-3 (192s). (Report on Dirac’s lecture at the ‘Leipaigev Universitatswocben’, 18-23 June 192S.) [23] The basis of statistical quantum mechanics, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 25, 62-6 (1929). [24] Quantum mechanics of many electron systems, Pioc. Hoy. Soc. (London) A123, 714-33 (1929). [25] A theory of electrons and protons, Proc. Hoy. Soc. (London) A126, 360-5 (1930). [26] On the annihilation of electrons and protons, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 2b, 361-75 (1930). xiii ( XIV BIBLIOGRAPHY OF P. A. M. DIRAC [27] Note on exchange phenomena in the Thomas atom, Pioc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 26, 37G-X5 (I93u). [2S] Tlie proton, Xature 126, G.u5 (1930). • [29] 7'hc Principles of Ouantum Mechanics (Clarendon Press, Oxford: 1930). [30] Xote on the interpretation of the density matrix in the many electron problem, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 27, 2 10-3 (1931). [31] Quantized singularities in the electromagnetic field, Pioc. Roy. Soc. (London) A133. GO-72 (1931). [32] Photo-elect: ic absorption in hydrogen-like atoms (with J. W. Harding), Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 2S, 209-IS (1932). [33] Relativistic quantum mechanics, Proc. Rov. Soc. (London) A136, 453-04 (1932). ’ [34] On quantum electrodynamics (with V. .-i. Feck and D. Podolsky), Phys. Zcitschr. dcr Soujetunion 2. ICS-79 (1932). [35] The Lagrangian in quantum mechanics, Phys. Zcitschr. dcr Scmjelunion 3, G4—72 (1933). ’ [3G] The reflection of electrons from standing light waves, with P. Kapitza, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 29, 297-300 (1933). [37] Homogeneous variables in classical dynamics, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 29. 3S9-101 (1933). ’ [3S] 'fluoric du Positron, Sepiictne Cornell de Physique Solvay (Structure ct Propriites dcs Xovaux Atomicities), 22-29 October 1933 (Gauthier- Yillars, Paris: 1934). ‘ [39] Theory of electrons and positrons, Xobel Lectures - Physics 1922-dl, pp. 320-5 (Amsterdam: 19G5). [40] Discussion of the infinite distribution of electrons in the theory of the positron, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 39, 150-63 (1934). [41] Does conservation of energy hold in atomic processes? Xature 137, 293-9 (193G). [42] Relativistic wave equations, Proc. Rov. Soc. (London) A155, 447-59 (193G). ’ [43] The cosmological constants, Xature 1.39, 323 (1937). [41] Physical science and philosophy, Xature 139, 1001—2 (1937). [45] Complex variables in quantum mechanics, Pioc. Roy. Soc. (London) A160, 48-59 (1937). ’ ‘ [46] A new basis for cosmology, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A165, 199-208 (193S). ' ' [47] Classical theory of radiating electrons, Pioc. Roy. Soc. (London) A167, 148-69 (193S)." ’ [48] The telation between mathematics end physics (James Scott Prize Lecture) Proc. Roy. Snc. (Edinburgh) o'), 122-9 (1939). [49] A new notation for quantum mechanics, Ptoc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 35, 416-18 (1939). [50] La theorie de Velectron et du champ eKclromagnetique, .-Inn. Inst. IL Poincaie 9, 13—19 (1939). [51] Dr M. Mathisson (Obituary), Xature 146, 613 (1940). [52] The ph> steal interpretation of quantum mechanics (U.tkerian Lecture 1911), Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) AIS0, 1-40 (1942). [53] On Lorentz invariance in the quantum theory (with R. Peierls and M. H. L. Pryce), Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 3S, 193-200 (1942). [54] Quantum electrodynamics, Comm. Dublin Inst. Adv. Stud. ser. A, no. L (1943). '

