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Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Rabbi calls for ‘finishing off’ wounded Palestinians

ED-NOTE - To the Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims, please note that this command comes not from a secular man but from a religious leader; also note that the holiest book for this religious leader, the book he has spent his life and will spend the rest of his life studying and basing his life upon is the Torah, not 'Der Judenstaat' from Theodor Herzl; lastly, note that this religious leader is not justifying his order with Herzl's book but with the Torah. In other words, it is not the Zionists, it is the Jews. It is not Zionism that commands the Jews to 'utterly destroy everything that breathes', it is Judaism, Judaism, Judaism. A Jewish rabbi [Rabbi Baruch Marzel] urged Israeli occupation forces to “finish off” wounded Palestinians who carry out resistance attacks and to refrain from providing them with medical treatment or first aid, leaving them to bleed to death. Ron: What would be global Judaism's response if gentiles adopted this attitude to Mossad members and other Jews who bomb and foment False Flag and other attacks on Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and most other nations in our world? For instance, shouldn't this policy have been implemented in relation to the Five Dancing Israelis captured on 911? If not, why not? DITTO re the Israelis that planted the mico nukes for the Bali Bombing, the subsequent Djakarta Australian Embasy Bombing and all the rest? True US History Nov 27, 2017 - The Bellagio: What happened? Ron: A blast from the past Pilgrims. WHEN will the Trump Administration reveal the truth about the False Flag events in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017? Silence is consent. Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Russia Issues High Alert For Space Launch After US Warship Not Under Trump Command Nears Border Ron: Discernmenrt required. Some speculations about Soviet war readiness and its space aspects; and the Madagascar Plague Outbreak.

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Environment/Science Nov 27, 2017 - Could graphene ripples be tapped into as a clean, limitless energy source? Ron: Finally the Deep State is having to admit that limitless clean energy is (and although not admitted) always has been available to us. In order to pretend this is a new discovery (so that humanity won't get irate once it realises llmitless, clean energy should have been made available at least since Nikola Tesla's time well over a century ago) it is being touted as some sort of "battery replacement", micro process which will replace batteries in small personal devices like watches and heart PaceMakers. My response is FUCK the Deep State and smart arse scientists that have deceived us for centuries and are, even now, trying to weasel out of their untenable DISCLOSURE situation by publishing more FAKE NEWS about alleged small new scientific break throughs such as this. Apart from Tesla's discoveries and inventions there have been many "zero point" electro- gravitic type clean, limitless energy discoveries and actual working devices made since the late 19th Century. Cold Fusion was publicly announced in 1989 and its discoverers demonised and discredited. See eg: The History of MIT's Blatant Suppression of Cold Fusion. - Blatant-Suppression-of-Cold-Fusion_printer.shtml Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Acclaimed Journalist and Author Explains What Social Media is Doing to Society Vic Bishop: Just a generation ago human communication was completely different from now, Ron: Was it? Didn't most people get their news, information and ideas from LYING misinformation and DISINFORMATION sources such as Talmudist controlled TV and the mass media; education systems; Hollywood; and bought and paid for politicians, academics, commentators and religious leaders, virtually all of whom were beholden to the Deep State for their sources and existence, THEN just as they are now? And wasn't MOST human communication a generation ago based on distorted, false, amoral and anti-human information JUST AS IT IS NOW? Vic Bishop: As an antrhopolgist, Junger has a keen perspective on humanity and the forces which drive us, hold us together and tear us apart. Ron: Really? Sooo, Junger would have a good grip on the nature of the global dystopia in which we live and the fundamental underlying Talmudic causes of the forces "tearing us apart" then would he not? Those forces must be much more powerful than the human addiction to social media he refers too, since those forces have CAUSED the said social media addictions. WHY doesn't he mention them? Sean Parker: "The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, ... was all about: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?'" Ron: Sooo, WHY are Parker and Junger blaming the general population for the consequences of the deliberate actions of Parker and other Talmudic individuals? Sean Parker: "The inventors, creators - it's me, it's Mark [Zuckerberg], it's Kevin Systrom on Instagram, it's all of these people - understood this consciously. And we did it anyway."

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Ron: Of course they DID IT ANYWAY because they are Talmudists, wedded to the domination, control, subjugation and enslavement of gentile humanity. The social media issues being decried here are merely the latest iteration of the multitude of destructive mechanisms used in the Talmudic global control matrix that has been built over many centuries by the would be Satanic controllers of humanity and this planet. THIS kerfuffle over the effects of social media is merely the latest variant of the Talmudic mind control mechanisms being forced on humanity. In any event, WHAT about the biggest mind control mechanism of all - TELL-A-VISION?! And of course there are myriad other societal addictions and programming mechanisms such as religion, drug and food addictions (both licit and illicit), gambling, mega sports, and on and on. Read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - IMF lays down the law for Zimbabwe post-Mugabe Even before Emmerson Mnangagwa was inaugurated as president Friday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a list of demands post-Mugabe Zimbabwe must meet before being reconsidered for financial aid packages. The demands make a nonsense of Mnangagwa’s platitudes and bromides about renewed democracy, his promise “to serve our country as the president of all citizens” and to provide “jobs, jobs, jobs,” delivered in a packed stadium in the capital Harare... Everyone concerned knows full well that the policies that will be taken “seriously” are those which facilitate an international looting operation, hiked up debt repayments and fat compensation packages for Zimbabwe’s former masters and the continued impoverishment of working people. This explains why Zimbabwe’s former colonial master is now busy seeking restored relations with Zimbabwe. - Chris Marsden Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Rise in Anti-Semitism Troubling Australia’s Jews Ron: I wonder how many of these "incidents" were sayanim false flag ops? True US History Nov 27, 2017 - Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson? – an update!! Ron: Like the rest of this article, the title is DISINFORMATION. Dwight Eisenhower preceeded Lyndon Johnson and Eisenhower was obviously Jewish as his typically Talmudic genocide of over a million German POWs in his Rhine Meadows POW camps in 1945 demonstrated. See eg: Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps - Documentary - Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps---Documentary.shtml And:Documentary: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of Extermination - Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of-Extermination.shtml This article is thinly veiled propaganda FOR Jews and Judaism. There was NO Holocaust of Jews during WWII and the various references to Johnson "saving" Jews from it is unvarnished bullshit. Moreover the author completely avoids mentioning Johnson's treasonous complicity in the assassination of JFK and in "Operation Cyanide," as well as the dastardly Jewish attack on the USS Liberty. PLEASE read: Lyndon Johnson was the first Jewish US president and a disaster -

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Jewish-US-president-and-a-disaster.shtml to get a glimpse of Johnson's actual Talmudic behaviour. Be aware though, that apart from Eisenhower, there is considerable evidence that presidents Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Theodor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt also had Jewish family roots. In any event, we have it on good authority that "By their fruits you shall know them" and clearly the "fruits" of most of these Presidents, as well as those of Lyndon Baines Johnson and Eisenhower, were Talmudic. Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2017 - Morality, Not Civility, Is the Basis of the Social Order Jeffrey Ludwig: I would like to propose a hypothesis: "If a society loses its belief in God and Judeo-Christian morality, it will go down the drain faster than you can flush a wad of toilet paper." Ron: This statement is a contradiction. Why? Because there is no such thing as 'Judeo- Christian morality'. Jewish morality is godless because its alleged g-d, YHWH, is a jealous, vengeful, racist genocidal entity and hence no god at all. No doubt this is why most Jews say they are atheists. In fact the Jewish collective constitutes what Jews think of as g-d. Jeffrey Ludwig: Blackstone's "revealed law" poses the greatest obstacle to our law professors and to humanity in the English-speaking world, including America. That view, which elevates the moral law of the Old and New Testaments to the highest level, a level not to suffer contradiction, is untenable for non-Christian religionists, but most especially for the modern breed of [Ron: Talmudic] left-wing cultural Marxists and secular humanists. Homosexuality, adultery, abortion (infanticide), lewdness, fornication, incest, and debauchery are just as wrong today as they were 3,500 years ago. The modern atheists want the Hustler-Playboy philosophy of human sexuality but are in such conflict with eternal moral values that they are surprised and appalled when those values produce a long list of public figures who have mistreated women. Ron: Arguably the Levites who plagiarised earlier Sumarian spiritual teachings when writing the Torah; and the Pharisees who superseeded them, embraced Canaanite morality and rites. That is why they crucified Jesus the Christ. He exposed their hypocrisy and corrupt morality and way of life. His teaching was totally opposed to the Torahite and Talmudic moralty of the Pharisees which is NOW being aggressively insinuated into US and Western culture. Talmudists are Canaanites. Eustace Mullins has explained that Canaanites are heirs to the "Will of Canaan" bequeathed to his children by Canaan, Shem's wicked nephew. Eustace Mullins says the Will is only found in the Talmud: '.., where it is presented thusly, "Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another (ie members of your own tribe) , love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth." Pes. 113b. Eustace Mullins also says: The Will of Canaan has been the Canaanites' prescription for all of their operations during the ensuing three thousand years since the testament was given. Today it remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the World Order. At the same time, it remains unknown to the peoples whom

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 5 the Canaanites continue to rob, enslave, and massacre. (Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan. p16: The idea that followers of the teachings of Jesus espouse a common morality or have anything spiritually in common with "Jews" is an obvious LIE. The godless Pharisees crucified Jesus the Christ, and plotted with Roman Emperors to create the Christian religion in the hope that they could use it to eradicate Jesus' teaching; and in particular, the truth that humans need to LOVE neighbour (everyone and everything) AS self, for the love of God (ALL). In contrast, the Pharisees, who morphed into Khazarian neo-Pharisees in the 9th Century AD and then chose the name "Jews"in the 18th Century, are materialists NOT spiritualists, and accordingly their immorality has nothing in common with Christian morality which is based on the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Accordingly I won't bother to further consider this author's moral musings. Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Aussie Government Unleashes Counter-Terror Unit To Halt Youth Crime Storm

A brand new report from the NT Police Commissioner indicates an elite unit of the Australian Federal Police called Territory Response Group (TRG) will be using military grade weapons to patrol Alice Springs and Darwin at night...according to ABC Australia, TRG officers would be approaching children as young as 10 while camouflaged and carrying assault weapons, Mr Kershaw said it was up the response group to determine how they conducted their operation. Ron: Tell me again why you think Australia isn't a Polic State. Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Saudi Coalition Crumbles In Yemen: Sudanese Mercenaries On Front Lines, Foreign Officers, Proxies In Revolt But any level of meticulous review of how the Saudi coalition (which heavily involves US assistance) is executing the war in Yemen would reveal a military and strategic disaster in the making. As Middle East Eye editor-in-chief David Hearst puts it, "All in all, the first military venture to be launched by the 32-year-old Saudi prince as defense minister is a tactical and strategic shambles."

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And if current battlefield trends continue, the likely outcome will be a protracted and humiliating Saudi coalition withdrawal with the spoils divided among Houthi and Saudi allied warlords, as well as others vying for power in Yemen's tenuous political future Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2017 - The Truth Behind Transgender Deaths The headline in the largest newspaper in my state declared, "Violence against transgender people at all-time high in Georgia, nationally." Evidently an annual "all-time high" when it comes to the murder of individuals in the U.S. who choose to live a gender lie is 25. After the 11th death, which occurred in May of this year, one news outlet quoted a "transgender" activist declaring, "We are facing a national epidemic of violence [against ‘transgenders']." More American Christians wererecently killed in a single day as they peacefully gathered to worship their Creator. Following this horrific event, virtually no one in the mainstream American media wanted to talk about how Christians in the U.S. are suffering an "epidemic" of violence or even that we are merely increasingly under attack. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 27, 2017 - Computating the Algore-Rithims, Danced to by Ronald McDonald Clowns. The ineffable has radio stations; some AM some FM and I suppose some subscription stations as well and there is one on one radio too. You have to be able to dial it in and you must be aware that any breaks in the reception, any difficulty with understanding the audio, any problems at all, are because of you. There are no problems on the other end. Of course, you're not supposed to be able to hear it until you have cleared up the static and distractions. There is variety in the stations. There is an angelic station or two. There are Rishi stations and several realized master broadcasts. The Sun has a channel, every 'heavenly' body does. If you put in the time and effort, you will locate the stations and always remember that "success is speedy for the energetic." Trauma and shock, as well as Grace can also instantaneously make it possible for you to hear in Beyond Dolby. They got some good headphones and earbuds around and you can pay a lot for some of them but nothing beats the acoustic setup inside your head, already wired for sound and light. Health and Nutrition Nov 27, 2017 - The Miraculous Power of Placebos With some things you'll find that if you expect a positive outcome, you will get one - and it's all down to harnessing your body's inner pharmacy. A number of molecules your body produces can ease pain and improve mood disorders, including brain chemicals such as endorphins, which create the natural high that people report when running or doing yoga. Endorphin molecules are identical to morphine molecules and from the point of view of the body, their effects are identical. THE POWER OF PLACEBOS In general, the more invasive the placebo, the more effective it is: two pills have a greater effect than one, placebo injections are stronger than placebo pills and sham surgery has the biggest effect of all... PRETEND OPS WORK, TOO

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My colleagues at the University of Oxford recently researched more than 50 surgical trials and found that placebo surgery was as good as genuine surgery in more than half the trials - there were genuine physical improvements. Placebo surgery works because it activates mechanisms which produce brain chemicals that can relieve pain, such as endorphins and dopamine. The proof that placebo surgery works shows that invasive and expensive surgery is less necessary than we think. Research moreover shows surgery is rarely better than physiotherapy, exercise and improving diet for these problems...Dr Jeremy Howick Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2017 - Shock News: Female IDF Soldiers Work As Weekend Prostitutes In Tel Aviv Brothels

According to a CNN report in 1998, now has the highest per capita consumption of prostitute services in the world. One million visits are paid to prostitutes each month, making brothel hopping one of the nation's most popular pastimes. Thousands of women are abducted annually-mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan and China-and sold into sex slavery in Israel. "The situation," Jewish author David Weinberg wrote in a 1998 article about prostitution in Israel, entitled Not So Holy Land, "is enough to make you cry in despair-or vomit from shame." Environment/Science Nov 27, 2017 - Science Needs a New Paradigm What Darwin and Simpson have done, along with others, is to introduce into society the physicalist paradigm, the one that holds that nothing exists except stuff, that is, material reality. According to physicalism, there is no spirit, no God, no eternal afterlife. By extension of that paradigm, you and I are nothing more than stuff, that is, the atoms that make up our physical bodies. If that is to be considered true, then it necessarily must follow, at least eventually, that we have no inherent right to be treated as anything more than protoplasm, nothing more than just another species of animal.

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That paradigm is, of course, dangerous. It contradicts not only the Bible, but also the Declaration of Independence, the founding document of our nation, which states that we are endowed by our Creator -- repeat, by our Creator -- with certain inalienable rights, including life and liberty. Ron: OR, as Mike King puts it: As it is with the many essential integrated systems of an automobile -- each one absolutely necessary for the car as a whole to function -- (engine, transmission, wheels, axle, spark plugs, gas tank, battery, hoses, belts, ignition, alternator, steering wheel, gear shift, accelerator, carburetor, braking system, drive shaft, oil, coolant / anti-freeze, transmission fluid, containers for fluid, radiator, chassis, pistons, nuts, bolts, welded parts, etc.) -- only the existence of an eternal designing force possessed of freakish intelligence and power can adequately explain the complex integration of multiple systems that neither Darwin nor his sci-fi cult of diploma-decorated dick-heads have ever been able to, and never will. Can you?

1. The 20th Century discovery of DNA codes which program our physical traits makes Darwin's problem of explaining away integrated complexity a million times even more complex! 2. Imagine car parts blindly "evolving" one at a time and "randomly" integrating themselves during a billion-year tornado. That is essentially what "educated" evolutionists, without a shred of observable precedent, believe to have happened in the living world. 3. You may be a whiz at mathematics and rhetoric, professor. But you're as bloody frickin' stupid as you are crazy! AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 9

Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - Venezuela’s Communes: a Great Social Achievement Ron: Please read and reflect on the matters discussed in this excellent article Pilgrims. It outlines the sorts of policies that must be actively considered in the near future if our dystopic world is to be saved and restored, as it must be. Appropriate communal socio-political and economic governance structures must be developed to enable us to evolve the higher consciousness needed to survive and attain the Fifth Dimension. That will require us to surpass the level of thinking that has caused our current dystopia. To do that we need to ditch the money meme which divides us, causing egocenticity, competition and conflict. The policies discussed here could pave the way to achieving that. *************** Katrina Kozarek: But communes are not just geographical areas with a common identity, the essence of the commune is based upon principles of sovereignty, the organization of the people in order to define their own destiny. There are many elements which factor into that principle of sovereignty. One has to do with self-governance and participation, direct democracy. The habitants of the commune have the right to plan, define and execute policies and project within their own territory, and all habitants have the right to participate in this process. How does that work? There is an established structure to permit maximum participation, that starts with smaller community units called communal councils, again geographical spaces with a common identity (usually about 250 families). Each communal council is made up of committees, the number of committees as it see fit for the reality of the community, such as land committees which define land limitations and property rights, water committees which organize water access, women's committees which address gender rights, and all councils must include a planning committee, a communal economy committee and a communal bank. The committees develop policies and projects based on their community's needs, all policies and projects must be passed through a citizens assembly, where all habitants have the right to vote. Once the policy is passed, the committees then organize and execute. The commune has a replicate structure with the same committees as the communal councils, made up of spokespeople from the communal councils that make up the commune, but final decision are made, rather than in a citizens assemblies, in a communal parliament, with spokespeople representing each communal council. In theory, the decisions of the parliamentarians, should be consulted in their own citizens assemblies... Within the communes, and the Bolivarian Revolution in general there are several types of property, there is of course private property, what belongs to individuals, there is public property which belongs to the state, there is social property, which belongs to the state, but the people are involved in the control of the property and direct social property, which belongs directly to the communes or the communal councils. This is important for the principal of sovereignty of the communal system, because it allows the communes to acquire goods, services, resources and even businesses that do not serve individuals, but rather the common good under collective administration. And this is necessary for the execution of communal policies. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 10

Every commune has a communal bank, which is a bank account that is communal property, and is administrated by the commune for the execution of its own projects and policies. In theory, at least, the communes should develop direct social companies which create not just employment, but resources that can then be used for the execution of policies and projects. Political Information Nov 27, 2017 - US Kurd Proxies Will Join Syrian Arab Army If They Get Their Federal State Human/Animal Rights Nov 27, 2017 - Not Every Man’s Best Friend in Vietnam One of the most common and perhaps most dangerous arguments against the dog-meat trade in Vietnam and in wider Asia is that eating dog meat is somehow immoral. In fact, for many Vietnamese eating dog meat is perfectly normal and often considered a delicacy. Hal Herzog, an expert in anthro-zoology and leading psychology professor, says dog-meat consumption is a matter of culture. "Humans have been eating dogs for a long time," he told Public Radio International. "It's quite possible dogs were originally domesticated because they were tasty, but could also do chores." Indeed, a tradition of eating dogs has been handed down from generation to generation in Vietnam. Human/Animal Rights Nov 26, 2017 - What Price Humanity? Graham Peebles: We live in a time when inequality of wealth, income and influence is thought to be greater than at any time in history. Inequality strengthens social injustice and with it the existence of The Privileged and The Disadvantaged. Of those who have influence and feel they are entitled to everything, and those who expect little, receive even less but need most. Government policies are fashioned by The Privileged for their own benefit. The Disadvantaged, having little or no voice, are ignored, allowing the Cycle of Containment to be maintained, change to be suppressed and social divisions to deepen. Sitting at the center of this socio-economic tragedy is an economic ideology that is not simply unjust, it is inhumane. Compassion and human empathy are pushed into the shadows in the Neo-Liberal paradigm, selfishness, division and exploitation encouraged. The system promotes short-term materialistic values and works against mankind's natural inclination towards unity, social responsibility and cooperation, inherent qualities that are consistently made manifest in times of crisis, individual hardship and collective need. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Crocodiles and Freedom Fighters: Zimbabwe, Colonialism and Violence The proceedings of the Johannesburg earth summit in September 2002 were marked by Mugabe's tirade against Blair, with whom he will always be associated. In justifying the forced evictions of white commercial farmers, Mugabe pointedly told the prime minister to "keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe". Such comments make the remarks of UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnsonunremarkable, despite the note of striking disingenuousness. "I will not pretend to regret Mugabe's downfall. Today is a moment of hope for the people of Zimbabwe. The UK will support them." To his credit, and eternal confusion, Johnson, when London Mayor, conceded that AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 11

"Zimbabwe was not always like this, and did not have to be like this. This [Robert] Mugabe tyranny is no accident - and Britain played a shameful part in the disaster." Oddly lucid at times, is old Boris. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - How Israel is “cleansing” Palestinians from Greater Jewish Jerusalem "These Palestinian communities outside Jerusalem are like a bone in the throat for Israel," said Tartasky. "Israel is trying to make their life as hard as possible to force them to leave, and so create a territorial continuity between Jerusalem and the settlements." The latest raid on Jabal al-Baba came immediately after Israel notified the hundreds of residents of Walaja that a military checkpoint would be relocated close to the entrance to their village. That will cut them off from ancient agricultural terraces on Jerusalem's uplands their families have farmed for generations. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Mainstream Media’s Double-betrayal of Libya Western mainstream media cheered on a war against Libya which has inevitably led to the enslavement of black Africans in Libya. The mainstream media bears its own share of responsibility for ignoring the warnings and hiding this story for six deadly years. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - The Jewish War on White Australia: Refugee Policy and the African Crime Plague, Part 2 (Repost) Maco June 9, 2016 - 3:52 pm | Permalink I laugh every single time someone says or posts the propaganda that jews are 2% of the population. Yea, right. In order to accomplish what they have the world over in God knows how many generations across virtually every country on earth, their numbers are gigantic, especially when you consider all the Marxist BS that’s going on in local school boards and county and city government, right through the state governorships and onto national governments alike. No, part of the deception has always been to convince people that they’re just a tiny part of the human population, therefore casting doubt on their ability to accomplish all they have. Because of this deception at the Census Bureau, it’s also important to understand that all the population numbers for Whites are actually lower than most realize because, once again, these numbers incorporate the jewish population. Ron: Arguably Jews are Talmudists, either by indoctrination (usually through a mind controlled upbringing) or by inclination and action, ie "by their fruits you will know them". In effect, Jews are not genetically identifiable. Judaism is Talmudism which is an ethno-centric political ideology, NOT a racial group OR a religion. Talmudism originated with the Pharisees and morphed into neo-Phariseeism under the Khazars in the 9th Century. The Khazars were not Semites. The Khazars who adopted Phariseeism started calling themselves Jews in the 18th century. Today, Jews are mostly Khazars and Sephardics, very few have any Semitic roots. Moreover, most Jews are atheists. Arguably Jews are people who publicly profess their Judaism ie their Talmudism. Arguably also, anyone who adheres to demonic, ethno-centric Talmudic beliefs could be considered to be a "Jew" regardless of his/her race or professed religion. In that sense the official statistics may underestimate the number of Jews in our world. On the other hand, some people believe they are "Jews" because they think AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 12 that having a Jewish mother or antecedents determines the issue. In such cases the determining factor is: 'Do they seek to contribute to furthering the ethno-centric Jewish paradigm, or to benefit from the association?" If they do then arguably they are Jews since being "Jewish" is a choice. From this perspective, shabbos goys and active Talmudic enablers might be said to be "Jews" via a "baptism of desire" mechanism even if they don't seek to "convert" to Judaism. In any event it is obvious that the Jewish global control matrix is supported by many, many millions of shabbos goyim and gentile enablers that far outnumber people who formally identify as Talmudists. Moreover, shabbos goys and Jew enablers, AND rank and file Jews, will get a big shock should the Judaic controllers achieve their New World Order because the top Talmudists won't be sharing power with them. Environment/Science Nov 26, 2017 - ‘Sexbots are Coming’ Ron: Tell me again why you think that Canaanites are not running our world... The pair, who also co-authored the book "Robot Sex: A Book for the Enlightened Sapiosexual," argue that the rise of digisexuality will bring benefits, including potentially saving human relationships. They also say that digisexuality will have a positive impact, particularly for people who experienced sexual trauma in the past or for those who have difficulty forming human relationships. Environment/Science Nov 26, 2017 - Borneo – Island Dying, People Oblivious Ron: Tell me again why you think that there is no need for humans here to evolve to a higher level of consciousness very soon; and why we don't need Universe Management to show up to lend a hand. Andre Vltchek: Borneo is now synonymous with mining and logging, as well as with terrible plantations that have already cannibalized most of the land. Nothing is being produced, but everything has been extracted. People are losing their land. They are losing health, even lives. The world is losing its ‘lungs' - the tropical forests - or more precisely, it has already lost them all around this unfortunate archipelago. Savage capitalism, moral and financial corruption, multi-national companies on the loose; this is a sad, even horrifying reality of the country, which totally lost its bearing. Borneo, it appears, is nearing the end. The entire Indonesia is nearing the endgame, but it is considered ‘politically incorrect' to mention it in the West, particularly in the mainstream media. Indonesia is, after all, ruining itself, so the West can prosper. It was like that during colonialism, and it has been like that, again, ever since the US-sponsored military coup of 1965. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 26, 2017 - How to Increase Your Sense of Gratitude "Evidence suggests that we can actively choose to practice gratitude - and that doing so raises our happiness ... If you want a truly happy holiday, choose to keep the "thanks" in Thanksgiving, whether you feel like it or not." One way to flex your gratitude muscle when life events leave you uninspired is to identify and express gratitude for seemingly "useless" or insignificant things. It could be a certain smell in the air, the color of a flower, your child's freckles or the curvature of a stone. Over time, you'll find that doing this will really hone your ability to identify "good" things in your

