r • GILBERT • ~ RUGBY FOOTBALL CONTENTS UNION A welcome tram the TETLEY'S BITTER COUNTY President of the RFU ...... • ...... 3 CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL A welcome fram today's sponsors, Tetley's Bitter .... .5 CHESHIRE East Midlands U21 squad . . ..7 v Cumbria U21 squad ...... 9 Today's Under 21 teams ...... 11

Border disputes TETLEY'S BITTER U21 COUNTY by Geoff Green . .13 CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL A welcome from the CUMBRIA President of Cheshire RFU ...... 17 v EAST MIDLANDS The Cheshire squad ...21 Today's teams ...... 26 TWICIŒNHAM 18th APRIL 1998 The squad .....29

A welcome from the 1997-98 President of Cornwall RFU ...... 35 Palron H.M. The Q ucen Trelawny's Army on the March President P. G. Brook by Colin Gregory . .. . .37 \fiCl' Presidents P. C. Trunkfield J. H. Addison County Final flashbacks ...... 41 ChaÎrmoll of Ihe B. C. Brittlc Management Board Curtain Raiser . . . .47 Vice Chairll/(ll/ Sir Michael Stcar Ken cnE MA Plan of the ground .... .48 (Administration)

Vi ce Chairmoll (PloJing) F. E. Cotton General information ... .50 Direc(or 0/ SI/I'/JOrl Seruices K. H. Whitehead MSc Direclor of RlIgbJ' D. Rutherford MEd Sponsors' page ...... 52 DireCfor of COl/uJ/ll'11icafions R. W. Preseou Direcforoj Fillallce D. R. Fison FCA Director of Marketillg R. C. Field MClM MIPR Direclor 0] T. R. Burwcll Twiclien/ial/l Services Administra/iui! Sfcretm)' A. R. Godfrey Programme designed and published by PROGRAMME PUBLICATIONS LTO . No P~n or this progr;l1llllll: ma )' be rcproduccd (Tel: 01372 743377) \\'ithOU I pcnni $~ io n in wriling frolll the Rugby Foo tball Unio n . Printed by Hyway Pcnningtol'l Ltd. IS OUR HOME GROUND.

R OYAL & S UNAl Ll ANCE naw opcrarcs in 55 nations around the warle! (16 in Europe alone) . Thar makcs us one of th e biggest in surance companics in t he \Vorlel. But not ail our inreresrs arc glo ba l. \'(Ie a re cnrhusiasri c supporters of )'ourh rugby and hapc thar rhrough sponsorship, wc ca n help orhers to becolll c rop inrernariona ls. Just lik c LI S. ROYAL& V For mou' in forrnal;un . \'isil our wcb $i l (, on w\\·w.rur,,!·:md,suI1Jlli3nCC,C0111 )1 SUNALLlANCE A Welcome from the President of the RFU

very warm welcbme Lo T",jcken ham today for the ATetle)"s Biner Counly Champio nship Final and lhe Tetl ey's Bitle r U21 Divisional Final. 1 do hope that: everyone who has t.rave ll ed here loda)', especiall y thase fro m Cumbria, East Midlands, Cheshire and Cornwall c njoys the day and wha l promises to be sorne excelle nt rugby. Altho ugh bath Cheshire and Cornwall have won the Couilly Champio nship Lwice beforc, lhis is the firsL ume that they have me t in the final al Twicke nham . Cheshire's tWQ wins cam e in -1950 and 196 1. Cornwall firsl loo k the honours in 1908, ",hen they went o n LO represent Englancl in the O lympie Cames a l the "\Thile City, reaching the final but losing LO Australi a. Theil" second win hc re al Twickenha m was in 199 1, whe n 30,000 supporters came ta cheer them LO victor )', led b)' the Falmoulh Marine Band. 1 am LO ld lhat Cornwa ll will be like a ghOSl LOwn again LOda y. 1 would like te congratulale ail the four teams who have reached lhe finals and ail who have helped in lheir sli ccess. Enj a y the rugby.

PeLer Brook


Don't stand for it Send your order by post

There are now more TWI 1Wlckenham shops open around the ground on matchdays, but don't worry If you can't make It to one of them durlng your vlslt. AU Items are now avallable by mallorder,

TWI The TWickenham Shop. Rugby Road. TWlckenhom, Hlddlesex T""'1 IDZ Tel: 0181 891 414\ Fox: 0181 7449537 A Welcome from today's sponsors

n bchalf o f Tetley's Biller ma)' 1 eXlcnd a wann welcome LO what is the firsl Te tl cy's Bille r Counly Champio nship O Final. In Cheshire and Cornwall wc have t \VQ of the Illost esta blished and respected Couilly sicl es in the country and th is aftcrnoon's clash should be a memo ra blc cvenL. Befa re the Tc ùey's Bitter County Champio nship Final, the Final of Lh e Te Ll ey's Biller Unde r-21 Championship is LO be played , which sees East Mid lands Lak e on Cumbria. Fe\\' spo rling occasions can match the atmosphere al Twickenham on a Cup Final day, and LOday's games are Lh e first o f fo ur Te tley's Bitte r fin als taking place over the next few wecks. The Final o f the Tetley's Biuer Vase, when \oVest Leed s play Huddersfield YM CA, La kes place al Twickenham o n 2 May. The Te tl ey's Bi tter Clip Final, which is an ai l-Lo ndo n affair in which François Pi enaar 's Saracens take o n the chall enge o f Lawrence Dall aglio's vVas ps, is played a week later o n 9 May. Bet1,'een Lh em ail , the matches provide a g re3L finale LO the first year o f the Te ùey's Bi tter To tal Rughy Spo nsorship which covers a il areas o f the game, fro m g rass 1'oots right thro ug h ta the na ti o nal team , and includes being the Official Beer o f lhe Team, and o f Twicken ham. May 1 wi sh ail teams in lo day's finals the best af luck in whal, 1 am sure, wi ll be lwa hig hly entcrlaining games. Te tl ey's Biller is pra ud ta be li lle spo nsor a f the Counly Champio nship, and the Undcr-21 Champio nship and loo ks fOl'ward ta this canlinll ed associatio n next seasan .

Do ug Cl)'dcsdale Marke ting Directa r, Carlsbcrg-Te Ll e)' Brewing LLd. Here's a fresh idea, Ricoh have put the paper catch trays inside their new printer, Then they"ve swcc tened the deal, by making it a combined printcr'copier, capable of printing or • "' ~ ~, 1 Positioll - copying at a brealhless 20 sheels per minute, The Aficlo 200 holds up to 1600 shee ts and Com~ny can handlc ail paper si zcs from A5 to A3, cvcn in Addre$S duplex mode. Ils hOle,in·lhe·middle design saves office spa ce by sorling prinled documents ln th e Posu:oda TtlePhone heart of the machine. RIeo/l tIC llrMe1I. fREEPOS T1<'\'1.1 114, 1 PI.lne Tree Crescem. fentwn. ~5e . IWU IB1l And becau se it cos lS around 30% less to run than comparable prinlcrs, 10l al cos t of ownership Is significantly rcduced. ICD©®DO So il won 'I leave a hale ln your poeke\. .-.------. Yo ur m ost re liabLe office worke r, East Midlands Under 21 Squad by Mîchael Austin Simon Hephcr (NMfMml!loIIJ CLptain. No 8. Born 1O.6.ii:u Kehin Robert Todd (Nortlmmpton) !'rop, Uorn 23.9.i6 iu H Ashinglon. Ô'S", 16st 'll b. f.dU C'JICd ;u C'uupion SchooJ, NOl'lh:unplon Northampton.6'3 • 17st 71h, An insnblÎOll engineer t:dllGlled :11 ~nd SIlu l}'ing fol' an UND in Uusin css Studics ;Inti Sport al CrL1"c &: ll'ollaston CompfchensÎI'e Schoo1. ['la5 been to l i,;ckenham Il,ice, ,\I s.age TCollcgc. TOI\:I)', he lal'gclS a title for ccl1lcuarro\"er. 6'1", 12s1 311.1. warehousc opcr.a ti\'e. Ikg:m as:\ mini.rugb)' player whclI cig hl :1\ the Taking a uSe. in SpMI5 Studies al De ~Iontfort Unil"t:rsil)', Ik:dford \\'ell inghorough dub, Il :1.1 playcd for Northamplon. h:l\ing :lltcllded DOl'er Gr.unrnar School. ]'b.ycd for Kent Collli and Mark Burgess (&fjord) ['rop. nom 2.S.77 in &:dford. 6' [", IGst 81b. A .\lidlands Un dcr-2h. l'rC\iolLs club: Ileal Wandcrcrs. Fim 1,l:! YL"f] :u the landscapc b'3rdener in Surrey, haliug bcen rouGited al Sand)' Upper age of I i. Scllool and Nene UnÎl'ersity CoII<-1;c. Bas plared for E.ul Midlands Phil Grca\"cs (NortlllJmp/(m) Ccll1fC . Born 16.2.;8 in IkJdfom. 6'0", 1-151 5<:hools :md Micllands ColIS. l'fClious clubs: Bedford an d Wandcrcl'5 in i lb, Sludied:LI Uingky Cr:unmar School bcfore !x.'{;o uling:1 j oh:ul1lcsburg, professio n:!1 rugh)' pla}'cr, l'rt... iom clubs: Baildoll :tnd Br:.ulfonl 11.: Ross Peler Mawby (Nort/mm/IIOrJ) l'rop. lklrn 12.7.78 in Nort hamplon, ninglC)', 6'0", l6st 31b, Stlld)'j ng for a Il.Ed Sccollllar)' in l'hrsiGi I Et!tI Gllio li at De Montforl Unil·ersil)'. 1\lIcutlctl Ro:ule School, Northamplon. Simon Richard William Uneo ln (Nofl/mmp/(m) Genlre, Born 20.7,78:u l'rt... ions clu bs: Nort hamp ton M e n '~ 0",1 and Nonha.lmplon C,ullals. RM' Noclo n Ha ll, Lin colns hi re, ':"'10", 12s1 6tb, A smdenl;1l N Ollin gh~nl Trent Unil'ersil)', ha,;ng allcmlerl Millfield $chool and James Michel (Norlh/JlIJpIOIJ) Hooke r. llom 12. 1.i8 in NorlhJmpton. Bedford School. fiN pbp::d for Biggleswade and helpt'([ East Midl:mds :"'1 0", 13s1 i lh. A lr.linee manager ,,;th Tr:.l\is l'erkin s. Educ;l\e(1 at Nonhamplon Sehool for 1\o)"S :md a prodlicl ofNoflhamplon C:ul~\ls. 10 !x.'al l\elll 17-10 ill lhe ColtSChampi onship al T"ickenham in 1996, !'Ia}"cd for Northamplonshin: Schools and East Midlands ColtS. Adam Roger Lowles (NorlluU1lpton) Wing. Born 29.1 1.77 in EI)',5'8", James Smith (,\'orlh(lmp/(m) Hooker. llorn 23. l.ï8 in NorthamptOIl. 1!sI 7U). A Il.Ed (l'Ions) dcgr<-'C studellt aI De Montfort Uniwl'$it)'. 6'0", lfisl 71 h. t\nodl CT product of the F.asl Midlands Schools and Coltli haling allemlecl [,orello 5<:hool. Musselburgh. Scmlaml. Origin:tll)' an sySlc m. A lr.lIISpOrt nmnagcr for Dam Cane Furniurre, he "'as El)' llli nÎ-nlgbr l'layer, ln his !.t'Coutl scason "ith F..1St ~ ! idl :IIl(1s Uudt'r'!Is, schoolcd at Carnpioll .l\lIgbrooke an d first pl ay~'('! for Nortlmmlllon Dum:an 81o"'eT!l (Norl/mmploll) H)·-half. Born 25.9.76 in New Ze;ll;m d, Old Scouts. 5'1 1". 13st 51h. Edllc:ued:ll NonhamlltOIl Sc hool fOI' HO}"!i and no\\' Stephen Wa lt ~r (NOfl/llllI/plorJ) Hooker. l\om 15.7.i8 iu Hemel slmlying al Nene Unil'Crsil)'. C I ~ ldu;!led from Old Nonhamilloni:ms. H e11l p s lc~d.6'2 ". 1i st 81h. A professional rnghy pb)"er, he \,~ I S cdUGllcd l'bred fnr East Midbm!s ColtS in the 19lJ5 Twickenham fimll :llfol in SI :u Northampton Selmol for Boys :lnd inil iall)" plaret! for Northampton 1·lertfOldshire. OId Scouts. T,,;cc:1"inniu g IIl emlx:r of Ihe E..ost Mid lands Coh.~ team ~I T"ickenh:nn. James Br.unhal! (N()I'lh(lm/Jton) Scnlln·half. nom 20.5.78 in Charles SIC\'en Par\;cs (Nortlmll/plorJ) L.od. lloru 29,3.ïï in Northamplon ,.:n 1", 12st mh, A professional ruguy plarcr. Aucmlcd North amplon. 6'6", 17st 91 b. A f:lbricalor, who "'aS eduCllcd :lt R();ldc Northamplon School for Hors and plaretl :rt NonhamaplOn Old School. l'n.... ious cl ubs: Northampton Ca!iuals. MeJù 0-'11 and ScoUIS from lh e :Ige offou r. l'Ias rcprcscnted E..UI Midl:mds Schools. Ik-dford. ~ ! Îdlands Colts an d Engl:md Under-2h. Andrew NC\