K BIBLIOGRAPHY OF P. A. M. DIRAC XV [55] V nitary representations or the Lorentz group, Proc. Re.y. See. (London) A J 83, 2a 1-95 (19)5). [56] On tire analogy betwien classical and quantum mechanics, A’tr. Mud. Phys. 17, 195-9 (1945,. [57] Applications of quaternions to Losentz transformations, Proe. Roy. Irish .-had. (Iluelini .'.50, 261—7o (19-15). [53] Developments in quantum electrodynamics, Comm. Dublin 7ns/. Adv. Stud. scr. A, no. 3 (19 111). [59] On the. theory of point electrons, Phil. fifag. 39, 31-4 (1948). [CO] The difficulties in quantum electrodynamics, 73 (1918). ' ' ' ' • [G2] The theory of magnetic poles, Phys. Rev. 74, Si7—30 (1948). [C3] Forms of relativistic dynamics, 7?er. Mod. Phys. 23, 392-9 (1949). [C4] La secondfc quantification, Ann. Imt. II. Poincare 11, no. 1, 15-47 (1 949). [Go] A new meaning for gauge transformations in electrodynamics, -Vi.oto Cimenlo (9) 7, 925-33 (195U). [GC] Generalized Hamiltonian dynamics, Can. J. Math. 2, 129-4S (1950). [G7] The Hamiltonian form of field dynamics. Can. J. Math. 3, 1-2.'! (1951). [GS] The. relation of classical to quantum mecnanics, Pioc. Second Canadian Math. Congress (Vancouver 1949), pp. 10-31 (University of Toronto Press, Toronto: 1951). [09] Is there an aether? Mature 1GS, 900-7 (1951). [70] A new classical theory of electrons, I, Free. Roy. Soe. (.Louden) A209, 291-G(1951). ' " [71] Is there an aether? Mature 169, 146, 702 (1932). [72] A new classical theory of electrons, II, Proe. Pov. Soe. (London) A212, 330-9 (1952). ' ' [73] Lcs transformations de jauge en electrodynamjque, Ann. Inst. II. Poincare 13, no. 1, 1-42 (1952). [74] The Lorentz transformation and absolute time, Free. Lorentz-Kcrncr- lingh Onnes Memorial Conference, Leiden 22—26 June I'rdd (Amsterdam: 1953), reprinted in Physica 19, SSS-96 (1955). [75] A new classical theory of electrons, III, Proe. Hov. Soc. (London) A223, 43S-45 (1954). ' ' [76] Quantum mechanics and the aether, Scientific Monthly 7S. 142-G (1954). [77] The stress tensor in field dynamics, Muoio Cirnento (10) 1, 16-36 (1955). [7S] Gauge-invariant formulation of quantum electrodynamics, Can. J. Phys. 33, G50-60 (1935). ' ' [79] Note on the use of non-orthogonal wave functions in perturbation calculations, Can. J. Phys. 33, 709-12 (1955). [50] The vacuum in quantum electrodynamics, Suppl. Mitcno Ciniertto (10) 6, 322-39 (1957). ’ [51] Generalized Hamilton dynamics, Pros. Rov. Soc. (London) A246, 326-32 (195S). ' ’ ' [52] The theorv of gravitation in Hamiltonian form, Proc. Pov. Soc. (London) A246, 333-43 (195$). ’ [53] The electron wave equation in Uiemannian1* space, in Max-Planek- , Festschrift 105$, ed. 13. Koekel, W. Macke, and A. Papapetrou, pp. 339-4 4 (Verlag der Wiss., Berlin: 195$). ( , XVI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF P. A. M. DIRAC [54] Fixation of coordinates in the Hamiltonian theory of gravitation, Phys. Rev. 114.924-30 (1959). [35] Eneigv of the gravitational held, Phys. Rev. Letters 2, 36S-71 (1959). [50] Gravitationswvllcn, Phys. I'.', inter 16, 364-6 (i960). [51] A reformulation of the Bom-lnfcld clcctrod; ramies, Pmc. Roy. Soc. (Lundoi:) A257, 32-13 (1900). [55] l’ruf. Emin Schifidinget, Fur. Mem. 11.S. (Olht.i.tty), Saltire IS9, 3.55-6 (1961). ’ [Sf<] The eneigv of the gravitational field, in Lt' Theories Relativistcs tie Io Greetitatiu;. (Coil. Int. du CXRS at lloyaumont 1959), ed. the CXRS (Paiis: 1962). ’ [90] Interacting gravitational and spinor fields, in Recent Detelopments in Genetol Relativity, pp. 191-200 (PWN-Pulish Scientific Publications, Warsaw; 1962). [91] An extensible model af the electron, Pioc. Roy. Sue. (London) A26S, 57-07(1962). ’ [92] Reply to a letter of R. 11. Dicke on ‘Dirac's cosmology and Mach's principle’, S/iture 192, 441 (1961). [93] Particles of finite size in the gravitation field, Prue. Roy. Soc. (Landon) A270, 351-6 (1962). " [94] The conditions for a quantum field theory to be relativistic, Rev. .Mod. Phys. 34, 592-0 (1962). ’ [95] The evolution of the physicist’s picture of nature, Scientific American 20S, no. 5, 45-53 (1903). [90] A jetnarkab’e representation of the 3 ~ 2 de Sitter group, j. Math. Phys. 4, t'ul-9 (1963). ’ [97] Foundations uf quantum mechanics, Suture 20?., 113-10 (1901). [9S] Hanii ’ methods and quantum mechanics, Piue. Ruv. Irish Arad. A63, 49-59 (1964). ' [99] Equivalence of the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures (with H. S. Perlman) Saltire 2(11, 771-2 (1904). [100] 1 .ictteres on Ouantuin Mechanics (.Academic Piess, New York: 1901). [HU] Quantum electrodynamics without dead wooJ, Phys. Rev. 13911, 6S4-90 (1905). ' ’ [102] l.tetuies e>n Quantum Field Theory (.Academic Press, X‘ew A'ork: I960). [103] The versatility of Niels Bohr, pp. 3oG-9, in .Yfr/< Ruhr, Jlis Life and H’o>7< (Xortb-1 lolland Publishing Co., Amsterdam: 1967). [104] Methods in Theoretical Phvaics, Second Evening Lecture in the Scries ‘From a Life of Physics', at the International Symposium on Con­ temporary Physics, Ttieste 19CS, Special Suppl. of IAEA Bulletin, IAEA, Vienna 1969. [105] Can equations of motion be used? Cura! Gables Conference on Funda­ mental Interactions at High Energy, Ce-ral Gables, 22-_4 Jan. 1969, pp. 1—Is* (Gordon and Breach. Xevv York: 19t’>9). [1<)6] Hopes anti fears, Eureka. no. 32, October 1969, pp. 2—I. [107] Can equations of motion be used in high energy physics?, Physics Today 23, no. 4, 29-31 (1970). • • • - [IOS] A positive energy relativistic wave equation, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A322, 435-15 (1971). ’ [109] The Development of Quantum Theory (Gordon and Breach, Xew A'ork: 1971). ' (Compiled by j agdish mehra) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF P. A. M. DIRAC

110. A Positive Energy Relativistic Wave Equation II, Proc. Royal Soc. A 328, 1 (1972).

111. A Positive Energy Relativistic Wave Equation, in Tracts ir. Mathematics and the Natural Sciences (Gordon & Breach, New York, 1971), p. 1.

112. The Variability of the Gravitational Constant, in Cosmolocy, Fusion and Other Matters, Gamow Mem. Vol,, edited by (Associated Pr., Boulder, Colorado, 1972), p. 56.

113. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, in Fields and Ouanta, edited by E. C. G. Sudarshan (Gordon & Breach, New’ York, 1972) p. 139; also in The Past in Particle Theorv, edited by E. C. G. Sudarshan and Y. Ne'eman (Gordon s Breach, New York, 1973), p. 747.

114. Discrete Subgroups of the Poincare Group, in Problems of Theoretical Physics, Tamm Mem. Vol., (Publ. House Nauka, Moscow’, 1972), p. 45.

115. Long Range Forces and Broken Symmetries, Proc. Royal Soc. A 333, 403 (1973).

116. Long Range Forces and Broken Symmetries, in Fundamental Interactions in Physics, edited by A. Perimutter (Plenum Pr., New’ York, 1973), p. 1.

117. Some of the Early Developments of Quantum Theory, in Impact of Basic Research on Technology, edited by B. Kursunoglu (Plenum Pr., New York, 1973), p. 1.

lie. Zitterbewcgung of the New Fositive-Energy Particle, in Fundamental Interactions in Physics and Astrophysics, edited by G. Iverson and others (Plenum Pr., New York, 1973), p. 354.

119. Development of the Physicist’s Conception of Nature, in The Physicist's Conception of Nature, edited by □. Mehra (D. Reidel Publishing Co., Boston, 1973).p. 1.

