WWoommeenn iinn OOrreeggoonn PPoolliittiiccss AA SSeellleecctteedd BBiiibbllliiiooggrraapphhyy ooff PPoosstt--SSuuffffrraaggee PPrriiimmaarryy SSoouurrcceess In the Oregon Historical Society Davies Family Research Library 1200 SW PARK AVENUE | PORTLAND, OR 97202 | 503-306-5240 |
[email protected] | WWW.OHS.ORG Manuscripts & Archival Collections Altrusa Club of Portland scrapbook, 1966-1988, Mss 2835 Argow, Claire and Oregon Prison Association, Acc 24148 (unprocessed collection) Associations and Institutions collection, 1860-2008. Mss 1511* Beaty, Lillie papers, 1913-1943. Mss 1860 Bolland, Nettie Rankin papers, 1907-1952. Mss 2584 Cease, Jane papers, 1981-1987. Mss 1846 Civic Improvement Association of Carlton, Oregon records, 1911-1967. Mss 1754 Clark, Donald E. papers, 1963-1982, Mss 1373 Fear, Lucia S. papers, 1882-1900. Mss 1550 Fox, Nellie papers, 1940-1987. Mss 2768 Gay and Lesbian Archives of the Pacific Northwest, Mss 2988 Marie Equi papers, 1918-1983. Mss 2988-13 Gray, Grace Howard recollections, 1938. Mss 2094 Green, Beryl Albert scrapbooks, 1916-1956. Mss 2828 Green, Edith papers, 1955-1975, Mss 1424* Hand, Beulah J. collection, circa 1957-1985. Acc. 27213 (unprocessed) Honeyman, Nan Wood papers, 1935-1962, Mss 193. Kelly, Edward Emmett family papers, 1898-1974. Mss 1434 Labor collection, 1872-1988 (bulk 1930-1955). Mss 1505* Lee, Dorothy McCullough collection, circa 1972-1987, Mss 2772. McCall, Dorothy Lawson papers, 1963-1970, Mss 1393. McCall, Tom papers, 1944-1982. Mss 625, 625-1, 625-2. Marple, Lorna collection on the Democratic Party of Oregon, circa 1950-1991. Mss 6042 National Association of Pro America records, 1935-1937. Mss 44 Neuberger, Richard and Maurine papers, 1954-1966. Mss 791 2 *Finding aid available on the Northwest Digital Archives (NWDA) website ©2012 Oregon Historical Society Oregon League of Democratic Women records, circa 1936-1952.