GGrr aappeeVViinnee NOVEMBER 2017 ISSUE 497

• Mission Statement The is called by God to be

faithful, confident and joyful.

• Vision Statement

To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater


1 Bishop’s Letter

It has been a great encouragement to hear that a large number of people attended the recent launch of the pilot stage of the Community of St Hugh. The launch event, which took place in the magnificent setting of Stow Minster, offered people an opportunity to hear more about this new community, to share in worship together, and pledge to take part in this pilot phase and ongoing shared discussion, prayer and discernment. The Community of St Hugh is a community called to pray in, with and for the Diocese of Lincoln. It is a community of prayer called into being by God and is open to anyone, regardless of their age or experience. It invites people to deepen their sense of discipleship, their life of prayer and their experience of their faith. As we know, prayer is at the heart of our being as Christians; it should undergird our whole lives and see us set time aside to worship God and also find time to be with God and to listen for his voice in the scriptures and in the needs of others and the world we live in. In speaking about prayer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has said: ‘If we want to see things changed, it starts with prayer. It starts with a new spirit of prayer, using all the traditions, ancient and modern. When it comes, it will be linked to what has gone before, but it will look different – because it is a new renewal for new times. God’s created community is perfectly designed for its time and place. It almost always comes from below. It comes from Christians seeking Christ.’ Here in the Diocese of Lincoln we have an opportunity and a responsibility to play our part in seeking to renew the whole community of greater Lincolnshire, transforming the lives of all the people God has given us to love and care for. This hope and endeavour will form an important part of our prayers as the pilot stage progresses, ahead of the planned full launch of the community at Pentecost next year (20th May 2018). If you are interested in finding out more about the Community of St Hugh, please see the information and resources published on the diocesan website, call the diocesan Mission Team (01522 50 40 50) or send an email to [email protected] In the meantime, may we pray for one another and for this exciting new community, and may we take encouragement from the life and legacy of St Hugh, who we will remember as a diocese on 17th November. Bishop Christopher 2


Principal Service

Sunday 5th November All Saints Day (Gold or White) First Reading Revelation 7.9-end Psalm/Canticle Psalm 34.1-10 Second Reading 1 John 3.1-3 Gospel Matthew 5.1-12

Sunday 12th November 3rd Sunday before Advent (Red/Green) First Reading Wisdom 6.12-16 or Amos 5.18-24 Psalm/Canticle Canticle: Wisdom 6.17-20 or Psalm 70 Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 4.13-end Gospel Matthew 25.1-13

Sunday 19th November 2nd Sunday before Advent (Red/Green) First Reading Zephaniah 1.7, 12-18 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 90.1-8 [9-11] 12 [or 90.1-8] Second Reading 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 Gospel Matthew 25.14-30

Sunday 26th November Sunday next before Advent (Red/White) Christ the King First Reading Ezekiel 34.11-16, 20-24 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 95.1-7 Second Reading Ephesians 1.15-end Gospel Matthew 25.31-end

3 Group Registers: Funerals: Spilsby Cluster Frances Elizabeth Bull 86 years Spilsby died 13.09.17

Stickney Cluster Sylvia Jupp 81 years Eastville died 31.08.17 Margaret Matilda Brown 85 years Stickney died 09.10.17

South Ormsby Group Elaine Margaret Bankhurst 61 years Tetford died 20.09.17

Baptisms: Spilsby Cluster Lucy Sewell Spilsby 08.10.17

Stickney Cluster Bailey Geoffrey Charles Cooling-Large Stickney 23.09.17

Dates for the diary November 3rd Halton Holegate PCC, Spilsby Vicarage, 10am 4th Diocesan Synod 4th St James Spilsby Gift Day & coffee morning, 10am – 12 noon 4th Skendleby Table Top Sale and Afternoon Tea, 2-4pm 6th Team Worship meeting 7th New Leake Christmas Bingo, 1.15pm doors open 7th Stickford PCC 8th Rural Deans Day 8th Stickney PCC 11th Stickney Act of Remembrance, 10.45am 11th West Keal service of Remembrance, 10.45am 13th East Keal PCC 13th Spilsby Cluster meeting, Vicarage 7pm 15th Service Rota meeting, 7pm 18th Hundleby Christmas Fayre, 10am-12pm 18th TAS Pre Christmas coffee morning, 10.30am-12pm 18th Hagworthingham coffee morning, 10am-12pm 18th Great Steeping Bazaar, 2-4pm 21st The Old Rectory Communion 21st Hagworthingham PCC 24th Halton Holegate Christmas Fayre, 10am – 12 noon 25th Stickney Church Christmas Bingo

4 25th Sausthorpe Coffee Morning 10am-12pm 25th East Keal Christmas Fayre, 11am-3pm 28th Stickney Cluster PCC

December 2nd Partney Christmas Fayre 2nd Cracker Day, Spilsby 2nd Stickford Christmas Craft Fair, 12-4pm 6th New Leake School decorating trees in St Jude’s Church 9th HOP Advent Prep, 2-4pm 13th Coffee Morning at St Jude’s Church, New Leake 31st Deanery Service at Spilsby 10am