Cumbria Under 21 Squad b)'MichaelAustin

Richard Harryrnan (Mt/d(ll) Captain, l'rop. Born 16. 11.76 in J am~ Gavin Whitclock-Wai nwright (Ctl/fisll') Flanke r. nom Kcndal. 6'1", 19s1 Olb. Scl loolcd al./ollll Ruskin. COllision and 27.9. 7i in Clrlisle. 6'O", 16s l 31b. A scude rll al UnÎl'crsity College, Newton Rigg Collegc, Pemith ' sludying sport Ihe C.lrlisle club whell 15 :lIul h'l~ represellled Cumbria at 1'.ciencc al Manchester Me tropolimn Un il·crsitr. Plaret! for Ihrcc len:ls ,,;th ambitions tO play for th e: full couilly sid e. Cumbria &hools and North ColIS. Jlrel1oll5 clubs: Cockermomh and Orrell. Tilllothy Clark (" irkm) lock/ H.1ck ROI\'. Born 6.12.iS in Barro\\"-in-Fufllt:SS. 6'2". 1!lsl Olb, Stmlied allllOrnclilTe Sch ool Slel'en Wood (Aspalrill) fol }~ h:tlf. 6'0 '" . l '!sI DIb. Allended in H:lwcoat and one o f IWO plarers from the proud :md Wh ileha\"en School :md nOI\" "' ork~ as :1 joiner. Pla)'ed for pregressi\"C Vickcrs club ill Ihe 5' before bccoming a swdcrl1 al Furness College. and Applebr CL~LI1l1l1ilr School and i~ c mplo)"ed :u a Matthew Cocket! (Cmgllioll) \Ving. nom 27.9.77 in C.'\rlisle. groundsllJan. SI:lned pl:L};ng:1\ the age of SC'o'e ll :II l'Iolme Park. 5' 10", 1251 -lIb. A!tended Trinitr Schoul !.>cfOTe sludyi ng at Nigel Dalid Harrison Douglas (A5/j(IIn'n) Hooker. Born 25.11. ii C.'\rlisle Tcch niC;II School ,LJld !.>ccorning a joiner with in C.'\rlisle. 5'10", 1·151 121b. A student in :lpplied biolog}'at \\'oodsl}"le, Brisco, C.'\rlislc. l'Iarcd for C.lr1isle and Aspalria Newcastle Ullil'crsity, h:wing !.>cen schooled at St. Bees. bcfore joining his prcSl!nt cl ub and has appeared at four Icvels Rcpresellil!d Cumbria Sc ilOOl5 and ColIS, haring takelL up Ihe for his COllnl)'. g:ulIe :11 Ihe II Kirk!>ie RClldal Se hool and Carlisle Collcge Kelldal. 6'1" , 15s121b. Schooled al Kirkh}' Slephen G I ~lrnlllar bc forc hecoming a ci"i l eugineer wilh Cumbria County Collncil and no\\' laking a BA (1·lons) Hi story degrce al Ihe Un il"ersil )" of Construction Sl! n 'ices \)ep:u·tmelll. Has pb)'ed for CUlllbri:1 Huddersfield. l-b .~ plared fOi" Cumbria Sc hools IS-Croups :lIld Sthools and Colts. h,ll'iuS fi rsl pla)'ed ,,'heTl 11 Olt sc hoo!. Colts.


Tetley's Bitter Under 21 Championship Final CUMBRIA EAST MIDLANDS Navy Jerseys Green, Black, Blue & Gold Jerseys Richard Jackson Richard Monkhouse Full Back 1S (Wigton) (Northampton) 15 Stuart Dixon Right Wing James Hinkins 14 (Wigton) (Bedford) 14 Phil Greaves Gavin Young Centre 13 (Penrith) (Northampton) 13 Andrew Booth Centre Simon Lincoln 12 (Kendal) (Northampton) 12 Adam Lowles Matthew Woodcock Left Wing 11 (Aspatria) (Northampton) 11 Steven Wood Stand-Off Duncan Blowers 10 (Aspatria) (Northampton) 10 James Bramhall Toby Siaek Serum-Hait 9 (Upper Eden) (Northampton) 9 Kelvin Todd Richard Harryman Prop 16 (Kendal) CAPTAIN (Northampton) 1 Nigel Douglas Hooker Steve Walter 2 (Aspatria) (Northampton) 2 Ross Mawby Alistair Long Prop 17 (Wigton) (Northampton) 3 Andrew Newman Simon MeCali Loek 4 (Carlisle) (Northampton) 4 Matthew Birke Stephen Capstiek Lock 5 (Kendal) (Northampton) 5 James Whitelock-Wainwright Flanker James Thorp 6 (Carlisle) (B edford) 6 David Bowyer Flanker Matthew Earl 7 (Unattached) (Northampton) 7 Michael Little No_ 8 Simon Hepher 8 8 (Carlisle) (Northampton) CAPTAIN Re lacements Re lacements Nicky Crellin James Smith 16 1 (Netherhafl) (Northampton) David Bowe Mark Bur~e5s 17 3 (WorkingtonJ (B ed ord) Gareth Morton Gavin Waters 18 18 (Ca rlisle) (Long Buckby) Tim Clark Alistair Cornish 19 19 (Vickers) (No rthampton) Paul Brunsden Dean Lloyd~Rob e rts 20 20 (Vickers) (B edford) Matthew Cockett . - . Stuart Faulkner 21 21 (Creighton) (No rthampton) paul Newton Richard Butler 22 (Orrell) Referee Touch Judges (Dunstablians) 22 Chris Reeks• John Barnard (Yorkshire Society) (Somerset Society) II Jo hn Hackett (Gloucestershire Society) FROM GRASS ROOTS TO GRAND SLAM unAlliance are prou d to sponsor the & S Colts teant and the Colts COl111' ~ ~ng~iUan,ud Divisional Chant.plO'U""i

SUNALLLANCE http://www.royal ~nd .s unalliance . comJ Border disputes by Geoff Green (Manchester Evening News)

t last, Cinderella has come te Ù1C bail. Arte l" years .in the s hadm~' of ~TIighty Lancaslllre, the boys {- rom the I<\NheatsheaC' couilly are grinning like Cheshire cats artel" reaching lheir firsl final for 37 )/cars. ln Ù1C intervening years Cheshire have struggled LO compete with Ù1 C big baua lions but llow, juSl for Cl change, talent isn't seeping over Ù1 C counly borders. ''''hen success in the counly championship \Vas the fast [rack in to the England tcam iL wasn 't unusual fo r Cheshire born players to find a Lancashire conncctio n in order 1.0 play under the guidance or the lare J ohn Burgess. and larer Des Seabrook. Fran Cotton, a rcally died-În-the-wool Lancasu-ian , persuaded former England skipper Steve Smith lhm a stream at the bOllom of his garden in Sale confirmed him as a resiçlent of Red Rose counly. As Smithy's carcel' was in need of a bOOS l al the ume, he crossed ù1 e Rubicon (disguised as a tribu Lary o f the mighty Mersey) and resunecled his inlernational career in lime LO become part of Bill Beaurnont's Grand Siam sicl e oFl980. O rdnance Survey maps were produced as evidence but, somehow, Trevor Simon, a rumbustious Sale prop who had been born in Lancashire, qualified to play for Cheshire b)' virtue of being a lodger in the Smith hOllsehold! During the seven ties and eigh li es Cheshire and Lancashire spenl most of tJ1 C lime playing on differenl planets. Lancashire, under the influence of

l ~ \-Vhen Steve ",as a stLIden t al Loughborough Uni versity and still a teenager, he was no t only picked ta make his Cheshire cl ebut - he \Vas also chasen as captai n. Il seemecl un beli evable, he to ld me, that after a handful or senio r games fo r vVilmslow he fo und himself leading Cheshire. He wasjuSllhankful that he had Steve Midgclow as his half-back partner because the o nly oùler player he kn ew in the sicle, and lhen o nly by reputation, was Scottish international lock Peter Slagg. Under the influence o fJim Greenwood at LoughboJ"O ugh, he hadn't realised ùlat coaching, apart l'rom in Lancashire, had yct LO reach ùle l'est of the outside world. He Fo und it dirFi cult ta appreciatc lhal clsewhere, Cheshire inc1uded, players we re do ing the odd Jap or nvo, having a few pints and going home. T here was no emphasis o n coaching Burgess and Seabrook, opefmed almost as he understood it at the Cheshire li ke the pro fessional sicl es o f today while sessio ns and he admilS: "''''hen 1 lri ecl tO Cheshi re we re less we il prepared and gel the lads organised, Staggy looked played more WiÙl the game's traditio nal down at me From about 6ft Ilins, cavali er spirit rather than Ali Black style probably wondering who this liule bra I. organisatio n. lho ught he was, trying LO tell a man , Smi thy discove red the diffe rent with nearl)' thirt)' Scottish caps and a approach after he and Fran had become Li o ns LO ur behind him, how LO pla)' cl ose fri ends. At Ùl at time Steve played rugby. for Cheshire ancl Fran was Ùl e "\-Vhen l gave the tcam talk in the cornerSl.Q ne of the Lancashire pack. The dressing room befo re that fi rst game 1 counties pl ayccl each o ther at Chester no ti ced that Staggy had f~ \l1 e n asleep in and, b )1 pure chance, the t\Vo team a corner of the d ressing room. coaches