120. Fundamental Constants and their Development in Time, in The Physicist's Conception of Nature, edited by J. Mehra (D. Reidel Publishing Co., Boston, 1973) p. 1.

121. Evolutionary Cosmology, in Commentarii, Vol. II - N. 46, (Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Vatican City, 1973) p. 1.

122. New Ideas of Space and Time, Naturwissenschaften 60, 529 (1973).

123. Cosmological Models and the Large Number Hypothesis, Proc. Royal Soc. A, p. 338- 446 (1974).:

124. An Action Principle for the notion of Particles, JGP.G, V. 5 p. 741 (1974). , .

125. Spinors in Hilbert Space (Plenum Pr., Mew York, 1974). BIBLIOGRAPHY OP P.A.M. DIRAC

126. General Thc-oi"' of Relativity (John Wiley, Intcrscienee 1975). 127. Variation of G, in Nature, vol. 254, p. 273 (1975). 128. The Large Numbers Hvoothesis and Its Consequences, Theories and :>erimants in : tied i.'nercv bhvsics. edited by L. Kursunoglu et al. (Plenum Pr., dew York, 1975), p. 443. 129. James Chadvick, in Commontarii, vol. 3, no. 6 (Ponti­ fical Academy of Sciences, Vatican City, 1975), p. 1. 130. Does the Gravitational Constant Vary?, in Commen texri 1, vol. 3, no. 7 (Pontifical Academy of Sciences R-7', 1975), p. 1. 131. Theory of Magnetic Jlonopoles in Lev/ Pathways in high Energy Physics, p. 1 (Proceedings of Orbis Scientia 1976, Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, Coral Gables, 1976), Plenum Pr., hew York, 1976. 132. Magnetic I-lonopoles Translated into Russian and published as tin article written for the Great Encyclopedia (USSR 1975).

133. Dynaimical Methods for Streams of Matter in Deeper Path­ ways in High-Energy Physics, p. 1 (Proceedings of Orbis Scientia 1977, Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami) Plenum Press, New York 1977. 134. The Relativistic Electron Wave Equation in Proceedings of the 1977 European Conference on Particle Physics, p. 17, Budapest, Hungary. 135. The Large Numbers Hypothesis and the Cosmological Variation of the Gravitational Constant in On the Measurement of Cosmological Variations of the Gravita­ tional Constant, University Presses of Florida, Gaines­ ville, Florida, 1978. 136. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory in the book Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory, p. 1, Academic Press, 1978. . *

137. New Approach to Cosmological Theory in New Frontiers in High Energy Physics, P. 1, Coral Gables conference proceedings, January 1978.

138. The Monopole Concept, to be published in International Journal of Theoretical Physics, vo. 17, p. 235 (1978) 139. The Large Numbers Hypothesis and the Einstein Theory of Gravitation, Proc. R>v. Soc. London, A365, 19 (1979). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF P.A.M. DIRAC

140. Basic Beliefs and Prejudices in Physics, translated into Gorman (Nalurwiosenschaftliche Rundschau, vol. 30, p. 429, December 1977). 141. Directions in Physics, Lectures delivered during a visit to Australia and New Zealand, 1975 (J. Wiley and Sons, New York: 1973).

142. The Excellence of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation, in Impact of Science on Society, Vol. 29, 11 (1979), pub­ lished by UNESCO. ‘ 143. The Test of Time, The UNESCO Courier, May 1979, p. 17, published by UNESCO in 20 languages. DENNIS W. DUKE

Personal Data

Education B. S. 1970, Vanderbilt University Magna cum Laude, High Honors in Physics Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi Ph.D. 1974, Iowa State University Thesis Title: Deep-Inelastic eN and vN Scattering: A Unified Approach via Dual Regge Poles and SU(3) Thesis Advisor: Professor N. W. Dean

POSITIONS 1970-1974 NSF Traineeship, Iowa State University 1974-1976 Research Associate, University of Rochester. 1976-1978 Research Associate, Fermilab. 1978- 1979 Research Associate, Rutherford Laboratory, England. 1979- Visiting Assistant Professor, FSU. PUBLICATIONS 16. The Importance and Use of Asymptotic Freedom Beyond the Leading Order, RL-79-044 (To be published in tl Proceedings of the XIVth Rencontre de Moriond, March, 1979), 1. Minimal Reggc Model for Meson-baryon Scattering: Duality, SU(3) and Phase-modified Absorptive Cuts. 17. Deep Inelastic Scattering and Asymptotic Freedom: A Detailed Phys. Rev. D9, 1365 (1974), with S. E. Egli and N. W. Dean. Analysis and Confrontation, Rutherford Laboratory Report RL-79-073 (submitted for publication), with R. G. Roberts. 2. Double-charge-exchange Reactions and Regge-Regge Cuts in a Dual Regge Model. Phys. Rev. DIO, 14B1 (1974) , with N. W. Dean.- 3. Deep-inelastic eN and vN scattering: A unified description via dual Regge Poles and SU(3). Phys. Rev. Dll, 43 (1975). 2 4. Search for Narrow Neutral-meson Resonances near Mass 1 GeV/c . Phys. Rev. Letters 35, 970 (1975), with M. Buttram et al. 5. A Measurement of the Position of the S* Pole. Phys. Rev. D13, 1153 (1976,, with M. Buttram et al. 6. Decay Properties of p-n Systems Produced in Neutron Dissocia­ tion at Fermilab Energies. Phys. Rev. Letters 36, 507 (1976), with J. Biel et al. . 7. The Origin of Phase-modified Reggeon-Pomeron Cuts in Meson- Baryon Scattering, .Phys..Letters 61B, 67 (1976). 8. Structure in Momentum-Transfer for (pir~) Systems Produced in Diffractive Dissociation of Neutrons on Protons. Phys. Letters 65B, 291 (1976), with J. Biel et al. 9. Nucleon Exchange and Decay Angular Dependence in High Energy Nucleon Diffraction Dissociation. Nuovo Cimento Letters 19, 660 (1977). 10. A Study of the Reactions ir“p + it+t"n and n"p * K+K at 1.98 and 2.41 GeV/c. Phys. Rev. D16, 2054 (1977), with R. J. Leeper et al.