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 13 life. In fact, you may eventually find that "bliss" is closer than you imagined. - Dr Joseph Mercola Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 26, 2017 - You Are a Sovereign Being Time to Start Acting Like It

Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Zuckerberg’s Facebook: The Social Media Creation Story That Will Blow Your Mind When Michael McKibben and his software engineers created their quantum leap in technology to almost infinite scalability with their social networking invention, they planned to implement a moral system that respected personal property and privacy and envisioned a new "age of freedom of information." While Leader Technologies assumed that the government might want to use their invention, they had no way of knowing that the government intended to use it for the exact opposite moral purposes: to take away the user's freedom and surveil everything in their lives. Michael was trying to advance the industry and certainly would have never believed that his own government might become his enemy as he resisted the whole-sale theft and weaponization of his inventions. How could Leader Technologies know that the most-respected patent attorney in America was also the most corrupt ? Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - BRICS Countries Considering Creation of 'Single Gold Trading System' The BRICS countries, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, Chinaand South Africa, are mulling the possibility of creating a unified system of gold trade "both within BRICS and at the level of bilateral contacts," according to the announcement made by first deputy chairman of Russia's Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov at the "Precious metals market" conference. David Crayford and the ITC Nov 26, 2017 - AMERICAN LAWYER ----- THANKSGIVING GLOBAL FINANCIAL BLOCKBUSTER TRUTH BOMB ----- AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 14

Health and Nutrition Nov 26, 2017 - If You Fly Commercial Airlines Be Forewarned About Aerotoxic Syndrome KLM pilot Felderhof went on to "settle" with KLM by signing a confidential nondisclosure agreement which, basically, takes away his rights to discuss his health problems associated with Aerotoxic syndrome and what happened in dealings with KLM. That's something that ought to be discouraged by the courts - confidentiality agreements - since they protect corporations from disclosures which should be made known as public safety information, i.e., "transparency." Felderhof received 300,000€ (euros), which would amount to $355,590U.S. at today's exchange rate. No business pays out that kind of "hush money" unless it seriously wants to stifle word getting out and around as to what happened to the employee and how that employee was able to come to a settlement with the employer.

Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Iran: a Democratic Haven Compared to Western-backed Dictatorships

US ‘Actively Supported’ Indonesia Mass Killings in 1960s, Documents Reveal. See: Indonesia-Mass-Killings-in-1960s-Documents-Reveal.shtml

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Nightmare in Indonesia: The Roots of the Bush-Cheney's Oil Government. See: _Roots_of_the_Bush-Chene_1772.shtml Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Israel Responds to Defeat of Islamist Rebels in Syria with Threat of Wider Regional War According to leaked cables aired by Israel's Channel 10 news, Israel instructed its overseas embassies to lobby in support of Saudi Arabia and its efforts to destabilise Lebanon and stress Iran and Hezbollah's involvement in "regional subversion." The Saudis' ramping up of tensions prompted Lebanon's army chief General Joseph Aoun to urge his forces to be ready to face the "threats of the Israeli enemy" on Lebanon's southern border. Israel has been holding a military exercise near its border with Syria since the weekend. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Grenfell Tower “independent” Task Force Produces Whitewash Report An October 14 posting from the Grenfell Action Group warned that efforts to prematurely close down the KCTMO could be designed to evade prosecution for corporate manslaughter, prevent legal disclosure and witness participation. After residents raised concerns, a KCTMO annual general meeting on October 17 was adjourned and no decision taken. Noting this, the taskforce authors cynically hinted at the need for "requisite choreography" for whatever new management structure was finally set up. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Misreading Putin But much has changed since the early 1980s. Most of the Western fan base of the present Russian government is situated on the very conservative Right. It is certainly not found among leftists, if we make an exception for the Nation's Steven Cohen, a leftist Russia expert whom those sympathetic to Putin like to quote. But Cohen's efforts to show Putin in a favorable light is hardly typical of the Left or of Putin's neoconservative critics in the U.S. More typically we find an international gay activist like Jamie Kirchik denouncing Putin as a reactionary homophobe. This Russian despot, complains Kirchik, has banned the presentation of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle in Russian schools and has openly associated gay marriage with Western decadence. Putin has also gone out of his way to advance the moral and social teachings of the Russian Orthodox faith and attacks current Western notions of secularism. At the same time he is refurbishing Orthodox monasteries and churches throughout Russia and boasts that in the last three years atheism has declined in his country by 50%. In June, 2015 Putin announced his intention of "reinstating" what is left of the Russian royal family in their ancestral residence. This is widely regarded as the first step toward restoring the Russian monarchy. While Western societies rush into a multicultural, PC society, Putin is presenting himself as the defender of Western Christian civilization...A complaint made against former National Front head Marine Le Pen during her presidential campaign earlier this year was her praise of Putin's conservatism...This dialectic, according to Buchanan, changes radically the locations of the two opposing sides at the outset of the Cold War: when Soviet Russia was viewed as the champion of the international Left and the U.S. as the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 16 defender of [Ron: pseudo] Judeo-Christian-classical civilization locked in combat with "godless Communism." Ron: There is NO Judeo-Christian civilization! Jesus the Christ did not incarnate to establish a religion and the positive elements in the Christian civilization that grew in Europe in the last 2,000 years have survived in spite of persistent attacks by Pharisees and neo-Pharisees who now call themselves "Jews". The idea that followers of the teachings of Jesus have anything spiritually in common with "Jews" is a LIE. The godless Pharisees crucified Jesus the Christ, and plotted with Roman Emperors to create the Christian religion in the hope that they could use it to eradicate Jesus' teaching; and in particular, the truth that humans need to LOVE neighbour (everyone and everything) AS self, for the love of God (ALL). In contrast, Pharisees, ie "Jews", are ethno-centric, atheistic racists who regard the Jewish collective as 'g-d' and all non-Jews as expendable soulless animals to be used, abused, exploited and enslaved. Scrutiny of the current socio-political situation in Europe evidences that the Jews have nearly accomplished their goal of eradicating Christian thought in that civilization. But the Second Coming of Christ Michael, the Creator of this universe, is beginning to reverse that outcome as instanced by the achievements of President Putin and the Russian people today. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Occupying Syria: SDF Reveals 4000 Troops in Syrian Kurdistan. Ahead of Geneva A source from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) has revealed that thousands of military personnel of the US-led Global Coalition are present in Syrian Kurdistan and other northern regions of the country. "Nearly 4,000 troops and military advisors of the anti-Islamic State Global Coalition are present in Syria. Besides Americans, there are also German, British and French troops," the source told BasNews, seeking anonymity for security reasons. No mention of Israeli's but you know they are present! Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - GERMANY – Israeli Jewess Competing To Be Miss Germany Ron: If this jewess doesn't win the judges will presumably be labelled as anti- semites. These lying parasites never know when enough is enough! Jewish arrogance and lies are interminable! What chutzpah! What a fucking insult it is for this Jewess to label the German people "You [Nazis]" and falsely claim that "You Nazis tried to destroy us, and we are still here" while she is seeking to be crowned "Miss Germany"?! If this jewess doesn't win the judges will presumably be labelled "anti- semites" and suitably punished. If nothing else, the Jews will probably demand a "safe space" German homeland in Thuringia to salve their bruised sensibilities and fear of "Nazis"who have failed to recognise this Jewess' obviously superior attributes. See eg: Jews Demand Jewish State Within Germany. -]

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Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 26, 2017 - Gratitude from the Heart of the Center of the Everlasting Residence of THE LOVE.. Les Visible: If Jesus the Christ was victorious over Hell and Death, on our behalf ...and... if all we have to do is recognize and accept this... surrender to the enduring certitude of it... should we not be grateful to the bleeding edge of the possibilities of our awareness? This is said, in honor of the one who bled and still bleeds, to maintain the potential for freedom for anyone, who will take up their cross and follow him. It is the ineffable through his primary and highest manifestation, who took upon himself the sins of this world, in order to perpetuate the continuance of opportunity, for anyone who, at any point, can come to an understanding of what really took place and who was really involved. Ron: I disagree with these assertions. As I understand it, Jesus the Christ didn't incarnate to take upon himself the sins of this world. He incarnated to end the dominance of Lucifer on this world and to teach or at least point the way to the truth about life the universe and everything. Lucifer's reign, and his opportunity for rehabilitation was to be ended and his lying control over humanity terminated. Jesus' role was to commence the reestablishment and preminence of truth on this worldwhich is what he did. He DID NOT incarnate to "bleed" and sacrifice himself for our sins (mistakes, wilful or otherwise). That LIE was promulgated by Pharisees in order to distort and conceal the truth that every spirit being who incarnates anywhere is responsible for his/her own evolvement (salvation). That means that every spirit individual incarnates to experience life in the physical and to learn through thought and experience to develop (evolve) ever higher consciousness so that they become more godlike through unconditional loving service to the rest of Creation. Jesus was a perfect model of unconditional love and service which we are called to emulate. Believing that Jesus "sacrificed" himself "FOR" our sins (ignorance and poor judgment resulting in damage to others and the material world) implies that we do not have to do the work necessary to evolve ever greater consciousness. It thus keeps us in an infantile intellectual and spiritual frame of mind in which we deny our personal responsibility for learning to understand ourselves and our world. Believing that Jesus has "saved" us the necessity of personally overcoming and eliminating our errors of AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 18 judgment in thought, word and deed prevents our evolution towards god consciousness. It thus stymies our progress in our eternal journey to become godlike, which is the purpose of the Creation. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - Venezuela’s Communes: a Great Social Achievement Within the communes, and the Bolivarian Revolution in general there are several types of property, there is of course private property, what belongs to individuals, there is public property which belongs to the state, there is social property, which belongs to the state, but the people are involved in the control of the property and direct social property, which belongs directly to the communes or the communal councils. This is important for the principal of sovereignty of the communal system, because it allows the communes to acquire goods, services, resources and even businesses that do not serve individuals, but rather the common good under collective administration. And this is necessary for the execution of communal policies. Every commune has a communal bank, which is a bank account that is communal property, and is administrated by the commune for the execution of its own projects and policies. Political Information Nov 26, 2017 - The Quality of Mercy 2 "The quality of mercy is strained in the Middle East," reads a New York Times op-ed from mid-November, 2017, turning to literature to point out the unspeakably brutal throttling of Yemen where, according to the NYT op-ed, "Saudi Arabia closed off the highways, sea routes and airports in war-torn Yemen, forbidding humanitarian groups from even shipping chlorine tablets for the Yemenis suffering from a cholera epidemic...The International Red Cross expects about a million people to be infected by cholera in Yemen by December." The op-ed clearly links the epidemic to U.S. policy and emphasizes the Saudi-led campaign's dependence on military assistance from the U.S. Health and Nutrition Nov 26, 2017 - Australia vaccination; all doctors under the gun; minister of health keeps lying Welcome to the Australian state of Victoria, where the minister of health, Jill Hennessy, has just put all doctors under the gun. Vaccinating every child has become so important to Hennessey, she’s declared that a doctor who writes an exemption will be ignored. In fact, that doctor, by implication, will be considered “rogue.” He could have his license to practice stripped. He could be prosecuted. He could be denied a way to earn a living. Instead, in order to allow a child an exemption from taking vaccines, evidence must be shown from some sort of medical registry. How this system will work is not clear. What is clear: In violation of privacy, all children’s medical records and history will be recorded and made available to health/government authorities, who will then see whether there is a prior incident where a child has reacted badly to a vaccine, whether the child has an allergy to vaccine ingredients (such as chicken eggs), whether there is a history of adverse vaccine reactions in the child’s family. The government, not the child’s doctor, will decide whether vaccination can be skipped or must take place. - Jon Rappoport

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Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Second Hand Weapons Flying the ‘Friendly Skies’ of Germany and Ukraine German authorities must know what is going on in foreign bases on their own territory, but continue to turn a blind eye out of political gamesmanship. Even media coverage of the fatal accident has disappeared from the internet, with reports of the death of an innocent man in another vehicle totally pulled from the internet. A cash payoff was made to the family and the story was thought to have been forgotten, at least till now. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Egypt Has Enemies: The Muslim Brotherhood and the Biggest Terrorist Atrocity in Egyptian History

Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - The MBS – Blackwater Marriage of Convenience Almost overnight, MBS has changed Saudi Arabia from a kingdom of sand upon which Al Saud reigned with a solid foothold and strong base, to a kingdom of quick-sand upon which princes and power brokers no longer have a leg to stand on. They either have to pledge total and unconditional loyalty to MBS or fear persecution. On the other hand, if they do pledge that loyalty, and MBS's coup fails as a result of a counter-coup, then they will risk being seen as enemies of the winners of the counter-coup. It is a damned if you do and a damned if you don't situation. Environment/Science Nov 25, 2017 - Russian Scientist Announce Historic Discovery Rendering The Entire System Obsolete (Repost) Ron: Dunno how accurate this report is but Mehan Keshe has stated that his technologies can transmute metals. Presumably a readily available real working ability to turn iron into gold will eliminate any attempt to issue "money" 'backed by gold'. But also, it will surely mark the beginning of the end of human socio-economic relations based on the money meme. In other words, these technologies herald the onset of moneyless societies on this planet. Get a grip AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 20 on that Pilgrims, because it is coming. The money meme, Capitalism and all the useless, counter productive activities associated with them, like commercial banking, advertising, retailing, insurance etc; not to mention warfare, drug, vaccine and health care scams and profiteering, will dissapear, leaving humanity with lots of free time to engage in positive persuits. So be it. Making available Tesla and Keshe style free energy technologies, some of which have beed suppressed for a century, will be the icing on the cake. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - 11.25 - McCains Boot/Q/Space X/P-gate/Free Energy This 24' 17" video was published by Destroying The Illusion on 6/1/17: Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Absolute Proof : Obama Rigged Elections Finding the truth about the extraordinary attempt to convert America to a globalist state has been slow and painstaking. However, thanks to the efforts of WikiLeaks, Citizens United, Judicial Watch, Project Veritas, InfoWars, DCLeaks, Swiss Leaks, ICIJ and others, the truth is finally emerging. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Syria War, Sochi Peace In a well choreographed Sochi summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin defines a peaceful future for Syria after the liberation of the country from militants Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - US will Finally Admit/Acknowledge More Then 2,000 Troops in Syria Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Trump Wants Peace With Erdogan - The Miltary Wants To Sabotage It President Donald Trump's administration is preparing to stop sending weapons directly to Kurdish militants battling Islamic State in Syria, dealing a political blow to the U.S.'s most reliable ally in the civil war, officials said Friday. ... The Turkish announcement came as a surprise in Washington, where military and political officials in Mr. Trump's administration appeared to be caught off-guard. U.S. military officials said they had received no new guidance about supplying weapons to the Kurdish forces. But they said there were no immediate plans to deliver any new weapons to the group. And the U.S. can continue to provide the Kurdish forces with arms via the umbrella Syrian militant coalition. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - The Horn of Africa + Sudan are Replacing the Middle East as THE geo-political Danger Zone As the Middle East slowly stabilises, The Horn of Africa is where the next major global conflicts could ignite unless existing partners in the region go on high alert. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Centuries-Old Church Bells Silenced After Single Noise Complaint

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Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz & those underage sex slaves.. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Sri Lanka Vows to ‘Reassess’ Criminalization of Homosexuality In a press release, Sri Lankan LGBT rights group Equal Ground commended the government's vow to reassess the criminalization of homosexuality. "We commend our government's commitment to reforming the Penal Code and amending the Constitution to explicitly include sexual orientation and gender identity as grounds of non- discrimination. No one deserves to be targeted by the law because of who they are or whom they love," expressed Equal Ground Executive Director Rosanna Flamer-Caldera. "Our government has shown significant resolve in pledging to address the criminalisation faced by the Sri Lankan LGBTIQ community and guarantee them basic rights that have for so long been denied." Education Nov 25, 2017 - Church of England Tells Schools to Be ‘Sensitive’ to ‘Communities’ After Hijab Infant Sexualisation Scandal Mrs. Spielman then met with Muslim feminists and secular campaigners, who called for a hijab ban in taxpayer-funded primary schools and described allowing infants to wear it as part of school policy as an "affront" to gender equality. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - PornHub Erects Its First Physical Retail Store In New York City The store's launch is in partnership with the Museum of Sex, making various products from the Museum's gift shop, including Taschen books, specialty aphrodisiac apothecary herbs and sex games. For lucky attendees, some of Pornhub's most popular porn stars will also be making appearances, including Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Church of Sweden Decides to Make God Gender Fluid

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Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - University Students Ban Academic For Saying Children Should Not be Labelled as Transgender Dr Brunskell-Evans, who has repeatedly spoken of how porn degrades women, said there was ‘something very dark going on'. ‘People who were male are now in the Women's Equality Party dictating what the party spokesman should say on issues affecting women and girls,' she told The Times. ‘You could not write this. ‘The cowardliness of institutional response is more than reprehensible. No one will speak out. Good people are doing nothing as others get pilloried. ‘Organisations and individuals are petrified to be seen as taking any other view than unequivocally endorsing transgender doctrine. It's truly shocking. How has the trans lobby become so powerful that people, including those medical practitioners about to be qualified in the specific field of sexual and reproductive health, are unwilling to tolerate a talk from me on another topic? Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 25, 2017 - Out of the Dust and Mortality of the Dust of all the Temporary Cities of Fire and Chaos and Loss. We have so many reasons to be grateful and most likely are unaware of how fortunate we are. I remind myself that every hour of every day, there are tens of thousands in terrible crisis; in unbearable pain, suffering heartbreaking loss, living on the street, locked up in a jail, terrified in an abusive situation, being sold for the pleasure of psychopaths. I could list one after the other, until I ran out of the appointed space. At the other side of the spectrum, there are those whose lives are filled with continuing live streaming blessings. In some cases they seem to be the most undeserving among us. There is no explaining Karma, just as there is no way of them getting; that even in the midst of great karma, you can easily be creating bad karma for succeeding rounds. Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - Internet’s largest porn site opening retail store in New York City AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 23

Political Information Nov 25, 2017 - How They Do (JEW) It– ‘Western Christianity in denial about Radical Islam’ Ron: Be aware that so-called 'radical Islamist terrorists' are NOT genuine Islamists. Actually they are godless mercenaries hired by the Western Deep State and usually paid by the crypto Jewish Saudis and their ilk or other CIA sources. They are armed, trained, supplied, transported and directed by Deep State operatives in the CIA and Anglo-US and EU military. Initially they were organised by Osama Bin Laden and used in Afghanistan in 1979. They have been used in Iran, Southern Russia, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Myanmar and almost everywhere else ever since. See eg: The CIA's Founding• of Al Qaeda Documented - s-Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Zbigniew Brzezinsk said that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. He also said: 'on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets did not INVADE Afghanistan but were invited into that nation by the legitimate government to assist it to resist covert US aggression (just as has occurred more recently in Syria). The Soviet military was fighting against a covert, PRIOR proxy US terrorist invasion of Afghanistan just as subsequently occurred in Libya, Syria and the Ukraine et al. Al-CIA-DUH, ISIS and the plethora of jihardist terrorist groups everywhere in the world today continue to constitute the US proxy terrorist "legions" used in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Rakhine state in Myanmar, and many other places. Political Information Nov 24, 2017 - Why Western Christian culture is in the toilet, and it isn’t because Hollywood is run by ‘DEM MOOZLUMS’ Ron: Note also that Haaretz tells its esteemed pseudo Hebraic audience that the Judaic moral sludge in“SMILF” is 'entertaining, smart, sassy and sexy'. AND that “SMILF” and other shows like it are a welcome addition to television’s repertoire and should be compulsory viewing for men and women alike.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 24 ed note–after reading the article, please make sure to watch the video trailer and experience for yourself a small example of the species and scope of the Judaic moral sludge that is injected into the spiritual/moral bloodstream of America and the West on a ceaseless, minute-by-minute basis. Afterwards, then please ask yourself the question–who is the real threat to Christian civilization, DEM MOOZLUMS who are fighting tooth and nail to keep Harvey Weinstein and his Jollywood cousins out of their societies, or Judea Inc that has maintained a visceral, unquenchable hatred for Christian (Greco-Roman) civilization for 2,000+ years? As an aside note, please keep in mind something else–Women such as this actress (as well as the many actresses and starlets who have come out accusing the Weinsteins & co of various acts of sexual assault) do they REALLY have a moral leg on which to stand in lecturing against sexual assault, considering the fact that they have themselves–willingly and enthusiastically–contributed to the over-sexualization of society in which we live by cooperating with/celebrating/appearing in movies and programming of the sort featured in this story? Women it seems (or at least those now screeching about the issue of sexual assault) want it both ways–they want to participate in sexualizing society to the point that men are in aggressive mating mode 24 hours a day, but then when the inevitable outcome of this occurs, to have the right to screech about itwhen in fact they themselves have contributed to it with their incautious, indiscreet, and insensitive-to-the-nature-of-men behavior. Environment/Science Nov 24, 2017 - SSP #3: How Russian Christians took the White House & U.S. Congress & Military Political Information Nov 24, 2017 - SSP #2: Artificial Life Form Wars (excerpt from Dr. Beter Letters) Environment/Science Nov 24, 2017 - SSP #1: Secrets of the Secret Space Program (Intro. to the Dr. Beter Letters) Human/Animal Rights Nov 24, 2017 - Gay Adoption Applications Rise, Heterosexual Applications Fall in Britain Ron: What could possibly go wrong? Charlie Nash: "Last year, one in seven adoption orders was made by a gay couple," reported the Independent on Thursday. "Wilsons, a private law firm that analysed the figures, noted that the number of gay couples applying for adoption increased from 510 in 2013-2014 to 586 last year." Meanwhile, the Independent noted that the number of applications from heterosexual couples "has fallen from 4,914 to 3,561." "The door has really opened now for all kinds of individuals to start their own family. Same- sex adoptions are at a record high, and it may be that the legalisation of gay marriage in 2013 has been a catalyst for more same sex couples to adopt," declared Wilsons associate lawyer Sarah Wood-Heath... Political Information Nov 24, 2017 - General Pete Piotrowski Says U.S. Alerted North Vietnamese Before Bombing Strikes-Authorship Confirmed! AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 25 The claim that the U.S. notified the North Vietnamese government of airstrikes ahead of time went viral in early 2015 when an excerpt from General Piotrowski's book appeared in chain emails: "Nearly twenty years later, I saw former Secretary of State Dean Rusk being interviewed by Peter Arnett on a CBS documentary called ‘The Ten Thousand Day War.' Mr Arnett asked, ‘It has been rumored that the United States provided the North Vietnamese government the names of the targets that would be bombed the following day. Is there any truth to that allegation?' "To my astonishment and absolute disgust, the former Secretary responded, ‘Yes. We didn't want to harm the North Vietnamese people, so we passed the targets to the Swiss embassy in Washington with instructions to pass them to the NVN government through their embassy in Hanoi."

