17962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 13 September 13, 2006 Nick Walters, originally of Wiggins, sion Nick Walters will be successful in A tireless worker on behalf of others’ MS, was appointed as Mississippi’s wherever his endeavors may lead. campaigns, he also held elected office, USDA rural development director by I hope my colleagues will join me in serving for 10 years in the State legis- President George Bush in 2001. Since thanking Nick Walters for his exem- lature, first as a member of the Oregon then, Nick has done a great job sup- plary service to the Federal Govern- House of Representatives and then as a porting Mississippi’s communities, ment and, more importantly, to Amer- member of the Oregon Senate. Prior to helping to secure resources needed for ica as Mississippi’s USDA rural devel- that, in 1948, he was elected to the public facilities, utilities and for eco- opment director. Democratic National Committee. nomic development. f Given his strong partisan politics, This is a key Federal position for my some might think his most notable MURRAYHILL LITTLE LEAGUE State. As Nick likes to say, this is the feat was converting U.S. Senator ALL-STAR TEAM ‘‘non-farm,’’ or ‘‘non-food’’ part of Wayne Morse, whose seat I now hold, USDA. It’s about new water and waste ∑ Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise to the Democratic Party—helping Sen- water systems, so people can have today to congratulate Oregon’s ator Morse to see the light, as it were. clean, dependable running water. It’s Murrayhill 11 and 12-year-old Little But Monroe considered the passage of about new community centers, town League All-Star team.
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