11. Quark Elastic Scattering in Gauge Theories and Large Transverse Momentum Hadron Production. Phys. Rev. D16, 1375 (1977). 12. The Pomeron-f Identity and Vector Meson production. Physics . Letters 7IB, 342 (1977). 13. A Determination of the Sea Quark Distributions in the Proton by Single Particle Inclusive Reactions. Phys. Rev. D17, 1788 (1978), with F. E. Taylor. 14. Deep Inelastic Scattering Beyond the Leading Order in Asym­ ptotically Free Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. D18, 3998 (1978), with W. A. Bardeen, A. J. Buras and T. Muta. 15. Analysis of Nucleon Structure Function Moments from Electron and Muon Data and Critical Tests of Asymptotic Freedom. Physics Letters 85B, 289 (1979), with R. G. Roberts. 111279

Marital Status: Single

Education: Ph.D. University of Vienna, 1952, A.M.I.T. 1946 London

Experience: Teaching Assistant, University of Vienna, 1957-1959 Research Associate, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 1959-1960 Research Associate, University of North Carolina, 1960-61 Serv. de Physique Mathematique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles Belgium, 1962 Fellow, Univ. Inst, for Theoretical Physics, Copenhagen, Denmark 1962-1963 Nordita guest docent and visiting professor, Inst, for Theoretical Physics, University of Stockholm, Sweden, 1963-1966 ” Research Associate, Inst. E. Poincare, Paris, France, 1966-67 Associate Professor, Univ. of Windsor, 'Windsor Ont. Canada, 1967-1970 Service de Phy. Math., Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, 1970-73 Research Associate, Inst, of Fundamental Physics, Kyoto, Japan, 1970 ’ Guest Lecturer, Inst, for Theoretical Physics, Univ. Amsterdam, 1973-1974 Research Associate, The Florida State University, 1974-present Leopold E, llalpern^ Scientific Publications - Publication s ccier.tif 5 eue:.- Wissenschaftliche Vertiffentli chungen

"Altcrations of the electric resistance at low temperature induced by Hall currents” Thesis L’nivcrsitilt Wien 1952

"A relation between the Hall Constant and the increment of electrical resistance at low temperature’' Zeitschr. f. Physik Vol 133 p 52k (1952)

"On the Role of gravitational Fields in some elementary Pai'ticle. reactions" J.’uovo Cimento XV Vol 25 p 1239 (1952)

"On the Structure of the gravitation self Interaction!! Bullet Academ. Roy. Beige 5 Vol XLIX (1963)

"On alternative Approaches to Gravitation" ' Annals of Physics (Hew York) Vol 25 Nr 3 p 387 (1963) '

"On the gravitational Radiation of microscopic systems'’ Nuovo Cimento X Vol 33 p. 728 (1964) ( L. Halpern and B. Laurent)

"Experiment med Gravitationen" . ' Kosmas Yearbook of the-Swedish Physical Society Vol 42 (1964) with B. Laurent

"Some Aspects of the Interaction of a classical gravitational Field with a quantised Hatter. Field" . *. Arkiv f Fysik Vol 34 nr 43 p 539 (1967) • •

"On the Role of Lose Statistics at gravitational Transitions" •. Arkiv- f. Fysik Vol 35 nr 4 p 57 (1967) . ‘ .

"On the stimulated Photon-Graviton Conversion by an electromagnetic Field" Ann. Inst. H. Poincare A Vol VIII nr 1 p'25 (1958) n(L. Halpcrn and B. Jouvet) I • . • • "On the Uniqueness of the Holler Energy-Momentum Complex" . ’ Canad. J. of, Physics Vol 48 nr 2 (£.970) ,(L. Halpern end K. Hiketinac) * USelf-coupled Seal,, r Gravitation" • ‘ ■ Journal Genv Relativity Grav. Vol 1 nr 2 p 131 (1970) (S. Desci"1 and L. Halporn) , * i ' "The Detection of gravitational Haves of high Frequency by Quantum Transitions" Nature (London) Sept. 6(1971) ( ‘ ’ • LEOPOLD HALPERN - Publications

Modifications of the classical gravitational rield Equations due to a virtual quantised Matter Field, C. Kuper and A. Peres, Relativity and Gravitation, with Gordon and Breach, New York (1971). Scalar Gravitation, with S. Dcser, -Gravitation Problems Prospects Naukova Dumka Kiev, (1972). The Detection of gravitational Waves by Electromagnetic Oscillators, Bull. Acad. Roy. Beige., Vol 58 Serie 5 p. 257 nr 2(1972). Virtual Particles as Sources of the gravitational Field, Journal General Relativity and Gravit, Vo3 3 Nr 4, p. 405 (1972). On the Detection of gravitational Radiation by its Interaction with electromagnetic Fields, Bull. Acad. Roy. Beige, serie 5 Vol LVII nr 5 p. 647 (1972). .. An Approach to a discrete Quantum. Mechanics in closed Riemannian Space, Bull. 7icad. Roy. Beige Sexie 5, VL1. LVIII -nr 8 p.996 (1972). •. On the Detection cf gravitational Rarb vision by electromagnetic Fields, Nuovo Cimento Supplement, (1972) . Maximal terrestrial Source of Gravitational 'Radiation, tolap. f»ar in the Proceedings of the Collogue war le rayonnement , gravifigue, Paris, June 1973. .. Virtual Graviton and Photon Loops Compared, with D. Caopgr Duff, appeared in Phys. Rev. D, Vol. 10, hr. 2,"o. 46.!. (1974). " " V, Also appeared as preprint of Internal. Center Trieste. | Localized Gravitational Collapse and the Interstellar Radiation1,, with Ph. Spindel, Submitted to Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation. On Discrete Quantum Mechanics in Closed Rienannian Spaces, an- - peared in Scitseh'rif*',f. Eaturforschung, 28a, 10, p^’ 16L4 (1973) . / ?.spects of Gravitational Collapse, Proceedings of the Symposium 'Z , on New Mathematical Methods in Physics and Problems in , . General Relativity, Bonn (1973). ? ' Zero Magnetic Field Limit and Inertial Frame, Submitted to Phvsica ' wi’th\J. Perk. x An Approach to a Unified Treatment of Electromagnetic and Gravi-s} tational Theory Emerging from the Convariant Dirac Eoua-’ tion, To appear in the Proceedings of the First Marcel Leopold hal.’-lrn Publj co Lion