Christmas celebrations…so far

3rd Scremby Advent service 3rd Churches Together Advent Service 4pm 6th Halton School Christingle in church, 1.30pm 6th Lusby Carols 7th Sausthorpe Carols 7pm 8th Linkage at St James, 1.30pm 8th Spilsby Rotary Carols at St James, 7pm 9th HOP – Journey towards Christmas, 2-4pm 10th WI carols at Firsby, 2pm 10th Hundleby carols 3pm 10th New Leake carols 3pm 10th Little Steeping carols 4.30pm 10th Carol service at Methodist Church 6pm 10th Aswardby carols 7pm 12th Halton School Nativity in church, 2pm 14th Great Steeping carols, 7pm 16th Stickford carols & BBQ, 3pm 17th West Keal carols 11.15am 17th Mavis Enderby carols 2pm 17th East Kirkby carols 3pm 17th Dalby carols 3pm 17th Toynton All Saints carols 3pm 17th Halton Holegate carols 3pm 17th East Keal carols 4pm 17th Firsby carols 5pm 17th Hagworthingham carols 6pm 17th Stickney carols, 3pm 18th Skendleby carols 18th Old Bolingbroke carols

5 19th East Keal carol singing round the village 22nd Somersby carols 24th Spilsby Christingle & Blessing of the Crib 3.30pm 24th Stickney Crib service 4pm 24th Hundleby Bethlehem service 10pm 24th Spilsby Midnight Mass 11.30pm 24th Stickney Midnight Mass 11.30pm 24th Tetford Midnight Mass 11.30pm 25th Hundleby Eucharist 9.30am 25th East Keal Holy Communion 9.30am 25th Skendleby Holy Communion 25th Stickney Family Service 10am 31st Langton carols 6pm

The Diocesan Prayer

Almighty God, source of our hope and all good things; you call us in love to share in the work of creation in making all things new. Bless our diocese: may we be faithful in our worship; confident in our discipleship; and joyful in our service; that, through us, the world may catch a glimpse of the love you have for each one of us, made known to us in your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

6 Community of St Hugh Diocese of Lincoln

Praying for the transformation of lives in greater Lincolnshire’

The Community of St Hugh is a community called to pray in, with and for the Diocese of Lincoln. It is a community of prayer called into being by God and is open to anyone, regardless of age or experience. It invites you to deepen your discipleship, your life of prayer and your experience of your faith. Prayer is at the heart of our being as Christians. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has said: “If we want to see things changed, it starts with prayer. It starts with a new spirit of prayer, using all the traditions, ancient and modern. When it comes, it will be linked to what has gone before, but it will look different – because it is a new renewal for new times. God’s created community is perfectly designed for its time and place. It almost always comes from below. It comes from Christians seeking Christ.” The great former , Edward King, once wrote: “What we need are more Christ-like Christians”. The Community of St Hugh is our response to these calls to deepen prayer and discipleship across the Diocese of Lincoln. The rule of life for the Community of St Hugh is based around three headings:

 worship

 discipleship

 service Members of the community are asked to develop their own patterns in response to these headings. Each member is encouraged to give time to praying through the patterns of their life, to see how they might respond in love and prayer to each heading.

For more details see the Diocesan web site or ask one of the clergy.

Our Deanery is committed to deepen our life of prayer as part of the Community of St Hugh Pilot project please think about joining in?

Fr Peter

7 Worship Discipleship Service

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving’. Colossians 2:6-7


As you are ready, pray the Collect for St Hugh and the diocesan prayer.

Collect of St Hugh O God, who endowed your servant Hugh with a wise and cheerful boldness, and taught him to commend to earthly rulers the discipline of a holy life: give us grace like him to be bold in the service of the gospel, putting our confidence in Christ alone, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Diocesan Prayer Almighty God, source of our hope and of all good things; you call us in love to share in the work of creation in making all things new. Bless our diocese: may we be faithful in our worship; confident in our discipleship; and joyful in our service; that, through us, the world may catch a glimpse of the love you have for each one of us, made known in your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Respond with your prayers and intercessions for yourself, the Church, for the Diocese of Lincoln and the world.

Heavenly Father, as we seek to love you with all our heart, mind, body and soul. Help us to be faithful in our worship.

As we seek to follow the example of your Son in our families, in our communities, in the places in which we work and play. Transform us into confident disciples.

8 Following your command to love our neighbour as ourselves. Make us joyful in service.

In the business of the everyday. Enable us to see and engage with where you are working. In our well-being and in all our relationships.

Help us to recognise your presence in all things. In times of difficulty. Sustain us by your Holy Spirit.

As we pray for the renewal of the Diocese of Lincoln. Work within us and in your world for transformation and hope.


Be still and listen to God.

Finish your time of prayer with the Lord’s Prayer.

As you come out of your prayer space, give thanks for this time spent with God.

Who is St Hugh?

Born around 1140 in Avalon, as a child Hugh grew up as part of a priory alongside his father. At the age of 18 he was ordained deacon and around the age of 24 he became a prior at a neighbouring cell. He left that post and committed himself to duties as a Carthusian Monk at Grande Chartreuse where he became procurator. He was then ‘head hunted’ by King Henry II, who was setting up a Carthusian convent at Witham in Somerset. He was the prior at Witham for 10 years before being made Bishop of Lincoln in 1186. Hugh travelled endlessly: confirming children, consecrating churches and burying the dead. His sense of justice was recognised by the Pope and the three kings he served under, as he was made judge over some of the most important legal cases at that time. Hugh was a critic and friend to those kings. He was a friend to the oppressed, tended to lepers and risked his life preventing a group of Jews from being slayed.

9 Hugh revived the schools in Lincoln and is probably most famous for rebuilding the Cathedral after it was badly damaged in an earthquake. Hugh is often pictured with a swan that is said to have taken up residence in Stow and which formed a special attachment to Hugh. Hugh died in 1200 after 14 years as the Bishop of Lincoln and was canonised in 1220 by Pope Honorius III.