Education Nov 24, 2017 - New Children's Books Promote Gender Transitioning to Help Get Australia "Educated"

By telling little boys that is it ok to wear dresses and advocating for hormone therapy at a young age, these books will do more harm them good to the children of Australia. Our schools and libraries should be suppling our children with classic literature, not these sub-par books spouting LGBT ideology. True US History Nov 23, 2017 - She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here’s Why You Didn’t Hear Her Story. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Court dismisses indictments against 5 Jews in ‘wedding of hate’ Ron: Tell me again why you think that Jews have a right to incinerate Palestinian families and to celebrate these murders while demanding the violent death of child survivors. While you are at it, please explain why criticising such barbaric, genocidal Jewish behaviour is anti-semitic HATE SPEECH. Israel’s Outrage Du Jour: Denying Palestinian Boy Terror Victim’s Rights After He Survived Incineration of His Family. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 26

See: Jour-Denying-Palestinian-Boy-Terror-Victim-s-Rights-After-He-Survived-Incineration- of-His-Family.shtml Lieberman– ‘No compensation for Palestinian child firebombed by settlers’. See: compensation-for-Palestinian-child-firebombed-by-settlers.shtml Israelis Celebrate Palestinian Immolation Murders. See: Palestinian-Immolation-Murders.shtml

Israeli Hospital Bills the PA for Medical Treatment of Dawabsha Child - PA-for-Medical-Treatment-of-Dawabsha-Child.shtml Abu Khdeir, Murdered Palestinian Boy Was Forced to Drink Gasoline, Then Burned to Death. See: Murdered-Palestinian-Boy-Was-Forced-to-Drink-Gasoline-Then-Burned-to-Death.shtml Israel – They Burn Babies, Don’t They ? See: Babies-Don-t-They.shtml

Burned alive by Israelis. See: Israelis.shtml Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Trump Points Americans to Historical Foundation of Giving Thanks to God In his first year in office, on October 3, 1789, President George Washington set a precedent for his successors in office, showing that there is a role that a secular president can play in the faith-based life of the nation he leads. Washington began, "Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor," that therefore he was proclaiming "a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God." Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 23, 2017 - New Jersey Woman Raises More Than $200K for Homeless Man Who Bought Her Gasoline According to McClure, Johnny - who takes care of two other men under a bridge in the area - told her to lock her car doors and that he would return. Johnny told her to sit tight and that he would spend his last $20 to buy gas a few blocks away. "He said, ‘I'll be back. Trust me,'" McClure told the Inquirer. Ten minutes after speaking with McClure, Johnny returned with a gallon of gas that he had bought with his last $20. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Soros-Linked NGO Demands EU Accept 540,000 Migrants From ‘Poor Countries’ AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 27

Ron: When reading George Soros' Judaic propaganda ask yourself: "How many poverty stricken Africans could Soros elevate out of poverty and into genuine comfort and prosperity in their own countries IF he spent his 18 billion USD Open Society Foundation funds on solving their socio-economic problems at home instead of using it to destabilise and destroy the religion and culture of EU and Anglo-US nations by shipping them to those places. Virginia Hale: Hungary's assertion that Soros wants Brussels to resettle at least one million immigrants per year onto European Union territory was marked "false", in the statement, which pointed to an op-ed penned by the arch-globalist last year, which said the EU should make a "commitment to admit even a mere 300,000 refugees annually". But this fails to take into account the vast amount of money spent by Soros on NGOs and other organisations working to promote open borders for Europe, and helping migrants reach the continent. The IRC is one such organisation, not only receiving fundingfrom the Open Society Foundations, but was also selected by Soros as one of the bodies working to "create principles" guiding the Hungarian billionaire's $500 million "investment" in migrant-related initiatives that he announced last year... As Breitbart London reported in September, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán denounced the mass migration agenda aggressively pushed by Soros's "Open Society" network as a means to eradicate Europe's cultures and Christian identity. "The Soros network has an extensive sphere of influence within the European Parliament and other EU bodies," Orbán said, stating that the network aims "to build a Europe of mixed population and to condemn the Hungarian government for opposing their view on migration". Earlier that month, Soros transferred $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations to ensure his activism - which, as well as seeking to tear down borders in Western nations, also aims to disempower police and "mobilise" ethnic minorities against the interests of indigenous Europeans - continues after the 87-year-old's death. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - New Group Promotes Jewish Kurdish Alliance & Kurdish Statehood That cannot be coincidental that these Israeli firsters picked the 70 anniversary date of the successful UN vote to partition Palestine as the date for their "first of a kind" conference, all about partitioning other nations for Israel 2.0 aka Kurdistan "It's natural that such an event should take place in Israel, which is today the best ally of Kurdistan today, and perhaps its only one, unfortunately," said Rubinfeld, who began lobbying for the Kurdish national cause two years ago. "There is widespread understanding of the rightfulness of the Kurdish cause and its strategic importance" in Israel, he added. ... Rubinfeld added that the Israeli flag is to many Kurds a second national symbol "because they identify with Israel and the Jews."

Iraq's parliament in Baghdad voted last month to criminalize flying the Israeli flag in the country, after they appeared at several Kurdish rallies in the lead up and aftermath of the referendum. Double think. Both people stand up for what they label as western values such as destabilization, ethnic cleansing, intolerance and supporting fanaticism to the extreme? While AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 28 destroying nations, culture and history. These are not my values and I'm from the so called west. Since they don't stand for me or my values.. then I cannot accept their claim- It's as simple as that! - Penny Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - U.S., Afghan aircraft target Taliban's poppy facilities Ron: Finally, the Trump Administration is interdicting the CIA's drug trade out of Afghanistan as part of draining the global swamp. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Syria - This U.S. Occupation - Or "Presence" - Is Unsustainable The north-east of Syria is surrounded by forces hostile to the U.S. On top of that many Syrian people in the now occupied north-eastern Syria continue to be loyal to the Syrian state. Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Hizbullah intelligence are working on the ground. There are lots of local Arabs hostile to Kurdish overbearance. The U.S. bases, outposts and all its transports in the area may soon come under sustained fire. While Russia said that it will not intervene against the U.S. allied SDF forces, many other entities have motives and means to do so. The mission of the 1,700+ U.S. troops in north-east Syria is undefined. Their supply routes are unsecured and can be blocked by its enemies at any time. The local population is largely hostile to them. All of the surrounding countries and entities have reasons to attain the end of any U.S. presence in the area as soon as possible. It would require a ground force that is at least ten-twenty times larger to secure the U.S. presence and its communication and supply routes. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Sochi Meeting: Turkey, Russia, Iran Back Syria's Sovereignty The warm and cordial welcome extended to the Syrian president by Vladimir Putin and senior Russian officials - mainly generals led by the Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, who were taking part in defense-related talks - sends strong signals that, for Russia, Assad is not only part of the solution for Syria, but also a legitimate leader who the Kremlin expects to stay in power for some years. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Lament for a Society of Shame If I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Host of this universe, Who daily spreads a table in my sight, surely I cannot do less than acknowledge my dependence. G.A. Johnston Ross Human/Animal Rights Nov 23, 2017 - Libyan Slave Markets Create Diplomatic Storm In Africa, UN Security Council To Meet Tyler Durden: Concerning Obama, despite his general Libya mea culpa, the Nobel Peace Prize winning "humanitarian" minded architect of the 2011 US-NATO intervention (and ultimate author of Libya's current hell) continues to pen his presidential memoir in the midst of an epic retirement tour of yachts, golf courses, and hidden celebrity islands. Meanwhile, Libya still burns out of control, and America's first black president, though surely able to command immense influence even from retirement, remains silent on the resurrection of a barbaric slave trade which didn't exist in modern Libya prior to his own intervention there.

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Few Americans have any understanding of what happened to Libya six years ago. Even fewer know the significance of what is taking place there now. The US-led war on Libya was erased from historical memory before it reached popular consciousness. To remember Libya and more specifically Gaddafi’s dream is to remember the destruction of an African revolution. This African revolution possessed many attributes that struggling people in the US, especially the poor, would admire. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Russia Slams US “occupation” of Syria

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Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Nov 23, 2017 - Seraphin Botschaft 319: EURE UMSTÄNDE ÜBERPRÜFEN; DIE IMMERWÄHRENDE BEWEGUNG Translations - Others Nov 23, 2017 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 319: Controllare le Vostre Circostanze; Il Movimento Eterno Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Nov 23, 2017 - Nederlands: HET CONTROLEREN VAN UW OMSTANDIGHEDEN; DE EEUWIGDURENDE BEWEGING SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 319 door ROSIE Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 23, 2017 - Why is it So Hard to Feel Gratitude? Thanksgiving is a time to think about the glass half-full rather than half-empty, a time to think of what's right instead of what's wrong. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - All The Old World Systems Are Being Deliberately Torn Down Brandon Smith: The problem is, the establishment is never satisfied with a static or semi-peaceful system for very long. They are not satisfied by being MOSTLY in control, they seek total control. Thus, they are often willing to create chaos and crisis and even tear down old structures that previously benefited them in order to gain something even greater (and more oppressive for the rest of us). [Ron: Arguably what this author calls "the establishment" is merely a melange of shabbos puppets and bought and paid for Talmudic commentators and enablers. Why he fails or refuses to NAME the real problem is unclear. Perhaps its due to ignorance. Whatever his reasons he needs to be told that 'its the Jews stupid'! And a cursory glance at the Torah will tell him (and you) that the process of tearing down the political, moral, social and cultural structures that underpin any and every gentile society on this planet is, and has been for well over two millenia, the avowed goal of the Pharisees and neo-Pharisees however they currently CHOOSE to label themselves. Brandon Smith: It is important to remember that while oil and gas only make up about 10 percent of international trade, these are perhaps the most important commodities in the industrial world. Energy from petroleum sources is a root feeding all other trade and production. Ron: This statement is, at best, ignorant and delusional. But arguably, it may be deliberate disinformation since the truth in these matters is now well known. The only reason that oil and gas are the most important commodities in the industrial world is that the Jew banksters and corporatists like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds have controlled the US and the global economy for the last century and have surpressed the scientific discoveries and electro-gravitic (free enegy) inventions and devices of Nikola Tesla and others in order to monopolise trade in power supplies and transport modes. Brandon Smith: But, what many analysts mistake as a "positive move" by the East away from Western control is actually a deliberate dismantling of the old monetary order by the globalist establishment with the intent of creating a new world order. Ron: NO it isn't! The moves by Russia and China and their BRICs associates and other allies is designed to free our world of the tyranny imposed by Jew banksters and

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 31 corporatists who have used the USD and US military to control and enslave the gentile world. Brandon Smith: Once again we see that the deconstruction of the old is almost always pursued to the benefit of the same people that have always been in control. Ron: I disagree. Presidents, Putin, Xi and Trump are Christed individuals forming a Triodity that will free our world of Jew banksters and corporatists and their Talmudic monetary enslavement system as well as their Deep State militarised enforcement system. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - How on Earth Are We Allowing George W. Bush's Reputation to Be Rehabilitated? In short, isn't it a little early to begin rehabilitating the man responsible for indefinite detention at Guantánamo, "enhanced interrogation techniques," and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and at least 150,000 Afghans -- not to mention the trillions of U.S. dollars shoved down the memory hole in pursuit of the futile wars that followed ? Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - How They Do It–New group promotes Jewish-Kurdish alliance, Kurdish statehood ed note–consider other such groups that exist/have existed in the past– Iraqi National Congress–set up by the CIA/Israel in order to legitimize the overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein. The National Liberation Army of Libya–set up by the CIA/Israel in order to legitimize the overthrow of the regime of Ghaddafi Mujaheddin e Khaalq–set up by the CIA/Israel in order to legitimize the overthrow of the government of the Islamic Republic Of Iran. Free Syrian Army–set up by the CIA/Israel in order to legitimize the overthrow of the regime of Baashar Al Assad Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)–set up by the CIA/Israel in order to legitimize the overthrow Turkish control of Turkish Kurdistan. And now we have organized Jewish interests all of the suddenly getting VERY interested in the ‘freedom, dignity and human rights’ of the Kurds, who just so happen to occupy parts of Syria, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq, a ‘perfect storm’ scenario in creating/causing political turmoil, civil war, and ‘human rights abuses’ that can then be exploited by Judea, Inc in maneuvering/mobilizing the armies of the West into initiating military activities against the 4 aforementioned countries which right now are scheduled for overthrow by the Jewish state. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Pope Francis Slams Globalist Culture That Considers It Normal to ‘Kill Children’ Through Abortion Ron: Pope Francis appears to be exiting the Talmudic reservation... Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Putin orders Russian companies to be ready for urgent transition to war-time operations Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Secret Document FCO 30/1048 Kept Truth About EU From British for 30 Years AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 32

The writer and journalist Christopher Booker, one of the founders of the satirical magazine Private Eye, said: "Here was a civil servant advising that our politicians should connive in concealing what Heath was letting us in for, not least in hiding the extent to which Britain would no longer be a democratic country but one essentially governed by unelected and unaccountable officials. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 23, 2017 - The Attention of Our Minds and the Affections of Our Hearts and The Greatest Commandment.

Dog Poet Transmitting Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Informed Consent : A Vital and Basic Human Right for Our Health Freedom Informed consent was an established basic human right for our health freedom after a Doctors Trial in Nuremberg 1947. However, in recent times, there has been a disturbing growing trend where the medical ethical principle of informed consent has been violated. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Yemen’s Collective Starvation: Where Money Can’t Buy Food, Water or Medicine The Saudi Coalition blockade of north Yemen's port and airport is not designed for keeping weapons out, as is their stated goal; to be sure, the revolutionaries with the Al-Ansar cause are not hard pressed to funnel illegal activity through the heavily-surveilled access points when there are two thousand miles of coastline. Instead, the blockade of al-Hodeidah and Sana'a airport cuts the most heavily populated areas of Yemen off from food, water, medicine, and fuel. Desperate calls from all of the humanitarian efforts currently maintaining this lifeline to millions have set the direness of the situation in stark terms: hundreds of people die every day as a direct result of the blockade. Human/Animal Rights Nov 23, 2017 - Wiping the Stain of Capital Punishment Clean Stephen Cooper: So as Thanksgiving preparations thrust into high gear, take to , to Facebook, to the streets even, and make your voices heard. Tell the Supreme Court you've had enough of the state-sanctioned killing of overwhelmingly poor, disproportionately

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 33 minority men and women - most of whom were condemned as famed death penalty attorney Stephen Bright long ago observed- because they had the worst lawyer, not because they committed the worst crime. Ron: The fact that the system under which the death penalty has been operated is defective and unjust and/or has been applied unequally to some groups in society and not others is not an argument for abolishing it. Society is capable of reforming the process so that it is just and effective. There may be cases in which society is justified in eliminating from its midst an individual(s) whose behaviour has been heinous and who is properly deemed to have no ability to be rehabilitated. In such cases society has no obligation to bear the burden of incarcerating and properly caring for say, a mass murderer for the term of his natural life. However, if society does decide to incarcerate rather than execute, say, a mass murderer, that individual should be made to earn his/her keep by hard labour. The idea that society must provide a murderer with a comfortable, subsidised lifestyle for life is unsound. Environment/Science Nov 23, 2017 - OECD Fails to Recognize WWF Conservation Abuses It should be a serious concern that WWF is breaking OECD Guidelines and destroying the Baka, but an additional disgrace is for bodies such as the NCP - which exist to further those Guidelines - to let it get away with it. If the NCP acts as a steward, then who holds it to account when it fails to do its job? In fact, there is a consortium of NGOs and companies founded with this end in mind. It's the Dutch-based "OECD Watch," but our tragedy morphs from George Orwell to Lewis Carroll with the realization that WWF is, itself, a member! Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - Saad Hariri Returns to Lebanon as PM – Lebanon Sees off Saudi Blackmail While Hariri has lost some credibility due to being bamboozled by Saudi Arabia, while still not publicly confessing to the true nature of events in public, he has also became an accidental symbol of Lebanese resilience, insofar as politicians from parties who oppose Hariri's policies rallied around the constitutional order which demanded the return of an effectively kidnapped head of government. Political Information Nov 23, 2017 - US Military Fraud Endemic in Overseas Operations As the United States has over-extended its military realm into the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and Latin America, corruption within so-called "Areas of Responsibility" assigned to regional US military commands has run rampant. True US History Nov 22, 2017 - Criminologist estimates as many as 2,000 serial murderers wandering the streets of the US Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Nefesh B’Nefesh to hold multiple fairs across North America True US History Nov 22, 2017 - Israel demands extra 1.37 bln USD for defense budget over Syria situation by TUT editor

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XINHUA NET - "There has been a major and dramatic change that led us to request a supplement to the defense budget," the minister said during a briefing for reporters. According to Lieberman, the main changes included a deep Russian involvement in Syria, in addition to Iranian presence and the introduction of more accurate missiles owned by Hezbollah, an Iran-backed Lebanese militia. Health and Nutrition Nov 22, 2017 - How Social Media is Socially Stunting our Society Rita Winters: He related the rise of the information age to the majority of the population becoming anti-social, unhappy, and anxious. Negative events, such as increases in mass shootings, diagnosis of depression, anxiety, and reports of suicide are his examples of the downsides of this tech craze. Ron: I disagree. Arguably ALL of these negative influences are deliberately created by Deep State controlled governments and corporations. Arguably, the addiction many people may have to personal misuse of information technologies is an effect rather than a cause. For instance, the MSM is a mind control technology and its false and misleading FAKE NEWS and opinion content is a deliberate result of Deep State manipulation of that content, and vicious coercion of the purveyors of that content to ensure that the general population is ignorant and fearful. Moreover, mass shootings are invariably false flag events organised by Deep State operatives and they are deliberately designed to create mass hysteria and fear in the population. Similarly, the usurious banking system guarantees continually growing unemployment and the steadily increasing indebtedness and impoverishment of 99% of the population. That situation is reinforced by Deep State criminal cabals controlling governments and other corporations providing FAKE news, information and education, deleterious health care and pharmaceuticals, inadequate insurance, poisonous food and water supplies, third rate and destructive power supplies and transportation options, continual criminal violence and warfare globally, etc. ALL of these factors are causing anxiety, FEAR, depression and suicide. In that context, suggesting that the majority of the population is becoming 'anti-social, unhappy, and anxious' as a result of the tech craze is, at best, ridiculous and possibly deliberate disinformation. Although the social media craze, just like the computer game craze that preceeded it, is no doubt another negative influence harming real human welfare and social AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 35 life. The social media addiction has been deliberately fostered by the corporatists who have also created the widespread anxiety, unhappiness and anti-social situations that have preceeded it for a century and longer. See eg: Facebook Founder Warns "God Only Knows What It's Doing To Kids' Brains". See: Founder-Warns-God-Only-Knows-What-It-s-Doing-To-Kids-Brains.shtml And: How Facebook and google Threaten Public Health - and Democracy - Threaten-Public-Health-and-Democracy.shtml In other words the social media craze is an escapism similar to drug addiction, that merely represents more of the same, NOT a primary or major cause of our global societal dystopia which has been ceated over centuries if not millenia. ***************** Rita Winters: The mental health of the global population is deteriorating and is mostly due to anxieties produced by social media. Ron: NO it isn't. Most of the gentile global population has deteriorated intellectually, psychologically and spiritually as a result an intense barrage of Talmudic physical damage and mental indoctrination and propaganda buttressed by continued Jew bankster instigated violence and warfare foisted on gentile humanity for centuries if not millenia. Fortunately, large scale incarnations by Star Seed beings from higher dimensions augmented by increasing vibrational energies from the centre of the galaxy are upgrading our degraded human DNA and countering much of the negativity causing the global dystopia which has engulfed our planet. The result will be the cleansing of this planet as the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi drain the US and global Deep State swamp. As that occurs this planet will experience a Magnetic Reversal that will greatly assist the cleansing process. So be it. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - US-led Anti-ISIS Coalition Under-reports Civilian Deaths - and the Media Lets Them Get Away with it Khan and Gopal found "a consistent failure by the coalition to investigate claims properly or to keep records that make it possible to investigate the claims at all." Perhaps that would not be the case if those in the mainstream media were putting the pressure on the US military to properly investigate reports of civilians deaths and casualties. But just as there is no will within the military to investigate these incidents, there is no will within the media to properly investigate or hold military officials accountable. Nor is there, unsurprisingly, much political will in Washington DC to investigate civilian deaths caused by American military operations. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Lord King, former Bank of England governor, says global banking system 'not safe' When characters like this state the obvious it's time to stash some more under the mattress.... Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Black money projects are killing the economy: interview with Ellen Brown Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 36

Nov 22, 2017 - Presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey Meet to Discuss Peace for Syria: Today's meeting was not a watershed moment in terms of providing a unified front for a final peace settlement to Syria. As al-Nusra terrorists still remain active in parts of Syria, such a hope was overly ambitious in any case. What today's meeting did show however, is that those who will establish the penultimate mechanisms of peace will be the governments of Russia, Iran and Turkey. The US and EU by contrast, are far from central to any settlement. Today's events also demonstrated that Turkey is going to have to be in the same room as pro-Ba'ahist political leaders and deal with the situation maturely while Iran will have to do the same in respect of being in a room with crypto-Takfiris. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Russia In Syria - Military 'Failure' Sets Off Intense Diplomacy Syria's will to fight, the reliability of its allies and Russian military competence have turned the war around. The Putin-Assad meeting in Sochi sets the foundations for a lasting peace. There are remaining challenges: Al-Qaeda still controls Idleb governate, Israel protects Jihadi groups along the Golan heights, 1,700 U.S. soldiers and their Kurdish proxy forces try to establish themselves in north-east Syria. The Zionist lobby is pressing in Washington to prolong the war. It will take another year or two, and require more fighting, to overcome these issues. But the conditions to solve the remaining problems are now clearly in place. The diplomatic push by Russia and Syria will find solutions for many if not most of the unsettled problems. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Despite Initial Promise, Israel Moves to Seize Private Palestinian Land in it stole ‘by mistake’

The state has said it is attempting to legalize the expropriation of some 45 dunams that are part of the West Bank settlement of Ofra and were initially seized ‘by mistake’. ed note–it was not originally seized ‘by mistake’. Israel–by virtue of the commandments handed down within the Torah–consider ALL the land of the Middle East to be part of ‘the Jewish State’ and are actively engaged in the program of gobbling up everything and even if it takes 1,000 years. Unless and until sane people come to grips with the fact that it is not just ‘Zionism’ that is the problem, but indeed the racist, supremacist, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 37 rapacious, theft-sanctioning, anti-Gentile precepts contained within Torah Judaism, there will never come any rational, productive solution to this age-old problem. Human/Animal Rights Nov 22, 2017 - What Are You Grateful For ?

Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Twitter Hate Speech Police Ready to Punish Users for Sites they Visit on the Web Hit with a serious case of "Trump Derangement Syndrome" coupled with a dose of "Russian Meddling Disease", Twitter executives are ramping up their hate-speech surveillance to include not only the Twitter platform, but also monitoring sites visited by users outside the Twitter eco-system. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - The CIA Documented Long-range Planning for a Drugged and Debilitated Society: OPIOIDS ARE A PERFECT FIT Note: I'm reprinting a piece I wrote about a year ago. In it, you'll see a CIA mind-control document that calls for drugs fulfilling certain specific requirements. OPIOIDS SATISFY A NUMBER OF THESE REQUIREMENTS PERFECTLY. True US History Nov 22, 2017 - ASSETS OF CONGRESS FROZEN, PENTAGON CONFIRM MARINES VS CIA This 8' 20" video was published by April LaJune on Nov 21, 2017: Rosie Nov 22, 2017 - Seraphin Message 319: CHECKING YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES; THE MOVEMENT ETERNAL "It is essential to retain this idea of CONSTANT FLUIDITY when everything stops. It is important to BREATHE when you are permeated by shock. It is important to go into immediate action when you perceive that others are, for their part, petrified and

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 38 immobile, and to gently remind them that they too are essentially a part of ETERNAL MOVEMENT. We reiterate this as the TIME FOR STOPPING IS IMMINENT and will present you with great challenges. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL CYCLES ARE REGULATED AND IN BALANCE. And despite what appears to happen to the contrary, this is always the case." Telemensajes de Otros Nov 22, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 313: DESENREDANDO LOS NUDOS: EL DESENLACE COMPLETO Serafín a través de Rosie Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Perpetual Prosperity And The ‘Strategy of Tension’ We have a lot to be fearful of. The fact that any combination of the risk list could happen at the same time in today's world is no longer the conspiratorial thinking of doom-mongers but the architecture of a strategy that the world has seen before. Public intellectual Tariq Ali wrote a warning in his 2010 book "The Obama Syndrome: Surrender at Home, War Abroad: "This is the permanent tension that lies at the heart of a capitalist democracy and is exacerbated in times of crisis. In order to ensure the survival of the richest, it is democracy that has to be heavily regulated rather than capitalism." Environment/Science Nov 22, 2017 - NASA Accused of Covering up UFO's Seen at International Space Station

Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - The Storm, Week 6: Biblical Flood Stage Updated Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - At the UNO - US Inability to Admit Reality While Presidents Putin and Trump continue to make progress on the question of Syria, the United States senior civil servants in service at the UNO have locked into a round of arm- wrestling with Russia. Refusing to investigate a crime that they have already tried a priori, they provoked not one, but four vetos at the Security Council. For Thierry Meyssan, the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 39 schizophrenic behaviour of the United States on the international stage is a demonstration of the divisions within the Trump administration and the decline of US imperialism. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - Saad Hariri Lands, On a Well Chosen Eve, in Lebanon- His unexpected resignation earlier this month was seen as part of an escalating power struggle between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, which back opposing sides in the conflicts in Syria and Yemen. French Nov 22, 2017 - French: PJ42 Alliance Anti-Divine, Pdf PJ42 Alliance Anti-Divine, Pdf Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. French Nov 22, 2017 - French: PJ22 Matière Anti-Matière, Pdf PJ22 Matière Anti-Matière, Pdf Traduction française : G. M. AKUÉ. Political Information Nov 22, 2017 - The Huge Implications of Russia’s Northern Sea Route Opening the potentials of Russia's Northeast Sea Route to full commercial LNG and container freight traffic flow from the west along the Siberian Arctic littoral to South Korea and China and the rest of Asia requires extraordinary technology solutions, above all in the field of ice-breakers and port infrastructure along the deep-frozen Arctic route. Here Russia is unequalled world leader. And Russia is about to expand that leading role significantly. In early 2016 Russia commissioned a new class of nuclear powered ice-breakers called Arktika-class operated by Atomflot, the ship subsidiary of the giant Russian state Rosatom nuclear group, the world's largest nuclear power construction company and second largest in terms of uranium deposits producing 40% of the world's enriched uranium. The new Arktika icebreakeris at present the world's most powerful icebreaker of its kind and when ready for sailing in 2019 will be able to break 3 meters of ice. A secondArktika- class nuclear icebreaker is due to sail in 2020. At present Russia has a total of 14 diesel as well as nuclear-powered icebreakers in construction in addition to the just completed Christophe de Margerie.All those 14 new icebreakers are being constructed at shipyards in the St. Petersburg area. Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - Zimbabwe Coup: Mugabe Out- Mnangagwa In "She said Mnangagwa was allowed to enter South Africa after he was fired and was then allowed to return to Zimbabwe after the military made its move on Tuesday,suggesting that South Africa had some knowledge of the developments" Health and Nutrition Nov 21, 2017 - The War on Children’s Health: Ethan Huff: From the various chemical cocktails that are injected into them almost immediately after they're born to the genetically-altered "fake" food that's given to them as nourishment to the brainwashing indoctrination that they endure as "education" in the pitiful public school system, today's children are pretty much doomed from the moment they take their first breath of air after exiting the womb.

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While it's true that many parents still try really hard to protect their children from this toxic onslaught of body- and soul-crushing tyranny, even this process is becoming increasingly more difficult in modern times. The government has basically supplanted the role of parents by insisting that its own devices are responsible for the upbringing of children, rather than the children's parents who are simply regarded as "legal guardians," so long as they comply with state mandates. One prominent example of this is "mandatory" vaccinations, which bar parents from making the choice whether or not to subject their children to vaccines that contain live viruses, aborted human fetal tissue, aluminum, mercury (Thimerosal), and all sorts of other deadly chemicals. In California, Senator Richard Pan, as you may recall, was responsible for getting passed Senate Bill 277, which eliminated all forms of vaccine exemption apart from "medical need," a subjective term that once again is up to someone else other than a child's parents to define... Violating a child's innocence or otherwise harming him or her with gender-bending chemicals and other poisons is a crime so horrid that perhaps only in the afterlife will the punishment be fully realized. It truly would be better for such demonically possessed individuals to have a millstone hung around their necks as they're drowned in the depths of the sea than to face what the Creator of the universe has in store for them on judgment day. Ron: The Creator doesn't judge us, we judge ourselves with our thoughts and actions which create our future experiences. Those who fail to learn that love is the only reality in the cosmos are given innumerable incarnations in which to discover that reality and eventually most beings DO learn the truth and fly right. BUT those who implacably refuse to learn eventually chose uncreation through the cumulative effects of their negative thoughts and actions. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 21, 2017 - Why can't the Galactics unplug the A.I.? Here's why..... Ron: Discernment required. Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - China’s Tencent Overtakes Facebook to Become World's Biggest Social Network With a market cap of $523 billion, Tencent surpassed Facebook ($522 billion) on Tuesday, joining the ranks of the world's five largest corporations that include Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, and Amazon. It is also bigger than its Chinese rivals: e-commerce giant Alibaba ($474.15 billion), and web services company Baidu ($82.97 billion). Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - Almost Half of ‘Female’ Transgender Inmates Are Sex Offenders: Report Looking at publicly available inspection reports from 118 jails, Fair Play for Women found there were 113 males who identify as the opposite sex, 46 of whom are housed in eight men's prisons in England and Wales reserved specifically for sex offenders. So far, 13 transgender inmates have been transferred to women's jails, including double rapist Jessica Winfield, who was convicted under the prisoner's former name, Martin Ponting.

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Nov 21, 2017 - New Swedish Children’s Book Promotes Transgenderism to Preschoolers,

Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - UK Govt offers Northern Ireland Children Free Abortion Without Parental Consent These guidelines, based on a 1985 ruling, state that abortion and contraception can be given to under 16s without parental consent for criteria such as "that it would be in the young person's best interest to give such advice or treatment without parental consent." Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 21, 2017 - Sissel Kyrkjebø - Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring [1080p HD].mp4 This 3' 26" video was published by Alex Jorge on Apr 26, 2012: Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - Australia votes YES on same-sex marriage Ron: What a shame that the millions who so desperately want to destroy their lives may not get to experience and learn from the Talmudic reality. True US History Nov 21, 2017 - Washington’s New Bible Museum Is Long On Torahs — But Short On Jesus

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ed note–No Christian who has spent even 5 minutes reading his/her Gospels should be surprised at this in the least. That Torah Judaism and Gospel Christianity are as opposed to each other as are the wolf and the sheep is as undeniable as Sarah Silverman or Harvey Weinstein. Jesus made it very clear in His various statements that there could be no co-mixing of His message of honesty, peace, compassion, etc with the various protocols making up the violent, rapacious, and duplicitous precepts of Judaism. ‘No man can serve 2 masters’, and ‘I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves’ were not just flowery words meant to pass the time, but indeed, factual statements meant to convey to His (true) followers that Judaism was their mortal, eternal enemy, as well as that of the entire human race. Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - Trudeau Government's "Returning Terrorist Integration" The Canadian government position however, differs from most of the other coalition members. During an appearance on CBC broadcast Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said"Canada does not engage in death squads". Responding to a CBC question, a government spokesperson also wrote, "Returning foreign terrorist travellers and their families, specifically women and children, require the appropriate disengagement and reintegration support". Political Information Nov 21, 2017 - Israeli President Accused of Treason After Refusing to Pardon Hebron Murderer Azaria ed note–everyone looking at this should get a few things straight right from the start. 1. The religious terrorist Azaria was only convicted because there was a video showing what he had done and it went viral on the internet. Had there been no ‘problematic’ evidence of what had taken place, Israel would have done what she always does/has done in similar situations–make up a story with her as the victim and the ‘other’ guy as the victimizer and accusing anyone who calls this narrative into question an ‘anti-Shemite’. 2. With that as the model therefore, Rivlin knows the political consequences of pardoning the religious terrorist Azaria. He knows that in this, the 21st century AD where everyone– even PALESTINIANS for Yahweh’s sake–has a cell phone with a high-resolution camera and an internet connection that there is this thing known as ‘blowback’ that results from Jews doing whatever the f*** they want and that all the old curses and magic spells they

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 43 have employed in days long past do not possess the effect that they once did, and it is for this reason and NOT because he believes Azaria is a murderer, that AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT he has chosen not to put his signature to any pardon. What all of this does highlight however is the current family feud taking place within Judea, Inc between the smarter elements (concerned with consequences) and the not-so- smart elements, (religious nutjobs not concerned with consequences) a virtual play-by- play re-run of what took place almost 2,000 years ago when a group of terrorists and thugs thought they had the blessings of Yahweh to mount an armed rebellion against the Roman empire resulting in the destruction of the Jewish state and the 2,000 years of ‘persecution’ for the wandering Jew who had no home. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Slaughterbots Ron: Tell me again why you think that we don't have to worry about the development of AI on this criminal penal planet. Actually, if you want to avoid a weaponised AI future PRAY that President Trump and the Triodity drain the US and global Deep State swamp... 'SOON'. This 7' 47" video was published by Future of Life Institute on Nov 13, 2017: Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - The Saudi System And Why Its Change May Fail Bin Salman is purging the religious establishment, the military, the competing members of the families, the business people and the bureaucracy. He wants to run the state by his own. He demands the right to review any decision in the legal, business and foreign policy realm. He has authority to punish people responsible for decisions he dislikes. Under this concept any personal initiatives will become extinct. The country is too big for one person to control. MbS can not take all decisions by himself. No large system can work like that. The people will soon become unhappy with his centralized and unresponsive control. That is already visible in his failing foreign policy. MbS wants to be seen as the indisputable "leader of the Islamic world". His hate for everything Iran originates there. The Iranian system of a participatory and democratic Islamic state is a living alternative to the autocratic model he wants to implement in Saudi Arabia. The western model of a "liberal democracy" does not adapt well to the historic social models that are prevalent in the Middle East. But the Iranian system is genuine and fits the local culture. It is the sole competition he fears. It must be destroyed by any means. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - ECB wants to end deposit protection & offer savers 'appropriate amount' of their own money Ron: Absurd criminal proposals such as this should result in the general population LYNCHING their advocates OR, at least, an irresistible popular outcry sufficient to have ALL relevant advocates and supporters removed from positions of power and influence in the relevant government, bureaucracy and industry. The only justification for the stupid mass population failing to vent their feelings of outrage at such proposed official HIGHWAY ROBBERY must be the fact that governments and the MSM do not adequately publicise their criminal intentions, and bought and paid for commentators do not explain the convoluted rhetoric involved in simple terms or at AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 44 all. IF the general population does understand what is meant by such proposals they deserve what they will get. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - How Turkey, Iran, Russia and India are Playing the New Silk Roads A stable Syria is crucial to all parties involved in Eurasia integration. As Asia Times reported, China has made it clear that a pacified Syria will eventually become a hub of the New Silk Roads, known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) - building on the previous business bonanza of legions of small traders commuting between Yiwu and the Levant. Education Nov 20, 2017 - Museum of the Bible Opens with Mission to Engage Millions with ‘Book of Books’ Ron: End Note: Esu immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) didn't intend to establish a religion and didn't. The Christian religion was created by Pharisees in cahoots with Roman Emperors. Accordingly the Jewish Torah was inappropriately included in the Bible and called "the Old Testament"when the Emperor Constantine established Christianity as the offical religion of the Empire. The so-called Church Fathers had no real say in the matter. In addition the Emperor Constantine and later Emperor Justinan, enforced the elimination of many books and teachings from the Bible while including the Torah. Followers of Jesus' real teachings were sidelined or bloodily eliminated. The Pharisees and neo- Pharisees have manipulated Ecumenical Councils For instance, they had Emperor Justinian eliminate all references to reincarnation from the Bible. See eg: Pope [Vigilius] Arrested for Believing in Reincarnation. - Believing-in-Reincarnation.shtml Similarly, Jewish (neo-Pharisee) "converts" influenced Vatican II and its distortions. Pharisees and neo-Pharisees have censored and distorted successive iterations of Christian teachings and the Bible for two millenia, starting with Saul of Tarsus (St Paul) who denigrated females, subjugating them to males. A major recent distortion of the Bible was the Scofield Bible financed by the Rothschilds in the early 20th century. See eg: The Zionist-Created Scofield 'Bible'. - Created-Scofield-Bible.shtml Arguably the Schofield Bible has been the major cause of the irrational acceptance of Judaism by Evangelical Christians and so-called Christian Zionists in the US. This has caused growth of belief in the gross LIE that Christian values that are derived from the teachings of Jesus the Christ have arisen from or have some real connection with, Judaism. This false belief has segued into the LIE that Western civilisation has derived its values from so-called Judeo-Christian roots. Be aware also that the Torah was originally concocted by Levites who plagiarised and corrupted earlier Sumarian spiritual teachings in order to create a pseudo religious mind control mechanism for dominating, controlling and exploiting Judean tribal peoples. Accordingly it misrepresented and maliciously and salaciously distorted the alleged activities of historical figures like Abraham, Isaac and Moses. By the time that Jesus the Christ incarnated, control of the Torah based Temple religion had devolved into the clutches of an ideological political cabal known as Pharisees. Esu Immanuel was NOT a Pharisee nor was he a Hebrew, a Judean or a Judahite. His mother was a Sumarian and AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 45 his Father's seed was provided by Archangel Gabriel. See eg: ESU IMMANUEL, THE CHRIST, WAS NOT A JEW - WAS_NOT_A_JEW_4237.shtml And: CREATOR GOD ATON/HATONN: THE TORAH vs. THE TALMUD - HATONN-THE-TORAH-vs-THE-TALMUD.shtml Jesus did not incarnate to create a religion. He came to teach the truth which had been lost and replaced in Palestine with the grossly corrupted Torah based political ideology peddled by the Pharisees. That was the reason the Pharisees forced the Romans to crucify him.The Pharisees then attempted to eradicate the truth taught by Jesus by persecuting followers of his teachings and assisting Roman Emperors to create the Christian religion which they distorted and corrupted in various ways. Major distortions included denying the truth that human beings reincarnate until they learn to understand the truth and live a loving life. Another was the idea that ALL humans are not sons and daughters of God ie that Jesus the Christ was the ONLY begotten son of God. The truth is that EVERY human being is unique, ie, an only begotten son or daughter of God. This means that a fragment of Creator consciousness inheres in every ensouled human; ie everyone is a "temple" of God and needs NO intercession by ANY intemediary such as a priest or guru. This LIE enabled the Pharisees to segue their lies into the false doctrine of Jesus Christ allegedly sacrificing himself (ie being crucified) in exculpation of our "sins", ie our errors of understanding and judgment that lead us to transgress the energetic (consciousness) laws by which the universe operates. This false doctrine totally eliminates our true status as spiritual (conscious) fragments of the Creator temporarily experiencing a material existence. It also leads us to passively assume that our "salvation" is not dependent on our own efforts when it is. No one can "save"anyone else. That means no one can learn about and understand life, the universe and everything, and live in accordance with that understanding, on behalf of anyone else. Human free will means that each individual is responsible for his/her own thoughts, actions and inappropriate inactions and hence s/he is responsible for learning to "save" (evolve) self in order to progress to ever higher levels of consciousness. Once this is understood an individual ceases to "need" a religion and priests (however described) to intercede with God on his/her behalf. Other major corruptions included such distortions as the subjugation of women to men taught by the ex-Pharisee Saul of Tarsus (St Paul). To cap it off the Pharisees managed to incorporate the Torah and "Hebrew Bible" into the Bible as the "Old Testament". How the Jews must laugh whenever they contemplate that obvious contradiction. What could be more opposed to Jesus the Christ's teaching namely that we must love neighbour (everyone and everything) AS self, FOR the love of God (ALL), than the the materialistic, ethno-centric, racist, genocidal political ideology set out in the Torah? Human/Animal Rights Nov 20, 2017 - The Real Reason the Media Pushes “Sexual Liberation”

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Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - US Quietly Builds Up Troops in Somalia US Has More Troops in Somalia Than Any Time Since 1993 Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Meanwhile In Sweden, Crime Hits All Time Highs Bloomberg reports that the number of Swedes who were victims of crimes such as fraud and sexual offenses jumped to the highest level on record last year. A survey by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention showed that 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment) last year. That's up from 13.3 percent in 2015 and thehighest number recorded since the annual Swedish Crime Survey started in 2006.

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Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Once Peaceful Germany Descends into Migrant-fueled Violence Police admit they are outnumbered and overwhelmed and increasingly unable to maintain public order - both day and night. Statistics that are reliable on knife violence in Germany - where police been accused of failing to report many crimes, apparently in an effort "not to unsettle" the public - do not exist. A search of German police blotters, however, indicates that 2017 is on track to become a record year for stabbings and knife crimes: Police reported more than 3,500 knife- related crimes between January and October 2017, compared to around 4,000 reported crimes during all of 2016 - and only 300 in 2007. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 1,200%. Human/Animal Rights Nov 20, 2017 - Charles Manson Dead: Mind Controlled Helter Skelter Manson was not there at any of these killings, but was nonetheless convicted of murder for directing his followers to murder. Does such ability to control others lie within a particular personality, or is it more the result of particular psychological needs in followers which get manipulated and exploited by a devious personality ? Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Silicon Valley Creates a New Religion will Worship Artificial Intelligence “Godhead”

The new religion of artificial intelligence is called "Way of the Future."

Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - How Modern Empire Uses "Awards" to Keep Servants Loyal Empires in particular seek out the most self-absorbed and egotistical, because it is among this segment of the population that a "bit of coloured ribbon" works best.

Rojanaphruk boasts of his various awards, scholarships, fellowships and even awards he merely was a finalist for in his various self-authored profiles. Despite claiming to be a journalist, his social media accounts are flooded with stories and images of himself at AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 48 the centre of attention, performing political stunts aimed at protesting the Thai government, making news rather than reporting on it.

There are tens of thousands of Pravit Rojanaphruks scattered not only across Thailand and Southeast Asia, but across the entire globe posing as activists, journalists, politicians and leaders in various industries, but ultimately serving as functionaries for interests on Wall Street and in London and Brussels. For the recognition that many so eagerly crave, awards and "achievements" are carefully designed to give functionaries their "dopamine hit" encouraging them to achieve yet more still. - Joseph Thomas Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - The Social Media Wars in Unconventional Battlefields With a huge following comes the question of credibility. The more reliable the content, the more power it holds against the opposite narrative.In such a situation the best bet by the opposition is to spread the false narrative to such an extent that it replaces the truth. The smart use of social media is the ability to cross verify information in any form; importantly when it is being used to counter the enemy's narrative. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - The Demise of Dissent: Why the Web Is Becoming Homogenized In other words, we'll be left with officially generated and sanctioned fake news and "approved" dissent: unemployment is at record lows, inflation is near zero, the "recovery" is alive and well, Russia is the enemy and any suggestion to the contrary is propaganda that must be eradicated as fake news, etc. Simply put, the web is becoming Orwellian. There's plenty of approved "diversity of opinion," but dissent is being sidelined to the fringes as a risk to the perfection of managed content. - Charles Hugh Smith Health and Nutrition Nov 20, 2017 - Opioid-Related Deaths Drained $500 Billion From The US Economy In 2015 "It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." - Voltaire Reuters, which also received a copy of the report, pointed out that the report also looked at the cost of non-fatal opioid usage, estimating the total economic costs associated with the 2.4 million opioid addicts in America at $72 billion in 2015. Those costs included medical treatment, criminal justice system expenses and the decreased economic productivity of addicts. Health and Nutrition Nov 20, 2017 - Medical Destruction: It’s Not Just Opioids If you consciously set out to bring a nation to its knees, to kill it, to disable it, to make it unable to function at any reasonable level, you would be hard pressed to find a more effective long-term method than exposing the population to the US/European medical-drug cartel. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Declassified Files Reveal Gov’t Plot to Carry Out Soviet False Flag Attacks in US to Start War Matt Agorist: As the Daily Caller notes, the notion of using fake Soviet aircraft in a so- called "false flag" attack was first revealed in Robert Dallek's An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963, which was released in 2001. Dallek's book says that the idea to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 49 manufacture or obtain Soviet aircraft was suggested by CIA Director McCone; however, the released documents say it was raised by Attorney General Kennedy. As people continue to believe the warmongering rhetoric from the State, they also continue to forget America's history of lying to the people to get them to accept war. Indeed, the JFK files have now given us at least two incidents of the United States planning false flag attacks against its own people as a pretext to wage war... The plans were to create and carry out false flag terror attacks against American citizens and use them as propaganda to gain support for the war against Fidel Castro. In the documents, officials noted that the plans for the attacks were "approved" and the Joint Chiefs merely needed to pick one of the nine "pretexts" to use to trick US citizens into war. The plans involved killing innocent people and injuring others and making sure these instances would be "widely publicized" as propaganda to start an unjust war. "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated)," the document reads. Notice how callous these monsters sound when talking about drowning a boatload of Cubans-which would have likely contained innocent children-to start a bogus war for profit.

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Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Turkey Authorizes the Construction of a Church

Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - In 2011 Russia Was a Passenger on a Runaway Train Russia has come a long way since 2011. In 2001, many Russians felt that while it was possible to restore the internal economic order, improve living standards and protect Russian citizens under attack in places like South Ossetia and Abkhazia, that Russia did not have a wider role to play in the world. Today, the opposite is happening. Russia's dynamic, pragmatic and anti-ideological diplomatic model has put Russia into the geo-political driver's seat in, a vehicle powered by the Chinese economy. That being said, Russia's economy is becoming increasingly diversified and powerful while China is becoming increasingly assertive in global diplomacy. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Hitler in Argentina & The US-Hitler Bargain NB The true details of Adolf Hitler's escape are presently unknown however this article seems plausible based on the amount of information currently available. ( Brian ) Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Oy vey! Now, Seven Flags Over Texas? "It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world." President George Washington's farewell address Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - UAE secret ties with Israel exposed Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - How They Do It– Sanders hits Trump nominee who called Islam ‘a deficient theology’ Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Turkish Officials Ban All LGBT Events in Capital Ankara for 'Peace and Security' Although homosexuality is not banned in Turkey and numerous LGBTI associations are legally registered, the above moves prompted rights activists to insist that LGBTI individuals face discrimination.

