Pt1~Et ,~ Ne\V Bank Plans August Opening

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Pt1~Et ,~ Ne\V Bank Plans August Opening q ... Computers, laser disks bring technology to the classroom By Peter A. Salinas With proceeds from the sale of tion is digitalized, the teacher learners to get remedial help," role in the weather study the "we can even transfer these im- Siaff Writer candy, students have purchased can go to anyone specific place he said, "but can also be used by National Science Association ages to T-shIrts." Today's sophIsticated student two Apple computers, a video on the disk and play it for the the student who excels and can was conducting, and al30 learn Computer software packages wouldn't be satisfied wIth read- camera and tape player and a students move on to other subjects " more about weather at the same have been bought to help with ing about computers m a book _ large screen color monitor For instance a teacher giving Last month Brownell scIence time. educating the students - all he'd rather program a computer Leleszi and the other science a lesson on earth SCIence, can students took part in a natIOnal With ItS latest purchase, the WIth fundralser proceeds Pro- to write one. teachers have incorporated the tune into a specific section on balloon launch sponsored by the SCIence department now has a grams deSIgned to teach about Through the efforts of Brow- use of this eqUIpment into their plate tectomcs and earthquakes. NatIOnal Science ASSOCiatIOn VIdeo dIgitIzer Thu, allows a sound, heat, light, medICine, and nell Middle School's scIence lessons. "It is literally a wmdow on Because the school had the com VIdeo camera to transmit its sig even a program deSIgned to act teachers and scIence department "I enJoy It too," SaId Leleszi, a the world," Leleszi said puters, Leleszl was able to tIe nal to the computer, which dIgI- as a lIe detector, are In use now head William Leleszl, students 23-year veteran of the Grosse The laser dIsks contam dozens into the National Weather Ser- tIzes the picture WIth thIS InfOI' LeleszI saId that computer ex- are getting first-hand expenence Pomte school distrIct "It IS Just of hours of informatIOn SImIlar vIce Students were able to see matIon stored In the computer, penments can be performed, and WIth the most com. fascmatmg." to the quality one mIght get on a four-color computer graphICS of students can take any part im the students' own pulse rates puter hardware and exposure to The funds have also purchased NatIOnal Geographic documen- Wind patterns and get the raw age on a screen, then enlarge or can be Incorportated mto a medI- other electronic teachmg deVIles a LaserDISC system. DiSks, SimI- tary The teleVIsed lessons are weather informatIOn that profes- reduce it, take any part of It and cal experIment For the last two years, Brow- lar to record albums, are in- gIven In such a way that the SIOnal weather forecasters re- then transfer the Image on pa- "I kmd of hke to thmk of us nell students have been holdlllg serted mto a player The mfor- teacher must take part In the ceive per as being at the frontier of get fundraisers to buy comouter matlOn on the dIsk IS read by process WIth thIS InformatIOn, stu- "WIth the purchase of heat equipment laser Because all the mforma. "It IS a great way for slow dents were able to take a larger sensItive nbbon," LeleszI SaId, See COMPUTERS, page 14A ,~: Park Schools seek Garage sale may close photos 2A millage increase Bon Secours Goethe has new unit.. 3A The Grosse Pointe Park coun- for libraries cil, at Its May 23 meetmg, dIS- loan Obituaries .4A cussed the Planning Commis- By Peter A. Salinas Donald Sweeny, co-chaIr of the sIOn's recommendatIOn for SIaff Wnter Voters Will be asked to ap- LIbrary MIllage CommIttee, SaId More on casinos 6A closmg Goethe at the DetrOIt prove a four-tenths mIll increase he contmues to be optimIstic border for the Grosse Pomte publIc h- The counCIl dIrected the ad- that the proposal WIll be POSI' U.S.C.a. has tIvely acted on by the electorate ministratIOn to proceed with braries for SIX years Monday, new quarters 10A June 13, at the annual school "We have seen no OPPOSItIOn plans to use the area for addi- electIOn to date," Sweeny saId "We were tIonal parking facilities. pleased that each school board Catch The closing of the two-block The mIllage mcrease, which would result m about a $500,000 candIdate SUppOltS thiS millage soccer fever 13A long street has been discussed m revenue, IS necessary for the mcrease. We