Grossiiann Meeting, Trieste (1975). Reis l ions between spinors, Electromagnetism and Gravity, Lecture to be pub15 shed in Springer Tracts of modern Physics, in the Pre' codings of the Synposiv.c on Differential Geometry slid modern ’Physics, Derr (July .1975). On the Gravitational Zm-ilogun of the Magnetic Monopole, accepted for publication in foundations of Physios. Two Methods for I ■ensuring the Variation of the Gravitational Parameter G Using .Superconducting Technology, (Leopold Ilalporn and Chris Long) . To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop Meeting on Experimental Determination of Veriat?or.s or the Gravitational Constant, Tallahassee (197 5) . Model of the Gravitational Radiation of Solids, L. Halpern and. R. Debrandes, Zinn. Inst. E. Poincare (1558) . On the Measurement of Cosmological Variations of the Gravitational. Constant, Florida State University 197 8, by Leopold liaxpern

Two Methods for Measuring the Variation of the Gravitational Parameter G using Superconducting Technology", L. Halpcx.n aud Chris Long, Article from "On the Wer.surGinent of Cosmological Variations of the Gravitational Constant." Invariance Groups, General Relativity and Dirac Large Number Hypothesis" by Leopold 1’alpern, to appear in the Proceeding of the Meeting at Florida State University in Honor of Profeasor Dirac's 75th Birthdav. Group Invariance a?id Gravitational Theory, to appear in the . Proceedings of the Symposium on Group Theory and Physics, Austin, Texas, September 1978. Gravitational Lav? and Spinning Electron Equation in a Space of ' De Sitter Symmetry, by7 Leopold Halpern, appeared in the-, Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation, Voi.. 8 No,. 8 (1977) page 623.

Gravitation as Broken Group Symmetry, L. Halpern; submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.; appeared as SLAC preprint, SLAC-PUE- , - 216 6 (1978). - General Relativistic Gravitation as the Theory7 of Broken Symmetry of Intransitive Groups of Transfnations, L. Halpern; to appear in Aut.rin Cr'nf. Proc. and as SLAC preprint. On Croup Covarjant Lavs and Gravitation, I,. Isa loom, ?q 'pc- a red in Lecture kotos in Physics 54, Sp r 5 n y o r , N . Y . , p. 3 7 5 Connections and Spinor Connections /'associated ’-rith Finite Groups of Transformations, L. ilalpern, appeared in levista di Fisica Vol.8, Mo.2, (1978)

General Relativistic Gravitation as the Theory of Broken Syr.-.metry of Intransitive Groups of Transformation, L. Ilalpern, accepted for Publication in .'ournal of General relativity and Gravitation Broker. Symmetry of Lie Groups of Transformations Generating Ge no ml relativistic Theories of Gravitation FS'J-hF,r 790315, to appear in the memorial Volume of B. Jouv-a Gauge Formal-ism of the Lie ?\lbcora extended to a Gauge Theory of higher order equivalent ot Group Space Gauging to appear in Proceedings of VIII International Collogui on Group Theory in Physics, Riryat Anaviir. LEOPOLD PALPFRR - 7\bs tracts

Causal Greens Functions in do Sitter Space, with M. David, Tel-7iViv Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. Localized Gravitational Collapse and the Interstellar Radiation, with Ph. Spindel, presented at the Tc 1 - Av i v C o nf ere r. c o o r. G e n c. r a 1 Re 1 a 11 v 1 tv and Gravitation. On the Detection of Gravitational Radiation, with S. Shejbanij, presented at the Tel-Zrviv Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation. A Lecture on Aspects of Gravitational Collapse, presented at the Symposium on Rew Mathematical Methods in Physics and Problems in General Relativity, Bonn, July 1973. hcopc?J d J:.i 1 corn

Bullet. Acad. Bey. Beige 1972, Pari;; orocc.edings 1 973, and Ann. Inst. H. Poincard 19G9 arc dealing technically with the ob­ servation of gravitational radiation. Seitschr. f. Phys.ik emerges from another suggestion of Schrodinger on discrete physics in closed spaces. The last p^pur cited which appeared in Phys. Rev. tries to supply evidence for my idea that a quan­ tum theory of gravity without matter is incomplete at least in its empirical results even if no real matter is present. The Lecture given at the Symposium in Bonn 1973 tries to point out that the purely classical treatment of black holes which p?ee- vailed £; t this period was untenable and that guantum effects had to be considered in the theory of the black hole. The results of Hawking presented in February 1974 confirms this point of view although his results of simple particle creation are only a first step in the direction which I requested in Bonn. 11/15/79

J. D. Kinel - Publications J. Daniel Kimel

Negative Pion-Proton Elastic Scattering at 2.26 GeV/c, 3. Reynolds, J. Albright, E. B. Brucker, C. Harrison, Citizenship: U.S.A. B. Harms, J. D. Kimel, J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Letters Marital Status: Married, Four Children 24B, 311 (1967). n“p Elastic Scattering at 2.26 GeV/c, B. G, Reynolds, J. D. Kimel, Education: B.S., University of North Carolina 1959 M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1960 J. R. Albright, R. H. Bradley, E. B. Brucker, W. C. Harrison Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1966 B. C. Harms, J. E. Lannutti, W. H. Sims, R. P. Wieckowicz, Experience: Junior Physicist, Diamond Ordinance Fuse Phys. Rev. 173, 1403 (1968). Laboratories, Washington, D. C. June 1958-Scptember 1958 and June 1959- Single Pion Production in t“p Interactions at 2.26 GeV/c, September 1959 Woodrow Wilson Fellow, University B. G. Reynolds, J, R. Albright, R. H. Bradley, E. B, Brucker of Wisconsin, 1959-1969 B. C. Harms, W. C. Harrison, J. D. Kimel, J. E. Lannutti, KSF Fellow, 1960-1963 W. H. Sims, and R. P. Wieckowicz, Phys. Rev. 184, Research Assistant, 1963-1965 Research Associate, University of 1424 (1969). Wisconsin February 1966-August 1966 Double-Scattering Models and Chew-Low Extrapolations, Research Associate, Florida State J. D. Kimel, Phys, Rev. D2, 862 (1970). University, September 1966-September 1967 Assistant Professor, Florida State Uniqueness of the Interaction Involving Spin 3/2 Particles, University, September 1967-September 1973 Associate Professor, Florida State L. M. Nath, B. Etemadi, J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. 113, University, September 1973-present 2153 (1971). Field of Research Remarks on Determining Off-Shell Amplitude! from T_p*t”t+n: Interest: Theoretical studies of elementary particle properties and Interactions. Absorptive Effects, J. D. Kimel and L. M. Nath, Nucl. Phys. B29, 616 (1971). Quantization of the Spin-3/2 Field in the Presence of Interactions. I, J. D. Kimel and L. M. Nath, Phys. Rev. D6, 2132 (1972). A Study of Absorptive Corrections in the Reaction n”p-»n”n+n, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, Nucl. Pliys. E47, 589 (1972). J. D. KIMEL - Publications j. D. Kimel - Publications