14 Durham 38-3 bu t vi ctori es over brought up in ùle Cheshire system. And Lancashire we re a rari ty. Eve n when boundary changes have meanl thal th e Cheshire built a side capable of pushing Widnes cJub, while also affiliated ta Lancashire ail ùle way, luck would l'laya Lancashire is, like Manchester, hand. On one occasion th ey were poised technically wi thin the Cheshire to OVerturn a powerful Lancashire side boundari es. at Bro ughton Park's ground wh en Red Suddenly, Cheshire has been Rose wing Tony Rj chards knocked on, provided with a level playing fi eld and regathered ùle bail , realised ùlal the with gaod coaching, tremendous team referee hadn't noti ced and raced 60 spirit and a willingness to play an ail metres to the try line while ùle encompassing 15-man game, th e COUIlly heartbroken Cheshire players could only has emerged as wo rthy contenders fo r stand and watch. the title. Every dog has his day, however. On ln lwO years tim e th e coun Ly will th eir way to this Twickenham final celebrate iLS ] 25ùl anniversary. It wauld Cheshire subjected Lancashire to the be fitting if Cheshire could reach that sort of comprehensive defeat that had so mil estone WiÙl a recent championship often been ùleir fate wh en faced by title under tlle belt. And, coming from th eir neighbours. th e champion coun ty, Cheshire folk Over the years Cheshire have wouldn'l go lookin g for meandel-ing produced some excellent players but SU-eams Ùl at can turn th em inlo somerim es Il ot enough to challenge the something o ther ù1an a Wheatsheaf counties Ùlat could traditionally rely on man. big, powerful clubs. Stew Sm it" The Cheshire clubs that were powerful in the sixti es, far in stance, are nol 50 powerful today as th e game has changed d ramatically at cl ub leve!. Ironically, ùle county's biggest club, \ Sale, we nt th ough phases wh en it provided more players ta Lancashire than its own counly. Now, of course, the full lime professio nals at Sale probably wouldn 't be all owed to play for. Cheshire if they wanled lo but so rn e of th e successful sid es in th e coun ty are providing the talent mal has Laken il to a firsl couoty final fo r 37 years. Manchester may be affi li ated to Lancashire but players like full-back Sleve Swinde lls - al the rim e of writing ùle cauntry's leading poin ts gath erer ahead of Springbokjoel Stransky - was

15 Tetley's Bitter Cup Final

WASPS v SARACENS "' "'~~~ "' Twickenham, Saturday 9th May, 1998 "'\.-.~) ~\~) Kick-off: 3.00pm ~t\.~) ~\,.~ Tickets:01818922000 ~~

Cheshire Rugby Football Union velJ' mue/} appreciate tbe support given. lo tbe111. by so many in Ibeirprogress 10 Ibe 1998 COl/nty CujJ Final a l Twickenbam

Weightmans of Liverpool Weatherseal Holdings NSG Services Group PLC Meade-King Robinson and Angela Weldt Cheshire Building Society Tbe Co-operative Bank Ron McLaverty Adrian Seun Denis Palin Sportswear Tycrest and Embro of Macclesfield The Birchwood Bureau of Warrington Selwyns Coaches of Runcorn Winnington Park RFU. other County clubs aud IlJany individuals

16 A Welcome from the President of Cheshire RFU

l is a greal honour Lü be President of Cheshire in a ycar ",hen they rcach I Ù1 C Caunty Championship Final. This is Cheshirc's fi rsl a ppeara nce al Twickenham. 1 hac! the hallaur of playing in tWO of the games when Cheshire last won the Champio nship in 1961 al Birkenhead. For thase of LIS who have bcen [ortuna tc e nough Lü have been WiÙl this Cheshire si cle, wc have seen sorn e excellen t rugby. 1 congra tulate the players' commitmen l lo Cheshire, lcamwork and be li ef in thcmselves coupled with our management tcam of Roger Bl ake, Mike Bri ers, Lcn Davies, Chris Gleave and Pam Gardine r. These are the rcasons Cheshire a rc al Twickenham LOday. They have dcscrved ùlis Final. 1 wish m at lhcir sli ccess conLÎnues. There can o nly be o ne winner this afternoon but 1 am sure that ail the players wi ll give a good account oCth emselves. For many it will be the nrst chance o f playing at Twickenham. \oVin o r lose 1 ho pe that they have the chance to soak up the aUTIospherc. It is a memorable day for them. Our thanks to the R.F. U. for staging the game at Twickenham and their support of the County Champio nship. Although ùle Cou ntY Championship has been demoted largely due LO o ther competitions, let us hope il can continue. 1 thank those clubs who have released their pla)'ers and give n ùlelll a chance o f Curther honours. My thanks go to today's offici ais. without whom there woutd be no game, and {Tust that )'ou, lOO, enjoy the match. Lasl, but notleast, a thank-yo u to Carlsberg TeLley for their inva luable support of rugby. \"'hatever the result let us a ll have a day to rcmembe r.

Chris President of Cheshire Rugby Footba ll Union


The Cheshire Squad by Michael Austin

KA BROOKMAN (Captain) (New Brigillon) Flanker. Bo rn 9.5.67 in Li\'CillOOI. 6' ' '', l

S R SWINDELLS (Manchester) Full-hack. Born 25. 10.69 in Altrillcham. 6' 2", 13sl lOlb Slephen Richard Swindclls \Vas cducalcd at King's, Macclcsficld where he first played al the age o f 12. He Ims represcnted England and the Nonh Under-2 Is, Sotlthland in New Zealancl and Cheshire at fi ve differen llcvels. Appeared fol' Sale and Waterloo bcforc joining ~:t a ll c h cslcr, who hcad j cwson Two Nonh. Conuibulcd 15 poinlS 10 Cheshil'e's 33-2 1 semi-final win over Yorkshire al O lley and is the countr)" s lcading points-scol'er ùlis season with '134. I-Ie is manager of the family dclicatessen in Uramhall.

MJBLOOD (l\'Ianchester) \Ving. Born 6.8.68 in SLOd'l>OI't. G' 3-, l-Isl 71b Michael j ames Slood, who was educ:l led Olt Stockport Cr.UllIllOU- School and Sheffield University, played for Cheshire Under-2ls bcfore achievin g sen ior cOllnty status. I-I c fi rsl playcd when Il )'cars old al school ancl mo\'cd to the ambilious i\'lanchester club afler appe:ll'ing for Congleton, LYIllIll , and Sale. Like St.eve Swindcl ls, his county and clubmale, he has ret 10 appeal- al Twickenham. I-I e is a solicilor in Mnnchesler.

CCBALL (\Vid ncs) Centre. Born 20.3.73 in Sydncy, Austra li n. 6' 0", l'IsI 9lb C"unbel Creigillon Bail studied al St Ignatius' College. S)'dne)' bcfore winning a six-mollth scholal'sh ip al Mount St l\'lal'y'5 College, Spinkhill ncar Shcffield. I-Ie h as rcpreseliled the Uil iversit.y of Queensland, Quccnsland Country and Gi'S Brisbane and cage 1'1 )' awailS the opponunity ofa li rsl appear.mcc al Twickenham . I-lis introductio n tO the gallle had bccil al the age o f I l as a schoolboy in Sydney. I-I e is an enginetr in \Vidnes.

RSHUGHES (Ne\\' Brighton) Centre. Born 28.1.76 in Liverpool. 0' 10", 13st 81b Richard Simon I-Iughes att.cnded Win':!! Grammal' School, the University o f Staffordshirc and Îs prescntl)' completing a )'cal' in induslr)'. I-I e retum s 10 Twickenham toda)', almost a )'ca l' aftel' pla)'i ng fo r Sale in the Middlesex Scvens. I-Ias rcpresclllcd Cheshi re, the Nonh and England al schools 16- Group le"cl, Cheshire anclthc North Undcl'-2 ls and has also appca l'ed fo r 'Nin':!l and Randwick. in Australia. Fi rst. pla)'ed wh en I l }'ears o ld Olt sehool and al the Winal club.

21 MHOSKIN (Manchester) \Ving. Born 25. 12.68 in Croydon, SoUÛl London. 6'1", 15st ?Ib Matt I-Ioskin WOlS educated al St Andrews and Archbishop Tenison 's. bOÙl in Croydon, beforc taking a degree al Hull University and a Maslers at Leeds University. He playcd fOf Surrey Schools, has represented North Universities and appcared fOf the Barbarians. His previous clubs were Kingston, Headinglcy and Leeds. T his seasoll, he has scarec! 23 trics for Manchester. Modeslly admits to playing hooker "very badly" on his prcvÎoLls Twickenham appcamllcc in a couilly schools sevens. He is an aCCOlint manager for ConGlel r\'larkcting of Knutsford.

DAGUEST (New Brighton) Fly-h alf. Born 16.11.70 in Stockton-on-Tees. 5' Il ", 13sl41b David Alexander MAJ ex" CUCS l sludied allan Ramsey Church of England Comprehensive School, Liverpool Univcrsity and Chester Coll ege. Represented Durham Schools and Under-2I s, having been "forced" tO play, whcn 17, by PE maSlcr Peter Hudson al sixth form college and in his own word s: "Thanks ta Petcr, J have nevcr lookcd back". Played for Stockton and Chcster before joining his present club and droppcd a goal in this season 's se mi-final. He is a physical education leacher in Nonh Wales.

NMBRIERS (London Irish) Scrum-half. Born 19.11.71 in \Vin-a15' 10", 12s161b Nicholas Michael B,;ers who was educated at \Vinai Grammar School and Royal J-Jolloway College, London University, has represented England Studcnts and Under-21 s, h a,~n g gr.lCluated from Cheshirc Schools 18-Croup. Has also playcd for Liverpool St Hclens and ùle Nonh Under-2I s, having taken up thc game whcn five al ùle Wirral club. This is his fourth Twickenham appearance but first in a full game - having played ùU'ee limes previously in ùle Middlcsex Sevcns. He is a futures broker in ùle Cily of London.

M DORRINGTON (Ncw Brigillon) Prop. Born 7.7.66 in Ellesmere Pon. 6' 2~ , l ast 100b i\'lark DorringLOn atlended Grange Couilly Comprehensive School, Ellesmere l'on and has advanced inlo the sc nior team through the productive Cheshirc Under-21s system. Firsl played the game when scvcn yea rs old at the Chcstcr club and today crowns his carcel' with a firSl appearance at Twickenham. Before joining the New Brighton club, he playcd for the Vauxhall MOLOrs club. Hc is a process operato r for Octel in Ellesmere Port.

LHEWSON (Manchester) Hooker. Born 6. 12.73 in Stafford. 6' 0", 16stOlb Luke I-I cwson was cducaled at \Vilnccote I-ligh School, Tamwonh and Hartford I-ligh School, Cheshire. J-Ie playe c! for Narthwi ch bcfoJ'c mm~ng ta Sale and bcing a Illcmber oftheir squad for last scason's Pi lkingtan (naw Tcticy's Bitter) Cup final against Leicesler Olt Twickenham, wherc he had appcared in the 1996 Middlescx Scvens. Rcpresentcd Cheshirc Vnder- 21 s, havi ng first pla)'cd when Il al Wilnccotc. I-Ie is a sales cxecuti vc, covel'ing the norùl-wcst of England.