A message from the Community Leader... the Bishop of Lincoln ‘We know that we are asking God to bless and renew the life of the diocese and this will only happen if it is undergirded by a life of prayer. I pray that God will bless the Community of St Hugh, so that the Diocese of Lincoln will play its part in renewing the whole community of greater Lincolnshire, transforming the lives of all the people God has given us to love and care for’.

For more information please email: [email protected] or visit

Stop Press

Have you looked at the Community of St Hugh information and

thought…..If only I could or….But I don’t know how or….I’m just

not good enough? Come along to a quiet afternoon at

The Olive Tree, East Kirkby, PE23 4HP

on th Wednesday December 13 at 2.30pm

and find out more – how to sign up, how to pray together, how to

write a rule of life. If you can’t manage that date, have a word with Rev. Fran

(01205 481183)

DEANERY SERVICE Sunday 29th October at


Please support the Bolingbroke Deanery Services ‘It’s good to get together’

10 Toynton All Saints Church Harvest Supper

The evening was extremely well supported...the Fish & Chips were hot and tasty. The apple pies and Crumbles which followed set everyone up for the Produce and Donation Auction hilariously conducted by Stuart Gorst and Robert Richmond. There were many winners in the ticket draw held before the main proceedings. The PCC would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this event a success which resulted in an amount of £237 towards church funds.

Many thanks go to the church ladies who dressed and prepared the tables. The ladies did an excellent service from the kitchen and everyone joined in to make this an excellent and companionable event. Finally thanks to Toynton All Saints Methodist Chapel for providing a cosy venue.

St James, Spilsby – Missing Wheelchair

Would the person who exchanged the lightweight wheelchair for a heavy metal hospital chair from the Pilgrim hospital please return the light weight one to St James Church as soon as possible as it is needed. The replacement cannot be put in cars. Or if you have any information regarding the disappearance of the wheelchair please contact the churchwardens or the Deanery Office. Thank you.

Saturday 4th November

10am – 12 noon

Come and join us for our Gift Day and Coffee Morning

Raithby Village Hall

Tuesday Coffee Morning

th 7 November 2017 10.30am – 12 noon


Skendleby church Table top sale

Saturday 4th November 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Skendleby Old School

Tea, coffee & cake Tables - £5

To book a table phone: 01754 890321 (Peter) 01507 464958 (Julia)


Spirit of Sutterby

From the sublime to the ridiculous: 2 talks for the price of one Saturday, 4th November 3pm Franklin Hall, Spilsby £4 All welcome

We are so pleased to welcome the Reverend Cliff Knowles, who will be talking about the life and times of Lincolnshire Churches Trust. Lincolnshire Churches Trust cards and calendars will be on sale

After a break for tea. (Firsby Artisan Bakery has been contacted) we resume with a masterclass in churchyard humour.

David Stonehouse treats us to his talk 'The Last Laugh'. David has an abiding interest in the recording of gravestones and shares with us some of the more interesting and entertaining memorials which he has encountered whilst on his knees in churchyards far and wide.


CHRISTMAS PRIZE BINGO th Tuesday 7 November

At the Duke of Wellington, Midville

Doors open 1.15pm Eyes Down 2pm

Proceeds to St Jude’s Window Fund

Clothing/blankets etc. for the Salvation Army

Could anyone with un-needed warm clothing (sweaters, coats, socks, shoes etc.) blankets, sleeping bags etc. please contact me as I am collecting on a regular basis for the Salvation Army to help with homeless people in Skegness, Lincoln and Boston. There are more than you might think.

All donations would be much appreciated. I will collect. Please call Richard Walter on 01507 480632


th Wednesday 8 November Franklin Hall, Spilsby 2.00pm

Speaker: Lesley Burton ‘The development of Goltho Gardens’

13 A Spectacle in the churchyard

Spectacles, Dingy Footmen, Rosy Rustics - they are all congregating in a churchyard near you. More precisely they are flying through and can, with a cunningly placed light, be persuaded to stay a while; to rest, nestled and safe in egg boxes until the morning. What a Lepidoptera treasure trove then awaits. Moths, with their marvellous, memorable names, with their delicate, intricate patterns, their shapes, sizes, textures and colours - who could fail to be impressed by a Canary-shouldered Thorn or a Swallow Prominent; to wonder at the almost grotesque, yet endearingly attractive, Poplar or Elephant Hawkmoth ?

Moths in Churchyards is the latest natural history initiative of the Spirit of Sutterby project. We have recorded at Sutterby for 4 years - each month different characters to meet, including a rather dashing Chinese Character. We are now venturing out to adjacent churchyards. New locations, different habitats - the fun and excitement of discovering and recording new creatures, which fly with moonlight on their wings. To date the churchyards of Dalby, Harrington, Langton, Brinkhill and Swaby have revealed over 60 different species of moth. Scalloped Oak, Bulrush Wainscot, Maiden's Blush and the wonderful Setaceous Hebrew Character - all await discovery in a churchyard near you.

All the records are logged on the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union database - could your church be a Lincolnshire Lepidoptera Hotspot?

If you would be interested in meeting the nocturnal visitors in your local churchyard in 2018 then please get in touch. [email protected]. 01790 754079

Looking for Sewists for Macmillan Cancer Care in Lincolnshire

Macmillan Nurses are urgently seeking sewists to make syringe driver bags and personal effects bags. One to one help is available if needed to get you started and pattern and fabric available for some bags. If you are interested we may be able to meet with our sewing machines at a Spilsby venue. If interested or just want further details please contact June on 01754 830203.