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Education Nov 20, 2017 - Hardcore Porn at School? Calls for Sex Education to Get More Graphic "The changes in practices we see here are consistent with the widening of other aspects of young people's sexual experience, and are perhaps not surprising given the rapidly changing social context and the ever-increasing number of influences on sexual behavior. It is important to keep up-to-date with trends in sexual lifestyles to help young people safeguard their health and increase their well-being,"Kaye Wellings, professor of Sexual and Reproductive Health at LSHTM, said. The research was published in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Health and Nutrition Nov 20, 2017 - Study Confirms that Alcohol is Ten Times Deadlier Than Cannabis on the Road While this evidence should not be taken as a sign that cannabis-related automotive deaths are insignificant, this research does add weight to the argument that cannabis is far safer than alcohol, in many different ways. This is to support the notion that legalisation would have far more positive effects on society than continuing to perpetuate the often terrifying criminalisation of this natural plant, over-burdening the justice and prison system. - Vic Bishop Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 20, 2017 - Zen and Back Again; Travels Between the True Light and the False Light; Blind and Perfectly Illuminated. God is real and you are free to believe this or to believe otherwise, this is not a concern of mine. My only concern and my only duty is to tell you this. What you do or do not do about it... is up to you. I am not responsible for the level of faith or denial of anyone but myself. I implore you to accept this as truth. I beg you with all my heart to believe and live accordingly but whether you do or not is not in my hands. It grieves me that any of you should suffer. It pains me exceedingly that you should live without that joy and certitude which is your birthright. God is real and God loves you. It's at points like this that I realize that there is nothing further to say but... somehow I find something, especially when there's a lot of post left, according to the usual-routine length. Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Western Elites Find New ‘China Threat’ Theory When the Western media used the "China threat" theory in its propaganda, they thought China would not rise so quickly. But now, they see an increasingly powerful China that has crossed the threshold of a superpower and is outpacing the West on many fronts including politics, economy, technology and culture. Der Spiegel displays a mind-set that believes China and the West will always confront each other.

Some Western elites shuttle between the "China collapse" theory and the "China threat" theory to choose a perspective to observe China's development, leading to creative titles and themes: as for the economy, Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute, posed a question in 1995 - "Who Will Feed China?", claiming growing Chinese demand will "place new strains on world food supply already stretched to the limit." The reality is that China not only fed its huge population, but also fed the world with over 30 percent contribution to current global economic growth. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 52

Political Information Nov 20, 2017 - Israel’s Ploy Selling a Syrian Nuke Strike Although Mossad went to great lengths to convince the Bush administration that the site was a nuclear reactor, what the Israelis really wanted was for the Bush administration to launch U.S. airstrikes against Hezbollah and Syrian missile storage sites. Senior officials of the Bush administration didn't buy the Israeli bid to get the United States do the bombing, but none of them ever raised questions about the Israeli ruse. So both the Assad regime and the Israeli government appear to have succeeded in carrying out their own parts in a double deception in the Syrian desert. Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - China Debunks Theory Saudi Arabia Wants Regional War Salman's call to Xi appears to be a deliberate signal by Riyadh that it is far from the case that Saudis have put all their eggs in the American basket. Equally, it signals that MBS's recent rhetoric and militant posturing toward Lebanon, Hezbollah, Iran etc. notwithstanding, Saudi Arabia intends to live up to its reputation for conservative and moderate policies and is certainly not about to trigger a regional war in the Middle East. Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - Hariri Does Paris Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - DFAT’s White Paper and Modern Reality It is also inescapably the case that DFAT's White Paper will have a non-negotiable starting point of the US Alliance being the cornerstone of Australia's defence policy. Foreign policy initiatives must therefore be formulated within the context of whether or not what Australia wants is consistent with US geopolitical objectives. On the practical side that process is already well advanced, with Australian military personnel already integrated into the American military structure. Other manifestations include the US spy base at Pine Gap, an integral part of the US war machine worldwide, and US military bases on Australian soil. Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European Ron: Jews are members of an ancient social collective. In effect they are members of a political tribe the founding document for which was the Torah. The tribe's ideology is set out in the Talmud, a series of 63 books based on the Torah which were written over a period of about a thousand years from 500 BC to 500 AD. For socio-political propaganda reasons the controllers of the tribe allege that the Torah is the basis of a religion but it isn't. The Torah is a genocidal, racist, political tract written as the blueprint for the establishment of a tribal mind control mechanism. The so called g-d of the Torah is a violent, jealous, genocidal entity that is obviously no god at all and accordingly the majority of adherents to Jewish ideology profess to be atheists. The collectivist mind control elements in neo-Pharasaic Judaism have been reinforced by rampant but often covert nepotism; and in many places by corralling tribe members in ghettoes. For instance, for centuries Khazar Jews in Russia, Poland and Eastern Europe were herded together in shtetel communities seperated from gentiles. Getto living was also common in Rome and other places in the West. Getto living enabled rabbis to maintain mind control discipline and it may also explain why women "converts"may have

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 53 been the prime source of new blood coming into the "tribe". If so, this could account for the findings in this report. Although global Jewry pretends that Jewishness is genetic and that Jews are a race that is not the case, although there does appear to have been a lot of inbreeding and consequent genetic abnormalities within "the tribe"over the centuries. Similarly, global Jewry pretends that to be a Jew you need to be born of a Jewish mother despite the fact that Judaism still accepts "converts" and Israel tries to reject dark skinned Jews from some African countries. The truth in these matters is shrouded in mystery by global Jewry but the truth will no doubt come out shortly as the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi dismantle global Jewry's conspiratorial New World Order mechanisms. True US History Nov 19, 2017 - MS13 Human/Animal Rights Nov 19, 2017 - Planned Parenthood Partner Gave Staff Bonuses for Harvesting Aborted Baby Brains, Hearts: Whistleblower Ron: These abhorrent murderous activities must be stopped immediately and all primary participants in thess crimes against humanity must be prosecuted ASAP. The fact that US governments SUBSIDISE this slaughter for profit is almost beyond belief. Dorothy Cummings McLean: O'Donnell worked inside some of the biggest Planned Parenthood abortion clinics in northern California. StemExpress workers used private patient medical files sent to them by Planned Parenthood to identify and sign up pregnant women who could meet their body parts order quotas for the day. The procurement technicians were under enormous pressure - and were offered bonuses - to get as many body parts as possible. "Go Team!!!" one company email reads. "Leave nothing on the table!" True US History Nov 19, 2017 - YOU'RE ABOUT TO WITNESS WHAT WAS AN IMPOSSIBILITY JUST ONE YEAR AGO This 12' 17" video was published by SGTreport on Nov 8, 2017: Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - Obama's 'unaccompanied children' Turn Up Big in Latest MS13 Gang Sweep Ninety-three of the arrestees were wanted for state and federal crimes and will likely do time here before being thrown out. One hundred ninety-three of the 214 arrested were illegal aliens, more than 90%, people who came here to do harm. Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - NEW POLL Shows Tump’s Popularity Higher Than Europe’s Merkel, Macron, and May Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - The Storm, Week 6: Biblical Flood Stage (Sticky Post)

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Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - George Soros and Nancy Pelosi Headline Dark Money Conference Top item on the agenda...the "resistance" to Donald Trump. Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - Harvey Weinstein had 91 Name Hit List of People to “quash” if they Revealed his Crimes The list was compiled in early 2017, nine months before The New York Times published its October article against Weinstein...confirming that Weinstein was aware of the Times' investigation prior to the publication. Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Nov 19, 2017 - Seraphin Botschaft 318: DER ZUSTAND, AUFGEZOGEN ZU WERDEN True US History Nov 19, 2017 - Biggest Sting in History, Indictments Growing - with Liz Crokin Ron: Liz Crokin is a very courageous person, brave enough to investigate pedophelia, spirit cooking and child trafficking etc, and then publicly speak the truth about it. Please steel yourself to hear what she has to say because it is vital that we learn the truth ASAP. Those who have no clue about what our world is really like are going to freak out when the Trump Administration unleashes all the criminal indictments piling up in US courts. True US History Nov 19, 2017 - MS-13 Arrests Linked To 1800 Sealed Indictments, Democrats, Hillary Clinton and Obama April LaJune This 8' 35" video was published by April LaJune on Nov 17, 2017: Massive arrests of MS-13 gang members linked to 1800 nationwide sealed Indictments? Q says yes!

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True US History Nov 19, 2017 - CONFIRMED: Marines Land At Langley To Stop Coup - Hillary Worried Over Indictments This 6' 38" video was published by April LaJune on Nov 18, 2017: Marines have landed at Langley to assist President Trump in securing Washington DC while threats of a coup still loom. Hillary Clinton shows she's worried about the current investigations and the indictments which have been issued in the last week, now reaching over 1800. Human/Animal Rights Nov 19, 2017 - A Kiss is Not a Kiss: Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children Although the greatest number of children working as prostitutes occurs in Asia, Eastern European children (from countries such as Russia, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic) are increasingly vulnerable. According to estimates, more than 2 million children under 18 are involved in prostitution worldwide, of which 1 million are in Asia and 300,000 in the United States Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - 800 Obama Regulations Cut Since Trump Took Office Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - A Christian Nation ?

Photo by Forsaken Fotos | CC BY 2.0 Human/Animal Rights Nov 19, 2017 - Why We Need to Take Animal Cruelty Much More Seriously For better or worse, concern for animals themselves has not motivated law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, juries, and the larger community to take animal cruelty crimes very seriously. The key to reversing this trend is education. Everybody with a conscience needs to learn about the well-established link between violence against animals and violence against humans. If we want to reduce the latter, we should make a much more concerted effort to identify and punish the former.

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Political Information Nov 19, 2017 - Priest Urges Church to Abandon Christmas, ‘hijacked’ by Santa "My religious experience of true Christmas, like so many others, is very deep and real - like the air I breathe. But non-believers deserve and need their celebration, too. It's an essential human dynamic and we all need that in the toughness of life." The clergyman conceded that he didn't think it likely that the church will abandon the word Christmas but warned that its refusal to do so will have consequences. "It will mean that secularisation and modern life will continue to launder the Church," he said. True US History Nov 18, 2017 - Israel must push for 1mn West Bank settlers, enough talk of two states – minister by TUT editor

RT - Israel's Jerusalem affairs minister is calling for sheer numbers to root out the very idea of a sovereign Palestinian state. He says about a million Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank should do the trick. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Almost 300 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Nationwide Bust "With more than 10,000 members across 40 states, MS-13 is one of the most dangerous criminal organizations in the United States today," said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "These 267 arrests are the next step toward making this country safer by taking MS-13 off of our streets for good." There are about 30,000 MS-13 members worldwide, including 10,000 in the United States, according to informationprovided by the Justice Department. The gang has a "large presence" in New York, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., and a reach affecting 46 states. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - The Superhero Complex: Are We Incapable of Saving Ourselves? More troubling is the recent film-industry depiction of our dependence on superheroes and their superpowers to set things right. The benign view is that Hollywood is always seeking new billion-dollar source materials for multi-film franchises, and comic book heroes are tailor-made for franchises: not only can multiple films be made about individual superheroes, but the potential for mix-and-match combinations of superheroes is practically endless.The less benign view is that the popularity of superhero movies reflects a deep insecurity and worrisome desire for fantasy saviors, as if mere mortals can no longer save themselves with their pitiful real-world powers. Environment/Science Nov 18, 2017 - TIME and Space These Timelapse pictures tell the pretty and not-so-pretty story of a finite planet and how its residents are treating it - razing even as we build, destroying even as we preserve. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Zimbabwe’s Crisis is Internal – but Zimbabweans Must Now Make Sure to Keep it That Way While South Africa has not been keen to dirty its hands in the current crisis in Zimbabwe, if things de-stabilise, there may be a race to see who can get to Harare quicker: South African peace keepers and diplomats who would conduct negotiations to preserve the constitutional order in Zimbabwe or western NGOs along with American and British politicians whose only AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 57 interests in Zimbabwe are to ruin China's good relations with a potentially rich nation, with the added insult of reminding Zimbabwe of the much hated period of UDI Rhodesia where Ian Smith ran a government that virtually all Africans consider racist. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Is Satire "Fakenews"? - How Fact-Checkers Peddle Snake-Oil How does satire fit into such the very confined concept of "fake news"? And what about "conspiracy theories"? Are they"fake news"? Here is a list of 58 historic cases of "false flag" attacks. Governments committed these, blamed them on their enemies and used them to influence the public. People who were doubtful when these government assertions were made were labeled "conspiracy theorists". But what was really "fake news" - the governments' claims or the opinions of those who did not believe them? What is "fake news" when a UN report asserts that the Syrian government used Sarin in Khan Sheikhun but can not explain why - according the same report - 47 of the casualties were hospitalized before the alleged incident happened? Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Trump Steps into a Lion's Den by Ending Ban on Elephant Trophy- hunting Imports So even as quite a few of us abhor the idea of hunting elephants and lions for sport on its own merits, as Savage does, and others resent the class implications of African trophy- hunting as a luxury of the rich, the preponderance of the evidence seems to point to the libertarian argument that farming animals - which includes allowing the culling of the herds by fee-paying trophy-hunters - is the best way to keep them numerous, alive, and healthy. Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 18, 2017 - House Takes Up Bill to Protect the Unborn with a Heartbeat by TUT editor

ED-NOTE - The Dean of TUT Uni, MG, has said many times that there was no 'movement' and used many examples to argue his point. But no topic illustrates his statement better than the question of abortion.

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In my own personal life, I have come across innumerable anti-feminist women who are pro-infanticide without them being able to see that abortion is the corner stone upon which Feminism has been built. I have met on social media many self proclaimed Jew- wise truthers - men and women - who also support it. Their Jew-wisdom all of a sudden disappears and, like programmed zombies, they forget everything they thought they knew and will repeat ad-nauseam the Judaic mantra 'My Body My Choice' in unison with all the pro-infanticide fanatics, as if they were possessed, as if they have been bewitched by some black magic. Their vision gets blurred and they become absolutely unable to see the whole picture, to see how the question of abortion is related to the greater question, how it is part and parcel of the bigger problem: the Jewish question/the Jewish problem. ‘My body, my choice’ is a total fallacy and has nothing to do with abortion. Yes, a woman's body is hers to do with it whatever she wants: be promiscuous, kill herself, amputate herself, deface herself etc. That indeed is her body, no one is questioning this but that is not what is at stake. Abortion is not about a woman's body at all, it is about another being's body and that should never be forgotten. The life inside a woman’s womb is not hers; an unborn baby’s body is not hers either. And so when a woman decides to have an abortion, it is not her life she is taking away but somebody else’s and no woman should have any ‘right’ to terminate a life which was never hers. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Anti-BDS Laws and Pro-Israeli Parliament: Zionist Hasbara is Winning in Italy TUT editor

DISSIDENT VOICE - A proposed law at the Italian Parliament is set to punish the boycott of Israel. In the past, such an initiative would have been unthinkable. Alas, Italy, a country that had historic sympathies with the Palestinian cause, has shifted its politics in a dramatic way in recent years. Most surprisingly, though, the Left is as implicated as the Right in the rush to please Israel, at the expense of Palestinian rights. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Revelations of a High-Profile Qatari Official Reveal a Wider anti- Syria Conspiracy AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 59

Alexander Orlov: According to Hamad Bin Jassim, Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri played a major role in fomenting the Syrian conflict with an extensive support of a number of pro-Saudi Lebanese officials. In addition, the former Qatari Prime Minister mentioned the role that Iraqi Kurds played in the formenting of the so-called Syrian "civil war", especially Massoud Barzani. At the conclusion of the interview, he announced that his government played a big role in the destruction of Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen, while acting on Washington's behalf. It's hard to say what prompted such a figure to make those revelations. Most of the facts he mentions were known to those analysts who have been following the Syrian events closely. But this time, instead of seeing reports from "from certain trusted sources", but a true confession made by the man who was behind the so-called color revolutions movement in the Arab world. Perhaps he was following the orders of the sitting Emir, who has turned against Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, breaking all diplomatic relations with the Persian Gulf monarchies...the reluctance of international agencies to open an international investigation of all the circumstances of the overthrow of legitimate governments of a handful of Middle Eastern states, along with the continuous attempts to destroy Yemen and Syria, which constitute a gross violation of the norms of international law and the UN Charter. And all officials from the countries mentioned by the Qatari Prime Minister including himself are to be subjected to arrest and tried in the International Criminal Court for their actions that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. It is clear that those agencies have compromised themselves a long while ago, but justice deserves a try. Ron: IF Universe Management wants humans on this planet to WAKE UP it needs to encourage and facilitate global dissemination of truths such as these AND the initiation of criminal prosecutions of, at least, the ringleaders, for WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Otherwise, how can average Joe and Josette Sixpack be expected to understand that humanity's BATSHIT life experiences here have been ungodly and fundamentally abnormal. IMHO, treating this planetary experiment solely as a spiritual IQ test is unreasonable and unfair. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - A Game-Changer in the House of Saud? None of this would be especially noteworthy, had it not been for the fact that Saudi Arabia had become the main financier and ideological ally of Islamic radicalism for more than 50 years. Wahhabism had allied itself with the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood after Gamal Abdel Nasser cracked down on it in the 1960s and began exporting and financing the radical MB ideology of Sayyid Qutb and Wahhabism in the West. As early as the early 1960s, Saudi money and MB functionaries started setting up extremist Muslim Student Associations (MSA) in Europe and the U.S.A. Virtually all radical Islamist organizations existing today stem from those MSAs. By 2002, according to Saudi figures, Riyadh had spent $80 billion in sponsoring Islamic extremism throughout the West and in places like Pakistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. Numerous congressional hearings testify that the U.S. government was well aware of the subversive role played by the Saudis, but neither the George W. Bush administration, nor the Obama administrations did anything about it. True US History Nov 18, 2017 - Jewish identity politics gone crazy: "Anti-Semitism" bill could equate criticism of Israel with racism - Jewish community split over implications for dual- AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 60 loyalty Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - J’accuse! The Demand For Injustice For the past year we have seen absurd accusations made against political figures in the US about connections to Russia. We have seen world leaders standing in the way of US interests accused of war crimes. Assad used barrel bombs, and gas on civilians. Proof to the contrary be damned. Maduro is starving his people. No evidence needed. Kim Il Sung is going to kill us all. War is prepared. One accusation after another made so rapidly our heads are kept spinning trying to keep track of it all. Entire pages of newspapers and hours of television news time are devoted to things that never happened. Investigative committees pretend to investigate. News anchors pretend to be alarmed. Accusations have been made. If an accusation is made, it must be true. That is the way it is now, the fascist way, to spread suspicion everywhere. The acceptance without question of the accusations against Kevin Spacey, as one famous example, and the denial of his right to be heard, the acceptance of the destruction of his life and career without trial, without any recourse open to him makes it all the easier to convince the population that the accusations against Russia deserve action, against Syria, against Venezuela, Korea, Iran, against Milosevic, Ghaddafi, Ndindiliyimana, Gbagbo, and the rest of the political victims of these witch hunts. It sets the tone for the whole society. Facts are not important. The story is what is important. Agitate the people and keep them agitated against someone. Pick a target, a scapegoat. Get the people angry with them, just so they forget to ask the bigger questions. Who is making their lives miserable? Who is destroying the economy, the ecological systems the climate? Who is murdering civilians en masse in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan? Who has robbed us of what little democracy we had? - Christopher Black True US History Nov 18, 2017 - On Franken, Trump shouldn’t have ‘gone there’

ed note–Here’s where things with the whole ‘Hurricane Harvey’ thing get a little bit sticky, no pun intended.

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That the recent revelations concerning Sen. Al Frankin’s sexual assault (s) of the past is part and parcel of HH is without question. Had the original news involving Weinstein not hit the fan a month ago, we would not be hearing about this now. In this case case however, it is more than likely that it was NOT Trump, Inc that originally set the ball rolling with regards to Franken, but rather the other side. The real target of the whole ‘Frankenstein’ aspect to this is Roy Moore, who is running for a US Senate seat for the state of Alabama, and all can rest assured that were he not running for this Senate seat, we would not all be witnessing all the present noise involving the sexual indiscretions which Trump’s enemies have conjured up against him. First, let’s talk about Franken. He’s an obnoxious Jew who used to be a macher in Hollywood. He’s a liberal and supports every liberal cause that already exists and even those that haven’t yet been invented. He’s a piece of garbage and definitely represents ‘the swamp’ which Trump, Inc intends to drain. However, the one thing that makes him problematic to Judea, Inc and its designs is that he has come out VERY PUBLICLY against Impeachment of the president, citing as his reason for doing so the fact that VP Mike Pence–who would take over as president were Trump impeached and then convicted–is a ‘zealot’. Franken did not just choose this word, ‘zealot’ because it happened to have a nice ring to it. Certainly, as a Jew, he understands the VERY Judaic connotation associated with this term, as it was the term specifically given to a group of warmongering Judaic religious terrorists in the 1st century AD whose foolish rebellion against Rome brought about the destruction of Judea/Israel in 70 AD. Therefore, as far as Franken’s role as a cog within the wheel of Judea, Inc’s machinery against Trump and its plans of having him removed, he’s a problem. Remember as well that it is the Senate where the entire Impeachment process takes place. Therefore, all can assume that suddenly, out of the blue, sexual harassment charges involving Al Franken–which took place years ago and which only received the light of day NOW, were done in the capacity of keeping the momentum against Roy Moore moving forward, a Trump ally, who, if he were to be elected to the Senate, would prove an EXTREMELY problematic element in terms of impeachment. Remember that just because Hurricane Harvey might have been loosed by Trump as part of his ‘drain the swamp’ strategy against Judea Inc, this does not mean that Judea, Inc would not be willing to engage in the very same tactics and even against one of their own, and anyone who doubts this should revisit the case involving the late Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, the Jewish Senator who came out VERY PUBLICLY against the invasion and destruction of Iraq following 9/11, whose time in the US Senate was abruptly cut short by a tragic plane crash and whose seat in the Senate was taken over by–drum role please– Al Franken, who both looked up to and admired Wellstone. Ron: Presumably the TUT editor doesn't realise that there is no chance that the US, as we know it, will survive long enough for the Jews to have any chance of impeaching President Trump. Apart from the fact that 'the swamp' IS being drained, the planet's Magnetic Reversal process is underway and will "short sheet" any future Talmudic plans re Trump or anything else. I haven't included the bulk of the CNN report because it is, as always, Talmudic propaganda. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Progressives Hate Everything Old, Including the Elderly AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 62

We now have a population that cannot replace itself because it worships sterile sex and despises children, and also worships youth while killing the youngest members of the human family. We have a generation of children who believe words are violence, a debt hole so big we can't see sunlight, and a generation so insane and sensitive that they believe saying things like "men can't get pregnant" is genuinely offensive. The Left is so certain that Progress is progress that they vociferously embrace a generation that is currently trashing thousands of years of human wisdom and knowledge in exchange for a few recent, unproven insanities. Environment/Science Nov 18, 2017 - Gene Editing vs. Alternative Technology Research into GMOs and gene-editing in particular belongs in laboratories, not in our fields, not on our dinner plates, and definitely not released into our wider, natural environments until that day comes. And until then, those in New Zealand working on saving their native bird populations have a chance to prove once again that there is always more than one solution to any given problem and that the tempting, "easy solution" is not always the best. Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Poppy Output Hits Record High as US Troop Surge in Afghanistan Completed

Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - How America’s Deep State Operates to Control the Message Beyond twisting narratives, Russiagate is also producing potentially dangerous collateral damage to free speech, as one of the objectives of those in the Deep State is to rein in the current internet driven relatively free access to information. In its most recent manifestations, an anonymous group produced a phony list of 200 websites that were "guilty" of serving up Russian propaganda, a George Soros funded think tank identified thousands of individuals who are alleged to be "useful idiots" for Moscow, and legitimate Russian media outlets will be required to register as foreign agents. Others Nov 18, 2017 - NOW IS THE TIME: Song by SA-RA and Light Assistant

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 63 4-minute illustrated video of the song NOW IS THE TIME by Sa-Ra through Light Assistant. A wonderful new hymn for the coming times. See inside for full text. Now is the time to step into your roles, Gather your Force as the New World unfolds, Beacons of Light, may you answer the call, Evil and darkness shall crumple and fall!