Absorptive Effects in the Reactions K prK t+n and K+n-»K+ir p, Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laseri Its Intensity and Line Width, J. D. Kind and E. Reya, Nucl. Phys. B43. 573 (1972). p. Richter, J. D. Kimel, G. C. Moulton, Appl. Opt, Absorption Model Amplitude Analysis for the Reaction 15_, 756 (1976). it-p-r”t+n at 17.2 GeV/c, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, Longitudinal Phase Space Analysis of n+t,- i+n”p at IS GeV/c, Phys. Letters 42B, 249 (1972). J. E. Richey, V. Hagopian, 3. D. Kivel, S. Hagopian, The Kan-vanishing Cross Section for the Reaction irN-imN at J. E. Lannutti, B. Wind, C. P. Horne, N. D. Peuitt, t-0, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, J. D. Kind, and N. D. Pewitt, Phys. Rev. D7, (March 1, 1973). J. R. Bensinger, H. 0. Cohn, Phys. Rev. D15, 3155 (1977). A^-Exchap.gc in the Reaction n p ■* it n+n at 17.2 GeV/c, The Role of A^ Exchange in the Reaction n”p-{n+i“)n, J. D. Kimol, J. D. Ximel and E. Reya, Nad. Phys. B58, 513 and J, F. Owens, Nucl. Phys. B122, 464 (1977). (1973) .

Polarization Effects and Analysis in Meson + Nucleon Reaction K~n+A+r” from 1550 to 1650 MeV, W. A. Morris, - Meson + Meson + Nucleon, J. n. Kimel and J. R. Albright, A. P. Colleraine, J. D. Kimel, E. Reya, Phys. Rev, D8, 1533 (1973) and J. E. Lannutti, Phys. Rev. D17, 55 (1978), Aj-Exchancc and Polarization Effects in the Analysis of Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromo­ in Scattering, J. D. Kimel‘and,E. Reya in a-i dynamic Description of High-P^ Processes, J. F, Owens Scattering-1973, Tallahas-ae, 1973, edited by and J. D. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D18 , 3313 (1978). P. K. Williams and V. Hagopian (A.I.P., Hew York, . 1973). Equivalence.of Yang-Feldman and Action Principle Quantiza­ tion in Pathological Field Theories, D. Gluch, P. Hays, and J. D,-. Kimel, Phys. Rev. D9, 1C74 (1974) 01 Dynamics of the Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser, P. Richter, J- D. Kiiuel and G. C. Moulton, Appl. Opt. 15, 756 (1976).

/ J. D. KIMEL - Abstracts Continued J. D. KIMEL - Publications

Dynamics of the Pulsed uv Nitrogen Laser, P. Richter, G.C. Abstracts Moulton, and J.D. Kind, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 20, 1363. "Effects of Double Scattering in Particle Physics", an ' (1975). - invited paper at the Southeastern Section of the Intensity and Line Width of the Pulsed UV Nitrogen Laser, American Physical Society, Nov. 1969. P. Richter, J. D. Kxmel, and G. C. Moulton, Bull. Am. Spin-One Electrodynamics in the Furry Representation, J. D. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 11, 820 (1966). Phys. Soc. 21, 393 (1P76). LPS Analysis of the Reaction <+d-,t+ir-pps at 15 GeV/c, Reflections of Elastic Structure in Inelastic Processes, J. D. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 13, 637 (1968). J. Richey, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopiah, C. Horne, Double-Scattering Effects and Chew-Low Extrapolations, J. D. Kimel, and^B. Wind, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 21, J. D. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 15, 61 (1970). 569 (1976). On the Uniqueness of the Interactions of Spin-3/2 Particles Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromo­ L. M. Nath, B. Etemadi, J. □. Kimel, Bull. Am. Phys Soc. 15, 1374 (1970). dynamic Description of High-P^ Processes, J. F. Owens sn Scattering from the Reaction nN at 2.3 GeV/c, and J. D. Kimei, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 23, 579 (1978). - V. Hagcpian, S. Hagopian, J. D. Kimel, D. Pewitt, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 16, 39 (1971). A Study of Absorptive Corrections in the Reaction t p * t-t+n, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, 16th Inter­ national Conference on High Energy Physics (1972). Absorptive Effects in the Reactions K~p •» K_r+n and K+n * K+ir-p, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, 16th Inter­ national Conference on High Energy Physics (1972). Absorption Model Amplitude Analysis for the Reaction I p ■» it »'.• at 17.2 GeV/c, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, 16th International Conference on High Energy Physics (1972). Absorption Model Analysis of Single Pion Production, J. D. Kimel and E. Reya, Bull, Am. Phys. Soc. 18, 45 (1973).

✓ 111279



Citizenship: U.S.A. Marital Status: Married, two children

Education: B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute , 1968 Ph.D., Tufts University, 1973 Experience: Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University, September 1973-August 1976 Research /associate, Florida State Univer­ sity, August 1976-May 1979 Staff Physicist, Florida State University, May 1979-present

Field of Research, Theoretical high energy physics Interest *

-7 - Dr. Gary R. Gold stein

ar i rc;n'-M,j lvsearcb

DurLny the ir mv rtsearch has bean directed tc ward.'; studying the preerefions •>: cuanr chromodynamics (Q?D) in reaction:; •.-.’here per rurbativc- calculations are believed to be reliable. J-roy. of the i-roduciicr. nee nami ms for both the J/.- iind T resonances were studied in publicati ons 15 - 20. In publication 24 the transverse nomentui?. distributions of both the T and of dimuon po;irs were studied. In particidar, the fact that the ; is observed to have a broader transverse momentum distribution than the neighboring dimuon continuum in pp reactions is successfully explained using QCD. Predictions have also been made for the production of mesons with large transverse momenta. The results of the initial calculation are contained in publication 22. In pub?'cation 23 the effects of parton transverse momenta in hic»h-pT r-.actions were studied. In the course of these analyses it was necessary to calculate the scaling violations for the parton fmomentation functions, a technique for which is contained in publication 23.. I am currently extending my previous high-p,. studies in several directions. Perturbative QCD predictions have now been made for baryon as well as meson production. These results are presented in publication 25. In addition, a study of hadronic jet production at large P7> has been made and the results are contained in publication 26. cl d i t i (vul R < • s <'; j rc h Arons

I have for sone tine worked closely v.-i th experimental Jiicli energy ohysicists, both at Case Western Reserve University and Florida State University. Sone ol the areas covered are: (1 ) a study of f°?++ and t.l++ reactions, see publications If 3 ana 1• (2) studies of inclusive resonance production, see publications 11 and 14. (3) techniques for analyzing and presenting observables in inclusive reactions, see publications 9, 10, 16, and 25.