14 "To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible that to be alive without breathing" Martin Luther

In all loving relationships there needs to be good communication, time spent sharing events of the day, time spent reflecting, laughing together, time listening and sometime simply being with one another and saying nothing, just enjoying be with the other person. We all know how vital it is to keep sharing with one another in order for the relationship to be nourished and flourish.

It is exactly the same for us with our relationship with God. Yes our God is a King and has majesty and splendor but also remember he sent his Son to be among us, to die for us, to show the extent of his love for us. No matter how we may feel from time to time it is always good to be remembered of that fact. The only way we can sustain our relationship and deepen it with God is through prayer.

I can hear you say "Not again, she wrote about prayer last time?" That is quite true, I did and have decided to do so again as it is so important, it is our life line if we are really to feel alive. Whatever we are doing in our personal lives or in the life of our church we need to "take it to the Lord in prayer" as one of the Hymns suggests. To soak it in prayer, to immerse ourselves totally.

Jesus took time out of a busy schedule to be with the Father, if he had to do this to sustain his life how much more do we need to do it. A few weeks ago the Diocese "launched" the Community of St Hugh. That may sound rather "holy" but it is a simple yet vital initiative to encourage us all to pray. To set time aside whenever we can, that fits into our daily pattern of life our "rhythm" of life to pray the Collect of St Hugh, to pray for the work of the diocese and for our churches. No set time or length of time specified, that is up to us, we just have to "sign up" for 1 year and then it is reviewed.

Whether we join in with the Community of St Hugh or prefer to do something else let us be encouraged to turn to prayer. A gentle reminder that on a Monday and Thursday there is a time of prayer at Noon at Tetford church, On Tuesdays prayer takes place at Partney Church and on Wednesday at Skendleby Church. A time of reflective prayer to pray for the whole village and the life of the village, to seek God's way for growth and how the church can become more involved in the community it serves. If you can spare 15 minutes on any of these days, to be there to meditate on what God wants to happen that would be wonderful. If you are unable to get there or to make the times please join in at home. If you would like a copy of the prayer sheet please let me know. Blessings, Teresa

15 SON YAMBU IN CONCERT Red hot rhythms from the streets of Santiago De Cuba!

Friday 10th November Toynton Village Hall at 7.30pm

Tickets, £11.00 or £10.00 in advance, £6.50 (under 16s)

To Book, 01790 754020 or 01790 752249

Raffle and refreshments

St Helen’s, West Keal

Short Remembrance service & laying of wreaths

Saturday 11th November


A Memorial Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving

th Sunday 12 November St James Spilsby 3.00pm

Light a candle for your own departed Family & Friends

Sausthorpe Church Institute

Sausthorpe Church Institute’s new kitchen is complete and looking and working very well. Thanks are expressed to The Big Lottery Fund and The Bishop of Lincoln’s Social Justice Fund. Also to Tong Peal Engineering and J&A International for their donations.


Little Steeping

Second Sunday at 6

th 12 November

Little Steeping Village Hall

Rev’d Fran’s Bit

November is a time for remembrance – with All Souls encouraging to think about the people we have loved and lost this year, and Armistice Day bringing those fallen in armed conflicts to the fore. But it is also the last month of the Church Year. The New Year starts on Advent Sunday (3 December 2017) so November is a good time to look back over the past 12 months and take stock.

Where have we grown, how have we behaved, and what plans did we make that never even got off the ground? All of these questions, and more, demand answers as we look back.

But the point of looking back is to then look forward. In the light of all we did or failed to do, in the light of our increased growth (or lack of growth) do we go forward with hope?

This year the Advent course prepared by the Diocese will pick up on a phrase from our diocesan vision statement – ‘… transforming lives in Great Lincolnshire’. We’ll spend a week each thinking about how lives may be transformed through prayer, through care, through justice and through vision. This is the hope we need as we move forward into the next Church year. The themes are centred around the Old Testament readings for the four Sundays of Advent. There will be materials for study and prayer groups, as well as daily devotional readings and prayers for individual or family use. The materials will be available shortly.

So why not join a group? It may be something you have not done before – but your contributions will be valued by all, and you will find a warm welcome. Your clergy will have more details.

Before we get to Advent, though, take this month as an opportunity to remember and reflect – and to celebrate all we have done. After all, is that not why fireworks were invented?



The Harvest Festival for St James Church was held on the first Sunday in October which was the Family Service Sunday. Dr Mike Morgan kindly loaned some unusual implements connected with farms and farming. The congregation and the children were invited to guess what they were. There were wimbles, sheep shears, a boot jack, foot protector, leather head covering for a ram and many others. Reverend Joan Thornett talked about Thanksgiving and how we often accept God's gifts without thanks. Thanksgiving should be an action. John Hobson and David Smith read the lessons. The Church had been beautifully decorated with flowers and the donated food gifts were taken to New Life for the food bank.

The service was followed by a Harvest ploughman's lunch, apple pie and Dennett's ice cream. Over forty people attended and were very complimentary to Janet Skinner and Jane Howsam who prepared it. The lunch was a new venture for the Church and was very successful. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. Over £200 was raised.


Caistor Male Voice Choir gave a concert in St James Church on September 30th. The programme was very varied with sea shanties and a variety of other songs, monologues and instrumentalists on the horn, organ and accordian. This was the last concert of the season and £290 was raised for Church funds.