feel It IS the gen. for several months. Twenty-five lIbrary to mamtam ItS present eral perceptIOn m the commun- He knows residents presented a petition level of serVIces, accordmg to Ity that thIS Increase IS neces- Feb. 12 requestmg the street be Grant, Lee 16A sary and a pOSItIve step for the closed at the DetrOIt border, al- DIrector Charles Hanson commumty. lowing access only from Way- He saId the cost of salanes Park selects and benefits, books, penodlcals "We urge everyone to vote on burn and Maryland for parkmg contractor 18A and the upgradmg of the h June 13 We need all the votes purposes bralY'S computer system Will we can get." Approval IS expected at the World roUP June 13 meetmg, after the coun. cost more. WIthout the mcrease, He Said there has been a con- cut short 20 cil reVIews details of the plans he saId, the libra.ry w1ll face at CeIted effort on the part of the for addItIOnal parkmg, according least $350,000 m cuts, whIch committee to get mfOlmatlOnal He brings them to Actmg City Manager Dale would mean the laymg off staff htel atw'e about the need fOl the a smile 21A KraJmak. and cuttmg back on the number mcrease m to the hands of vot of hours the lIbranes are open ers He saId mfO!matIon Will be Central LIbrary sel ves mOle sent to almost every household Bankruptcy than 28,000 pat! ons each month, In the Pomtes and the Harpel petitions are up ......22A Hanson Said He added that Woods p0!11On of the dlStllCt the countel s have been Installed m week befOlc the electIOn All's fair Centml Library. but not at the Doug Andl ews, owner of for Art on Pointe .....lB School two bl'dnches III the Woods and GIO""L Pomte Reell E"t,llL "Ill, Park member of the Glos",e Pomte LI AAUW gears up WhIle the money from the lml bI dly BUlldmg AdvlSOlY Com board lage would be used to maintam mittel', saId he IS m favO! of the for book sale 2B serVIces, thel e could be some millage candidates Improvements that are sorely "FlOm a re<ll estate stand Fontbonne donates .....3B needed, Hanson Said, such as point. all services m a commun discuss upgradmg the hbrary's seCW'Ity Ity - fire, police, school::. and IJ It's garden system to prevent theft bldlleS - me a part of the value • tour time 5B Photo by Bert Em muck "People should also be a WaJe of a plOperty," he Sdld "LI Issues that some of the money would be brdnes dre one of the sel vice,> Syndicate u"ed for the fund eqUIty," he people look at when they make a sets sail l See Kickin' around said "People should know that deCISIOn when lookmg dt the C the library cannot operate at a value of a propmty " Chris Tiede. a soccer player for the Slammers in the defiCIt and needs money m re A father of lwo c1uldren \\ ho Looking for Page 12A Grosse Pointe Soccer Association. is one of more than 450 sel ve for emergenclC'" and con use the hbrary regulally, An- fair play 2C kids who plays soccer in the Pointes during the spring. tlllgencies " dlCWS !>,lId he feel", the IIbrm Ie" Tiede's team is in the U-I0 House League and is one of 32 The IIbranes have about ale sdfe, \~ell kept and ,I benefit More rapport teams competing in the Grosse Pointe Soccer Association. 136,000 volumes m It" collectIOn, to the commu11lty on the outdoors 3C More photos on page 13A. and at any gIven time, 15 to 20 "It I!> <In ImJlOltant pellt of pel cent of those books 31e on thell pducnt1On," he LOmlud~d Pt1~et_,~ _ Ne\V bank plans August opening ---. ..J 11 Be<l<;ley added that an ad"vCl 11~("''\''L By Peter A. Salinas tl;,ement Will be run locally Il1 Bl'a"lev "'md till' e1('COI wIll hI' Marieke Sellenraad Allen SIaff Wnter fonnmg mtere<.,ted people how ('Iegant and ple,I"',lI1l, WIth pe The propoc:;cd Gro-.;c:;c POinte they can become mvp",tOl" 110<1fllll11tUle ,1l1d othel fine Ii.... Peggy O'Connor Andrzejczyk By of awe, pnde, relIef and bTJ"atJ In Since 1978, the native of the Bank and Tru",t, a m'w bank "\Ve want to m'lke "Ill p th ,It tUlP'" Asslsla'1t EdltorlFealure Edllor tude And one which oprned up Nethel ),md" ha" pur<;ued Ihe that will be locally own('d and potential mve"tOl" kno\', hcm to Bca ...ley it d fOll11('1 pl""'ldpnt One year ago thiS month, Mar. a whole new phase for her study of cel amlC", calli).,"aphy operated, received preIJrnmary get 111 contact \~Ith one of tl](' ,me! ch1(.f e....(.l,lll\{. O!lill'1 of wke Allen embarked upon what Last June, the Farms' Allen and Suml (' painting And for hcemmg approvdl from the 01 gam /cr"," Dow ",:I d Mount ell'nlE.'n..
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