This year I gave a review talk (see publication 28) on high-pT particle and jet production and on heavy particle production at the 1979 Coral Gables Conference, "Orbis Scientiae’ I also attended the X'lVth Rencontrede Morionu held in Les Arcs, France in March, 1979. There I gave a talk on high--bm jet pro- duction (see puolication 25).

I'-9- f, Phy.--.ic ' E5 3 (1273) 127.

Amp]. 1 Ludc Constraints in -' ° rhotoj-roiiuction - G.R. Gold­ stein, /i.F. and J.P. Ruther foord, Nuclear Physics B57 (J. 97 3) 18.

7/ Regee Cut Model for Charged ;N and ~ A Pho Coproduction - G.P.. Goldstein i’.nd J.l-’. Owens, lluclcar Phvsics P.71 (1974) 4 61. “

Spin Corral stion Measurement s in Pseudoscalar Meson Photoproduction - G.R. Goldstein, J.F. Owens, and M.J. Moravcsuit, Nuclear Physios E8Q (1974) 16-1. A Coinp..risen of Reactions of the Type PB-’V’i'1"1' - J.F. Owens, R.L. Eisner, S.U. Chung, and S. Protopope scu, Nucl ear Physics E9-» (1975) 77. Unnatural Parti y Exchange in r+p-> (p° ,w) A+'!" - J.P. Ovens, R.L. Eisner, 5.U. Chung, and S. Protopopcscu, Phys. Letter? 5 8 P. (1975) 37 6. Polarization in Inclusive Reactions - G.R. Goldstein and J.P. Ovens, Nuclear Physics B.1Q3 (1976) 145. Unnatural Parity Exchange in pp-nl+X - J.F. Ovens, Phys. Letters 63D (197 6) 341. >

A Study of Inclusive Vector Meson Production - F. DiBianca R. L. Eisner, VI. Fickinger, J.A. Malko, D. Matthews, J. O'Reilly, J.F. Owens, D.K. Robinson, S.U. Chung, and S. D. Protopopcscu, Physics Letters 63B (1976) 461.

Amplitude Analyses of the Reactions -r+p->- (p,m) A++ at 7.1 GeV/c - J.F. Owens, R.L. Eisner, S.U. Chung, and S.D. Protopopescu, Nuclear Physics B112 (1976) 514. The Role of Absorptive Corrections' in a Triple-Regge Analysis or pp->A+i,"+X - G.R. Goldstein and J.F. Ovens, Nucl car Physics B118 (1977) 29. , A Study and Comparison of the Inclusive Reactions r+n -*• p°4-X and K-p-*-K* °+X - R.L. Eisner, W. Fickinger, J.A. Malko, D. Matthews, J. O’Rei33y, J.F. Owens, D.K. P.obv , 5-. V. Che:,', a::.1. F. 0. rroLuM?pi:i;cii, Kuclc Phys ic s P119 (1977) 1.

The Ro] e of ?i, Exchanqe in the Rejetion p-;-+~ n - J.D. Kiiaol and J.F. Owens, Kuclcar Physics Dj22 (197 7) 4 G 4 .

1G. A end K° production in p*p Interactions at 6 GeV/c - R.L.~ Eisner, ...... K. Fickinger, S.l,. G] ickman, J.?.. Malko, J.F. Owens, D.K. Robinson, S. Dado, A. Engler, G.SG.S. Keyes, T. Kikuchi, and R.b. Kraemer, Nuclear Physics B123 (1977) 361. '

17. Regge Cuts and the Spin Dependence of Inclusive A Pro­ duction - J.F. Owens, Nuclear Physics BI31 (1977) 209.

18. Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/y Production - M. Gluck, J.F. Owens, end E. Reya. Physical Review’ bl7 (1978) 2324.

19. Gluon Contribution to Hadronic J/y Production - M. Gluck, J.F. Owens, 13. Reya, AIP Conference Proceedings 43 (1978) 467. .

20. Hadronic T Production, Parton Distributions, and OCD - J.F. Gwens and E. Reya, Physical Review Di.7 (1978) 3003.

21. On the Q2 Dependence of Parton Fragmentation Functions - J.F. Owens, physics Letters 76B (1973) 85.

22. Detailed Quantum Chromodynamic Predictions for High-p Processes - J.F. Owens, E. Reya, and M. Gluck, Physical Review DIB' (1978) '1501. 23. Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chro­ modynamic Description of High-p^ Processes - J.F. Owens and J.D. Kimel, Physical Review D18 , 3313 (1978) .

24. Transverse Momentum Distributions for T and Dimuon Pro­ duction in Quantum Chromodynamics - J.F. Owens, Physical Review D13 (1978) 2462.

25. High-pT Baryon Production in Quantum Chromodynamics Owens, Pnysical Review, D19, 3279 (1979). ■ J.F

26. High-p Hadronic Jet Production — J.F. Owens, Physical Review D20, 221 (1979). . i

1' dueL ion — 3• i cl ishc-c"; in the nroceedin R.L. rL'-::er, S.U. Chung, and S.U. 1 rotppcvvsc’j preseii tod at t:iv Spring Meetinu of the American Physic.-.1 Society, Wo. shim; Lor., D.C. (J975). *>.da Analyses of the Reactions r4p (,• ).A++ at 7.1 GoY/c - 7.F. the;• ~, R.L. Eisner, S.U. Chung, nd S.D. Protopr y a sen , pro netted nt the Sprir.n Maetiu of the /American Physic.-1 Society, Washington, D.C. (1976).