22 MJHILL (Widncs) Prop. Born 5.6.7 1 in LittJc bo rough . 6' 3", 20st 61b Michael J oseph Hill , who was educalcd al Glossop School, Slaffordshirc U nive rsity and Mancheste r Mcrropolitan University, has an imprcssi,·c ph)'sicaJ presence. Bcfo re joining his present club, he playcd fo r Man c h cs lel ~ Slokc-on-TI'clll, Waterloo, Lumsdcn in New Zcala nd and Clossop, wherc he began LO Icarn Ù1 C g allle al 16. In his da)'s as a L1. ncashire Colt, he appcarcd in a Twicke nham final againsl Yo rkshire. He is il tcacher al Stamford I-l igh 5choo1, Asln on-undcr-Lync.

DMCRADDOCK (Manchester) Lock. Bo rn 6.11.69 in H)'d c. 6' 6", 15st 61b David Martin Craddock was educatcd al Marplc Ridge I-ligh School, SLOckport, Leeds Polytcchnic and Sheffi eld Hallam University where he gained a B. Sc. (Ha ns) in Business Inro rmmio n Sys te ms. Ano ther rormer Lumsde n plarer in New Zealand, he has re presclllcd North SOUlhland, Cheshire Under-21s and English Univcrsitics. First plared the gallle when Il al school under ùle guidance or PE lllaste r David Cole man. He works ror Zeneca PharmaCC Ulicals in Macclesfi cld.

MKIRKE (Macclesfl e1 d ) Lod" Bo rn 26.6. 73 in Faidie, New Zealand, 6' 5 ", 17st Olb Ma tthew Kirke sludied al !-l il lcresl!-ligh School and Waikato University. He has pla)'ed ror I-Iokkaido Barbarians in Japan, Hamilton Marist, New Zealand as weil as winning an impressivc range or re preseillali,'e honours. Thcy include Waikato Schools, Under-19 and Undc r-21 , tOge ther with Ba)' or Plenty and Wcste rn Australia bo th at senior Icvcl. He took up the game al the agc or Ave, is nol\' a proressional rugh}' player and tO day makes his firSl appC

GJONES (Nc\\' Brigh tO n ) F!anke r. Born 8,12.69 in Wi rral. 6' 0'", 15sl 61b Geo rrre)' Jo nes was cducated al Bi rkenhead School, Unive rsity Collegc or '''laies, Abcrysl\V}'lh and Collcgc or La.w, Chester. \Vas a mc mhc r o r llle sicle whi ch scored rOUf trics 1.0 bcat Yorkshire 33-21 in llle se mi-Anal al Olle}' lasl momh tO inspire hopes ora third title l'o r Cheshire, rollowing u'iumphs in 1950 and 1961. He first played whc n II al schoo l and no\\' makes a flrSl Twicke nham appearance. !-l e is a solidtor in Li verpool.

SP BEELEY (Widlles) No 8. Born 29,12,69 in Mancheste r. 6' 3", 16st ilb Stuart Pe te r Bede)' was educated at Manc heste r Gramma r Schoo l and Birmingha m UnÎ\'c rsilY. J-Ie played ror Lî ncashire and the North al schools lel'cl berore reprcscming ~'I id l a nds Unh'Cfsi tics and toda)' ma kcs his Twicke nha m de but. Prel'iollsly a ppearcd rO I- Manchester and Wale rloo and wo n considerable praisc ro I' hi s tl"y-scoring pe rformancc in the semi-flnal will ove !" Yorkshire a l O tl ey. !-l e is a leache r al St Edward's College, Li ve rpoo l.

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S DORRINGTON (New Brighton) Prop. Born 8.2.64 in Ell esmere l'on. 6' 0", 17sl61b Stc,'c Dorrington aucnded Gr.lngc Comprehcnsi\'c School, Ellesmere Po n and Carlcu Park Collegc of Furlhcr Education. The eider brother of Chesh ire squadmalc and fc llo\\' prop Ma rk DorringLO n, he pre\'iously played for the Vauxhall ~' I Olor s club, having begun pbyi ng al Chester al. the age of tcn. I-I as }'et lO play at Twicken ham. He is a p roduction shifl manager al FM C, Lilh ium Di\~si o n , Bromborough, Merseyside.

TWNWASDELL (Chester) No S/ Lock. Born 5.S.6S in Guildford. 6' 4", 16st 51b Timothy William Normand Wasdcll was educated at Radie)' Collegc, Oxford and ùle Royal Agricul tural Coll egc, Ci renccsler. He has rcpresenlcd En glish Collcgcs and previo usl}' playcd fo r Stow-o n-the-Wold and Min chin hampton, where he was inu'oduccd la the game wh en sc"cn al Bcaudese rL Preparatory School. Pla)'ed in the scmi-fin al win O\'er Yorkshire al Otle)'. He is a chartered surveyol' with WrigI H- Manlc)' in Chester.

SA WRIGHT (New Brighton) Scrum-half. Born 15.2.65 in Heswall. 5' S", 12st 71b Simo n Andrew ' Vrighl studied al Birkenhead School, Portsmouth Polytechnic and Liverpool POIYlcchnic. He learned the game as a mini-player al New Brighton beforc movi ng on t.o Waterloo and Liverpoo l St Hclens, then rc wrning to his o riginal club, l'las no t ye l made an appearancc at Twicken ham, tho ugh he was a second-half replacemellt in thi s season 's semi-fi na1 agai nsl Yo rkshire al O lle)'. He is a partner in Medical Moncy Management in Lh'c rpaol.

MRKING (Widnes) Full back/ Fl)'-half. Born 19,3.75 in Lumsc1en, New Zealand, 5' S", 14s1 lib Murra)' Richard King, who allended Massburn Prima!')' Schaol and Northcrn Sauthland College in New Zealand , reprcsentcd South Island Under-14s. Under- 16s, Undc r-1 8s and Under-2 ls and has appeared fo r the Northenl Southland and South land sen io r leams, as weil as Cheshire. He fi rsl pl a)'ed fo r i\'lossburn Pirates al t.he age o f seven ancl , since coming lO England, has worked as a labourer,

IRKENNEDY (New Brighlon) Fu ll back/ Wing. Born 11 .'1.69 in Wallasey. 6' 0", 13s1 2lb lan Richard Kennedy was cducated at Wallasey School and John Moores Universit)" Liverpool. He graduilled ta t.he Cheshire se nior lcam after playing for the under-21 s and is a allc-clu b man, havin g played onl}' loI' New Brighton. Did Ilot play the game umil the age of 16 at school, when the possibi lit}' of a making an appearancc Olt Twickenham seemed remote. He Ès il fi reman with the Merseys ide Fire & Civil Defence Au tho ril}',

25 TETLEY'S BIlTER COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL Danny Sioman Steve Swindells 15 Full Baek C N L (Launceston) (Manchester) CHESHIRE (Gold and Black Jerseys) Robert Thirlby Mike Blood (White and Blue Jerseys) Right Wing 14 (Redruth) (Manchester) 14 Jimmy Tucker Cambel Bali Centre 13 13 (Launceston) (Widnes) Kevin Thomas Richard Hughes Centre 12 12 (Truro) (New Brighton) Richard Newton Matt Hoskin Replacements Replacements 11 Left Wing 11 Roland Nancekivell (Redruth) (Manchester) Andy Yates 16 (Lymm) 16 (Launceston) Stewart Whitworth Alex Guest Eddie Nancekivell Stand-Off 10 Steve Dorrington 10 (Redruth) (New Brighton) 17 17 (Launceston) (Ne w Brighton) Chris Whitworth Nick Briers Jason Atkinson 9 Serum-Ha If 9 Tim Wasdell 18 18 (st. Ives) (Redruth) (London Irish) (Chester) Lee Mruk Simon Wright 19 Peter Risdon Mark Dorrington 19 (Pen zance-Newlyn) Prop (New Brighton) 1 (Launceston) (New Brighton) 1 Richard Tonkin Murray King 20 20 (Launceston) Barry Lucas Luke Hewson (Widnes) Hooker 2 (Launceston) (Manchester) 2 lan Kennedy 21 Neil Douch 21 (Redruth) Steve Rush Mike Hill (New Brighton) Prop 3 (Launceston) (Widnes) 3 Glyn Hutchings Dave Craddock Other Squad Members Loek 4 (Launceston) (Manchester) 4 Hetin Q'Hare Tony Cook Matt Kirke (New Brighton) Loek 5 (Hayles) (Macclesfield) 5 Rad Ellis (Manchester) James Willcocks Geoff Jones 6 Flanker 6 Richard Sprowston (Launceston) (New Brighton) ,1 (Winnington Park) Martin Addinall 7 Flanker Kevin Brookman 7 Andrew Whalley (Penryn) ( (New Brighton) CAPTAIN (New Brighton) Dean Shipton Stuart Beeley Stuart Dodds 8 Nd.8 8 (Launceston) CAPTAIN (Widnes) (Manchester)

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D SlllPTON (Captain) (Laullccston) No 8. Born 11.3.69 in Lo ndon. 6' 3", 1751 41bs Dean Shipton WilS educatcd al CallinglOll Comprehensive Sehool and began playi ng a l ÙlC 'lge of 16 with the Tavistock club. He initiall}' reprcscmcd Dc\'on Colts and Cornwall a l ÙIC sa ille Icvel beforc graduating 10 senior sta tus. Made his dcbul for Cornwall against Munstcl' on tour in 1994 and playe c! for the Combincd Cornwall & Devon sicle thrcc years latel: Toelay, he wins a 14th cap and hopes to lead his sicle to a third championship tiùe and thei.. first sinee 1991. He is a roofi ng contracta I' in Lï llllccston.

DSLOMAN (Launccston ) Full back. Born 10.2.74 in L-l.unceslon. 5' 10", 12sl 71b Danny Sioman aucnclcd Warbslon Schoo\ and L'luIlCCS lOn Co ll ege. wh cre he first played at the age of Il and has been a prolifi c score!' fo r club and coullty. He has alllassed 64 points cOlllpl-ising a tq '. 13 cOiwersions and Il penalty goals for Cornwall this season , having tolalled 80 points in the 1996-97 challlpionship. Has represented South West Undcr-2 1s . t!l e Combined Cornwall & Devon team al senior le"c1, played 18 limes for Cornwall and wo rks in La unceslon as a farm labourer.

RTHIRLBY (Rcdruth) Wing . Born 2.3.79 in Penzancc_ 5' II ", 12st 71b Robert Thirlby, who auended Richard Lander School and Truro College, is thc l'oungest Illembcr of lhe Cornwall squad, having taken up the game when six rears old atlhe St Ives club. !-las rcpresem ed Cornwall al e"ery le"el from uncler-15 lO senior, SoUÙl West Schools, England Schools lS-Cmup A tcam and playcd in an England Colts fi nal triaL This is his cighôl cap fo r Cornwall. He is a scmi-professional rugby playe r and part-time pool IifCi;,'1lard.

jTUCKER (LaunceslOn) Cen tre. Horn 3.5.70 in Launceslon. 5' T , 13st 41bs Jimmy Tucker W olS cduca LCd al La unceslon School and made his Cornwall d ebut against Crawshay's Welsh XV in 1992. Five l'ears later, he won fu rthe r ha n ours bl' representing the Combined Cornwall & Devon XV and no\\' captains Ôle L"ltlll ccston club. Has scored l'om trics for Cornwall this scason, having bcgun playing rugby when ] 1 al school. Toda)', he makes his 40th appearancc fo r the counly, having sharcd in the 21 -9 scmi·final win over Clouccstcrshire at Rcdruth. He i ~ a dairy fariller.

