GRAND RAP11 mic um TLn PaAAr that's worth the money J DC rdpCl and then tome, $1.50 1UC I tl|/Cltii|ie {B yp. Not forced THE LOWELL LEDGER on any oae. per year in advence. •nd THE ALTO WEEKLY SOLO VOL. XXVII, NO. 15 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, SEPT. 18, 1919 VOL. XV, NO. 33 SIN C/ty State ffian/c SCHOOL PO ILS N BIG MOVES Tobacco Week The Total Enrollment of Lowell Rev. Jerrett Goes to Dowagiac. Rev. Will Open Automobile Store and Compensation Status of the Clerk. Condensed report of the City State Bank, Lowellf Schools is 449. Harris, of Lawrence Comes. Battery Shop in King Block. Treasurer and Register of Deeds At the Rexail Store East Ward—Grades 1-4 ....80 By the edict of the Michigan F. A. Gould has taken the Over- Vexes. Mich., as made to the Banking Commissioner of West Ward—Grades 1-4 ... ....50 Methodist conference which closed land agency for Lowell and has Friday's announcement In The This week and until present stock is exhausted South Ward—Grades 1-4... ....21 in Lansing, Tuesday, Bev. W. M. P. rented the east store of the King Herald of the possibility that the we are offering you two big cigar specials. Michigan and the Federal Reserve Banking System. Kindergarten ....21 Jerrett, pastor of the Lowell church block, where late next week, will county clerk, register of deeds ami tirade ft ... 30 for the past two years, will be sta- be opened an up-to-date automo- the county treasurer are given the tirade 0 ....25 tioned at Dowagiac for the coming bile and supply store and battery right of acceptim/ the fees ot their Junior High school ... 120 year; and Bev. H. H. Harris, pastor shop with a 24-hour service. A respective oltices in lieu of salaries RESOURCES UAHILITIES Senior Hitth school ...116 at Lawrence, Van Buren county, for full line of parts for Ford cars, as a result of the repeal of the local six years, will come to Lowell. trucks and tractors will be handled salary act, created a Hurry in otlicial Rigby's Red Hill Total: .....449 Mr. Jerrett will preach at the Loans nnd discounls $11)9.075.01 (':i|,i|!i| si(M'k s25,IMM».<M» and the business will be run in ron- county circles, but the question lias Of this number no less than 87 morning service Sunday, closing his neetion with Mr. Gould's near-by not yet been settled. A long-filled, Sumatra wrapped cigar; regu- Bonds, inortgflKes and se- Surplus and undivided pro- are non-residents. Lowell pastorate. Dodge garage. Several days ago C.ounlv Clerk lar 7c value, only 5c each; box of 50, $2.25. curities 312,951.42 Lowell High school will be repre- Bev. 1. T. Weldon, former Lowell The store is now being titled up Ills 13,502.51 Boberl .1. I till sumnitted the ques- sented at the West Michigan State pastor, goes from Grandville to for the new business. tion as to the status of the county Cash on hand and due from fair in the Live Stock Judging con- Litchlield, Hillsdale county. •15,772.17 accounls 110,795.22 Mr. Gould has returned from De- and his ollice under ills act to the Rigby's Presto banks test by the following people: Sen- District Superintendent Floyd troit, where he was called by the prosecuting attorney, who declined Stale moneys 2,500.00 iors—Lloyd Houghton, Howard goes to the Detroit area and will be serious :llness of his son, Howard. Sold in many places at 7c each, or 3 for 20c. Overdrafts 8:M.«9 to give an opinion. An interpreta- Houghton, (ilenn Hazel, Donald succeeded in the Grand Bapids dis- tion obtained from another IukIi Only 5c each; box of 50, $2.25. Savings accounls and cer- Cameron; Juniors, Paul Wittenbach, trict by Bev. W. F. Kendrick, of Furniture and Fixtures nmw otlicial in the county is to the allect tilicales of deposit :wo,n:u9 Daniel Wingeier, Leighton O'Har- Kalamazoo. that the local act has been absolute- Stock of Federal Heserve row, (ieorgc Mauser; Sophomore, Other appointments in which our ly repealed and that consequently 11,711.71 1,050.(10 Bediscouuls Clarence Chambers, Clarence Cose. readers are interested follow: I tie ollicers have no other course Hank, ChieaKo Ellis Tucker. Alto, supply, W. E. Swift; Bowne. FRED A. CLARK Bills payable «5,000.