Servers, embrace the Celestial Plan, Bring forth solutions whenever you can, Think with your hearts as the Makers of Peace, Honour URANTIA'S final release

Political Information Nov 18, 2017 - Outrage as Australian judge says incest, pedophilia ‘may be accepted’ by society Ron: And so it begins... Having conditioned Australians to publicly accept and celebrate sodomy by speciously asserting that "love is love" and demanding "marriage equality" for homosexuals because they MUST have, as a matter of politically correct fairness, diversity and human rights, the same right to adopt and raise children that heterosexual couples have . Presumably also, marriage equality will enable homosexuals to legally choose to procure children via the services of third parties to their relationship. An instance of the problems arising from homosexual adoptions: Model gay adoptive ‘fathers’ sexually abused 6-year-old for years: offered him to pedophile ring - fathers-sexually-abused-6-year-old-for-years-offered-him-to-pedophile-ring.shtml In this connection I note that in December 2012, Russia passed the ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’ that banned American citizens from adopting Russian children.

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In June 2013, the state Duma passed an amendment that bans the adoption of Russian children by same-sex couples from abroad and forbids single people who are citizens or permanent residents of countries that allow same sex "marriage" to become adoptive parents or legal guardians of Russian children.Russia itself does not allow same sex "marriage" and the country’s authorities have passed a number of regional and federal bills banning the promotion of homosexual and other sexual aberrations to children. On the face of it, it amounts to endorsement of child abuse for any community to allow adoption of babies and/or children by same sex couples. Please SPEAK OUT against the growing insanity of same sex marriages and LGBT propaganda whenever you see it! Community endorsement of homosexuality and Lesbianism constitutes a spiritual, biological and cultural death wish. Do not condone it. The Australian MSM's popularising of homosexual "marriage" on the grounds of the need for "marriage equality" ignores fundamental human biological realities and the requirement for communities to reproduce themselves. Legalising homosexual 'marriage' will enable homosexuals to enforce commercial and public participation in celebrating their legal status and the education of children in their care in the joys of sexual freedom and gender fluidity, diversity and equality, as has already occurred in the US and UK. Judge Garry Nelson has given Australians a foretaste of what publicly approved "liberalisation" of attitudes in sexual and gender matters really means. Australia's MSM has already distorted the truth and propagandised Australians to get them to favour destructive moral, physical and social attitudes and practices relating to promiscuity, sodomy and same sex couples. It is not "progressive" for Parliament or the Courts to legislate to give homosexuals the same marriage and parenting rights as heterosexual couples or to legalise incest or child sexual abuse. Incest is liable to produce children with defective genes and legalising and popularising abortion as an appropriate solution for such problems is morally repugnant as well as societally suicidal. Allowing the courts to bless incest and promiscuity because abortions can eliminate pregnancies ignores the psychological, moral and spiritual harm such activities cause to the individuals concerned and society generally. Abortion constitutes killing a human being in utero and is contrary to divine (cosmic) law, ie the energetic rules by which our universe operates. The global MSM's advocacy of promisuicty and homosexuality is already creating a DEATH WISH in Western societies, notably nations like Australia, other Anglo countries including the US, and Europe, that are not able to replace their populations without immigration. Societal condonation of abortion to enable incest and promiscuous sexual relations also destroys the spiritual basis upon which society depends for survival. The Australian MSM already distorts the truth and propagandises in favour of destructive moral, physical, and social attitudes and practices in relation to sexual promiscuity, abortion, sodomy, gender fluidity and so-called 'marriage equality'. If this process is not halted, even if it is not extended to incest, it will destroy Australian society. True US History Nov 18, 2017 - Hurricane Harvey, Continued– Weinstein hit with fresh sexual abuse lawsuit as fallout continues

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Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 17, 2017 - Where have all the flowers gone? Live This 4' 15" video was published by slims86 onMar 19, 2007: Political Information Nov 17, 2017 - Trump’s Mideast Plan Is Bad for Israel True US History Nov 17, 2017 - 1186 Nationwide Indictments Center around Hillary Clinton, Uranium One and Pedophiles 1186 Nationwide Indictments Center around Hillary Clinton, Uranium One and Pedophiles (9' 36" video): Confirmed by Jeff Sessions and Sean Hannity, there are massive sealed indictments nationwide counting 1,186. According to Hannity, Hillary Clinton is at the center of these indictments and the investigation into the Uranium One deal. More information coming - #TheStorm Health and Nutrition Nov 17, 2017 - Bruce Lipton - Mind Over Matter Ron: Please watch and listen to this video. IMHO Bruce Lipton does a good job of explaining that we tend to live most of our lives operating at a subconscious level and how that affects our health and wellbeing. He also explains why our genes don't control our health or who we are. We are spirit beings having a physical experience but our science and society assume that materialism is all there is, which is an illusion. True US History Nov 16, 2017 - Organization training thousands of Jewish volunteers to keep synagogues safe by TUT editor by TUT editor Community Security Service focuses on training US community members to spot suspicious behavior and thus avert potential attacks ed note--all can rest assured that protection of synagogues is not the only motive behind all of this. What they are doing is training Jews in spy-craft and that those who are overseeing this project are plugged into Israeli intelligence in some fashion, more than likely as recruiters for Mossad. Either way, all can imagine what the reaction from the JMSM would be if Muslims began a similar program or if conservative Christians began training in paramilitary/para- intelligence tactics for their own self defense. They would be called 'militia', 'jihadists', ISIS wannabes, etc, and all sorts of files would be opened against such groups by the FBI, DHS, etc. The ADL, SPLC and other assorted Zionist spy agencies would have their people in the midst of these groups with live mics hooked up to voice recorders and then, when the opportunity was just right--BOOM--some major event takes place that would tie these orgs to some violent event and with the ADL/SPLC et al saying 'we told ya so'. Ron: OR, to put it another way: How many Muslim, Orthodox Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddist or Jain et al private police forces operate in Israel and the City of London in similar fashion to the SHOWRIM? Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Jewish teenager stabbed 12 times in London park by TUT editor AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 66

Attack in Regent's Park not thought to be anti-Semitic; police appeal to public for leads ed note--just because the police are refusing at this time to label it as an 'anti- Semitic' crime does not mean that it wasn't intended by the perps to be seen that way. Notice that in addition to the fact that no one was caught that none of the wounds to the victim were in his torso--where he would have faced certain death-- but rather in his legs. Plug into this picture as well the Sicarii of antiquity, those terrorist Jews who would knife fellow Jews for political purposes as described in wikipedia as follows-- siqari'im) were a splinter group of the Jewish Zealots סיקריים :The Sicarii (Modern Hebrew' who, in the decades preceding Jerusalem's destruction in 70 CE, heavily opposed the Roman occupation of Judea and attempted to expel them and their sympathizers from the area. The Sicarii carried sicae, or small daggers, concealed in their cloaks and at public gatherings, would pull out these daggers to attack Romans and Hebrew Roman sympathizers alike, blending into the crowd after the deed to escape detection. The Sicarii were likely one of the earliest forms of an organized assassination unit of cloak and daggers...' True US History Nov 16, 2017 - Orthodox clinic owner steals $7 mil from Medicaid in substance abuse fraud schemeOrthodox clinic owner steals $7 mil from Medicaid in substance abuse fraud scheme True US History Nov 16, 2017 - 2CELLOS - Whole Lotta Love vs. Beethoven 5th Symphony [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Ron: Trump and Sessions this week? 4' 21" video published by 2CELLOS on Apr 8, 2016: Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - The Character Assassination of Roy Moore So when the Washington Examiner reports that Roy Moore allies: Sexual allegations are 'smear tactics' to derail his Senate bid just remember this kind of public slander is directly out of the cesspool playbook from political careerists. "Sources close to Moore, who spoke to the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity, said the head-turning allegations were reminiscent of the "Access Hollywood" tape that was released one month before last year's presidential election and led to a flurry of sexual assault allegations against then-candidate Donald Trump. "The whole thing smells like an act of desperation. It's just classic smear tactics," said a former Trump campaign aide, who remains a supporter of Moore. "It's just too suspicious - the timing, the packaging." Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - USAID and Wall Street: Conflicts, Coups, and Conquest Through their "development" and "democracy" programs, they systematically take over the infrastructure, media, and political order of targeted nations, eventually installing obedient client regimes into power - either through compromised elections, color revolutions, or US military-led regime change operations. These client regimes then serve "American interests" just as the Colombian government did in 1928 when "American interests" required strikers to be shot en mass. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 67

It was USAID and NED-funded groups that helped fill the streets of Arab nations in 2011, tipping off years of war, the destruction of whole nations, and the edging of the entire region toward an even wider conflict in pursuit of long-standing, openly declared US foreign policy objectives. In the Middle East Wall Street seeks to eliminate its competitors, fuel its immense arms industry, and grant its energy firms, financiers, and the petrodollar they are both built upon a reprieve from an otherwise inevitable collapse. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - ‘Virus’ of Nationalism Has Been Smashed Repeatedly with Dictatorships Installed In 1973, National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger said, "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go Communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves". The crime of the Chilean people was its "irresponsibility" in wanting a brighter future for themselves. Kissinger further said that the "virus" of independence had to be crushed before it "spread contagion". Allende's presidential palace was bombed, with the president himself dying in the aftermath, along with thousands of others. The murderous dictator Augusto Pinochet was installed in 1974, whom CIA reports had described as "hard working" and "honest". In the midst of the bloodshed and economic inequality, Pinochet also stole $26 million of Chilean cash. He hid the millions in 120 bank accounts, many of them located offshore, while using bogus passports... In 1965, American intervention led to the democratically elected President Ahmed Sukarno being unseated after two decades in power. President Sukarno was described by the famous Indonesian writer, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, as "the only Asian leader of the modern era able to unify people of such differing ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds without shedding a drop of blood". Much blood would be shed during the following 33-year reign of his Western-backed successor, General Hajji Suharto (in power, 1965-1998). Indeed, the Suharto regime inflicted "one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century". Reston's analysis was typical of mainstream commentary of Suharto. For over 20 years, one of the worst mass murderers of the post-World War II period was described as "a moderate leader", "a moderating voice", or "at heart benign", someone who brought "stability" to the region. Later, the Bill Clinton administration described Suharto as "our kind of guy". - Shane Quinn Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Is the U. S. Congress a 'safe space' for Sexual Predators ? The Washington Post reported that "between 1997 and 2014, $15.2 million was paid out to 235 claimants." While that's a staggering amount of money, even more staggering is the number of claimants involved. Since 1997, 235 women have been the victims of sexual predators while working in the U.S. Congress. That's an average of almost twelve cases per year - about one case every month. This number can't be the result of just a couple of predators. This number seems to indicate that there are many sexual predators lurking in the halls of the U.S. Congress. The average amount of money paid to each claimant comes out to almost $65,000. This seems to be nothing more than "hush money" paid to protect the ruling class of elected officials in America, not to mention that the funds use to pay these settlements were taken AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 68 from the U.S. Treasury. That's right; the American people are funding an institutional cover-up of sexual harassment and abuse specifically designed to protect elected sexual predators! - Keith Edwards [Colour fonts and bolding added.]. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - First They Came for RT, Now the US seeks to force China’s Xinhua to Register as a Foreign Agent It would be one thing if the US decided to unilaterally force all foreign run media to register as foreign agents and ban US citizens from campaigning in any foreign related political movements. This would violate the First Amendment guaranteeing the freedom of speech and assembly, but at least it would be a consistent, blanket ban. Instead, the US has effectively given a list of acceptable and unacceptable foreign media outlets and causes. If it's Russian, Chinese, Iranian, Palestinian, Syrian or Venezuelan, it's unacceptable. If it's Saudi, British, Israeli, Qatari or French, it is acceptable.

Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Syria Summary: The Idlib Battle Comes Into Sight East of Damascus a mix of militant groups, including Al-Qaeda, are still holding the area of East Ghouta. Last month a propaganda campaign (implausibly) claimed that people in the surrounded area were starving. On October 30 a large Red Cross convoy was dispatched from Damascus and delivered supplies to East Ghouta. Twelve days later the militants in East Ghouta launched an attack on the surrounding Syrian army positions. At the same time they fired salvos of missiles and mortars into the capital and killed several civilians there. People there are wondering how the militants managed to acquire fresh ammunition. True US History Nov 16, 2017 - Officials: Five dead, 10 injured in Rancho Tehama mass shooting TUT editor ed note--as we say often in the aftermath of these events--Get used to it. America, as the chosen instrument of Judea Inc's plans of waging war all over the world in preparation for Pax Judaica, has been programmed to be a remorseless, violent, irrational AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 69

Golem and as such, since war and violence against the innocent (as clearly and unequivocally exhorted and extolled within the teachings of Torah Judaism) have been drip-fed into the collective American conscience now for decades, why should anyone be surprised when events such as these take place? As the old saying goes, an apple does not fall far from the tree, and since the tree itself has been transplanted into the diseased and decaying soil of Judaic thought through the uncontested control of mass media on the part of Judea, Inc, is there any reason to expect that the fruit of this tree will not be poisoned as well? Health and Nutrition Nov 16, 2017 - Meet the Jewish Family Making Billions From The Opioid Crisis II Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Organ Harvesters Not Welcome – Iran and Iraq reject Israel’s offer of aid for earthquake victims Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Alberta Bans Schools from Informing Parents about Kids Joining Pro- LGBT Clubs Lianne Laurence: A bill banning schools from telling parents when their child joins a "gay-straight alliance" without the child's consent, regardless of the age of the child, passed in Alberta's legislature this morning... The Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms issued a legal analysis of the bill asserting it violated the Charter rights of parents and independent schools. GSAs are "political clubs which promote progressive, secular and libertine beliefs and attitudes about human sexuality," an "ideology" that is "contrary to the teachings of Islam, Christianity, Orthodox Judaism and other religions," JCCF said in its legal brief. Bill 24 compels independent religious schools "to adopt policy positions in support of the government's preferred LGBTQ ideology," and is evidence of the NDP's "intention to control and change the religious character of independent schools," its press release said. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Farage: Soros and EU Allies Engaged in ‘The Biggest Level of International Political Collusion in History’ "Open Society boasts that they had 42 forty-two meetings last year with the European Commisision. They've even published a book of ‘reliable' friends in the European Parliament and there are 226 names on that list - including yours, sir! I thought you'd find this interesting!" he told a heckling MEP. "We even had last week [Guy] Verhofstadt lobbying on behalf of Mr. Soros, at the Conference of Presidents in a battle that is going on with Viktor Orbán, the Prime Minister of Hungary." - Jack Montgomery Human/Animal Rights Nov 16, 2017 - Myanmar Forces Burning Rohingya Muslims Alive: Report Press TV: "Rohingya civilians were burned alive. Soldiers raped and gang-raped Rohingya women and girls and arbitrarily arrested men and boys en masse," it added. Ron: Yadda, yadda, Western FAKE NEWS bullshit yadda. British and Gulf funded Jihardi terrorist organisers are responsible for the destabilisation of the northern half of Rakhine State. see eg: Myanmar: The Genocide against the Rohingya - against-the-Rohingya.shtml And: Who's Driving the Rohingya into the Sea?. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 70

See: Rohingya-into-the-Sea.shtml Press TV: More than 600,000 Rohingya have fled the predominantly-Buddhist country of Myanmar to Bangladesh since August 25, when a crackdown on the Rohingya intensified in Rakhine. The government has been engaged in a campaign against the minority, which the UN and human rights groups have called "a textbook example of ethnic cleansing." Ron: this is typical Western propaganda bullshit. It is disappointing that Press TV peddles such FAKE NEWS garbage. The alleged "crackdown" against the so-called Rohingya is a typical Western "humanitarian" terrorist destabilisation exercise designed to carve up Myanmar and prevent that nations from facilitating oil and gas trade with China via offshore fields, a port facility and overland pipelines through Rakhine State to China. British and CIA terrorist organisers have used Jihardis to kill and terrorise and burn the villages of Muslims in Northern Rakhine State (the area where the oil and gas pipelines are scheduled to transit) in order to falsely blame the Myanmar military and foment UN and US military intervention which would enable the US to establish bases next to the Chines border as well as disrupting China's port and mining operations in Rakhine and its proposed trading route through Myanmar. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Feed the World: Russia on Path to Become Leading Grain Exporter Human/Animal Rights Nov 16, 2017 - People Sold as Slaves for $400 in Libya "The immigration problem in Libya has been a massive problem since conflicts started." [Ron: The euphemism "conflict" conceals the fact that the US, EU and NATO organised and fomented a successful terrorist takeover of prosperous Libya with it successful democratic Jamahiriya Libyan governance arrangements, by bombing Libya for months and arranged the murdser of Muammar Gaddafi.*]. Libyans have primarily moved to Europe to find better jobs for their family and also to keep themselves alive from the wars. Most migrants paid smugglers everything they own for the hope of reaching Europe and a better life. Libyan coastguards have become better at taking down more amounts of refugee ships controlled by smugglers. The smugglers are left with these refugees who become slaves to them. *

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Few Americans have any understanding of what happened to Libya six years ago. Even fewer know the significance of what is taking place there now. The US-led war on Libya was erased from historical memory before it reached popular consciousness. To remember Libya and more specifically Gaddafi’s dream is to remember the destruction of an African revolution. This African revolution possessed many attributes that struggling people in the US, especially the poor, would admire. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Why are Police in the USA so Terrified? Moreover, the most tangible evidence that the militarized training is having an impact on US policing is that both Israel and the US are using identical equipment against demonstrators, according to a 2013 report by the Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem and photographs of such equipment taken at three demonstrations in the USA. ‘Tear gas grenades, "triple chaser" gas canisters and stun grenades made by the American companies Combined Systems Inc. and Defense Technology Corp. were used in all three U.S. incidents, as well as by Israeli security forces and military units.' See ‘US Police Get Antiterror Training In Israel'. Political Information Nov 16, 2017 - Manipulation: The US State Department's New Program to Take On Media Hypocrisy...or policy consistency?

But perhaps it's inaccurate to accuse the US government of hypocrisy in this case. After all, pressuring RT America with the intent of silencing the news network and spending our tax dollars propping up US-friendly media outlets in the Hungarian countryside are actually two sides of the same coin: the US government will tell you what kind of media you are allowed to consume. If you are a media network in the United States that allows voices who oppose Washington's neocon-dominated foreign policy they will shut you down. If you are a news outlet in the Hungarian countryside that spews the US party line, they will prop you up. Both cases are the same: your media will toe the US government official line or else.

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Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Arbaeen – The Untold Largest Pilgrimage in History Maybe now would be a good time to check our self-righteousness at the door, to better embrace the best humanity has to offer: unburdened, and unadulterated generosity. For a people such as the Iraqi people to wholeheartedly open their home, their purse strings, their time, their hands in service and their time, is no short of a miracle if we consider the many grave hardships they themselves had to face over the years, with little to no help from the outside world. And yet, because of Hussain, and more importantly for Hussain, Iraq opens its doors year after year to a flood of pilgrims, proud to act a theatre to Imam Hussain's greatest message: that in our humanity we all stand equal indeed! Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - The Universal Rebel and the Psy-op to Neuter Him Now, in our collectivist society of 2017, The Group, as a rapidly expanding victim class, is the government's number one project. It's a straight con. "We're here to make you worse off while we lift you up." In the psyop to demean, distort, and squash the rebel, there is a single obvious common denominator: the establishment media are doing the defining; they are the ones who are setting the parameters and making the descriptions; they are the ones who build the cartoons; looking down their noses, pretending to a degree of sympathy, they paint one unflattering picture after another of what the rebel is and does and says; they have co- opted the whole game. - Jon Rappaport Environment/Science Nov 15, 2017 - New Artificial Intelligence Designed to Be Mentally Unstable: What Could Go Wrong? Ron: What could possibly go wrong...? Jake Anderson: Thaler also believes this technique will improve the abilities of AI in stock market predictions and autonomous robot decision-making. But what are the risks to infusing mental illness into a machine mind? Thaler believes there are limits but that psychological problems could be just as natural to AI as they are to humans. Environment/Science Nov 15, 2017 - Video and Photo Evidence Now Even More Easily Faked and Fabricated Ron: Tell me again why you think there's no urgent need to shut down the current experiment involving placement of Lucifer and his 'Fallen Angels' and other 'Bad Actors' on this planet; and to eliminate the said 'Bad Actors' and their minions and AI creations forthwith. Makia Freeman: All of this is just peanuts compared with what AI will eventually be able to do: generate holographic fake realities so convincing and real to the mind and the 5 senses that many will become immersed in them, believing them to be more real than the world in which we live. These technological advancements are a stark reminder that it will be all too easy for the technocracy to construct a virtual reality matrix to ensnare the perception of those unable to distinguish it from reality. Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Your Pill Spies on You

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Jon Rappaport: The overriding principle here is: what starts out as a voluntary program eventually becomes mandatory, for "the good of all." The voluntary phase is just the warm- up, to secure general acceptance. The whole vaccination schedule is a perfect example of the shift from voluntary to mandatory. Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - 10 Compelling Reasons Why the Vegas Shooting Has Disappeared from Headlines Jay Syrmopoulos: Why is there no investigative coverage of Vegas shooting by major media organizations? Why did the story simply vanish from the news cycle with so much public interest and so many unanswered questions? The fact that there have been virtually no answers to any of the questions that have arisen from the official story not adding up, while simultaneously being blacked out by the mainstream mass media, seems to indicate an intentional soft-censoring of the Vegas mass shooting... the only question is why? Ron: Presumably all will be revealed when THE STORM finally culminates. True US History Nov 15, 2017 - #PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable How much money are we talking about? Enough money to bribe judges! One child taken into foster care can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need "extra care" are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. So guess what, California Foster Care prescribes psychiatric drugs at a rate well beyond malpractice, but it ensures more money. (See: California's Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California's Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs) And once the State has the child in foster care, they have no obligation to track whether they have gone missing. Missing children mean loss of payments, so no one reports it, especially CPS. Only when the parent goes looking for the child is it determined that they are missing. Children are sold, sexually assaulted, abused, raped, and killed all while in the care of CPS. But the California needs the money and Judge need the bribes. Where is the Child Trafficking? The child trafficking industry, or human trafficking industry right now, makes more money than the illegal drug trade, and illegal arms trade, combined. In California, all of this is possible due to the bribed Judges, California Superior Court system, and the legislature's insatiable appetite for Incentive Payments to fill the budgetary gap. Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - US Cuts Funds for Disarming Explosives It Dropped on Cambodia Ron: The genocidal global activities of the US as a collective, suggests that most USans are either greedy to the point of total stupidity, or sociopathic. Tony Cartalucci: The US embassy in Cambodia would claim after receiving backlash for the move that the US had unilaterally decided to shut down funding in order to open up bidding for a new and "world-class removal program" - the details of which have yet to be confirmed or released.

The US boasts that it has spent "more than 114 million dollars" over the past 20 years to clear explosives it itself helped drop on Cambodia as part of its nearly two decades-long war in Vietnam and wider intervention in Southeast Asia - or in other words - the US has spent AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 74 over 5,000 times less in 20 years on removing UXO in Cambodia than it does annually on its current military operations around the globe. In fact, a single F-35 Joint Strike Fighter warplane costs roughly the same amount of money the US has spent on demining Cambodia over the last 20 years. Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Here’s what Real US-Russian Collusion Looks Like Under the phony guise of helping the downtrodden establish a new and better world for all, the socialist goal was, as usual, top-down control. The theoretical foundation (Marx) was modern; the tyranny was as old as the hills. Further, supplying Russia with vital technology it sorely lacked would eventually produce the Cold War. That mighty stand-off was a gigantic money maker. It was also created as a threat to Europe, which justified the rise of the European Union-another major Rockefeller/CFR/Bilderberg plan to extend the covert agenda of Socialist Globalism. The EU IS a regional face of Globalism. Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - The Left’s Playbook: Satanist Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Political Warfare It should give us pause to know that Alinsky was an admirer of Lucifer - the rebel angel so full of pride that he thought himself to be "as God," who Jesus said "fell as lightning" and so became Satan. To begin with, Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, aka the Devil:

Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Forfended! Did China Influence the Military Take over in Zimbabwe? Mr Geng said: "I can only tell you that his visit to China this time was a normal military exchange mutually agreed upon by China and Zimbabwe," referring other questions to the Defence Ministry, which has yet to respond to a request for comment.