KTHOMAS (Truro) Cenu-c. Horn 28.12.68 in HcJSLOn. 6' 2", 15st 71b Kevin Thomas, who was schooled Olt I-Iclston, toda)' cc l e b ra te~ his 50th appearance for Cornwa ll and plays in his third rinal, lo llowing previolls Twickenham appcarances against Yorkshire in 199 1 and LanClShire the ncxt )'cal·. Has rcpresemed Cornwall Schools, made his senior debut against Crawshay's Wc1sh XV in 1989 and h ,L~ playcd fOI' Combined Cornwall & Devon and tJlC British Fire Service. Was previously witJl RcdrutJl, Plymouth Albion and Helston. He is a station officci' with Cornwa ll Fi re Brigade in Tm ro.

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A Cool Head ... ? A Smooth Action ... ? A Perfect ConverSlon . ... ?. The Northern Smoothie RNEwrON (Rcdruth) Wing. Born 7.2.79 in Weymouth. 6' 4", 14st 71b Richard Newlon was cdUC:llCd al Richard L."lnder in TrUI"O and Trclisk School a nd has won county caps al schools and colts as weil as playing in three senior games and scoring a try in the semi-final win over Gloucestershire al RcdmÙl ùlrce weeks ago. \-Vas called up for a South ''''est Schools 18-Group trial and made his Cornwall debut in the 48-34 dcfcat by Crawshay's Welsh XV at Cambornc last Seplcmhcr. He is a student and loday makcs his first appearance al Twickenham.

SWHITWORTH (RcdrUlh) Fly-half. Born 13.2.66 in Kuwait. 5' 8", 13sl Olb Stewart Whitworth, who auendcd Truro Schoo1, toelay wins his 24th Cornwall cap and was a mcmber of the Cornwall sicle bcatcn 9-6 by Lancashire in the Twickenham final six years ago. He had made his debut in 1989, having previously playcd in an England Schools final trial. Has represellled tJle Cornwall and England Fire Brigade XVs. He played for St Agnes from the age of sevcn and is a fireman based al Cam borne.

CWlllTWORTH (Redruth) Scnnn-haif. Born 14.9.64 in Kuwait. 5' 9", llsl 71b Chris Whitwonh, the eider brother ofhalf-back panner Stewart, was educatcd al Truro School and played several seasons for St Mary's Hospital while a student. Has plared more than 200 games for Redruth and won 28 senior caps for Cornwall, making his debut in 1990. Represcilled the county at schoals and under-2l levels, having first played thc game al the age of five al St Agnes, whcre he is now a doctor.

PRISDON (Launceston) Prop. Born 13. 1. 75 in Plymouth. 6' 1", 16sl 7lb Peter Risdon was cducated al Budehaven Comprehensive School and began pla)'ing al the age of ten wi th the Launceston club. Has also worn the colours of Bude and Redruth and represented Cornwall at under-16, colts and under-21 levels bcfore making the firsl of his 13 senior appearances so far against Surrey in 1995. L..'1st season, he played for the Combinecl Cornwall & Devon XV. He is a clairy farmer in LauncestQll.

BLUCAS (Launceslon) Hooker. Born 8. 12.77 in Plymomh. 5' 1O ~, jtjst 71b Barry Lucas auended Holsworthy Schoo\ in Devon, where he began playing al the age of 13. l'Ie appeared for the Bude club and his first of his ten Cornwall caps was against Devon in the 1996 Tamar Cup match, having reprcsc ntcd the couilly at colts and undcr-21 1cvels. Has bcell o ne of unsung conll'ibutors to Cornwall 's season in whi ch they have scored 2 19 points and conceded 96. This is his first Twickenham appearancc. He is a fal"m labourer.

3 1 SRUSH ( L.î.UnCCStOIl ) Prop. Born 10.3. ï3 În Aldc l's hoL 6 ' O" , 15s1 IDtb $LC"C Rush , who was cducalcd al TavÎs{Qck Co llcgc, rcprcsclltcd South "Vest Schools and has \\'on se"cn caps fo r Cornwall. Made his se ni or county dc bul in the 15-0 \'ÎcLOry over Devo n al Pc nr)'11 last No\'c mbc r when Cornwall WQn the Tamar Cup for the Il th lime compared wit.1! thci r o ppone nL';' three triulli phs, \V ith one malch dmwn. First playcd the game whcn 14 }'cars old al Plymouth Albion. This is hi s fi rsl appearancc ;1l Twicken ham. He is a physie.1i education [cacher al L'1un CCS IOn Collcge.

GHUTCHINGS (L'1unccston) Lack. Born 12. 7.70 in Plymouth. 6' 3", l 5sl ?lb Cl}>11 I-Iulchings aucndcd Launccslon Collcgc and has bccn a rcgulal" mcmbcr of his club sidc fo r seve rai se a.~o n s . I-Ie rcpresented Cornwa ll A beforc Illaking his senior dcbut in lhc 1996 Taill aI' Cup match again sl Devon. Wo n his 1 !th Cornwa ll cap whcn appcaring again sl Glollccst.ershirc in the Tellcy's Biner Counly Championship semi-final in front ol'a lypi cally l'en'ent 11,000 cro\\'d al Redrut.h, his side scoring threc tries in the closing 2D minutes. He works as a printer in 1.... lllIlCCS101l .

TCOOK (I-Iayle) Lock. Born 14.7.63 in Rcdruth. 6' 5". 17st4lb Tony Cook, who was educaled al Humphrey Davy G S, Penzancc, loda)' makcs his 102nd appearance l'or Cornwall, hi s 'cenlury' being l1l arked by the CO Uil ly union '5 patron H.R.H. T he Prince Philip, Duke of Edinhurgh, prescllling him with a commclll orati"e cap, bel'ore thc Telley's Bitte,· COUll t}' Championship q uaner-fi nal againsl Hampshire at Rcdrlllh. He had previollsl)' pbycd fo r Com wall , the South \-Vest and England CO IL'i and has appean.:d for the British Police. He is a scrgeant, based a l Carnhorne, in the Cornwall Conslabulary.

jWILLCOCKS (L"lllJ'l ccsto n) Flanker. Born 21A.73 in TaviStock. 6' 2~ , 15sL Dib J ames Willcocks, known as ·l l.", was educat.ed at Pl)'lllolith College and Duchy College, made his Cornwall dehut al lock in last ycar's 3s.24 sc mi­ final dcl'eat. by Cumbria Olt . Toda)' hc makcs h is eighth se nior appearallcc l'o r the CO Uilly, al 50 h a,~ng the distinction of scodng lwa trics againsl Devon lasl a ULUmn and having repl'escnlcd Cornwa ll Und cr-2I s. FirSI pla)'ed al the age of cight roI' Liskeard minis and moved on 10 thc Wadcbriclge Call1 cls club. I-Ic is a dair}' rarmcr in Bodmin .

MADDINALL (Pcnq 'n) Flankel'. Born 28.4.71 in TruJ'O. 6' 1", 15s1 71b ~· I artill Addin all, who sluclied al Falmamh College, loday win s his 29th cap for Cornwall and has scored r-ive u'ies roI' the side ù,is season, including ÙlC clinching o ne in the semi-final against Clouccstcrshire last month. Has also represcnted the couilty at Colts and Under-2 1 Icvcls, South West Undc r-2 1s and Cornwall Firc Brigade, who cOlllest the National Fire Brigade r-inal againsl i\'lersc)'side al Worccster neXI Wednesday. A stalwart o r the Penryll club, he r-irst played when 11 ycars old al Fa lmouth. He works as a fircfighter roI' the Cornwall Brigade at Truro. 32 Cornwall Replacements R NANCEKIVELL (L'lUn CCS lo n) $cnllll-haif. Born 6. 11.69 in Barnst:lplc. 5' 8~, 11s1 51b Roland ' Roi)" Nanccki\'cli. cducatcd al Budchavc ll School, made his Cornwall dcbm "gains! Crawshay's Wclsh XV in 1992. has caplaillcd his cl ub and pla)'cd for Corn\,.... n Undcr-2 1s, having first playcd al school al the age of 11. !-las wo n 1i c,'ps for his COllll!)'. incl uding a scmi-final appcar.mcc a~pi n s t l:';enlllai cha mpions CUlllblia in the 38-24 dcfcal al C.lmbornc last scasoll and \\'as a bcnch replacement fo r Ihis yca r's scmi-final agai nst Clollccstcrshire. He works on the famil )' farm in Launccston.

E NANCEKIVELL (LaullceslOn) Centre. Born JO.2.i6 in Harnstaplc. 5' 8~. 1351 Olb Eddie Nanccki\'cll, who \\~ I S cclucalcd ;1[ Budcha\'cn SeIIO OI, has followcd brothcrs Roland and Richard in\o Ihe Cornwall te

J ATKINSON k (SI Ives) No 8. Horn 19.4.68 in S::tlrord , Manchester. 6' 2 , 16sIOlb Jason Atki nson. who was ed uc:ned al St h'es Comprehensi\'c School, cc1cbr.lles his 30th birlhda)' tomorrow, wi th Twickenham finals against Yorkshire in 1991 and Lancashire the followin g year alllong his 56 g:.unes for Cornwall. I-I e led the side in the group matches ùlis scason abraiust Sussex and Eastern CoulHies, misscd the quan er-final Ihrollgh injur)' and was a replacement for the i1u ured TOII )' Cook durillg the final minutes of Ihe scmi­ final "gainst Clollccstcrshire. l'rc\'iollsl)' playcd for Co nl\\~l ll ColIS and Under-21s and the Combined Devon & Cornwall XV. I-I e is a builder.

NDOUCH (Redrulh) Pro]>. Born 15. 12.63 in London . 6' O~ . 15st 71b ~ Neil Doueh who was educated al Nonhbrook 5chool, Londo n, did nOI pla)' rugb)' unti\ the age of20 wh en he was in the RO)':l.1 Nav}', who m he represen1.ed. . ~ I-I e Ims been Il regular mcmbcr o f the Redruth rront row fo r sc\'cral seasons and first represellled Cornwall against Sussex in \996. His previo us clubs werc Devonpo rt Sel'vices and Wadebridge Came\s. Has pla)'cd c ig lll l.illlcS for or ~, ., Cornwall a nd works as a pig-fa n n manager.

R TONKIN (Launccston) Prop. Bo rn 26.9.i l in Trul'O. 6' 21/ :!", 165l IOlb Richard Tonkin, who was cducaled al Truro School, fi rSl pla}'cd at lhe age of te ll when a ue nding Archbishop Uc nson Schoo l, :1150 in the Cornish lown. He has appeared fol' the CO UIll)' atundcr· 16, unde l·· IS. u nder·21 and se nior Ic\·c!s. with the additio n al d ivisio na l hOlloUl' of rcprescllling SO UÙ l West Under- 16s. He prc\'iousl)' pla)'ed for Redruth a nd is ail ambula nce tech n ician.

LMRUK (Pe nzancc..... Newl}'n) Lock. no rn l i.10.69 in Newport. Gwent. 6' 4~ , ISst3\b Lee ~hll k . who a u ended West Monmouth 5chool. has rc presellted Monmo utJlshire al undc r-1 S.lIndcr-2 1 a nd se nio r le\'els. as wei l as Cornwall. One ofilis fill est perfo r mances was in Ihe 25-5 wi n o\'er Sussex al RcdrUlh lasl No"embe r whe n Cornwall turncd a 5-3 deficit inlO a handsollle success with [\'Iruk's linc-out d o m inance winning afte l'-m:llch pmise fromJason Atkinson, the capla in . A profcssional l'Ugb}' pla)'e r, hejoincd his prese nL club l'ro m POll t)'pOO I.