(M1 than to accept the tees or that por- We can recommend these cigars to the smokers IJ. S. Bonds held for safe The Animal Husbandry classes Alfred Thompson; Caledonia, J. II. tion of them which tbe.s believe is are greatly indebted to the follow- Westbrook; llesperia, J. W. Boch- of Lowell and advise an early purchase, as no keeping 5!),!t00.00 Safe keeping bonds 53,024.56 sullicient remuneration for their ing gentlemen for their assistance in elle; Montague, G. E. Chamberlain; services. more are obtainable after present stock is gone. preparing the boys for judging at si;IS,9:57.:u) Total #oi8,9:i7.:w Bill Not Known as Passed. Total the fair: Earl Thomas, Lee Lamp- The board of supervisors caused kin, Tredenick, Keiser, (Iregory. Life-Long Resident of Ada and Low- ell Buried Wednesday. the appointment of a legislative If Bargains are obtainable you can always get Member Federal Banking System. The Farm Oops class litis found committee last winter to watch leg- out that the average farmer who Lyons, Charles Nease; Sturgis, W. Fred A. Clark, an old resident of islation allecting Kent county. Sup- them at the Rexall Store. regularly practices the selection of Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent $1.00 per year. \\. Sice; Three Bivers, M. A. Braund. Lowell, died Monday, Sept. 15, at ervisor C. Kent .lakeway, of (Irattan his seed corn in the Held before I the home of his son, llobart at township, is chairman of the com- cutting can expect to receive wages MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. / Fallasburg. after an illness of six mittee. Mayor Christian (iallmey- of .SI4 per day for the work of se- ; months, aged 07 years. Funeral Directors lecting. Mrs. W. M. Burger entertained er and Supervisor Cornelius llulzen- D. G. LOOK John A. Arehaii F. W. Ilinyon I nday evening with a miscellan- services were held Wednesday at 2 ga, of Wyoming township, are the Lee K. Lampkin Everybody watch for the an- eous shower at the home of Mr. and p. m., at the home of his son, Will .1. other members. They devoted con- .fno, S. Bergin nouncements of the big community One of the 8000 Rexall Stores. Win. T. Condon I), (i. Look Mrs. 1). (i. Look in honor of Mrs. | Clark in this village, burial at Oak- siderable time to their duties, but M. Van Dyke fair to be held in Lowell in the near wood; Bev. A. 11. Lask ollleiating the magnitude of the lask was be- Harry Day future. Phil C. Althen, a recent bride. The M. \V. Gee ILL. Weekes decorations were of garden Mowers clergyman. yond the comprehension of their Olllcers ' Football practice is settling dowi in pink and white and a basket of .Mr. Clark was born in Ada town- fellow members. With the same into the steady grind that alone can ship, April 10, 1852. He attended aim in view, the ("irand llapids Cili- H. VanDyke, President l>. I>. Look, Vice Pres. produce results. pink astors held the gifts. The eve- \V. T. Condon, Vice Pres. Harry Day, Cashier ning was spent in hemming towels school in his district and .Mrs. zens league held several conferences The girls of the sewing and cook- ami illustrating a book represenlViu .lennings' private school in Lowell, with the local legislators, al which ing classes are preparing eMiibil a history of the bride. Place carM? afterward going to Kent City, when hills allecting the county were con- and demonstration work for the he married Eva Delk. They moved sidered, but as far as could be as- Community fair. and favors were placed for 12 guests. Out of town guests were Miss Alice to Lowell 38 years ago, ami this has certained Friday, neither the com- There are 49 students who have Crawford, of Ionia and Miss Buth been his home ever since. Mrs. mittee nor the league heard of the enrolled in the beginning Latin Layer, of Grand Bapids. , Clark died in January, 1900. leaving bill as it was passed. < ( class. This shows that studenb i nine children, of whom live are liv- Our county committee could not are realizing the benefils to In ing: Will J., and Mrs. Nancy be expected to give as much atten- Fool Your Neighbors" gained from the study of Latin. IN THE LONG AGO Denick, of Lowell; llobart, of Fallas- tion to such legislation as should Last Thursday evening the stu- burg; Mrs. Ina Potter, of Keene, and have been given," said Countv Clerk Put your Edison on your porch some evening and give No Profiteeritig dents enjoyed the first social func- Items Taken From This Paper Mrs. Ilattie Bice, of Pontiac. One Hill Friday, "It is a big task. Cer- tion of the year. The members of Twenty-five Years Ago This son, Charlie, was killed in action in tainly none of the county oil ice is the nighbors a real concert. the Junior and Senior High school- Week. Knmce. a blow from which Mr. desired such a condition to be were entertained in the gymnasium Base ball, Belding I. Lowell 7. Clark never recovered.
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