There have been some excellent concerts in the Church this year to celebrate the renovation of the William Hill organ. Many local organists and organists from further afield have enjoyed the opportunity to play this beautiful instrument and it is hoped that more organists and choirs will come next year. The Elizabethan Singers from Alford were so impressed with the venue that they have asked if they can come again next year. They will be singing music for Lent and Easter on Friday 23rd March 2018 in preparation for Holy Week.

18 L.C.T. ‘Ride & Stride’

Many thanks to all of you who sponsored me on my “stride” this year. Yes, I was “persuaded” to do it once more and managed to visit ten churches and chapels without any mishaps this year, finishing up at Toynton Methodist Chapel, where Mrs Pape welcomed us once more – together with her lovely refreshments! With your generosity, I raised £330, which will be split equally between the Trust and St James’ Church. So a big “thank you” to you all and God bless, Dave S

Coffee Mornings Thank you to all who have supported the St James coffee mornings. We raised a staggering total of £1444 including tombolas and raffles. Hopefully these will continue again next Spring but until then you can meet at ‘All wrapped up’ for a chat. Don’t forget the coffee morning in church on 4 November for Gift Day though – we will be pleased to see you!

Spilsby Primary Academy A big thank you and well done to the children and staff of Spilsby Primary who held their Harvest Festival in church on 19th October. The church was filled with harvest songs and great performances from each of the classes.

St Andrew’s Church, Little Steeping


10.00am At The Steepings, Station Road

th th 14 & 28 November ALL WELCOME


Every Friday morning in the Victory Hall, Partney 9.30am to noon

Come for coffee, tea, cake and a chat

All proceeds to Partney School, St Nicholas Church and the Victory Hall


October Winner:

‘I’ve really got my claws into this one.’

Congratulations - Elizabeth Pinnion

Editor’s choice – ‘He’s a bit gullible’ – Diane Jacklin


Please send your captions, by 14th November to

‘Caption Competition’ The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs.

PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected]


A Volunteers' appreciation day was held at the Petwood hotel on September 28th. The Trust take this opportunity to acknowledge the work done by volunteers in all the Lincolnshire residential homes. Cinnie Cuppleditch got her 5 year award, Jean Redford her 15 year award and Janet and Simon Enderby their 25 year award. What dedication!

At the end of the afternoon an Outstanding Contribution Award was given to Doris Marsh in recognition of her dedicated service to the residents of Eresby Hall. Doris has raised money for the home by selling her hand- made cards and items of knitting. She has regularly helped with the art group and the craft group and supported the various events held at the Hall. Well done Doris!

The Trust Harvest Festival was held at Navenby on October 4th. Eresby won 1st prize for the floral arrangement thanks to the help of Pat Bourn and Cinnie Cuppleditch who assisted the residents. The residents also won 2nd prize for the best vegetables which had been grown in raised beds on the patio. Congratulations!

The Manager of Eresby Hall, Donella Savage, has moved on to pastures new. She has gone to Digby Court, Bourne. Best wishes for the future.


All copy for next month’s issue to be with the Editor by the 14th of the month.

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

Tel: 01790 752526 (Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm)

Email: [email protected] Grape Vine Advertising Prices per year

1 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160


Hundleby Church

Christmas Fayre

Saturday 18th November

10am – 12 noon

Held in the Church and Parish Rooms

Christmas Stall, Refreshments, Cakes, Jams and Chutneys, Santa’s Socks, Competitions, Tombola, Raffle ~ £50 first prize,

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, Amanda’s Glass and other gift stalls.

Toynton All Saints Church

are holding their


Saturday 18th November 2017

from 10.30 am to 12 noon

In Toynton All Saints Methodist Chapel Room

Loads of bargains, stalls and ticket draw prizes. and of course coffee and refreshments.....

22 Holy Trinity Church Hagworthingham

You are warmly invited to our


To be held in the Church on

Saturday 18th November

10 am - 12 mid-day

Tea/ Coffee / Scones.

Cake, Handicraft, Card, Book, Wooden Gifts and White Elephant Stall. Raffle, and Tombola.





Friday 24th November

10.00 - 12.00

To be held in the Methodist Chapel,

Station Road, Halton Holegate

Bring & Buy Raffle Tea/Coffee Cake/Mince Pies Bread/cakes Books

23 More Newhome thoughts on Computers.

Well this month I thought I would talk about a few email problems that have come up recently. As you may or may not know Yahoo, one of the big email providers, has been taken over by Verizon. Here is a quote from, on Jun 13, 2017,

“As of today, Verizon is officially the owner of Yahoo. Yahoo’s assets are now being mashed up with those of AOL, which Verizon bought in 2015, into a horribly named new division called Oath. Oath will contain sites like HuffPost, Yahoo Sports, TechCrunch, and Engadget, as well as apps and services like Alto and Brightroll. Tumblr will also fall under the Oath umbrella.”

As you can see this is heading into major changes, the effect of which some of us are seeing in terms of our email. I have had several calls with, “Help my email has stopped,” and I have also experienced one weeks worth of mail appearing in one day. The ones I got were all from ordinary users. Big company mail had continued as normal so it is not obvious that some are missing.

So what do we do here? Well there are two options; first is to sit back and wait for it all to settle down. This is OK if you are not a business that relies on fast mail services, which I guess many of my readers are not. Just be aware of the potential problems and check that things are getting done. Second option is that you could open a second email account with the likes of Microsoft's hotmail or Google's Gmail. This is easy to do. Search for hotmail, then choose sign-in from the results. At the bottom of the sign-in dialog box is 'No account? – create one'. Follow that link and fill in the form. For Gmail, search for 'create a gmail account'. Again follow the online form. Both are free.