A Welcome from the President of Cornwall RFU

affi proud to be President of the Cornwall RFU on the occasion of the I counly team's visil ta Twickenham for the fourth flllai in ten seasons. Following tWQ win s in the Pool matches our road to the final sa\\' twa splendid games at Quarter and Semi­ final stages again st old rivais Hampshire and Gloucestershire. It required an ou tstanding second half performance by the Cornwall team to defeat Gloucestershire by 21 points to 9. Sa far this season Cornwall 's record in the four County Championship matches reads: points for 138, again st 31. On behalf of the CRFU Officers and Committee l woulel like to thank ail of the Corn wall clubs who have made their players available for the Cornwall Senior and U21 teams this season. We also appreciate the appearance of the Under lOs From the Cam borne area primary schools giving the pre-match demonsu'a ti on of mixed ability Tag Rugby. Il is very gratifying ùlat thousands of Corn wall supponers have u-aveUed so far to be here today. Such support shows that [he RFU County Championship is sti ll highly respected and ve ry popular. Other county treasurers will surely appreciate the benefit of today's large crowd. The patron of the Cornwall RFU, HRI-I, T he Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, honoured the coun ty by his first match visit ta Cornwall in February for the Quarter-flllal Match against Hampshire at Redruth. We are delighted that he has round room again, in his busy diar y, to be here wi th us al Twickenham lOday. The Cornwa ll RFU gratefully acknowledges its sponsors, Eastern Electricity and National Gas , Gi nsters, Trelawney Garden Leisure and Dales Rover, aIl of whom are " represented here today lO wiln ess what we hope will be a splendid final.

FETHY PO FYLIEL AN GWARRY HA TRA NAHEN (Win or lose the game and nothing else)

J ohn Fry President of Cornwall Rugby Football Union • Ive nations

Championship Trelaumy's Army on the March b)' Colin Greg01-y, The Western lVI01'ning News

our weeks ago 1 J ,000 people were wQmen and children, soccer J-an s as weil on thcir tocs in thal cauldron of as rugby supporters, ail want to be he re FCornish rugby. the Redruth laday LO experi e nce tllC evenl, re presenl Recreati on Ground, lO watch Cornwall our unique county by wearing the black defeat Glo ucestershire by 21 points to 9 and gold, and hopefully to see their and reach Twicke nham fo r Ù1 C flrst lime leam win. since 1992. It is hean ening in lhese mercenary Thal was three limes grcmcr than the days of players being bought and sold , when loyalt)' LO yo ur rooLS and the lown altendance al the \o\'asps v Sale Tetley yo u were raised in seems LO Ill ean sa Bitter Cup semi-nnal on the same little, thal we have a squad of farlllers, afternool1 , and 1 am sure the crowd firelllen, poli cemen, teachers, a prÎnler, here taday will be making more noise a sLUdent and a doctor, ail led bya than when "Vasps and Saracens rn cet in roofer or a part-rime lifeguard, walking the club fin al in Ù1Î S stadium in a few out with pride o n the world's Illost weeks Ume. hallowed turf. The Counly Championship dead? This is a squad which has has the Not clown in Qur parl of the worlel . same moLi va tio n and the passion Tt has been Iike a fever in Cornwall displaye d by the champio ns who beat over the past fo ur wecks. Young, a ld, Yorkshi re seven years aga. Police dog-handler, Phil Angove, has added the bite as coach, with Tony Cook, anoth er man on the beat, heading for his 102nd Cornwall cap in the second row. Kevin Thomas and Jason Atkinson, a regul ar until sidelined by inju r y, were in that side, wh ile the two Nancekivells, Roland and Eddie, are the younger brothers of Ri chard, th e sc rum-half who was sa in strumental then. Robert Thirlby and Richard Newton on the wi ngs have shawn their speed and precociollsness as tWQ teenagers with great futures, while the playmakers at half-back, brothers Chris and Stewart vVhitwo rth, are pan of Ù1C sarne Redruth club side. LauncesLOIl, a club on the CornwaU­ Devon bord er which has come on in CmhmnDawt leaps and bounds in recenl years, provide the bulk of the pack, so it is a difficulties, but much of the Cornish country sicle which has gelled together pride has been channe lJ ed into the Qve r the past couple of seasons LO play support of the rugby team. sorne exciting and winn ing rugby. The ù1featc ned march to Lo ndon to The sicle al50 has o ne extra fTee the Bishop ail those years ago has ingredient: ùle suppo rters. People in led to Cornish supporters being dubbed Corn wall are pro ud of th eir counly and Tre lawny's Army, and now th ere is an are Ilot slow LO de mo nstrate it. Last year official club of that name. hundreds of peo ple marched fi'om Many knock the counl)' Cornwall to London ta co mmemorate championship as a competition with üttle the Cornish uprisi ng of 1497. meaning but an)' Cornish supporter will The Cornish also rose up in support te ll you of the pla)'ers we have seen in of Bishop]onaùlan Trelawny, sent Lü th e ù1 e pasl fcw years who have gone on to Tower by James Il fo r protesting against greater things. the tolerati on of Catholics in 1687. The In the Cornish jersey we have had feelings of the far vVeste rn men are England hooker Graham Dawe, second immortali sed in a song )'ou will hear at row Martin Haag and Scotland and Twickenham today with the words: "And Lions second row Andy Recel. "'Te have shall Trelawny die? Here's 20,000 seen man)' up and coming players in Cornishmen will know th e reason why?" opposition. ln the 20th century the Cornishmen On our last appearance at still have plenty to protest about, with Twickenham in 1992 Cornwall were the tradition al industri es of mining. stuffed by a u'y which was engineered by fishing and farming in serious a cJever young Lancashire oUlSide half

38 who had just switched ove r from playing fo r the second. Grant Chanlpio n, who soccer. His name: Paul C r;:\yson, now had left the pitch in tears in 1989 after doing quite we il for Northampto n and captaining the losing team in a England. disappointing game against Durham, This competition has been an added I.\\'o conversions and finished with impon..'1nt showcase for players and three penalty goals. givcn an aim LO those who, although just Yorkshire came back in the dying as ta lented as those with the LOp clubs, minutes with a consola ti o n try from have still had to combine ajob WiÙl their former England winger and playing rugby. captain Mike Harrison to make the final \oVe \Vere disappoinled by dcfeat here score 29-20. in 1989 and 1992, but someùling O ne of rtlgb>,'s most senior happened on April 20, 199 1 which statesmen, Mickey Stee!e-Bodger, said united the people o f Cornwall in a way afterwards: "It was one o f the great days that had nol been seen for decad es. o f my life al Twickenham. 1 am Wiù, only 16 minutes left tO play privil egcd LO S'I)' 1 was therc." Cornwall we re u •.liling by 16 po int') lo ''''iÙl the singing, the Cornishmen in three after falling victim LO a sucker try thcir kil ts who will try and hang a pasty by Yo rkshire serum-hall' Dave Scully o n the crossbar, the grcaL spirit and when he made it LO ùle line while wc frie ndIiness bel.wecn ail of us who love were standing waiting fOl' John LUey to this game, Ict's ho pe today is another Lake a kick at goal. occasion when we can ail sa)' \V ith pride: It could have been the end o f "1 was there." Cornish resislance. Instead it was the Colill Gregol)~ oJ7111' \l't>slern Morni"g Nt:ws, is spur ta grealer effo rt. Ihe BT Wesl oJ1:;lIglfllUI Newsj ollnwlisl oJlhe }'l!ur \oVi ll ed on by the crowd, Cornwall for /996 al/d Fralll'''' \ \fn'/er oJlhr }t'flrJor 199ï. turned the game on its head tO score 26 lIrl;",1 Jmll1 Cor/mlf/" 1/ 1 ~/lhhi r,. l·ï,,{/1 În I!lV1 points o n the trot. At the end of 80 minutes it was 16-16, foll owin g t\Vo tries by Richard NancekiveU. Grant Champion misscd the convcrsion which would have won the game, but the charitable feeling was ù,at he pull ed Ùle bail to ùle lert to give the crowd better va luc for mo ncy. IL went into extra timc, and as Ù1C no isc of Ù1 C far west contingent swell ed around thc ground the singi ng of 'On IIkley Moor' by the 15,000 Yo rkshire suppo rters Id ! Aat. Theil' team collapsed, steam ro llered bya transformed Cornish pack. ''''inger Tommy Bassett l'an 50 yards across the field lO score the Arst try in extra time, while fl y-hall' Billy Peters erashed over : THE PRIDE OF . CO ~L '. & TRELAWNY'S '. ARMY ~~~

. .

1 Cheshire's ti"}' \Vas scored b)' Hugh Campbell Today's final wi ll determin e the holders of ùle Rowley. who wcnL on LO win nine caps for 98ùl Cou nt)' title since the competition was England as a half:back and whose fam il)' firsl. officiall)' sancLi oned by tJle RFU in 1889, wcre invo lved in the rormalion or t.he L1.llcashirc CO llnl)' er-icket Cl ub.

Lancashire and CloucesLCrshirc share the record for willning most official Litles: 16 Roth Cornwall and Cheshire have wo n lhe cach. Yorks hire arc next on the list, with Championship t",ice be rore. Cornwall first twclve, fo ll owcd by \+\'arwickshirc (tcn) and took th e lide in 1908, when lhe ir reward ",as Middlesex and Durham (eight cach ). to represelll I3rilain in the Wh ite Cit)' O lympics. (The)' wo n the sil ve r medal, losing to Australi a in the fi nal. ) T heil' Cornwa ll 's I·irsl count)' Imuch LOok place on second success was at Twickenham in 1991 12lh J all uar)' 1884 at PI)/lll outh. A side in front of il record crowd roI' a fin al caplained by B F Ed)'vean, or the Bodmin (5 6,000). Chcshirc's two wins wcrc in 1950 club, lined IIp with lwO rull-backs, lh ree and 196 1, arte r <1 draw. threequan ers, two halvcs and nine rorwards against Devon. Cornwall lost by t\\'o goals T hi s final is the 23rd staged al Twi ckenham and three trics 10 nil. Thcir fi l'st match in the Counly Ch;lI11pio nship was a defeat by si ncc 1929. The ground has bccl1 the Devon in 1892-93. reglilar venue lor the fin al onl)' since ]984. Cheshirc makc thcir first visit LO the ground for a fin al LO day, lhough Cornwall have been County n'gb)' i5 even older in Cheshire_ The here tlnce limes before. The)' wc re winnel's first match , sl.agcd al Sale LOwards lhe e nd of artel' extra tim e,; in 1991 and rll nners-up in th e 1876-77 seilson, was againsl. Lancash ire 1989 and 1992. who won bya goal and lWO trics LO a try. " A winning team