The Eel.. of /A-, Ax-uiange in the Reaction ; p -• (n ~ )n - J.D. Kiael tinti a.F. Owens, submitted tc the Fifth Internation al Conference or. Enr-erimen Lal Meson Spectroscopy, Boston, Mass. (1977). "

Parton Transverse Momentum Effects and the Quantum Chromo- namic Description of high - p>p i’rocesses- J.F. Owens and J.D. Kimel, preiented at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington, D.C. (1 978). Quantum Chromodynamic Predictions for Hadronic Upsilon Pro­ duction - J.F. Ovens, presented at the Spring Meeting of the American Physical Society, Washington. D.C. (1978). 140778

P. K. WILLIAMS - Publications K. WILLIAMS

Papers Multichannel Approach to High-Energy Peripheral Collisions, P. K. Williams and o. B. Lichtenberg, Phys. Rev. Citizenship: USA 139, B179 (1965). Marital Status: Married Two Body Data for High Energy Reactions, by P. K. Williams, Education: B. A., Rice University, 1961 Ph.D,, Indiana University, 1965 D. M. Levine, and J. A. Koschik, University of Experience: Teaching Assistant, Indiana University, Michigan Technical Report, 1966. 1962-1964 Form Factors, Kronecker Delta Terms,-and the Absorptive Research Assistant, Indiana University, 1964- 1965 Peripheral Model, P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. 181, Research Associate, University of Michigan, 1965- 1967 1963 (1969). Assistant Professor, Florida State University Decays of High-Spin Objects Produced by Pion Exchange, 1967-1973 Associate Professor, Florida State University L. Chan and P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. 188, 2455 September 1973-present (1969). Organizations: American Physical Society Extrapolation Model for ir-t Scattering, P. K. Williams, Field of Research Phys. Rev. Dl, 1312 (1970). Interest: Theoretical Physics Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles Absorption Model Applied to irt Scattering, L. Chan, V. Haqo- pian, and P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D2, 583, (1970). Moment Analyses of rN*(nir)N and sN*(iur)A for nr Phase Shifts, P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D6, 174 (1972).

Extrapolations to the Pion Pole, P. K. Williams,' Experimental Meson Spectroscopy - 1972, edited by A. H. Rosenfeld and K. W. Lai, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1972.

X P. K. Williams - Publications P. K. Williams - Publications

Analysis of the Anomally in the t+n System near the KK Considerations on W * Hadron Jets, P. K. Williams, S.u. Chung, V. Flaminio, F. E. Paige, E. A. Paschos, and Threshold. P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D6, 3178 (1972) T. L. Trueman, in Proceedings of the 1977 Isabelle Isobar Models, Analysis and Symmetrization Effects in Meson + Summer Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory Baryon •* Meson + Meson + Baryon, C. David Capps, Publication BNL 50721, p. 224 (1978). P. B. Madden and P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D7, 146 Many-Pion Production in z+d Reactions at 15 GeV/c, V. Hagopian, (1973). D. Gluch,,S. Hagopian, C.P. Horne, M. Jenkins, J.E. Lannutti, P.K. Williams, B. Wind, H.o. Cohn, it—it Coupled Channels, P. K. Williams, t-ir Scattering - 1973 W. M. Bugg, G.T. Condo, T. Handler, and E.L, Hart, (Tallahassee Conference), edited by P. K. Williams (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.). and V. Hagopian, American Institute of Physics, Hew York (1973). Search for Evidence of a A(1236)-A(1236) Component of the Deuteron, Horne, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, Pewitt, williams, Wind, Bensinger, Porter, Yost, Bingham, Fretter, Graves, Harris, Lubatti, Moriyasu, Podolsky, Firestone, G. Goldhaber and M. Goldhaber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 380 (1974). Absorption Weakening in Production of Higher Mass States, P. K. Williams, Phys. Rev. D12, 3572 (1975). Inelastic Diffraction and Factorization in the Direct and Crossed Channels, P.X. Williams, Phys. Rev. D17, 909 (1978). I I <1

1 P. X. WILLIAMS - Publications P. X. WILLIAMS - Publications

Partial Wave Isobar Model Analysis of K n + E+v it- Near Center Abstracts of Mass Energy 1690 MeV. C. D. Capps, W. C. Harrison, Multichannel Approach to High-Energy Peripheral Collisions, P. K. Williams and D. B. Lichtenberg, Bull. Am. Phys. P. B. Madden, J. P. Chandler, J. R. Albright and P. X Soc. 10, 62 (la65). Williams, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 18, 126 (1973) . U(6,6) and Peripheral Interactions, P. K. Williams, D. B. Lich­ Reclusive Charm, Invited paper (20 minutes) P. K. Williams, tenberg and J. Dhar, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 12, 126 (1967, Sonoma Conference on the Future of Hadron Physics. Form Factors, Kronecker Delta Terms, and the Absorptive (October, -1976) Peripheral Model, Bull, Am. Phys. Soc. IB, 1418 (1968). Model Bounds on Slopes for Inelastic Diffraction Processes, OPE Models Without "Exceptional" Terms, L. Chan and P. X. P. K. Williams, Proceedings Particles and Fields, 76, Williams, Bull, Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 127 (1969). Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL Report 50598, p.Hl On Analysis of 2-3 Body Reactions at High Energy, Invited paper, (30 minutes), P. X. Williams, (Southeastern Section Meeting), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 195 (1972).

A Study of the Reactions X n-At n° near W = 1670 MeV., P. Madden, C. D. Capps and P. X. Williams, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 17, 589 (1972). Extrapolations to the Pion Pole, Invited Paper (10 minutes), P. K. Williams, Experimental Meson Spectroscopy - 1972, edited by A. H. Rosenfeld and X. W. Lai, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1972.

ti-ii Coupled Channels, Invited Paper (20 minutes), P. X. Williams

t-it Scattering - 1973 (Tallahassee Conference,, edited by P. X. Williams and V. Hagopian, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1973. P. K. WILLIAMS - Publications

Technical Reports ‘ References and Some Two-Body Data for High-Energy Reactions, P. K. Williams, D, M. Levine and J. A, Koschik (for the University of Michigan). Books ir-ir Scattering - 1973 (Tallahassee Conference), edited by P. K. Williams and V. Hagopian, American Institute of Physics,

_ Hew York (1973).

Current Trends in the Theory of Fields (Tallahassee, 1978), edited by J. E. Lannutti and P. K. Williams, American Inetitute of Physics, New York (1978).