The second option does not cure the problem that everyone knows your existing address and changing can be tedious to say the least. What I suggest is that you start a new account and send to all your contacts that you have this new account and why. Now you sit back and watch carefully whether or not Yahoo stays working for you; or be more proactive and start using the new account while keeping the old one going. You can login to the old account and under settings you can 'Forward' mail to the new account. This should save you logging in and out of two accounts, as all of the mail from the Yahoo account should appear in the new account.



Old Bolingbroke Church

St Cecilia Concert

By The Elizabethan Singers

th Friday 24 November 7.30pm

Tickets £7.00 on the door


Cheese & Wine

St Helen's Church East Keal Christmas Fayre

Saturday 25th November Between 11am-3pm

Raffle, Tombola, Christmas Gifts, Bric a Brac,

Refreshments, Cake Stall, Decorations. Everyone Welcome

If you wish to help in DECORATING the Church it will be

open from 10am-4pm on Friday 24th November.


Stickford Community Centre nd Saturday 2 December

12 noon to 4pm An opportunity to buy Christmas presents!

Marden Hill Cluster October Lottery Winners

1st No. 35 M Clark 2nd No. 42 M Williams

Toynton All Saints October Lottery Winners

1st No. 63 S Gorst 2nd No. 20 J Howden 3rd No. 54 B Shaw

Many thanks to all who contribute.

SPILSBY GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the help required and we will get back to you.

26 Message from Spilsby Surgery Participation Group (PPG) In September 2017 there were 129 appointments at the Spilsby Surgery "LOST" because 120 patients failed to turn up and had not cancelled. Nine of those patients had two Did Not Attend (DNA) each. DATE FOR THE DIARY: The Second Flu Clinic will be held on the morning of Saturday 25 November 2017 in the Franklin Hall, Spilsby. We are always looking for patients of the Surgery to join the PPG Committee and we can be contacted through the Surgery. Minutes of the PPG Meetings can be found on the Surgery Website under the PPG section. Meetings are held at the Spilsby Surgery.

Whist Drives

Hundleby Parish Room rd 3 Tuesday each month 7.00pm

We are looking for new members. Why not come along and join us. Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee and biscuits and raffle.




Hundleby Outreach Project

th Saturday 9 December

2.00pm – 4.00pm

Hundleby Church & Parish Rooms

All age groups welcome

Children to be accompanied by an adult

No charge – donations appreciated



East Keal, East Kirkby, Hagnaby, Hagworthingham, Hareby, Mavis Enderby, Miningsby, Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, Toynton All Saints, Toynton St. Peter, West Keal


5th November West Keal 9.30am Holy Communion Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Holy Communion All Saints Day Toynton All Saints 3.00pm Morning Prayer East Kirkby 3.00pm Holy Communion

12th November Hagworthingham 10.45am Remembrance East Keal 10.45am Remembrance 3rd Sunday Old Bolingbroke 10.45am Remembrance before Advent (Methodist church) Spilsby 3.00pm Memorial service

19th November Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Morning Prayer Toynton All Saints 11.15am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday West Keal 11.15am Morning Prayer before Advent East Kirkby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Hagworthingham 6.00pm Holy Communion

26th November East Keal 9.30am Morning Prayer Christ the King Toynton St Peter 3.00pm Holy Communion



Ashby by Partney, Aswardby, Candlesby, Dalby, Langton w Sutterby, Partney, Sausthorpe, Scremby, Skendleby


5th November Scremby 9.30am Holy Communion Partney 11.15am Family Service All Saints Day Partney 11.45am Holy Communion

12th November Aswardby 9.30am Morning Prayer 3rd Sunday Scremby 10.45am Remembrance before Advent (Partney Cluster) Spilsby 3.00pm Memorial service

19th November Candlesby 9.30am Holy Communion Dalby 9.30am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday Sausthorpe 11.15am Family Service before Advent Partney 6.00pm Evening Prayer

26th November Langton 11.15am Family Service Christ the King Skendleby 6.00pm Evening Prayer

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


5th November Stickney 11.15am Cluster Communion Stickney 5.00pm Memorial Service All Saints Day

11th November Stickney 10.45am Remembrance Service

12th November Stickney 9.30am Shortened Eucharist Stickford War 10.45am Remembrance Service 3rd Sunday Memorial before Advent Stickford 11.15am Morning Worship New Leake 3.00pm Evening Worship with Remembrance

19th November Stickney 11.15am Family Worship 2nd Sunday before Advent

26th November Stickney 9.30am Holy Communion Christ the King Stickford 11.15am Morning Worship New Leake 3.00pm Holy Communion

Morning Prayers every Thursday morning at 9.00am at St Luke's, Stickney

followed by a coffee morning

Tuesday 21st November 3.00pm Holy Communion at the Old Rectory Care Home



Bag Enderby, Brinkhill, Calceby, Driby, Farforth, Harrington, Haugh, Ketsby, Maidenwell, Oxcombe, Ruckland, Salmonby, Somersby, South Ormsby, Tetford & Worlaby.