Since 1980, The PetershamHo tel has been the home of the Englancl Rugby team before every International at Twickenham. The results speak for themselves A 00 The Petersham Hote! Nightingale Lane, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6uz Tel: 0181 940 7471 County Final Flashbacks CHESHIRE'S lAST TITLE CHESH1RE ...... 5 DEVON ...... 3 81 11 A/"71/961 al BirkellhmrJ Pm1{ Chcshirc's lasl Couilly Lille was won in front of a crowd of 10,000 o n a dry but wincly aftcrnooll. The sicles had playccl Olll a scorclcss clraw four wccks carlic r a l Plymouth and t.his rcpla}' was anothe r light game in whîch 11 0 quan er \Vas askcd and none givcn. Ali of Ù1C scoring look place i11 the carly pan of the match . 50011 arte l" the kick-ofT, Cheshire caplain Bill Paltcrson macle a ho peful kick dccp inlo Devon territor )'. Mike Cauntcr, Devon's full-back. appcarcd 10 have the bail covcrcd bUl an uncxpeclcd bouncc W'iIS gath e rcd br lelson who raccd through for a try convcned b}' Fred GrilliùlS. Peter Thorning, with a slOnning l'un clown the louchlinc for a Ir}', pullcd back t.hrec point.<; for Devon shorùy afl.e r",ards and t.hat cO llcluded the scoring bllt not the excil ClllCnt. Pro longed Cheshire pressure fai led 10 yicld a second-hall' score ",hile Devon ncarly snalched a lal.e ",in whe n Arscott struck the post with a lale drop at goal. Cheshire:j S M 5cotl., D Slalliford, W M Patt.erson (c", pta in ), K.I Nelson, S A Man in, F G Grilliths, j C Tomki ns, R 5 Coope l ~ A 1 Han. Fj He rbc rL. 0 Hackett, P 1-1 Q ulton, M R M Evans,j Crowc. L 1 Rimme l" Devon: M Caunter, M W Blackmore (captain), M A Peare}', C Evans, P T horning. M P ArscoIl, RA Hopper.J E I-lighlo n, A Ta}'lor, M Tait, P J J:kown , R L Ellis, N Somhe rn, D e Manie)', Ej Bonner Scorers: Nc::lson scon.: d il Ir}' and Griffi ths conve rled for Cheshi re. Thorning scored a tr)' for Dc\·o n. Referee: A E R CoueJ"ÎII RECORD ATTENDANCE CORNWALL ...... 29 YORKSH1RE ...... 20 20111 A/"iI1991 al. Twichl'lIllfllll A record count)' final :ll.tclldancc of more t.han 56,000 speclators, 40,000 or 50 of t.hclll froll1 the Ouch)'. saw Cornwall will Ù1 C LÎùe fo r the firsl lime sincc 1908. The match ",as a Ill cllIorabl c occasion with the massed ranks ofblack and gold suppon e rs crcating a unique atlllosphere. The Cornish SpCClaIOrS, tOO, had Illuch to do with l-aising lhe moral e of their players wh en a 11 seemed lost carl )' in the second halr whe n Yorkshire Icd 15-3. BUl a n inspiring perrormance b)' Richard Nanccki vcll (who scored twicc) at ùle base or lhe scrum e nablecl Cornwall 10 lie the scorcs al 16-all arter the a ll oucd 80 mi n Ules. Cornwall's spirit prevai led as proceedings ente red eXlra LÎme and a pe nalty goal, which put lhe m ahead ror the first lime in lhe malch, and [wo furlher trics took lhc m tO an Ilnassailabic 29-16 Icad. At lhat slage the)' had scorcd 26 poin ts \\~ t h ou t rcpl)'. A lale Mike Harrison tl')' - quile ùle besl of a lhoroughl )' e nte rt"lining match-added a tOllch of respcclabi1i t)' 10 \b rkshire's LOù,,!. Cornwall: K Thomas, A Mead, C Alcock (caplain ) (rep b)' M Chatt erton), C Champion, T !lasse L!., W Pe te rs, R Na ncekivell, j r-,'ta)', R e R Oawe, R Keasl, M ,..vesson , A 1 Reed, G Williams, .J Atki nson, A Bick Yorkshire:.J G Li le)'. M E l-la rrison (captain ), j Georgioll, P Johnson, E Atkins, S Townend, o Scull)'. .J Woodùlorpc. S Cnlise, R Bunnan, 1 Carroll, S Crofl, S Tipping. S Bainbridgc, P Buckron Scorcrs: Nancekivc ll (2) , Ilasscu and Pe t crs scOl·ed u-ies; Champion COllvcrlcd IwO and kicked ÙlrCC penalt)' goals for Cornwall . J ohnson, Scull}' and Harrison scorcd trics for Yorkshire, Li lc}' cO ll ven ed one ami ki cked t:wo penallY goals. Referee: R e Quittcnloll

I~ Great results on and off the pitch.

NPI have becn providing people \Vith pension schcl11cs th ey can rcl y on since bcforc the game of rugby kickcd off in 1860. Sincc 1835 in facto Ta find out morc about our sparkli ng rcsu!ts, contact yOUf financial adviscr or contact NPI on 0800 174192. if' I~IQI l'ROVIDING PENSIONS SINeE 1835 Regulalc<1 by the Pcrson"l lrwcstnlcnt AUlhorily AS TIME GOES IlY YOU ' LL Il E GLAD YOU C HOSE N PI N:'II ion31I'ro\-idenl 1-loU5C, 55 C:lln"rlcy I{ o:!d. Tunbridgc Wells. Kenl TN 1 lUE. Tdcphonc: 0 1892 51515 1, Faoimilc: 0 1892 7056 11 County ChamPionship Final Records

T he highcsl SCOI-C in a fin al was sel Peter Butler scored mOSl poin LS in a by Glouceslc rshire al Twickc nhanl in final. He coll cctcd ail 24 of 1984. They c1 crcmcd Somc rset 36·18 Glouceslershirc 's winning POill LS in a match lhaL also produccd the againsl Middlesex al Ri chn'lO nd in hig hesl points aggrcgatc fo r a fin a l. 1976. Apa rt from scoring a Il")' (the n wo rth fo ur poin ui) and conversio n, () Devon ho ld th e record fo r the he also landcd six penalty goals: lhe biggcsL winning margin in il fi nal. record fo r il final. Pla}'jng Northumberland al Dcvonpo rt in 19 12, the)' wo n 29-0 Fo ur pla)'ers have dropped ["wo goals with one of thcir wing thrcequarters, in a CO UIll)' fin al : Walter Elliot fo r Ha mpshire againsl Lanc;lshi re al P J Baker, bccoming the o nl)' playcr Boscombe in 1933; ' Villie Jones fo r l O date LO score four trics in a fi nal. Glo ltccslcrshire in a ci ra\\' ;againsl La ncashire al Blundell sands in 1947; Devon 41 150 sel the mark fo r most George Cole for \'Va rwickshire tries (scvcn) in a fi n al that da)', againsL Durham a L Hartlcpool in tho ug h thc ir record was 1965; and lan Wright fa ,· Surrey subseque ntl}' meuched by againsl Glo uccstcrshirc al Glo ucester Gloucesle rshirc al Bradfo rd (againsl in 1971. Yo rkshire) and a l Glo uceste r (againsl Le iceste rshire) in the 1920 a nd 192 1 fi nals respcclivcly.

The m osllrÎcs scarcel by a fo rwarcl o in a fin al is three, b)' the Warwickshi re back-row forward Graham Robbins in the 1986 final against Ke nl al Twickenham .

• The RFU acknowledges, with thanks, UN ISYS the help of UNISYS in compiling match slatistics Experience the thrilling, recreated "beh ind th e ~~ liN scenes" atmosphere of a maj or match day! z~ See mock-ups of th e dressing rooms, § § complete with vision, sound and smell ! ~ ~ Plunge into the past by watching archive film ~• ~ footage or gaze in awe at the revered and Five Nations' Trophy. ="g ~~" Avoid those traffic queues - OPEN TODAY Come & See us after the match East Stand opposite Gate 8

Th .. MUSEUIVI of' RUGBY For Muse um & Tour information/ booking o n non-match days: Tel: 0181 8928877 LAND ROVER ACTIVELY SUPPORTS e Ut; THE DEVELOPMENT OF "1 . ENGLISH YOUTH RUGBY


CHESHlRE Altrillcham ' KC1 "S<'l. I' RFC. Cheshire. UN DER Ils/ UN DER 125 ski Il s session

Vnder Ils: Leon Davics, ,1 ordli ll AnnÎlagc, Lee Bolland, [:I n Kccvil ,Jamcs Bode, Alex ~' I oorcs, Lianl Mitchell, Cmig Collier, Rory O'Oo\\'d, Ashl c)' I-I oulden, Andrew Howell , StcplH!n Bildwortil. Bell Rowton, Michael ~' I arsdcn, Tom Kccvil Vnder 12s: Mark BaIes. Palrick Chester, Sam Rodgcrs. Alex Bradsh;m'c, Ciarou !\ Iurph)'. I)aul ApplcLOIl. Dean ]-Iarris, Richard ~ l orris, O li\'cr ~ I oonc)'. Tom \Vaites. Richard Armslrong, Chris Armslrong. Edward' Clare. Patrick Creen. Kicr:Ul L:l. rgclH

CORNWALL UN DER JO ls and UN DER 11'5 rrom Cambornc area pri ma!" )" sehoals will gi\'c a dcmonstration or se\'cn-a-sidc non-colltact Tag Rugby.

Tcum in Black Shirls:.Iason Abbou , PClcr Buller, Sam Doble, ~' I a llh cw l'Iart, Rya n Hoor er, Bel~' HlIill Lcall , Craig O:ucs, Nicholas Parnel l. Manhew Rapsoll , Lec To mkin Tcam in Gold ShirlS: Camcron !lOll C. KÎ er.lll Couch,Jonathan Cook. Mallhew Floyd. Christophcr Gordon, Gar)' L:lwre ll cc, Simon Mitchcll. Be\'

CUMlIRIA Morcsb}' RUFC Youth SeClion arc rcprcsclHed b}' UN DER Il and UN DER 9 squads rrom thc d ub. \l'ho will be delllollstr:ning passÎng: and Iackling: skil1 s. Moresby Under Il and Under 9 squads Daniel Smilh, Marc Bainbridgc, Matthcw Wcighm;\ll, Lia m Hood, Be n Rogcrson, Gar)' ./ohnstonc, Graham Starrorc\ .John K)'lcs, Adam Douglas, j ames 1-1 00(1, David Tornlinsoll, Stuart.farman, Ste\"e n Crosby.

Tyrone Dalton, Lee )'·Iossop, ~ I ;uthew L:lbournc. Sam Ke ll )", Lewis Q ua}'lc, Rebccca Wcighmall. Jo,mlle Temple, Lukc Douglas, Christopher $miÙI. ~ I ar k Pearson, Andre\\" Liu. j ack Tomlinson. Michael Lilhgow, Patrick !-Iooe!