He added: "As a country that is friendly with Zimbabwe, we are paying close attention to developments of the situation in Zimbabwe""Maintaining peaceful and stable development accords with the fundamental interests of Zimbabwe and regional countries, and is the common desire of the international community. We hope the relevant parties in Zimbabwe appropriately handle their internal matters."

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Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 15, 2017 - Sissel Kyrkjebø - Ready to go Home Ron: For those who are tired and ready to go home. This 4' 16" video: Ready to go Home was published by schmued on Jul 17, 2011: Health and Nutrition Nov 15, 2017 - Study: Medical Cannabis Significantly Reduces Prescription Drug Use From 2000 to 2015, half a million people died from prescription drug overdoses, and stories continue to roll in daily about the lives claimed by prescription and non- prescription drug overdoses. Cannabis, however, is not only excluded from the drug overdose list, it has actually been shown to reduce the use of dangerous prescription drugs. Raw cannabis is considered by many experts as a dietary essential. As a powerful anti- inflammatory and antioxidant, some classify it as one of the most important plants on earth. The biggest benefits from the plant may come not by smoking it, but rather by consuming it in its raw and natural form. - Marco Torres Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - US-backed “SDF” aka PKK/YPG Seize Syria’s Second Largest Oil Field al-Tanak Many of Syria's most productive oil fields - including al-Omar, Tanak, Ward, Afra, Kewari, Jafra, Jarnuf, Azrak, Kahar, Sueytat and Galban - are located east of the Euphrates River. Together, these strategic oilfields are estimated to account for roughly one-third of Syria's total energy production." Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 15, 2017 - Tolerance and Spirituality: Debunking the Islamophobic View of an “Intolerant Islam” I sincerely hope that by showing the tolerant and pluralistic pronouncements of the Qur-an, and the historical instantiations of tolerance manifested in the exemplary lives of these prominent Muslims as they relate with Christians, I will be able to encourage Muslims to fully practice and live-out the Islamic mandates of amity and inter-religious understanding in their daily lives. Moreover, I further hope that in this essay, I will be able to inform non-Muslims that genuine Islam-as contained in the Qur-anic revelation, in the model conduct of the Prophet, and in the exemplary lives of pious Muslim personages-is a very tolerant religion that acknowledges and respects the divergent beliefs and ideological views of others. Health and Nutrition Nov 15, 2017 - Shocking Increase Of Weedkiller In People’s Bodies Found In 23 Year Study In this context a new study published in JAMA is garnering more and more attention. The study tracked people in Southern California over the age of 50 from 1993-96 to 2014- 16, periodically collecting urine samples during that time. SEE: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Found With Active Ingredient From Roundup Weedkiller A team of researchers led by Paul Mills, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego, discovered a 500% increase in the amount of people who tested positive for glyphosate during the course of the study. - Brandon Turbeville AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 76

Health and Nutrition Nov 15, 2017 - Cancer is a Lifestyle disease: Michelle Simmons: How you live your life affects your health, either positively or negatively. Having a healthy lifestyle is a must if you want to be free from diseases.Studies reveal that food, obesity and cancer are related to each other. Ron: Arguably real health is mental, spiritual health. The mind (spirit) controls the body. Accordingly, harmonious, loving consciousness is the key to good health. A healthy lifestyle implies a rational, self conscious mental and spiritual attitude to self and the world. If one's mental and spiritual health is not positive and harmonious, the physical body will reflect that fact. For a good explanation of how our minds control matter see: Bruce Lipton - Mind Over Matter - Matter.shtml We have it on good authority that the key to spiritual (and hence physical) health is living in accordance with the rules governing the Cosmos which have been summed up as: Love your neighbour (everyone and everything) AS yourself (ie we need to genuinely accept self) FOR the love of God (All and everything). It all stems from the mind Pilgrims. Your body takes its orders from your MIND. Seek to eliminate negative and aggressive thoughts. The reason that the MSM and TPTB always seek to promote anger and fear is because those attitudes cast out peace and love. Michelle Simmons: Obesity is caused by the kind of food you eat. Mounting evidence has shown that diet is the primary cause of cancer in the world today and that an obese person is more likely to develop cancer. [Ron: While diet is relevant, arguably the real cause of cancer and physical illnesses generally, is the individual's mindset. After all, the human immune system is ordinarily capable of routinely coping with cancer and other illneses and physical symptoms provided that your body receives the right behavioural signals from your mind. The kurdaitcha man was a ritual "executioner" in Australian Aboriginal culture (specifically the term comes from the Arrernte people). Once a kurdaitcha man pointed the bone at a victim he expected to die. In modern Western society doctors similarly terrorise patients by telling them they will die of cancer (or whatever) unless they accept recommended allopathic treatment.

Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Richest 1% Have More Money than Poorest Half of World’s Population

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Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - Israel's Money Machine Donations to FIDF are tax deductible as the organization is registered with the U.S. Treasury as a 501(c)3 educational and charitable non-profit foundation. One might well ask how it is possible that the American taxpayer should subsidize a foreign military organization that is regularly accused of war crimes in its ongoing brutal and genocidal occupation of the Palestinian West Bank and East Jerusalem? One might also wonder how an organization that continues a military occupation in opposition to multiple United Nations resolutions that have been endorsed by Washington gets any kind of tax break at all? And finally, one might reasonably ask why an organization that already gets in excess of $3.8 billion annually directly from the U.S. Treasury needs more money to allegedly provide creature comforts for its soldiers? The answer to all of the above would be that Jewish power in the United States makes it happen. But more particularly, it is Jewish money that does the trick since cash on the table provides access both to the media and to the people that matter in Washington. A tight circle of billionaire oligarchs, including Saban, Ellison and Adelson as well as Paul Singer and Bernard Marcus directly support organizations like FIDF as well as major pro-Israel groups like the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Institute for National Security of America. The billionaires are not shy about where their loyalty lies, boasting as does Saban, that he is a one issue guy and that issue is Israel. Adelson has stated that he wishes that he had served in the Israeli army instead of the U.S. military and wants his son to grow up to "be a sniper for the IDF." Both have publicly advocated bombing Iran. In Adelson's case, the bomb would be nuclear. - Philip Giraldi TUT editor

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Political Information Nov 15, 2017 - The Media That Cried Wolf The Moore story is shining a light on the critical problem caused by the mainstream media turning into the propaganda arm of the Democrats. For democracy to work, the voters have to have the facts so that they can decide. But in today's America it's nearly impossible to get facts from media sources that haven't sold their souls to advance their agenda. Targeted Messages Nov 14, 2017 - The End is Come This is a piece from years ago I took from Siraya.. the Master Spirit of Orvonton.. Both you of the Dark brotherhood who became overly brotherly in the WRONG WAY and for those struggling for the Light here....For the End is now coming as an intermission and the new to start. Read inside. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - NOVEMBER 2017: Info War Breaks Out Into The Open It's no quirk of fate or miracle that Donald Trump was elected POTUS in 2016. Nor is it just a fortuitous coincidence that Vladimir Putin is President of the Russian Federation during these apocalyptic times. Both of these men had a date with destiny. And they both showed up right on time. What the world is about to witness is just how serious that date with destiny really is. For each of these two leaders has been chosen to usher the world community of nations through the proverbial eye of the needle. That can only be done by an individual(s) who has the right stuff. The challenges are far too great and far too many to be managed by lesser men...Not only do Presidents Trump and Putin have similar vision (and mindsets), they were divinely selected to lead their respective nations during this critical moment in human history. - Cosmic Convergence Research Group Education Nov 14, 2017 - Youtube Cartoon Videos Programming Toddlers for Trauma & Destruction

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Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - US Army to Allow the Clinically Insane, Drug Addicts and Alcoholics to Join as New Recruits The move signals a return to the Vietnam era practices of the US armed forces, whereby Army recruits and conscripts were often sent to front line battle in spite of clear warning signs of mental instability and a propensity for the use of narcotics and copious amounts of alcohol. Many Vietnam veterans returned from the war, only to find that their conditions were worsened by the traumatic nature of the aggressive war in South East Asia. Many received little support. This, along with the economic recession of the late 1970s, led to a US wide epidemic of other mentally ill homeless men who could not receive proper treatment and whom proved to at times be a menace to society. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Trump Says He Will Make A "Major Statement" When He Returns To The US Of course, there's a lot happening in Washington right now, and Trump's hinted-at announcement could be in reference to one of any number of issues. Will he deliver an update on the administration's position regarding tax reform as two bills that differ in dramatic fashion wend through Congress? Perhaps some type of security announcement? Or the revelation that the US has finally entered into talks with North Korea after Trump adopted a notably softer tone toward his favorite Asian antagonist over the weekend? Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - RussiaGate's Anti-RT Repression: The Snake Eats Its Own Tail Of course, the government might not be so brazen as to publicly admit that this is what's actually going on, but the effect of harassing RT in the manner that the US government presently is doing amounts to nothing more than making it all but impossible to work, just as Ms. Simonyan earlier said as well. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - GEORGE SOROS: The Back Story No One Talks About This is HISTORY in the making that we are witnessing right now! Be prepared for all kinds of shenanigans until this is over, (it's always darkest before the dawn) be careful, don't put yourself at unnecessary risk, Cover the Trump Team in 24/7 Prayer and as we are encouraged to do, get out the popcorn and watch all this go down!

Who would have thought even 4 months ago we would ever see Hellary and McCain in GPS ankle bracelets this month?

Trump has out-foxed them all! Well, he had help. The U.S. Military Intelligence group were on to all the stuff years ago, that we are just finding out now. They were waiting for the right time. The Trump presidency was the lynchpin, the "change agent" and they have gone into play.

Popcorn anyone? Deborah

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True US History Nov 14, 2017 - Rapid growth of Hasidic Orthodox population creating havoc in NY- NJ communities by TUT editor

BY CAROLYN YEAGER - It's official: Jewish towns, just like the Jewish state of Israel, are coming to the United States of America. It's being done by settlement building, just like in Palestine, and seccession (...) Rockland County, NY added 547 housing units last year, trailing only Orange and Nassau counties among suburbs in New York, according to census data released Tuesday. Ron: Some related articles: The "U" Tax! - Tax_printer.shtml Pamela Geller’s dirty little Noahide secret II. See: Noahide-secret-II_printer.shtml Pamela Geller’s dirty little Noahide secret. See: little-Noahide-secret.shtml Public Law 102-14 and the Jewish Noahide Laws. See: the-Jewish-Noahide-Laws.shtml NOAHIDE LAWS AND DECAPITATION FOR CONFESSING JESUS IS LORD. See: DECAPITATION-FOR-CONFESSING-JESUS-IS-LORD.shtml "THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR KILLING GENTILES". See: FOR-KILLING-GENTILES.shtml

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Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - BOMBSHELL: Did the Saudi King Really Just Blame 9/11 on his Fellow Royals? IF So, cui bono? "I've got to tell you, for all the elites out in the world, the Party of Davos guys are sitting there today gobsmacked, absolutely shocked," said. "The largest financier in the Arab world, the Muslim world, is Prince Alwaleed. He's got stakes in just about every high-tech company. He's a huge partner of Rupert Murdoch. When he came to the United States back in the early nineties, he was actually a client of my firm as he got into Hollywood; he got into media. He owns a huge stake in Citicorp, he saved Citicorp from going bankrupt." "People are stunned today that he was put under house arrest, put under arrest yesterday in Saudi Arabia, in this situation of what they called corruption, money laundering, et cetera. People are thinking this is directly tied to the financing of the Muslim Brotherhood, this whole thing about cleaning up Saudi Arabia to take care of this. "You're going to see a lot of changes. This thing is far, far from over. You're at the top of the first inning. You're probably at the first batter," Bannon said. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Tories Trump Python A decision as big and defining as Brexit should always have been executed by a government, or a coalition, in which as broad a spectrum of the population as possible is represented. It's crazy to let just one party push through their version, especially when views are so divergent and tensions run this high. The Tories have just a slight majority. But really, all Labour have to do is wait until May and Boris and Gove and all the others run out of gas and their engine seizes. They lost two ministers in a week and more will follow. So Labour makes a peace offer, knowing full well it won't be accepted, but has to be made just for form. As per tomorrow, May's EU Withdrawal Bill will be discussed in Parliament and the next episode of Theresa May and the Holy Grail can start. John Cleese will be watching, thinking every five minutes: "Why didn't I think of that?". The Bill will be ripped to shreds, between a Hard Brexit and a No Brexit side, and hundreds of amendments, and May will be ripped along with it. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - France Reveals Agenda To Become A Pedophile Haven As It Eyes Lowering Age Of Consent To 13 A jury last week acquitted a 30-year-old man who was accused of raping an 11-year-old girl in 2009, French media reported. The jury in the Paris suburb region of Seine-et-Marne found that while there had been a sexual relationship between the girl and the man, it did not constitute rape according to the legal definition in France. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - President Macron Snubbed by Saudi Arabia Having hastily organised a detour via Saudi Arabia in order to repatriate the Lebanese Prime Minister, who is being held prisoner with his family there, President Emmanuel Macron had to swallow an unprecedented public affront. Although the French and Western Press did everything they could to camouflage the events, Arab public opinion could not help but note the staggering loss of French prestige and influence in the Middle East.

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Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - GAME OVER: Iraqi Kurds Renounce Secession Claims – will Remain Part of Iraq Iraq along with Iran and Turkey can rightly claim a victory against an attempted Kurdish insurgency. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - State Dep’t Travel Warning Admits Nusra, Tahrir al-Sham Used Chemical Weapons In Syria

Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - The US Wants ‘Peace’, but Opposes Dialogue in Syria Russia's attempts at creating a unified Syria, especially the one that is carefully and securely balanced internally among the various unequal stakeholders, presents a logical progression of things in the Syrian saga. As such, now that the Assad regime and its allies have secured basic victory in the Syrian war, the Russians are keen to translate that battlefield dominance into a political settlement that legitimizes Bashar al-Assad's rule in exchange for concessions to the opposition. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - BBC Admits US “coalition” Working with ISIS, Providing Safe Passage to Terrorist Fighters America's Syrian adventure went from public declarations of "we're staying out" to "just some logistical aid to rebels" to "okay, some mere light arms to fight the evil dictator" to "well, a few anti-tank missiles wouldn't hurt" to "we gotta bomb the new super-bad terror group that emerged!" to "ah but no boots on the ground!" to "alright kinetic strikes as a deterrent" to "but special forces aren't really boots on the ground per se, right?" to yesterday's Mattis declaration of an open-ended commitment. And on and on it goes. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - ZOA chief Morton Klein–‘This was never Palestinian land’

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TUT editor 'This is Jewish land. Palestine isn't even an Arabic word!' ed note--yes, I know it sounds like the typical Jrivel that--almost as much as the laws governing gravity itself--must inevitably spew forth from the mouth of someone suffering from the effects of Jtosis, the mental illness that attends any and all prolonged and severe exposure to Judaism. But there are actually very, very important implications associated with this that stand to mal-effect every single human being living on God's green earth. When powerful Jews utilize language such as this, they are not just giving speeches that carry no long-term or far-reaching geo-political dominoes. Presently, there is a new Caesar who has ascended the throne in Rome named Donald J. Trump who has stated--both plainly and often--that he intends to see the situation in the Middle East resolved. Not because he is a 'Christian', not because he is a 'nice guy', but rather, because at this crucial juncture, it is as much in America's interest to see this done as it is in someone's interest whose house is on fire to call the fire department. The Jews--as they are fond of reminding everyone on a regular basis--are an 'eternal people' with 'eternal ideas', one of those ideas being the creation of a Jewish state between the Nile and Euphrates rivers as outlined many times in the Torah, to wit-- 'On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”…--Genesis, 15:18 'And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…' Deuteronomy 1:6–8 'Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…' Deuteronomy 11:24 etc, etc, etc... This being the case, any 'peace deal' that does not incorporate the 'eternal ideas' of Judaism vis a vis the creation of a Jewish state encompassing almost the entirety of the Middle East is completely unacceptable, as Jews believe that their racist, petty, vindictive god, Yahweh, will--if his commandments are not fulfilled to the LETTER of the law-- unleash a heaping, healthy dose of holy hell upon the world, and certainly the creation of a 'Palestinian state' in this regard would constitute the exact type of infraction that Klein & co are talking about. In short, Judea, Inc is not going to sit idly by and allow this new Caesar to impose today's version of Pax Romana on the Middle East again, as took place 2,000 years ago, and if this means that he has to be assassinated or that a new war has to be started in bringing this about, then as far as Klein & co--acting as the agents of their racist, petty, vindictive god Yahweh are concerned, 'Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.' True US History Nov 14, 2017 - Army lifts ban on recruits with history of mental health problems TUT editor AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 84

Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - The Arctic Silk Road: A Huge Leap Forward for China and Russia In the not-too-distant future, transit routes through the Arctic will assume a certain level of importance vis-à-vis the global geopolitics of Russia and China. Beijing and Moscow seem to have every intention of developing this innovative route with every means at their disposal, adding to the maritime silk road an unanticipated but highly beneficial route. Creating a partnership with Russia in the Arctic will enable Beijing to set foot in the area, as well as allowing it to be involved in the exploitation of hydrocarbons and other natural resources. Combined with the Russian Federation's increasing ability to penetrate the Arctic and thereby create the necessary infrastructure, the Arctic route is something that can increasingly be offered as a proposition to partner nations. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Paying Off Post-9/11 U.S. War Debt Could Cost $8 Trillion "We have to recognize that we have been borrowing for 16 years to pay for military operations," said Sen. Jack Reed, the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. It's the "first time really in history with any major conflict that we have borrowed rather than ask people to contribute to the national defense directly, and the result is we've got this huge fiscal drag...that we're not really accounting for or factoring into deliberations about fiscal policy as well as military policy." Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - "Proof of US Failure" If Syrian Army Captures Boukamal/Abu Kamal, City From ISIS

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For the Syrian government, access to a big part of the border with Iraq is also of economic significance. Before the conflict, Iraq was among the top markets for Syrian exports. A lot of manufactured goods and agricultural produce used to go into Iraq from Syria. So this would be good news for Syrian businessmen and the Syrian economy. Also, access to a border crossing with Iraq means that it would be possible to export Iraqi gas and oil to the Mediterranean through Syria. This will generate a significant amount of royalties for Syria from the transit of gas and oil. This economic factor is crucial for reconstruction and the survivability of the Assad regime Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Yemen - Having Lost The War Saudis Try Genocide - Media Complicit The Houthis are not Hezbollah and they are not stooges of the Iranian government. Their alliance with Yemeni army troops loyal to former President Saleh gives them tactical and technical capabilities. Their weapons are either from old stocks or purchased from the large weapon markets in Yemen. The dealers buy these weapons from the groups the Saudi employ and generously equip and supply. Those Saudi controlled forces are the main suppliers of their designated enemies. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Poland’s Day of Independence is marred as thousands of Far-Right supporters chant anti-Jewish slogans and call for a ‘white Europe’ during protests by TUT editor

DAILY MAIL - This Saturday, 60,000 hard-right nationalists took to the streets of Warsaw to affirm their commitment to a "white Europe," "clean blood," and to “Get Jews out of power.” Some held banners reading "We Want God" - a quote from an old Polish religious song that U.S. president Donald Trump invoked during his visit to Poland this past July. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - And it Begins: Are Waves of EU Bond Migrants about to Inundate Georgian Villages? If the EU wanted people to migrate to Georgia for positive reasons it would ensure its aid actually helped people rather than funding geopolitical games. In a small country like Georgia it is much easier to spot things like misuse of public funds than it is in big Western countries, and they impact more directly on people's lives. Georgians know that "educational programmes" such as these are all part and parcel of a wider programme of subversion which leads to servitude, even though they are happy to partake of them for their own ends, having few other choices. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Sean Hannity is Fighting for his Survival The stakes in this emerging fight couldn't be higher. Sean Hannity, and a handful of other high-profile conservative hosts on Fox News, represent the last thin line in the mainstream media left standing against the almost universal fake news onslaught by the MSM aimed at taking down President Donald Trump. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - 3 Characteristics of a True Political Awakening

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Watching the pendulum of public opinion and discourse swing violently back and forth between the merits of two political parties is comical once you've recognized just how predictable and destructive it is. We are goaded into engaging in the divisiveness, encouraged by the rhetoric of the political establishment. It is our unity they fear most. Falling into the trap of politically dogmatic ideological fortifications is more dangerous to our society than just about anything else, and the truly politically awake fly above the argumentative mentality of those who are trapped in the two-party paradigm. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Happy Holidays – California City Demands Church Stop Feeding the Homeless

Environment/Science Nov 14, 2017 - The Dark Side of Science Robert Arvay: Of course, such dismal interpretations of science are not at all scientific, but only ideological. Most people, however, confronted with the scientific arguments for physics devoid of spirit, find themselves ill equipped to counter those arguments. All too many people have subscribed to the material paradigm, and have come to regard religious faith as mere superstition at best, as harmful at worst. Ron: Spirituality is NOT religion. Spirit consciousness is God consciousness. Expressions like being created in "the image and likeness of God" connote that human beings have been endowed with spirit, ie MIND, and can CHOSE to be like God, ie to develop God consciousness. Unconditional love is the essence of God consciousness. Religions are man made SOCIAL CONTROL MECHANISMS. In this connection be aware that Jesus the Christ was not a Pharisee or a Judahite and there were NO Jews in his time. Moreover Jesus DID NOT incarnate to establish a religion. He came to teach the truth about life, the universe and everything which had been largely lost over previous millenia. The AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 87

Christian religion was actually established by Pharisees in conjunction with Roman Emperors. The Emperor Constantine established the Christian Church structure and ensured the elimination of many politically unacceptable books and teachings. The Emperor Justinian completeed the process during the Fifth Ecumenical Council in 553-54 AD when he had Pope Vigilius Arrested for Believing in Reincarnation. Eradication of the doctrine of Reincarnation ie knowledge that the evolvement of life and hence MIND is based on reincarnation (which is essential to enable spirit beings to avail themselves of sufficient physical incarnations to adequately explore and understand the immensity of life, the universe and everything) is the mechanism used by the Talmudists and their demonic controllers to convince many humans that they are merely physical creatures having one, only, lifetime which has no meaning, destiny or purpose. Concomitantly, this LIE makes it easy for Talmudists, Christian religious controllers and materialists generally, to instil fear of death into congregations and to distort science by having scientists promulgate the false and ridiculous idea that people on this small planet on the edge of the universe are the most, and probably the only, consciously intelligent beings in the Cosmos. LOL. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - George Monbiot – Trade Deals And The Game of Chicken So the existential question the chicken issue raises is this: why do we want more trade? What is it for? The old promise was that trade led to prosperity. But what if we have enough already? What if enhanced global trade, far from promoting well-being, now undermines it? To people of Mr Cram's mindset, rainforests and ancient woodlands, coral reefs and wild rivers, local markets and lively communities, civic life and public space are nothing but unrealised opportunities for development. Where we see the presence of beauty, tranquillity and wonder, they see the absence of palm oil plantations and soybean deserts, container ports and mega dams, shopping malls and 12-lane highways. For them, there is no point of arrival, just an endless escalation of transit. Nowhere is a place in its own right: everywhere is a resource waiting to be exploited. No one is a person in their own right; everyone is a worker, consumer or debtor whose potential for profit generation has yet to be realised. Satiety, well-being, peace: these are antithetical to globalised growth, which demands constant erasure and replacement. If you are happy, you are an impediment to trade. Your self-possession must be extinguished. So this is where the chickens come home to roost. Enhanced global trade now threatens our health, our sovereignty, our democracy. Once, it made us rich. Today it impoverishes us. - George Monbiot Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - EU Member States take Major Step Toward a European Army "PESCO is an ambitious, binding and inclusive European legal framework for investment in the security and defence of the EU's territory and citizens," the document states. The key issue is to make Europe more efficient, capable of acting and quicker, said a representative of the German defence ministry. The agreement signifies an escalation of European militarism. The first of 20 conditions to which all parties must commit is a regular increase in military spending. At least 20 percent of this must be directed to the purchase of new weapons. For its part, the EU intends to contribute €500 million annually and €1 billion after 2021 to joint arms projects. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 88

Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - 3 ‘Australian’ Sisters Recount Sex Abuse by ultra-Orthodox Principal TUT editor

"Leifer, an Israeli citizen, fled to Israel in 2008 hours after accusations surfaced that she had abused between eight and 14 students. In Israel, she was taken into custody in 2014 after the Australian government filed extradition papers outlining the allegations. Later, she was released to house arrest, before the Jerusalem district psychologist ruled her mentally unfit to face her extradition hearings." Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Right-wing French Twitter Campaign over Weinstein Affair Backs Macron The Macron government is setting into motion a movement which can rally support from all types of political forces-from the FN to the New Anti-capitalist Party (NPA) and the Unsubmissive France (LFI) movement of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. A significant layer of the post- 1968 middle class "left" has long used gender politics to promote its career and social interests. It is therefore reacting with enthusiasm to Macron's initiative. The government, the media and its Twitter campaigns claim to "free women to speak," but the campaign has overwhelmingly reactionary, anti-Muslim overtones. In a September 26 Libération interview , several researchers warned that creating a new "street harassment" offense would target "young men from the lower classes and racial minorities who already are especially targeted for police identity checks and violence by the security forces." Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Metropolitan Police Try To Block Freedom of Information Requests Over Grenfell Tower The BBC says the same inflammable materials are present on 24 council residential tower blocks, 23 housing association properties and five privately owned high-rise residential towers. Exactly half of the 88 buildings tested in London failed the recent fire safety tests. However, the BBC noted that the true figure was likely to be much higher because numerous local authorities refused to respond to the BBC's request for information. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - The Stunning Collapse of the House of Saud Ron: Acute discernment required. Jim Willie seems to be unaware of the imminent occurrance of the Magnetic Reversal of this planet and of the real nature of President Trump's intentions, and of the close cooperation between the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - What the Priti Patel Scandal tells us About the Dark Operations of UK’s Powerful Israel Lobby Another window on Israel's meddling opened briefly last week. The BBC's political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, took to Twitter to relay a damning comment from an unnamed "senior" member of Ms Patel's party. In a clear reference to Israel, the source observed: "The entire apparatus has turned a blind eye to a corrupt relationship that allows a country to buy access". AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 89

A short time later, presumably under pressure, Ms Kuenssberg deleted the tweet. The BBC has not reported the comment elsewhere and the senior Conservative has not dared go public. Such, it seems, is the intimidating and corrupting influence of the lobby. Political Information Nov 14, 2017 - Let Children Experiment with Gender Identity, Church of England Tells Schools 4,700 schools, which serve more than a million pupils in total, were told by the Church of England Education Office to allow young children to experiment with their gender identity, in advice which said that primary school and nursery school children, in particular, must be a period of "creative exploration"... It was revealed in The Times last week that Roman Catholic primary schools were found to be breaching government policy by placing the words "mother" and "father" on admission forms. After a parent complained that the terms discriminated against "gay parents" and families with step-parents, the schools' adjudicator demanded the terms be wiped from admission forms. - Virginia Hale True US History Nov 13, 2017 - Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth The progressive push to bend Americans' attitudes and their two-sex civic society around the idea of "gender identity" has already attacked and cracked popular social rules for how Americans handle the many social preferences of equal, different and complementary men and women, boys and girls. For example, the gender claims have shifted rules or practices about different-sex bathrooms, shelters for battered women, sports leagues for girls, hiking groups for boys, K- 12 curricula, university speech codes, religious freedoms, free speech, the social status of women, parents' rights in childrearing, practices to help teenagers, women's expectations of beauty, culture and civic society, scientific research, prison safety, civic ceremonies, school rules, men's sense of masculinity, law enforcement, and children's sexual privacyand health. - Neil Munro True US History Nov 13, 2017 - Weinstein’s impact: List of men accused of sexual misconduct Targeted Messages Nov 13, 2017 - About the tax reform again... What did you ones NOT UNDERSTAND that your plans are NOT GOING to happen? This planet is moving FORWARD and going back on celesltial law. SEE INSIDE THIS POST DARK BROTHERS Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Haiti: From Slavery to Debt The French government prefers to ask the population to forgive and forget the issues that disturbed the past rather than finally understand that Haiti is not indebted, but a creditor. - Jerome Duval Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Not Guilty – Rabbi Accused Of Raping 14-year-old Student Goes Free

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Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - 3-D Holograms Of “Holocaust Survivors” Now A Reality Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Germany Clumsily Admits To Supporting Regime Change In Poland This diplomatic spat will probably soon die down, but the damage that it wrought to bilateral relations won't likely go away so long as PiS continues to govern Poland, which might be for the foreseeable future seeing as how they secured the country's largest-ever post- communist electoral victory in 2015. Warsaw is now more motivated than ever before to continue strengthening its relations with its "Three Seas" partners, particularly Hungary but potentially even Austria under the coming premiership of Sebastian Kurz. In addition, PiS stands validated in the eyes of the Polish people for having apparently been right all along about German interference in their country's domestic political affairs, which will embolden its supporters and might even convince some of its less-radical detractors to reconsider their positions. Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Vault 8: Wikileaks Publishes Sourcecode from Last Spring’s CIA Vault 7 Cyberweapons Leak Though Wikileaks shared the sourcecode for these weapons with a few select tech giants shortly after the initial leak publication, they withheld it from wider publication until now. The Vault 8 leaks are a trove of sourcecode and analysis of the Vault 7 weapons, presented to "enable investigative journalists, forensic experts and the general public to better identify and understand covert CIA infrastructure components." Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 13, 2017 - Sissel Kyrkjebø - If - 1992 Ron: For those looking forward to rejoining their partners and returning home once the Second Coming is apparent to all on this planet: Sissel Kyrkjebø - If - 1992 -

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'There's noone home but you... and when my love for life is running dry... If a girl could be two places At one time, I'd be with you... If the world should stop revolving, spinning slowly down to die, I'd spend the end with you, and when the world was through.. Then you and I would simply fly away.' True US History Nov 13, 2017 - ‘War on terror’ has left millions dead across Middle East by TUT editor

ED-NOTE - But according to most of self-proclaimed 'Truth Activists', that does not qualify as a 'genocide' and the only genocide that is taking place is that of the 'white race'. The only one. Ron: Typically this article grossly underestimates the actual number of unnecessary deaths due to sanctions, DU, malnutrition, diseases, Western and Gulf State organised Wahharbi terrorism etc, caused in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan et al. The AH archives contain articles evidencing some of the truth. Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Fear of Corbyn: How Theresa May Clings to Power Jeremy Corbyn is the British establishment's worst nightmare and the primary reason Theresa May has not yet been kicked to the kerb, risking in the process an early general election which Corbyn would almost certainly win at this point... the recent resignation of Defence Secretary Michael Fallon over sexual harassment revelations, and at this writing the mounting pressure on her Secretary of State Damien Green to resign over similar allegations of sexual impropriety, and Theresa May has been reduced to a political mannequin. However for the British establishment the only thing worse than a mannequin in Number Ten is Jeremy Corbyn, whose popularity and personal standing as leader of the opposition and prospective prime minister since June's general election has only increased. Indeed a seesaw effect between Corbyn's increasing popularity and May's increasing unpopularity is now markedly evident. The reasons for establishment dread of what a Corbyn government portends are easy to discern. For the first time in generations, the Labour Party is led by a man who offers a decisive break with the status quo ideologically, economically, and on foreign policy. While certainly not the Marxist his detractors claim, Jeremy Corbyn is a socialist who believes in redistributing the bulk of society's surplus to the working class, doing so in the context of increasing investment in public services, a living wage, public ownership, investing in affordable housing, and supporting an enlarged role for the unions in the workplace when it comes not only to defending wages and conditions but improving them. Taxing the rich, business, clamping down on tax evasion and avoidance, while introducing tighter regulation in the financial and banking sector, ensures that for each of the groups affected, Corbyn looms over the horizon as a latter day Che Guevara intent on fomenting bloody revolution...Illustrating the dread within the UK financial and banking industry of what Corbyn represents economically was its hysterical response to Labour's intention of introducing a financials transaction tax (Robin Hood tax) of 0.5 percent per transaction, bringing with it the prospect of raising up to an additional £5.6 billion in government revenue by 2021/22...The Labour leader's years-long support for the cause of Palestinian self- determination is well known, as is his dim view of Britian's arms trade with Saudi Arabia, its membership of NATO, the Atlantic Alliance with Washington, and on a personal level at least AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 92

Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent...The fact that the real danger to Britain's security in recent times has been a foreign policy responsible for the proliferation of international terrorism, the worst relations with Russia since the Cold War, and a refugee crisis of biblical proportions, is obviously lost on Mr Dearlove and the establishment he represents and undoubtedly speaks for. - John Wight Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia According to just released information sourced from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the FSNAU between October 2015 and April 2016, a period of only six months, upwards of 400,000 Somali's, two thirds of whom were children, died of starvation. And the famine, if anything, has gotten worse since then. Here the world is now, 18 months later and possibly a million more deaths, bringing the number of children who have died from starvation in the past two years in Somalia up to a million. A million Somali children have starved to death in the past 24 months and this crime goes unnoticed in the international media? There are a lot of crimes being committed in the world today but can anyone say a million and a half dead Somalis shouldn't be at the head of the list? But then one of the top dogs at the UN is the Executive Director of UNICEF, supposedly the number one (N)o (G)ood (O)utfit with the responsibility to prevent this crime, headed by former National Security Advisor to President Clinton and later failed nominee to head the CIA , Anthony Lake, whose appointment was a favor returned by President Obama. Loyalty to empire can have its rewards in the form of being overlord of a multi-billion dollar a year aid empire internationally, UNICEF, and the ability to carry out "long term solutions" as in genocide by starvation of the Somali people. Tony Lake has a dark history of overseeing mass murder by violence or starvation in Africa going back to the Rwanda Genocide in 1994 when he "regretted not doing anything" to stop the mass killings. It was just a few years ago the UN admitted that 250,000 Somalis, again, 2/3 under 5, had died in what they then were calling the "Great Horn of African Drought", all under Tony Lake's watchful eye. Ron: The UN is a totally corrupt organisation established by Jews to further their global conspiracy to genocide gentiles in order to achive world conquest. The UN must be abolished and replaced. Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Evidence Mounts that PLAGUE Outbreak in Africa is an Engineered Depopulation Bioweapon As any vaccine-related virologist already knows, the process of going from an in-the-wild infection of Ebola to a manufactured vaccine ready for human trials simply cannot be achieved in a matter of a few weeks or months. Apparently, we are all to believe that a spontaneous scientific miracle has now taken place - a literal act of vaccine magic - which has allowed the criminal vaccine industry to skip the tedious R&D phases and create a vaccine ready for human trials merely by waving a magic wand. The far more likely explanation, of course, is that all this was scripted in advance: the outbreak, the international cry for help, the skyrocketing of the stock price for Tekmira (which has received financial investments from Monsanto), the urgent call for a vaccine and now the spontaneous availability of human vaccine trials. It's all beautifully scripted from start to finish, better than a Shakespearean tragedy played out on the international stage. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 93

Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Former Georgian President Leads Opposition March in Kiev Against Poroshenko Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - The Split Personality Of The Russian Soul: Moscow And Kiev Now the West-prone Russians (centred around Kiev) are being played off against the West-averse Russians (centered around Moscow) and both are presented to the world as two separate nations. Were the Americans two separate nations when they fought the Civil War of 1861-1865? The resentment in the southern states against the North has persisted ever since. If Russia were the world's superpower rather than the United States, she might as well choose to play the southern American states off against Washington.

Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Venezuela, Russia Agree on Debt Restructure Deal Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - 'Fear is everywhere': a Quiet Paranoia Haunts post-Weinstein Hollywood

Women in Paris stand in solidarity with victims of sexual abuse. The Weinstein scandal has sent shockwaves around the world. Photograph: Chamussy/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 13, 2017 - Living for the Material Moment in Snapshot Capture Land without Panorama View. In the meantime, in one of the most egregious expressions of stank hypocrisy, the nearly exclusively Tribe member sexual violators of anyone in reach are presently in the cross-hairs of similar difficulties, except in their cases the offenses are more proven. One of the best AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 94 ways to get the heat off yourself is to have it put on someone else; thing is, Mr. Apocalypse is wearing the engineers hat and leaning out the window of the big train of destiny and he is grinning like a loon as he pulls down the cord of the train whistle. My man, Mr. Apocalypse, get on with your good self! Ye hah!... If what you perceive is 'exposed' to you via the false light of the world then it stands to reason you are delusional as to the real meaning of anything. Often enough though, people standing in the false light of the world, the last thing they want is the real meaning of anything. People want things to appear to be and seem to be what they want them to be according to their desires in respect (or disrespect) of anything. You can't tell them anything ...and put yourself in danger of being torn asunder should you be casting your pearls before swine.- Les Visible Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Christian Teacher Suspended for ‘Misgendering’ Pupil Virginia Hale: Speaking of the disciplinary process, which he revealed ‘reduced him to tears', the teacher said: "I have been shocked and saddened by the actions of the school, which, in my opinion, reflect an increasing trend of seeing Christians, people like me, being marginalised in the public square, and our beliefs punished and silenced. Last month, Breitbart London reported on the case of Christian printer Nigel Williams, who declined to produce business cards for a transgender diversity consultant, making the argument that such work can be used to harm fellow believers. "The new model of diversity is used (or misused) to marginalise (or indeed discriminate against) Christians in their workplaces and other parts of society if they do not subscribe to it," he wrote in an email to SEE Change Happen boss Joanne Lockwood. "I have a deep conviction that we are all made in God's image, male and female." Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - Indonesian museum withdraws 'fun' Hitler display after protests Ron: The truth about the Jews and their shameless HOLOHOAX must be fully exposed globally if everyone on this planet is to have a chance to WAKE UP. True US History Nov 13, 2017 - FLASHBACK – Who said Jews run Hollywood? Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 13, 2017 - Atheism and the Texas Church Shooter George Washington once wrote, "[L]et us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. ...[R]eason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."Many great thinkers have expressed the same idea, yet, when it's related today, the assumption is that what's being said is atheists can't be good people. True US History Nov 13, 2017 - The THR 100: Hollywood Reporter's Most Powerful People in Entertainment Political Information Nov 13, 2017 - America’s Coup and Counter-Coup Conspiracy Theory There is a full-blown coup and counter-coup underway...... and we don't know who the good guys are from the bad guys because the "Sting Operation" is the wildest operation ever seen in America, making "Watergate" look like a Saturday Night "B Rated" movie. Trump is not

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 95 about to go down like Nixon and the battle with corporate fakestream media is evident of that fact. True US History Nov 12, 2017 - The Admitted Jewish American Spy who Foreshadowed 9/11 in His Movie True US History Nov 12, 2017 - ‘Hollywood producer was an Israeli nuclear agent’ True US History Nov 12, 2017 - Hurricane Harvey revisited– ‘Did Hollywood Bigwigs Help Israel Buy Arms in the 1970s and ’80s?’ ed note–for those who think that ‘Hurricane Harvey’–the high-level intelligence op being run out of Trump, Inc–is just about taking down Hollywood’s rapists, perverts, and pedophiles, think again. The recent news involving Weinstein using an Israeli intelligence company known as Black Cube, made up of ‘former’ Mossad agents (recommended to him by former Israeli PM Ehud Barak) to silence those women who found themselves on the receiving end of Weinstein’s unwanted sexual aggression is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of where all this can/will go. Hollywood FROM ITS VERY INCEPTION was an intelligence agency/operation on the part of Judea, Inc in anesthetizing the American mind in the interests of harnessing all that military, industrial, political and economic power for the benefit of the Jewish state in what we now refer to as the ‘war on terror’, but as well, has functioned as a den of thieves, spies, murderers, extortionists, blackmailers, assassins, etc, in making sure that powerful personages within the American elite stay on the right side of Yahweh and his chosenoids, using every dirty trick possible–including the use of pedophilia, rape, and child snuff porn–in achieving this. True US History Nov 12, 2017 - How They Do It–Judaic ‘funnyman’ Larry David’s defusing of ‘Hurricane Harvey’ and the fact that indeed it is Jews who are the target of it by TUT editor

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 96 ed note--this is the infamous 'schtick' recently performed by Hebraic 'funnyman' Larry David dealing with the PREPONDERANCE of Jews caught up in Trump's 'Hurricane Harvey'. MO--Get everyone laughing, giggling, happy, giddy, etc, and the association is made in the Gentile mind between predatory sexual behavior on the part of powerful Jews and the dopamine being released in the brain as a result of all the mirth. In a word--Pavlovian, as explained in this article written on the subject, to wit– ‘When we smile, the brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that produces feelings of happiness. Interestingly enough, this effect works both ways: the release of dopamine when we feel happy causes us to smile, and the mere act of smiling causes the brain to release dopa-mine, which in turn makes us feel happy. Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - Transgender lessons for two-year-olds: Drag queens drafted into nursery schools to teach children about sexual diversity Transgender lessons for two-year-olds: Drag queens drafted into nursery schools to teach children about sexual diversity  Drag queens are reading nursery rhymes 'to teach youngsters LGBT tolerance'  Nurseries say they are needed so children can 'defy rigid gender restrictions'  But critics say sessions could confuse children on basics of human existence by TUT editor True US History Nov 12, 2017 - Man Sentenced To Six Months In Prison For Installing Wind Turbine Ron: Tell me again why humans on this planet are at fault for failing to live in accordance with divine (cosmic) laws. The dystopic shit that envelopes this planet has been gestating for millenia, fostered by Luciferian and other foul cosmic elements quarantined here without the knowledge or consent of this planet's inhabitants. Arguably the current global swamp draining by the Triodity of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi is looong overdue. In future humans here will NOT own this planet but every sovereign individual will be entitled to live and develop a plot of land in any way they choose PROVIDED THAT they properly care for and act as guardians of that land and all life on it, and not use it to impinge on the real rights of anyone else. So be it. True US History Nov 12, 2017 - New Jewish Democratic group launched in reaction to Trump Former U.S. Rep. Ron Klein of Florida will be chairman of the new organization. “ are one of the Democratic Party’s most reliable constituencies, and more than ever require a new organization to represent their interests, as the Trump administration fans anti-Semitism, nativism, racism and other forms of bigotry,” Klein said at the event. [Ron: Whereas Jews, being Talmudists, demand a complete monopoly on collectivist, genocidal racism, nativism and ALL forms of bigotry, ALL of which they can indulge in unhindered IF they go to their Jewish 'homeland', stolen from the Palestinians. Sooo, the question is: 'Why don't they'? True US History Nov 12, 2017 - Trump team said finally drafting its Middle East peace plan

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Ron: Dunno what President Trump really has in mind but IMHO the continued existence of ANY discrete socio-political Talmudic entity anywhere on this planet is spiritually abhorant and anathema. Neo-Pharisees have forfeited any right to continued placement on this planet let alone the spiritually abhorrent right to maintain themselves in a some humungous, racist, genocidal shtetl conglomeration in Palestine. Environment/Science Nov 12, 2017 - The Coriolis Effect This 3' 05" video was published by NOVA PBS Officialon Jul 19, 2013: Publisher's Comments: Why do storms spin in different directions depending on their location—and why do they spin in the first place? Play the Cloud Lab: Find discussion questions for this video and other resources in the Cloud Lab collection on PBS LearningMedia: Other Spiritual Pieces Nov 12, 2017 - Sissel & Josh Groban-ThePrayer The Prayer (Lyrics) Sissel Kyrkjebo & Josh Groban 4' 17" video: I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go. And help us to be wise in times when we don't know Let this be our prayer, when we lose our way Lead us to the place, guide us with your grace To a place where we'll be safe Telemensajes de Otros Nov 12, 2017 - Serafín Mensaje 312: HACIA LA CALIDAD E IGUALDAD DE EQUILIBRIO Serafín a través de Rosie Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - Jews Admit The Bolshevik Revolution Was A Jewish Plot Against Christian Russia TODAY’S JEWS are a conservative lot. Jews are now overwhelmingly academics, bankers, businesspeople, lawyers, doctors, journalists, literati and politicians, who do not encourage their children to join the proletariat. Yes, many Jews give the poor much charity and also back assorted social- democratic political formations, but on the whole the Jews are now in the business of preserving the social-political order, rather than turning it on its head. - J.POST Ron: This is gross DISINFORMATION ie a LIE. Why? Because Jews now dominate the US, EU and Anglo countries, ie they NOW constitute the covert political, legal, financial, economic and cultural elite that CONTROLS those nations. Jews are no longer part of the proletariat and so of course their children do not join it. NOW Jews manipulate the gentile proletariat in the US and Western nations. For instance Jews like George Soros, FUND Antifa and dozens of other covert Communist (ie Talmudic) proletarian and middle class gentile groups and instruct them in Saul Alinsky's techniques for destabilising US society by violently attacking non-evangelical Christians and conservative USans. The current failed PURPLE REVOLUTION in the US is simply AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf *27-- Page 98 the latest Colour Revolution organised by Soros et al. Similarly Jews like Weinstein churn out endless scurrilous, pornagraphic and culture destroying films while other Jews dominate the US education system and the MSM and other US cultural mediums, using them to destroy US society by inculcating Canaanite (Satanic) norms into all aspect of US legal, social and cultural life via Orwellian mechanisms like Political Correctness and gender diversity. TUT editor Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - The Pox of Materialism The tonic is faith in something greater than stuff, but that trust in the transcendent instead of the transitory is harder and harder to find in our world today. Europe is almost totally materialistic, and faith has dwindled into almost nonexistence in many European nations. The other English-speaking democracies like Britain, Canada, and Australia are just about as interested in stuff rather than spirit. Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - "Orgies with Underage Girls, Heavy Drug and Alcohol abuse" - Saudi Princess Unveils the Kingdom's Dark Side The princess said they've turned the city of Jeddah into a slave market where underage girls are being exploited for noisy sex parties involving drug and alcohol abuse. She said that one of the main reasons why this keeps going on is that the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Sharia police) tend to keep away from the matter, fearing they might lose their jobs, should they intervene. Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - WikiLeaks: CIA Source Code Leak Shows Agency Impersonating Kaspersky Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - Trump Points To Falsehoods In "Russian Hacking" Claims - Media Still Ignore Them "Russian agents" influenced the U.S. election by buying mostly irrelevant Facebook ads - 25% of which were never seen by anyone and 56% of which were posted AFTER the election. "Russian-based Twitter accounts" influenced the Brexit vote in the UK by tweeting affirmative AFTER the vote happened. Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Nov 12, 2017 - Nederlands: DE TOESTAND VAN “GELIQUIDEERD” TE ZIJN SERAPHIN BOODSCHAP 318 door ROSIE Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - Chevening “Scholarships” and Modern Day Imperialism Chevening Awards are an important element in Britain's public diplomacy effort and bring professionals, who have already displayed outstanding leadership talents, to study in the UK. The objective of Chevening is to support foreign policy priorities and achieve FCO objectives by creating lasting positive relationships with future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers. In other, simpler and more frank terms, Chevening is a means of producing agents of British influence through the indoctrination of foreigners involved in their respective nation's media, politics, policy making and analysis.

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Political Information Nov 12, 2017 - Catholic Agency Denies Adoption to Couple Who Hold Christian View of Sexuality However, in March of this year, Catholic Social Services informed the couple that the province's Child and Family Services had additional questions regarding their beliefs about homosexuality, in light of the fact that they are Evangelical Christians. The couple "reiterated their commitment to treating any child in their care with unconditional love, respect, and compassion regardless of what the child chose to do, and regardless of the child's sexual orientation or behavior," in the words of the Justice Centre. Despite this assurance, Catholic Social Services informed them that they would reverse their recommendation to approve the couple for adoption, because they wouldn't be able to "help" a child who "has sexual identity issues." In May, the couple was informed by Alberta's Child and Family Services that they would not be approved because they "reject" LGBT children, and that this is the "official position of the Alberta government."

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