5th November South Ormsby 9.30am Holy Communion All Saints Day

12th November Tetford Memorial 10.00am Remembrance 3rd Sunday Tetford Church 10.45am before Advent Spilsby 3.00pm Memorial service

19th November Bag Enderby 9.30am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday before Advent

26th November Ruckland 9.30am Holy Communion Christ the King

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 10.00am at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer Every Monday and Thursday 12 noon

St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping & Firsby


Sunday 5th November - Family Service – FIZZ, BANG, SPARKLE

5th November Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist All Saints Day Spilsby 10.00am Family service Halton Holegate 6.00pm Evening prayer Raithby 6.00pm Eucharist

7th November Firsby 10.30am Eucharist

12th November Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist Spilsby 10.45am Remembrance 3rd Sunday Firsby 10.45am Remembrance before Advent Spilsby 3.00pm Memorial service Little Steeping 6.00pm 2nd Sunday @ 6

19th November Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Eucharist 2nd Sunday Raithby 11.15am Morning Prayer before Advent Firsby 3.00pm Evening Prayer Halton Holegate 6.00pm Healing service

26th November Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist Hundleby 9.30am Morning Prayer Christ the King Little Steeping 9.30am Eucharist Halton Holegate 11.15am Eucharist Great Steeping 3.00pm Evening Prayer

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby

Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist





NOVEMBER 8th Formby presented by Ewan

Wardrop playing the role of Formby.

9th What Once was Ours presented by Zest Theatre Company & Half

Moon Company.

th 13 Oh! What a Lovely War by -18th Joan Littlewood. A Playgoers TRACEY SMEDLEY production.

Counsellor 23rd The Daisies – all-singing, all-

dancing female close harmony trio. Advanced Diploma in Performances at 2.30 & 7.30pm Counselling and Theories Box Office 01507 600350 Mobile: 07978 837769 Now booking on line



Halton Holegate Let your cat stay in the comfort of its own familiar surroundings Church of England when you are away from home. Primary School “The Cat Lady” will visit your home daily while you are away and attend to your cat’s needs. Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted 2014) school with a friendly, family Less stressful for your cat and cheaper for you than cattery fees atmosphere, encouraging children to reach their full potential. Phone Sally, “The Cat Lady”, on 07793 551380 or 01790 754000 We are proud of our whole school to discuss your cat’s requirements. community and invite you to make an

appointment to look round and have a BED & BREAKFAST chat.

near to Spilsby Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Own entrance and own sitting room Fridge, microwave Contact: Station Road, Halton Holegate, TV, Free Wi-fi Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB Tea/coffee facilities 01790 752 575 Use of garden [email protected] Contact Jean or visit our website: Tel: 01790 752500 Mob: 07786 450165

Jacky & Simon welcome you to MOBILE




Tel: 01790 754970

Mobile: 07958 650927 CUTTING, STYLING, COLOUR ALL ASPECTS OF HAIRDRESSING IN THE KBM Foot Health COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME “Beautiful are the feet…” Call me today for an appointment Kate O’Flynn MCFHP MAFHP Foot Health Practioner Jonothan Burrows 01790 763794 0748 4800110 01790 753370 07879 645910




Ray Ford Carpentry & Joinery Bespoke/Heritage

Mob: 07776 288639

Tel: 01790 754006

9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing resident ial care for older people offering high quality long and short-term care and flexible day care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Please contact Donella Savage on 01790 752495 for more information. Registered charity no 1048355

Horncastle McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic

Chiropractic, Ultrasound, Remedial Therapy + Massage Treatments for:

Back Pain

Neck Pain

Joint Pain

Sports Injuries

Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available

Lesley Rolfe DC, BSc, MMCA, MRCoC

Established 25 years

Tel: 01507 527 085

37 High St, LN9 5HP

General Chiropractic Council Registered No 00029


The Compleat

Gardener Ltd PAUL

We are professional, qualified gardeners working for domestic EVERARD and commercial clients REGISTERED PLUMBING AND throughout the area. HEATING CONTRACTOR

We have established an enviable THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, reputation for our work and can SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB offer you a quality service backed Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

Email: [email protected] We are also able to provide a total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS AND INFORMATION Mark Fort on 01790754479


Domestic-Commercial -Agriculture 24Hr Electrician All Electrical work undertaken Check us out on, Facebook or

For a friendly and reliable service

Call Blake on 07534262216-07496837860

Or Email us at [email protected]


Peter Atkin NHS and Private Eye Examinations Includes Digital Retinal Imaging Dip TCFCP (NCFE Approved) Budget to top designer frames Mobile Foot-care Practitioner Single Vision spectacles from £19.95 complete Treatment and advice relating Bifocals and Varifocals to: Corns, Calluses, Bunions, from £59.95 complete Hard skin, Verrucae, Ingrown Repairs and on site glazing for a fast nails, Fungal/Hard nails, Nail cut service & file, Diabetic foot recognition, Foot massage and General foot- care advice 3-4 Market Place Horncastle Contact me on: LN9 5HD 01205 481427 or Tel: 01507 526527

07960 460746 [email protected]




Local Builder/Decorator Over 30 years experience in the building trade Massage Therapist Tel: 07500 946611

 Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue All aspects of Property Maintenance Massage undertaken  Back, neck & shoulders massage  Head, neck & arm massage NO JOB TOO SMALL!  Seated Acupressure chair massage  Indian Head Massage Telephone: 01790 753253  Thai foot massage or 07875 643 851  Facial Rejuvenation for a  Hot Stones FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE  Spa wraps  Warm Bamboo PHIL WHITE Any treatments can be tailor made 73 Halton Road to fit requirements Spilsby Lincs Email: [email protected] PE23 5LD The Lodge, Partney.Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF


Visiting Chiropody/Podiatry PRIVATE HIRE

Service Book our historic village hall for your by Health & Social Care Professions private function or for a meeting, Registered Practitioner. H.C.P.C Reg No 5859 lecture, or regular classes.