EAST MIDLANDS Rcprcscllting EaSl Midlands will bc lhe Nonhamptonsllire UND ER 13 DC\'elopmcllt sqlmd. Thc delllonstr:uion will comprise rllnning :lIld handling praclicc rollo\\'cd b)" small-sidcd gamcs or ïOIlC h·RlIck ~ S(llIad:.famcs Reunic (Unanached), Huw Chambe rla in (Rnshden & Higham) , Dominic COSlar (Brackle)'). Dallll)' Hopkin (Bracklc)'), Craig Dan cc r (Rushdcli & Highalll), Aal"Qn Lewis (Un:tll:tched), Chris MorClon (Rllshde ll & Higham). Ri chard Comont (RushdclI & Higham), ~ I : mh cw Sainsbur}' (Bracklc}'), Chris Lee (Rull hcle n & Higham), ~ I ark Chase (Urackle}'), jak Kirby (RlIShdclI & Higham). 1):1 \11 l-I olIghlOIi (Rushcle n 8.: High:ulI) , TÎm Robins (Rushdell 8.: I-l igham), Gare th Risc\ all (RushdclI & Higha11l ), William Fox (Buckin gham), Simon TOllle (Bu ckin gham). Dan iel Cray (Brackl cy). BCIl SU'CC L (Old Nonharnptol1i:11I s), O li\'cr Francis (Rushdcll & Highalll)

47 West car park ! TWICKENHAM o FACILITIES ... Rowlan' Memorii GUIDE Ticket Collection :! ~ 1Tick et Gate o Entrance Gate reference œFernal e/Male toilet D Disabled toilet I!I lift 1-- -'"j- [3 Escalator 1--1 1 1 mBar 1 1 + FirstAid 1 1 ~ Police 1 1 1--1 a Telephone --1-

Payne & Gunter hospitality front lawn

-~--, ,._II" ---~~ ...... __ h R -1 ~ 0 Rugby Raad O'

D RFU Enquiry Office · Hill f) TW1 Shop (leveI1) 31Gate lifts to hospitality boxes TW1 Shop (Ievel 2) [! & disabled area D a TW1 Shop (Ievel 2) 1:) TW1 Shop (leveI1) mRFU Museum o RFU Offices (closed malch days) li) RFU Workshops ~ England Rugby U InternationaTs Bar ~L ___ _ !- Lm Invincibles Restaurant ~ 1 National Fitness Centre f-Ô - -1 m1996-97 1 1 LE] Players Entrance 1 1 1 1 mConstituent Bodies Bar 1 1 i"i! - -1 n- ~-- --1-

TO BULLS North car park FIELD Rugby Raad The ground level concourse areas are signed as 'Ievel 1'. Special buses General toi let facilities are not to Richmond ..J provided at levels 2 & 3.

4Y General Information 'ejQUi@"i@!fj ln :lIN NP 4>j lel'@ ri #§Iri t·W.1 'liiri li 1 •• il ii:t.1 '. The mail! cuncou rsc will be \lp C ll tu the gCIICI~tl The Sc:l III CppC:' Yvuug: Engla nd Rugb)' Club H:II' is public from 11.00;1 111. a nldlily lo I' use b}' chi ldrcll, Sort d ri n ks :md snac!:.s Itt" ,'*""I:(j will be a\~ l i l able for purch:lsc as wclI as informalion onjoining Ihe YERe. A1co holic drinks arc not c.... r parks arc open 10 thusc ,,'ilh car p:.rk tida:ls permilted in Ihe Ibr. The Ibr will be open from frOI1l 8.30:1 111 . Il .00:11 11 II nlil o nc hour aflcr liilal w h i s Ll ~, For l!lis match the No rth amI West car parks on Ir (nol C<.rdin:LI Va ughan) wi ll he open Ihe followi ng '3 (lM j Il.\1.1 i il ilri" • day bc lWCC Il 1O.00am and 12 11 0011 for collection nf Open 11.00: 11 11. LolSl pr<.... JIIatch e ntr)' 2.30pm. \"c hiclcs. Re-opens po:.1 match -1.·lOpm. Ail \"i~ ito rs welcome. "!H4~~i~.I@,tj TRAINS - BRITISH RAIL NfTWORK SOUTH EAST Open: [1 .OO a . IH .-~,U lUp.m. Re-o pclI ath:r 4/10p.III.-!i.'lOp.m. Ali services on the Waterloo [Î ne will stop at linal wh istlc: (CXCC pl lc\"cls ,1&5 - 6.30p .m.) Twic!:.cn h:un and spcd als willnlU l'ro m Watcrloo North Stand from 11.00:1111 . Addilion a l l ra ill ~ will operalc 011 Lc,'c! 2 1\'W Curner· Ruc!:. & ~ I;t ul lJar relll rnjollllle)"s 10 London e\'cl"}" six minutcs. Lc,"ch 3 & fi Hospitalit}' Boxcs Coucnlll"SC Leve! 1 North TI"} line Rcst:lw";lnt , [email protected]§l. 1# 'Iij 'Je 1'@."9'.1 :1I~i ij ( DebculUI"e Hulde rs) London Unit cd BII.S\\";I)'S huses \\'ill o pe l ~ ue a shullie Concoll r ~c Lc\'d G II Î n tl el>~ Gen ius Ua r service hCh,'ccn Rich mond I\R/ District Lin c Stalion CUIlCUl Il1iC Lel'cl Gui n ncss SI. l'atric!:" s It lr :md RF U Twic!:.e nham from IO.!\O:IIII lmlil 6.00plll. Levd 2 Nn n h East FaSt Food ,\rca (opcn all day)

Lerd ·] Prh~l l c HII ~illcl>s Debe nllire Thcre are IW(, ~ hop s silllatcd in Ih c E.: LSI Sland. ami LOlluge and I.\ar Il,'0 in 1 hc Wesi Stand. T hesc :U'C o pe n fro m I l .00alll uIlI i1 ~,OO pllL and o ne hour afte l' filml wh islle on E:L'" 51:111(1 match d ays. CoI1CUIlI'SC Lc\'cl NE COlllcr - Tellc)"s Thc main shop is sÎ walccl on thc COIl CO UT"SC in the SlIluo lhllo ll" Hal' EaSI Stand o f Ihe sladÎUIIl, The re are thrcc funhe r COI1Coursc Le\'cI SE COl"ller- ScnunpYJ:lc!:. Har shops, oITel"Î ng a lÎluilcd i>C lecti o n of goods. The»c COl1coursc Lc\-cl hl\"i lldblc~ Rcs\;1l1l";1I1I - c:.UL hc fOlllld 011 Ealol Stand Le\"cl ~. West SI:md N W Lu nches ;u)(lteaS Cornel' LC\'cl 2. ;md Wesi SliIncl SW corncr on Lc\'cI 2 Schll"cllpeS YOI lll g Enghuld ground Ic\·cl. Rugh}' Club Hal' 011 1I0rma[ wce!:.dars, Ihe main slt up is o pen !1.OOam (sofl d rinks oui}') 10 :1.O Opm . Le\'cI 2 - South Lillc·Out Ua r 1..c\'cI 2 - Nonh Serum H; lr mmg Lc\'d ~ i Obolell'!:.}'·:' RCSt;IIH";UII - Thc policc room is si lu:ttccl 0 11 the 1II:.in concou T"SC. Corporale Il ospitalil}' l..c\·cl l , in thc North East cor-n c r ofthe East Stand. Le\'e! 3 Wa!:.efield·s Reslau ran l ­ Corpur.uc Hospitalit)' 'it'iii"'#'\' Lel'l.:1 ,1 Cuiu ll c~s Toucan Uar and Onl)' mcssages of\;lal import:mce ,,'ill bc cO ll si de red Jamesous 1101 Irish Ua r fo r :mnOUnCC \lle li t on Ihe l'A Syslcm. South Ea ~ 1 "'rap Woodcn Spoon Il;\1"/ "roumI (EI:)-EJï) Rc frcslullcl1l :\rca 'il i 'lj§(elll@'eliil'idnii.:i1"jM§1 Wc.'i t St:lIld Thc RF U [millir)" Office i ~ sitllaled 011 lhc mai n Concou rst: tCl'cI 1 N \\' C..ul"llc r - Tctlcy's Cas!:. Ib r concoursc, Le\"cl 1. in the Soulh Wesl Corner o f the Lcl'cI 2 SW CO nler - CharioLS of Fi rc South Wcst wm p West SI;,.ul oppositc Gatc !\, Whi llon Road. "l'ml/Ill Woodcn Spoun Uar The Emplit"}' Officc also d cals ,,'ilh lost chi ld rcll o n Lc\'cl ·1 Tc llcy"s nille r l,b r ~ l atch days and otller gcncml em[ll irics ofan urgent SO lllh Slami naturc, I.c\·cls 1 Mobilc c llcring units LC\'l:h ~ ~ & 5 Hospil:llil)' Iloxcs Wcst Cllf l'lIrk T ctlc)"s Hal" Glli llll es~ ]\;u · F;lsl FooI[ O UlleLS

50 Info rll1 ;uÎon abOlLI Hospitalil)' Execmke 1}oxes is Two lc1 ephones arc si\llaled at c;lch corner of the a\~IÎI; I ble l'rom the ~'I;trket Î llg Depanmcnl b)' ground al Concoufsc Lever. tclepho lI ÎngOI81-8316619. liellluj For information O ll the Nonh Trl'I ine ReSlaUranl and lhe Front 1";111'11 Hospitalil)' p;lckages lelephone Gentlemen and L ldies to i l eL~ arc 10C;l\ed on Le l'cI 1 Pa}'l le & Gl lllter 0 11 0181-891 '151;!"). (ground) of ail slands, and Lel'cls '1 (midd1c) ,me! For ÎllfonnatÎon Oll the Oboleusky's and W;lkcficld's :; (u pper) of the East, No rlh and West Stands. Please Restalll "';lllls telephone l'cler Paditt Sport 0 11 note th:u lhere arc no toilel f;[cili ties o n Le\'cls 2 & 3 0 1'123 8ï48ï4. of the West. North & East Stands. 'l''li',ml ,·jMJ:llitiieii.uj The FirSI Aid po inl Îs sÎtuated in lhe Nonh East Di s.'\ b1cd toi1cts arc sitllated on ail main concoUl"Sés corner of the East Stand '\'ith a satellite f;[ cHit)' UlHlcr and on Le\'c1 s 2 & 3 in lhe South Easl and South tlle 5011111 \\'cSI corner of Ihe \\'est Stand. West corners of th e StadiulIl.

FOR YOUR SAFETY SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENTS Bef"o re an)' a nno unceme nt regarding safe t)' over the lo udspeakers, a wa rning tonc will sound. Pl ease re m ai n sil ent if )'ou hear this tone so that important information can be heard. NO ENTRY WlTH DRINKS CONTAINERS The RF U has a legal li abilil)' to d en)' e nll')' lO the RFU gl'o llnd to a nyone cal'l'ying CAl'\lS, BOrfLES, CAN ISTERS and CONTAINERS. Botlles means a n)' bottle-sha ped contaÎner, whelher of glass, polylhe ne, plastic o r an}' oth cr materia l. SpeClators bringing bulk suppli es of alcohol in to the ground will also be denied. EMERGENCYEVACUATION

If ~ in the event of' an e me rgency, it is decided 1O evacuate lhe ground, dcpendent on the location of the in cident, the procedure will be as fo ll ows: WEST STAND speelalors will be dil'ecled lO lhe Wesl Car Park and lO lhe Southern Ground Exit. SOUTH STAND spectalors will be dil'ecled lO the SOllthem Grollnd Exils and LO lh e South West Exit Gates. NORTH STAND speclalors wi ll bc dil'ecled to lhe Western Exit Gales avoiding, ",he re possible, using the North Car Park. EAST STAND spectators will be dirccted to the Southern Exit Gates or ta the Rugby Road Exits and then in a southe rl y directi o n For the bcn efit of spectaLOrs, p lease do no t stand during the mat.ch. PLEASE REMAIN SEATED

5 1 The Rugby Football Union wis!! ta exlJress thàr gratitude ta the following who generously su.pport England Rugby

1 (~ILIoydS ~ ~c~ellnet ~ Bank ~


"R- - TICŒ[uITffiBC?[?@Di' ICD®@[]{] S" ;:....' RHIND-~-

Marlborough St irling -- SUNALLIANCE __~~ Tarmac J

52 [ Don't expect anything less from us.

For ail your business needs, ca li us at our Business Centre on: 0345 23 23 23. OffiCIAL BEER ENGLAND RUGBY