Tie War-Eagle of the Mohawks
n1ngta, tkt $onqt; ON. '4 TIE WAR-EAGLE OF THE MOHAWKS. +. S , .. ' t"! , ... ; A TALE OF. MYSTERY, RUTII, AND WRONG. " f " j r , i# " t , ' i , d i BY NED BUNTLINE. ,3: d. R'- as } ~ * . '~ ,, , . '. a ; r .r + ^,+, ' .t ; y ii i r I*li i 1 _ 1, '. NEW ,YORa- . ,; i RED E R I O A. 'B RADY, 'i_ t' ' f' ,' ' ;i NO. 24 ANN STREET. ' ;. f J ,, ' Y a . f' . Y' , k, :, ,", bT OR, 1.4 THE WAR-EAGLE OF THE MOHAWKS CHAPTER I. this word, and for a moment she looked him "Mother, I am almost a warrior now ! I full in the face, firmly but not unkindly. He am more fleet of foot than any runner in the east his eyes down for a moment, and then tribe ! My arrow never misses its mark, and said: when Ohanwanho lets me shoot his rifle, my "Mother, my ears are open to your words-- aim is yet more sure than his ! I am strong ; your eyes go through me, as the sun pierces I will soon put my foot upon the war-path, the water!" nd then I will prove I am brave ! Now, "The first duty of a warrior is to learn pa. hide from me no longer the place of my birth, tienee and fortitude 1" she said, slowly. or the name of my father ! It is time that I "Yes, mother! To bear hunger, thirst, should know it !-time that I should know pain of body, all without a murmur or a why we loiter here, away from the tribe of groan! These I am equal to,'but not, not to winch you say [ should be chief! There is this agony of mystery.
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