Practitioner has 35+ years experience as a Full kitchen facilities, crockery and Chiropodist/Podiatrist in:- glassware with seating and tables for * NHS, up to 50-60 people. * Industrial

* Private Practice * Care Homes Disabled facilities and with all types of client base including:- * Learning disabilities & challenging Our rate is just £7.50 per hour, with behaviour special weekend rates for weddings * Diabetes and reduced rates for regular * High Risk Patients bookings.

Receipts recognised by most major Health Insurers. Contact Hall Manager Sindy Prince on 07780 220913 Prices & availability on application. Tel; - 01507 527551 or email [email protected]


J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of Domestic Heating Oil & Farm Diesel ------Advertising space available Family owned and run for Grape Vine Advertising Prices over 30 years. ------per year Prompt delivery 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60 Competitive prices 1 Friendly service /2 page - £90 Full page - £160 ------

Contact us on Contact: 01205 760638 01790 752526 or email; Anytime All major credit cards accepted [email protected]

SStteepphheenn NNoo rrtthhggrraavveess









White Cottage, Mill Lane, Keal Cotes, Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 42

R & P Planning a wedding, a party or just a family get together? Decorating Services All Painting and Decorating Looking for a venue? work undertaken. Over 10 years experience. For advice or quotation Look no further Ring Rob –

TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL Office 01790 756877 Or Mobile 07950 244219

 available for hire  up to 120 catered for NNeeiill HHeeyyeess EElleeccttrriiccaall  excellent kitchen facilities NICEIC Approved Registered Company  fully heated. Friendly, Reliable and Professional service. All work fully insured and guaranteed.

For charges and to book call 01790 754020 or 01790 752249

or find us on Facebook For all your electrical needs, phone me on: 01790 753213 or 07894 290355 43

ICB Fencing & R H BUILDING Groundworks

All types of fencing work undertaken SERVICES

Ian Blackamore Carpentry & Joiner, Brickwork, 07932 057580 Block Paving, Flooring, 01790 756952 Tiling, Fencing & Roofing.

Time served apprenticeship

For a Free Quotation -

Tel: 01790 754382

Mobile 07949539591

Email [email protected] Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Roy Harness. ménages. All types of timber gates The Briars, supplied & fitted. Hall Lane, West Keal, SPILSBY Manor Farm House, Main Road, LINCS PE23 4BJ East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom:

110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Julia’s “Happy Feet”

Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP Free Initial Consultation Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels Corn Removal Callus Reduction Providing care in the comfort of your own home Book for appointments with Julia Moore

Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897



Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

 Residential care & Dementia  Friendly, caring staff  Respite and holiday care  Day care  Hairdressing and Chiropody service  Aromatherapy

 Local library facilities  Weekly craft afternoons  Good home cooking with special diets catered for

 Single, double and bed sitting rooms available  Fortnightly church service

For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

MNM Pest Management

NPTA Accredited Technician

Problem with wasps, ants or flies moles, rats and mice?

Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in

Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises

Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on: 01754 890637 or 07904 170033

Please call for any help and advice



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Any size jobs considered

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Same great service

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Feet Treats Promoting Healthy Comfortable Cushioned Feet

 Hard skin and Callus removal  Cracked Heels  Nail cutting and filing  Corn removal  Verucca treatment  Diabetic advice  In-growing toe nails Please contact Celia on: 0744 389 2827 or email me at [email protected] S.A.C. Dip Registered Foot Health Practitioner. Regn. No. s265649


For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334 4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, Chapel St Leonards, Telephone 01754 873035


GM Electrical

Registered Domestic


For all domestic electrical work.

From the simplest of repairs to complete re-wires.

Highlights Multimedia Call Graham on 01754 830654

or 0791 7058230 Family Films & Videos to DVD Part P Qualified, Fully Insured. Indoor & Outdoor Sound System

(on site engineer/operator/announcer available) For a friendly & professional Wedding and Social DVD Production service.

Video & Sound Media Production, Presentation and Technical Services.

Harold Houldershaw

01205 481364

[email protected]




TEL 01205 350737






IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY  over 100 fridges and freezers

 over 40 washing machines and dryers  over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs.

 vacuum cleaners  microwave ovens

 cooker hoods

 all colours of kettle and toaster  food mixers and fryers

 table lamps and light fittings




 lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent

tubes and fittings  salt for water softeners

 cooker hood filters and

 spares for washing machines  plus lots of unusual bits and pieces






The Bishop of Lincoln Team Vicar & The Rt. Rev. Christopher Lowson Curate to South Ormsby Group Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Woodside, Aswardby Road, Lincoln LN2 1PU Harrington, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NL email: [email protected] Tel: 01790 753158 email: [email protected]

Assistant Curate Archdeacon of Lincoln The Rev’d Jean Coates The Venerable Gavin Kirk Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby 01522 504039 email: [email protected] [email protected]

Deanery Synod The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke Joint Chairmen: The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates The Rural Dean and Lay Chair The Vicarage, Church Street, Mr. Bill Rose Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator email: [email protected] Jane Howsam The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Tel: 01790 752526 email: [email protected] Bolingbroke Deanery Group Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm Team Ministry Marden Hill, Partney, Spilsby & Stickney Clusters Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett Team Rector Gardener’s Cottage, Harrington, The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NH (address as above). Tel: 01790 754151 email: [email protected]

Team Vicar Readers The Rev’d Fran Jeffries Mr. Frank Richardson The Rectory, Horbling Lane, 8 Ashby Meadows, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5DN Tel: 01205 481183 Tel: 01790 753510 email: [email protected] also Community Chaplain

Mr Paul McLaughlin

Tel: 01790 753158